Newspaper Page Text
LABOR MV HONORED. SCXSHISF FOLLnnS H.4IS. lloUday Maker* Happy. Though Shawm Mar Parade. . « -,r-tw «•*««• tn th» -weather mada Labor KrniWM. an* homWlty £M^JS T/rr atmr^ph^ra. Finer weather far JJpS? than that or th. a-tercooa could marcel/ •"JUr^na a«« fa<torl-J cloaM. th« atr^t. of ,JS/«Sl ropu!««. ta ,rif cf th* fact that ***!. If^ooa. Th«re w«r* rrt^-d. at both the SKSSS ****** t>a«ui> IHi*. -her* bt " ... wer« at »b«»nahaad Bay for th. rai^a: ttwaanto J^J a ho « t . an d m-nr thousands rn "' T : "_jl,i, br tai an 4 «.t*r. yat th. city •nL < t!lu^!y •«* BM. wom«m an* chlldr--. I ' parsda wu rot ao great aa aom. T^SSmV^ n had vr^iMM. ln, 1 c* trorkerß In th. parad*. a. prom- 'JjTabout Maw- thouaard m»mb#n of th« !»»«. or..T *_.>;. > ;, n|l n . Arf «j«a from »th *rtr««t down la'orCTTar.--*- • .- Eouare. The thr^at rt e :h .yerue . TTZ^if ay#a th* atart. "51TS5 m"* untn *- *• m - Th ,r<i »-*••• " -v, u^, • -.-. wer» re r re»#ated »e:-;T»p^r». i«r rte>rat i on of fifty tnem !a T J?£-S I ** £ ,„ a London 'bua. America- «'*«• «-«-''' v * raT . ai »e which at- Th^*wer»a.ew r w^ rtnj; . Th . cs! f. j^d att«r.J««^ , 'skinn.n.and ..X SB- '^- h "^" *2 rf tr. din*tor> - tfc« w*r« <ra tha avaaua |. • S^ r.rth .T,. T , ~ ft* A'-wr-a « ♦•• j SS@a%£J^%sssnau3 . . • » •• -••(•'a In tha - \ai hlr*<l SSritSrfte'PnJiirtPTy Bnr.d to lead them, s.-.d *•- » •-.*- warnaa ■,»' • ••• -.n:»^» of L^vmW*^ tot «wt of tie company «v r^r^i^'ntrhth sranoa tha» dlacuM STSStoSSthS barj, After irdlnf thay *:i arithavt a ".IITKS* UKION LEADING THE PARADE DOWN FIFTH AVENUE. ■ - - wera. i nf the v tun ■ GEIAT TRADES I'NION MEETING. Ccr^css Opens at Liverpool — Sympathy xrith Russian Workmen. IfrerpooL Bept. L— Tb« thirty-r.lnth annual nUn T'ninn «;.^r.gros» cpened at Si. G«oree*a J'^ 1 . here tn.,lay. v.ith the largest attendance on rr * cf *l Four hundrfd a_'ifl nlnt-ty delegates yew I"* 1*..:.1 *..:. rerreser.tinff ovpr a niil'.ion and a half ***** Bdoa Vortmea. Thirty Labor niemb^rs "• House <f d'Hsior.!! attended the meetinir. tilth Mrea at 2ast year's cor.jjrrss. Th<» F*fjf>rarion of Labor Ti-an -•>nt*»d. A*te r e n a^^j-^5;,; ,- (f welcome had tx-en de'.lv 'red by the L ,,,. d >laV( , r ,n, n b ,. half of the Cor . 'fati no?n o? Ltvcrjjool. the congress took up the -s ie s .« , : .f T ». e 6e!>E j on- Arr.on* the first acts " *a$'>us adoption of a resolution of f w;t n the Russian people in their de ••» for a co::stituTlonal povernment. Th» Arifri(a:i rat«« F. i: Foster and !**^ v;!ssf >n. ■TOT addrosn the ronsress Sep. ' nib^ « on the condition! of labor in th« * nlted Bute* M t«-0 PICKPOCKETS OVER HOLIDAY. |2S*^ Ct » n *« '" tll - Tomb, rourt d^chnM ' tu * " 3> "* <^:^!iarge thre^? rrofeMlor.aJ plck;iock ... m l ' rcri arr*>M»-d on funplclorj. although ayt I *';^* to*4 be*a to flad any com^lain h«ir"~ j*" J°ck th. ni up over I-al>or Day. any *ttaeßc« n!™ 2 ' 1J * ur S'--i <*•• poi:r»» to Rft lon» •"orkto"^ * ! ''~h tl-e men «-oui4 L* Bfi.t to th« v w *,![ g^ j 18 a i^autiful polisher, absolutely "eefromgiit and acid. Are you *Bg it > You ought to be. Ask your dentist. AfRW .^saw* —^— . • S^jffCß^^^fejfiß^Bl^^S^Mßft^Bi^^S'^B^Bfi^B^^^^BK^jtM^fc^^^^^te^c^HP^^M XEW-YOUK DAILY TRIHrXK. TI'KSDAV. SKPTKMBER 4. I!MM-. -PAGES XIOT TO nM^LVi:. GRAXD CENTRAL JAMMED. iAibnr Day Record for Incoming Passengers Broken. Th« lar»aat number of incoming paaa«nc*ra that tver paaami through th« Grand Central Station on a Labor Day. tb« offlclala of tho Xaw York Central •aid last nigt.t. paaaed through ymterday. No effort was mada to count the crowd by the oCldals. but It was roughly estimated that nearly half a million people either boarded tralr.e or alighted from them at the station during tha day and even to* Wraaraaa on Saturday there waa an un parallalad ruah either to leave town or set to New York from other cltiea and towns, all aeemed to be coming to Xitm city yesterday. On Saturday nijtJJt the part of th* Coooouraa where the paaaenc«ra debarked was uncomfortably crowded with real dents of the city waiting to greet frtenda and rela. ttrea about to spend the holiday here. Laat night there was but a handful of people waiting for travellers. Those who did return to the city ware evidently Xew Yorkers who had fteen at the coun try or some seashore over Sunday and Labor Day. The thflueuda who returned to New York made It necessary to run many of the fastest ana aasst important trains In sections. Kearly every fast ex- THE LABOR DAY PARADE. Grand Marshal Mich*)! /*:•«••- and aids renewing th» peraa* at tsth •tret" and Fifth avenue. From left to right th* man or. *_7eeaa-c* *ze :«..