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ARMY AND NAVY NEWS Caution in Regard to Equipping Battlcshii)s iiith Turbincs. (rrom The Trlb?ne Bureau 1 ?Washlngton. July 16. ENGlNt-3 FOR KKW WAUSHIPS.? The declslon of Uta Navy Department to havo one of tba battle _.___, llial to be built at Newport Ke-% oqulpped w:th rociprocating erurlnes Instead of tbe P_r_on? ?urbiru-. ls tbe reaatt of much atudy appded to the ?__?_?__? probleni of naval propulsion. Bome of tl.e -_perta noped that both battleships recently na-rae-a. for would be equtpped wlth tur-inee, ? arty bacame apparent that both would have to bave tbe < 'urtis type. since the Eng |_B_ r-uraoaa turhlne was r.ot eiitlrely sulted to naval [mrpo-ea without n__ter_Uly changlng the llan? ot the ship. Those who control th.e Curtia tnrWne refused to ellow the ut New? port New. to t-stall tt without pnyifi. ror tbe privl le*<- an aaaoant whlch would have greatly increaaed __e contm. t price. Tbe Navy Department realixea that It has male a bargaln in th.e r.,-..- ot the battle? ahip to he built at Newport Nowa, and there w:is ttttle dlspotftlon to make any ehange. The prtme advantag* to i^ palned by this arrangemenl for the B-otJve power ot l ? latest two battleelilpa to be i is that ?;;? re wlll be another opportuntty e>f dlreet rompartaon of two ships ot Identical de tlgn. one operated by turbtoe. and tbe otber by the ordlnary rScTprocating englne-. This drcur__tance. wlth tbe opportunitioa attorded by the thre< acouta, ousbt to leave nothing ln douht. The navy ia now turnlne its attentton to Internal rxroibuation en g-inc-s aa hk.-ly to aupplant ateam for propulalon powei tr future. / OKDEf-i ISSCED: The following ordera have he. n U?reed: ARMY. L-Wtea-Bt Colonel GRAKOBR ADAMS. 5th FloW ArtU lerv artth beadaraartera ?TatT nr..l han.i of that r.-ir. m.r.T. from Fort [-_.v-nw-rt-, to l'.ilii ;'.:??-. Sep QaBtatn GEORGE 1' BOWRLXa, oorpa of cn.t.r.--f u ?^lieve.1 frotn Cl arloaton to Phtllpplnea. Aumiit l... for ,!uTy ln rx__-_-oa wlth C-rti-caUoB construo Captnln WILL1P V _-CTCAL_". quartermnst.T. from FVart -dam-. t.. Newport. C-pCaln JOHN P-. R. HANNAY. 22.1 d.-Taile.l in osaurt?n?aster*a dciarimcnt. Flrst Llput.-tiant AIJTKUT L. BHOATJES. coast arttllery ..arce . at-ti?ctton worfc Ftt Rar .- r. ;c !:K C-ptala LJ-WRENCE B. coast artlM'-ry F:-.;t Ue-tenani IAXE8 U. PtTLTON. coasl cerps, aseume chart,.. conarru. t: n ar rk K rt TiT. ml - trte, rellevintf Flrst Lieutenant WILLIAM X. MI'.'HEL. 4Th Field ArTllK-ry Flrat Laeiraanant DAVI8 C. AKDERSOX. <lth Infantry. t,-> aeaeraI rau a?taa aei ile. Jeffera n Barracka, rellev tn_ Flrst rlllllaiiaill WILSDX .; HEATON, Uth Qi-ral-y, flrho will pt??i?_ to Ua i NAVT. miata J BOOD, adljtiona.1 d?ty. Naval War Col k>!.-, Aujtuft I. EAeaM??a?t rorr.nienijer 3. K. BOE?Sl 'N, detached from th* Indiana. tr. tj,e Kentucky. __F__??_rt Cotr.niMdtr V.'. W. RU-?P8, to U tacky Ue-ta?_at A. W. JOHNSON. Oetaehed fr .m the Navy I.ep.irtment. to the Naval War C?Ilaca I>ui?n?nt W. SMITH. t . command Tiie Ptan.lish tIrmlMlBllI H. N. JEJraON. to th? '1il-a?... Auc-iat L Li.--:":.ant E. T FITZGFRALI^. detached rrom the r.avy vard. Now Tork. Auguat 1. to tiie Ohlo. Lie-jTonant R. T UENXER, detached rrom the Dea Molnea. horr.e: x^-alt ar_?ra ____-ta-aa B. a. Ptrait. from the naraJ hospttal. An najv.ila. bome: ?alt cr T-rs /.r-tir.c Att'R-ar.t Pur.cons F. I' W. Hoacb aad T. W 7 IRi;, ai jolntel. _IOVE-CEKT8 <?F VEBBKIS?Thei following r-iovetuvnts of vrsse^ have been reported to the Navy Departrnent: A-U-vVED. faty 1Z ?Tha Trlton, ot al-fltlll July IA.?Tbe Fralrle. ut __a_ue Isls-d: th" tndt-na at PhUadelphU: the Bloux.. nT B aton; the I .whatan ? ?? i ti., P??tta . at navy yard. New Tork ?*?*'VI -Tba Wasp at N-rfotk: t>p Pa Vicab at Kew n' ?_!-, at Bofltoa aa. capa ???: Bay BAIIdED. -? -Tha Indiana, from L-a__e faalsd for Phlla cifhla. . nd 3v]"jr' ^Th" r'iymf.ia. tbe Arfcans-a. the Flort-a ^^ froaa Kew Haven tor a er_l?e' Kenta :-. rrom Korfolk. for Boston: the Qeonxia, - ? ' -.- capa ? WEST POINT TRAINING. Bccommcndation That It Be Broad ened uitk Posi-Graduate Work. v7-8b-o_rton. July !_.?**An offlcer of the army sliouid l>e an aii round As lt la uow bia entlre tralning. both preparatory at tbe academy and post-gT-duate. ls almost I>-rf,'>- "' This 8t.iterr.cnt Is the foun dation f..r the rerx>n-______o_Vfl_ by the board of ra tb the MHitary A'-a.le-7:y f..r a general ravtoion of tbe acbeine of academlc Im??ructlon. The board polnt. out That when the present cur rjoj)-::!-! y,-as es______H-_ there waa no opportu r.ity for po_t-_i_-(__-e i.rofr-sslonal UMtructlon. Now it tr.ay be readtly had for every branch of the aervfee, It would seem that the tlm^ r=pent at \v.-st Pomt need not be so exclu-tvely devoted to technical _tu_ie_, and that by te__enl__r the reqiiirement.*; ir. them to _o__b extent, and t?os slbly lensthenlng the course a year, the cadet can be gTaduntej -.tith an educatlon approachb-g ?n g-f-neral cutture thnt _a-rn_r_d ln the beat of dii-flfc au collet'Cri. rt als.t ?rould make poasl ble through lndepc-ndtnt reading a more natural an8 broader develop--?ut thnn ls nfiw tlie caaa. The boartl etates that hazing \s now entlrely a thlng of the past, and that lt would seem to have 1^-en permanently etamped out. The re markable statement ls maile that there has been no death among the eadets from dlaease of any klnd in more than tweIve years. and the cori>s o*- cadets la in a hlgh state of -fflctency, wlth tho moral tor.e of the best. Botna of the recommendatlons are that the Bu? perintendent have the rank of brlgadler gen? eral; that interesrt be allowed u;-on depoalta of cadets' money; that the enllsted men at the post have fV) cents a day oxtra pay, that Con-tltnt-on laland. opprjfiite the post on the Hudson. be pur chased for drill purposea and target rang>-s at a cost of (lSOU-OO. that two addltional tactJcal offlcers of the rank of major be added to the academy Bta:T; that the cadets have regular tar get practlce, winter and eummer; that a _Cfaool be eetaltliahed for chlldren <tf offlcer. ar.d en listed men; that p-faOda of physlcal probatlon for cadots bo abolished and that flndlrigs of medical officera ehall no longer be disregarded w> as to maintain the hlghest atanda.