Newspaper Page Text
ATTACKS OX WOMEN Citizens Aroused Over Epidemic of BrutalUy. _?_> many brutal attacks iq .n women and cbildren have been ie___rted in __.itih_ttan. Brooklyn and Queen- within tbe laxt few daya that the police __:_ bearUdered aa to arbere t.. bcgln to look for the crimlr.'iia. Kot la many _rear_ baa such a relpn af terror stru_k tbe clty, and tbe <.__:.?!_ that bave been reported are aucb that would make a V.-.tern mlnlng canrp in tho days of lawtessneas Wush wlth Bbaaea Six women an-J plrin n-.ake up ti.e li.t of lr.j.iral ooea. aml b.i great is t'ao fury of the eitiz-n_ tbat there ls talk uf forming vigQanca oomanitteea to hont down the crimlnala and do v-._i_t tha poUee have thus f;.r faiicd Dttcrly ln ac C-__pH9_i_D___, 1: _?._ r.tjortea to Uta detectivo bnreau that Ifra Maflgaret Ha_Tiso__, of Dallas. Te__-. who la rMtiag ber Bbater. Mra _3da_ai_l Kingetoa. of Nd. _T-3 W.-st 137th atreet, is in a cri.tc_l condltlon at ti.e boaae uf her Mater. Bhe accepted the offer of i. | cng who -iairn.rd eoqualatancc. to tak.< a; Kt the Eastern Hotel, at Bouth Ferry. iya that Bbe remembeeB nothing more until sr.e. woke up and Bound thnt she had been robbed ri..1. lM_BTrn A dtajnond riiifi whicb Bhe wore and aocne money were gi r... She gave a deacription ot the man to the police. The polloa '.f the 77th Prednet laat night tr :. fcted Krederick Komtattev on tho . 1 nrn.- ot ae a__.nfting ^1^. catberina DautaL of Wlnfl-id. I_on_. laland. yesterday. He wa_? taken to st. john's j: apitaJ, wbens Mrs. Danal is betng attended tn-.l ?*a_< :?:. ..tlfl.-d by the aroman ns havlng been ber ossa.'.ar.t. Mrs. Daaal'a coadltlon ls crltlcal, an.i it i. not belleved that bbe aill aurvlve ber ln Juries. fmrty Negel ag Nc. 732 Hnnco-.-k Btreet. Brooklyn, a_bo was arreated for ussuult or. Mary Mooney and Mary D_*_____ of No. 318 Eaat Kth Btreet, In Glen a_Ue early _ _aUn day morains. waa arraigned In tbe Fluaiuag poUca court before Magistrate Healey and ; . under ELeOQ bonds oa tl._- charge of telontoua waaault The police are looMr.g for a companion ef the prisor.. r. ?___>, it ls alleged. took part in tbe aaaaatt. The search Cor the assailants of Olga Bcbfamek, tba e__r__:-year-old gbi. wno was attacked whlle ptcWnc berrtoa near ber bome, at Ed Btreet and Tweifth avenue. Brooklyn. is betng puraued by po Itee ard citizens. A reward of _S0G has been ..(T-r._l by several of the citizens of the netghborhood and < v< rv attempt will to made to run ttu m down. Ar-.rdh.B to Captain Knlpa. of the Fort Hai j- gee Btatkm, a man who answerad the deacription of tho brute arbo attackeid ttte Bcbramek girl at t'rr.pted a slmilar aasault on another your.jj . rrl ln bls prednet _____a__ay. Ella T-llov-r. arbo livea ln Batb Beacb, was aasaulted ar.d is In a serious con ci'.ioi. I -? HARVARD MEN GOING TO LAERADOR. ?- a Four Students to Assist Dr. Grenfell in Hospital and Other Work. [By I__laa__pb to Tho Tribune.] B-Mtoa. July 18.?Foar Harvard atudents, H. n. Wt lst. r, A. L. Patch. R. S. Eustis and A. M. Mae Aus'.and. wlll etart in a few days on a mls?i..n to ___b_a__r to a.r-ist Dr. -Yiifre,. T. . .renfeii in his hospital w..rk and ln the aa_n___ls. They will atart in a new gaaolene Iaunch glven to _ r. GrenfeU by a Beformed church of New York. They will also help I >r. Gr.-nf.-11 ia his ovendgbt of the and other lndustrlal actlvitles nr.-l emesgency avocfc he is carrylns on. OKLAHOMA CONVENTION CALLED. Republicans in Conference Agree to State Meeting on August 1. [By T-: t :? The Tribune _ OHaboma Clty. Gkla.. July 18.?FoUowing a con? ference Of leadlng Hepuhli. ans, Chalrman Hamon. cf tbe RepabUcan Stat-j Central Committee, Issued a c_all to-day for a state convention on August 1. I BJ d-nVgatra ln his call Mr. Hamon says the convention _i'.l ba beld to dedde what shall be tbe polley relatlve to the rejectloa or adoptlon of tiie propa ae I constltutlon; to make a declaratlon -iy princlplea; to elect a Btate central com Lrman, and to nominate state oin c.-rs ? BO dc-i id.-. SUICIDE AT NIAGARA FALLS. Cripple Jumps from Goat Island Rridge After leaving Note. : By i-legrai h t ? _rh. Tr N:'i_ara Kalls, N. Y., July 18.?A man wbose ld^.iiity r.r.r, aot y. t i ? --n learned, commltted fui f lea; ing from (__ .at Island bridge at 7 ??>!.' k tbta evenlng. He aralked, aJ.led by a crut^h r.t.d c.-.tif. H.--1 reacbed th>- i.rhige from Green lal .-?.-..I. He left his cruteb, cane and a note on the l.ri.ipe. ar.d t'r.'-n leaped to death. Tiie note read. "Tell my frl.-nds that I bave gone t>. glory.** Ti.e no'e is _a____ad "J. I>," and ti.e cruteb beara tiio t<ame Inttlals. Hundreda wftneaaed the from Proapect Park. aad tba <:i;> over the brink of the American fall was seen from Prospect Polnt. NEW YORK GIRLS HURT IN COLLISION. Rear-End Car Crash Injures Many Church Members Returning from Picnic. IBy Teiepnapli to The Tribune.] N'ew Hivn, July IS.?Two Kew York gtrls w<-r.. rer..-,_:.-iy, and poaslbly fataili', injured !.. ? Edgbt ln a rear-er.d trolk-y car coUlsloa. The cars were returr.inft wi'ii ph k;.i< kers of tbe Taylor ."oneregatl..nal Cburcb. Qara Btolsenberger. aged sixt.en. of No. 209 IM Btreet, Kew York -'ity, and Ida Kaget, t-Ked etghteen, of No. 167 Hooper stre.