Newspaper Page Text
f'"-'? .-- ? " Ftfth avenue. or ta any other of th'- bettei re Identlal streeta of the city, have no4 beei nffended by the sigh; of unremoved garbage. Thej ha%re not escaped the smell al togethcr. however. There la not a car line in iht- ctty that d igh. in some j-Hit of ita route, a section whpre the ? ?od old raahioned a ling tlu' garbage in a tin caa prevail \ ?-i the persons oi d< aensibilitios ran llons yes? terday in an open trolley <ar they had some pretty rude ahocks. There were plenty oi alarmists to '.>?? Bll day, and whlle tlu , grave enough not to need a::y ex ?. . tion, there aere plenty of persons wiio seemed to tak i erj one 0n< rair---.i bj 1" Crump. of the New York Uni veratt] medical faculty He called attentlon to the ararni gs of the 1 nd tho rarfous antf-tuben ul ling the dtaposltion ? f the They have been advised lo expectorate into newapapers and then !?? wrap tl ip tb up and diapose of therfk with the rtee h a lung btock, and 1 ?r i rump poi t danger lurked l of newspapers. The expedients to ameli litions were nameroos and usefuJ geneial. ??" eoura the attemnts of the th Department physicians to dlslnfect the nfles of n fut ?- bi< h w as ? guard in swift BVtomobiles and ? ^.m-I'il:.. Down ari streel tho wholess ? merchants w?nt to the res ? -?? netehbors and the air was filled, at urs of th. unen durable stench of the | ir more :" burning As the day won bec une i >pufc - Side. Tho miSSj- ; Hia f ta in ai y. under the mo tl trying of aabte Tuesday. The Comi what man; I he has work' r timc r liim s U M ? ? -? tnent ? er has t to it to do Ita work "Bi of was at Princeton, and Oowed In a cbair bullt ( linary sizod at the 17' |< s yester m<Mj - g emarl "Wett, ?}?:]* is ? the mosl arork J ?-.-.- done ?galnil Yaie." T'- at'e the a-ay Mr. Edwarda haa gone into his " hia colk ge d >? pularity ?nd power of attractl ? for wh<-.>n ho ta extremely loyal, i icks. No one who aaw the big man In the gray euit run a- Btable A haa a word to - st Ms There was a sl ' ? ? ' rdered by Cemmlsaioner ?'? H^aith Deparl >:. \ er theless th< ? least flfty at a-ork at A. an.l they did z.'. ?? i 14<"? earts sent out ther The iwmber of carta sent out from the other ajtahlea i i m Stable G. in Hamilton atreet, forty-f " trikera down then bi ilertook to l ?':.? ? - from >?. tng out. Apparently i lidn't know that they were In T: I's district. The Inspector aoon i for tho rest of the aay thinga were as peaceful as in th. distr:< - furl ' r Boras and i hand to ma ? ? ? ? . k< a city under raar tfcal , stroet: H. in Eaet - v"'h street. not D, In East 116th ? thlrty, and e C nearly a ? T":. m H Neapolitain bo _ - ? ? carts at the ? - . So as Dr. Bensel ?so in which b! ? found tered. She '?/ ' ted Just 'ho :. fined her $5. ALBERMEN IN RESOLVING MOOB. Bo Thingt to the Street Cleainng Strike After It Is Tco late. a the Street Cl^a: . M - ? i kly mf-r-ti!iir of th ? ? ? ? ?a? adepta ? "*Wh sald KenneaJly I I l the) m ant 11 ? - Al'i- ? ?? -'?ii wante Cosnm - ? f. r'-s. : the :..-'.;,?-- of Coauait BINGHAM'S REJOiNDER TO F!NN. rajainila Imui Binarhana ai Hea<i ? ester dsy aaoi n .* Um ri: a'a : ? oarks on ?