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[TS ONLY KNIGHT. 'Justria's Most Famous Order Has a Singlc Xathc Member Left. iiaatila haa just cP;eorate.i tha UOth annivawaary gftaa toaaatatJon of a r?mark?M' order of knlgfat ajjjaaj, af a-tatcb or.iy threa aaembera Burvlve, and . a :?*-?? are ftweagaera aaal aaaraty raonorary. ?]y on* of tham a liege of Emperor Fratv is Tt la the Ord.-r of Maria Theresa. Which "rei. ba won ?-nly under speclal circumstances on . | MttMOeM ati'i as furty yeara have eispse-d -?nr- aaatria -a-na e.t aar adth any forelgn power. CU^ tBree ,icr?dee slnr-o tha tro-jMesomr pn.l gulr.s.rv rmraa-rer-ttn ta Boania nnd Hersegovlna, it ta not astrmtahing that there. should l-e only one lefl to aaar this most famous militarv decoration of Earope 0:1 h:s hreast The . in question is General Baron von Fejerrary. < chsneellor of the order. former atlnister of Na'lcr.r.: Pefence and Prrmler of Hungarv ard now chief of tha royal bodyguard at the court <.f '^..,flsr,^Pt Th? baron. who ta ft wonderful old veteran. battle srsrref! from hea.1, to foot, won tho ia n young captain nt the l.attle of Solferlno ?. IGfl T. .- two honorary kn'.ghts of the order are the LmbertanJ and of vtrut.swick. who re ragvetl <. for Ms araltantry at tha battle of Langen aalaa. on arhlch occaatou the duke's father. the blind F.:;:c of rlenover, aacrtttoed hia tbrone for x)-< ?ake ..f A'istria, whoae cause he had eapouaed agalr?' Praataa ir. 1BBS. and Prtnce Alphonae of on. fount of Caserta. cisimant to the throne of Naptea younger -=00 of Ferdinar.l II of the Tt?<? S?'? Ules, who nwes Ma croaa to tbe part which \f. ptByed in the aplendid defence of Gaets. the rtroaghoM of the Bourbona arhan their do ? were Incorporated Into the kingdom of Italy Ign ta. ex oaatcio. tha grand master of ? c Inartance, mere lotrtre of blrth. poiitic;.] influence and loftlness of rank in the aervlce of the frown count for nothlng iward of the Lioaina la aetermlned by tneana Of aalkat on the part of tlie ohapter Slnre 1*1S ? rtr-aaa knlghta bave heen admltted. and Ihe death of old Archdnke Albert there are nger grand I'luaaea <.r- even eornmandctf1. bnt oaly mere kntghts. afmpreae Ifsrla Thereea rounded the order at the ? June. 1<b7. In honor of tbe rlctory of Kolln. Frederlck the Great. and Ita flrat knisht was ? ,! General Fleld Marshal Count Daun. ed it with a capital of ltt.0B9.aBB. which ,-.s mcreased tenfold. anri Its rcvenuea . |jr?? as to admit of btg annultles being paid. The atatutea af the ..r.ler were drawn op by FleM Marshal baun. and by tbe Bmprem's great Pfamier. Prlnoe Kaunltz. and eapresely Btlpulate r!r<r arounds. long and bonorable aeivlcas. blrth and il favor Bhall count f.-.r nothlng ln the be Btowal of rne ofUer. but only the performance ot asm( fent of conapiuoiis gaUantry over an.l above ry duty. li most casea i; haa been eon '?rrei f?r fleede of dartag. whi. h tn the event of fallure woaM hava entafled court martlal. and poasJbl) 1 ? ?? n " of death for dieobedtence on thi raattlefleld. and arl '. ?'. have only Won con mendatlon because they happea to have been aucceevful. In order to avtn the Grand Croaa It 1? necessary te ? r-.r. eotnmsnded |n chief ar. arniv which has won ? virtory aea'.nBt overarhelmlng odds, an.l to have Befeated au enemy of vaetly avupertor Btreugth. ild, there bave been Blnca the foundatlon ? f the ordtr C"S name* that have flgtired on the roster. Fejervary. the last of the Auatrian kntghts :. ,. , g.nd when he ta gar'.ier-c.l to I.--1 Wtll fall lnto abeyanCB nnd re? main BUlatapraaanted nt tl' ?. me new war on the part la brlnga lt lnto llfe ? v??? more. Many .<f nf tha or.ler have been non-cotnmlB asaaned .?rT.-"-f:. an.l even prlvatea, when they won Rttnction. .".':.! no matter how plebelan their have :?" been treated ;?> the sam.> rue and liapoalng inllitara or.seq:jies at ? .-' . one feature of the ceremony being ? ar.pFirar.-e [n front of the hearse of a hrnight on a la-ff-> blkek charger. an.l r~ - - a suit af rnedlasval armor. - r !s low-ere.l over hia face. i:i;: lan ? sMe . ar 1 hia maea ir" shr--:d?<l wlth erape, ar 1 ? >,? aotubre chaarecter ?f bls aspe-^' > enhanced ly l that bt? own amacr a 1 that of iiis ^hsraTp" ar? almost black, exQUlsitely 14. Tb:s Irocclad warrlor oniy appeara upon th' acena -?' tha fttaarala -.'" Ora>r ot' Maria TtereaB. aa I ahen he r:?' ? >-. i^ree** '?' Vanlce tl-^> people k - -io'lher of t'ne'r bcroes haa gone to bis last rest. FIR BAJUtT SaOT A StFrtE \;>vr."~'P.~r.. ?r Beary llacljean, tba Bcoteh commander in chi'f of tb" II dis patcseB Bnri-jr-'TK :.?'? tnra by the lp':-Fer- ehtaf Raisilt as a aoidaer Of fbrtu ie an.l a aaate adventurer. II rr.ay be well. ther 1 I ;be fac that ba :? the " r>n 0f a-a an"l?rt and insstrtoue hourr af the Bcottlab arlatocTacr. ?r of the Mact^lne of T.o-h Bi:ie. h??d of the gravd oM Bootcb cten of Ma - Lstea the fouader of whlcb w-ss Qfllean of the Av... oaa of the most notable Oguree In c. . ?;? th t<-,r.a> of the twetfth ?''' ' * Iwlor branch cf th?> fatady i? hesdefl by Sir Pltsroy atac i.-'-a-. Uraooe baronetry dstea From 1082. and tba :>os? f?.?*:-->k ef rhe ho:s? potnprlse ?m ???e otb?r th!tigs, ?'..<? jr-ette*- part of the island of afull. fetr rJsrvy Ii1naal[ w?? forawrly a cai *a:,i ??th Rer'tne-" ?-' Infantry rn ?.'-.? Britlsh army, e?ra'e<i as a mornbr Of thn Red R:\er eapedltlon ir- Cara!-> under Lord Woiseley r.;..l left the Eng iiah Bervice whlle Btatloned at Glbra^tar. to tak? romrr.and af tiin lsre Battan of Moroceo'a body guaril. being advancad it. course of thae 10 tbe praitk-r. of g^ier-a'IsFlTT:^ Tb" '*r;!d. a? b.e js cnileii in Moroeeo. har neaal found it injeeaaarji tr. I.eenmo a Moei?m ln order to sirsrarihe-i position, and, although lhe Sfoora are perha^s the most fanatlcal f>r ai! the fr,];.-.wers of rhe Prophet. the fact that ha haa r?mnired a s-rlct Preshy'erian has never b?aan ailowe,) to rnterfere arfth their ex.