-. E.. umrifiv:, v. Bi*s7?r. :is«< 3. McCabo 4-id L:.i«s tf. Hat*i./ # press was befc!r»d time in reacUJng th« city. Some ncr« an hour late and others nearly two hour*. Th« l.eavy tra^c all alor.c the lines of th« V York Central, as far as Albany, and the New York. New Haven & Hartford, as far as New London and Hartford, caused thes* delays, wLlrh trew longer at»d lor.gcr as Mr York v.a» approached. On the New York C— t..e Cist express fror.i tho West knewo m "-the New Torker." wbtcb is due at 8 o'clock, was B<-i.res of miies away at that time. She «as rua tn two section*, and eaoh was rorslderably »:iore than an hour lat* when Ne-c York was mi Ilfci . The Saratoga Spcrlr.l. wh;« h runs directly from Saratoga, on the Twlaware & Hudson tracks, Bw!t>-hirc at Troy to the New York « entral, did not tet In until ai'ttr tB o'clock, although she was dv« *On tl-^New York. N -w Hay. • & nail road there were riany train' laic. The i»pr.ngn«?Ui Kxpress. which las a comparatively siu.rt run. nadMd K*w York after 10 o'clo.jt. In it it* «<f tlw fan that *!.<■ is due at S:M o'clock. T!i« Mountain Kxpress was run In two seotlr.ns. I r.ey are K-Dt't'sed to gt-t In within a f»-w minutes of »-aen other Th« second section, however, was nearly an hour lat*. Tl:» Boston Express was also run in two *«ct!or.s. Sh<» Is .Juo at 8:30 o'clock. Thr first •action was ov^r a half hour late and the MOond B«-tlon un hour late. In the crowd." of p*orle returning to the. cit>. tne ruddy complexions and sunburn on nearly ■ e^ry one T.-as noilceahle-. Many of them had evidently been away for the sumni<r, rematnlni? at lak.» or shore, until Labor Day. Others, who only had td« rod tint» of rec<nt sunburn. Lad evidently spen. tho two days of vacation away. Hv this morning; H is bflteved the return cf th« royriarts of New York residents who nave been away for rr.onths. wilt have at.iut ended, and it will b* another summer before neb a .-:. as that oi tl:e last few day-* is repeated. . POLICE FIGHT WITH BUKGLABS. Two Men Caught After Exciting Chase and ' Desperate Battle. The drug 6tore of William Riecker. at No. 101 Wythe avenue. Wi:ila.msburg. was forcibly en tered by two burglars e^arly yesterday mini. BT.d th« thieves gave two policemen a desperate figlit )*i<)l<J they were overpowered. The burS- Urs are William Walters, ulias Joseph Niwals, alias "Polak Joe." eighteen years old. if No 142 North Oth street, and Joseph Cremer. alias M'.ka Hunter, nine'tct-n years old. of No. 8»I North oth ctrett. Tlm pair broke Into th« drug atora through a a.rd window, and when they got<* Ratiieretl toifeth< r their plunder with the aid of candle lights. It was th« flicker of thesu lights which drew the attention of Wright man and F«?rgu«*on, policemen of tha Bedford avenue station, and they entered th* drug store with drawn ie\ol vcrn. The robber* reached the yard, followed iv the pollcemt-n, who be^an to fire at the fugitives. The, thieves ran throußh the i. ■)!»>•►• at No. I»>J Wythe avenue and reached th»» ruof. They ran t-'onK roofs and sot to No. 1.".:. Wytho avenue, where they forced open the scuttle and Rot into tlie dweiltnjr. In the lower part of thla hou<»« the policemen raught the tr.iev«'3. and a d«apor> fats fight ensued, tho policemen u!«ing the butt •■Hi of ha revolvers to uverpowf-r the biva'ars. The noise of The fVht awakf-ned the occupants of the house, who ran to the front window* and eb'iuied for hejp. One man discharged «. re volver to attract attention. Another po'lceraaa • IT**' on the F«-ene, and when he got Jato th<» liailway ihe policemen were mil f iK htlnr th« bu»-glaia " • The third policeman helped take th* tiurglars to tlie station house. The j.'.ur. ler wfci-h uai valued a: over .<-J«V>. w«« taken a'ontr * M*aTi*> tnta Htotabotharn held the orison-*! la <• ! '• •} teli tact ■ * a Uea.