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10 Hankers and Brokers. Lee, Higginson & Co. 44 State St., Boston CHICAGO OFFICE The Rockery Henry Clews & Co., V B A N X X 1(> / 11. 13, It A.YD 17 SItOAD ST. ■SSJBPsai of the -.'. T. Stock Exchanjr*. 'Orders 'u-i,i,,i for Investment or on Margin. ■■SMS] Hllevcal on aesjrwtt subject to cheek. ■ Ftnaxicial Wsssts for (.."onioratloas and Inxestors. tio\rnincni _ din Hlcb-Grude bood» bousbt 4" sold. Letters of Credit Issued available the world over. Jefferson Bank, U. S. Mortgage and Trust Co., Corn Exchange Bank, : DEALT IN. CLiiNSTOfw GILBERT, 2 WALL ST. Bonds and Guaranteed Stocks Dealt in by JOSEPH WALKER. 6. SONS, Bankers, Members of »w York Stock Exchange SO Broad Strrrt. New York City. rn_.u ft F. MBQUAND 35-37 BROAD STRKET.' STOCKS and _3O_STX>S FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN. OUT OF TOIVN ACCOrXTS A SPECIALTy. *• YKAKM 1 EXPERIENCE. ' ■ _ WAITED. Ingcrsoll-Rand preferred. Casualty Co. of America. % Pittsburg. Wheeling and L. E. Coal 4s, United Bank Note Common, Brooklyn Ferry Cons. ss. FREDERIC H. HATCH. Doaler In Unlisted Securities of Railroads and other Corporations In the United Plates and elsewhere *•' 1116 Broad. 30 Bm<Ml St.. New York. INVESTMENT SECURITIES LETTERS OF CREDIT . 33 Pine St.. New York Ghas. D. Barney & Co. BANKERS ft BROKERS. 23 Broad Street, NEW YORK. IS! South Fourth Street. rUiI.AIIKLI'HIA. BONDS A. B. LEACH & ICO., 148 BROADWAY, X. Y. ' l" 1 Chicago. Ooßton. Philadelphia. VAN SCHAICK & CO., MEMBERS OF Produre Exchsoee. and «"l:lraso Board of Trade. 7 WALL STREET. Bnmch Oflces |g> K^T^^k."^."^ 0" copper J. THOMAS REINHARDT i»n tiltUO Ex'-eptlona! facilities for e«e a \u vi , .v .hi cutir.g: orders on New York ( and Bo.'ton Curb Markets. fi'DU Statirtical Department with V<_ i£V_» latest reliable information. fSssjSSW«Brstl ; 19 —srhanre Place 15 WaU Street STOoKS( Cottoa jfcwrark Dividend Notice*. INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY. A »u«.n»r;r dividend of one p*r cer.t. pa>ab!e Septem ber 3«t, 1800. on the Capital Stock of Company was declared en November 2nd. 1905, to Stockholders of record August 15th. 1306. Transfer books mill dose at i:.r*e •'Clock P. M.. August Ota, and reopen September 3rd. ilUliTlilKH B. IT.L.L.KR, Treasurer. !THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CO. OFFICE OK THE SECRETARY. Baltimore. MU.. June 20. 1006. rjTHE BOARD OF DWKCTOItS THIS DAY <J«ciar«d from the net earnings cf the Company for th« six months « * a * d June 30- jjjmG, a dividend of TWO 42) PER CENT, on the Preferred Stock of the Ccmj>any. to M paid JS^ptetnber 1, lyi*}. to the si jrkh'-J4ers of rec <*d at th* closing of the Bansssr books on August 15. Thj»Bo«rd " l! ?. < clar from the eurplua earnings of tk» P-ny a <! L vl s: n<l of rHHF.K f8) FEU CENT, on {*! V^S?* a .Btol*. Bto l* °* tl;e Cora «*'"'s-. payable on .S«i>t*m- STth' J2fS'# ° ">• stockholders 01 record at the ciodln* etTtfce tran*f«r books on Aus'J*t 15. 1600. - ,f{l. th r P U T°»« ff *uch dividend* the transfer books cf th« Ccn-.yany will be cl.jr*.l at 3 o'clock I» M on /il'S^.^vJ I *? ' A^s Wi-I k* l ' e °l>» n «o »» 10 o- clock a! M. C. W. WOOI.ronD. Secretary. f. 1. 1 . _ -orrxc_ o^^^^^roA^ company \ T HE MAUD OF Si^oirro" TO! »* American '". a! Company of A! r;anv Cur.ty (New Jerse-y) have this da;. cedar.-* a t< .al annual dividend of riVB PBT». CENT upon the Capital Ptoek if the < "on - l*r.}-. payable st this ■ Res on Saturday. September I. MM The transfar (>o<iis will be •: «ed ■■n WeduetuJay, August £2s<l. at three o'clock P. M., ar:_ rtopencd on the morning of SeiiWmber 3, lt»M. «EX)RCrE M BoWMiV, Treasure-. CHICAGO STOCKS. xv Bid. A*k»d. : Bid. Aeked. ;- A Booth & Co.. a* *• M.> \V SEI pf. J . ''' :j: j 70 ... «c rrr f ■ li" 112 National lilset:|t. 67> 3 «M.i .'(-American Can.. 7% ** ! *<> l' rff 117 118 !. c» pref f* l - ■'•^■* K'stioaal Carbon. M*4 •"* v Am Radiator . H« ' !?> I ■!•■ ; r«-f 118 111* da isret 12^'i I'"' i NVr i' l .-- ft Hy . 2* 4ii ... American .-;!.!• <•'-'. «-* : 4 N'i »'«« !-• ... -■"■ 27 Ct, prt-f. . . K'T-»- l"-« do !■•' '■'■'■ *" Canal A- Dock M •'» | Quaker Outs 1*» 13T. :. Chic nty r.v „!•• 17 * J i« pref NX 104% , Chtearo E^iVn.l2ft 141 jF.ais 4!»i» «i ; CJjJe A•> i" El. •'■ •■* do Iff !'"S !>>H ,ij do t>ref .. i' 23 i South SMe Kiev. M UT^, ChJc l'ncu Ton!. SI r»3 I £t« \V .*Htt C I. . IS 2*'% Cr.!e Tlt> & 111 i «« pr«f OH l«" ". Chic lT.l'.n Tr.. « : , S\4 : Subway 4« *' Aa pr«f 1*» 1«» i Swift «.• '-.y 10;{S; 104 Pl-«rr..n4 Mutch. l 2-" 12<". In Boirbr.iM A- P 1% - IJHno?. nrlcic... •!»-. 4S ! So i.rof ...II 11% X C R» & I-t... — TM \ v.-s-.r., Stone... S| 31 «O vr*t . >•••■. ■.• ■ :T<!«)»i'ire ... .110 iso Mm v: s K1.... '.'^ Ci iW>«t CLlczg-;.... -7 80 Ccnsum -id' ",*. ■■ ?<*7ii t VeijftWt <lHf '•«..I'I ; -. JOS I. Hl: |M i:.g Or. !«•' |K» .-: ■!.- Rl <•««.. — lf«2'i J!*t Gold is ... '.<■! a: ; w. st «"iic Ist Ss. — i>2'» «Jr, i:=ic;i 4» . M ►7 I ,!,, coma St ss 7" Tunn«-i 6t — * ;'; '- ( Tool ............ >,"- t- : , a Ncrttw iii 4»... MH» VI I SECURITIES VALUES ADVANCE. BHOOKLYX U AVID Til AX Harriman Share* hi Demand -Gul Closing prices of stocks dealt In, with net changes, follow: Amal Copper.... IC3H +1 i lowa Cent pf.... 51 +H Am As Chem.. »H +lHi Ken City So pf.. «Mt +J* Am C _ Fdry . . . SO.i +%\ X Ice of Chic.... «««. ? — Am Cotton OH.. 32 +■* Ujuls & NMH...143U, +J Am «_ _ pf.. 8U -IV Ulcn Central. .. — Am Ico SecGr.. 71% — HIM &St L.^..... <5 + % •Am Linseed.... 20 —1 IMo Kan * Tex .. 85U +J •Am Locomotive CO • 1 fiopret. «f% +»J^ •Am M»ltln«... 4H + J4; Mlmrsri FfcC V>H +J» • Mo pref-.T... MH —H. >■•" JE &bt 1» — J Am 5me1t....... 163*4 -»-lv» do pref. MV* — % Am Sugar 180^4 +Hi »Nat 1ead....... W +}♦ •Am Wocl 37« -r HIN R It of M pf.. 39«» + J. •Anaconda 267U +214, KUKy &_t pf. W xH AT _ S F BHi + * N V Air 8rake.. 144 + % do pref 101 +« X ! Central y..141Uy ..141U jljj At Co?« Line.. l4B +1 IN V C _ 81 L.. «?* + * Halt & Ohio 121^ +\ l do 2d pref $< —a Beth Steel 22 —«4NY O& W 48 ±it Bklyn Rap Tr.. 70 —2 | Nort & West.... 0?H _\* Csntdian Pac...167H ! North American. l^Ji +» Cent Leather... 35% 1 Northern Vie . . .J«J"J» +*2 do pref 102, +H! Pacific Ma 11..... 88^ —Jj Che« & 0hi0... GIH + ««lPenn Railroad ... — J» Chic Gt Wast... 18% 4- M\ fl'eo G _ C....- »> TJ* do pref A 77% t'% . Pitts Ccal pf.-- M X\t do pref B 28 +H, Pressed Btl Car.. 32% +*» C M _ 8t P....158U +:%jlty titeel Spring. MVj +1 do pref 200 +2 Rcadina ...•*» _ * C& N W 212 +3% «Hep Iron ft BU. 