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21 - 912 - jSSTcCKRENCY REFORM hankers DISCUSS plans. Ueeting of Commission Gives promise of Unanimous Action. J^Tvov 12.-13 the effort to agree *"£?£» «** M a bagl> fOF CUITenC7 C= /J legislation, the currency commission of nJ^JL* B**«* Association met here to f v^^^ onsl<lera<jonOftlieSUbleCt< A. f*H«**». ***** of the Chase KfttlOn l *? c' Sew York, preyed. The first day's Z«» *•» spent In v*™**™ of a fe»w general rinriP 1 "- with a view to determining upon a } 'f*ot by which the country can be supplied £& cr«!St or clearance currency. Secretary Pha*. Jill I of the Currency TV. B. Rldg^ly gj United States Treasurer Charles H. Treat the conference by Invitation and ln- BBißiHr assured the visiting bankers of the in tetft of the Treasury officials in the purpose of I BiSSttag. Secretary Shaw and Mr. Treat re sssssf only a few moments, but by request Mr. Rifia^ly was ln conference with the commission !», c "greater part of the afternoon. The meeting behind closed doors. All the members of .v commission were present, and Frank A. Van flerlip and Charles A. Conant. the representa tives of the New V >rk Chamber of Commerce currency commission, attended. "it was said to-night by the members that the meeting promises to be harmonious, and that a tt'rMe plan will be agreed upon. Thus far, ap _-—ptlf. no serious factional differences have developed, but there Is promise of lively and earnest Senate over a number of methods pro- Msefi before the radical differences heretofore manifested in consideration of the subject by various bankers' organizations will have been reconciled. Chief among these differences are the lndl vJSual plans proposed by Mr. Vanderlip. of the jc<=tt Tork Chamber of Commerce commltt*?, fcvorlng a central bark, and by the American Barker*' Association for the appointment of a commission of seven members, to sit ln Wash teyton. to decide at all times whether or not the cor.<3!t!or.s in the financial world are such t « to demand the Issuance of credit or clear currency to meet stringency in the money ir.ark' 1 ' Both plans have able advocates, who »i!l urpe them strongly fit the conference, to gether with rrKifliflratinns of those propositions ■tost which there Is Individual preference. But. thouph reaching an agreement may be extreme ly difficult, there is Fuch a strong sentiment arr/r .- the bankers in favor of unity of action. with the hnpe of obtaining something definite is a result of this meeting, that harmony may vLt in the end. It is kno^n that whatever plan is agreed upon BSBdmously will have such great Impetus be- Hj| it that its chances of enactment into leg islation wi!l be vastly greater than if there is a minority report. Every effort, therefore, is belr.p strained to reach agreement, with the promise thtt President Roosevelt. Influential Btmbers of the Senate and Speaker Cannon Till turret the plan adopted if all elements tre in accord. Th* Derm ihm Speaker Cannon is Interested in the Washlnc? nn meeting was brought to the Bankers' Association to-day by John L,. Hamil ton, last year's president of the association, who live* in the Speaker's district. The pre rldir.p officer of the House. Mr. Hamilton said, had &SFiirt-d him that ho would be favorable to currency reform legislation If the bankers should apree on s^rne practical plan. For this rea«or.. Mr. Hamilton said, he believed the prcepecis for legislation on the pubject at the •pproachlng session of Congress are excellent. as heretofore the Speaker's powerful Influence ha« h**n against ill digested schemes for chancing the currency system that have been brought uj' In the House by various members, htrari*bly causing conflicts among the inter ests most concerned. Among; those who ppoke "were President ■m ■' the Mercantile Trust Company, of Et. Lou!?; President Forgan of the First Na tional Bank of Chicago, President Perrin of the American National Bank of Indianapolis ar.d rice-President Talbert, of the Commer- CM Rational Pank of Chicago. Votes were ".ak^n on the various propositions and the re fu'ts, it is ealu, dipclosed considerable unani c^ty of opinion on the principles )* they de clared for. The meeting ndjourned at 6 o'clock u^tll 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Those Present included the following: American Bankers" Association Arthur Beyn- Cjflp. president Dea Moines National Bank. Dee aoine-c. I<,wa; i- F. Swinney. president First Bar:k, Kansas City. Mo.: Joseph A. •JfOort. caßhier Third National Bank. Atlanta; "■ V. Cox. president Semnd National Bank. wasUnston; John L. Hamilton. vice-president «a:r ; i!ton & Cunningham, Hoopastonj 111.; Jam* s ».