-in* * * PROBABLY FATALLY SHOT \ I L j Police Think Victim Discovered Attempt to Sicindle Him. Following an altercation, which was caused, the police believe, by an attempt to work the came of endeavoring to get money from a victim by dis playing first a pocketbook containing money and then substituting another. Louis Prasso. of No. 'si Macdougal street, was eho^ thre» times In Iks back late yesterday afternoon at Macdougal and Sth streets. Robert Brv> p. twenty-five years old. who ■ays he is a contractor, of No. 51 Bedford street, was arrested and locked up In the Mercer street station on the charge of doing lbs shooting. Pra»«o. It la said at St Vincent's Hospital, where as m taken, cannot live. So far as the police ran learn, the two men and several others had been arguing on the corner for several minutes. It la alleged that Bryee suddenly drew a revolver and Cred three shots at Prasso, who was within a few feet of him. Pias^o fell to the) sidewalk unconscious, and Bryco started on a run toward Sixth avenue. The street was crowded and nearly two* hundred peraout Joined In the chase. Including Policemen Coaway. Mayre an<i Retch, of the Mercer street station. Conway sprinted ahead of the crowd, and as Bryce was turning Into £lx:h avenue Ccnway Jumped on him and plnnM him to the ground. A. large crowd followed to the police station and mad* threats of lynching The police •ay that a revolver w;tii three empty shells i". It was found In Bryce'i pocket. He eala that h« had Fliot in self-defence, King that Prasso bad dis* played a knife. Aceord.uit to Captain Stephenson. of the Mercar street -'ittjor!. Br> ■ <• i* also known under the. name of White. Tho captain says that some time «xo Bryee and several other men were arrested In Washington Square Park for trying: to work the "rocketboolt gaiiie" oi a m.,n. Captain Stephenson thinks that Bryee was trying to work a similar tain** on Pro--- and that Prasso discovered the trick In thno Hnd .i worJy war .'.'!. which led to the elioouns. TO DEFEND SLAYER OF GROOM. Albert >' Bostwlck. the yachtsman and auto mobilist. is using every means in his power to obtain the release of Savano Stena. the watch man employed on his country pkice at Orlenta Point, who Is now la the Wcstchester jail. chargM (th shooting a croom. also in the employ of Mr. Bostwlck. The victim of the ehoctlngr. Patrick O'Brien, died yesterday in the New Roohello Hospital, without regaining con sciousness. The groom and several companions, while boisterous from drinking, pretended that they x\-f>re burglars and threw the watchman down and tried to : m him. He broke away frum his tormentors and fired In self-defence. *^^ Tea Get the Gent:*. 1 I Underberg I BOON'EKAM? 3 Bitters. 1 Tie P-jr Bitter Liira»nr. I £»,,•-— 'I Dealers. H Books and Publication*. By F. HOPKINSON SMITH. Illustrated in ealsr. $i.,v>. "The STRONGEST wot* he has done." — Springfitiil Republican. "The BE^T ;!•••- of work Mr. Smith has done."— Philadelphia Record. •UN latent and STRi.N.jf.ST pro duction." —fhiragu Rcccrd-lWrald. • i;.. book is one in »ht«u the author has put his BK.ST."— .Vcirorfc Xetcs. ■HE NEVER LABORED TO BET TER PURPOSE. OR WITH BETTER EFFECT." — Brooklyn ran CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS RAILROADS. RA ILROAD. STATIONS (oat of West Twenty-third »tr*at ana L»eaUo»a«a and Cortlandt street*. taT Tii- leavlct; tuna frum Uaabrvaara and Ccrtlatidt street* Is five minutes later than mat given L«iow for Twrnly-lhUvl etieel FOR THE WEST. •7:53 AM. CHICAGO fcHKCIAL. •9:ii.VM. PITT>U»"RiJH UAV i;\p. •lv.X. A il. THE PENNSYLVANIA Ll«- ITLD.— Chloajo. claclunau *■ St. Loala. •1:85 P.M. BT. U >l"I3 LIMITEP. •: si i m. CiIICVJO. CINCINNATI & ST. ...ri- EXPRESS. •3:55 P.M. PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL. is hours :i>«"hicas;!>. •4..V. rM. ,lil.-A.;" UMITED. •:. V. i' m. WBSTKKN EXPRESS. •«PM. ST LUI'IS & CINCINNATI EXPRESS. T:M r.M. PA<IFIO EXPRESS __ •K.S I- M. »*L.KV>:L\ND Si CINCINNATI K\PRESS. •9:53 P.M. PITTSBI:KOH WASHINGTON AND THE SOCTtt. •7:C5. 3:13. •»:», •!»:», »I".M a. ... 1- •». •r.:53. 2:!0 i*.125 • > Or»niT»s«tonal Uiolt •■;• «. '3:25. «4 SB «4;55. •4:86, i»:25 P,,«n-. 13: IM nigh:. Suniay. * -". *1»3» •!(!:.«> a m. lr:^3, «12M. iTt:2i. •Con^r^sl.inal I^intUai. «3 :^.%. «4:2 i. *4:^l. ♦-—». *-3 p. in.. 12:lrt oltht. .SOUTHERN RAILWAY.— '3:23. »4 p. m.. 12:K> a m. dally. , ATLANTIC COAST LINE.