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p MRS.VKRR.vrLTMISSLVG Itvshand She ' Declared Dead, Tells of Ht History. .Another warrant was issued yesterday fur Mrs. (Score* T. Vcrrault. alias "Mr*. He!cn Hamilton," now out on bail, following a complaint of James'- P. MacClellan. a Philadelphia grocer, who charged that she swindled him out of JSOO when, cs he sup posed he was engaged 'to marry • her. ■ Mrs. Vcr rault could not bo found yesterday at 'her West £2d Street home. Deputy Mare hal James it««-d. who ar rested her in the first instance, was met at the floor by a yoiiris man known as Gregory Allen Mason, who declined to admit him or give him any information. Later It was rumored about town that the woman had jumped her bail. She is out of the city, but her lawyer, Hugh Gordon Miller, gave out a state ment that he would have her at Marshal Henkel's office at 3 o'clock this afternoon. He denied' thai She had skipped her bail. Charges are piling up •gainst the woman, and it is likely her bail will be increased to several times the amount to-day if •he appears. An elderly woman rolled lat> yesterday after noon at Marshal Henkel's office and said she be lieved Mrs. Verrault was the woman who ordered a 5200 dress from her and then refused to take it. . The biggest card in the prosecution turned up yesterday in the person of George T. Verrault, a newspaper • artist, who ; lives at No. 1914 Benson avenue, Bensonhurst. According to his own ad mission to United States District Attorney Car znody. he is her husband. According to Jamie, by. which endearing name Mrs. Verrault addressed the Philadelphia grocer, her husband is dead. He •ays ehe told him that he died fix months ago. . Verrauit corroborated everything a friend of his •aid yesterday about the woman. "This woman." the friend said, "is still Ver rault'e legal wife. He Is a Catholic and has made no attempt to secure a divorce. "So far as we know, she was born Bina Finne can, in Ironton. Wis. As a girl she was taken by a man named George T. Morse, of Sehoharie, in whose family she was reared and acted as a nurse. he went to Chicago, where, under the name of Bina Forrester, she writ to work fcr the Prus sian National Fire Insurance Company. It was also there that she met this Mrs. J. Pemberton Brown, who has played so important a part in her subsequent life. "Verrault met her In Philadelphia, where she was known as Bina F. Brown. She had in the mean time made numerous trips to New York, and tight years ago met with an accident on the Man hattan elevated road. She sued the company and recovered $o.0#) damages. She ,told Verrault she was a widow named Brown. She lies, as a matter of fact, never been married. She was then «-m fleiyed us a stenographer by the Delaware Fire insurance Company. Three months after Ver rault met her they were married by a ■ civil Judge. Thla. so fat as we know. V*» her only marriage. "One week after she was married to Verrault In Philadelphia -he was arrested for shoplifting. He got her out. and time and time again the name thing happened. Then Verrault moved to Balti more, where he lived four year*". During that time she was repeated!?* in trouble. and upon prom ise* of good behavior Wrrault would take her back. She made many trips to New York to Visit Sirs. J. Pemberton Brown. At that time Mrs. Brown. *<• far as Verrault knew, was all right, and when he moved to New York and took a t»ouse at No. 1J« West 73d street she lived with them. In the mean time Mrs. Verrault got Into trouble in this city time and again until, .in WXi. Verrault ■ made up lils mind to part company with Mrs. Brown and left me place, taking his* wife with him. A few Months later, learning that Mrs. Brown was hi a dispute with a drvgoods company, and that Ms wife was mixed up in It. Verrault left his wife once and for all. ■_• •; '■- MORE WAGES FOR COTTON WORKER? Two Thousand Mill Hands in New England Profit by Increase. Boston. Aug.' 13.— A raise of wages affecting up ward of 2,001' operative* In cotton mills of Xew Kng!s*id. went Into effect to-day in Adams, Mass., and Pittsfield and Exeter, X. H. The in (nut amount* t < 5 per cent. Aside from these wage increases, the strikes at the Edwards mills in Augusta, Me., and at the mills of the Berkshire Manufacturing Company, at Adams. Mass.. ere the salient features of the situa tion In the cotton mill industry at the opening: of th« »■«■<*. In each case the original cause of the labor trouble whs the refusal of the companies to reln etat»- a discharged man upon the demand of labor unions. : • ■■-- . REFUSES TO PAT 'FRISCO LOSSES. ~ ' . -■■-; -r Rhine and Moselle Insurance Company of : . Germany Will Not Settle Claims. San Francisco. Aug. 13. — The Rhine and Mo. Felle Insurance Company of Germany has de cided that it will not pay its $^,000,000 of lia bilities arising from the fire. A cable dispatch to that effect was received to-day by General j Manager from the home office. The ' company's policies do not carry an earthquake < exemption clause, and it is thought at the local office that the head officers are putting forth the plea of "an act of Providence." CONCESSION TO OIL DEALERS. , Eailroad to Give Independents Same Terms ! as Standard Company. Cleveland, Auk. 13.