■ rOTjan. president Firtt National Bank, <"hi cap«: Josf^h t. TaHx-rt. vice-president Com gwoal National linnk. Chicago; Charles H. « u ttlg. rTf-sj^nt Third National Bank. St. ;jAu:s; :--e«-tuK J. WRde, president Mercantile i.ust Company. St. Louis; John Perrin. presi- National Bank. Indianapolis; A a Hej.burn. president Chese National Bank. \l7w Tn LullH ' r Drake, president Merchants' Bir.k. Omaha; Sol. Wexler. rice-presl w£ \^ n'-yn '-y Central National Bank. New Or- Tl'arfr i T H errlok , Cleveland, and Robert KSbSr Irtfld " nt pe °P le " 8 National Bank, r?"?' J 01 * Chamber of Commerce— Frank A. Venflerlip ant Charles A. Conant? rank A. SILVER STILL TOO HIGH. Secretary m Declines Offers at 72 Cmtß an Ounce. tZV? T° n< K °'- 12 - Th * T ™™ry Depart ■ ■*«*— •» the^of, ntat72 eenti £e^ ?? T re T> * rU *- * m BecWtar^ Shaw *** .1? £?£?*■ *"— 'nt hi, on ' ■ •■• keep ,!... ■ Dei *r tment bYb V its. present <ia^ ;?V r ' .noes have bee. I)Ur . «l'j2e4te ±C* raßt?!r ' I fr ° m 651 " n «*«■ to W^&M^ « th - h * -w no rasrkrt. sea that, as before «t a t<4 by Y *LE-PR,NCETON CAME, PRINCETON^ r-"r^r.,, pECIAL TRAINS i . To-rt»y. fair. To-morrow, fair; t»iUbl« wind*. J. J. HANNAHAM, Grand Chief of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen. BEN. MIXDIL BLAMED. Fault Found with Methods of Valu ing Imports of Precious Stones. It became known last night that the Investi gation of the examiner's division of the custom house, charged with the undervaJuation of pre cious stones, has resulted in a report unfavor able to General Oeorge W. Mindll. the official In charge, and either his resignation Is to he called for or a reprimand will be admlnstered to-d»v. The investigation of this branch of the cus toms service was undertaken by special agents of the Treasury Department In September, by direction of Secretary Shaw, following com plaint made directly to the authorities in Wash ington. One of the specific cases about which com plaint was made was the alleged undervaluation of gems consigned to Edward Van Dam. a lapidary, of City Hal! Pla^e. Bpeetal Agent Bur ton Parker came over from Washington to make an Inquiry as to the methods employed in the valuation of gems at This port, and his report has be<n passed on by Secretary Shaw. In view of the great number of previous stones imported through the custom house here, the examiner's division, which has the valuation of th«-ee gems in charge, i.« regarded as one of the most Important. There has been criticism of the methods for some time, but no charge of wrongdoing way made against General Mindll. The report of the investigation just concluded by the Treasury Department finds fault with the whole management of the perns valuation di vision. GEORGE W. MORGAX WEDS. Ceremony in Dutches* County After Auto Run from New York. {By T'>traj.!; to Th« Tritium 1 . 1 Poujrhkeepsie, N. V . Nov. 12.— George W. Morpan. State Superintendent of Elections for the Metropolitan District, met with difficulties last Saturday, which was his wedding day. Th© •redding party, consisting of Superintendent Morgan and his bride. Miss Helen Blolse De muth: the bride's parents. Professor and Mrs. J. Arthur Demuth. of Oberlin College Conser vatory of Music. Oberlin. Ohio; William H. Morgan, brother of the. bridegroom, and John M. Siddall. an old friend of bridegroom and bride, started from New York a little after 12 o'clock in two touring cars to run to New Hackensack. Dutches* County, N. Y. The Rev. William A. Dumont was formerly Superintend ent Morgan's pastor at Hastlngs-on-Hudson. and arrangemeente had been made, to have the wedding at the parsonage on Saturday after noon. Miss Geraldine Woods Morgan. Bister of the bridegroom, had gons out to New Hacken. sack on Friday and was awaiting the bridal party. A series