-d of physi cal p?;rfectktn. The board concludes that the academy ls in the ___?__ of a most zealoua and efflctent Buper? intendent. Color.el Hugh L. Bcott; that he ha. the cumest and bearty co-operatlon of hlgh class ___e_C_ and as^istants in all departments, and that the a?ademy d-aerve. at the hands of Con _:ress the beat that can i>e provlded. ? *-* e FIRE IN COPPEB M1NE. Work Suspended by Amalgamated in West Colusa Shaft. [Ry Te'.egraph to The. Trltrune.] Eaotta, MoBt, July l?? Fire which baa been smouldering in the depths of the Minale Healy B__M to-day lilled the Weat Colusa mln-, one of the big copper properties of the Amalgumated Copper Company. bo that lt becamo dangcrous to permit mlners to work and operatlons wero r-uFpcndcd until the fire fighters could reach tho fire. which ls confloed to an area of about forty feet, A half doren diamond drills are worklng in the burnlng ground, furnishlng openlng. through which the affected portlon of tho mipe ls belng flooded The West Colu?a employa about siix hundred men. ______?___-_?; KILLS SELF AND CHILD. Husbaad, Eeturning from Business, Finda Corpses in G-as Filled Eoom. Ptfvea to deaiMtration by nervoua trramt-s, ptn __efnc Mra. Hanrtetta. Reuter. thlrty f.ur iraac aad. of afa Wj liist C7th str.-et. kille.i ber dnughter MaHon. ten year. old. und -eraelf ,t her lv>me yesterday by tumlng on tlie atu Th*i bodle. a-ere dlsccAered by her huflbnnd, who bad been away "n a bualneaa trlp over nlght If?* ca-fl-d ln the police hnd an _a_b_|__-e ara. Kurr from riowcr Hoapltal. but t,oth motber mi'i de?SRter w.-re <lea_ when help arrlved. \n ot the wlndowe of the room had bean <dost?d . t-eyholc waa plugg?d with cotton. .\ t...t. waj found addrc_?<.-d to u?? bU-band. ln flrhlcb A v.-otn-'ui ?_ld that ?ht no longer aanted to iive on -count of i.-r narvoua trouble., and ti,.-.t _ba eoutdn't bear to I'-a.'e bej cbild. Coroner Ui _?e-tl_aud tha -_-e and g-ve perinis a?o_ l-f b-; ?-_ TO IJIPROVE BIG PLOT. COMPRISES U#27 SQ. FEET. ___ $250,000 Apartment House for 72 Familics Will Occupy Site. A eix storv apartment house is to fcc built nt the northeaat corner cf ir,.th street nnd .Rlveraide Drlve for tiie H___sl__ Conatructioii Company. Plans for th. houae were flled yesterday. The houae will be of ornamental biick and stone, fronting 73 foej on tho drlve and IM feet ln the Btreet, nnd wlll have accommodatlona for twelve famllles on each flt...r. Ii is to coat $950,000. Michael and Mltchell Eternateln are the architects. Tho auctlon salt- of Noa. 318 to 326 Kast 78th st., two six atory brtck fiatbouaes, on a plot 87.6x102.2 f e/>t, was adjourned yeaterday by Bry__n L. Ken n<-l!y until July 30. Joaepb P. Day wiil offer for _ale to-day ir th?? Real Betate Exchange salesrooms, Nos. 14 and 18 Veaey atreet. Noe. 429 to 133 Greenwlch st.. a nlne atory l.rick loft and store building:, un a plot __* 1_5.5__ lrregnlar; No. 210 West 50th at., No. 212 West fiOth rt.. -uid a va -ant i>l"t 149.11x100 fL at the south weat corner ?.f ISStb st. nnd Broadway. Paul Bultmann haa leaaed for Davld Rousseau to the C. F. aplltdorf Electrlcal Works for ten yeara the aeven story factory building, contalnii . over forty thousand square feet of floor space, at No. 261 to 965 Walton ave., at an aggregate rental of . Hell ._ Stern bave leaaed for Henry Corn, ln tho building now being erected at N- . __ to 36 West iMh st.. two lofta, contalnlng 15,000 Bquare feet, for a term of year;., at a total rental ..f $50,000; also. for the E. J. Qalway Building Company, the Btore and basement at Noa. 28 and 30 East 10th st., to _lax Qreene & Co. for a term of yeara, at a total rental of $30,000; alao, for the Mutual Real Estate Company, ten thousand square feet of space ln the building at Noa. 816 and 618 Broadway, to A. Blmon Cor a term of years, at a total rental of $20,000. WILL ENLARGE HESSEL BUILDING. Plans bave been flled for the addltton of one storj to the ten story Hcssel commerclal building, No 291 7th av<-.. ti:.- Improvement being made for T. J. Foster, and foi alt< rlng the old style dwell Jng houae No. 141 EJoal _-'i st., the Improvementa being made for tha estate of W. 11. Inman, ns owner, by the Unlted States Trust Company. Ed? ward Lee -Toung is tbe archltect. TO REMODEL ALFRED D. PELL'S HOUSE. Plans have been Bled for remodelllng the four story and basem. nt dwelllng house at the south easl corner of 5th ave nn.j 74th sL, tha improve ments being made for Alfn d D mne Pell, as owner. Robert AV. Garner is the archltect. EUYS SITE FOR BUSINESS USE. Julm P. EClrwan haa e<.id for various peraona X". __ to 89 Second Plaoe and No. . to 12 Rlvervlew Terrace The buyer wlll uso the plot for manu facturing \ v.rL ot >-s. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Blmon ... Frledberg has sold to Cbarlotte K. J- ? ? i No. 886 Manhattan ave., adjoining northeaat corner of liflth st., a ilve story apartment houae, 36.3x82 feeL Also bought from the estate of Julm Sullivan No. 171 Kast 94tb st.. a three Btory brownatoqf dwelllng house, 18.9x100 feeL Mrs. tiannab Donahue, - :" Baral .ga, N. V.. sold to a Mr. Von Loaaberg No. 153 Weat 12th st.. a four atory dwelllng house, on a lot 20.10x103.8 feet. M. D. Btoker haa sold for a Mr. olgo to A. Shatz kin & Sona th_ plot, BOxllI feet, on the south slde of 213th st., 6o feet wept of t>th ave. A. Shatzkln & Pons have sold to Oeorge Vllla the lot on the north si.U- of ___Cth st.. 325 f- ' of Bronxwoul ave.. __fl09 feet; to Frank Roaso ti"> lot on the w.