Newspaper Page Text
CLK FMUDS &ROW. SUBTLE ADUETERATIOX. fammumoner of Agriculture Ex nhnns Conditiona in State. gettng -?' the reports n ade every da\ to the lenl by the mllk inspectors n the aanltary conditiona dairies, tho State Department ot e n great doni t.. prevent tlon. Charlea A Wieting. f tht '-? te Departn enl t?f A_ ? tlon <>: rnllk. aaj ?>. how ment Inspectors violations of thal ?' l-.v are increastng (?'? year. FV i r ??' years, according . -"j...!-. certaln Instttutton. . - ng statL s. eeas sdutterating mllk bj |y, bul I | ._ way '':?. 11 is practlcally Imposaible lo ' ' ? r r;,ort COntinut ? isserted to ' ? ? - nstltu ....... ? ? - re mllk. wii I k from . ? ? . nd tl o ? -v to New Vork markots for aale as whole ?-.i!k. .-. ? ?: ? ?? ? -? : M locked door. to a Is ??. . ri li ;i great effort ted by put a stop 10 it. rntlrely de tl '? neast n i have employed n ? ???- the departmant lo assjal him a_ua rsxsesvn Inatru. ?:-?? ? -.- rn the besi metl rattehlng the pemone m tl e act, and then f> the rn'ik to tba marfcet and eeeing that It rs ? ? sold. offered or exp< sed for sale. II mi al be bome 1 that t'.e Bklmmlng of mi:k or II of mllk '= of Itself nn <>j? oCfenoe e* na sts ln selllng, _T? ? Is or haa tted, srlth ;- ' sl ? tjueutly the employed In the cream --? erating or ?ee lt - axamination. T ara of tho If the proper au] port la given to t i ?-: -? - - aa I i meai ? thla method of advltera ?'??? -- ! Iraum. tf n ' en - Btopped. thla ?? a ""?: mllk gatberlng Bta - ?? -. - producers. to j-e mption. They art* llfferont parts of the state. ao that lt -.-??- undertaid .- - ? ezamtne them. lt ? i - s .--- lt Is considi red That the per -harfra ??? the station, If be is adui :..k. viewa every newoomer with sus* - - ; ave '???? Inatltuted not only for H . ??? tr.ilk thus ,: but al?o ii?.)i'-.^t - ? tha for permlttlng agenta, - c ? ? ? ? - ? - srearaerU s wrll - A.-t1or.s have ,.lr?o been Bt ag nta a ?-. havtoa; obtained a li lerate milk. * ed ln any of the rasea ?. where a llcense | -id Into the state Dlon. This work of del is. j lerbapa. not generally . oea on 1 am ' ? || w-;;i have a deterrent tafluence. taken Into tlon that ab. ?" tbe n..'.k s<: t to the consumer from ? utiona '.e ek & for who'* ? .-?-.- ? osuming | uMic "..i of th* true of all I 11 io in Mew Vork ? '"? ? .- . ? ? were buj ii - ?-? eaaa of i year .' Ich, at s'x oentS a ? uart. would . I ? . led that the fU if tba) ;. r ? ? I ibeatod out of Zl'i.ZV.. .. Inoentive -?-. for the ; thla wi.y, be. te* *? ? Ihe ti llk is aroi i ' '> a csn, at least. whlle milk !s wortb i f that amount. ] ? ' bSbit ? '. ? - wlll deslsi only wl ?-i ?-?--- . _ -. - ? - , ? _ ;:*-ri t > th* rftJea - ll -re_j=; j years, tr< .isive, ?? . rts of milk f New Vork. 1 iuai ? id to the ty, . New Vork ? ? ., Ftste - f the milk ? . f thl s s tat e , . ???-?? and ;r,iiri. ? ? r- . s . ? , and B09 ; . - , | - f ? ? - i now scat i thelr reports. era ? --7 e badly i af I .- dairies and ownera of rthwith notiees from the ed. .- ? . '? gin to do the work ? they have to traveJ t tl Isltlng 1 undreds of I re i 111 mlttee. appolnt ag ? . investl I I h n ti \ " ? ? dred addi *' ? -?? asked for. Witb ; ? ctors, s.iid l he th< houldera <-f tbe many an ompelled to derably lS under conald l ii. tn when lio tlon. ' MAEQl'IS- IN HANDS OF L. I. SHERIFF Court Tums Spaniard Over on Long Beach Hotel Complaint. Marquls de h old, at.d who ?a# arresu : laal ia per ''?"'?- ..?; ?