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VO TERMS TO REBELS. fUUVUir TALMA FIRM. further Concessions Irnposnble-Xo Call on VmUd States. c.-,t t-*rwsl««t Palrna, In an » lUtlia - X with The A^^clated Pre«. put •' '** ITT^rU-l- »*yond *c offer of The President Bald he »**f J^^L^make eucr. ranr*«»ons. oither *** n lfter and could rot see In any case St't^vTrnment could «Cer be,-ond what *? wVbeen ««•■ AT=ericaa Intervention. had rot been considered, be *" bellied It e«M ca* «*• assi^unc Th, President .. «.v c— tih*tlca!ly that rumors of any *■» nil> L^HSBsant In ar.y war looking to acaoa **l***°J.invg concessions to the rebels cs=sr°z?",?££t£A unfounded, for the preft sr»•*•£•£ It „ tmp o a s!ble that any *• or for^tne x- X it about. I cannot sea coatlsiT«« C oald offer the rebels, ex *'" " *" «• them to return peacefully to their aapt ■» ■»— ..... t __ surrender and rive up tore**, -" Aato any private effort* to secure their rJ a ,.£v4a-isation cr Individual infla peaee by e f7w:"cni'v too clad to see It brought «••*• l ny word that ere will be no -HSHm ofthose * ™ committed this un patriotic deed. iemotic d^« , lanaßtaar Ir.tervani M Ps.^.a Kf " .•ter baa not been under consideration Tiu t r.are- t-es not r > - -: :he s:t uation bsasuM- we **"?*£ 'id. Vs'm shall put down without tr.y o*j*£* ■' fcr force . ar.d we feel *i .•^SrfS -S S»ity to do it. We ■SQaT eonflag^"^ r:r , w of . uch character. ■32 " C l 57 iri'ew aeveral :ncnth* ago that they ULiiouft 1 «^J l^r but ,oon shall have sufn w «r* conßr - - ; r T >^ n . 1 to do:,-ina:e the rebels. oest cjm j~ jsolateri enrouTitent and dcs "" * * '^*^ • . • -. \n ""J2irta lawStfi. The . ;> «•■ rot in ™rb* *£* th# Ti l er * is a jR 7iT M •*^er' Whl h always take? advantage of dis co^fldeflc* ia &* * u v of th * a s»*«- Conosreins the reported q-.arrel with Vice presidert H*ricz Capote and the rumors that th* Utter is tryiriff to na->-e him deposed. Presl 4«r.t Pa'.Tr.R said: <»neh a report 1? a mandoQS iJmnder on a ""•**" tirV-lsned patriot ar.n loyal frier.-i of the admia- U^tlcn and my personal friend. Th* ■■■■'■'- Mawt V jis in the country on a vacation, and he ad-ined rr.f promptly cf his bOSeeemtßd *"* . his been here daily assisting us with his advlre ; bbJ bbbl ; p President continued: It vUI take time to eradira:e this stain. We were pwP'Tlnp. and tar^gn rapital had eonfl- j derice ia '-^ stability and resources of Cuba. I have rot been a dictator, but have clven a con iti'u'ionaJ poven::r^nt. wita ample guarantees. Even non-. wh»n tf.»- local presa and many indl \l2sal« falsify th«» utm end commit acts which lire treasnr.. I l.Lye taken no t-teps to suppres* them. I vnu',l be juptin^d ir. arresting some cf the cnr.srirato: s who from this city re dl rertirjr other* end COOtiuraslSC rebellion. President IV.rr.s Fj'^ke feelingly of his <**- votion to Ci;ba and his rffort* to Rive the peoplet a Just j:ovemTner,t. He ssfd: I hay*. given rcy life to Cuba, and sought no peta<inai c«?n I fhall leave the Presidency with ro more fonur.e than I had before, and I receive nothing from the c .vernment except nr.y •aiary. eitrj' ce"t cf which I spend to represent the oSce with fl'xr.itr- Ttllt about a pea ■=* settlement continues rfl*. but no -finite plan Is offered that can be • cceyubl* to either side. a meeting of veterans mnt Bsmhlaiii may *" held, but any definite re «.u!ts are *::oc*t!ser unlikely. .V' tgi-'ivg of rensequenre Is report«-d. The rriadpaJ acrioa to-day T»-aa one '.• v- hU h Colonel 1"«r;*, cc!rmun<iir.g a force vfclch left Clenfiiefo* a «-erk **<:•. s.r«.Ttered a banfl of rebels this nnrriaff at Cknaaaajrcsa, Ear.ta. Clara province, •afenur re- rrts^^er*. and arms and horses. fiDßMf' Avaioe r*ccrr.mer4s raitoui plans for r-tlrrx* ttf- Pinar de: Rio cErr.paipri e!!e.-tlve. In dßjinv the tstiVhlisluaenl f t two bases of opera tion*, cr.» 09 tba nr>rth cna.«t. probably at. Dimas, as! th' ether on the wuth. prrbably at Puero Cort?a H» esks for £!V> rr.ore <-avaln". . kir.a; .anes Bac cala' -na's *w« cr that Tne ncrespcadests «-f three Havana : -m s riptrs. irjjo ifft F-n Juan y Martinez in an •ater- afre-rranl left th* «-sr and are re portefl to have joined the insurfents. TVf>e bnatoed ir.iMtlo. c-a\a'.ry end infantry h»v* le«-n cr;En:;e,i at Oier.fcff^s tr» defend th«* c^y. Viif ha\e b»en dug and rrire frnlflcatlor.s *rer?e<l ;n the v. e«k et-rtinr.s r>t th» town. Ba'- 1 C'.sra 5$ bein- JcrTtfle/1 In Eissilar lashisn. tr.i at Cier.fuegns there !s much prer-a ■nw for ifi^rtrn. Ther* ar« r?ourt*4 lr.fantr}' nt vt>!ur.?e*-a at. hoTh y'.E'^B. TV boys st m« reform cb^ol at Guanajay to *"v er.'Jeavwre'i to *scer>« ay.i yafca the In toryer.ts. tut v»r« re~aprur«-d by rural iruarin. The tr.furpe r .. s j n Havara and Plnar dH Rin s*" 1 '* *■ rentmus to re^pert American proper ties -.-.. of AffAofa biii.ds. xiho had tak^-n tariM, coT.s ii:.^ hops *mm an American dairy •sra: tear Havana, r^fjr^e^ ail th« hors<?». paid **' fw the h^ir* and tpologired. The leader ttlfltht tmrri*-*' r fho;:'<! hay» 'own tne Ameri near Bah ; Honda, a bar.d at three hundred tack ail ».« homes en ne!«rfcr>or!ns plantations •**••* those of Americans, saying they would *•"'-• Amertran property unless they found tke Cubsa torenxSMnt «as defeating them. 'iiere-jyoathej- nould destroy enoujh t«> mpel nY I sited Stares to intervene, as they never •••*• ••asent to th« present government can •"» lr 4 to ru> Cuha. The insurgents' policy tn Etr -"a Clara, hoxrrver. i? different. Various Spperrie* A rr..