Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. New York. July 12, 1907. FTv:r, bbl*. 6.5S5 preascd poultry. pkga. 1,133 Piour. sacks.. 17.182, Uv* poultry. cratea.. 1.170 noromeal, bbla. 173 Orangea (Cal), cases.. 2.2'> Cornmeal, baga. ?liO.riuma (Cal). crates... 10,850 TVheat. btiah... 88.<J001ears (Cal). crares... !<2.'> Cf.jn. huah.leO.fO) Ivechea (Cal). crates... ,800 data. tru*h._... ei."0-> rn.nea (Cal;. pkga... 8,b-" Hye, buah. 8,0001 Potatoaa, bbl*. 34.000 Hsy. tor.a. 1,955 j Onlons, pkga. 6,878 Btraw. tona. 810 Itosln. bbla. 1." > Hops, balea. lW'oilcake, pkga . 1" Flaxaeed, bunh..8*. 800 Faanuta, 1-aira. US l*e<-f (eaxnedj, caa*a. 1,721 Ttobaeco, hhda. 4V1 fork. bbls. lOtVTobaeco, tlercea. 60 11am*. pkga......... 20* Tobacco.' pkgs. '.Hk? tlaoon . 80'WooI. baies . l.k.v, Cutmeata, pkga. BSljWooi, sa ks. 1.275 lAr-l. tlercaa. 1.7*3 Cotton. balea. 828 lard. kegs. 4,7 1'ees-....-7,700 rHaartne, rkga.. 88|6peltor, f-iabe. h7.'. Tallow, pkga. PI Leafl. rU*. 7.450 ?;rt8s.-. pkg?.?. BOS'Hldas, U!s. 1.600 kaattar. pkga.... T.64$]Wlne <Cal). bbla. 0"O Oieose, rkgm..._.... 8.620 Brandy (Call. bbla... 86 Egfcs. rases.. 8,171 EXPORTS. v.'T,:. baafe. ta,lgB Pefined pet. gaia. 211,660 Oarsj, huah....... as.trlf, Naphtha, gala. 8.000 (?ata, buah.......... 27.200 Gasnlen*. galn. 210 Jeaa, bush. B2|Cotton**ad all. gaia . 7.6SO J4*ana. bush........ l.t'T-i Lubrtoattng oll. gala. 868,420 Flour. tbl*. 11.0181 Pork. bbla. 818 Flour, sacks. 16.620 Beef, bbla. S7 C'ommeal, thla...... 487|Bacona, lb. 8.lf?i J4ran. tb.... 61.2'?> Hams, tt). #V,.,y*> tVhlakey. gala. S?> \jlt1. tt....... S10.460 fcr.lrit* turp. gala... 101.830 Tallow rb. ?* F.or-'n. bbla. r,22'Grease. tt>. 14,*00 CASH QUOTATIONS. Jrofi, Kcr. Ko 1 fdy.$24 r.0 ICbttOB, lalddllng. 18,09 fcteel ralla._ 2* <h> ICoffee, Ko 7 Ri ?. <!?? IaIw copper lagota.. 22 <?> Nusar. granulated_ 5.00 T1n.,.41 0T4* Mola&see. O K. prlme 48 Kxcbangs leaa.. 6 20 Beat, famlly.$14 25 Fpelter._,. 6 17M, Reef. hama. 86 00 v.'heat, Ko 2 red.... 88 1 :?.:: m. prlme. fi>4) Corn, S'o 3 rnlxed... 02 Pork, mtaa . 18 25 ?"??ta, 2* to 82 lb.... aPVaJRog* drej;eed. 100 tt> f>\ nanr. Mpla. patants 8S0 jLard. prtme . 8 FO GENERAL MARKET REPORT. ^^ New Tork, July l-' OOFFET3?Th* ecff** market waa less actlve . fcut showed contlnued Bteadlaeaa Ihe openlng - char.ged. Falee were made uuring tlie day Bt 6 | ita over last nlghfa bld pricea. but tha closlag was Ft*ady, n*t unchanged. Saiea Car the day were reported pf 20.600 baga. The cj^ning was coaaMered a llttio better than du* orn the taroruan cablea re;iortlng g.ilns of a partiai U ln the l>er. b an.'. Oetiuaa niarketa. Jjeadlng trad* lntarsata apv>< ared to b* buying here, and *ltri the Bratnllan news of a favor^ble av?r*g* offer lag* ber* vmra Ugtrt. Eaiea curing th* day ahow* i aa advanoe of O0 polnt* ln the iaet two wcoks of trad Icg, thu* reCactlng th* improved aentlment r anl u-hloh aeeros U> be b&aed upon tho Uia that the b?w erop wlll proa* under rt^jirer.itnta fnr ronaiimptlon aad that wl--h th* aurplus of laet raafa ProoTuetloa. held uadar tbe \aJortsaOan law, prlcea wlll have to advaaee to a level aet by bcld*ra of the ba^aree nf the world'* rvallaU* auppiy. Both th* Braiiltai, njirketa ??rt blghar y 60 re'.a aad r*oelpU agaln raa under the tigurea for the oomaapoiidtng day la?t ;.-enr. Tb* two port* r* portad ?8,000 baga. agalnat S7.0i? bagc laxt roar Jun rliaby reotlpta w?r* 21.1W0 begs, agalnat ? '.0C4? last ycar The weather ln tb* Stat* cf Kao 1'aulo contlnued ver>' oold ln all dlatiieta, and tampeiuturea ln one dl9Ur!ot wero within 8 dacrves of freeaicg. Tb* market for epot coffee 4?aa unchacgad, With Qoouitlon* on thd basla cf CHc for P.i-i Ko T. The rangaj ot eontract prlcea ln th* Iocal market to C;... was e_ folioufc: Te?'-r OperUng. Hlgh. I^ow. Clcraa day. { ._,^. ? ? ? 6t)"-3'5.fl5 6.*V) *\ugu? . -, " <v> 6.00 600 D.*Of6>.?5 6.C0 feepiernber , ? ? ? ? ? K "rt f> 00 6.00 tiO'S'O.tia 6.t*j f)etot*r ..._.-?^.. .8.65 T.C3 6.C5 C .OO&fl. 85 600 Kovember Tji.m+mr. ? ? ? 6.?*8-o.<i5 6.00 December ............8.70 670 6.05 6.66Q0.70 B?3 lanuary __,.^.S.70 5.70 C.70 6.66?5.70 6.05 Kebruary .MM.~_. ? ? ? 6.7ou?.78 f'.Ti, aiarch *i .6.75 6.S0 5.75 6.76SO.80 8.78 asjrtl .b ?-???,jr i ? ? ? 6.8"iji5.S5 May .urt?...i fffff 6.00 6.86 6.8635.90 BW funa ibbBMi ii ? i fW t--t?5 8.85 B,W#B.90 COTTOW?OTi* cotton market was falriy actlve, with fluctuations nervou* and Uiajgulac. Tl.u oloaa wiis ateady, net unchanged to 11 jK>lsts loww. the near montha txrlng relatlvely waak. t>al*a for the day were eatimated at ?00,000 bales, Th* cpanlng ?m t^relv Btaady at u d* cllne of 6011 polnta. noiwlthetandl:,g better cablea than *?pect*iJ, and curlj.g tn* f*B*aoa* the market Bold off ti> a net losa Of about l,^:ac pednts, whlch carrled pricea Into new low ground Bor the aeaaon. Sto:> loss orderu. ilijuldation aud pontlnned prtasore (roaa tba b*ar cllqu* caused tb* declina, haat ther* teemed to be e^od buy? ing oa a aoala down; u,? auatterlng long lnteredtii ?eem*4 to har* been pretty weit iio.uidatea. an.l priceB rallled ln the a/teraoon on covering and aora* bull aup port from Kew OrtWans Tho weat>.er was c..:.siJu'red genarally favarrablc, r.- attentlon beir.i pald to report* of too muca raln la somo aaetloaa, a* a wet aummer la belleved to b* favorat,.a :r. tb* main. and lt uij. ;ra dlcted that * Beml-nionthly crop rep>^rt espeoted toward th* mlodle of txext wet-k woald make a bearlah ahowlng. At th* *im* time, prlvate ri-,,oru from I not auggest that tbe cr^v Braa nralrlog much beadway, and tiiere war* numemus buiiiah ad^-lufcs from .'-? laana On* ot th* promnient New Orieona trade : wa* cre<nt*d with aay:^ b* rtgard,;??! n 12,000. ocj bal*a aa Isapoaatbte, a crop of 11 not Improbak**, and thengbt that tr.e i . r-,..-r oould 1 ?? ? onflder.tly purcht*. I > uthera e;> t market* wer* rc erally unchangwd. I.tvorpo-jl waa a llttle hlgher du* on lutur**, ar.d t;ict eattoa there waa 3 point? l.lgher, a.though aaJea ???,? amatler PVara that the forcer buli( wlll retfcr.U,: tb, up ?-i i!i> v and July contracta and '.f further arrlrala her* from the Stmth wer* tnflu?neea oa tho n-nr i ? B\ip*rlntendent Klng's weklj movement ricures fol low: Pt.rt reoelpts, ir. niu h*l?* agalnst 27 736 last year; ?verlaod to mtltn aad Can* la. T.8 - agalnst 4.678 last y*ar; Boutbern -nl talOngs 'rnaieJ. 18,000, agalnat 80/>O0 laat yur; loaa of atock at In tarlor ? town*. 14.4S3 bal**, u?ain?t ll.3'.)l last year; brought Into eight for tbe week, 21.323 bales, agalnst 61.000 laat year. Total erop movement* Vort rerr.ip-s, #,T88.66i> baies, agalnst 7 7J3.210 iaa; vear; overland to mil'.a aad Car.ada. 1.204.028 balea, e?K' last year; Southern rnlll taKtnr;. 