Newspaper Page Text
12 SEEKING STATISTICS ON DIVORCE. Officials from Census Bureau, Make Demands 2 on County Courthouse. The County Courthoute wot invaded yesterday morning- by a force of twenty- young women and six clerks from the Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of th*» Census, under the charge of William H. Jarvis. for the purpose of compiling etatiMir. as to divorce during; a period of twenty yesrs from the present date. The object of the Census Bureau is to make returns as to the num ber of divorc" and *eparatlon suits brought throughout the country durin? that time, with a view- to (>ubniitt!nß it to 4'ongress in support of federal lesi«latlon in such cases. :'. vV','-; A list of eighteen questions »as submitted. As during; th*- last ten years it has been the practice, Of the cou«f to direct that all papers in divorce eultF should be pealed against inspection, a ques tion has been rr:is<><l as to whether the employes of the Census Bureau have the right to open the papers an«i make an abstract of the contents. Once opened, it is (aid. the papers could not be re »«al#«d. and the result may be that the light or publicity may be thrown on many cases which have been liiihf-rto kept secret. 8. L. BREEZE HAD UNREGISTERED AUTO. Sidney I, Brrocp. of Southampton, I/^nR Island. ton of James 1,. Breea*. was hold in 11^ bail' for trial In th«» Tombs, court yesterday. on the <-hargr«» Of running an unrest *r<-d automobile. Excursion*. ■ (J^tnP_E3Ur^^Tt . ), ''^ '," ■ n -i ir^^ssßsSlsß— 0 The- <•,'.■• They Canaot Sink! All tlckrt* Include admission to DREAMLAND, CONEY ISLAND. th« Greatest Amusement Enterprise in the World. TIME TABI.K (SIIMECT TO CHANGE): Leave foot K9th St.. North River. 9:45. 11:00 A. M.; 1?:3«. 2:00. ..... 4::. O. 7:45 P. M. »- ." , ' X^eave foot of :Sd Si North River. 9:00. J>:4s. in.3». 11:15 A. M.: 1? if, M.. 1:1*. ?:•%. 2:45. J:«5, 4:30, 6:XO. «:15. 7:00. 7 «:•. K:3O. 9:10 p. M L»a>e Pier 1. N. R.. half hour later than at -J3d St. Returning — Leave Iron Pier. Coney Island. •10:40. •11:*5 A. M.; 12:J«. •!;::>:.. •!:••. 5:55. 3:40. 4:15. •5:58. r.:i". -7 •■■. : a. *K:4O »-.2*. *10:J»<. 10:4SP. m. Returning from < v.r.ev Island trips marked with a • go to i:»:h St.. North River. Round Trip Ticket*. S5 <>■*«. Round Trip Tirke4«. 1291h St.. 45 On!-. STEAMER TAIRIS makes trips F.VERV DAY to n«HIN<i BANKS. Leave F. 31st St. 7:xo A. M.: Pier .New I No. I. N. R . « !« A. M. Bait and tackle on board. Gentlemen. tie . Ladies. ;.oc. . Children. The. TO-DAY'S TIME TABLE. STEAMER GRAND REPUBLIC ROCKAWAY BEACH \l/r. f»»»t 15? th 6t.". N. P. »:IS. •:•• A. M.: 15:1" P. M. Lv foot lid Pt.. N. R. '.'.-• 10:00 A. M.; 1:3" P. M. Lv. Pier (New 1 No I. N. R.. »:»». 10:40 A. M.; 2:M P. M. L- Tonkers 8:15 A. M. Tuesday and Friday. Lv. Rockaway Bea>-h l! M A. M.; &:•#.. C:3O P. M. Round Trip Tlrket*. SO <■(«. Children. 25 eta. Include admission to Steeplechase Park at Rocluiway. ":»::.,'.:■ Long Island Sound VflDU,*t"U I IMC " Mondays only, steamer lv*. Pier HUr It Him LIHt. 4". x r. to**: ft c. 22d ».. 10:43 A. M.; for New London, connecting then for Norwich. Narra Pier. Newport. Pro*-.. Boston, etc. New London E*c. Tkts %2 Wi good returninr same or next night; pood ret. by rail Fame day. due N. Y. 11:00 P. M.. 13.60. LT« UiUCH 1 1IIC Slr - I{Kn *"" toy: Iv» Pier ■a."! wJitLsl LIRC. *i. c. r.. zat,-. Pier 70. E. R. ft. E. £24 St.. :::(«• P. M ; return. Ivs New Haven 12.4." right funua>>: Leave Pier JO. E. R.. 9:30 A. M foot Hast 221 ft . J<i:<a» A. M return i-» New York *:45 P. M. E«e. Tktt.. week da>s. $1.25; jroo.l 2 days. Eun. Ei.' Tkt«. 31. tIinCFPfIRT I IMF W> «H **>*■ Strs. lie. Pier 20. EL r BRIUbLrUnI 11. -00 a m and a m P. M. (Eats.. a F. M). Alt. boat lv». ft. E. 224 it. 3:30 •Bats . 2-^0). Ret he Bri<!geport s.-O"» A M. end 12:0<'> night (except £au ). gun* : U* ':':<- ->•>. E. R . .">>*«. ft.E. T2<\ St.. 3:30 P. M.: lye. Bridgeport SO) a. M. and 12:00 night. Fare £0 cents each a ay, troing by steamer, return by rail. $160. tHAItMIM, TRIPS by steamer* of the Fall River. Providence «n.i New Bedford lines. Descriptive folder on sppl! Bt >a Address Daylight Trips. P. O. Bex 482. N. » York. L/ *1 M<\ S-4 Special train from ioot ' t. laV M Special train from foot •ft S4 S I West 23d St. 8:ros. tr..; S-i* as,M.Ik.JL-i Liberty St. 8:30 a. tn. {■HOPATCOXG tS I NEW JERSEY I AUG. 1 CENTRAL 19 GHABSSING "EXCURSIONS WEST POINT. NEWBURGH AND PO'KEcPSIn Dally XC e;t Sunaay>, by Palace Iron Day Lire Eteaniers "New Yotk" and "Albany." Brooklyn Fulton ft. «by Annex». *; Deatbroaaea St.. S-.40- W 42d' St »• W. 12V«th St.. '.' 2<t A. M. Returnltig on down boaY'dja 42d tt. 5:30 P. M. MORNING AND AFTERNOON CONCERTS. ~~ROSKAWAY BEACH LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. ■ I Leave New York, foot Eaat r.4th street. week /lavs 5.30. «.f». >•»). »20. 10 30. 10.50. II IM» a. m.. 12.50. •! 20. 1 50 2-89. "300. 3 20. 4 30. 5 2". 5 30. 6 40. 7 20. S.OO. 0.00, •fi%o. iO3op m.. 12 <»0 midnight. ■iluns on Satuidaye only. RED BAIVK L.IIVE Leaves Franklin et.. Pier 24. N. R.. daily. 3 p. in. Cunaa>-e. » a. m. only for Highlands. Red Bank, etc. B»c. Site Tr<.!ie> connection to Long Uranch. A*bur>' Pars. FOR SALE. FBEFH FVLLIVAV COUNTY EGGS the cases of 12 dozen or more: this week. 2ftc •ioren; 40- flepofeit for rif* retnm of case by express company frfe; terr : «, can;, with oi-Vr, send $3 52 for 12 doretl trial order; price ««bject to ch»nc» without notice. WILLIAM g. GALI/iWAV. Hnnkin*. Fulll- Ttn County. N>» York. ' _ EStTLOTMENT ACENrtES. MRS. L. SEELY Employment Bureau. 23 West 39th St. - ..- 'Phones 2434. 2435— Bryant. BROOKLYN OFFICE: 34 NCVINS ST. "ST. ~R*t<tvsiqv e WZ EMPLOYMENT RIP-EAT". 211 F-»*t 426 at."— First rlaaa •i'.nie« i ■« are: aupf»lie<3: also manaclntt hou«ekeeyer«, mai irons coverre»se«. fuTnrf. {■• ■ t MACHINERY. ""*"" ' *" ' " i AT REmrCBD PRICE? —.'.Oft occonil hand i ■mod and :rrr working machines, fully i ruaran'eed; me<*lnery bought aiSI ex- j changed CEO, B . EDDY.- T.-M M*d!»?r. St. ttrtwainxc TTPBWRITErS —All make* soM. rented. repaired, *-xc?i2need: r^ieM» »er\ ice GORMAN. 7i N'tuug st. Telephone :t44 Corti-.ndt. , HIST BANKBOOK No 137.234 of the rni'.n Plm» Pa l>ig>- IneUtutl) n is mnlnf An\ per- Boa havir* a ciaiiii to !t f<< hereby called upon U> present 'he fa:ne «:?hin ten <3sys er eubmit to levins eaio panbook cancelled and a r'» ore feraed. BANKBOOK No *CtJtS7 of it« L*nl«a l>im» Savinrs Instlfui'^Tj Is ni!*i"!njr Any t*-t - •on having a tiadii \<, It \r beretoy cal.fl yron to preaent the fan:*> within ten <Ja>e i/r Buhn-.!t to baring sa;d pgobooii cancelled •nd a ■»• m* !«fuml. LOST. — Bankbook Vo. 4.'.*.:U"4 on Dry Dock Savlnßi" rieotc. Any person having rlafnts upcn «?.id book i* called ur^>n to present the to |li, hank within 'hlrtj ''ajR. or the m M )«,. - wiil i- declared cani'*|]<-<i and < xt!ri).-'Jli-i.- <- and a new- one l*Mie<J In lieu tlirrtof. I»ST — liar.kt. *.k No. H72.4K1 Hank for Bavin**. 'JHi 4th «v<-.. N>« for>; I»BJ tneet starved: pleaae return l«i'>k to l.auk. I/-ST.— Har.kli.^.u •■ 764.7 m. .Hunk for Ravlngr. -^j. 40, ay... N>w York; pay n.ent > t..r> t '■■ •i- »>■ r'tum !