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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 13, 1907, Image 1

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VOV OI ~ LXVI N° 22.004.
Liberals Seem to Fear Speedjf Test
— The Irish Question.
London, Feb. 12.— The opening- skirmishes In
both hovjsss of Parliament In the debates on the
address In reply to the speech from the throne
were voted almost entirely to the subject up
permost in all men's minds, the coming conflict
between the House of Lords and tho House of
Commons. It Is believed, that the Cabinet has
not yet outlined in detail Its plan of attack, b/ai
the speech of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Indicated That it will be aimed rather at limiting
the Lords' powers of veto than attacking tho
constitution of the upper house.
The speech of Mr. Balfour plainly revealed the
hope of the Conservatives that the struggle will
lead to early dissolution, as a result of which
they hope to reverse the verdict of the country
given at the last general election. There is little
doubt, however, that the government is equally
anxious to avoid early dissolution, the relations
of the Labor party to the Liberals being etlll too
■trained to render another appeal to the country
advisable at the present time. The reluctance
of the government in this direction 1* generally
attributed as the reason for the failure to pro
mote Winston Spencer Churchill In the recent re
arrangement of the Cabinet. Mr. Churchill's seat
at Manchester not being considered safe enough
to risk in a bye-election.
A- ■ r r ttceable feature of the debates on
general desire to ex
presa British gratitude for the assistance ren
dered after the Kingston earthquake by the
American navy.
The House of Commons was crowded In all
parts when the members assembled for business
at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and great anima
tion was noticeable. The entry of the Premier.
Fir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. was greeted
with cheers from the Liberal benches.
The Speaker. James Lowther, read the speech
from the throne. The reference to the aid ren
dered by the American navy at Kingston was
welcomed with a loud outburst of applause.
The mention of the differences between the
House of Commons and the House of Lords was
rlfo cheered.
Debate on the address in reply to the speech
from the throne then began. It will last for
several days, after which the Premier Is ex
pected to unfold definite plans for dealing with
the House of Lords.
In the course of the debate, A. J. Balfour.
former Premier, the Opposition leader, referring
to the Irish question, said that Mr. Bryce, the
former Chief Secretary for Ireland, and now
Ambassador to the United States, had held a
pistol to the heads of every one concerned in
the matter. He had shouted an undying chaJ
lenge at the top of his voice, and then had nailed
his colors to somebody else's mast.
Mr. Balfour also commented with surprise at
the absence from the King's speech of any ref
erence to the colonial conference, saying that
the matter would be raised in the debate on the
Turning- to the relations between the two
houses. Mr. Palfour said that what he called
"filling the cup" against th£ House of Lords
would, he felt assured, fill to overflowing the
cup of unpopularity of the government and
lead the country to desire a change not In the
House cf Lords, but in the House of Commons.
He agreed that in the long . run the people
should decide what should be the laws under
which they were to live.
The Premier. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman,
In reply said that the government had only
followed the precedent set by Mr. Balfour in
not mention!:. the colonial conference In the
King's speech. The question of the differences
between the two houses of Parliament whs the
chief matter. Two Important measures de
manded by the country and passed after Infinite
patience by the House of Commons had been
destroyed by the House of Lords. The latter
wore watchdogs, who, after a period of pro
longed somnolence, were now full of bitter
ferocity. The readjustment of the constitu
tional machinery would be of real service to the
The Premier, amid loud cheer:-, announced
that the question of the House of Lords must
be MlUUifl The present situation was discredit
able, dangerous and demoralizing, but be was
not sure that when they got to dosei quarters
with the question it might not prove ea.si-r of
solution than It now appeared to be. They must
have a readjustment of the relations between the
two houses, so as to enable them to carry out
In reasonable harmony the wishes of the people.
and to this the attention of the House of Com
mons would be directed In duo time.
Turning to Ireland, the Premier pointed out
that they could not immediately enter upon a
larger policy, but they must first remove the
most objectionable features In socfa a way as to
be consistent with the adoption of that policy.
John E. Redmond, the Irish leader, said he
regarded the government as absolutely pledged
to deal with the Irish question at this session of
Parliament and on lines representing complete
On the resumption of th" sitting of the House.
of Lords. Lord Caatletown, Liberal, moved the
address in reply to the King's speech, and in fo
doing praised the assistance, renderod by the
American navy to the sufferers at Kingston He
also said tbat It was necessary to change the
machinery of the House of Lords, whi^h ai
present gave th» house a preponderance of
Regarding Ireland. Lord Castletown declared
that -what was imposed was evolution rather
than devolution. After a huntlred years of
union It was proposed to adopt administrative
informs, long overdue, to rescue the Irish system
from chaos. Ireland's appeal for financial Jua
tice had failed, but separation was unthinkable
and Impossible.
