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TflOUSAXDS ON STRIKE. I AGiTATZON IX RUSSIA. Troops Fire on Most Crotcds? /_' ?ccutions Inei ease. a. ] . .itily 23.?iThe strike of the men p! ,y,.; : . the cotton mllls of the Sava Moro . irlekovozue, ln Vladlmlr prov mned dangerous proportlona. Thia the largeal of lts kmd In Rus . ugitution tho y.niul Democrata ln brlnging aixiut sympathetlc everal of tha big mllls ln Moscow, - involve tho entlre lioaoow and '..-trial region. whlch has hundreds - of workmen. Forty thousand men i . strike, The movement is accompa i | politlcal agitation, the leaders : -.iii,: p..; ::!_r dlscontent over tlon .,;' tho Douma. A number ot .? .1 meetlngs were held in the sub BCOW yesterday. Troops were sum I and had to fire befora tbe crowds would d -.-. v large number of peraona were ar I. regulallons oonoerning a mode of pro ? the military dlatrlct courta. intro July 20 bave now begun to bear iruit, : brought conditions resein thos< of t1 ? drumbead oourts ____artlal_ i rn. r i (ouina ... entlre ooursa of .? s- and trial. Culowlng only seventy-two I between ln lii tment and eaecutlon. includ - ! appeal of V to the mllltarj of Casaatlon snd the decislon of this com ? ilatloi "; ft tortnlght ror Pn edure. The new military oourts ara I down r-ent.-ii^ ^"no"' .... testlmon./ *^*^J*? , r ^sasona t*yond thrfr controh They also enjey jurisdlctloo over a _."r area I b__?n . ,. ni >vln< >'s " nli a i ?? t i i . "nI _ L^te of extraordlnary de! Sthenea rullngs have .... ? , ro,i. trat-or. o. ,_ ? th. ekactlona of dele itnaexplt-ed to .-. lesalts ??;? a good Indlcati , ______ _- _a ______ _.____. *T . - . *___ evl l aa t & _______ have the riirht 1? v"t*' xvi'"r "UT regiatration, the ftgures eatbert I < ' r ??" icarn malnly the dch lncludes a large ? the voters in tho ritles. The ters ia set forth in the follow gis&ratton In various munl S ? ^strations out of a total vote of ' . 178 registratlt ns out rt a , '. . 700 'ir :-: -\ 3<> reglatratlona out of : : 500; Nijnl-Novgorod. 16 r. _.lstraii-<r.y; I | Poltava, 1" registratl' ns ? .-uitsin. M__.hH.-ff. Kamentztod an-_ >w no raglstrationa. In Moscow and St, ' irg th., regiatration waa extremely light. :sburg th.e term has been - xtended ilght. a FRENCH GENERALS TO RESIGN. . eaplred to ? tha lesalts ??;? a good IndJcation c ?? Th ? tbe people to the wo of tbe "s< :_:.? urial" Douma ir dearly ? T_ o High Officers Expected to Follow Gen- J eral Hag^ron's Example. i ; July 23.?It Is reported that General L. . '?-tzlnger ar.d General N. C. ?'. L. II rs of the pen.ral staff, wlll follow '.;.?_ J r General Kagron, who last week re- i . .nder in chief ->f tho French! I proved ..f th.- proposed re- j se two ofll- ; retira f--r the same reason i : | : .-hief. igh the Mlnlster of War, General Pic I been oflBclally advlaed of the Metslnger and Mi. hai to j tbe rep ?1 that General r. d i ? n tlre from the army on tha j p- .lt!.. -?-1 MAJOR LEMAIB. ADDS TO CHARGES. Kat.v. Statements Regarding Cruelties in the Congo Independent State. " ijor t_ malr, the T' fOl Of tiio and has lately pub ? ? ? ? ? ondi I .-.'.ay Issued an-.ther In ? bla story- Ha 1 ________ nts women __ ? were subjected to I Post, and ? ?ir chlldren klll. ton thelr eyea, TO WORK BRAZIL'S IRON MINES. Canadians Offer to Assnre Exports of a Million Tons of Ore. ,'uly 23. ? llerv-y .r;._a_ and T_?*s Be Jennlson. who are at tbe head of a c.omnany of o .. eafflt___--__ have prepoeed to tho Br__z\ aent that In return f..r certain arill undertake t>. work the Iron - oaportatian of at least a million tor.s THE TATJERN TUNNEL COMPLETED. Will Shorten the Salzburg and Trieste Line by 110 Miles. Vleona. July i?? The work of piercing the 2ve ud a half mlle tunnel through the Tauern fcbantabM in Tyrol, a few miles south of Cas t*ir., been completed. The enterrrise has Neopted alx years. and lt Ib the last important *ork :r. tha l nilll|>lsllnn of Alpine railwaya. Tfce r.ew __________ will shorten the .lourney b_ I--WI Balgburg and Trleate by 110 ml!