8,1*9.000, S.OTO.O'iO la*t year: atock at lnterlor to\w.s in ox iiss of September 1. JtO.rr.R i-alcn. cgi.trst 32.S7S last year; brought lnte Blght thua :.? ( i aeai in, 18,188t,16< agalnat 10.TVO.224 last year. The total en ? ls for 815 days thla aeaaon ngutnet 810 daya iaat. Th^ r&ng* bf co- I .. market to day wa* aa foliow = Opeti:n< ?BJy .?UL75 Autr-Et ........11 tt* tjepiembir ^...ll.'l October ........ 11.7ii Kovan.ber ._... ? Deoaar.bei- ._...!!.72 January .......31.77 Kebruary ,*....11.77 MarOi ...11 fc2 May .11.V0 T*i* Iocal BBaraat for er,.?.t oottoa was c.uiei, .with trlcos 35 polnta lomma, at lfc.Ooo for li.idjliiig upland ar.d lh :rM for nJcdilM.WUf. 6*Ues. 1,800 baies. ?outbarn apot mar k*ta wtra tslagra: ?.?! aa rollowa: <i*jv?st.?. eaay acd un oasnged at laa bavsnnaj. qulet and uiiCii?r.gc-J at U%c: ?Jaa, T8 aalaa Charieston ncmlcaj. BaJUxr.ore noiutnai ar.d tmrfcasgad at 13Vkc. I.!tUe Hrjck qulet and un ? hacged at 124*o. Mobl.e c, ..6t and uncnangcl t.: I2\ie; rBl**, 28 ibalea ^'inuagton r.ominai. Norfoik ateady aad unc^ana** at 18Hc. Augtiata steady and unchanged at 184?e; aejaa 12 Laloa. Ht. Lou'.i q-olet and uoofaanged at.liHc Kew Orieana easy ano Vlc lewer at IIvbo. ?al6s. 1.C2S balea Uouatoo. uulel and unct.asged at 18c Mcmphls crulet and unchanged at 18 1-10c; ealea, 176 b*J*a. Estfraaaad recelpta st leadlng polnta for Baturday: JU Houatoa. 800 to 600 b*Uu, agalatt 858 laat w*ek and 376 last y*ar; st Oalveston, 500 to 7O0 balea, against b-ii last week and ,880 :aat year. and at New Orluants 400 to 600 balea agalnst 788 laat w*ek and 1,113 last year. Cotton Fhrnhange epeclal Llverpool cablea: Hi>et cottoa QUlet; aalea 8,000 ba.e?; aperuiation and export, 600; Amerlcan. 8.000; recelpta, ,Z.Wf) balc-e; Amerlcaa, 1.000; midd'.lng uplaod, 7.181. Futurea opened ateady Bt 192 polnta advaaee: olo?od easy et a net aeclln* of r,'i,?S'-rj polnta: July, CCOHd; Ju,y-Augu?t. 6.6*>4d; Auguat^- sep? tember. C.CVd: September-OcUiber, 6.48 Vjd; Ottobar-Ncw ?-ember, 6.42a;" -ettbtr, UM; 1 .ecember? January, 4V87Hd; Jsnuan-February and F*bruarj'-Maich, ?804id; Warch-Aprll. B-87Hd; Arril-llay. 6.38Vid; May June, tsSvajd. alanchester?Yarua dull; cloU-.s, offera too aaw. FLOl*R AKD MEAL-There was a amall miBcella neou* trade la flour yesterday. lr.cludlng aprlng bskera and atraights *nd wlnter etralghta and low grade. Prlcea wer* barely ateady and unchanged. Rye. Cour contlnuea QUtart at old uuotatlons The followlng are prlee* cjUot*d en the New York Produce Exchange: Eprlng psteflta, $r,ig$5&.',; wlnter etralghta. 81 .15 J) $4 46: wintar patenu. $4 403*4 M; aprlng clears, t'. 70 014 20; extra Ko 1, wintar. 18 86088 70; extra No 2. wlnter, .M 10083 30 RTE FLOUH dull; quoted: Fair to good, 84 76<tf$r.: choice to fancy. 85 lOfif.", 4n. COHNMEAL ittsdy; quoied: Kiln dried. $?20f>$8 30. a* to brand- BA<1 MI-AI. istea.iy; quoted: Flno v 1,'te ?nd yellow, $1X98180. coarse, $1 169(1 IS. FKKT> ?Western ateady, cltv steady; quoted r ^^e8tf?rn rprtng, ?216"; atandard mlddllng. $28 10; flnur do. $25 00; red dog, ftfJO, all Julv ablpment: cltv bran, $21 50 t-'.lk. $220112 60 aacka: mlddllng. t22_t2*. red dog. f27: V.ornTaV chop. $23 60 ! -j:k, 525 sacks; ollmeaJ, <290$2? 60. ORAJN?WHEAT?Tiiere wer* a couple of good swinge 4/> the wheat market Yesterday. the prlnclpa! one being aa atfvance eiter ir.Mday that canied up sb, it a cantabo' e the previoua ctpht ln <:hlcego und >.? to Ho ln ?he ! '-al marloBt. Flnal prlos* of the day w*re close to <he peet polcL Thla advar.c* waa accet'rated by th* 'aot aa earlv break of a cent a buehel had ma? "~rjaltr Ineressad tne ehort Interest and made bears unua iBjfJg OOi flilasil la their p'*ltlon on the market. It atarted <4nB aarana yarr bad rei> ?rte from the Northwest. in <Bao$ oontradlcflon to more tavorabl* early advlc.-u fracn taai quarter and waa b*tp*d ln tho laat hour by large weekly 1 laaiam ib from both c^istK. reports of a bvtn-r oaah denaaad. lncludlng rxport aaloa rf 31 laaa* and oomplai-.ts about crop cmdiliona ln Manltoba 80 far as anpexrel on the arurfacc. ihe demsnd '.ve? ? ' ffcl-fk- ?o ahort lnterests. "The Modern Millor" re,..rt was V*.rticularly tiearleh. eatlmntlng a wlnter wheat Cl ip ?>f belween a06.000.00i) and 400,000.000. with <juo:ity good. w*tg> 1 high and farmen- eelllng frtely. Tb* eitriy decllne, durlng wldch Kepte.-nber ln the iocal market ".verit a* low aa OOB-aOo, was lder.tllled with a break of 1H to md at Uverpool and conttn-i.-I favorable weatlK-r ? ? dtti'-na In tb* Nortbwieet. Contlnantal advices were ln-a^ jlar." I'lirls cloalng 1<J to 30 jK.lnts low-r, Dudapaat 1 '-in ner Basabel blghar and tha TWlln market partly lower. Brooml.Bil mad* Argentlne Oilpmenta 1.332.000 bushela coropared with 1.184.000 bushels th* prevlous week The aaadi i.arket at thls polnt waa qulte flrm. cloelng as fol lo?a: Ko 2 red, Pt>c elevator and B*e f o I, atlont; No 1 : nluth. $1 11%. and No 2 hard wlnter. 1 <*ii, f o h af.oa* <1 tRN.?Ifne actlons <-f corn folloRcd i losely the leuil <,f ?l,.:it -md flaal Olioe* wero a!? ut K to %e net I lg.'.er. At the ,.p?n!n* and for aome time thereafter prloe* ha,i a aaaa*lng tendency, loalng about half a cent on axeo'int of favorable weather n*w* Argentlne ahlpmenta of 1,760.000 agalnat 1,488,000 bunl.eis th? pre\1'JU* week nnd Of MO at Llverpool. Subseirjuently. ehorts be e*jne apot buyf and the market had a full lanueaajiy, cloalng within a fraotloo of the top Exp^.rt buslnbea oona'.'ted of B loada *cd n,e oaah market here closed as followt-: Ko t ootn, 62c elrvstor and 82c f o b afloat; JIo 2 ? hlte. 8*44* and Ko 2 yellow 62\4c f o b afl .at. '?AT.11 Th<-ie wa* a break early of ?<? to \cln the mar? ket, leSV" llug lla*ld*tlon and ronalderahle bear preaauro. After 1..: Ida" a covering movement atarttd aioi tbe market advanced ?. o**t a bu*hel. cloalng BubBtantlally n< ? i.r. taa 1.'w ?-ri>f> montha. ''aah oai- ln New York cii^ed sa follows: Mlsed. 28 U> 82 lb. 4'.>'/?i;; natural wli.tu, 'M> t., Ki rt.. rtiC1i/'fi2c. and rllpped whlte. ::n t., 4<t it.. r.yif M%C RYE -Market qulet; No 2 Wesiern _%%c Wd, f o b $t*w Tork. \\bajat. ln'ludlnir flour. exports for tlio week. morarOtraj t* '?Bradatreet'*" aggregate $.184,714 buehSle. nyati-t 2,<l98.?04 lant week and l.t?;,2,27.1 laat H*r; ataoa July 1. IWlT, wheat ?-rtr.orta are r, :?r\'i cis huehela. ai'Blnf.t 3.HOT.016 for th* asrr,* time last ycir; enrn ?xf>?ri!" fe? tr.* wek ar* 1.411.C76 bushels. agalnst 1.41ft.Br!4 !**' wees *nd 684,718 laat year; ilnce Juty 1. J$wT, corn exporta *re 2,822.478 buahel*. agalnat 1,280,818 laat y*ar. KEW TORK FRICUM Veaier Opee-ng ?Jlgh. l?*w Cloa*. dsr. OSU 83H 100?4 100-4 1 08*4 1 0314 f.Juiy . 07% 99H 87* Bepterr.ber . 100 1 OOH 08 8-18 1. I" o.-ubar ..?.. 108*4 1 03 H 1 0214 !<__,. May -.lOU'j 107-i 1 (Mhk lo"'* ("orn: July . ? ? ? 62*4 63 geptember . ? ? ? 