-. U to t*r.i«. I**/;* KKSTAI RANTS. CAFE MCIcTII' 1 * «-'«• Under caw *<.t\TS HASTED Summer Resort*. NF.W-JT.HSET HOTEL DENNIS, •.-;-. ATLANTIC CITY, >". J. Open all the year. Fireproof addition of 100 Rooms and baths. ' .. Hot and ■■>!< tea. «»■•' In private bath*. ; . . . WALTER J. BL-ZBT. GALEN HALL .■-•■- HOTB^ AND PANITORII'M. . . ATLANTIC CITY. K. J. One of the n«wert brick, stone and steel buildings. wltß every- comfort, a'.-raya open, always ready, always busy. {IDarlborousb=S?lenMm " ATLANTIC CITY. >'■ J. WOTTT "PrmnTT Atlantic City. N. J. tLVILL KUUUIJ, .Directly on the Beach. Capiclt.r. LOOO. American and European plant*. Sea water baths; private 'phones: orchestra. CHAB. R. MYERS. Owner. ASBURY PARK. N.J. THE RESORT FOR PEOPLE OF REFINEMENT. y« coast resort p" "■*■"» the many advantages of As bury Park, superb driveways, beautiful shade trees: wen kept lawns, extending almost to the ocean's edse. noara walk finished to Deal Lake; the great educational ■*onven tien city: large m.-Klern hotels, complete In their appoint ment* acd attractive In location: the beautiful lakes are moat attractive for sailing and fishing ABSOLUTELY NO MOSQUITOES For particulars address BOARD OF TRADE. ASBURY PARK, N.J. ; ~.. . THE NEW MONMQUTIi SPRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. NOW OPEN. Rtriing. nrtvinc: Autnmohlllns:. Tcnni? Golf. «'anr>elng. Bathing. FRANK K. SHITE. Manager. SOMERSET INN AND EIGHT COTTAOF.S. BF.ftNARDSVILLE. N. 3 88 miles from New Tork. on Lackawanna R R . via w. SSd. Christopher or Barclay Pt Ferry. Altitude. SOO feet. Opens May 19 BEN'J. R. PHBLPS, Manage! Telephone ~8. Bernardsvllle. T^LBERON. V. J.— TOWERS COURT, new. strictly high Jlr class, reflr.efi family nome. with cottages snd bunga lows: American and Europe»n plan; no oih«r place like !t on any coast. Booklets. A TVD"R Pi OCEAN GROVE. N. J. Main aye., Jinairunw, Brd door from ocean. Good table. Reasonable; 80 rooms. A. TV. LVMAN. NEW HAMPSHIRE, THE WAUMBEK AND COTTAGKS At Jefferson. New Hampshire. In the White Mountains, now open for the Summer reason. A. J. MURPHY. Manager. CONNECTICUT. EDGE WOOD INN EDGEWOOD PARK. GREENWICH (ON THE SOUND). CONlf. Beautifully located resort hotel. Select patronage. I*o room* en suite, with baths and all mod-ra appointments. Careful service In pll departments. Casino. Golf. Tennis, Bowling. Riding and Driving. Superior table and auto quartets. Well kept walks and drives. In a picturesque country. 45 minutes from New York \la New Haven R. R. -■■:• ■■•' D P. SIMPSON. Manager. ••>'.. Mgr. Laurel Hou*e. lakewood. N. J. rENXSYLVAXIA. THE KITTATINNV. DELAWARE WATER GAP. PA. The PiiradlM of America. Capacity, 400. Open from Mar till November. 2H houra from New York via Dela ware ft Idtckawanna B H . without change of cars Auto garage. Write for special rates and Illustrated 1 booklet. CHARLES E COPK. Country Board. A. — SARATOGA SPRINGS. K. V.— New Columbian Hotel, opposite Congress Springs and Convention Hall. Terms. European. $2.50 dally, . Including bath; American. IS. Bo . ...-..'. City Hotels. 1— ELEOAMTLY FFRNISHED APARTMENT. prT • vate bath. II Oft daily; Including meals two t's weekly; one. 111.50 VAN HENBSELAER. 17 East 11th Saratoga. V —SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T— New Columbian ■*»-• Hotel, opposite Congress Springs and Convention Hall. Terms. European. $2.50 daily. Including bath American. $3.50. A DVERTISEMENTf! AND SUBSCRIPTIONS for The *X Tribune received at their I'ptown Office No 1164 Broadway, between 3oth and S7th sts.. until » o'clock p. m Advertisements received at the following branch offices at regular office rates until fl o'clock p m . via : 204 .Sth ave-. s. c cor 23d St.: 153 6th «v», cor. 12th *t • V 2 East 14th st . 267 West 42d « • between 7th and Sth ayes.; *» West St.; ins 3d aye. between 76th and 77th sts : 1026 3d aye.. near 6l*t St.; 170* Ist aye.. near 69th St.: 187 E&st 12.1 th st 7f»fl Tremont aye. 650 3d aye near 41st at.; 554 3d aye.: 21>> Bleecker st HELP WANTED. Male. ■WANTED. Young man as travelling falefman and assistant in publishing Vouse; collejre graduate preferred: good appearance; willing to work for moderate salary for two or three year*, until gaining a firm foothoH in and full rapacity as salesman in this line of business; appli cant would be required to be moderate In travelling expenjes. and to be of first class habits a. jd antecedents. Address, stating ape. with experience and references, PUB LISHING. Box .V). Tribune Office. WANTED- A thoroughly competent book keeper; handwriting must be superb; ref erences unexceptionable; state salary, ex pec-ted EXACTING. Tribune Uptown of fice. lSft4 Broadway. Female. : COOKP. chambermaids nnd genera' house workers; positive]? no charge for obtain- Ing wr.rk during summer months. SWART F.MP. BUREAU. 70th at. and Celumbu* ave. WORK WANTED. ;':/■' , ; - .m«i«. ••* ' •.: AUTOMOBILE ENGlNEEß,— Gentleicin; six yean ' 'rperien<-.-. full A; <' G. P 1 certificate*; assistant . manager or »nlcsman in garage, or would look afi<r y'tud; well up in repairs and .ill English and Continental cars, exvellent driver. GREY. Port Carlin, Murkjka. Ontario. . A SOUTH AMERICAN GENTLEMAN. ■peaking, reading and writing English and .-vanis'i l.uentiy, with office experi ence, wishes place. . PALOTES, ' West •Win st. - '. A I*OL'TH AMERICAN GENTLEMAN. BC •i.ilnted with the principal cities of South America mid W«t Indie*, »!«he« to ravel with tourists or oihtr persons as a guide (Uid Interpreter of i:.-i«-li*h and Spanish lancua|r«s.' Address VEKEPAIMA, 104 «'«« «14»h ft. M KHII'PINC CL.KRK: 10 yearn' ejperl er.rf-. can furnish good referenres; mar ried G. W.. car* of Wright House. Bath Heach. NT . . ■ - . . TOY — Aped IS; where he can advance him self. JOHN CARKS.SKL. SftO V. ,77th St. BOT. 13. to learn any Rood trade. DAVID UKDkUK, OS Grand View aye., ITklyn. BOY. 14. as offlce or errand boy. "13 Ist a y - J A PANES* BUSINESS MAN. well edu cated. 18 years' good experience in wholesale Japanese ■ merchandise, seeks situation with American firm; ralary $tS weekly and commission. ORIENT. Trib une Uptown Offlce. 1.164 Broadway. CIVIL ENGINEERS.— Twov youn« men. r.-'iman and axnian; bicn school otudents; loratr with W*i.u--ij railroad: chan.e of i..l imaccfweot; etate. salary COOK. 119 "Vest H (2.1 at. • -. • CARPENTER. — #>*«' an.l ambitious; good mechanic] underntands plans and the handling of ""-"; «• «up«-rli:tenU«nt or ffire ii.aj.; uufi ** H.. »5O 3d ay. -_ CHAUFFEUR^ employed at ' nje«.-nt on four i-ytt»4*r Uiurlng tar. would Ilk* c«u/»uy i>asUloo; rohtr a "'' thoroughly «-i [inlt-ciced: !.<•«• t*frf«-ncri from present «m • ployor. «*• A. *!.. Tribune Uptown Offlce, ia«4 Uii4t4w»> «"UArFFEITR.--I*seful man: aoU-r. rel:*- Mr can run four tyllndtr I*l ni>i ■•i»i« r«pa.iW: Utt i«-ferer.cts. IVAl: HAK'ii.i.;.. l'Jl Bedfori av'.. Brooklyn. ■■HAiirr.i !: Thr^<» yesr»' e»r>eriene«; thorouzhly iM.Jarafßiii ar^rating and m j.ainng any for*lfn or gomeatlc eh.'; 'uglily i-6ccmuien<J<.'l (•' la« cmiilj>*x. BtR'jEN. M Lci.lE4tCn S.V*. NEW-YORK DATT.Y TRTRFNE. TTT.SPAY. AT'OT'ST 11. innfi MORLEY'S i|, l!»- 11.-url i.f t!.P \!