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EAILHOAD EARNINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC. 11**?. IMS. 1004. S»ral<»r of mile* 7.500 7.209 7,481 2,1 i-ffk la Auf Jl..T.*M«mi 91.O7<».000 $:»."»•.» <mk» I J^v Ito Au:. 7 7.£.'-l.ooil 3.C18.000 5.273.0U0 ! CENTRAL, OK GEORGIA. MitH-r of roilM 1>77 1.87(1 1 «$« ' firrt week ii * '■- ... 1215.500 lIPO.OOO SHTMtiO ' j^y Ito Mix. : 1.172.510 I.«W7.J*X» KRi.O5l I rniCMiO. ixuiaxapous & loitisvilij;. ! 1)r? ot mi'.es — MB r.4« r»4r, i nrs: -reek in An- 121.044 9120.4.:s 9t(K.Xiti } 3 ; v jlO Aus. 7 G19.321 810.015 C:.!MI7 j 0"»LORADO ft JSOCTHERX. X>rr.!*" of roil«s •-- 1.72.1 \ ~T.> 1 14"> ' pr« «r.k in ....... , S24fi.r*3 9219.452 Silk?."** Jajj Ito Atiff. T.2-.»i4.<i!>r. U03.130 DCL-TTTH. SOUTH SHORE & ATLANTIC. i <*-]!*.- of ir.ilrs — ,-74 .■.:« ran 1 irjrrt wwk :r. Aug KM;37 (SI.SSM ft»t.3lS jbJj I 13 Aug. 335.450 315.907 259.070 ' fJRAXD TBT.KK SYSTEM. ! Vrr.her '"' rn'.lrs 4.4M8 4,062 4 <*•» i i,.; »eeJc in au*t.... »sffii.ov $7«7.*17 $C>B 833 jaly Itu All* 4.47Ti.2Tl 3.H!4i..-.J<i 3.67LVK2 ' LOUISVILLE & XASHVILLE. ! Xte**r r.f miles 3,.-,7S 3.422 8.100 i j»p;iv<-< in Aug *<■.;. :\Y. (790.640 ?BO»s.fc2<> i j£j- Ito Aug. • 4.012.57S 4.055.C22 S.«IS.OSS | MINERAL RANGE. ! y*r<l v.rr\i ln Jul« $74,^7.1 ?14.05S »12.«1l ' Jslv Ito ATi«r. 7 ••-• 71.1C» 79.042 W5.97.-. jpXNEAPOLIS. ST. PAUL & SAUI..T FTK. MARIE. i «*«■ <* -w«n»« V-»- LSM 1.!K»2 ■ w up-lt in auk... *2?;>'s:; $17.'..1^S $149|22K ; W jwAoe. " 1.222.134 981.633 74r..70.-i SOUTHERX TtAILAVAY. jfjmber r-f ml>s 7.514 7.ia% C. 72S ! JTTf. vc k in Aug aast.tOw $0ir,.2r2 $.Zft7.&i3 '■ •-ly I\a A- .-c. 7 a,419..127 4.:>35.213 1,994, MO ST. LOUIS BOCTTHWESTKRX. jCtTiber cf roller ••-• 1.28" i;n 1 "as f"Jft **-«'^ In Aug 1177.23S $i:.3.i«5 fi:^!>7o jgjj- 1 to Aug. 7 »>■.•,'.••*» £23.343 780.00) TEXAS & PACIFIC. jfsr>- nf mIW 1.4*2 I.2™> l.SOrt yjrrt week In Aue $2n.-!«-i4 $I3.VKC. *172 jja. 1 to Auk. 7 7. 7H5. 757 6.995.1 jim ti,a6B.e*S TOLEDO. PEOIUA & WESTERN. Hvr.-- ' r-t miles ■■• 24S 24** 24S ffrtt wcfk in *»* *I«.«SS 181.801 $23 42rt jrfy 1 tr* Aujr. ' ■■■■ 115.3C4 123.005 121.«5 NORTHERN PACIFIC. *>rt^. of July (5.534.353 M.^-S.^itfi $4,071,388 SOUTHERN INDIANA. sfcrtr. of July «AC!.109 $915,202 $103,125 CENTRAL OF QBOROIA. ot Jur.e — JSfcnbT ot irii'i^s I.S7K I>7S 1.870 Cf,t* earninit* $<4.'.^!« $7C0.»50 $fiOK!BB3 Operiting iii#n»e* «47,7i5 :.2»;.!»r,i 431.t*S >vt ■ 5201,534 (234.UUS $236. July Ito .lur.e — Grots <-a:r-,ir.s:> $11,896,128 $10,135,065 $P.3W.t)31 Optra-ir.g txpcnses &255.2U 7.417.&06 7.1&7.353 :*■» 12 moe. «s.wo,Bio $2,717.059 (2.200,540 ABASH. rf Jur.»» — Jftirbtr miies 2.367 2.3.V* 2.324 «i»»s $2.?:21.341 $1,934,839 $2.0^- «•',<» Oprrstir.jr •«..... J,3l\<j2S 1.C30.253 1,4^3.1•31 Vft Mr-.'rc? .... $802,713 $255,557 $844,108 Ju!y 1 f. J-jh» 00^ — GK** .err.lrgs $2S.oir>.37S |2<.6ML608 523 023. «27 Cpintir.c vxjvrse.- 18.077.55" 21».5tC,444 17, <>::..v.., Net tarr.intrs 12 mas. $«.ti37.-lUI M.IU.IM 55.340.118 TOLEDO. PBOBIA & WESTERN. Cr'rs.^ . .:■:-.'.!.=* $».«3« $101.£04 $o'!.4 >«J Eii-^" 1 7MISI 79.057 77,423 y : • $20.«55 $22,147 f^.:>K>, Cta:F-« :2xe». •c 2.'j.r«7') 22.7 M 23 I*3 , I'fSct *9S£I3 $CSt 92.070 LEXINGTON & EASTERN. M :.:\\ rf Jur.e — Or^^s c?.rrAr:^. ... 547.449 $44,215 f^.317 Set nsrninsrs 21.3GS 13.648 19.749 Twelve mcntbs — O-oss <arnlne» $S3BJ>l3 $46f».4/.S $»Kt?..J»7O 3fct eamlcgs 231,fi00 i:.i.K'j7 171.512 PETROIT & MACKINAC. T.rti tve-h; 5a August.. ?24,7'51 $i6.«70 ?r, ok 3Sly 1 to August 7 123.240 104.«.«<J7 15. 273 ■ BOSTON & MAINE'S YEAR. The Boston & Maine Railroad report* for the fear c::.i«i June 30 last: ir*w. ■'■ I Change* Qnts earnings $.''.r> 214.2A3 $M.213^45 1nc.f3.000.ii58 Ojitra.::r.» expenses. 20.353,3'» 24.6U.740 Inc. 1.733.629 Net earnings $9,snn.<i34 *9,503.f>ri5 Inc. 1267,329 Other Income 0^2.085 BS7.SM inc. 84,497 T^al net Income. slo ■_'.«. T.t $10.1^1.003 Inc. $3ni>2« Ctixges — ... — 5.2f«.715 8.1U.230 Inc. 133,479 Surplus $2.1«.i:'>4 $2,019,657 Inc. 5165.347 fit)c!r.c tar.i 134.2&5 13^.255 . ■ Ealur-:"* 15.051.019 $1.8f«.57S Inc. $1«5.347 XSt-iie-da 1.£34,04<i 1.606,046 Inc. 28.600 Su7j.;us $217,273 $76,926 Inc. $140.54T CENTRAL OF GEORGIA. The Central of Georgia Kailway Company re ports for the year ended June 30, compared with the preceding year, as follows: 1906. 1905. Increase. Ot6«s earnings $11,31*3,128 $10,135,034 $1,201,007 (**. ' - • :.; en«ea & taxes *.;:■)". 212 7.417,i«t5 >17."J4<; S<: farr:i!:^-E ?3.K.">'9 $2,717.t>-S 44."!, OUtr income 274.«>1 24<5.3tf4 »i,257 T>ta: ir.eriir.e $S.4SI ?1!,9C<,4X)2 H70.078 U IsuTf£i <n equipment !ru« obligations $80 838 $85,414 $15,224 jj.'-* 1 rt on fur.'j^U debt— fiice.l 1 ,C72.5««0 1.072.044 .V{»-> Rt.Uls 420.7.57 33«,304 M 4«3 Ifarellaneou* 10^73 7,173 3.70«> T< ■:■;.-. f2.1P4.5C0 *i.llW.a - !5 f73,»24 Btkt.r-i . 71.i:y.071 $A4.M7 $396,154 3e*rv. ) f ( .r interest jJiy- U.. ft.t. 1. ou inc. lx.s. 750.C00 750,000 ■ i.V- ::,_(,-.- >..»■ 071 $104,517 $396,154 PROFIT AND LOsS ACCOCNT. T t ■ r--\\\ b^lanct at June 250. IJKBS. wan $SJ*j.«sss 0! ••.'.:-.•. was eiiplifd for lnterc»t B*V :i ' •■'■* '•<*. oi. '*rr 1. 19C5: Si" '•!, ai ."• j^r cent on fi:*t jiref.-rent* | f f2'H'.'"lOO \ at r. i)..-r ct-nt on second prefer ence incoToe bon^s 850 M X.. :. ;;t .". j*r cent on third j reference i:icoi-*e 1/ccdjs ......-.•......-•...«.. 200,000 750.000 I**- ■ a !..-. Sance of 166.688 7>> r.t Income from operation* for this BiT.Vlytar.wiii t00,C71 Bew ■;■>.. i :;■: :u Otarcria Railroad tor se e»;tit of adjustment of &--<\>unu= In pre- H . ■■::' •►• J !s f' r tt-miina! facilities at Mr 40.580 '•'■::■• " $G47.U12 I*i- from :i<iui»iation of a*?rts and ila tsi'iit» .if receivers and purcbastra **» Ci- J ..- tialance/ June SO. lUOfj $047. SNTERBOROUGH'S BIG EARNINGS. Earnings of the subway nn<] elevated for the Jut,. Quarter, which . •;.- made jiubiic yesterday. ifciw?d hm itirr?ase in fcroes of 1741.521. as compared *W: th*- corfos^ondJng period a year ?-.{■.<■>. itn'irating sgr-in of nearly 15,000.000 !n the number of pa3.scn t*re carried by th* two rompanics. Of the increase X/S.m " BhoVn the subway. After the pay ttot of fixed chnrpes. Including the guaranteed *"*4jen«jß r>n Manhattan stock of ' per cent, the ""wVhrfrj irurplus of the two roods amounted for the <j<;aTtpr to J255.C19. The combined Income ac- for tl ft three months compares as follows »Ith the same periods in I&05 and ISM: s**» •" rr'.rc* - .'\ $4.r.4fc.543 $5.V4«.101 °P*»»tir.g f«;*tif<T.... 'lA2*.i:--\ 2,o»*o.fcS(l 1 .882.213 *•■ *«m'.r.r« ;.^.:,. - y: 147.057 |9,813>W1 •""• \r.^ J rr.<- 123.053 15«,552 P1.74W •** Ir.-r.ire 5.-; 258.621 92.«24.90S $2.2U.'..<i%0 -lr.\*~*n. tur^<; <\,y,x. j.v>r«v, &*** on vrrji»-m 4,', frfrt 42 «/• 3*5 OflO •• 'am. fc cis^VaV '.-. - T'.-i r<i.«'T. *■■: '■'■* %- r , !3 x^« -'- Mm I^7.r.cW» IT£..V.«i ■■' a^^ 1.7&3.<!77 1 ■ 12 101 830.90] ?-et (r.^rt..- BS f£c'<i.V) 7<Tj '.'43 7.">«.434 , V)l, '■'*■'> 13«.484 MANIfATTAN DIVISION. r , rnir , ps ovi "i f:: I:.s 0 . 2 $.T.74fi liil < n«ratu:- cxi'-uiiß.... ':•-.: I r:7».4A<» 1.632.213 OfW '•-•■- 12.114 $1,M1».r.|2 "« «.Vr .•.■•,.,■;. -«..- 73.658 8«.7«9 J'f 11 ir.<-«m» . . $2.nv»ein ji -•■ • I ■-. $•-• Sbfi.flM T ■ ">T-:; 1 TO.-i.-.s 1.r.«.i4.32S 1.&37.222 /Xttißcoo* • |423.U>9 91W.757 9768.4 M la thf fix*-.! charges are Include wyes - n prop *nr u&e»J in operation. fSC.OOO; ta><--u on «-ar::iiiß: •ad.-iplral. ;^:..7St; othc-r tax-?. ?:,:.. ■.()(»; retn^lc. /.Y DIVUfCK "-<• |on 3 *** '-srringf Sl.fC.lf.2ri4 81.345.871 I ■^n-di-.n <i:i#n»e» wiT 7<;-> 7<iJ,427 i !**>. farr/ns« »1.C51.5y, 104 A.444 j ftf -'t In;- Aim *>*-■- .k-:!.<K-i. k -:!.<K-i i JTeU! i^-r-m* H <«».OOH 9751.444 ! r »l£»4 'J:-rg*s & r.-s.rMJ ! •M* ir.«~ nj-- $"113,495 $•"*:::. 2i;8 ; i 8 Rrc-d cbargea are included '.!■'■<'. I for inierej;! ' °c fubdvd debt, 19.000 for taxes i>n property, and j *2"JwJ2 for itnt ale. EUROPEAN PRODUCE MARKET. Uverpool Aug 13. — Cbrtlug: WHEAT, spot ii .initial • jtßii> tney; «->i?<aul«r. i'w ;:*d; iJe«-inber. <Li. r. ' . <i : -larrti nominal. spot <;ui<-t «nU Httady; Ameiioau '"ir.»^, new, 4s 7tl; Ainericnn :ni<.-d. <•!<]. 4* M; futurea 4Uir«; 5^;.; ..,,,. H1 - A t ; J ,, ..-.yillHrr. 4» 7"/»<i. PEAS. r ~*u. ;;jij KUHiiy. Cm I<*2. FLOL'K, L-)ula fancy winter !**■•!»■. >■* ?A. HOPS. !:> Iyjr.don (Pacific Coa«), firm. g WJCM «'.*. 1 i.i-.K <3u!l; rkn. India mew. *!