— United States District At- ■ torney Sullivan left for chioae" to-night to resume | Us work in connection with the grand .fury In- ! vestigatlon of the Standard Oil Company. He was ! In consultation, before he started, with C. D. j Chaml.r-r'in. secretary, and F. W. Boltz. traffic '■ manager, of the National Petroleum Association, , In rejjard to some evidence which is to be brought out at the hearing. Mr. Bolts lias been subpoenaed to appear as a witness before the grand Jury. Mr. Sullivan said that he had been informed that. . ii." one result of work of the government, the Lake ' Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad had given ; notice to Independent oil dealers that hereafter i their mileage, fees for oil tank cars would be com- '■ puted on the same basis as the Standard Oil Com- \ pany. It had been alleged, in recent hearings re- ; fore the Interstate Commerce Commission here. } that the railroad company had discriminated i against the independent oil companies In this re- J Kard to the extent of many thousands of dollars. ! Mr Cham her 11 n said that he had received a copy j of the notice r..l that it officially granted this | concession, which was one of the main things f.I which the independents hal been struggling. CANADIAN PACIFIC DIVIDEND DECLARED. Montreal, Aug. l.'{.— At a meeting of the direct ors of th" Caiiadian Pacific Railway to-day, a dividend of II irer cent was declared on the pre ferred stock for the fix months ended on Juno ?O. A dividend of 3 per cent for the same period •» - declared on the common stock. In the fiscal y*. ended on June 30 the company eaVned, gro£s. f6UM9.7SB. The net was ■ f22.973.440. ADAMS COTTON MILL STRIKE OVER. AoamF. Mass . Aug. 13.— The strike In the four millf of the Berkshire Cotton Manufacturing Com pany was rn<it-<\ to-day, and three thousand em ployes will return to work on Thursday morning. The company pranted the strikers several conces sions, but refused to re-employ the union weaver mh'/f* discharge precipitated the strike. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. Edward De Holland, the Cuban, who was arrest ed last week on a charge of robbing George I* McAvoy of a gold watch end fob. was held in M.OGO for tri*l yesterday by Magistrate Sweetscr McAyoy is a nephew of ex-Deputy Police Con missioner McAvoy. " '■' :: listrate Wahle fined two men $5 «ach yester day in Esses Market court for rowdyism In sur face car-- crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. They are saM by th« police to be members of gangs that Mart out to create disturbances on street cars. Stewart H. KMlott, of No. 2'» l West JUst street, who was paroled until yesterday to give him a chanoc to raise $".,000, under which he is held pend ing an investigation into the death of Mrs. Lena J. N">l !«•< at Baltimore, who was thrown out of liis automobile on At;guFt 10 last, deposited yes terday at the Cormier's < ffi« twelve Southerly Pa - cific first mortgage bonds of the par value of |tTTt>oo. Judge Wilbur Helsley, of the New Jersey Circuit Court, who wr.s ;-rrest<-d on Sunday in Vanderbilt «V"nu*, Ftapletrn. Stater. Island, on a charge of running his mobile at a rate of twenty-five miles an hour, had a private hearing before Mjikls tra'« Marsh yesterday and was discharged. Al->.ar..'« r Devc*. charged with shooting Jarne* Boyle, better known us "Lefty, ■ last June, was ar rested last night by Drtecyve Sergeant r'ogarty. of the Central Office, at 27th street and Eighth avenue, »-l:er- the aU«c*4 shootins occurred. He was •j?kf-d np r»t i!«-;iric,i\ar'*-rB on a charge of felonious i'j-sau;?. Hr *?n<J he lived at No. 340 Went !sth street r i«,:.;e is «&] :a the New Fork Hospital, vhere it w&s £a;<j '■■£< nijjfct that he was in a serious condi tion. . . i.. JUSTICE IX COURT • -■ ■ ■;■■ \ ■ . : Fitzgerald ■ Submits, to -.Examination in Supplementary Proceedings. '. Justice Thomas W. Fitzgerald appeared before Justice Dickey. in the Supreme Court, In Brook lyn, yesterday morning and submitted to an ex amination in supplementary proceedings. George B. Fountain, the ■ attorney who obtained • a judg ment against the Justice, retired with him to a private room and conducted the examination. He would rfiot disclose the nature of Justice Fitzger ald's testimony. Juntice Fitmgorald's appearance in court yester day was in compliance with an order by Justice Dickey directing; him to submit to the examination or "be punished for contempt. Justice Fitigerald •aid the whole thing was due to a misunderstand ing, and that he had not intended to show any contempt for the court. As Justice, FltsQrerald was leaving the courthouse he was served with papers from the office of the Corporation Counsel ordering: him to pay $79 taxes on his place at Port Richmond. Statin Island. The justice is at present eittin*; in the Children's Court, but because of his delay in getting there the court was adjourned until 2 o'clock. Justice Fitzgerald paid the testimony was secret and that he could make no statement. WEli OF (RIME TKrIITEXS Several Xew Informations AgminH Accused Trust Company Men. [By Telegraph to The Tribune. ] Pittsburg. Aug. 13.