62% 62*4 December. ? ? ? 021* 61% Jiay .-... ? ? ? eif4 61 CHICAGO PRICES. Wheatt July ._ 80 00*4 8?% P0*4 60 Pci tomber ...... 03*4 ?4*2 C2H 64 P3H Deoembey . ??>"? afa 86ft 07*4 &o"? C oi n: July . B8*ai 68*4 88 M>? P8*4 "September ..?. 64 Ci;? 63*4 54H 64*? Lecetnber . fjlTa. 88*4 61 "i t.2H 52 Oata: < July . 42Vi 1814 41*4 43 48*4 ber . B8*e 89*ai 3KV 8?*4 8814 December . 88a 8014 88'.4 40 3a'* Lard: July . 8 62 8 62 8 ?2 ? S2 8 77 Beptembsr .OOU B08 8 67 6 02 8 65 lilbe: July . 8 50 8 55 860 8 55 8 45 fceptember .8 02 8 72 8 62 8 72 S 02 "Park: July .18 16 18 20 1616 10 25 1C 10 September .M80 1042 1680 1642 1623 MOLASSBS AND BYRUFS?Byrupa were staady aad aa firmly held, but, qulet and unchanged. MOLAflSES?New Orleana centi talr, 21023c: good. 27&26c; prlme, ."t 85c; Naw Orlaana, open kettle, 8704&C STRUPS mon. 13014a- laJr, 154317a; good. 1S0SOC; prime fancy, 24028c. MKTALti- TIN?Spot tln waa 5s lower at ?180 ln tha London market, while futures alvan.-ed la 10d, to flSl 10a: locally tha market was easy, wlth apot ... ted at fj0.90941.25c. COPPJ2R naw lower in tho London mar? ket, with f; quoted at ?65 I0a and futurea at ?88 15a. 1 or about ?1 10s lower; loi.| '??? markel was dull and BominaJ, with lake quoted at 21.87 *4023.12*4c, electrc I 21.tXi02L76c and intlni at *fl>.80#21o. l-i:.\l) j aaa unchanged at 6.1505.25c In tha local market and at . 12016a In London. BPELTER waa u at ?24 5s j In London and at a.16496.200 In j araa unrhangad la the Baogllah market, wlth atandard I foundry quoted at 66B and Cleveland warranta nt . locally tbe markel waa without further changa; No 2 ;? Northern is quoted ac (28 73 P82420. The mar? ket for pig Iron oertlflnatea a; ;:.,- Produca Exchaoge waa unchaiiged. Standard f< undry grad** are quoted aa follows: Caah, $2260 bld; Octobar, Novembac aad De eember. 828 60 aaked. OIU-Cottonaeed oil was qulet, with pricea un ohanged to ',,c hlgher on covering of phorts, and the bulllah siatlstical aituation. fculos: 100 July at 68a; 400 october at 52V4^D2c; 200 Novembor at 44*4 044o; 400 December at 4114, and 100 January at 40*4c Ra flned petroleum vn unchanged Llnseed nll Bhowed no ; fresh feature, w? quoie: petroleum, atandard, white, bblj. 8.45c; bulk. 5o; Philadelphia. 8.4AK-; bulk. I 4.05c; reflned ranon. Now Tork, 10.80c; Fhilarlelphla, I 10.860J water white, New Tork. bbla, 10.460: bulk. 7c; I Philadelphia. 10 40.:. bulk. (I l?5c. water whito. aa*) h. New York, 13.800; Philadelphia, 13.85c. COTTON gEEP OIL?Prlme cruda f o b mllls. nomlnal; prlme Bummer yellow. spot, nomlnal; July, 55Vs 96514c; Bep tember. 55 H 0500; Octobar, 62 <'.~>2v?o; Novembor. 43*4 04414c; December, 4t 'i Qi'\ Ue; and January, 40?iC41c; off eummer yellow. 58085c; good Off H'.im n.- r yellow, 58% 055c; pi-ijue whi'.e. 68O8S0: prl.-ie wlnter yellow, 689850 LINSKED OIL?American aeed, citv raw. 45?4rtc: out-of-town raw, 44ij4r>c; Calrutta raw. Toc l.ARO OIL, 77 5 70c. PBI 'VT6ION8?Tho market waa generally flrm al! day, wlth a ?mall eperulatlve trade, lnfluenced by tha late graln strength, lisht efferlnga and a little demand from ahorta. Total weatern r..:eipta were 75,000 Iiors, lncludlna; 6 600 at Knnsis ritv, 8 500 at Omal.a r.nd 23.000 at Chlraaro POIIK i.rin. Quoted: Mean. S:^ .? 11150; family. *ieff819 50: short clear. 61T?|18 BFEF steadv. Quntra: M-bs, 80 80 ttXQi famllv. $14 f 614 60; pa<-ket. fllif 11150; extra lnrtia mees. 12150 123 50 HEEF HAM3 ateady, quMed 124? $26 RETSPED H0O8 ateady. Quoted; Bacona. BUc; 1>J lb. Bttc; 100 lb, 8*.?o; 140 lb. 8"4c, pl?:a. e'iQOVtc. CTTT MEAT^?Flfklod b?'.;!ea steadv. Quot-ed: Pmok lnar, 18?lS4c; 10 lt,, 13*sac; 12 lb. HHc: 14 lb. llHa PIOBXOD I'.AMS qulet; queted 12ai2f*io. TAI.l."W ateady; clty. 64c: country. OSflVc. LARD Quoted: Middle AVestern. i.rlnie, 8 75-178.83c; clty lard qulet; queted 8*%c; rt-flned lard Rtoa.'.v. Quoted: Foutii American. 10 15c; contlnent. !'25c: Brazll keajB. ll.l.'c; COmpound rr:!et: quoted 8*, flll*?c. PTEARLVH qulet Quoted: 1 BVic; city lard stearlne, 1014 91014c RICE ^The local market for rlce wne flrm ar.d ac tlve Tl ? irlmary markets were said to be ln ? cellenl b ?,. wlth f-ill prleea <iuoted. Quotatlons felli ?? DomeatJe, acreeninca, BtfSHo; Beeond heads, 34; .1 l:4c; cholce lieade. 4*t ;f 5:?c; fancy heada 5*4^ <".-: extra fancy heada, 1', "?'*5io; Japan anmestlo, 4"i4 Qfr, Tatna, S^Tift'ic; Rai:go..n in bond, 2?i,i}'2tic. SUOAR?The market for reflnad suaar waa actlve ln the Une cf wlthdrawals nnd undertone waa ateady and rrirss unchanped. Tha foll wir.g arq liat pricea, subject to a rebate of 10 prints nnd a dleceunt of 1 : ' ?ir enrh r7 daya): Cryatal domlnoes, T25c: Eaple tal!?ts. 7.20-; cut lonf and crushed. 5 70o: mr.::ld A. 6.860; eubea Eng!c> 5 lb baaj? powdered and Kaffle' a-ianulated. 5.25c; rnwdered, ooarae powdered ar.d fruit p->w.!cr?d end Faylo coarae and extra :ln? e;ranulated. 6.10c; Eagle 2 lb ro.rtoua of flne arranulated. 6.20e: 2 lb baga do. 5*0c: 8V1 18 baxs do. I lb t ips *o B 2n. : 10 lb baara do. 6.16ei 25 and aaa 0 B.06c; Eagl? flne or standard yranu lated end ulamond A, Bc; cor.fcctloners' A and No 1, tCce 2 and 8. 4 7*.": No, 4. 4.TO0; No. 6. 4 i;5c; So 8. 4 00^; ffo 7, 4 55c; No. ?. 4 50C; X.. 6, 4.460! No. 10. 4.88o; No 11 aVSOe; No. 12. 4 25c: No. 18. 4 20c; Noa, 14. 1.1 ar.d 10. 4 15c. The local market waa flrm, wlth aome co?t and *":e!rM bua'.ness nt a f'a' tlonal edvanca Th4 bualnesa lneludfd 80,000 to 1 ;rs <~-_iba centrlfupral, l.oiilx P* teat. at 2 15 r-ii=t shlpn - ? ?? -.' tretghl Duty pald iri^?a were as follows: Centrtfugal. 88 teat, B.88H0: mus covade, "<!> ti-iit, C83l4o, and molaaaea aug .: iit 6.0814 The Loi lon triark^t for sugar t.e<?ts ft !-s r.^d r.'-A c;..^"d at Ba 68 V.'lilett *? Orav: "Total atock for E :rope and America, 2.839.900 tons. agalnat 2 888,884 tone laat year nt the saj:u< uneven dat?s T;:^ decr'-aso of atock Is 328.858 tor.s, against a decrf.ise af 883 5S0 laet week. Total atooka and afioata I show a vla'Me aupply of 2,704,068 tons, against C54 tons lat-t yeaur, or a decreaaa of 818,838 COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. Naw Tork, July IS, 1807. liKANa AND PBA??Dulneaa contin. market b.aa raiuer ua eaay tone for moet klnda of white btar.s. It ls eaay to buy the eholcest lota ut our quotattena. Ezporteia hava taken eorr.e further lota of red kldney at 82 So f o b, Tou* recetvars have aooia atock on ti.a open market fjr a lutla less 1 Other varietica aro tuag?lr.g. Oallfomla llma easy. ! Hcotch j.eas atenuy to tirni. IVe Ouote: BBANfd? Uarrow, oholea, per bush. $3 10; do cotamon t tlb5i/?2o5. do m^dlurn. cLolce, $103; dj ooaunon :~> good. 815Oi.*JC0, Uj pea, chol-e $170; do common : 81 " . 61 68; do white kldney. eholoe. 