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Golf ?> Rowing & Automobiling S> Other Sports tBAVERSTHECBAMPION EARNS TITLE AT GOLF. n ft & ??' in Eimd Round of r- Amateur Tournament. B ? ' me p. Travers, of Mont : amateur golf ciiam f me Euclid Club here ... of tba North ar. 1 E to I l:iy in t!:c early ln tiie olay Travers ? i tiie turn 2 up. and. iter -C. Travers endi .1 tho mora At the turn In j had lr.< reased ? ? ' i t the ultlmala i - I ? it Travers w_n he I ? itable golf "that haa play began evement of this yeara old. is r. j. kable fiom the fai t that : . ampoon Ta hold t'.-ie ; ? ? '? ? !? ' New jersey titles all ti?i ng hitherto unbeard of. for tho eighteen holea I'iay for the ' lea of e a '., r bagla on played i Iraham took 7S ln ? for the flrst nlne holes ln the M over b'gie on the iast I I B plucky gam.. but was slmp ly r" a gslfer who, to quote the languaga ti rr<M ,,. ;>,_ fnlted Statea Cioif -?- - ? xhit.ition of goif that :.i.i!flur champion l _m ai ?-.:. flrat played. - al Wlnm r of this tourna r deeerves ths -hampionship," sald ths W'altei J. Travi.s. after watchlng the N .w er out the put that brought him : H.- had the hor_ side of the v thtougb a lot of high cla_s play cr- ' Qnteh." mt golf to-day. clmost aa : tact, as that abown ln yesterday.. p.-n l tch wlth aVarren KL Wood. He araa in H nally, but hi. Iron Bhota Beveral Im bolaa wblch apparently he had lost I >or Judgment That aevsntb bole la the afternoon round. I thia bole ls -'--' r/ards. with a big tblrty yards fr..i_ tbe ;i took a cbanee after his long drive ? buaker. and got off a low ball tbat than 3" yards. ? o ._me .-hot. but could not get itjgfa be made a. perfct stroke, ntped into the bunker. thia sh it ; Travers, however, generally j - bla Iron r^hots were _lm<.Ht ln I BXtd his w..rk on the. rc.-ns, Btroke of golf. was far _?:? | rth Jersey mnn. ?oul west arlnd blowlng when the : ?-???. t a Itl th- < ? :?? -?-.:?- a tre followed the palr, ar.d it ? to two th : " red of these Btrong __-. TAIL OF THB PLAT .-?? ? ' angaga la e long ? n -? - tor 260 ya rda I. i I of the t Ived in * - rded at the . k to have ~' the third green, a distanoa of I leek. but - _.:* nd as he 1 _? d la I t,. 4 Thia ma le ' tbe _U I fourth in a ? I hlmeell cr ? 1' got tbe longer hail by T*''? ' ? was > third feU green ?. in -i to .. A tha at the _*. : ? Ito 5. - th men ? - n Oraham's I Thia made - ' I t that poli :. ?' .| . ? ? _ raham i -. - . ' ? l et 4 re on t >p of the ? - :?? r Oraham ? - ? - " ? eenth tee Gi i ? _!? neltbei m*r ? - i ?:. . to j p ? ? '. . round in " Bt.r. :.. . Rernooa, Travera waal ? undei f ? ira : ls that I ka. v. ght off a trlcky put for a S. Ird, fourth, ; .. J* WPped | ( the Pateraon levra aftet driv- ; ? ? < ond wtthin flve yarda of | I to -. ta-o-foot rive to ? ti ? ? me n trlflt the arror In it all eventa ? ... 4 t.. ?, and ba followed Ithln flve feet of and brought off tha ? ? . hls In though thi . . | ; |.,;i.i, put ! ? Z* u- .; Graham won Ihe j r.rt . y. ra lald hl i the cup, and the .. ?._ him a stymle \ . I< : ? ; tt,'?* .. <-m;1.v .ix holes ] mattera a' ti.e : iiook- j ..!.? no ? ? 4 4 4 4 4 :. 4 :: t, ..? 4 4 :; .'. (i 4 B ,'i B 40 4 4 4 ' 4 f. 4 4 4 ?? 73 I 4 l :, 4 r. t B B ?- 7? Or_,6? 4 4 4 4 4.': 8 ??? 4 " 4 fi :, .'