— Six more informations charg ing embezzlement and six charging conspiracy to defraud were filed to-day against Clarence S. Hlx ton. the defaulting bookkeeper of the Union Trust Company. One information for embezzlement and six for conspiracy were also loflged against Clifford B. Wray, the teller arrested last week In Toronto, Canada. Hixton's bail was increased to $190.O"i0 and Wray.'s to $160,000. The informations w«re made to-day by W. H. Gliffor. treasurer of the trust company. The young men are charged with IteaHng $125,000 of the bank's funds, but bankers here say the loss ♦•ill probably run much more than that and may reach 1500.000". With a surplus of over $22,000,000, th? larger figure would not affect the bank at all. But the action to-day indicates that the bank ofliclals purpose to punish thegJßung men to the limit. TO ENLARGE TUNNEL STRIKE. Dm Hundred More Rock Drillers Called Out Yesterday. Thomas Curtis, business agent of the rock drillers' union, announced last evening that one hundred more rock drillers were ordered on strike at ."» p. m. yesterday in the branches of the Pennsylvania tunnel under Manhattan, to force the United Engineering and Contracting Company to trnmt the eight-hour workday and union conditions. According to Business Agent Curtis, one hundred and fifty men are out. A statement was Issued last night on behalf of the Pennnylvanla Railroad, which Bald. In part: No strike of any kind took place since Friday, when twelve rock drillers out of one hundred went out, on the orders of the walking delegate. Not a single man quit since Friday. The places of the twelve men were filled, and work is going on as usual. The eight-hour workday, because of the conditions. Is impracticable in the tunnel. The men are paid by the hour, no matter how long they work. The work is on the open shop conditions, and the men accepted all the condi tions when they went" . ASKS WARRANT FOR DETECTIVE Counsel for Employes of Alleged Bucket Shop Charges Grand larceny. Franklin Bien. counsel for tlie employes of John A. Boardman & Co., who were arrested last Friday in connection with raids on an al leged bucket shop, appeared in the Tombs police court yesterday with a communication from Mr. Boardman, .asking f <->r o w-arrant for the arrest of Detective Sergeant McConvUle on a charge of grand larceny. Assistant District Attorney Garvan was in court to represent McConville. Bien said he would not press the charges if the b<~oks and records alleged to have h=cn taken by McConville were returned. Magistrate Breen told Garvan and Bien they should try to Fettle the matter between themselves. Blen says he will make a complaint to the Police Commissioner against McConville. RACE RIOT IN DELAWARE. Nine Negroes and One White Man Badly Hurt as Result of Assault. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Wilmington, Del.. Aug. Word reached here to-day of a serious race riot that occurred at Laurel, Del., after a Negro named Brown had assaulted" Medford Phillips, a well known white man.. A large crowd of armed white men patrolled the. streets for several hours, and a number of Ne groes were severely punished. Finally a riot re sulted, in wh^'h shots were freely fired. Nirte Ne groes were severely hurt, three receiving flfteh wounds from bullets. One white man was also seriously injured. . -, - • EWEY'S RECORD WILL NOT STAND Broad Jump Made Recently Not Official, as Grounds Had a Decline. At the games hpld for the Benefit of the non-sec tarian San Francisco asylum fund, at American League Park, on August 4. it was announced that Ray C. Ewry. of the New York Athletic Club, had broken his own worlds record with a leap of 11 feet •) inches. An examination of the grounds followed, and it was reported that there was a decline of less than one-half inch. This would not affect the record. At a conference later between the referee and K. T Hart, of the Mohawk Athletic Club, who acted as measurer, the latter Mid that he had made a careful measurement, and he has learned that there is a decline of at least IV, inches This of course, will prevent the acceptance of Ewry's record made at these games. BTATEN ISLAND LIGHTS GO OUT EARLY. Power was turned into some of the street light ing circuits on the north shore of Richmond at 7:45 p. m. yesterday and the lights were kept hum ing until 9 o'clock, when they went out and re mained «o. At Stapleton ana the other village? on the east shore no attempt wns made to light the streets. Happytend. at South Beach, however, was brilliantly Illuminated. ; ■ , - ITALIAN LABORERS REPLACE NEGROES. fßy-TVlfjcraph to The Tribune. } ■ ■ Memphis. Aug. 13.— Two carloads of Italian*. numbering about one hundred laborers and their families, arrived to-day at Gadsden, Ala.. where they will work !n the furnaces of the Southern Steel Company, displacing the Negro labor hereto fore employed in the plant. The Italians are from xtew.