62 784J . Lney, 62 86 i$24o; do blaok turt:<i a..up, $175v$lfc'- ? Bfl/e, $1 75^*1 So. .;j llma, Califoraia, $3 05i}$auo. FBA8?Qreen, I BTuTTERr?SUcaipta to-day, 7.840 pkus Bu*lnesa waa taVtrly brlak kbam tu-duy and lhe market waa well : at full fOrrnor pricea botne further ahrltikuge ln conanniptlva requlreiaeata noted, but thlj ls fuiiy made up bj lncrtuaed or'iera from out-of-town and lairly lurge local upeculative purcbaaea. Pricea for iery gradea ar? uuchcuged, the highest qualltlee up to 28a without duUttlty. Proeeaa butter 1b commaridlug 2,'io when fancy and fiae faetoiy U acillng at J'iSc. J'acklng utock ruies vory rlrin under llght arrlvaJs. Wo quote: Crtaniery, extiU", 03 to 05 ecuro, per lb, 25Va(y2(lc iMercantlie Exuhanga ott'.clal qu .tu tlun, extrau. 25c;; do firsts, 24J25c; do Beconde, 22? 23c; tl-i tuirds. 19'a20c. do Btaie Ualry tubs, fa:,c..-. 24u24V?c, .jo rr'ud to yrline, 22J-. 2"io; do common lo falr, 19021c; vj Weatern lmitatlon creoiuery, firets, 21a 22c; do proccaB. tx'.ras, 28o; do firsts, 21 .22^. do aeconde. Ia52<;c, uo thirds, 17 j)18cj uo (Veatern fa; tory. tirata. lio^jo; Uv a?COnda, 18tf20o; do tUrds. 1721 Ibc; do packing atock, No 1, lO'.aiiOo; do No 2, 18*tiO 1'jc; do No 8. 17Q 18? .'ilKt.-jE?Heuelpts to-day, 3.620 boxeH. Small full c.-tiiiu colored obeeae contuiuea ln fairiy uotlva uemoxid aiiu fancy gradiis up pioinptly at Criii pilcas. llony lois, however, uio inowlua i.iore or lers hot vealiier (iefaicts, and. nucli liave to t? forced for sale at irregular ngur*s Kmall white cheeeo only moder ataly uctl-.?. Large cl.aeae cella alowly, but Iii llght aupply, and f&i.ey gradts held falrly ateady. l'i:io llght eklma auillng falrly, but cheaper grades Blow. Liverpool cable: apc-cial Cauadlan. new, 07s for col? ored and 55a Od for whito; old, 07e for colored and 65s for white. \V?i quoto: Siate, full cream. colored and white, Biuall, beat, 12".ic, d.. Urge, 1^'mC, do falr to arood, lliSTllic: do laferlor, "-'Jl".j, a<, Ught akinia, l?o; haUf eklma, 7*C6o; part ekims, prlme, tlyiUjc.; do falr to good. 4V?415Vic; do oammoa, aVtifiA'/ac; do full cklme. 192c. EdOB?Recelpta to-day, {'.171 caees Arrlvnls are modcrate and there ls a rrowlng acaxclty ot atxictly flne fresh Btock, whlch gfves prices for auch u r.rm tone; but average and lower qucjltles aro qulet and very freely offered ot Irregular prices. Most of tho ?\\>ntern ranglng Wi/lBe, and only closely seloctcd tnarks commaiidlng the hlgher quotatlons. We quote: 6tate, Pennsylvania and i.t-orby eclectod white. fancy. i2c, do choloe. 2o3;21c. do brown ond mlxed, fancy. 20321c; do firsts to t>xtra firsts. 17C*l9c: do \vestern. eelected. flr.eet. 17*4c; do flrata. 10H?17o <ofnclal quotationa. 10V4'ST7o for extra firsts. and lOo for firsts); do aeoonds, 14V?ffll0c; do thlrds. 13Vj(iJ14c; do dirties. iO(&i3Vic: ebeoka, oaiic. FRL'ITS?FKE.SIl?Applas, puars and pluins all ln very llmlted rupply and quotatloiiB little more than nomlnal. Peacbea ln lar?er eupply and lower. Cher rles eteady. Curranta lo hlgher. Btrawlacrrles ellgbtly hlgher under light ofTerlnga Roapberriua lirm. Biaok borries meady. Huckloberrles wanker. Muekmelona ateady for boat ajredes, but poor atock dragglng heav Uy, wlth one car**elaofl by Board of IJealtb. nselohB plenty and lower. Plneapplos aotlve an.l brm. We quote: APPLEti. new, per laeket or box, $li? $2C0. PEARi?. Qforgla. por bbl. $7<3$0. PEaCHE.-?, Georgla. per carrler, $1 r>0ty$3; CHEltRIES, Weatern N'ew York, red and black. hoakei. 85385c; do white. 40 300c; do eour, OO^Qoc; do 'jp-rivcr. re.1 and black, par 8-lb basket. 604S80o; do sour. 6006*4^ do rod and black. per Tb. lO'JM.Ic; do sour. fl*i7c: CUB RANT8. per quart. 7?9c: STBAWBT.RRTES, Weatern New York. per quart, 8ifl8c; do up-river. 4?18o. do ?iaten laland. HUton end Irvlngtou. Cfl.9c; do other Jeraey, 83Co; rtASPnEURIEB, up-Hver, rod^per plnt, BOlOe; do Jersey, 7?10c; do Delaware and Maryland, ettSc; do Jersey. Delaware and Maryland. blookcap, ' ;?. r plnt, 808e; BLACKBERRIEa Jeraey. r?r quart, : - I8c: do !)?lawar<, and Marylnnd, IfgiBc: HUCKLB BERRIEa. Pennaylvanla and .leraey, per quart. 8? ? T.'.r- do Delaware nnd Marylnnd. 8310c; do North I rarollna, 7?10o; OOOSEBERRIES, per rjuart. ??12oi ! MUSKMElrONS, Qeorfla nnd South Carollna. per etandard crate. 6119$228: do per pony crate, 78c? i $1 ''.'.? do fallfornla per standard crate. $8ijf$5; do per I pony'crate. $2?t$S 75; do Arlzona. per etandard crate, 12084 60; 'lo per pony crate. $1 50(?y$il 50; WATER MFl'ovh, Gcorgln and Florlda. bv rall, per earload. 1 4"0O?i?S75- do bv stenmer. $ 150ffc$800; do per 100, [ 618ft$60' PTN'E^PT'LEH. Elorida, per crate, $2^$4 50: j do r'uhan. $1 753$4. H(,]>.s?Rather mare ai-tivitv is reported on the local market. and ealea of 400 to 500 bales of Oregnna made et ?'*e'l()r, and one small exeeptlonel lot at 11c. The excellr-nt condltlona cf the growlng crop In ?11 !>octtona tends to cause rather more anxloly to cloan up l'.io'l bo'dlnga We quote: State. 1000 choicc. per Tl.. lUjji 17c; do medium to prlme. 14315V; do 1!>05. !'. do Pacific Coaat, 1000. clmlc?. 10o; do prlme do medium. 0?7c; do 1005. Blt6c POULTRT?ALIVE?There were no freuh reoeipta of oarload lota te-day. Tradlng baa been fairiy satls factory during tbe week and only about 2 cars ?>f lnte r?c(..ipts wlll have to be carrled over. We quote: fl'ICKENS, aprlng. Weatern. per tb, 18c; do Southern ?,"d Hoiithweatern. 17c; FOWX.S. per tb. 14c; ROOS TER8. young and old. per Tb. 0c; TtTRKETB. per Tb. l]c nT'^KB. Weatern ner Pi, 18c; do Houthern auid ; Fouthweatern, 11c; GEESE. Weatern, par lb, 10c; do ? Routhern and Pouthwestern. poor, 8c; flUINKA | yof.'I.n. p*r palr, 60c; PtQKONS, per palr, S0o. I I>RESSET>??iippllt? of fresh killed poultry were cotn ' pnratlvely modeinte to-dny. and wlth a falrly aoflvi) I demand both fowls and sprlnff chlckens hnve cleaned j up closalv and feellng steady to flrm. Involcee so far ? reoelved indfeate comparatively moderate recelpta for I Jlr^t of ne>:? week. Long Island and other nearby Ifprlng ducks plenty end clow. but prlres unchang-d. CholCB Inrre BquabB steadv Froxen poultry qulet. We quote: Freah killed?Iced?TlTnKEY8. hona. average I best 14c; do Western toms. average beet, l"lc; do fiilr to good. ISeiSHc: do Inferlor. lO^JIlc; UROII.ERS, Philadelphia, ?''? to 4 lb to palr. per lb. 28080c: do Ivonla, 25c: do pnorer aradrs. SOttHBc; do West ern. mllk fed. drv plcked. 23?724c: do dry plcked, 20"ftS2c; do eealded. 20321c: FOWL8. Northern Ohlo. Indlana and lllinole. dry plcked, fancy. 14c; do Weatern end Poiitnwestern .dry plcked and soalded. beat lota, etralght. 18Hc. do poor to medhira. I1018o; do Weat? ern ecalded. fancv. IHVic: COCKS. old. dry plcked nnd awlded, 8*40. DUCKS. oprlng, Long Island and Eaat ern, 17c; do Pennsylvania and Vlrslnin, 16c; SQI'ABS. prlme, large, white, per dozen, 8176084: do mlxed. $1 75082; do dark. $1 25; Uo oulls. 