_s. CASE OF C. R. WALKER IN MEXICO. __?__", Ctty, __..? Ambaaes-dor Thompson has ?**-_ tha gov_inment regarding the dc 'eatloa cf r. j-c Walker, a r .eider.t c-f Columbia, Ito.. nr/, v._.s 6_-r*>*te(J lr. Bsltf.Vf eome time a_ro **msc with injurtr.g a herd of c_.ttle telonging *? a- nvai la_peat_r. It is alleged that Walker ????- a lot* rt tT.tWO by his acUon*. He has ^**oe b*.r. ig prtoon. and frler.ds are asking for ?? trtal. Tte Department of JuBtlce hae ln ?*?*?*-. the er_._a._ey a declBion ln the c_ape ?^l be ren _ .red within a fortnight. COL'RT ACQUITS STRIKING MAYOR. *_r_o.-ae. July 23.?A. test caee was ??**-_. h*r?. to-day of or.. of the mayort. of the jy*. ? Frar.. _ ?-ho resigned ln the clvio strike ***1_* o_t rr ihe dlscontent of the wine grow ?JJ- -_.__.o__ was brougnt against this mayor for y**?ag to d:*charg* hib offlclal duty. He was ?"??-aly aoQulited by the court. L086 CAUSED BY MARACAIBO FIRE. *k??--__o, Juiy 21 (vla -Vlllemstad. July 23).? ??? fire whlch broke out lu the Marlna section of ?Jjstty iaet we?k dld damage to the extent of ?*?* lt v._s -jctingulBl-e-. thi: child's IVSTEM ls sure te be injured by common coffee. POSTUM ??has chlldren well and stronj. *4Thcrc*s % Reason" i ''T ORDEB AGAIX IX SEOUL. Former Emperor Admits Abdication ?May Go to Japan. Seoul, July 23.?The Cablnet's report to Mar? quls Ito of the former I_mperor_ new plodge of abdication, positive and BnaJ in form, was pub llshtd to-day and changed ihe widespread im pression tliat th>- first action was not'one of ab? dication. but of "Imperlal contortlon." Miir .juis Ito's Bubservient Cabinet, in an all nlght engagement with ti"' former Kmperor, wrung from him tho verbal admisslon of the valldlty of his abdication. The work 's "' tne Cabinet, who en |oy ito's protectlon nnd patronage, ar.- passing i out of th.- pala '? with a guard exclu slvely Japanese Ti," work of th,- Cabinet wlll not be Onisbed until tlie former Emperor ls ex 1',,-d from Seoul. This. tho next step, if accom pllsbed without tli.- poisonlng of th.- deposed ruler or aome aimllar tragedy, wlll be unprece dented ln Corean hlstory Vlscount Hayasbl, the Forelgn Minister of Japan, in an lntervlew yesterday ln tho admin Igtration'a paper ls imderatood to suggest :_ U of state, wlth power to aet to elimlnate rence by tho throne. The censorshlp proclalmed ovei Japanese press correspondence ls descrlbed as precautionary, on account "f the bltterneaa dlsplayed toward Mar? quls Ito'a conservatlve course ln reshaplng the destlnies of Corea. Theatres, amusement places nnd the niarkets : ti for the flrst tin... tn four days. The aituatlon in tho capltal i- promlsing. The atorea of amniuiililon i by disaffected Corean are extremely small. Marquls lt" expecta if bluejackets from Japanese warships. Toki", July 2;!.?The Elder Statesmen held a . to-day nnd lt is believed thal th.. Corean ls tlie subjeci 'f th.-ir delibi rations. Ii is reported thal It will be a week or more ::..- Japanese ?!? i tanda are formulated and preeented to ti:.- Seoul governm Th.- roply of the new ?'? rean Emperor to the ?ongratulatlng him on his acc< asion to the throne, expresses a sincere hope of growlng : between the governments. RUSSIAN CCMMENT ON COREA. The "Novoe Vremya's" Bitter Criticism? Government's Neutral Attitude. ? ? Russian presa to-day ?dv.-s ? t , ir- \ lews '?:? the hap| ? :. of I ?!:? al :?? -v B content tl with tl..- publl ation of I.. ?.. wa i wil hout eoinment - '??? however, comea oul with a brlef artlcle Ich :i calls the alleged Japanese a. ? glarli _.