. :, 4 2 .?. : 1 J r. _ 4 ? : 4 '_ POX HILLS GOLF CLUB. hai,.' J ' )'? tba re. iiar elgl Moi.t I '1 urner. II. V . ? dcor-a of 72. ? h . ', i? n _ r ' j- w 3 !. f? * ir . BB ??in. ?. io. _'i . _ - -i B T-J ..14 .7 _ W C t% ., '" *" ........ .7 a V* I |',, 1 I 7ti ... _2 KS 1 . ?' ? . II >??? _ i 108 -" *-'* .103 14 " -? Mvr F0REST !'iLL riELD CLUB. Far,,. ? ln order aa r___J ..j..,. yaatetrdajr. In the aecond JEROME D. TEAVERS. Tho natlonal amateur gc'f champion. round. A. F Allaopp h<-at II (' Bgner \<j 1 up; Frank Pai ? beat W, II. Burnett by i up, . vV Egnor T. J. Llntott by -i up and 3 to play. atch between j y. UanK'it.\ and A F. Bell found the ralr 0ii aquare at the flnish, and they ' ? settle tl [ at a later d In th*- Bem1-flnal roun 1 Dana wl p will me,t the vln.ner of the li... match. The aweepstakea ???? irnett, F. Allaopp him A. V. Taylor tied f r i piace. BALTUSROL GOLF CLUB. Seyerni romperitions k.-it the membara of the Baltuaroi Golf Club busy ? Harry A'' ? ? ? I K. Taylor cup. witl ? ind for the Old Guard eup A I' Cl A Wright by ."? up and l to play 0.f ?:.. i- ?? flnal round matchea for tl.e secretary'a Ided, Howard G -. ? .T Sullivan by 2 u;- and l to plaj Wright ??? - h?i C?rd rt-adli , v.-ie ns Collows: Oroa Nei y A '.'. : Ight . :< Tt H J Erner . BI 16 7'. R F ??. 18 78 H-?wBt<i 'Jifflr, ... . t-H 7 T ? . Ennever .. ^7 11 70 C. r> Lanadale . . . in 77 APAWAMIS BEATS R1CHMOND COUNTY. ? f tfae F -? ? lo the The N -? ? ? . v. APAV " ? . -i . ... ,? I ?? .?. !. ?' I- Hart . . 0 Cole . - . " - . '? ? m-a . 31 B!. i. . U ? . .21 .. MORRIS COUNTY BEATS SEABRIGHT. ? N. J., July 1 eightax i i between thi ? . ... ,. rg ti ? ' ? ? :. of Bpectatora watched the pl a-as k< ' : dlows , BRIOHT ! : . ? . \ I v Dwlghl . 0[A. Sworda .1 .. . . 8 . >1 . - id . ? . s . ton ? . : . . 8 Rnblnenn . ? ' . 3 | . . B ? M . 1 K-ir . .... 0 Knox . . 1 s . tVDl Total " "' The fift'i round for l' ? ? ' ' ond. 1 up ed two i I Si.:i pi ". even up. -"?' ' ' P '?' ? s an ,,..- - '? vn: '' Flel >j. k Bmlth, :' down, V'anderpool, .'. down, and A. H Ven ai ?, 5 di CRANFORD GOLF CLUB. One-aided matchea prevalled ln the I Ihe ' Jranford Oolf Clu ? terday Tbe reaulta wen aa followa Wild ixat Marston by 7 up and t to plaj ? Breck by ? un and I t,, pla! . f ? ... ;, (. ,j. and 1 to play; D ivla bi at Lewia by "8 up and fi to plaj FAIRFIELD COUNTY GOLF CLUB. (]:- T- ll -i ? I ? ?:?.. Conn . July U#T1 RhLne M .i.i-n.-' Cup. ,: ' i""!" "1 M ;' ''?"''"'?"i ? (;.,if Club, wh ": ;"1'1 '"' wnted by Mra Cleo Bracken, o! NewJTork, waa ,? .]., by Paul i: Bonnei and t H. Arm ei winnlng 1"- 2 up and l to the thlrd conaecutlve year he ha II becomaa hia propi ity. DEDHAM FOUR WINS. Rockaway Hunting Club Loses East Polo Game on Ilomc Field. rvriarhursl Long Islai d. Julj IS .Bpeclal)* The \ ndpol.amdefeated the J?ur of th I thifl aftezi "- n Ly i ^ofVgoaJ ln aa fwa s gom. i ?? ?ecn \ here thta aaaaon. and throughoul the playing waa f . K.,o,i ai ti,- game for tha flnala cbaUenge aup. where old and ,? Rii__ard oups the Rockaway t? m concedlng four ' ShS tean.dd no, j fpeeiod ,;,.. home team made;the flrat iJ :? i 4- Then Dedham caught the Bphero ; ,v- V? *.n epretty coniMnatlon plays carrled the __ I, K SSSrr. .ra. after thn OEDHAM ., ? ,/?,??,',; >.....