-ricar.s and Spaniards in the *-*slcx! *' • ---••«. t<e- robbed and |Üb> •** A*ben. the •rent commander. was serl ■■r wounded in the unkle in the, encounter -n Coloaei Es'.ram;>«-s's volunteers near Guinea. "*■*• Dcboy, a resident of Santiago ar.d an "*^ «n»pin.tor. fra* dlaappoarod vlth his 7?***** the city. *****? ln 'UT*r.ta Ik believed to b# b*-t««en "••■Biaiid Guar.tanamo. wbaxs HERE FOR ship. X'zoiiuting for Vessel To lie Fitted Up aft Gunboat. **» l*ar?i#<i ye»terdajr from a serrl-<jf!ici.iJ *' rm ""-at agf-i.ts or the Cuban government c O'So-iau: ff j a ♦>,;, c jty for the purchase of X *tk& : s to be converted immediately "* a eunbeat 4nd «ent to Cuba for use against * rniTIIAUiU. The naval force of the repub c *** tere'.ofore consisted of about a half *** tn.all boats u^ed n.ostly tor polite •- t^'^iruit n;.ccslers. Tlie activity of th« .. *ur s'T!t*. liou<-v»-r. a!or.c tn * cuaist to the north- or H - \ ina anJ t j ie possibility of the spread **>« moveaj«? t .i to the east as is now threat ""** have awaktned the . \emm<-r't to the need c*e * a *ux>nser n;arin* force. T&e firs; of u» vatiwis which will constitute **■ new . anJ ,n, n , prov^ d xaxf is Otm Marl* **••"«■! a. uhi.^j nri\»Hl in tins port S'ji>.<iay f.-j:n »aMa a » n< j i% ,,w ijfas »« tlie Bl '*" »-torr s In BPCtt B!o.>U>;i waitinp lo tsLc ft:i a e.<reo of T *r eup^i,,, j, )r , h , Vmimtk eovcrnrr.ert^ ***• •' easel, too. »i;i to ««ulr?«d with rapid- Cr« * -•» and •"-* and two r , :r .V— Th« work of loading: th« Maria H^rr«ra will b<» b*«un early this m»rr>ln« and will be hurried through M that th* vessel can sail for Havana In a week or ten days. Two polKfrn^n from the Fourth avenue police station were mil on *uard yester day, and will continue matching over the vessel until ahe sails and Is out of th« reach of local sympathizers of the Insurrection. \o i\tt:rj'i;\tiox xear I State Department Denies Rumor of Intention to Act in Cuba, Washington. Sept. — Emphatic denial is made i at the State Department of all reports that any j movement Is In progress looking to Intervention ! In Cuban aTalrs. Thera have been no corama ; nicntJons between tho President and the, depart i ment on thl? subject, and no intimation bis beea i rer*lred lndicatinc that any intervention la con i templated. No definite Information waa received at the Starr Department to-day from Havana concern ln» the ronditiona in Cuba. Rumors of further insurgent rnovementa were not confirmed In of ficial dlppartchea. VI? HOOTS PRFDU TIO\ Twentieth Century Great Period of South American Development. Santiago de Chill. Sept. 3.— Secretary Root and his party, »ho reached this city on Saturday, breakfasted to-day with Baron de Glskra at the Austrian Legation, and spent the afternoon visiting; the school*. Mr. Root was entertained at dinner by Minister Hicks at the American Legation, the other guests being: President R'.esco and Mmc RWco. Sefior Hur.»uw. Minis ter of Foreign Affairs, and Mme. Huneus; Mon sieri«r Mont., Papal Plenipotentiary; Mme. I>e«prey, sister of Mayor George B. McClellan. of New York, and Mrs. Judson Kt'.patrick. widow of the American general. Mr. Ron*> rpeech last night has made a deep impression, md the newspapers are dlscusslns it to-day. The Secretary Bald that while the nineteenth century was the century of the United State*, the twentieth century would be the century for South America, and that no part of the world had better prospects. The opening of the Panama Canal would revolutionize the world's commerce, and the west coast of South Amen would be benefited most. Mr. Root and his party will leave here to morrow for Valparaiso, and the cruiser Charles ton will pall thence to-morrow right for Callao Guayaquil. Sept. B.— Secretary Root is experted here on September 15. As the United States cruiser Charleston will be unable to cross the sandbar at the entrance of the river, the school ship Marar.on will take on board Mr. Root and his party at Puna and bring them to Guayaquil. The Secretary will be welcomed l>y a committee appointed by the government, which has planned a dinner in honor of the Secretary. The munici pality of Guayaquil will give a ball in honor of the American visitor. The vi.<i; has aroused great enthusiasm here. CONSPIRACY IN LUZON. One Hundred and Fifty Arrests — Robbery Object of Band. Manila. Sept. 3.— A conspiracy has been sup pressed In the province of I*»osb\ Norte. on the Island of Luzon. By the prompt action of Gov ernor Florey In arresting 150 Filipinos «aid to be implicated, documents were captured which in dicate that the Burdo brothers were trie principal conspirators and hatched the plot while serving: a sentence In la!'., where they organised a revo lutionary body among their fellow prisoners. The lender* were |o<nnßnl The papers showed that while the men organized ostensibly for revo lution, robbery ■•■ the principal object. TROOPS AND MTJTEBS FIGHT. One Hundred and Seventy-five Strikers In jured in Hungary. PAtroseney. Hnnrary. Sept. 3— As the result of a colllßion between troops and striking coal miners here to-day one hundred and seventy-five miners were InJuinC MOROCCAW PHE7E!«T)ER DEFEATED. Two Chiefs of Bebellious Forces Killed by Troops of Sultan. Tanr:»r. Sept. ]/ — The pretender to the throne has b*«n defeated near Muluya, His two prln ripal chiefs were killed. HEW COLONIAL POLICY IN GERMANY. Prince Hohenlofce-Langenburg Resigns His Reported Successor. Berlin, Sept. 3.