-"' I tmba pollce court. erttidsiag taro : tion In a:< ea Emghaai yed ? ptnn k ;n ? ii ol of patleemen. be eertatnly oan'l aiyp much tho plohBHrtn i'"" ? :1 r aaaart. as ? ?' <' mm ? of th. F>r;ke.?. 1 ? nd uae hlm v more ipprei :;:t--.! The '' Magiatrata Flnn's esawl ;? Barnard J ()' onnor, who waa the Tombs eoort on y. 0'< .mior will a.. atreet dutv for aoma thna to < Dil. DOTY ON GARBAGE. EXPER T Q l TIETS FEA RS. Xo Danger of Epidemic of Conta giou8 TH*case?, He Say?. Dr. A. H. Doty, Healtb Offlcer of the port. to Tho Tribune yesterday a atatement cal .1 to rsmova the fears 0/ many peraons that accumulations of garbage in the city would epldemlcs of contagioua diseaaea As a ,-v expert he eaplained why such epidemlca no, be created by mere tccumulatton of . rbage, At the same time hc made it plain that tbe present conditions were a menace to public bealth. and he took occaaion to potat out the dtyfc^achangelnmethodofdispo8ingof ^,v Doty said: ^ta^a^&SS ? commonlj ? here Buch f.-r thls belief. Inas ' :''--' '" rganisma;ol ? these dls mulation of garbage or jbly aM In tl *t< nsion ? , ? -? phol I) wl ontact, poi ? i -,f. !???; - its extst< ? ? h has so < ?"? ""? ? only know "jail" fevei, etc. plague ma; to : ? lon is com iced throug ? ipally I y food and drink, ? Binlssion. In - such aa the ? irly detectlon and toola ;. disinfoction and careful observatton an e? ?? i dlngly lm|. '" ' f pei lose con ? ? ? ntrlbutes more or n by dlmi the res :;ti!:^ power of ore a isc< pi I infection, and also i tries ? ' ; i ohstru 1 ' proper ? ? ?:..i i';? ? ri:- do n< ?? . ln any ot tion of the wi rid whei i tnltary re? ? ;??. bo far aa New York Citj b ? - whlch ar< - taken to dete t the factlltiea whlch ? ? ? -? . ? ? lt mua ? aerioua c | i are exp< ct< ?!. One lesson we may I'-arn frum t ? it New York has an exceeUingly un ?? and Inipractli Ing of ? tise .,!)<) ? there la no xcus [lst< n< ?-. Mi ?!? rp sani shall be ; romptly de ?o it- polnl of p How far this principle i; ? -it ri-^.i oui : garbage dlsposal In New difflcult t< ? - large ? offenslve garl age al* I Xew i'ork. Th Ii b) som ls ln the Immedlate vicln lensely populated l I Tl . long disi ? ? Ecewa until they can be removed to Barren I The dlatrtbutton of ? ?? lora from tl la mati rial ia i nized during ??? ? | ? thi r-ows and over a larga araa In the viclnl,ty of Barren [sland. The >*al requlre tion of thla material from oth< r This ia Imj and cannot be - nfoi ?< d Practical Ranltariana are unanimoua In the optn ther waate ? ted and cremate I tog< r; that ? ? ? : ted both ln nd in thla counti T or ? ' lt is mon < \;- nal ?? tha i the pres ' i ' ?? llttle or no ???? elght when it : from th< polnl <<r riew of ; Incineral l ln dlffen nt b< rouid allow quirk tripa and practicauy ?uction of gai ompo ratlon. cb an . m< present exists jt j ? to Bolve the problem aa to e taken ? . after lt maj poasibly be rred to Barren Island. Th< conatruction of ? >r la very t can be oper i few men; therefore In almost any ncy it is probahle that sufflclent men rould : ie obtained to cremate whatever material could Be brought to the Incinerator. Properly conatructed incineratora can b< operated ]" buH< ? th.mmunlty - anj speclal annoyance Thls haa be< n ? I li H imburg and in oth< When the proper method of garbage dlapoaal la ?; th< re Ia no do and ?ther I tltutlona. aa well n< private dwelllnga wii! incinerate theli own waste, and thua take th? burden from the municipality. Thla la already being done; for instance, the Pennaylvanta Hospl' ? '. attuated in a tbickly portion of the city, with a daily avei I Why Not Have Music on the Fourth ? Wili not only help to suitably celebrate the Fourth, but its purchase will give your family additional CAUSE for celebration. "TOULDN'T you like to have music in your home on / tbe Fourth, this year ? You know how music brightens everything? adds just the touch needed to give ttlife"toa socia! gathering. Couid anything be more fitting on the National Holiday than Patriotic Airs and Songs anci Military Marches ? Why not celebrate this year by taking advantage of what inventioa has done for you ? Why not provide music, not only for the Fourth, but for the rest of the year, as vrell ? I XCHANGED PIANOS.0125 up 1XCHA\GED FiANOLAS to malch.