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Before LONG be EXTENDED to 3 0 0 [ ■■'■ ~cs by MEANS of RUBBISH •*- J — ♦-? •— jfcat.. Those who in the last four years have come .-•i the great tilling In work at Riker's (in affront lo the olfactory or comfort In the fact that rk now going forward under the" I rtmenj of Docks and Fer ries te • ■.•:•:- ted • ■ g, , ,-ieanlng In work the oomfbg sum in even greater Riker's Island than was ■ ' four y.-u the arork of enlarging ed to an extension on This extension Includes about ' ress. and has raised the total area : res. The new extension • made on the eastern sid« of the out one hundred and fifty ■ original Island with To complete this new ■•• probably about five more ncr Craven of the Department of ! Street Cleanins; said the other day thet. so far | ns ;hp work of his department was concerned. the starting of the new- extension depended en tirely upon the progress made by the Depart ment of Dorks and Ferries on the new stone crib which 1 now being la.d to Inclose the new extension. Work on this crib, which Is nothing tat a great seawall of loose stones, designed to Keep within bounds the refuse of which the new extension is to be made, has proceeded well Many extensive stretches of it are already in place, and it is not expected to take a lons time to fill the remaining gaps. As soon as it is completed the work of filling in will begin The work of the Street Cleaning Department In the making of the original extension to the Island which Is now nearlng completion lias been an interesting one. It is safe to say that of the number of persons who know In a gen eral and in most cases unfavorable way of the work which has been going forward for four years at Hiker's bland only a few have any adequate idea of the mass of material which has gone Into the making of the addition to th« island. Figures In the records of the Street Cleaning Department serve not only to throw light on what has already been done, but also to afford an adequate Idea of what the work on the new extension will mean. SOME BIG FIGURES. For Instance, the department reports show that of ashes and street sweepings, which are declared by the department to be the only ma terial used for filling purposes at the island, there has been deposited: Cubic yards. In 19C2 578.681 In IJ>>-'3 1.2<Jf1.5r.S In ISM.. 1.418.893 It. 160S 1.726.!a2 In 3&"6 t.eoi.tta Total «, go According to A, De Wilde, superintendent of the bureau of final disposition of the depart- ANOTHER REBELLION IN INDIA FEARED White Judges, Bankers. Mer chants and University Pro fessors Enrolling a.s Pri vates in, the Volunteers. Japan's treaty of alliance with Great Britain contains a pledge of her armed assistance In the event of any foreign invasion of India. It Is silent, however, on the subject of any peril through rebellion. The latter Is a far more serious and Immediate danger. Internal strife, disorganization, political as well as admin istrative, and a condition of economic chaos de structive to national credit abroad will effectu ally prevent the Muscovite Empire from at tempir:g to invade India for many, many years to come. But the possibility of another rising of the natives throughout India such as that which occurred exactly fifty yean ago Is by no means so remote. There are many, fndeed, who consider It as Imminent, and Its probability was called to the attention of the American public the other day In a somewhat startling fashion by a dispatch from Lahore, the capital of the Punjaub, stat ing that the unrest and disaffection among the Hindoos and their open hostility toward the English had attained such a pitch that most of the white people there had enlisted In the local volunteers, not as officer?, but as privates, among them being Judges of the Supreme Court, Ilveislty professors, high government officials, leading bankers and merchants, all of them im pelled thereto by a sense of the urgent necessity of adopting some organized means for the pro tection of their families and their homes. What ■ recurrence of the misnamed "Mutiny" of half a century ago would mean can best be gathered from the fact that the native popula tion of India exceeds 300,000,000, a« compared "frith the mere handful— than 200,000— 0f Englishmen, who are liable to be overwhelmed By sheer force of numbers. True, the British tuthorltlcs, while admitting the animosity of the Hindoos, profess to be able to depend upon the loyalty of the Moslems. But the latter con stitute only about one-fifth of the population. and, moreover, are as likely as not to Join In the struggle of Asia for the Asiatics when the hour fitrlken for the celebration of the Golden Jubilee anniversary of the great rising of 1867 by an ther attempt to emancipate the Deccan from ■British domination. That cry of Asia for the Asiatics was first started by the Japanese, who have taken tho leading part in fostering the Pan-Asiatic move ment throughout the length and breadth of Asia, In India, is also in China, in Tonkins: and In the Philippines. The Mikado's government tvouM find it difficult, therefore, under the cir cumstances, to contribute to the suppression of a rising for which his people would have been partly responsible, while the sympathy of the Japanese masses would be altogether In favor -f the rebels, in fact, many a thoughtful Eng lishman, alive to the likelihood of a revolution in ,£!