-e;ient re latlonii wi'h this flne old Scotchman Blr Harr-y haa had a good deal of domeatic tr^.ib'.e His iiibirlaa? waa an unfortunate ona, and th? sociai .iiL.tinn <.f ri.e now e^-i^ady MacLean ?Ba ? ? rlor ar.d stihsa?q,.ient to becoming hi* artfe, tl nobody at Glbrnltar and nope of tha IHnTotiaail women at Tangier would cons??tit te h^ifl any BoctaJ Inter^onrse wlth h< r, WbUa, in ?p:re Mf tho uwasaCul position and the popularlty of he- aasbsad, she wa? ignored by all the forelgn legBtior.a. Three yearn ago Sir Harry wae eom I^llerl to dlvorce her, h?r own daughtera testifylt.g against Y.t-. tba co reapotadenl being a man of tho nar.1% 0* Spences- ;>ewis Mortimer. Blr HaTy is a man of niedlum helght, with a keen blu? !?ft aya ha lost the rlght one many yeara ago?ar.d gray halr ar.d whlskers. He lnvarl ably drerses ln the uniform of his rank?a blue, go'.d atnbroidered Jacket, large knlckeroockers. a big turban and a whlte. flowlng mantl?. H? looks ?very inch a Moor, but from the moment that he opene his mouth to talk Engllsh the fact that he la b. Scotchman ls apparent. Tbe chief of the clan, T should mentlon. has reverted to th*> old wny of ?peillng the name. and !s known aa The Macl.alnn )f Loeh Bule. while Sir Harry has retained the rnodern way of writing his name?that 1b to Bay, VarT^ar.. "FAKE* PHOTOCJRAPHS OF ROTALTT. Mingled amuaement and Indignation prevall at ffce coart of Madiid ln connection wlth the fraudB perpetrated on the public by unacrupuloua photog raphere who have been selling to varloua publlca tlona and to the forelgn and American press nl leaed pbotographle repreaentatlons of the ceremony ?f tha presentation of the tlny Prince of the As *y"'*s. Immedlately after his blrth. to the asBem Wed dlgnitartaB of tlie realm and forelgn ambaa ?adors by his father. King Alfonso. Not only from on?V but from sea-eral frtenda hlgh in offlce who rer* Present on that oocaslon. aa well as from |n*,nbara of the dlplomatic corps. I learn postttve ly that no photograph of the ceremony ln question ^?s ever made. Proof of th!e ls afTorded by the ract that each picture of the ceremony publlabed **_*** ?Weged photograph repreBenta the affair as ""?tagoocurred ln a dlfferent room. Several of ?e atetnrea portray the Queen mother. the Tnfanta JJ^baUa aad the Infant Femando and his wife. ?, law^*?** ***rtal Teresa, aa being present. Now, [?"her tba Quean mother nor the Tnfanta Lsabella **? wr*b the King when he presented his eon to ?? minlatera and the forelgn ambaesadors. but ?aiy tba Infanta Eulalie and the Duchess of San *--art?s. tha Camarera mayor, or grand mlstress of I?* ^bea. both evontually proteatlng against keep ???_aay longer In the room the baby, who was ??v.og about ln the deep silver platter, llned wlth ??? eotton partly oovered wlth rare old laoe, which a-1 "?* face, arma and breast exposed to view. 17 '" Fernanqp and hia oonsort. far from being ?T J*0*' ^are quaranttnfcd in a remote wlng of the ?Tj**?. being 111 at the time wlth measles. ??Bie of taa photographs show tho royal Infant ?? the platter aa devoid of clothes. whlle othera ?gain portray him aa covered. Then, too, the lm eginaUa.. orttata who ahow three Chineae dlplo wata aa present In their robea and a young Uer ~J? odVoer in all the giory .?: the uniform of a I tutaUtern of tba Prusaian Gardo du Corps are evi- 1 ?w^v unaware that only th* ambajieadors and 1 a of mtaaiona were preeent. Consequently t ?ner? was only one Chlnamau. v/hlle the Pruseian ! rn*" l? qtt?Uon wa* da trop Fiaally, wme of tha plcturos ahow the Atmr.can r~?*r ?* Praaent in evetvlng dres*. whlle others jsaore him sltogether. As a matter of fact, the imted Btatea atlnister waa preaent ta full even '?g draas. lt la true that ha waa out drlving when *ae euramona to tbe palace came, but he found on taqulr:.-. that he had atlll time to retum to his lega '?on s:,d lo don the regulation coatume for oc.-a ?or.? of ceremony at the court of Madrl.l where ^ri'an 'i:nlon.nta n?< ? m. erned, i.atn.-iy. ? -, . iMJ aari tha tsu.n t.iat ne wa? pn-sent . Aba tvuaafflbb la raprah^ dreia, ?wlng. to his no?4 (Iiaving had to return to the legatlon to make the <iiange_ turns out to be nnfounded. It is a orlarinating nr Madrid. which it ls qultC as I much of a plty to spoil ns the popular bellef in the alleged photographa of tbe ceremony of preaenta j tion. But hastorical accuracy demanda that the ex I act trutb Bbould be placed <m record. Not that liarm would have heen done if Minlster Col j lier lia.l appeared ln the guise attributad to him l.y tbe BtOry. Tor b.f is so piin<-ti'i.ius that the King would bave known that only the desire to bo on hand to preeent his own personal congratulatlor.s and the good wiahefl of the notion which li? so ably represents, on such a momentous occasion. avould bave r.mmpred him to sacriflce ceremony sooner tlian to be mlsslng from the functton. More ovar, hB has beeome persona gratlsalma with the young monarch and wlth tbe two queens. and a great favorite in Madrilone society. J PIERPONT MORGANP T1TI.E OF PRINCE. Among the most rldlculous stories that have ever found their way across the Atluntic ls that to tbe effert that PllaS X had offered to bestOW upon J Plerpont Morgan the dignlty of ft prince of the Holy Roman Empire. Aslde from the faet thst Mr. Morgan Is ahont the last man in the world who would bo artlitng to aocept a foreign title of tbs kind. 1t mav he i>otnted out tliat the Holy Roman Empire came to an end at the close of the elghteenth century. when lt was wiped o it of ex istence for all ttme by Emperor Napoleoh. Conae eruently, there have bsen no prlncea or counta or tarons of tbe Holy Rmnan Empire. created Flnce then. Tbe Pope confers tbe tltie of prlnce. l.ut lt la a purtaly I'apal honor. and tnstead <>f being "of tbe Holy Roman Empire." ia ls nierely "of tl.e I'ourt of the Lat?ran and of the Apostollc Patlace." Nor is lt necessary that Mr. Morgan should be oome a cor.vert to Rotnan Cathoatdsm ln order to obtaln an honor of thia kind. f?r there are n num? ber of Hebrew flnanciers ln Paris who. by glfts to tb.e Church ar.d by tbe payment of the heavy registratlon fees at the Yatlean. have obtained without (llfncultv the Papal title of cOUlt. MARQl'ISE DE FONTBNGT. OBITUARY. SIR SPENCER WALPOLE. K. C. B. I.ondon, JuJy ???Blr Spencer Waipni*, TC. C. B-, died aesterdav. Sir Spencer AValpole was horn ln I8S9. He was e.Hicnted nt Bton and became a clcrk in the Wnr < ifflce i;i 1858 Nlne ycrtrs later he oeoume In? spector of flsherle?. ari'l ';?>. 