Newspaper Page Text
DEPOSIT FERRY STOCK. BOXDHOLDEBS AXXIOl 'S. Actioyi to FoUotc Failure of Brooklyn Company to Pay lnterest. The Wfndaor Trust Company, a Trlbune re porter learned yesterday, bas obtalned on de? poatt a majorlty of the shares of tbe Brooklyn Perry Company. and the atockholders' protectlve ____________ will meet to-day to J ??-?.? 1 < l > ? what action Fhail follow the company'a default htst summer in the payiuent of lnterest on its mortgage Londs. "vVhether the commlttee would recommend t-iicli a drastic __e_?_re as selzing the manage ment .>f tbe compan. could not be learned up to lai-u nlght. Georce W. Y?mng. Ruaaell Hardin-; nnd Henry R. Wllson. three membera of the newly appointed protectlve oommlttee, were out 0_ town Although a majorlty of the shur.-s "f tbe Btock ?raa recelved on depoalt l>y midday on Saturday. when Ihe original depoalt time ex;.ire.l. there ls no'v talk. lt was learned. of extendlng thia tlme ?=till further, many oth.r atockholders baving lndlcated ln writing their wiab to depoalt ihelr Stock. It waa the i.iea of deposttlng the stock arfth the trust company whlch led to the ap polntment, a few daya ago, of the protectlve commlttee, which was deslgnated by the stock? holders or proxies to guard tiieir Interesta generaliy ln any proceedlng following the com? pany'a defi.ultlng The ferry company'.- outstanding Btock gmounte to $6.50n,r.("i,i. tlie default In lnterest last Wiiinni i belng on the 5 per cent Ilrst mortgage hands on that amount. It is declared entlrely probable that President 4_r___t_oh_e and other dlrectora w_l work In en tlre riarinony with the protectlve commlttee. The Brooklyn Ferry Company of New York controla seven ferry routea, as follows: Broad? way, Brooklyn. to Roosevelt. i.ratid, 23d and 42d stre.-ts, New York; Orand street. Brooklyn. to Grand street, N. w York, and Oreenpolnt. Brooklyn, to 10th and 23d Btreets, New York. Tiie last two are leaaed from the Tenth and Twonty-thlrd Street Ferry Company under a Blnety-nh-s-year leaae, from December 28. 1898. at E per eent lnterest on 1560,000 bonda and 5 per cent Uvldenda on 11,000.000 common stock. The company owna elgfa.een boata and leases five from the Tenth and Twenty-third Btreet Ferrv C-_anpany. It alao owns valuable real estate in New i'ork an.l Brooklyn. The author lied capltal stock is 17-500^000. WAR T0 SQUELCK HEBREW COMEDIAN Jews Start Agitation Agalnst Fun Making of Their Race on Stage. _______ are nelnrr mad? throughout neariy the whole of the Unlted Btatea to do away wlth the ao-called "Hehr-w comedian." or ln otlier wOrda, io prevent aet.-rs from lmltatins the Jewa on the atage. The crusade was begun in Cleveland. In tbla dty 'he a__U_--On is hetng led by "The jev.ish Daily N-ws." arhlch advisep the j.-ws to hlae and leer actora ?bo caricature and ridicule the members of their race. The fight is flugalnst perfonnera who run down the Jewlsh people JOCKEY WEDDED AN HEIRESS. Winnie 0'Connor Informed His Father of the Marriage Abroad. Winnie CrConnor, of Brooklyn, one of the Lest known jockevs on the turf. has Informed his father, Frank H. CFConnor. tliat he has married Edna Foftua, on hcirrara ar.d a memb?r of an old English family. r.fTer a ____tr-flblp of two weeka. The mar rir,p- ___-_r-_g soinr-wii-re ln Germany. Winnie * eisier. Florence. who ls traveHlng with him, acted tnaid .,f honor. Ti;e rnarrlage was a pleas nnt fl-nrprlsa to the famlly. winnie O^Coanor ls under a _?__:?-.?"-?><"> contract wiih Baron BH'.a Restt and Count Pourtallea of France. He i? aoon to (eave thelr emp?_y to take a $50,<. contracT in OeiliifliiJ He l:a.- l.e.-n in Europe f,,-.r yeara. and bttenda ta atay kaager, although tia jtr-ter expects to return to Brooklya n<-xt autumn. _ey wfip brought up in the Btable of "Father BIH" Delr. nnd later entered tbe Bervice of Mau Ti.-e F-;-.!:.^r.f-n. Whlle ln FeatberwnVa be ?aoa three fanaoue racea?the ICetropolltan. the _____!-? Elandlcap ar.d the Fnturity. He ia n,.w twenty-stx yeara oid and weigiis 112 pounds. When in Brooklyn O'Connor tnakea his home with hi* father at N'o. 25> 76th . treet. Tiie father ls in ihe real .-.?TaTe bualn-aa "t N'o. 7015 ThirU avenue. TROUBLE IN JR. 0. U. A. M. Newark Council Up in Arms Over Refusal to Pay a Death Claim. Ser' division of th.e l"nited Stnt--s Funeral Beneftt _a_oi tntliiii of the Junior Order of Unlted Arneric_.ii Hecbaalca ls threatened heoause of the refusal of tba ofBoera of tlie org?n izaticn to pay ben^iit.s in the case of a m.-mher who died foUoflrtag aa attaek of deHrlutn tremena. _3efl?n .fjunclls of the order ln Nearark have al? ready wlthdrawn from the aaaoelatlon. and thi of __MJt are tryinp to get other eoimdla To follow. An effort is hetag made to get all of the coun clls o_ New Jareey to break away from the aaaoda tlon. C_re_lar lettera nskin_ for auch action are bebag eent out to ail of the counclls of this state and to council? of other Ftates by Theodore D t___ttiefc of Newark. counsel for ilarcua L,. Ward Council. of that city. which took the inltiattve ln withdrawing-. a - MICHAEL J. DADY SERIOUSLY III. Brooklyn Republican L_ader Confined to His Room by Stomach Trouble. Wrharl J. Dady, tbe RepuMican leader. Ib con Bned to his room at Uta St. George Hotel, Brook __ ls nnder ti.e constant care of a physlclan. Mr Dady Is _____ring from aa aeute attaek of B*__n_M-h trouble. wblcb be contracted wiii!.