-*325 a. m. and !':—"> ; . m. dally. EEAP.OARD, AIR USE- 1225 V- m - aad 12:lo a n/ dally. _ _ NORiX>LK AM» WESTERN RAILWAY.— •3:55 p. m. daily. .._ ciinsArcvKn AND OHIO railway.— •T:SS a. m. week <U>s; 'Wii a. B. anl •4:55 p. m dally. . ._ FOR OLD TV INT COMFORT a- N<>TJ FOLK.—*7:26 a. Si. week day» al »:»*> r m. lia'ly. . ATLANTIC 'ITT OV. a. m_»nd --w p. ri. week day*. Sun lay:*, lais. BB> < "A «**J MAT.— I:SS p. m. week .lav*. LONtl BRANt'H. ASRIRV PARK (O-»an Grove» (No::h Asbury Park- Sundays). and Point Pl»a«ant. t>::>Z. ' ' •*•■'• a. 10 • 12:25 (12:"k% Satunlays only ex.-?;j. m>BC Urant!i» •! .-. S;»tuMia>* onlyt. 3 -'■ - ■-■• S IS (4:25 except Lona D.aui<». 4:.k» W1 «:.'.l p. m. week day». Kundays. »-'~> »:23. > ..V> ■». r : and 4:rCl p. m. rX>R THII-\"r.l.i-l!T 6K«. "7:25. »T .V. «:'J.\ S.M. "•jj-V.^SS' •MO:W. 'M 53 •11..V. •:i V.. «1 3S. I:!*. 5:55. »a^S. :'••'•>■ j ■■? •4:25. 4 .»'. .•t4:is for North riiil.v>! pMa onh). ••'. R . *6:U.'>. »"»:55. 7:.V>, 5:25. fc's. 925 .■ ::. fcr North PWhwUlphtil onlv> p. n.. 12:10 ni?ht we.k *»«i."l*Js ■ . ft.*. »7 :.-.' - - •lft:» a m.. 12:25. M 2 5\ Tl.-.V MSSk •5:25. 3:53. *4:15 i«t4:s.'« for North PB"" aaWlpbla •4:.V,. 'i:^ •(JiV !:.'».. «21 S:.*is. ■..:^. r . (»:55 i>r North PUiladel r- * mlvi'r- m . 12:10 night. Twit 1,.1 ','.- «'ar. N>« J>; l- ISli «• !': •'• ' ■ TWet off'es. Xrs. 4*",1. 1354 «r1 1.0 r.r"^a way: I*2 Fifth .(.e-.j-v '.^rt S?. • : a«a Fifth Avenue -■' " St>. anl atattana named above; T«ro.*!yn, 4 • rturt Btr*et. 5.16 n>ltnn Street. 47!» KosttWk. Aventie. 3J» Broadway anJ I'er.n'ylvanl.* Annex Station. Tin New VnrV Transfer i*on-panv will oa!l for anl che-lt i«sar» from hotels ar.d rtsiuence* thrcug'.i to destination Telephone "MJ <^el«ea" for Ra.!. ■ • <^ab Servi.-S. W. W. ATTERniRY. J. B- General Manac-r. Pn»sT Traffic "i 1" GEO TV. BOTD. Oenerai Pa**enser *«*nt. ADVCR-TT'irMEVT'a »' ! mbs<~r!?tl"-iTi^ f<?r Tfca Tribune ie^eive-1 at th^ir fptnwn ©««!•. No. IW4 8r.a.1" between ..«r'i •nd 87' : st* . utittl » 0.-look p. nv AdTer tisementu wrt»«a «• the totkrwinu J-ran.-h of3c«s at rey»ilar oSlre rates m.tli S n rlorh p. m.. \!• • 254 «'•; aye.. a • wr. L..1 «'.; IS3 «th a*« err V.-h M ;S2 East Hth f ». ; 257 West 424 »• . between 7th and 9th av»s. ; fcTfc.VM4JO.Vrr*. ffi(ID©Y(DKI N^V^LAN^ FALL RIVER USE tU Xenp." aiili-iU River, l.v P!er It), \ I:., ft Wamtß^St.. week days an i Sundays. .">::a> P. M. ■««. PrtK-ilia an.! I'uritan. urchestra on ea - n PROVIDENCE LI! for rroviier.e. V•• ton and Kast. L<s>.v<t Pi"" I>. S. " i •*»« Murray St.. we-k .iars only. « .«>• _T'. M. Itteamer* PrerlAtDca laawi and rilsrir.i. Or *s«i en each. new Hgrr>:-"i -r.i» LINK f>r &rm Boown. Martha* Vlt:eyar.i an.l .\ini':c»'!. l.v». Pl«r 4" V R. ft <"»r, - St.; w»t« B»Ti only, at »:•»:< E*st M■ . « -"'> ' • il-stesm-rsil stesm-rs Maine and NY» Hani'-'hire NORWICH LINK for New Loci^n. i.hi"lt lßlan.l Watch HKI. Xan Pur. Worcester. •tc. Lv Pier 4" N. P... ft. «!arkson^v. week dar* only. «:0O P. m Aiso *O«rt| trip Mondars fxrra Pltf +0. X. P.. 1" A. M : ft East !2d St.. 1<- **■ A. M BtWBWCI City of Lowell aul Chester v. < hapin. NEW HAVEN LINE for S»w Hav«w. Hartford. ?rrnfS».' •' - Steamer Richar.l Pack Its. P.«r •> E. R-. w*e* d^y« 4 -jj' P. M.: Suns., »:3O A. M. ; Ira fooj E. --i Ft., week da««. r. P M ; Suns . '" > ■ •un-Uss dv« N. T. on return. »:+.> Pj-St.r Tl^'k^'s '■" ' Staterooms at ZO. ♦»• ••• •-"** and 1354 Broadway. 25 Tr.'.on Bq.. I>2 Fi-^i Ay«.. «49 Ma Ay«. 245 Col A— t« W. 123 th Et :T9<» Thirl Aye. ■at Piers. VT. Bj^ GDa^fOOglbft:, Pa!»rlal Steimers NET«- TCRK." ' AT.- BANY" and "HESDRKTC HrbSON" «f tt» Uu:»n -river Day line, fastest ar.d C-.est rtv*r boat* In th« wrrli. Lv Bklyn.. Fulton St. iiy Anr.exi.* no A M. •■ T>sbro<>*ea St. Pier S:4>> ; ■• West «M St i» •'•► •■ West 129 th B( 6 20 ' " L«r<!ir.|C at V : ■"■ .». TTert Point. New buT-fh. Pouchkeap* Klr-sston Polr.t. «"at» k'.U. Hu«i»on a:: Albany. Dally, except 6unday. Spe^.a! trains to Catsklll M-s. re sorts and .- irat (i. a "<l easy ..-or.neeti ms to •I! points East. North ar.d Wtst. Throush tlekMa and baesa;* che<"!*e,i at cSi.-e-< of N. T Transfer «'». Through rail t:ok»t» between N. Y. and Albany Marptod. il"« delightful one .lay .