- li of our t:::;.-s." The "N . >e Vremya" Barca ? . ? lated by the i ? nce ar The "wanton tibllitiea t ?- ? .-?-. ? Forelgn Ol t atrlctly neutral attltudi l on l ? . .' t..- r. .r' >-:;. '.:: l'.-a. ?? '1> ? aty. whi '.., it :s . x: lalm ?: "t the Foi ? lously moi ? over, that t':.-- rec< a ln no ? eae have been absoluta maatera of Coi the laat two years. "The aald to-day, "now have an opp rtunlty to ei broad ?!? _:ee ??' ?ial ? ? ' and contant Ln C -?-. MILITAR., BALLOON ABOVE BERLIN. Trip Lasts Three Hours?Airship Responds Readily to Aeronauts at Helm. Berlln. July '-'?'. A i llltary dlrigl .: most auccessful flight over Berlln to day. It waa Bteered ln every dlrection wtth the greatest ease lt Btarted from the Jungerheide and went toward Tegal, and then travelled over i hi !-?- lt encln led the tow< r of antly the airship r? - turn< 1 to TegaL -? l? cludlng many army offlcers, watched tbe trial. Further experli ' thla evenlng wlth the showed ?? perfectlon of tl ;?.;,:-. m ?tor and propeller. The airship ma noeuvri ? ii UP :""5 ?'? ,wn: " ''?" . ' b and.topped and both low and b - les. ..;., ed . i' the airahip i re kept bul it was plainly observable to the ? ? that the tw travel slowly or at a rapld rate of speed, with or sgaii Bt the win The duratlon of the ? ' mlnuti -'? r than th< ,,,-,] of !:""11 Patrie The i tii;, lasted "??' r an b oAlt. MOVE TO FREE CAID MACLEAN. Attempt to Obtain Release by Diplomacy Fails?Troops Start. Tangier, July 23.?The rnls-ion of Cuezzan to obtain the freedom Of Caid Sir Harry Mad.. an. who ls a prl?<-ner -.f Kaisull, has proved a fail? ure. and Caid Mahaila, at the head of 1,270 men, has atarted for the Eiknes terrltory, where Rai sull ls in hldlng with his prisoner, to brln* about hla release by force Another body of nien under command of Caid Bagdadi has left Tetuan to co-operate wlth -Caid Mehalla. t RAID ON RUSSIAN ROOKERIES. Japanese Sealers Bea\en Off by Guards After a Sharp Action. Victorla. B. C, July 23.?News was brought hy the ateamer Empress of Chlna of an attempt by sealers to raid the Russian aeal rookerles on Copper Island, beyond the end of the Aleutlan chaln. A Japanese sealing schooner from Tokio reached Copper Island on the nlght of June 27. and, dropping anchor a ahort distance from the seal rookeries, sent a numbc-r of boats aabore, thelr crews belng armed wlth rifles. While they were eklnnlng aeals on the rookeries the Rus? sian guarda opened fire on them. The Japanese took to cover behlnd the rocka of the shore and returned the flre of the Russians. The latter fmally drove off the raiders, who took to thelr boats leaving one man kllled. Several wounded men were carrled off by the Japanese. and sev? eral Russian guarda were wounded. WOMAN HANGs'siX CHILDREN. Three Her Own, Three Her Employer'-? Suicide After Crime in Jutland. Copenhagen. July 23.-Grief Btrlcken by the recelpt of a r.otiflcation that her servlces would not be requlred after the end of the month, Mrs Nlelsen. a houaekeeper for a landowner named Ullkjaer. of Jutland, yesterday hanged three of her employer'a children, aa well as three of her own. and then kllled heraelf by hanging. BRAZILIAN STEAMER ON r?!RE. Rio de Janeiro. July 23.-The Brazllian ateam? er Ooyaz. bound for this port. took flre on tho ?mw?_i New York and Barbndoa. and lt ^Tundreces-sary to throw part at ,he cargo overbourd. _ AMERICAN TRAVELLERS IN BRAZIL. _ . i 1 tnelro Jaly -fL-Tbe member. of the nr..t Klo de Janeiro. nqr j*. t Bra-n haVe ar Am-WtCSO ^*Jf^^Uw^___S here a week TAFT MOVEMENT INDEPENDENT. _. r.hio Ju'y _3.-Arthur T. Vorya. man ?T _? Ta't 'c-mraSn. ln a formal notico is ?*?___ day I-. am.wl-r to a telegram of Inqulry ____; a ?..--I-1.;t in ^'^.^^Ueney haa "niC m?t_nd'Z not luvolvad ln any comblnauon w.