- return bag from Cnba a week oki. At flrst there was some doubt of Mr. Dady'a re coverv, but last altrht the pattent Bhowed a marked lrr.1 roven.ent. BISH0P FR0WNS UF0N REVIVAIS. Although a Methodist, He Thinks Them Productive of More Evil Than Good. [Bj jalagiapll tOTbfl Trlbune.) C. fieyvilie. Kati.. July BL?Ettshop John H. Vin ecnt, of the Me-h-dlst Cburcb, at tha Chautauqua to-day attacked the ev-U-wettetlc Byatem now In vo_?o in n.o.T of tbe churehes of his denomlnatlon. Ile beU-vea that revivals produce only temporary ?;.?(,ti ar,.i that on account of tbe aenaatlonal meth? oda used ii. bo many of tbem the had etfecta more tbaa t?fset the _ood. The i:is!.'i> also dh-precated the practlee of hav? lng flrfaal are senerally knosra as "testlmony meet inr" ' n re\lval b_i?????'? a. He npnsaal the beUef that peon-e ?ure more Intet-sted 1" tha Word of .;od tte-U than bi peraoaal r-arrattvea concern tntr it ? HE KEEPS ON CHOPPING THE FENCE. BaVharl O'Sullivan. a wealthy contractor of No 24. Z'A'U Ktre<-t. Iirooklysi, was locked "P in the Kourtb a ran ??? Btatlon last nigliT. cbarged by Tamtia ii'.itnett. a flpedal oflteer employed ?>y the Brookivn Raptd Tranatl Oempany. with mallcioue nlscblef. Mr. O'Sullivan cbopped do?rn a fence va. erected by the company at ciili Btreet and Flrst avenue, dofljng tbe Btreet t.) tbe publlc. Mr O'Suiilvan oontenda that ih. company baa | ae riaM To dose the Btreet, and laat Wedneeday he i liiiaflflSi il down ih<- f.-n.e. antl was tii'ii arrested aad held tor trl.-.l iii S|,? 'iai S'-kkIoii's. He was dis cl?ars*d there and went back and again demol iMi<-.i the fence ?rhicb bad been rebullt ln tbe mean ; ttOM He was ameated for 'he same offence on Bbitur- ; Oay _n. a___n yesterday, uml is now held In 1500 ; ball for trial tn gpeclal Beasiaaa. NEW YORKERS IN PLANNED RAILROAD. Oatbrie, <ikla , July _2 The American Mldland Kailroad <oii,iiai,y. capltal H-.-W^H, was . hai larad ii.-r.- te-day by Kew tarfe and <;uthri?- Dea, t?, iiuiid a ihi.- fioiii I__ng___, N. !->.. to near ?_ai xsioii. Tt-x. The proposed Une la t" bave aa eatI maaed k___tb of -.l'*! miie.s. The dlrectora ara V. C. <-i;hh, li l-'. Hegter, Jr., nnd <'. li. Hsvbrborst. nf Guthrte; Henry Oppen ii<ii,iei, Frank Jerome Uoyle, Meyer Oppenheimet', __i> i V. S_nkowbki und L___ar Lyndoa, <jf New *?__ Clii EXPRESS EMPLOYES HELD Detectives Make Arrests on Adams ('o tn pa ny C'o m plain ts. Joseph Smlth. of No. 4"-. Becond avenue, an cm ploye of ti.e Adams Express Company, was ar? rested yesterday on a charge of grand larceny. Detectives dlsguised as clerks und general handy men In the Ofllcea of the company at 124th street I and St. Ntcholas avenue foi two weeka made l*th_ capture. Thoy were William S Moori and Horace B. Brennan. Large quantltfes of valua bles luifl been taken from the blg dellvery cases in the rooms, und it took two weeka to trace the thefts. Actlng under orders from Captain Hyrne of the West 12_,th street station, the detectives went to the place. What they learned rause.i them to keep it cl.)_.<- wat.-h on Smlth, who waa a ^ort of night Watchmen untl porter. Smitii had been employed for a number of years by the company. yesterday the detectives f<>l loWed when he left tho offlces to go home, He went to a store ln East 124th street, where he met F_ed__tc__ Bonltz, a driver, of No. 17o4 Park av. nue, and his h dpn-. Aifred Bell, of No. 102 East 127th street. wlth a wagon. At the Wtllls Avenue Bridge over ti.e Harlem Klver the wagon Btopped j and Stnllh received a bundle. Then Smlth saw tt;e officers and ran. He threw I li ls bundle away. One detectlva plcked it up and tl>.- other contlnued the chase nn.l captured the i fugltlve ln short order. Smlth was tnker. to the j Harlem pollco court. where Maglstrato W'nlsh re manded him in order to glve the police a chance ' to complete the case. He ls charged wlth grand larceny. ln the day the driver of tho wagon and hls helper wero arreated by the detectlvea, charged with l.eing accompllces. On information from Smlth ti-.e detectives went to N'o. IM East 27th street and nrrested Kltty Nor ris. elgbteen years old. on tho charge of havlng received stolen goods knowlng thnt they had been Btolen. In th? bundle, tho police say. were a woman's gown. silk underwear and a walst. Thelr value was about $30. ITALIAN UP FOR ASSAULT. Boy Conneetg Him tciih Attack on Olga Schramek. James Ars-hero, an Italian, who was arreste-j on Bunday, charged wlth assaultlng llttle Olga Bchramek near her home on Dyker Heighta, was Identtfled yesterday itt Brooklyn Police Headquar ters l.y George Hart. the eleven-year-old boy who was near tiie _-vne of the aasault, ti.e police say. The boy aaid .ii>- waa posltlve that Arachero waa the man^aho threatened him when he followed bim and "-^ companlon. Olga Bchramek could not Identify Aiaohero. The prisoner la twenty-two years old, and saye lie worka ln Newark, N. J. Magistrate Ti?h*' held blm on a technlcal charge of carrying concealed a ipons, a revolver havlng been found in his pocket ARRESTED ON LITTLE GIRLS' STORY. Two Children Pick Austrian Cook Out of Crowd of Men. On complaint of Clara Meinfelder. ei^ht years old, and Agn s Murruy, scv.-n years old. both llv? lng at No. 200] Third avenue, Frana AngeU.B. an Austrian, a co, k. thirty years old. employed ln the restaurant at No. 2lu3 Third avenue, was arrested yesti rday. Clara, according to h.-r mother, told ahout pass? lng the restaurant Bunday afternoon wlth AKn.-a, when Angelus beckoned to them. Angelus said that three pennles lay on th.