>li;->M> \< 1^- Two larrr? hotels and cottanes. overlooMna: two of tlis most beautirnl lr.kes In the region. One hotel lust built. AI! new furniture. Trout fishing, boating, bathlne. bowi taiß. pool, tennis, orchestra, house phy&lclan. San.tary nlumhlnc;. Pure spring water. So putmonarv lnvalt<l«. Mnlerate ratf?. Reduction In Septembrr. Artistic a'»-lo«ue.a'» lo«ue. IIOBLETS. I^ke Pleasant. Hamilton Co.. ». »• T|Jr ADIRONDACKS. " 1 RC ElizaLethtown, H. Y. US BsU nOf^D I One of tna taf**** and flnMt If 111 II OH 5l v tel « In the mountains; fine lo fll"UWUI1: cation: electric; private baths: pure running sprln«'water; rwlmmins pool: milk and vegetables from Windsor farm and ■rardena^orcriratra. moderate prices. FIXIJ GOLF LINKS. For booklet ad- C ' ORLANDO KELLOGO & SON, Props. MANHATTAN BEACH See Sunday Excursion Column for .train service; week days, all evening papers of New York. MANHATTAN 'EACH HOTEL T. F. SILLECK, Manager. THL ORIENTAL HOTEL JOS. P. GREAVES, Manager. -BKIARCMFF MANOR. NEW YORK. BRIARCLIFF LODGE flag Hotel Beautiful of the Westchester Hills NOW OPEN Brtareliff Manor, less than thirty miles from New York, is one of the most exclusive and at tractive residential and hotel resorts of the Westchester Hills section. D. B. PUJMER. General Manager Hotel and Realty Interests. HOTEL G AMAT Aft Bronxville, Westchester Co., N. Y. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. The most delightful health and pleasure resort near New York. Refined and exclusive patronage. Harlem Division. N. Y. Central 30 mm. J. J. LANNIN CO.. Props. Also j Garden City Hotel. Garden Ctty. i. I. Props. 1 Mai haset House. Shelter ls!?nd. L. I. WATCHOGL'E HbUSE. East Moriches. — Situated dl- VY r«:tly on Gleat south Hay; kooU table; iaiac i'iaz •u and kUady lawns. uI'KNS JULY 1. E. H. TERRY. Manager. \ SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T. -New Columbian • Hotel, opposite Congress Springs ar.'l Convention Hall. Terms. European. $2.50 daily. Including bath; American. IS.iin. / IRVSTAI, LAKE HOITSE, 1,. I.: fi " family hotel, boating, l>athing. llshins. et. . E. P. FROfT.' PTopr — BLEGANTLT FURNISHED APARTMENT, prl . vato bath. $1.00 dally; Jncludinjr meals, two. J2r, weekly ; one. j112..-»n VAN RTCNSSEI. \ KR. IT Kast 11th. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. Frank T. FltzEeralrt. a Surrogate of the County of New York, dated June ISth. IS>o''., notice Is hereby given to nil persons having claims against Edith Parker Stlm son. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business. No. 4» Wall Street, in the City of New York, on or before the tenth day of January n< Dated New York, the 2d day of July. 1906. ARTHT-R H. MASTEN. WILLARD PARKER BUTLER. ExecutOßß. MASTEN & NICHOLS. Attorneys for Executors, 48 Wall Street. New York City. TX PURSUANCE OF AX ORDER OF HON. .*■ Frank T. Fitzgerald, a Surrogate of th» County of New York, no;ic* is hereby given to all persons naving claims against Eugene K. McLvan. late nf the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his place of tran»actlng business at the office of Phelps. E\ ins & East. No. 3u Broad Street. In the City of New York, on or before the 15th day of September next. Dated New York, the 3tii day of March. 190« l. EL'QENE UcLKAN I»NG. Executor PHELPS. EVINS & EAST. Attorneys for Executor. TN PURSUANCE OF AX ORDER OF HON. ■*■ Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against John A McCall. Ute of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber at her plact of transacting busin«s.«. No. 41 Wall Street in the City of New York, on or before the 57th <iay of September next. I>at»»] Sew York, tfee lttth day cf March. 1908. MARY I. McCALL, Executrix under the list Will and Testament of John A. McCall, ieceusod. HARRY H BOTTOMK. 41 Wall S'.eet, Boruugh of Man hattan. New York City. TX PURSUANCE OF AX ORDER OF HON. Frank T. Fltgerald. a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is r.«»r«l y given to all persons having claims agair.wt Rob^t M. Hazard, late or East Orange. New Jersey, dccc?-.,/!, to present the same, with voucher* tlereof. to the rubscrtber at his place of transacting busi ness, the office of George J. Greenfield, 32 Broadway, in the City of New York, on or before the IMb day of Octo ber next. Dated New York, the 14th day of April IJKXS. CHARLES HAZARD. Executor. TX PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. C. Thomas, c. (Surrogate of the County of New York notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against John Fit t rl -a late of the County of New York. deceased. to present the nme with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the office of FV.wa»-U D. Dowllng. his attorney No. 28u Broadway, in the City of New York, on or before the 14t!j day of September next Dated New York, the 12th day of March. 1'.»06 MICHAEL F. FITZPATKICK. Executor EDWARD D. DOWLING. Attorney for Executor, 280 Broad-war. Borough of Manhattan. New York city. WORK WANTED. Male. CHAUFFEUR.— Long road work: mechanic; bar. own tools; prefers car going South for winter: good guide. Georgia and Florida. J. V HOLMES, 2S."> St Nicholas aye. % CHAUFFEUR. COACHMAN. —Licensed: careful driver: age "4; married; best ref erences; good repairer; sober, obliging. F. FARLEY. 71 William St.. Orange. N. J. DRUGGIST, registered: American pro scriptions preferred. THOMAS. 315 West ÜBth st. DRIVER. --Experienced; at anything. WM. IGOL. r,42 West 53th St. ' • DRAFTSMAN*. Extra work; mechanical drafting and patent office drawing! BROWNE. 328 East 2«th »t. ENGlNEEß.— ''aieful. reliable and in dustrlouF: long experience; best refer ences. T. O'BRIEN. .".Oft West 3Sth st ELECTRICIAN.'— First clans, all around mechanic: seven years' experience; steady postttnn; sober and steady: Al references. JAMES P. BRADLEY. Bf»4 Avenue <■ Bprn.k4>Ti.. ELE'"TRI< - IAN. 20 years' experience every brunch of the business, as foreman or Journeyman* no objection to out of town. J. JI. S . ft« East 13Sth st. ELECTRICIAN'S HELPER; $1 day. HELERGON. care of MacMahon, 137 East S3d St., two flißhts Up FOREMAN.— Licensed eight years; handy with tools; younp. active; run ventilating ;>:ant F»ven years. Call or write. CHARLES WEBSTER. 351 Beat lir-th st JITST arrived from Cuba, practical steam fitter and ice machinist; best of refer enres. desires immediate position; colored WILLIAM H. «;iBRS. 240 West 80th »l. MACHINIST —Bench work; first class. 24 yearn old: seven years' experience; salary 30 cents pel hour. A. SIMON?. 324 South Main ft . Waterbury. Conn. MAN. Middle aped; moderate salary; no (anvatielnjs: well read: fluent talker; good addres?: first rl i: -> writer. R. J , 1727 Washington aye . Bronx. PAINTER. — First cla»s: would like to con tract for work In a private house; act an caretaker; satl»fn -fry reference*. AN DERSON, care Norman. 2791 Sth aye. F'HOTOORAI'IIi<K. — Exivrlenced In uli Lranche*: owner of two valuable cameras; Hiruks French an.l <lirman. M KRIZA .NoU'.-Kl. 214 West 14!h ft. PAINTEH, paiierhanfier. decorator: tnka charg* and reapunalble; any Job; city or country. 11l East 41»t >t. PAINTER. pap«rhi»ni{er, decorator; firi-t rli^'-. irltfi itcaffoMa; larijf> contract*; Inwext figure; private, hotels, estates, land lards; day .r Job. UUVUFELd) 2"JS East ;>{wh at. SITPJCKINTKNDKNT. - Ky German. 