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fOsTTSUOVTB ROMANCES. faJre About Old St. John's Church formerbt Qpeen CanUtte'* ChapeL ?-? protrstant __^_??pal Church of Bt John's. .J r.:_,.ut_. N. H- baa just celebrated the * ? Of l's I""' * rt nan**' "Ofa-h tWO ti) ' ir>t tbe _x_-cls___ Here, tadeed. ls a |B**** ,._??... witb __________ tnenaories '...? . i ? ' when Queen Carolinc's Chapel \ii _?____. to * *'*-*' ' ____! on Ihe -__*. an.I arbea word was *'iS Cn" -the a-*! ;;';it il ti-i'1 bee? s" l :. 1 u_,-_ ;i,:OS'iit oV'rr a aU-er Bervlce for the iltar ?be -'^prn ^,.-,. ia.tj_n. This communion ^ s mark of ber __* _ v rw *r _ IM* "?* 1! CHAIR Pef-ENTED TO ST. JOHN'S CHURCH BV QUEEN CAROLINE. . tffcs k m -s _b -.: .: jiaailifr** '?' ? s. __fV < '"? 5 __: ??'< ? ' yraase J -?' ti Hm TP-BraJ __i caaa I aaj or i.. now . exlsi ? Bt J Ws ? - .. .. 3 .._.:; .- :-; ri1 - lx_3 ? l n - i - - ? ___ at ? - - - __"t_jr p_|_K ? ? I 1 . > B___ ; aaaar n - '?'?* Gc"_rr,.r, if the two - ave taken a ? I e church, and one of - f-ifts was "Vlnegar Bil le." whb h -? it lts name ? Kln_f*s printer. in ' the Vineyard"* ? Vinegar." This blunder I .;? hlgh prii >?_ for ? ??>- copies that wore rwas liscovered. There ?pi.-s ..f the "Vinegar ls in Christ Church. i? espedally of in torles if lts o-dtlme ? ? Rev. Arthur li ? be ; TO. "I.a ly ? ? '. k Re. Mi I Sl that I ety for ? : I - I l I | - . : their j -? i :? -? " is For t . . ? ; - - - . ? ? ? . - int girls . . ? ? ? polnted ? - . ? ? - - ? ? . ? . : .'-. . i - Itan ? ? ? : ? . : . ? ; f ... the n buki of - ? I .? so" ? . ? he inn ? I upon 1 I ... ad re :.? r own . tiders t thal ber boast ...... ilr, H !? - t ".air, .? .' la k.'i?-'-a. ? -???-. -..?rn ' V. Ti. .- out to B^-. od to be =tands at this hour, ptemsa Coolldjre. Least a little way ln '. .f oor bostess. ? i rtag tbe servlos ?be sc-rved for seven years-ln a pretty humble capaclty, it |, truo yet ..n a higher plan- than her former f condltlon of gutter . hild Wlth mop and pai! Martha bustled about the great boui i Maid ol all w. rlc, whether eoars. or ' ? - A servaut, ?..'. ..... le s, :-. | ? ? ? Thus Bhe grew from cbildhood into lovel n turity; and dramatlc ln I ied v . - ? wh.-n Governor Wentworth commanded tl son of St. John's to make thia waiting-maid his wife. Governor Wentworth was glving a party on hla aixtteth birthday, ..? Rev. llr. Browne was pres nt After the third or f.,tir;h bottle the Governor hinted he had great news to communicate. And Ristnf. from his- chair Played ? : . wlth his i Iflei thet looked d v. n And said unto ti..- Reverend _rth "This ia my birthday: it shall 1 k. tr] My wedding day; and > iu shall tnan Little wondcr the rector was _gh: ?? [. no Liuie given him to think, I ? ?.- i: Martha was sent for, and powerful lover began forthwith I ..:. 1 as chief Magistrate." >?> that the ;.- - alti rnative hut to: read the -. rvici ' -. . .- | ciear: "1 ?___._ l). .o. ? 1. w.. are _ ?.:.-? rl ??? '? An I so ii to l ? ? ?. J. At his On the f.uirt!. tinger of her 1 .ir fl hand A CHURCH WITH HIGHLY ROMANTIC ASSOCIATION S. St. John's, at Portsmouth, N. H., which has been I ng ita cent The Governor placed the rlng ? ' that was all; Martha a ia La Ij U - l Hall! }I'-rt- Burely was aa drai my n Q< tlon Ita date v. as Mai 1760 Strangei tl..