— "The North German Gazette" to-day unnounred the resijTiarioi of Prince Hohenlohe-Lanp^r.burs as director of the Colo nial Of? The newspaper adds the Information that Kerr D^rr.burgr. of the Datmstadter Rank. TV-ill b*> appointed to succeed the prince.. K*rr P^rnburs's appointment would mean a complete departure from the policy hitherto observed in th»* Colonial Office, and would «how that the Em peror is heeding the opinion of the colonists. who hold that the administration of the colonies should be placed ir. the hands of business men. THE JESUIT MEETING AT ROME. Rome Sept. 3.— Tfca Co:icreeation of the Com pury af J#«us to-dar took up a proposal presented by Father Itudolph Meyer, of St. Louis, to trans form the prrser.t Jesuit m!«5lon in Cannda. Into a I new province. This p'«n was favored by the late I ger.fral, Father Martin. The Congrteatien left It to V-car Freddi to a»-lde *ii«i th« o.uadrlv!um shall begin. T!.'r« li much rnnwOTt upon th# fact that while the Conrreratlon m-j.irii rnt-r in M&3 »-• to •-» Pop* a ti<— age t»ti doiii.g him th»ir ob**il»-!ir«, tojeth»r with a. «trong *xr>r-««ion of a wish for the restoration of the temTW>ral powrr. the pr»«<»r.t «:onrr»'jration seat to I'opi Pins n meuase ©1 warm c r eet;rg. but mak ing no allusion to the Roman question. Soy* of the Jesuit fathers In (Mi city would <"• e«sa ye»!»rday th« report from Rom» that t'-e corgr^cation miffht el»<-t m. Germnn J>*u!t as *»n eral. It was -.t-mrr^A howev»r. that If the eonrr* pation l»»r!»<l t« • < ;»| rt :n th<» ■ >i< •• irould proh i «t»!y t^il on either Father Josef Knab^rhauer. an authority on the Scripturea. or Father Wertz. one j«t t»i* lead;n; espont-nts of cation law. Father Knab*-tihiU»T ;s profefsor cf Scriptural research ln one of the G»rina.n ur.ivereltJes. nruj Father Werts l»<-tur*« on rioon law at the Roman <"ci!«j« of the Jesuits. Both ata eWtors, b»;r.t (1«l«a-»t#>d by the «;•■■: ...: pruvJm-e to »-i»t their •••» with the pru rlncUU Father flehufer. GETS DEATH NEWS WHILE SPEAKING Senator McCreary Called from Labor Bay Celebration — Daujjhtei--in-Law Drowned. (R» Telfrat^h •'» Th« Trtbtit.* 1 I>esirston. Ky.. Sc^t. r— While Ber,a»or M.'- Cr*-ary ».;.- r^aking at thr I^bur Day r-el^bratlon h< re lat* to-day, he »>reiv.--d a ••'Icjrriim sayir.ff tl.iit Mr>. Jt->.-ir. I'd rwrv, wlt«» of his orlv »..n had l*«n droun^i »- JLak»-sidr Mich.. »lil«"bath U.d. rtenator MiOtwry nnished hla a4d»M VnU •tarted at onc-e for MlrhJsan. "' ar ' a ROCKEFELLER ESCAPES COURT TO-DAY. JRy T«J*gnpaj tm/n» Triiizn- i Cleveland. P^t. 3—John D. Ro<kefeller will not uppfar »»-f.. r » the «-.»urt at Pindlay to-mor row !•» siwvr t>, th- ■■■■■-■- l.r<.ui;ht ii-jinv.t the Standard . .11 Company by th- \t!or ri ev °mr n . cr * I ,.°J tbv btsllt • as onJy the <ifcu fur the trial wUI bo taken up then. r in * T>An,T TRTBT'XE. TOBBDAT. SEPTF^rBFR 4. I!MW. ARMY PLOT AT ODESSA. Officers Arrested on Charge of Aid ing Revolutionists. St. Petersburg. Sept. B— A terrorist organiza tion among tho troops, aiming at tho murder of all authorities, was discovered at Odessa laat night. Correspondence with other revolutionary bodies waa seized, and fourteen officers and ono army surgeon were arrested on tho charge of having conducted secret meetings of soldiers. Tho display of a red flag at Rudaguiowska. near Warsaw, at tho funeral of a workman killed by Cossacks, led to fighting to-day be tween Cossacks and workmen. The troops flr»i a volley, killing a.x and wounding twenty-two persons. Tho report that General Trepoff, commandant of the palace, has been retired by tie Emperor ta denied. Five rohhem attacked the cashier of tho elec tric company at Zomkowlta to-day, in his office, role $2 500 and escaped. MR HARDIE APPROVIS TSE 01 BOMB. Socialist M. P Praise; the Work of Ruiitn Revolutionist*. London. Sept. 3 —James Kelr Hardie, the So cialist and Independent Labor Member of Parlia ment, addressing a Socialist meeting at Black burn to-day condemned the Russian "bureau craiic butcheries." and said hla honor and re spect went out to the men and women who 'hrew bombs and gave their llvea for the lives and lib erties of others. EXPLOSION ON RUSSIAN CRUISER Four Men Killed and Eight Injured on the Hurik, Building at Barrow. London, Sept. * — Four men were killed and eight were seriously injured to-day by an ex plosion on board the Russian armored cruiser Rurik. which is being built at the Vlckers- Maxitn works at Barrow. The accident Is at tributed to the contact cf a lighted naphtha lamp with pasps in a tank where the men were working. The Rurlk Is one of two vessels of 15,000 tons. In tended for the new Russian navy. They will each mount four 10-lneh. eight a-ineh. twenty 4.7- Inch and fourteen smaller (runs, and will have a speed of t wen: v- two knots. The former armored cruiser Rurik was sunk In the action between Ad miral Kamimuras squadron and th» Vladivostok squadron in the Sea of Japan on August 14. 1504. RUSSIAN BONDS STILL FALL. St. Petersburg. Sept. 3.— Weakness in prices on the Bourse continued to-day. Imperial 4a were quoted at 69% and 5s at S2*;. OBITUARY. LOUIS MORRIS JOHNSTONE. Louis Morris Johnstone Aissl yesterday morning at his home in New Brighton. Rtaten Island, In his sixty-sixth year. He was cashier ln the Department of Taxes for the Borough of Richmond. He was a Civil War veteran. He was commissioned second lleutenar.t of Independent Battery I, Pennsylvania, Volunteers. Light Artillery, to rank from January 12. IW. Tie was promoted to first lieutenant a month later and mustered out with the battery in 7Sri" For eleven years prior to the Incorporation of Richmond he was president of the Borough of Edge.warer. He was elected a companion of the I/oyal legion in IK<s. The funeral will be held to morrow. DR. ALBERT A. HURD. Peoria. 