of mishaps caused delay until the automobllists reached Peekskill, where they were held up by the police for exceeding the speed limit find all taken to the police station. That matter being settled, the party had pro ceeded a few miles when one car became com pletely disabled. The entire party r<a, tied New Hacltensack in the other car a little after 8 -■ and the ceremony was performed. rinteodent and Mrs. Morgan, after a short tri| In 'lie Boutb. Will live at Riverside Drive and Mtii street* New York City. GIVES FORTUXE TO POOR. Mexican Government Will Distrib ute $10,000,000 Gift of Alvarado. I By Tf-ie«rrafh to The Tribune. 1 Galveston, Nov. 12. — Pedro Alvarado. one of the wealthiest and youngest mine owners of Mexico, announced to-day that he had perfected plans whereby he will distribute more than $10,000,000 gold among the poor of Mexico. Al vcrado is unable to estimate, even roughly, his great wealth, and besides the great sum which be has Just eet aside, is planning to spend an otber fortune as his wealth grows, that will sur pass the amount devoted to charity by any phllanthropM in the United States. Alvarado is the man who offered to pay off the entire national debt of Mexico, an offer which the government declined. The fortune which he has given to the poor will be distributed by the Mexican government. Little or no money will be given outright to any applicant, but all those found worthy In the eyes of the government will receive a small farm, be provided with a home or be helped to establish themselves in business. Provision has also been made to establish free schools out of the fund, and a small amount is to bo given to struggling and small parishes and churches At leas! twenty thousand persons will be benefited directly by the distribution of the fund President Diaz Is now seeking for four or five men on whose integrity ho can depend absolutely, to form a commission for the proper distribution of >!>'• wealth.^ ".-for Aivarado „ .-, In Parral. He comes of „•:'". family himself- The bulk of his wealth came from tlio celebrated Palmtllo mine, which './■ owns. FLEETS FOR TANGIER. British ami French Warships to Male Demonstration. Gibraltar Nov. 12. The British Atlantic fleet la to leave here for Tangier. In conjunction with a French fleet of Warships it will engage In a demonstration in Moorish waters. The British warships were provisioned to-night un very short notice. NEW- YORK. TT ESDAY. NOVE^rBER 13. 1006. -FOURTEEN PAGES. PHOMIXEXT FIGURES IX THE DISPUTE OVER RAILWAY WAGES. F. D. UNDERWOOD. President of the Erie Railroad. SCORES DEAD IN WRECK FLAMES KILL WOUNDED. Immigrant Train on the Baltimore cS' Ohio in Collision. Chicago, Nov. 12. — More than one-half thf pas sengers on an Immigrant train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad were killed and Injured in a collision to-day near Woodville, Ind. One hundred nn>\ sixty-live passengers were on the train. Forty-seven were killed outright or were burned to death In a fire that broke out in the wreckage Immediately after fhn collision. The names of all the dead will probably never be, known, as forty-five of the bodies were con sumed in the flames or were so badly horned that Identification will be out of the question. Thirty-eight people were Injured, several of -whom will die. Eighty others escaped urnurt, but lost nearly all their baggage and doming. The passenger train, which was loaded with Russian Jews, Servians and Poles bounl for Chicago or places northwest, was the second section of a through train from Baltimore. The engineer of freight train No. '.<»'>. on instructions received at McCool, Ind., waited at a siding at Babcock, Ind., to allow the immigrant train to pass. One report is that he had not been In formed that the passenger tmin was runnlnar in two sections; the other Is that the first section of the passenger train carried no lights or sig nals of any kind indicating that a secona sec tion was close behind. As soon as the first sec tion of the immigrant train had passed the switch nt Babcock freight started eastward. A light snow was falling, which increased the darkness of the early morning, and ns the freight was rounding a sharp curve Just west of Wood ville it