'Si _ 2 C M _ 0..183 +0 | Rock Island 2aj» +>i Chic Union Tr. . 4% ■+• H! St J& Q I £;*» —,'• do pr«f 15H +tt do Ist pref CO — CC C & fit _... 81% +2% do 2d pref..... a.V» —-% Col Fuel & 1... 54-* tH» St Louis bouthw. -*?* +% Col _ South 3S-^ +1 j do pr»f «••>•» I*J do let pref 71% + % 1 Slc»*-She« 7TV» + 7* do 2d pref.... 52 7 4 I southern Pac 7<;v, + 4 C _ H C & 1... 10* + % Southern Ky »•*» + * Cor.«ol Gas 140 | Ter.n C& I >gj| J.JP Com Pro Ref... 19 7 + \k' Texas * Pac... 834 +1» Del & Hudson.. 22l +1 (Third Avenue.... l 27 +• Den _R G 44 + Tol Ry ft Lt.... 32"» " Dlst Sec Cor GO* + % T St L, & « pf.. 48W — — DSSftA IB +Hi l*r.ton Pacific ISS>4 +% Erie 4.<% + % Unit Ry Invest.. 07 — — do Ist rref "Ms ->■ Hi do pref "*,* +•* do 2d pref.... V>M +• Hit' 8 C*»} I P.- fflj ~7~ F M & Sm pf.. JW (US Rid _ R... 3o}» — 1 Ot North pf 2»7>,4 +mj do pref 78£ — 1J» Hay Elec Ry. . . . B2*i +% li S Steel 41H +H do pref....... 00 — ! do pref 10(_.V ? + M Illinois Cent 17« + '.4 Va-Car Chem .. .a* J4 - Int-Met Sfi'i +1 do pref !'>*£ —4 do pref 7** +3 Waba*h 10% — % Inter Paper 1» — % West Mfc 1-™. —2 •Int Power 62 +1 \V__B }*]* + 1 * lowa Central... 2S +1 | Wls Cent ->»m —14 ♦Unlisted. fE* dividend. t Closing prices of active bonds dealt in. with net changes, follow: Japan 21 ■cries. 90% + Hi Chic B & Q 45... 084 + Ji do 4'-B U4H 4- H Int-Met 4Vis M< + *4 Am Tob 4s 77^i — Mcx Cent Ist lnc IK 1 .* —Mi A T_S F gen 43.102:, + >i I'enn cony 1915.. SH% + H do cony «s 104 +1^» go P«c Ist ref _. Ul«4 + Vi STOCK MAEKET OPEEATIONS. With the exception of Brooklyn Rapid Transit shares the general market was strong in the greater part of the day, with a good class of buying in the Harriman issue?, the Steel stocks. New York Central. Pennsylvania, Northwest and some of the cheaper priced securities. Brooklyn Rapid Transit's weakness was in line with the decision of the 10-eent fare case and with tho tactics employed by the company on Sunday in Its efforts to enforce a 10-cent rate to Coney Island, and further heaviness in the stock would cause no surprise in the Street, especially as tho company's chances of paying a dividend appear remote, even in the event of decisiona in higher courts favorable to the road. Encouraging earnings reported by the Wabash, the Inter borough, Louisville & Nashville and other com panies, and announcement of the engagement of $2,000,0(H> gold for import, were factors that off set Brooklyn Rapid Transit's decline as an influ ence on the rest of the list, while the gold im port engagement also offset a firmer market for call loans and suggested the probability of the ney market receiving efinsiderable 1 from abroad. In Amalgamated Copper, Ameri can Smelters, Colorado Fuel. St. Paul, North west, the Interborougli-Metropolitan shares, Kansas & Texas and Northern Pacific final gains amounted to 1 per cent or more, Southern Pa cific and Union Pacific showing only fractional improvement, owing to realizing sales in the afternoon. Commission houses were not active factors in the market for the public, the trading being made up in great part of the operations of the board room element and transactions for the account of the big interests which are behind the current bull movement. Much higher prices are predicted for securities, and it is thought that the low priced shares will soon share to a greater extent in the upward movement. While many members of the Clearing House are ui*k>r the 2o per cent reserve limit no uneasiness is felt ln banking circles at the moment over the monetary situation at this centre. Of course, if speculation in securities do velopes a runaway stock market there may be trouble, but so far the operations for higher prices have been conducted in an orderly man ner, and from present indications transactions on the Stock Exrhange will be held in sufficient check to obviate the necessity of wholesale liquidation of loans when the demands for funds for the account of the crop movement and for general trade purposes become urgent. It is now believed that imports o? gold will be in large volume, unless Europe places great obstacles in the '* ay of shipments, and in this connection it is interesting to note that the price of bar gold in London \va.-; advanced yesterday Id. on the pound sterling, the movement reflecting the American demand for the metal and the probable desire of Lorrtoa to switch the inquiry for gold for Ameri can account to Paris or Berlin. Monetary con ditions in Berlin do not suggest the probability of shipments of gold to the United States, but in the event of quieter conditions in the Russian Empire Paris doubtless will make no serious ob jection to exports to New York, if the demand here impltts an actual necessity for the metal. While exports] of merchandise from this coun try are heavily in excess of Imports, and while the large crops In the United States foreshadow big shipments of grain in the next six months, there Is no great credit balance abroad in our favor, if any, owing to the enormous borrowings for American account abroad in the last year and to the big offset against trade account sup plied by the tremendous expenditures of Ameri can travellers in Europe. Money ran-=, how ever, are higher here than they are abroad, and barring political disturbances in Europe rorelgn money doubtless will be glad to find employ- went in the New York market. In the month of July exports of domestic products from the United States wore somewhat lighter than in the corresponding month a year ago, the falling off amounting in value to more than $.".<•< M»,<mk>, but for the seven months ended July .HI total exports amounted to $4."i7,37."),471, as against $399,000,ti29 in the same time in the preceding year. In July the decrease from last year was supplied by a reduction in the shipments of cotton. Exports of breadstuff*, however, showed a large gain, both as compared with I!Mir. and li) 04. The full statement of the country's foreign commerce will be published to-morrow, and the chances are that it will show a large excess of exports over imports. It is Interesting to record the fact that despite the agitation abroad against American meats, cann<.*s> goods, etc., exports of provisions in July showed an increase over the shipments in the same time last year cf upward $I.O;mi,<M)O. BOSTON STOCKS. .Furnished by It. U. U»y & Co.. No. 9 Nossau .tre.t . Au 1] Aug. 13.; Aui tl isat'lS Arcadian =■» Sv£ Atlnntlc Kl*,,'' 11 * ut 110.1 &Ah any.. 247',^ 24. | Ml 1 tv V> ■■■>••■:•■ 14t» 140 B Wham ilia!;" nu ■•■' Uotxcn Ccns 2i»» 2-1 | Ca! & Hecla M Cl/) ri»7 «• JH&y S Y'lJ tafJlContennlalrlsjlS "~sl% %» Granbr «!