$150 WA'VOLA flA.N'OS.$600 to $1,050 Low monthly paymcntf on any of the abore if d?sired TffT A.TOflAlV CO Acolian Hall. 3G2Sth Are, ktt* /*. i^\Jlultrki\ ^Vf?, iu-ar 3*th Strtot,.New York of fi\e hundred peraona, hums all of tts own gar- \ bage an<! retuee at an -xpense of two or three j dol! ira a day, and without any annoyance to the | neigbborbood Tho present method of handllng and rehandling | filth. thp attempt to separate. garbage from other j and the traasfer of this material over long ; tiistances < in be roRardod only as a vlolatton of ; modern aanitatloa. PHYSICIAXS FEARFUL. Many of Them See Epidemic Aris ing from Garbage Files. Among tho phyalclana of the city there is an al most general opinion that thousands of p^rsons. espe aily children. are ruanlng great rirks of con tracting some dread disease as a reeuH of the oon dition of the stroet<= becaum of the garbago drivers" strike. Many of them place rhe blame on tho .-ity offlcials, both in rke Healtb and Street t'le.-ining departments. L'r. Walter <;. Crump, of No. S37 Madtaon avenue, aaid yesterday that lie had driven through the East Bide and had aeen condltiona that no other city in tlio world would tolerate. "For tho llfo of me I cannot see why there are not la of pei iona already a*flieted with dis easea of some kim." aaid Lir. Crump. "While l waa driving through the streeta I aaw thousands of children playing In the decayed garbage. I iv. n aaw a number of dead doga and oats. Tho polsonoua fumes from the decomposing garbage no I doubt killed those antmals. They muat have eaten it. Thoae '!?????' animals certainty are a focua , for the development <>f the thaeasa germs. aa do- ; caytng organlc matter generatea very rapldly unleas i 1 emot .M Immedlately "To add t.i thia m at extremely periloua situation, lic doesn't seem t>- realize that the llves of hundreda of thousands are In dangwr from the : tuberculosis germ. There are. for Inatance, ;>!">ut atxty thousand consumptlvea in thia city, each of ; i bablj expectorates a hundred tlmea a day. Man> of them expectorate In newapapera or r.i>;^. and then throw them Into the atreet. Tiiirik of the germa that ar.> turoed loose! "These germs multlply rapidly. and the atmoa phere aoon becomes ftlled with btllions and ta of them. The odcr h;ts Beeome so lntense thal the tenanta Uving in basementa aan! on tha tirr-t Boors are compelled n . !. so their windowa ;it night. Vou i >.;\ r.'st assured that we are going to have Inmaeh and Inteatinal troubles "When these und other contagious diseases break nut it will be beyond the power of the H ? ? ? ? ck the ? pldemic untll several iths have occurred. No one can realize i serious thins thia la unleas ho tmderstanda the situation thoroughly from a medlcal r view. 1 also noticed. while golng by the ajtah and markets, thai meal while belng carrled from the ?:?!. to ttcher stores waa entlrely uneov . ., i The i ? exposad to the germ duat slmply Condltjons are Just as bad among the pedlera selliag sltced watermelon and fruil re i xposi <l all day and soon be i o ited \\ ? ms il\ Ing throug uir. All of thls is againat l t lawa. l>r. Sinclatr Smith. a apeclaHst In nervoua .dts ? ! No. 56 West 50th street, aaid thal it was "up to" the heall ritlea "It'a an awful state of affairs and a dlsgraee. to th.Kintry," he aaid. "Tl e people aho not and for It. ,!