-t. Brooklyn. w. re among tbe Bcore of vi- iims. Tiie former baa a fractured ekull ar.d the latt-r lnternal tnjurlee. Two cars carrylng tba . i.ur li people wera run ning ciose tagetber In Sh?-!ton avenue. A fus. J-lew out on the aeoond. leaving it unoontrollable The flrst atopped to dlscharge paasengera and th< eecond crashed tnto it. Miss T. Walte, Of this elty, ar.d V. W. Skeii, motorman <>t the aecond <;ir, lmvo lnternal lr.Juriea. The two New Yoik realdenta In? jured arere an a vacatSon. TYPHOID FEVER WRECKS MIND. Richmond Youth Imagines He Is a Woman and Dons Feminine Attire. [By T___B_Ba_- x-i Tbe Tribune ] I-khmo.-d. Vi.. Ju y la.?In tbe case of O. P. Anjj'-l. twanty-ona :? .-.irs old, tbe authotitJea are confronted with a paThrtlr lnstanoe of the ravages wrouglit l>y typbold fever, whicb apparently has wrecked the mlnd of tbe young man. There are jeriods erhen be imaginaa tbat be la a woman and aeaagneradee In fen.mii:.- attlre. More than once the police have arr_s_ted him whlle this singulariy garhed. On se-v. ral occasions be has requested r!.. father to piinliaae womaa'a at-.lre for him. BBTAV DEPRECATES WAR TALK. Says Only '*Jap" War Wiil 3c cn Paper and We Are Now in the Midst of Battlc. [By Tc__grepli t-. Tha rrlfcune. 1 Kansa^ Itjr, July 18.?William J. Bryan aaid to Oay that li<_ beUevea that tbe only war this <-ono tiy wili lu.v. wttb Japan wlll b_ conducted or. paper, at.d tbat tbe country i.? now ln the u.i.Jst of ti.e battte. HTbUe :\^.''.:^ tot u train bere to-day, lU .:.:?_ "'i' ir ?f B war, .ir.d the talk of it ;???. It Curalshea headllnea for gatherers -l _i-.?.- ti..- advocatea of a Mg i.i.y a chance ?.-> demand more aliips. itlgbt .-? arbere tbe trouble orlgiaatea lf tbe ? _? -n t':;..- otber a|de of tli?- Paciflc are equal to tba eaaggeraUona bere, i auppoaa tbey ate _.- b_MUj Bcarad over ti,.-re a- o-.n llngo. are here, rr_l bome J;r.:- ?- aeera ba.iiy trlgbtcned." MtRCANTiLE EXCHANGE LOSES SUIT. .-.- Jaycox, lu tbe Bjpreme Court, Brooklyn, y< Kt'-rda;-. <lc'-i.i?-d for Qewge W. .Maitin, Q \?'. Martin, j; , aad ECdwln E. Martin, butter d<-al il.eit Mnt .iKaili.^t tbe Xew York M<TC.illti..r The .'?; rtlns, =.t a former trial _f tl_* _....-.. asked for (.Ki.OUO daina__es, whicb tbey aal] tj.<y lo>t through tbe manlpulatlon of butter quo oa tbe exebkngw kTesterday .<? claim for - -a-s walved Justlce Jaycox __-rr-nt.-.i an o''Je: r_stn_ining ti.<- Mercanttle Eacbange from ISMdllg u:.r. JJ-.1.1'- "lUotatioi : . FRANKLIN COUNTY NOMINATICN3. y., July I*. Tbe Pranklln County Re I'Uii'i vi Convention th,s afternoon nomlnated H.-irr;.- II. Hawley r?r tnember of Aaaembly, I-...J ? t_ Paddock ;.-t Con ity Judir.. Jobn \v. Qene aay tor i-i-tri i Attorney, all of Malone, and Jobn W R_ a1;, of -VcMvilJa fcr BupeHntendeat uf t;ic l O.I. DEATH IX AUTO CRASII. Two Machines in Collision in Occan Parkicay?One Man Killcd. Two automobiles rushed together '.n Ocean Parkway, Klngs Hlghway, Brookly?, early yeaterday morning. one man, Thomas H. Dono vr.n, of Xo. -'7S I' avenue, waa Ktii?--<l. and one, Chapman Itopes, of Morristowr,, N. J., ae rlously lnjured. Otber per?ona are believed to bave been In the *rreck, but they dlsappeared. Donovan Wiis UHliig tho machine without the knowledge ttt his employer, Charlea A. Willlamson, of No. E_> Willoughby avenue. Uow tlie accldent occurred ls not known. Tho Btretcb of road ls rather dark and, lt is said. one of the machines had no headllglits. Ropr-i wiu hur rying back to Brooklyn from Coney Island and, It is understood. had as a Franoia P. I'avanaugh, of Bolse City. Idabo. Donovan. wlth two <omi.iir.ions, wus daahlng as rapldly ln the other directlon. A momant after the craah, William Latter, chaufTeur fur William tbe borseman, came by in un automobile. He went after Patrol man Hogan, and with blm roturne.l to tho wreck. -amu-l Carter, of No. 7*3 McDonough street, was near at hand with three friends in his carrlage. They dlaentangle. Tho Injured men from the wrc.k age.^ They w??re taken to tbe KecepTion Hoapltal at Coney Island. l_>onovHii had recelved a fracture of the skull and other lDjurles, an.l died after an -peration. Ropes 1ms a pmbable fracture of tho ak .11 and other lnjurioa -Mr. Bopea ls an uaslsTcnt to Charlea A. Morse, of the Lrokr-rage flrm of Charles A. Morse & Co., of No. 44 Broadway. Mr. Morse vlsited 1:1m at tho Reception Hoapltal yeaterday, and found his toii dttton to bo less serlous than was at flrat reported. Mr. Cavanaugh. of Bolse. Idaho, was not known it tbe offl.if tho firm. Morriatown, N. J. July 18.?Chapman Ropes ls a son of A. i;. Ropes. The famlly home ie ln Morrls avenue. The Ropea famlly has a aummer home at Northfleld. Mass.. where Mr. und Mrs. A. G. Ropes are for the season. Ridley Bopea, a younger brother of Chapman Rnp.-p. was lined for exceed Ing the auto speed about a month ago TEXAXTS MISS LUNCHEON Elevator Men of Trust Company of America Building on Strike. As the tenanta ln the new Trust Company of America Building. at No. 37 Wall stror-t. twenty two Btoriea blah, were getting ready to go to lunch? eon yesterday, the elevator men, ln.