111.. Sept. * Pr Albert A. Ptavi. for fifty-five roan a professot in Knox College, at Galesburg, died yesterday. He was eighty-three years old. r>r. Hurl was the farhet-ln-law cf P. R MrCiur*. At his death. Dr. Hurd occupied the chair of Boscora professor o| I-at::\ MRS. EMMA LEE TAILER. [By T»l*ffrarh f " Ttie Triune Ric>.fe!d Springs. N. Y. Sept. B— Mrs. Emm* Lee Taller, wife of Robert W. Taller, of No. 19 East 72d etree.-. New York, died at their summer home here. Bella ■''-•». on Sunday night at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Taller ha.i Wn 111 since May, but had Improved greatly ssses her srrivaj here. She had been coming to Rirhfleld earn summer for many years. Sh* SfSjS sixty-five years cM, and tvi»u "married to Mr. Taiier thirty-nine years c.go. Th» family will Wn\e here for New Y^rk on Wednesday, a; ! the funeral will be held on Friday »• It* * m at the Church of the Ascon pion. Bishop Courtn-y officiating, assisted by the p. ■ f>r Perry Grant, arid the Rev. Bcott M. Cook. ATTACKS REFORM SPELLING. [By T»!»*rapfc to Tk» TtAmbs 1 Lexington. X- . Pert. -J-mes H. F*uT:a. Super intendent of Publlo Instruction for Kentucky, at tacks President Roosevelt's 1 1ea of reform in spell ing. He says that If the change is adapted genera tions would he required for Its vi ♦■■•rial adoption, us any chanc»s will come gradually and imper ceptibly. Professor Fuqua'R card '.-as created a f»nsat!on in this part of the Bourn. WELL KNOWN VIRGINIAN A SUICIDE. Richmond. Va.. Per - 3— John D Hoo«, a so ciety man. club member and horse fancier, om rr.ltted pulclde by shooting himself with a re volver a his suburban home, near Warn Va.. to-day. He was alone at th» time. His wife was cut riding with her cousin. Major -<->rfi>l<l. of Alexandria when Informed of the tragedy. No cause is known for th* deed Mr. Hooe wad prominent in Washington and In all the social centres of Virginia. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. T"^e';'"> •«po«itjon. M«i11»on ?T'«J» •sSOSBk Board at Ail«rm«r. City RaU 1 P ■ County FUr at Donran Hllli. • •en Msssl AV.r»g« •• Herbert Parmor.*.' Uaesla :'« Imm dn\ No. Iss ssseassff «Tr»«t, I p. m. RorMv»:t BspaMkaa Club, public bns ssj 234 ••r«<»t aM Eighth av«nu». S p. m. Pr»»bytrP)r cf Long J«'.an4. m«*t!nr. Betauk«t. Free admission. J!m-;i!i cf Art and it.v Zaoio»:'«l Park. PEOMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS BREoLlN— General B I* KujStSl. Oxford. N G HOTEL GOTHAM— H H X a«-'. ST. RE>ilS— Prince N Koudacheff. r . THE WEATHER REPOET. Offclai n*e*»rd aad forecast. — TVa»h'.r.r* ri n. Sept. 1 — Th« northern <11«t;r*.a. .-•. -• BBS move! rapidly eastward »rd lo r.Tir pa*»!ng «• to •»» ov»r New Enala"i It has rauae'l »^ow«r» aa« fcrt»* shifting «!nJ* throuehout th* rotth»»» | t«rn <Jiitrtct» and the ehower area has extend*! ituthivard o\-«r Virginia. North Carolina ana T«nn«ss»e. £..•■ wors BB*S also faZl«a la IBS lower Mississippi Valley am) along th* middle Oulf coast. Th« tropical disturb- BBSS r.«4 r-t pan« 4 ToiVs liitna at a p. m. Monday. It» fatun» SSSJSSS t» y«t uncertain. F^lr weather la indicated for Tuesday and TV«<lne*a»r. exf«ft m th» Gulf and eoiith At!ar.t'.« state.*, where, local thnnderr > will rontlnu*. Cool s»esttef si probab!* fcr several 4a?"» i™ ' w !"r«'ar.i and IBS lower lake, re gion an 3 *!■» jiiu:« a-... it.>-« Th<» winds . -re th* New Enf..r-] and M Mia AtUntio „!, will be fresji we«t«rly along it-« s<-uth Atlantic <x"s»t ..Kit to tTt * h wuOiw*'. along tha >i-.:t co%it. hart 'and i-an»bi*. mostly *juth; on th« lo««r late* fresh ti'r'hwei:: on th» upper laMs llrht and Yartable. S'»arr.<r< <j»parUnc,Tne«day for EXii-opean ports wt!l bar* Sees weal »■»*• and fair weather to the Grar.l Bark*. lor^a-i for «»wlal t^ralltles - Tor New Er.j!ar.s a--d rasiern New Yo.rk. fair Tuesday and vr»jn»»(iay . ■„( cooler Tjesiay diminishing a-ael winds Bnr r^i«rn ptnuevrvanla, -New J«r»y and Delaware. ii.-^zrA cess* Tveaday; W*ln«»iay fair; fre«h Illllli ■ J W T!w" blstrtct cf roluinbia an.l Maryland, shower, ar.l rf*j7r TtoSdVi TTeSresday partly oloudy; temh >orth *',Vr'v?est' Vlrgrtia. fair Tu.saar and W*!nesdar. lor U'eaVarn reea«yl»aais> aai Western New y^rk. t*lr _ (nl to r.urtt: wtaaa. Vocal OtarUl Retard— Th* follOK Ing o fsc!al record frr,n» the Weather Burruu ■BOWS the ch^ncfs ia U»« tera veratur* fOf the lait nvsnty-fcur h;ur». (a comparison with the corresponding *'• of last 3#4r: H4» ' jtS::::: :::- as it i :::;=:. g 71 « :. M IS m -- ~ ■ * i-.tu.. '..'.'.."..-.* «3 irst^est ifnipeiature yeeierday. t 7_^**;t* *' .l. lo ** >f - r(l « •rr»«e. 72; aNerac* f»r rorTe»!-.n«iin« vi« of U*t year. 71; •■«■•«• lor correep«mJing -aie ... .ait t««nty-Cv» L«ral forecast: Fair to d»jr. •»'* »-l«tt:> cooler to morrow. H.OELRICH&DrESATSEA Coatlaned from flr«t vag». nent merchant there. Later the family reraored to New York, where the aider Oelrtchs waa tho feneral ag-ent for tho North German Lloyd Steamahlp Company. After atudylna* at private achooia. youn» Oelricha waa aent to Germany to complete his education. After this he entered the employ of the steamship company, learning the rudiments of the bustneas at Bremen and London. Return ing to America. Mr. Oelrtche Joined hta father In business, and Boon became so proficient that in 1575 he waa made a partner In the firm, and be fore he was thirty years old ho was tho leading spirit In it. Of splendid physiqus. Mr. Oolrlchs waa early conspicuous for athletic prowess, excelling par ticularly as a swimmer and as one of the best amateur boxers In the country. His daring in long distance swimming got him into a spirited controversy wits Klliaen