37 sin u'.9.*Ko<i<l faMiit-r. amrdrnei In vpei t«r eatata work: nlft-tiem i*ffrrerit*a. Addr«si M . care Utrpeixei » Bureau, 154 Oih me BTABLEMAN.— PIrat class; four yean.' i>f • ••..<• from la*t employer. Addrca* M l/i ■»!.!: *""..•. Pacific st . Brooklyn SHIPPING i'I.KIUv First clasH; .ie«!rcs to fhsjise; best refaren ci Address ii KUTTH. iM 4th aie. Brooklyn. STF.AMFITTER and ICE BNUINKEH r.'ai iii-hI; iust arrived from Cuba: ■■■] • fM, wishes pUce a! oucq. Yt'lLLlAil GIBBS. ,*«* C*— — - Summer Resorts. Surrogate Notices. WOKK WANTED. Male. TAIL°R. — Experienced custom cutter: able to fill any position; references; in or out of town. J. BERARDELL.T. t*4 East 188 th st. VARNISH MAKER Experienced In all branches: In or ou: of \vn F. GIBSEi 1600 Greene aye.. Brooklyn. WATCHMAN or CARETAKER f«r one or more houses: German, middle aged; hon est and thorough; reference and security Rl\en. HOLT. 151 Kast «th ft WATCHMAN Man as night watchman; 3 years in last place; best of references. GEORGE WALTERS, 168 East tuith St. TOUNO MAN. IS years of ace. good writer. desires i" sit lon of advancement with good house; rood reference. HAROLD BCHAF FER, 7'H> East 14Sth st. YOUNG MAN. 25. college graduate, two years' business experience, desires to go Weal f"r reputable firm; will start with reasonable terms. F. H., 2.".S Packman St.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN, good all around: under stands cows, horses: can wait table; will- Ing end i-.hllgin*; city or country. MOR ROWS BUREAU. 721 Islington aye.. fSth St. YOUNG MaN Aged 2!: good appear ance, steady, reliable; pocltlon with good prospects; salary to start. $10 to $11. ref erence. CHARLES KRAI'S, 511 3d pve. YOUNG MAN. 21. with chance of advance ment: lr,:-;.'.. or outside. Address AD VANCEMENT. 410 Franklin nvo. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN.— Aged -J». neat, reliable: at anything; references; reconnnend 1 Ad dress J. ot.. Box !). Tribune Office VOr.M; MAN", French. hlKh school gradu ate; some English , s:^aks anil writes '}r««k Turkish. Aral, lan. hotel <r ;,nv where. TABIB. r,7 Wiirhinßton pt. Female. GOVERNESS.— Hy college enduat*: or as companion or social secretary: excellent reader; musical: would travel; highest ref erences. AcLlrns F. \V.. Box 172, West wood, N. J. GOVERNESS. Ac —For maid, gownesa, lady's cotnrjanion. Interpreter, lady and daiiKhter. knowing French. Spanish offer their services. -Apply to L. de P.. 2OS West lOth at. TYPEWRITER as office assistant: one veir's ■ ;;i>erlenre. nil! Park aye.. IJ'klyn. OOHKSTIC SITVATIOMB WANTED. Male. ATTENDANT. — Companion t<> ;in Invalid, experienced, educated, gentlemanly; ae ruMomed to tra\»-l. Niiv York references. ORAHAM, fit I.exlnjrr.n aye ]:;ti.j.i; Valet ; Bwlia; ilnele; long cx i» rloii ■<■: city or country; i!r-i class It] references JOHN. :'.'■'! l-'.i-s! ;u».t it. BUTLER -- Thorough i«rvanl exreHrnt references; willing, obliging, mrlrtly if .vm!i..-k 11 . M , Tribviin I,'jitown i ,[•■ • i::-;i Bi . Iwaj ADVERTISEMENTS an.l subscription a tor n.. Tribune t< - ■-!■! ■ v.l at their iJptuw; <,!!...• No. Broadway, between ,tt,;. »n ! ..'■ »tn.. until It a dock p. mi Advrr tliementi rei-eivpii at the fallowing Bran i 'ifflc«f .•t regular office rates until «i a cioca i' m.. viz : 2.'4 Mh aye.. » c cor. I'M at.; 1.'." urn ai* . cor. 12th II . V 2 Ka«t nth at.; r.'.T Vrm 42<1 m.. between 7tli and Htn avn. - 2*."! Weal rjftth it . 13.18 3d avf.. uei*»en ;<llh aM "7th Mi., ln^'i 3d aw. near list •t. : 170* ]«t me near SOtti at.; IS? East ...».■- ■•-» «jj ava. . 090 M tv«. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. COOK.— Southern colored man In small hotel, private family or club; good l recom mendations. A JOHNSON. 123 XV. I34th st. CARF.TAKER- German, aged r,% married, three adults; care rf houses and fur naces; refetenecs. Address F. L., 263 West 123 th st. COACHMAN— Good references; »^' ft ß° four and five years from former places , can drive four; aped »'».. ■' J. I- Tr.bune Uptown Offlce, 1364 Broadway. COACHMAN. — First class; understands thoroughly management or privata «tat>ie; perv>nal references as tr> ability, sobriety. honesty; willing, useful. COMPETENT. Box 64, Tribune Uptown Ostca, 13U4 Broadway. COACHMAN. — thoroughly under stands c»re of horses, earring**, harness: leaving on account of family selltn? out; twelve years' reference from preset*", em ployer, "call or «(!•!> ess present employer, PRIVATE STABLE, 114 East_«Cth at COACHMAN.— By American: married, no children; understands city and country driving- 2** years' experience; reference. Address M.. Box 182. Weth«T»tlPl.l. Conn. COACHMAN. — By first class man: best reference; experienced in riding and driv ing: city or country. JOHN, care of J. B. Brewster, 40th st. and 7th aye. COACHMAN— By a very neat, tidy, smooth faced young man; takes, best nrc of horses harness, carriages, etc . careful driver; generally useful; excellent refer-, ence. WILLIS, at Carpenter's. 154 Bth aye. COACHMAN.— First class. 31. married, neat appearance: 12 years' European and American experience, four in hand or tan dem; highest perfona! city references: per manent: country. COACHMAN. 157 Mil st., Brooklyn. FARMER i Foreman*. —Good worker; Amer ican; has served years at the . business; experienced in all work: horses, cattle, pigs: all stock and machinery; ex.-. licnt herdsman; forty cows nt present: nsed to boarding and hanfWnK help: successful with poultry; strictly sober nr.d best ,-,fer ences. G. C. Carpenter's Bureau, IS I 6U» aye. FARMER (Working Foreman).— By a Her man; best reference; married, four chil dren; long experience in all branches farm .lng. machinery. »tc. ; wife hoard help. poultry, etc. PAUL at Carpenter's Bureau. 154 6th five GARDENEB.— Married, no children; thor oufrlily expprl»> ceri In care of Bowers, roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, palms. Braperifs. shrubbery, fruit, vegetablea; take charge of gentlenian's I'iace; ro.^u refer ences. PAUL HAESSIG. .New Rochelle, X. V GARDENER (Head, Working).— Thorough, practical experience in all branches of the profession; hothouses, fruit and veg etables, landscaping all work in conn«-t!or. with large place. Address D. XI.. 27 Phoenix aye.. Morristown. N. J. GARDENER.— German. single, middle aged; good vegetable grower; quit" a florist; small greenhouse; can milk; well recommended; strictly sober. JOSEPH. Carpenter's Bureau. 154 Bth aye. GARDENER.— By German, married, no children; long experience In every branch, glass, etc. fine vegetable grower; reliable man every way: wants a cottage : wife board Delp, poultry, etc. J.. at Carpenter's Bureau. I.VJ 6th aye. GARDENER, COACHMAN. Steady, re liable m.-in. middle aged. single. thor oughly understands vegetables. (lowers, lawns, milk, one horse if required; moder ate wages; trustworthy, willing to work; 3 years' splendid personal references. \V.. Box -•'{. Tribune Office. GARDENER and FLORIST.— Elderly Ger man American, i>«> years' experience In all branches; country or city, or caretaker; wages moderate. Address GOTTSHALK, 14ti» Lexington aye. GARDENER.