^of anat._onl,m sgalnat any oth.r p_-..U ?r , ,___, vthac effio*-"_ __ _______ ^ DEBATES AT THE HAGUE A RBITRA TIOX DISCUSSED. Lcading German Delcgate Urges a Permancnt Tribunal. The Hague, July 23.?Dr. Ruy Barboza (Bra -11) at to-day's session of the committee on arbltration, made a long speecb supportlng the American proposal regarding the collection of contractual debta and opposlng tho Drago l?o. irlne. .m. ?'astro, of Uruguay, and Bi. Btatte, of Ohill, also spoke in support of tho American propoeaL M. Carvajal. of Santo Domtngo, sup ported the part whlch referred to arbltration. whlle M. Rendon, of Ecuador, expressed adher ence to all clauses of the proposal teadlng to restrlct forelgn InterventUm. Baron Marachall von Blebersteln, Germany, then delivered an ablo speecb on tho question of arbltration in general. He approved thu Ameri? can proposal. In concluslon he sald: Tbe most important reform in the arbltration Instltution wlll be tbat contalned ln tbe American and Rnssian propoaala, consisting ln gtving to tt.-- Hague .-..iirt the character of _ real an.I per manent trlbunal. We know the Imperfecttons .-x istlng ln the present Instltution, whlch I mleht mentlon without intendlng to crltlclse, but th* flrst conference haa been .?{ great advantage to us, Inasmucb as it has shown us tbe road. Once the permanent court ls eatabltshed, with .?ju. i-fe.. wbose character an.I uhiiiiy Insptre unl versal confldence, lt wlll a power wblcb cannot fall t.. attract countriea whlch hav.. Judi clal dtfferences t.. settle. The new Instttutton will Insure a broader and more efflclenl r.>urae to arbltration than would a compulsory clause sur rounded by cautions, reserves and restrlctiona \\> are ready to employ all ..ur forcea to collaborate ln the accompllshment of this t;isk. Baron Maracball von Blebersteln has received instructlons from Berlin to oppose the wordlng of tiie British proposal regarding the llmitatlon of armaments. Germany .lo.-s not adralt that this question Is more urgent to-day than it was in 1899, when tha first conference waa ln ses Bion, and she contends it is tmpossible to acknowledge the urgency of disarmament whon no pntcil. al scheme yet has been devlsed for i the reduction >>f military burdens. At a special sltting of tho committee on sea warfare to-day the British delegatlon withdrew \ its proposal regarding the deflnitlon of a war- I shlp, as it appeared that, instead "f aaaiatlng | an understajiding on the regulatlona for trans formlng mercbantmen Into warshlps, it compll cated mattera. The British delegatlon also abandoned lts mo? tlon, already opposed by General Porter, accord? ing to which the commander of a belligerent warshlp was allowed to capture and destroy merchantmen auapected of provlslonlng the enemy. It had been obaerved that such a meas? ure was tantamount t-. the re-establishmi ? rlng. Speaklng outslde the conference to-day. Presi? dent Nelldoff sald lt was neeessary t.> accom pllsh as much work as posslble before August 1, as a majority of the delegates wlshed to leave The Hague by that date. NO SHORE LEAVE AT BREST. American Sailors Will Not Be Allowed to Meet Japanese Crews. Br< Bt, July 23 ?The f.-.ilur-- ot tbe ron !?> arrlve here to day Is attrtbuted In Breet lo ilre of the J Jte as short :ih posslble the tim_ durlng wblcb the Am. il , uiess warshlps wlll be togethei ::i t..i harbor, ln order to reduce t:;>- ??'?? y un toward Incldent betwei I':..- ?ail org from the american srulaera Washtngtun and .-.?ni t.i I t agalnst I mt nf s fs . ? Jamea. o? n. a.- 1 ? I ' he . etes fr--,. .. nti d American W . keta Rear Adi i ? ?',, ill i.i _?J '.f t ?? \ :..