♦'' '* " Wn « hlmself tO - da what would a" ~1 !£? ** the va!ue " f Grea t Britain's swan « with Japan. POINTS OF DIFFERENCE. I-dVvT'vT'T' *»* 1 Insurrection In Ind a •**« **r from that of half a wnturv aeo T h. i. fOm that of half a rhank. to Lo rd Kitchener, who defences of Hindustn he 7 *"* dtopoMd and equipped ti t 6 T *° can be moved from on-T r£ \? rsglmentsr s glments rreat rapidity, In fact, t^ T ,*"" WUh of the railroad and t^graph £sTe m "T^ King Edw«nT. huge throUßhoUt £4 to treble th« efflig or ms 2** ™ & " be Pared with condition. in 1857 r '° r ' ' as C°'" authorities are In , measure' f^S V'" &f. whereas the great Mutiny, which son, V jrecked Irtish rule m India bum upon y e English M h on y unexpected* ,„„ Xn , £ »V thereof reached England „? ! l<<-** after the outbreak. It found the g o^ rn £« ™* the nation In the act of ■*££. «• centennial of Lord Olive* great victory at BUILDING THE STONE CRIB TO HOLD THE FILLING IN. ment of Street Cleaning:, the cost to the city of delivering and unloading this material at Kikt-r-8 Island has been estimated at 23 cents a cubic yard, making the total cost to the city for nil material filled In there bo far $1,470,- Some Interenting comparisons have been made which serve to give a good idea of the amount of material represented by the department's Ogures. FV>r Instance, the total deposit of 6.3U2 - £30 cubic yards represents 172,080.700 cubic feet. If this v r:v nrranged In cubes, each a foot long, a fool wide and a foot high, and these 2.'ffso lald end to end - th;j >' would form a line • ■-.«»NS miles long. This would girdle the earth - l -,\o •'V' rtt " r :lnd tlf tlle ~~ B<J lllllliS remaining ....4S miles could be used in a strip laid between .N.-w fork and rokohama, by way of San Fran cisco. Of the 4.".s miles still remaining if 431 miles uere laid between New York and Pitts burg. there would yet b»> a iktle strip which would reach from the New York City Hall t«> Columbia University. The work o.i the Riker's Island extension Is divided into two distinct classes, of which that performed by a huge travelling belt or conveyor is the most Interesting. Around the c,i Be s of the extension the work of Oiling in has been done by means of Tin cars. The filling of the Interior of the extension has been done how evw. almost entirely by the big travelling belt. Thw conveyor is said by Its owners and oper ators, the O'Rourke Engineering Construction Company, to be one of the largest of Its kind In the world. It is thlrty-Bix ii. ."■-. and about two thousand foet long. Receiving the as it comes from the s ows, after having passed through a big hopper, the belt takes .t out over the new made land of the Isl and to it spot a thousand feel from The point of unloading, ami there discharges It Into a tripper Here It passes over a short belt, to be shot high MR. DHUNJIBHOY BOMANJI. Type of the educated native of India to-day. He is a naval contractor, and employs the great est number of skilled and unskilled laborers in Bombay harbor. — Tl.e Hphare. Plasney, which may be nald to have begun the British control of Hindustan. It was. Indeed, at the very moment when speeches were being- delivered throughout the United Kingdom vaunting the fact that India wa« b'-lng so administered as to content the natives that the people suddenly were made aware of the fact that thousands of their coun trymen were being massacred in the most ap palling fashion, and that England's power In India seemed doomed. Even In India itself the English civil and military authorities were tak«n by nurprise. True, some of them had been alarmed by the, mysterious distribution through out the entire peninsula of millions of little, un leavened cakes chunattles, they were called - amoriK the \>< <-ple. They were passed around by unknown hands, and to this day the govern ment has been unable to obtain any clew as to who baked or disseminated them. Equally at sea are the authorities as to the precise mes sage which they wrro Intended to convey, al though the simultaneous outbreak of the Insur rection Immediately afterward in various parts Of India far distant from one another has led to the conviction that they constituted some kind of a prearranged 6lgnal