hit th«» second section of the Immigrant train, which was running forty milts an hour Pix passenger roaches and several f-«ight cars knocked into kindling wood, anl, together with the locomotives, went rolling down a ten foot embankment. Fire broke out almost immediately in the wreckage and, although many of the injured were saved by the desperate efforts cf the train crew and surviving passengers, tie greater part of those who were pinned down in the de bris were burned to death. The flaries spread through the wreckage so rapidly tlat it was Impossible to save a number of peopU who were only slight y hurt, but were held fast by tim bers that weighted them down. These were burned in plain sight of the throng that stood around the scene of th" disaster, unable to lend assistance. The fire continued until the shat tered cars were consumed, and of the forty pev<»n peopU whose death followed tre collision forty-five were burned to ashes. Relief trains were at once sent out from South Chicago and from Valparaiso. Ind.. and every possible aid vas given to the injured. A largo number of the relatives of passengers on the ill-fated train were in Chicago, awiiting their arrival, and the scenes around the Baltimore & Ohio Station were harrowing. Crowds of Russians and Poles waited around the station all day for news from W>o.lvi!!e. and when late in the afternoon a train cime In bear ing thirty-eight Injured persons, ill of whom were taken to Mercy Hospital, it vas with the greatest difficulty tha! the police were able to open a way for the vounded. several of the foreigners became bo excited that they at tempted to attack station employe) whose uni forms led them to belitve they were employed by he Baltimore & Ohio road. At the hospital to-night it was said that it would for some time 1- Impossible to predict the result in the cases of several «f the injured. SCALDED IS SUBWAY. Six Killed and Five Injured by Explosion Xear Cleveland. Cleveland. Nov. 12.— Six men vere killed and five were seriously Injured to-day v hen a boiW In the powerhouse of the Lake Shore Railroad. in Collinwood. a suburb of Cleveland, blew up. The men were working near the boiler, building the foundation for a dynamo, when the ex ploslon occurred. Thty were all In the mouth of a subway, facing tie «-ml whin blew out of the boiler, and were scalded to leath by the Immense volumes of which shot out. Engineers at the powerhouse say the explosion was due to the formation of a "mud ring" In the filtering apparatus which clarifies the water ,..,,... its passage into the boiler. The shock of the explosion was heard for two miles and caused Inten - excitenent In the town. TRUCK RAMS BROUGHAM. Banker's Wife and Daughter Have Narrow Escape in Fifth Avenue. Mrs Charles Bteele, wife of Charles Steele, the banker, with offices at No. 23 Wall street, and living at No. 34 West 4 r *th street, narrowly escaped being killed yesterday with her four teen-year-old daughter Ethel: At 4 o'clock yesterday afurnoon Mrs. Steele wan returning with her daughter from a pri v , • . school At S4th street and Fifth avenue Tram> Patrolman Brady he* up his hand for the brougham to stop. Behind the brougham was a heavy truck laden .steel. So sud ,l,'nly did the brougham stop that the pole of the truck ran Into Ii and slashed the back as if it were made of paper. r.cMi- th« pole missed the, occupants of tho bVoSam. With the exception of a slight shock neither suffered Injury! They were taken to their home In an automobile. Try ,1:1 & Black Label >uls gherrJea If«M uiltui Importing Co.. Now York.-AavU XV. H. TRUESDALE, Presldentof the Delaware. Lackawanna & West ern Railroad. STIUKE CLOUD BREAKS. LACKAWANNA MEX WIX. Settlement Satisfactory — Hope of Peace cm Erie and Central. The engineers of the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company, through their ad justment committee, gained yesterday practi cally all they have been striving for, at the final conference with the officials of the company. Grand Chief Warren S. Stone of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, accompanied the committee to Xo. 2G Exchange Place, where the conference, which was comparatively short, took place. The committee came out all smiles, and Chairman J. E. Clarke said: The engineers of the Delaware. Lnckiwanna. & Western pot virtually all they asked. We are very much pleased with the result of tie con ferences. The settlement reached concedes the ten-hour workday .and an Increase of wages amounting to between $30,000 and $3.