- step and that Clara pi- ked them up. She says Angelus gave them to her. The two little ?irls plcked out Ar.Relus from a crowd. He was arralgned ln the Hr.rlem court nnd held in $1,-36 ball for a further hearlng to-morrow. CYCLISTS THROWN OVER BANK. Were Running 50 Miles an Hour on Motor Tandem?Tried to Avoid Collision. Joseph ____"". Murphy and Edgar Puffurn. Jr., whlle golng to Newurk yesterday over the Pompton Turn p k-\ mount._i on a tandem m-'t..r cycle, were thrown over a flfteen-foot embankment and badly hurt. They were runnlng at fifty mlles an hour, and ln (U-Sslng a wagon the hors.- ahied. To avold a collision Murphy turned auddenly to the right and lost control of ti.e machlne. Puffurn was thrown over Murphy's ahouldera and eacaped with aevere bruises, but Murphy landed agalnat a tree and was cut about the bead and neck. He waa unconscious when plcked up and d>.l not revivo for half an l.our. WOMAN KILLED BY CHIMNEY STONE. Falls on Her While She Is Swinging in Hammock on Rooftop. Dlslodged Laat night from its restlng place on the top of a < !.1 r.-iu. y al Nos. 63 and 55 Kast 96th Btreet, tbe heavy capstone fell on the head >.f Miss Anna Sandman, llvlng ln the top apartment of that ad? dreaa, cruahlng her skull and killln? Inatantly. Hwiuglng ln a hammock, whlch waa ftistened to the st.,i:e at one and and to a pole at the other, tho young woman failed to aee that tbe capstone had been lopsened ly contlnuous stralri an.I was slip ptng. without warnlng the stone f.-U with a craah awakened the tenanta of the houae and h.-isi tliem rjishliiK to the roof to s..- what had occurred. Tho woman was .lead before s physldan arrlved. BOY OF ELEVEN HELD FOR MURDER. Gales Kerry, Conn.. July 22.?In an improviaod courtroom at the summer home of Coroner Brown to-day Frank I_. Morgan, eleven years old, was ij.-l.i for th<- shootlng to death of Ivy I.. Rogera, a playmate <>f like age. In Ledyard. on July &. The hearlng was before Juatice of the P.-ae.- Crandall, of New Londun, and young Morgan was ordered conflned In the county Jall until the September term of the Superior Court. when the grand Jury wlll be aaked by the state'e attorney to Ond a true blll of murder agalnst him. MERCURY AT 104 IN LOUISIANA. New Orleana, July ____?UnususJ hot weather has prevalled for two days in South Louislana and MisslastppL Alexandrla, La., rej -.rts p>4 degrees; New Albany, Miss., 99, and several other town* temperatures ranging from 96 to _T. At N.-w < >r leana Vi degreea was reglatered, wlih street tem peraturea fully 100. -_, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS NOTES. Connellsvllle, Penn., July 22.?After comlng from Ellzabeth, N. J., to attend the funeral of her brother-ln-law, Joseph Wright, who was killed ori the Pittsburg & I.tike ESrte Rallroad, Mjs. Brldget Farley, ality-three yaars old met the same fate on thia Baltlmore & Ohio Rallroad to-day. Whlle on her way to attend niass at ihe Bacred Heart Catholic Church she wan struck and Instantly killed by the Pittsburg l.lmited. Aahford, W-sii., July 22.?The members of tbe university party yesterday the flrat ascent of the aeaaon to the summlt of Mount Ranier, beaded by Dr Henry It ' 'owlea, of the University of Chicago. There were several New Yorkers In ClUded |n the partv. Bome Of the members were sllghtly brulsed wlth faillng ror-k fragmenta. Knoxvllle, Tenn.. July 22.?Trylnj. to collect an aUeged debt of 25 <-<-nts Frank Wolllver, nine I.- n years old, lost hls llfe here to-day. Wolllver and a frlend met Amos Ogleahy, hls younger brother ond Mrs. Jenks. Wolllver clalmed thnt Mrs. Jenk.. OWed him the money and asked her for lt. The r> nu. st brought on a quarrel as a result of whlch Amos Ojctesby struck Wolllver In the fa<-e wlth a Btone, and as be waa stHi_Kering from the blow flred a ahot at him whl.-h plerced hls heart. Marshalltown, lowa, Julv 22. The Chicago I.lm Ited, on tht Chicago _r Norihw.-stern Rallway, ran Into the rear of a moat train two and a half mlles west of Balla Plalns, lowa, to-day, killing T. J. J.ffrles, of idaho. a Btockman; Injurlng two others probably tatally. im-luiilng Edward Itlddle, of I>e troit. whoae back waa brokott, and seriously Injur? lng the engineer and flreman. None >.f the paasen gcrs o.i the Umlted were more than ahaken up. lt Is sald that the engineer ffclled to note tho automatlc sl_i:a!-. Clncinnatt, July 22.*-Jamea Wllaon, a negro, died from frixht iast ni__ht, foUoarlng an excltlng chaae and hls aiTSSt for shootlng a whlte man After the shootlng Wllaon was fhased over half a mlle by lll.- i.oli. i.- and :i iiowd lle was exhausted from hls exertlous and seemed afrnld of mob ariolence, . ..niiiiually appeallng for help from the police, who had to use forc- to save I im. Physlcinns re? ported that when brought to^he station Wllson's condltlon was normal, and that fright undoubted ly caused death I'harlolle, N. ?'.. July 22. -The state rested to-day in the trial of Zeke l.ewis, charged wlth parttclpa tion ln the lynching <>r J V. Johnson, ln i.rogress >t Ifottroe, N. C, The defence attempted to provu the states witaesses ?f bad cbaracter. and at tho afternoon session l.ewis took the stand in an ai teiniit to prove an ullbi. CHELSEA PARK DELAYED. 1 Work of Clearing Site Xot Going On Fast Enough. The delay ln the work on the proposed Chelsea Park. 27th and 2Kth streets. between Nlnth and ; Tentfa avenues, has brought forth conslderHble ! criti.