Van Rensselaer. He was credited with saving several persona from drowning at different perioda of his career. Besides swimming and boxing. Mr. Oolrlchs was an expert racquet player, and was ono of the first members of the Racquet Club. Ho was also one of the first to play polo In America. In 1890 Mr. Oolrlchs married Thaross, Alice, a daughter of tho late Senator James O. Fan-, of Nevada, who, when he died In his room In ths Lick House at Ban Tranatsro tn December, IBM, left an estate of over f15.000.00a Them was a long legal fight over It. but when It was ended it was currently reported that Mrs. Oelriahs's Fhare of her father's ostate was over $5,000,000. Mr Oelrichs was named as ono of the execu tor* of tho will and fought for tho probate of tho document tooth and nail through all the long litigation, eventually having tho satisfaction of seeing; It probated. n the late SO-s Mr. Oeliicha waa prominently mentioned as a candidate for Mayor of New Tort, but in a public letter he declined to have his name considered. In 188S he was appointed to the Dtmo-ratlc National Coramittoo, to sno ceed Mr. William ftteinway. and took an active part in the campaign that followed. This waa the only political ofltco Mr. Oelrichs held, and he resigned it jjfter a time for personal reasons. The town house of tho Oelrtchs. No. 1 East h street. Is one of the show places of New Tork. It was occupied until her death by Mrs. Paran Stevens, and was purchased by Me. Ool rlchs upon the binding up of her estate. It la built of white marble. Tho Newport home of the family is the ostate which formerly belonged to Bancroft, the historian. WELL KNOWN ABOUT NEW TORK. Despite the fact that he had to spend much of his time on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Oelrlehs was well known In Newport society and In clubdom In this city. Ke was a man of original Ideas both in business and pleasure. He ffH organiser of the famous Kat Bote Club, of Newport, which had the reputation of including the Jolllest lot in society. Recently, however, he has not been seen much in Newport society. Of c'.ubs, he belonged to a large number. Including the Metropolitan, Manhattan. New Tork Tacht. Players, Lawyers, Seawanhaka Corinthian Tacht, Racquet, Union and Llederkrans. At one time ho was president of the New Tork Athletic Club, and ho is said to have been a member of practical all the leading clubs of San Francisco. Mrs. Oelrichs's only brother. Charles L. Fair, nnd his wife were killed In an automobile acci dent In France a Httle less than two years ago. Mri>. Oelrtchs has only ono child, namwf H»r mann, after his father. TBOOPS OUST ITALIANS. Pennsylvania Constabulary Dyna mites Barricaded House. Punxsutawr.*»y. Perm.. Sept. B.— Two members of the Stare Constabulary dead., one dying and two others wounded is the result of the fight with Italians at Florence, seven miles from hero, yesterday. One of the Italians Is dead, an other is slightly wounded and two are under arrest, while the house In which the rioters barricaded themselves is a wreck from dynamite us«*i by the troopers to dislodge the rioters. Pergeant Joseph Logan, of Dubojs. who was at first reported among th» Injured and whose attempt to make an arrest led to the battle, was not hurt Early this morning The house was dynamited and pet afire by th» troopers, who arrested two Italians In the hou«e b»fr»r«» the flames galnM headway. A dead Italian was found in the house wiVa a bullet through his head. The house was destroyed and with it a smaller one standing cl^se. by Two arrests have been made anl a search is being made for others known to hav«> escaped when the dynamiting 1 of the house was begun. OKLAHOMA GETS HEADY. Coming Election to Decide an Xere State's U. S. Senators. fFr-rn Th* Tribune Bureau.] Washington. Sept. .-- "We will all be elected by the middle of next May. T'nlted States Senators. Representatives, state officers and all." said Bird S. McGulre. delegate from Oklahoma to-day. "The enabling act prescribed the boundaries of the five Congress districts In the new state of Oklahoma, and the people are going ahead and making their nominations for Congress." he con tinued. "I have already been nominated In the Ist District, and a man of the name of Ferguson has received the nomination of the Republicans In the Cd District. There are five districts In the new state, two of them lMlcans. two of them Demo cratic, and one is fighting ground between the two parties. The first is Republican by a majority of about 3.500. and the «£:ond by between 5.500 and 4.000. The third, whl?h lies entirely within the Indian Territory, wilt be close, with Republican tendencies. The fourth, which is entirely in Ind ian Territory, probably is Democratic by between 2.000 and 3.000. The sth. composed of counties In both territories. Is overwhelmingly Democratic. "The coming constitutional convention election will determine the General Assembly districts and arrange for all the state and county elections. The first big fight between the Republicans and the Democrats la the new state will be over the elec tion of delegates to this body. It will be a very Important election politically, and we believe wo w'.ll carry the state by a comfortable majority. The convention «U fix the date for the election of members of the State Legislature. As the first Legislature chosen will select the two United State* Benators. the struggle for the General Assembly will be a battle rcyal. •\Mr. Bryan has injured his party by his reeeat speech and there r«- a treat many in our t«-«n tory who will not follow him along the radical Unas he has laid down. He has left his fellow Demo crats in the air. and given the Republicans %salst ance for which they should be thankful." DROPPED DEAD ON GOLF LINKS. Wilmington. Vt . Sept. 3.