>< >>> »l>'^iltr Han K e M. 74=2 7B yitc-liLurK tre{..l:i.', 3 M 7». t : K-rankltn «ln. .. lu^l 17 KvNit & v v.h li*''-.- Mm co Win!; V>l m OM Colcny ... -" -■""•* 1 Mohawk ilin... . Co', urn WVftt End .St Jly '■'■!.• ;'-«'»; '-«'» l>sc«ola Mi .. . .lOJ lm;i* do pref MM »'* \ "•« Dem M:n.... 4»- t 4\i* Mass Eire Cos. . J!i I'J'-ii Parrot ?.!in 2ml ia Ha vr-t »>i» '■■' y^lni y Mia ft > 4 , Am Tel K. TOO. l-« i I srosrack Mln... i,,-> ; j,; No Put!* !»«',i ■ >1 * V. lint- Uln. . M. r . us N. » Ens Tel,. .lan I-" 1 1: « to .13 IV Tel & T <"o. II II it" ti Oil .. l'» In <lo pr«f >■•- »■"• (Ma»» "in^ f«M ||U Un .-:!•'•■• Vac!: . l-\ -■■"*. 1 ;■;*•• prtf N-»i kh^ ,:,. prcf •«• aa?i!Ltah 67 67?; •AskesV NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 14 1906. IT OXLV WEAK VKATI UE. ,1 Imports lie-in - Call Mom n Firm. EOND MARKET SALES. COOO Japanese 0? .'ion ■ 2000 Det In Con 4%5...04U 11600 do 2d W»4 >><KIO do »3% 10000 do t«t»! I'.wl El Jol & E 15t.. .117 2000 do Wi! 40»0 liri«> <itn 4« Uo*4 4000 do 4%« U44 lOOw 11 X & \V Tex 5a s<«o do »4»i Gtd 1034 IOOjO do 2d »1% 1000 111 Cent 4> 1033... 104% «6uOj do Ul'iJ HMO do 4i 11132 l'4Va 1000 do D.4 30000 Int-Met 44* Mva &(»> 60 Ul ■ 10OOJ Co •'*» 10000 Rep of Cuba Be.. lott jaWOO do *'** r>OUO Va «i Defd CUB. 274 SHOW) do 65 100a)0 da 27U1 5t;(!0 do *5% 15C00 do 21 % i 8000 do *•*♦ ILOO Am Cot OH 448. . 04 I 10000 do «4% 2000 Am Ice Sec Us.. M«% 5,00 L, S & M So Deb ia)CO Am Tobacco flu. 112 -1 4b 09* 2*KX) do 4a 77% 5000 do W4 1000 do 77% 3000 do 84». «7 IDOO do 77v,i 1000 L. VX V Gtd 4%5.10!) 1000 A T ft 8 F Adj ! 1000 Lft X Cl Tr 45... JM 4s 90%, 5000 Co Unified 45. ..101 12000 do Gca 4s 102 j 20000 Mcx Cent let Inc. 1«% 15000 do 101 Ti; 11000 do ••••Afi--?A fi --? 5000 do 10^,, IjOOO Mo Kft T Ist is. 03% 270QS> da Convt 45... 103 I 2000 Mo Pac Trust 65.. 103 340 0 do ;..1('3%, 1200 » NY C Gen 8 - ts. . 03% 11000 do lOS'K.iMOOCO do »*3% ICOO d 0..... lU3?J SOtiO do L 8 Col 345. 88 13000 do 103% 2000 N V V& W Con ICOCO do Warrants... li 1% 5s 10«H 14000 At Coast 4s 101 I 5001 N O Ry A L.t 4%s tM:% 2001) B & O Go:d 45..K3 1 «»0 Norf & W Con 45. 100% 2COO do Prior 3%5... U4% fiOOO Ncr Pec G*n 35.. 76Vi 100i> Bkln Rap Tr4s.. U4% 10000 do Prior 4s 103% 6000 Bkln Un El Ist . . 106% I 3w> do l o3 '* HHJO 1 Can So Ist 5s Iftt-'S, 10.410 do 1« 3v» 6000 d,, 2d 5s 100 I 2"00 OS L. Ist Con C 5.116 1000 Cof Ga Con Ss.lllUl 2iXK> do Gtd Ref 45.. H4% 20000 do 2d Inc Ul 137000 Perm 3%s 1U15... 1«% 8000 do Bd Inr rU%> 41000 do »■*% 3fiOO Cof X J Gen 85.12-U; «000 do 04*4. 1000 Cent I^ath»r ss. 00%| l"00 Peo A E Ist 1>7% 00000 Cent Pac 3%s h7 i 5030 Rradlne Oen 45.. W*-i 3000 do Gtd 4s m\\ 5000 do ©'•>& 1000 do 804 I 3000 St L I Mt ft 80 11100I 1 100 C ft O Gen 4%«..1u7%i Ref 4s 00% 40U0 Chic &X \V Gen j 1000 do Gen Os 114% 3%* Ofl%| <;000 do Rlv & G 45. . Hi COOOO do m | 5000 St L 4 9 F Gen BOlK) do m% 5s 111% 1&000 do I»%i f-000 do Ref 4s 88% 70»>0 C Ii A Q Jt 45.. OS%| IrOO St L Swn Ist 45.. 06 3SOtO do 111 Dlv 4s..l01%il(i000 So Pac Ist Ref 4». «•» 1000 dr. 111 niv 345. 01 M ! 13000 do 06% 1000 CM& St P Gen 22000 do W* 3%s C 92 |2ZOort do W»4 6000 C H I * P Gen | ICX>O Term As St L 4s. W% 4s ICO4 r..of> Tex & Pac let 55. 118% 7000 do Ref 4s Oi%i 10 n Ulster & Del 45.. 04% 10000 do f»3%llOOW Tn-1 Elee L. 55... m 7 i «20-0 do «3%: 2000 Union Pac Ist 4s. 103% 1000 do Si 3% 17000 do 108% 2000 do 04 I 1(100 U8 R & Ref 65.. 90 6000 do 03% I SBM do 9*% 4000 do RR 4s 77 7 « 7*o «IT 8 Steel S F ss. 08% 0000 Col Ind r.s ' 42000 do »S*» 8000 D a R G Con 4s. 0»V 1000 Va-Car Chem ss. .1004 10;<0 do l)l>-^' 1000 WiF Cent Gen 4s. ! <O4 1000 Dist Sec Cor 55. . 87% I 1000 do 90 Total pairs of bonds, $1,322,500. GOVERNMENT BONDS. The following shows yesterday's closing quota tions for government bonds, compared with Satur day's: Aug. 11. ~> ,—Aub;. 13.-^ Hid. Asked. Bid. Asked. IT, S. 2s, registered. 1030 104% 105% 104% li'." ! 4 U. S. 2s. coupon. 1030 104% 105% 104% JaV,i V. S. 3s. reclstere<l. 1818 103% 104 103% lot V. S. Bs. coupon. 1»1» 103% 104 103% 104 V. S. Ss. 8. 8., 1918 103' i — 108% — I*. E. 43. registered. 1907 103% 104 108% 104 11. 8. 4*. coupon. 1007 108% 104 103% 104 IT. 8. 4s. registered. 1925 ISO 130 12!> WO IT. S. 4s. coupon. 1H25 120 130 129 130 District of Columbia 3-65s 115 — 115 — Philippine 4s 109 — 100 AMERICAN SECURITIES ABROAD. London. Aug. 13. 4 p. m.— The market for Ameri can securities was dull and firm. Last quotations follow: London New York New York close, equivalent, close. Changes. Anaconda 134 255 2Tiil . Atchlson 97% 04 % 04% 4- % Can Pac 173% HlS 'a 1G7% +1 St Paul 192% 16i5% 18(1% -f % Erie ....- 45 43^ 43% + % do flrst pref' 81% 7s» II! Central 182 17«% 175% +l«i Louis ft Nash 140% 145 144 + % N V Central 141% 140 140 Pennsylvania 70 13« ' 135% + % Heading f,« 132% 131 , +1% Homh Pac B<i»i 78% 75% — % fnlon Pac 102% 157% 157% -r % V S Steel 42% 41% 40% +% do pref 11l 107% *100 ' •Ex dividend. FOREIGN MONEY MARKET.-Call money In London, 2@2V4 par cent. Open market discount rate for short bills. 31-15 per cent; long bills. Z% per cent. Berlin discount rate, Z\ x per cent. Berlin ex change on London, 30 marks 47% pfennigs. Paris discount rate, 2 per cent. Paris exchange on Lon don, 25 francs lsi centimes. Bar gold In London, 70s 10>4d. -; : "' - • FOREIGN SECURITIES.— Brifish consols for money. 87T»; for the account. 8715-16. French rentes, 87 francs 85 centimes. HONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONEY MARKET.— Money on call opened at 4 per cent; highest, 4% per cent; lowest, 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; close, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent. Time money was quoted at 4'-j per cent for sixty days. tVfcf?4*4 per cent for ninety days, ■'li per cent for four months, ~>>./'ii) per cent for five and six months. Commercial paper was quoted at 6^05% per cent for sixty to ninety days, &%4?C per cent for four to six months and 6@6!i per cent for others. .. ;. FOREIGN EXCHANGE.— Exchange closed dull. Actual closing rates fellow: _ Cables. Sight. Sixty day Sterling 4.N;)*.'. 4.«45iii4>4 4 4.£1%«4 82 Francs.; 0.18% »5.19%Q*3.18% •s.Sl%«r™2i»i Relohemarks w% !i4«»'S!i4S «4%(5i)4>! Qutldera 40.1-10940% So%®3!> 13-1« •Less 1-1 Bankers' posted rates were as follows: nh_ii_ Sixty day*. Demand. Sterling- 4.824 i^u Germany r«lch«marks n± >* 04% Paris francs I . i.i '. 