>is: tlme of the year, when .lls.?.><=,. apceads so faat, placlng tiio Hvea of hundreda of thousands of 1 I ere isn't anot her city In the i ? would tol t te ? -. I;' s all up to thf H* offlcials, and they should be for the present condttions. The strlkfl Bliould . They sh allowed the strike to take place at thia tii r .'f an epld< mtc. T) | ? to break out. By thia tlm tion of tna is aln adj In full bl.i, and tl ? on la alr*ady intolerably unsanitary. \ ? ? ? . gravt dangei : th< summer compl .? ? ? ? ? Kinga Hom e Ej ??. Ea ? t Jouri *!." aaid l e , ould ?.??'? itrong ? i ti ? :?? eaa hi) ? II "I kn w of the terrll that I all I can ?!" to write for mj own Joun itrage. 1 am ? ? ? ?: i it. i' ?? publtahed in t' ? .??." MAY NTJILIFY CANAL LAND PACTS. Attorney General Jackson Scnds Opinion to Controller G'.ynn. ny. July 1.?An < vhl ? I own part .... k.,n or ^" 'anal Impro' ? Vtti >rney ' It to Stati Controller Glj 1 ' "nut! oller ? i llena ? ? taken, filed by or h ? The parl ffeets :t elaim of the t'nltt i s intee and Indenn I. Httgo 1 llraeh, and ? ? r>wi ? i I ? i of 1 he i 'i ?'?? of Clv ii Procedure. Ht In part: i ? . by an attoi nej to ad ? ance the ? \)' ? - ? ? iitlgatlon in ord i to induce the of a claim In hia handa t- ? on ha 9 i.1 held I ? ? f ? ? . . pn Therefore an attorney or eotinsellor can !? ? lii-ii undi 1" ? ? 1 an un lawful contract for hlm to entei "The cori iration, under Ita charter. had no power 11 llor a t law The slon la provided for bj law, and can only be exerclsed by a natural per a lii enae." SPECIAL SESSION CALL TO-DAY ? Governor Hughes Expeeted to Issue It Be fore Starting South. Albany. July L?Goveri. Hughea la expeeted to ? 1 111 to-morrow for an extraordinary ? of tho Legialature foi Monday evenlng, July 8, pre aumably i'<r the purpose of reaumlng oonaldei itlon of the apportlonment of Benatorlal dlatricta. Aftar the Leglslature haa tnel the Governor will aend In a meaaage preacrlbing the aubjecta to be consld ered Dlrect prlmary nomlnatlona may ba Includ ed A blll by Banator Travla on thia aubjact which pasaed the Senat* waa dafeated In the Aasembly duiing the cloalng houra of the aesslon i>\' the adoption oi amendmenta offered by Assemblyman ftalston, of Kinga, oiaking It mandatory on both partlea to hold dlrect prlmary nomlnationa Thia blll waa aaid t .. meet the views of Governor Hughea. ITS CONSTITUTIONALITY DOUBTED. Assemblyman Schoeneck Says Apportion ment Must Be Made at Eegular Session. Byfacuae, July 1 -"Tha Poat-Standard" to-mor? row will puhlish an interviaw with Assemblyman Edward Bchoenei k, of tho Aaaanbly Apportlonment Commlttee, hi which he maintains that an appor? tlonment at a apeeial session of the Leglslature ? unconstltutlonal. He polnta out thal the declslon of the Court of Appaala, which suatained the apportlonment of 1892 at ? apeeial aeaalon, Is not a precedent In thia caae, because of the fact thal the constltutlonal convention of I8M Inserted In Bectlon 1 of Article S of the eonstltutlon of the atate the word "regular." The declslon of the Court of Appaala waa than before h. and it ap peared from the rec rd of the debatea of that con? vention, which w<i> bafore the Aasembly Appor? tlonment Commlttee, that tha opinion of tha court was djscussed, and bj reason of tb< auggestion of Judge Peckham, who wrote the opinion, that In order to hold the apportlonment of 1893 it would be neoeaaary to raad Into the statute the word "regular." The word "regular" was at that tlme Inserted In the oonatitutlon, and Mr. Schoeneck contenda that eonsequently an apportloagnant oitn be made only at a regular aesslon. JEWISH IMMIGRANTS FOR SOUTHWEST. 