\tT>o an nually. The new schedule goes into effect at once. President Truesdale of the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western would not come out. but sent word to the reporters, in reply to a question, that the settlement reached was satisfactory. Mr. Stono said that he had accomplished what he came here to do, and would go back to Cleveland soon. He believed that there would not be a strike of either the engineers or the firemen on the Erie Railroad. He also said that in case of a strike of the firemen, which he con sidered unlikely, the engineer? would live up to their agreement. Grand Chief Hannahan of tie Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen was unwilln? to talk yes terday on any subject relating to a strike, the demands of the Erie firemen or the strike vote. Hitherto he had talked frankly on the subject and had be*n announcing that th*> poll of the men now being taken would result ln a strike vote. "I have not a word to say until to-morrow." h« said. "There is not a single tUner I want to talk about, but I may hay* something to say to-morrow. At any rate. I have r.othing to say to-day." The statements made by some o? the railroad employes at the Broadway central Hotel that the wafiff of the Erie firemen had been cut by the company in 1*77 and had not bwn raised since then was denied on behalf of the com pany yesterday. It was paid that the wa-rr-s had been Increased twice since 19(18, and. fur ther, that the average wages, which are $230 a day, were higher than the average, wages on the other roads. A representative of the com pany said: The talk of the cost of living Increasing is misleading, as it has not Increased proportion ally in the smaller towns to what it has done in the larger cities. The firemen tin this road ire better paid than on most of th» roads, and there Is no good ground for a strike. It was said thnt if a strik* vote was cast it would not follow that there would be a strike, and that arbitration might be offered. It was not uncommon to hove differences arbitrated after a strike vote had been declared. It was also said that the trip of President Underwood to the West had nothing to do with labor troubles, but had been contemplated for some time and hail been twice postponed. Wtv-n he went away no radical action on the part of the Bremen was expected He is expected back f-oon. It v.'as also said yesterday thnt the oivfc Fe<l eration might take a hand In settling the dis pute. The name of Mr. Underwood is on the national executive committee of the Civic Fed eration, as are also the names of Grand Chiefs Stone and Hannahan of the engineers and Bre men, respectively. At the office of the National Civic Federation it was said that no applica tion hid been made for its offices as a mediator! bui that It would not be unlikely thai it would he asked to act. Grand rhlef Hannahan said be knew nothing about it and did not want to talk on lhat or any other subject relating to the firemen. The board of adjustment of the New York Cen tral telegraphers was still in conference with the officials of tho road yesterday. General Su perintendent a. 11. Smith said last night that they were not finished with the telegraph* but so far the conferences were amicable. Meantime the grievance committees of the engineers and other branches of the Central's service arc waiting at the Broadway Central Hotel. A member of the board of adjustment of the engineers said that the engine* 1 and the firemen on the New York Central's lines were well organised and would work in har mony. They would insist on a raise of wages and better condition* all round. He said that tho question of the pay of the engineers w.'jrn they were made motormen on the suburban branches where electric motors were being in stalled would have to be considered. The en gineers will demand the name, pay as motormen that they were receiving as engineers. This will apply to other roads which are using electric motors 011 their short routes. It is known that on Home of the roads the companies an not bill ing to pay motormen engineers' wages. They will hold also that as the electric motors respond to the control of the driver more quickly than the st.