-st sido of Tllden ave., 70 feet north of __t_U_ st.. ":._!'? f. . i, and to Rosario Terrusa a plot on the west alde of Tllden ave , 50x100 feet. Tha aame 'inn baa bought the lot on the north si-":.- of 215th bL, 300 feet w. st of Tllden ave . 25x100 feeL Dlechea Brothera have sold to Jamea Madden No. 204 W.-st 133d st.. a flve at >ry double flathouse, on a plot :???'. Mr. Madden has also I . M,.rtis Marks baa sold for the Metropolitan Trust company. aa of the of K. M. Water man, to Percy Butterman N'o. 128 West B7th st., a Btory dwelllng lr use, on u lot 17.6x100.11 feet B. !'. <;? dale & S >n have sold to a cllcnt for l>r. - I-'. Myera tbe three storv i.n.l basement brick dwelllng house No. 358 Weat 27th st., on lot ____?____ feeL BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. r. ? . .';..'. i ft. ar. of II :.- :a ave . M lix 11 _.SxlOO_i trrej:.; North Ajuerlcan llortgage .r.\ '__!._? tbe M-trrazr.l Construtcoln Com pany . $ li- Cfman t , v. - . 308.7 fl .. I l-i-' 27 <._. . ll fi . r. Bn Ihof . .>:._. J . 15,000 THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. ____>d e_, a. e 270 ft e. of Boaton Road: for a twn aad n. haif st-.ry fraim- dwelllng i.???????. llioO feet: Jeremiati Sullivan, owner; Oeorge P. Croaler, irchlt. I . $4,.'.00 Arthur ave., 27 ;? * ..f 239tb Bt . for t-.-. > three ?:ory frame dwelllng houaea. i."''_"..i feet; Ger? man Tt- alty Co . ownera; I_ou!b J-.iik. archlti ? Ornr.d av... w. ? 100 ft. n of l?2d rt.; for 1 two aad a half atory frame dwell 2_x&. feet; Tl i n... II. Thorn. owner: J lt. Bervlaa. archltect. 14 nno SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. The first name Is that of tho debtor, the that of the credltor and date when (udgment was flled: Caldwln, Frank EUveralde Bank; April 'J". l>>7 . 8107 72 Htrschbeln. Bamuel _., Bpeak; April 2_, l:--7. . 2.140.9 Kln.-. Edward ___? N Strauaa ?-t ul.; iiav _17, i _*'7 . . 210 _.". Rothaohild. Davld?Tuttle l_.-.:'.i:_r t>. ; M.r. h _.".', lfH . 189(18 aame W. W> *t. r?-r; Jun.- 17. i:*??. .t47 li __a___>wlt_L Davld II. Whlte: May 7. li_i~. 05 11 Blcbrecht, Henry A. 3. Payne; M.-.y 27, 1807 . 217 33 rnet B Estennan; J:.-.-- 18, 1807 . .;?-:,l BUSINESS TROUBLES. Ar-. Involuntary prtitlon in bankrupt<.raa flled yeat.rrta. ln ti:. Ur-.ltrd Btatea Dlatrlct Court . VT. Bobert Coyne, pluntber, :?'< a_ld____a a-lven, by Otto Bernz, wlth u claltn of |_2.28fl The petltloner a.-iyy t." p'.i.l _r'-'..ia to the aii-p.'i ' u Rr--.;.'. flrst under ? ??'. ' oyne Brotbers Company, for wblch a n..'o ?it $.?_._: .v.-ib giv-.i:. and i ' un paid by i '..-< ?a .:gn'-rl by W. H. C. :?".- i.nt.-r ti.o petltt. ner - B'<M (ooda to ti.e bankrupt, thc-n tradlna ???* the Coyne Trii'le Befaool to thi amount --f f l 604. for whlch W it. (ave .'.n lr..'ivi_iul r.ote, wlitcti was never l.-avlnit a t'.tal >.f SJ.2K1 due It 1? charved tbat ^'..yiu. on Ap.-Il Ifl. 1807 trit.Hf.rr. _ to A .1 Bwlft all of tl ?> aaaeta ..f tbe Coyne Trade Bchool, at T_nth ax.r:-..- and _4th etrt-et, receivltig notee f ir *.0 and caah, tho ?-xact amount of the latter being unknown, nn.l that tho trari_.f-r -n-i.s In the nature of a preferential i-..v r:.. r.t t.> "hlnder. <i-lu> ?:..i defraud cri.rtltora." May 1. lt ib rhuri..-'!. C< '. _? i-^ft ,'s ._? Y'-rk. ar.d. wltli hls famlly, went to Uve In Bl Louls, and is now _itL out the juriadlctton of t!-..- ^ourt. An Invduntury petition waa a!_'. flled agalnst Wi;: larri T Hookey, ? <-oi.truct-.r of Third avenue ari 1 128tb Htr?<-t. 1 y credltora _!th clalma uh followa: Wlll? lam II Darn.a *. P>.n. $:?.o00; John H _...?<? "V.mpany, 11.681; <j?".rgo 1J _<-huitz. 81. .40. it la allesed that called a meeting of his credltora on April 0 laat. and KOt an aXteoaion on hla lti.lehtfdness of 838 -,:.! g:l\-1rii- notoa, due In thret-, _ix :\n/i r.lno montha, OtM-thlrd of th<- debta t. 1n?. du? the flrst thrt-e montha. It ls allf.g??d that imres to Hlram Bnyder Ai <.'.., for one-third of M.2.-.2. t-. M !t. Brigham. t-.r one-thlrd of $4.97_; t:. the Boseadale Cemenl Company, f-<r <.ne thlr.l of $ii.9'Jl; to ti:- Uorsa Lime Company, f..r f.n. thlr-l of |.li<. to H. H Murchle * Co., f-.r >.n<>-th1rU of 81. _i.'. to John J. King, for one third <.f .'J.-71. t., Rohert Maln. f..r one-thlrd of $'^ ?'.'??'. and te Baverly & i:tTiin..r.s. for one-thlrd of 88.2::7. have l,.f-n paid. <.tl..-r n..trs beld by other credltorn. uiionif. whom lt la Buid ar..- ti... petltloning credltora. bave not been paid. makJnp. thereby, preferred credltora of those W-:..B-> thrt-<- montha' notea were taken up and paid T! e appointment of a recelver i? aait.-.i Henry _T. ^'ordes. of No. io2;i si.tii avenue, flled a? roluntary petition, ahowlng debta ..f $2.70.. nnd aaaeta <if 8-? The prlnclpal credltor la Hermaa Cordea, i!.'.r..-y IttaiwHl. fl.fiOO HELD FOR ATTACK ON LITTLE GIRL. F..r an alleged ftss:tnlt on Cecella McOabe, elght y.-nrt. old, Herman Roaaeau, forty yean old. a Prencb cbef, oecupylng rooms over the McCabe hom_, at No. eo East USd atreat, waa flrat badly beaten bf th>- Kirl'a father Immedlately following tho attack on Monday nlfcht aud \v;>s then arreat? ed. Ho was arralgned it: Um Harlem police court before Mairlstrate Wulsh yeaterday mornlng. The cblld'a ctiea attracted tho attentlon of ber father and h_ set upon Boaaeau and beat him aeverely be? fore the glrl was sorloualy Injured. Hoks.uu sald he had U-en drlnklng iuid dldn't rememtn r I sault. He was i.pld ln $1,000 ball. CITY NEWS. IN. BRIEF. Arthur Kirman. the motorman wlio klll"'- Fran eeaco Ccaero iu a ii-ht -.vr tbe payment ?f .-. fare araa r.-manded to th_ Tomba yeaterday by Coroner llarburpvr ln drfault of $5,000 ball, after he had been beld by the eoronefa Jury. .To. - ph SHil and AUam Bombroakl, who were ar re. t, .i i,y tii?