^ork and were employed through labor agents in that city. SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Bt f£i' £*£?£* J an<l F">n<l»-W. C. Howard; June B, l[*ll jr. <vh«-n. toaac THT H ,r. R°«^VV Julie V Vim.'.:. ." 110 M Ebcrhardt. Xartln— U. 11. m. bavis; March 10. *wi «*. j,» r.i»<lir«n !iarn»tt. and decree I<!'-lrnan-'iln«VrJ-ii Men's M*rmnti!e AwwiaUon. 1.-d. ; Aujrust 4. U*»M> ; ' 4101 Nassau Security Company ' and ' Ann* " UsjiaV B i' *' 91 b*?on; June 30. I!M! ' * vnext Kreitl^r. All*rt H . ac president.' We"' "w "i' Webb, secretary; July 7, ititoH " Kan Oxford Realty Company and National Surety Company— ftellanre Hall ] '--a ring lionr iianirer *\>mj>any; AufUfit i. \\*A ' T-S nt Veronea, Jam* .. -A Stone; Jure 20. lli«i/.". " nil %jj SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. • Bttl st. No. 70 to 71 West: Reliance Ball Bearing Door«r Co. agt. Oxford Realty Co. et al • January 2*. i**. $550. ' Same property; same agt. same; January IS, Vf&. MM. • »rac» nve. and Rose Place, northeast corner. The Bronx; James J. Benson, aKt. D. Haute et al.; June 20. 1&06, me. 136 th st. and sth »v>., southeast corner. 100xS9.ll; Thomas F. Mclaughlin a«;t. Charles I»w* et al.; by bird. July 11. 1506. $272 &>■ "IB2fJ st. and Wadsworth aye.. southeast corner; J. J Sen-all agt. Morris Berns:«in Realty & Construc tion Co. et al: »»y bond, July 25. IWG. » -«». ;J~ NEW-YORK DAILY TRTBVNE. TUESDAY. AFGUBT 14 1906 A 8400,000 FIFTH AYE. AFFECTS THE ALTMAX PARCEL AT >TII STREET BAXKEIIS TRUST ("OMPAXY SAID TO BE LESSEE. Large HOth Street Plot Changes Hands — Kane Estate Selh i Down town Block Front. Benjamin Altmnn has leased the first floor and basement In tho buildings which he owns, at the northwest corner of 36th st. and sth aye., for ten years, with the privilege of an eleven year re newal, at a rental of about $40,000 a year. The Bankers' Trust Company Is said to be the lessee. John N. Golil and George R. Head & Co. were the brokers in the deal. Tho property adjoins the Tiffany holdings in sth aye. It hns a frontage of 38.9 feet In the avenue and 147 feet in the street. The corner building was a dwelling house formerly occupied by Henry O. Havemeyer. Harry B. Cutner has sold for Mary M. Williams to Carstens Steffens No. 25 West 20th St.. a four story dwelling house, 2.~>x92 feet, between Bifth and Sixth ayes; also sold to the same purchaser the adjoining property No. 23 West 20th St.. a flvo story apartment he use. for the Flatlron Realty Company, making a rl<-t 50x92 feet. Horace S. Ely & Co. and Wi'liam Cruikshank's Sons have sold for the Kane estate the block front en the north Bide of King at., between Greenwich and Washington sts.. two two story brick buildings, on a pl)t 146x2.") Feet. Wordbury G. Langdon. owner of adjoining property, is the buyer. BELLE HARBOR SALE A SLCCESS. The prices realized for tlie 212 lots sold at auction at Belle Harbor on Saturday were satisfactory. Ten lots were presented to the Catholic church, on which will be erected a 525.000 church. Joseph P. Day was the auctioneer. % TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Sonn Rrothers have sold to A. M. Baumann for his own occupancy Xo. 14 Convent aye.. a three story limestone high stoop dwelling house on lot 20xl0a feet. J. Arthur Plsaber has resold for Charles Eager No. 533 3d aye., a six story building on lot 24.6x123 feet. Conway & Corduke have resold for the Flatiron Realty Company f» a Mr. Stockett No. 122 West 20th St.. a five story flathouse. on lot 25x92 feet. Mr. Kaubltschek was the broker. Jennie Lyman lias sold to Johanna Seff Nos. 529 and 531 West 158 th St.. a five story flathouse. on plot 60x99.11 feet. Isldor Mlshkind. as administrator, has sold through M. Fish to Max Kammerllng No. 117 East 102 d et.. on lot 25.6x100.11 feet. M. L. Broads has sold for Mark Sunuels to N. D. Rubin No. 22S Eldrldge st.. a five story tenement house on lot 25x76.4 feet. Frank HeUer has sold No. 1512 Lexington aye., a five story flat house on lot 25x105 feet. A sale of No. 1612 Lexington aye.. reported last week, is de nied. A. W. Gerlach has sold for Edwsird A. Barry to Peter Clemens the plot at the northeast-corner of Franklin aye. and Jefferson Place. R. I. Brown's Sons have sold for Mary V. Glen son No. 1533 Crotona aye.. a tiireo family house, on lot 18.5xtftO feet. t . John J. Boylan has leased for Herman Rusch meyer for a term of five years* the store and base ment in the premises at the southwest corner of loth st. and "th aye. William A. White & Sons have sold for a client to Berliner & Greenberg the- three story dwelling house No. 136 East 112 th st. REALTY NOTES. John Wynne is the buyer <>f N<>. 204 to 808 Bast 97th St.. m Id recently by the Lincoln Trust Com pany. Plans have been tiled for enlarging the garage of the New York Edison company, in 41st st., ne;ir First aye.. by adding three additional stories, mak ing It a four story building. The improvements are to cost $70,4100. BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. Convent aye., west side, 27 feet south of 13»>th St.. 81x132x irregular; City Mortgage Company loans Leopold Kantor, Joseph B. Cooper and Louis Wool ruff $8,000. 