->atln«.» to West I'.'lnt. Xewbureh or IVkeep«;». i^tiirnlp? en rt .wn boat. Restaurant open at 7 A. M. MCSIC ITEMIEI aa*SV FOTiLL Leavlnr Desfcr^sse* St at S:10 P. M. (Saturday* 1:43 P. M). West 41' dßt :J a«> P M. (Saturday* 2 P. M.) We«t l^yth St. 3SOp. M. (Saturday* 2: - -'<> P. M » f>r High land Fall" 1 . Went l'oint. OHH»U Xewbureh, N*<v Han-.burgh. Mlltoo. P..:iKhkeepsle. Run flout and Kingston. Orchestra «.a '-".1. AI'VERTISEMENTS and pub«crlpt:on* for 111 Tl .••--■ a: thfir I'ptown Ofsc*. No. 1364 Br./Blway. tei*(*n 3«th and ST- it*., until 9 o'clock p. m. Adver t:s*m-r.t* rec»[\e^ a; th« fol;oain« branch oftlce* at regular oBlc« ratca! S o - ck«rk t) 11. . vim.: SM Sth aye.. » c. cor. 234 »'•: 58 «th a - . COT. U:>. •'.. : 95 ETast Uttx <• ■ iU'.T V. • ■ • 42>1 *1.. between Tt!i and «th ivn.; 2»tt Wtit VXCi at.; I".S 3i >•"•.. betwxa 7(it.l and 771h ata ; '■' - • 3d aye.. n»ar *Ws: •t: 170 Slat aye.. r»a.- B'Jth 137 Eaat I29rti «: : ''<"■ Tremor.t aye. ; C^o ."-1 aye. DltliKE - :7 x< ' iJ£2 —3ZZ ' >/ *Mji\ ISHE^SCufi A^ r. oo D oT sr vj ; \s* :^ii/ n. s S.OO. 9 : 5. >\ /7 i:0. 19«9. 10.30 a. nv: \\ *— >-/(|j.t(i.ra.,l«, IS 1«. 1.10. t.OO.N\ // 2 «0. 3.45. * ■•». 4.15. » ♦•. 7 4J \\ //* 90. 8.10 p. m.: ■m m.: Sunday*. \\ /V Sunday*. 10. 00 )!t am.. IMi. \V/ a m . » 00 - *•**• 1.15. 7 4i »• m. >• » 10 p. m. G3ATTSD2.OILIL [EWLEK3DK3© OLD (ft E For Catiklll. Hudson. CoT*ackl». Calr*. l'a> le lU:r.r» «."Drn«ri. T»nn»r»»iUa: U'.<»Cjv« 6 p. m. (iron t:hristcph«r •- ■ 7 p. m. from W»»l l-"Jlh it. Extra boat Saturday*. 1:30 p .*.i . la» Cat* kill and HuJ»or. lar..ling at ValJcn. Fc»eial train* for L"atsUlll M'->unti«ln pointi. Hao^aoii.a lllu»trateJ BockWl n:^-.*<l fraat VB'V YORK -A!.r HUD3ON RIVER BY SKARCHUOHT. bitamer* C W. afOMB •••a iitcs Sr> t«n.D»r and ADIBONDACK. *llerr.atln*. lv fia.- No 8-J. N Tl . fool «>.* canal .-*l . 0 PM. ant W*»t 123 th Sf . «:2i> r Ji dally MunJ»>» included!. Utr»c» ronneftion «•■■ ' •it i— 'l trains at Albany r r .-.ira- *.i lj.« O«<:r(* Adirondackt. Thousaail l»lanla jnj Sliarun eprlr.«.». Orchestra. >>» <-arrl»d Tim* tabl»an-i lV>o». I re«. ••B«autlful h Ida i by S»ar- ur'-t ' We. CENTRAL IUWSm USE. Boats leave rnnni.n St. «P. M. : Satur i»}» 1 P. M.. f>r Kir.sst. a. Through th« Hif.Tl*n :» tv Daylight; fail daylight trip e»*ry Saturday Connecting wlis CATS KIU* MOLNIAIN »■■ mi« *la U. A D. IL ft Eavly morsins ir».a ircm S!*»;aoo*t , l>ock. , ADVERTISEMENT!* »nt rjb«-rirtl^r.^ f.-P Tl» Tnhun» tr--.u-i at tn»ir Ipfomn Ome*. No. 13« ll:ca.lway. t» ( n-«n »'■'.;» a .i a: > •»» . until » ftitr* r n-. A'l>»r ti»»m»ntt |tal»H «t «h» f->Uo»lnT l>ran-^ «.flr»» a» rejulir «(?!••«• rar»i until S « <-Jo--lt - m . \i- : 2^« S'h » v »>-. • * c-nr SSI »*• : !%3 Ctb »*• . for lith »t.: PS K«« l«t!i - : ■•:' V.'**« 42.1 «t . l>-»f*"»n T»M »rr »«•"* ■ r« n>»t jj:.:h •• ; >'l* -M «v».. :.«>s»*n | IMS «r-il IJtft %•» . •«• SI a.^ . tmt ••'« »• X"5 !•» pt'.'ti^af *'r*i i" : IST 5-t»t l_ . . > < *i *-a. RAILROAD*. "America's Grratut Railroad." & HIM ewes R. 8. Iblou^a .uiiii .lepar-. from il.ind .'•niiM ttai:.:.. O-. street. .\i« tack. *•• mio«; A;,*.'. trains, except tna H:Jir A. M . l«8 1 j-'. JO. w.Ui Si-'J. 11 JO P. M.. Mep at itjln nr.:?. u> retain* paaaaacaM it m:aut«s after iitvint »-iJ street li. 10 A U.— •MIDNIGHT KXPKfajS. T.iOA M.— tAUIRONL>ACK THi't?AXD islands and Montreal, spu •:20 A. M.— tkMPlß>: STATE EXI RES* Moat famous :ra:'i«in th« world. «:4J A. M.— 'FAST MAIL.— I 4 hours ta Chicago •45 A. M — -SARATOGA AND MONT REAL EXPRESS. A. M.— -DAY EXPRESS. 1:02 P. M.— 'THE SI.CONU TMPIRE. 1:1* P. M. -•. •hli'.v,.! -»»•►< lAU 2:0»P. M.— -SOUTHWESTERN LIMITD. Ail Pullmaa Cars. «:20P. M — »THii 20TH CENTURT LIM ITED — IS hi>ur» to • l-.i. a»o ' 1:40 P. M.— tALBANY St. TK> KLTKIt 4.3i>P. M.— •THE WOLVERINE R:2» P. M.— "FAST MAIL, -Fur Alb*ny. IUI-. M.-'L\KC SHUUE LIMITED— -U'i hour trail* to Cblc^^a. AU Pullmaa car* 6-30 P. M.— 'CLEVELAND. CISnNNATX AND ST LOLLS LIMITED- All Pullman car* ««>P. M — •wr.-TERX EXPH*»a\ 7<X»P. •MONTREAL KXI'HES* 720 P. M— •ADIRONDACK AND MONT REAL EXPRESS 8.00 P. .— •nUK'-ALf NIAGARA FALLS. CLEVELAND AND TO RONTO SPECIAL. • y> P. M —'WESTERN NEW TORK AND * THOUSAND ISLANDS EXPBEii » "*> P. 41. — •PACIFIC EXPRESS. 11:30 P. .