5tif 60c. Frozen? TtTRREYB, hena ar.d tome. No 1, 17(ff>18c: do No * 11 *r 12c; do old toms. 10c: CHICKENS, roastlns. dry ? plcked. 15S-20C; do No 2. 10312c. POTATOES AND VEOETABLES? Now potatoes ln heavy aupply and weak. Old potatoes eteady. Oulona weak and lower for nearby. but Kentucky rula flrm. As naragua ln llght recelpt. Cabbagee plenty and low. Ce!e.\ dragglng. Cucurubers decidediy lower. Corn weak. Lettuee flrm. Mushroorna scarce. Peas contlnue plenty and low Btring beona weak and lower. Peppera lower. Bouash dull. Tomatoea selllnjr well when ehowlng at traotiva quallty. Other vegetables range about as qu (too. We quote: POTATOEa, Ilermuda. per bbl. 815O0$a; do Southern Rose and Irish Oobbler, per bbl. $1 oQaiX >J>; do white Chlll, 813708162; do red rarlatlea, 81 ?:P $100, do aeconda, 75c081; d.i cullft. 5C& .5c; do old, per bbl cr bag. 28c3?l; BWEBT POTATOER Jerjev. V*r baaket, *1 5o^*2 VEOBTABJUES-^8PAKAOU8-W dozen bunchea, 75C08S6O; BBB5T8, nearby. pn 100 bunchea, 83088; CARROT3. nearby. V^ 100 bwnabaa, f. 25 f$l 60; Co old. per bbl, |30$8j di> bag. $-.!$-..0; CHJLfiRT. Jersey. per dozen atalks. lbOUc; do M?cbl gan. per dozen atalks, ltK&25c; CTAWBAGES. lfn? laland and Jersov. uer bbl. 75c; do per 100. $2 60083: do Bal tlmore. per crate. 75-:; do other Maryland and *?> irgirda, per otata 60075c; do per bbl. 50c; do CU UMBERS Baltimore. per "?mall basket, 60@?0c; do \iralnia. per bbl. 619608180: do per half bbl baaket, i5o; <lo per third baaket, 60060c; do North Corollna. per ?'W. 81? $1 60: do per half bbl basket. 50075c; toP**"}?^.'?* aaa, per b^'??^'v,-AX? ER8. L-.n-r Island, per bbl. *bc?82; ??>'It.N. NortU narofina, ner 100. 81082; ^^i'LAN'lri K;;rlua per .*. hmi: USTTUCE. state. par baaketSP^Si'ma^^B I j,r bbl, 85065c; do per baaket, 15*80c;-^HROOM8. Vhlte, per baaket. 75c081 25; d WJi g^lP.-^ white. per baaket, 61 76082:.??>?""?? *| ? * Marvland, white. per buahal crate. $1 2* ,?1 .... do M aary land and Vtaalnla, white, per ^gJGLI^'aoKen ner bbl S4; do potato, per baaket, ti 60 isl ??. d0.,K,f" i tuck- per baa M?*62 fo: do Naw Orleaaa, per bag $1 -o0 17^top'r^""'r crate. $1 (10061 76; do per Baterate. -', fl0 per ba>.kct, $1 i?--j*l40; a*?j3pZ*,-,&J? ' bajr "S3ii*3 50 OKT.A. per carrier. Slu*-50 <?';": ^.,mt, "fork. perbSket. 680860!^P?J0iae.at2J 70c; -do Long Island nnd Jetaey. per baa.??0?* Jeraey. telephone. per baaket 60075c; do Bmall.4 PFPPERS Jen ? per buahej b-x. *1 60; do 8WW*. pet Oarriat? 75e?8l25 STTRINQ BBANB, Jersey. green, o. d waT^er basket $1081 26: do Baltimore, gpen. 7,,c<ii$l. do^raSr-reoTdoV?-f?lk P<* bbl. 8108160; *> gicennnd waiTpei &?*?? 26075c: BQUA8H, 8ouO|^ marrow. i-r bbl crate, $ $175; do white and r*11'? TjS i o^ s;'2..: TOMATOB9. Jeraey. l^lf^Z'k ? .; do Jlaryland and**"""- ?*g tc &ei large carrler, 61603$300. ao i>er ' aVrier $1 25081 75" do North ?**?**, W, "^ rter 8138150; do Bavannah, 1160083 25; do H i .*?'. a !, ? carrbV Il?$3; .1 ? ?? 'V*- J.1. $ i . r TPHNh'S. r^aa. J^WATESEi1 p% r^buncS 100 bunchea, $1 250$ 1 .^. ?aiuj.i.u=, i'" JV" ? II a'v^XD 6TRAW--HAYrReceipts rea ?? *??*?*?? o. .?nB to-dav ThiK. of courBe, dnl n"t tena >o airenglhSn lo prica of an alread, waaklah,??*?*? are 55ffi W/? W?gwS3 buy.ra^Sh.Ur^^ >"?"? WtU ."21-,; December. $s 75; March. ?h .5. AI.b.Kt, ?*?. TIMOTHT, $2 20. a - LIVESTOCK MARKET. New York, Jaly 12. 11*07. BEEVEtS-^Uceipt* were 112 cars OT 2.02.S bead m e'ullru' b7 cara for alaughterers und 88 for the ????^'?e'' l"e0r?',were ln moderato.y aotlve dcmH4.d .and a^ady, bullB ln Uiulted receipt and fully as *^afuJ* U Wedneeday; fat cowa unchanged. u.t rrt-ui.i^.ii conulior. cows wer. l-.Uher. The Xfi**?* '^^ Falr to prime steers e-^ld at $3.oC$0iO r" i?"J Tb wlth no vtry eholce cattle offered: buUa at 8>8fJ4M4?>; cowa at $1 75*184 50; 3 txtra Uit drj fed cowa at $ti; tall er^ls at |164>. Dreeaa?d bevf ??? *?? aom2 J.nLid at 8?4#10o par tt tor ??^"-,,7^ natlve aldaav Uverpool and London ca^.cs quotea i^? e^tie .B-eady at 121fl3,-, tope at London. 2?*a>0?erJtt. dreseed welght. refrlgemtorbcef unchanged No^J menta to-day. To-marrow the ^^ft-hl^llil 4 4.*^ oattla and 1.2o0 cuaxters of beef for b^bwa.x. fiulaSriar. 4B0 oatuS for J. Bhambarg * b,.n and TBO 2^!^ ft tt f;::-^^* &' ?S&gS g Tolea? McPheraor, i Co.: 16 ^eatueky J*^"-,---"8. 2 avet-aac at $6 70 par 100 I "w$ ' il^ do, Uo8tt. at$ok '-. ' Val tt. at 8690;.21 d-.. 1066 tt. i at.$4$0: 22 oo. 1057 lb. at 84 25; I do. 8W>0?. *}**'* to. 880 lb. at 86 O^; 1 do. 10* ..- ' '.? ' .- ? *?; at $3 25. 4 do. l?:o lb, at $3 20; - ? ? ?- u<- ? do, 000 tt, at $175. aaaa- 18 da 8. RanJers; 18 Oh!o Bteera. 1309 tt, at ?*?"?_" |r* ?*fi-8M^TI^*- ?" ??. at; 86 45: 20 Kentucky do. HH tt k: $6 ." ?,-, a/i- : ISOOtt. at HHB; 2'| ?? ', 1112 1b. at! Kerr.a CToninaiaaloa Lo -" aiiwixuaa "?"?? *6CA^'EP-Ree?lpiB were 157 hea.1. all for the marVet. Dresaed ouvai wer. sranei were ateadj Clty dreaaea veala a ld a I i ,i-i? V? ?". fc ^^^Wic^^C&^^V^r^\i.^4^ Sw?tt?3^--f' Be, whlle othera fell :- - ? >? *? l? ? ^v*f!'^ 385 Vtralnla laxoba. T4 ft avar. 'T"i4-? r,r iiX) tt 217 do, 3 tt, Bt 888714: 333 *J?l.<S4JK,3* do im a- 1?*.' 218 do, ?.? tt. at $8 do; ii;0 j^VvV-t Vlrglnla BuaBp. 111 n, a* 1*1*! " ^-?. '? "?MoPh'rson t Co.: 244 ^ 1an*na. 71 tt., at^JS 75; au* dr 78 tt at 8S75, 227 do, . .7 tt. at fb [?; BB BO. -I^n ot $8 75- "tf-f do, 78 tt. at $8 T6; 2? ?*-?,??*;? M f8 7t-140 Weat VlHllnU do, 80 tt. at $8 4 -; 88 .MaJT land do 71 l" at $8 40: 16 MarykUad f( i ?be-,.. 114 .tt. and ao u. i; ?*? *? jjj .. rt fa;.8 Weat Vlrartnla do, r*!',uR,c"^ W tt ar $8^ I 6^^186,*aX*. ?? iSi So 78 tt al *--???? !"; Vlrglnla ie 88 tt. at g <i'.',T:.-. ? -5,; li.'i d .. ,?4 tt. al 88; *4 \Trgbla aiftt at 88- 4V,g!t ::Ve.u n-.:.: 78 tt! at 86; 3 Vlrglala L^eei. ","' *t $5*2 Kenl I k) Jo, 180 tl, at $5 50, S Ju '1 & CoY 190 Vii-glnla Urobe, 75 tt. at $' tt; 140 West vtralnla do. 71 tt. ut $846; .1 VlrglnU ?m?, 180 -^OOaSaa>eelBtB were 7 cars. or 1.074 head. ar.d there was about half.a car on eaie Feellag Brm ..a Buffa o a^d Pt'-burr advleeiL but i aalea ot Btata or r.-i-.neyi vafda h^a fe; ;-.. ' A ': 1: -f K??h mlked Westera ^/[ale^V'jSf* Co.! 88 mlxed Westam hog., 188 Tb average. at $5 50 per 1j0 tt. OTHER MARKETS?BY TELEGRAPH. Clnclnnatl, July 13 HOGfl Qulet; butchera and ahlp pars. 1606; watamon, w^8$.'. h5. oattll:>;;? -'y. rau- to ?.od Bh'PiierB. $4>y?'T. Smmon. 62 60088*3. ateady, iiufi 75; lamba Bteady, 85*H7 76. Kaat lluft'alo. July 12.?(""ATTLB?RecetptB, 150 head; market Bteady; prlme an-era. $8 804747. vicalm--Ree.ip-a. I 400 head- market active und atrong. 86988; a rew, ?s m. H<A<)8? Rt^eelrta, 0,<XK) head: tuarkct\e and lOOCuo hleher: heavy $oi$o 4?: nuked. $840?$tt46; Yorkera, $?4o3$n50; I'l.f". tr0f>Of($0<kt; rougha, $r.'3$5 40; dalrlea. lilfi^Ta.). feHBKP AND LaMBS?Racalyta. 