-am locomotives the mileage ought to be in creased. Grand Chief Stone and Assistant Grand Chief Hurley of the engineers had »*iveral conferences yesterday with the grievance committees of the engineers at the Broadway Central Hotel Both ■ay they do not look for a ">' trouble, and that the conferences were in the nature of routine meeting*. _ _ Copyright, 19O«. by Th« Tribune Association. WARRKN' S. STONE. Grand Chief of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers. WILL DEPORT iIEIICAI. Man Under Arrest in Texas Charged ztith Treason, Washington. Nov. 12. — Antonio Villareal. who Is under arrest at El Paso, Tex., \s to be de ported to Mexico, where he will face ihSIgM of treason brought against him by th* Mexican government After conferences between officials of the State Department, the Department of Justice and the Department of Commer.-o and Labor. It was decided that Villareal should be sent back to his native country aeaSHSM el crimes committed by him before his immigration to the United States which made him an unfit person to enter this country. Vlllareal was the leader of the Mexican revo lutionary movement in St. Louis, which gave utterance to its doctrines through the newspaper "Regeneracion." Through th« little group of revolutionists In the Missouri city many predic tions were made public that there would be a general uprising in Mexico, and foreigners ln the soutnern republic were frequently alarmed by rumors of a movement ln Mexico against per sons not native of that country. Villareal was originally arrested under a war rant holding him for extradition under the treaty between Mexico and the United States. He was one of a large party of Mexicans alleged to have broken Into a public building In that country and to have taken a quantity of arms and ammunition belonging to the republic This act was held by Mexico to be a theft, a crime under which refugees could be extradited under the treaty between the two republics. Attorneys for Villareal insisted that he and his associates who took the arms and ammunition were revo lutionists engaged in the movement against President Diaz, and that consequently their crime was political. The treaty exempts from extradition .persons charged with political offences. Mexican officials advised the United States government that Villareal had committed a murder and served a term ln prison before com- Ing to the United States in March. 1904. Conse quently, he was a felon and was not entitled to admission to the United States. This makes it possible to deport Villareal. and a warrant for his rearrest preparatory to deportation has been issued under the direction of the Department of Commerce and Labor. This action will avoid legal tangles whi^h might result from the attempt to decide whether the taking of arms and ammunition was really a criminal or political offence. The Mexican gov ernment has also a.«k-'d for the extradition of sixty-one other m*»n who were associated with YlUareal in th*> taklns: of munitions of war. PRESIDEXT OFF CUBA. The Louisiana Speeding South Un der Pleasant Weather Conditions. Charleston. B. C.. Nov. 12— "Wireless tele prams received here from the battleship Louis iana, with the President and party on board, on her way to Colon, show that at 7 o'clock this morning the ship with her convoys was at a point about three hundred miles southeast of Jupiter Inlet. Fla. The squadron was heading for Crooked Island Passage, between Crooked Island and Watllng or San Salvador Island, where Columbus first landed In this hemisphere, and was making about fifteen knots an hour. Captain Couden expected to reach >■■>■■ Mays!, at the eastern extremity of the bland of Cuba, by nightfall to-day if the pleasant weather con ditions continue. The president a«d party were all well and were much interested in the regular Sunday in spection of the warship yesterday. Washington. Nov 12 -A dispatch was received at the offices of the Isthmian Canal