— •CHICAGO i ST. LOUTS EX. •Daily. tExrept Sunday. • Except Sloaua>. HARLEM DIVISION P:0.1 A. M. and 3:35 P. M . >iall» e*eept Sunday, ti IMrtsfie'u and North Adams. Sunday, 9:37 A. M.; Patunlay only 2:3t> P.M. Fuilroan car* on all through trains. T!. far ofttcea a; 14!*. 215. 41." and -213 Broadway: ..'. I'nion S<juar* W . -7j •"olum bus a»e. 117 West 125;h »«... Grand Central and -': i st. stations. New YcrW; 33» .ia* I'M Kult>>n st. ar.d ii»^ Broadway. Brooklyn. Telephone *Ti4)O 3Sth Street" for Cab Ser vice. Eazgagw checked 'r'.m hotel or rca. deiice by VtVstrott Exytets. A. It. SMITH. C. F. HALT. Vlee-Pres. Si Uaa'l Ms* raa»"r Traf3c Mgr. BEtrraAL station-, WftJWM:" in4«e «u*a teiow v from Liber^ St. W#«i ~Z'i m. leu.»**!% it> mtnu**4 *arlle#. «* cept as noted hy d>-*ixnatlr.s irk*. EASTON ISKTm.KHKM. ALXJINTOWO* AND MALL'H CHUNK— 0O (7.15 r*» ton>. J» 10 A M.. 1.20. 440 BiiO lbS4» *•«! cnl>> V. M. Sun.. 14.30 A. M.. 1."". 5.0 i» ana tltiO P. M. VMI,KI.-t.\!'.HK AND R ANTON— I. IO A. M . 1 it). 3.< X» X M. Sunday*. »4-3* A .^! . I '«• P. M. L.\KK\VOOD. l.vKnirRST. TOilS RIVET. AND HARNEOAT— sc4«»>. » ■»•> A. M.. I Ift Sot Uikewv.rj and LaVefcurst only. k3.4<>. Suniayn. TOO A. M. »o.4t> Lak* »'oe» and Lah*l • ATU.%NTIC CITY— "J.W A. 11.. xl-00. k!4O P. m. LONt; BRA NTH. A9B UR T PARK. O'":\n rißnvß roiNT pleasant— i4<n>. a.-» •li).3i>, II 30 a. m.. <»xii4t). »1 21. 1 M 2 4.V 30, ah«rr.. (4 53, a 5 IS. f SO. t; :i«. «12 «H. tiun.lay*. except Ocean Gr*T«, ft l."> l^.ll> A M . 4.f'<>. *■&* P- M. ATI>ANTI<* HlGlir^XXrs. SEABRI^HT. •M"-TH BE\<m. kast LONi> BRANTH-i'.CO, AVK «30. 11 M A. M . 1 30. 4 .?O. 630 3U P. M. Sundays. 0.00 A. M . 4 •»> «■ - SANKT >»'«>K ROr-TK FOP. ATL-^STIC HIc;HT.AND3. <SR.V»RIGHT. LOST. BRAN H. *SBT"RT park. "TON «;rovk. spring uake. poist P!.T!A<S.»N-T-rt*r 91. N. R . W. 4il St.. ».«*• t».".5 IAS) A. M 12 no. 1.30. 3 •"X 4 1.'.. 3 *i\ ~ *•'• P. M. Sundays. 35 A. M. 1? .. V.. n.33. 7 4.i P. M. Pier 10. X. R.. Ce^ar St !» 2t>. 1000. 11 «0 A. 11.. 1 **. 2.0". 345 4 4.". < vin P. M. Sunday *. !<••■■> M . 1 f*\ 4 ■«■ «* tO P. If REAniXO. HABRISBITICa, POTTSTII.t.': AND WIT.LI VMSPORT — 1i14.00. 14 *>. ♦« •••. ft i" (lOini. ii >»> A. r.*»clin* er!v». p'itOO. 11150. »2 00 P. M. Rend ing. PottSTlllo. Harrisburg only. t4.OU. •i.uO. 7.3y P. M. PHtr^VDEI-PHIA. •z4.»>. m 7 on. mS.rtr *!>.OO. m •■oo»» *tt.Ma A M.. m«li<»>. mlfltl •2 oi>. '100. *4.9» m*.Vf«). m«««». «7.C0. tS.OO. •j'lo. nlo3o P M . 1*121.1 nvir. BALTIMORE ANT> VTASHINGTOT. t.o(\. m«l<J.<»>. m»l2.iiX ■:>». mt»i(» m •««••». «7 CO. J»l2. I.V •D»!ly. tPallr ezcert Pun-Jay. pSundajr* tParlor cvi only. jlVta T-.-naq'.a. tEi c»rt Saturdays. mDinins car. xsaturday» •n!v. zi'rom Übertr St. or I FYom Twenty-third ft — fcfl.jn P. M.. r.l !W> P. ST.. »12 s*> P M . «4.V P. M.. jll .'*. P. 11.. *J.2U P. It. *3 3O P. M. » 4 -•> Offices: 7.l'— -v »»-. Tfe«t JWJ'. « Astor H im 24\ 434. tw i '4 Broadway l^ Ith Ay.. i»l sth Ar. 23 I"n!on Bquara W»«t. tTft"* 34 Ay.. 1C» Tl>st I3SUi St.. 243 Co tumb'i* Ay., N>w Tork: 4 '"our* St . 84* 344 Fulton St.. 479 Noarrsad Ay . Br^o*- Ivn. 20«> Broadway, Wllliamsburs -« \erij Transfer Co calls for and eaaeka bac (3*l to d"stirattoa «• •-. EESI.KR. VT. C, hope W*-Pr*s. £ 'ien. Vrr. C«n Pasi rAiret. BALHMCH2 L OHIO X. P.. Royal aOJ E LINE TRAINS "Every other hour on tii* even hour •• TO BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON' Leave N»w York City. XS4 St. Lib St. •WASHINGTON. Buffet. r.V»am !«'»am ♦WASHINGTON. Diner. t.diim 10 oi> a.-n tnASHiX'iTON. Diner. 12 tOnn tWASHINOTOX. Jfarfet.> P m n.. r m fIIOYAL LTD. ' Ttrer S.SO t>n\ 4Uodq tWASHINQTON; Tirer. 3.5 ft ptn *(.» P n> tWASHIXQTON, BuKet. (I .'«► p TT> 7 IK) cm tWAriHLNgxOXSl*ev«r». ll.So pm 1113 n't •X* Pun<la». tDaUr. ThrotiKh Pa llt Tralna »-» th# West. T.»ave New Yfrk City. ZM at. Lib > »t CHICAGO. PITTSBrr.G. 11.S0 pm 12 IS n't rHU'ABrt COU'MBI'S. 11 r*> am li(«»n a PITTSRtT.r;. CLFTVED. 3.V) r m «.o»aaB -PITT«Ii' LIMITTD" •>..'J> nrn 7 ••Opm riN ,ST LOIIS LOr'ISV , li Minx 1. 13 n't tin- st Lf>ns.T.ofi?«v.. a.v>«jn moo am CIX..9r.LOirt».IiOUISV., .Vfrtjm «.Ci»tm O?r:ce»: -'4V 4.°. 1. l^Xt Br .viwa» 6 aSta> H^use. 103 rv:.»lri St.. 13 Union squar* W "J'l Gran.l »t , ST. T. : 31.1 Fulton St. Eiwiklyn: XV ft 23<1 st an '. Liberty St. After i> f. m. t'eering <-ar r-»erratl?oi and fu'.l Information reirardln* train*, etc.. can be obtained at Bureau of Information. R & O. R. R. aj St. Terminal. 