&». POBK 9M«; rlin* m«««:. . Western. V*. HAMt>. shurt cut 14 t? £'' ''- 'j-Jiet &m. BA»'OX «iu.j. Cumlwrlaad cut. SI U» FaV.tU.od; short rib. :<J ii 34 il. £$•; . H THE MARKETS. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. i. New York. August 13, lOtNS. Reans. white, bbls.. KOI Grapes (('all crates.. 1.875 Flour, bbls 5.2411 l'lums <Cal). crates... 14.125 r.«»ur. racks 12.7 I!» l'ears (Call, crates... 19.675 Cornmeal. bbls 22« Peachrs <Cal). crates. 3.U50 Cornmeal. bags 2.7'ir. Ralslaa (Cal», pkgs... 2.000 Oatmeal, bhU |00j Apples, bbls 4,125 Wheat, bush 28».«<>i; :*»tntoes. bbls .... ».io>» Corn, bush A.375- or.lons. pkgs »25 Oats, bush 143.700: !'..»in bl>l* 4,1.V» Peas, bash 1.4.«« Spirits turp, bW &25 Barley, lmsli 1.2-.k», Tar. tbls 75 Malt, bush i'.iM«t Sugar, bbls 800 Rioe. pkts Law $*ugar bags 15.050 Hay. tons iHN> ; Molasses. bb'.s 50 Straw, tons mi on. lub. bbls 188 Hops, hales t7!Ole o stock, pkgs 877 Flaxneed. bush WJ.Ooo I'eanuts, bags l.ifttt Hams, pkgs Slfl. Tobacco, hnds 450 Bncon. pkgs 43:, • Tobacco, tierces 25 Cut meats, pkgs 2 077 ; Tobacco, pkgs S.«IW> Lard, tierces 45; Whiskey, bbls 415 lard, kegs 8.37S Wool, bales »» Lard. cam-* "x Woo! sacks _ 250 Tallow. pkfra < - v Cotton, l.ales * 1.1K5 Grease, pkss 22«: 1 *(.ttnnsec<l oil. bbls... 1 T£* nutter, pkgs «.240 Copper, pieces 4.225 Cheese, tikgs 1.171 , Hides, bales 50 Eggs, caces fl.^i'l . Hides, bdls 1,700 Dressed poultry, pkgs 1.17!) Moss, bales 25 Live poultry, crates. l«*'i Wine (Ca!). bbl« WO Oranges <Cal>. cases. 2.725; EXPORTS. "vTheat. hush 22-1.0W.t Cottcnwed. ell. Ra.'B. m.« 99 Corn. bu«h S.ift*: Lubricating oil. gala 575,!)2i> Flour, bbls 407! Pork. Lbls 287 Grass seed, liars.- ■ l'»» Beef, Mils V* Oilmeal. Th 127.i'50' Iteef. tea 807 Oilcake. Tb 1.308.TJ8 Bacon, » 1.043,17.1 Spirits turp. gals. . . «..'(«) lard Ib 1,(i54.1«i Rocto. bbla I.WMi Tallow, Xh 1.145,200 Refined pe t. gals.. 310.500 j Or, ase. n> s^i.ooi» Naphtha, gals POO Che. -»c. Ib 34.500 Gasolene, gals 2iw; EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. Wheat, hush 553.423 ! Pitch, bhls US Corn, bush C42.M3 1 Tar. bbls 15 Oat*, hUEh 4<\775 Crude pet. gals lWl.OrtO Flaxseed. bush, 07.713: Refined pet. gals. .13,33*. J>lK Pea*, bush 4.312! Naphtha, gals 49O«0 Hcan*. b\;sh 7.740 j Benrine. pals 800 Flour, bbls £1.099 Onsok-nc. gals 20.850 Flour, sacks 52.373; Cottonseed oil. p-tls 315.335 Cornmral, bb!s 3.323; Lubrirnting oil. ga'.a 1.880.7W Feed. Tl. 5.4<H» Pork, bbls 3.350 Bran. IT. 44Si.i1>0: Beef, bbl* 3.132 "Grass M'ea. hagf.. "•"' Beef tcs 1.347 Hay. bales 6.142! Bacon Ib 4.7«1.22.-» Hop*, bales ii . Hams. Ib 534.600 Alcohol, pals C.7.V. Lard, Ib 8.b41.t«H» Whiskey, gals . 12.«* V Ur.l oli. eals 2.<»iO Cottonseed meal, Ik «.<*>.• Tollow, Ib I.MM.SOO Oilmeal. n» «i^.M».t Grease Ib 045.000 Oilcake. It. 3.3C2.f'/r. Gutter, ft «t7.«VK> Spirits turp. sals. . 08J0OO Chetse. tb 816,080 Hosin. 0».ls 1W»; CASH QUOTATIONS. Iron, Nor, No 1 My 4lo 50 | Cotton, middling 10. CO Iron. So. No 2 soft.. 1« 2T> ' Coffee. No 7 Rio 8% Steel rails 28«>0 Sugar, granulated 490 Lake copper ingots.. 1H 75 ! Wnlsnars. OK. prime 85 Tin 40725~; IM. family $10 CO Exchange lead 575 . lvrf hams 2175 Spelter 005 ■ How. prime 6 Wheat. No 2 red... 79% Pork, mm 18 50 Corn. No 2 mixed . . . «7 1 * ! ll.irc. dressed. ICO It. 9V» Oats. 2« to 32 Ib 3X 1 Lard, prime 860 Flour. Mpls. patents 440 i GENERAL MARKET REPORT. New York. Aw. 18. 18<W COFFEE— The coffee market was moderately active I to-day, and after opening 5 points lower to 5 points higher ruled generally steady fn local bull i-upr>ort, with ; the close steady, net unchanged to r. points higher, 1 Sales for the day were about 7(*.<X)o bag*. No further . nevs was received concerning the progress that the i Brazilian government Is making toward an actual appli ' cation of the vnlcrlzutton plan. That the states ere not J vet ready to enter the market as buyers would appear to i be evident, as the market at Rio was 29 teis lower, re j fleeting, no doubt, the necessity of weaker holders to j reallie. but Santos was 50 reis higher. The European i market was a little disappointing, if anything, with 1 Havre closed Vi franc lover and Hamburg unchanged to ; ht pfg lower. Receipts continued full ax Urazllian points. i The two ports reported 77.600 bags for Saturady, against J 43.000 bags last year, and Judtahy receipts were 40.000 bags, against 32.000 last year. Trie Brazilian crop move ' ment to dale has betn 428,000 bags lerger than for same i time lest year at 1.787.000 bags, against 1,374,000 bass . lan your and 1,621.000 bags two year* ago. The weather ; In lirazil was cloudy in a couple of sections, but ter n; peratures are running higher again, and the recent c Id I er.ap appears to have passed over without damage to the I coming crop. The market for spot -ofltee was steady, 1 with qoutstiocs on the basis of h%c for Rio No 7. The range of contract prices In the local market to day was as fellows: August OP * nln i- HtR - **? •SgSko Satur- Opening. High. Low. Close. das- August .. — — — *$* 6dO September MS 7.00 6.&S 8.0307.00 6.0) •October — — I°2ll-95 I°s November — — — 7.05i|7.10 7.05 i December 7.10 715 7.10 7.1"f»7.15 7.10 i Januaiy 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.2037.25 7.15 1 February — — — 4. ifif; 1.20 i March T-30 7.33 7.50 7.30Q7.a5 7.50 April — — — 7.35^7.40 7.35 May • 7.40 7.50 7.45 7-45e7.RU 7.40 June — — — 7. 805? 7. 55 7.4.'. July 7.55 7.60 7.53 7.55Q7.00 7 .5.1 COTTON — The cotton market reached another new level for the season during to-day's early session, but steadied up later in the ii.iv, with toe close only 2<3'4 points below the final "cures of Saturday. Sales for the day were estimated at out 800.000 bales. The market i opened barely tteady at a decline of 507 points and I ercrtly afterward sold "ft to a net decline of H<gi4 points, ! with October touching «.4ftc. The decline was under sell ing for both accounts, and as the market broke Into new ■ lev. cround some i«v?-nt buyers for a reaction dumped over i tl'«ir cotton. Lower Liverpool cables and bearish private I advices as to the probable course of "he ir.ark.-i to gc-tlur with a better eariy nreather report than had been ' expected -were the fresh influenrrs working on the break. ! wbUe at the decline some of the recent most pronounced ! bears seemed to be supporting the market, and it was < reported that some of these people bad turned to the i long '' '■'■ '* the account on the theory that the break • had gone far enc.ugh pending actual cunfirmatii n of the : big crop Ideas, and that the decline was gradually bring- I ing atx>ut an cumulation of short accounts which might I end in an oversold market. At any rate the market was I mucl; *t«ftlier in the afternoon. Hie detailed r<-r>rrt£ <f ' the Weather Bureau shoivin« more rain in the belt since ' last Saturday and heavier precipitation than suggested by j the early pay, may have helped In the upturn, but the average of private crop advices continued bearish. The liar.: closed very steady In tone and within a partial point of the top. Southern spot markets were generally unchanged to %c lower. Private cables from Liverpool reportt-1 Alexandria selling and stated ttat a crop esti mate of 33.U00.0UV bales from New York bad asslstea in the decline. The range of contract prices in the local market to day m as follows: Sat _ jr _ O-isning. High. Low. Close. day. August — — — 34© 0.50 '.»:« SeptemheV '.'.'.'.'. 0.40 J>42 037 t. 44* '•' 46 0.40 October . . . « r.s 0.« '.MS*< 0.«3 N'oveinber . »A* «•«♦ O.«l 0.07» 0.« O. 0» 1 ht-en.bcr .. ' 0"«0 »72 0.61 '.» 71<i 0.72 «75 J?r.«r, ..1.... 0.78 0.82 0.72 O.flO 0.83 0.83 i February ....!*«* o*o 008 0.68*080 O.M March " .." l>ol '■» -»7 i»-fcs O Mi V 97 0.1»S ' •T.,,1 _ — — Bl*€Tlo.oo 10.01 ' May .'.'.'.'.'.'.'■'■■ 1003 003 10.025J10.03 W.OB The local market for spot cotton was quiet and un 1 clor.ced- mi-ldlina upland quoted at 10<«c at..l midflling Gulf at 10.85 c. l>«-»vered on contract. '-*><* bales. Sou-h ern spot markets were teleeraphed us follows: New Or leans oulet. uncharged at 10 5-lCc: sal**. 178 bales. Charleston nomlral. Augusta weady, 1-1 «jc lower nt i 10 "4 c: sales 1.190 bales Oalveston quiet, »c lower at : 10 3-lOc; salea 1.46S bales. Mobile dull, unchanged at i •..-,<• savannah easy. 1-iec lower at lOHc; files no, ! hales. }*>rf )Ik fiuict. He low«r at 10% c; sales. .I 4« bales. i Baltimore nominal. %c lower at 10'ie. St. Louis quiet, unchanged at 10'ic: sales. 