*. . 14 Total .'s ; li .--; by i abaw. Crana EASY FOR SHEPHEARD. WINS SEXIOR SCULLS. First Bohemian Crew Surprises Rivals in Junior Eights. The flf- li i. the ... .... ttaa i - the old oarsmen kepi ? ? i ? - .: | ? ' ' - ? Ihe I mln ? i ? I ihe shella ? ? ? : ? - ' ?*c, but v ? ? m the I . the end. winnlng : " 11 I ..... ? ' ,1 I y L'nl in Boat ' "lub, , Club. Q. . fl. A ? ? II i-.n l> *?; i. 'l , ? . ? ? . ir . '; AtworUi. Ni ? R Rowing ? ii ii--.-: i- i u a i . ? 2 A Mlera. .. . ? ,.-. H lt .l.iimiga, ooxewatn; . . . ' ?_. i .i \-;,n ? '? M iv Iten .? man ' Club, ? . - ? " pberd, Beewan haka H ... ? . 4 51) Wnn bv Naa i.'i Boal i 'lub; !?' I. I v< K11.. fie. bow .1 Rovla I Wade bow . !?' H m .. ahella W, n by Naaaau r: al Club il n William Metahoff atrolte; New ITorli Atl ]? Stewart, bow; L. l Rlnaa, atroki ond Tln ?'? ' '' _. ^ ? O B Ha ih Boal ' I','.. ' Intermedlata foui v' " 1,v ' !>-' n i Bu, nanek j F I.. ? ? .:. ,_e; i- K?Ima, eejtawaln; [natltute Thomaa I I B PrunU V. ? ? ? - . ? : ? . i.nnor, ftr-li..; .... nd N ? ume taken. YACHTS RACE TO SANLY HOOK. Belle Harbor Contest, Postponed from Jnly 4, Easy for J. F. Sabin'a Sabina. Threa yaehta Btarted ln the Bandy Hool; nhip race of tha Belle Harbor Tacht Club ? ,!?,. Th< contesl was to have been salled on July ,' 1,,,, i.H-i; of wlnd on that date poatponed tho s':,.;.....),. The prlae u-.,s a oup offered by ll. l" It was won by the Babina, which belonga to Joseph !-' B ibln. The race waa over a twenty ,..,?!,. course. The boata had a beat from the atartlng t" the month of the Inlet. a reach on the atarboard tack to the lightahlp, another reach back to the tnl. t and a run home -ln the afternoon there was ??! race for the araaller boata ovar an {',',';..,!,. course. R. Mal ,;s waa tha only boal to finlsh The Bummary: BABTN '?' P RACE COTJRflB, 21 MILE3?BTART, 10:43. E7l_paed I, .- ;,n,l <ium r Flnlrh. . i Sabln . -:?'?-' ? ?:10:M ? ing .8 ? :'" 0:11 30 r \.i ?'..,-,.,.*:02 BO 5:17:80 ...,, tlme . i, .- ii ??,". 4 io :?". i n Rou?h Rlaer, 4-40-Ih; on Moh_wk, r, "7 .'>-?. SPECIAL RACE BMALL B-OOFS- BTART, 8:20 ,. ,. -ii M-bo-ev . r,:l.s:>.,. B:M SO ?'"'V , ,','.. ' . Did not nnlah. ' "'!. Uid bo. nr.iah HACKENSACK GOLF CLUB. There waa an elghteen-hola handlcap va. bogte v the Unka of tha Etackensack Oolf Club yeater The four leadera nnished a? followa; \v. H. nnen, a .,!.. .1. R. Marshall, 2 up; L. W. Po__ arei'. 1 up; J- "'? Haadley. 1 up. GLIDDEN TOURISTSREST MANY PERFECT SCORES. No Mark Against Ttcenty-nine Cars When Chicago Is Reached. !Bv Tel'-riph to The Tribune. 1 Chicago, July 13 -The offlcial liat of records of tho cars ronjj'-ting for the Olidden and Howor trophies sriven out to-nlght . hows that twenty-nine tourln_ cars still have perfeet scores for the GUd den prlze. whlle seven are tled wlth clean marks for the Hower cup for runabouts. Tiie deplorable r^a.1. the automobile s had to cover cn Wednesday and Thursday make lt remarkabie that so many of th. <-are are still in th- tour with? out a mark ehargad agalnst them. The mr.chines had to show wonderful snr-d. aa well as great enduranca, to keep up to the sohedtile mappad out on Wednesday and Thursday. The fe* severe aecidents and the many close aacapea ainca tba tour began on Wednesday have evidently