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iV*- LXVH- • - X° 22.063. PRAISE FOR CARNEGIE. ROCKEFELLER SENDS IT. "pitt&urg Dedication Exercises Wear Out Institute's Donor. [By Telegraph to The Tribune. 1 Pittfburg. April 12— Inclement weather and a slight indisposition on the rart of Andrew Car gegle caused several changes in to-day's exer cbsta in connection with the rededication of the enlarged Carnegie Institute. jjr. Carnegie was so worn out as a result of Ml exertions on the opening day that he was unable to leave his room at the home of his eou6in. George Lauder. this morning. It was expected that he would take part in all the ex ercises to-day, but he remained in his room, re serving his strength for the banquet to-night, which he attended. Numerous persons. Reeking charity upon every conceivable pretext, tried to gain access to him. John D. Rockefeller, in a letter to Mr. Car liegis received to-day, congratulated the donor of the Carnegie Institute upon the rededication. The letter follows: Lakewood, N. J. Andrew Carnegie, Pittsburg, Perm.: Please accept my hearty congratulations on your great and good speech on the dedication of Carnegie Institute in your old home city of Pittsburg. It has the right ring. I in with you You have my best wishes for the success of all your grand efforts to help your fellow men. I hope and trust that our prosperous men the country over will be stimulated to emulate your noble example. I believe that untold good would result therefrom. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. Carnegie replied as follows: Pittsburg. Perm. John D. Rockefeller, Lakewood, N. J.: Many thanks, fellow worker In the task of dittriliu'it.jr surplus wealth Tor the good of other*. I clasp your hand. Your congratula tions highly valued. ANDREW CARNEGIE. 1 The banquet given by the board of trustees of the Carr.egie Institute in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie to-night at the Hotel Behenley was the mast brilliant ever held in this city. All the foreign and American guests attended. On account of the Indisposition of Mr. Car- Mgie the morning session, with its scheduled •peechef, was not held. At the afternoon s-.~ don William T. Stead, the editor of "The Re view of Reviews," of London, speaking on "In ternational Peace," severely denounced the sen sational newspaper, which he called the real disturber and the cause of wars. He urged that laws be passed which would curb the present license of the press. At the close of hie speech Mr. Stead proposed that every boy and girl in the colleges and uni versities of the United States give fifty cents toward raising a fund of $100,000 to conduct a pilgrimage from all countries to The Hague conference. The suggestion was received with enthusiasm by the large audience, and the speaker was pelted with money. Mr. Stead sr>id, la part : I nave just made a Journey through ten countries te find out what is the next step toward interna tional peace. 1 have Men three Kings, two queens, on« prince regc-nt, and a.ll the prime ministers, foreign ministers, ambassadors and public men that were worth feeing. I found th.-m all unanimous ■pas two things. Each declared with certainty that his government and hi» nation were most ab solutely Isvoted to peace and most resolutely de termined to prevent war. The second point upon vMch they -vere all agreed was tliat the greatest. If not the only, danger to the peace of the world lay in the existence of a large mber of violent. unscrupulous and Irresponsible newspapers, which w^re constantly engaged 71 making mischief. The Imporia! rhar.erllor of Germany. Prince yon Bu<Hnw. said to me: "Th* Emperor is for nesee. the King is for ptac*. all th*? governments are for lieipe, the parliament? are for peac« , and i lie great Industrial and crimTiercial classes are for jwa.^e. Only the Journalists arc for war. and diplomats have to sj»>nd all their time in running about here an<i there with pails. of water trying to put out the tiros which the newspapers k n He." Eighteen years ago the German Ambassador In Russia told me that the p»>ar» of the world could lip ff-r-jr-d by the hanging of twr-lve editors. At Tv"ashi:igrton the other da/ an eminent American •aid tb* newspapers ht-v. an In the Old World. rendered tie task of the government in maintaining peace way difficult and suggested as the only- r*ni st> th» electrocution chair. I do not hesitate to declare that in the discuFsion of International af fairs the liberty of the press has in many scan dalous instances degenerated into a license whi»-h i» at this moment the gravest danger which threatens the ptoce of the world. Star.. bcxe. as it were, upon the housetop of the world, and knowing that my voice will be heard throunnout u'.l the continents, I proclaim the truth, which all responsible men recognise but which none dar* to declare, that the irresponsible license of the press has increased. Is Increasing, and must >• curbed, not only In the interest of inter national peacv. but In th« Interest of the pr«M Itself. I do not recommend