3« l^ilce Cotton Kmchang* special liverpoo cables: Spot r-ntton ouiet 8 ■•oinl* lower- American middling. .».«&d. sales. 5.000 1 bales; Arr.frican, •».<""': speculation and export. I i'«oo Receipt*. r».<»H> iwUi, none America!.. Futures 1 ..i.-.i qul'.t. 3 points Recline, and closej weak at a net 1 decline of 10012 points. August, r..361&5 37d: August- PrptVi b r. 5.32 d: S.ntembei October. 5.2«e5.27d; Orto ■ b,- N. ••••-;• er. 5!2485.23d: Nove:«b*r-D«ceinber. r,.^^ i 5 2M- December January. S.B3d; January-Februat y. 6.2K.1; r-. 1 ',- ,- v M:i: 6.2 f d; March-April. 5.904; April-May 's.'ild; Hay-June. "..331. Manchester— Varna quiet and I ™LOI?RfAND MEAI> — The market for flour was dull I -,r i without feature yesterday. Seles consisted or a fee I i!i-attire.l lots lo supply Immediate need*. Ryo flour In slightly better request. RYi: FLOUR steady; gu^t-',: I Fair to ■«,,.„!. f33P«93-r.; choice, I9SOCKM CORN MEAL, steady Quoted: Kiln dried. (380f?921». a* to brand BAO MKAL firm: quoted: Fine whit- and yel low *1 20891 23; coarse, UUXm -13. FKED-W, stern, dull: city, dull: quoted: w.-^t.-rn. jr-rin*. 117 «ft; statul • M ml-WIT*. $20. in 100 n> sacks; flour do, $8, red d..«. » ,4 7". an August shipment; city bran Mil 50 bulk. S2USO&S2I aactsj nsMdl.iW. M »>«*-* «>: *+*£*£****!*• U nrr!^ v ,^ O r, -•:■{ '.«i!k. *22 20 sack*: oilmeal. ».;■ »"?s.»' ..o. GRAIN— WHEAT— Within a comparatively narrow range of -rices the wheat market wan steady on the ,•.,..-.«•■ all <:av, dosing about unchanged from Saturday. Tl, „■ crowd aeenit I to be more in a bullish mood tha:i it was last week. and. while news •'!<! not Justify any a« ereaslve sur^-it of the market, than was no Important veiling the argument b»tng that prices were low enough to have about dlFcr.umed the big crop, sad that some ad vance at least from these levels was Justified. At the i*'ii!nir prices advanced •lightly on the brmness of cable* ,r,; ;. fa,-t that world's shipments were « rulllloi. b^nela b*hlnd the previous week. Toward mlddav there was a chnnge of front on prospect* for v iar«- in.-r.-a-e in heh c i-lslbJ* aupply. wl-.lch was verified later the figures ■howltig 203».0n0 bJsh gain over the previous week. •j54.«J0 bush Increase last >ear t)irr<- was |iriprov«nent again - the clearon^-* of 855.000 hush or »Jeat and a UttU covert among the ,; .r.-i clement. Th. factlthai exp'.Tt sa>s »••"• only about a aosen loads »!Um-d to make Uttle Impression im aontlnv-nt Small weekly export* fr«.m Russia and Argentina satisfied bulls that sooner '* later Europe inunt buy. an,! buy baa.iU. VWather conoitirmi. In th* Norihwmt wore very favorable for httrve^ing. but ln the Bouttnreal ewwlv. rains wen ■aid to I* rlii wining, wheat 'n iihork. Tlie Missouri sttitft r?"rt indleatM ■' yield of a3.3C0.V100 bu«h. agslnst :11. 200000 bush by the rovornment r.-p«rt. country accept ftnrea were r«-|^rte.l light by «..rn- and llh.rnl by others, ",." -. rrrelpts. however, were Ju,-t about In* sun.c w a . J ,.; r •.•:..« are crhedulrd to -hr.v.- n reduction In the Rnuthwest Uverponl ••«"<• hi«her nnd H>i.«a-,.f ßt ."< , rt- M'»-.. r •<rwlie fr.i*lr:i markets showed no '" V-\ WW'r elevator and V.<- fob ;! ,t No 1 Northern Duiutli rait" an-1 No 2 hftrt winter. tb%c • ». :if.,.»i /-, ■Jit"-_The r.»rn market was als. rather rjulet, with 1 >me ',:' nrmurc in S«pt»n»l«-r s< Cblea«o nn the ruenrion feat"*, fo»"wVi '■ ralll»« In Mte aft*rw»«n. whJc+i Mt k, ' rkf . fiti-iilv biQMo 'ijt-iier In New on/] w«rM«"llv*unrniPr«l ol °< W««o! "«' "tsldj.' of th« Fen %mhlr roni ""lotion tho tn.nk.t WnsS rather ivjll stip !v rted and "te^lv n-o,t of the Any, Influenced t v f, de rrX'ri «??m«W bash in »*»'« ejtportii to Pr^rnlnil !i K ht cooatn -.rr. rin^. n decreaw ofiTM.OOO I,'uV <n thn vl"lt.l» supply •■"'■' steajy .•!-.!'•-. Vri m m ic"e.,i" ;I™iW4<XSO bii»h. against r.i«.«» bush .-. year ago Vm! "«Wm p r-< .ticallj t.n.rnnue,l. tommlsslon housri woe Moderate sellers of Mny ".rn r.t times durln« lh« de£ Ti,-..!.-., marks* at v, , V..rl; wa. «tend>- export businejs. tlr.Mnr <••■ follow;: >■> - ••■■"■ •'!'*„ elevator nn.l r.7'-< fob oflnst; No 2 white. '— • and No 2 yellow. Blcfobafloat OATS With other markets . oati w,i.. generally Meody all day. without mii<-h ■ hr.n .- frmn Saturday. Country f)P"i»rlniiii were Hjrht. and |l'"l '" \i«»'ie ii. r...-. .•■: S7A/IQO l"i»h for the week. In New Tort tl.. <-a»h in-ii u»t cloved s* follows: Mixed. Jo I" 32 n. :u-c: natural white, -At t< 88 tt>, :;-i;:i'.' •■■: iiitM-ri white. ah if, 41. It) 425144 c quo tan ana on track hv umple hauls. !<Yi;— Market nominal; X ■ -' Western. 09c ,• I f N*w York. mew vokk PHICES. tjatur- Wlnit: Openrng. High. ?./>w. Cl>»e. * - <l»y. Repiemb^r 707-W 70% 70% 7&* i TOW^'^r -".... fc".* 3-T5 »2U bl J5-10 f2 £111 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 14. 1900. M^-. 8411-16 S<\ MS MS £4^ September — f nt', m*4 wa'ket. oVt?n *=•"— Sfil**- ««»s aiso uigher In the UundoS I?«**L«1^ PPC unchanged, uke wan quowu ut Si at jit\^k.' t * :^ lytk Ul UlW'BWit^Uß, lad oast !V. 11>S * C - U£Ai>-l*ad wu» unoiuwiieu at -.'.sc -Wirr«' mJr * et - ""I advanced 1. 3U io £!? in mnaon. aid,t.^, ! *'f WUtt «n«i«mra«l at t-ti 17s bd in i^maoa aSfid wiS^i 00 , '" he local »'« »'tt. ikon— iron *«.» div^l. J.f, '^.1:i.. 1:i .. tl " sts tn XK u "h tMiiiiets. witii Mandard foun- Ln Lksul(f / l --• on v.levtianu wariaata at r-:a *'*v. 1» vis U uotpi *'iiV ra "/ c:>ortcd - No 1 ruunviry. Northern. Iit",?!-^ I 1I 1 ♦ 1 »J»®»"'«»: No ■- lounaiy. iNurtnern. .ii No lr^ .^ ; , ?' v- 1 'ri " ar at Southern, So. "i-ho market lor ni- T, - v " *"»*•"». at «lH(Mt»>'<v. Tha lor ulth . ■ "• rl "'"»ttfa at iha 1-ruuuce fcixchauge. was quiet. iHr^.7* »? '' " ana » Cl '« 3 -Meier. No uOca were i«- -. qUl>t * : SianJard foundry. Auiruit. »1» 15 bid; ♦if I&te^d ! ' ad Nov<ln * JCr . »IS«f#iba«/; Decmabia-. «tMVv L V" SSS S AND SYRUPS— ilolaaaea and ayrupa are SJf iin- S.« irm ,' Wlth n»oderate Jobbing business it lull c"ntrl\ui£/*" UU i p ' il * > - Wuotailcn 9 lulfuw .New or.eaiiS. ls?i-iJ. * ri Kals> '» co»nmon. 14610 c; lair, ltiftlSt:; gooo, ffisMto!; «X&2Sc; New oueans. cpen Keale. ot)^ S^ r,M,. ?? > .' C "i"'"°' l - »MM5c; talr. liSl.c; «ood. lsj "^.'r P . '"/Vj^V*-* 0 : lancy. 20yiSc •>. -in iW ? lU -\ —mo ;,r^.i*ioii market was generally firm i*J i^vi. U J*T Jri wht " r * a -i«lr.C caused a s.isfat setback. ,°J ii U i. 8 natives *•*■ * mail receipts, niftier live hogs w£.i* * bpe^ u^ Uve one, ings, Kwefpu a i Chicago uei dtUJW nogs, vuui 21-. utu exptcivd un Tv »da>. iv»m«» <-lty htVoK- b.ouo. Orcaha ••<«« «nd the West <i3.t00. I'OKi*. ««i- J ,i * teaa »,: uuoiwi at $16 i5&»18 ;5; fjunllj-. $1» &0© SKfIVJMtS * Iti »* u : Packtt. *K-'<*iO. «xtra liitiia. mis*. tin^ S .'f-Vl'&^ BllJiiai ' HAMS steady; quoted at *2i»#^.' £0. i il^T* 1 »l? HOGS quint; guo.e.l: Hocona. h-^c; IS*/ iu, J**.c; lickied bolllesivaay: Quoted: a,uokinjf. 12^«i.-Klc; 10 Ib. l-c; » ?,,. li l^. ■; 14 Ib, lie; pickled BhDulCeis nominal: quoted ÜBKm«; pioktad hi>niß steady; quoted at 129 :-. -f- TALU ' steady; city, ie; country, i»Cs*»c.i »Cs*»c. LAHD steady; quoted: Alicia c West, prime. >'.;r.'»jH>sc. nominal; city larl strndy quoted at rellned lard Him; footed: South America: 10c; imminent, !>.:;«c; Urazil. kegs lO^Oc; compound stead} ; quoted at 7^«7?»o. STEAHIXE t^JSI q H. r ' t<?J: Ol*o. 10*4 c: '"> Urd «;oarlne. lOUc , BICE— The market nan Heady locally and Quite t:rm at primary pdnis. with bu»ln«M .juite active, mi ic'.rl.v good uajoiuuents were prc«tnt«.l for Uie inspection of buyeis. }* i e .2 uole V Dvm «*«'<-- ««r«««»nira. 3'<i«*3-*c: *econd heads. 4^4Vic; choice head*. 4«504%c; lancy lead*. sQ3'rc; extra fancy heads. s%e«c; Japan, domestic. 4\i&4\c; "SfeJiMfSli , Javj ' «^«»'«c; Hang.-0,. 2Uc « V , * 1111 "' ■"•"■* *«■■» lI! " te active at full but unchanged pric«p. on the basis of 4.80 c. less 1 per cent cash for grunuiitu-d. Prioea quoted are net. le«s 1 per cent ter cash: Cut loaf " nd cru»hed. s.Otic;. Otic; Mould A S.S9e; cubes, .. 1..r : XXXX powdered. r.u.V; powdered. conrse powdered J and , fruit powdered. 6e; Ka«le confectioners- Kranuluted, « ...1...; Bogie coarse and t:a»le extra «inc. til. «S« S * l'-IT> eartor ' 8 and 2-Tb bass. line. 5.05 c: .V-R> t-ags. fine s.Ojc; Katlt fine or standard and Diamond A. 4.00 c; confections a. 4.75 c-: No 1. 4.83 c: Nos 2 and 3. •-«*:• Ho 4^ 4.40 c; No 5. 4.33 c; No «. 4.30 c; No 7. 4.25 c; No 0. <-'•»<■: No !». 