5,55 I*l% IJelglum francs r. 21 7v7 v 5 i««! Bwitzerland francs . -, •> ','itu Holland guilders !!!!"! 3!.% 404 DOMESTIC EXCHANGE-New Orleans-Com mercial, 75c discount; bank, $1 premium. Boston— 10c discount. Chicago-lEe discount. Charleston- Buying, par; selling, %c premium. Cincinnati— lO3 discount. Savannah— 45e discount; felling. 7ic discount. Minneapolis— Par. St. Louis— lie dis count bid, 35c discount asked. San Francisco- Bight, 2V{[e; telegraph, .".<■. BANK CLEARINGS. -New York - Exchanges, $175,613,671; balances, $5.W5.814. Chicago— Exchanges $36,169,550; balances, $2,769,085. Baltimore-Exchanges! $3,724,803; balances. $396,250. Philadelphia— Exchanges, $16,558,496; balances. $3,235.232. Bo;- ten— Exchanges! $17,092,929; balances, $1,279,732. SILVER MARKET.-Bar silver, C3l£c. Mexican silver dollars. 50V-.C. Bar silver in London closed at 30 5-16 d. GOLD PREMIUM.-In Madrid. 11.40; Lisbon. 200. MEXICAN EXCHANGE.-Mexican exchange on New York is quoted at 19S<£. GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS.-Custcms receipts reported from Washington. $1.0 M.257; internal rcvo liue receipts. $J«?,i(K; miscellaneous receipts, $81.4 9. Receipts for the day, $3,127,862; expenditures. $1,^), coo. Receipts for the month to date, 821,759,177; ex penditures. $20,220,000; excess of receipts, $4,533.1". Receipts for the yea: to date, $77.<85,0Q0; expendi ture?, 8K,085,721; excess of expenditures, $3,975,031. Sri}-TREASi:RY.-The Bub-Treasury was debtor to the Clearing House $745,973. THE FEDERAL TREASURY. Washington. Aug. 13.— The condition of the Treas ury at the beginning of business ta-day wus as follows: G'.ld con and bullion ..." lr.Mi. $150,000,000 Gold coin nr.l bttlll >n $l.*>i».tN)O,iitiO TRUST WVNVS, TO RBPEBU 'UTaTAMUXi; CER TII'ICATEB. Orld coin $.VW,<ts4 808 Silver dollars 477 BID i:(k> gllver dollars of 1h00. . . . ; 7.1H),' Total $1.ian.794 ~-<:i Oen«rcl .in 1 , 102.455.CtJS I"-; sit* In nut • .i.ii banks 1M>,511.K>7 111 Philippine treasury «.747.732 Awiiittna leliDiiursoment ill.". ■ <;"> Current :icV>Uitie3 - 103 132"07 STATEMENT OF NCN-MEMBER BANKS. The weekly statement of averages of the banks of New York City, Brooklyn, Jersuy City. Hoboken and Btaten If land which ore not members of the New York Clearing Hcuss Association, but win b eiear threusjti some of the members, is as follows- lW ™ :«*?.«p «- '•■" •'■•••■■•• SS? WWfc -S«S u.^^,ui^:::l^;^ •gggg RAILROAD AND OTHER STOCKS. tO Adams Express. 257 257 W W IJJ 3CO - Albany & Sub... — — — — -'* , , • -Al Ms-Chalmers . — — » — — *^'» 40.100 •ima^'oVrrf::: n«K m% tiny 103% llgn m 400 Amtr Art Chem 2i!i 23*1 24% 29^ -'» » 1 <5o pref — , — — — t,"', «-». -•Am Btet Sugar — — — — jg'* f.Z£ iTSoo Aro'ca"/ ft r-drr 5% SOU «Sft SO.i »£ «8 do ;.r0f....*.. — - 'IT^uS Amcrinn Coal.. — — — — *•;,, »»,. 100; Aiwr cottbn CU 32 82 32 33 |JIJ» »- ? 1 co prer — — — — »»'» Jg^J Anier f>!st Tel.. — — — — » *'i Anier Express... — — — — =*f -"•* 'Am Or Twine.. _ — — — JJJ4 , W* Amer H!do & L — — — — „" !f J 100 do pref »> »>• 30 30 »J»j 31 3.3oo! Amer Ice See... 72 73 71H «»** «*i! ?-„ 100i*Amtr Linseed.. 2 » j2O SO 20 U>£ 2ttVfc 6.200 'Am locomotive ; US* 00% CSli «• W «2 !«; 1 •A"mer P Mamng.:| — I ~Hi — , — «<* "2 100 •Amer Malting.. 44) 44 4H, 4Si «»| * 100 Mo pref 1 W% 2bH; 2«fci i»s»|ifg"f'?l ll.UOOl'Arner Snioiting. 152 151% 132 1»3?»| 1.^37* .1. 4 •,;,, .^f — — — — 11059 117 — i£'Ss ■:.::- - - - ij «« •American SnjfT — - - - jfl'» 240 1 »do nr«f.. * — — — — 102 110 JAm° S &i - - - - W« ll£ do nref — — — — **H *s^i 1.209 *Amer Sugar. ..1135% "tt»i 135T4 lUOVi 13rt%il^«, ' »do oref — — — — i 133 lim . Am Tel A Cable — — — —IM 102 Am Tel & Tet.. - - - - j};» |l-« \m«r Too qj«".'. ! — — — — !<*>> 101 3-JOJ'Amer WcoKen. 87 37U 37 87U 37V,i,3J> ' »Jo pr<;r — — — — l«-*s 10--* 15.£tK>; 'Anaconda 2W» 237% 255H 2S7W 137 -S7'4 — - 1 Ann ArU>r 1 — — — j — 30 40 - do pref........ — — — I— *0 80 Ats!> Her lit pr — — — ] — — IWH 34.100: Atchison ! 044 03?; im;. 05^ KSV, MV« 1.450! do pref ;lUI«\4 10H; lOO' 101 lOHa L'-.-.IAtl Coast line., 141 j 143 141 143 14.1 143% U — Ainer Pneu Servi — I — — — 20 33 ! do pref I — I — — — 80 6S 15.C0OlBa!t & 0hi0... '121 121% 120», 121% 1 -"*, ' 1H 1 do pref I —| — I — I — I 02 I »4 1 Boston AI. pf-- — — i — — ii' — SO.CM) B'klyn Rao Tr.. 70% 77U 78H 78 •&%! 78 B-klyn L'n Gas.. — — — — 110 113 Duff R & Pitta. — — — — 132 143 1 <io pref — — — — 137 ISO Buff & Sua pref - — — — 80 f* lOOißeth Steel 32 22 22 22 2l?i 23 1 do pref _____ — 60 i*Butterlck C 0... — — — — CO «34 1 Canada South...) — — — — 67 G»4 3.000! Canadian Pacific 1 l«7«i ICS 107% I«7H|I«7H 10714 — C&So Am Tel| — — — — 140 100 «00 Central Leather 3««4 384 38V* 8H"» 3K<i ' 3»?i 4i» do pref 1102 102 102 lu2 1101% IC2 Central of N J..1 _ — _ | _ [228 230 12.10(>iches ft Ohio I 00% «lv» OOTb 6M«I «:". 01% iCh & E 111 pref! — — — 1 — j — 150 Chic Bur & Qy. — — — — »*) — 500 Chic Ot Watt... 18% 18% 18% I 18% 19% 10 300 j do pref A 77 T7}» 77 77% 77 77«4 100 do pref B 23 28 128 28 28 28* ■ do deb — — I — — 81 83 Ch Ind &I* pref — —j — — 70 W> 25.020 Chic Mil & St Pjl8«?4 IS6Vi 1884 IWH }*£* 2.150 do pref i 100 200 109 200 j 109 ,200., 20,000 Chic & Northw. 1208% 212 2C3 212 211»; 211% do pref ) — — — — 230 240 400 Ch St PMft O ISO 188 180 183 181 183 do pref — — — — 183 188 Chic Term Tr. . — — — — 13 13% i do pref _____ 27 84 700 Chic Union Tree 4% 4% 44 4% *% * 200 do pref 15% 15% 154 lflVjl 13 1« 1.000 CCC *St L.. 04 Vi% til 04% -4% »5 j do pref — — — — 1134 115 Clev Lor & Wh — — — — 80 «U do pref — — — — 108 114% Clev & Pitta — — — — 174 170 15.800 Col Fuel & Iron B4Vi K>%i 08% 847» 64** 54Ti 1 do pref _____ 78 100 T.flOO Col & Southern. 87% 35%; 37% 3*% 38*; 08% 800 do Ist pref.... 71% 11% H% 71%! 71U 714 200 do 2U pref 52%! f.2?i 1 52% 52T4 52 i 53 100' Col & II C & It 1»V»I 10% l«s 1»4; 18%; 1» Consoi coal -- I — — I — 7O 100 l,o»o|C»nio| Gas 140% 140% 130U 140 13» 140 100 Corn Prod Rtf . . ' l»%i 19'» 10% 19% l»Vi *» do pref — I — — — 76% 78 400 ! Del & Hudson.. — 1 221% 221 221 221 2-14 Del Lack & W. — — — — 800 540 1,200 Dem- & Rio Gr. — 44 43% 44 444 44% i do pref — — — — «4 *« ID— M4Ft D. - — — — 15 22 Detroit Southern — — — — T 110 — — do i>ref — — — — 25 35 Det United R R — — — — t»3% t(J Diamond Match. — — . — — 122 , 120 100 'Dlst Securities. 80%! 60% 80% 00% 604 *>% 300:*Dul So Sft Atl! 18%! 10 18% IB 1»4 1»% 1 »do pref — I — — — 344 39 lElec Btor Bat.. — I — — — -«■ 88 4.800! Erie 43% 43% 43% 43% 43% 43« 4001 do Ist pref..*.. 