frlghtenad a number of tbe tt_.ri.ta. and many have glven up thelr placea to other., espe daily the an men. yeaterday a good many different faces could he . e.n In varloua cars. The tourlsta are taking a much needed two days' rest bere. called for hy the schedule. On Monday th.. cara wlll fn back to South T.end. Tnd . on tho start of tlielr long Jouraey to New- York. and every one ln the party aeema to be taking advantag? of the rest, as there are six days of trn.velllng next week, whlch promt.e to be frvlng to the nervea of all. Tho route mappe ri out wlll afford an excellent opportunity to show again the endurance of the automobile, and the cars that flnleh wlth perfeet Bcores will deserve all the honors that wlll come to them A glance nmong the cara for the Glidden trophy Bhows that they include six Pterce. two Thomas. two Whlte, two Welch, two Aeroear, two Haynes and two Packard cara, and ther- are alao a Reo. a Royal Tourtst, a Berllet, a I.o_l...-. an Oldsmoblle, a Ultchell, a Maxwell and s Peerless. Tv o cara that are runnlng for .i . errlflent. ln the Glidden contest are of the Ameri-nn lfora make. Both are from the St. Louls f"lub an.I have perfeet Each club la represented by a team of at leasl three cara for the i;ilddrn trophy. According rules, the club waa one aar ahy, so the points by theae cara cannot nn toward galnlng the i ip with perfe.-t srores for the trophy. whlch wlll p?-< to the owner of the car wlth thi iwing. are two Tboaaaa cars Pi ejnli r 1 lnd( r Pn mler used as Ithe ofllcl i! car, and another for rarrying a surgeon tn the tour, have glven good service The _? Inta cl i I the i ara feilow: GUDDEN TROl ii v. Flrat ? ?- cend Third day. .lay. Uay. R. D, __te>_ ri.r? ?-? . 0 ? - G. 9. S ..?::...r: 1 V _IOS,. 0 " 0 P . Flyi . 0 (? J r .!???. 11.!" . c ? ? . o ? o it .n : kard. o 0 0 W M I ? "' . o 0 0 . " ? S . " . " " 5 .; I- M re Welch . 0 '? " E S I- . ? ? 5 ? ? .. . o ? ' . 0 ? n H < rd. Dayton- _ 0 0 A N . " ? v . - ? S K ll . o ? _ . o o A M 1 . " . 11 H. . . " ? w c . . #> 2 . o 0 (> . o '?} . " n (' . 2 2 h ? . ft ? ? ..... 0 0 . " ? '' . ;; 1 . o . " i. S . ? ." * . ? ii .- ? ? " . _ .*>** .32 j. w . 2 A t. . " I . ? ? H< '. PP. .... ? ........ 0 J ? _ . " . ? la . " - o 1 Mai . ? 24 o GTJDDEN TOUR1ST DYING. Thomas J. Clarke, Hurt at Bryan, Ohio, Can Live Only Few Hour*. July 18 Thotnaa J Clark.. tho who was Injured when hls ? : iped over kmenl . .. ,r | . The attendant ?: Uve bul a few hours. ry is due to the broken rtb over h haa caused Internal hemor Hia v .-..? la constantly at hia b< dslde. COEY WI\S LONG RACE. Darine Driiing in 24-Hour Endur? ance Contest in Chicago. .-..? i , ? ? homaa ? ar. won four hour enduran se ra< e at the Harlem - ? day, coverlng a dlatance of 813 milea i. in a v :- *""'ir behlnd Wagoner. In a Haynea waa third. wnll j.. v iworth m o CadiLtac. got fourth pl .? ?? w th .?. mlli a Fi lend, ln a Ml< ll< A ,.,, . lugand persona nmong whom wen ? Glidden i luriats, watched Math.son car. after betatg many early parl of the race, caught i bomaa car at tha end : i hour The breaking of a chain ai igaln gave ihe lead lo Coey, The ' ick ivua ln bad i ondltlon. au.l no Bp, ,i BVei I-B here ...,i Monginl In the Matheaon Irlvtng of botb heM the on d BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES MONDAY. first RACl ;.