-ludlng tho starter, went on a strike beeause, :t was said, thelr demand for un increaae of wages wus refused. As a result many of tho tenanta, partleularly thoaa baving ofllees on tho upper floora. went without th.. lr midday meal Thoae baving bualnesa wlth tenanta had no alternatlve but to walk up. A few mlnutes after tbe strike the around floor hall was crowded with. people waltlng to go up, and tba stalrwaya were tbronged wlth others who, tired of walting for the elevatora, wera walklng down. Finally two wlndow cleanera were put on the Job. They wero not experL Two otber men were em? ployed later, and the jenltor ai ted aa a starter. No offlcial statement of the trouble was glven out. but aome of the emciloyes said That the elevator men had demanded an increaae of Sl a week. Bamuel Untermyer has his offlcea on tl.e seventeenth tioor of the building. DOESNT AID LOTTEMES. HE SAYS. Offlcial Denies That W. U. Knowinglv Handles Gamblers' Messages. Ilelvldere Brooks, geperal Buperintendent of the East.'tn division of the Western I'nion Tele? graph Company, with great vehemence denied yesterday tho aasertlon that the company had bei .i aldlng pollcy and lottery men wtth Ita Ber vlc?. He cbaracterlzed the remark as a "dellb erate, maJIclous and wilful falseh.I." Mr. Brooks said: "After Investigating our books we flnd that we have no James D. Dexter on them. That was tho nama given by the newspaper story to the pollcy combination's agent In New York. The only Dexter we bave on our books is a lawyer. "To lllustrate tbe falseness of the story, take the aasertlon ln lt that we charge the syndicate $0 70 for two eigbteen-word messages from Cln clnnatl to New York. ls rldiculous. < mr rat.s call for a charge of $1 28. "We bave 11,000 names on our books ln New York, and handle 125,000 messages. so w can not bo sure that all are rlght. Many of these people send cipher messages over our wlres every day. We don't know thelr chasacter nnd cannot lnterfere with them so lung aa they iire not lllegal on thelr faces. When we refuae to take meaaagea ln cipher we phall be quickly haled to court. We ar" common carriers and have to aerve everybody. "But lt Ls rldiculous to say that the Western Union knowlngly transmits news for the pollcy managers. If pollcy and lotterles aro belng played lt ls a matter for the police to handle." a> GOES TO AID PURE MILK CAUSE. Nathan Straus Sails for Hamburg Meeting; in lnterest of Infants. Nathan Btraua aailed for Hamburg yeaterday on the Hamburg American llner Am.rlka to attend th., eaa of the Gouttea de, the Internatlonal organlxatlon for tbe protectlon of infants against Impure milk The consreaa. whlch wlll be attended by pbyaictana, sclentlata and phllanthroplats, will begin ln Bruasela on Beptember 12. Mr. Straus said: "I am much pleaaed wlth the great progresa that haa been made ln the milk problem ln the Unlted Btatea alnce the neceeetty of havlng pasteurixed milk waa Impr ssed upon the munidpalltlea through out this country. The Idea gave rlse to some Jeat Ing when it flrat advocated. flfteen years aao, but it ls gratlfylng to aee now that tha aaitatlon for pasteurixed milk has spread over the Unlted Btatea from Boston to Los Angeiea Tho federal govern? ment has _r_sped The Importance of the problem, and Burgeon General Wyman. of the Publlc Health Service. has been Inatructed by the Prealdent to take up tbe milk questlon in the hope of baving Consreaa enact a law providtag for the ellmlna tioii of tubercular cattle and compelllng the dair tc-s to furnish only milk that ls pasteurixed." GEESE FROM CANADA DUTIABLE. Cannot Be Admitted Free Any Longer as Wild Birds. Geeae are no longer to be consldered "wild." nor are they deemed "blrda,"' wlthln the m?anlng of tbe Dingley lariff law. They are therefore aa :-.?: -. d 1 v the collei tor of CUStOmS US "livo poul? try" ut the rate of three cents a pound. accordlng to a deetstoo made yeaterday by Judge Waite of ti,- Board of Unlted Btatea General Appratsers. Thla Wlll probably have ihe effect of ralslng prlces, as many of tbe geeaa uaed ln this market come from Canada. K W. Myars & Co., of Plattaburg, N. Y. were the prime movera ln the teHt case Tho Importers said that tbo geeae ahould be admitted as birds, which aro cxempt from duty. declaring that geeae ahould be allowed to ent.r free of duty becauae tliey ar.