'Phone No. Chei^a tMa, R. T. N H. A HARTFORD R. R. Trains depart from Gmnd Central Stalloa> 4l<l St. am! 4th Art . a* follow* for fcOSTOX. .la New L.in4on Si Pro».— tt^:OO. tj ;10:<O. 'I.WOT A M.. ft: l:0». •x'il:«>l. *x. 3:w». Tt"s^o. •• 4. a* ••12 P M. . via Wt:iliian?!e— i«4:oi A. M.. t;:<X> P. M : »la -p«<— fj:l« A -M . - 12 *»' * * '»'. Ml 00 P M. POKTHM' * BAIt If ARPOR — ♦•»1S P. it. WHITE MOUNTAINS. ST ALJJAXS aa4 gi'Ki:E'" »• * 4*> A. M . ♦ > «4i P. M WORCKS-Tiai anj i-'IA'HBL'Ru. -via PCT NAM— *3 :.Vl I" M. HK'.VU.LI-: ar,l NORFOLK — t»9 OS A M , »S 11 r M Ct. raxrir»tun :«brtlf». i^nor. Ptt!» feU--t434 •' • id A.M.. il 34 r.1:3l P.M. Tl •«- oltices at cGrantl Centra! Station an! rl23th SI . alao at c3«^l 1300. c 133« B'w.-iy. _S Union 4 .ir«. i >:: Fiftli Ai*., cWi ("tlurrfcus A*. C«4a Millson An.. c:>« TV. l^Sth St.. rr»M Th'r<J Avi. -a Brooklyn, c* Court St.. 479 Xostrmnd: Ay«, sw> B*waj •Daily tExrer? Sundayr *saturCay» cnly. *?trp« at lUlth St. xS'cp* at 1JS»» ft Sur.J.ivs onl:. JParlor (."ar Um:t»l I Ha* d nine car. cParlor and Sle«;lsg Car tKk«*.« «!so. TflK Kt'ROI'EAV ADVERTISEMENT* THAT AH-HAR RFSWUP.I.Y IN Tilt! TRir.T NF OX SI SPAYS. WEDNESDAX3 ASl> SATURDAYS. LEIICf VALLEY. •aatpf vi ■>«: ii' ■> i • "r- *n<u tad Dcimrci>e< 4«v B. ♦XM;l» t F.icept Sand«j. Wunday : C* t'_r». j'-'t-v e;«y n."iv x'..«v _^^^ >" A L. sT.T Vv-SiS'inil-i.-l tiUti' •« » 4 It Hu:T»li> K»?r»»». ••: «> •*■ # e7 Si' . ■ B>:ff»:<> E»l>r»M | •*.«»» •mo * m 81..V S MOMt KXP. ! •!! 5< « »l *:S U0 • ■» Maurh ■■■.ur.i »:•'! Hi; vine M.'.J p « «d . V> r • WtUe»Barr» Kipr<s*» > • ; ••> - » •« It) r a .'•«■ i. !..•••» I •• :•'!•» +"..a» p a Olraai> .in.l T.>-i.m» K»t» . 'as 40 - » *i • •■ r ■ TUX BCKK .*!.»» TK\IN ..I ■; M paf ** '« » M " Tickets ant Kuilrniin arconrulixiartoaiTl ■-*:-« A N*) H.-'>«>:»*v. 4rß »!h A«e ,i", l'»!ull Sj. Wan, N.Y ;:"2J Kn.t.'nsr . 4 t'nutt. »r ,4T - >No.(r» ul A.r%» l« 3fiJ«v v root >'<tUoa >L.. 1'.r....»:v:> li. V . Xraamf'ir l^^o. wtil t ill for ua ebcci f*23»3k Lac wanna Railroad. N V.. >' Uireia?. mr..k;o«.-. V.'«.»: iM at*. t9.f<o A. M. — ►' >r Bicuoamton ant fclirure. • 1O.O"» A. !I. — For h :ft»ij. I'uu.a^.) ±u& si Uiuli. ill 40 r M.— Pec i.) Mountain Special. " •!.«» ► . M- — *'^ r Bu9al« •!'•! inn i,j. t».W»l*. M- — ** of Kcranton .»r.ii t'ljruso.itx 1*6.13 »•. 11 —For Bu£a:o aad « aica«o. •»:«S f . M.— Kv-r uudalo. bjrr«-ua*. LUea. •..uu A. a*.— »"..r Maaje-^aisagaM *>p*e 9 30 1«. U. Ti-k«'« at 1». *». 1193. 1134 ■aaagnam N. ¥ . £»» Fulton M . Brooklyn. •Daily. •Ri epr Sunday. ir'rlilaye and Saturday* iaa«ra '.'1 M. 12.30 p 11 il^- iv«« Cktie* t<4.r«i at. 6. 1" i* at •♦aa 4a>» AI»VF.RTISE«K.Nr.S and ■«üb»rrtpti-.>n» CM Xhm Trit.un* r*e*l»ej at th*ir rptowa Office No. l'.'.i !'.r i !»i\. i*iwe«n 34ta at..i 3"; i »ts . until 1» o>l<v'< p in. AJvur t.i».n'ni« recMved at the tbuMrtaa branch cf2;«i at r-ji'lT nffl-i» rate* 4 orlacJi p m . mi.: ;v« Sih ay« . ». c err. 23! St.; IV. Pth aye.. -or lCth M -. VU Xt,. l«r:i »» : ;.".T \\ ■•>> «?1 .! . r-.t -•.•<• T"> anl *t* are* : 2*S TTf« ir-.t ••.; tTH - . *,-. f«.»»n T^:i -»r»1 TT!:t .-•. . ICH '1 ».».. r.e»r "1« ■ IT"H M ri». retr *>t .t s IST F»»t nit; i,.ior>« fnl P M © WS UTU l£ iA Jxl 8. IS. 30. 72. 24. -•»;. SO Wen Fourtt-cnth »t. • 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 10. 20, ja. •_"•_•. 23. .-4. 23k 27 ami 20 Went Thirtsscth Sb TO STRANGERS 3N TOWN. Welcome to New York's Largest Dry Goods Store. NINETEEN STORES IN ONF. pjj^'ypw_ | Q[ .||«j=,|BrciWTHßß ' MM ' Wi 311108 Hestacraat. . • • starts aei4i3* and Writhe Sccas. it l**£ St. with telephone. tlm»» tables, current ' <Hth St in a Sub-«pre«s ata:. a 4 marazine^ and newspaper*— nsaidi in attendaac*. A!) S-f2ICC CIZS Tri2S!;r KCxe Msseifer Elcrators. to 14Ci St. ♦ - -> Today Will Be Scholars' Day Every school boy and cjlrl will want to start for school n«xt week looking spic and span and supplied with all the little needfuls for their tasks. As Helps to Do So:— ... New Fall Reefer* jßoys* Scicci Suits far Girls and Hisses r. t«> :r. year* $3.00 kinds. . t .9S Br«t fabric*— f«tcMr* »t\l«atn O>:f o^jorfi '"•'•> iii N"ar-r nt«Tl-r«~. n»l. Gray. !!!