78% 79% 70% 7»%i 7»4 78% 2.300! do 2d pref 70 70«4 70 70% 70% TO% Evans &TH... — — — — «7 70 % 1 do pref — — — — !00 to 1 Federal M 4 8.. — — — —150 170 300 do pref f-l M 06 M IHS4 »74 Gen chemical... — — — — 75 i 79 do pref — — — — 103% 1044 General Electric! — — — — 1«5'*,1«7% 3.800 Gt Northern pf. 2!)« 2954 206 207% la* 2HS% 200 Havana £lee Ry 52% 524; 52' i 62% 02% 53 200 do pref 00 90 80% 00 00 03 Hoekln* Valley. — — — — — 127 ! do pref — — — — ©7 OS - - H^iiußtake — — — — 824 £3% 100 Illinois Central.. 178 178 176 178 175 176 1 do Leased 1.... — I — — — I'll — 200 Int Paper ' 194; 19% 19 10 *» 19? i do pref I — — — — X* ftt 100 «lnt Power !52 52 02 62 48 jO9 i Int Steam Pump — — — — 444 1 45 Jo pref — — — — 82 854 800 ' lowa Central.... 27% 28 27% 28 27% 2b% 500! do pref r.l>, 52 51% 51% 51% 62 S.fiOOilnt-Met 354 t 3«% l 33% 3ttV 30 . 36% 2.000 do pref 7«% 78% 76%' 78% 78 I 7»4 :Kaiia & Mich.. — — , — ! — j7O j74 !Kan City South, j — — . { — I — 27% 2S 1.000. do pref i 57 57 06% r>f.Ti sti% 67 IKCFSftSIpf _ — — — [so M IKeok & Dcs Si. i — — — — 10 IS ! do pref I — — — — 140 150 400 Knick Ice of Ch 60 60% GO I 604 60% < 60% !Lack-de Gas — — — — — 105 ; do pref j — — — I — ' M HO L. fcJ & Western.! — — — ' — i3O ■35 1 do pref.. ! — —; — I — ISO 90 Lons Island — ! — ; — i — , «5 : 70 2.47r> l>rm!s & Nash, v 1444; 145% '1444 1451* 145 1454 iManhat Beach.. 1 — — j — — s'; 7 1 Manhattan E1...; — — — — 147 150 -. Md Coal prof i — — — — IHO — -+— ''Met Street Ry.i — — — — ; lOU 110 - — Mexican Central — — — — 1 21 UlVi l«o!MU-hl«ati Cent.. |IS.» IS9 I^9 [180 ;1W» SOW Minn it St L,. Go 1«5 ,05 »55 jO4 I«| : do oref — I — — — I » i»_ MSt P & S M — — i — — 150 152 , do ;.ref ' — j — ! — — 160 173*1 7.000 Mo Kan & Tex. 34V 35%, :t4'« B.V; 35 : !.V 4 1.800 do pref ! 6S»i (10% *' ! » «♦% COU 6»% 4,»00i Missouri Pacific. , 04% 05% 114% 05% !iSV. Ds\ Nash - Chat... —I — j — — 141 143 »Kat Ulsc-uit * — — — — 07% >Mi ; »do pref ; — — — — ; 117 I — 300! Nat Enarn & St 15 > 13 15 15 14 15% 100 do pref 84% 1 Ml,M 1 , 5»4 4; e4>4 88 ; M I.loO ! 'National Lead. bO J 80% So j 80 I 7.% 80 ; '.l.wprvf —1 — — i — ;ioi%i«ij% 300 N lilt of M pf. 40 ! 40 I 30% 3W%! 3.»% 4O ! do I'd pref — — I — . — i 20 i 20% New Cent Coal. — — — 1 — 87 45 800 ».\ V Air Brake 1 143% j 144 143%: 144 143 1 -: li". 3,»t0 N V Central 141'».l4O ;141<i|141 14l' t 600 N v Hi & st L! O.s'i »a* 1 csv •'<■>% ! ns%J co do let pro.' ._■_„!_ 1115 117 800 do 2(1 pref 87 87 ! 87 87 , t>7 I Hi -.—. — IN V Dock — — , — — 33 I 4.1 , do pref — — ; — — ; 80 ; xi »N Y& N J Tel — — I — — 121% 135 N YNH&H. — — — — 1 3 % >'•' 200| N V Ont i W.. 47% 4* ! 47% 4$ 47>4 4S C.OOO I Norfolk ft West <J'2%{ 03% j tt.% 02% | t«% :<S\ ; do iref — I — — I — jMi '.»« I.SOO! North American! 044' •X>\ U4%| 05%! lts 15% 4,100 Northern Pacific 203 i 207 .205 _t*»ii2oK% 2tW' i 100. S OUy .'. L.t pf; 83 .£3 |83 83 , '_'»'. '83 Ontario Silver... — — | — — I 3 _>i Pacific cock.... — —I — — 1 12S 131 i do Ist pref ! — — j — — 10;> Ins do 2.1 pref .... — — — — 127 ! 131 300 Paclnc Mall ! BS% 66% 33 ' 354 :!.V. ] 38 S7.;»»ir. Perm li R 135%! 138 1134%1 134% 1364 1354 ; 1.'.~.\ !l'e<irla & Bast., — — — I — i 4:: I 44 l 4 100 rG & <■<"! l'» ■«' 00 iDO 100 j :>•> !80 I 01% Pittabum Coal.. I — : — I — — 14 | 18 200 i!o prel I ."4 154 ' M ;51 is_ ."'. !l» CC&• St L. . — I — — — I«2 jB4 ■ do pref — . — — — It.;'.. 1. .;» 1' Ft W & Chic 1 — — f — — 171 ! — do special — I — ! — — 1172 — 1.0001 Preased Stl Car. 554] .12% 82% 52% 52% r.i . 1 do pref — I -- ■ — — 1 !i;v ÜB% 18 Pullman 1* Car. 237 1237 2!7 231 i2fi 24>> Quicksilver ] — I — I — : -- : I 1 * 2 ! do pref — i — ; — I — ! S<«i ■*% — — n R Securities.. — I — — — ' ft» >>:;\ lOOiMty Stl Spring.. 53 ! 03%| 53% 1 C3HJ 524 534 1 ••!,. pref — ! ~ i — 1 — US» 4 Illlt'i 53.31« Reading 131% 130% ( 131% ! 1»1\ 131;, 1 <!<• Ist pref — — — — I — !• . do 3d prof — I — :--;—!--' tai; |R»ns A Sara... — '— I — , — 900 — ■iO(ii»Rei> Iron & Stl. 2*.» 2:t '30 29 j i!>',4! :•> -, 2»»>| •.:•> pr«f w» i i'» 1 «>U ! '.n» ' :>>.> 1 SIUVj s,4oOißock Island ! 2« ! iL "'^i! • IJl .i : 2'% »'.% •■<;■» 1 .do r.r--f ! — I — i — — j <>■'. r.i 1 Horn* \v * Opt I — | —■_!-.- : i; t ., --. t - — Rutland Hit pf — 1 — I — — 1 M iBJ 100 ist Jts * <;* 1.. 224 1 22% 22% 2*l | — — 100! ,'.. Ist pref.... ♦!" 1 »'.(» ' 111 I t» " j — I — 10(1 di. 2d l-ref i SBV. 354 3^',-; 32%! — | — » ISt L&.-3 I' lit pr - ! — I — ; — 14 .1 ; ■ :,. 24 pref .... j — ; - i - j -- . 435; 11 .. — ! do Cii E 1 cts! — ■— j — — ■ - ! <-■: i •'■'> tnt — | '— ; — 1 — 12.1 I IS3 L'OOlSt Loul* Soutbw 24% ::«V Vl\ 24% 2V- -• t 1.7 lo pr.'f ;..-', 5«% r..-. 00% :Svl! •''■ ■ »)t»::i!03s-Sli SI ii lr -,-. 'W; -I .1 | 77'- 7 - ;7. ; ; ■'•" nref | — .— I — , — 100 iIU BC,Oao! Southern Pacific 7^ l i' 7H 1 . IH% >\ ;•••*«; V-i - I lie l'ref — !— ' — i — 11s ,l!>-% 3.000! Southern R R. .. 87% 51% 37% .'tl ! i ! :tT'. ; .r.± t i d.» me — — I — 1— j «,!i ;-!ii.' — j- .10 M& (i c«f»! — I — I — '— 1 's 1.4 100 Tfln Coal ft |r.:1."5 Ili3 IT. US |ir.4't . IT>',4 •-••«•: Texa* .>.- I'uoltle.l 33 \ 38% 3;: xv. ! ..;; .i: , 1 1" Land Trvsi, — !*— 1 — — .y\ \ tr. 300 Third Aye It H. I 8« 1121 133 127 tSB 127% To! Poo * w,-si: — 1 — ; _ _ jli \ sou IOOITOI Ry ft j.ißhti 82% 82*1 83% :»J', 1 — — - it. !stl. & w.i — — I — i — 1 27', i 2M,j 200 .'■, pref !4S ! 4S» ;| 4s ; 4914 47,?! ml - Twin City nTr — — — — m " 113:4 •rnlon Km & P •- — 1 — ■ - . >>. ■ v 1 'Jo 1.1 -f I — — ' — — I 71 1 72 SS.KO.liL'ni >n Paelfle... 'ir.7% IS»% i:.7-">i i;.x>, ':.-.».. jr^u ——I 1 " r>:rt 1 — _ I _ jo« _ o« lus ll'nltcl Krut«.,.J- — i— -. licu^ 400 i*n l!v Invent... r.7'-. 1 ■;'. •'; 1 01 1 c.7 I %7«, QUn do prof 74 . 74 V 74 ! 74»». 74 1 74>j itKt>r aril' & r 4i%| 4r^: 4jUf 4,i*! *r ! jv.J ; M.'r.ref — ; _. | _ 1 _ • .„.• j. COIL* 8 Express ... 124 iIJ4 1 tl'4 l^l [U'4 . 'l*» - »l" S Luther...! — j — I — ! — ■■ pi,; 14 . ! «do prer . — — ! — _ J:..,i, lit. . lr S Id it Imp.! — I — - I — 1 7»%! IK ; sonl»r s i><i & itori t<i s»%l *.v,.l »%] a» Mm •:, pref ... 1 7:1 i '.4 ; 7.1 ! 7au' 7:1, ■-, it' s Rubber .... J — I — ! — (■— I 44 I 44\ ! <I'> prof _._)._ _ IlllT [Of a ■' i Co 2.! pref - ! - ! - ' - 77 J,S " Tft.mK»T s st, 1 ! 4H\.i 414 ! -10*4, 41% 410,1 41., 13.800 ' pief .. |KMl»i|ll<JVH«Vl»H-% l(Wi«t'l»» ! % Vani alia R R...1 -■ — i — | — J >-T. |5 7(K>iVa-Carii > hem., 37 ! 37% 1 rjilUi ;t?'~» .-{7 | 371' lOui do pr«t 10«% 10«% 10s'.. !(«?{ i..s HWn, !Va Iron (Ac.— j — I — j-- ,4;. 4.".'i »Yule ljetinning. — — — ! — ll'.j!" 1"» 1 »dp pruf — — — — r.flo! «n» 150'Wabash 18% li^ 1074 lix ?» 