- police of Far Bockaway, hei-l on auaplclon of kn?win_ aometblng of the deatb of Chrtetopher Braaa, <.f .lamai./.. who waa held up and kiii.d aome tlme ago, were heM by Ifagtetrate flmUh yeaterday t?. awalt the aoti..:i ot t'i.- Queena County ofticlalfi. ISx-Repreaentatlve C. A. Bagaley, of Peekskiil. wil. sail ttiis morning o;i the Adriatic for a alx preeks' vacatkm abroad. The members <<f the Stewards' Assoclation are preparing for thelr rjutlnp. wblch will be held Bun <!.?<>?. They wll go from thelr ciubhouae by tally-ho to Tbwalte'a Hotel, city [aland, where a ahore^ dlnrp r will be m i The caae of Mrs. ;.. .,,. j-_.-w.ti. charged with s?-ll .i. s. waa adjourned without ezamlnatlon yea? terday afternoon by Maglatrate llouse tn Yorkvllle courL She wlll have it h?.-uri:i_; to-iuoirow. Public Notites. faJi-W ?<___{___ _.lji'__.____l__. -OUKT.?NINTH J UDiClAL. X. Diatrlct. u .-.-t. ...... . Count) iv .-. u> R aervolr.? No. ._ Notlce oi ApplicaUon for tha App Intmeat of (.oininlsaionera of Api ra Public notlce is bereb) _.i\.n that it la ti - lotentloa nf the Corporatlon Counsel of tha City of New . ? i ?_ to r.ial.e appllcatlon t.. the Supreme Courl ol New York i-.r tbe appointment of Cbmmlaslonera ol -\;> pialsui under Chapter .:_- of tho l_._v.-d of UK_ u? arnended. -Uck appllcatlon wlll he -tade at a r, clRl Term of th. . ipreme court to be held m ?rrd for --ha Nlnth Judl.ial Dlstrlct. ut tbe Court Houae ln the VU lago of White Plalns, Weatcheatei l ounty, X. V . on Sat? urday. July 2Wth, 1>'7. :.t lo o'clock it. tha forenoon of that .'.a-,. or ita aoon t'leruafui ua Counsel can be heard. ?t of bucIi appllcation la t. obtaln an order of th< Court appolnting thi.Ilalntereated and con 'tem fraeholdexs. one ..f whom ahall reslde ln ti, Countv ot Ne_ Jork an.I ol leut one uf whom ahall reslde ln tho County where the real estate hereinaftef deacribed is rltu-tted. to u-t aa Commlssi nera of -.ppralsal under said n. t and diachargi all ihe .i-.m-- eonferred by the aaid Law ar.d ttr- acta amendat ir. thereof. upon ?u ? ? omi era of appralsal, f ?:? ihe purpoae of provldlng an aJ.ll tlonal cupply ,.f iuie and whuliwii.i waur for tho City of Now york. Th.- real estate sought to he taken or gffected ia slt uated in th? Town of North I aatle. lu the County of Weatcheater nnd Btate .>f New Tork. Tba following la a brlef tf^tcrlptlon of the real estate aougbt to l ? takea wlth _. reference to the da._ and pla.e ..f (11 ing of the map. All tboae certain pleces or parcela of real estate altui ted ta the Town ? .' North Caatle. County of W. Btate o| New york. shown or a man entltled "So Aqueduct Department Bectlon Na 8. Board of V/atei 6upply of The Ol'v of New York. Map ..i real eatate, ? ltuateii in the Town of North Caatle. County of IVeat cheeter ?- d Btate of New York to be acqulred by The Clty of New Tork under the provlalona of Chapter 721 of the Laws of inol. aaamended for the constructlon of Ken ilco Reaervoli and appurt. itta ot Kenslco Pam. between the N V C A.- H R R. R.. Harlem Dlvlalon, an. Valhall.. Avenue." whlch map waa flled ln the , IT.oe >.f the Register of ihe Countv of Weatcheater. at White Plalns. New Tork. on the _'_ ! day of April. 1907. _? Map No 171H. and ls bounded and deacribed aa followa: Meglnnins: nt the northeaat eorner of Parcel No 188 ln the westerly si ie of Broadway. ln the northerlv llne of I'arrel No. Hil, nnd runnlng thence along the anld ?northerly llna ? uth B6" 15' eaat 21 '? f?ot to ? nolnl iti the centre of Broadway; thenci al ng the centre line or r.-.l? road and the eaaterl. llne of Par el No 191 tne following couraea and dlatancea: Bouth 4* 04' ? ial 4 ? ?> faet. aoirth 9" '-'J' eaal I04.B feet, aouth V 08' "?'"' ??? feet k uth B 18' east _. 2 feel - - 12* <" ?aat 78 4 f-et. south 21? 4?' east 104.7 feet. aouth 27' 21 eaal 45a ?feet an.I r.nith 20' 06' eaal B0.1 feel to the northeaat corner of Parcel No IfO: thence along the eaaterly llne o: sail parcel and still contlnulng along the centre ol Pr.ialntu aouth 29* 05' enat 141. K feet. s..nth 20 38 eaat 87.. feet. south 2'-" 13* oa . 86.6 feet, aouth 17 18 east T8 feet nnd s uth 8 __' eaat 23 1 feet to a ...Int ln tha northerly llne of Parcel No 188; thence along the aaid northerly line north T6? 3.' eaal 83.8 feet to the northwest corner of Parcel X 1 ..*>; thence nlonj. the nortnerly nre of sald parcel n'-rth 76* B8' eaat 127.4 f-et to a r-'dnt in the west-riv line ,,f Parcel Na 168: thence along the sald westerly |lim north 4* 26 eaal 14-9 t- '. n r h .4 85' eaat 25.8 feel and north 18* ra. weat 3 1 feet to th. snnthwest corner of Parcel No. I?7; then..- along the wesferlv llne of aaid parcel north 13* __>' weat '-'?'- ".- -t and north !6* 8">' wesl 11.2 feet to the aouth weat -ornet of Parcel No 16(1 then a al. ng the westerly llne pnreei north 28" 88' wesl 87 feet, north 21? 42' west "8.1 feet, north 19 68* weat 80.6 feel and n-.r'n 11 '-! west 62.8 fec? t.. the norinweal c rner of aaid Parcel No 188; thence along tbe northerly llne of same north _!? ?'< enat ia feet to a [.int ln the weaterlj llne ot .hambera avenua an.I the northerly llne of Parcel No. 188; thence ul'-nat tha sald northerly llne t. rrh 09 67' east 6.4 feel nnd n .rth 86 01' eaat 61.2#feet tq the northwaat corner of Parca) No. 181 in the eaatcrly llne of Chambera ave? nue; thence along the northerly llne of i;..m pa :el norts -.*>? 01' east 6.8 feel and n., 82 10 ? _H 110.9 feet to the northwest corner of Parcel No 1-.'-: ttence along the northerly llne of aaid parcel north B2' 16' aaat 888 taet to a polnt In tiie aoutherly llna of Bee avenue; thenco along tbe sni.l llne and at;.; contlnulng along th* northerly llne of Parcel No. lsn. north 82* 1- ****? 1 1 feet and north 89' 86' east 48.7 feet to a polnt in the nortberl) llne of Parcel No. 188. In the westerly l'no i f !