— John I>. Church. president of the Saniuel O. Church & Bros. Com pany, commission merchant*, of New Turk City. dropped dead on the golf links of the Forest and Strt-am Club here to-day. Mr. Church was play !rr the last hole of the course when nis heart failed him. H was sixty-two years oil. H* had ipeai the last tv. ivs summers Lere with hi» wife, «hi) survives him. For tares years he was vusldent of the Forest and Stream Club. OVEREXERTION KILLS W. B. NELSON. Catsklll. N. V.. Sept B.— William Beebe Nelson. fjrty-evght years old. commodore of the Cauktll Yacht Club, died suddenly at his home here to day from heart disease. Mr. Nelson was a na tive of Brooklyn, a graduate of Trinity College and the Columbia Law School, and a m»rr.ber of the State Bar Association. H'» death is be !ieve<l to be due to overexertloa in pJanr- in « «• Labor Da] water carnival for the Catsklll Yacht Club. J THE DRAMA. MR. DREW AT THE EMPIRE. Mr. Drews appearance Is always a matter of aroat Interest to th* theatresjetag public, and last evening, whoa ho opened the beautiful little Empire Theatre, as ho has each season tor maay years, bo was cordially welcomed by a largo and friendly audience. Mr. Drew s play this year Is Arthur Wtng Plr.eros four act comedy "His House la Order." which has already received extensive attention abroad. It was played to largo audiences) at ta* St. James Theatre lost season. The play starts with domestic con:pllc*.tio=s dno to an unsympathotlo hssbAad and. a rebellious wife, and the family feud is at a critical point when a genial arbitrator appears m tho persoa of the husband's brother, who by diplomacy tad per suasive eloquence smooths out ail the tflssnltlso It Is in this part that Mr. Drew plays. At the end of the first act Mr. Drew was called before the curtain for a short speech. Miss Margaret Illtßg ton is the leading woman, and her work was as generously as that of Mr. Draw. Tho rest of ta* cast follows: Hilary Jesses. British Xtelstar «• the P.ejtiotta ef laata Ooarea, ..._.. Jetta Drew DmrJtMoi. M. P _„ C. M. Ballad Derek Jeawo L«oaa H»»tii air Deal*! Rl4s«l«t - Arthur Elliot Pry?* Rldsalsy. ............. ..... _ ...... Martin SaMae Major Uatxrwarlo _ Haary VJhart Dr. Dllaett Herbert B»Al Nina „ ill-. Mara«r«* Elrnirton Lady rUOmlay „ ...._. ...Miss Laae. Ua-i;.i*» Qeraldtee Cl4i>:«r alias Made* Ctrilt»:ons Mlla. Taoma ... las Hope Lathasa • BULGER IN "THE MAN FROM NOW." Harry Bulger appeared as a star In New York for the first time last evening at the How Amster dam Theatre, tn a musical 'antasy presented by Henry TT. Savage. "The Man from Now" was the title of the satire, which was put together by Joan Kandrlrk Bangs. The lyrics were writes by Vin cent Bryan, and the mi*lc for them was composed by Manuel Klein. Harry Bulger and others. The prologue Is sat in 1303. when PrnfaßSiw Fore oasta discovers a tonic a drink of which wO pro ject «a» into 2006. The professor trios the tonla, as does Jack Kalstgh. a student at it- eaCags; eld Pennypaoker. the rich backer of the tratrersity; El Beasly. the constable la the college, and bHsvo Waffles, a tramp tmperannatsti by Harry Balsa* These, five are whUked Into SOS and the f:n beg'r.s. They fled that only beautiful chorus girls live a thousand years from now. and It can bo truthfully said of then that they are younger thaa tiioee usually seen ts our day. Taeae girls give taesservts over entirely to athletics and tho stndy of sat*su omy and love. One of the first things) Bulger wants to know when he finds himself In 9M is whether Bryna la yet elected, and whether Roosevelt now spelf.r.g went through. The lyrics were exooptlonally good. aatS there were many young and frsrh voices. Helen Hale. Bailie Fisher. Lucy Tango and Marie Keller were the sopranos. "The Paltry Music Msld" chorus was appreciated moit by the audience last evening, while the roller skatirif? scene, in which Hattie Arnold and Harry Bulger figured, furnished the moat fan. ROGERS BROTHERS AT THE NEW YOWL At the New Tork Theatre last evening The Itog ers Brothers in Ireland" epened a return srnaaja merit. They were greeted by a large aad en thusiastic audience. "THE HEIR TO THE HOOKAH," Before a large audience "The Heir to the) Baa rah." with Guy Bates Post In tho leading part, bo gar last night what promises te bo a prosperous run at the Academy ef Music. T!\i» popular West ern play had a long ar.d successful ssasnn at tho Hudson Theatre two years ago. NEW PLAYS IN LONDON. London. Sept. «.— At the Duke of York's Theatre to-rlirht Charles frohman presented Cyril "Mautle la a new three-act play. Toddles." from the Frecca of Tristan Bernard and Andre Godfernatrs. and Panlia» Caase la a one-act wordless play. "The Scapegrace.- arranged by Albert Chevalier, with music by Edward Jonas. MR. UACKAYE A3 JeAN VA.LJCAN. Harrisbi:rc. Perm . Sept. Wilton Lackaye opened his season her* to-day la hta version of Victor Hugo '<* "I^es Ml*wables.~ whlca he has n«nied "The Law and the Man.