4.15 c: No M. 4.10 c: No 11. 405 c; vl', »■» ■ • •■ °1 13 ' v and 15 - -* ac - '• l " n< ' l-ondon mar ket for sugar beets wen dull and somewhat lower, with August quoted at ps HVid. and September, at 8s »Vl The local market remained Btroac with I ght offerings L n a IJ. Posi"™*. Duty paid prices wero quoted at 3%c 9 i Z^-fl 1 eentl l lf "« i! . 3-Hic for 69 test tnuj-rovndo, and 3 l-iCs?3*4c for .V.» test molasses sugar. COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. „-,... ..._ __._ New York. August 18. 1008. _if.r . S " tND PEAS— Continued dulness In domes tc wnite beans Is causing further weakness, and our outside quotation* are becoming more extreme. Red kidney are quite strong, with $3 M now generally asked, and some export business reported at that. Scotch peas steady. Vie quote: BEANS, marrow, choice, per busli $2U5; fair U> good. 9280093 00; medium, choice. $1 Ti^iikl «9: common to good. $15009175; pea. choice. #1 57',»4i5l *); fair to g-ooii. ?1 4.*;^Sli>j; red kidney, choice. *3Os«|S;;{ 10 : fair to good, $2 75(S$S; white kidney, $:t<J*;; 15; black turtle soup, >3Wff«as:.; yellow eye $155; lima. California, *2K.; GREEN PEAS, Scotch, $i 156*1 17^». BLTTKU — ileceipts t»,-<3ay. «,240 pkBS. Supi>lU>a present and prospective are somewhat lighter, and with very fair trade the market is again higher aiKl linn. The of llclal quotation for extra creamery was advanced to ~ -<'. ar.d later business was reported on the Street at from that pi ice to 28c, latter for high scoring lots. All the other graces .-;f creamery sympathized in the improve ment. In fact, the market is about '«c higher on nearly all classes of stock, extending down to low grade ladles and packing stock. We quote: Creamery, extra*, i' 3to i*s score, per Ib, 22V5923c: do flrs-tg. 20^ji/22c; do seconda. lUQ^Oc; do thirds, UlieiSHc; state dalrj". tubs, fresh, taocy, 2lht<a'Sic; d«. firsts, I'JVjijii'-'Hc: do second*. Is® lUc; do thirds 16^®17',ic; Western imitation creameiy, •xtias, lltaiuijc; Uo firsts, 17',*<SJSc; renovated, exiias, lUVsi^^Oc; do firsts. lJ<i&18i»c: do seconds. 16#17c; do thirds, 14^1.">c; Western factory, firsts, 17^sc; do seconds Hi-d'.c, tin thirds. U'-~<q ;l3'. c; packing stock. No 1. 17c do No 2. lO'.jiilli'ao; do No 3, 14«1.V. CIIEU.-'«K — to-day, 1.174 l>ox^s. With rather n <.re interest shown by dealers, especially from out of town, and continued high price paid in the country there was a stronger market and prices were advanced We on all grades. Trading is fair end the feeling appears to be steady at the advance, skims only moderately active, out tie higher !n sympathy with full cream. Liverpool cable, SSs for colored and 57s for white. We quote: State, full cream, large, fancy. lH»c; do fair to good, 11*»@ ll'.ic; do small, fancy. ll?ic: do fair to gone!. 10%»@llV»c do inferior. 9'/i@lo^c: do naif skim*, large, best. »c; do small, bent. IKfiO^ic; do part skims, prime. 7\SFB^o; do fair to gocd, Gtt@7Uc; do common. 435 c; do full skims, l£F2c. Receipts to-da;\ ».SOl cases. Quite an accumu lation of stock was carried over from lsst week, mostly of the undergrade. arJ while the fresh arrivals promised to be lighter, it was difleult to i« -t buyers to pay any more money for the goods. The feelinz. however.' Is a little firmer, especially on the more desirable lots. Quotations are unchanged throughout. We emote: state, Pennsylva nia ana nearby selected, white, fancy. 24925 c: do choice. S2O2Sc; do ordinary to jrood, ISVgL'lc: do mix* I extra 'Sity 23c; dv extra first!". 20#21e; do firsts. lSH©lOc; Western, selected. »>est. lM^lO^sc: do rirst3. 180TS^c: do geemds, 16Vi©17%c; do thirds. 15 be We; dirties, 13S14Hc; checks, OCfUHc HOPS — continue qnitc firm in their views, but the movement is restricted, owing to light available sup plies. Oop advices continue good from all sections of this country, but little if any improvement from the ■ other Hide. We quote: State. l!>0.->, choice, per Tb. 13fll 15c; common to fair. ll@12e: Pacific Coast. 1005, choice, 17@lSc; good to punic, 10@'16c; do common to fall 133 He: do 19t>4, M#lle. PO.rL.TTIY— AUVE — Receipts to-day. 14 cars by freight sn.l «bcut 1 car by exprrcs. Advices indicate liberal sup plies for. the week, footing up ■*."• to CO cats by freight. Fowls v:(-t- reduced ! :-c. but Wt-stem chickens were ad lac, thuUEh Southern chickens urn-hanged. Old rorwters unchanged. Ducks and ceeso about steady. We quote: CHICKENS, spring, Western, per Th. 14'» c; do Southern and Southwestern. 14c: FOWLS, per Tb, I3c; K<>. istkks, old. per In. 8c; TCKKEV3. per TT>. 13c; CHICKENS, Bpring. I«>ns Island, per Ib. 12«tlSc; do Western, old. per pair. 70980 c; do Southern and South western. 3nf/'.". •: DUCKS, spring. 40c; GEESE. Western, per rair. 91 -'.■'<sl 80; do Southern and Southwestern »0c; PIGEONS, per pair. 25c. I>RES3F.r>— Kecvlnts nnd m vnices are not especially heavy of either fowls or spring chickens, but fowls felling very slowly, and the fteltnsj a shade v.-eaker. Sprint? chick us. however, in fair demand and steadily held. Very few fresh killed turkeys arriv ing. Nearby sprlntr chickens, spring ducks and squabs nominally unchangfd. We quote: Fresh ki'.le.l- Iced— TURKEYS, per Ib, ll®12c: CHICKENS, spring. Philadel phia, dry picked. '■'• to 4 IT) average to pair, fancy, 32c; do over 4 IT). 20322 c: do average run. M-irl^c: do New York and Pennsylvania, dry picked. 14Sl^c; do Western. drj' picked, fancy. 4 IT) and over to pair, 15c; do nveraEe. 131J14e; do scalded, fancy. 4 It) and over to pair. I.V; do averai-f. I"'ti4. : do ;~..uthfrn nr.d Southwestern. 14c; do poor, 5© 12c : FOWIjS. Philndelpljla. dry picked, per It. 13Vk^14c: do Western, dry picked, medium nize, select ed. l":'. 1 •; do 1 eavy. 13c; do avrraoe run. 13c; do poor to medium. I'^'l2'^c; do Southern and Southwestern, 13M:c: do Western, scalded, medium s!/.", selected, IK 1 -.'; do avernife run, We; do poor to medium. 10($12Vxc: do Southern «r1 Southwestern, 10Q13^c; old c. t-Ks. t\r\ picked nr.d Kalded, per tb. H'-ac; DUCKS, spring. I>.r;r Is!iir.i and Bistern. 12(fJ12'ic: do other nearby, 12c: do "Id I>vig Island iir.d other nearby, 10c; GEESK, spring. Eastern, white. ><«* li'»- •: SQUABS. prime, large, white. r.« -r dozen $1 ."><V.i»2 7." do mixed. $1 25591 50; do dark. ?i i.'.*« 151 27: <: . cull*. 50®«0c. POTATOES .AN', VEaETTABL.ES— Irish potatoes meet a very cond deman.l and prices pile firm. Sweet potatoes In rather lighter supply and doing a little better. Onions firmer, with a y oo 'l demand fi.r all prime dry stock. Ciifum'iT? and cucmnber pickle? largely in had order and pressed for rale at low figures: fancy ft ick wonM bring previous lop quotation* I-ltra heans «re moving slowly; quality -larc^ly Inferior and most sales nt low !>ri>-<-«. Western New York lettuce mostly in I>- 1 con dition; fancy et'Kk would sell '.v>-li Western New York green peas brought better prices when fancy, but pour stock so.d low and string Ix-ans were without lpiprove mrat. Tomatoes doll and easier. We quote: POTA TOES. I.- •:•■ Island, per M.l. $1 r.fKJSI 7:.: do Jersey. muni. 91 30®*l »"2: do lon*, .«1 4O(T;S1 50; do r fl ' bug. 51 4i>si!»'. i.".- do Southern per bhl, $' •_•.". «si .V»: do sec onds and culls. 7.V«?*l; PWEET POTATOES. Jersey, raw. No 1. p- 1 \. r.\t\\ 2.".: do fulls, 50£75 c; do old, per b«f>krt. 7Rc€>l 25: do !'a-uni Shore. No 1. per bbl. $2 2.MJS2 7.': .1 , North Carolina, 92«?2 30; do Southern eulle 5Oc0?l; ysniy. So'Uhrrn. white, per bhl. SI Tit!© $1 T. i do red $1 -'■•-■I 75: BEETS »nd CARROTS 100 bunches. $1; ■'. ■ carrots, p«r bbl. Sl^ 1 CABTWGKSf I>.rir rcl<*n4 nnl .Jersey, v-r 100. «2#r»JW»: do per Mil. »Ao*»*l; CUCUMBERS. Jersey nn*i Irrisr l«land, per box, .-'..• ■"; r.0.-: ■: ■ 1- ■:;■-- Iflan-J. per bbl TV«sl 50; do R-ck land County. p. :■ bbl. H«t«l flO ■'.•■ -MMnv and Bu"T«lo. per h3Fl;rt..'7.V-ftsl: ri - fTTCt?MP.En PICKJ**:*. H<« klnnd County, per bbl. <1-''.'*l >' <^o .Tr-r**y. !MV«#«l :(>: CORK lying i«lan<l. p»r" 109. 7.". ■'■* + 1 '■'-. ■' • Hackensark. $1© *1 ?-, do Mnn^n-uh County. fKV«?»l: do South J«-r»«v !M)«'7Sc: '•r~;>:i:Y state ant! afi<*hicin. '■•■»• dozen. 1"^, -n... .;'.. Jersey, per deseo stnlk«. lOTiOr.r; CA1"1»1- FIjOWKHS. I>">nc f«iPTid, per hbl, !Wc©»l 7.'.. do stnt-, m S i ar bbl .<-?<*<-■-': FOfiPT.AVTS. J»r»«y. per hbl. 7.'..-<ssl An per '- W.I I>.-<«U"t. 35<J50c; do per lv»* 2Ti«l' 4(V I>IM.V BEAN*. 