Lord Lansdowne, Liberal-Unionist, former
Foreign Secretary, said that the opposition was
left In entire ignorance as to the direction in
which a solution for the present relations be
tween the House Of Lords a«d the. House of
Commons waa to be fought. Did the govern
ment want to make the upper house stronger
; ad more efficient, or degrade It to a mere de
bating society? It was deeply rooted in the
public mind that whatever dangers might be ap
prehended from an unreformed House of Lords,
they were nothing to be compared, with those
arising from an unrestrained House of Com
Lord lAD»do»\ne added that the opposition
wma perfectly willing to meet the government
'ontlaued an rUrl'Ui p««r
Th» delightful resort in the pine b*!t of North
Carolina- Leave* February 15. via Pennsylvania
Railroad Rate 122 from. New. York, Includes hotel
o-ccwmuiatlcn* lux two atwl Uiree-quartejrs .days.
, *-Aavt > •■■■
o.n.orrol^Va^w-a-^ATa'^e^d-. NEW- YORK. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1907.-FOURTEEN PAGES - b y T h . C T7.^ h A S.t,o». PRICE THREE CENTS.
Which was sunk in collision off Rlo-it Island late Monday night, with heavy loss of life.
Expected to Solve the Japanese
Problem — To Confer Again To-day.
[From The Tribune Bureau.]
Washington, Feb. u\ -The Secretary of State
has devised a scheme for accomplishing the
rluslnn nf Japanese coolies by legislation, and
\<~- thru er\<\ has suggested to the eonfenrees "ii
the immigration hill xhp advisability "f post
poning a report <m thai measure, even should
in agreement be reached, until he h;>s !
opportunity to submit to thorn the alteration in
the present law which h>» believes s- 1 1 ■ . n l > l i><» em
bodied In th» bill.
Secretary Eloot's jilnn Is understood to con-
Slat of the Insertion In the immigration bill,
which hap been long in conference, of ;i provision
forbidding the admission of "Asiatl coolies"
Into this country, ihf> provision being bo broad
as not to -wound the pride of the Japanese, as
would any sp«clf!'- rpf.-r-ii.-f to i ltlz< ns <>f that
nation. It is further understood that the Jap
anese government signified by cable to-day thai
It would rats* no objection to the pi
amendment of our Immigration
As soon ns Secretary Root learned liiat his
Bchome was practicable lie visited thf> Capitol,
leaving the rabinet meeting to do en, ;uid there
conferred with Senator Lodge, Speaker cannon
and Representative Bennet, of New York
Mejssrs. Lodge an«l Bennet arc conferrees on
the Immigration bill, and they were ask.-d to re
port no agreement. ev«-n > ould one be res )<•<!.
until it had been finally determined whether II
would be wine to embody In the law tin- |no
vlslon described and it had been actually Ini or
porated. It has not i <^en experteil thai an •
merit on the Immigration bill would tir- reached
at this session, because of the deadlock <>■ .
educational test whl h the Senate propot
apply to would-be Immigrant?, V>ut it is assumed
that if It is finally th-U-niiSnr ■! to .'iim nil the law
In accordance with the plan suggested !.y Sec
retary Root the Senate conferreea will yield on
the edurational clause In on!-: ;li;it an a*r
m»nt may \><- reported
Cannon told Secretary Root that h->
believed the House would Kindly accept the Im
migration V' l l l amended '■** the Secretary pro
posed and with the educational trlcken
out, and there seems to be lit- r . ,| n ; ,.
Penat.- will <1«. th<- same.
It Is believed that some additional legi
or a trratj- will ultimately be required, i ■•
It la s.-iid tbat the exclusion of Asiatic coolies
will not prevent the Ingress of Japanese *"i ■ •: n
Mexico, Canada, etc., but it l« regarded as quite
a triumph for the administration that evei
era] exclusion can >>c. accomplished ;it this ses
Ti.i- President expects to hold another confer
ence with the Han Francisco authorities to-mor
row afternoon, and it is understood that the
plan ai>ove outlined will be submitted to them at
that time, as it is regarded as essential tint the
discrimination against Japanese school children
should be- removed In order that the exclusion
may not constitute an offence against Japan.