1882 he was nppointe.l Lieutenant Governor of tbe Isle of Man. He held thia posl untll 188S. when he was ma.le secretary to the postofflce Bhr Spencer wrote a number of books dealir.g with historlcsl aud btographlcal sub ject?c. Aniori^ these were n "I.if. of liord Jolm Russell,*' ? The Land >>f Home Rule" an.l "Hlatory <>f Twenty-fi\e Years.'' Ile was a descn<1ant of rav 1'rlrne Ministers and tbe son of a former Home Becretary, Spencer Horatlo Wnlpoie. sir ftobert Valpoie wns his great-great-grandfather. Mr. Wal pole was .reated a K. C. R ln 1896. He was mar rled In 1887 r--> Ifarlon, daughter of Sir John Dlgby Murray, Bart. JOHN PATRICK KANE. John Patrick Kane, president. troasurer nn.l di? rector of th<- , P. Kane Compatany, manufact c.-era ..f building tnaterial an.l Portland cement, died yesterday at bis h.oirie ln Huntington. Island. followlng n stroke of apoplexy. Jlr. Knne was born n Canaan, N. H.. ln 1<!49. Ile came to this cltv when he aaa slx'een years o!<| and en? tered the firm of William J, * J. B. Peck, deal? ers in building materlal ln 1879 ha started in buainess for himself. forming a psrtnerahip with John M Csndaa. Ir 1893 the flrm made an asalSjP ment. but soon the John P Kane I'ompany was orgsnised Mr Kane was a member of tbe Now y"ork Athie'ie. Manhattan. Democratie, Deutscher Lleder krana and tne Larchmont Va. bt cluba. He i^avpa a wife. three potiiJ and aeven .iaughters. Th" fu-> eral wlll be at tbe Ble^s.-.i Bacratnent < ..urch. Broadway and 71st street. on Frlday at 10 o'Clock. The buried wlll be at caivary Cemetery ADRIAN JESSE TYLER. Adrian Jesse Tyle? -.a,. . ?-.:.. for many years .-.-? retarj of Plymouth Church Sunday Bchool, died yesti rday ai hia bome. No. 232 Monroe Btn .-t. Brooklyn. Mr. Tyler was born in Orange County, N. V.. etghty ye;irs ago For Ofty-two yeara ha I ls home in Brooklyn. He w;.s ac -.-.-;?? , ? - In charitable work and was one of th. known llata In the borough. iiq ?i wife and . ?? ? aoi . Pr '- - .- a r WILLIAM P. THOMP50N. I 'ormatlon was recelved In this ?-?:-.- yesterday ' William Potter Thompa. -." - rrrierly ?? i-.rk, of later veurs a realdent of Wash? lngton, onlj aurvlving aon of the int.. Martin E and M.-rv Kltchetl Thompaon. n? died a? Mont fort, Va.. on Jure 24. !n his eighty-aizth v^sr. n<a grandaon on hia mother'a alde of iaron ;, who we.s a m-mber or Cougiesa from IBtn aud afterward a Sta'e Senat..:- of New Jersey for several years On bis Kather'a sM- he was a grandeon of Aaron rhomps '-. of the Colonlal forcea in the Revolution Mr. Thompaon aerved ef <>erk for aeven yegra to Colonel C. K. i;ar,!ner. a relatlve who waa s.. veyor >,"'-".i! 0f the landofflce at Salem Ore. He aerved ln the same capacity ?t Boise after which' he w,n appolnted regiatrar of the . Clted S:a?e?< landofflce at that pla.-e, wbi.h posi? tion he beld for many years He leavea a wife, v.\l() waj, M!ss i>risciUil Am,r. a-jx, of Canada. JAMES M. QUIGLEY. Ir v.-as announced on the floor of the Stock Kx change yesterdaj that a member. Jamea M. gulg '"??'? Bfty-nlne yeara old, had die.i at Roosevelt Hos pital. Mr. Qldgley had been a member Mnce Junu ary U, 19C3 He was operated upon on Monday night by Dr. Brewer for appendldtls. Mr Qulgley lived at No. 129 West BSth strret. He ha.i ?mces at Xo. ,-,? -Wlllinm street. and wns at one tlmo I romlnenr ln flnan-ing Western railroad propertiea partlcularly the Toledo, Bt I^oula and Kanaaa Clty Railroad. which wa? reorganised ln 1900 and ta now known as the St Loula <a.- Western roa.l Mr. yulgley leav^t a alfe. His mother aMo Burvtves him. Puneral services wlll be held t:-K mornlng at tha Church of S?. i-nul the Apostle, R'Hh street and Columbua avenue, beglnnlng st 9 efclock. The burlal wlll ba'in Woodlawn Cemetery. --??-,?. DR. WILLIAM E. LE GRANGE RALPH. Waahlngton. July B.?Dr. WlHIam K. l.e r.rnnge Ralph. curator of th? sectlon of blrds' eKgs |n tl.e Xatfonal lluaeum, died at the George Washlngton Pnlverslty Hoapltal. In this clty, yesterday He was one of ihe greatest authoritiee on the hablts of American Wrds, and, beginning in 1?.- made a aer,MR of valuable gifts of egps ;.n,i nesta to the Smithsonian Institution. amountir.g ln all probably to te? thousaii.l sre-!mp,is Hla ,??,. ,A..., . fnk<lf to Ctica, N. V.. for burlal. OBITUARY NOTES. rf'Vi^r'VP H. NJR' " ~Ured rellreea offlcial. died at Hyannte. Mass. yesterday. Mr v-.. waa for a number of yeara aupertntendent of the Caoa Cod division of tne Old Colony Railroad before that road was le*?ed to the New Vork N-w Haven & Hartford Railroad Company. He was elghty-flve yearn old. * MAT7I.DA s THOMPSO.V, Becreiary of the KIngs rounty hrandi of the Woman's 'iMi^tiar. Temperanoe. fnlon nnd for half a century a tem perance worker ln the Wllllamabura aecUon of Brooklyn. died on Monday ?t her home Nn 83 South 10th Btreel. from old age. She was' born ln jn*,^*"4 *n?"" 1" 1W?. and moved to N'eas- y0,-k ln 1833 and to Brooklyn In 1S57. For twelve yeara she was aeoretary and for sl.xteen yeara nreald-nt of tho Mary Hartt branch of tbe Woman's Chrla tlaji Temperance Hnion. For manv years ahe con ducted a sewing achool in the aection. She nPVCr marrled. ' THE REV. AUGUSTTjS P. TODD a retlred minlster. died yesterday at his home at Dunellen 7s. J.. ln the o.lghty-second year of M, RK.. ()e waa born near Bomervllle on Kebruary n isjoit After obtatnlng his early aducatlon in hla nattve town. he entered Rutgers College, from which b? was graduated wlth the oins* ..f I82S. Later be entered the New Hrunswlck Theologica] Seminary and was graduated from that Instltution |n nfts. He was a member of the First Reformed Church at Romerville. and an honorary member <,f the Board Of Foreign MtSSions Of the Reformed Church of America and the American Seamen Friends' Society. He leaves iive chlldren. WILLIAM (J. DAMEREI.. a brokar. With offlces at No. 35 Woll street and livlng al No. BX Paclflo street, Brooklyn. dl.-d "ti llonday nt b.s surnmer home at Hillsdale. N*. Y. He aaa flf;y-nlne years old and was a son of the late William S. Damerel. Previoua to his retlrement In 1900 he had been a member of the New York Stock Bxcbange for more than thlrty years. dolng business under tho flrm name of Turner. l)am?r.-l k Ca At the tlmo of hia death he was a deacon of tbe Strong Place Bantist Church. He leaves a Wife and tvao ..Iaugh? ters. The funeral wlll l>o held this evenlng at 8 o'clcck. FRED PROSSER SALiSBL'RY. of the law firm of Thompson &. Sallsnury. No. 27 William str.'??>', died on Sunday evenlng, from tuberculosls at his home ln Rochester. He was twenty-elght years ol 1. and was graduated by Rochester Pnlverslty in the class of '"?.'