-_. __ two-y?_r-e_la; added. .--!-; turlongs. ... w' " V__ Aheara . 106 'M. laar. '? 10B 'Tiie 1 ana.}>w . . . iob ?Bwot-Talre .';"> i - . ?? 104 BECOND RACB?Handlcap Btaeplachaaa; for four year tn : up* ud. noo wlnnan ol .1 .".(?>. a_d__. The'ahori courae, aboul two milea . . J57 BluaPlfW* .137 Bunalow . l? Judga OGln.133 .11 ... 138 '; W R*l .130 thihd RACE For ft>ui aad opward, noa wlnnera In 10-J and i - ol fL.OOO; |t."00 i Six furlonsi ,,, 1.1 .; -illan .113 Kln_. < ...... 1-1 Kather..Hl 11 . \K\Us Load. .}? IW P-auesBlng ._,.?? BUt.r I .11.imbrlnua .MB _ li" Bamuel tt :.n? Lady.1W Hlgh Raak.l'?rt .USiH.lan Portar.K>4 SunBra ,,:1 ?II RACE THE ATLANTIC BTAKB8: for two olda 81.800 idded Plva anl a hHlf furl.ngB. l-4|Smlrk_r .? 102 ?Walter Mlller. ?7 00 'H..v_. v_n- . 81 \. ni , '?'?' *Blu? H_f -ii . ?'. BOITtteWB. . M l'li-lii RACE_Haadleap; fnr U?_a* yasr eWla an.1 up ward 81 800 added Ona and oaa aixtaaatli artlaa ^rSiormWaur ' ? SS!5*^_r__i. n ..:.:::::: i" ' oiri::::..... j?] ^.j w_Ma.\\\ Dolly Bpanker.JJ? Ot-lcular . Rapid Water.U? ?'?' I ;,M .,M H\ ? Crawford ...118 BEX-TH RACHr?For gaklaaa thre_ yaara old and up ward 8800 added One aad one-alxt-Wth sUtoa T.nnilnal.T. !'" ?'? ? -*t.?n . HJ Rnalta. .Ild Rnnir...! .]"7 . ltOITha Knlishr.1?J !____-._?!.11.1 I.llt!.'(..n V.ald.IM r^}? .:::::.:io7lon tha __??._? biw tar".::.:. wmwwiB. ? i ll RACB One and one-ilxtetnth . .107 _l.r.?i. .B0 .10T! Cederatr_m? . Bfl Sold i nd'-.?? 1";' ''..fleman. 8J Don Royal.!*___) _.__5_? . r Mlr.lota .100 V_W_-a. ?. Balloi Boj . . t'3. .- < ?A_prentlca allowan-' Automoh'des. Automobiles. Stili Running fl&?- J That "Sealed Bomiet" Car This Is th* enr that? TVr>n th? 200m'le enduranea run of the V. T Motor Club June ?. K in throufbftut the Sealed Bonn?t Contest wlth a r?rfect acore Runs to-day and every day wlth the aeala atlll latact. iasIc for a rt<le ta lt. > I iu? dupllcatee of thla chassis all a_B?a p-rfeot toort,a ln th? Criicago Non-motor-atop Saalad1 Bor.n.-r <"onte?i Any Haynea car wl'.l <lo thaae th'.nns rejrtilarly. All tjpea of Haynea ready for deUrery. HAYNES AUTOMOSILE CO., 1715 Broadway, New York. :^3a_fcJ-?e^.*-gtee^^ m M imaaaftf a* We carry ln our extenslve clothlng department the flneat Une of motor apparel for both men and women to be found ln thla country. Our excluaive atylea and patterna and numerorxa useful novel tles are eura to please tha most tastldloua. We also carry the most comp lete line of hlgh grade Suppiies and Tools ever offered for the lnypection of motorlata. Our 1907 Catalog malled Free on appllcatlon., No motoriat can affnrd to be without if. ? I TBIELY AUTO TOP1CS. Palacc Skow's Good Proapects? Still Working on Parkicau. Judi.!: tha mannar la whlch app?^tteaa for s;ace ln the Grai i Central Palace ahow ara coming Into the headquartera of the Anaartraw Motor Car Sfanuf?eturera* Aaaoclation. the aSabt wlll acllpao ;,:..? prevloua attempts of a altnllar nature. All nenibera of tha ___arl?aa Motor Car Manufacturera' Aeao, latii n ara applylng for lar?er Kj.aoes than beretofore. The fact that the asso clatloa has Bocured is per cent ofl tho praferred apace on the maln tlonr ls an exce.llent criterlon that the dlsplaya wlll ne mora Ui than ever. The forty-l n are -. in fact. Bome I ?? c:trs. and when th? d iea are thrown open to the automobile purchaatag pnb?? lt wlll te caar fronted with the moal eo*np?tta diaplay of auto ? ever Offei ' The Aut ' ib of Amerioa. under whoaa w la annually condueted, wlU an ?? th.e data aoon. Tho trutfa of the contantloa of tba __nerlc_a Motor <".'