\ v. aa arralgned n w>- Kde ? ? rday. Bheriff Pettle of U*"-1 r' i warranl for tl % a ? ? '?: "!" at." The ? om isaiag. r of tl e Long Beach . Long Isl ? ? ard gave him a - r evei ? ? worthloBS r''r*' ,., _ two uptos . fs'ur-i -a ? , Bpanlard. . -tr . ? , ^ complalnanta appeared against the ^--"^-s la t>.<-. w .rt yesterday, and be *$fLtuiL*a ' erlff Peci a ^^j*" tha b rcbed Detective ??|ei y W-t.2 W .rr.., ., ,.,., .. ... ;v .?,, k..,_ !)Ln0 ;i]FO Z.T'? ' Ing, ? f BlBBl sareslgned ? i. i, ESGLAIID DEPOETS LEXOW WITNESS. ^Ofe Stevens First Person Returned to Iki* Country Under New Law. ^?V-vjjr. Btevens. arho waa an Important wlt "?? u tu Lasow iaveatlgatfon returned to this ^urr r '-ii th Btar Uner ?te. ttu flrsl Ai.-.-r. ? according to the rted from England nnd* r ihe ?. whl< h providea for tbe t ?? nd r-? ,, ** '-? : :.. -t n and "?"' arefully l?K?ki d H tine tn the : lel uni. f whh ri Hf v. ;. gced on Apri! 13 H? ???"' '??' -hl arraigm d In Maribor J" ' -,'.??. da.VB "...T'liMl '?' ' ;- fdl. I ? -; . i COl ^*? Biora ti.ta tlucft nuMUlkt ou tha v.;^_ havo jDOCK STRIKE GOES ON. Men Uefuse to Go Back tndividually, as Suggested. Duluth, Minn.. July 27 All h imme ment of th< dock workers' striko here seenia to be over Al a meetlrig of the striker^ ? his mornlng Mayor r*ullum r< ??..-?t-,>; tue ofncials t.. i,.. .. ers. The steel . : :-. Iresi with the men as a ui ? .mpany asks thal - ?? back al ti.Id scah of wagee am! ' ? shop plan. N > mention "f a possible in.-r. as.- was made. ?. ? <.t. ?! lo remain out and Hghl Ihe strike to th.- end. This wlll probably result in tho indennite post ponement of ore shlpments. as tin- mlnet i .i ? hiti until the docks ? av take > ar?- of ! the ore President Oloott, In 1ns .him.t to the '1" k workers sa id For fourteen years and during thr. o::iire nr* ,r ? . ...;, n> t"heee ilocks have been - ? known as ihe "pc;. shop plan, and II Is our ntentl. ntaln this poli. u ? have ne\ er . dlscrlmlnatei] it.;'';i-'; an> empl ?>? last rtf em tn liis ..." I affllia , r organizatton or" any kiu.l ? (? ?-? IVe ave alwnys been ready t.. confer with representatlvea of oui dockmen aa inriui.! iinis. and iri tb? past -- mei and deall w Ith them ? I md ' -!>: Votwlt n i... voluntary ; action of oui dockmet '? easlng work w thotu Just cat - ' ? ? -,i .vr grievanee I aa Bubjected this n I tber compantea ard largo number of lo an enormoiiB ei rnience and : hardahir. In the mids* ? ? shippina season, ? and ?.fer with anj ? t..,. r.f rmr dockmen, as Individuals, repre .! >ck employes, nml whenever work i? resumed we atand readi to ofr-o employment aa irk ma; pei mlt to i oui preeei h employes g<. The crucial i>? ?!t;t i-i the strike ln tlio n-.ines of the Ranga will prohabl*, rome on Monday n irnlng, when it ia espected efforts will be to start up neveral mlne*. In the Hlbblng .- dlstrict Btrlpplng operationa are again bejng ely puehed, m.>st of tha contractora work , ing full cpew?: orce more. li was reported to-day that Petrieila. the j strike leader. was planning to march to TIi!' hing with flfteen hundred strikers from Elaveth i and Virginia on Monday, but not much credem ? Is given the story, as tho distance of twenty flve milea between the two towns would make thia a dlfBcult and tlresome feat. Bheriff Batea arrlved In Hlhlang last night and wlll probably remain untll Monday. nt leasrt. The report that a warrant liad been Issued for the arrest of Petrieila is Incorrect. Yeater? day tho < hief of police of Hlbblng requeated Judge Brady to ]bsu<* a warrant for Petrieila, but thla was not done. Petrieila is in Evoleth to-day. Buperior. 