1 By Telaarapa to The Trtbotw. 1 CSalveaton, Tex., July L?On the North <;?^r nian Lloyd ateatner Baasel, which arrived to day, were lilnety Jewlsh immlgrants, niosily Kus'sians, the vanguard of Jewlsh immigration to tho Bouthwest. Tlils !s in line with the plan to divert Jewish Immlgrants from the North and East. Neariy all of thoae who arrived to-day will st;nt tn a few davs for Kansas, Missouri and lowa. it is exnected that In the future many shiploads ?ill arrive through this port. There were xTTi Immlgrants on the Rsssel. and. had they arrived here ten houra earllar, they would have paid the i*:.* tax insteud oi {? uudci' tka m U-., tg?Cttv< iu-.usy, -, tflfe? ?bJO C 1^1 AND RETURN Sundav. July 7, 1907 Pennsy.vania SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Waat SSd Street .6 45 A. M D?broaaea tmi ) ... ., Cortlandt Street* 1 .?'*" RETCRNINO Leaves Atlami" City.iwp m Bxcaralona rul - 21, Angnat 4 and ls. Sep tfmher 1 and f!T WILLCOX'S MEN AT WORK OLD COMMISSIOXS DEAD. Heads of Old Roards Leave Duty of Surrender to Clerks. The Piibllo ftilltios Commtsston for New York City offlclally went into exlstence ahortly after 1 o'clock yesterday, when Ita membera, Chalrman Willcox and Mllo Roy Maltble. of Manhattan; John K. EusUh. of The Bronx; Wtlllam McCarroll and Bdward M. Basaett, of Brooklyn, were sworn In before Justice Charlea W. Dayton, ln bia private chambera In the County Courthouse The com mlsalon went promptly to work maklng the rounda ol the commiasiona whlch lt supersedes. In turn, the new commlssionera viaited the nfflro? Inspeetor of gaa rueters, tho >ras commli sionera, the rapld trnnslt board rtw<\ the board >^f railroad commlssionera li waa noticeable thai the commlssionera were recelved by clei retariea ..t' the commlsslons they relleved, with ' ::?? exception the Inspeetor of ?as meters, wh > ? 0 them in person. Not a railroad. rapid ' or gaa rommlssioncr was on hand to re ? ??l\" tii.. )),??? eommlasion and to turn over Into lts handa thi affalrs i nmlssl ins. Chalrman IVlllcoa said I at th< appolntments of counsjd and secretary had not been made. "1 wlll have a Btatemenl t" make to-morrow.' he ? "l1- ,n thar yoii wlll announce I P' Intments then. ' t. ? was asked. "\\ II, I made my last r mark advlsedl: ." he amlllngly replled. "Wlll you glve ua the ilsl a re p. i ;er a' ked. "Xo, becauee I have nol ned lt i If," he I ? ? ? |uently mentloned reator a protnlnenl candldate f M Isslon Mr. Whltney'a work ln Albai year la ronsldered by his frlenda to entltle hlm to ronslderatlon. Luth< r B. Little r can? dldate The - M '?'? Icox'a building ahorl rti - 10 rhere i l aratt ? ???-., ? , . mml ? ? ? ' t' ej \\ ??? ? ivrnm ln. i ? ter taking thi rent to the 11 al No. 110 H IllUm . e thi j v. h.i. A'' ? ? perfi i n n ? i taking ovei l and aJT ra ? ifll ' . ? k\c% waa ? . ..; ? ed lt, rei eh ed * >? c??m .. ... . : id ? on ?? , in ca i>n ' ? ? . The ? " Ited T I bj i . ??? k a aliort me< :??!,? ? ? ? ? I tion i. I'.'ii rowa kffalra of that ? ommia ? Th? y then went to l bi a ? lerli . for thi ? : ? iplcd by I lt ilrm m w ill ? ? V \.i\ ttred. We organtzed I then t""k .. Mea blll .' ia Ii gtal ited ? - t ? \ ??? i ?? We have | ? . ||\|di more fulh ? a of the ? ? 4 ? - Th it ls ,ii! i h : - tn-day. ike." ? moblle and two ? ???,,, rijifi ,a i. 1. ? . . ... ? '??!? phi me. wlll i ??'