Commission to-day announcing that the Allianca. having en board the engineef members of the commission who will accompany President Roosevelt on his Inspection tour of the canal zone, arrived at Colon to-day. STRIKE DANGER OVER. " ': . i Pittsburg Suitchmen Accept Ad vance of Four Cents an Hour. ptttsbui ■--. Nov. 1-- Announcement was made to-night that the switchmen had agreed to ac cept the advance of four cents an hour, as of- , fered last week In Chicago by the railroad offi cials, and it is asserted thai there will be ro> strike Representatives of the firemen and engi- j neers met to-day at the Seven th Avenue H..t*-1 j In this city to discuss the wage question, but »•> j definite action was taken. It was said all st;tt»<- j m-nts must I .■ made through the general urn- j cfcrs. TRAINMEN SEND ULTIMATUM. The Pennsylvania's Employes Want Ten- j Hour Day and More Pay. [pry Telegraph to Th« Tribune. 1 Fit t «burg. Nov. 12.— A :«ror«-t m»-etln e of drlt-sates from the Order of Trainmen and .»f the Brother^ houd , { Laocor olive Engineer* was lieM herr tliU afternoon to dtscusa the prospects of a Btrike or ■rtttng i"' " wages '"" the PennsylTanla lines ... st ** Tl.' 1 tmtamen wunt .1 10-hour day and an advance of .* cents r hundred-mile run «!aliy. ,?i,'., Iliinnalun, of th*< flrrmrn. ».. ■ in attrntlunce. unJ thoujtU h« admitted to-ni«ht x4it a ine*Kus<*-— a sort of ultimatum— hail been ?<"nt to '■••■ com pany t>hts ev»'iiin<. li«« would not say wliut v was.. DEWEY'S CLARETS OR OLD BURGUNDY, Takes with your meals tnrli hes the Wood. U. T. ■ I U«w«a,- * Boa» Co.. 153 Fulton St.. Now York.— Advt. I PKTCF. TriKKK CENTS. AFTER THE MA YOU. VOW OTHER MURPHY TARGETS. Big Chief Turning Bon* on Lantry and Featherson, Too. Charles F. Murphy Is planning a direct at tack on Mayor Me* Melton by ousting him from th© general committee of the 12th Assembly District, or which the Tammany chief Is leader. The Mayor's co-worker against Murphy. Mau rice Featherson. Is also marked for destruction according to rumor. Murphy Is also seeking evidence of treachery against Fire mm i sioner Lantry. leader of the 16th Assembly District. Probably Murphy la more intent on bluff ing Lantry Into non-actlvlty as an anti- , Murphy man than he Is on ousting him,, as leader, in order to make trouble for Lan- j try the Murphy men have raised a fund of J2.000 for Daniel C. Johnson, who Is a candidate for the leadership of Lantry*s dis trict. Johnson has started a club at No. 153 East 42d street, and his invitations to Join aro printed on letter heads carrying th« Demo cratic star. It was said yesterday that John-: son had obtained about twenty affidavits from men who say that Lantry was disloyal to the ticket on November 6. It is asserted that the $2,000 for Johnson's fight against Lintry came from Charles F. Murphy himself, and that he has promised Johnson more. It is said that Murphy also plans to throw Lantry out of th« Tammany executive committee. Mr. Murphy has abandoned his plan to take! an extended vacation this year. Ills custom i heretofore has been to take some of the dis- ■ trict leaders and go to Atlantic City or Hot Springs and talk over things. This year Mr. • Murphy is staying at home and seeing to It that his Tammany leadership head is screwed on tight. He does not seem to know Just how deeply McClellan Is cutting Into him with tha patronage. Maurlco Featherson. Commissioner Lantrr and James J. Martin, former leader of the 27th District, called on the Mayor yesterday and, talked over the plan of campaign. Mr. Mur phy Is afraid now that the Mayor and his friends will get through at Albany next winter a lot of bills for the appointment of new offi cials in New York within th»» next year, and he knows that ail appointments by the Mayor will be to build up an anti-Murphy organiza tion. Murphy's warfare on Lantry is regarded In the organization as a big mistake. Lantry made 'a good record under Van Wyck as Commis sioner of Correction, and was about the only Tammany head of department whose official rec ord was above criticism. Controllers Coler and! Grout said that his official record was beyond reproach. He Is extremely popular in his dis ; trict, and it would seem that about the most dangerous