- wild or aeml-wlld. ln bis declslon Ju:l?e Waite f;nld: "Tbo evldence clearly abowa thut th<- geeae ara kept by the farm? era oa t'neir farms very much as fowis are gen erally kept, allowed to run in the flelda and alao kept within thrlr Inclosurcs. The fac! th,;' they contain some wild blood or have some wild tenden cli u w.mid not, we thlnk, warrant us In flnding that they are free Of duty, as claimed." e-1? RECORD RUN ON CANADIAN ROUTE. Steamer Brought Mails from liverpool to Rimo_-ki in Six Days. Montreal, July IS?The royal mall ateamer Em f Brltaln, "f tbe Canadlan Paclflo Rallway's Atlantic steamshlp line, land' d her Kngllsh maU. at Bimouski at noon to-day, completing the fastest passage on the Canadlan roiit'-, Between Liverpool nnd Bimouski. The vessel left Liverpool at 5 p. m . July 12. and h.r tlme of pussago for tho voyage ?raa Just six daya Had the vessel called at Movllle, wblch has been abandoned, lt is said that ?be woukl bave made a n>?".? transatlantle record of s days and i hours. The repord of th>* transatlantlc weatward passage la held t.v the Cunarder Lucanla, wblcb made thi voyage from Queenatown to New York ln 6 days, 7 houra and 22 mlnutea. The diatance from either Movllle <>r L4verpo?1 to H?mousld ls conxiderably 1 -as tnan that from Queenatown to New Vork. NEW BANK FOR BROOKLYN. Albany, Julv 18.?Tbe Homestead Bank of Brook? lyn was authorlxed to-day by the Btate Banklng Department to do a depoatt and dlaoount buslness. The ' apltal is _M>,0-). Tho Incorporat t* Include . Bcimer, lr., Botomou Bubln, william S. Wyckoff, John lYyckoff and E. JLliicoln Kuckefel 1... -ii oi' Bre-k-yn. HOTEL RROZTELL SOLD. UPTOWN HOUSE IN DEAL. Charles B. Morgan Buys a Broad tcay Parcel. Potter & Bro. have sold to the J. C. Lyons Bulld ing and Conatructlon Conipuny the Broztell, a twelvo story hotel, Noa 3, 5 and 7 East 27th st., on I a plot 67X.5.9 feet. ln part payment for the hotel ! they take No. lol4 Madison ave., .-i six story dw-cll | Ing house. on a lot 23xi?..o feet, adjotnlng the bome | of Stuyvesant Flsh, ut th.e northwest corii<_-r of I 78th at. Benedlct & Badt have bold Blawaon __ | Hobhs a six story elevator apartment house, wlth ' stores, on a plot 40xHO feet. at the northwest | corner of 138th nt. and Broadway Charlea B. Mor i san Im the buy er. S.-veral blg leaseg were recorded yesterday. The : estate of Jolinsou bas !---hs.-<1 to Bonwlt, ! Harr!_ & Co. the parcel at tho northwest corner ; of 21st st. ai.,1 Broadway, 115.8a Irregular, extend j Ing to Noa. lly and __l Bth ave, for ten years, at j fft.OOO n year. Tlio Pe.bat Brewlng COmpany haa leased to Eu ' gene Schlcip tlis premlsea at the northwest corner I of The Circle and 58th st.. for ten years, at $21,_<_i a j year. lr. the Vesey street ealesrooma yeaterday Joseph P. Day sold K'.-s. 336 an.i 338 Water b_, two four Ktory hrl.-k tenement houses. with Btorea, on a plot 37.9x66.0 feet, to H. S. Froet fo_- .16,150; Nn. 5 Trafalgar Place, a vacant lot, __.x85 feet, to Eliza Gilsen, f.r $1,1..'. and No. 338 East _>t_ st.. a three story dwelliiig liotise. 17x102.2 feet. to Arnold S. Furat for $n._>a>. Noa __ ;uid 60 Rivington st. were not offered f..r sale. Mr. Day wlll olT.-r for sale to-day nt tiie Real _-_ tnto KxchaiiRe salegroonis No. 14 West 117th .-it., a llvo story brlck Oathcuae on a j.lot ___4xlu_ll feet. BIG LEA8E IN PENN. TERMINAL SECTION. Henry M. Weil loased f.r Andrew Gllaey the two four story bulldlngs Nos. ir. and 128 West S2d st.. for a term of years. The property haa a frontage of 37.8 feet and a depth of 7_: feet, and is directly opposite tiie proposed termlnal uf tho Pennsylvanla Rallroad. Gustav Helneke lease \ f..r Varlck _>. -Martin to Donald Campbel] No. 147 East 62d . t.. a rhree story dwelllng house, for n term <>f three years. Th? II. H Full.-r Realty Company leased f.-r the Lord Electric Company to William M. MacMahon the Rtore und a j...rt!.-n of the basement ln No. 2.3 Weat 4otIi st.. for a term of year. TO IMPROVE 21ST ST. SITE. Jacob Klschel ls the buyer "f Nos. 18 end 50 West 81st st , sold :?.aitly. He wlll erect a tweiva story building "n th.. slte. UPTOWN PLOT IN A TRAOE. Louia A ..t?rn has sold for !.? uia Siff to E Frank No. 2i I West 120th at . a six Btory flathouse, on a rlot 37.6x100 feet Brooklyn property was taken ln purt payment WILL REMODEL HOSPITAL ANNEX. Plans have been flled wlih Buihllngs Buperin tendenl Murphy for partly remodolllm. the maln building and chapel annex of the Presbyterlan Hospltal, at Madison ave. and 71st Bt.. t.. afford lr, reased working space to ti:.- Rurglcal and patho loglcal d.partmenta <>f tho Inatltutlon Tli_ im provements are to roat $."??>. accordiig t.. the esti mato of the ar liltects, Cady __ Bee TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Van V'l-.-t & Place have sold No. 627 Hudaon st.. tn J. K., a four st iry brlck Btore and dwelllng house, on a lot _-. 4x---. f ?? Barnet Levy has resold No. '.< Eaat 3d Bt., a flve story tenement house on a 1 ? 25x90 feet William K. Ware haa aold for Richard M. Ktm ball No. 4'". West 142d Bt., a four atory American basement dwelllng house, on a lot 17x99 il feel The Durosa Company hns eo'd f.-r a cllent of Wllllam H Phelan Noa. 2.:.". and 237 East 51st st.. a flve story tenement houao. <.n n plot 33.4x100.8 feet The Herbert li- . ..r.y has bought a flve story tenement house, wll . Btores, on a plot 31 Sx 76.3 feet, at th" Boutheasl corner if 121st st. and Pleasant uve. The Rtissek ._- Kllnger Realty Company has a iet 79th st . a fo ir i tot ? I i on H lot 25x1.2 2 feet. fi J - m. Edward Polak bas ? 6 to H Voegler N Lafontalne ave., llly frame bouae. on a et: to 8. J Lahi ??. No. !