1•" Urn:. «1 2Pa«l 75; <!o South Jersey, potato. r-*r baa-. T.'i"ff*l; •'.. flat. IVIET.'Vv An potato per '<• I'M b"««1wt. 7.VITSI C.v do n>t. 71cM$1; do Inferior BO4f*Or; LKTTI'CE «tif, per •? hi! Intake, |t|)?«r(1; do per 2 iioten b-'X T'^Tr.,-. ,'.. i-eirlv. per Ml. >VC)fr <1n •••■* >■• >»!«"t .VK.-7'.-: 0V*O"« Cnnsect'eut. whit-, i" r Mil. KMTS3."W): :■• r'l. *2ffW.TO : t.. Orango fteunty yellow, per Wag. $1 7-".-«*2: ■' ■ r^l 7Sc4?sl 23: do P« nn/ylVanla yellow. per 1 n»-l:<>t. ,-1 12*i*1 2.".: do Shelter r viand per !•' l. it'.'Vj J2 :,:i: dr. other I ■"'' »-'-in'! and Jer •<-v red and yellow. n»r I, 1 . 1. SIT:.* 1 ;:,'.: fin Jer«ev. whit* per twite*. »1 sr.iTSI 7.".: .'■• yellow *117«t 2V <»o Prlr-war- find M.-itvlnrd. uhlre. jirr bimli cr<>t». f;*i»! 85; do Maryland .-.n.l Virginia, w>>tte. r^r bbl. «^*fj:t r>BTT»», c, .i.. .,.,. p'-- oarr'.-r. :.o' ,1-rsrv. PW I.IWO »1*!$1 2.; r»r"Tip»-,r<«; Jersey. t-"-r 1. 1. "" -'"IXI . do 1.. r ',L., L . i>: ! h«a k't 2S*tC6f: 1' ■ [■ r hoT. :>"<7."or: d"> •.v. iv per basket ■ r crate .VK7T3c- PEAS, Western ?f»w V .rk larere r<r hirket 7. r .«-«r«l "•'. do per bag. "ift<^»*l 12; STRIVO riEANS, state, f.-r<» r ncr 'ti«]-. > IMrfFtl: do wax. ."HT "c do per In- 4Ct77Sc: do neai^v. i.r hn«ket or !nc :..,-o SO' T/ V?" marrow, per 1.1.l 7".^i|l : «lo yellow rrnokperk nn-1 whU. 50«7V>; TOMATOES. n-"rhy. T.r sey. . r box, 9fi6W»Hp: An Hou'li Jersey. 2.'.^'7.V; Tfi; XHS .T.^-rr* v r-'t:il "g.i r-» v l'''l. T!W*. l".\v ANTI ST'tAW — Buealpts were asatta remark- pviv light even for summer romnuaDttO) BnT"rs pit* ih>4 ("rawing cl- '•• W*W|>t an n«« aa nii re ■. •■ruMc market • h« reao..r.«'. issparted later on. Prir«-* are in no way ,, .-i i 1 x - 1 1 d last we«k'« rnn«;t'.'. nn.l t>>!« <•'»••■ not en ,.,,,..,,,. «tor|n« tit th* 1 ".iiif-nt. \W /mete: I'rl" 1^ larre ta'rr i-r l«>0 IT.. 11 OS: V- 1. !<7'7(i/.M No 2. KQW*". No .1 7JWi«k- l«hlnplP« W-eiilft": rlover. mix"-!. '- ■"■l. srV7K r .e : ,r other. <■•>'•-■<■■. d^ :.--ir. In ■.--^.! nrder. rR«TT»»c PTRAW ._ly^ •>.' rye la steady nrd iwchawaed nt fISStMAp for useful to ; .f long iv<>. !'• -'-ii.ts of hnv nnd straw. In ton-. rrncrtM nt th" P» olttr« RTrha^ge nt noon to--1»y: Hudson Wi-er r.nilroa.l. 70: Erie V.'o IVnrsyl -<nl«. 2<>: I : >1- it., r A , ,; 11, . .:.•:■.! Nt N." .'•■!>■ 221: river Iwats. 100; total, "00 ion». Wf >is>ta .f straw, «1 lana LIVESTOCK MARKET. New Y..rU. August 18, l'.t'W! UnEVKS— Re eloti for two days* were .:i>l 1 ars. or 5.830 head. Including *■"■ cars to be exported alive, mi ears dlrset to slaughterers and the ba!tin"e for taa market, innkintr, with the stale stock. "4 cars on Bale. £S at Jersey ■ ■ 115 and A at 80th street. On I'ght receipt* th.- j wa» more active and ..i..iiii'i to prims steer* 10c higher; common «<■•< r.- alow ■■•'■ ' unchanged; huiin i.n.i rnt cows In more demand aril unchanged: abnui nil wild; nt'lctlv mm mcm to ch'.iro »i«>r» M>ld nt *:: •.;■>." '.mi p-r 100 IT). ..\<-n nnl ataav »' M !SlaJ9B 10. bulls vi * 4 .>fj*r{ •.'■".. no real rat tiuila offerfd. and mw* and ii-if»i* at *l«? 4 Urcusd beef more a<-lli'p and firm lit 7*!*.' par th fur Munition In I prime native «'•!•»; general sales at PtTflc: v«rv little j common Western beef or, sale. latest private cables from I .. :.:. I. end 1.. .., ;. •■■: -:e rnarbet lower; .I.* a lt|. Auction Sales — Financial, »M»ltl « .1 MrCORMACK. A-artlonecr. I >.i I. \|{ auction sale of STOCKS AND BONDS By ADRIAN H. MULLER & SON, ''i ii< i .-v -.-. WILLIAM STREET. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15TH, at 12:30 o'clock, at the EXCHANGE SALESROOM. NOB. 14 AND 16 VESBV sntKKT. _. . By order of Trustee. ; BO aha. Guaranty Trutt Co. FOR ACCOUNT OK WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. 0 »hs. German Kxchange Bank. U sh«. Bark of Manhattan iv>. ?j.<KX> Memphis Uas Co. Con. & Refdg. 5 p. c. Bd-.. 1V43. 25 ahs. Ptn«M«ra Cemetery. $3.0(W Equitable Life Assurance Society free tontina ,--«„■> »«>»at policy No. ftt).lK. ♦"(.000 Crimcra Mantinrtf Ist Utg. 6 p. c. Bd*. 1014, Mar.. l»05. coupons on. «O eh». International Elevailns Co. 1«W Him. American Sapphire Co. 100 Mis. Union Ty'iewriter Ist pfO. CO she. Plnelawn Cemetery. 50.500 Jlt«c. jnn.le by M attic R. Ward to Jos. Sawyer, dated Mar. 2a. 1009. three years at 6 p. c. In terf?t *^. note, propcity Palmer Hill, iirven wlcJ). Cx>nn. 7 shs. Waukeaha Water Co. S3D,UO<> A.nerh-.iu Cotton Co. demand note dated July 12. lUO4. and the following collateral thereto: Jli».00(» American Foundry & Machinery Co. demand note, dated July 5. 1304. and J2.500 Mls»:itslpi4 cotton products Co - demand note, dated July 5, ■ $5,000 Oklahoma Cotton Products Co. demand note datod Ju'.y U. liMK. $15,000 Texaa Cotton Products Co. demand note, dated July !•. 1O*». $23,000 American Foundry ik Machinery Co. note, dated Apl. It. l»04. due Aug. ». 1U0!. $10,000 American Foundry & Jlailiin'ry Co. note dated Apl. 12. 1001, due Aug. 12. 11)04. $2,£00 Mlsfijylr>i i o.tton products Co. demand note dated Sept. 2. lir>». 510,000 Tennessee Cotton produttii Co. note*, dated May 24. li.'-'is. due July i<3. 1904. J2.500 Tf-niic-ss-ee Cotton Products Cb. demand notes. datrd Sept. 2. 11*04. $20,000 Tt-xas Cotton Products Co. demand note, dated A')«. 2t» 1004. 13.000 Texas Cotton Products Co. demand notes, dated £ej>t. 2. IHO4. SIO.OOO Tt-xaa C»;tton Products Co. notea, dated July 0. l'.-i'l. <iw AUK. 8. 1004. $25,000 Texas Cotton Products Co. notes, dated May 28. 1004. due Aug. 26, 1804. $23.C0(> Texas Cotton Prcduc-ta Co. notes, dated July 11. It*u4. due Auk. W. 11K»4. IK, ahs. (about) Etote Ginning & Baling Co. 14 Fh«i. <about) J'cmmon-n-folth winning «c Baling Co. selling at 10 He per lb. dressc.l weight; refrigerator beef ot OSSi'Ho per Ib. No exports fion this port to-day. To-morrow the Bovie. to Liverpool, will carry UflO cattle. equally divlaeil between J. bhajnberjf & Son anil Schwara- Ecl:ild & Sulsterger, and about 3.7W1 quarters of beef for the Morris Beet Company, an I the Titian, to Manchester. will take out £40 cattle tor J. ShambcrK A Son. gales. — 8. ganders: 12 Ohio steers. 13T.2 Ib average, at $.'• (A per 100 Ib; lit do. 1135 Ib. at $4 00; i uo, 101(» U>. at ft 75; 5 do. '.**> Ib. ut $4 CO; SB Virginia do. 1247 lb. at SOW); lit Illinois do. 117» tb. at $3 10; a bulls, IXB6 IT., at $3 £5; 2 do. Ut'i Itj. at $2 7.'; U do, S3U tb. at 82 TO; 1 do. Ii&» tb. at ¥2; l.i cows ana heifers. loM Tb. at $4 35; 1 stag. I.T.ik It., at $5 10; 3 oxen. ISIU U.. at $4 £3; 3 rows. 12TO th. at $4 25; 2 do. 1040 tb. at $2 &0; 21 state heifers, 743 n>. at $3 50. J. thamberg & Son: 7 Ohio steers. 12*5 n>. at $5 00; II do. 1273 ft. at 90; in do. 10N~> n.. at ♦•".»>; I'J Virßlnia do. l:;:.*> tl>. at ¥5 75; 45 do. l":i.l n>. at $5 70; 4 do. 12i*7 Ib, at K> CO; 10 do. 121?, IT>. at $3 38; 1 d.». >-3O m. at $4 40. Newton & Co.: 18 Kentucky eteoi*. 13l»S Ib. at *5J«>: 19 Went Virginia do, 1237 It., at (5 47%: 17 Virginia do, 11H8 Ib. at (5 .*!(>: 24 Pennsylvania tmiscdj. 1000 It), at £3 20; 2 Virginia heifers. 111& TT-. at $4 50. Sherman & t*ulver: 17 Virginia steers. 1106 n>. at $5 10; 2 do. lid 11.. at $4 66. McPhersn & Co.: 21 Kentucky steers. 1243 tt>. at .V><s3; 18 dc*. 11.'.T tt>. at fO: ■ bo. 1087 tb. a: $4 00; IS do. 11«2 tb. at $4 f'.. 1 do. I 1I 1 SO It. at $4 .'••'; 13 do. 10i4 lb. at $4 30; 21 do. l'-TH Ib. at $4 10; 2l» Virginia do. 1197 It>. at S3 45; 2T> 'Pennsylvania stock»rs. KOS tb. et $.125; 2 bulis. f>«s lt>. at «»; 2 cows. i>:Ti IT. at *2 •'•(*: 10 do. 1075 Ib. at «2 f0; 1 do. C»7O !b. at II 40; 2 do. 700 Tb. at $1. Ilabenstein. Harris & Conner: 20 Virginia steers, 1276 Ib. at $5 86; 20 do. 1175 Ib. at $3 30; 20 do. 11K2 Tb. at 04 65. Kratz & Cocper: 29 West Virginia steers. 1241 tb. at $5 70. Tob'.r. & Shannon: 3 bulls. 733 Xt>. at $2 30: 8 cows. 840 IT., at $2 S3. J. O. Curtis A Son: 32 bulls. 010 It,, at $2 SO; 25 do. ft» tb. at %'£ 70; 23 do. $*2 Ib. at $2 60; 2 do. 690 Tb. at $2 <>; 1 60, 000 It,, at 52 25; 1 do, 660 Ib. at $2; 4 cows, 1000 tb, at $3 85; 3 do. 726 Ib, at 51 73; 1 do. 030 tb. at (1 26; 9 do. 623 Ib. at 01. W. R. Hume: 1 bull. 770 Ib. at >2 SO; T do. MS To. at $2 03; » do. 7*3 Tb, at «2 5O; 1 cow. «30 Ib. at $1 75. .1 P. Nelson: 3 bulls. 10»3 Tb. at $2 75; C da. 776 tb. at $2«i: 1 cow. 730 IT), at $2 75. Jelllffe. WrlKtit & Co.: 3 bulls. 82* Ib. at ?3: 1 do. 1070 Ib, at $2 85: 1 do. 660 Ib. $2 CO; 2 cows. 310 Ib. at $2 80. John Drucey: 2 bulls. 