for the great rising. Every endeavor has been made during the last fifty years to ascertain the exact nature of the connection of these chunattles with the rising, but without success. In fact, it must be classed among those many mysteries of the Orient which the white races apparently find it Impos sible to unravel. INCREASED KNOWLEDGE. Another difference between the conditions of 1857 and those of 1907 is to be found in the increased knowledge among the natives of Eng lish and foreign affairs, and in their possession of many of the advantages In the way of mili tary training and armament, of Western science and methods of organization which formerly the English alone possessed In India. High explo sives, for instance, and all the achievements and discoveries of the realm of chemistry are Just as familiar to the educated Hindoo as they are to the European scientist. In fact, the Intellectual Inferiority of the native, which placed bo many advantage In the hands of the English in form er times, has ceased to exist. It Is the BflfUsfa themselves who are respon nlble for this state of affairs. Ever since the Mutiny they have been endeavoring to expand the area of English education in India, and In DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, }fAY 5. 1907. ln the air, falling In a great shower over th* hollows and depressions of the Island. FILLER SETTLES SOON. The iiig conveyor Is swung In a seml-clrcle in a mains of one thousand feet from the point of unloading;, and is now on Its second trip across the Island. The nveriße depth of the deposit mad i by the conveyor on each of these trips across the island is about thirty feet. To 1 1 1 •- un initiated th>' idea of depositing material <<> such ■ ' depth, In some places fully thirty feet ainj-.f ih<- level of the original Island, appears absurd, hut the ni>-n on the work know better. The Riker's Island Riling material i* such light, un- Btable sniff that it settles rapidly. Superintendent Joseph H. Fuller, In charge of Ihe work !»-inn done i>\ ih»> conveyor, nays the deposit settles about .■«• per cent, and It is t,> allow for this shrinkage fhat the flu is made to such a depth. Rains anil tires, by means of which preui plies of boxes, barrels, old beds and other luHkv material are destroyed, are every successive generation an Increasing num ber of natives has been Initiated through the Englißh language and literature Info v new world of thought The main result -.f this has been to breed In them ;i "-pint of revolt - • the political ascendancy <>f the race u> whose superiority In the r.-a'm.s .if know edgi they no longer yield homage. In sue word, v. cation and knowledge have had the < pairing that j.r^st!«:<- by ■• I the British have been able to maintain their control <iwr those ,'l<io.<x><i,<«n> '. natives who at heart all ie flt-nt the domlnatli n of the white man. This prestiffo has been now •■ itroyrd by the manner In which Japan thai say, a relath ■ ■ lon— h i* destroyed tha mllitarj powei I ■ -■ Rus sian Knit,;:.-. ;•■ lied the W nations reluctant lj to ret-ugnlze hei as one ri( the great powers. Aslatl< belief In ih>- superi ority, militai '■ and Iniellectua man hu» ceased to exlsi • • the : .-.i.- of Portsmouth, ■n\ the conviction thai ih< \-: atio Is nor merei) the equal, bul even perlor, of his European and American brothers is being continual!) Impressed upon the mind* of the Jniliun people v. ihe native press, which Is bitterly hostile t<» England, and bj those im- OfllCiS 1 JaPfl '.' -■ :■ • .1 :.■ II .; all over the Deccan fostering the spirit of revolt The question will naturally arise, Brst, as to how all thin can be reconciled with Hi,- ]>!" fesslons of loyalty on the part of the native princes of India: and, secondly, what the reason can bo fur this bitter animosity, since, after all, India is much more prosperous under the English than In the days when it was the scene of devas tating wars among tha rival emperors, kings and : rajahs. In the first place, Asiatics, no matter what their creed, <lo not consider themselves bound to keep faith with a whit« man. Indeed. i the, only promises kept are those verbal ones ; made by the Chinese merchants, who are prompted in the matter by the knowledge that , the keeping of their verbal engagements adds ! to their financial and mercantile, credit to .such f a degreo us to constitute a valuable asset. CATJSES OF HATRED. As for th* cause of the hatred of the native princes and people for the English, it is, tirst and foremost, In the blood. The Asiatic, n>> what his creed, his hue or his particular country, abhors the white races. Formerly this animosity was blended with fear. To-day it Is j mingled with contempt. That the gulf between j the East and West will ever be bridged no one I who has lived in the Orient will for one