-lsm from dissatlsfled resldents of that district. I A movement was reeently started by the Hudson | Gulld Settlement and the sodetles of St. Vlncent j de l'aul to lnvestlgate the cause of the delay. A I letter from Deputy Controller Phlllip paid the i-on j tractora are requlred to flnlab thelr work of re ' movlng the obstructions from the site of the pro : posed park before the Park Department can pro ceed with the work of Improvement, which meana tli. completlon "f the park. According to Mr. ! Phlllip, the contractors' work was t<> have been j finished yesterday. It ls not belleved that the work i of Improvement by the Park Department can bo ; begun for Bome tlme. one of thoae who investleated the cause of the delay atated yeaterday thnt since th.- work of razing the bulldinga was finished a few months ? at.. . the task of clearing the ceHara had proeeeded ! very slowly. At present ..nly two of theso cellara 'are cleared'of the drbrls. It ls further asserted ' that as th.- chlldren of that district have to pass : the tmrk sit.- 0n thelr way to school. the work of ' removlng tiie debrls lf allowed to drm along until | fall wlll be a m.-nace to the health nnd comfort of ] the children. The Dropoaed Chelsea 1'ark is a pet schetne of i Alderman Dowllnj,. When aaked last night about ' the complalnts at the delay In the work he said he had not obaerved any conaiderable delay In the \ work of rarlng the bulldinga and removlng th? debrls. He has been 111 nn.l confined to hls house ! for the last flve weeks, aml has not been able lo i follow the work. Just as soon ns he ls able to get aroun I he said lu- would lnvestlgate the condltlona a-? WANTS TO DISINHERIT HIS FAMILY. Captain W. H. Carl in Newark Looking for His Half-Sister to Make Her His Heir. Captain WlUlnm Henry Can. of Mlddleboro. Maaa., ls now ln Newark, looklng for hls half slst.-r. Mrs Helen Mehlmann. The captain wlsh.-s to make her hls heir, as he his determlned to dls Inherlt hls lmmediate family. When he last heard of Mrs. Mehlman.i she Uved in Newark, and thoutrh that waa nearly a half century ago Captain Carl is confldent of flndlng h.-r there or near l-y. He called at th.- Flrat Preclnct police Btation on Bunday and Intervtewed Bergeani McQeehan. The sergeant promiaed t.> ald in the search. captain Carl Bays :.?? fought through the Civil War as a member of Company E, 18th Maasachu s.-tts Infantry. and reached the grade of captain thro-igh meritorloua aervlee, He aaya that he waa wounded at the battle of Antletam. After the war h.- cami t.. Newark and worked there for four yeara, llvlng at the home "f Ma half-alster. H? then w.-nt away and the two falled to correspond. I -a-? DEPART FOR TRACTION HEARING. New Plan for Reorganization of Chicago Street Lines May Develop. It. U. Govln, of H. B Holllna <_? Co., and aeveral oih.-r l_gal repreaentatlves .-f the controlllng In? terests ln the Chicago Union Traction Company. will leave thia clty for Chicago to-day Thelr purpose. it is sald, is t.. attend a hearlng pranted by Judge Groascup, which wlil be held there to-mor? row to diacuaa tl:.- terma of th.- purposed reorgant zatlon plan of the ''h>..i_-> atreet rallway compa nies. Oppoaition to th- preaent plan developed laal : week among the mlntrlty bondholdera >-f Boma ? of th. underlylng companiea, whlch repreaentatlvea of the Chicago Cnlon Traction Company trled. un successfully. II was ...H. to overcome Anothei ef i f..rt to aatisfy the mlnority bondholderB wlll be made al the hearlng on Wedneaday, II la under? atood. I lr is aaid to be not Impoaslble, however. thnt a : praetieally n. w plan wUl be Bubatltuted al tl - i meeting for the one thal baa been under r*<\ sideratlon. -a-? AD0PT8 NEW STREET CLEANING PLAN. Btreet Cleaning Commlsaloner Renael made a trip ! through the Eaat Blde dlstrlcts yeaterday. and found the atreeta ln fa i "lt ls hard work to keep thal n?cUon rlean. : .<* added "We began a ne_ acheme to-day, works adnairably Horetofore 11 was the luatom to fluah the atreeta and clean them aftarward. rhe new plan is to Buah the atreeta and -'?? tn at the aame tlme, so thal the ? . it ??? lm_ edlately follow i tip the work ..f U>e fluahera, and ihe. work la ef fectl'.nd complete." MAKES SUICIDE DOUBLY SURE. j ito.-hester. July 22 Tylng a Batlron about t>er i neck. Mrs Oeorge Gujjmer. the Wife of n well kn-wti business man of Pavlllon. ralaed the d-.<T of the clatern In the woodshed ol her home >-n terday and plunged head flrst mto lt Bha was dlscovered hy her llttle daughter Ths b...1y wa.. Itfeleaa when taken from the clatern. ,?_?-?? BUSINESS TR0UBLE8. petltlons In bankrupl y w_re lled yesterday wlth the clerk of the I'nited Btates Dlstrl t c-.tirt ns follows: fteorge Beeker, for-mnn ef a br. naa foundry. No B1T Weat Ctk i.r.-^i. voluntary, ahowlns debta of 913.0.1 ...... i. Tha prlnclpal craditor la Albert X_ Waerena A _.,n. |11' -'?' Francla .1 Palmer, No -.1 Cortlandl atraat, >_?n tary, ahowlng llabllltlaa of $S0 080, ..:.-'. aaaeta of .'?"" Ti.e prlnclpal credltora ara the <?t_t- ,.f Charlea I'al mar $10,021.; Harrtot M Palmer, 116.828: Mary I. Corapton Hfl.0l-3; Oloba National Bank. 117.097; American Exchange National Bank. 111.340 ltarn?-t Cohen. No 16H rarmlna atract retall ahoea, Involuntary Credltora. H:.rr-. Flax, *-"?" Hharlaa Mpahlts, ?:to". Davld Coloroan, $200 [naolvency l_ a.ln.ltt.-rl Oeorge It Plelder w-a? appointed recalver "f lha bualneaa of Wllllam T Hookey. Involuntary bankruj.t. wlth n t,..riil ,,f *.'? .'".I Bchedulea of Jacoh Welnateln * .'