28th St., south side. 120 feet west of Lexington aye., 40xi*.9; State Realty & Mortgage <<>. loans Frederick C. Zohel. $117,500. MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS. 142 d St.. south side. 300 feet east of Lenox aye.. a two story liriok stable and dwelling house. 43x22.3: Harman Markowtts, owner: Moore & Landsiedel, arcliltects; cost, $3,000. 90th Bt., No. 21 West, a six story brirk stable. 25x 98; Albert E. Figor. owner; Samuel Saiss, architect; cost. $35,000. First avc. ;md 92d St., southeast corner, story ntora«e bin, a0.7x»4; E. M. & L. M. Stevens, owner; Schwurtz & Gn»eß, architects; coet. S'yKi 90th Bt. ami Park aye., a two story block station, 26x12; New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, owner; K. Peab^dy. architect; cost. $1,200. 79th st. and Park aye.. a two story block station. 29 6x12.2; New York Central & Hudson River Rail road Company, owner; K. Peabody. architect; rost, $1,200. LIS PENDENS. Lots 228 and 205. mortgage map of Arden property, Bronx, two actions.; Annie V. Taylor jifjt. Kinma 1* Shlnner; foreclosure of mortgage; attorneys, De La Mare & M<>ni?on. 163 d St.. south side. 125 fe«-t past of Amsterdam aye., 75x112.6: John Sommer. Jr.. agt. Siepfried Witt ner et al. ; action to foreclose mechanic's lien; attor ney. \V. E. O'Orady. White Plains aye.. and 236 th st., nortlieast corner. 13£t.0x47x lrrog-.ilar; lleriry Baletan aRt Simnn Scliloss; action to declare lien; attorney, H. H. Hull. Marmion iivp., east sid c . 10ft fer t north of lifith (=;., 47xllSx irregular; David Tullocli. jr.. et al. :is»- Henry .lae^,. r et al.; action to impress trust; attor ney, G. W. Minor. THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. Washington aye., w. s., 142 ft. n. <«/ 17Rt*i «>!.: for two five story brick tenement house?. 53.9H • xll2: Isidore Robinson, owner; Harry P. Howeli, architect ' $100,000 West Farms Road, t>. ■.. His ft. w. of rni>n aye. ; for two three story frame store ami tenmnnt houses. 8SMI0; Rosa Amelia, owner; L. Howard, architect 12.tHX> JUDGMENTS. The following Judgments wore entered yesterday, the first name bring that >>f tho debtor: Anderson, Robert L. — Metropolitan Llf>" Insurance < rompany (330 nl HiHir Bamucl- Ormston Scenic Construction Com pany fj 7o Cantweli, John K.- V. Ury 4h :i.-» Caputo. Mary — J. IVegramcf , iw x.h IXilge. T. l-iunkl. or i-rank — C. IV McGienan.... 1»1 4'.t Draptr. Charles — W. D W. Miller, trusie«> c.c. 7<is it Duke. Alice IV. — W. Davis UA 28 r'euerman, Joseph— L F'adfrog t'." KlHgg. J"hn V. —W. Hawl«- c; si 194 01 Uorjei. l«no - S. Po! Ac k 3s 'M Uorcel. Lena a:<<\ I*>ul» Broka- 5. !'< !lr.i-k ,'R • Joslln. Alfred R. ~G. W. Ho-man. trustee 3>Mt 04 Great, Oerald H — \v. L Bradley i^4.".3 lilneburjr, Abraham— L. Leavitt "4t> i 1 aallaithtr. Margnret—J. Hogi«- ,-,n km Handley. Andrew— W. L. Brad lev 2» 41 Jackson. Frank It.— J. F. L'.mbacli 1HO1I» Kue?. Harris and Beekle— A. Levy ■£> ;»7 Lurlytle Peru:n comrnr.y— 'Audit Company of New York S* ?| Michel. Louts E.—Ma«nus ft Lauer A"" 73 78 McDonald. Robert , M.— Wettebbig LlsMlns Con* ., j,y a J SOTS Ruddock! ° Msiry— Independent Supply Company... 13SM Shapiro. H.— K. Wiesbader ••»• » MARINE ' INTELLIGENCE. MIIfIATURB ALMANAC. Sunrise s:o6:Sun#i?t 7:01, Moon rises 12:22|lloon'8 ass 2* •.»• ' ' ' HIGH WATER. — Sandy Hook 2:3C.'Gov. Island 2:S.VH*It Gate 4:48 P.M.— Sandy Hook 3:12J00v. Island 3:34(He1l Oat* 5:27 WIRELESS FE PORTS. • Th« Teutonic reported to Cape Race at 8 a. m. yester day When 3*io rr.ilfs southeast of that station. . She is expected to <Tock Into to-morrow, j •The Kaiser Wtfbrlm II reported to Siasconset yesterday at 4:lf. p m.. when hi) miles east of Nantucket Bouth Shoals URhtshlp. She is expected to dock to-day about 8 a..m. ■• / , INCOMING STEAMERS. 10-DAT. Vessel. From. Line. •Kaiser Wilhelm ll.. Bremen. August m N O Lloyd •Kroon'and Antwerp. August m Red Star •Maranhense Para.' August 2. Booth •.San Juan San Juan. Avirui«t 8....N T * P R Sirllla Gibraltar, Auiust 6 Italian Barb:irc?sa Bremen. Augunt 4 N G LJoyd San Jadnto Galvenon, August 8 Mallory El Dta ." Galveston, August 8 Morgan WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15. •Teutonic Liverpool^ August 8 White Star •Manoa St Croix. August 0 Quebec K<>nlK Albert Gibraltar. August • N G LJoyd Chicago City Swansea. August 1 Bristol THURSDAY, AUGI'ST l(k Pennsylvania. Hamburg. August 4... Hamh-Ant Ocean Amsterdam. August I Ituprecht City of Atlanta ...Savannah, August IS Savannah x FRIDAY. AUGUST 17. •Allianca ..Colon. August 11 Panama •All*ghany...V Cartagena. August 1 Hamb-Am El i|,i Galveston. August -10 ....... Morgan •Brings mail. ' OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vessel Vessel. For. Line. Matl doses. «ii, Mercedes de Larrlnaga. Argen. Barber 5:00 am 7:30 am Venetla. Colon. Hamb-Am 11:30 am 2:oopm Caronia, Liverpool, Cunard 12:00 m Grosser Kurfurst, Bremen. X 0. Lloyd 10:00 a m Prlncesis Anne. Norfolk. Old Dominion. 