- ' turera" Aaaoclation regar?Ing | rload cars seems to b?< proved by tbe facl tb ? I SM Forda oa tba road. ThUi ..-- - advtsed its membera to build al leaal one model wblcb will ?; tn- liuxn price, and the fact that concarna ? i Ford Ma twell, M I .iro meeting arltb Buch Buccesa abowa I tho ad Be for .>n the Long laland Motor Parkway, li ? not be I ri the spe haa ca - ? d Tl ?? rlght of waj t and the aurveyora an courae Tba work of road bulldinir will pr l rt Wlll be ? i untll the whi l" road la i The reporta of tho t* i autoaaohUa lelphia, Da trolt, 6 I Sl Louis, and the storiea of the ? whetted the New Tork motorlata for a taata of this lnterest - Nea Torki ra wffl have their . - wltneaatng long dtatanea auto ? tek on A.i g .-.-... ? i io ln addition to tha twenty-foanr hour a lll be 50 rod ? ' ?' Bto__ cara and Bprlnl i ictng macl ,v n, ? died 1 Nea Tork A-tia-oblla Club, ad :-o City and Country Motor Club, and -? ?'- b hara and j ut I_ike Mal Preaidanl Nerwmaa of the Naw Tork Central ls Ltlon ln an a-tot_obUa tour of hat Ra-broad OfflciahI are men who may ba preeumed to be good Judgee of metaia ami machlnary. A Haynes eustomer, Oeorga L. G-aatar, ofl Fluah Ing, who boughl his car ta Februnry, drova to th* N'.-w Vork B|?n.-y the other dav and made the re quaat that hla oar he looke.l over by one of the HERBERT H. LTTLB-3 POPE-TOLF.DO TOURING CAR. After lt went through the fenee ln the recent twenty-four hour nr. at IWrolt. Haynes mechnnlc.. He was aaked what the trouble | waa and replied that there waa no trouhie what ver wlth the car. but lt had been runnlng 90 long without attentton that he thought lt must be la .',,..,1 of aoma eara or adjastshant. He ha.i .iriv.n ,1.i!r over tlvo thou-an.l mlles. often at ver; Bpeed an.I had never had ocoaslon to use a wren. h or .,-rew.lrlver. The Hsyn. s people explain.rt that there was nothing ur.usual ahout hia ex.ertence and that he naed nave n.> fears . n tbe m.itter. Krra __ Kir_, .ormerly connert-d with Ihe E. R Thomas Mojor CaMBBjan. as fc_n.r_l salea __s___gar, and ona ?* the b**l known ra.n in tho tn do, has baaa appoinied \v .at?m aale- BBanagar for the Ralnt.r company. Mr. Ktrk wlll h_v_ charge of ] tlio terrltory ?_t ef and __*______? Pittsburg and . B_t____ ThOWBB **. the nulliunair. mino BSB__BJ of Denver an.t Waahtngtaa, has plaeed hu ataan . >r a Winton Model .1, nnt-hed in rogal btua. A ruuior la U_i l~ist that Charlea B. Bhanks had ii-Jgasd aa goueral aulea manager of ihe Wbatoa Motor Oarrlaga Ompany came aa newa to both the Winton company and Mr. Hhanka. Wyckoff. Cliureh & Partridge delivered the body ot a Steama runahout last week tbat Ig expected i to attract much attcntloe n_ AUTOWOBiLE BODIES lli_li*_t Grade Only MOTOR RKTA1R WORK Compl. te I ar?; Imin.diat. Iieloery. jJ.M.Qiiinby&Co. S ' .\ VRK. V J. Adjacrnt LarUwaana Station Eatabllah-d 1834. AUTOMOBILE HILL CUMBm Contest Will Be Held at Fort* George on August S. Xew York automo. tllsts wlll have an opportunity oa Batutdajr, August 3, to wttnes.