either th* gallows or th* electric chair, but it ought not to be beyond the reso - urc»»«i of civilisation for laws to be pass—d whirh would forfin* to prison eveijr journalist who could be convicted by twelve jurr-r>, good tr:?n and true. cf having false or mis^s-ding etateroentj in •care he&ds or :n the body of bis paper, which were calculated to Inflame na.r'xT.aX animosity again*- the neighboring ration, ajid so to endanger th* ma.intrnu.nee of peace. When President Frew called the afternoon see •ion to order, the music hall was well filled. The first epeaker wan Sir Robert Bail, director of the Cambridge Observatory and professor of astronomy and geometry at Cambridge Uni versity. His address was upon "The Solution of a Great Scientific Difficulty." Lieutenant General yon IV^wenfeld. Emperor William's personal representative, and M. Loencc Benedlte. director of the Luxembourg Gallery in Paris, next addressed th* audience. Sir William Henry Prerre followed, on "The Connection »<_• tween Science and Engineering." Ernst yon lane, court architect to Emperor William, spoke on "Development of Architectural Style in Ger many. ■' Three Urge chests of hooka were presented to the Institute by Emperor William through Lleu t.r&nt General yon Lowenfeld. The books are «iadsom*-ly bound and treat of the German em re and army. Many messages were received t»-day from all parts of the world congratulat ing Mr. Carnegie and Pittsburg on possessing the great institute. To-morrow the Western University of Penn sylvania will confer honorary degrees on the lowign and American guests, and In the after noon the party will go by boat to the mill dis trict of the city, where they will have the op portunity to see the great steel mills in opera tion. This will end the celebration. A powerfully built Italian, said to be Godfrey rWzlsonno, of Philadelphia, tried to force his **ay into the banquet room at the Hotel Schenley to-night. The name man was ejected from the Carnegie Institute on Thursday when he at tempted to make a speech. The police hustled fcbn out of the hotel to-night, but did not place Mm under arrest. Mr. Carnegie will leave here for New York to morrow morning. He had expected to remain until to-morrow evening, but Is anxious to get wark hom»*, as the strain lias been r**j much for PITTSBURG "400" HURT. Scarcity of Carnegie Banquet Invita tions Causes Heartburns. i By Telegraph to Th« Tribune 1 Pittsburif. April 12.— There are many heart bur R« in Plttsburg society over the "representa jjwjj Pittsbursers" Invited to the banquet given «o«Wg!:t at th* Motel Brhenley by the trustees CoutiaTird on tli!i«I '.'?;•• T-»T^.T.^V^ n n. B^ea,rT: ,, rt w,.d. NEW- YORK. SATURDAY. APRIL 13. 1907.-SIXTEEN PAC}ES-t Tn .«; t AS« 1 « RESIST U. B. OFFICERS. BLACK HAXD TO RESCUE. Italian* Try to Free Prisoners in Crowded Park Rote. A well known federal officer, after he had heard of the attempted rescue of two United States prisoners and the assaulting of a federal witness by alleged Black Hand disciples at the crowd ed corner of Park Row and Beekman street yesterday afternoon, said: "It «eems that the state authorities are not able to deal with these offenders. But if the United States goes after them, which it will do, I can assure you. if an other such outrage as that of to-day is repeated. it will l>e an end once and for all of all Black Hands, great and small, with long terms of im prisonment for the offenders." A dozen big men tried yesterday afternoon to rescue two prisoners, Rosa Dells Vecchla and Rinaldo Delia Vecchia, from the custory of dep uty United States revenue officers, at Park Row and Beekman street. At the same time Glrardo Spagnuello. the government's principal witness against the two prisoners, who were charged with violations of the Internal Revenue laws, was brutally assaulted and beaten. The two ac cused persons and the witness were on their way in the custody of the officers to the office of Unitfd States Commissioner Shields, in the Fed eral Building for arraignment. They had been previously taken before John W. Slnsel. United States Revenue Agent, in the Tract Society Building. As the party left the door of the Trad So ciety Building they noticed half v dozen Ital ians hanging about. As threats of death had been made at the time of the arrests half an hour before, the officers were on a sharp lookout for trouble, the witness having repeatedly in- Fisted that his life was in danger. Just as the party rounded in Beekman street half a dozen more foreigners joined the first half dozen, who had followed a few feet In the rear. When Park Row was reached the Italians quickly sep arated, some attempting to release the woman, some assaulting Bpagnuello and others trying to take Rinaldo Delia Vecchla from the officers Things were lively on that busy corner for a tew minutes, though not half a doze, persons apparently took the trouble to notice what was going on. None of the Park Row police was near at that particular moment. Delia Vecchia and his wife, both struggling, were quickly hustled across Park Row into the