thing Murphy as leader could do would be to try to throw Commissioner Lantry out of the executive committee- Daniel C. Johnson, the Murphy man. after a ' conference yesterday with Mr. Murphy at Tar n; many Hall, said: When the executive committee shall meet we will pr<>v- that twenty-five men were asked by election distrkit captains under Lantry to vote against Hcaiif and for Hughe9. These men [ will be brouglS) here so that they can offer their own testimony to the committee. We will ' also show that in six election districts head quarters were estahiished near the polls for the. instruction of voters as to how they should vote against Hearst and for the remainder of the ticket. Of the twenty election district captains of the Assembly district, no less than eighteen were against Hearst. We can also prove that two 1 city employes who live in the district www transferred to posts that took them outside of It on Election Day. Why were they transferred? Both of them were strong Hearst men. When Commissioner Lantry was seen yester day with reference to the charge that he was disloyal to the ticket h* said: That charge is not true. I was loyal •■ the ticket. I voted for Mr. Hearst, and so did my friends. I urged all my friends to suDDort the regular Dem ocratic ticket. I urged them to support Senator Grady. We had a very hard fight In the dis trict. Assemblyman Rock turned a good many votes away from Hearst. We worked as we sel dom have worked for the Tammany ticket, and we elected Grady. Our showing for Hearst was probably no worse than in many of the other districts. I was against Hearst at Buffalo be cause I was with Mayor McClellan. My being with McClellan against Hearst is no proof that I am opposed to Charles F. >rurphy as leader. It will be Impossible for my opponents to prove that I was disloyal to the Democratic* ticket, for the good and sufficient reason that I sup ported it. The report of Murphy's designs on Mayor Me 1 »'Mlan came direct from Tammany Hall yes terday. Mayor McClellan for years has been a member in good standing of the general com mittee of the 12th District, from which Murphy plans tr> oust him. Mayor McClellan was elected a member when he was the close personal friend of Charles F. Murphy and lived in the samo Congress district. The Mayor's warfare against Murphy is so bitter these days that Murphy 13 not neglecting any opportunity to get even with him. The Murphy men. it Is said, are trying to get evidence aaratnst Maurice Featherson showing that he knifed the Hearst ticket on November 6. Mr. Featherson makes no concealment of his opposition to Mr. Murphy as leader of the or ganization. He requested Murphy to nominate Joseph I. Gr«?en for the Supreme Court bench, and Murphy refused to do it. putting his friend Platzek on the ticket instead. Featherson has one of the finest clubhouses In the city, anil his organization is loyal to him. It is expected that he will name the next president of the Board of Elections. The Mayor has marked Commis sioner Voorhis for slaughter. BODY BLOWS BY MAYOR. His Appointments Seriously Threat ening Murphy's Leadership. Charles F. Murphy is flsrhtir.g desperately to retain his leadership of tht- Tammany organisa tion. The annual emotion el the general com mittee takes plao« n.-xt month, and Murphy is working hard tf> retain his srip on the executive and general committees. It was learned at ISM City Hall yesterday that the Mayor was ■stag Is oust John R. Voorhis from the Board el Elections, ami appoint in his place an anti-Murphy man. Commissioner Voor his represents Tammany Hall In the board, H<» la president of the board, and has until recently had a good deal to say about running It. His Democratic colleague is John Mugulre. of Ktnga. a Mc«*arren man. •*■ will '.*• reappointed by the Mayor on January 1. Commissioner Page Is to be reappointed. probably, but the fate of Com mission** Michael J. Party is uncertain. Th* Mayor will name a Republican to succeed Mr. l>aiiy If he does not reappolnt the colonel, but he may coin** from Richmond or Queens. It has been Ike custom for the Mayor to name the man designated by the general committeo of the doznlnmt organizations In New York an* in .mi pi'ih I m< m rk|ijin,«i,|...-Mi