>?. I ..:. . ahore leave after tb ?: rlve. Itnerlcan ofllcers are preparlng to treet i ... iiltv They wlll ? entertali dinner on board the American Ragahtp CABRERA PARDONING 0FFEI_~*F:.S. Many Persons Released in Guatemala? Powers Demand Trial of Prisoners. Guatemala Clty, July 8. M.u-.v of the mln r ; ? ? ient< nced by i ?? of Guatemala have beea pardoned and llberated In -. and lt is bell. i that 1 undi i ' death ;ils.. ? 10 ? - li ? re ?, ii. t. ;,: x. - - :? -.-. j .. ., _. >rd bas reai hed t; _? clty r:..,t the governmej ta of Germany, Italy, Spain and Mexl o have senl notes t.> the government >.f Guatemala, eouched ln courteous but snergetlc !au . polnting out that t:..- ; risonera under _r r,,r com_>llciti ln the attempted assaaalnatlon of President Cabrera are Btlll held, and that nelther .... Bupreme i ourl nor the military <-..urt baa yet . sentence. deeplte the fact that tb* tlma allowed by law haa long since expired. ATONG LITIGATION ENDED. Daughters Agree to Cash Settlement of Cleims Against the Estate. Honolulu, July 23.?Th_ Utigation over the estate ha. l.e.-u compromlsed. The daughters. who _.:_ LOtagonlstt. t.. the mother, bave agreed to a?.-el.t ;i caah settlement of thelr olaimr- agalnst the estate. -? SAYS AUTO OWNERS WANT SPEED. Arrested Chauffeur Defends Drivers?Man? hattan Hotel Owner Gives Bail. When Peter J Mentges, a chauffeur, of _.yra -uso, was arralgned In the Tenderloin police station last night by _t _ Dennin, of the trafflc snuad. on the charge of speedlng, he said ln his defence that lt was not the chauffeurs who wanted to go fast. but lt was the employers who sat back ln thelr seats and eat fl to the driver "Faster, fas.t.r." In the machlne at the time of the arrest was Mrs. Ollle Belson Wlgglesworth. of Garden Clty. Long Island, one of the owners of the Hotel Manhattan. Mrs. Wlgglesworth had Just pur chased the machlne and was givlng it a trylng out when the arrest was made. Mentges told Lleutenant McKinney that he was only trying to pass another machlne. but he waa held in $500 ball, whlch was furnished by Mrs. Wlggles? worth. who gave tha Hotel Manhattan aa ae curity. LAWYER'S FAMILY HURT IN RUNAWAY. [By "_vie_;raph te The Tribune] Stamford, Conn., July 23.?Mark Wllbur, a law? yer, who was promtnent ln Democr.-_tl.-r politics ln Xew York durlng the second Cleveland admlnis tratlor., broke his arm In two placea yesterday ln a runaway accident near his home Iu Darten. Frlghtened by a motor car, a new team of horses he waa driving ran away and threw the vehtele down an embankment. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nor man. thelr three-y?__r-old aon and a Mr. Parker, of New York, were in the vehlcle at tho time. and all were hurt more or lesa. KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS IN SESSION. Elmira. N. Y.. July 23.?The Grand Lodge of the state of New York. Knlghta of Pythlaa. and Pythl an Ststers opened thia mornln_j wlth flve hundred delegatea preaent from all over the state. Kx,-< iitlve seaslons wlll be held for four daya < ?n Wednoaday a competltlve drlll, to be Judged by military olflcere detalled by General Grant and partlclpated ln by companiea of the uniform rank, wlll bo held. SUN STARTS FIRE IN WAREHOUSE. A fire ln thti war_.-l.ouae of the Commerclal Twlne Company. at No. 673 to b73 Eloventh avenue, at noon, yeaterday, whlch caused $1,000 damage, ls lald to the Bun. In the lower story of the flve atory warehouse there waa a plle of burlaps and hemp. The sun slione through a wlndow upon the damp plle, and it begap to heat. Then a tlny blar* started, and tho whole pile began to smoulder. and ln a short tlme ths smoka drove several employes from the place. It i <__ four {__? tii_uM aa hour to __?na,u__r ihe b_*B_> _ ___>? _ Standard Natural A-kaline Water Owned t>y and bott'.ed unJ*r * he dlrtct control ot the French Government ARMY A_VJ) \AYT NEWS Plan* for EstabUshmeni of Tig Hospital Completed. I I'i... ireau.] Washlngton, July __ LARGKST OF AU.MV I108PITAI_S. -The plana for the eatabllabment of a large army ?