'Wis., July 27.?About flfty men ar ! rived here from Chleago last night, and al ! though they refuae to make any atatt ment it is known they came In connectlon with the ore rlocks and mlne strtkes. The men are Bald to have been sent by the Pir.kerton agency. j BINGHAM BACKS CYKEEFFE Confidence in Deputy Unsihaken by Charges of Tully. i T. De Qnincy Tully, secretary of the Law En forcement Bociety. had an opportunlty yeaterday ! Commiasloner Bingharr. aboul Arthtir O'Keeffe, First Doputy Police Commlaaioner. Mr ii'KeerTo came armed with lettera from bu Brooklyn men ns Joaeph M. King, Becretary of tho Sunday <ibaenrance Bociety, Indoraing hla work while in charge of Kinga and Queena. Mr. ?? Id ?hr Commissioner that he had a i ernor Hughep about Deputy Coi O'Keeffe. In thia letter h-1 aaid, among thlngs: "The trouble in Brooklyn Is not so mueJ the police as It '?? with the head which cflntrola them. Deputy Commiealoner O'Keeffe H ted i ely for polith al n ilng ;i r>:an who wa?= known to be whoily Ine and Incompetent. The rocord of the aewer de partment waa anythlng bul eavory under hla ge. "We cailed the attention of Mayor McClellan und Commlaaioner Blnghan i me and again to - in Brooklyn pr f f O'Keeffe'a lncompetencir and '. breakera to ?'on mlaaloi ei BI imunlcation haa been acknowl edged the facta have been lgn< r< ?'. Mi i stated In a public speech al the tlm? of hia ap pointmi ? " aa not to be int. - itely rree hand. Wi ready tn Commlaaioner Blngham removs the cau tl;e trouble I ? ? j-ou ? - :: I i ttiat the C< r perform hiB duty by rei aftei ? ?? ? : Invltal Commissioner, flnally aenl hitn a letti Wing and were runnlng full blaal k'h! unchecked and thai ihe poli ???? taklng protection money. This h., blarned on O'Keeffe C'omrnlssioner Bii Im an opportunlty t produce I ,!, ;-'?? ? ? ?:. 1 >? !>Ul ' ' t . ?'.. ? ?: ? "I would like to % ? my Belf." aaid the Deputy i >nei "He came to see me three tlmes. The ;ii time he was gol along all rlghi The nexl time h ?? ?? mi he asked what T waa doing to suppress cri ? I I Id him thal ...,;i.o mi ? . thal l did r?ol Inl tell him whal I vaa doing. He we great out and weni awi ?-? ln a greal fury'' Mi 'I .':?.- had repeated 1" i stoi i. crlme ln Brooklyn the Commlaaioner asked him if he had an? ' ..->.? I'Keefl i n ponsible poli ? hi ad In Brook Ur. Tully. a< c rding l I hose prea - .; that most of 1 ition came from certain newapapers which have. been attacklng ., , p . ,,i rvjmmiasione Mi D'Keeffe denled that there ?? uth In tho chargea, having mad. a formal report ' Commissioner Bingham told Mi Tullj that he had full confidence In Commissioner O'Keeflo's admlnistratlon and lhai nothing he had heard : ?! caused blm to chang his <>| Inlon He said er, be glad al any tlme to n ceive and conslder any deflnite chargei baclt ?! up hy BUbatantial evidence Mr. Kitivr >.f the Sundaj Observance Society, who waa i I that he had never t:;i-l w.y trouble with Mr. O'Keeffe and had no rea aon to aay thal ?' doing his full duty. In fn'-t. Mr. King said, he had noi sufneient facta In hia poasession to judge lmi>artially of the ? present controversy. BINGHAM FACES CONTEMPT CHARGE. Accused of Violatinrr Injunction Which Pro tected Sunday Basebflll. Police Con Blngl Pirst Depuly Artbur .1 O'Keeffe and Captain Thomaa Cullen. of Ihe 53d Preclnct. Brooklyn, musl face con lempt proceedinga aa the result of failing to obey . an Injunction Issued several daya ago bj Ju tlce Clark, of the Supremi Court, restraining them ; from Interfering with the Bunday baseball gamea ?.f tho Erigbton Athletic Club. which are held on Brightoa Oval, EJaal Nea fork. The order c.mandlng