30% ; 1 <!" pref — — — . — | 4H% 47 : iWc-Ub Far(i,. Kx. — — I --) — Sir. ISIO 1 1 Weil rnlon Tel. — —I — — llt I •..■ 400|Westinph Mfg.. .1150 1190 lf.o jl&) i:,» \f>2 i ■'.. 1« pief —' — I — — _ US l.GOOiWheel ft L JC... 18 IS*; is is', Ist; |m , :|: | da liit pref.... — — I — I — 138 41 ' — — do 2d pref — — 1 — — Jju 2tt) Wisconsin Cent. 23»i 25% | 2.'.% t3%! iV, "j'i , «*" pref I — I — ! — I — I 4a> 4 i t'j\ —S.OSC Total win for tile day. nMMt* CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE SALES. STOCKS. Ehare, I I <>■<•»- I H eT| l eg-T^ sou. f I tag. I tst. I «aU I talo. *Tlso|An»l Copper...^ I«K| 1«?J« >g« ICO Am Oar & F4ry.T 33 Ti 30 foj, »* aS^'^not,;,/.: W S% TIH j& . I=o Am I/womoUre... «to? «>K ■ «s!i «H l,ibo Am !-iiieliln»' iS*» JJ'J? J'- !1* ISO Am 8u K ar 130. 130Ji 138 138% 1,030 At Top * 8 F... W« 0M» •*? g 30 Am Woollen 3'JT; 37 M; s »7 610'natt f> Ohio 121H I«}4 »=t 1-lf. B.OSO Itrooklvn It T-... TO J? J' ? »b M to'Canadtan »»f«no.. lft^U I«>U 1«.»4 l«Jn noicbee & Ohio «1 «^ •.?!«. tel* IKOCht Mil &»t P... IEUJJ4 ISSVt IS«H IR»^ S.iaO>('ol Fuel & 1r.... MH M * M I »*« *SO Corsol <*? :... I**?! MOW »** w ; 1* 820 Erl« ! 43* *SH 43% I3H Winter-Met *»* »Msj a* I *' 3«»4 20! do preferred . . . . 77 i 77 77 «7 10 lowa Central ... »H 27H S7H t7Ji 300 U>ul9 &• Nosh..., I**%\ 145W, 144H I45Jj 210 Mo Pacific f M%! US?! M*j MJ. 88ON V Central A... I 4'> 141 SI 140 141 J. IM> X V Ont A W....; 4H 1 * 4«^, 47% 47\ 12t>iNorf.* \Ve.t... t»2»i »3 Sttfl »2% 2.!<f>o Pennsylvanta .... . lV.'i- 135 1» UMfe 14.:«Ji> Hsa-linn 1 131 1 132%' 130% 131Ti liO Rock Islam! 26* i 21%: »l »»i D.4«0 Southern Pacific. . 78>« 70'» 79%; TO SO') Southern Rv 37%; 37/3 37U 37? i no: Texas Piclfic .... S3 83 33 ! .'.l! Union Pat'lfl: . . . i 157% 13SH ; I»7> 15«H Jr:.-,O'IT a Steel iff.i el« 40% ' 41% I.MO do preferreJ ... 100% 1 ICO B*.8 *. ltW 1 * 10j;?l 79.330 Total sates. . MINING. Shares [ I Open- I HlKh- ! Low- | 1.-m ■eld. I 1 las- I -it. I set I sale. ioO'Altc. ....• I 2.40 I 2.40 1 2.40 I £.4»""' 3000 Anchor «2 .S3 | .62 .CS 900 Horn Silver ' 1.9 I.M IV. ! I.M 300 Jim Butler i 1.43 J.«J ! 1.4* 1.44 300 Mexican I ..» | .AS | .<« ' .€A • 400' Mohawk 2.C0 I 2. C0 2.C0 ! 2.'0 200)Se.vas« 82 | .82' I .?3 ! .62 I.OOOf Total sales. WHEAT. Sales, I ! Op«n- I Uigii- I low- [ t««t bush. I I In?. I est. ! est. : Mle. 220.0001 September option. I «Vil 72H! 72%1 72% WALL STREET AND EXCHANGES FOREIGN TRADING— houses dealt In 15.000 shares In th« local market, buy ins: 10.Q0O. In London consols were heavy and the general market was weak. Money v:n « in ' fair demand, owing to settlement purposes, and the American inquiry for gold was reflected In an advance in the price of bar void of Id. Continental markets showed few Important changes. IRON SITUATION.— Rogers. Brown & Co. say: At no time during the year has the demand for Iron been more urgent and insistent than at pres ent. With every effort, furnaces were unable dur- Ing July to make <\aily runs equal to June and the previous months, and, owing to the hindrances in cident to the summer months, it Is not to be ex pected that Augrust will show an improvement In this respect. We hear of difficulty In securing necessary labor In the Southern field and signs of a , car shortage is appearing in that section. Foundry iron cf the higher grades •- scarce in all quarters and brings a premium ove contract iron. In some districts the local supply is entirely sold and shipments from unusual quarters are necessary to supply the deficiency. The problem of supplying prompt Iron Is becoming serious. Buying continues at a good rate and- Interest is new shown In deliv eries beyond January 1, and some orders have been placed for shipment flrst quarter and first half of 1907. Both foundry pig and basic share in this. Some good tonnage in basic for the fourth quarter is still pending, and many foundries have a portion cf their requirements yet to cover. Prices in gen eral have not advanced since our last report, except for spot Iron, but some producers have withdrawn from the market in anticipation of higher prices later on. and all schedules are held absolutely firm. BOUTHERN PACIFIC— directors of South ern Pacific will be. called together this week or next to act upon the question of a dividend on the common stock. The rate of dividend has not been determined, and will probably be left to the voli tion of E. H. Harrlnuin, as expressed at the meet- Ing. The determination to declare a dividend Is a distinct change of plan on the part of the board, due In part to the growing recognition of the rights of minority stockholders. In this case this recognition is coupled with certainty of continued large earnings. PIG IRON CERTIFICATES.— iron certificates at the New York Produce Exchange were firm and higher. There were no sales. Quotations for reg ular follow: Cash, August and September. 17.25 bid; October. 17.15 I&17.&); November and December. 17@17.50. Quotations for standard were: August. 18.15 bid; September, October and November, ISQ> 18.50; December, 17.75@15.25. APPLICATIONS TO L.IST— Application has been made to the New York Stock Exchange to list 82. 100,000 additional common stock of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, and |27.:50.0<» additions! common stock of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. DIVIDENDS DECLARED.— American Coal Company has declared the regular semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent, payable September 1. The Parrot Silver and Copper Mining Ccmpuny has declared a dividend of 25 cents a share, payable 1 September 12. The Cincinnati. New Orleans & TexasTaclflc Railway Company has declared the usual quarterly dividend of 1% per cent on its pre ferred stock, payable September 1. The directors of the Kings County Electric Light and Power Company have declared the regular quarterly divi dend of 2 per cent, payable September 1. CURRENCY SHIPPED TO SAN FRANCISCO.— There was shipped to San Francisco yesterday through a Treasury transfer $500,000 from New York. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC PRODUCTS.— Bureau cf Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor, reports exports of principal domestic prod ucts for July and for seven months ended July 31 as follows: _ JIIl >- _ 1»W. ' 1908. I{lO4. Bnwfstufri! ..... ST.OUk.fIBS f.\i»uu» $4..i2«.m <<itrl«\ hogs & sheep 2.044 STO o (»•»•» 4«) i■> -*S.H •>-,-» Provisions I3.MM.7** 14.317.fV7i I>2.V»'«>4<» fVtton J>..\so.74<* 17 4.