-;? :??? ral hos? pital and medlcal st ttlon in the 1 . i olum bia, beyond the Soldlera' Home, have ? en com? pleted. A hospital building la now under conatruc? tlon and is expected hed in about sls months. lt is intended lo remove to thla piace tne army medlcal s.-ho.ii. whlch is n,.w accommodated In the Mi-ll al Museuni 01 ervation There will also be establlshed two com? panlea of the hospital corps for the purpose "f ln Btructlon and demi nsti re wlll be a post graduate achool for the b. newly appointed I >ns, but for offlcers who desire t" take up boi "r pursue some 1 n. Thla general hospital wlll be the largest of ua kind under the government, and when wlll be, counting the quarters, so on, something like one hundred bulld ngs The alte selected la a command ii itlonal Capltol and th... late Major Walter Ete< l, aurgeon, to efforts In Cuba were ntlnctlon of yellow fever. The Ursr of ? ? ? charge of the new Insti r Will? iam H Arthur, who i depart . 1881. NAVAL in 'Si'iTAi. .. r.i.. .al m< di ? il ? next sesslon of Oongrea The 1 an li Plt'iat. 1 it ls rllf.l M-rvl.-e A - ? the members of 1 '?! ? MH.- ' of all other ? nf l ecui ? t to be . - effort In the ? >:' ' _? ? . returnlng from II ? ' I al rs t going ? tn. i. ? ? foi e ?'..? ill'-. Y \' H T ? .. -'n:i MIL1 * the UI " Isla:: 1 ' t., !.?? m i l" and th.. \ ? .mmisaton f tha flta ? 111 Vtlanti , Mlsalaalppl i. ORDESta - ment of n- ? boal ?'? ti.e .1!-; marlne FLAMKS ? i.\ WARSHIPS ? ? ' belng condu [ the n ival ? ?' ' ??? munleat md an effort is to he ma le t h is not inftammable Tl oi ? ? tlme "f ara r the eontaol of a -hlj. n oth.-r damage waa ?: of tha palnl wlth which thi The or ' at Indian 1 [eaA, Md.. wlll 1 whtcb reaembles the a tnd e..\.-r.--i wlth aach palnt ns Is meana li la exi ? ct. I to meana and tri a deflnlt. extenl to ther.- !s danger from I .. , ? flarnmablllty of i ORDERS ISSVTS1 .?The sued: ? ARMY <"V>lonel GHBOROE LB ROY BROWN 3 talle.1 [T'?. ?- - Bebo Bai tntoi aorrlC Major HARRY I. HAWTHOR" from Arm Captain JAJJ fr.m tfmi '.raiv dutj Captaln rHOMAS .! KIRKPATRIOl to general hosi Ital, "? iai Captaln \viu.r\M -VALLACE, Tth : ? i ?- : Uta CT-ARI S'CE H I VRXHAM, 4th Inl i and BYLVEH . : to nari.,i_i roatcl ??.rt'. ?r* NAVY Commanlera I.. 8 VAN HANAN ar.J W t MAX .V1-7LU corn L-_.tc_.a__t Commandflr "? B SHOEMAKER ? ? ?f nsvlgatl 'n, N ' Paae.-. An_i_mnr Surgaoa V. s HOEN, detached the Phlladi I ?mla Pass*- Aa?int.-int Surgeon _ W the Amphttrito Pan.e.l Afslstant Surgeon F M MTJNSOX. detacr thi Naval Medlcal Befc ? W tahlngt n l - th* Phlla delphta, an i a . al _ ^ \ Bound. AsfllMnnt SurR.on H l. KELLBY. __ta_h?d tr-.m th* naval h.->aultal. Waahlngton to tha tddltlon*] duty ?? ? ining atatlon, Newport. Pav_?aater Q HUOWN. Jr , awatt ordera. __y_r___t_T O W. PIOMAN, Jr , .1- ta<-i:e.t fr.-im tha 1 _ i. July 31. home, aatUa accAunta, ? Assistant r'avnuister ''. P. BHAMETR fr?_n the AJjnti?ata Hav aurvey expadtitoa, ta the navy pay .?'. - tlce. Waahlngton MOVEMi-NT-i OF VE__9BI_S._-.Tha following movemanta ol weaaala hava been reported t< tha Navy Department: IRRTVED. July 20?The ___m_r_aa at LeagUfl lHlan.1. July 21-The Whlpt'le an.l the W_._y ut Lfl-gua laland an.l th.> Btrans-r _?? r. a July 22 __a Wolvertne ut Duluth - _ .it Puget Bound, the Dolphln al at 1'lne Baseh. tho Oiympla at NflflrpO-. anl the H. ;.-n.i at ? i ? I July 23?The Qslrofl at Ch- -Kno ? BAILgD July 20 The Huntrasa, frorn Camden, N J. !_? Loairue July '-'l Th?> I'-rry. from Mare laland for Puget Sound; the Whlpple, frorn Norfolk f." _.?