E. W. Dewing May lie Fined for
Having Deer Out of Season.
Kil>. in W. Deming, the animal and Indian
painter ami sculptor, of Macdougal Alley, Is
having an unpleasant experience with th*- of
ficials charged with the enforcement of the new
game law. who wish to fiiif him SOiiO for hnv
iiiK deer In his possession aft*»r December 2 Mr.
I>eniing has retained. William W. Ntles, of
Nil»-B & Johnson, No. 11 Wall street, to protect
his Interests.
The story goes that Mr. Deming and three
friends went to Moosehead J-Hk--. Maine, In the
latter port of November and killed four deer.
They paid for their game license, which allowed
them to takf» the game out of tile state, and on
arrival In New York the game wns carried
openly through the Grand <v-ntral Station, wher«»
if was se.-n by the game warden, as It was
thought by Mr. Deming and his friends that
they had a perfect right to bring it Into New
it appears, according to the law which seeks
to prevent butchers from selling the gnme In
this city after December -'. that no one shall
have deer In his possession after that date Ac
cordingly, a summons v.n» served recently on
Mr Deming by a representative of the Forest,
Fish and Game Commission In st suit to recover
from him $HOO for having four deer In his pos
session after December -. The case, will come
up for trial on February 15 In the United States
District Court.
Halted at Edge of 50-Foot Trestle
After Leaving Rails.
[By Telegraph to The Tribune ,
Paterson, N. J., Feb. 12. — An express train on
the Susquehanna Railroad, carrying over three
hundred passengers, narrowly escaped running
Into the Passaic River at ."» o'clock this after
noon. The train, known as No. 7, Is a mail
train, and one of the fastest on the road. Be
sides the mail car • there are live passenger
coaches, all of which were filled.
Just after the train passed the Riverside sta
tion It left the trucks. Loss than fifty feet from
the fiO-foot trestle over the river the engineer
brought the train to a etop. The passengers
tumbled out of the earn In their excitement, and
several were injured, but none seriously. The
accident was caused by a break in one of the
engine wheels.
Seaboard Fla. Ltd. quickest Florida train. Sea
oard, office IW H'wfrr. or P. 8.. R. afflclsi..».*4vw
Explosive Carried Through Fire on
Man-o'-War Reef, Averting Disaster
Only the courage of the employes of the Bel
mont tunnel under Superintendent Herrlck at a
fire on Man-o'-War Reef yesterday saved scores
of the tunnel workers from death. Hundreds
of pounds of dynamite were stored on the reef,
out In the East River, and with the flames l!.-k
ing at them, the men curried tho [plosive
through the fire to the water's edge.
News of the danger penetrated the deep shafts
% and hundreds of laborers became frenzied as
the smoke eddied down the shaft. Four men
were suffocated In a similar fire on the reef
several months ago. Through the quick orders
of Superintendent Herrick, word was sent to
the Manhattan side and the locks were swung
open, allowing the men to K^t to th shaft In
Bast 42d street, mar Third avenue.
Since th« construction work of the tunnel
started the reef has been used by the contract
ors, S. Pierson's Sons (Limited). Two build
ings were erected. One was used for an electric
plant and the other for storage. Near th'- build
ings shafts had been driven down about one
hundred ami fifty feet to the tunnel.
Presumably because of defective Insulation, fire
broke out In the building used for the electric
plant. Before the employes could get ■ stream
of water on the blaze it quickly spread toward
where the dynamite was stored, and then
every effort wns-made to get the explosive*
away Under tlie direction of Superintendent
Herrlck the hundreds of pounds of dynamite
and powder were carried to the shore of the
Island. The laborers braved k':.at dangers in re
moving the explosives, tho flames being nil
around them, but they realized that unless it
was done the entire island would >„• blown up.
After it had been successfully carried out the
men were stationed near by, so that If the fire
■Who died at his home In Oleao, N. V., lnst nlsht.
dopyTlght, 1904. by Pach BfOUMTS, New York i
spread they could throw the explosive into the
"With great danger to himself, knowing that
the shafts were filled with smoke. Superintendent
Herrick got into a car and was lowered down
the shaft. The smoke was thick at the bottom
and the hundreds of laborers were on the verge
of a panic. He called their foremen around
him, and then had them drive the men toward
the Manhattan shore, having already ordered
that the looks be opened.