=(?.? avenue: thence ai ng sail :. rtherly llna north 89 __. eaal 13.8 feet and north M' '2f>' eaat 19 feel to a polnt ln tbe aaaterlv llna of aaid Bee av >i ? north *-?? 28' east 27.8 feet, partly along ti.- nortberl] llnaa of Parcela Noa 188 i atlll contlnulng along the northerly llna of No 186 aouth 68 IO* eaat 11.4 feet north 67" I 4.10 feet an.I south 81' 01 eaat 19.8 feel i ? ? i <?>rner or aaid pai al; then a along the eaalerl; ' aame and the aaterly linea of Parcela Noa ik7 aouth _? 08' weat 166 feel t<> a i .Int in ti.e n line of Par.-el No. 177 ln the aoutherly llne f Cl mg the e?: i linea aouth 66* 87' eaat 89 9 I No 177 al the ? at corner of _n ? ..n i Valhalla a ti.- n - al ng the and the eaaterly linea of I'ar_? Noa 177 and 178 eurve of 119.8 feel radlua to thi left 177 feel te tl ? northeaat corner of Parcel No 17'. eaaterly llne .f aaid parcel nn I of Parcel No. IS ntlnuUig along tha westei dla ave? nue aouth H* 68' eaal 94.8 feel to the aoul of sald I'arcel No. 180: thence along I llne --t aaid parcel aouth B8" 08' weal 130 feet to a p Int ln the eaaterl) llna of Parcel Ni 181: thence along tbe aaid eaaterly llne aouth 3-i 88' eaat 16. 7 feet to tha >? itheaai ' ? r n- r r ... : . thence alcng the a itherly llne of aaid pa cel aout'a 68 .*-" weel 141.a (eet to a i> im ln tha i line ... ? ... 1 .,- ?; No 1-S 8' 88* weat 13>i _? f.-t to t<? t. rthaael i r..-r of I ..r .-1 Na i"-? ln tha weel I avi ? . ? 1 ng the aaid weaterly llna and th. parcel. aad partly ai. r... :!.?? .a-.t.rl\ I 169 i 278.8 et rad s to 1 i . 52.7 :r. t an 1 atlll ronttnuli ? the westei ? avenue ? .n rlN.vlt ?-..?: . _ Noa 160, 161. 188, 1 an i 132 rroa 192 B I eaal i rner of 1 f aaid areel aouth 78* ? 141.8 feet 1 the ' rtel No 121; 1 long tl aaterly 11 ne of i . aouth 11* 14' weat 263 nd aouth . ? I ... : No 120 li I rrly llne ? f aaid parcel i w< sterly line oi N.-rth 22* t 106 6 1 64 t 111.4 feet. 1 ..-.t .... .'? ? north 1- - ? " ' n"rth I" ST weat 74 .'. feet, r. .rti. 0* 08 *' l*1' eaat 270.1 feet to a polnt ln tho aoutl No 188; th. ? I weat ii feet to tha ? uthwest tornet -- I cel ih-u re aiong the - I ot aame i contlnulng along ' ? te.-t to th. ? ' rner of Pai - ? north 71 0-1 --at b? 1 feel , :- ift- w. at 1-1 ? - ,i ,. ? ? ? f aal f sa IJ I . _ U. 1 runnlng thi 1 ? Nos li.- ar. 1 1>'- on ?- curve ot 1.94" - to the i."'i ".- 8 feet to a polnt in 1 aeeti ... 21" eaal ll 6 t-- t and - e atlll con 1 - - 62' east 102.8 . ..: ..i a?? !??,. feat. aouth 78* 85' eaal 1.8 feel .." <?" r_n tc ''?' ??'?' nl '" ; ' 71" K1' east 65 ii f'-t. north 26 15" ? ? ?? 82 i e_st6_8feel north 84 87' eaat 68.3 feel i 4_l" 16 ?... ?-? f Parcel V !:... .. ..;.? tba wi iti I aaid parcel north -*-i' 18' ,,,.? u . feel nt..l r.-r.h 15" 24 eaal 12 i feel aouthweal ornaa i f Parcel No 189 weaterlv llne ot lald parcel and atlll ? ntlnulng .. f aaid Bronx rlver and Id 1 eaal .". 1 l fi al to the n r>. wesl ,; ng the -''?' 15' eaat 187 - n,ns T.., f..^ i. t. be acqutred bj The '';t. of New V.-rk In ine i lr. the al ? ?? di riptlon Reference la herebi :.?_;.- ' the aaid . ap, flled aa ,1. ir, the oBl of fh. Regl itei f tl Weatcheater. for a more detail* n -f ti ? i.ul rutfttf t,, l*i t..l?--n ? i ? ithln the foregolng dei rr. the tasf) Died aa afore . ( ) certain real eal . to hlghway purpoaea, whlch a?ld r-.ii ,...??.,. ia .o be acqulred ln fee by The Clty of New V rk. ai I -di. Ui ea There la alao shown on the sal_ man ;. ? l mn afornsald other real estate to I-- iirijulre. ln .-.- by The Clty of New Y'.rk. whlch It Iw propoaed I ? aubatltute In !?!?.-<. of t: <? hlghwaya to le a qulred In fea aa above mei and th.% perpetual -:s.- .f auch real estati ta be acaulred tor the new hlghwaya is to be allowed the publlc Buch eew roadi or highwiiva referred to iu tius notlce ;.r? shown r.n aaid map Ijat.rd Jnr.e 8, 11io7. WIIXIAM H. K1.I.IS..N. (-oriora.lon Counsel. Offlre an.'. Poe1 OfBce Addreaa Hall of Recorde, ? Chambera and Centre Streeta, B rough >-f Manl .itari New Tork Clty Help Wanted -Femalea. n/ANTED.?WOMEN IN THE I_AUNDRT (MANQLE >? work and bodj Ironer) of Harlem Hoapti Bunday -.r night work Wages $15.00 to a and malntenance Apply to Buperviatng ;. Hm!;.iu Hoapltal. i..?!..- a.. and 136th st . New Tork City. Proposcds. N'OTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEAI__CD PROPOSAl-S fiiltutjiy Indoraed ..n envelope, i i tha i tructloa of the New Tork State Normal C llege, Includlnj heat Ing, plumblng, electric work and k< . n \., will be to tv..|\..... Ifteentb Auo.iat, lt?/7, by Dr. Andrew . . Praper, Btate Commiaalonei of Education, al the Cai.ltol, Albany, N. Y.. wln n bida wlll ba opened .o.l read i ibllcly. i-tngi and speclflcatlona rrev. be conaulted .t';-l l.lank forma of propoaala obtained al or t- applicatlon to G. 1. HEIN'S, Btate Archltect. Capitol, Albany, N Y Contracta will l-.. aword. '. to .!,. lowi I and reliable blddera ...... .... amount of riiiaii* avallabl_ktherefor, In whlch .... ? i r. |ei I B i bida la reaerv. N. B. ' .i:!\. for tl consl rue tlon. ht-atiiig. plumblng, electric srork and gas-ptplng comblued wlll be i onaldi }>?-.-: OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Washington. D >'. June 2?t, 11...7. Propoaala will ?h- r-. -t\.--i ..t tha I'-.-t Offlce Department ln ihe Clty of Waahlngton until :i o'clock ;? :-. . Oct 18. li?'7 ..n l herelnafter de? acribed The righl la reaerved to rejeel all bida ROUTE NO ... "O. M s ." frOm New Tork to Hnl.ana. -.-1 a ? .'?- tripa |ier \ -ar ln veasela ..f thi third .Ur>s. Tlma of voyage averaging not more tban -; . eu-li way. Bond requlred wlth Wd, (10,000 Contracl for irvlre to cummence N'.-v. l 11107. Contractor will l?. i.eiinlit.-d to siil?-tlt.iie. ut iuiv time durlng tha contracl term. ..!.?? or more veaaela .-: the aecond cl vesaela of t:..- tbird .-ius^ without additloiual compenaatlon therefor HOUTE NO. 74. "o. M. ..." from Bosl n to Porl An tonlo, Jamaica. once each ?