moment i believe. Lord Curzon, Lord Cmmor, Sir Robert j Hart, Sir Ernest Batow. Baron yon Brandt— \ indeed, all those who have resided the longest > in the East find who have made the closest study of its conditions -are tho most convinced of the Impossibility of attaining that under- j standing of the Asiatic character and mind which is essential to real sympathy and friend- j ship between the two races. Lord Curzon. in j the memorable speech which he delivered at the j Guildhall, in London, on the occasion of his j being presented with the freedom of the city. , I drew attention to this when he remarked. "And j who is there that can fathom the unfathomable workings of the Oriental mind?" while Sir Rob- j crt Hart, who has spent nearly half a century ', at Peking, where he has enjoyed the highest rank that was In the power of the Chinese to bestow, has confessed again and again Ujat the i longer he lived In China the more did he become | convinced of the Impossibility of his ever arriv ing at a comprehension of the native traits of i thought and character. Then, too, the English, though Imbued with the best of intentions, have managed to offend the natives at every step, even when endeuvor ing to benefit them. Thus there are few Hindoos who have not been savagely Irritated by the precautions which European science thinks Indispensable to check the progress of the bubonic plague, which still continues to slay the natives by the thousands every month. The precautions include segregation and the re moval of the afflicted to hospitals for treatment. This removal offend* the d«ar«st prejudices of rT&"?£^iis- largely responsible for this shrinkage In the stuff used In the filling. These fires smoulder a long time, and In many spots on the island the smoke can Btlll be seen working its way to the surface of the new land laid above them per haps months ago. As this burning goes on the material beneath gives way and the material above slowly settles. In the building of the new extension thft "crib -> or stone wall designed to retain the till ing is to be more substantial than that about the extension on which work Is now In prog ress. The old crib w »ih built of timber and tli»-n filled in with loose stone. The new crib is bulk entirely of stone, without the use or" Umbers Theie Is only one hotel on ih« greater Hiker's Island. The Italians employed on the work who live there call It •'Motel de Bum." and Its looks certainly de not l>«»ll«» the name. Heautlful word pictures of the Rlker's Island of the future are painted by officials of tin Street cleaning Department and the contract ors, (nit the fact remains that «t present, with it m yawning valleys <>f marshland und its inoun- th» respectable classes, their love of privacy, their respect for their women, their nervous anxiety about their ceremonial purity, their re llgtous feeling, their special Ideas >•.' honor, iheir routed superstitions and, above all. their prejudices ■■■ caste. In (act. these rules, Insti tuted by the English fur the arrent of the plague are as offensive to the natives as orders that the last sacrament should be refused to "•■ dying and Christian burial denied to the dead would be to the poor In a Roman Catholic country in Southern Europe. MANY OTHER IRRITANTS. Tins difference of opinion between the English authorities in India and the natives on the sub j-.t of .he. plague li only on« of ...any thousand points on Hhl. t, th,- O-ient and the Occident are in linpelOH; disagreement with one another, and where there is no possibility of any understand i«iK evvr taking place, and where matters are bound In the natural order of things to go on from bad to worse, until they culminate In a ' i:..«h. An.l thwre Irreconcilable differences are constantly being exploited and fostered by the native press; to which Is allowed an almost ln - .edible amount of license, and which, especially since the defeat of Russia by Japan. has never . lost an opportunity or pointing out tha supe ilorlty of the Asiatics to the Europeans, and consequently the ability of the people of India to put an en.l to the alleged misrule and tyranny of th« English: Nor do these utterances fail on deaf ear*. For there is scarcely an English man returning from India who does not speak ; with bitterness of the studied Insolence on the part even of the lower classes in India to which every one in Hittdoostan who has a white skin is now compelled to submit. As for the contention on the part of the author ; ities in India that In the event of any trouble l with the Hindoos they would be able to depend : upon the Mahometan element, their views on th 8 subject art- disputed by many of tho recently re- turned officers and civilians, especially by those KnglMinwn who have been living In Moslem com munities. Though the Asiatics