.! ln t ol the clerka ??!' I ?? old irnmla >na l :?? t orout I v.ltti thi routlne work the preaant When the commlsslon offlclally assumed it s dtities -:\ rapld transll commlssionera, w\>\ .\ offioio rapld ?i Blonera, three connnl Ii pectoi of g ? metei s ci aaed l Nol detalllng tha aalarie ol I te Bub-om< tn ol 'ia-.- commiasiona, whlch tnclude an englneer for ttv rapld n mali commts8ioji al a year, and i englneer at 17.000 a year. th' annual payroll of the atate waa decreased by the followtng. anu mera, at W 000 *>a h ?? -i.ii-i?. at |s, ??, h 4" ono ... - , ,? IM.00O ? i ? ... S4.WM ?tnr. B.cOo | tall] .??.?'.' ? Oii ' ? payrolla, on the other hand ara added the aalarlea <<f flve commlaalonera al I ir, and other employea ><i tha commiaaion, Includ at d0,0()0 and a aeeretary i> $6,000 a - The Ra pld Tr inatt C ra n ei ?? A d.-r E. Orr, praatdent; .1 H 8tarln, vlce>prealdent; Woodbury Lanadon, Morrta K Jeaup, Lewta i d, Charlea S Smith and the Mayoi and Con troller, ex offli lo memb The railroad comml CJeorge W. Dniiii, chalrman: !?" M Baker, .J M Dlckey, George ^^ Aldrldge and II N. Rockwell. The l'hs commlaalonera were Luclan I* Shedden, john C Davlea and Frederlc E Gunnlson. The inspeetor of gaa metera waa Jaatrow Alex ander. r PSTtTE BOARD MEETS. Taken (her Work of Railroad and highting Com missiom. |!tv Tol ???: Jiph to Tli^ T>l Albany, July 1. The upstate Public rtiiities Commlsslon mei here early this mornlng, t ^"k the oath of offlce and apenl a tong day "looklng i.vor the ground." Varloua Importanl questiona an> before the commlsslon aa a legacji from the Railroad and Llghting commlsslons. Just noa the chlef concern of the membera ls to affect a working organlzation whicb shall enable the commlsslon t" handle tbese subjecta properly. Its pollcy, as outllned by Chalrman Stevens, wlll be "plenty of bard w<>rk. with no pyrotechnica" Before S a. m. Measrs. Btevens, Keep, Sague and Decker presented themselvea to John S. Whalen, Secretary of Btate, and took the oath. of offlce. Mr. Oaborne, of Auburn, the rifth mem ber, la now ln Europe. Having examlned the rooma of tha Railroad and Ligbting coramisaiona tlu-y called on Qovernor Hughes for a few mo ments, and then went back n> tbe Rallrqad Coro mission'a offlce. There they beld a formal meet inK and organbted by elw tintr Mr. stevens chalr? man, They talked with the various chlef em- \ ployes of the commiaaion to get ? ganeral Idea of tha state nf buslnesa and tha fcnportant things pendlng. Chairman Stevena told the em ployaa of tha Railroad Commlsslon that they should continue their reguwr work for the pres? ent, as the Utilltiea I'ommjssion had made no declaion yet as to lts staff at amploVaa From tho railroad board'a rooma the utllitles commlsslon Inapected th>- offlce <>f the lighting commlsslon, where the recordi wara placad a! their dispoaal Keguhtr msetlnga of tha com? miaaion wlll he held far seveful days. No de cisicn has been made yet as to the secretary or O'juntiel to tha board. Uutil the truateea pf puLiliu Fish the mcuntain streams of Colorado this summer?they abour.d in garney trout. If you prefer scme other fcrm of outdoor spcrt you can enjoy it to the full in Colo? rado--the natural home of every kind of outdoor recreation. Opportunities fcr hunting, riding, mountain climbing and every form of rugged, heaithy sport are unexcelled. The Rcck Isiand Js the way to Coiorado. Several splendidly equippcd through trairu daily from Chicago and St. Louis over tha most direct line and srooothest roadbed. Special summer rates effective June lst to September 30th. ?. Send for free booklet "Under the Turquoisa Sky," an illustrated book of beautiful Colorado* K. E. PALMSR Gei'l East Pai? Ageai. 