<$_ Fati Place. a two famlly housi for _.. Pfelfer, No 1006 Foreat ave., a tliree famlly houae and Btore; I E Durkln, two lota, ea _ alde of Poplar Bt., east of Bear Swamp Ic Carl Modin tha lot al the mu thw. wood Placi . t.. 25x100 feet, and to 3_ Bellzzl ti..- lot ci. the south ald. <f 238th st . 206 f.t t w.rst of .'.th nr e I.i.n'f & Brown have sold '? r Hi rrlct A D l 387 i . ntial a. ?? . Jer ?- y Clty, a 1 lou I ' MAN-HATTAN BUILDING PLANS. Broadway, i w . r ;...-.. ? r u --.? br _ tlatl --.-.?? Wl !;.-?!, ? ?;?- R. U i. ___,_? o_n?r; N vllle a !;.... . ?? ? 1180.000 I.-'..]. st .n n . B7 '.' n a( Amit' . n Hla <r i -.- brl. k _v; 11 . A ' ?:,. o_-ni :.>.!' Jl". 00 BUILDING LOAN CONTRACT. Bpring at.. a. e. <i l aby -t. 100x02 i? r'l.-K . M.'r- : :'r..r. 1 E ? ilaon. . PATROLMAN DENOUNCED IN COURT. Under Arrest on Charge of Assaulting Eighth Avenue Car Conductor. Chargea In what Magistrate Houae called one of the most wanton cases of brutal aasault !.-? ! -i known Isnded Patrolman Arthur A. Ktehels, ..f the West 100th street police Btation, behind the bars >? -t.-r?!.!-.-. Ho w.-^i balled oul later. li Thompson tirled to have tl..-- prls. ner paroled ln hls ? .-.. bUl M.i.-.isti at.- l!-..^-- to glve ? greatei prlvilegea than he wouid any other ;?? : aon on euch a charge The complalnant, George Bcharsenberg, u Btreet ? ar conductor, was ii wreck on Wednesday, when he appeared In the rorkvllle .-.urt to t.-ll the atory of his clubbing. Th<- patrolman made a .-..tint.-r charge against him, bul the magistrate dlamlaaed lt at once. Si haraonberg'fl heud and face were awathed in bloodatalned bandages. He waa so weak that a chalr wns provided for l Im. Vesterday when he appeared ln court f..r the Becond tlme be was aotnewhat Improved. AlthouKh the alleged aasault occurred al an hour when the F__hth avenue cara were crowded wlth paasengera, the only wltne8s*>a against the patrol? man were the motorman aud another man, who w.,s being broken in They both testlfled that the patrolman dragged hla prisoner from the car and hlt him four tlmea the head with hla dul>. Ti..- patrolman eaid th.-it th>- conductor us.-.i a viie enlthet t.. him, a__d ho trled to arr.-st him. Both fell to the Btreet, i.? sald, end Scbaraenberg got bla Injuriea that way. When the patrolman waived examination th?i magistrate held hiiu in 12.000 f..r trial. Inspecto. Thompson asked t.. have th< prisoner paroled ln hls CUatOdy. "N'.tiiln.- ..f ti;.. kind." Mil.l lll" IililK lsiiai?; "l wlll treat blm as any other cttiaen." "Wlll you parole him ln my charge until to-mor? row?" usk.-.i the Im ;?? -tor "I wlll not." anawered M iglstrate House. "Tlils 1? one "f the moat brutal assaults of whlch l have ever heard. l would be false to my oath of offlce did I do otherwise and recn anl t-> my duty. Tho assault was a wanton one cruel and brutal. Tlils man must furnlsh hall or go l> prison." Etchels was balled out i.y ex-Alderman Thomas F. Baldwln. MAY FIGHT PER DIEM CAR CHARGE. N. Y., N. H. & H. and B. & IVL Considering United Action. New Haven, July 18.?It la stai-.-d bere on s'mi ofRclal rallroad aujhority that the New V..rk, Ni w Haven & Hartford and Boston ?i_ Malne Rallroad companiea are preparing to reslst tli.- new r.o cenl p'-r dlern charge under the rule ?-r the American Rallway Assoclation on detained cara The loglcul form of realstonce would i..- wlthdrawal from the American Rallway Assoclation, but, as the latt.-r body haa already taken Into conslderatlon the ac? tlon of 11?-? 1/onK Island Rallroad tn wltbdrawlng, tliero may be some form of a compromlse one aerioua dlfflculty ls that other termlnal rall? road ayatema may demand the aame concesslona If any are made to the New Bngland companiea, The New Haven corporatlon is lp favor ol posltlve ac? tlon, l.ut it is l-..-.r.ily llkely to" any ovit st. )> without the co-operatlon of the Boston &. Malne. HOUNDING THE FRANKFURTER TRUST. Aa outi-ry has been ralsed among tba provislon dealers and dellcatessen store proprletors <>f the East Bl le agalnsl an alleged growlng y-n.'..-n. y <.n ti.e part of the "frankfurter and bologna trust" to raiae prices to them from time to tim<-. result :m_r yesterday in ti..- organlxatlon of the Kast Blde Provislon Dealeni' Antl-Trusl Asaoclation ;it a meeting of tiie dealera In Greal Central Palace Hall, No. M Cllnton Btreet T.i- mlaalon >>f the assoclation will !?? to flght the hlgh pricesl Ac? cording tu tbe dealera the trust ls ralsing pricea to bui ii an extenl thal ti..-.-.? cannol make a decent llviiiK Bpeechca ln German, Engllsh and fiddlsb were made nt Un- meeting, ln wblch all trusts. Indlvldually and eollcctlvely, were denounoed, but rspeclally Uae graaping frankfurter and bologna Uu_L SPECIAL MEXTIOX. AdvertUemonta a.lmltted into colunina aro rrcommended to the readera of The Trlbune aa thor ouglib rellable. und buainea.t ran be dune b.v mall wltb the advertlser with perfect aafety. FRANK H. GRAF '^CH ___o rW_*_ frrzseBcr - - - - IH BROADWAY. HHM BHOAIMVAY 723 SIX.TH AVKNI'E. Y.NDIHONS. ___Oa-__- | FIRE SETS. 32',' Seventh Avenue. Corner of_2Hth St, _ j THE ~$W?% TP1BUNEAUANAC ?yp.