3:00 pm Arapahiv. Jacksonville Clyde - — — 3:00 pm Kansas City. Savannah. Savannah 3:00 pm WEDNESDAY. AUGUST* 15. Oceanic. Liverpool. White Star 10:30 am 2:00 pm Tronto. Argentina. Norton 2.:00 a m 4:30 am Bermudlan. Bermuda. Quebec 9:00 am ll:0Uam tirenada. Grenada. Trinidad 10:0» a m 12:W m Alene. Hayti. Hamb-Am U:oOam 2*o p m Benedict. Para. Booth 12:00 in 3:lH>pm Nord America. Naples. La V«loce . . . — Nleuw Amsterdam. Rofrdam. Hoi Am ■ 10:00 am Comus, New Orleans. Morgan 12:0U m (■'an Marcnit, Galveaton, Mallory — — 3:oiipm Monroe. Norfolk. Old Dominion 3:00 pm Xavahoe. Jacksonville. Clyde - — 3:UUpm THURSDAY. AUGUST 1«. Kais. Aug. V. Hamburg. Hamb-Am. 10:30 am ' 2:00 m llelllg Oluv. cbristiansann. Scand-Am «:30am 12:00 m La Krt-tagn«>. Havre. French ...... 7:00 am 10:UOam Merlda. Campeche. Ward 9:00 a m 12:00 in Bayamo, Tamplco, Ward 3:«-»pm Sona Hohenberif. Trieste. Austrian.. — — El Valle. Galve»ton. Morgan 3:(>opm Jefferson. Norfolk. Old rxtminlon — .1:1*1 pm City of Maoon. Savannah. Savannah. 3:00 p m TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. . v ■ Destination and steamer. - Close In N. T. New Zealand. Australia (except West). New culedonla. Samoa, Hawaii and Fiji Islands— Ventura (via San Fran clsro. Aug. 19 12:30 a m Hawaii. Japan. Corea. China and Philip pine. Inland* — Hong Kong Maru (via San Francisco) Aug. 20. 12:30 a in Hawaii— Alameda (via San Francisco).. Aug. 28, 12:30 am Fort of New York, Monday, Aug. 13, 1906. ARRIVED. Steamer Victorian (Br), Hart. Liverpool August 3. to the -.tittle Star Line, with incise. Arrived at the Bar at -2:40 pm. Steamer Minneapolis (Br). Gates. London August 4. to the At.antic Transport Co. with l.tft cabin passengers and nxlsv. Arrive) at the. Bar at 27 am. Steamer Phoebus (Ger). Schierhorst. Hamburg July 29 and Shield* August 1, to Vhllip Ruprecht. with one pas senger and in ballast. Arrived at the V.-xt at 12:20 a m. Steamer Toronto (Br>. Young. Hull July 2t'. via Boston August 11, to Sanderson & Son. with ft cabin passengers and taiwa. Arrived at the Bar at s::*> a m. Steamer Kroonland Doxrud. Antwerp August 4 and Dover r». to the Red Star Line, with 3«2 cabin and 925 steerage passengers and mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 12:13 p tr. Steamer Saxoleine (Br>. Crosby, Shields July 31. to the John c Seagor Co, In ballast. 'Arrived at the Bar at 1 a in. Steamer Statendam (Dutch). lirulnsma. Rotterdam Au gust 4 and Boulogne 5. to the Holland-America Line, with 247 cabin and 7<Vl st.*}raga passengers and m<!ee. Arrived at the Bar at 4 li \> in. Steamer Germanla (Br). Bmgela, Naples July 31 to J \V Elwell & Co. with 2 cabin and 1-7H efeerage passengers tin.} indse. Arrived at the Bar nt 7:15 am. Steamer <laracas. Woodrli-k. Porto Cabello August t. «Vraca« . >. Iji iim\ra 8 and San Juan Bto li«ult«n. Bliss & Dallett. with st» passengers, malls end mdsc. Arrived at the Rar at midnight 12th. Stpan»«-r l*aker («;«r». Orrtel. Po.v Antonio August 7 to the l'nit««d Fruit Co, with 6 cabin passengers and fruit. Arrived nt the Par nt H:2Tt am. „ Steamer fiwuil (Nor). Hansen. Nlpe Bay August 7 to the Cuban Planters Co, with fruit. Arrived at th» Bar at 3:3" a m. Steamer Ore (Nor). Olnen. Sani.i August 7. to M S Arrue. with fruit. Arrived at the Bar at 6:30 a m Steamer Havershnm Grange <Bri. Howe. Malta July '.'«. to Norton & Sot., in ballast. Arrived at the Bar at 2:30 am. Steamer Conraa, Po«t. New Orleans August 8. to the Southern Pacific Co. with passengers and mdsc. Left Quarantine at 5:30 a m. r Steamer El Rio, Parker. Galveston August 7. to the Southern Pacific Co, with mdse. Left Quarantine at 11:0! am. • Steamer city of Macon. Burga. Savannah August 10 to the Ocean S s Co. with passengers and mdse Left Quarantine at 5:20 a m. Steamer Hamilton, Boas. Newport News and Nor folk, to the Old Dominion S S Co, with passengers and .ird«». Left Quarantine at 9:43 a m. Steamer Manna Ilata. Charles. Baltimore, to II C Foster, with mdw. Left Cu.irantine at «:i)3 a m Sandy Mo. N .1. Aug 13. ;>::<.> ( > in— Wind southwest. light breaxe; cl.-ar. SAILED. Steamers San Marcos. Gaiveston; Princess -\nne Norfolk ar.d Newport News; QoMsboro, Philadelphia! THE movements" of STEAMERS. FOREIGN PORTS. Dover, auk 13. 7:20 i. m— Arrival, steamer Finland. Apfeld, »v.' York for Antwerp <an<t proceeded). London. July 13— Arrived, rteamers Mlnnetonka »Br) Ilayland. Now York; Consuelo ,Hr> Watson New York for Hull. Southampton. Aug Arrived, steamer Trent (Br). Dix. New York for King.'ton. Colon, etc. ami Barbados Rremrn. Aug 12. midnight— Arrived, steamer Prinzes* Alice ..J.ri, Polark. New York via Plymouth and Cherbourg. Sailed. 11th. 5 pm. .»t~im»r Bremen (Ger>. P-ajTPr. New Tors via Cherbourg (and sailed from latter p< r« at 10 ;. m. il'thi. Hamburg. Aug 11— Arrived, steamer Arr.erika iGer) Baumaans New York via Plymouth and Cherbourg ' Cherbourg, Aug IS— Arrived, steamer Kai.«rr Will-elm At Orns-e (.