401 Eroadway, New Yotk City. Islanff hulldings allot offices to the conunlssion It will ii?.' those of the two oommissiona which it super sedes, although these quarters will be Inade I qua^e. Secretary Haasard of the State Com mlssion of Gas and EUectrlclty has mformed the commlsslon that h>- is not a candidate for ', reappolntment, but that he is at the service "f the commlsslon until sucfa tim.' as it ftela it will no longer requlre his servlt ea Chairman Stevi ta snid that tho cnmm!sslon*s work had been entirely toward perfectlng an organlxatlon. "We have to take up the work of two | missions entirely dlfferent in thelr scope .-md I functlons," .<- Id Mr. Stevena "There are a hundred thinga of importance awaltlng us which we inust handle with the one machine. Now all our energles rnuat be bent on formlng that ma vhlch shall enable us to ;.->k.' up these questlons and learn the truth about them. We cannot tr-ll what we shall rnnslder first; thlngs naturally will be taken u:> iti 'h-- order of th^ir ncy. We to be liero f,,r a f.-.v days, but If something demandli tl ntion occura al Buffalo we shall get there In a hurry." One thlng of signlflvanre was done by the misston. I'nder the publlc utllttles law the of :? es of the two commiaslona musl ho opea from 8 a. ni. to 11 p. in The comralaslonera them selves were at work to-day i>>- s o'ctock, On cnnfrontlng tho other end of t | n they found that they would have to divlde thelr force into shifts. They have designated one of the employei I l Raitroad Commhssion to \v..rk from 1 p. m. until 1 l i Cbarles li. !<? ?? p has reslgned aa 9tate Super Intendent ..f Banks, and hia reslgnatlon haa been accept.rnor Hughea, MR. WETMORE IXDORSED. Rhodc Isiand Republican State ('<>m mittee Approve* His Candidacy. * . . Provldt ?;re, July i :- ??_-'? i ? ? -: ? ? _ nodj Wetmore tor tha Cnlted 8t tca Republican : Commlttee bon poaa nerival t i Mr. tVatmore'a ambitioi - ? formldnble obsta ? The ? . I'.'h In .; - :\ ? meetini ? ? !: de Isiand ndorsi ? b waa - I R. H. I. < ? : Mr. Wetmore. -? SCORES NEAR ELECTRIC BEATH. Broken Live Wirc Injures Miny P&saf&gen Ihiring Rnsh Honr in WilliamubuTg. A ?! ! ? - last nlght in \VI at l >und tide of tral fi rd avet ? the wi i Idly, in tl Bmnalyn Rapid n .- ir ling It .i. :? - ' I ried to get ? ? dangllt w I- ? .. :i down under t hi forwa i -. i-r ?ith the controller box There a blinding Oaab and a i i, noost ?f Iran, hurlad th- n ? ? ? pidlj mo\ Ing ?? ? i ' ? they ri ? ??' md bt ulse I nt. and fea Inche - a bw i 11 Some of t (.-? i liurt. ? ? ? ? md a llttte git i. were picked ? wonw i i ??! ui ning fr >ni 11 ? tutomoblli ed to the \Villtamsbur3 v. ? r? M Iwetl, Julla ? and Annle Fleteher, her eighl year-old dauxhter All were burned patafully and muen i.iuis.-d and cut. The others mi ? r. ,| | ? . . - . arere Ma of Xo Ti' Drigaa avanue; Aarhthald Hught ? No. !," Washington i I g hl ? 11 - old CORRESPONDENT DINES ON SHARK. He Says It's the Best Dish Ever Sevved. and He Ought to Know. learaph I ? Ta* rrla-.??.? | Amaganaett, \. ?? -~ Isiand, Jul; ' mam moth whlptail shark captured yesterday by Cap tain Mulford apd Captaln Rose waa carved up early thia mornlng and dtvided iraona, the ai niy of fishi .t, who a ? re il I sti ik" for breakfast, and it was a feast rH for a kina. The Trlbune'a rorreapendenl a la an mvited gueat, and pronounced it the bo?t diah . v.-r served ; tha shark have been extracted, and after >;'<ln-,- througb a poliahtng proceaa ?:U ba di vided among the many handsome - young women <if the village, who ?m wear them aa i.ra.