. and the New York Law School In 1S*"4. FOR A CHARITY GARDEN PARTY. A garden party wlll be held at Gluckauf, the home of Mrs. M. A. Glulck. in Tingue Park, Port I'hestar, on the afternoon of July 18. An entertaln ment hns been arranged, which will attract children and adults. A large attendance ls looked for. A nomlnal n.lmlssion fee will be charged. nnd this. together with the proceeds of a muslrnl entertaln ment which will also take place at Gluckauf oa the same ovCning. wlll be turned over to tho social aciince sectlon of tha Port Cheetar 'iVomen'a cnub. A HAMPSHIRE PAGEANT Hoiv Romsey Has Celebrated a Thousand Years' Circtrit. Romsey. June 2*. Romsey ls ordinarily a somnolent Hampshire town with a sombre onvironment and coloring ln tone v.irh Its gray Norman abbey. This week it has sparkled with gay eolors under a dull sky and fluttered with the stir and hubbub of a millenary celebration. High above tho abbey tower the British flag has been proudly wavtnaT, -.ho little market square where the statue of Pnlmerston stands has been tricked out with brlght streamers and evergreen. every house or shop has* Joined in the holiday masquerade. nnd rusty, rheumatic graybenrds and spry. mischievons urchins have been thrllled with the pleasurable thought that at last, after a thousand years, something ls liappentng in the lower Test Valley more exhllarating than the splashing of trout In the shimniering waters or the twitter of birds among the wild clematls hedgos. As the hour for the pageant has np proached and the performers antl apeetatorfl have formed in long, straggllng paoceaslon through Rrondlnn-ls Park. with Its beeches. flrs, onUs. yews) lltidens and hazel underbrush, the centuries have heen .Inmbled together ln a fan tnstlc medley. Baxon waniora and Panish Bpearmen, aeile monks ln red and black an.l ruddy faced nuna in bluo and whito. eeelestas tlcs In scarlet an.l abbosses In sombre atmpliclty, Plantagenet courtlera wlth knlghtly nrtnor and brllliant trnpplngs. plaasura lovlng eavaller trooj.ers and long faced Roundhead psahn slng ers have sauptored together acroaa tl!<- meadoavs <>r b?en cheek hy jowl In the slxponny draga, and In close totlch with the storled and plctu resque nges hns been the prosalo twontieth cen? tury. wlth Its motor cars and carriages tllle-i with country bouse visltors. with wayslde hawk ers ?f poatcarda and progrnmmes, with puahful Amerlcnn tourista. outfooting the shtggish vil lnge rustlos. and wlth mounted pollce pranolne; up and down the roadwnys. Glorioua dnys in deed are for this Knglish Bieepy Hollow, when Its legends are piece.i together nn.l re onacteii, ar.d when royalty opena th.- ahow in the person ..f Princess Louiee, and the abilirnga and sixpences are rattllng in every aervtceable tni: The acene <>f tl.e pageant is the jtreensward on the hanks of the silvery Test. where pal meraton used to atroll during reatful holldays, An Immenae, covered grandstantl facea the rlver and behind lt nr.. twenty or thirty tenta where costumes are changed nnd t-a and cakea are served. Among ihe trees on one side Is the model of an ancient Baxon gataway wlth flank Ing walls. and downetream In the oppoalte querter the open air theatre is frtnged at the wlnga with woodlanda, -.-it of which Danlsh ln vadera and Purltan soldlera are to emerge in due time. it is n lovel) aylvan s.-e.-e without the iUualona nnd exaawerattona <>f palnt, an.l while the sky la gray and overcast wlth menace of rain. there <s abundance of light for the glinta of color in armor and eoatume, an.l then brave array of holiday apectatora In the crow.led stand On the lower tl.-r of th- amphltheatre of seata la nn orchestra of aeventy raustclans, an.l before each eplsode the chorua <>f ir... etng* *'"'. hablted aa monka in red and black and .1* lmns ln blue nn.l white, troopa 1,, the fronl I < explnin In bIou refraiu and Impreaelve harmony ? ' happen Thia Is .1 clasalc feature adapted from Hr-^k drama. which fllls " '' Pause 1 -??'.? . ?:. .... ? |th m< lo ly, and while tho monks and nuna are chantlng the seem; >?'';(??.?:??. are a' work behind them clearlng and refaahionlng the <>P. :; atage. What is at the outset n woodland glade ar aparkiing ? background ia tranaformed :'.- aeveral eplsodes i;:t.. a convent garden, ... :^r.> acreens of evergreena are trundled in on wheela nn.l pleced together aa a long hedga bealde the gate ?.'.'.'!? and flanked wlth terraces ..f Rdwera 1 ,,r the later epiaodea th.-s<. screena ? again to aa to leave a free Qeld for clvlc functions, t>.e lahtag ..f the civil war. an.l th.- flnal tab ahen th.. I.pee representatlvea of a thou? sand aear-i are grouped about th- symbolt. of the i;?>nlus ..f Rom With tbe exceptlon ..f Pal.-nerston'a residenca ln the Broadlanda .-state nn.l Plorence NMghtln gale's home In Embley Park the old town has no hlstory xcepi tb- legends "f tb- ma n . .-> ei tual church and th- civil a\ar l.ut these have aufflced for a plctureaque and anlmated |.;ie?.in< more con Istent and artist ie than tlie Oxford town show, Seven ...' lhe eleven eplsodes are dlrectly connected wlth tb-* abbej The flrat lllustratea th- foundtng of tbe abbey in :"".: by ihe son ,,f Alfreti the Great, nn.l is a beautlful apectacle, with a Saxon hunting party aweeplng arn..^ the atage, aaith the mon arch givinar counsel to bis son an.l receiving the Queen and a group ..f princesses, an.l tb- aged Biahop of Winchester acknowledging gratefully tb- gifi to the church. whlle his attendants n:-e siiiKinar a l.atm chanl Tb- aecond !s more dramatJc, for it recit-s the Hampshire variani ..f Triatram nn.l [aolde, with the King's messen ger ralling in love wlth the falr Elfrida Instead <>f preaaing the royal suit an.l hehiB, murdered f.>r h!s treachery, with the rebullding ..f tbe abbey at the Blsaop's suggeation in explatlon >.f the ? riine. Ti,is Incldent .?nirp>.l at Wherwell, in the upper Teat Valley. i?,t is utllised for tho Romsey pageant. The thlrd eplsode is more Bplrlted still. f..r it portrays th.. proceaalon <.f the abbeaa and nuns. wlth a crowd >.f vlllagera I behind them, t.< M ahrine outeide th- convent avhere n saint appeara witb golden avlngs an.l i Aromlaea them proteetlon, and aupernatural help la needed. for, whlle they are kneeling In their lltany, ihe Dahea are on tlie river ln tio-ir boats and emergtng from the wooda set nra> to the church before lhe townapeople can rally an.l beat them back. Next comes the wooing of Princesa atatllda, a r"''?fess.