** The play was presented with elaborate scenic production of the tea tableaus required to stage Hugo's story. The star played Jean VaUeaa. MISS CROSMAN IN NEW PLAY. [By T»l?gT«.pl> SB Th« TW>naa>l Newburs. N. T.. Sept. -i-— Henrietta Ctosman opened her season here to-nizht In "All of a Sud den Peggy." originally don* at the Duke of Tork's Theatre', la Tendon. This was Its first perform ance In America. Miss Crosrriaa plays tho role of an Irish girl, and reminds ore of her former suo ess« "Sweet Kitty B^Hairs." -MAN AND HIS ANGEL" PRODUCED. Washington. Sept. — The initial performance of Edward A. Braden's production of Stanley Dark's new society play. "Man and His Angel." was given here to-night at the new National Theatre. The performance wa3 largely attended. The principal part of 'Man and His Angoi" Is David Tryn*. a cripple, "a coo!, calculating crim inal, a madman, who knows that he Is rrui.i." He Is in love with Sonla, daughter of Paul Stepniak. a Russian refugee, who lives In London. Sonla saves David Tryne from a pursuing mob and leaves him with her father while she go** abroad la study. She returns as a famous singer To prevent her marriage with Cecil Sianiorth. David Tryne forges her father's name to a letter. Sonla lives a year of suffering before -he dis covers Tryno*» viiiany. and the play culminate* In a dramatic seer c. Holbrook Blrnn played Da vid To*ne. NOTES OP THE STAGE. Houdial. the handcuff man. Is the faat-jre at Keith & Proctor's Union Square house this week. At the Sid street house "Thebo." presented la threo acaaea by William Rock ana a company if eigat "lotus girls." is th« beadllßer. At the oath street th« regular season opened yesterday with high class vaudeville. John C. ftl^e and 3s.Uy Cohen heailii* tlie bill. "The Pit" is the offering at the H'ic.n street houae. This week Keith «■ Proctor are brtr.gtr.g from Europe vaudeville stars. lndadlaj L* Herat, t:;e fire dancer; Bransoy Will iams, a character actor, and -he eight Primroses. At Haramersteln s Victoria yestarday and last eight, the opening of the regular season begia with a bill beaded by cue great Lafayette. Oner headimers 0* the weeks programme arc Mile. Marquis and bar trained posies, from tae Hippo drome; "That wuarttt." Miss Vial* Daly, wa» appear* or the first time Ja vaudeville; Howard and Xorf.i. la •'Those Were the Hapry Days*; Stuart Barnes, monologlat. Kooukly Brothers, acro bata. and the vitagraph. Tony Pastor has a big ainglng show at his taan trs this week, including OBrton * Bvcklsr In their oomedy musical act; Maddox & Alelvta, "The Mes senger Boy and th*> Actress"; aad Post and Rasse!! in frotee<i :e comedy and danotng. Richard Carle, who will star this season tn "The Spring Chicken." the musical comedy that ran for iwo seasons at the Gaiety Theatre. leaden. Eng lad. !■■• not only staging tba pleoe, but si rowrrUrg it for the Amen an stag*- The comasxy Is res«ar« lag every day. Osenlnc with mattaeeo yesterday Henry B. Kar ris th* toliowteg coxapa£i««: Robert Ede> son. la Newark. N. J . with William O. De Millet play of college life. "Strongheart" . Company B. of t'harles Klein's The Lion and the Mouse*" la Boston ; Company C. "The Lien aad the Mouse. " la Scheaectady. and Company D. in Assury Park. N. J. Bob Manchester's "Crackerjaoks" opened at the Murray Hill Theatre- last night. Ruby Level aad Bob Tan Oaten were cordially received, and Cloto. the electric danoor. created a sensation tn her nov elty. Died. Deafa aotieee bb«— rla« sb Till. ikih >• »UI be masllisna «a Tn* Tii-Wa«aijr Tribune nnni I 8888 l «ba,i»e. Ayr*. Rachel A. t«avttt. 3. Eei:. Lc-vis K. I.yoa. I^.-.raim. Davis. Ansley 9. Mea<L UaW* It Freeman. Mar a. L. IL N»i«on. WllUam B. G^tty. William T. H. f*lr»ch» Hermann. noiiy. Eiwia M. ra-k. • ;«ors« W. Johnston. 1..". -a M sastth. H»r.r-.«t'* If a Kjpb, J.i»«;iS2« B. Toller. ;- mma L. ▲TZa»^U her tima*. tn Marristowa. J». J. ■njisiißl ft. ÜBS. snoael Ana Ay*rs. «Ucn* at OSS MMc U|»:» Ajrvra. Vuaera.] tmrr\x» \\ Uj. tA-i > a- Died. P r r~*\L. ■«*••». liKml N. V.. aha)*** merlin** •?»••"»«'•» S. Unit Kbot-lotj Ml tn hU «24 T*>*r. Funeral amice* on Wimnii^y «*irt*ma*7 6. at 2-.'s» o doc<, fro. k i, tat. n „, C*irta*»a ••»•-» train learin* Graaa Central Dewrt 11:04 a. m.. U ju*. fora Button. rMuratßi train 4.64 p. m. ♦okunou Davia, : » ln * 3*th ,**, « tu»m± tSSm^S •t *mnt. tooth CBraUa*. FREEMAN— At Sn*rbura* !at* T.. suMiiir. siarl* LouU, ■ .vvtcr, at tt. ajUmws Ctarch. 6a .V. 8 9 nu **" oa w<Kln ***'»y- Sepf.aib«r 3. it cl^t ir°, r U. C*t:y. son of ta* Uta Uoiert X o f S;i a<l PUa *' Toa *« r *. W«*a*»ca» aft*moon. £ « H 2a£^?M'* tl ' ml E r Z *«*«*•*«. * T. Ctwia m-jt, S^^w, °. 41 - *»* Chariot:, SXaron HaCy. ««», S&,.^ t a:^Ye£i Ol ~~ w * ;- * v *~ T3nw * JOBTXBTOK— At Ml Teailer)-*. Tow Bllalifci Sb^^k p. m.. at J.ou ISO P*anlnct<m an».. p,, v; . xTj. x *^*i, l ' lv — A* «a*tera Po!nt - Gloucester. — — - v ,» **• *•••* a. Learitt. 4«u»--«r of toe lat. Jnaa wfSJ sSMrjjr* - *■ ** R » •• « hU • u * Bla * f bam*. Pluofcemltj. S. X_ on Ba-~ artajr. September x. v,;,;. Cshratm LWa t-J th, *■"♦ f.SX-^*' F2 Par * p i* c# B '°^'-m. oa Monday. 5->. t«aa*r 3. at 3 .at. Interment at »:-» London. Can^. MU©— On Buatta*. »Hf fct J. er Ooaaa Oroe*. X, X XEXSO:*— Suddenly, at his rwiaoscw, Cattiea. T.. g?g»y s£E£f T- m 'r > s jS* «n& Ul Nal«oa. maeral at CataaiU. v.>Sae» •»;.. S«pi-.<aov ZUL J£. B larer^« a * W ~l.awr. ~ 1 nil, Jhl" SS*a. T»eta lear«a G/». Oratral Station 311 > sj. O=LTOCTI3-%at sea. September I. ism. H*.~maa C«% rie-x roar*; aerrtc-. from tl» lat. r^iiia:.. t l^st ft.Ui at., on V.'»l.-.'Mi»y. B«p(wsb«Br ft. at JJ o'clock a. c: PACK— On Fr!<lar. AuiMl St. Mia at aeati»m?tan. Lon» Isiasa. X. V 6*or«* WT.::» Pacit. a«»« TJ jtat*. ruJtaril terrier, at to* realdeac* if hi. iin«»u Vli«. Air<.» a ila>»!ry. Na. 909 EuclH a**. CUreiaal. Obto. at 2:.ia o'clock. Tv«. U/. S«r9t.mb«r 4. SMITH— At Cltrort Lo«! t «. Trarrc:r?n. Clsn Cor«, 3i*. 03 Bafarfar. «*^, t 180« v H«trlßf.» Si Sltrarr! *«• of Beejamla T. Mi. «c«4 15 jntn. TAIIXS-yAt P.ltth«^w W. T.. «n>t»s:b» 3, l? 0«. Ease.