ihem to appear ln Special Term >>( the Bupreme Court, Brooklyn. I,,.,,,,,.,,, v mornlng waa algned yeaterday, at the : ,,,,,-, st ..f the club. by Jusli-c Scudder. luatice Clark laaued ihe Injunction with tha _ ft, no admJaaion ree ahould be (- I xhla underatanding haa been rollowed 5 -,,. ,'i .t, || Is underat. od. 0*Keeffe , i Cullen and hia men to keep pea e a. the games, .,,,1 ;.,. ir- jnterpretatlon of the order caused to ,?. broken up and playera to be ai r?,v 14.M.'i-!. Magiatrate Hylan lasued oVeeffe several warrants for tbe arreat or play <rs ui... had diaturbed the peace al ^e ovaj Xr the injunction wenl Into effect. The . .-,,- discharged by Maglatrate Furl ?ng. ,OU.d -Ot ... ,l men ';."?;;?."-',- Kmundtba. thepollcohad ^ Viht I? m,k? the untrntMSm a.count of Um j iilJUl.Ci'.OD, cllc (Tcrrc states ?al estafo rlcvelonmeni on Long #J[ BELLE TERRE is the m..s| dislinctive rea jI! [sland. #TI I !;o sutierb Incation _--,??'- t supcrior nal iral advantages. whirh have been -J enhanced by the jurlicious uiitlat of nmnev, creating an ideal envim o modesl countn ?eats or r??r exiensive estale ??' I ?:>? l .liv i.l'ial purt ir.; - iitlitis lo Ihe laslr1 an< #TT Eort\ milcs of rnads anil bridle paths have been buill jJ nificenl wooiis am! along ilre bluffs, which conimnnd a i ihrough Ihe mng " ide ?> iew of ba v and sound. There are i~\\o milcs of oxclusivc sln and fine ItaIbinc bea< ? - ?J ii ii tlrcji j ad ' #TT BELLE TERRE -i' to-.-t!- to Ihose ? ? .. appreciafr i separated ul from ihe eommn place. an?l Free Irom l ? ch so frcipiontlj i he characlor and eharm nf eountn. eommui The lodge gate opens oiil.i l<.ers and Ihcir invited ptieats. insuring lhal degree of privaey so essei lial lo quiei and rofmed Ir ing. The heautiful BELLE TERRE Club House . is .?. ..j.on and offers a cuisine nnd appointments lhal are iinsurpassed. BELLE TERRE ^i| Intercsting booklet, ?:.--<" i i?i??-__- tl" plan and pnrpose ol il ESTATES, maiied upon receip) of rcquesi DEAN ALVORD. President, 277 Broadway, New York JUST WIFIE'S WI-KHl. Stepped on Penny Scales and Spoilcd a Family Outing to Coney Island. ? nents of _ quiel smoke ant tude ;iri,i poacc >,f thi saloon of a fi r>.>st are tl.uses of frini.i |....ks nnd '(>.r-.' ?? an.i answei i In sel Id oi Isa ic M newsdealer of bloomfteld, N. .T lo-day. A j ConCy Island yesterday bj the Mi. mother and two sons ? ???m of lt all, and Papa Mlchel haa taJ | ahtili "never | ,, inor.'.' take I Is family ha >K".iin. Conej Island was voted yeaterday *" be tho whlle j>j tl:.. mei ? age ? ? '?- ? b. ?. - Kdward and I ^;,r. M ? >. timea ? careworn look on isband's face The aaac good bo off to I'oney I Withoul trylng to prolong ti... agony, when thero "??<? ?'- ? . -? I k.I of a dH] it < ey to be appn rned her tl ghts a* aj lo the bi . Whei |j arrlved safelj nr the We - ferryhouat 'A . g ma. I t.. have .. little tlm. . well ;.. ' ? ,..1 Mi, Micl ? I I Then op< . . -.'.;,. \i, M p sed to tho left to i wanna itatlon In Hi boken, and his wtf. crowd to th< ' ? atreet, 1 ... ..... n. -.\ s men'a ... ' to gather up hla fai ? - way*. tookina up untll 11 e m srhieh nh< ? ? . Ildren set ? u m - ? Hohoken w ...1 an i.K' i ? ?; ... nn l?'!; ;..?'<, ri 1 ? : I - ' ? Bck and f tha Hoboken terminala. Thi - ? .*., . . ? -tr ree ?1llH-" WithOUl IO ? '".?!?? II ?.- r '? - look on laaa ? Mr ^:<i.ri ? iing ? PB 1- .? hla hearl leap to ;*r?-"' T en hla ;,.iii! -Aa? In an u| , ? ? ... nd 1 - ? ? " I f , ? _ ,. . ? gy .-....?.??, p . - . . ? ? .-!(?:! ??-.'