- Rev Arthur Browne ; the bcaut to a For tl.- old Govei - ? ? ? And fter .'.?? had ;? i&st ?! awaj ? l I altar ol St John'a with her h nd' r her own a No wonder, then. that the first : Portsn ut! ? ' i I us n s a klnd of rriages >ne of thi se at ? '' iloni 1 T .? ? ? ?? ? ? ' : ? viding . . f bread each Su lay at Port - ith s! . . -- ' girl had I ? ? ?? the bw< ? i - heart ol John Wentworth. The latter wai in Eng ' foi ; h< Governoi , : ight back with him. bucceeding Governor Benning Wenl vortb, in 1T''.7. .:..-i. he returned the gossipa tell us tl.e ij-i- ol his ??!,! Bweethearl lid a I previ at ? . j ? | between th" f r merlovers. At all events. it is certain that Ju t ten days after Pastor Browne had read y,,,; Atkin-on's funeral service he was called upon rry tlie wldow to Governor John Went? worth. And among the rurlous doenmenta preserved at th- rh'ir'h Is the bill for the bridegr .oin's ap r.arel worn at the wedding. Here it ia: * ? s. (\. To one palr of whlte "11k Btocklng hre,-. hes.l To whlte ni;k coal, uniincd .2 To a blue corded Bilk walatcoat. To n. rlch gold la'" .?.:??:??"'?" To gold button an.l loop. hat recocked. etc. To three yards queue ribband . Yet another story of romantic con nected with St Johr.'B Ib the eourtship of one Nlcholas Ronsaelet This appeara to have done his courtshlp ahyly ara'. lngenlousl> by marklng pas-agea ln his Bible while ! ? was gcing on and then handing it to therini Moffatl Mr !: ; ? ' ather's p( -. rk.-.! the ? ' f Sl John. "' ... i. Unlo t And tl tl Bfth vi rs.-. "And now 1 bi not as I I _ r '? imenl unto thee, but hi h . ! id from tho beginnlns. thal we ? other." Miss Moffatl to 1 Irlt of the I '" i >ng ser mons by e! ? . ? - ? She In turn marke ! the I hapter if l.uti.. vi rs. s llj md 17: "For shitl ??? -st I \\ i.l ? . ? ? i will i-:_. h.all h. my ; ? : . md thy ' lo 1 my \VT.( ?? th ?? dl. st -..;:: 1 ii. . and Ih. r? _ . I I ??? :. ?::? : 10 i ? ? .." X.. lo_s a i orson than W hii ' ? hi ol I Now i . :?: 1 .'-'.( i . : tho Gov | it ir. ...... ii . iv. d the ! :??? r?f 1-t.c, in whl ri the ? -i iginal i hapel wa.s tl .tr ????? d .' ? v. . ? ? IT91 that the parish was in , rated under the name of St. J hn's, and churcl name. II - ?:..!.? ; ' ' ...... i | the Re. Artl ur I Ir. for .!? ? iti il ll the W( : " THE REV. ARTHL'R CROV.NL First rcctor of the t_ ar(_.h. MORE ART TREASCRES. Reeently Aequired by the Metra* polilan Museum. Ai ng tl re. tntly acrjuired possesslons olf th. Metropolitan Museu f Ar; is the Gibbs ? - \ ? ? portrail rge Washington, I I y Gilbert Stuarl when the father of his country wa I I career Anol ; lition to tho ristening suit, - . ' v K. V mderbilt, whii h m a fcal tion of nlne century lac. . What th( hlst .-. of this It coi sists of f :' ::? Bi ussels ap tury wi rk, and tho lents is fln il. . >vei ing the ' prays an?i ? ? bronzes f ir v. hich a has b_'ii - nted ' lul( s DalOOa ,1 bl .:_ :ti .the? th ke -m ma Ireping babo which sh hold in her arms Another figure la 'tr ? ? nt. .-? ny '? <ia ?ttl hiki iruV ;!-. da : ? - '..Whal n ! M :.- ionirj Tli< I ,. K cltj ALLHAIRON FACE ANDARMS