___? laland. July '_'_ The Wolverlne, from Aflhland, Wla., f"f Da luth Minn ; th- Charlaaton, from Vlctorla for Poget Bound; th? Dolphln, from Boaton for Ql i eaatar, Maaa.,; tha Wordan, from Norfolk for Pln? llen^h. Va ; tha Oeorgta. fr.,m Capa Cod Hay f,,r N_? port July _;i Tba Bt Louis, froi ?'?"' f"r Vai pBralao. ChllL -.?.-a-?? SUMMER IN ROME. The unusually -ool SUBUBSr ln Buropa has re? sulted ln a large number of Ameriruns remalnlnK ln Italy, where, of course, the centre of Intereat la Rome, and where tha aplendld Hotel Exeelslor, which 1- on the hlgheat, cooleal and moat ?vn locatlon in th< Ctty, has been quite tllled iviln American vlsitors. U has now become a ilxv-d ouatom for tho Hotal J_-<_elalor to remain ?Am _________?__. ___? _:-_-?_ _. .'^ ?*_virv\_,i* For vacation days. Outing suits?tropical weight. Batiste ? that'a a feather weight worsted; wool crash; Hannel; era venetted mohair; silk homespun. Coat and trousers, Mt> to MO. If you want a vcst too, you might find one out of a few hundred wash able vests that were i.3 to $5. $___ now. ROGfSS, PKEl & CoMI'ANY. Three Broadway Storea. 258 842 1260 at Warren st. at 13th st. at 32nd st. SOLDIER XOT GIYEX UP. Private Who Shot Cumulian To Be Tried by Military Court. Detroit, July _____ A special dlapatch from ? - Marie, Mlch, todlcates that there be an intematlonal taquiry over tha ncel otlng laat night of Mlaa EUaabeth : i.y Private GUlette at Fort Brady, aplng deserter. 0? - the fori have decllned to s__rren_le? <-U ..... . tt pending or___ra from the War Department, to whicb tho accident has reported. .;,.,.. tenbead, of ths Canadian "*'?]?" brother of the dead woman, said to-day: "I have , uter in Ihe hands ol th* proper authorltli ' I srican government ive aski I i-T an ??xi.'.aiiri.ti-n." j 28 All that is ki:o_-_. at the War Depari - .- ?'- *h" hfflingi "f . denhead wa I ta a dlspatcb Captain Benjamin .1. TiUm;tr-.. Company I. 7th Infantry. simply telllng of tho accldental ? woman by Prtvats Ollletta _? .! - i . l Captab 1 - ' kcs ;it Chli Ung in strtel ao - . ers from the Secretary ,,.? \\,..- ,,. u render Ihe soldier to ,..,-. Di decislon , -. - ? favor of na , .., civii jui ' ln such ? .!' this order. wblch dlrects ? ' Itctlon over 0 ed by curt mar tial Instead of by a civil court, and as he can ' irdy ot his Hfe, if he 11 ed by 1 ., fa t tbat ll ? ? ?" ' ' esMse - do of _ MAKING WAR DEPT. ESTIMATES. I__r. Taft Wants ta Complete His Recom mendations Before He Goes to Philippines. red by ???'? - - I trip for 1 - VV< st bel ? 11 ! ave _ . will not : .:. mlnd various i dations ? ie 1 ? durina the shon peri frotn Murra. Baj and Ws dej ? -t. -'? _ GEORGIA SURVIVORS HAVE BAD NIGHT. July 23. A1 the Unlted States Naval to-day it was reported rh:?t ,f the four battleshlp Geor___a exploslon patients, who are oi erous Uat, had a nd Thomas were ____* t and to-daj were eatremely weak Rush, the other patlent ta a critlcal con had a B ? and seemed a tnrto stronger to-day. Newport. K L. July 2__?Tha battleshlp ? ived here to-day. Bhs Joined ths _?? Atiantlc " MADE NEGRO HANG HIMSELF. Ex-Ball Player. Now Sheriff, Arranged a Trap the Murderer's Weight Sprung. r.. i. efrms* ' ? Thr- nihons l Pittsburg. Julj ;#on r ?__?_____?___ the Natlona] League baaeball pttcher, now Sherifl of Allegheny County, hanged hia first ?\. Dowllng Green, a negro wife mur derer He ?as asslsted bv Deputy Sheriff Ed w ,,,[ Swartwood. who was also a former Xa itar Gumbert dld nol Uke to bang a man, so he ,1 .-. new contrlvnnce. hy which Green practii --"il blmaelt He arranged the ... thal whea Or___P stepped on it the ^ ,".. | 0f hls body sprung lt. The contrlvance worked well and wttl be used ln all the futura ln ths county. TRISCO TJNITED RAIIWAYS SHUT OUT. President Calhoun and Delegates Asked to Withdraw from Industrial Peace Conference. Baa rranclsoo, July 23.?The Industrial Peace tace, whleh i.e'.d lts session to-day. eent I, letter t.i l.itrick Caihonn, president of the I'nited Rallwaya yesterday, asking him to withdraw hls ,!, legates from tbe conference. The letter stated that, whlle nol wtshtng t.. pass Jodgsaeal upon any on ? Indlcted >>r accussd ln court, it was feare.i that the preeence ol the delegates from the _______ ? .!