-.e:,. 82 trtpa i"-i year. and from I'l.d.idi li liia o.:o each week, '.li trtpa per ..f ti.e fourtii claaa. Tlme ..f voyage from Boaton to Port Antonio, ftve daya ur... from Phlladelphia t I u Antonlo, fou ind uni ball daya Bond requlred wlth bid, 115,000 Contracl for ln yeara Bervlce i-. oom ..-1. ?? lul; 1. i'.k.s Con !:...... wll] !??? permitted r. aubatltute, ..t niik tlme durlng the contracl term, one or more vi (he^aecend or third claaa without addltlonal compen atlon ti.. l.'for. NOTE -On return voyagea vesaela may touch ..; any .1 named Ln the ssjiednle II by ao dolng tha .-nt ward ?? u ,-ag. - are not del drculara ccntalning deacrlption of ih>- routea, Inatruc ti. i. . ; . blddera, and blank forma of proposal \-v1111 panylng bonds ran l- obtained ol ti,.. Becond Aaalatanl , .. : i.eneral, Posl ? .it:. ? Department, .,., and after August l 1907 ?Q. v 1. HETEH Poatntaater Ueneral r ?!?.. .!???.-..!.- l'..U MISCELLANEOUS I'AH.V.v.Y ? .- i i s . ni.. ? I'urcbaalut Panama Itoll _ _d Company, -i BUte Street, New iork, Julj l..iti, 1907 Seale.1 ;-? ; ?? . . ti) 2:i . iv H July 23i I blna lha above mentloned artl Blanka and full Information may he obtained ut t)d? olli.o. V. C_ NOlUtKiXi-li. AcUug As alata-t Purcliatdng .tgent. Public Notices. BTATS OF NEW YORK. ?,_,__, OFFICB OF SUPERINTENOENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Albany, July _'. IM? Notli - . _-. Sealed proposala wlll be recatved hy the un.lcrslgne_ any, N. -., ur.ul twelve ' Wedneaday. July 31. lltttT. at whlch piace and hour they wlll be publlcly op-in-l an.l raad. ro? ini pruving the New York Btate Canala. purauant tothe provlsi. ei 147 of tbe Uwj of l'Jtfl and of tho amen?nt?ata thereto, ?a followa: l. CONTRACT NO. 12. Brte canal Sectlooa >> and 7. For ::.- excavatton : the canal. protectlon or Ita ataea. i Lock Na 23 and appertataing atructuree; ind i i?!-"? approachea und other ia ? :, deep water at weal end ot Oneida Lake Sta. _7_u. and Moaqulto r.dnt Bridge ovar the Sen< - rlver at the eaat end ot Contract No. o. sta 5074 Length of Coa'.act, 47j.7- milaa. Bheeta 1 to u? tncluaiva. 2. CONTRACT NO. 14. Erie Canal Sectti na 1. - and ??? For dredglng a cnannel ln the Mohawk rlver betweea the weat end of Contract Na 11. Station 800, and a polnt pper Mohawk aqueduct, at Reaford Flata. Btatlon l'Mil: for conatructlng Dam No. - below Ci aqueduct Statlon 306; Dam Na 3 and L*k No. . aaove ? Ferry, Statlon H39; I'um Na it an.l Lock N>J. 13, ui -oata, Statlon 2064: i 'am Na m and I-o.k .-?>. ?? *. ot Canajoharte. Station 8370; Dam No. ll and Lockjso, 17. at F rt I'laln, Btatlon SBB4; Kvtamlng dam at M.n Statton ;isii-r>. nighw.-ty cba-gea; culvertj; an<i Incldontal work ew-rtalnlng thereto. a-mgth of con? tract 15.0 ? B-eeta 1 to 46 and 4it to 1<13 in.-lu.-dve. :t i > tNTRACT NO. 715. Oawego Ca??_?Sectlon 1. y ,r ,, . piotectlng ita aldea. con_ , Locka Noa. ' ?"?' s; b?Ikheo?s; culverta; aplll waya an<i Incl U-M "r - flflUe abosa Streel Bridge Statlon 1164+00, and the harbor rth of Bridga Streel Bridge. Statlon 1-9S-4--6. at N Y Lei gtfa of contract, ?83 of a mlle. _h. eta 1 to 6C Inclualve. t'lana may be aeen and detalled speclneatlons. engi ... of quantltie* propoaal bli.nka. form of ni ? bonda requlred and ther inf. rmati.m fur propoaera mav be had .1 the offlce of tho Buperimen?eat of Publlc Worka, ut Albany, N. V.: at the offlc* of tha Aaniatant Buperintendent o* Publtc Worka for the Mlddla ...... N. v . at the ofllce of tho Aa alstanl Buperintendent of Publlc Worka for tl.? Western ? ter, N V. ar.i :u tiie canal ofllce. Spauldln'g'a Exchange, Buffalo, N v Coplefl of detalled plana or drawingi may be obtalned from Tho Stata Engl neer and Surveyor nt Albany, N. V.. upon payment of Ing tli. ii. Monthly eatlmatea wtll t"> padd of ninety per .-entum <:">-.. of the work ?'. Kvcry pro poaaJ for said work muat t.e e?vompanled by - money ln Ihe fortn ?r a draft or certlflad elieck upon ; banklng institutlon ln the city <>f All_ny or New York lasued by ;i natlonal or atate bank ln good, . . Ui within tha state and payable ot stght tr> tho .-... cini.-. i-iit of Publlc Worka for flvfl per cent?n ,:. ,'? of :: ?? am .unt of th. , ... _ The i ??? ton whoaa propoaal ahall be accepted wlll be rer.uirm ? ? ' ?ud furnleh bonda wlthln ? from the date of notl.f award dellvered to hira r>r them In person or malled to the addreaa glven iccutlon of tl..- contract aad . ot bomld ??? ???; s't wlll ba returned to tha propoavr. The ?? : - other tha-: the one ta whom ih- aw ?? flfla?fl wUI bc re. tun d Immi llately after thfl award baa been mad*. Tlie of bond requlred for faIthful perfon?ance wlll be twent) ti >? per conium .'-?" i of thfl amount of. tiie tl .- v. .rk .i or?Ing to the mal bond, kn wn aa ti... labor bond, ln tha aum ' I ? " ?'?'?' "?' ' al ot the " Ing t . the , ?:... ooatraotor . ln each month all I u jik apecliied to ba a Ireaaed: To ihe, Superln ? of I'ubllc v >rka, Albany, N' T., and i ...... I on 'h.e '-t. '?.? ? f the constroi ?-.; la made. Awar-l. it made wlll be made :. the person f-riijt Wl ? , ... \. : k. and a . .?? wlth all ?> . :.-: dei . -a any , ...,. | le, th,. loweat bldder wlll be requlred ent of I ubllo Wi iks _hlllty ala for f the S o: K. :.. i tr. rejeot nil prop??la and re. s'regulai oed, : ? 1::*- reats of ? - K ' BT] VENS, ? . Unfurnished Apartments to Let. THE RIVERDALE RiVERSIDE DR1VE. COR. 79TH ST. READY FOR OCCl l?ANCY SEPT. 1ST. HIGH CLASS Fircproof Apartments of 7 and 10 Rooms, 3 Baths, Large. Light and Sunny. 52,000 TO .S3.500. i ??'???.* aveaue, .. rlver, li I r t -. U>\\ AV AM< TOTH I IIAN '-??? TAR1 -< i'VAV ? : THE SONOMA, Broadway and S-th ...- J2.8O0 City Property to Let. Hi >TEL 1 ?