^*rr*;*7' ?TjJflr^Ti-. _ _ ^tf>J rM 1937 Bo Your Kyea Trouble lon? | Step Into Spencer'a now I at ;il ?.alden Iano. an.1. . ? , , ..,,. ?*-?? l~ ael palr of pebbta ov.. Qn Sal6 ll Al! HUWM? *,..?, the . ?"??!. euay Kin.l tliat never inlaf. or ?_ - , Invlalbla Tori,- l.l-f,.cnla , . Drpp >T "iPIl^ fornenrand dtatant vlalon ' rii-G -0 U.illi Amusements. AERIAL GARDENS.vaV^h? GEO^ M.W Co'h AN1 ^lrxM^ JARQIN DE PARIS ?___K_3* Mntle^-evu. FOLLIES OF 1907 60 ANNA HELD GIKI.S. Every Evanlng. R V_ ALL THE 3TARS AT SUN. NK1HT CONCERT3 yAJViMERSTEIN,S.^,.s,i.-. ROOF P_| and Daily Mattnea ln Theatre. wlth Koof Bill. || Mlle Po-xere, Ned YVayliurn'a Kanti"<rlo I'han i.inm. 4 Forda, Barnold'a AnUnala othera. MADISON SQUAIE I0OF OAIBEN f^fjL. _?__? "THI MAIO A\D lMt MIIII0NAlRE,,R;ir. "ir B-l-a niOI-lf) Bro?,l?Bv*3?thKI Tel in*rt ITrvant uiMNU^r&VuFilSGINATING FLQRA nr.lllV HI'.HAI D SQ. B'wav & of.lh Tel 21S.1 TTVh t^ltlJli-. - \i> - UK, mi) v?t Sat v. 2 19 TCvh ?:15 SAVOY Mtfc ?_Hr1r_r_r_r---. =-? MAN ONLY PLAY l> TOWN. THE HOUR Broadhur-t MORNING ANT? AFTERNOON t ON( ERTS on all I'uy I.lne Outln.a Scenery Flne reatauranta .^.?u Steamboat and Excuralon Columna FltlK VAt'DEVIlXR. AMLAND TAKE IRON HTF.AMBOATS. _ 1111 NA'IIOVS I'l VV(.HOl.M) L U N A PARK A Mlli-I MMEH NH.III'-' DR1 W ! STEEPLECHASE PARK him \n iti?i ii rn: \\ n i i i PBTwmfBWF **^ GRAND A**7 olKlt\*' HV K HY VirTOR -NXETOrMONE JEWE-L'8 MANTKINS. MANHATTAN BEACH. PAIN'S I:IKl.WORkS,8:30I>. M. 6PI , BHER1DA.VS R1DE CnCMI WORl l? IN W A V lillNV Ml Sir. a-Uk II I CINEMATOGR A P II Rv-Tf Hour. Ml ->1K I I lf, like. Tublenui - Fr.imtoent People. TROTTING AND PACING. ( . (). D. Makes New Track Record at White Plains Meeting. . ?.. ? ? ? ? J ? a _f< White Plaina Falr Urounda '? 'he tih. k r< i : '- -i '? ttlng claaa vraa y C '> 1>. ? ? ? l_x uat Hlll Btock Farm. at | V i, N V li.- trotted tl ?? mlle tn 1 .'?'? I". tl ? a ?? '" <> D won ? i v it length nnd t elght faat _ iraea ? TK .;:;-.. . ?.-. .... . ? : ?.?.? ? ?? :?. Locuel Hlll Btrx-k Parra, Waldea .111 ? ' :.. '? b ? . .1 Kelley, Newark V .7 fi J. J ? .? ?? . Medfnnl, M.,>^ 2 .1 tt ?. a B . J I? Li \gr. ? irana N V ^ 3 ? .1 V 4 fl .1 G. 1_ 1>. | i. (T a a, ! 23 . '-' . . - j. . PAI ING 2 12 ? U\S;. RI-R8E |4< 0 mo, irr. k. I 'r F II. K -n Irl.k. W. r.-e-.i^r .111 .. ? '.: blk. m., Df H I' '.ill. Now I rlc <1Ty .3 2 0 . '. .- B :..::.: ! .'. Behofleld . 7 rt _ J .-Ln McBwaa, b k. Nal Ray, i-i??-i'ai..-_: Bay.. 2 T ,t Tlnu. 2 ll1. 2 12. 2 11. TROTTING 2 40 C__?18- PURBE t?.?> . i^-ui- Thompeon. VThl a Plalna.1 l i ?i. t. k . Jamea R 'Vuil .11.I S . iw..rthy, b k. T.larvlii II rt .11. Wl.ilo .333 Tlme, 2 12. 2 3.'.. 2:34. MARINE INTELUOENCE. MINIATlIti: AI.MANAi" BUTJ riaflfl 44' B?fl a<'t.i 7 _S|Mo-n rii.?a 12.<?I Mooa'fl ??{?? 9 HIGH WATER. A M Sandj Hooh l IStOov. laka-d 1 Rl it. :i i;?.e ;: ih 1 11 Sandy Hook 2:10|Gor. I?;?nj 2.?i Hall Cute yi ..!? pecu Th 1 u' WIRELES3 REPORTS. ,. columbta. whlch report-d t.. C_pe R_ca at ncn i.'.i.v. when 1.1ik> milea mat ..f KuaJy U.?,lc |a an? .l to dock about 4 ,. m Bua _ty s 1 ??-'.ita.-hiuni. arhleh rap?rted to Slaaeoaaat at 8:10 yeaterday when 1?0 uities v.iat ot Nantucket Llxtit la expected to do. u 7 BO n ra to day a Lur-nta, > hlch reported t.. Bable laland nt <\ m t,i i.lnv, wli^n two hundred mItaa a..ntria.iat Of Ihut s:a 1^ expected to dock about lo a m aaturday. i-ii'...te. whlch reported t,, s.,i.:? i?._..,i a, 5 _ n, rday when i.'a> mitaa aouthe?at ..r that ataUon ta tod t.i dock alx.nt H a. 111. fcHluitla>. INCOMING STEAMERS. H> l'AY. \ ew . : Fr. 111. un,. .Liverp....;. July 11.White -tar ?Deutachland.Hambura, July ll.Huiul. A1.1 ?i>|.i.iiiza.Havana, July 16. Ward ?Ui.a .Hayll, July h.llaiul. \n, ? 1 tm..;,.-?:.Turk'a laland, July IB. i'!y.l* ?Ohldenai.l'.na. July 7..'.Booth Katl ? 1 Ina .Huelva, July 2 . r.nii la.Hambura, July ?.Hamb-Am t'alltorule.Havre. Jnls t.,.French Algerlu .Palermo. July 4....Anchcr Nord Amerlca.Utbraltar, July s.\M \,.; ,.? 11 Italla.Naplea, July 4 .L.i.>v.l sal, 1 ???, ,.f lii.iliv.m.Clyde, Jul> P. Him Marcoa.Galveaton, July 13.MaUory El Dla.Galvealon, July 1:1.8,, |___aa BATURDAY, .111.". _). ?L-Savol?.Havre. July 13 . Prench ?l.u. anla.Llven.I, July 13.1' e_i |_ul.Southampton, July 13.American ? i-. :?.Ban Juan, July l<; .N y & p ,t Trlanac.B?nieaux, July il ._ Montroae.Ulbraltar, July u._ .. t.gbert.London, July 11._ BUNDAY, .III.V 21. e__lu nblfl.ataaatm, Julv 13 .Ancl.or Yutiiurl.< li-iitu.-K.u4. July li",. Ward MONDAY, Jl'I.V 22. Prealdent 1-ncola?Harobura. July i;i.iiamr. vt,i -! .,? >...iiil .London, July i:i .Atlaiiii.- Trar.a Flnland.Antwerp, July 1:1.K,-.| Bt.-?r BlMai.New Orleana, July 17.Ba Pactto l.ii 1.Uarraat-B, July id.s., paoliic ?lii.u&h i.iull. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Veaaal For. Uaa. Mall etoaaa Prlna Uaurlta Hayll, l> W 1.lrouaiu 1 Bieamund, Barbadoa, Blomaa.12:wiiu :i Arapaboe, Jack-onvllla, Clyde. - 3 E-iitla_o, Ctantuea?fl, Ward .- _ BATURDAY. JII.Y ao. ?Philadelphia, Bouthamptoa, Amer.... SiOOara ;? 1.1,1111,. Uverpool, Cun-rd. 7:::.iaiu 11 Bllvla, Sewfoundland, Red Croefl. TitOan 11 t'aracaa Cttracoa. lt. .11). S:30amlS Ponce, Poni ?-. N Y .