Mail street and Park Row door of the Federal Building. One of the federal petals finally managed with the assistance of a bystander, to rescue Bpag nuello from his assailants and to drag him into the PostoflHoe corridors. The man and woman were later arraigned be fore United States Commissioner Shields and held In $1,500 bail for further examination. Marshal Henkel. with half a dozen stalwart deputies, headed by "Big Jim" Reed, hustled the pair, who had no bondsman, to the Tombs, where they were securely locked op. Nothing was seen of the rescuing party on the way. Bpagnuello. the witness, departed through the Broadway entrance of the Federal Building, but fifteen minutes late,- called Chief Agent Sinsel on the telephone, and said he was marooned In a b?.tik at No. 7_ BUterstrest, where he had fled to escape half a dozen of his original assailants. Mr. Sinsel, accompanied by Deputies Hibbard, [4Kb and McGuire. hastened to Baxter street, intending to arrest the men. But they Bed when they saw the officers, and disappeared in one of the side streets leading from Mulberry Bend Park. Spagnuello wa| taken by the officers to * safe place, where be will be cared for. His face and head were badly scored and cut from the beating he received. He told Mr. Blnsel that the men lad followed him from the Postofflce, and all were known members of the Black hand. He refused to give their names, fearful of the con fcequences. There are six brothers of the Delia Vecchia family In New York, and .'ill of them are cigar manufacturers upon a small scale, and are known to Mr. Binse] and his men. Last Septem ber Spagnueilo visited the cigar establishment of Rinaldo Delia Vecchla in the basement (Jt No. ~u Mulberry street, where he swears be purchased 1 .<«•<» cheap cigars, upon which no revenue stamps had been affixed. Yesterday Bpagi uello bought _'<«• more of the alleged lin stamped cigar*. Deputies Loeb, McGuire and Hlbbard watched the. transition frr-m the sidewalk. As Spag nueilo came out. they took him Into custody, and had him return with them to the basement and identify D«-l!a Veccbia and the tatter's wife, who were placed under arrest upon Commis sion*::- Shields's warrant. After rescuing the witness In Baxter street. Mr. Bfnsel and his men returned to No. "ft Mul berry street, where they seized the cigar fac tory of Rinaldo Delia Vecchla. Including 40.<HK> finished cigars and .*?<«» pounds of leaf tobacco. Relatives of the arrested proprietor and wife stood about the basement, tittering maledic tions upon the heads of the intruders. BRYAX OX ROOSEVELT. Discusses Another Term and the Harrim att Episode. Roanoke, Va.. April 12.- William Jennings Bryan, In an interview to-day, was {'.sk^rl for an expression on the suggestion of John Temple Graves that lie nominate Roosevelt for Presl dent, Air. Bryan said: I naid nt the banquet In Chattanooga nil that nt present 1 can say. I then said: "As at present advised, I cannot see that i' la my duty to nom inate Mr. Roosevelt.'' In both of my campaign* I stated, that 1 would not be a candidate for ■ second term if elected, and as I have endeavored to secura a constitutional amendment making a President Ineligible for 8 second term, I could not conscientiously urge the renotnlnatlon of Mr. Roosevelt for a sec.nd term, even If there were no other reason" in speaking of the Harriman-Roosevelt epi sode, Mr. Bryan said: Tho President seems unduly excited over th<« alleged 16.900.900 rained by Wall Stre.-r to pre vent his re-election. If wall Street is opposed to any doctrine held by President Roosevelt, It is certainly not n Republican dorrrir.p. When we came up against the corruption fund in IS9« we found no more ardent champion of these special Interests than Mr. Roosevelt. SEARCH SHIP FOR PHYSICIAN. Young German Disappears Mysteriously Aboard the Vaderland. The big Red Star liner Vaderland, from Ant werp, was searched yesterday from stem to fitern. by the ship's officers, und the immigra tion inspectors, in the hope of finding a wealthy young Orman physician, who disappeared mysteriously from the smoking room on Thurs day night, while the steamer lay at anchor out- Bide the Hook. The name of the missing man is George Boehnie, and he left Antwerp for a visit to New York. According to several pas senger* B<K?hme had #."..7<K) on his person. As the Vaderland was approaching the Hook Boehme left his stateroom and went to the smoking room. Several stewards spoke to him there, but he was not seen *fn-r 10:20 p. m. The bandmaster on the Vaderland said yes terday, aft«r the Kteamer docked, that he saw a man who looked like the young physician leave ihe gangplank dressed as a laborer. It was thought by some passengers that Boehnie met with foul play. IIUGHESS TOWER AVIDE INVESTIGATION BILL IN. Practically Authorizes a State Secret Service — Raines Pleased. fn.v T>!e»rraph to The Tribune 1 Albany, April 11V— The bill empowering Gov ernor Hughes to investigate personally all af fairs in stat" departments or appoint special investigators, was presented to-day by Assem blyman Moreland, the