??? . ., . atatlon ?ri Ifol ihould i I thlnk ? drowned I "Bnh!" aald i -.???? ..... exhau il ' l ex. urslon In I e Ml HOSPITAL LAW PLEASES CORONER Harbtn not u i ...'-.? ? lay over > .. word ecelved fr. '? I it Ooi ? . i r! n ir r. i ? ? , ? .??!?.?? al ? . ?.?. Vork." Tho bil ? , . ? . ospll tho cltj .... frequcntly (. death of a patient ln BeTlevue who had been laken there from hr.spltal only a fos ospltals ol .,, dni ;? Ing patienta aa posi keep down th. death record of thelr nstltutlons r.rni many llmes thi astened and porhaps caused death. When be .., ol I er person In au a. t shall he flm-d take effeei H- :?'? M.-..M ' W< lought the great. lul tt ust magnates ? ? hletory ? f thla city, b'Iio, unreasonably, mjustl: nnd -<.-;.!si,' ?. attempt .1 to defeal tho bill ! nish lo thana Uovernor IliiKhea publiclj for signli f this bill, r,_ i? |_ the in ? ? i plueed upon the ataiute I.its " COURT RE1NSTATES PARK CLEftK. t: .1 ? r-i S Riitllffi-. who ..ri Januarj Sl, |<?t>4, waa dismls8ed from tho |?arl Departmenl and hla $2,u00 offlce. as elerk ubolished .'Hl return to work t" morrow mornlng, hnvins been reinstated by tho Appellate Idvlslon StiilllTe wlll now hu? foi back ? ? ???, with Interest ?f!.. rourl deelded lhal nn etnployi may compel rolnstatemenl notwithstaiMflng his .-riK-lr,..! place ia ii,>t retllled In ? >??? he ran show the act Ion .11 ? ?hai cint; him oi nliolishlnR his i'.l. was taken In falth. This la the firsl case where an employe is re? instated excepl where it could be shown that t!;< offlce ln-l.l by him was actuallj recreated or r. lill. ,1 by ti new Hppointment. SCHOOL APPOINTEE IS UNSEATED. Drange, N .1 , Julj .'.' tSpecial) Willlam ll %'? imk-r-i tht muslclan and oomposer who wai ele l. i Lo the Board of Educatlon over Danlel C. Hutcheon ktst fall, haa been unseul ! bj Charlea .1. Baxter, State Superintendent -.f Sehoola. Mr. Huxt.-r flled his declslon with Willlam A. Lord, <'itv Coui of Orange to-day. Mr. Neiolingcr has been de clared Inelfglble I had not li\-.-.i In the city ihree yeara prior to lus election, as provlded ln the Bchool law. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. On the complulnl ??? agenta of the Gerrj s,. Harrj D. Smlth, the managei of an amuse menl enterprlse at Porl Cfeorge, was held for trlal bj Maglstrate Walsh -. ???-t. .-i.iv on the charge .'f dmploying mlnors In Im. entertalnment Mary Hart, untll recently emplbyed aa a maid ,,t ii, Waldorf-Aetorla, waa arralgned In ili- Jef ferson Market Courl yesterday for the second titne |n two weeks on the .-!rir-._-, of Btealing linen from the hoti !. Whlle al work twenty feet belon the level ..f ihe atreet, In tbo large Hlghbrldge sewer. at iTTih streel nnd Jerome avenue, Lulgi Powell, of Jerome avenue and IT3d Btreet, loosened arlth hta pi.-k h heavy bowlder near the top of tl"- aewer, which f,.n ..a him, cruahlng him to death. Police Sni^.. aftephen <i Coob waa retlred yes? terday upon hla own applicatlon. li,- will recelve a penston of P,7B0. Several yachl ownei n the aearch for ,,,,. bodj ,,f .m Itallan laborer, Lulgi Scagnelti, of Baxter atreet, who f>-li into the water .-md was drowned yesterda* afternoon whllo at work near the yacht landing at East ^Jd atreet. Lincoln Trust Company Madison Square, New York and Broadway <& Lispenard St. Broadwav and 72d St. Commercial credit is a com modity, tn be bought and sold to the best advantage, and it is dealt In by the modern trust company. Checks payable at any office by arranjjement. EX-POLICEMAN ACCUSED OF FORGERY. Arrested for Tryir.g to Sell Real Estate Not His Own. T. Rnugl p ? me| : | ?