?? ahow debta of $ll,.',.".s aml of *",'. Tl'- prlnclpal credltora ?r. i Eaat Rlver National Bank. .-'.. Bernard Pelchafl ? $1,000; Iforrla Pelchaft who flled tha achedulea n_ ? member of the flrm >.f Welnateln * Co., haa peraonal debta "f $!.___. whlch ha Alea sa an Indtvtdual >.nnk ; rupt Bchedulea ot bankruptcy ..f the amue llrm ..f . Jacob Welnateln _ Co ara _I<--1 reapeetively by Jac ib i Welnateln. who ahowa n t..tal flrm Indebtadnaaa of ! $18,436 nn.l u.-etM >>f ..'..s Welnateln hasi peraonal debta ,,f $L'. H.-rmi.r. Heftxhurg, Involuntary, Aled Bchedulea ahow j ina .leMa of $i7.:tr_ and :.hh.-i? of $S0. The prlnclpal ! credltora ara Victorla Cloak and Bult Company, $880; . K Relbatein. $s:. i. ar.d 1-hlllp Sbaperlo. $ RICHMOND HILL SOUTH SALES. The B. N. Dawley Real Estate Company report ; the following salea nt Richmond Hill Bouth: To Mrs. Jennle Flnchout, e;tst slde of Walnut st.. lso feet north of Sutter ave., 40x100 feet; Mlchael Cal- ; . lahan, w.-st slde <>f Btoothoff ave., iv.. f. ,-t aouth I of MetropoUa uve, 40x100 f. ..-t: Joseph G. Ollver, I north sld. of Sutier ave., -rn feel wasl of Lefferts ' I ave., 6oxK?i feet; Annle Waldron, wesl slde of ! Btoothoff ave.. 230 f. ? i north >f Metropolls avi , I 40x100 feet: Roberl lly.le, <;ist slde of Hrl^xs ave., , 440 feet south of Metropolls ave., 40x100 f.-.-t; lt J ! Allard, eaat Blde of Brtgga sv?-. i.m feet aouth of , MetropoUa ave., 10x100 feet; M. LJblon nnd Wllllam j. Crane, east aide of Walnut st., 2y> feet north of ; Hutter ave., 8.X-00 feet. REALTY NOTES. Plana have been flled wlth BuildtngS Superln ten.lent Murphy for enlarglng the four story and basement dwelllng house No. 100 Eaat 80th st an.I remodeUlng lt Into on American basement dw.lllng house, the Improvements being made for James D. Voorhes, :is owner. at a cost of $17,000, nn.l for re modelling the four story and basement dw.lllng house No. 283 Lexington avenue f..r Royal Whit? man, as owner. s E. Gag.- ls the archltect f..r both Improvements. Plana have alao been flled for remodeUlng the two old faahloned three story dwelllng houaea Nos 1 and 3 K tst ..0th st.. owned. respectively, by Ahraham Welngarten and Jacob Pearl, Into a lof't building. wlth ground floor atores, The cost is aboul $5,000. H. W. Leritan ls the archlte.-t. THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. 200th Bt. and Huii a.e.. h .- eomer; for a three story frame dwelllng h.,?!*?-. 24x52 un.l 2^_lM; John Benaon, owner; Bbrich Peteraon, archltect. $i? %im> Oleaaon bv.:., a >-.. 2."> ft m of 171th st for n ".-.. ah.ry fninip ,|?-e'llii? hoiisr. _IL'x.r..'l Robert _-.l-ar._i. o_ner: T. H. SfcDonough. archltect.. r.,0_o -e SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. BSxley, Thomaa D -Swlft A Co.; AuRiint 7 i1,ort . '. m ..,s .inrt.n, AunSB I> H I. Milea. et ul ; Jun.- fl IU'17 . ' .?,.,.. Otirlan Wllllam Rank of the MetropoUa: Mav 1, INdil ir.-l.aa< s.-,.-, oi Damato, Prancea >.r Prancea Avalona .; Stoljr. Juna 7. liioo. .,M _(( Iturlan. Wlllluin It Ouggenhelmar, et al Mar.h lt, TS'in .'' s0-j ot ; Glntxel, Frnat s Waaaerraan, et al : Mav 11 H">7 . 1117-1 De S7..._fiiey. George?T. n Ilarv.v: .fune 17 H?f?7. _.,!? lil | Vlnni-ally. John I. treawirer. ete.. nn.l Alfre.l C Klhn--J. Rernatein: Vovember 11. 100.-,. 6:tfl tir. Same -aame: Mav 20. lfiofl . .41. I'.". 1J i Same?aame; April tl 1007 . . t13 03 I i'atteraon. Steptien O -Clty Truat, Safe De i.'.alt nnd c,ir.-t% Compan; ..f Phlln.l.-lphla Fehruarv 2C 1000.|) 07 _.'() | Rnme?aame, Pebruary _n 1000. ]0 . so | Snme?aame; June fl. 1*00. 07 20 ' Itoaehen Realty Company aad Harrv l?rus.n ?ky?H. Pomeron7. ef al : ..ilv 10 1007 StT Iti I Tl'- Tohn r Poehrnn Cemnanv ~e-inir- Rlh _on and Machlne Comoanj : Pebruar* ti. .J0T 31 vi &** Troy's Best Product Yours for the asking?quarter inches in collars. EARL & WILSON. Totoket, Germdnic and others. SPECIAL MEXTION. Ad-ertlsementa admitted Into thrai> roiumn. urr reconuneiided to Ihe reodera of The Trlbune aa thor ? ??_<?'* rellahle. aud bu?lne?it ran he done by mall wlth Ihe adverllaer wlth perfect aafety. FRANK H. GRAF f?_..UCH \,p 177 BBDAIUVAV. liHX BBOAhWAV 7.3 SIXTH AVKM'E. Do Your Kyea Trouble You . ytrp Into Bpenc.r'a, n?vr at 31 M.-i!.|. :? iano. an.l frt j.uir .>f pabbla ??. Kins.i-f., ih.i. aaat Kin.i thnt navei mlat, r>r Invtalble T..rl<- Ll focala f-r rn-ar ai.,1 .llatant vtatoa j?_in ANI-IRONS. FKMH7HS. FIKE 8KTS. 8?_ Seventh Avenue. < ..nier ..f _a?h 9-_ THE TRIEUNElLKimG fOR 1907 OnSaleatAIINewsstand. Price 25 Geit UHUADWAV PLOT SOLD. SITE LATELY IMFBOVED. Sale of Kneeland Property To Be Held Scptemher 17, IS and 19. The volume of bualnesa tranaacted yeaterday ln the read .-hi.-h.. market was amall Frederick Ztt tel aold for Ioii. >? __ carlaon a stx atory apartment houa4 vsitti Btorea, on ?' plol : 10x78 feet at ItOtb ht and Broadway. Henrj Dastan aold t!i* Raleigh, a aeven atory ? :.t houae, No. v,4 and WS Weat Irregular, between '.""i ii ?', lOOth ats The ' aale ,.r ona Brona plol .-md aboul bIx Weat heater parcel a, owned i ?? Bylvestei II Kneeland, will rm held on Beptember 17. U and U The Collla P iiunttngton eatate haa a rlalra of about . - ?? mn against the property, Bryan I. Kennelly wlll be the auctloneei Mr. K autd yeater.laj thal flve of I i plnts for aala In the corrldor ..f the ae, u i :t* Plalna or, Beptember 17 ..-.I the following day be would aell .>n th.? premiees the Yonkera Irart. The n,l? of tha Aque? duct ave lota wlll I* held on Repterober 19 al the Real !'f.:;it.