— Can take full charge of gentleman/ place; ro<*l reference as to character and capability. Address H. C. R. Box 20. Tribune Otf.ce. JANITOR. ( >ne n r m<ire houses; tinsmith, plumbing, iiaintintr. electrician, locksmith, carpenter w^rk. etc.; strictly sober; m.> base ment. .K'MN ROLLINS, :-;>*s Wyona st., Ur m klyn. NORWEGIAN, 24. of good education, ='> and string; whore chance for advance ment. JACK NORK, 606 Slat st.. B*klyn. STEWARD. Club, hotel; city or country; forty years' New York experience v. dress SCHMIDT, 334 Hist 84th st. USEFUL MAN. Private family; un.l.>r Btur.ils all house and garden work; 'iin milk. GEISENHOF. 818 2.1 aye.. n-ar .14th ft. (upatalra). USEFUL MAN. Mid.:!* ag»t\ fjerman; un d»i>t«nds driving, care horses, ,'arria^.s. harness. Inwn. parden or small farm; can milk; S'Vj.l reference. GARDENEB M Division st. USEFUL MAN.- Competent to to any kind of work; store, warehouse; understands driving, hand] at anything; strictly lidustrlous; accustomed t.i bakers , ?ial llshmcnta. COLSEN. 573 Eaal 14!tth st. USEFUL MAN.— Mid(?le aged; single; Ger man; In hotel or estate; '-an do all re pairs; best references. E. /CM RE, 1541 3d aye. T'SEFT'I. MAN Young man. colored. would like ho:ne In country with private family, good people; hois.-man; *-.od rffer fti.-e H JUST, 7?yt>. N. V VALET Attendant to an Invalid; ex perienced, educated. gentlemanly; ac- customed to travel; New York references. GRAHAM. CJ> I>-xlngt..n aye. remain. COOK. — Widow in small family as plain cook; light housework; reference. PEN FIELD. 133 Weal BOth st. COOK CHAMBERMAID.— By two neat. obliging girls, Norwegian Protestants; one cook, assist laundress; other chaniheroiald and waitress; good references), A. P., -Mrs. Collier's Agency, 122 Wast 23d at. COOK. First clat>s Swedish cook with very beat of references Is now open for work in the city; private families only. Apply SWEDISH BUREAU, 31 aye., near 3&tn st. COOK. — By good German girl In private family; ho objection to country; under stands desserts, salads, etc.; $25 to $3.1. Call Mrs. WILKEB'S BMP. BUREAU. !i57 3d aye.. near 571h et. cook By n ft 1 "" 1 1 Swedish cook; familiar with t>e6t families; is ready for work; $33 to $40. i 'all BLOOM'S BUREAU. 747 Lex Ington aye . or Tel 4887 Plaza. COOK By Scotch Protestant; strictly first chiss all branches plain nnd fane] cook Ini; r X' client references; countrj pref»-rrf>l M S., Mra. Comer's Agency. l'J'J Weal 2Sd st. COOK, competent: wages, $2."i f.iK; has bait references; also capable waitress. ■nitlf two years' reference; £0 together or separate: Swedish women. JUS3ILA BU REAU. (ISO Lexington aye. *, CHAMBERMAID.- flood German girl; in country. KRUEGER. 40S East (i.'.th st. (fourth floor). CHAMBERMAID or HOUSEWORK ER. in small family: lately landed. LYNCH, :;t.a East «»th ft. SKxJil CHAMP.IvRMAIP nnl WAITRESB Good. smart Bwedlab girl; f peaks English »•!!; t.<!<t references; $20 to $28. < all BLOOM'S EMI' EXCHANGE, 747 I<exlnKti>n n-.t- . ,r T^>l. 4857 riaza. CHAMBERMAID Norwegian Protestant; very neat, refinr.i. obliging girl; excellent rpfer^nres; city or count ry. M X Mrs Collier^ AGENCT, 122 W.-st J3i at. DAY s WORK Kn^ii«h woman; good worker; splendid reference; ofti c ai-art mer.t <.r bouse to 1 lean, oi will do day's work of any kind. <i>2 (It it ;ne GIRL colorea. with one or two In. lies; near 77th St.; Bleep home M., care of \V E. Williams. 374 East 77th st. GENERA!. HOUSEWORK ER.— By Ivpst Indian colored woman: Ir flat, small fam ily. Call ROBINSON. 229 We«t 03d at. HOUSEKEEPER.— By young woman Wor care for elderly lady: Protestant 'IM MEDIATE. •-•<",;; West r_'.-,th st. HOCSEWORKER -CHAMBERMAID two neat younn (flrls: one houseworker, .»r. ] rook, excellent laundress ether cham bermaid, waitress or nurse city or eourtrv MORROWS BUREAU, 721 Lexington avi Tel. tOSS Plaza / HOUSEKEEPER — Kurtie ..r companion to Invalid or elderly reliable middle and English man. Address I. <; 14;: >r), v* INFANTS Ni:RSr.-Thnroughly~^>m"i^ tent; understands «ntir>- pare from *lrth; all J-.ln 'a of t.ttl- feeding; excellent travel ler: willing to have city: apesika Ena;li*h n ml German; personal r« 1 :.:,•• A ;.Ir*s3 NURSE, can of Mis u'tJradv, «2o Cast KM) st INFANT'S NU IU«K— l(y nent youni <i«r mull Blrl; •\| •■[-!. ■!>■ i'<l . has four years' reference: city or couairy. T-\.. l;i-s — I-laza. MORROWS BUREAU. 7^l Ltilna tun avi^ior. B*th »1 JAKITRESS weman In steam heated or cold water apartment, Cull .11 vrii- M..- •■ A. BROWN. L'« \V. Outh st. J VNI !'Hl>- Widow as Janltrcs.s. Mra HENRY. -14i> We I Mth st. J-A r Nl>l'. 1 .-S —V. .111,; Swedish woman; thorouiihly capable; private family ..nly; unUtrxtunds xlilrls »nd rcllan '"all l-.i.oc IMi HUREAU. 747 1.. Hi ,-•• I) u\v. '!>:. I". I'laza. I.AU.NnP.ESS.— Ktret tla»». l.y the .lay; htrt i!tv i-f«-rem-f. S\\r.Je. U. OSTKU IK LSI *19 Ea«l »Uth tt. LAUNDRESS.— Strong young woman as first clasa launlress; shirts, oollar.r cuffs; hnr frlt-n I kltchenmald: city cr country MORROWS BUREAU. 7t!l llexlngtoa aye Mar Bath at. Ttl -»'!**•» OCEAN STK.VMER.**. Thirty fifth Annual Series of Select Parti* 1 * leave Pacific Coast ports on Sept 4. St Oct. S. ar». 1908. for six months' lei surely travel. Including HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA. THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. CBTUMf, BI KMAH. INDIA. EGTPT. «t<? Parties eaatbouci leave New Vorlt Nov. 10. 2*. l»0«; Jan. 6, 1»T. High claaa arrange ments throughout. Illustrated descriptive programs from TIHKDJS. mm & SBBI, 24.'. AND 1.200 BROADWAY. 64» MADISON AYE.. NOW YORK. — — ♦ I ._ -~-»— ! Ouxurlouß New UP THE ! Steamers Superb Service. i Vs. 7TI TT TT^* The Route of • omrort. NILE Booklet, fu.l informa- EXPRESS NILE TO THE 8- CO \ Win U HlfurulyJ U © Broadway, . v „___ -^-' OLD IfiSSiEIIM UiE- Kor Old DAILY SERVICE. ' ___ For Old Point Comf.rft. Norfolk. Ports mouth. Pinner's Point and N>w h iJ.*^d" \irginla Beac* Washington. IX C and steamer, .11 Jfrgn. Pier 2tf N. R.. foot Beach St.. every wee*. day at 3 *>. m. : - R WAL>KER . Vice-President and Tralßc Manager. dwASSADBAH PACIIFVG K'V Intended Steamship Sailing" . fro ™ couvcr for Japan. China and Philippine Islands: ." _ - A llonteagle Abk. » Empress of China jSSSNti R. M. B. Tartar Sept. 17 Empress of India ■< Oc t. ti R. M S. Athenian Oct. to Empress of Japan... ... .. • • • (^*-..* J .iw* For FIJI. Hawaiian Islands, Australia ana New Zealand. Miowera Sept. 14Aoran«l . •<> ct --}r For rates and information apply to »1 Sth aye.. 45S and 1 Broadway. - . : VMI'.OA !•* L© W & IT Vii/ uN-1 NEW ENGLAND. Wireless Telegraphy en all Steamers. DAYLIGHT TRIPS on Long Island Sound. (SEE special advertisement in Exe. Col.> FALL RIVER LINE via Newport and Fall River. Lye. Pier 19. N. R.. ft Warren St.. week days and Sundays 6:30 P. M. Strs. Prlscillaand Providence. Orchestra on each. PROVIDENCE LINB for Providence. Bos ton and East. Leave Pier I*. N. R.. foot Murray St.. week «la>s only. «:fO P. M. Steamers Pilgrim and Chester W. Chapin. Orchestra on each. . - NEW BEDFORD LINE for New Bedford. Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Lye. I'ier 40. N. R., ft. ("larkson St., week days only, at 5-00, ft. Ea*t 22d St.. B:30 P. M. Steamers Maine and New Hampshire. NORWICH LINE for New London. Block Island. Watch Hill. Narra. Pier. Worcester, etc. Lye Pier 40. N. R.. ft. Clarkson St.. week flays only. 0:00 p. M. Also daylight trip Mondays from Pier 40. N. R.. 10 A. M.; ft. East 22d 9t. 1O:45 A M Steamers City of Lowell am City of Worcester. ■ j NEW HAVEN LINE for New Haven. Hartford, Sprinsfleld. etc. Steamer Richard Peck Ivs. Pier 20. E. R.. week days. 2:45 P. M. ; Sum.. 9:30 A. M. ; Ivs. root E. 22d St.. we«-k days. 3 P. M.; Suns.. 10 A. M. Sundays; due N. Y. on return. S:l."» P. M. Tickets and Stateroom*, all linen, at 19 Park PI., 245. 673, 12»»> and 1354 Broadway. 25 Union 50,.. IS2 Fifth Aye. «49 Madison Aye.. 24." Columbus aye.. 105 TV 125 th St , 27!>« Thirl Aye. and at Piers. New York. Id) fe FfeM JJdlP§(£^ \wmwm/ BOATfr\ M Boala gs&:i\ iwinna j/vffil 4%°1t w : \brf :vxwj/ It T£ 9.00. 9 . m , VV /VwA»»* // 10.00. 10.30 a. m-: Vv i/ -°— L - > yi1.00a.m..1.00. 12.30. 1.30. 3.00.N\ // 2.00. 3.45. 4.45. 15. 6.40. 7.45 \\ // 8.00. 8.10 p. m. p. m. ; Sundays. \\ // Sundays. 10.09 9.25 a.m.. 12.35. \\// a. m.. 100. 4.00. 8.85. 7.45 p. tn- V ••!• p. m. NBW YORK— ALBANY. HUDSON RIVER BY SEARCHLIGHT. Steamers C W. MOR9B. odd dates Au gust. ani ADIRONDACK, alternating, lv. Pier No. 32. N. R. fo<jt of Canal St.. • P. M.. and West lii»th St.. 6:30 P. M. dally (Sundays included). Direct connection with express trains .11 Albany tor Saratoga. Laka George. Adirondack*. Thousand Islands and Sharon Springs. Orchestra. Automobiles carried. Tlire table and Summer Book Free, "Beautiful Hudson by Searchlight." 10c NBW DOUBLE SERVICE. Str. DEAN RICHMOND leaves Pier 32. N. B , every Wednesday and Friday, at 5:30 P. M.. omitting W. 12»tn. St. Service equal to regular steamers. ®S7 QDaoyoß(j]oirfh Palatial Steamers "NBW YORK" and "ALBANY" of the Hudson River Day Line. fastest and finest river boats In the wcrld. Lv. Bklyn.. Fulton St. (by Annex).B:oo A. M. •• De,sbresees St. Pier 8:40 " • ' Weal 4*l St 9:00 " " West 12»th St *:»♦ " landing at Yonksra. West Pcint. New burgh. Poughkeepsie. Kingston Point, Cata kill. Hud«<>n an.l Albany. Dally, except Sunday. Special trains to Catskill Mts. re sorts .in,l Saratoga, ard easy connections to all polp's East. North and West. Through tickets and baggase checked at offices of N. Y. Transfer Co. Through rail tickets between N. T. and Albany accepted. Most delightful one-day outings to We»» Point. Netvburch or Ptv'keepsle. returning en down boat. Restaurant open at 7A. M. MUSIC. II EWroiiii'ra SHARY IrIyJWISILIL leaving Desbrosres St. at 3:10 P. M. (Saturdays 1:45 P. M.). W. 421 St. 8:30 P. M. ♦Saturdays 2 P. M.>. West 12fnh St. 3:30 P. M (Saturdays 2:20 P. M.> for Highland Falls. West Point. Cornwall. Newburgh. New Hamburgh. Milton. Poughkeepsl«. Ron dout an, l Kingston. Orchestra on board (SB^\T©DSD[L[L lEWtEKQQKO® ILD6OIE For Catsklll. Hudson. Coxsackle, CUlro, Palenvillo. Maine-* Corners. Tannersvllle: Weekdays. 6 p. m. from Christopher at.. 7 p. in. from West 129 th St. Extra boat Saturdays. 1:SO p. in . for Cats kill and Hudson, landing at Maiden. Special trains for (Mtsklll Mountain points. Handsome Illustrated Booklet mailed free,. TTGS©^ ILDROtEo HUDSON RIVER ROUTE. NEW YORK— TROY. Str. "City of Troy" or "Saratoga"* leave Pier 4«. West lOtn St. Daily tex;ept Satur day*. 6 P. M SUNDAY STEAMERS TOUCH AT ALBANY. Direct connection at Troy with trains te- all points. Dining rooms on main deck — Or chestra— Low Kxcurslnn Rates — Hookleta I-'ree — Automobiles carried. Bxcurston: Troy. 52.80; Saratoira. »4 50; Lake Ueoige. 16.35; Wllminicwn. Vt.. >:> «• CEHTBAL RUDSOI UHE. Boats leave Franklin St 4 P. M. : Satur lav?. IP M . for Kingston. Through the Highlands by Daylight; full light trip every Saturday. Connecting with CATS KIM. MOUNTAIN points via U. * D. R. R. Early morning train from Steamboat Dock. Block Island, Orient, Greenport, Skelter Island and Sag Harbor Via Montauk Steamboat Co"s Line. Leave N. V . New Tier N. E. R.. weekdays. c* cepl Saturday, »><'<>. Saturdays. la«i p. m Uxtra trip Mondays. H:0O a. m . for Sag Harbor For Work Island via Lone Ixlaml R. R. leave N. V.. 34th St.. E. 11. 10:30 Z. in. (.-x.-.-i'l Sunday), and at l:3O p. m. £-°aturday. I)UM£tiTIC MTIATIONH WANTED. Female. LAUNDRESS, a>u>isi chamberwork. by neat girl; «i>i>.i reference*; city or country. J. I. Mrs. Collier's Agency. 122 West SSd st. UXUNDRESS — First tlass, few days* work, •> ili-atilnic; ctty references. Mr». SCIIONFIELD. 342 Baal law st Mii>i»l.K ACS ED I*AI»Y of rennement as inanagir.K bouaekeeuer niairon 01 ln»t! tiitlon wirk. Addreta M. a. «'. Tribune Uptown ( •!«.-. i.:>'.» Brcadw&y. NKKSE and UA»9EI KB .— Ry youn S •>:■ man; expert; ;.i> charge «.r ■ondnementa; by da] or week. 1:.;.. by mail I. Koi:Sli : :i(. -ii'J Amster.iain aw WASHINO —By German woman, to taU* home. MASLAN. 334 East «1« st. WASHING and IRONINO.=-To Uk*l horn*; resperidhli- coiorea unman: all work dont first class Call or ad^reas lira. OARNES. £3(iVa Sptacar aU. UtuuiUyiL K.MJ4r:«)AiJ3. " R A iLKUAD. STATIONS foot of Weft Twenty-third street ami Desbrosses and Ccrtlaou* »ti«ets. aW The leaving time from Desbrcssea j«« Cortiandt streets is live minutes later .*™» that given below fur Twenty-ihlra *>ixt?l Etation. • FOR THE WEST. •7:BSAM CHICAGO SPEC ••:« A.M. PITTSBURGH DAY EX p •10:53 am: THE PENNSYLVANIA LIM ITED.— Chicago. Cincinnati a :iS?:^: 6t Louis. "rif^An * •135 PM. BT. LOCiS "«"*«!»; ATf *, •I:»P.M. CHICAGO. CINCINNATI • bT LOLI9 BJO'slt*f- .... •SSSP.M. PENNBTLVANIA BPECIAU IS hours to Chicago. •4:33 P.M. CHICAGO LIMITED.^ •8.55 PM! WESTERN tJU'RESS *«:25P.Ml ST. UJVIS * CINCINNATI EXi'KES* 7:WP.M. PACIFIC EXPRESS - •»:» P.M. ELAND * CINCINN ATI F V 1> T f y""*Z^y •t:55 P.M. PITTSUUROH SPECIAL WASHINGTON AND THfc. "* >VT m •7:55. 8:25. «9:23. ••85. '10:55 a. in ■•»-;»• •J2:55. 2:10. l«*:2S. ••Coßsre»»tonal Limit •d"». •3:25.'*4:251 •*&. ** :t *. ml>.,"-'m 1> .,"-' 12:l6 night. Sunday. *>:25. •»». *}**?£. m. 12 55 *12 55 i"3:a». ' Cona ressloaal Limited*: -3:25 «4 35. -4:55. •*». *—' p. m.. 12:10 WLWAT.-^^ M » P SOUTHERN RAILWAY.— '3:23. M-» P in.. 12:10 a m. daily. — , ATLANTIC COAST LINE-— •»:» a. m. IN »:2S p. m. dally. _ „ mmJt SEABOARD AIR L1NE.— 12.25 9- ■»• *** l-:l« a. m. dally. ._ _.— NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY.— CHESAPEAKE a AN"D OHIO RAILWAY.— •755 a. m. week days; "10.55 a. m. and •4:35 p. m. daily. ».#,«» FOR OLD POINT COMFORT and NOR FOLK.—»7:2S a. m. week days, and 8.3^ p. m. daily. _ __ __. ATLANTIC ITT.— »:» a. m . ••!:» Sat urdays only) and 2:55 p. m. weea daya. Sundays. »7:55 a. m. M ... CAPE MAY— I:3S p. m. wees days «•«» a. m. Sundays. ASBURT PARK fOcean LONG BRANCH. ASRURY PARK fOcean Grove) (North Asbury Park Sunday*;, and Point Pleasant. <«:<*> from r>esb. • Cort. Hta. only) 7:40. 8:55. 10:S5 a m.. 12:» (12:55 Saturdays only except Long Branch) «1:25 Saturdays only). -•{•'■ *'■■*. 826 (4:25 except Lcnsr Branch). 4:55 and 6AI p. m week days. Sat«*aya. B^O. 25. 10:55 a. hi., »n.i 4:V> P ra. FOR PHILADELPHIA. «:<«. »7:25. •7:55. >«:25. 8:55. »9:25. •» :--3. •tIO:RS. •10:53. *11:55 a. m.. 12:25. '12:--. •t1:55. »t:55. 2::0. 2:55. •«:». *:55 4:28. •425. 4:55. I»H:15 for North Philadel phia only). »5:55. «6:25. 8:55. 