< >B I L .NO. t-3 W-*< . .. : Brooklyn Property for Sale. Rare Opporiunity FOR investors and Speculators The Iroquola .ind Airjonquin. corner Proa pfct Park West and Elflhth btreet. Brooklyn. '. J" * ? fltory modern Elevator Apartmenta, 138x100, fine condition, built three years, wlll l unjer forcclosuro cf a mortoaoe. by J '?:' f7 Walnwrloht, Auctioneer, ?t the Real E-itate Exchange, 189 Montajue Street, lyn, on Thursday, July 18th. 1907. at 12 o'clock noon. For further Informatlon. op nly to Altk-ug _ Kihn, Attorneya for Own *-i6. 712 Broadway, Brooklyn. Country Property for Sale. 3E.~n! J?Cheat^ a_ i. ? ? ? ? \ \: lt t_rk ? go, .; \T WB8TBROOK. CONN Newly equipped houae; prlvate auto barr. bo? Btalla tor hnr?e, i'? mlnut. b fi I! si'Kn.'kh. 163 ?;.-?? -? oi ..!:? i. C. MOi Wi ? rook. Cona f OTB adjolnlng the Atlantic Illghlanda, N J. Oce-n *-' rtm |100 BHOAL HARBOR INDUBTRIES W?" Park avi . Brooklyn. N V ITHAV ROCK MANOR, Hartsdale, N Y Beautiful * I latlon on I I pioi i 50slB0 or m. n II 1 OIBLG _ MAfc'Si i\ 2M Eaat -i.tii at . Neat Tork / t. HA'TiiV ESTATES. dwelllngs, farma. Weetchester Count] and thrnughoul N Y ' llai malled on requeet A8HPORTI1 .t- CO.. tl East ?3d at VTTRACTTV1 ?...??? t two-famjly fra?ne newly pali h. tt; nrai Pr??man at atatlon; prl ?? $7,000; | 500. OWNER, lll^ Loi u\ a OWN :i hunnnl. iv on Bhrewaburv Rlver: lo rolnutea t.> 11 'RTAIMCI 1-7 ItEALTY CO.. 15 Ea. , , .-?? ( 11 y Furnished Houses to Lci- -Countrif. I AROE 8EASIIORE COTTAGE rCapa CortV fully fur i nlahed; S bedrooma; every eonvenlea - ? . lnrt--i tful l.ea_h CAP1 Bouth Hai wloh btasa. ('ountry Property for Sale or To Let. t_jl' RE FOR BAIJ3 OR Ti > LET. at Woodbridce, N J e-T br) k I Ltlidlng on maln ?t.. wlth atrble: f-rmerly ... at'.ra and reaUlen ??? Addreaa J. B. BERRT* Wi ? Ibrl.lge, N. r. To Let for Businest Purpose*. mo RENT. 1 iu.. large lofta ai 228 Weat Itouaton at, L Ne. York Appl} VLl'HO.NSE OESSION, >-2 VVull n , Nea Tork Telephone 401? John City Pro]>c;-ty for Sale. IkIDLET HOUSES FOR BALE. rwo famlly 'a. Tteboul aT< . Brona; four bkwka w.-at af is;m m iii.i Pelham atattona ARTHUR RIOLEY. 118 Eaat r.itii Bt.. Net? York Brona: Property for Sale. V.\ A BIO BARQAIN IN BRONX . Creston Ave., 22tt_ i i 27372, near l-Sd at.. ? 2 famlly hlgh atoopa; brtck aad at?na h?nta; atnam hi i . i open plumblng; hardwood irlm throughout; ala gantl) flnlahed and decorated; terma to ault. European Property for Sale. "liWITZER-lla^^ !?'.i aala oa Baafc? ol Laka Qeaesa, at fool of Mant Blanc, Prlnctdj Castle, large park, aaa mli?oa doUara For partlc-lara Wrtta to TOUC-UST, lil Uu? n.ubvuu-, fullfl, i'lauce. Instruction. Instruction. For Young Ladies?Country. For Young Ladies?Country. Which i*s the For School This question la now uppermost ln the nlnds of pnr?nts wlth dnughtera to edu cn'.a Almost .very girl.-.' school clalms BQSnS advantagcs. hut the best school ta tha one whlch trains a glrl on br-md llncs. glvlng her not only a real cul'ur.-. but power to ixecute what 1.. boat for her life. A achool of this tvpe ia Ml>? Maaaafa Biihlhaa Sefceai f->r i.irls. beautlfully lo catcd amld healthfnl surnmndlnga at Tarrytown-on-Hudson The work of Instruc? tion emhraces not only -*_*___ peep__a__ra and ti.e usual academlc trainirg. but alao higher college courses. Superior advantugc. nre ofTereil in Modern Danguagea. Muslc nnd Art Tho han.llcraft . su.'h aa c?oklni_ dressmaking. m.lllnery and setr are a___ta__________T_f taui._t. aa are also correct busin.-.s method . givlng a slr! tha knowledge _ittaasrj _? dl.-.. t a Ws__ ordered home and to transact her financial af falrs __ccor__Q_ to conrect methods. For catalogue. descrtptlvo of the schr ol and lts methods. addreaa Mis*? C. E. Mason's Suburban School For Girls and \Jcting tOomen LccK. "Bojc 717. Tarryioivn~on-Kudjon, JV. \J. For Boya and Young Men?Country. fiAcn* riunnn?A aurceasful school near Phlla. TOMr LtWUtJU Wakea u.i Boya to the dutlea of life. Pre_M_raa 40 Daya for eollese or buslneae. 46th yr One of the flnoat jjymnnelume In atate l?ept_ for Llttle Boya. No tobacco J SIH .RTI.IDOE. A M. Tale. I'rlr . Conordvllle. Pa H?? '*'_. Summer Bcsorts. NEW JERHEY. n>-3____>0-*_____K)*ta___M>' Atlantic City, 3 HOURS FROM NEW YOBK VIA NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Soild Vettibuie Tralns, BuiTct Pailor and Din in{ Cara. Lei?e Weal nd St >,j.JC a.m diiiv; IV jo p.m. (S?lurdayi only). j *- p m daily (e? cept Sund?y?): ?.io p.a>. (Sun-iayi oniv) I.c.yc Llberty St looo ?.m daily; I OO p.m. (S?turd?T? only); 140 p.m. daily <_e*cept Sun oavOi i.}o p m. (S_??qrs only) ) \ If you seek a restful, healthful spot for a week-end outing or aummer home no better or more attractive piace ia availa b!e than The MONTCLAIR Overlooking Montclair, NL J. I--..-:rti aa mUea tr m Naw Tart all ,.r A-toa This new, high class house. opened May first, offers suburban hospitality of a high order. Unsurpassed outlook. Purest air and water. Large rooms with every modern convenience. Grill room, tennis courts and automobile garage in connection. . ti Bp?fl rt-TJest The Montclair Hotel Company P C . AMlIt_!.I.. M_na?. I MONTCLAIR, N. J. ? .field. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Occupioa utie-half b.uaro of unobatructed beach front. WALTKR J. BUZBT. SOMERSET INM co^^W ____-___DflTf__-__ N. J NOW OPEN. Golf. Tennt.: Swlmmln. F?ol; lu'.'.es of martdam rcane for motorln. aa. dri\in_\ AUltode Suo feet. CauaciTy Soj Wuie fur bOOB-Qf a-aO-J. U. ril-Li*-, Maaa_fl?'? THE WHIPPAXY 11 Kl 7^~ 3 Itrat-claae select 1 - - -. Luxge ? THE NEW MONMOUTH, " Spring Lake Baa-h, N. J, _?%tc_>'^v o_F?_E__5r. Improre. ! y tha ?T !:?: n of fi rty r ...s wtth ta'T.? LUNO. RIDIKO, DRIVINO. TENNIS, 0 .. BATHINO. FRANK r B-TLTC, Mati-ger. BRUNSWICK HOTEL aSBURT PA-UC N J Nnt'- ' I* atan.'.ar.l of eiceltenca malnta: ? I la the beat Bectlon ..f the city. I>ir?.