* P R. H:i*>a ni 12 Havana. Havana Ward.M?KX>a? r a Wllhelm, Jamalca, Hamb-Am....ll:00a m Venetla, Colon, Uamb Am.U.iooin 3 /..-. li.ii.i, Antwerp, R*d stur.- lo Neckar, Naplea, N ?; Uoyd.- 11 Aatorta Glaacow, Anchor. - 2 Meaaba, London, Atlantic Trans. - U baratov, Libau, R?flfllan Vol.- - Clttfl dl Mllano, Naplea, La Veiooe.... - 10! Alba, Gnlveat?b Bo l'u.'lftc. - S Momufl, N*1" Orleana so Paclflc.- 12 ?'.ty ut Macon, Sa.\aiin_h, .avanuah... ?- 3 Vessel aalla. ?N>p m "o p 111 "<l p ru :WI p in :J0 a m :Wa .11 :00 a iu ()'?111 ? ai 111 i"? p m iai p ,,. :uOp iu :7I.? .1 iu i?i li iu :i?> t n? IK. a 111 .?. p ia ia> m ijo p m Country Property for Sale. Country Property for Sale. Coioma ? o. ?^.E_nL! WCSTCHliSTER'S li\CLUSlV_i Y.lLa COLONY. 30 Minutes Out on tiie Harlem Road. Write to-day for an lllustrated booklet fully describing this ________________] paegaalj. TASKER-HALSTED REALTY CO. Thoiio 4*971 ________-_?_-__-__?. -T-rtbrnw 1?itlj^., la*?4 _Nassa_i St., X. Y. I,...)!: ______-, WJBBTCHESTER CO ____-_?Faraa at J*> t A1 acres. ._ mlle from Chapi t.iua. ataUon. '.vith deii.jtit ful old bouae. .nstly modernlaed; orcbard and outi.uid lnga und ttna atte for new _____*?__.: wBl aeli port if _._ _____ ___FRS__ HIS. ..I.I.K.. 1133 I'-r- a.lw .iy._ V' T WESTRHouK. COIf-t?Kewljr aqalppad --room house; prlvate auto barn; box stall- Itof bawaaa^ !.> mtnutea from d?p_t H BPENCER. 1 .:? Ureenwlch Ft . or Ol-.o. C MOOKF. Wcatbronk. I'nnr Country Property to Let. _ SOUTHAMPTOK AM) ____-_______-_*? HII.I.S. ___, I. The few houaea that remaln iinrentcrt ran now bo had for biilaie--. of Heuaon ut greatly rrdured rents. J, METCALFt THOMAS l!) MIM.KTY STRKET. lf, Y. Furnished Houscs to Lci?Country. LARQE BBaanORE OUTA.;-: ..-ir,? __?_>, firliv fur Rlahed; * bedrooina: every r..i-vcnlen.o; $ S73. cooL, larsre rr'iur.da. d? hticn. .Al'K. S< ith liurw-i.-h _H.-.:-s. Country Property for Sale or To Let. CJTORB FOR 3AI.1. OH TO I_H.r. at rldge. N. J. IO bri.-k building on maln st., wlth aU-blo; formerlu o.-cuvl'.l as ? and res:d-i'<--_ Addrts. J. Ii. UtUl-Y. Woodbrldc*. N. J. City Property for Sale. KU>___- Ha___rs___ FOR SA____*. -Two famlly h..u> Tl.l n-lt a\P.. lir.lix. r-'ir blOCka WCBl -4 '.^Xi ?t an.I 1'elham atatlona. AKTHL'H HIDLKY. US iiust llltii at.. New York. City Property to Let. rpO BUBI_J_r, IH'TI-L. PORTt-AND. 1.12 Weel ?7th st.? JL Suite. 11.r?.?> auiiny r.^nii? und bath. Bron.c Property for Sale. V.\ .. -Bia BAROA1N IN BROK__ . Creaton Ave . 2282 '? _2T2, aeai ia3d it. IS ffemtty i-ri k ur. ! -? litaui beated; (-(..-n plumblng; hardwood ts it; ele __nf!-.- tirr'.*: ? ra'.-i. terir:. to ault. To Let for Business Purposes. 1ii) RENT. Tlir-.. large loft.a at 22- Wcart RoOMOB at.. . Kew Tork. Apply Al_PH_aKBE I-l.r _!??.-. S2 '.Vaii . New Tork. Telaphona ->?-.'? John, Real Estate. RULAND T^SmcTcOMPA^Y. REAL ESTATE. J't;*)na,I^n ??__-_?? prup-ttj our 6 Beekman Street. N. V. INVBSTOR to attbacrlba $.'..i.a> to ?l..i*?. y ln : i , au il-. M- large Hudaon Rlvei -. ;?-...* Kew Y r_ flty ilde Lota coat ._'???' *-" ? ??" each M nej aarured. total proflt a _8__>.-_-00 fcddreaa SYNT'i- ? \TF Trtl __ ISBa Ba_a__i_y, Kew Y-.rk <'lty The Turf. 'Brighton St*ET% ( ooleat gaT fj /"* ?} C* _pot Around -?V *V* ?_-- CT *a_) New York. Ma Baaea T..-iiu> iFriday) ur 2.30 i- M ? 'o-.irs<. r. icl .- 1 fi ?:? Ke? Tork al '?- I i TtrMf by 8] I'...a.l. an.I I i Srnltii St Troll. wltii l-._ri.>r ("ar? vi.i Long laland It ii '?.??' 1. 34th st at 11 A M . 12.10 12 ;?? 1- M Beata leave fool Wl Ite vla 3i<* ti Bl Fetry. co-jnectti tmlna ? ? I - .r:J st Ferrtaa Pranklla Ave Troll-.y t'oiirert by M.grant'a MONDAT, JtT.Y _9 .11 :m i in ? .?> p m '...?- ? .- 8 ??_. p m ?Tak?a rniiil f r Bouth Bi TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. I'rvtinatlon anj ataamar. ilua-ln Nf* Yurk. an I ? |BS arrl Vhtl Hl ir- lbljnds ..i.i 1?'!-. I . . .Juiy 1-). -:00 pm Hun.iii Japan. Corea, ii.ln.? an.I Fhil ? ?- .i . . (Vla S..:. l' ? ^.-..? ? i lilna. 'ily 27. ?' .-.ii S.iri Fr__n laco) \,a: :??'.._ Jr;!y 2__ 6 ._n p m Uawall, Quaan an.'. PhillppU ? : -. ta iv in ?an Fraaclacol V July _l. ti uopra SHIPPINO NEWS. Port of New York, Thursday. July 18, 1907. ARRIVEI -! Utunla fRt_aa>, Bakenofl I.:t a i 'a;-. ii. t Baanetni & Boyeaao, ? - | .-- I _r. : - . .. Bteamer Te il i ? ? bourg Julj i" k:i.l Queensi iwn 11 to ?'?? Wl Llne, -.ii-i: _r>i. ? tbta ur- ; ^i-^ .t..-...-? ? . mall ur 1 Ri !a^ A I ? Bai U 11 17 li IB ??: Ortang ? . Rlo -i>. Janelro J-m.. ST, to the l' S-..r. pan] in ballaat vrli..: at tha it :: . Bteamar Hathoi .'.:., *.'..r . . : . _. 1_. to W I> M rr.s ... ?itli A n. n. Bteamer ^nttllea, Kemble, .. Paclflc . -..iiipiii... wttb i. : ndaa. I__-ft Quarantln* m ."? .7 , m strunifi IVlediicb der Uroasa |Oer>. Ablborn. I Julj ii ai I Boistbaropion a '. Oelrlcha a .'?'. arlth 3:>4 . .'iu and l I3H !?'??? ru_r- paaaangtr?, aoalla aad m.isr. Arrlved at tha Bai h* lo 47 i? m, ITth Steamer Koealgta I-owtaa iOer). \-i_t-r. ... Kaptea 7 aad Ulbraltar s. t. dairtrhg ,v .... ? ralin and TOO ataarnsa paaaangan nnd milaa Arrlvad "t tii^ Bar ut 4 ol* ,i in rtaamnr i ii.mi. .iir>. Smirh. Fluma June .'i?. Palermo Ju'! S and OtbraUar _. to tha Cuaard .