may differ In creed and be imbued with religious animosities toward one another, they are united as Asiatics In their hatred of the white man. Moreover. Moslem restlessness In Northern Africa and In Egypt which has given Lord Cromer so much concern and anxiety, is spreading to India, where a feeling Is slowly gaining ground that Knglami Is no longer the faithful friend and supporter ; of the Moslem ruler at Constantinople, but that she is engaged in an attempt to oust him from his control over Mecca, and to gain possession Of Arabia. > How the Moslems regard the Sultan is Illus- ! rated by the remark made some time ago by an Egyptian veteran captain in discussing En glish rule In the Land of the Nile. He readily admitted all the benefits conferred by the ad- ! ministration of Lord Cromer. the safety of life and property due to English rule, and the phe nomenal prosperity of his native land, attribut- ' able to Great Britain, yet when questioned as to j the possibility of reconciling his sense of grati- ; tude and friendship for the English with his : devotion to Islam, and the part which the latter might be expected to play in the event of any native rising against the English In Egypt, he remarked quietly but distinctly. "If the .Sultan commanded, we should kill every unbeliever be tween the rising and the setting of the sun." And if the 60.000,000 Moslems In India were for one moment to believe that the interests of their faith demanded the expulsion of the En glish from the country, or If they were to re ceive directions to that effect from those whom they look upon in the light of their spiritual superiors, they might be depended upon to "kill every unbeliever between the rising and the setting of the sun." Under the circumstances. It Is unwise to depend upon the loyalty of the Mahometans of India to the English In the event of a Hindoo rebellion, and. prompted by racial prejudice and religious sentiments, they are much more likely to be found fighting again under the rebel flag, as In the great mutiny of 1867, of which England, and perhaps India, in now about to celebrate the golden Jubilee. EX-ATTACHE. RUBBI9H FROM THE SCOW 9 BEING DUMPED UPON THE LONG CON VEYOR BELT. tains of street sweepings and ashes. It Is any thing but a beauty spot. "But wait a few years." sty Its builders. "The time will yet come when New York will be Justly proud of Hiker's Island." STATEN ISLAND SMOKE. Efforts to Abate X nuances Created by Jersey Factories. Northern Statrn Island's Anti-Smoke League, the Hoard of Health and representatives of the Standard oil Company and other interests on Constable Hook and Ilergen Point are to meet this v.eek to find some way of saving the north shore of Staten Island from the bUghttusj influ ence of the smoke and fumes from the Jersey shore. The north shore of the Island was at one tim»» s beautiful residence district. The shady roads, green lawns, slopln? beach and One view to ths north made it one of the most desirable of the anally accessible places for the hems loving New Yorker. The prospect north ward was unrivalled rs a harbor view. In the dajs when Krastus Wiman built his residence there New York City could t*> seen clean cut against the Bjßrtbera. sky. There were no dense clouds of SflSOkS to Obscure the modest struct ures of ths New York of thai period, and old Trinity's spire could be clearly seen. The great ocean st tamers could be followed with the eye up Into the maze of oraft on the North River. Then came a change. Industry crowded Us way to the New Jersey neck of land between Newark Bay and New York Hay. First one great factory, theu another arose. This strip of land was an admirable shipping and receiv ing place. The men of business saw this ad vai:tago and grasped It. They may have seen the beauty of tha north shore of Staten Island, it may have appealed to their eesthetlc sense. But it could nut count In their computation of cost when the \ahie of the factory locations van considered. Now the north shore residents have organized for protection, and have secured the aid of the greater city In their crusade. One of the residents on the north shore of States Island said last week that their crusade wtis not alone based on aasthetlo Ideas, but also <m the preservation of property Interests. The AUGMENTING RACE ANTAGONISM. * Pagoda, being carried In a Mahometan religious procession of th© natives in Durban last month, •elrod by mischievous white boys and thrown Into the river. ._ , — Illustrated London New*. nntl-smoke league there represents from twelve thousand to fifteen thousand persons. To show how property has deteriorated the wiman estate was cited, it cost Mr. Wiman $4r>.<>r>o. Including the house. The Btaten Island Club purchased the property f>>r $14,<hk>. n was said that the advance Of realty In other parts of the island, if used as a basis, should have Increased tin- value ef the Wiman property I<n> n<.