8,400 heads elieep active and ateady; lamba atow and 86o lower; lainl?. $5ii$S 25. . Chlcago. July 12 i'ATTI.i: Recelpta, about 1.500 bead market Bteady to atrong; common to prlme steera. 84 76087 30 cows $3 25?J!$5 75; heifors. $8?45 00; $3 1B?4J5 25: calvea, :-.:?? ai 1 feedere. HO'ia?Ree'eipie about 28,000 bead; market 6a hlgher; good to Drtme heavy. $6 90?$0: medium to g?od heavy, h 6<Xji:. *>' butcher welghU. $3 ?58*$0 10; good to prlme irlxed $3R5"iJftl. Ught do, $64986110; packlng, ?WW?; p'gs '$3 5<?a$il2'>; Belavcted. $6 10fl$6 2Zl4; bulk of euie*, $5fcO?e500& BHHEIP ReoelntB about 6,000 J^l.Bf* ket ateady: abeep, 88 75ru*T''.; yearltnga. $j5ou$0 1'J; lamba, $5 6'*ff$7 85. ? . t . Kansaa Clty July 12.?CATTLB- Recelpts. 4.000 head. Includlnc 2.*O0 Boutbavns; etroiiu t.j 10a hlgher; ohotoe exrort and dressed becf Bteera, $0 2"Vrf$?Hi0; falr to goed $tlfl$0 26- Weatern fed steers. $4 r^ti'*" 5o; Btoekera ond fteders S8IM4 75; swuthern Bteera, $:i HOH85; Southi.rn cows $2 WVJ$8 75; natlve cows. $2 1HI?J>$4 76; nailve helfera. 68 8Mt$AU<l; bullB. $3 25^44 75; nalves, 868)87. HOGI3? Reoelpta, ll.tuX); markel strnng to 7V40 htgoer; top, 88; bulk of aalea. $3 S?tr$61>5; hea/try. 35 7o.r$3 S5; packera, $580ej$M?5; plgs ar.d llghts. 85 80&$6. BUEEP -Recelpta, 400 bead; mai.tot ateady; lamba, 87O87 60; ewea aad year ltnga, 85 25646; Teaaa cllpped yearllnga, $5 60O86; iv?sa cllppod aheop. 84 768)86 80; atockera and feeders, $3 25(fJ$5. Union Block Yards, Pittsburg. July 12 CATTLE Bup plv light; steady; cholce, jr. 40-.if., i..",: prlme. 86 20088 40; veel calvea, $8 BOtf-fO. aMEEl'?Bupply llght;; Iirtme wethnra. 86804*8600; culla and common, ambs, $0iT-?8 2a. HOOS?Recelpta llght; active- prlme leavy, $i>u'jd 1": inedlums. 88 4008860; lieuvy Yorkere. Ught Yorkera and pig?. $?> 5<)^.*0 r,5; roughB, $5y$5 20. COTTON RECEIPT8. Tlio following are the total net recelpts of cotton nt all poria slnco Beptember 1: Dales. I n.iles. Galvea'on .8,840.644|8an Francisco. 82,014 New orleuns.2.263,486 Brunawlck . 156.866 MebUa . 288,401 Port Townaend. 140.241 Bavannah .1,487,168[Pensacola . 14^>87 i ?harlcsta.n . 147,488IPortland, Ore. 1,000 Wllmlngton . 322.24*1 P Arthur tt Bab Paaa 132.823 Norfolk . 688,143 Jackaonvllla . 7,888 Haltlniore . 64.665iLavredo, Te\as. 4lH New York. 28,983 [Mlnor Ports. 15.162 Boeton . 72,HU? -? Newi>ort News. 88.8721 Total .0.7S8-.2O6 Philadelphia . 10,104| COMPARATIVE COTTON STATEMENT. Tor the week ended Frtday. Julv 12, 11KI7. Balaa Net reoelpta al all ?' 8 porta during week. 16,787 do eamo week last year. 28,884 Totil recelpta alnce Beptember 1. 0.788,208 do some .late last year . 7,704,781 tixport;, for lhe week .-. 2N.1H0 do ni:-... weak last year . 64,184 Total axperta ataea Beptember 1. 8.245.554 do ?nu:e date last year.6,241,037 Btock at all D. S |K)i-is . 818.571 do sam. tlnie Ibhi year . 234,760 Btock at all inteaior towna . 142.801 do eame time 'nat year. 180.K24 Btock at Uverpool this time last year. (I5H.OO0 Btock of Am. afloet for Ot Brttaln thia time laat year ..aa. 64,000 If You are Iiunting for a R HOME" Read These CoLumris Every Dav. Summer Resorts. PEXKSYXVANIA. THE KITTATINNY, UEI.AU'ARE WATER OAP. PA. KfiW MANAGEMENT. Open all year. Largeat, most modern and fineat located Hotel at the Water Gap. Tha Hotel has th* exceptlonal advantage of havlng the natural draught of cooling aunuii. r breaa** created by the Gap forma tion ln which the Klttatlnny la so fax-orablv located. Rooma all largo. pleasant. with excellent viewa. over looklng from Ita hlgh elevatlon the upper watera of th* Delaware and ita own r.iounialn park of 200 acres; de llghtful walka. lakea, water falla and rlch fullage and profuae growth of rhododendron. Rooma en aulte. prlvate batha. steam heat, eievatora. electrlc llghta. apaclous verandas, prlvate baicontoa. etc. Runnlng mountaln epring watar ln aU rooma. AND ITS OWN FARM GIV.EH TO THB TABI.E PRODUCTS "PAR EXCEUJENCB." Muslcal concerts morning and even Ing coupltd with other soclal Jlveraiona la one of th* rpeclal featun-s et the Klttatlnny Uoatlng, bathlng, rirhlng. buwllng, tennla. gnlf. Telephono and telegraph off.cea In hotel. Garage and llvery. Booklot showtng Hotel. acenea ln Klttatlnny I'ark. Auto routa map from New Tork. on application. Speclal July rates. Amerl? can plan; also a la tarte "Bervice. <i. FRANK COPE. Proprtetor. ^ _-_^ COKKECTTICTJT. tTTe GRISWOL (EASTERN POIKT). New London, Conn. B. H. YARD, - - Manager Entlrely a new hotel. Everythlng new?f>ir Blshlnga, beddlng. Unen. ailver. etc. Soli.l rna Imgany furniture throughout One hundred bathroora sult.-s. THE FINEST SUMMEit RESORT HOTEL IN AMER1CA. ' a?e?*4??y'a*i^^^?^*'^ EDQEW00D INN, GREENWICH (ON THB SOLND). CONN. NOW OPEN. 88 miles from New Tork. 80 tralna daUy. Buperior Stablea and Auto Quarter* Flne lioads for Drtvlng and AutomoMltng la a I'U-turesQue Country. Caslno. Golf, Tennla Uowllng Spagioua Verandaa, Concerta and Danclng dally ln "The Cou? ?? D P- 81MPSON. Manager. RHODE lHULKD. THE MANISSES, BLOCK ISLAND, R. I. Eirteen mllee at **a: dally boata from N. T. wlthom change. Every modern convanlence. Bathlng fnhlni boatlrg. crrhestra. M. y. ornc,. Towa * cSuatry 2a? 4th Av*. Referencea Booklet*. -?"r. -o? _ C E. A B. A. BROWN. Prop* atASSACHrSETTS. RERKSHIRK HfT.I.a THE MAPLEWOOD, PITT8FIELD, MA8S. TO OPEN JXTSK 18T. ?end for 1001 Booklet W^e |qo^hggg^ STOCK BRIDGE, ms^^r,E_ RED LION INN, tw* a**iy sppoLud hoteia HEATON HALL, ai.een treadwat, Prop. >r.w nA>rr?niRE. WENTWORTH HALL C??<1_? Jackson, \\ liit?;? .Mountalns NEW IUMI'jHIRE. NOW OPEN. Ouls'.n* and aarrloa of the hlgheet ord*r. Accommodatlcns fur ^N). Ex-ellect rnads for drt-.lng an! antomobtllBg Tennla. golf. Thoroughly eTjlpped garsge. Trlps un b-, ir.ade to and from ail rromiaerit polnta !n tr-.e Wklta M nintaln* ln one day. IVs.-rl- tlv* clrcular a*nt apon a;, . . M ??. WT"NTVvrmTH. Prop. WAUMBEK 1 t^K^ V,Wl^V/l^ 1 . | FAatrCr .MTTAClEa JaJJEKSON. N". II . WKTra MorvrAINS. A. inwnodattona fur 600. ?BaaON, JfNE TO OCTI niEn. Fartlfuiara on appllcatloB to A. J. Ml'UPHT. Mgr. THE SINCLAIR. WHITE BETHLRHElf. N. II. No h?v fever. KO*W <>PEJ?, Bteatn beat, golf. elevator, bathrootn sultea. m;KijIN * CO.. llbO liroadway. New York. VERMirNl. VgvMMr-rt Hoatca iv oreen mT.u of crmont and Lake Champlain. IWewas $1 to *10 per week. New train* b*tw**n Boston, N*w \ rk. Rprlngfleld aad '.'???? nl i ?lata A* good ?i any on th* con tir;?:t l'li page tilmtrated broehora mallad fre* on reoelpt of 6c In start.; ?, f..r poatag* Addresa a \v iNE. So Paaa Agt 385 Broadway. New T,rk Clty LAKE BOMOSEEN nm35g& r.ates. ?n tO J14 r-op.. Hyd*vll.e, Vt. NEW VOIIK fc ? PaJlSB -;i ?.rv!ra to l.VKE UEOStOC 1T1 nmmutAT ?ml '?.?