In the mean time, distress signals had been
sounded and several tugs drew up alongside the
Island. Streams were played on the burning
building, and after a light of about half an
hour the Barnes were put out, the damage
amounting to only about $!!,(»).
Paris, Feb. 12. — A steady downfall of rain to
day spoiled the carnival festivities In the streets
of Parts. The Mardi Oras kings, queens and
knights, with their grotesque suites, were driven,
drenched and shivering, Into the cafes, and the
confetti battle on the boulevards wag abandoned.
"Its purity has made It famous." — Advt.
■ - ■ »■ —
2:10 P. M.. 9:25 A. M. and 0:25 P. M. Unexcelled ser
vice via Perm. & Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Florida
Information, Bureau ,B>&y t cor, frttfr Sy-AflYk.
Serious Organic Heart Trouble Com
plicated His Condition.
Olean, N. V., Feb. 12. --Frank Wayland Hig
gins, former Governor of New York, died at his
ere to-night at 8:40 o'clock. The end was
remarkably peaceful and free from pain. Foi
: 1. i.l of unconsciousness which lasted
twent; -four hours, the vital sjmrk fled with SO
little outward manifestation that those :it hi«
ireely realized that the end had come..
t, besides Dr. Hibbard, the
family physician, were Mrs. Higgins, Josephine
s, :i daughter, and Harry, ;i son; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Sullivan Smith, of Angelica; Mrs. J.
It Cameron and Miss Charlotte Cameron. Mr.
Smith and Mrs. Cameron nre Mrs. HiKfiTins's
• ! sister. < '. T. Higgins, a yon. Is in
He. too, is sertouslv in.
Mr Htgglns for years had been afflicted with
■ ■ r he enter* d upon his work
;is Governor of the state Mr. Higgins wiu
i i j Dr E. G. Janeway, of New York, of
irganlc difficulty In the heart, but no
ted and no duty was left unper
• ilipKin« believed essential to
harge of the trust reposed in
him by the people.
\\ !i the only official duty which remained
I • perform was to assist In the inaugu
of hla successor as Governor be firmly
reafsM 1 the importunities of his family, hin
- iinl his physician to spare himself, and
weq« to AU»*ny to t*Ju ;a.it la the cemnuiilM.
hs iic i mil his.
bound. i! duty undoubtedly shortened his days
reclpttatlng symptoms which otherwise
:;ilk!m have been forestalled.
The enfeebled action of the heart at the last
nraa complicated by a disease of the kidneys,
E-Governor had been suffering
for some p.- added trouble th« (iovernor
- ■ '-.il even from himself, so
determined wns he that nothing must prevent
the performance <>f what h»> considered his
whole duty as Governor of the State. He would
have done no differently, those close to Mm
declare, it thereby his life could have been
■ - -
In his last hours Mr. Ulggins's mind dwelt
upon philanthropic acts and efforts to do good
to all. Through all the trying days of his last
Illness no word of Impatience passed from his
lips, and in i he shadow of death he was grave
and calm, Ms Idea of duty appearing In all he
said, tempered with a gentleness born of charity
and kindness «>f heart.
The funeral services will be held on Friday,
February 15, at 2 p, m.. at the Hlgglna home
stead In this city. The services will be conduct
ed by the. Rev Dr. James W. Aston, rector of
St. Stephen's Chur«'li, of which Mr. Higgins was
a vestryman for over twenty year««. It Is the
desire of the family that the funeral be devoid of
all ostentation. The burial will be tit the con
venience of the family.
1 — « —
Frank Wayland Hlggma •• me of Irish stock, but
of a family long in this country. Richard Higgins.
the first American ancestor of the family, was
born In England and went Ito Plymouth. Mans.,
soon atter that town was settled, his name appear-
Continued on fourth png*.
is Seaboard Air Line through Plnehurst, Camden,
jjac.kjonv.mq.. .Offlsc, , US3 Bway.-vAdyt.
Passengers and Crew of Joy Liner Larchmont Drown and
Freeze After Collision in Sound.
Nineteen Out of Nearly Two Hundred Reach Shore Alive— -Many Die from Cold
in Boats — Forty-eight Bodies Recovered.