>r». Pr^hn. New York via Plymouth for Bremen -(and proceeded). There is but One Real Soda Cracker because there is but one that comes to ycu just as it conies from the oven Others lose their value hy being exposed to the air, absorbing moisture and collecting dust The 'real' soda cracker is Uneeda Biscuit kept fresh and clean by the protecting package -a* NATIONAL BISCUIT COM PA..Y LEASE. SHIPPING NEWS : Bay by the Mark. Just now we are having quite a demai d for the Kabosa collar. If you saw It you might be interested. .. ;... EARL. * WILSON All Linen Shirts SPECIAL MENTION. Ac7v^rtl«»inrnt» »<lr.TlH?<l lnt« the** folnmiii arc r*rominrntlnl to the rrn»l»r» of Th» Trlbuno a* •tiuroiiehljr reliable, anil boalaraa ma !>«> done br mil ••till the advertiser ulth perfect safety. 177 Bi:OAI»\VAY CB3 IJHOAHWAY. 723 SIXTH AVESCE. lXl)ino>!«. rKXDEK* TIKE BSTH. (Xt hcrruth A*esae« Corner of lit* •(. TWO IN ONE local lenses MaR DISTANT MSIOV SEXUiyX crystal tt«i o*v«r milt at SPENCER'S, 11 U-Ui.o I «o^ THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC On Sale at Ail Newsstands Price 25 Cents Manchester. Aug 12— Arrived, steamer Theapls <Br). Fer- Kticon. N«-w York. Antwerp. Au« Sailed, steamer Mohawk (Br). White. New York ■ •• Rotterdam, auk Arrived, steamer Smolensk tßuss). Troyan. New York for LJbau. . Barbados. Aug 11— Arrived, steamer Trinidad (Br). Will iams. New York. Naples. Aug t> — Arrived, steamers Georgia (Aunt). Paro vlch. New York for Catania and Trieste; 11th. Peru gia (Ur>. Johr.!>ton. New York for Mamslllea and Leg horn: I'th. salted, steamer Sannio <Ital>. Mancinl i front Genoa). New York. Pcilly. Aug 11— Passed. steamer Chester * Dutch). Sege barth. Antwerp for New York. Rio Janeiro. Auk l«>— Sailed, steamvr Eastern Prince (Br). Thomas (from Santos). New York. Kingston. Auk 11— Sailed, steamer Tagus (Br). Laws from Southampton via Barbados, etc. and Colon*. New York. ChrlKtiansand. Aug 11". noon— Arrived, steamer Oscar II i Dan). Hem] el New York for Copenhagen (and pro ceeded). ->• ■ . . ; v Proposal*. QFFH'B OF THE COMMISSIONERS, D. C, Washington. August H. luwi.— SEALED PROPOSALS will be received ai this oflU-e i- til Vi o'clock noon. Au gust IS. IWW. for furnishing railing to* the Connecticut Avenue Bridge. Blank forms of proposal, specifications and all nscisiary Information will !><■ furnishetl at Room 43. District BalMing HKNRV U WEST. JOHN BID- I'l.K. Commlsaiunero. D. C. QFFICE COMMISSIONERS, DISTRICT OP Columbia. Washington. August w. 1906. — Sealed proporals will be received at this office' until 12 M.. Sep tember 1. laofi, for furnuhlnj »**> tons of eight-Inch cast iron water pipe. Forms, specification* afe'l necessary In formation may be obtained at room 43. District Building. Washington. D. C HENRY U. WEST. „ JOHN RIDDLE* «*on:mlssii>ners. D. C j pOUT WOOl), X. Y. 11., AUG. 12. 1900.— I Sealed proposals. In triplicate, for remodeling pres ent administration building and for construction of Barrack will be received here until 11:30 a. m. Sep- I tember 11, 190$. I". S. reserves the right to reject any ;or all b!ds. Information furnished on application. ! Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposal* for remodeling preser.t administration huilfllrtr and for construction of barrack. Fort Wood. N. V. H." G. .• m'RSEI.I.. Constg. Q. SI. Amusements. h KRTAT. GARDENS. A-Top New T n Mr»Li Amsterdam tiiea.. w. 42d st 1 U-nlglll s':*o GEO. M. COHAN NtW YGRIV Th 1 "issssll. Mais Wis. Eves. g:IS nLTi lUn^ Best Seats $1. Mats. Wed. & Sat.. 2:15. M'INTYRt & HEATH !°v^tk EE; NBJ ROOF— "SEEING NEW YORK." W Rail. -I >,»■*. Barber- Ritchie. W THAT Quartet. Seymour & Hill I B ■ and I'KIUN. the Psychtst. f4f 4 D I T C D ! f) til TIirATKK. B'way and 44th St. uHI I CfilUiX Eves. 8:1». Mat. Sat.. 1:15. ..Mm -'LlliLE CHERUB In the Musical Play *** 4 ILiEx tULKUD WITH TOM WISE. JAMES ni^VKKLKY. LV AC II ki B-way and 45th St. Eves. S:IS L I U C U 111 Mats. Thursday and Sat. 2:15., CENTURY. THE LION lin MOUSE! M*yU*TTAkl TME.V. By A SS4. Sat. Mat. Iflufinal Ifln fW. A. KRADY.. .Mgr. 8:14 p. M. Wasenltals & Kemt to present S3* SOAIETIIING DIFFHRGNT *^3| BLANCHE WAI 6 U in Jacob Gordin's powerful drama, the ST^-KREUTZER SONATA^* HASIMERSTKIN'S I'.rsußßN Roof. 42 Pt..B'y & 7 Ay" Ev». ,THE FAYS. DZIRIA. ERNEST HOOAN A 1:16. |CO.. 4 FORDS.. ARTHUR PRINCE, etc. Daily Mats. (Koof Rill, In Virtoria Theatre. fVF| ACf fhTh.»itre. 42 St.. w. of P.- way. Eves. 8:12. tfcll.L.^S^U vat.v at . Sat .. 2 . second year In N. V DAVID BELASCO presents BKAMHK lIATK3 IN •TIIK (iIRL THE UOLUCN WEST." WALLt\CK*S, B'way&3oth. Er«.»::o Mats. Wed Sat '-IS :n-i.«^e HIS HONOR THE MAYOR I c asiivto ii (THE SOCIAL WHIRL ( .MADISON Hi ir nwjiPABM." ! SQUARK X f CHAMPAGNE." - - l.\Ut.|\ lIUUI ,;,,. Ke».sl. * . -> I ACADEMY OF 3IISIC. lit!. St. and Irving PI SSSSW' THE. VIRGINIAN Prices 23. CO. S3. *1. Mats Wed, and Sat.. 5. Eve. I: IS. MOTOR QMS I.r ii,.i,r S!ioppln». S!iht-«r P lnir. IC«re» «uj Sub, NEW YORK ThANSPORTATION CO. £.islitlt Airmtr Hnd 49th Street 2_- ■ Telepboo* 23^0 Cuiamboa. "^ r '"'"' ■* ol ° Uvrry ■ *:.ib!niii,u,H la tb- »orlA-- Wr» ? for •HaklraleJ U-oklft. alvlaa rat»« BRIGHTON B each park GORGEOUS DOUBLE DISPLAY LLOYD'S JUBILEE FIREWORKS. Sent* 15*-.. Sir. nml S*r. ROSSOS MILITARY HAND. MANHATTAN BEACH PAIN'S VKSVVirs nsMl I 1 1? 