_. would dtsrupt tbe harraonj of the .-. n ferenee and thal tbe convention could not N___g> ni.-.,- any one who stands aecosed ef ertase t'nl houn senl a long ln whleh h_ di.u>unc_d the ? for his withdrawal as a eowardty act and made for potttical porposea He sald, however, he would nol appear at Ihe eentmtemeex Two membera of fiBaldsnl Heoeevetl's t'aMnet, Oacar Btrau*, Becretarj ol Oaassseees and Labov, an-l James R. iiarfleld. Secretary of the Interlor, uiiended the conference. -e | KAFFIR STARTS A NEW INDUSTRY. A Kattir i.i Cape I'.l.ny hought an American broom Bome months at... aad, n?.ttiin>j some BSegB m ths BtraWB, pb.l____ them. lle now has a tlne little ticld of hi oom straw growing and may have founded an UnporUnt ___du,__r_ .--._>{-E_;_i_-4 i._r ^u_Uca___ ?_j ___ ?-3?> For vacation nights. Tuxedo suits?tropical weight. A great coiufort to any man who can aiford a Tuxedo for niid-suminer wcar, besidc liis regular year round weight. j First made for use in Cuba and thei extreme Southern states. Tropical Tuxedo suits, #39. _.Yny straw hat up to $_ is $1.8-1 now. RiH-EKS, S?Xa & COMPANY, Three Broadway Stores. 258 842 1280 opposite near oppoaito City Ha'.l. Union Square. Greaiey Squars, __S='ff'__c": n!fo$ettfotBaxef\ __J>* I \\am&4cANB*E3 For your FAMlLYoffRlENDS ln che Country i CJILlMAlLorPHCHE yO(/ROM?JlS Wewillalso Pe.oi.PTLYShip ' bvr_AILorD(PRESSifyou-esire ttOWASOUl YQUhVACATlOlf? YOU KNO-V WHAT PliA5i_?A3CA OF SALES AGENTS g ? EVERYWHEFt?%. o Pl'THONOXMSTRAUlS IKg Ow Lofl Behi-cen Sandy Hoofc and Htr May Be Purple. - >.l alarm out f-.r a regal python. and if - wanderlng '.tceman to cagtala ..f tha -. d _ea_____ajr at I- . r s i acWag trtp from l " ?_"?_*_? t? _d!l not be yearly ??_ tl-.- waichful eye el Mont _ ? ? thiS port along - and in. re than ntry. When _oo_ aboard . _ . - regal pytbona - itaaga >.d all ,:ig ouianga , i- ,1 tn -.: was de cided lo : ' eilt- *">* !-.\.. . ... . each. ? -j cases of re and j-ist d that ,,ii.. of them waa waa made. _.t that he .. led for Ihe "1 .real ? - ?*___? sleep ? that .-..- wlll ha ?' tim? __re at worlt unloadlng the shi "? ab-art tho way ?. t poe ? ? ?- ? rtly :.i'ter leaving I'.-r - f .und that . ;... nr-.,i, although ?sd ssi T: ere w:.J .i greal "? ?matry*? men l P was Btopped for li r whlle Ua s made . tms and I ? sbbs ,-ist Into th? ALL WELL ON SLOOP MARY BELL. Bridgeport ?'? nu . tt Tba _______ Mary BeM. party ot twelve on N.\rd. whlch left this harbor on Sunday tOM a on tne Sound. waa r wed Into the harbor late yesterday. wfth all well on b....rd. The sloop h.ul been drlr'T'.:-.^ ________ _ar!_r . afternoon from South Norwalk t?> Port J.fferson. Lon* where- a _-earchm_. power found it. P m urity Starch Do your starched gar m_nts "go to pi-ces" more quickly than those not starched ? Considcr the starch you are using. ls it one in which harmful elements are lurking to ruin the fabrics upon which it is constantlyused? Make your clothes last longer by using DURYEAS' GLOSS STARCH So pure that it cannot injut. tbs thread or color of any fafanc Iho duces that satmv fiatsh of f___t pliabiUty so much ilnlwd todh_? cri-ninattng l.r-in.'.resses. at the ,, t__ N.Jy and ftrmness essentut to perfeet work. At all erocers. la /_.? u.-^i; i a-i-j^es. BEST FOR ALL kl NDS Of sr\RCHlSG -For general usr, boil as dlrected. For light .ur. hing. nacqaali-d as a i uiil-v. uier starch, reqairing ao boiliag. NATIONAL ST?_C_ COMPANY NEW TSIK -