- Exchange aalearooms, ? ? Vesey ?t ___esroo_na yesterda. Jo_n bulld _-0.ll fet t. on the north aid.' ot 131st at, WO feet easl of ttth ave., to Joha E and ? ?? for B1.106 The amounl dua v.,* about |6._on Ti... parcel Noa 790 and 133 Prospect av* * , . nol offered for ?..\r Jamea 1. '-' No. 1111 Btrap aon a? t two itorj fn i ?? d well Ina h uae OO B lot 26x100 f.-et t.. Lcopold Hutter for t:.J.:. The amounl due waa aboul 14.000, ?'i:.j.-.-t to a mortgage of p.000. EVERETT PARK AN IDEAL HOME SITE. The pmpoaed Improvementa of the Everett Paurh tract, oppualta the alta choaen for t.-u> Long lalsnd Pennaylvanta termlna! atatlon Iti Jan?alca. are neiirly flnlahed. Thla Tr:..-!. whlch Ih tlie property of the Everett Realty nnd Conatructlon Company, comprlaea more than three hundred r-1; 1 i-ity lota and extenda from Pulton atreet to Ullifld-. avenue ard, flrltl ? three M.-.-k frontage oa both ol theae Important Btreeta lt embracea eatenalona ? f Sii.-It._h and Wllletl avenuea two ..f tha most _l tract Ive realdentlal stre. ts ln Jamalca Th? company Ims mj..-nt aomethlng like 160.000 In tmprovlni It* tract Tha atreeta have been grade-l and macadamlaed, with concrete curbtng and brlck K-iii.-i- Flve fool concrete atdewajka have been hiiu ln fr-ont of all lota and complete aewer, water ai ,t K-?? Byatema Inatalled Tha l-.ta ure hlgh aad wi il dralned, In many Inatancea l.elriK terraced down to the eldewalka. TO ALTER HOUSE INTO A STUDIO. Plana have been lUed for making over the fsur atory dwelllng bouae N. _ Eaal __th at Into u atudlo building wlth u ground store and living quartera ln the rear of the atudloa on each atory. Tbe Improvemenl l? to be made for William ll Chasebrougb, .ib owner, and la t.. ooat S_>,o00. M.,r Kiin __ Hurkiuuisen are ttit- archltecta. MANY BAY ViEW HEIGHTS DEALS. The It.iy Vlew 11 --Iktl-t*. Land Company report th? following aalea at Bay Vlew Helgbta, Aqueduct atatlon, Long laland: To John Montague, north? weat corner ol <'ld Bouth Road and .Sj.tu,-,. st., ?_x 100 feet; W. H Ktmball, north atde of < >ld Bouth Road, IOO feel eas4 of Lefferta ava, OftxlOO feet; Thomaa Hellly. Houth aida of Arthur ava, -Kt feet weat of Lambert ?t.. 4oxiwi feet; a. C Mttchell ? nst Ki?i_ ot South I'urtis ave., .ni reet aouth .>f Alden ave.. 26x100 feet; J. J. Dooley, ?;,.st side of Lefferta ave., 100 f.-.-t north of Aid?-n ava., 4i>xwo feet; William I_c__rn, northeaat corner of Chureh st. and Arthur ave., 100x100 feet; Harry Qlllen, north .-id,- of Old Bouth Road, 4o f.-,-i eaat or Spruce Bt., ."\;1|N| feet; John Doyla, northeaat . ,>r iut of <>ld South Road und Bpruce at., lox'.'-i feet' J, II. Meredlth, northeaat corner of < 'hurcb st and Old South Road, 60x100 feet; h. __ Roaencrance, east .si.i.- of i.? rr.-rts ave., 2,000 f.-.-t aouth of Alden ave. 00x100 feet; Tbonvaa McOoldrlck, northeaat corner ot Brtgga and Alden avea., 1>hixlm> f.^.-t; llonora Barron, weal alile of Qulnn _????. udi f,.,?t north of Arthur uv.-., 00x100 feet; i-ouix Dornbach, w.'st aida of Qulnn ave., h?i f,?.-t north ot < >t.t Bouth Road, 100x100 feet; J. ll. Travera, w.-st atde of Chureh at., 34o f?-.-t north <>f Alden ave., 00x100 feet; John Bexton, aouthweat corner <>f Lefferta and Prlacllla avea . 00x100 feet; william and Annle Read, north alde of Arthur ave., 4o feel .Mi.ft of Bpruce ?t.', 100x100 feet; Thomaa Cunnlngham, north si.l.> ..f Arthur ave., <7<> feel weal ..f Churcb Ht.. atalOO feet; l?-nls Keary, northweat corner of 1,,-iTerts an.l Alden avea., atalOO feet; William and Annle Ft.-ed. east Blde of Lefferta ave., _40 feel south of Alden ave., 4<>xl0u ft'et. TRANSACTIONS IN af. L. S.i.-Uh baa aold Ni REALTY. <:. sf. I. Backa has aold N<> 141 Weat osth at., a Bve story tenement bouae, 27xh>o feet, The Mlldrt-d Raalty Company has soi.i ;i six xtory new law houae, Noa '-'it; an.l _is ^:ast lutti Ht on a plot f.-.'t. Blawson & Hobba have aold for Waacea B. Cole inan. to u cllenl for occupancy, tha threa story high atoop dweUing bouae, No. 227 Weat -Otb ?t 19x100:. f.-.-t. l". E. Barnea has eold for A _ Wetaa t<? Praak Schwars, Na 620 W. st 160th st., a Bve .story double Oathouae, ?.n a loi _." feet Beno Meltaner lu.s boM for Eugena Hai.ha.-i t,. Meyer Veael, Na l.ifi Knst Broadway, extendlng through to No. US Dlvlaion st., two four story buildlnga, on a plol M_l_6 feet The Whltehall Realty Company hns H..hi a plot 6A_97.0 f?-.-t on the .-ast atde of Urun.T ave., 3_o f.--t south of Nereid ave. Louia Bchrag iias _old for tba Beaboard Land and Mortgage Company the prfvate ?Iweliing h.uao No aio Weat 4Sth m . io Thomaa P. Hurke RECEIVER OF .litsti. RENTS NAMED ?- Hendrick. of the Bupreme I'ourt. haa ap- j polnt.-1 Bamuel Mam reeeiver -.f the r.-nts of No 51 Menroe st.. N'o. Kot Kuat 5th Ht.. No. 635 East i 12th st.. No 314 to 318 East 2*th st. and property ,,n the norlli side of 115th _t.. ?36.6 feet of Rlver- ' s'dr. Drive. pendtng nn action hrotiRht by Robert . P. Le. againat Cometta L. Coaklln and ?.th.>rs I trust...-s and executors, for a purtltion and _ule i of the property. Country Property for Sale. Country Property for Sale. WESTCHESTER'S l:\CLLSiVE V1LLA COLONY. JO Minutes Out on the Harlem Road. Write to-day for an illustrated booklet fully describing thia beautiful property. TASKER=f1ALSTED REALTY CO. '1'lioue ?__?__ 7 7 Beekinan. Trilnuie Blilj,'.. 1.1 1 N.issau Si., \. v, nKKKfoRT. U I H.r-IHI n.-? ______ * r "?'.,- *4*'"'' V'^^ h".'"" a"'1 *"***? -"'untry ator* d.,ln_ ntce fc^^ ' ...