- - .. ? ' rn ri f th? :"" r?i N Motel, nt N . ?: Rowery, "ai arrested y, r.f forgery ? ll*n '' i ?? l .ong island, i . ? tati - ? lay of the i i ? . \ : ... r e ff ? ? ? ? ?.. . . ? Tha i was ? ? - .''?-. - Idge " rhl ; ' for 1 esred nervt ?? 1 ? ? iig - ronspli i. . llfl : ? MOTHER TRIES TO FORCE INQUEST. Wants Coroner to Investtgate Biirning to Death of Baby in Catholic Home. '?' man ? ot )l<*brfx ? f H. isbb, Klngs ? : n |eh was bttrned 1r> ? the A ... Th* Bli . ,' ? ? ? .?-.,.-? - '?'.'?' ! Th?> nur?e ' ? , : ? ?! T' Mirne.l - ? ' ? ? ' .. 1 .. Bhe 1m ? i S ' ? ? i \\ >-r? nlnj t ? ? ild '.. i, . i p T! Blstei h deny t tin I re 1 ??'?? tlme, Bhowed her the hodj and explalned the clrcura . ? i . the coroner (?? bold -ui Inque.m .\ . r ? . I .1 ,'.-,1. I OUl a^a.lisl ' (I ... ? i-i noi . ustnmary t<> cal Btsters to atti nd . FREE PIES IN UPPER PARK ROW. Two Wagons Slammed Together by a Trol ley Car?No One Hurt. A waa ? ttan Ple Conv ' 1 B Thlrd avenue trolley <-ar C.i .- Iloulon, i>f Mo. 430 Knsi '".t'i rdaj In ipper Pai h Row, and thi tl otigl f n- ?? covi red wlth ples. John Knphke, of No. 87 Easl Btli atreet, the drlver, Just itaphke had del v ? ? 137 Park Row and had Btai ted to ?.-.-. v the trolley tta.-k^ tin i-hi mg ind sl t ?:, 1 11 . wagon w |th full force, IcntM-kitiK II I ito a w.i^'in . t ? . ' ? ... . i- . fV.tupany, nl Brooklyn, ? ?a i ? riellverliis. [?les al inivth.-i reataurant. Martln Mtirken, r.f Na 101 Tl Ird avenue, Brooklyn, m xa ? . , ,;. ,. ,-? ,!..,,... - wag. FIREWORKS PERMITS HARD TO GET. To Prevent Disastrr. Bingham and Lantry Make New Rules. The bureau ol combustlbles of ihe l'lre Depart i... ,i wlll hereaftet noi niu.- indlscrimtnately per mlts for flreworks Even appllcatinn hencefbrth ii.ust t..- made ln person, and wlll be Inveatig .t.-.l ? permission Is glven Thia ? II of ii conference between <Vm -.:?< Bingham and l^antry, ii Ih expected to prevent abuse of flreworks i.mlts and conaequent ? tof .i -? a ei a t.ik. ii ..nt hy Itallaus for the celebratlon of their numeroua salnlB' daya The Ital ? their own ftre workfl li i- t" t*..\ the responslbillt] for any miahap thal the permltfl are now hedged aboul with ?t:rT 1 - culty in gettlnji them, and Ueneral Bingham will .-s^ikh ,i patrolman to ? . ,.r combusttblea lo Invea ' appllcatlon foi u permll HURT BY .HOTEL ASTOR ELEVATOR. The supporttng chalni ot a ildewalk tyeigbl ??!?? ?.at..!- nu tbe 44th Btreel side of the Hotel Astor i,r..K.- yeaterday while the car was rlstni lo ii.? pavement, and with ,i ci i li ll dropped twenty I'.-.-t lo a sub-ceilart and was almost demollshed Will l.-itn Barry, an expressman, and Richnrd Meyers, ? mploye.1 bj the hoti I is a messenger, were .-n Ihe cp.r when lt fell. Thelr crlea attracted many per ii ,i vieyers was found lylng outaide the bottout m ^a? shafl wlth a heavy trtmk on 1ns lejaa, and Bariy waa almnsl unconscloua. Barry had Bevere scalp wounda and Meyera a compound fracture of the right ankle. Both were taken t'> Bellevue. -??-? PRIEST GETS GLIMPSE AT UNDER LIFE. The Rev. r anei H Wall. paatoi of the Church nf the Holy Roaary, No. ui Easl i.'tn Btreet, bad i ueal beslde Maaistrate Walah in the Harlem poltea court yeaterday mornlng. The miniater wanted to gel aome sermon roaterial at first hand. At .-ne tlme he became Bomewhal excited, and when Kli.i Hhaw was ealled up, charged wlth baving spoken t.i atrange men ln the Btreets, tbe Rev. Dr. Wall ? Kdalmed thal "Jual such women aa these are de morallsing the communlty," and -.ii?i women .>f this character ought i" go i<. tbe workbouae. ftfagie- j tr.