7:55. »:». •65 »-25 <»:55 for North Philadelphia •nly) p. ni.. 12.10 night wetk days. Sun days. 6:05. i 7:55. R:25. t»:25. 9:55. •♦!<» :s.\ •1O:55 a. m.. 12:25. «12:55. *t1:55 •!:«». •3:25. 3:35. "4:25. ••t4:B» for North Phil adelphia only). »4:53. «5:55. •«»-, 7 j~' 8:25. 8:53. 0:25. (9:55 for North Philadel phia only) p. m.. 12:10 night. •Dlnlnc Car. Ticket oSlces. No* 4«1. 1354 and 17« Bmad way; I^2 Fifth Avenue (below 23d St.): 263 Fifth Avenue (corner 2»th M.) an« stations named ab^ve: Brooklyn. 4 Court Street. 470 Nostrand Avenue. 390 Broad way and Pennsylvania Annex Station. The New Tcrk Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hoteia and residences through to destination. Telephone "543 Chelsea" for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service. _^_ J -._. W. W. ATTERBURT. X Rr^ oo^- General Manarer. Pans' r Tralßc tier. GEO. XT. POTT>. General Pas»en«»r *sjant. OCEAN STEA3IEK3. Emm GEBGH.A&S. U.QVD. Fast Express Service. CHERBOURG— BREMEN. K. Wm. II Aug. 21. A. M. Kronprlni Sept. 4. 7A. Ja. Kaiser Sept. 11. 10 A M. K. Wm. II Sept. 13. » 90 A. M- Kronprlnz Oct. 2. 8 A. II- Kaiser Oct. ». lft A. M. Twin-Screw Passenger Service. PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— BREMEN Kurfuers* Aug. 14. 1« A. M. Barbarossa Aug. 23. 10 A. M. Bremen Aug. 2!). 10 A.M. •Main Sept. 6. 10 A. M. FHedrlch Sept. 13. 10 A. M. Kurfuerst Sept. 13. nooa •Bremen direct. Mediterranean Service. GIBRALTAR— NAPLES— GENOA. K. Albert Aug. 28. 11 A. M. P. Irene Sept. 1. 11 A. M. K. Luis* Sept. IS. 11 A. M. K. Albert Sept. 2». 11 A. M. P. Irene. Oct. 13. 11 A. M. K. Lofaa Oct. 27. 11 A. M. From Bremen Piers, 3d * 4th Sts. . Hoboken. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD TRAVELLERS" CHECKS GOOD ALL OVER THE WORLD. OELRICHS A CO.. No. S Broadway. N. T. Louis H. Meyer. 1016 Walnut St.. Phila. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. Twin Screw Passenger Service. PLYJIOUTH— CHERBOURG— HAMBURG. Kais A V. Au^. 1«. 2PM Amerlka. Aiif W> P'nsylvanla Au«2T».»:3OAM : Sept.l •To Hamburg dir*»-t. I Mediterranean Service. TO NAPLES AND GENOA. tMoltke Sept. ll'JMoltk* Oct. 23 Oceana . Sept. 2" Han-burs; Nov. 15 P. Adalbert. Sept. 25| tMottke Dec. 4 Hamburg. .....Oct. 41 Hamburg Jan. 10 (Calls Gibraltar, haa Grill Boom awl Gymnasium. Special Notice. Great variety of special cruises and trips by superb passenger steamer* to the ORIENT. MEDITERRANEAN and ADRI ATIC SEAS. WEST INDIES. JAMAICA. ITALY an 1 EGYPT. TRAVEL. BUREAU R- R. Tickets, hotel accommodation?, an* general Information about forelrn travel. __ TRAVELLERS- CHECKS ISSUED ET THE COMPANY. OFFICE. 9T BROADWAT. N. T. •Phone. WOO Rector Plera, Hoboli*n. a MCDirtN f TTJ— Sailing at V SO A. M. AMEKIUin JL4ll— From ncr 15. N. R. n.YMOt'TH—^HBRB'G— S<">TTHAMPTi>N St. Paul Au«r. I* St. Loots Sept. 1 New York . Aug. 25 Philadelphia . .Sept. 8 RED STAR LIKE ,7°n p ,J er DOVER— ANTWERP— (LONDON. PARISH. K'nl'd.Aug.lS.2:3opmiFinrd.Sept. 1. 2:3i>pm V'l'd. .Aug.2s.S:3namlZeerd.Sep«. *\ (:i»im WHITE STAR LINE rN' «- NEW YORK— QNSTOWN— LIVERFOOL. Oceanic. .Aur 15. 2 pm ! Baltic. .Aug. -29. noon Teutonic . Aug. 22. 10 a m! M.->iest!r .Sept 5. 10 am Cedrlc..An«r.24.«l:3i>Mn!Celtic..Sept. 7. Sam £& MEDITERRANEAN a^^e S FROM NEW YORK— CRETIC Sept. 25. noon; Nov. 3 Dec 6 REPUBLlC.Oct.lS.noon;l>ec.l if m Boston* FROM BOSTON ROMANIC Sept. 15. 7:*> A. M • Orl B CANOPIC Oct. * 12:3rt P. M •' Nov 17 PASSENGER OFFICE. » BROADW\t Freight office. Whitehall Kids; . Batten PI nj]OLLANI>-AMERICA LINE Inl * W Tork — Rotterdam. »l» Boulogne. U U failing Wednesdays as per sailing list New Amsterdam. A us; 13. 10 A M r^tatendam Aug. 22. 10 A M Rvniiani Aug. 29. 10 A M Potsdam Sept. 5. 6 A M Holland America Line. 39 B'way N T FdDO 0 DPQDIPIIciD IffiOoOD Steamships of the RED "D" LINE will •all for San Juan direct, as fol!owa: 8. S. CARACAS Saturday. Aut 1* noon S. S. PHILADELPHIA..^:. Sept 1 n^ For freight or pa«&ag» apply to EOULTON. I!LJ*S A n.\LLETT General Managers. S2 Wall St. * MGBTOG3 ILOEIE, GLASGOW VIA LONDONDBRKT Furne«<<!a.Au<. I Asfrta .-> ,t 1 3pm Caledonia.. Au.23.noon fColurrbia.Sept S n<v»a t^iloon. JSO. Sd Cabin $3». 3U CuSs »27 no and upwards, according to accommodation >• steamship For tours and information ap->lw HENDERSON BROTHERS. 17 It BrSad CUXARD LIKE. From liers 51 52 NonJ» River LIVERPOOL 'la, QUKDKSXOWN ~,. Au S u,t 14.\,, n . I AMIAMA Auk IS 2 P v Etruria Aug. 2aVL.uc.ania ... ' 4t 1 Carmanta Au*. 2S,Unibria " Sect" 2 UIBKAL.TAK- It AH N«w Modern Twin Screw Steamer^ SLAVONIA Aug ** 11 A.Sl.:tol&pJ: 4 PANNONIA Sept. 11. n.->cn OcTw CARPATHIA 25. 10 A. M Xov -7 VERNON H BROWN. CJ a ''' 21 24 State St.. opposite the Battery. J>ED "D" LINE. For La Guayra, Puerto Cabeijo c^ra cao and Mai a. 1 1t... via Oiracao calling also at San Juan. P. R. : ' 5. S. CARACAS Saturday. Aug. I*, noon 6. S l-HIL-\PF.I.IiIIA tut . Sept 1. noon For La Guayra. Curacao an.l jLlaracalho: S S. Zl'Ui • Smuivi.iy. Aug. 25. noon S. S. MARACAIRO. . Saturday. Sept. !• Bjoasj These m earners have superior sjkobbbbo dationa for passing*! s. UOUUTON. lU.I^S .<. r>A!4-ETT. General Mir.auer». S3 Wall St BEFORE OOINQ ABROAD CONSULT THE EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS THAT APi'klAß REULLAKLY IN THE TIIIIIINE ON SUNDAYS. \VfcU>NESDA\S AND SATURDAYS. MAU.ORY LINE. LVXURIors ships Tickets to Texas. l\iU<ratU». Me.xlcu. New Meih-o. Arizona, • '»!!•.•! I'iu. .r^i.i FK.r- Ida. Alabama, etc. DKUIIHTJIL TKII«? i TUB ROUTE TO MIAMI. HALM B&ACH. ! Klm . *c. «vla Key «-»t> Colon tickets to v^ltfxrul* on inquiry Our huokl*. I eS?&%ssr*tti {' ■'"■ ■**■«* »» vharter*t S. S "ARABIC"' ltt.oi*> Tin? » Touts Rooad the World *^* FRANK C CUBK, Hi Uroadw-i 7 . N. T. BEFORE GOiSO ABROAD CONSULT TUB MI'HOPKAN \IA ERTISEXIKNTS THAT AI'IKAK KEOrLAKLY IN TH? ■I'MMUt CRUISE la X •.i Scot!, -m | Newfoundland For raw*. UOWRINU CO . 17 Mat* at *14 VKLO *X ■ Fast ltah»n Llm FOR NAPLES AM» GENOA. x. r ,i America. Aug. IS. CUta dl Torino. Sept. 0; Cltia dl Napoll. Sept. U> i^Mii, J» ul> 'Inlag Salmon on Promenade Dec* B« <LOQN.££L r iL\p t Tr^cLii a 00.. r> wav st. run-'^n, "America's G"- => tes t Rai lrtT?^*' & HUOSffi! RIVER I, : Through trains depart from Graarir^*'" Station. 42-1 street. yew York. a7li£?f> All thrcueh trains, exce; t the >• aSj> « 1:OS. l:.V». \i:\t>, 3:00. 3:4i>. .", JJ> ij"-sbj4S» •t.»^ at 12Sth street to receive oa»f- * ten minutes after leaving 421 rtr<«r ' <l -' 1 1S:1OA. M.— •MIDNIGHT Y.XYKvL 7:5«» A. M.— -ruZ!L~ ISLANDS ANDiIONTREALt-P ■:3OA. M— tEMPIRE STATE IehI?. Moat famous train In the ■».--'''"*' 8:45 A M—-FAST MAIL - 34 22- Chicago. J • 9:43 A. M — taARATOGA AND Mas. REAL EXPRESS. **^- V> 2O A M. «DAY EXPRESS 1:02 P. »T!IE SECOND EMPIBB 1:O«P. M.— -CHI^AOO SIPECIVL^ 2:04 P. St.— •SOUTHWESTERN LCr—> All Pullman Car* ***»»a 3:10 P. M "1:00 P. M. Satur!art>— TOGA LIMITED. Parlcr Cars * rv,.r' 3:30P. M— "THE 20TH • KNTtOTIS ITED— » hours to • hlcaa» ** 3:4« P. M— ♦ ALBANY ft TROT FLTBk 4:Sf»P. M.— "THE WOLVERINE *^ 5:29 P. M. 'FAST MAIL— For Albaa. .'».:>» Jf— "LAKE 3HORE UTOr?~~ 23H hoar train to Chictri Pullman cars. "^^ *+ 5:.T0 P. M.-»CLEVKLANI>. ClJCCrryi~ AND ST I/>UI3 LlMlTltn^l Pullman cars -^ «:0«»P M— •WESTERN EXPRESTr wp.m -"MONTREAL ?rxpßiSt 7:30 P. M.