-ti> on tlie Ocaaa eaplai . Bo. klet MORUAN & FARSONS. OCEAN HOTEL .VslU'KI F \KK. V .1 hotel QBQ I. ATKIN: HOTEL WALDROl. amiiikv,ti"i*kes. j. Ratea t*? t'> $17. Booklel E .JFM 111/LUNO NLW HAMI'Ttlllltr.. llt*lltir.ri/ 1 TH!; "VAl'MBEK. WAUMBEK tiie jefiersox. k ?Ai MBEK II.Vl.L. ^V__?"e_P Ia I . FAMIL1 ? rTAGSa, J__rr___SON, N. II.. WlilTil M(H'N:.?N3. Aco mn Btl na foi ow. BEABON. .H NE TO OCTOBER rarti-uinra on appltc_tttNS to A. J Ml'RritY. MgT. aCRAIOM. LAKIi BOMOSKEN _9Sr_-r5-_-_-. K;iiea. *s to Jl I W. C atOVNJk, 1'rop . H\.l..\llle. Vt. COXNECTIC-T. THE GRISWOLD (EASTERN a*OIN'T>. New London, Conn. B. H. YARD, - - Manager Eattrely a aeta Itotel E\-erythtr>_ mam fur ataht?aa bedd1?aj, Une?, ailvor. t>u- BoUd m . hoajaay furniture throoajhout i>rw hundred bathroom aultea THE FINEST SIMMKK RESORT HOTEL IN' AMERICA NOVA SCOTH. A SCS NO H.tV I'17\ EK. B?r_UI teaaporatajre _?*r__?? TH deajreea at ROoa F"lrat rlaan tiot^is: alio go.ul board in lown and country ??_ttaa, ^.r.t and tr.-?h __t?t !i<hii:?. iiuntiiu. aolf; e_armt?? Arlrea .?ceUenl r?__a f.'i crcltna and raotortna Reaalai atoaa?ihip aanrtca from Hoaton acd .N-u York Unif f ,r Booklei .1. B<?M> Secreear. roartat Commlttee 1 1 1 1 Country Board. UOOO tlr.Al.TllV 1'ARM al .'!.. st.-t :i-l,l. loT^ of - m?alc; a.Iiiits $7 p.-r ?e-!t. chlldren $'. 11 areea Addreaa Mra .) l.Al'Ji.'it. Cree?orlu_e. Country Board Wantcd. WAXTKIl. Us 11 in.'lher wit!> tline BOU?P o'.iitr.u; board m iii- . .-.iiiir.. wh r< ahi could aaakrt artth tha heaa-work Addreaa DISTBESS, H?x 10, Trlboaa . ifl'.c.-. Beal Estate. REAL ESTATE..'-??-? bu"? 5 Beekman Street. N. Y. 1MVB8TOR to itlbacrlbe $5,000 to 115.000. Joln.Synll eatfl to buy, aubdhrlde I111.0 llu.lai.11 Rlvr,- X-r^apt*. K#a V .rk CHj aid. Lota coat $i? <?>. ..ll .ini-kly *r>oOOrt aaa?, Money aacured, total i.roiita JotiO.txtVoo A.l.lrosa BTNDICATE Trlbune Uytuwu Offlce, 18*4 Broadway. New Tor* Cttjr. Mra S J. LIFE. Tbe Mlaaea STOWS. Ry*. Nea?*Ta_fc MORAVIAN SEMINARY for Olrla. __?th_al____~~pr Founded 1749. 138th year opena . ept. 18th. A? ??_!__ J. MAX HARK. D. D_. J^* For Both Sex-s?Clty. TIIE EtERLlT-t SCHOOL OF __%NGCAG__L MADISON SQLARK 11122 Broadway) HARLEM UKAN.U: Unoi av?. eor. l_>___ *? BROOKLYN - 73 Court Bt. "*? NE'.VARK " Scheuer Building. Eurr.ner School at Asbury Parlt. N. J.. Hot. .-_,!?_. School Ageney. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' suppli?s Profesm>rs. Teachers. Tutora, Governea to Colleges. Schools and Famllle... Apply to Mra M J Tot'NG-Fl'LTON. 23 Union ? '_N_T '?. at*. Summer Resorts. NEW TOKK. LAKE GEORG E "Most picturesque thin% I $___? in America. "?Herbert Spencer. All that you want to know about tha beautiea of this iovelint of waten and ita wealth ot accommodatioas set forth ia A Summer Paradise* Issued by ihe Delaware & Hudaon. the Shortest. Quickcst and Beat Lica letween New York and Vnnlieai. and the standard route to the Adiroa dacka, with train _____?_? of tuperb ei cellence. Through Pullmana from Grand Central Station?direct connectioas with Hud-on KiverLinea. Matled on receipt cf 3 centa peataga. Treats alao of numerous other reaorti of cool Northern New York. A AHE1ED, Gen.P?s.Ag_.__-_n_. N.T. N. T. Clty Offlcna. ! nROADWAY 1334 B_OA_v___T. FORT WILLIAM HLNRY -HOTEL LAK? GEOR.GE. . Y. _? Or.-_ee_ra; Kne golf llaaa. ftahlng. tathinf, boatlng. tennla. blillarda. ssa. WILLIAM P. CHA3S. M_i_.T bsa.tifcl _.:_.- rt IN NEW Y"RK _TATfcl N". T OOet H tei . Irn-. _ :?? \m Hotel Ampersand AND COTTAGES ON LOWER SARANAC LAKE Now Open. W. K. HILL. Mgr. Late rth. New C__N_S N H. Th. Arr-._r-raar._! ta farr-.e,. f-r its . | invlg oratlr.c - _] aolute exemptioo ir^m ha -ir.g scer.ery d Itghtful w i.'.:s per? feet ? >if u_-ka taautla c^urts. t . I at 11*0 Broadway. CM __tH St . ___ ?. Saratooa. CbcOranbTHnion ? t 1'arV- llaia a.i.'.ress WOOLl.tY X GERKVX.. FnH-tS-? ivrrat <ap? Sgttaspa N 1 OF TliE __________ MARIE ___r___aa__nr_n_-_ B_e__4__a_k_r, ? V "k. . :ty _:._ THE lHogl ?>1 -. | MiZZENTOPIiOTL'L AND CCyTTAGSS On creat of Qunker Hill. I'awit.-.g. N. Y Two l_0___ \ m V r* Ctty v:.. \i.*r--.. H ? __B_ taat eie r__t_c_n, .-.-llg'! s__rr_t___ttns>, _ '.'. ter n'..-. BSMtc. eti ? at ;a thia seaa a. \V .-.-? _-_? am _eai_a_BBBB*B_ Clrculan J.:.i '??'?? _?_______? eB ai pUcal HOWE & TWOBOOIli PAWLINI-. N. V. Durtag wlntef. Frln. e__a Hotel. Derrr.uda. C.RAr^1ATAN BKONAVU-LK.%.eatcb__ler ___. ** lf. milea iruia New Tork. Open all tne year. i*ea_l J. J. LANNlN OU. Briarcliff Manor, New York. BRIARCLIFF LODGE "The Hotel Beautiful of tho Briarcliff Hill-." I? mam open :>>r Aa aaaaaaj. _-. Baaa*-. Sfaaa AiJ'-tW-b iu_.l (_ea_-utlng many unlquo .in.i attra ^rea. rHIRT. __(____ t'it.'M NVW Y.RK Aiul s-rperl rr ln |rtaa .i- I . ~rl !u-'1 11. H. PU-tBR. ?*_______: THE INN AT HIGH~POir.T._ A hlah altituJe mountaln r?9.-rt soenery pic-tureaansk E!evatl..n. f._aM ft. Ueantiful iehe. M.-lrrn hoie_. aw* perlor aaiat_? Otch-nini Tennta. RliilarJa. Tennla ?._a uuei. U_auug. Ll.rry. KUhtaa- _, r ST JOHN A MCOt. Tort Jervts. ? l PE-SNNTI.V.%_-!__ THE K3TTAT!P-f-Y ,.\ ajsrn m j_____n .'.-vi- n ? .N.-i\ __ana?_aa_*nt. I^irgent. m.-at : , li .tel at Water Oaft _lt__te_l in .-wn Mountaln l'ar',_,,_i BN acrea Numai-a _tt.__-to.-e golf. a. boatlng. ivathlng. Batotog. at? < ,'"'1.^ ,>,_"?* K\.'EI.1.I .!? TABL-S SIl'l'l.lKT. FROSI ?' '"^_ OWN PARM. Electric lighta, elevalors. ".'-' U!*_ !?_. i...'e baJcoaWa, leaena ??__?: eaceHea* ?" , ' . ?_ MU_a Eaaw .il_.t_n.-_ phono. ?2. TalegrapbjB*^ ln h..t*i. ________ __-__.__? h.tei. atiaas in ^l"mir^. iv.rk. Auto route m..k> New Xerk lo Wat.r ->_P on1*XS_V n.'i.n AmerUan _____ Ala.> A la t*?rte **r,\*tf*U-,_.'r IfeOCONO MOI'NTAIN k?D -i__!___N2__a- aa .-..-. Pa.; capaclty 2S0; elevatton 1!'-'' , ?,'m1-_ .?heatra. 1 tennl-% euusta U rt-t-na _?>ra_a, S_i-!___ jjr. g..lf service. See Mr. I_.ay._r. Hotel Yorli. or w^ PortMr." l!._._:<t. I. J HiH'KKa. jr. _^._ MONTANtSCA .Everything beat. .-lecU-lc _l.uV.Iet ._.