* a no.-M spectacla ?a hill cllmb up Fort (" hil!. From present Indi-atlcna tt is probab!- that m->r. th_n ona hun Mrblnaa arlD r irMc!pare. Th* event will not 1? aosontially a -?i.g t_ de termtne for ail car ownera wba de_lre ths exacg ? ir cara la hill climhing. In oonjunctloa : wlth lt. forval! oor.t-.t wlll be held I for _ laluBkBa hpopbjr, ta bo ewasalai to the car Baakfng ttma bl tha asceot of the hill. . B_ay a'.?o ba special contest* between Indt* j owaera rr between var.ous nvuiufacturers. New Tork haa had as yet no opportunity to wit aeaa tne clty any automovi!e contest That hill cllmbli . at F.rr Qaosga araa arraaged by* n of the city authoritles The hill r thal day ex. hiai-ely to automo? - arho deaaTa ta t .st tho abttty of thelr cars. ... ,r.(,. tt-Bkag device will be ar ranged tn ordev ta .letermine accurately the exact .a?le by each -S__BS___er. The event wtll be ;,- to atock cars owned by dealara or -rdtnartty ditaoa by prlvate ownera No racinc* cars wlll __ permitt-.! ta start, nor wlll aay ea_> ba an >wed to .trip. Whlle there ar* many attributes of a car that aiat red by proapaattvo purchaaera ln doiaiaafn ? : type an.I make, there la no et_ ? mo-e e?s. ntlal to pleaaure drivlng than that hill cilmblng abillty. There are many automobUe ownera wbe have _o de-tre whatever to angage taa ceatoata for prizes. no deslr* to nice or plt ____g ilnst other*. bart Ihay are anxious to deter .- tbstr OWn eatisfaetiori the e*act capabill ti.s of tho cars In speed. hill cltmhlng, endurance, and other qualltles. Speed tests are dlfllcult _tV . aaaont. but the agyutualtj ts to be a__>r_o?ffJ lo ; rlvata ownera to mcas'ir . thelr hill climblntf abillty a.-oiutely. The event ia arraaged for Fort George hill flaaw two reasons? flrst. Ita co_.ver.le_t locatloo a_J. *ea# cessibility, and. second. beeause It is the most ardu04ib aaeant in the aalgk?aar?oad ef New York. beatab a presenting about as grent _U_?--_?a as an automobtttBl would be apt ta a?countet ln ordlnary t.'.uing. A car. therefore. that can climb Fort Qaerga hlll wlth any reasonable dispatch and com fort. without entaihng rhanges of gear and aimllar raanaravrlag, haa e>t.iblished itaelf as a pretty sat isf.iciory autoakb?Ua for fa_aaflaaa drivtng. lt ts nlannrd la hoid the test from li) o'clock ln the morning untll .=> In the afternoon. Cara will ta requtred to present themselves |o a technlcal com BBlttee, whlch wlll examine them to aaa that tba condliions prescriblng etripping ara complled I They will then be turned over to the atarter'a hands and aent up the hlll and ele?trleally Itaaed. Each eeaape-BBBf will then receive an atteetad ear tttaata declartng that he accompllahad tba ettusb taa the given time and under tbe conditiona recited. Those cara which compete in tha free-for-all and ln speclal contesta will be requlred to make their trlal from standing starts. but the othera wlll ba permitted flying starts. The event will be conductad by experienced auto mobilists and competent timera. and will ba held under the auspicee of the Metropolitan Automobile Aaaoclation. at No. 35 Weat 33d atreet. Entnes wl 1 eloae. both for tbe hlll cllmb gad the free-ior-aU 4P.J >; .. i'esta on J Uy Z