-. : aouvenlra of 'ho thrilltng capture. Roy Andrewa vlslted the village thia evenlng, in tending n> purchaae the skoi ton for the Amertcan Muaeum of Natui il Hlatory, but caaae toe late, aa the akeleton had been tiu>iii;!it to ho wortbleea and w aa casl into the -s?-a. CAUGHT HALF-A-TON MACKEREL. ! By '! Amagansett, N Y . Julj 1 Tho Amerlcan Fiaherlea Company, at Promteed Land, reported to-day thai an immenae horse mackerel, esti mated ta welgh balf a ton, had been caught In its nets. it was started on iis way to the Fulton Fiab Market, New York City. The Bsh was captured by the steamer Ranger, one o| the Qsheriea companies' boats, in Gar dlner's Bay, The blc. mackerel arrived bere at 3:30 o'clock to-day. Agenl Bougher and Aastst anl Agenl Chadwlck vlaited the cat and found the horse mackerel reatingttn boxea "f vartous kinda It was half a cir in length, and a tlfty pound oaki' "t" h o was wedged in ita mouth. Tho was sealed, and departed <>n tlme for the market. KEBRASKA'S QRAIN CROPS BOOMING. litv T-i.Kiui.h t,. Tba Triaaas.] Omaha, Julj v laataad of belng tho fallure re porti-d eaaUar In tha aeaaon, opna, whead and oats in the Nahraaka ti.-ids have bacrtassd in eoadltlon until fii11v an average crop is now expeeted from aacfa of tha thrae ceraala. whiio nats will make r.> turna even ahava tha averaga. Tho wbeat harvast i^ under way In Bouthern Nebraaka, and an aver? aga .i"ti in nuaiitj and quantlty is raportad Qraea buga Hini drouth, addad ?" the i??id rprtag, scama n-it to have daaaaged wheal to any appreiiable amount. t'orn la bael I kl l. but maturing rapidly Uiidcr tiie liut wca.ii-.-i vwu.-h uow ir.s.iiij, La?.vn Lmbrcllas and Seat-3 Garden Ba?=kets JEW!S &(?ONGE!t BJBJ A 133 \Vnt 4UU Stree?. and '..' \\ r?t 4tm St.. Jtew Yorlc PRAISES MR. WILLCOX. Prcsidcnt Glad IIc it on Public Scnice ('ommistiom. ' ity ^?Fresident Rooaevett ac cepted ' rnation of W. R. W < I New York. ln aa dotaaj ha commended Mr. Wlll The letter of reslgnation r of accept ? wei l>ear Mr. I r-^<?i< H N. a Y It 13 with ? !??? _ ? ? I my ri sign I ? ? carrled out, 0H ?'? BMBBJ _ ' - plans in II I -- s 1 ara ttton. * rt) supporl ? i ragemenl hava ri-. an ? ? .>n> rs that can come :>. WHXC \ My ' ?? laatst g reSfegaatl - i hare yon rfslan w | -? ? ? ? :r flt ? ITtth all good i Ices, beUeVS TliF OSEVKLT. rd M. Men - was Waaabtagi New York, mot ol tsmea. A ?eral I Mr. Will ... ; .-i ?? Thon "??? scl erdary. M to h ? ;:->; :.;. or i . ?.,- ti?d in liiiissia lum ;?-? per ? -- daj th m ' ua >oar. The r.?;? - forth comin ; ln a few d .;? a aheaa a MORGAN MAY SUCCESD WILICOX. But Herbert Parsons Is Said To Be Opposei to Him as Postmaster. ister E M Meraaa aeaaaa stfll to he tbe mool lik tVIIHam R. TVill i \ .b | . par< ilrra in of ih< R?i .^-o.. t, Bad his Valt b Mt Mori ir. lt is sa -d raiaias'i ^ an aaU Mr W Ik-e* baa mendad Mr Mer> PreaMsnl sa hla succesaor, and 't be weadd maba an sffleaaaf and capable postmaater On the othet hand ls a list ol m the Pi eoold choose. Mr Moranan haji twie* hefer- twis had "i en appointed over htan anaahsr man who was meattoned aa a poaatbaa tf aot preb sbli appomtea waa Marcua M Marka who was a candldate when Mr Willcos waa appetl aor thal gained aome, credanea ^ ". it the Presidenl would make m a] anent foi the pr?-. SHIRTS PATTERNED FOR THE LONQ AND TM1N MAN THE 5HOST ANOSTOUT. SMALLEST D? TAILS. SUCH AS PLACKET AT THE WRIST. AS ??RFECT AS NECKBAND AND CUFFB. MANY STYLES-FINEST FAS BtlCS WHITE AND FANCY. CLUETT PEABOOV & CO