< BROAPWAT. Country Ronrd. AtrOMMODATIONS^TTT^eTT^oTTe^dT^^ equippea mo.lorn houa*: flrat clasa. FVr term* a" dresa afra D C. LAJCPOBT. Btaaford. Dclaware *". CBDAJB 01.EV HOriB. Ittfton. T'Tster On N~v" Elrst-clasB buard. $s to |10 _ wwrk Illuatrated book" !..'. WM. RLATER. Proprl.tur A tiENTI.K.MAN havlng lnrge eeaatry h?aa* nm^nr th* - - ? ?v ?--??? . -.....,. ,,,. .... iimnns- Tlie A -u MT J.1. """; flno ??"le: "'?r lake. Addresa " K.x l.M'. Wertt Bwaasay, N II CHICAQO QRAIN AND PR0VISION8. Chlcago, July 12.?Actlvo ooverlng by ahorta catiK.-d n strong clnas in wheat to-day, th* S*d tembor .lelivory ahowlng a net galn of %o. Com la up J*c, oata ?,o anj provleiona Ttyc to 1TV4C20O W'hent opened weak becauaa of a dacllno of rnor* than 1.1 nt Mvcrpool, and becauao of extremely fATOrahla wnuther ln tha X.rthweat. Prtoaai oon tlnued to dccilno rturlng the frrst hour, and touched a iKlnt lo bolow the close of yesterday. About the mlddle of tbe day sentlment changed because of nttmeroua reports from the Xorthweat telllng of the poor cundition o? the aprlng crop. t^ommls slon houses nnd ahorta commenced to btiy froely, and prices aoon advanced :>o ubove th? low mark of the day. Tho market was alao etrengthened by reporta of amall ylelda m the Soutliwest. The cIobo waa Btrong. Boptember opened M,o lower to H<: hlgher, at 63'1 to M?o; ?,ia 0fT to 82-*o and then advanctd to SM'^c. The clc*e was ut Mo. cioarnnces of wheat and flour were equal to lta, 000 buaht'ls. Kxporta for the week. as ahown by "Bradatreet'a." were equnl to rt.2.-,0.t\X? bushols. Pri? mary recelpta were 487.0n0 bushela, agalnat 875.000 buaheln for the correspondlng day laet yeax. Mln lii-apolls, Duluth nnd Chlcago reported recelpta of 191 eara, agalnst l&Z enrs last week and 881 eara a year ago. Tho corn market was w**k early becauee of ex oellent weather condltlona and ln sympathy with Wheat Later tho odvance ln wheat brought out improved demand for corn, nnd resultod ln a Btrong market. Small loeal recelpta woro a bulllsih fuctor. Bcptfttnbar opened K to 9?o lower at 6S?i I.. Ho, *old off to *$% and 6S?ic, and ralUed to MJ,4a Tha close waa at tl%o. I.ocal recelpta were 327 oara, ineludlng S! of eoatraot grad?. Oata enrly were wtnk booaua* of th* eame ln fluences that affected the corn market. Later the oata markot rallled on buying by bulls. Crop dnmage reports from the Northwest aided tha buy? ing movement. September opened V* to ^o lower at tm lo -Mm\ advanced to 89?4o and cloaed at ?9Ha Local recelpta were 68 care. Tradlng ln proviaion* was amall. but the market was flrm because of hlgher prices for Hve hoga. At the close tieptember pork wa* up TTV, and 20o ti, Jl? 42>* and 116 45. Lard was up v_o at taflCM, aud rlbs 10c hlgher at $3 72M,. Erttlmated recelpta for to-morrow: Wheat, 22 ears; corn, 2St! ears; oata, SO ears; hogs, 14,000 head. a EUROPEAN PRODUCE MARKET. Llvejpool. July 12.?CTonIng?WHHAT?Bpot ataajdy: No 2 red WMUm Wtatar, 7s M; hiturea eaay; July 7a 7kd Beptember, 7? 2**d; D*o*rab*r, 7a 4?*d. OORN?Spot qulet; Heaa drl**, Ba H,l: old Northern, 8s 2Hd; future* qulet: July nomlnal: beptember, 4a ll>4d. Pi-:as ? i'.'.h i.'.lan stcady, ila Sit. rtaOURr?M I^uls faney wlnter qulet, -'7n Bd. HOP8 ln Laxtdoa, Paclfto Ooaut i2 KiF{|4u'i lo,. 1IKEF? Extra India me*s steady, 88* !Vl! PORK I'llm.- m.iss. \V,-stein tiulet. .>Cm ,U1. IL\MS? Hlmrt i ut. 14 t., 1? rb. Btaady, 54* 6d BAOON?Cuml>?.'r Uml cut, 20 to 80 lb. ateady, 82x; Bhort rlb, 18 to 24 n> stuu'ly. 62a; long clear niiddles. llght.' _H to 34 lt>. qulet." Ms *ld. long clear middles, heavy. ar, to 40 lb, dull oOaj cl.-ar lellleM. 14 to 16 n>. flrm. 4Ss; ahort clear backa 1? to 88 lb. Btaady, 4il.> M; aliouiders, aquare. 11 to 18 lb Hteudy. 89? I.A Rl ??Prlme Western. ln tler.-es,' 4;u~ i'i.I. Aineilcin rrtlned, lu palla. qulet. '43: __, CtHEHBE?Canadlaa tinest whlt*. new ateady, ,1oa ?id old. tk",a; t'anadtan flnest colored, new ateady 67s- old' 87a. TALIAIW?I'rlm* clty dull, 81a ROSIN?Common flrm. 11* IM. PETltoLEu'M?Redoad staady, ?Tad. UN BBED OIL *aay. 2tfs W. Summer Resorts. NEW YORK. Eotel Asnpersand AND COTTAGES ON LOWER SARANAC LAKE Now Open. W. K- HILL. Mgr. Late of Hotel Wentworth. New Cnatle. N. H. The Amperaand la famed for Its heaithful and lnvlg oratlng cltmat-*. aha-dutH exemptloa from tiay fevy and malarla. lnsplring ac?nery dellghtful walka. per fect golf llnks, tennla courts. flshltig. boatlng. bathlng and auperlor raaalc. Bookjlet at 1180 Broadway. Cor. 2Sth St . X. Y. PAUL SMITH'S Camp, Cottage, Casino, Hotel UU Jt'NE TO OCTOBER. St. Regls Chaln of Lakes. Tbrough Pullmans Daily Without Change New York Central?Paul Smith's Electric Ry Dlrect wires with New York Stock Exchange tlotel and ccttages ln the heart of the Adlronda>c*a overlooklng two of the n.oet beautlful lakes in the regioo. Trout flshlng baa* flshlng, boating, bathlng. bowling. pool. tennls. aaajaje; houso phyalcian. Sanltary plumblng; pur* aprlng water. No pulinouar/ lnvallds. catalogues. MORLEVS. Lake Pleaeant. Hamllton Co.. N. T. '4 r_4\ ADIRONGACKS *V ata, fcLlZABETlITOWH. Mfr N. Y. ~4_.^ BOOKLET. Ortando Kellogg 81 Son. Prop* ADIRONDACKS. TAYLOR HOUSE and Gotfages hltuaU-d on beautlful Echrooa Lake. Homellk* and 8*1 *et. For particuiara addreaa C. F. TAYLOR, >Ir.. Manager. Tajlors on ScliriHin. N. Y. Booklet* at Graad Hotal, it' .a.'.way and 31st St. WAWBEEK ":^ao^ l';i;er BawWnaa Laka, Adirondacka _J. UEN 1IART. WAWBEEK. N. Y. Hotel Champlain I AND COTTAOES CLINTON COUNTY. W. T ON UKE CHAMPUW. fy In eentr* of Natural Park of 4.V> acraa I Ready for receptlon of guaata Jun* 1st. r,t)I.I- TENNIS? SALLIXG Tbrough Pullman service trom N. Y, oa nj <J main ltne Del. .?? Hodaoa R. R., 3 mll*a from ?? Q Plattsturg. R) and for DBaatratei booklat to ?J $?' E. L. BROWN, Mgr. Hotal Champlain. fcj LClinton Co.. N. Y. t_ Two partlcularly fine cottagea to rent IllallliUl tiJUtSt JSafSSMSSBStt f^J-^X^MSR Saratooa* Zbc Granb TLlnion For Part tr*** WOOUl'I ? C.l.RRlNS. Proprtetora ?arataga Bprtag* W. Y. l OF Ti-'E HOTE1. SiARlfc AVrolNETTK. j'r adwray, I . st . Nww Tork Ctty ai.i THK M'.oqi ois. Buffal* SARATOGA SPRINGS YV.NDSOR HOTEL OfKOJ JLNE C4TH. Epeclal Ratea on Ft Ql aUl'TH. Lease*. CARDENCITYHOTEL UA1UIEN CITV .... Long Isiand. 18 miles from New York. Open all the year. Qulet. reflned. eaeluslve. Uooklet. 3. J. LANMN 10.. Prop*. THE HOTEL FRONTENAC KHK) Islanus, St Lawrence River. NOW OPEN. A magnificent hotel. daOlgbtfully sltuated oa an laland ln th* Bt. Lawrano* River. Tho fuvcrlte water for Baator boata and boat r**tag, f.Jh'ng, rowlag and sl! ag,v:at!c spir:s. An astramely ptctoresqa* niae b'.le gn'.f eourae free lo ? a.* hotal; alao tenal* ?nd othsr stiorts For l ooklet ar.d full ir.foraiation ?ddr?ss C. *. TRUSSBLL, Manager. Pronten**, N. T. iA>> ranrmijfr 13.n Alr. Augasta. i~la. > Sharon Springrs, N. Y. The Baa*ae-a*aaa* al *a?