1100 !b. at 52 85: 1 do. «40 Tb. at $2 50; 1 cow and calf. $42 50. Ooorjre & V. S. Dillenback: 3 bulls, 1113 Th, at *2 S3. CALVES— Receipts were 3«?S head. Including 0901 head for the market. 71« at Jersey City, and 2*22 nt Iflth •t. Veals opened 25c hlarher, but cloee^l Flnw, with the advance lost; grasscr* and buttermilks steady. All early arrivals were sold. Common «i chotep veals sold at $.VJJ .«s.-,d P< . r ioo Ib; culls ani "throwouta*' at ?4S$4 SO: buttermilks and ?ra»sers. at $?, 30954. City dretwd veals firm at 9<gi2'tc per Ib; country iires.?o3 calves unchanged at MJlO'.jc. .Sales: J. G. Curtis * Son: 139 vents. 156 Ib average, at tSSO i-r lrtO It.; 85 do, 147 Ib, at BS37 1 -: 169 do. 150 R). at $8 25: 44 da. 150 n.. at $8 23. le*s «7 on lot: 87 do. 140 Ib. at $S: 1« do. ITS Ib, at *7; 3 do. 183 Th. at $«: 5 do. lft" Ib. at if 3 150: 31 dr>. 172 Ib, at $■*<: 25 do. 149 Th. at 04 SO: 10 do. 144 tb, at $4; 3 do. 230 tb. at $3 75: 6 do. 118 th. ot $3 50. John P. Ne!?on: 17 veils. 161 ttv at *<* .V.; 11« dr.. 168 Th. at fSB7»i: 78 €0, 1150 Tb. at *S 1.'.; 34 do. 137 tb. at $7 75: 12 do. 122 Tb. at $7 25: 11 d\ 302 IN at XT.; 118 butterniilkf. Ifi7 Tb. at $4; 10 veals, 203 Ib. Nt 94 50. Andrew Mullen: f*> veals. 14« Tb. at |$ .10; 10 do. 144 tb. at *.'>: 4 do, 138 Tb. Nt ft 25. Jelllffe. YVrieht & Co.: 2U real*. ISO Tb. at ?S ,V»: 64 do. 121 Ib. at $7 7.V 10 do. 123 Tb. at $7 23; 14 do. 103 Th. at .$.-.50: 40 do. 2«2 Ib. at *4 12^; 8& do. 15S Ib. at 54: 24 do, 20". n>. at $3 75 \Y. B. Hume: S3 veals. 120 Tb. at SR .V); 213 do, 139 !t>, at SR2.": 2.". throwouts. 170 m, at ••">; 20 grassers. 194 It., at 83 85: 15 do. 163 tb. at f3 75. B. W. Ot<« A Co.: 163 veclß. 144 Th at $8 50: :» do. 183 Tt.. at *523: 5 do, 10« tb. at $4 50; 4 buttermilks. 190 IT), at S4. Georre &• I* P. I>ill»nl;aok: 35 veals, 157 Tb. at $8; 87 do. 12. . ITi. Nt $7 25: 5 fed calves. LOS Tb. at $4 50; 44 buttermilks IS7 Tb. at *4; S« do. 152 Ib. Nt $3 ."-0. S Sanders: 43 veals. 15"» It., at f.i 50: 50 do. 1."4 IT., «t$R25: 46 do KM tb. at $S 10: 03 do. 1«4 Th, at IS; 2» do 150 n. at ?7 73: R.S da 143 n.. Nt $7 «5; 23 do. 133 Tb. at t7 50; 12 do. 175 Tb. at $3; 7 do. 151 Ib. at *4 75; 3 do. ISS ITi. Nt $4: 12 ii nasal s 2<V> Tb. at $*. S. Judd & < ••> . : 3« reals. 137 ir>. at Cft37V>: 24 do. 12.8 It. at *s-3: IS <10. ISC il). at $7 50; 4 do. 132 Tb. at $3 50; 1 rrasser, ISO tb. at $4; 12 Virginia calves, l&S Ib, at To»'!n & Shannon: Tt2 veals 139 Tb. at M 23: 11 do. 168 T?j sit ?R; 2 do. 175 Ib. at $3 50; !> do. 213 Th. at $4 73; 3 do. 173 TV>. Nt $4. Kern« ro^iml«rl<>n Company: 33 Indiana calves, 234 Ib at 08; 18 d->. 804 Ib. at $4 35. Newton & Co.: *"> Virginia calvOF. ISO Th. at ?7 r.O; 3 West Virginia 6n. 12« th. at $7 CO: 1 do, 21*» Ib. at S7. Kratz & Cooper: 15 West Virginia calves. 160 It«. at 'sHEEP AND I..AMRS— Receipts were «3'i cars, or SHEEP AND !,AMRS— Receipts were 63' s .ars. or 13.537 head. Including •*.ri'i cars for the market, all at Jcn»v Oily, with th* exception of a single car. Trade opened active and strong for sheep; lambs 2.V hUher on all grades. The close wa* no more than steady, and sev eral <-.irp of lambs, nil late arrivals, wera exp*cte.l to be carried over. Comowa t-> prime sh^f-n aoM nt $3!is3 25 per 100 Tti; culls nt *2: venrllnifs at $3 7r>fisii 23; vommon to choice lr.mbs at $t!Ssl> 25. DrcsaeO mntton higher at JißlOc per IT.: dressed lambs h'gjier at 14 lie £ales — Kewtnn & <',- : 2."" Kentucky lambs, C.S Ib average, at «> I .* per 100 tb: 2T3 .'.". "•► n-. 8t $11: 24i» do. RI TT.' at $575; 2T.2 do. «1 Tb, nt .<< 7.'.; 22:. do. 74 tb. at <cs 2IS no. <-". TT>. at *S ."".; 2*7 Virginia do. 73 tb. Nt SS 7.V 222 do 72 !•». Nt JSftl; 412 do. <"." ft', at 0009; 190 do HB Hi st *>• ♦*!»• 2T" do, 7:: r.. Nt «•» .'0; 20 do, .'.6 ih. at j'i: IS!' \\>f't Virginia do '•"> ">. Nt {►»: 241 <in. *•;', Ib. at js:r,- 132 do 50 IT., at SSCS: ir>« do. cc tb. at o*50; 293 d • M n.. at ?h.JO : C 54 d" «1 IV" at $8 35: 171 Tenmaaaa do ."7 Ib at '■••> ''■: 2 Virginia ahcep. SS tb. at ?4; 4 do. 105 In. at *880; r. Wept Virginia do. 7C IT., at *173; 2 do. l«0 !!> at $4: 1 Kentucky do. lio It., at $3; 75 Ten neaaea do, '81 Tt.. -it $4. . " Kerns rommlerion Company: 2.TS Kentucky lambs. 13 Pi at *!» •'">■ 233 *« •*•* «>. hi 2.">: 4C3 do. 62 Th. Nt $!• SO; 47-, .'.. ' lis tt> at *s BO; 10 do, SO B>. at c '!: 221 Virginia do iT7'n> at *:»: :!•">- h»dlana do. <X. Ib. at 0835: '-"<< d... f-'n. Nt S3: 18« do Wi Th. it J7 •>«>: 225 T»uft»lo do « tb. at SS*25- '•• Indiana .'vpaillngs. mi Ib. Nt t*\ 25: 37 Indiana ..',.," r-;t IT. at S3 25; 11 Virgin!« do. 121 lb. at $3 2".; 3 K«nt«clcv do. 107 tb. at $3 23; .". do. 112 15, at IS; S do. 'V'W'\u^r»: 2»« Prnnfvlve^ia lamb*. 73 tt>. Nt SS 25: 21 'p ir»Bo>ra: 330 Pmawvlvarrfa lair.b*. 7" TT'. Nt $S2^: 21 do. >..-, tt. at r<: '•" do. 70 n ' 01 *7 SO; 2A Ft«e do. Eft ..'.'is--, "1 do 72 rt» a' **; ;l iMms. Kania sh-"p. 11l Th at *5: 4 •'•> '113 Ib.-at Si: i do JOB Tb. at ?.i. 21 state do lift IT. at ».-.: 1 do n» IT., at S.". so. Town * Shannon: S3S K»ntuokv lambs, ran. at $••: 41,.. So -V P. -it .*»T.t>: !«ll do. 7:; iv.. at'*W»: 2-ls do. is n, it »<;i-".v- 131 do. OS tb. Nt M; 2.'. Inrtnfa do. ..1 n. Nt «sr.n- M i>n-syivanl» da r,| 11. tt $823: •*, «tat ,',.. vs R> at SS7S: •'»» Kentucky ißCfp. «» IV at 5-' -••:•' , ,i . 114 n-. at -V. 1« do, 05 lb. a: S4 ...: .f do. IW B» nt tHM: '.'•' dc "? I'", at f-4: S3 do. 00 It., a: $!.... 11 Co.: 214 Vlrajteta hwnlM "2 "',,"' J" '£■ "M ,••„, .U tb. at OSTsi 211 do. 72 Ih. at *«»: 512 d... .(» nTaToOWH; 2fl *-. «4 », »t » »: «0 vVi <W ft^at $S2T. 2*5 W«at Vlnrteta do. <~o n.. «t |OSS: ... \ rrteta k[k«"-> l"fi ». at r.O; 2C. tr«*t \'lrvi:ita *>. (M Ib -it «4. \ 'R ; <h»n«<!«-.n'. H«rri« .* Cornr: 2:!-. V'.iKtrl) lrm>.-< <■. IT.. H(1. 221 Kentucky do. «l »». at 23; 24« .* . « Th. at HTMI; ' 171 A«. .'5 Tl«. at ?«: 8 Knifi-'.y iHeep BO It., at j $4 50: 50 Kentucky ru'. .*. 100 B». at *-' 1,-,,,. & Cooper: -■** V, - . Virginia i<unbs, CO n.. >t $0. 5 .lv.:<- * <v> : 174 Virginii l»nil ■■-. i'« Ih. »• *0: 824 00, «7 t'. at JHT.' 40 dn «»7 Ib nt *H 2T>: 271 d". .'7 Tl>. at S7 7' 5 Hate sheep. 116 Ib. at $.*. 75; 2 da 113 Tb at (4 50; 1 do, NO Ib. •■•' •*• W X Hum* : '"7 Pfnnsjlvania lam^. 72 Ib. a? *•< sft; 1 hi, k 124 IV at $3. .r O. Curtli« t P«n- »i Btt) t« lambs. 8«! U>. at $<t 2T>: 4 Btr sheep. TO tt. Nt *+ r> <":<»-.«;«■> * I. S. :i-:i 1 ark: 3 -tate lambs. 09 Th. at fS .'t> 1 stat« fhtvp 150 "■. Nt $4 "•"• •Hi. ;- — Pr-ct !p's we:e 3rt'.. mrs. rr .', -i."l h»n!. ir.i-:ii:n • about 000 for the market. FcMfriß P#loc lower far nil wt>i -) rs Prime fta»o and Pennsylvania i ■;:•■ at.l nt $0 7O S:*i' 7T. per 100 tt. Pile« —W. n. H'i'Tie: "ft -trite h»«f«. l!Xl Ib nv»rnir«\ nt ••1 7." per 100 lh; 7 do i!." p., nt »'.! 70: 3 roughs. 272 Tb. at $5 75; 9 do. 203 Th. at ■<" 70. OTHER MARKETS--OY TELEGRAPH. Chicago. At!;,- IS. — CATTI.-K — Rf tell t*. I'. I .'. Jiead; mnrUet fir 1 e*t HmlMI in I' 1 Matter; ..(lie:* fctew.! : «-i>n n.. n t.. print* tt< err. f.l 7IWf«l»; rows, f- >■'•'. *4 70; hi' era »*«>«»."-"; rail*. K3«."<): ,:>!v<-f $3C«T: ttocken anl f>o<->rrv «2 ravfi* » 2.y unri«— lt.>cclptii. :w».0,-r, herd; ■Basket .-..1*- hitthrr: . t.i •• to prir.if. ivy. t•■ k"^ ft; jo ; infd'.utn to i; ■. ..! hi-avv. *."• •»•".'.■"'. 1 ut -i.-r '.viljihts. 'r. 1 !} J». i.»: noil to rhnli*? h-nvv. mx.ii *:>:**ii':. r-iicrfj^if, I 5 50895 00 SHEEP— R<T*irila. 22.000 head: mnrkei f , r lßnil.s firm: «h»*p »v.~r»k to lie l"wer; -(,■-.•, $4 i,"'.J.". ">; !en rlli <"'.*•■ •■-■.: l >ml • *••• '■' ;r. PltrsborsT, Auf. — CATTl,B — #nnp»y fair; mn»kPt strnr-.y; choice. *3 75«I5«: prime, $3 30ft>r, <Xt n, -.< ;.- Raoetpta fair: market htrh.r; prime heavy, Jrt2">: medium and h'nvv Vf>rkr-. (1815(19640; \\ts\\t Yorker* ana riles $U4Ofisn43; r->ughF. %'"' i J*'< 40. SHvri 1 ■■'up;.:-. H»ht : market strons; prSnio wethers, ?' iv.«*»r. mi call* ,mii ...:..m..r. if* r.iiv'f-" •'•"; iajDba. K.t'*7 *.*>; vra: oalres $7t(.*7 25. Kansai City. Ana; 19 — ('ATTl.E— Rere!|it», 18.5 M hea<;. Including 3.000 Si'jtherti.-; market steady tn I".' higher; rholre export .ml dr<>««(>.l b«*f »t.... $."i .<>. , *« 15: fair to good. Ml. ?.*.-*<> \\V.ti-m >t! steer* $."!.%.>& ffl; Mockers and feed.-rs, J-' 4rv7«J Th»; Southern vt,.-r« $'_> .• ."f/J4 2."»: Southern cow«. *2f|*r;2S; native row* *>-, V 4 4<>; native helfem. «:■ T.'.a*'. 23: i.iiiH $2fl«a:M «,ilv. .'l.;i>r. HOIS— Itr ell t. il , .TO hci»d: nnrlcct sternly to Br l..wi«r; tort. »« 1«»: bulk nt »l««,'SA|i.i^nm heavy, ?3£JB?3W: paokeis'. $5 UO#9H »j Irhtk. 