-<i nun eager to . - cape from the convent garden, and when the Norman King hns glanced wrathfully at the cloiater walln and departed for bis fatal chaae ' ln the New Foreat his t.rother her and makes love t'> ber. pauatng only aa bon the -bar burner'a earl with th- dead monarchs body covered wlth bracken is driven acroaa tbe meadow Hlatory is closely repeated here, for tho ancient road from the New Foreat crossed this open air theatre, and the driver ,,f (he cart ls another Purkiea?a descendant of th- chgrcoal bumer of the Re.i King's time. Ther- is also among tho pageant a descendant <>f T> r rell, the regtcide. The hlatory of Romaey ls brought down to L160 aaith the abduction of the Abbeaa Mary by Matthleu .,f llsace another flne tableau with plctureaque grouping >.f nuna, soldlera and vll? lagera. Th- deposltlon of the Abbeaa dizabeth l.y the Biahop and her aubaequent re-electlon by ' the nuns are the thenies of the sixth eplsode. With tbe aeveath the record ia carrled int.. tho eixteenth century. when the abbey was aup presse-i hy the King's Commissloner and tho . property purcbased hv the vlcar and townsfolk. Modern hiaton opena sluggiahly wlth a clvic functlon tlie Incorporation <.f the borough by James I. and than comea .1 stirrinp flght of the Civil War, with th- poating of tha advance guard ot" the Ruyalists at Romaey, th< dl< Ing an.l revelry <>f the troopera i>\ their campflre and tlie I atealthy approach >.f tho Purltan cavalry and BUccessful raid upon the enemya camp. This is followed i>y a moving acene the pasaage of King Charlea 1 as a prlsoner througli the town, on his way io tho scaffoltl in Whitehall, wlth a , little glrl offering him a buskot of r<><*es as he go.-s .ui iiis aorrowful way. The flnal epiaode commemoratea the Reatoration of Charlea 11 and cloaea with a thanksgivitig anthem from tho i ancient abbey. and then there is a aplendld tableau?the march of all the performers across I and around the broad lawn frlnged wlth wooda? : circllng files of monks, nuns. eeeleslustios. war- j rlors, courtters, princessea. soverelgr.s und vll lagers, with splendld blends of color under the dull gray sky and the broad river and water rneadows beyond wlth their overhanglng follage. It ls a glorlous spectacle. on the memory of which ancient Romsey can llve tranquilly for another thousand yeara. This outllne of the three houra' entertalnment eonveys only an inadequate impresslon of the beauty of the pageant play in Mr. Ashley's park and of the comblnatlon of artlstlc energles which has made lt so effedive. For over a year the prepuraiions for it have been ln progress Tho vlcax ef tha aaboy aad Iha Rav. Canon Skrina have been writing the songs and dlalogue: the costumes have been deslgned with painstaking care and made in the town; the shlelds. artnlets and heltnets have been turned ovt hy metal workers in a tnlssion cluh; the miisle has been composed by llr. Tours and the organist of the parish rlmir; the dances have been planned b\* Mrs. Renson. and rehearsals of actors. slngers and muslrians have been carried >>n for many weeks by stage managers and conduct.vrs. I? cal hlatory has heen for months the tnalu ln dustry and single diversi.ui of tha? sleepy old town. Poets. niusiciaus. archaeologists. d?cora tors. a.-tors. slngers and organlzers have come io the front when volunteers have been calle.l for. and under the directton of the Master of tho Pageant. Mr. F. P.. Benson. they have worked togethc- ao effe. tively that a aeries of Bplendld spe. tac'es has been produced. lt would not be easy to convince the humble f..!k of Kotnsey thnt there has even been nnything more dra tnatic or plcturesque than their pageant. or that any oth?r town in the klngdom has a more in? terest ing hlatory or a more glortoua parish Church. Thea. have learned to love their st-.ried traditlons an.l to reverence the ancient abbey, and they have ale-> acquired a taste for town Bhowa, wlth flags aud streamers fluttering from every window and tho roadwaya jammod wlth mr.tor cars and thronga of noisy pleaaure seok ers. How dull their town will Peeni when the closing echoes of tbe monks' and nun< choruses have died away and they are again watching tha Aldernevs hmwsitig in the water meadows, or nre trafflaking in silver eels or watercress for thaa. London market! How tiresotue it wlll be tr. avait a thousand years for another histor-o I N F. pageant: a. MAKING HASTE SLOWLY." Mr. RockefeUer Hopes Work on Es tates Will Take 100 Years. Cleveland. July ???John D. RockefeUer di? couraed philosophlcally on the use of wealtb at the National Golf Tournament, ar.d took out a hoodoo license for his new automobile t..-dny. His philosophy on the use of richea aaas given in a converaatton at the F.uolid Clab goM course wlth Mr. Gettins, eiigineor of the Pajrk Depart? ment at Toledo. "Tho trr-.-.t trouble wlth the men who bave the means to build Bplendld botnea ls that they nnlsh everythlng ln a year or two aud then they want to go !>? Europe or Aata." said Mr. RockefeUer. "I am making hnste alowly at Foreat Hill nrirt Pocantlco um-. an.l l hope lt will be a hundred years before all is titilshed." Mr. Ttockefeller. when asked w hetrier the other Standard <>ll offlcere had ghrea their wltness feea from the Chicago court to the Salvnti?n Army, Baid: "Really, I don't know. I have beard something of ihe kind, hut 1 have given no thoughl t ? any business matters. an.l there fore I don't know." Mr. P.ockefeiier has a new thlrty-hot aepower automobile, an.l sent ?' ." Jones, auperintendent .f Foreat Hill. to the Clty Hall to-day t.> g-t a license an.l number. Jonea recelved No. 3,!*ti6. '! don't want tliat; give me a number with more charaetera Iu it." he aald Tho clerk then gave him .il>.i?. wblch i? three tiaaea 1313. That aulted him. e MORE ROOM FOR PUPILS IN SCHOOLS. Buildings Going Up to Care for Excess? Fewer Part Time Classes. A 'cording to tbe report of ?'. I! Bnyder building ? .t of tbe Board of Edueatlon, ther?a will be a triaterial oeereaae In th* number of part assefl when the achoola ..;-e-,i next autumn II t- expected thal tl a excess number wlll fiil flfty thousand, but wlll depend on the -f sittinga thal the bulldtng department I .s ready when the achoola open. In .