*C*ea. wkaaa. Waa** Salphur. Msgnee.a. Cbalybaat* trpr.t.g* in th* world. Pinureaqu* and Ideal a*** for aaatta an.l iBfuailiat; free from ma latia and moaqultoea Bur.. eon art* detlghtJra) drlrea, aummsr BOCtal feutaisa uu ut-d^or s;-?.-t.s. rartlcular* r.esort Bureuu. Btta AV*TJ?a lio'.tl. and 171 und liia Broad *?y. Kew Tork. 1 mmmu house s cottages Manbauset Msnnr, Slu-lti-r laland. X. Y. Juna aotb t* .^ept. 184a aeoonuaodat** Baa a bigii clusa rnodarn h >t*i. r*an?d and aaclualv*; g ..if, t*nni?., drtving, mot.rrlug, b>.itlug. batblng, flsl.;..g J. J I.A.V.VIX CO.. Prupa. Also propa Hot?i Oramatau. Rronx.ill*. N. Y. aud dard*n Clty UotaL Garden Clty. L. I. aaVaafaafa CRA^iATAN BRONaVU.EE.Waatcbeater Ca~ N. Y. 18 mllea trom New York. open aU me year. aa*4 taa booklti. _J. J. UANNIN CO.. 1 MANHAn>M BEAOF Oi.IE^TAL MJ DINNEKS TO AITOMOU1LK PART1ES a Speclalty. New Oatraga Raaerve Table* la advano*. Tel. 1000 C. Isiand. J. P. GREAVBS. Manager. LONG BEACH HOTLL LONG BEAfH, U I.. NEW TORK. ~IN ALL THE WORLD NO BEACH LIKE THia.** NOW OPEN Largeat and moat dallghtfully located reeort hotel ln tb* world Under *am* management a* th* UoUl Emplr*. N*w Tork Cltv. Ughted throughout by elactrlclty. VICTOIt SORLIN A.NH HI3 OROHESTRA. Ratea. 84 00 per day and upward. Ratea. 8U1.0O per week und upward. EOl'TU COAST 11,'TKL ,',). 1'roprletor*. W. Johnsun <Julnn. I'resldent Manager. theTong^beach l\nT~~ Long Beach. L. I.. New Tork. ON THE OTEAX IIMiK RATES 810.00 PER WEEK UP. 6ame manugemant aa l^ong Beach Hotal. THE INN AT HIGH P01INT. A htgh altltude mountain resort. Ecenery Elavatlon. 2.000 ft. Beautlful lake. Modern hoteL Su perlor eervlce. Orcheatra. Tennl*. BllUards, Tennla Cro~ quet, Boatlna. Llvery. Flshlng. t I' . - .?i a SO?. Fort Jervla, M. Y, Sum .ier Resorts. KEW YORK. Briarcliff Manor, New York. BRIARCLIF^ lodge "Tha Hotel Beautiful of the Briaxclifl Huk't Is now open for the season, with Elennt I Addition, and presenting many uniqna __\ attractive features. THIRTY MILES FROM NEW TORJ. And superior in plan and condua*. ___D. B. PLUMER, Managej, "BETWEEN SCHOOL BEASON9 ??""" ai HOTEL MAJESTIC "THE CASTLE" Tarrytown-on-Hudson _Capacity 300 HOTEL ST. GHARLls ONEIDA LAKE Moat popular Summar Hotel ln Oaatrai .v,T ,.. ?verjth'.ng flrst c.aae and mouern: boatlng, hathin. i?[*l and ataam boata; flshlng uneacelled. ' aa*l Writo for Terma and Information. MANAGER HOTEL ST. CHARLEa Sylaaa Baach. N. Y. ^^ SUNSET PARKlRpJ HA1NES FALLS. N. Y. Catakills' Firtaat Hotel Rooma alngi* or en BUite. vrlth or without bath. CaBasa and fiervtce Unaurpassed. Ei*vatora EsauUits _ Muslc. Se.ect Pstronase. OWEMC. BECKER, Prop.. Halaa* FaU*. X. _ SHOREHAM l\N and COTTMilT SHOREHAM-ON-SOCND. L I. Oarden gpot of North Shore. In Htghlaada. itimt FsmUy Hot*L Hathlng. ** EOTEL RICCADONNA.Ocean Parkway. '3rg^_1 Beach. N. Y.?deaaon open* June Ist Rooms raoS recerved st th* hotel or at 114 Naaeau St.. Kew Y:**/ HIW JERSXY. If you aook a restful. healthful spot for a week-end outing or summer home no better or more attractive place is available than The MONTCLAIR Overbcking Monlclair, N, J, Fourteen m:le* from New Tork - This new. .jhigh class house, opened May first.offers subur ban hospitality of a high order. Unsurpassed outlook. Pureat air and water. Large sunrvy rooms with every modern con venfence; grill room. tennis courts and automoblle gar&ge. Illuatrated Bo**rJ*1 '.j^n recjuest. The Wcntclair Hotel Comaaiw F. C. CAMPBELL. Manager MONTCLAIR. V J. Phon* 1410 Bloorr. THE GRE?N INN COTTAGES ANI> BCNOALOW3. MliS'MOl'TH BEACH. N. J Fir.est p'ac* or. Jersey i'oait. N <?? B*a*\ Thls magnlflcent property haa. aaaBa* r.ew rwneraaBfl and. propri^torship, rw>n ra equlpi ed throighout wtaj *v*ry modern aec?nry '. - ".???.!???* Corn* down ar.d aee tho ^-.ts Tk* "^w pra. pri*tor, Mr. Annatror ?. - ' iwoe^ N. J . '.% r.ow on the prem'.a*-* Th* Qreen Ir.r.. M . ? . N. X HOTEL DENNFS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Cccuplea ono-half; square ot unobstructat beach front. WALTER J. BUZBT. tParlborongft-SIenDciiU ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Joalah Wblte a Sona. Pru*>rtetora VEKllON. ? arr. rt A-.?. near B*acl , ?r> * tlo City, N. J Opan all vaar Prn*--. batha ?? ?*U**I ta;:? and aarrtc* Fi . fron faiag II r.j day up; J> week up il E. OEIOER The Clarendon tlrglnU Aif. and Beeakj Atlirtic t ;t?. N. J. :jaX BRUNSWICK HOTHL ASDIRY PARK. X J. Noted r-v tourists f,,r the- hSBBj srnn^nrt ot e-jr-e'leaa*, maintalned. Iiiiaieil ka taa . ?: eecitaa I :.-.? c*a> Dlrectiy on the uceaa eaplanade Booklet. ^.OHGAN * PARSON* "NORTH .TER*EY'r* BEAITY SPOT." ASBURY PARK NO MoSQLITOSa ort BtALABUA FIVS HOTKLS AND BOAJU SSS. Hotel Information and Booklet of the Clty upon r*qu*st to Publlclty Buraao. 600 MATT1SON AV2. AaULKV PaHS. "hotel southern, ASBURY PARK. X. J. FIR.-T ATaafH Near beach. w'.th open ?**w cf m?n ???. Part** aa* bllllard room. rcervtc* srd culsln* . Tdaaaaa* rate*. Booklet. 'Phone 3dl>. A. H L' IC. Pt?B. HOIEL MOVVIOLTH, ASBl'5Y"7S* Enobstrticted vlaw ot the ocean Now booldag BBl the aeaaon_ *M aPPI-EuaTS. Pi*? MINOT HOUSE: lz.rC Booklet on re<ju*st. Capt. J MINOT. _A*bury Park. New Jeraey. ? OGEAN HOTEL, ASBLRY PARK. N. J. Laxges: and lea Mag 1. _ GEO. L ATKIN3* SO?^ HCTEL WALBROM W^:'&?%__ Rat? ** to 113 Booklet E ^EO_HLLtB"k ? ?BB \ ASBt^i^AiiLSL * Block from Ocean. ^^ Tboroughlr ModernUeA Abiindant Ta6 e .bw phon* ,l?l Booklet_JOHN R ^VHTTsl^ fTtHE kAHYIAND, X A?bur> Park. N. J.. near foot of Pourth are. C<rntr?i to a.! attractlons oo the NKh. Phon*. 344. itook.?t. E- A. CROPFER. P??"> THE MELROSB. Asbsrry Par*. ? *? .? X>*llchtful central .ooation on Aabury Ava. eppaas* Llbrary Suuare. Flne patronage maintalned. Opaaa* tb* y**ri Wrlt* for ratea Telephoa*?**? R. _C. 9. COOK. Prop. _? THE GOLOHIAL- ^^Ipaol^^eTanlaa aV **? druvf. N. J. j Ccnvenlent ta all P?,ntt-_. Capa.rlty lOO. Booklet. *? YOaTaaa STRATFORD.^^^'frout- L o"^^ Oood tabl*; reaaonabl*; 80 rooma A T> LYlM** vl Norman Houss M - v - -"to1^ SOMERSET TNI cot.vobs bkrn.vri^vilU* *? * NOW iJFL.N. _ Oolt T??nl*t awlmmlag Pool. aall** *t BM *.^ rcBd* for motortng and drtvtng. *??& 3&M Capaolty BOrt. Wrlt* tor booklet. *J16NJ ?? ?"ii"Bi Manager_^__?* THE hEW MOfaMOUTH, Spring Lake Beach, N. J. ImproT^l by tb* adJltkaa et BBltT tj tn* with bsta? AETOMOBIL1NQ. RIDINO. _ DRlVlNii. TENNIS. OOLF. ? -mfll s CANOE1S0L BATHJ* FRANK F. 9H1ITE. Manager._1 " THE WUIPPAXY 11 Elm Street. Morrl*tovr*. N. __-+__**4____'__\ houa*. open all year: accommodatta* ao. >*w.i . ntahed rooma Excellent table. Pleaaaat loaatloa. i^**' grounds; 0 mlnut**" wslk from atatloa_A THE ORTLEY~TNN Syi AN 1IK \? II > J ",ier? July l?1 THh: ALBKKTSON ^^ Secd tor Booklet and tarma J. B. AJaWBTa***