«••. also fancy plaid» Tk>uM« Rr-»* - . «i, w<l without *«1* — Stripe» arj rheei'^— eollarlcsa or rotch »«:i ma<>-;»»;*:t fttttni— MJH collar*— umartlr t*.!!or»d ■»"■! •ri-n ■! with fe.jttor... »-!t«. »trmppln«f. i 3rechii Lie? Of Ssits £$£%£&??:- . . 2.93«-«a.yS •to rv J9*!* 2.©» TVc-i'^r <*- V *!'•'< arrytrkar Tr>iw»r» — ?TCtt7 Sciccl AT-rots w»^r r-«ii*tins fjibrtp*. tn m::» «•-•»% • - * , Brown* *n<! Tan IttTMiT**— UvUbl* br«asv Inritin;lT PriCWl. «t!h an<l Wlt>-..i:t t*lt-» to 15 y»ar»— ITMt» Lawn -Hubbarrl an.? •*• -»n " StTi»» -Emb 1 bib* a* H. 9. - ■*" '** y ; " #3r l^ m in *?^» **' tb * prr * ChiMren 1 * Whir* Lawn Apron* - T**^e» «tc>nf»* TmilVM Hubbard and Gr»teVn— T«V* «f tuclt* ! -^7» d\.i.UC. 1-w-iwii and herr«it-h!n»r «r bib of .mh ? i^t Min]<» of Tailor** (ln» .rwM.H.3.n =,-4..i»Tr,...'-" r , ;lrtrh remnants - -> Dainty A^rw-ia erf Pla!n aa T^<-» Strip* Lawn»— Hnbb«r.i St.' it*- - Ni* !>*if'v sm Tahiti"* »mt •i-'i »• a ( lac* or »rr'r« ■, jr'm rtbhon «r AQ r»j-is»r w*r *»JI *• • lolVr hrtkr •;•«»- 4 t<» t* *r* * i Home-pun*. Tt-«J». C»"irn*r»«. sscond ixook-scar cwnwiM | s^t.^ac-.x- TrccstlS : Seasoaatle Uadenrcar ai«» ir«nhir ■!»*• For School Girls worth 1.2.» m -. r.«i. «< '*■• -tS rcr SCCCOI Girls An -k-^ n^^t: tw-«j. *■*:»>• £»)•> GMtf VMM <-»mbr!<« lktft»~W] C«*I»W»— » •-» W vaai^. flounc*. with lare. tack* nr rab'r - 6g Great Values •In i «:hlWr»n-» Outtnj SUt-t*- __ Bc.^s*Wa!sts.BU)ases. Cir* rr«ttr »trtße» — 4 tn 14 yr« — VO ■: •■■■-• ■ '2"ir r!!:: ".23 . „#.,,.' X««kbaB(» <»r Collar as»eS*i— 4© !,Mt> Dozea 3ojs ia<l G'rls* *t»»yr».-«in*.i3..; i... •73r7 3r ■ . -ys, F^-ala ar« *•*»>•«!••« •"•r'a ■ ■■- - -^JLm^saL -23 <i<->ut>!<» aol»a L Tien' Etoa^-faacr n«Ty wt»r»l*!i -*^_ i»->ubl» B«<»!* ■ -1! V/ a>.va* O»!fa. «ton». Taehta <1ouM» knees ** %a-1 Tarn*— S«ri«. ClotX JH— it 1 - Fast Bla«-k — i>.«»l<»t awl TCnrirr«-is— »atl^ 1»»aa §.;Q AH ««»•♦— T's'ially .54 ••» — ««rraort!narr a«*»rtTn»n«; •»*!«• .71 Three Attractive Models in Women's Tailored Suits At 15.98 At 18.55 At 22.98 Trornta"» • toM O.ip" ! rrUali F«W aMta af alaa | Ta^or^f drat Salt* at Suits c* th* ?ash;-rabla , a p^j^ matartala— «amt- , H «v»T Wrrata4 and C-»- SSSS^^^SS "» i t-tar-i «••- •»«« «• "r? ,<--^-=«^^ •aunty «utum*-Ai: ali«. I *• !•» 00. I '•!"-« •»»•»'• French Net Bed Sets j Rich Tapestry Sample* fer ful! .i« b«d*- O.yO| rhair or b.eb de.i S n.-*rad-. **•* »alu* ?3.»-» '■■," , ! bT h's!» c!as« dtroratrr*. Oth»r». with pieces «f Real R«n»l»- j rmcn { to ,1, yan a ten r . sane*. Arabian. Olunv— border r.-> match -- 1 amp! , >£; to fi,> | n che» wide. *rde^aian?r- Itr dtSl * a — '' ' -TO: wort. 91 » ami u» ' * -P —'- „«. 98: w*rtn $Z«O and A.9S a, p., M w^th «r.»2 t e8 w3rU> »jo Mi aa> 5.9S for M Set, worth ItM 2 " 98: worth »*»a«*aa> 6.98 for Be.t Set. aiava) »M • g . worta |JLBa . „ ,t0«,, t0 «, 7.98 «» Bed Me. worth B2M j C||Ut * a||4 j^drabN tor w.rl,, v 0 4« 9.93 tar Eed S«u worth «iB9 ; rhllr 0P two> ,i;vaß». iof* pillow*, iaa> All below tnsportatlca ceat. 1 for» covers an-1 *bort (iraparlaa ♦ — — ♦ Daily Deliveries Toilet Articles by our own wagons j At Specially Low Prices within twentj-live iniJcs— FttEC. Jurt. Eorinar»a Tt>oth rowdnr tft - J JI.OO Borin* Tooth ar.d M^uth TVasb. . ry a Paid Purchases »* : .: :|| To amount of Three I>«vMar« ami !.'.«> ct. i>r. charter vie.h Food .2 I Over FREE by FXPRISS within S^ S»i^i^™ - l i on«» buntlrt^l miles; I l.tK '.v 1 1» t -t. au uriatu iiaa<t scrub* 3 FREIGHT anywlwrw In .N>w York. j +. . » New J«»rs»«3-, IViirtHylTania ami New England. ' Soda aa. Caady la BBiiai»t $26.00 Velvet Riigi for 17.98 A fine valu<? to start season— strictly all wool velvet— no mixture— Autumn's choicest colorings anci patterns good big «i.'«, too— yards. Annual Sale of School Supplies Contin- zd HORNING SALES ■ To-day, Tuesday, Until I P.M. To prevent d^nle-rs buying ■». we reserve privilege of restricting quantities. UoMF.N XX. 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IN VEIIS '■Biirtna » •!*»•— u»u«Uy .2»— li t'hantHly l*r« «n.i Cht.fon r?oth I Moraine Prl<?« • *^ in lh<t mo« <te»«T«bl« colnf •— Jusl «««•«•!" »J'"J» • rrto* f» IS >ar<»» lont-Vetl* 'hat Mil g; q Ll»!» Thr«a<l Stook:nc't rapt«l> at 3* an<* t|.3S . .\. * MAIN FT.O«>n-WE?T BnUUXO. 4 MA IX FT.OOR— «aCNTRS •!:1 11 * 1 SOLT> rant IF. M. ONLY- No Mai! or «•*>« *>"• Onier*. Stores Open Every Day Until 6 P. * % i- nitr cnon*.