-. report Prealdenl winthrop of the Board of rSducatlon a -:n:r.nn^ir.g hta aeml-annual rop.-rt. Superintendent Bnyder aaya thal bulldlnga to pro -.1.1- 110.5S Bltttnge nr- now under constructton. i.f these, IflB.UC are tn elementaury and " nnd parental h. hoola The sittinga ara thua apportioned among tb borougha: Etemeritarr. Blab . lv.?-.<> . .;..>M. Ur. .klj n. *2 <7..) '.' 530 . . .. lo.'.sa ?iv. . .108 108 ? . if these rh- followlng av :'. !t <.. hoped, be ready ln Bej lember: I-l.??.....a.-v H c'. Manhattan . M '??'?" - ? > Broni . ?.80?i . ... i?J ?:<" '.'????? . Rlehmond. -"-"" . *>'?? I -?" ? total I ala report ' - there 67.421 puplla "ti part time ln the foi boroughfl Manhattan, 13.874; The Bronx ? <=. i".;.". and Rlchmond, B7. SUMMER AMUSEMENT NOTES. ,Trh Van i"". Berg t I performances of opera the IVeat End Theatre, was reported as knocked -".t i>> thi and hard w-rk yesterday, and will have to tske -i f.-av daya' vacatlon to r< :orer al . Conneotlcui rea rt. * Mr* Lealie ?'arter rel in-,r-.i to thia nlghl after a tour >>f fourteen weeks, whi h ended at Ottawa on Mondaj nlghl After b Bhorl real she will l.ear'n aa-.rk on tbe nea play In whi va ni appear thia fall lanie-...:- Lee Pinnej haa been i t tged b; Wal ? i N Lawrence '?> appeau ln a i >s comedy ha Mi<-; Qrace Uvlngstone Furness, aho wrot< the N..... |on of ' The Man on thi Box. Frans Kaltenborns ftrsi Irlah and Scot. grsmme by bis orehestra al the 81 NI.laa Oar ?,-n was aa.ll .etved last night. rhere wlll be Russlan and Norweglan muati lo-nlght. \v? Tlaa Seng. nephea of the ex Chlnese \v hassador Wu Tlng-f?ng, attended lasi nlghl flr8t theatrlcal perrormance he had eeen. ^upying ? ,,.,, wlth his party ai I.ew Fteldss IH Bo.uara Theatre. ahera tbej aaa rhe 0 bld. PROMINENT ARRIVAIS AT THE HOTELS fcBT&B Prederlc Morgan, Ixmdon. BRESMN George ?' Chelley. Phlladelphla. BROADWAl CENTRAL R Brimslry. New Zealand ..I?\.n'' X K 1,'ppln -.:.. Phlladelphla lio,'.-MAN K W ,.',;.,,. Norfol* HOIXAND-Artl ' Boston M XNHATTAN folon- l J ' mm ngli im, Auatraiia W'AI.DORK John Magee, Pltl burg, _-.?-a> THE WEATHER REPORT. om.-inl Kecor.l nn.l K.-rr.-:i.l. Waa* ngt??. ''-> , i, bui n.hana* ln the leniperaturta .'?., Mel .,- -ajiii ?.. cnntlnutai ehmii raorma ,h, Northarn ' ? ' ?. ,:; ' t!l ''"' ? ..,,. |*mp i ifj '.'?- Bl r,.:,..,! to ticiM.l.-i-H. .ru.s arlth ahowers, ll?ht. ai i over tt..- ttlantlc .???: Uul atata thi areal raatral valleys. Iaelu4lna lhe lewer v-"-???-?<*? and ln iha l:.. ri Houotklna rt-Bloti There aa-< ?? >?!*? locaal thundei ahotrera In lhe Uaikotaa and Western Montana ln lhe tak, ,-??i...: ai l the f.: ? Weel aaaa* a. ?II] Th.- aain.l' alonf tha N.-aa Knaland t'nsa be ily'.r t- freah areal tu norihareaat; Mi.l.ile a . ,_..,t t. i-.. ? aaeat tu aimthaesl; Bouth a. t'.ii.^'' Itathl ... fresh noothweal .-\..-ri a-eilable nn thi roaai; Kayt c.ulf ....-'. tnoella hei.t ta south .-. ;a?l..i'.-il thunder aqaaall rVe?| Gull < -...s.. : aoutheaai io aaautl . >?n the lowei ah -. nci.t ... . freah aveal beeomlni vai Bhl tu i irad a-arlable. , Steamera depart Ins for Eurorx . .. r,. --?? nori i?*? n m aa.-sr avb . arll [.- aveatl er. to tha 'Ir.o J B anks, Ihundoratarrca wlll contlnue \\ ln t! ?? Gull aaal outh AtUantlr atates. wlll alao bat ahowera Wedneadao ln the central and ,,,, Rockj Mountain rataton a.'.i the Northareat, an.l I probably ln lhe mi.'.i:-- Ulastaalppi. lower Mlasouri and iower Arkaasaa a*alleyi. eontlnaabia Tburaoaiy, escepi hi lhe Sorthaeael in ihe '?.?.- reglon, the Mlddle vilunric , dt....--- aaal N-a. Enalanil the weather aviii t..- ajercrallj falr Wadnaaanaj an.l TnaTada) Temperaturo wlll nol be marked, excfaapl In th.ctreme N where !t av::i become avarn'-. Koreruat for Speriul Laaa'aallllea.? !?' ar the DlBtrtel ot I'oliimMi. MarvlHi.-l an.l -. partl] cloud) I BnJ Thvaradaay- llattu aairi.l^. u.<.?tl> aaoutbeesl K..r New JeraeV Eaatern Paanraayla-ar.ia, Fjaso-rn New York a.i.l New Bagland parlll cloudjr t.. lay and Tbaars daj : 1Ik?>' >n freeJj aa-eaH. '.. aaaaaakweart Por WVst.rn Pennayhnmaa an.l Western N>-\v 1-r*. fartla; elonaty tn Tir ?"(1 Thur?.lay. a-anahle Loeal tlrrlrlal Rererd.?rhe fotlowaBS omrial reeord th? Weather Bureau ah..*? the .-haiiBea ln the ,em ; peratura f-r tl- la" Iwent] f.iir haaure. ln oomparlain i -Alth lhe correi.pon.llna; .lat- of laat year: lanef 1907 , mm. mo- l 3am. ** 71i ? p m . .1 ? a -m . '''7 71 tl pm. ?.. ,7 !2 m.** ?6 lapni. ?4 4pm. ?7 M| Hlghest temperature yeater.laa. 88 aegrees: ''**?- ?'? aveiie 78. a -ragr tot .-erreapenilnB date laat year. ??; iveraae for crreapendlna: -la"> iaar thlrty-three years. ,3. Local Foreoaa- Partly rloudy to-day and Taursdavj'; najM \9 treaa waat fo aoutbwaat awaa. SIR HIGHTS TARADE. BEVIEWED BY GOYFRXOR. Greatest Templar Pageant at Sara toga Ever Secn in This State. Saratraga. x. y.. Jtily 9.-Wlth flfty thousand speetators llning the streets along avenues hrill lantly decorated. flfteen thousand Kntghts Tem? plar paraded here to-day. It was the greatest event of the Triennial Conrlave of the Grand Knoampment. Knights Templar. wadcfa is being held here this week. On the offlcial reviowir-iar ; stand witb the Earl of TCuston. of l^ondon. Eng? land. Orand Master Oeorge M. Moulton. of CW : rago. and Jnhn & Tresstdor. Grand Master of I the Priory of r'nnada. was Governor CUarles K. Hllghes. Tho pnrade was the longest Knights Templar ; pnsrear.t ever held in New York Btata. Pa* I three hours the Knights were in pro.-ession be? fore the reviewinsr sfands. Two hundred >\ir rlages coaveyed the mambera of the grand coaa manderies ?>f forty-two statea an.l terrttorlea . Three hundred horaes were nsed hy the adda Fiftv-Pe\en hantls, comprislng flfteen htmdred ; mnslctans, played unceasingly durinK the pa I rade. To care for any who niight fall onl of | llne ln the paradtag, many arnbulancea an.l dozens of automohlles- with first nid to the in I jnred corpa accompanied tbe raavrchera After the parade the first sesslon of the graad encampment waa held ln the town hall. at whteh Governor Hughea fonaally a-elcoased ' he Sir Knights to New York state. in his addreaa, Governor Hushes l.riefla aaaakc of his aaeaaaara ai taklng a vacatioii from his iluties in Albany, nui dlscussed no poUttral questlona. "I helleve what we need most at the present time." he said. "is ihe sentiment of knighthood. : the Bentimenl of unseiiish dovottoa t.? th?