— "ADIRONDACK AJ5Dv«*- REAL EXPRESS. *-*. • :0»P. M-— •BUFFALO. NI A Q» , , FALLS. CLEVELAND A2Q» S RuXTO SPECIAL " Ir ' 9:20 P. M -'WESTERN NEW TORS Ay-» THOU3AND ISLANDS rTsVsiT »:9>P. M — •PACIFTC EXPRESS 1 11:30 P. 31. — "CHICAGO A ST Wrtm mm •Daily. tE*rept Sun-lar. TExcest HARLEM DIVISION * oil "* 7 9 OR A. V »n<l 3:33 P. M.. da:> „._ Sunday, to rtttsApld arm X«th AaVrV Sunday. .'.7 A. M : Saturday -,;, 2-jSpv Pullman cars on all through trahia Trains Illuminate : with Pistsch B:ht Ticket offices »• 14». 245. 415 asd l~i Prnadway: 15 I'nion Square w . Ja CtoaaaT bus ay» . 117 West 125 th st.. Graal Ceanai and 123 th st. stations. New York- 355 i-i lj'l Fulton «t. and If* Broadway Bjdob*? w Telephone •5«M> 3Sth Street" for Cab si" rice, B»gipige checkeij from hotefflraak dene* by Westcott Express. ' " ' •a. h smith. c. f dalt Vie* Prea. * Her. Mar Paas'eTraSeJl'~. :W: W JiUSFf Ikli'y. STATIONS * s?°Vm St** 3^ S. B. f W. St.. N. R. Tim* shown below [»" frojn Libe-r fa West 23d St. leave 10 r.::r.:i:. 9 earS a» cept as note.l by designates marks EASTON. BETTHLEHESI. ALLECTCIt AND STAUCH CHUNK-z*QO 7»IS t'n>. RIO A M. I*. 44., s.,> j Easton on:;,. P. M. Sun., *4.3» A, v 1 M>, 5.00 an 1 «.0O P. 11. . **ss£. WILKESBAP.RE AND SCRANTOX-ta A. M.. 1 2»>. sf»> P. M Sundays. HD A. M.. 5.0 MP. M. - - LAKEWOOD. LAKEHfRST, TOST 3 Him AND BARNEGAT— Z4.OO. » 4» A. X 1.30. no. Lakew-XN} and :akeh-;r»t gala, kS. !■». :'..;.:■ -. " <»> A. M. <d4t>Lss*. w. o-l and Lak#>c»->. ATLANTIC ClTY— •».«> A. M.. ml <». tt« LONG " BKANOf. ASB rR V PAH O-TAX grove point pleas.cct rton. >i >». •I»>3*'. 1130 A. M. exl*«t «1 >>. 30. 2.45. 13i>. a- 4 ST. 84.51 t'.'J. .T. 30. 6.3*>. ".•.•••l s:r\v = exrert «**> Grove. 9.13 I<>.T«>A M 4 '•• *■"->?■. ATI*ANTK* HIGHLANDS. SEABRIGBT. MONMOUTH HFVH EAST LOSO BRANCH— i4.rt>. -.---• »30. 11 30 A X. 1 3iX 4.V». 5.30 S.M»P M. Suniajs. a" A M.. 4 (•> P. M SANDY HOOK ROITE FOR ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. SF^%BRIGHT. L 039 BRANCH. ASBT'RY PARK. OCEIS GROVE. SPRING LAKE. POTS: PLEASANT— Pier 9:. N. p. W. 421 St. ».(*K 9.30, 1"»» A. M 1230. 1 •»>. t«l 4.15 5.40. 7.4.". P. M. Sundays. 935 A. V, 12.X?. 3.35. 7 4.-. ■■ M. Pier 10. X. «. Cedar St. » V*. 1000. lI.W A. M. Iwt £•»>. 345 4.45. fi .<X*. «.lf» P. M. ?•■:*■»» V:(*> * 31. i -«>. +•* sw r m READING. HARRISRUP.G. POTT?VrX*| AND WILLIAMSPORT— ,z4 00. 34* tß.Oft. [a 10. <10.i»\ lt.<x> A. M . T!»«Sst onjy). B !•• 12« ♦2.oft P. M. R«a| in«. Pottsville Harrisbur? cnir. +4.% •5.00. 7.30 P. M PHILADELPHIA •z4.3T». NT '•• aSLfIQ •».<¥». m*li>«». »iui A M. m-12'V' mI.W. •!«». •3.«». v* m*s.oi>. m*«.«o. *7.ot\ **'■• «• •><> pM P. M. 1*12. 15 mdt. BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTOS ».0«>. m»lO.ort. m«l2o<v. m«2.oi\ mftn rn •<;.•»•. •7<'«. j*12.1.V •Daily. tDallv except SKinday r>SuaJw« tParlor cars only.' i ; Via Tamiiyja. it> cept Saturdays. mDii car. xSatariiTl only. zFrom Liberty St. «ciy. From Twenty St.- b.1 .9 P. JL. c3.w» P. M. el 2 2«v p. xr. wtm P. £•. m» p. M.. k3.21> P. m.. 13.50 P. m. n4.20. Office*: Üb«Tty St West S?1 •*.. « Ast? He dm. Sts. 484. 13<V. 1334 Brra.lwsy. M Rth Ay.. 3*l Bth A-. 25 Union Square «a 271« 3.1 Ay. 1C« West 123 th St. ?J5 f» rurobua At.. X-w Tort 4 rsart St. » 344 Fulton St.. 47.» Koatnad Ay. Em*- ' lyn: .TOrt Broadway. Wllllamslmrg. se» York Transfer <V>. calls fcr and creeks *C» gage to destination. W. G. BESLER. C. It r.VRZ Vice Fres. .<- Gen. Ma* G»n. Passr A?=i BALTIHCRB .& OHIO R. 3." ROYAL BLUE LINE TRAIN?. "Every other hour en the even hoaX TO BALTIMORE AND WASHIXGTC.' Leave New York City. ZZi St. Llbjs'i •Washington. Buffet. 7?rta» » >«a> tWABHrN4SToN. I> D.iiUm i,-.,*»s ♦WASHINGTON Dln*r. ll.Srtam 12.W='i ♦WASHINGTON Buffet 1 '•■ --. in»r3 f'ROYAL LTD." Di.ier. 3 s'>pm tWA3HINGTON. Din»r. s.Wpni >i|»sa ♦"WASHINGTON EaiT't, ft.TOprn 7«>|B ♦WASHINGTON 11.50 pro 1213 •Ex. Sunday. 'Das* Through Dally rratns '-> fj«a West Leave New York dry. 23d St. tii>>«. CHICAGO. PITTSBIRG. 11Wr^«liM*t CHICAGO. COLUMBUS. 1 1 M> am lS#ftra PITTSBURG. «'LEVFTD. "V> pm «•>!■ "PITTSIIf'RG LIMITED" «.s<»r™ 7s»pai •IN ST. LOUIS. LOriSV . IT.SOpm :»St rix..RT.i£>ns«.l »..w§m *r.w)a» CIN..SfT.LOUIS.LOUISV., *->?ni ••»»• OtTices: 24.1. 4-"?t. l**> Kr *-Iway • Jo>» House. 1«3 Greenwich St 23 I'aios Wm"* ■«-.. 391 Orand St.. N V. ; 343 Faltta 3a, Brooklyn: West ZVI Sr. and Liberty S» After ft p. nv sleeping car r»»sr««ll»» and full Informal regarding tnisa •»■• can be obtained at Bureau nf litferaaJtJ* B 40 R. R. 23.1 St. Terminal. '«»•»?••. I Chelsea 3144 X. Y. X. H. * HARTFORD Trains depart from Grand ■'wJtjal 9taßa» 42d St. and 4th Aye .as f/>!lows for _ BOSTON, vta New London * ftav.-«»« t: 10. »x :.v,.2 A. s£ ibi« •x 1:<>1. »x 3:08 ': J* -J^Si •«.l2:tO P. M ; vi ■Wl:H:nan?:c>-tVv«* A M . t2:o«> P. XT. : «si Spfi— **♦ A M.. t;;i2:0«». •'14:00. •11* P. «■_- PORTLAND <s BAR HARBOR— *** ? A WHITB MOUNTAINS. ST. Al-SA-Ns ttl QUEBEC. ►' :*:4O A. St. **■■<*> p WORCESTER and FITCHSfRO. xtx FCT LAKEvTII^E *" and NORrOLK — «t« A. M.. t»:S1 P. 91 - _,„ Gt. Barrtn«t.>n Stockbrltg* ***"!?• *rir" field— t4:s4. ••8:02 a M . »1 2*. «"•» ** Ticket office* at cGrand Centra! t»J» and cl»th St. also at c 2» W'^clir* B - way. c3B Union Square. ol« Fifth.**** c«45 «"blumbus Aye.. c«49 MadisoS i.» c:«» TV. 123 th St.. 27»S Third A»* ■>' Brooklyn. c 4 Court ST.. 479 SuiMMat-*^ . 3SO B'way. »--■ -_, •Dally. tExc-pt Sunday' eSatwO' only -Steps at 125 th >- kW VtJ^t ?t bandars oßly tr^.-ler *» r I *S ' Hj« dlnlns car. cPar'-.raßd s'.eepai*^ tickets also. . | _ ©TN.'^cEtario &v/estcm 17& Trains Lea»«. #T*nkUa *t. "J°J jt Local. Dally -£31^ Manor LocuL e». Sun. o ;• {*,£» Uv. Manor LociO. c*. Sun. te« *^j3x Oawega E*p.. •«. S-ub "231* Kjsco« Local. Sundays *= SSa,A Liberty Exp.. ex. Sunday*.. it uS '-",,,1 Liberty Fly«r. Satuniiya..H:*i> «^, ». W*lton-Delbl Ex».. •». SUB-li" 0W J- - *' Km*«on-aitntlcello Kap.. t-'jCP* •*. Sua ....•....•••"•-»• •**»* 1 J■• i- Llv Man.-'r E.\r. s*t"r<J»ya 1:M» laJ* El . l v Klß * '.. Ex^. *<» -.«»»> c*. Sun *°* *•»*' MontlteUo-RcsCf* Ei»-. «- «.,,-i KUK Un _ S:J3 J:*-i,7 Chl.-aito Limited. Da11y.... »:*> «*S Parlor C»r S*ata a: 423 Bw»y. N. *•*? Lackawanna Railrc^- | N. V.. :»>v-» Hstrcla>. Chrl»topa#r. Wt* t "' U StSL _ «S.«V A. V.— For Klctsnamton ml C^ 7 *. •laoaA. v.— For Buffalo. CMc»g» 12 1 * Lou!a. »J2«OP M.— Pevono Mount.tin Soeet* •1.49 P. M.— «V» Buff»l« an>? CUMsIV^ «4.O«>P. V.— Vo» Scranton ar.l PUmaa 14 s*aifl P. M.— Buffalo and HlM** •t»:«5 P. M.— For Buffs Jo. Syracus* Ct •2UJA. M.— For Chle»i*-Si«^*' ** 0.30 p M .*-**. Ticket* <tt 14» ■«». n.*;« ■*'• BrojC*,,. X. T : 39» Fulton St.. Urooalr*. S ♦ Surilnv »Fr.di\» •«* •• ,^ I- - v* . »<1 St IS Sft P. M. *L«*»aa *^ tocher St. €.10 p M week *«•• iEHIGR ¥*LLE V > ■sajtof W»st «a A ; • ort .*nat sod £""3S?*V * ■ •!>•:. v »K\ SuaJa» 9o*aw- duo. e:*v n.\». «-\*^_— f-r^i "" G> VT^rJc c * * Msut-h rn..nS local. ... . '♦**» » "1 4: 53 Wuffaii* Ktnma "*S*S»tt5 11 ML Ay k l>f AUON t> EXT. »«l» » 2«tftV ! ! M»;ich 1 huak »ud Ilailatoii 'ettw'J T K»J TlU«s>aa»rv»lUrm^... ElU*\l ■tub, r.ii-r \i .• rß*w *• ur v- -.^w *Ttok*»ina>aißns »««SS S sfS!li «%^2u *.«W !lr.*»wv. 1^ s«» - , r.'j >j^"^" * # ' M. t. Traasf :r t« wWesAMwJaW ™a 6ATUR9AXS. 1 V J