-.«r,7.- -. 4-..1 1)«2 Mineral oils 0.045.405 _31».T63 7.OTCOM Totals 141.10X717 «4<i. 203.304 $20,102,435 Seven m int r.s end'njr July 31 — Fbvtdstvffs t)itf».*43.rci sni ;f 1 s.-w? fii.-. na Cattle, hies & sheep 24.W2..W 24.8"4 P33 ".I SJ»3 Provisions U.\f«2.ft*l !>.-,.,V?.-,..:ii.5 50.10.22tt 1 ,,♦ •••• 17».i!T1.12t 170.348.441 14T134434 Mineral oils 46.454.100 4J.0C2.87i> 44.53:.082 Tt ' { a! 3 .54.*.7.::7,V471 ?303.0W>.e25> $3e0.651,157 CUES MARKET TRADING. Aside from the activity In Greene Consolidated Copper and the strength in Guggenheimer Ex ploration and warrants the market for outside securities was mill and featureless. A stead; tone was maintained, although the net changes I for the most part were fractional. Greene Con- i solidated Copper developed some weakness after the opening, but on a reassuring statement is sued by the president on the dividend question developed armors* and rallied materially from the lowest. United improved »;. while Tennessee Capper ran off l»i points. Nipisslng was strong. ! Nevada Cen»ioH4atea on limited trading im- ! proved »4. British Columbia was slightly higher. '< In tiie industrials^ Mavaas Tobacco gained %. ! Chicago Subway wn>» up ' 2 . Internationa] Salt I was strong. Mackay shares were steady, but i Inactive. Marine 1 referred was up ' while the I •4' L at one time showed m not gain of 1 .int. Gog- j Renheirner Exalorottpu {Advanced 7 points and the I warrants 10. Bonds \\«re Ju;i am! about steads'. ' ACTIVE CTJH3 . STOCKS. INDUSTRIAL. Sh » r . 1 "l ! Open, I m»h. I Low- I Last" tut -" ' I i»g- i c ? t. I tst. I sale. "■'•'■? A !ij IcF\\ !« cnib! 2 T»' ■- 2V 2^l •«- ' «U>!Aiucrlc«a MckcL W i-, t i*\ S3 1..". >' l!l> Mac ...... , 7-ltl U> ;M r -«I : -"'"■t K.y i»...f.. -JJ , •_: " -_. •«* , :';«.' ■'•«' 1 >■.'••■•■ 10...; -■""■ j 25* SB ' »vt a.'i' ...» w. r.«ms ... 1 ; s«t| 1 2\» I ±&i '.1 Ha\aaa loU>.t:>.. Ill's an !:»'* Vj^ |>m . ottston Oil i>r. 1 . 4t | 41 1 41 J 4* t -t> 11.14.- A.i:- Mir pf.i 2> ! 2S 1 ••* 1 ■•■, ' ' ;t»i Internal .-'clt .. I ;t; •( 37 I ;c,\ ;r, 4 SUtUAtackiy los |tvf. ;3y| \? T:{ j Ta l'«!i!nnl.a« T|jr.»il.. j€ • .-, --, .-» '■ feWJOK V t!*c et Uai.i ;. I 5 S j 5 . S3 &uii4a>d in. (, «:i2'j ri:- ; tt« «;:t' l.«;u i>t!ur Mfg.... ti.'- j U 4J ; 42 ~S ~ I RAILROAD. rhic Fu:>way ! 41; I *T%\ 4tr~l « " CONOS. „.. I I, Oj.en- ! Klph- ! la>w- I Last J .™"i__J ! »!»*»-■ I c*t. 1 fit. I<>. I flf>.m)!Al-<t, .".« & Int «II SO';' W.»7| TO^ii . ., "' IT. • • or,it S Hr« 2ii r».| M ..." -... " j ■■„ * 3.».«4)(»!lnt M*r Mar 41,. !».»,! ; i, 'skJ ;.,, lMrt>' lnternal Salt 5»... . fiT ■ «I ,;- , ,- * 4.UKi;s Ell. 1.-'ii.l .1«...t Si ' 21 •>? *.} »,« i \\»t» 1:1 .-* iftin I*7 -..; j 0; : 575 7 •Od4 lou. tSc:!B c«nu ;cr fcSara. t3cn<r IS. MINING. "*«*»! i Open- : H!«h. ! Ur- I f^T* .«*«• 1 ' * * e>t : ._!*•» »5? tno; Alaska Mines S~~j iiv 2" 1 TT :irM|l:inKhani ••nt....) 2 2 2 JJ 5*5 * WX>)Do«ton Cop *•;«* 2,:,, 2514 J u KS-IJRrlt Col Cop *S,\ »H %s »^ 130 Butt* •■■■.illt w 1] «3t sx?j 31 w ,!> . W».CI »rle _ Oil T..: 4 44 4* «> SCO <Jo preferred.... U! 12 sj Jf* I.COO Cobalt Contact...! % U-ic %t »P M 1.000 Cumber-Ely 7S 7- 7* 7? MW'l>iv-Daly Eat w I *»% 11 j,,^ ,•"* S<>OJl>olor«9. _t« »V »\ »2 V«. 710 Dom Cop. new... .: 4 z\ 3J If »0i»EI Rayo 5 3 3! I* UOtAjTmiw Area t33^' _t^ £» » (Jlroua 7V> »74 73? *_ «*«,GoI«l HIT! IS 2V»; £? I? IT..'. <:ra:»by C0n»01... 11% 12 ' i ijtJ ,*» U.7oo;Ore:aa Con t&p.. 25 25 24, il aoOiOreen* Gold .... f 214 2H 2'i "*% 2t.O'«re-r.e OoW-SlSv. 2>i si, 2 i? *> SOujnuanaiuato Cooscl; L\\ c»' 6<4 : • 2.500 Hannapah >«, >! :Z •> ~Oti Mi<-inac Oeld .... 1 ."• j 5Vt 5 ' «> l.SO,»!lJ!n*« Co cf Am., tl 25 [« 21 M 25 «a^ .173 Mitchell ! 4>.i! 4'i! 4^ 4. . Tl.\>jMonts-Sho«hono..! 1- ( 12 < |l%| .JJ 200!N>mi Con | V* v %] in'-i' i*u ££ LiOOiXev SAM Corp.! 2V.' 2**' 2'| ,£ S-"N"ev-r M_ 8] :'.;»■ 3*; «■": , ;, 1 2.MHJ .Niptutnx Mines «;[ 51i| « : 3-4 J-* :'e.»n A '/an Ccp 3i» 2H 3^ ?r? r fct;i»!ph_r.U Serurttlea l'» IS 1 1 ? , 3W> hiT.iiio.d Eurek.i "?ij "V 7« iJ 4(X>lTenn Cop Co 4.-. » 4G 45 A* l.OOoiTonoiah Kxten... ."S ."-H 3\i s« 1,30 i. United Copper.... CSVfci 62",! f3»i| «,^ -mi United Mines Cor! Ci j .".' j» **■ !•)•» ftah Apex 5% 5H 3\! 3V 1> I'tah < ouptr ! 27'» 2TVsi 27>,| -.5* CLOSING CURB QUOTATIONS. (7urni<h«4 by William E. Nichols A Co.. So. 13 w«B , C:d. Asked. ! EM AtfcsV American Can.. 7% *H OranSy Oroer... n\ 1* do prof 5S SSVs' Havana Tobacco. 13' i iar- Am De F com.. *» t>s | do pref 34 17* do combined.. 2% •"»•» Inter M»r Marts* iml 11 Am Tobacco 340 3tt> | do pref.'. 2jsj •■» Fay State Gas.. "4 mint Sliver fieb _ &\ m Bcrdens C M...170 • l a <» Lord _ Taylor... l>jm yS do pref 113 m I dn pret I2f» t~k Button C Copper » 2«>* __ckay 73 T4 Brit Col Ccpptr. 9 . 8V»; do pr«f tjk 3 Central Foundry * 3^ M& B C0r.5.... v, * An pref M »> ! Nevada Cons. .. IS"-! vgl Chic Subway 4S l * 4* IN V Trans Ml T* Copper Sec 3ST* 34 l » Otis Elevator 31 Jj" On R-fri* .1 r.S i *-> pr»f 97 m C«m "op new... 3 3\»: Royal Bak Pcw<J.l» in Electric 80at... 1» 2»> do rr^ 10« li» do pref «.'. 70 Term Corper ..44 45 Electric Vehicle. 12 1« Union C<rp*r lit * do pref 1* 2O United Copper 03 «4 GoM Hill Cop... 2-S 2% do r-r*t »4 t : Cr««n« Con r»p, 24% 2i\lUtah Crp&er ... 25 1 4 Si Greere Con Gold 2^ tV»(W X Copper -, r Greene Silver... 2 22 1 * do pref . Z\ •} INACTIVE CURB STOCKS. •Furnished by William I Nichols & Co.. No. n T a i» j.^ Bid. AjkeiJ E!-l ASssA Am Rran 11.1 120 I"! Elovaflr.s. . in *> Am Chicle 177 I*l ■ Inter Salt 331 i 3* do pref 103 10*1 I do 5» f.-j a Am La F E Co. 2i> 3O ' Ir« n PteamNiat. . -, 1 l.> stfjf 19 so ' J M ?tctaon 2Sft -» Am Press Ass 1. M 104 I <io pr»f 135 — Am Sen S 5 j Lans Monotyr*.. . 14 n do «.-• TO 8O !P IV?s „ UF.... 34 |9 Am Shda 1 3 P«^pe Manf? 3 ; <!f> Ist r.rof ... 42 4« | Hi Ist prt( ■ * TX do -'l vr>f ... 4 d ! do 2fl rref 12 14 Am Threa<! pf • . -1 414 1 - Pratt _ Whit pfl"! rw Am Tv'.Mt-s'.. .34 3S • } IT<- Ct er & Gam. .37^ SMt Sal 1 r-f M ft"* ! do pr»f 205 _» Am Writ P pf. . -'.'• 2* i Sarcry Cll _ L.2>4» »« do si« -.-•-, '••« l i l Securities Co 4a.. ... '«~_ Celluloi-1 I*l 142 ' Simp Craw Ci... 27 40 Cent fireworks. 13 IS I Singer i!f a C0...4f1> 51f» ■!■. pref 6* 71 | Stan.l rviuplT ... 44 49 Chesehroueh .: .44'» 4Sft [ Stand Mill Co si I. Con Rub Tire 4s 2." 2>J I do vzet I* ?*. n»-n I" \v Co pi «2 •;? i dr. 5a . ... 79 st do ."Is l"'!"; 1014 Trenton Pottery.. I« lit Eastern 8 8. ... M — | An pr^f !W ■■• E W Bliss C 0..14». .14» 14.1 i d.i ctfs 73 SI rto ■*•* l.T< MO 1 Trow Direclory., 45 M d.j fis 10.