- publia goo<l. We need in all wiaBta of Hfe thal senti ment Of knighthood thal ls wllllng to suffer that i om- Ideala tn llfe may he reaUaed. Thronghont j this land men are worklng nnder dlfferent baa nera to make this country the greatest in the world, not the greateaa becauae ..f power of <>f fen ? or defence, bat because of the Intelllgent i aapirationa of its citizens. who believe in work l mg for the common good and striv.- r.> exero | pllly tbeae piinciplaa ln their every.lay life." Other apeakera Incladed favaaa* Benator Edgar T. Brackett, of this vfllaga; Adelberl r Knapp. Grand Comaaander of the Grand i;.itnman.lery of the State of New York; iJeorae M. Moulton. of Chicago, Grand Master. and Henry W. Rngg. ,.f prorldence, R. i. Deputy Grand Master ol the Encampment. At the hri. t" business session which followed ! tha eommittee on credentiala was appnjnte.1 ! The tlrat regular session of the encampment will I be held to-morrow. After the meetlng Governor Huglies for two ' houra recelved the Blr Knlghta and vlattora rtt the encampment at tha Graad I'nion Hotel. Aa he marched to the receptlon hall the crowds gave him an ovatlon, ahout Ing "Our next Piaaaaant!*' To-nlgbt many receptions wera b?4d nt varloua' commandery headquartera in n d<>*en or more hotela Al the Wlndsor the wtvaa of the New York State Grand Encampment r.fflrers tendered n receptlon to the ofllcera of the Grand Encatnp ment and tiie Earl of Euatoa. Tiie of Sir Knights here marched tbe atreets and drllled tiii-s esreafcng. T.-mor r-.-.a the drlll teama of tVe cotntnanderles will meel In a contest for the prize larri.-r of the ; Encampment nnd valunble trophlea TV ? teatanta wlll *be or the followlng command 1 erlaa: Rapler, In lian:ir><.!is: Englewood, Chl cago; st. Berrard, Chicago; Ivanhoe, atltwau and Colunobla, WaaWnarton. Taa prizes be awhrded to-morrow evenlng; ln eoanvan hall, by 1-4 aponaors, conatotlag of two young women eelected by each commaradary !n N-w York State. CHANCELLOR CHAPLIN RESIGNS. Head of Washington University Will Take Much Needed Rest. . | i Trtwtuae 1 St. Louls, July 9.- Annoui <; u th,-,t Wlnneld Bcott Cbaplti rerslty, had retagaed to t.ik-* a ?lgnatlon bad t ? ? - ry of th. mhrersity aad tha :?? ?:?. a 1188.098 glfl fOf ? CB gronnds. Marahall Sohanori Bnow, professor of -: Washlngl denn, lfl the temporary BocaTeaaor of Dr. CbapUa TO DEPEND ON UNWRITTEN LAW. Everything in Readiness far Posey Trial, Which Begins To-day. ? ??-.- .. ? ? ? ? . ta Md . Jailj ?. ' 'ounsel and wltt - th. trial of Mi ? " Henry, who are i :! arged wlth killlng arrlved The trial wlll beghi to-morrow. - .idttlor. ?>-' Mlss Pi Bos ? rhe date f-r the t ;.? i I-..-. , \> i set for lasl Thanl - bat I \< :;,u ?: ? mother and Mlss H ? ?. ]-,, .... |n ". i ward Mrs Bon laugiied :.! ' Vi,, ?: . ?,?! her son then opened Bre and as announ ->t to? ne unwrtl m law. CHBISTENINCt caused drowning. . - .-: ., Swedash Side which brohe up aboul daj ,> .v was responaible ror the dea : (,i.i the narroa ? - >' from drowning ? others as told tt. .. ' er?lay a Tribune MI bul om of the men mere from i-i.v IMer. >? - Vacoma. which '.i^s ln the atreana ,,(T 86th street. In the same an rhorage ,,f her . rew were erroni ouslj rep rted to h ia i.r ? ii iirow ned lasl j ear. uio.k and -'??'? beer had beei fuslon al the rhrlsteubtg, and when lhe ela aallora , KOi to the I'ohuni.ia Va. iit Clnh ti--'. I ? >?? roweat ; oui t.> th* v-'i-.itn:.. the: were aa rroHesoaae aa I rtbbon eounter ilerhs on the water far tbe first The Ilttle " boatmans pr. H- kepl her afloal until two .able li the Vi.'o'li. h,..- , i .-,.- ..< ? r tl ' Tbe bcaa .,,.,1 lh..>f the Bwedes rl? !. .. ,?>,. ? were swepi away. Thej av. pleked | D , \ v , ,..?. i entrsl lug. aa hleh - I . ,! ihe others alded by th ? yacotaa'a - .,,,, 8? ???'??'? but without aut> . OBJECT T0 NEGRO TR00PS. Watertawn, N T.. Julj 9. -IteaWenta of 8o b ,,,,-?.- riarba>r are up ln arms ovei order I issued yi sterday rran -?? rrlag l Statea <negro) Infantrj to Siadlaon bar rhe 2M Infantrj". ordered to the Phll Ippine Islands \n appeal lo the hlgh ad strati< >i aathorltlea \\in be made. -a TEA EXPERT DROPS DEAD. .' | >i,,:,: Osbom, aeakw member of tl ?,,? Df Edward at. Ooborn * ' -' N" IW : atreei died suddeoly last niarlit whlle raturnlng to his home from tbe Martne and Pi-I I iTub, al Batb Beach Death la anppoaad t.> have been caaa ,.,.,,( fall ire. \-\\i.l..w. two aoaa -Herberi Oaaata, who wasasaoi lated with his father In Ihe tea. bnsi nesa and Edward C. Osborn and ? daughter, atra H M. Burnett, Burvhre blm. No srrangenwata for the funaral havi I.l aaade as yet --aa TPAN3ATLANTIC TRAVELLERS. - Wmong tbe pnaasngnra aha wi!i aall te aay faa Europe are: TlIK MAJtaTflC, rOB S. .ITIIAMI'T.'N i..- aaai Mr- A A tBaU laUs P, abhal Inpal'j. Mra 1 ran- Brown. ,MI^ HMen H aaltcb*U Mr an.l Mr-.. Thomaa H Mr. an-i Mrj. ." H. Roblnaon iwl'rdlna Mr. aad Mrs. John w I Ura, f .-...r l-n l"xter. IIIK STAT17NDAM. KOR ItoTTERI'AM ?frs m r Aiicn. Waatasa Uoet". lT arvl Mrs. Alliert Warren Mi. an.l Mrs. Q. D Shearer. F<.rri8 |Dr- a.?rnelaa Walher. Mr an.l Mra. William Kan .Mra. Helen A. W'aiv nard. Jr. I Travellera who arriveil yesterday from abroad avre: TIIE KltOOXI.ANt>. FROM ANTWER". ar <? rhuroh i^r ?"<* Mr?- F H Slevton. Arn..H V Heath, abr. and Mra. Jaceb U. Kelca Mllloa O. Mbl?. i ?rU SITE FOR COLUMBTTS STATUE. j Monument to Cotrt $100,000 Will Bo iav Washington Railway Station Plaza. tVashlngton. July 9.?It was praottcauy deeldedr. j to-iiav to ere.-t the statue of Chrlstopher Columh .-i. [ wht.-h wttl eaat t>BB.BBa, in th? centre of the plasa I In front of the new aaaaa rat'way statlon ln this j < ity. where tt was orlglnally intended to place a lars;- r'otintaiti. It Is understood that the selectteBS. >.f t'is ajha was at th* soltcltatfon of tbe membera-. ?f the Knlajhts of Columhris. which organlzatloa was responsihle for the a.-t of Congrass ai*BIOBataa atin? the money for the statue. | -a "Soraett's VaaUla ls Plir. rooat. Married. Maanrlaare antieea appeartnar faa THT TRTBa~VE aa-tTJ be rrp.rhtished ta Tbe Trl-V--^ r' aalthoan) Mtna ahiirge. FAKEU U-.?TRrFF-In Elliabeth. X. J., at the read leeaaie ->f the. brada'a earenta, by Rea-. Wliilam a^araa Whl.aker, n. p.. on Patuplay. July 6. 