-r cent. Perhaps Ihe most aggressive <>f the league members Is Bamue] Holcombe Bvms. Mr. Kvins was. at one time an assistant corporation coun sel. He has SSSHC IntSiI with him Mayor Mc- Clellan'* personal counsel, Eugene Richards. They learned quickly that they could get at the Jersey smoke nuisance without going to the federal courts, for the Jersey industries ha\> offices In this city. The tight will be brought here, and the league is sanguine of success. The league went about its crusade in a sys tematic way. It first interested the Board of Health. There It found hearty support. A remedy to correct the abuse was sought and sev eral devices were found te answer. The one the league believes will be the most effective for each class of vapors from the factories is a tall chimney, with a smoke washing device. The city has promised to endeavor to indict the com panies responsible for the nuisance, unless they agree to use corrective measures. It is believed that they will do this when the full force of the movement on the island Is understood and felt. The Standard OH Company is probably the leading violator of the smoke laws. Former ef fors to influence the company failed, but it is helieved now that with the influence back of the present orusade. the league will receive ready assurance of compliance with its object. A conference with the Standard Oil and other Interests will be held this week, according to present plans. Should no corrective agreement be reached, the Board of Health will ai once order prosecutions. The Staten Islanders are pre pared to proceed to every legal limit for protec tion, but would much prefer to have the whole matter settled out of court. THE HELP QUESTION. Rolllngstone Nomoss. In one of his journeys stopped at the door of a suburban house, and when •the "lady of the house" responded to his knock, politely asked: "Can you oblige me with a little help, lady?" "No." was the response. "Tin afraid not. An my help loft this morning. It's very hard to set h«u> in tha suburbs."— PhlladalDhia Record. FOR .MORAL KMVATTOX. National Movement May Be Started by Ethical Culturists. The leaders of the ethical culture movement and many well known educator* Interested ln moral In struction, will gather In New York this week to at tend the convention of the American Ethical Union and a series of conferences on moral education. The convention, which will be held at the Invitation of the New York Society for Ethical Culture, will be opened on Thursday evening. May 9. at th© Ethical Culture School, with addresses by Dr. Felix Adler and Professor K. K. A Seligman and others, ami wi!l continue until Sunday. May 12. The Friday sessions, beginning at 3 a. m. with a May festival by the children, will be devoted to a consideration of vital problem* of th»» ethical movement, a business meeting and a dinner and reception at night. ASSBSSJ the shakers on these two days will be Professor Earl Barnes. Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, of Cornell; Presrssst Morris R. Cohen, of Columbia University: Julius Henry Cohea. William M. BaM of Chicago; S. Burns Weston. of Philadelphia: Perelval Chubb. Leslie Willis Sprague and lira Anna < Jar! in Spencer. The roiif,- r m on Moral Kducatfon." on which special stress has been laUl. and Is which the pub lic Is partlrularly invited, will begin Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, with .i consideration of "Di rect Moral Education." C.ayionl Whit© will pre side, and papers will be read by Professor James R. Leuba, of Bryn Mam: Dr. John I* Elliott. Dr. Walter I* Hery,ey. of the Department of Educa tion, and Miss' Alice Sellgsberg. The discussion will be led by Mrs. Miriam Sutro Price, president of the Public Education Association, and Mies Mary R. D.-ivls. principal of PiiMlc School 1. The afternoon session will be on "Indirect Moral Instruction."' which will be discussed, with Dean Thomas M. Balltet In the chair, by Percival Chubb Edwin D. Mead, of Boston, and others. Dr. Adle"r will conclude the discussion. Moral qualities demanded In political and indus trial lift* will be considered at the Saturday even- Ing conference. In this Congressman Herbert Par sons. Timothy Healy. of the Stationary Firemen's tTnlon; Professor Charles Zeublin, of the Univer sity of Chicago, and others will take part. Th» convention will close with a meeting In Car negie Hall on Sunday. May I*. at 11:15 a. m.. at which Dr. Adler. Professors Schmidt and Zeublln, Robert Moore, of the St. Louis society, and Messrs. Salter and Weston and Mrs. Spencer will give brief addresses. There will also be a Sunday afternoon meeting by the Brooklyn society at the —is bly. In PJerrepont street, at 4 