Block Island. R. 1., Feb 12.- About one hun
dred and fifty persons were drowned and frozen
to death in Block Island Sound la«=t night as a
result of a collision between th*> Joy Line steam
er Larehmont, bound from Providence to New
Tork, and the three masted schooner Harry
Knowlton. It !s estimated that, including the
crew. t*u - .-e were nearly two hundred on board
the steamer when she sailed from Providence.
Of these only nineteen appear to have survived
the disaster, ten members of the crew and nine
passengers. Forty-eight bodies have been re
covered. Those who survived the accident fol
low :
BOSAN, Antonio, Sew York.
FELDMAX, Harris. No. 232 East *M lift. Nerv Tor*.
FEI.I>MAS. Hit Harris.
FOX. David, Bridg«ton. N. J.
QAI.TUF. Miss Sadie. Breton.
HIEJIGSEL.I... Fred. Boston.
JANVIER, Oliver. Providence.
LTOMBE. BaanMl, Manchester. .V. H.
TOOK. Mannert. Nnw York.
HALT* Richard. Providence, watchman.
HEIDT, Antony. New York; deckhand. ,
LIFTIUCI'.T. Martin. New Tot*. fireman.
MA'TAHI.ANK. I.ouls. Wellington. N. C. walt-r.
M VAT, Oeorice V.. Providence, captain.
poI.ANt' John. P»ovldence. fireman.
BUT. Frank. New York, deckhand.
STABLES'. Jarafs. Prookvllle. Me.. quart»nr.a»t«r.
VAKN. James. New York, waiter.
YOI'NG. Cecar A.. Providence, purser.
The passengers, awakened from their slumbers
in comfortably heated rooms, were at the mercy
of the storm. Many, it is believed, went down
with the ship. Others, thankful at first that
they had escaped drowning, prayed that they
might be relieved of the terrible pain caused by
their frozen bodies, and one man. a passenger
whose name could not be learned, cut his throat.
The few who survived were In a pitiful con
dition. In almost every case their arms and
legs hung helpless as they were lifted out of
the boats In which they reached shore. During
the day forty-eight bodies came ashore, either
In boats or thrown up by the sea. Only six of
the forty-eight bodies were Identified. They
were those of:
ECKL.BS. Harry. Block. IsUnd.
.UAIUUSON. J*n»»» B. .Brooklyn. _.
HEST. Ja»per. Albany, tint, i»li<tant «nfin»»r.
tOUAN. EJward. Provident*, assistant «n|!n«T.
SMITH, G«OT«e. Pr->videnc*. *-*""■■
ZAXDIU'S. Jacob. Paterson. N. J.. watchman.
An investigation of the wreck will be insti
tuted by the United States steamboat inspectors
of the Providence district.
i >\\ lug to the condition of the survivors it was
Impossible to get from them an estimate of the
loss of life. Anywhere from 75 to l.V> persons
vent to their death, and at a late hour to-night
it was believed that the latter figures are neaivr
correct than the former.
The steamship officials estimate that about
one hundred and fifty passengers and a crew of
fifty were on board the steamer when she left
Providence last night. Forty-eight bodies
reached these shores to-day, and nineteen were
alive when taken from the lifeboats. The only
positive evidence of the number of victims Is
at the bottom of the Sound. The list of. pas
sengers and crew, handed to the purser Just be
fore the steamer left Providence, was locked In a
safe, and It was not recovered.
The cause of the accident has not been sat
isfactorily explained. It occurred just off Watch
Hill, about 11 o'clock last night, when the three
masted schooner Hairy Knowlton. bound from
South Amboy for Boston with a cargo of coal,
crashed Into the steamer's port side amidships.
Captain George McVay. of the Larchmont. de
clares that the Knowlton suddenly swerved from
her course, luffed up Into the wind and crashed
into his vessel.
Captain Haley of the Knowlton asserts ttiat
the steamer did not give bis vessel sufficient
sea room, and that the cottMon occured before
he .-ouid take his schooner sot of the path
of the steamer.
The latter, with a huge hole torn in her side,
was BO seriously damaged that no attempt was
made to run for shore, and she sank t'> the
bottom in a few minutes. The Knowlton, alter
she had backed away from the wreck, began to
fill rapidly, but her crew manned the pumps
and kept her afloat until she reached a point off
Quonochontaug, "here they put out in life
bout and rowed ashore There w ere no fatal
iiies on the schooner, but the men suffered from
the extreme cold.