-? h.u.e, ? _*____; J.'.ooO. aaw hoaaa, tt r...?_._ 1 "*?a 11 raaa booaa; u,.l-.r: >oai^ asy term. _fc B RANl'.M.I. own... !*__*__-_- _. I- den; _lj) _..crni- ?? t - ..ulcte b'i>er Ho_ ... -danaH^J J?j Amusemcnts. AERIAL GARDENS w*gBS GEO. M. COHANT'XH5^i_^' JARDIN DE PARIS g^Ss? .';,.,.:' ..':..? FOLLIES OF 1907 M ANNA HKIII l.lltl S. Every Ev.nln. I GASINO;;;;rHv^FASGm flqra ril.M>v _____U____I_B SU. BTwaj * Mtli Tal MM .T?th wnnrr __?"_____! V"ln T,IK fo*"1!!"! 5*_a EI)1>IE JJ .!__?____ <IK. HII> ? SlatHal _: I.. lftOTH PDRFOK -AM'K Jli.V 80th. Slll . E>IK_ HAMMERSTEIN'S^^ROOF and l-allv Mat ln wlth Hoof Blll 8HEKLA. Hlndou Conjurer. MU. __i__B->-. Viay bum'a Fantaatlc Phantome, etbara ______ 11 1_"_n_ -?_T 84th St an. R way E'-? ?:11 3iiV *_J Y Mati Thui. aad Sar . 2:1.. llll OM.Y 1'LAY IN TOWN. man Kn hour ;r_._t MADISON SQLARE ROOF GARDEN ?5^VS2____f "IHE MAID AND THt MU l iO-AlKt" Raln or -htna KALTENBQRH SSSS__N FIREWO R K S T...MU..1 QQLDEN CITY l.A-T WEEK? r?>l- -..i.irr>.:iiilt Anlomoblle. RRIGKTON BEACH PARK U i.ran.l OMr., hl .le_-ll - Munlkl..* MU I Mt BBOH. ll?l KAX " Illgxrst Wlld ll_l "lni- <>n fcarth. OI'ENM -V-IHH-V. Jl IV .7 "_ Ell Ha ? S TAKE 1KO.N STEAMBOATS. TIIK N ATION'- I'l .AY..ROI Nl>. LU__!A PARK A MII.MMM1.K NIGHT-. IIRPA.I. MANHATTAN HEA?'H. PAIN'S F1REWORKS. 8:30 P. M. BPE . \. i.i; . HKHIPAN'S RIDE 'lllRMMi ANT- iniRMION t'OM EHT_ on all Pay Un. Oullnaa Bc_ raatanraata s?-_ Btaamboal and Eicuaaioa ? oluaaaa EDEN AV OKI.1) 1 N W A X I.Y1 V.Y Mt'BIC. t I N F. M A T O .; K A I' H K.ery Hour. I Ifrlike Talilraux a l'runilornt People. The Turf. ^Brighton cTrnT^ Cooleat l\aces wzmMz? TO l?A\ . Tl K.SI-AY '. THE ??..__) IIIOlll Ol . ..rVKES uo.1 3 other K_*ar?>. bea-natna al I 90 r M Courae r-. bad from Naa V rh etda .f Rr. _'vn Rrl.lge by Bpeclal Elactlic Traina ..ri Br-ghtoa H-ach ?ad (.} Bmith Bt ara Sj-e.-tai Trala* arlth l'arlor I'ara ila I. . a I ?-. | ? Mth Bl at il A M ii :.. 1X40, 1.10 _r. '. 2 10 1- M H oata laave foot Whttehell Kt .'0 vla SBth Bl Parrjr. eonneettna _ - - ? - traina dlrecl to tra.-k Alao .!i E*-.; 4.' mi. Clraad .-'t Eerrtea conneetlr.? vrttr-. Frankitr. av? TroUej Concert hy M._nint'? Hand. Meetings. Ot'Ait :~ tl 1 ??' l k:; ... op the america BTITUTE. Thoradajr, Ana '?" i'"'7 al IB W 44'h , t >? 1' M ", N s?. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINtA 71K-. ALMAKAC Boa '?_?? 4 4>- Baa aata 7 _B M ?? .-. aete J Ba >i -. . i?r- is HI.iH WATER. A M Band) 1I--U -_5?:_ - - . Hall -;..t- 1:83 P U . nr, :-. II ,,k I. 11 ? . .?-. v **. WIRELESS REPORTS. Tha ' aaard llnar - "ar. ? alth *' ? I r-H h ti.e.r plerr. ar 7:.'l". t - ir. -.-. rrrr.K INCOMING STEAMERS. 10 I'aY. \>aa*l. Pi Une. ?Sarnla.ll.ytl. July 15 .Haml. Am K.-.i Wll dar .. Branwn. Jul) 16.N *. ?> ,u 11 . '.. J-..l> i;i .-^ . . . R ed D ?Panama.Chlon, Julj m . . toea . . .Havana J S . War.i ? '??"? Prla ? ?i.!*l?la-n-?i i . M . ?Tennyaon . Bahla, Julj ?.Laaap __ Holt Prealdent lAncotn... Hambura. -"ly 13.Ha M.,r!:i . Dlnnaanara,.........Oi WEDNESDAY. JIT.Y 24. ?Oceanli.Boutharnptoa, July K.Wblta Star ?Cai nll . 1.1\ . : !?,, -1. .U.-.v ..1 ... . . ,-.,a..i PrhtaaaaAllea.......Brarnao, J;;l> l<?. -\ ,; Uq-j ''???ii- . Naptaa, J-.ny i.i .Wblte star Moakva .lt rt.-: lam, Julj 14.Ru__i.,n Vol Uermanla.Naplaa, Ju:> il. 1'ihro |*rovanria .lllbraltar, Ja;> 12. bt Outhbett..Tara Julj 13 . I'-toenta lll Vallt.Qalvaataa. Juiy l_ ._h> Paclflc THURBDAT. Jl l.V 2ft NordAmartca-..Naplaa, J"!> ?l.La V?_!____? Kirol .Qlbraltar, Julj n . Cooaua. .N?? Orlaana, j-;i. 2?>.;_? i-M,|:i,. ?l'rlnga mall. OUTCOING STEAMERS. IO I'AY Veaael For I.lne Mall cU.^,,. ^Ju*' F .i^r O-Oaai, Hi.m.n N .1 Lloyd .. ? io,,,.,',. lt.Klt.a .11 Itaila. N.-.l. h. Lloyd Sab . - ??_-_-_. <?.??!, . l.l\.-ri,H.. \\?? :r.. Stai . _ WI1.NK.SHAV, ______ 24. Teutontc, Boatbanptoa. Wblta -Stur... ?:.n>ain io ia. a m Uraacla, Inaaua, Hamb-Am .lt.>o _m 2 txi ,, m Korona, Trlnldad, Quabeo.12:_j p m 3:00 om Ryndam. Rotterdam, Hollaad Am. 4ih>_., Ir-quoU. Jacbaonvtlle. Cly?a.- -_?_?_? Anilllm, Niw iiilruna. So railflo. - 12:00 ni THVR8DAT. Jll.Y -j.. Dautachland, Mambura, Hamb Aaa..., l.lioum B-Oaan .'. iti.-. Uverp oL Whlte Star . ,-, :?>\ ,n La s_i..i.. Bavra. Praacfa. :>.ih m i.. ,_.,_ ,? ?' F Tlataen, >'. ...>iih_?.-n. s. nn.l Am.. 1" ::i>am 12 1,1 ?, .'ity .,f Wampbla BaTanaab, . SrOOum TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Dcwtlnattun und ateamer. Cloae ln New York. Hawall. _Vrea. chln.v an.I Pbll ll'l'liia jamada tvla San ,.v'h,l'f -..-Uly-7. ?:t_>pm Hawall (Ma Alamed.i July 2?i 0 00 d tn Hawuil, (.iiiiini anj,. IsUnJi <\la San Francl?co)-_U H irr.iN.,.rt ..July 31 6 00 D m Japan, Coroa, Chlna and l'hiiipPne lalanda |vta Vaneouvat nn.l Victorla, BO Empreaa ot Chtaa. AuKuat l. 6 p iu .m.l Mai.,u.Hii. Ulun.lx i\ia Sun >?'???"?'?-??'? Barlpoaa .AuKust 1. ?p ,? Hawall, Japan, I'.ireu. I'hina nnd I'htllpplBa lsl.w_._s (vlu san Frnn clacol Uaacturia.__a__H ;i. d d in .-iiMmiiu leacapl Weat), Naw ??'?>__. Bamoan lalanda, l-'iji lilanda ui.u New r.ii. it.itta (vla Vancouvai aad Victorla ii O Mniiuk...-Aaaea-fU. Bpm SHIPPING NEWS. Port of New York, Monday, July 22, 1907. ARRTVBIX Bteamar Cllj ,.t Mampbta Drayaa, savannun July la. to the ? >. .-im,, company, wlth peaaeaaera un.i ?adac Left Quaranttne ai ."..i:> a nt. Steamer Lampaaaa, Jobaatooa. Brtmawk-k Julv tt? i . the MaUory Bteumahlp Coinpany wlth paaaenaera and mdae i^-ri Quarantlaa at B-BO ,. tn Steamer l-i Cld, ii.iW.-r. i;ai\ ir>. t.. ei.o s..utn ??in Paclflc Company, wlth mdae i.