*. IIS ICb Bank N Corp. 4-1 M Empire Steel 5 ■ | do pr«f .~A 53 do pref .V» 41 ,Un Typewriter... »t «4 Oorham t>r«"f ISO IM ! .In. Ist rr*f 1U» t3 Hall Slßnal USU lit^; do 21 pref lift U3 11 B rtaflln 1M IV IV S Env^lape 2^>i — Herr-Hall-M ... :.i> — I do prof M*j « Houston Oil. ..1.6 8 ■ Wort.i Puasp pf . .115 lii do. pref 35 45 ] NEW YORK AND OTHER GAS SECURITIES, (Furnished by William E. Nlcho!» _ Co.. No. 13 -?«n st* Bid. Asked, j . Bid. Askei Am Lt aTr IK. il"' XT _ N E River do pref Oft 1 * l«>0«4 ccn Cs 101 105 Cent V Gas . la. .10:i^4 103 N Air. Con 5s . 101 103 Col Gas CO 55.. M M NH G stock .47 st» D G E Ist C ss. »<) I*2 IXTiQE L_P U « do stock m &4 do pref » «© Eo Ist Con r.s. .11* 11* XV * R:ch .»> » Ft W Gas Co 6s 41 43 I Ncr U Ist 5s 101 16* GRG LCo 5s»10! 10 '■ Chi .& I G 6a... 30 4* Ina Gas 5s 10i> M do stocks . . 3*» t do st.c!: «T 7- Syracuse Sa 1"2 «■ l, ft ww ; «s. 35 40 ,si Joe G53 ..•3 100 Mutual Co 210 245 ? t Pau! Gas 3».. US 10» ST ft N E Rlv 1 Wastes L:«55...1u« XilS do Ist 5s 1M4.103 107 •And interest. . FERRY COMPANIES. Bid. Asked. I j M **«•> Bklyn F stock. .2 3 X TAN F C 39.JM V* Hob F«r Ist Ss.lfH 110 [ 10&23 *F 1 mgSsS* 81 da etock VI 100 NY _NJlus 3* S» M KYftE It F stk 70 UF of NT&B stk Ii 8 1 1 BOSTON CURS MARKET. (Reported by J. Thomas Reinhard:. No. 15 Trail Strtei New York, ana No. 1S» Exchange Place; Boston.) I 1 Open-; His- '.- j I*-*- I I— £ tores 1 I lag, j tiL | tat. | sal*. " 10S I Arizona Ccm I 37 | SS W f »" :u»i Bay state Gas 1 14 14 14 i* Th. Blnsj ••• :-. | ! 2 1 [ 3 MMBlack Mountain.. 1 !r», J><i Vi] 3% • •_'"'> Butte ft London.. I 1%; - V% 2 »sdiCananea 11 1 * U* 4 "■» K '* 3iH»;coppcr ■*.»<>;- ■ S3\i 33\ XK 1*;1 *; '&\ 39* Cumberland-Ely . | 7U 7H 7S! 77-1* SlOOt Davis-Daly 1»H. tO\ 104 n% 110 New 1.. :.; 3H 3H' 3l»l3 l »l S'» I'iODcm .Vln PJ !".• ' SB t *•! ISO Eagle _li It 3^ S'-«| 3'-4| l>% 20 East Butt.- 1«>-, lt>u. li's t''^ UKliUreene Gold 2SJ 2H| Sa E!K»i Keeweenaw . I" 1 * H ! I*>V « 1U He:-, i «S *4 c: » •"■ 30 Inter lie.anger.. .. 3»* 3U ff* • f» IWlLaramn ! 1 I 1 » 20O;Majc6tl<; I 1 0-ltf 19-W lit- 16 19-» *77; Mexico | 10 11 » *» llltca State Tel pf.i »1 01 91 « 1.40.) T.v, .V, S *» 60): Nevada-Utah 3S 3S 3 l i S9-1* I<»> Nipissln* '■ rt * * 801 Raven It 92 ?5 83 »* Rotary .V-, Z.\ si •■> 250 Sbawmut 11 1 "», ISO! Superior Copper. : la ISij 12 i ';» 300 Super] & Pitts.. I7H 17 J » IT 3 ! '•> 2n»)Troyilan | 1\ 1% 17»;1 7 »; ;.» ISO; itah^pe* I .V. 5", ■"•", •_■.» 100 Utah Cot per. 1 27V, 2Tn K^t -» GUARANTEED STOCKS. CPurntohed by Joseph Walker * Sons. V. SB Broa4 Hi*** Bl i. Asked. ; lfci as** Alb * Susq 245 2ii | Gret»o 14* - Alo Ac Vermont. «I.i — j ilart & Co::a W. •» •* AUech & West.. IV. — 1 1U Cent L Une..lW> «* Am Tel A Cable. >»» S»- ; Jollet & Chic I>J *» At A C M Line..l»M — j L 3 X i; R & C.1:3 — Aug & *ay 113 US L-» * 110 KJv pM;i> *» Avon <J Jit Mt M»H — Lowell 4 Ani £»i» ~ Beech Creek 98 — [ ilahon Coal pt .. • ' •■» *" Herttshtre ... IT'» 175 I inn.- H jfc S H..IS» - Btseck S&F F. :U> Xi ! MorrU & Esks -IS* «■ Bom i Albany.. 2-U "4* | Nash * Decatur.UW «* Best i: Lowell.. — Nashua A Lok...=4* "• li (t XV A L [.f.liw — XJ Trans c\>. --■««' — Oost & Prov SOT. — NY & Harier3..3i;.» »J Bway & Tth Ay.23* — N V L i \Y....13tJ J» Brooklyn City... 223 225 Ninth Aye 12; 3"» Cam &B R R..M3 — North Carolina. . . X 7» — Cataw Ist pf. US — XRIi ot X H- I ** I<r = do 2d pref.... 115 — XRR of X J— » „.* CayuKu 4 Suaq.SSi — I North P^nn ."7 ■ CPN&ER...IOO s>O Northwest Tel...U» « ?hatVh<*e ft C.112 — Norf .* Wpf --"' ~V Cii * E 111 ctt».l«i I*-- Osacn Mine » — «*« * do pref. 122 132 Old Color.y 2"^ »- Chris .v l«th St. ITS IM Osweco A ?yra..~t> Clev* * Pitts... l7rt I«<> Pat i HuJ :av..l*> m Col & Xenla . 21« 220 Fac ie At Tel J5 » Com Union Me. 115 — -Pat & Ramapf»...«»» — Concord * Mon.lM — Teoria & B Vy..ll>>' *• Cone .v Ports. . .2<*> — Phil & Trenton. .2n> i. c* Pass if ...1«> — Pitta BiLC. :< i* ; Conn River 2*o 205 >!,-> rref ' .- M • Pel .<• R.I 8rk..2«2 2»« I Pitts Ft TV & C-l'- iIZ r>et HUls & 5... 101 107 I do specUl IT* 1!W Ka?t IVnn 142 IS I Pitts MoK AT. .ISH " Fast Mahanoy.. 4." — IProv v \V.-»re....3£> .12 , Eighth At* .3*l «M ! R?r.=s * Sara S» 71? Elm * William. — Ittoch ft Gen Vy..l*» l ± do pref ... m !r. Wi O *» "i Kris ft Ka:am. 2> X I Second Avenue.. .3>» -J. Krl.- * Pitti .IXI ltrt ISixth A*enae....-I*> x ** FlVhr.ur:; rr.-f 1»» I*? South £At T#!.. » ,^, Ft TV *,f pf.r.MTtt I42<4;>n«thw*st R IC-112 II o.i si *ost KM 405 | Tw.nty-thrrd ■ J ';^s -* Franklin Tel .4! — •I*XJ RR * C.5» "" M! .<■ m T'l.llS 13" ' iti.a nia & I!.- 2 H On ft R* B C 0.2»« S7O il-fl.n .* Rf< Riv.l7^ — O— hen « TV-.. •••» — iVtfc* C * S Vy.133 » Grand Rtver Vy.l3> — \ BANK STOCKS. (Reported by Clinton Olltert. No. 2 Wall ■•«*.» BiJ. A»ked. | t'.i i*4 America '! gW [Lluejln 1.4.. »■•• Am Exchans*. 30*1 U3«. .Manhattan Co.. IVJ **? Am. i .Nuii«jii«. '*•> 7.*m> i>..ii.»«-i Ai fu;. . _ 2-jJ A: nut National '.»."' ,1 tiutrojwlia — £• I. . i>t ! >t*uonl ISi» — : Mechanic* 1 2TJ *!* i<att<ry l":ir« — ' 111 [ilevh * Trail., l.w il"! BoA, T> :«•. |Meicatti>. .. U>> rutPh ft I>rov. |f,i> 170 |MettO!<oltt«a •• »>>* 'i* Cilft 1 Nat.. 2T.«> — (Merchant.- ... — *™J CorwTt^iitra .. l«'>> 1.. Centuiy 1" l»5 [ Xount M^rr.». . i'J - • ■■•' 1 Chatham — Stki '.\ utw ,, ivi 2** Vhemicat 4.Ji«» 4.-J-.. > x x-,, j; a .-. .. iii* -z Cit Cent Nat.. 14» 14>i (X TN B A 3«S 3H * City »«' an .v v eowa;>! :.l.J*> >in l*.-a Kxco.. '»•■ , >N > Nat Uxeh. J<"» ■*• Commrrce .... I*2 I*7 (Nineteenth \VJ. Z^> .ZL * t>l.-ri .i — 'J» • oium'n 4:r. _ V.nh America. — ;orn Exchange n<» _ '»., r thr»i. .sat. i"-' .s^ J •*-', U«ver. . »."<• j,x it.tenial =«• -:* I l»l^li)\ ■_"•*> _ !,,:«.- 2*' -32 Flrtt Xatl.nal. »>» ;io rr a rk .111111111 4«« ♦*• HUII .>tttln.i»l. :!•>• _ tjvoi.lea ■■ I! " n Fifth Avmiie. .3. sm» « ri»» 1 pfer.i.% *•"' *2 Fourth Nat... 212 -•it IPtaz* .! •"• ll ',*• hourtr.nn. 6t. •-"«•• ,Induce Ei'S.. l"'» "3: Rallatln . UTS MX* ' ]ti\rr«t>l» '-3*-* *• liar**:.! ... - ■» 1 >ea K^arU 303 — flvrntan-Am .. 130 !•"'■ |S*«i>n.i , « l " "" ■• -1:11.111 Ha • : .:•• — ist»«» S."" 1 * "* •••niniaUi .... r«»i ■- [Thirir-fQurth S: S"S •" <;• .pw, -i . ■;. ru '•Jw.-lfth Wart!.. :W"«> — Hamilton 'S2H — Tv»-n;\-t^!^^! \V H*« -^ Mj- \.r . ... •:>.. -r. Irßlon'iSscn SN* =* Imp ♦ Trr-1... T-3n T«>> I' s KXc»mo««.. »^ -** TptorhortuK^ -. '■" ''"" ! AVjif hJrcto;; lit* •-"-*"• "" T'VHa '».> r" :\\v»t Si.!* •«► .T»ffrr»oa 5>V» 2*3 ifor&vlUa ...... • «»S» "™ iiiwu aix. i.v