majority leader. At the same time an appropriation of $10,000 " iirt {Hlf Into the supplj bill to cover the expenses of such an Investigation and the trip of Inspec tion of state Institutions which the Governor will make this summer. Broad enough in its scope to permit any in vestigation by the Governor, the bill came as a distinct surprise even to many legislators who knew how thorough a plan of examination the Governor had In mind. It authorizes the Gov ernor in effect to establish a state secret ser vice — a bureau of Investigators to be called on at need. Assemblyman Moreland to-day. In talking about the bill, compared the functions of the Investigators with the duties of postofflce Inspectors, who aro considered the most expert investigators and detectives in the country. This measure formulates all the powers of in vestigation and supervision ever accorded to the Governor, and many legislators deem it a big step in advance of the power ever enjoyed by any Governor. Such a provision was Inserted at the Governor's own wish. The Governor may at any time and at in tervals of not more than three years must ap point one or more competent persons to ex amine and Investigate each department, board. bureau, division and commission of the state, its methods and system of bookkeeping and vouch ering, its system of purchasing supplies for the state, its system of keeping records and docu ments, the number and grade of the employes thereof, the kind and nature of the work done by each employe, the salary paid therefor, and generally to Inquire Into the methods and sys tem of doing the business of the state in vogue in said departments, board, bureau, division and commission. PROVISIONS OF MEASURE. The bill goes on to say: A different person or set of persons may be> appointed to examine and Investigate each de partment, board, bureau, division and commis sion, or any member thereof, in the discretion of the Governor. The. person or persons so ap pointed are hereby authorized to take testi mony under oath and require the production of books, papers and documents, and shall report to the Governor with his or their recommenda tions. The Governor la hereby authorized and em powered In his discretion to Investigate in per son each department, board, bureau, division and commission of the state In the same man ner and to the same extent, as may the person or persons whose appointment is authorized hereunder. lie is also authorized and empow ered In making such examination or Investiga tion to take testimony under oath, to subpoena and enforce the attendance of witnesses, and to require the production of nil books, papers and documents. The Governor shall transmit his own report and the report or reports of such examiner or examiners to the Legislature, with such recom mendations as he. may deem proper, and shall fiv th* con !■• .'i itlon of each of too i»*r>u>iis so appointed and report the same to the legislat ure. Such compensation and all necessary ex penses Incurred in any examination or investi gation shall be paid by the Treasurer on th« warrant <>f the Controller. on the order of the Governor, and shall In no case exceed the amount appropriated for such purpose. MR. RAINES'S APPROVAL. Senator Raines manifested considerable in terest : .: the bill to-day. He rays it is a good thing for the Governor to have well defined au thority to ascertain the condition of the ptnto departments. Assemblyman Moreland considers the bill ■■: necessity. In explaining it he <!>■ clared that from the very nature of department business ime employes were bound to fall Into ruts and lose part of their value to the state. He said: This bill, giving the Governor himself power to investigate all departments and additional power to appoint examiners or Inspectors at any time, will. I believe. If made law, go far toward preserving effectiveness within the departments and preventing unbusinesslike methods and con i oi dltions. Tak<-. for Instance, the federal postofflce ser vii •■ There Is a distinct branch of the service made up of Inspectors whose soli- duty is to <<<•- tect poor service and absolute methods and sys tems within th>> postofllces of the country. These men come and ro. .\< iin y time Inspectors may visit a postofflce. The postal employes know that it urges thfiii to keep up a high standard of work and maintain tho most approved busi ness methods. Thus examiners appointed by the Governor, strangers, new men. each time If nec essary, would come Into v department knowing iion< of its employes and make an unbiased ex amination. The prediction was made to-day that one of the (list steps under the bill would be for the Governor to call for a complete payroll from every department, with a specific list of the duti< s performed t>y each man on the roll. In itself, this is taken ns evidence of how thorough the Governor's Inquiry Into department business will be. Legislators In sympathy with the Governor consider this bill one of the mosl important parts Of reform policy. The bill, as As semblyman Moreland originally bad it. did