9*6) 96 10; pica. 156)13 7ft. aVHrET-R^u. 4.T00 hend market f \:,s tarnbs, }C?f7 coj fß.if B .i »i^,p in> a Trust Companies. BM»Mff^MwaMaiß»»»B»»»MMiaßaa^a*MilWiliMa^iMMßMßCTTflßCffriir^T»?ssßt?*U'*y JSC»r>^y HHBl?BOTßs3KSa^l^^^P^^Li^^^i^^^^B>^B^<iSk ii s<-jh.5 <-jh. *&&& BsHbrS9h9H fifl li il L»r * ?i *. 1~ ;^* * Sw^^sl BfcTiilißl^BfflMnl^MAßltV OTlUaifißfl* ll M^ W'Tii 1" T '' --? " - yiig -« /• WALL ii . Mice, l, . _ .-v Yj.-iA. Statement of Condition August 6, 190 G. KESOUnCES. LIASIUTICSi Time loan* and bills porehsaml. . . tt*.t(H.H3.*r. ! rapit»l %IM* "'"• Demand loan* 6.«M.411.9t; Sui-r»?u<i "" """■ New Tort City ZV,^ bond* 1 «89JH0.6* I T'niilvMtd profit* 6.VJ.^i t* Other *tor*« and bond* C,«15.713.(U1 I I>vpns!t« tßJsam.tSSJt Municipal n->n«!.« held n< r»»erve.. 1.5H1. 447.9* i l>rt!fl<i{ ami other ou«t^ni?:.ig Canh on hand and In btnka S.l«« 710.0 ft ' rh-rl.x . . .. > i.4».H».Jt Accrued ii.tercat receivable. ...... C3.C81.J3 Reser»-ed for In'ft't us drposrtt*. 72.10aX.4aj ■ Revert ed r->r t:tx?» SOJfc" 1 •>• *;o :ia.7O»J» "^SOaVTOXai DIRECTORS Stephen :v\kfu. GEonoT: XT. prnn:.N« Pr«» Benk of the Manhattan Co.. X. T. J. P. Marrtn • •'«. r.irkers. jr. T. SAMUEL <:. itAYNK. WriXIAM H. POTTKn rr^a. Seaboard National Bank. X. T. rr»». Ch«»rtMil N'atioml Bnak. N. T. JAVKS (J. atNXOX. D%>rri. v. max Vl*^-Pre*. r*»ortr» I.'nflnnal Bask. K. T. Xit*-Vr+* lJt—»> V»f:«!Uil Can*. X. T. sovtMt c. iwxv>:i>i., F»AV«"« i» •*««.!»»>•«. r»r»-l<lent. rre«t<?»nt Flrrt Nationel Bank. PtttsburtU. inMtv P. DAMSON. KI»^VA»-|> r. sni\\KY. \lri»-Pr«s. r-lrwt National Bank. JC. T. P^'tfient T^»»* N-'^nal Bank. Kansas Ctrjt j,\Mrs 11. i:rnii.s. JOHN r. THOIirSCN. Pre». CnmmerrlM National Bank. fTiTri— v«~-rrw«Wef»» WAT/I' H. naW. fi'inCT «. Tllf»?»N»-. V«"#-l>»-« rnrm P»i-hnng« Bank. X. T. vi*>-P»>i >r» r i, w^i far* Bank. X. T. A. isaston IinPBURN. ajb>pt II WJIK'N. rr-«!df r.t Chaw N"-»rional T.aa!;. X. T. vn-»»-*»--i» .->»«•«. National Bank. N. T. TIIO>IA<* W. lAVOST. rcoTv-irr W»O!:. 3d Vlc*-PrcKM»Tit. jrtdiiw. !*'-•'•'»<•*• ♦ **<». Bsnkrn. Baaaam, GATE** W. >»rfJAnRAir. K,*VrEI. VOflt.Vl!3TO\\ r-e«!dent llMrtwßltf 1 National Bank. X. T. Pr»«. r^'', t 'T »-•— I Bank. X. T. EIH?AR I. MA*S«TON. ET^»\r»» F. c. VOTNG. Blair * Co.. Banker*. N. T. Pr««. V!r« Xntl-innl Bank. Jersey Ctty. Arts aa Ewutor. Ailmlnl^frator an 4 Gnanttia: As"-I^n#«« and n*e*irrr: KrgiMrar. Tran-iftr and Fiseul Aepnt and •• Trui»tee for {RdlvMtml* i'n-1 nrm -nilcr.-. Trust Company Statements. QL'AUTKKLY HEI'OUT OF THE KXICKER- ... IOCKl::r;I OCKl::r; TRUST CO. at the close cf business on the sixth day cf August. IW*l. _ . . KESOntCKA Bonds and mort«rssmi J3.S7O.S&* CO Amount of stockand Mad Investments (mar k«t value 5«.£22.D31 01 .. hook value «.'52.752 «2 Amount loane-! on collat. 1 ? 47 *»•> Ms) 15 Other loans, rnchidlag bill* purchased 1.030.572 70 (Amount due frcm directors, included in items 3 and 4. Jfl26.lfcGSa.) Overdrafts |o <j T;; Due from banks, bankers ar.d hrnic»r«! ..'.'...'. 1C53071 Real estate: Banking house. ti»2s.t)U6- other real estate. $305,000 *" ..'™.\ . . . . I.2W>.*»no Cash on deposit in tanks or other moneyed Institutions «.151.5»7 On £ ia , ••; 4.3M.7^4 16 V. 8. legal tender notes and notes of national . banks 403.03000 Amount of investments held as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, receiver, trustee, committee, or as depositary of moneys de posited on order of th« court, for which the trnst company is liable because the same are not leva! for ravines banks, ncr per mitted In and by the respective instruments er words creating or defining the trusts. .. 81.200 00 Accrued interest en books at date of this re port as nn ns?et $02,640 31 Interest in Real Estate Company framed for purchase, and leasing of Consolidated Stock Exchangs building .....^ R73.8223S 973. OSS. M? 47 Accrued interest not entered on books at date of this report as an asset 2C1.G27 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pild In. In cash $1,000.000 00 Surplus on book value (less current expenses and taxes paid) 3.051.440 03 (Surplus on market value. 95.121.TT6 22; surplus after charring and crediting ac crued Interest. 53.201.C0S ML) D«-poMtB subject to check (ex cert as stated below), not preferred 950.509.341 87 Certificates of deposit (not pre ferred): Time 56.345.672 60 Demand 28.2W 76 6.575.579 7S Amount due trust companies. ... 6.741.435 SA Amount due banks and bankers. 1.737.631 03 Preferred deposits, via. : Hue savings banks 2.033.022 23 Due ravings and loan assccia tions 8&.320 31 Due as executor, administra tor, guardian, receiver, trus tee, committee or deposi tary 103.16051 Deposit* Treasurer State of New York preferred because cf pledge of part of trust company assets 2MM*ttfO 67.121.711 «1 Preferred liability on account of item So. 12 in resources 61.200 no Other liabilities net included HEM under any of the above heads. viz. : Unpaid dividends $2.0*0 on Certified checks 2«4.011 4** Reserved for taxes 26.2G9 IS Accrued interest entered on books at date of this report as a liability 07.317 CO Subscriptions to increased capital stock 1,422.3"7 SI 1 . — - 1.813.755 S3 973.036.107 47 Accrued Interest not entered on books at date of this rertrt as a liability 182.00.28 Amount ct debts guaranteed and liability thereon at date of this report. Rent. Total amount of deposits on which interest ta paid. $6?.45a,562(8; average rate of Interest paid thereon. 2.804"*. State of New York. County of New York. ss. : KUKPERICK I- EL.DRIDGK. Ist Vice-President, and FKKI'EP.ICK GORE KING. Sec y Tr»-as.. of Knickcr h.ick." Ttum i"..miJ«nj.-. located and doing business at No. ,V> Fifth Avenue, in the lioruuffh of Manhattan. City of X*"w Ycrk. In raid county, being duly sworn, each for himself, says the foregoing report. with the schedules ac companying the same, Is true and correct In all respects, to the bsst Of his kaowV^dica and belief, and they further say that the usual business of said trust company baa been transacted at t!je location required by the banking; law «Chap. <SSO. l«ws of 1S02). and not elsewhere; and that the Kbcrra report is made in compliance with an of ficial notice received from the Superintendent of .nka <i«-sl^r.:itinsT the *!xth d»y of August. 1006, as the day as of which such r»port sh->!l be made. FP.KD. U ELDRIDGE. Ist Vice-President. I". GORE KING. Sec'y-Treas. Severally snbseribe.l an I sworn to by both deponents, the 1"t i day of A»i«ast. 190 ft. before me. fT-T.l of Notary.] O. R. JWD. V"tar>- Public. Citations. rj«IIE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, by the Grace of God Free and lnd«ten<Sent. — To Robert J. T»yl»r. Jane Kutchtßson, Kat» <». Taylor. Chnrle» r.ur*-fl! Taylor. Asatta Amos Taylor. Donald T?y ■ r Elizabeth Susan Taylor, the heirs md next of kin of Reiibea J. Taylor, .ltceaseii. send greeting: Whereas. Miry Elizabeth Tayl>r. «f the City of »w York, has !ate!y applied to the S-ir- 1,-v's i'i'usi of our County of New' Vur:i to hare .1 certain irstruin'r.t in writing, re.'at ing: to both real and personal property, duly proved as the lb»t Will and T«»tsjme»l «■♦ cnl.l K«uht>n J. Taylor, late of .he ' ..uniy of Nc-.v York, der-aaed. therefore y^u and <ur\. at \.-.i are cited to appear tefora tho Surrogate of our • onty <~t N. > v.irk. si N? ffflo* la thi «"Vunty of New York on lite 27th day of August, one thousand nina h..- • t'-.i and six at hr; I past ton ■' lock In the forenoon Of '■■■'■ .a- then Bind there to atleo] th» probate ..f the saM last Will and T««tii!rnnt And *uch of you a* are herely cite.l -„• arc uxidfr UMJ ;<■«' -f twenty-or.e year* ai* vtoutrrA to ;•■,.;»': "1 >"'•'" Bu.i.a'.an. If you hay» one, ,r if >.v have to apvear and apply for one to ha appointed fr in the event al your neclett or failure to do <■• ...KuaYttm will be .p.-ir.t~: by -ho Surrogate t» rep reseai and act for you >-. the mereedtra In Testimony Whcivof. V.c lia\e ••«"••«! th- >ea! << the ?urro|cate-!> ivurt of the tabl < our.ty ..f N>« York «£ hereirttft c.nwl Wltners. lien. Prank T. Flr» !I S 1 r»-al<J * aurroyate of our *ald County of New York at aaM «\>ur.ty. th« aHth «lay nf Junt. la the year of our Uard one titousMS^claj. liunrir^and •!«. Clerk of the S;:rr«>ijai»'s «'o«r«. ■.•«•■ r-:r~« *1 -">■'' *"•"•'■ W>«t»rn fed ve(>r;lre« fr>fl>~ ".!*>: i l^'rstern fed sfcet-p. H*l*29: ftcckera and fr«n:cr». $."( 7.V? : ?3. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. (Ft:rr>;she<l by r:-..1r» V. Dsrney A Co.. No. 2S Breal ; .■(m: Sew Ycrk.. :'-nl N ■• 123 *out!> 4«h stie-t. Phi: t<Jeli«h!t BM As . e-1 ' ftl.l A»k«4. i Am Ceaaaatt *% " I f >i Asphalt pf. - .17 3m Am Xv <• S3 •'»%»' rkiH Co ••«•', M Cob 1. Sup .... "T. !*',*; •'•• rrvf . SI •-.!<, Ho : ivf. so ••» IT II i! C0.. «7 1--IC. «7 15-18 Can-.: Mi Steel. .34 " 4 '= •'•r l n Str . i.. .. fit (IS , Con Tr of N J.. T!» W ! C« j r»f KM »■ I 'imi-...rHl Steel.. '» *« Phils K.\- f.«..Si M M 111 F.!»^ St l>t «V. "•> 72 ' Phlts .<- Erie ... n» 7«» >.;.r Co of A"i. It 11V I'hlla Hap Tr » Sn'« Falrmoun: Tint*. 1" 17 ! Su« Iron N Ste»l. " *4 1»4 li<« •• of N A.. •-'22 1 i -» --I- >k^.-s Pow. . . 2.'. »s l^-hlirh Kay . 1 m', f 0 : 4: Tidewater Kteel.. % 1 l#Mirn Yal It U To 1 , 7'%.fnti»> Tta.!l>n... »-«'.. f4 V«ni!'n ....... ''-i ' ">• I'D Gnu Imp • "•> .£7 " S7H O«n Asphalt .. S :> ; \v»'.«tvuii Co . . . . 2a 3» PON»»S. Km By Com- ."••.''il l<>!' ; Pfethi Boa 4k .. "<» »ou Kler .>- I'»o 4.* tn» '"•' da :- lim»U vi N J Con 5» I" 1 .- 1"." ! Phila Co .- ... MOW 104 ho Pass Ily 4i.i: I"". i ■ » BALTIMORE STOCKS. TFurnished »•> Van SrhMeJc * Co.. No. 7 WaM »:rfl.» BM, A«k<M I BM Asked. Cnlteil Railway. l.*> »•*>■; t'otton PurH ... IS>- 14 ci.-» ln^.lme^ . .7" 7"» 1. hi ,;n, % :i.; * :»T df 4i IT; 98 ! >'orf Ky * ; 1. sa. t>o MM BII*KVT... Mi !•• i I.!«!ht *. p , r-r. . 4»» — do Inrnmea.. 3f>H ■" j 'I" ♦• ••< OK ON do lsl^ . <•!•'. r-: ; rji-Jii j-itv Hv S^.i I ** Ml -.•: V I rhn» . .r. Rice .V* 06 — ■'. ■ |a| 1r- r. ... >"•. HO rmi Irtuit *iW •I. 2.1 prvf.... ■"'. i" J rr.l-Mi Tru« »T% O» *» 0> ' ... «H »v TMr-« Sat mnkl»»" i»t do l*»e»r 3..101 , lit- JFllMtty % lep..— tO» 038...... — '*' ■••»--- Tn.»t..t2v> us a- Ofi'iitittiilOt -I • • - j . Trust Companies. _ Lane Schools. \^\\ N'nrk i rXm * Vtw ovmmm * m '•*• >C \ v 1(> I X lap*. bromine « ■•••• I ln?\.'<"T*'^lt\.' ? sessions »:30 to 12. After* , Ill> *" tJ 3 J B««a Clave>. S:3« in «. I )U >r lunl S >itenlnr Csaasaay •to la. A.Mieaa I*. 1. Turnskin*. »•>... Washington Sq.. }f, f. NEW YOItTC Day School 35 "1 ass 1 St.. LAW SCHOOL. Evenir.r School. Near York rity. "Dwisht Method" of instruction I.l* 11. in two y-«r». LL. M. in (IsbbM years. High standards. Send for rata lo»ue. UEORGS CUANSC <;>«a Instruction. GOING TO SCHOOL? "" ~ TTrlte to-day lor Information about the kind cl ten >•» " yon want. Hi#h grade advantages. SCHOOL. AGEXCT. 41 E Park Bow. New fork. N. T. For Buys and Young — City. Packard 45 Gorametrial thorough Stitoai ;:::'■ ->- r .-, r-* ' ' J JSo sollcttor* ! ■ilJi At*, ami ?Sd St. Subway at the Poor. MANHATTAN COLLEGE Cbrlstian Brothen*. Boarding and Day Scholars. liroa-iw^-. and 131 st at.. New l'ora. COUPLES LEADING TO B. A. * B. 8. Enntateeriag. Modpra L.-mguaßr«. General SctesMV. Pedagogiral nnd Commercial Oasjsaaaf al>o m I'rrparutory l>e^artroen». Ksopea* S«pt. to. bUoTHtCK EDWARD. President. H^bolten. STEVENS SCHOOL THE ACAHE3UC DEPAimrEXT or V SI EVENS JNNTHTTE OF IE. HNOIOCV. River Street, between sth and Oth Sis., Hocoi«s». S. JL. REDPCXS SEPTEMBER 17TH. ISiO*. Registration day for applicants for admission. ■K*e<tae» day, September 12th. Examinations for admission on Thursday asal Vrkgajk September 13th ar-i 14th. Courses of stuiv preparatory to T'nlreraitisa. ' laaaaa> Schools of taw and Medicine. Tks rate of tuition for all classes is Slso> a >**:. c: 95*» per terra. For catalogue apply to the Principal. For Young Ladies City. KINPERGAKTGN and Primary Training — Fro* »-->.c!.i.'- J.V ships liu-ntt.-a) Colmc* pteitauatory. Teacher* .\' «. mic. X. Y. Frosbel Xtrinai. 99 W. -jbth Dr. EAKI-T;. (rla. For Tccbc Ladle*— Cocniry. ACADT3IT Or SAINT JOSEPH. URENT\ri."I>. NEW YORK. An academy and boardinsj scJmml for youas ■ajpjsa pleasantly located In the pine reg'on of Long BBSaal :. the quiet and ■aasMßMaa vt which are conduct to health and study. The. curriculum unbraces an th» grades from *H« kindergarten to the post -graduate >■ ur-->. Including r-v,^ and instrumental mu«ic. art. and foreign Un|ua«*« Special ai;:denta may pursue elective atudies. The prospectus explains the terms M o»»era. but a visit to the acadeziy r.iay prove more satisfactory". . - Studies resum-'l Monday. September lOl'i. The Taconic School for Girls. £•» t ~2 un £ Berkahlr* HUia. Separate bom* tor yeans* r girl. Thor ough college preparatory and special coarse*. Goit. ■»•» nis. basketoali. tuatlus- aliss UUAS UIXOSt. * A 4\\>Ue£l«y ami bryn ita»r>. MISS lliii'.TH B. S. t\vell*sl«>-». LakevUle. Ccafl. RYE SEMINARY "::..%?" f a, B. J. UrS. T»a aa>sa— SIOWE. !»»«. N*w V»r«. . — ' — ■ n fISS MIU'I SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Slartlstrrwa. 3X X. J. (Suburban to New York.) Opens Ssajt. »:S Exceptionally broad curriculum. Certificate ■dl3l;» l> ill leaJtiij coßtCsa. Music i.nd Art. Grmaastua. «m; aoor -ports. K*siC«nt pupils. IW*. MORAVIAN SEMINARY »or Girls. Betnl«**e. >•«. iIX Koun.ied 1749. 157 th >*«r opens Sept. Baas) *•*- 4r*» J. MAX HARK. V. D.. PrlnclraL For Both Sexes— mHE BEHt.TT2 RCHOOI. OF |.ANCtTAOSS. X Madison square 1118 Broadway). Harlem Branch: T*r.o« Av# . N E. Comer RStti n. ftrtcklrn: 7» Tourt St. Newark: Brt«o*r BuliJla*. SCHOOIJ; OPEN ALL SCMSIIEW For Boys and Young Country. I-I'ORRALL HAI.t. ACADEMT. Peek»klll en Hu.l«on. \ V X. Y. — Location unsurpassed. Sanitary eer«!tUsns perfect. Every facility for the education of %c\ » from t» :» lfi. Strong faculty of«l t^achera; n«urtnj the ii«Hest physical, mental and social development An Weal home boartllnjt school. Prrparea for tout:;? or bu»v noBS. PROF. C. G. BROWER, Princip* 1 ..- CJT. DAVID'S II A Ll»— School for toys. Umtt-I -iuma«r. Jo C«l>|C« preparatJon specialty. Senior and Jur.ior de |ianm»nts. i<l--l »i*>t. Raw. W. L. EVANS, at A., c'caranale. X. V . For Both Sexes Country. CENTENARY COM.KGIATE INSTITUTE HACKETTSTOWX. X. J. High grade boarding achool for glrl» »a,l be | <««« ■ cv! Mingy, en* «ttut;>ment. strong cnuram Send In* catalogue. E. A. NOBLE. Pnsttett. . Teachers' Agencies. AMERICAN ANITIfonEIGN TE.\CirEUS* AHE^CY s .ulles I r(.Vts ..m. Teacherr. Tuiors. <^overneas«> «tc tv Colictcs, Srhuvls and families. Apply to Mrs. M. J. rTI.Ti>X. M In.on Sqnara, mSaCBEKS' M REAV Good turners wanted for fail M. pu»ii<un». fall ..r utiar*»* i?um<-<it!»iH> .H 1 - ISTt-H NATIONAL, TKAiiIKKS lU'RBAC. St t'lflh aye (t0,,,, •.• .-. i 13ti> »t.. Jb:'ha:ta:i Uuildinc: entrant in Vstft « Ci tat ions. fv. c ri:< >i "i .k OF THE STATE OF XKW . «.T.?. rk - r.y |na grace of G<vi free ami it. V;- aaaaaat to TTanam TMrr H.-k y. Ahbrs 'Sari* Pnrien. 5.i.r..»! 3. iyl?r. !>nry s. V>!-r. Th«»KS>r«- V. Tyler. •» ,. ■ Wotlei Tyler. 3LJarsh<sl! II Tyler. Susan IViwJra .■•.„ nh.oler. >s rf ;te Tsrr. T>a!.-fv itrr. May Jchnnon. Caw fountain. ntirit»t!i •;■■. k unl K;i<.:ria tngrich. fw c »i-» lirv! n^\t ft kl:> .tf Snmu' 1 J. TjU-r. U»»e of th» Vr> ; -,f, ! '?- C , X*W drt-tased. sviul irrwtlos"- Whcrp»». C^itt'.'* : Kliialvih Tyler. «.f the i',t> of New York. h*» TJ>!i>K :<l'l«:w.'. «■■> i ; it . .^iiir.-it . ivurt .»f our «"nunty *>f .V">, York tn hive a (warn iM:n:-neat In wr::l:u. ret: Hi* *• both real r.n.J«..i.i! j.^vrtj. duly pn>vod as tfi» ; »Hl and testar.vnt of Samuel J. Tyler, lato of lbel«>>»» ♦ y «>f N>v>- York. i'n-.>H»tJ. ihert-f«u-» you and ra#h»'<v"H a»-e 1 1* . vl to an<ea- livfore »ii<. Surr»sr«:d of uur i\m»n:*;' % f»i ; Ntrr Vort;, at hU 0.!>..-« i\ th«. Cimnty of X** YqfiL'^jr* the >th d»y of lYlo'wr. <>ne !">.• -««iri 7 nine httndr ~! « • ' »lx. at ha'f t ,.i..t ten -, i ,-v in the Hiia—al » I '"?• oi.v. ihtvi cm! tl;<-rt» to a.tenj th« :>f»b*l • «•?•**« | Ja>>t will »n-J t^ -:.»:i:.-nt An-» »jch of y»» as .>• h«:*«» ; i-lti<J «i» u.e uncit-r the .■•<;• of twrnlt year- ir>- r^ fiutr»<» «.•> appear l.y your r»»r«tian. If »O«» **j*y. o,- if you have nan*, t.. i|>i^u tin. l aj»p'? " op f* '1 api •'lnt<*.: f.r In t:>- even. of »our negiact or • A - .''.!•, do *•. h Rrrr.ll in will I* •!»»"•' •».» tn» c ' Urr< *?-iaJSS i»i>)p«tTt an.l act «.>r you In the ji*o*!>»Baa> f- . t^ m .. In lectlniucy ivUrre...'. >•.-.> Ka»e ea«»*>t «^P • V '.' '7- Iw 55urTognto'« »>--.iri oi t!»i- **v: \'a mty tf Jf 1*"1 *" v. , l-_ .*. • - hvrf.snto aCU«J. lion. IT ,f. ; ll* si Th'. : .i;.s. « furuwlf .•* « ur „*» X.v : -* \? j . N»tr VorH. at w l ". l^"'. 1 , . i tM Wav .C , Awh. la ik» >c»i «*. «m; M|U| ';., . s«V. <w.'»"* <>i '*• iiiiif' 1 * 0 v