-u^ Walah held tlie Shaw woman in $300 ball for good behavlor ln?tead. J 1. Alimau $c Co. OrFER FOR THE REPLENISHING OF SUMMER OUTF1TS WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS APPAREL ADAPTED TO EVERY REQUIREMENT OF COUNTRY OR SEASIDE DRESS. INFORMATION WILL BE SLBM1TTED TO THOSE RE SIDING AT A D1STANCE. AND SPEC1AL PROVISiON MADE FOR EXECLT1NG ORDERS RECE1VED BY MAIL AMONG ARTICLES DESIRABLF FOR IMMED1ATE SER V1CE ARE; AFTERNOON GOWNS. HATS AND SUNSHADE9. BOATING AND BATHING OUTFITS. SUITS OF TROPICAL FABRICS. M CKWEAR. GLOVES. SHOES *OTHER ACCESSORsES. MFNS AND WOMEN'S GARMFNTS FOR MIDSUMMFR MOTORING. MF.N'S FURNISHINGS. BATHING SUITS.' SUMMER UNDERWEAR AND HOGtERY. LLATHER. ARTICLFS FCR MOTOR FQUIPMFNT AND GENERAL TRAVEMNG USF. RUGS AND ROBES. CAMPING BLANKETS. COLLAPM BLE CUSHIONS. AND A VARIED SELECTION OF WOVEN HAMMOCKS AT VERY REASONA1 PRICES. IO-MORROW MONDAY. JL'LY 29* SALES WILL BE Hfcl CONSISTING OF HOSIERY AND UMBRELLAS. as FOLLOW5 WOMEN'S PLAIN BLACK LISLE THREAD AND COTTON HOSE. 35c. PER PA1R. PER BOX OF SIX PAIRS. $1.90 WOMEN'S PLAIN BLACK SILK HOSE, $1.10 PER PAIR. PER BOX OF THREE P.AIRS. $2.93 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS OF TWILLFD SILK WITH NOVELTY HANDLFS. IN 26 AND 28 INCH SI7ES. USUALLY SOLD FOR $3.50 TO $5.00 AT $2.2 5 . Allmatt & (Co. ?u also place on sale ni BALANCE OF THEIR FINE AND MED1UM GRADF. PARASOLS AT CQNSIDERABLY REDLCED PRIC?5. Jiflh Annntf. 34th ai^ 33th lytrertn. 3fru? ?orfe. CIGAR CAUSES PAXK . i_ Janitor Strikes Mateh to Lighi Weed and Erplosion Shakfs House. An exploelon ln *ha grocersr store ol Ha ' Zlvckln, cauaed by the combhaatlon of a ? igar and accumulated ga* ereal l a panlc i among the thlrty-two famlUea in th< ' brl. k apartmenl house, So. S> Easl MKith street , <it S o'elock yesterday mornlng. The i,'ns had escaped from .? i nlght. and when Zlvckln ; Btore al 7 .??. [ock he detected the odor and Immedlatelji i bojt nt town to< of thi Conaol i.lnt. d Uas Company t>. report the leuk In the ! mean tlme Benjamln Sale, the Janitor of the I apartmenta, and his aon, San ? i the ' st.,r<> from rooma ln the baaement. S i his rlgar. and the exploslon Immmedlately fol lowed. Tha sh...k was felt all over the house, and ronalderabta confnslon relgned for -i whlle. The shock threw Mr". Anna Sale, wife "f the junit.>r. and ber young children oul of h.'d ln the apartmenta ? >!?". Mi. and Mra. Het Wolfson, over th- grocerj Btore, the dresser waa thrown over, and pleoea of ftyiiig glasa fr..m the shattered wlndowa cul Wolfson and his wife. In the store s.lL- waa cul abou head and his aon waa Injured about thi nnd arma by the ahattered Klas<. Zlvckln re ceivi d only allght Injurle* Piremen aoon arrtved, and a crowd gathered I so qnlckly and Increaaed ao rapldly lhal reservea of the Easl KMth streel station were called out. After Pollcemen Taytor and Wesl wenl through the roonas aasuring th.> tenants thal thera ?n? no danger, the excltemenl snb~ aided. When qulel waa reatored the gaa cotnnanjr * man nrrlved lo to the defecUve meter. DENIES MAYORS MOTION IN MAINE. Justice Sends Order from Bar Harbor Against Recount Injunction. There waa recetved and ttU.l ln the clerk'a <>fTl.-.-> .,f the AppeBate Dlvlslon ol the Flral Deparl yeaterday an order, sfgned by .lusti.-.> Ingraham, Benl from Hn r Harbor, where the Juatlcc la atay \ng. which puta Into effect tbe recenl oplnlon hand ...l down hy the AppeUate Divkdoa of th. Departmen! concernlng the eonatttuUonallty ..f the i ?-i ount blll. ?|-|.r,i,.r provldea that the motlon for a ?r;t of prohibithm directed the Justices of l preme (-.