8 • I Mill p O ' M» rtnr.WOUKS. ' Every Ev^nlr.. JOE WEBER'S iwiihu.k tw %»»i.e. cv«, " 1 THOMPSON * ucm»v» criaim. LUNA PARK ■S Mlnutra by B. !». T. IflH PSBt BSBSSSJ H ■ ISBBJi Mr,-( Mr >.n rlir fl-r at DREAMLAND Iron Mr»mt>.ui!i enry . v\u..i i. i\ w»\ N ( r(i»i (.itocrs, CUufl OI.NKM AItM.KAIII t\rr, Hour. Ul4i( I Uu,«) llitlUii UultuKt. M,.Uc AJ««k, Real Estate. The Trust & Banking Department RECEIVES DEPOSITS subject . to Check or on Vj Certificate, allowing inter est' thereon at • favorable rates. LEN D S ON A P. PROVED Stocks, Cor poration Bonds and on ' Mortgages as Collateral. ACTS "AS^TRUSTEE, Guardian, -Executor, Ad ministrator, Assignee or Receiver, Transfer Agent or Registrar of Stocks of Corporations. Takes* charge of personal Secur ; ities. CONSERVES THE PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS of Attor neys to their clients, in consultation with he Company's .Counsel. in any business that may -< ' placed with it. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company su p^ L $9,500,000 07 I Ihfrtf Street. tlf» I Ikrrtf Street ♦Title 1-- fTro*t 4 B.^t £>»;*.» n k h* tt > Us Jlosticßc Street, Bro»klr«. FOR 1906 APPRAISING, 3ELXI>G. RFNTINO. RULAND & WHITING CC . REAL ESTATE. ■S HKF.KMAN' BT. NZW TORK. ENTIRE (HAKGK OK 'PROPERTY A &r>£CIAI.TT. YT7 NORTON BLANCAGNIEU capable color? 1 *•■? » » . wants desirable tenements to manage, ITS Vz\ ton at.. Brooklyn; :• West »th at.. Manhattan. Unfurnished Apartments To Let 43 FIFTH AYE., at North East Corner of 11th St., A NEWLY COMPLETED I XCLUSI VE HOUSEKEEPING APART- M ENT HOUSE. Te epBOO* 0M ■ Onß«r<rr. The WYOMING, 55th ST. AND 7th AYE ' \ Modern Housekeeping Apartment* ABSOI.TrrEI.Y IKF PROOF. Th* Urhteet. larsest rooms in this city. Built as Investment, not a speculation. Every modern convenience. Servants' el«r*t««. vacuum system. &c. .. •to 14 rooms and 8 baths. Rente tzooo to Is.ssa N<w ready for occupancy. Rent commences October 1. "Th* best apartment ever built below the Park." — N. Y. Herald. 3 A-"."" Established ISM J. E. WHTTAKEn. 901 Broadway. St fltk «. WE ARE OFFERING HIGH CLASS AfAlHEin FROM OCTOBER IST. rents, «Zl<» T< »" ■ Apply J. E. WHITAKER. »0B • Broadway, at 74th ft THE SORRENTO. K. « CORXKR SIST ST. AM- M\I>I*UN .WE. HUb class apartments in superior location: up to <lar* lmproT amenta ; el-rat.-»r service day and night: southern eipcMiure. -.—a Seen 1 floor. 10 rooms and bath *;.> Seventh floor. » rooms and bath l *5l" Also 4 rooms and bath W."» Apply Superintendent, on premises, or J. ROMAINE BROWN & CO.. 53 West t3d «- \ . LARGE, attractive front room, parlor toot. » -»"*. rent; omce or ll«ht business; half block froo Wl amaker*9 store-, S4 East lOth st. BL'RNZ & CO.. ■»> hand. . PARTMENTB 147 EAST 30TK ST.— *•*.•=£«=;: J-V tlle.l bath: steam heat: hot water; open ■•■■^.i* newly decorated: all latest improvements: rents, ft' »*■ "• 4 WRSEH ELEVATOR APARTMENTS * t» • ice*»; V' rent »*«o to Sl.sno. VICTOR M. EaRLI. AJSSt 1«C We»t 74th St. Phone IM Col. THE LANGHAM. Central Park West, from T3d to 7<th ?t. Ready for inspection— Leasts from Oct. 1. HKNTALS S4.9S* AXI» UPWARD.'. Brooklyn. TO LET.— Elf?ant apartments, all modero 1~^" *". X n\«nts. o««ii>n now. rect to b«*>n gepteralT ». ■ and R rooms, rent SSS t.» StCV>. M.V«3I rr».«li-w '- Apply to your own broker or Realty Associates* **» Tt<»niF»n at.. Bronklyn. Brooklyn Property for Sale. MUST «ell trcmedlattly. elevator apartment fc«»: n»w i;«* t*itl.:tnc. «ST.m»> Weal l«th *«•■!? Manhattan air. X3(W) -as'!: pay» «»v»r $»>.<*• >•■*• A. IT. I.KA<'H. 133 Itraiwn »t.. Brooklyn. N. 1 Citii Property for Si!?. A VERY desirable 6-»tory Anerinui bMement prtTS» JX. dwelling for sal* 31« West 101 th »tre#t: ccßv*aMSi in subway. CIIARI.ES ni'EK. owner. SO* Fifth A**- Country Property to Let. "Vinv h!gh cla«B American ManMß! dwelling* for*** .> Airily to 1-L.AUK KKT \TE. 21 i I «»»■—• i^--" - Country Property for Sale. FOR SALE--RII?t,£FIELD. CO^iS, Th« well known "EI.M {SHAPE COTTAGES" •' «° * tagrsi. h»auttfull> situated on tfc* Main Street t'»-_ th« Library. In th* far famed, charming Villas* *" l:i<J.---r.cld. Conn. _. Thr-e acres of UnA: SO* r«*t elevation: tH 05 "' from New Tork. Will be sold together or •«k>ar«*«* on rasy terms. Inquire of JOHN W. UOOKWELU RI.Is»n»UJ Coaa. AT HASBRO) WWTt — Comfortable ** m "'l *». Just computed, all impr>>v>>m«ots. l.>ts 3«»mt3S. on •'JJ** of hill. estenalv* view. Irl.e. ii.COO. OWNER. H- *»■ cs 1510. X. Y. __^ LAKE CEOnUE. N. T— For a«le. most beautiful »k»»* 1 " '-" lutt-x S cottages, vamp etc. AJvlr<r»» v. "• CUOWE. Hudson. X. T. ■ -_: CIOKNKR LOTS. East Elmhurat: unencttinber* 1 f CIIA9. SLOTTS. Cot 114. Pane*. Pan. lots $:00. ■ ormAWAir M ti:km ; '■"V V Apply Roc lea way Park Improvement Co.. l»J »«•*"• % PTERTISEMENTH AND WrßWj'mmu'icw" tot ti» •*»- Tribune reretved at their Ipwun OOK-*. N«- v _. Hr-^aiJway. between a6th and s;ta •?«.. until »»o^«:k»- "i A<t\vrt!aenients received at the fallowing traneh - •« C * # JJ regular eflce rates until a o'clock p. m . vis axe. . c. cor. SM st.: US Stb »ye. .or. t?th «t.: • M*: l*ti »t.; t3T \s>«t Oj i:.. b«*a Tti a-a »a •••■*'