* L*. TaUe.-. wit» of Robert W. TtOier. of ?.>■# Sub: ■ -«w™ tie* et (uaaral hutaftar. CE3CETEXXZ3. THt WOODLAW fl» 'Mt l» waUly a«#«^*it^ by Rir!«a tr«tr» O-«a1 C«r» t«l BtaMoij. W*S«tar nai J«ro»<» Amsgi trx»i:«y» an 4 by e.rrUj.. Lota J!2S up. T.lrs-'wso 4551 Onnwca for Book of -rtmwn or r*pr^n»r.t»jl»» <>«•* 2t> East 2M ft *•» Taz\ Oty. TTLXyjL T. CAMTBEI.L CO.. !*X-1 IP. UZ 9*. TTor!* ■auwa: c.a gfan i Ctapela. »rir!orß, ota. Tat XZZi Q«lj«v Special XoUet*, POSTAL INFORMATION, RE GARDING INCOMING AND OUTGOING MAILS. WILL b2 FOUND WITH THE SHIPPING NEWS ON PAGE 8. Trlbnn* ?ab*orlptloa Itatee. 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VPaOWN OFFICE— No. 19 1 ** Braadwa: . as any asmbbbbß District Ts:»«rarh Offce. ■ARLffM OFFli'Ei— No. IST East 12St?i street vi a*, SBJ W«st 123 th street. THE BRONX BLREAL'-N" «ls Ea« 13»th streak WASHINGTON BITBEAU— No. 13C2 F street NEWARK BRANCH OFFlCE— rredertca N. - . - -— . ."•>*, 7»4 Broad aueat. AMERICANS ABROAD wiT! ">'i THE ntnmi at BRUSSELS— No. «2 Jlonrar'e <le la Cour. LONDON — OtSc* of TILE TRIBL'NE. at ' 'Dan-a I aal Houae^ No. ■&* Strand. Frank Gould A <**. No. S* X«. OxfanJ stnet. American Exjres* Co.. Xo 3 Wa:erkx» Place Thomas Co<-1« jb Sjti. Tour.** <"vfflc«. . .<l*»t* CkMan Brown. Shipley .4 Of*. No. 123 Pall Mail. »*aver Brother*. Nt» 7 LfT^'in'. Th* l>n<loa Off ■ of THE TRtBTVE !» * • - :«ea plae* M leave adrerti^eTnents and auiititolli'iin PARIS— Joha Monro* «• €">.. So. 7 Kua gcnAei John V. ar.amjk* No. 44 Ru* de* F«ctt«a Esnri^a. Eacla Bureau. M M Ru* CamVin Mor««n. Harjes A Ca.. No 81 Boul»waM -»«..."i-an, Credit ' anata Bureau :•» rniiw Continentsl Sntal Ntujitßßil The Ft«aro Ossr*, Ba«rba,'-ri • News Ex<*-hanx*. N-> 9 Ru* St. Ceorgm. American E«pre»« Company. No. J^ Tie saitti*. Brentanos. No. *7 Arenu* la : ' '^*i-m. NICE— Cr«d!t t-ywiasßi. GENEVA — U.mbAT'l. Odler A Co. < -.* Untcn Bark. FUSRHNCE— French, Lamoa * Co.. Xoa. 2 and « '.-* Toraabucm!- Slaquay a Co Banker*. MILAN* — Saarbaca's News Exchange. Via l* Mo'- f. 13.4. HAJtßTTtO Am***raa B»l>f*a* Cotnpaay. JTo. t »•!-« snnssMjassa MATENCE— 3aar«sch'< BBBBfI Zx-.anra. Far th* aen^enlanr* of TRIBUNX RC4DRIM aar»a4 arrangement* -»■•» been maiie to keep th* DAILY assj SUNDAY TRIBUNE on Sl* >a th* resins; i«o>a* at tan hotels r.i-T..-.! below: LONDON— Hot^l VlcMtia. Savor Hot*?. Th» ' ■ iialissn Hotel. Cariton Hotel. Clandie* Hotat. Hot** Metro pol* MM.and Orand Hotel. Th» HowiM Heel. Nor» " folk street. Embankment . H'nrox'a Hotel. Lsainaa Quean* Hotel. Upper Norwood. ENGLAND-^Adeiphl Hotel. Uverpoo!: M.,tland Hot*!. Manchester: Qu**ns Ho'-*;. L«e*a: MiJUad eJo»eC Bradroni: Hotel W*Btß«toa. Taahril** W*l!s; Mid— land Hotel. Moreeamb* Bay: Midland Hotel. Darby; Hosier's H'«ei. Bnsalilin. Is!* of W «hr Royal Hot*!. Roes-on-Wye; Woollen Hotel. Warwick; Buil Hotel, fambrtdse. •• IRELAND — Hotsl ghalteurs*. Dublin: Eceles Metal. *S*n» SCOTLAND— St. Enaoa Hotel. Glasgow; Station BOtsi. Ayr; Station Hotel. Dumfrl** tTALE*— Waterloo H^tel. B*t!wa-jr-i-i*a. fiIBOALTAR— HoteI C*c». PAKI3 — Kot*i Cftarham, ■••• to UV.m et *TAlaion. QrwnS Hotel d* l'.Xthen**. Uraad Horei. Horet Coatlacat^X. Hotel tan*. Hor*| St. Jam*) et Albany. ltOl>r_VNrv H'.te. &■— ioJea. Th* Hasua; Hotel SBra*an> ■BBBanvksaßn BELGIUM— Orand Hot*l. Brussels; Hotel St. 1 11 III—, ikataain GERM\NT — Hitei Tontlaerral. Ber'ln Hotel TOntasaa* Wl*»b*'.*'i H •«! I-npertal. Wle»n*itaa; FraaSrort*r hof yT*r^^^a^t. Aillanc* Hotel B«r!ta: Peaalca a betm. Berltn B*aritenh»»f. Berlin; H-'t'l Wai—- 1, t Naohewn; Prir.j OarL HeloVlb*rc Glaat and aSiasf Hotels. Cr>bt*n<-«: Hotel Bristol. •••*'.«.•»—: Hot«t ■cawarrwald. Triber*;: Hotel d« rKump*. naaburi; W eat End Hotel. \Tt;dirn«»n; Hotel RuaaU. Klssess^a; Hotal «ohtrm*r. Casaal; H.itel National Stras^buri; Hotel Oirhaus. S^MerUe: Hot?) ••■•h-at-aua. Brunt-. wtcK: Nasaauef-H-Jf Hoti*!. U .«.-■ h !cn ; Four 3*a,*oa» note!. Munich: Hntsl Beilwrue. r»resden: Hotel Fur- Btenbof. Fran*fort-«n-Ma!a: Fal»r* Hotel. W'.ao fcaden- Mnw*l. Crtlos^j*- Nuellans Kotal. > »• in rhapelle- Hofel Onarko. W1 Mn«.n-Bn.V Carltcsi HoteL Berlin: Hotal QUl&n)nn%wsnV nm efrttr- bbbMl Hot«t ■ovil. Uano»er: A!*xani!ra notal. Ber'ta: ' S3 Uesamer B*4et>- Badra : Hotel Dt»<>»!. Cil.sai. Hnt«l MonotK>l-Matrc«eleL DussalJorf; w .rteaaH — ■ J Nuremberg;: Hotel Kaiaerhof. Wlaahasaß: _ Rntat Hakenaonera W^«s^•,den; »*ti*»*le. ■■■ ISM hoUa. Ouatlaaafal Hotel. Munich Hotel >iinllS'>Ba> BflHs Ar*TRtA AVt> SWt I'iERI.ANT* — Ffite! - v.iaar. M*» rlnnbad: l?.vel K'.taser. Mari^nbad: Hot*. Hannover. Csrtsbaxt: H>tel Kmh. CarNhaJ: Cirand Hotel, l.m saana: Hotel Be*u-Rlv.»«*. >>wu Hotel tta> U Pair. i>vvi R^risa-Juna-raublick. rnterlaaes: BMSaI Tyrol. taaalijira Hotel Brtstol. V;«ana; tir»a4 II ••■>: Budapest; Hotel Ciar «i Mont Zurich; Hotel National. Lucema: -.rar-.l Hotal. Mdnt r-1.-rlx \-■•■».\ -■•■». H.itel Pupa. Carlsbad.; Hotel Ba'-*r. Basiij Hotel Vict.irl*. Ba*:*; Xavoy »•«.: West Bns Hot»). rarlsbad- Cnnrrneatat Xi ■ ts:. Lausanne: tirißt] M >'il. Tavey; note! Vlntcra. rntsriaJcea: 'I'.ai C3t«) - ,• tlnnai. Lucema- Pul*.-> Hital. t..i -enn Rail ANT> HOfTH OF FtANCK— Ur*n<* Hot»l VIT* A-VM*. CeraohhwvCnm*: >**"*.* Uotatl. Cador»-Ror<ra. tktiamlt**. H »'-l ExcelsV>V. Ram*; Grand Hot*:. Vea'.ca; Craad Hotel. Rome; Eden Pa'^ce; n*a*ni Grand Hotel -w-.-rtr.*. !'- •->- Hotal T>anleit . ialua| liotel .i« !-» Vt!!*. M!lap: draad Uotet. nwiaaai ;; 4 mr Hatel. Renoa; n>l«t BrUtol. Nap'.*i> Bstat Saiita Ltxeta, Baste* Tatstar Paiaee Uatau, Par* Ursr-a. *sn3 Ilatal *•"-■ ■ — - 7