not specify that the Governor personally might con duct Investigations. Mr. Moreland had many talks with Governor Hughes about this meas ure and Its effect, and the provision that the Governor personally might conduct any Inquiry he chose was inserted as a direct result of these conferences. Most people here, knowing how closely ;he Governor is watching the k»:i eral political situation, and especially how h>> Is scrutinizing all tilings affecting his reform poll. 1<<», argue that h<> did not lose sight of the advantage this would afford him In any con flict with legislators if opposition to his recom mendations forced such a crisis. DEATH RATHER THAN PITTSBURG LIFE Husband Would Not Take Bride Away from the Smoke— She Kills Herself. [By Telegraph to The Tribune] Pittsburgh April 12. — Saying that she couldn't stand the .smoky atmosphere of Pittsburg, Mrs. Margaret Meyers, eighteen years old, a bride of only a few months, committed suicide to-day by drinking catholic acid. She came here with her husband from Cleve land recently, and begged him to take her away again. He had ji good position and refused to give it up for what he considered a whim of his wife. She then told him that life in Pitts burg with its smoke was not worth living. LONG TRIP OF GERMAN AERONAUTS. Balloon Travels 812 Miles from Berlin to Enderby in Nineteen Hours. London. April 12. — Two German aeronauts, Dr. Wegener and Adolf Koch, descended In a balloon to-day at Enderby, near Leicester. The balloon had' covered 812 miles from Berlin In nineteen hours. GREAT BEAR SPRING WATER. •*• aurttr las nad* It fsi—M "— Jutvt. CHILDREN DISAPPEAR. Two Son* and a Daughter of T. Witter Brown Missing. Ocean City, N. J.. April IZ. — Three children of T. W'istar Brown disappeared from. this city at noon to-day. It is known thai they were taken to the mainland In the steamboat Aure'.ia by a woman. The four boarded a trolley car and treat to either PleasantvUle or Atlantic City. where a train could iio boarded for Camden atul Philadelphia. l» i« believed thai the children accompanied the woman voluntarily, as they were from f^n to fifteen years of age. The woman wore, a sealskin coat, a small hat of late design, and a rather full preen veil. The children were Margarei Brown, llfteen; Moses. fourteen, and William, ten years of age. They hml he-ii at school, and were <>n their way home when they met the woman. Men who know the children saw tln> four hoard the steamer. .Mr. Brown is very wealthy. He is -i member • •fa prominent Gcrmantown (Philadelphia) fam ily. He w.-).; indicted at the December term of court for cruelty t<> his children. Mr. Brown ■v\a< subsequently convicted and sentenced. It was claimed that ho whipped them excessively. and also that he forced them to take ocean baths daily ilurinn the winter. He was sentenced t'> pay a fine of $100 on each of six convictions. He appealed from tho decision. At the time relatives of Mr. Brown made ap plication for the appointment of a guardian, saying that the conviction of the father war ranted the request. The court took the apjiii t 4ti'->n under advisement. It is believed that it was some member of 'ho Brown family that in duced the thr .• children to leave their father. Mrs. Brown returned from Philadelphia late In the afternoon to-day, in ignorance of the fact thai the children had been taken away. She became hysterical when she learned of it. Mr. Brown has appealed to the authorities to restore the children to him. and says that even if it was a relative who enticed them away he wants her punished. LIBEL IIARRIMAX YACHT. Shipyard Company Says He Ozltm $20000 on Ihe Sultana. The Sultana, the larpe steam yacht owned by V. H. Harrlman. whs libelled yesterday tn the Admiralty Branch of the United States District ('•'urt. by the Shootera Island shipyard Cora pany, which insists that $-'0.1X2 la due it for re pairs. According t*> White & rase, of No. .11 Nassau Btreet, in November. 1906, Mr Harrl man took the Sultana t<> the shipyards, where repairs were order sd amounting to $4'». is.. Th* it is sui<! were necessary *nd proper, and the charges Just ami reasonable. The libel 1 nits received, it is alleged, 120.0 M on account from Mr. Harrlman, but he refused to pay the remaining $i;<"'.isc. The HbeUants a«k that the Sultana be con demned and sold to pay the claim. Mr. Harri man will either have to furnish the marshal a bond In twice the sum asked pending the trial. or do without the Sultana during tho coming yachting season. CHAOS IX PERSIA. Russia Assembling Troops on the Southern Frontier. St. Petersburg, April IX.— Advices from the Caucasus say thai Russia la assemblyiag a body of tr<>oi>s on the Persian frontier (or a demon stration which, if is thought, will soon b> s nec essary Newspaper correspondents are not al lowed to telegraph news of th<- movements of tht- troops, hut It is known that twenty railroad cars loaded with artillery and three regiments of Coasacka passed through Kan* on their way south last \\.>.