There was no comparison, however, between
their experiences and those of the passengers
and crew of the steamer. A majority of those
on the Larchmont had retired for the night, and
when the collision occurred there were few on
board, with the exception of the crew, who were
prepared for the weather which prevailed. They
hurried from the warm staterooms to the deck
of the steamer and Into a zero atmosphere. Lit
erally .-hilled to the bone, many rushed head
long below to secure mote clothing, while others,
barefooted, bareheaded and clad only In night
gowns, stood on the decks, fearing that to go
below would mean certain death.
It now appears certain that the loss of life
was heaviest among those who had retired for
the night. Despite the efforts which were
made to leave no one. on board, it would appear
to be impossible that of the two hundred souls
on board none was left behind. Those who had
t£ai iba4« UtJj^ywUrAi^,
no opportunity to clothe thraselTes *urcurabed
long before they reached shore, and even those
who were fortunate enough to be fully dressed
endured suffering and frostbites of such a seri
ous nature that in many instances serious r*»
suits are feared.
The Larchmont, «n ess sidewheei steamer,
which was pur Into the Joy Line service only
during the pr«sen< mum, left her pi*r In Pror
idence tost night with a passenger list estimated]
at about 100. and a heavy cargo of freight.
A strong northwest wind wos blowing, but
the steamer ran down through Block Island
Sound without any unusual Incident until sh«
was well abeam of Watch Hill, and within five
or six miles of Fisher's Island.
Captain George McVay. who had remained In
tho pilothouse until the vessel had been
straightened out on her course, was preparing
to retire after a turn aroun-l his ship, when
hs was startled by several blasts of the steam
er's whistle. H« went to the pilothouse. wher«
the pilot ajid quartermaster pointed out s> three
masted schooner sailins eastward before %
strong wind.
The schooner, which proved to be the Harry
Knowlton, coal laden from South Amboy for
Boston, seemed to luff up suddenly and headed
straight for the steamer. Again several blast*
were sounded on the steamer's whistle, the pilot
and quartermaster at the same time putting th*
wheel hard aport to avert a collision. But as
the Larchmont was slowly veering around th«
schooner came on with great speed and even
before another warning signal could be sounded,
struck the port side of the- Larchmont. Thai
Impact of the big vessel was so terrific that th*
big clumsy bow of the sailing craft was driven
more than half, through the Larchmont.
After the Impact the schooner temporarily re
mained fast to the steamer, stopping for a mo
ment the leak she had made. The heaving sea
soon separated the vessels, however, and as they
backed away the water rushed into th* big hoi*
in the steamer's side at a speed that showed
she could not float long. As there -were no
watertight compartments to be closed, t ho water
could not be confined to th« damaged part of
the ship, and it poured in over the cargo and
down into the hold. When It reached the belle*
room great cloud? of steam arose, and the panic
stricken passengers, many of whom had been
thrown from their bunks when the collision oc«
curred. at first thought a fire had broken out.
fortunately the damage done by the col
lision was in that part of the steamer where th*
signalling apparatus connecting the engine room
with the pilothouse was. Captain MeVay. In
the pilothouse, could not communicate with hi*
subordinate officers below decks. and therefor*
was unable to determine the extent of the dam-*
age. The quartermaster was hurried below to
make an Investigation.
The passengers meanwhile ran to th© decks.
Few of them had waited to dress. Their f»ar
was SS great that the cold was at first disre
garded, but the suffering from the elements soon
became so intense that personal safety was for
gotten in a general effort to keep the blood in
circulation. Thoae who had not stopped t<r dress
found it Impossible to return below and do so.
Their rooms were flooded soon after they ha*
been deserted, and the wounded steamer was
sinking with a rapWtty that sent terror t* th*
hearts of the officers and crew. These men war*
prompt in answering Captain McVay's call to
W hile some of the ac-anten held back that
frantic, freealng passengers by bruts str«n«th.
others prepared to lower the lifeboats and rafts.
There was no time to think of the comfort ot
anyone. Kven before the boats were cut a*ajr
Th« splendid Royal Blue trams leave Mm Tor*
for Baltimore and Washington %t 8. t«X 12.-3. 4. I
and 7 ocloch. In this aervtc* Is included «•
••Royal limited." leaving 4 P. M.. all Pullman*. th«
fine*! day tram . •▼«* constructed, with no «xtr»
fare. Reservations made at offices of Central RiiW
jqa4 or New Jersey, or BaJUmora tad Oiii»— <JUv%
-■* -: _ ■ . .— -~ "•*• ~".

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