1907. Jlorw jBaaL i d ??jajhf:- -f William Karl V.o-druff. to Clalborna Tlaiaa dale Pak-r. of Ptiiabet'.v Notlrea ef saarrtageaj aad aaaaa mu?t br rnioraeaf wlth fall avanae naat aadalieaa. Died. Death nott-e* appeartnat ia THE TRIBVNB arin ha> repuhltahed in The Trt-lteekly Tribune without extra ' a-harge. Rank*. Ann H Reaa-lanct <5*or#;e. William O. ?-. Ellaaa J. Edtararda, v Bear. AuatuetueF. laartlai Walla. e. Laawrence W. n r . ? '.'.-. ,--.-en. .'harles ,T BANwS .^n Tueaday. Jtoh Bj 18**, Ann Mattlia wtdea> ::itam Harvev Ranka, aared 73 veara. Funeral ber ta-- reetdenee, BoaMb Sal?m. at 1 p. m. Thursday I'a^rlag^^ m Katetaak wtn meet the * \e rraaa Sea . DAMKRBTL. Oa afoaa&ax t?>??? 8. 1BBB. at Hi'.iedala, New Tork. Wllltam .; Ivimerel. ?<->n of th<? lar* WtlU i*;ii B. an.l M.-irj- nam?r?l Funeral aerv|c*s frona his lat? reatdenc* N ? a<'7, Pra-lfl.- ?t . Pr^oklvn. J*. Y. aa WaaflhaeaaaaBJ evenlna; a' *V a/erSCti Interment tal Oreeaweed KDW \t:t..<: Kn-."M hrte llf- Ttllv a. jaae; Janeav a'lf- of th- l-.r* E.1nar:j, tn New Tor* Cttyv Notice -f foneral l...r?af r*r. OI.Kasov?rja S, l<v>7. Marrlr. Cleaaon. Reta Itraai an.l friend* anra ana-tted to atren>l ahe foneraat ' hla rtauarh-er. Mrs Arth'jr ,7. Boyln. .' Cttaton it?bm, B'?.Rlvn. aVedsaaday. July ta aa s a si ? KANE- At Huntlnarron. baaaa Baawaat "n Tueadav. Julja> * ?' ?'?.ri 1 Karhrvn M. Kbi? Serrlcea wl hel horeh ot the* amant, Dioaadwai nn.i 7lsr at.. N-ir york .'...? -n aaaorarlna ?> i'1 aradaata, aaBaaaaa ? nra Baasa ?>' r?iul?ni T.-m be uahiaeil FuneraJ aaill l?:.\e Hur.tlneten ha 7 43 a m traln JViday i R' -\t Ibhhmftaii. v r. aaaaaa*. Jaab 7. l'??7. Oeoraj*. b?lov^,l hn?<! of I.lda B an.l youna; ... ,..n .,f Thoaaaa Flt.-ta an.l ih* late Mara E11a%. Rawtaaat ln tba 4-.-.1 y?ar of ba aar^. Funeral aer raaspaart andl i'ri??; N V on ? ii? .;>. :. m Carrtagea -nl me?aj traln !???.. i-h r,r-an.1 .'"nfrral Bratton. N-ta- T'.r'x. N'o-^ HSTam m Hartford V. R. <it B:B8 a r>-.. Burtai ap Evergreea Cawaaatawy \-r tt;.\?-i. ? i PPKN-.'f-7R \? Oarl^n. Oaan . on Tueartay. Ju:- 9. 190T. Fltzaa ,lan?>. aai.l.-iu af fJt?.;>h?n \ Bpaaacatf', and eldeaaf .Ipaiuhter cf rh<> >,a(^ .^-io- -.-. an.l aL'uiauWaa A. Klppa -? of roaMaraa] aaeveartaar. ! TODO \t L-:re:icn. N. J Monrlav. Julr S. 1907. Kar.. Aueur<:;ir' F IYhM, ln iiis M'd yea: Paaatal traaa nl* ? Thorsdny. .i;il- II, ar 2 '<> -,-. m. j WAIalaACg At Haiutraa-st 1'artr. N. .1 . on w?r:r.??.lar, ::. laaT, r.-a^r ??,? - Wllltam Wallara a falthfoj fri^ii't and enaplova f.>- r?a^:j ft.--- -.T.^r? tp t>T. famtlja a :?r^ l>*nnln? Daaar, of Npa\- ,.*r** * WARJtfOi - CBaBftaa J w-ir rer.. son af the late Thomaa and K':aa Bar^man War* i^-n. ta tha TIet year ef his age S?r- :r:^? ^t Noa, I.^TT Atlantlc aveaue. Brooklyn, \Y>dn?edav eventnga .:k. prlaa!" tEMETKRIES. TBE HOOnUHN CEMKTEBT. ls readi . acceaa bte hy Harlem trains fr-m Grand Ceaa tral Starjea. Wetater ar..l Jaaroona ATaaaaaa troilevs andf by carr' s 812 n? 4'*5a Qramercyr tor Rodb. of 1 Naw Tcrk Clty. IMiERTAKEBS. ril.\>K E. (1MPBE1.1 CO.. -J11-3 West 23d Sta - Te' 1S24 Cheisea. Rer. ^t^phrn Merrltt. tha "-or: t-a- ;i?-km<a-n under tak?>r. on.y .p.4. pla.? of bustneas. 9th Ave and tSatta Pt . laaiaeat In tiie anaarhB Tal 124 and 12.'. Chelaea. Speeial Xotiees. laeintour Saaaaa, Gtnser \'-. BaaraaaaaJtlaa. Lemon Soda, Sarpertoa- ajaaaUty. Ka.abllahed 1SOS. Io the Eaaployer. Po jroaj want aVahabale help QT'ICK" BAVX TIMi: AXI' KXPEXSE by consultln* the tiie of appllcatloaa of ? .^.rants for* poaattana ei various kinds v.hich has juet beeia 1 at the I'ptjv.n '.'ffice al THS NEW TORK TRIKt'NE. Xo 1381 fluaailaaj. Batween 9a?b ar.-l 37th Street. < aata Hours: '.? a. aa aa ?> p. ba POSTAL 1NFORMATION, RE? GARDING INCOM1NG ANT3 OUTGOING MAI1LS, WIT.L F5H FOUND WITH THE SHIPPING NEWS ON PAGE ! V Trihuoi- Snb??-?li>?ioa Ratea. THE TT-.l- ar.y aatdtaaa - raarilae handa tbem . ?5:n?;u-: it<pifs. MM'AY, KK1.T FARMER a DAILY. BTXT. 2 can.? iit l>..m-?ti- Ratea. RT KAIil.V MAll. TRAIS. atatda f the ?-? J ol SaavBhattai :ar-..: A^o ta ? ut-i l . a.-.l tha a'lalipflnaa wlthouB estja aar. DAILl \N!> SIM-AV M.Y. i 'ne ..' 7S :?-""' tba, 81 BA >U :?: ?* ??! WEEKLY r.VRJCEK: llve Moatha v - . :>? - a BUNDA1 ??' T-|n ataaltia $10* Twelvi t'7>?- TP.!IH".\'K MMAXAC: i'au v om.y 3ra an tb *'Ex T-re- M nt'.ra, J21<> Per Coan. 81 !)? Sia M - rRIRCTSE EXTRA9 - I aB ?'i'v l- th* UAJLTI ' -i a-e.l one .er.; a oopa? a Boatasa iu adatltloa r.> th* rates named at>oara. (aandfaan Rates. la ' ?.> Sl NPAT: Sl NOAT ?.7.T.T: ? aa Month. I -re M-nti.a tk'si SlxSToi . rlare Montha $1.1.a> TR1 WBE?L,T: vl v 'ha. ra $i -a Bta M . ? " Montha 83o? r-i- ^i T1*'^ WEKKU I'MiMER - s. *::'?-. T^.ree >? aa \T "VI Y: s.r M Ta 40 da* 81 AS Katea to Foreiara 4 ouatrlea. ' -s in 'ha fnlvarraal MB1 NK wlll Ba n>a;!aa at th* foi -1'M.AV : i DAII.Y OM.Y i ... Meaaaa ? ? 83 84 'Ihree Mor.-ha. ta J? M'.^ S I .%? ;-.;h.? araa Sl* Jl Montha 814 2* IV re Month*, ?l?9a'.TRl WEKKL.Y: SVNI'W 'NI.Y. SIs M ?1 \? oths. Twebra Months 83 0? ?:MER I'AII Y ..Nl.Y. staMniba. 81 OT Hoatta S' H Taavlva Montha. ttw ajaaaSaa M.\1N '.'?T--'.. i7 -N .. 17>4 Nu-iu atreet. WAU. STREET OEFKTI No 1-% Wil.iam atreet. LrTOffN HKTR'B So. I3S4 lir^daa-ay. -r any AOMrt? . an District Telegraph ? I1AKI.KM .iFV'l. Ed So. 157 tl.iat 125th atraet ana Now 283 ?. ? at 12 . ..NX Bt'HKUl So 417. K?.-<t 13S;h atraet. WASHISUTOS BfRBAr So. I't22 F atreet IK RRANCH OrinCB?aTasaaaai S. Somawas, ltt I!r-i.l v.r.-.-t \M17i:i.'\NS ABROAD ariM flnU THE TRIBL'SB aB URt'SSELd N 82 Y. itaaru le la .'our. i^.M.i.N .*'rf...I THB TKIBI'NE. at Danea BSB lioaaae. N?. 2?>5 StiaaaA alottad A ! ' ord atreet. ? u an Easaiaaaa N>^. 8 ;in.l .". Haymarket. LuJeata carcaa ,.,,?, | . .... So. 12J i-ail Mai:. r Broaa., So. 7 U.thbury. OtBce ot TBJS TRIBPSB aa ? coaaiallaw) naa.B to le ive advertlsenaemta au4 auoa. rlptlona. PARIS >oh? atoaanaa .t '""? Ba. 7 Ru* Scrlba. ? 44 Rue lea 1'etltea BtaaaBa t.iiale Bureau. Naa. 53 Ru? Cambon. ...! ii. rjea * '?-. N ? M Houlevard Hauaam-uaa. itureau dea Etrar^era .Vi.tin. ?'?'il ggtej Neav^atand. 4aarbac*a Neaaa meharge. Baa B Rue St. Oeots*. am-rkaVa Bxpraea ?t.mpa..y. No- 11 Ru* Scrlb*. Brln-Lno'CNo. a7 Avenu. d* l'Opera. kii.>c _<-ra*allt Dyonnaia. ?vN^V V-U?nhard. qdler * Co. and Unlos Basa. i^>)RESa-aV-rr*nch. Lemon A Co.. Noa. 1 aad 4 '.'le Tornabuonl. u..?... * c\>.. Ranfcera MU^N-^baach* Beaa Kxehanfe. Vla !? BiielraSaa. HAMBL R<> American Espreaa Conapany. Ba S Ferata X^ _ .N ' .J- -,*. . . * Staa-a Exchacj;*.