-k. The Russian diplomats de srrit>e th»- condition of Persia as chaotic. TYPHOID SOURCE FOVXD. Beaver Dam Intake Pipe Was Opened Last Winter. The source of the typhoid cases in Katonah village, in the Croton watershed, it was said yesterday, has been found. Dr. Carpenter, the health Officer of the district, said last evening that the village water supply was no doubt to blame. He said that he and Dr. c. P. Bolduan. the representative of Commissioner Darlington, went to the Beaver Dam Brook yesterday to examine the intake pipe, which it was said was us; d only in cases of emergency that is. when t-h>' supply from the well was not sufficient for the village requirements. The doctor! learned that the pipe had been opened several times last winter, and that water from the brook hail thus been led to the well and pumped Into the reservoir on the hill That the land near the brook was contaminated by the Italian laborers from the Cross River Dam camps was known. The village authorities all along denied that contagion from the brook was possible, as the intak"-. they said, had not been used for a \<ry long time. l>r carpenter and i»r. Bolduan learned yes terday that the Intake had been Used. The res ervoir Is now dean, and th« water in analysis shows freedom from every deleterious germ. The gravity pipe will not be used again. The. meadow through which the brook flows will be examined carefully and disinfectants will be used. At the same time there will be unusual vigilance on the part of the village authorities to orevent Italian laborers from frequenting the district, is is expected thai tb wtractors will be requested to attempt to conrol the move mens of their employes after hours. There have been no new .iiscs of typhoid In Katonah or ;<i th« Cross River Dam camps. The cases In Katonah are progressing favorably, as are also the cases In other sections of the watershed. POLICE HELPED Dl XXE. Testimony Shows Participation in Chicago Campaign. [nv TeleKrnph to The Trlbum- 1 Chicago, April 12. -Testimony gheti before the Civil Service Commission to-day by city policemen showed that the Police Department aided the Democratic administration in the recent political campaign. Patrolmen from va rious stations testified that they had been ordered to leave their beats temporarily and re port at the office of the police attorney, where they were drilled in practical politics and ordered to get out among their friends and make votes for the party. Chief Collins was quoted as say ing to one policeman: "Mayor Dunne is a good friend to the policemen. Get out and work for him." Testimony was also given that campaign con tributions were taken from members of the force by commanding officers. Inspector Peter Kelly refused to lestify regarding the work done by him In the campaign because, he said. that to' testify might subject him to prosecution. AFTER ALL. USHER* THE SCOTCH that made the highball famous -Adrv THAW JURY DISAGREES Discharged After Forty-Eight Hours of Wrangling— Nearly at Fisticuffs. SEVEN FOR DEATH; FIVE, ACQUITTAL Jerome Says He'll Put Prisoner on Trial Second Time — Gleason Assails Delmas — Jury Room Secrets Told. After nearly forty-eight hours of Incessant debating, the jurors who have been trying Harry Kendall Thaw for killing Stanford White on the night of June •_'.'>. last year, announced that it was impossiole for them to reach an agreement, and Justice FitzGerald dlscharge.l them. District Attorney Jerome Immediately after ward told reporters that he would place Thaw on tria! again, but not until the fourteen homicide cases now pending had been disposed of. Thi.« means thai the second trial cannot possibly take place until late fall or early winter. In the mean time Thaw probably must remain in the Tombs. Inn umia Mr. Jerome hia that he would oppose any motion to al mit the defendant to bail, and it is scarcely likely thai any judge would grant a motion in fare of the District Attorney's decided opposi tion. The Jury stood 7 to ."» In favor of a verdict for murder In the first degree, divided as follows: For conviction— Deming B. tfmith. foreman, (Jeorge Pfaff. juror Xo. L*; Charles H. Fecke. juror No. .'5; Henry C. Brearley. juror No. »'.; • "harles D. Newton, juror No. .H. Joseph B. Bol ton, juror No. 11. and Bernard (Jerstman. juror No. ll». For acquittal— Oscar A. Pink, juror No. 4; Henry C. Barney, juror No. 5; Malcolm S. Fra ser. juror No. 7; Wilbur F. Steele. Juror No. 9, and John S. Dennee, Juror No. 10. Unlike the rule In most murder cases, there was no seal on the lips of the Jurors after the trial had ended, and so it is possible to give a reliable history of their deliberations and to tell the reasons why they were unable to agree. The story told by Mr. Fecke. who stood out to the end for conviction, covers very completely the history of the two days and nights during which the twelve men strove to reach a decision. MR. FECKE TALKS. "The first ballot we took." Mr. Feck» saM. "showed that six were for a verdict of murder in the first degree, two for manslaughter and four .for acquittal an th« ground of insanity. Th© four for acquittal— Steele, Harney. Pink and