^rt Qoaraatlne ut n :tm " ni a Bteamar Advaatnra nn, Cteaeh, Laalapwl N 1-" Julv 14 to llur\.y an.I tna.-thi |,|K... _ith Arrlve.l at tha Har at 1 u m. Bteamar Porto ki.-... Dalaao, ltnitimnre. to H c F.-ater. witli iii.l-.e. Lefl ..imiantiiie ?t 7-7 a m. Steamer St Rgbart (Br), ('afTeruta, l.oi>.|,.n julv rt to i hailes !? surniu.-i- & c. wlth ______ Arrlved at the Rar nl 1...111 a ni. Bteamei ki Mar, Utiraa Mra CMwaa J_K- 17 t,. the Southern I'u.-ltK- Company, with ni.lae. l.rft Quaraniliie at lu:2ii a m Steamer Dorothy. Whlte, WliiuinBton. Dal. te tha Wt. Beal Estate. Title Examination and Insurance by this Company is much cheaper than litigation, and saves expense by transferringall responsibility to us. It is the only way to provide against possible loss from defective Titles, and often saves property interests from sacrihce. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company SURPLUS OJfOUJtUUU 37 Llberty Street. 8* Llberty Street. tT-.lla Dept.. fTrnat a Saaklug Daalj MAWHATTA.V 189 Moatac-e Street. Brooklya. _____ _>-i?c. aud Trust A B _____? Depti RULAIMD & WHimG COMPANiT REAL ESTATE.**?_?* bu?lne- n ???_-? , 5 Bi.kmin Street. N. V. Vnfurnishcd Apartments to Let. Sfanley Gourt WEST END AVENUE AND 106th STREET Housekeeping Apartments Ten Rooms and Three Baths Rcnts S2280 to S3OO0 rt<>n. tlm_e___a____ of cor.struotion, and goo. _____?__!__?_._, this house ls unsurpassed ln Naaj York. INSPECTION 1NYITED THL SONOMA. Northeaat 4'urner Broadway aad Uth St. s t | - .-..?, 2batha evary Improvam't, rer- - H Tlin RIY_________, Ott-fl ht_h claaa aaa.rt::-.-r.:?. rea..- - ' ??: City Property to Let. rp.i iu nt. bi na ykah, a rTj__x_?____rj Hors* A wtth bu?| ___;. :f J--. red T1-.. o-aar ' _lth .. reiln.d f _.:?..-. for ront & 3. riTCH. Weat] To Let for Business Purposes. Ii >.TS TO IXT; .-tss). llsht on all ai ?>.. flflflflflflfl-l . points; wooda r??rs THI _t H'TST.'N <-?< -t .aly.r i: _ Fumished Houses to Let?Country. rp. , LET at ;?,?-.:yo :. L. I rfla___-_?i far _ ala Improvemanta I ?_ cot ____________| - Lon^ Ldand Beal Estate for Sak. SA RiriCfi __i I_OTS AT JAMAU A. _0N tWA LOT. ___r_aa U ll . .-"-- V_N :. _:.. _-___?_. -??? , -. and Ne- 1 >r_ mpany. wi_* ... _? . .-.'ir.:!-!1 ai '" *aai i* - Ayr?_ _t. I'.iru - :" *_ \":^-\ vla _tj t-flSBtflaB . _r_;i:::i? nt -_>:__ u. m Staainer F_i '. Iveeeen, ii I ,\-rn- 1 at ?"? 1'j.r ai lt a tn. .__. '? ff* C-raeao W, ? ? "*"" _.-r. ruella au i _b__h Arrlved at t: ,- ? ??? - Stea-ner -inella ?Rr>. Jameeua. 1 J *?, and Batacoa IS, to the Al - "Ithtaa t AlTived ?t :?-.- i.jr ?: II U ? ra s:,.? _ _[ ?tad rtv!_* I_-'t ifuarantine .1 STe.i: I ' . . 10. s?n'?J_! Ua rl* 12. *T__ riata M M ?.-..- i*r_atl aa_ !'-.::..- lalaad '7 t-> :ne oi? Steamahlp iTompauajr. artth '_'? p_flfl____f* _______ and _-?* Arrlva -. - 11 W _? -> ::: __? Steamei Prtacaaa aaa. Ta_4ey. N>? ;????' Newa fl?? Norfulh to ?h_ .'!.i Domtnlpa t?s > >?. wtth p___n?lfl?? aad m<___ Left ?J-__r_nt_i-? al 3 *>ft a. aa ? Bt.e___.-i M Br>. Laytai u y J3 raaapntl .'.> wlth ll* pas_.n?era aaa ?Mlaa Arrt-ed at th?- Har at _t:__ p r.T s--.un..: TannjraoB iBr) i>hla. Saatoe Ju.y * ""? Jaalaro 4 Vtctoria * Bahla s ar.d Ba.-t.*_oa 1?? Baah ?.- l-- :ia ateer.m* p**_??? ???' rualla aa ' n laa -rrtred ,it tbe Har ai 3 SO p "?"--__ Bteamer Rakei ....-r'. t^rtrl. .<:?r.t.. Mar'.a ana rc" M.-.U Julj M aad ?-? __-_-- IT. t.. th. fnltel rrora Compaay, wtth li afla_-flfl__a_ra and frult. Arrive- ? '"" _____y -_?-_ N ?'- -''lv ^ ft;j,> P m?Wlnj a0"^"*-* tre?h bre.i_. aavU] S\i:_r_l> ?fli?in Pi_a-a_-ini_ <*-__>. st Je*-v .^^-^"S, N.,rf,.lk aiul Newport N.-?-. __?BBBB__. - har.eaton a? J.ickscn-. . ? i -??' '??? STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS AKK1V1-7H Daaar. J_b tt i<>*? > ? ?" *** N#W T>rt Antv>.-ip .... ?-^i- l-.f? BM Nflle st -Uehaela, Jol. 1? ln""" ,r N pi.? and 0__?a ?-_ -. ^ i, ? m. i?H,n;:-;ri_;n>"^ --_?-?-? New \ ?. - ; ? ? Glaaaa-w. Jull a .',l.-i? ;,' - , Y.-? CherKura, Julj M, ? V ^U I'lvmouth to? Br-tuaB ?nJ Nu,,!... July IT d-rt, . Z2Z Trl.-atr. July IS C__V-__- ? ? N'v J _r_4f_, , ? \ t _ \ H * AdelaMa, J-U -? l-iaB_a ?>??' aaaa^Ss^ ?' u, i._ Kon?. -i"i> 10 Va-w-fl i ??? ? ?' NVw Y'"k ______* Pataaa *?__ _? >_????? ***_] _Z \__aa vaaam MontevMeo, July t.- P?afll? Oa* *wa waaa K,ui-*r'.uh''V Ma .Au,t. Staam Waaaa. *?. N^ N.t1.i.srk.iuiy ts a.- .n.?i.? Oa* Jf*- 5^J.-S CHorcIO lltall. ?*? V ..k - Hall lul. _.> . .... ra.l.. U'.i>. Nea Toefl I-.iim. Julv is Altoa illn. N.-? fort w Klnaatoa! July 24> Tr.-nt ,f.r. Nea \ ^ ?ltt vB tit-.n,.n. Julv -Jl. M i- u> _?_?_?? ????"? ->r,? rherho_-_. ,,,, vm Yorit Rk, .Te Ja.utr,. Julv 11- <r,.?.n ITlM.-e . Mr?. Newi? Havre Jutv _?> a B n? ? l..,u-.-nt .Vt' r*rw a? t'berboura. Julv 2ft I 9 ?? *< l'-'"1 ?T" Rotterdam Julv 20- -Annflda iBaaal. mm passpTT ,__ aaa) Cit.ntltar. Ju'v _ t-ta-rtfl !-??. _*?**? ev\rk _a?"? Tor*: iKrV N.i|,le_. etc. Tor V? ??? ? iltah New York for tiaphnt an.l __r_-__>*- Toffc ?*B I'ahant. Julv 2-* -Prtm Wlll-ni ll <V,,,r\.--^t__rl_o a-* IV.rt au I'rln.e an.l C-BB?_a f"r l"81"""" An.ate.<luni. , . v_,? Tfl-S Ilutt ..f __??__ Julv __ Wtllkommen Heart. >?w for Kliifhtnat _ _ ,?, RntW* i.i_iir.i Julv -.'i BBta-la iiiufa>. nam \'T\ r"^. ?_? dam an.! I___a: Hnelv. ?Br>. New V'? "T j___b l.n Flan.lre Ne* Tork for i.heBt. -? h.iha 4_flA. N'? Tork for I_t.n.?nn. , Daaaeaeaa JaH _S-_C_i___fl_?__fl (Br>. New Torn r;? ^ SaBrea. July 19? Sofla Hohenberg CAuat>, New ?<-" ??JjOaa I -alce. etc