*? .'?-. wlth wa .-ni.'in n'.-i 1.0B8 ateera__. aaaaangara ArrtvaJ ut tha Kur at 11 .93 .- rn Btaama. Monajiballo .Itu'o. :i. i-i.,1.1..-. .'* _;_:. Ueaatna _;_ aod !..--i- L-.? lo Mlrzel, Kettmann o_ . . ?wiili in !;.?-. Arrlvad at tlio Hur at 11 __. p rn. 17th. ... um.-r Ruaaian Prtoca il_r>, Cavlaon, Havana july 12. t. \v i> Munaon, wlth i....laa?ip?. Arrlved al tha Baa al 11.BO p ni. 17th ttteamei ii". ot Macon. I_??la. Bavancah J ;iy lt. to i >...ti Si .... wiUi paaaangera ar.i _4n u-rt Quaraattaa ut r> 4i> u in Btaanner Advanca, Hantmond. ? Ma?>i .1 Julj il. t,> tha Panama Rallroad Sm ....'i O paaaangwa, Baalta u.-i 1 i,. i . tn I-- ? -? .t tba Bar at -i -i; a m. Bteamer llanaaat iNor.. Raamnaaan, Saatoa Jaaa _v>. .:-. . Janlcro ^il and Bl I.u.-i.i .tu:\ i>. to John C. Kaaser i ... wiii; indae. arrlved at tha Bai n .? ::."? t- a Steamer Aqulla (Kor), Anderaen, Tnt nc Jnly u. wttb copper ore t., Iha American Jdetal r . \. ?.-?'. t.- ti-..- n _ Tork * I'-it.. Rico s? .... Arrlved al tl-.p 1 ur at 4 t> i.i l r in.. _.-. Ain.. Tapley, Kewpon \?w- and Korfolk, t.? tha i't.1 l'..ii.iiil"ii _s i'o witii paaaangara aad ardaa. l_ef. Qoaranthae at S:__3 i- aa. Bandy Houk. N. J. Jttla at* a__S0 a ni - wir.,1 weat, Ught biorz.-, Cloudy Ull'l ?-.../> B UUSO Biaamria I__ Itr?tnk.n^ .l'ri. lluvrf. .;. ar Kurtura. |Uer), Bremen vla Ptyn-onth aad Cherbourg; Amerlka i.;.i.. Huiiii'iig vla Plymouth and Ctterbourg U>i'. l_l\?-ip ->1 ' l* (Jaaamatown; l_rai>__. iKort, Phlladel nhta: Senatcn iNor), l'--n Aatoalo; t'ak <l:i>. Baracoa; Jamaica lX?>r), Norfolh; Framheld IBr>, Phlladelphia; Aakel-all ll_r>, l'ulnv Mum-lonla etc; Huratdada .lin, lioeurto, l-n piata, ?_?-., vla N-rlolk; in.ii, . ui tiim \ r i.u. a . l'.n Arthur. r?_a; W_n_r___, Phlladelphia; ("olon, Clrtatobial; a F. Uacaa wlth, u ,, . ?? Ko '.''-. 1' rt arthur; Btavonla .irr.. Ulbraliar. Kaplea etc; Unlted Btataa .l>ur... Chrtstlavla .Copaol-asen, iti_. Uavana. Veca Craa etc; Karonga . i -. >. Uuag K.-i'.e and I'.ilny. STEAMERS "AT~FOREIGN P0RTS. ARRIYSO. MaraatUea Jwly I7 OalUa iF?>, Saw Tcak vla t:.. i'ara Julv t7 M__d__fe_taa ii..i. N. w Tork vta Barbadoa tor Mana__. liurbun Julj 17 -Ur-Bgea iBrl. Naw York vla Nortolk f.u- 'i .... mbo, i ul.-.itia. etc l'ort Suld J 11v 1-". Hydra tBr), New York f..r Sliar-.ghal; Haadl] O'-n. Nea Torfc, Bordeaux. Jull l,v r__ran?o iliri. New York Naptea, July 17 Carpathht iliri. Nrw Y->rk \ la Olbraltar f.u Trl.-nt.-. etc; lsiii. 2 a in. Moltke tOeO, N.-w lor flanna I'ape Touii. Inlv U Ilaniplon IBrl. New Y->rk f.>r Mel i t>urne s\ daey, et. lluvu-. Jttly 1-- lo a tn La PfW.aa.aa il'n, New Y.?rk. s.\n.i-n>. 1; ir'.-i !..s Julv li'. I'otlib. rt ilir). N.-w Y.rk. Antwerp. Jui> 17 ________ ii'ii. Kaa Tork. Rotterdam. Julj '.7 Croydoci lBr>, N^w Y..-k. Kaplea, July 17 Pani-onta . 1 ir>. New Torh. PASBKD Olbraltar, July 17- l'erucla ilir). New Y'ork for Naples aad HaraalUaa Baarea. Jalj 17 Btanoal <"ai\.> |g_waa>. N.-w- York for i .i.iu. Bareelona, etc: Mun-aster ."aitie tllr). New Y.-tk for A-Stera _>teaa__>r?, .-t. T_:i.i<-r. _tUy 1.1 BuiDM iltal). New York for Naples nn.l Geaea Inlalitiahull. July t??Rock Llcht iBr). Naw Tork for ____.__?' GRAY ROCE MAXi'l!. Uaatagata N Y B-aa___ - restrtcte-; ter?ia to vuir LOIBLE E-M Mtk ?T . N ???..- Y..rk " ' ~~* COUNTRY ESTATRR J ' .iwntv ar.-l thri _a_a>al X Y .-" ?_ _ rfltjneel fcSHFORTM _ CO.. 17 ___t 17 1 si VTTRACTTYR. det-cke. t__ ___By | I a?ited: fui na. price, ST.'HSI; n.orTgage. S_.SU- OWNER. li . _ ave. ' Ll a.lTi.lnlni. th? Atlantic BUaaU-B-. _\ j r, $.-? SHOAL HARJ rRI__ CO. ta$ Park a.^. Br-oktyn, X. Y. * OWN" ?? l-U'ira:. w oa __re_aburv River 10 mlr r-. -.. K REALTY FO . 13 E> , pl?r? Jflfl?ry '"ity. Unfurnishcd Apartments to Let. THE RIVERDALE RIVERSIDE DRiVE, COR. 79TH ST. READY FOR OCCUPA.NCY SEPT. 1ST. HIGH CLASS Fireproof Apartments of 7 and 10 kooirts, 3 Baths. Large, Light and Sunny. S2.000 TO 53.500. __?_??I on Xew York'e mnft r?antlful avenue, rn a ' - flT, li la the oi_y n, i.i - Drtve ln t.-.a 7ff? ?ar, ?n.i Bftva "?' -DWAY AND Ti'TH ST IS LESS THAN _?> YARDS AWAY T"TH STREET 1? l'?) PEEY WI_a_ ar.i _ Street a:?^ Mad- j " | Naval -'isr. wara?tpa. A :?es. THE SONOMA, Northeaat fa__?I Broadway and 33th St. ll ? a& Latii: evei eat; rent $-.*"J tfl ?l*A_ KING THE iCHER By LE GRANO POWERS Chief Statistician of tha United Stataa Censua IN Next Sunday s vi __ \zini: >t.t Ti"s W* sa CQflXta-fl the foltow/lr.g: THE0AS1SINTHE DESERT By nALTEH HACKETT TREASURE HUNTING .. St. ?_--__ To Si ir; - ' _?ofljr_ Tlp By P. Ta M'GRATH Problem sl the Red Base Tho Thla l : ?*? tn i'. By JACQilES FUTBEUE On Hurricane Greek By BcULAH NORVELL 3 _ When -tajor Ka-npe* -la-ta H i tbmA\W* to One Charge LITTLE STOR.ES OF BRAVERY ijor Kotup.r Made H i to Ona CharRa By W, C. 31IRGESS HUNTiNO THE OEVSL-F By CKAP.LES FREDERICK HOLDER -FISH Scepires in Saratoga Trunks _fl__rt-g<- ln Sui>pl> <>f Prinoessoa t'.ivei th.- Anrertcaa Olrl a Fkaa OpflJ-t* luuity to t'.ipture _a__M i'rlnc.s ol tho EOoo. By F. CUJflLIFFE-OnEr. THE BEST FOR SUMMER READ1NG