Fraser— never budged from their position to the end. but on the next ballot the two who had voted for manslaughter went over to th« six who had declared for murder in the first degree, making the division eight to four. "For a long time we argued back and forth, until the majority offered a compromise verdict of murder in the second degree. The minority refused. Then the. majority said they would ac cept a verdict of manslaughter In the first de gree, and later offered to add a recommendation to mercy, but the four men remained obdurate and Insisted on an acquittal. "This was the state of affairs when we reached court on Thursday morning. We had brushed aside all extraneous matters, and had reached the crux of the whole question, that is. was Thaw sane or 'insane when he- killed Stanford White? We didn't care anything for Mrs. Evelyn Thaw's story; the Hummel affidavit ha.l not been considered to carry much weight; th» testimony of the- alienists was disregarded. "When court convened, as will be remembered. we asked for Thaw's letters to his attorney. Longfellow, and for the will and codicil, but particularly we wanted to hear th* testimony of every one who had Thaw under observation that night. DENNEE CHANGES VOTE. "When we got back to the jury room th* ex hibits were read. They made a great impres sion on Mr. Denneei In an address which lasted thirty-five minutes he pointed out certain things which, be said, left the impression with him that while they did not prove that Thaw was insane, yet Indicated that ho might be. Thereupon he changed his vote and joined those favoring acquittal. So we .stood until we decid ed that our differences never could be recon ciled, ami so reported to the court." "Was there any outbreak el hostility between any of the jurors?" Mr. Fecke was asked. "Tea." he replied; "two of the men. tired out and nervous in the extreme, nearly came to fisticuffs. There was a question of veracity as to whether a juror had read newspapers or not. and the lie was passed. An encounter was prevented by the others. However, it was all In the heat of the moment, and the men are as good friends as ever." Mr. Kecke said that the jurors thought Jus tice FitsGerakTs charge was very fair to both .sides. In some of the court's rulings during- the trial, however, the jury were Inclined to belleva that Mr. Jerome got the worst of it. "How abool the addresses of counsel?" the Juror was asked. "Well, to tell the truth. Mr. Dehna**a sum ming up did not impress us. We were intor eated «t Brat, but we got tired, especially at the 'angel child" and 'dementia Americana" ref erences, it was all absolutely unnecessary, uso lesa.*' He said thai Mr. Jerome's address made a better iaij.ressio.) on the Jurors, but thar when ft came to reaching a decision netthst sum ming up was taken into considerari Mr. Fet ke was very emphatically of the opin ion that some means should be found to call a halt on expert testimony. Tt did not welsh with the Thaw jurors, he said, and wasted a lot of time. ANIMOSITY AMONG JVBORfI Henry »'. Harney, juror .'. told practi cally the same story as Mr. Fecke. He said there was lots of animosity displayed ail through the debates. He was accused of having read the newspapers, and had ti» deny it very emphatically. He said; "There was general admiration amon^r the jurors for Justice FitzGerald. his kindness his rulings, his thought fulness. Mr. Jerome's plea was also much admired, but nobody paid vtry much attention to Mr. Dcinas's address." ho said. Charles S. Newton. Juror 9, was insistent that the plea of Mr. Delmas, based on the un written law. failed utterly. "This case had noth ing to do with the unwritten law, anyway," ho said. "It turned solely on whether or not Thaw was Insane or whether he kiUed White in i-oUI blood. "No credence was accorded Evelyn Nesblt Thaw's story," he said, "and the testimony that Thaw tried to ingratiate himself wilh her at the beginning of their acquaintance with American Beauties wrapped In a ISO bill removed a lot ol PRICE THREE CENTS. the chivalry that his counsel ascribed to him.** Mr. Newton said that Mr. Jerome's address made a profound impression on the Jury "Ha hi no; an orator." the juror "but he pre sented facts in a lucid way. Mr. Delmas used fine words, that's a!!." Mncß sympathy was felt for Thaw's family. according to Mr. N--wton. but yomsj Mrs. Tbaw was not included in this. H*c manner and dress did not appeal to them. Wilbur F. Steele. who was one i* thog.» who stood for acquittal from the ■very first, said that the subject of wronged womanhood «!i'3n't re ceive much consideration at the hMdB of the> jury. The question was mereiy. Wa* Thaw re sponsible for his actions? Deming B. Smith, the foreman of thi» jury, was go tired and nervous after his long ordeal that he absolutely refused to give an Interview. Malcolm S. Fraser talked briefly to th© same effect as others, and Oscar A. Pink when ap proached replied: "I have nothing to say. I have had enough to say In the last two days." GitEASON CRITICISES DELMAS. The criticisms of Mr. Delmas