o'clock at which a number of visiting delegates will make addresses. While the convention Is for the general discussion of the ethical movement, there ara many who are looking upon the Saturday conferences on "moral education" as being particularly significant it Is a fairly open secret that some of the members are hopeful that out of these conferences will grow a great national movement for moral Instruction In the schools that will be supported by many agencies not connected with the Ethical Culture So ciety. In connection with this Idea the great tuov» - m«>nt for moral Instruction in England is pointed out. This movement began with the Moral In struction League, of which Harrold Johnson is sec retary, which was formed on the Initiative of the ethical societies of Great Britain. The exertions of the league, which took ad vantage of the discussion over the education bill and the concession by Mr. Blrrell. Minister 3 Education, providing for non-sectarian moral In struction In the English public schools, developed no little public Interest. This led to th» formation In Great Britain of a committee to Investigate a.- > report on the status of moral education throughout the world. This committee, headed by Michael s" Sadler, consists of bishops, members of ParlUmont. publicists, educators and men of affairs, and em braces many elements not connactad with the ethical societies. This committee has appoint *d various persons to report on special territory. For Instance. Gustav Splller. secretary of th» Interna tional Ethical Union, of Berlin, has been ajwi*?-<l to Switzerland. In this country there «3 an allied committee consisting:, among others, of President Nicholas Murray Butler and Dr. Adler. who a.r» in vestigating the American field. There ar« tho#a, therefor*, who are hopeful that the Saturday con ferences may engender a. national movement In this country which shall la no ser.M b» limited to any one group of thinkers, but ratkar spread Into a truly national idea on lines similar to tho«» in Great Britain. WILL GO TO BERNAEBSVILLE, K. J. Plans of Many Persons to Visit That Region. BernarasviU*. N. J.. May • (Special).— Tli* Somer set Inn will be opened as usual for the cosstns; season. George K. Gas ton. second Tlos-presld«&t oS th« Metropolitan Ufa Insurance Comf&ny, wlii rent his own cottage here thl3 summer, and will occupy one of the Somerset Inn cottages. Thomas S. OUlne. of New York, will leave th » city In June with his family for this place, wher<» he has had a cottage at th»» Somerset Inn for the last ten years of more. j Mr. and Mrs. William K. Leonard, of New York. I who are away on^\ trip to Denver and the Pacific Coast, will return about the middle of May. when they close their town house to spend the summer at their cottage at Somerset Inn. Theodoro D. Murlbut and the Misses Hurlbut. of I Brooklyn, are spending April at Lakewood. N. J. I About May 1 they will return to their old Brook lyn home, which they will, however, close about the end of May to come here, where they have apartments at the Somerset Inn. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. De-ich. of New York City. will spend the summer months tn Europe as usual. taking ship just after th« Fourth of July. Pre vious to sailing they will come here for Jun*. where their daughter. Miss Catherine, is prominent in the younger set. Mr. and Mrs. I.eon Abbott. »ho closed their I Jersey City house last fall and have been living at the Marie Antoinette in New York this » ■:■" are planning to come here about June 1. Mrs. William Sinclair and her son. Dr. serge Taylor, of New York, intend to make an extended European trip, leaving; about the middle of Jaly. Before sailing they -will spend a month or more here, where they have apartments ir. reserve from year to year at th» Somerset Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jennings, of Jersey City. have closed th^ir house and are living this SBrioXJ at Lakewood. N. J. About th* middle of May the* will come lieie. whore they will spend the summsr at the Somerset Inn. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Lancaster, of New York City, are planning to spend June and July her*. From the Somerset Inn as a base, they will tour by auto mobile the highlands of New Jersey and Penn sylvania, including a visit to the Delaware Water Gap. The large new garage which was built at th* Somerset Inn last year will be greatly improved this season, as a pit nas been dug in the centra or the floor and the garage has been equipped with electric lights. ; i ! - _ ... ... M If A I/ft PIV' latent finger Tipped If A v L Silk Glov * s - The Re n U I i|4 I II ■:-.-- have the name lift lUbll la the hem There is a reason A m IIP* 4% why they wear. Made I ■ I 11 II L V of PUBS fiUc aad If I 1 1 if I" A I'PRK dve r ULUILU 3