>urt. restralnlng them from taking acflon undt r the recount law, be <1>'!;1.-<1 ..-^ i matter >.f Law Botely, and nol in the exereiae of dtscretton. pending an appaal te tbe <'..urt ..t' AppasUa, tiiis f.irm ?.f the ordei peraaita, there la a stay ..f i. edlngs. lt is understood thal Mayor MeCleUan, bj aei an.i Controller M.-tz wlll be Ihe appenanta tn the ault t.. u- t.ik. n ta Ihe t'ourt of Appeabx LEAGUERS" SEASIDE CARNIVAL. Hearst Invited to Outing of Two Days at Bergen Beach. Arrangeaaenta for the two-day aeskssda cnrnival t>f tha Indepandence l-eaKi:.- >>f ?'.reat.-r New York are now completo. Th.- ttaM has tvr.-n set for \ AugUSl ? and 24, an.i DaigSB Beach has h.-en d?- j iiii.d upon aa tha most suitahl.' loeatlasn. Willlam Kand.dph Vi?-arst 1ms recetved ? apadal | letter ot invitatton to tn.-.t al the oottng hi* nu- \ meroua frlenda ln a i>>.-iai way, and it la expected \ that his acceptancs uiu ba iscalvaJ Bherttj Thera wlll t>?> ?. voting contest to datatnausa the prettiest girl attendanls at the carnlval, and one \.-. ? ? -v aajaa, .^- . m | .!?..-,.l. ta -:ea*?: ? ? * AUTO SLIPS OVER EMBANXMENT One Woman Killed and Two Others Se? nously Hurt in Califomia Accident. ?_'7 on.> :v ? ^ tha 4? party ? | -- - \ 4 ?i by A .' ': '? " "'-? ' roB-b at tha b machii .? ,,K l% over tbe bank oa l aa, twentjl mstaatly kiiling Mra. 4?. D Ib-tii g ... \i-s g| shaV and bn aking m . _..;.... MAY KNOW MAN HI3HER UP.' Keeper of House of 111 Repute Tells PolicV Mangoine Levied Toll of $200 on Her. ? ? nv? rV '?'. gtatr -? ? tbe -? ? over irati | g SI.eM) Deput) . ?,-n -. . _. n,. Iri i \? >r? j Si , . xpected lo t ki v who. i' then* b "mara . ??;il' 1 . '?' Hvea .n No. 138 l.rand Btreet, The captafc b ;- ' lo Mi ? . i i'"i pouVe protectton for a houae i I vt'ft?r lelUag her storj t.. btapector i. iptasa Llebera nrr.--- - t rresrt it is ged - tried f., briiv*. tha captain. The houae ronductad b* Mra I aeeai ralded >.\ the Muli,.-rr\ .- \---r.i! tbnefl in Captain Uebers ? lampaign lo cleea up the pre 'iii't. Magtetrate i ttM ,?? t,1# house Tueadas f->r .i hearaaa aad thr-n *??*?) tbe workhousa iur aa*. uatuuaw. ARREST FOLLOWS DR. RUSSELL'S DEATH. .!"-, ''?- I" W -? I dl ' i !?? st,.,) , m |j . - -it Third uad CTtk street, la .1.ciine.i al i'.'l:.-. tleudquarters, iiiiapattiiil ..f hav bag satne eaaaeetloa arttti tba caaa .>f i>r. K.iward ? ?? ii.. dtod a weat .i<.. ba tn4 Hariem Hoapltal froan .. ???-.- _ Pbjbbb )>? ba th.uijiht !,.- bad i-iti s.-t urmn r>y m\* maa al HMh Btreet aad Leaingtoa aveaatas When WbM waa | , mit ded bahan re. manded back t.. heaaktuarters for forty-eigbl lioan he .--!?: thal he .il-1 aol xtoaaa t.. ,udi tb? i".ll<-.- ta every ara). SHE WANTED PASSENGERS SEARCHED. Wtul.- tbe Whlte Star lin^r Arahi,- araa on her waj up Qoaraattaa jBalankaj. Mrs. KUzabeila H'-ramt, ol Na. !41 \\'.-.-t 67th atreet .. Becond cahba paaaeaser, remptabaed ihat aha h.t.i i>.-.-i? robaed of. her bandbag fantalnhig $3.".. two ,li,.m..n,l rinirs .mdi a i.rt'.i al earrlaga sh.- daaaaaaaed lhat all tha aaagerB be aaarebad. Siu- bbm tol.l Ibal suoa .?, lethod '??inl.l iiev.-r t>e r-arrie.l out on board. but if ?aa woul.l k.-ep nulet the .-ompany would make .% rtarid inv.-stivr-ition. . ots dld not satisfy Mrs, n.-iauii Bba took a position al tae aaaajavauah. and] as the niissfn?cers st:irt.-.l down. agab) .ieutandt.4 ibal each bik! eeerj oaa of th?-n? b?. Baarebeal Tha I Pepartmenl waa aafuaan U <>i tba .irtf;iir. ,->.nJi detectlvaa persuuut-d btr to al.:indon her belligeraaa) attitude.