expressed by some of the jurors were outdone by John 8. Gleason, one of the counsel for the defence. Mr. Gleason, it was. who made the opening ad drsea for his side, as a result of which there was an animated meeting of all the Thaw law yers, at which he was relegated to a thinking part for the rest of the trial. Mr. Gleason. has not been happy since, but. apparently, he was not In a tearful mood when he said th» follow ing over the telephone: "The disagreement of the jury was brought about solely by the unfortunate Insistence of Mr. Delma.s upon the. unwritten law, -which ht» characterized as "Dementia Americana." Instead of this If, in his summing up, he had called the* attention of the jury to the insanity of Sir. Thaw, which was plainly proven. Mr. Thaw would have been acquitted without a doubt. Tha argument used by Mr. Delmas was an Invita tion to the jury la electrocute Mr. Thaw if the» had any regard for their oaths." "I have no wish to comment on these re marks," was the dignified reply of. Mr. Delmas when told at the University of California dinner what his learned associate had said. With reference to th* disagreement of the Jury and the probable course of Thaw's advisers, ail Mr. Dnbnas would say was that he knew no more about the disagreement than th«» general pi:Mle. and that It was too «>ar!y to discuss, plapi for the future. He was" asked about a rum'»t that ha and Messrs. Hartridge. Peabody and Gleason would retire from the case, leaving of present counsel only "Dan" O'Reilly. "I have not withdrawn, and I do not know that the other gentlemen have," ha replied. THAW MAY CHANGE COUNSEL. Nevertheless there vas a well defined rumor that there would ha a change or' counsel and that, certainly. Mr. Delmaa would be among the missing. It was even said that overtures had already been made to O'cott, Gruber, Bonynge & McManus. the firm which were at first engaged, but which Thaw got rid of. This, however, could not bo confirmed. In spite of rumors to the contrary, there has been much trouble among: Thaw's lawyers, and the defendant is said to have criticised some of them rather freely. Mr. IVlmn.3 has been more or less at loggerheads with the others, and, now that there seems to be a disposition to place the- blame for the practical failure of Thaw's defence on his shoulders It is not thought likely that ho will care to continue in the case. "Dan" O'Reilly, who Is more diplomtlo than) Mr. Gleason. had a little gentle criticism for Mr. Delmas. "I confess that I am disappointed,** he said. "I really expected an acquittal. Per haps now. in view of tha verdict. Mr. Delmas made a mistake in using th* term 'Americana dementia.' But he made an honest effort, and it might have been a mistake of Judgment." Mr. O'Reilly said that ha would visit Thaw early this morning and have a talk with him, and that then some plan would be decided upon. He said that the lawyers in the case would havo a conference to-day and decide on the question of asking ball and related aubjeota. Nothing has been decided on in that direction as yet. The lawyers expect that Mr. Jerome will oppoa* any application for baiL Mr. O'Reilly intimated that after this he and Mr. Peabody would fig ure more prominently in the case. THAW HEARS RESULT. The final "curtain" fell on the Thaw drama nt 4:30 o'clock. Tha gossips about the court corridors agreed that the Jurors would probably feel that they had done their duty if they re mained out until two full days' deliberations had been completed. So It was hardly a sur prise when word came that the Jury had sent a message to th© court that it had failed to v reach an agreement- Justice FitzGerald left his prtvate chambers and ascended the bench, the Jury filed Into the!: seats and Thaw was brought in. Young Mrs. Thaw was permitted to sit beside him. and a* the jury passed by her she smiled up into thai! grim, set faces. The prisoner had good control of himself and appeared less agitated than might have been expected, although, naturally, he was exceedingly pallid. "Gentlemen of the jury, have you been able ts agree upon a verdict.'" asked Clerk Penney. • We have not," replied Foreman Smith. Jury and prisoner were standing, looking at each other, as directed by the clerk. Thaw's form seemed to contract; his wife's lips parted in Uie manner that his become familiar, an 4 she seemed about to collapse. THE JURY DISCHARGED. "I have kept you together, gentlemen.**— the voice >.f the court broke the stillness an< relieved the tenseness. "1 have kept you to> gether as long as I thought there was a possi bility of your reaching a conclusion regardlnt the case. •'But now. in view of the statement that yo» cannot agree after being out so long, I will dls . charge you. "Before doing so. however. I will first consul the public prosecutor ami the counsel for th» " defendant as to their views on the matter." Then Justice FitzGerald asked Messrs. Hart ridge. O'Reilly and Peabody and District At torif*y Jerome If they had any objection t> make to the discharge of the jury. They all answered that they had no ebj«ctloi