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APPROVED H SOUTH. THE BATTLESHIP CRI'ISE. Representative Wiley Strongly Ad vocates Holding the Philippines. TFr^rr, Tt« Tribune Bur." j I Washington. Sept. 15. — A statement enthusiasti cally indorsing the policy of the administration in sending the battleship fleet to the Pacific has been made by Representative A. A. Wiley, of Alabama, a. member of the House Committee on Military Af fairs. In th;? statement great enthusiasm over the retention of the Philippines is also shown. Mr. Wiley believing that on their possession and a —ration on the part of the United States of an intention to establish and maintain a dominating Ir.fl'jence on the Pacific, depend practically un limited commercial and industrial possibilities In the Far East, The FtAtement was prepared in re sponse to a request of persons who expected to use it in a campaign against the administration, but when they learned what Mr Wiley's views were had no sac for it. It is of particular Interest, as It shows the trend of thought in the South in relation to two of the most important policies of the administration. It is a. follows: As the question of tin- proposed movement of th OS e battleships has not been discussed here to a . .. considerable extent, lam unable to inform you accurately as to "the sentiment" of the people In bit district touching the proposition ; but as I my te'f have some decided convictions upon the bud -iect, I bc-£ to submit my views for your considera tion, and in answer to your question, in the ovent t'.at you should care to publish the same. Deweys guns and the Paris Treaty put the phil lTine 'islands under the sovereignty of this Re- P'jMic. By pure* and the law of conquest they c.ime under our flag. Public opinion and the con science of mankind approved our action and av plauiied our purposes We made no conquest to exploit our colonial fellow citizen, and his welfare demands that he be protected from foreicn and o<» ir.estii-. Dluncier and official greed. As a stronger nation we are bound to assist .-, weaker one. even •nitijout assurance of material reward, and ihta un dertaking by a brave and generous race is worthy of the pfofc.undest Interest and consideration. China occupies one— tenth of the world's territory, and contains about one-fifth of tho world's popula tion, to wit. 5»'0,000,000 people. To all the le.idln^ nations, therefore, the Celestial Empire has coma to be a country of intense; commercial concern. As the balk of all our cotton go*s t.> Asia. ll;<3 sgriculUiral interests of the South in the matter <>f the establishment of Eastern markets are vital and Fpecial. The question of more markets and better traffic facilities should be considered in a n^n-par tisar. spirit and in a businesslike way by every pa triotic Citizen who hopes to ee< North America a mistress among the commercial powers of the earth. Through the Golden Gate, which bars oi:t the Moo- EcHaa. a new light — tho light of Asia— is breaking:. Our economic cry ought to be. "On to the . Under proper conditions a rare chance Is now af forded us to capture the opulent trade of the Orient. When the Panama Canal is completed, connecting th? two great oceans, the southern route to tne East will be shortened on an average about five thou sand miles. FOF.EIGN MARKETS. Our best customers at this time are England. France and Germany. A curtail and fixed volume of business between this country and Europe !S boiled to continue, with slight fluctuations, accord ing to varying trade conditions. Most of the things ■we buy ffom or sell io these Continental nations, whether coming in under tariff schedules or going out Through free gates, constitute a profitable and continuous commerce, which the whole • or.d must ultimately use or enjoy, and trfat. too, in such in creasing quantities as the same shall be needed from time to time in the way of food. fuel, shelter, rai ment and the everyday neo^sitif-s of life. Much of our so-called "political economy" has been more political than economic. We have b< • Q content in Th- pats! to play second fiddle to Euro pean countries, selling thtm our raw material at ruch small prices as to enable them to monopolize the Oriental markets to our own detriment. Instead of boldly entering the "frowning lists." in the first instance, and seizing, holding and controlling this tremendous and valuable trade for our own benefit. All that is necessary to attain this end, to consum mate this purpose, is a little patient, courageous and intelligent concert of action on the part of our progressive cotton growers and manufacturers, our aggressive shippers and business men. The scheme of securing foreign markets and the means of extending our trade relations beyond Una Pacifc are questions, therefore, worthy of serious consideration. When the immense natural resources of China begin to be eloped and the habits and wants of her people become more numerous and com plex, as they always do in proportion to the growth of Industrial He, a trade will be created across the Pacific analogous to that which now goes back and forth across the Atlantic. There is no doubt that Japan will prove equal to her mighty industrial [unity, and the whole world. to some extent, will profit by the development which cne will »et i:. motion. England, always alive to the advantage of for eign irar&fiis^ and already possessing 57 per cent of the trade of the East, by her recent alliance with Japan ■».:: occupy, in the near future sub stantially the same vantage ground which Rus- F:a, with such far reaching sagacity, endeavored to acquire, and but lor the construction of the Panama Canal and our possession of the Philip pice Islands, she would thereby be enabled virtual ly to cut off all commercial relations between the United States and these Oriental countries. It is hnsaatabaa to consider that of all of this enormous trade the United States at this time, directly speaking, can claim only about 13 per cent. Of course, indirectly, we enjoy a larger percentage, but miss entirely the profits of the "middleman" £n<3 the cost of the ■flashed goods. we are deliberately closing our eyes to the im portant fact that Great Britain is now, at an im mense cost, constructing a naval base of opera tions near Singapore, with the manifest object in view of extending her trade relations and pro tecting her Oriental interests. In the light of these ■undeniable facts WOUld it be wise, if We could, to withdraw from the Philippines? These islands are in the very heart of the Orient, From Manila Hong Kong ie distant 7 riA miles. Shanghai 1.000 miles. Osaka 1.500 miles and Yoko hama 2.000 miles. In the commercial equation these are Important figures to bear In mind. Around Manila, as a centre, circle nearly one billion of people, whose trade the United States could easily command. It Is apparent, therefore, that the Philippine question ought to be put out £Jd« Th» domain of partisan legislation. It is the ■art of wisdom that political agitation over that issue should cease. These islands came to us with out cur seeking. MUST KEEP THE PHILIPPINES. We could not let them go if we desired. While we hold them let us 6trtve to derive a. mutually legitimate profit out of them. we live under a federal constitution which guar asMeaa absolute free trade between th*s different states of the Amrfcan Union. We have established free trade relations between the United States and' our territorial possessions; for instance. Alaska, Honolulu and Porto Rico, as well as our own home territories, like New Mexico. Arizona. Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. We have even granted to Cuba a 30 per cent preferential rate over other countries in her commercial dealings with our Re public Common Justice, as well as a uniform j)'Jt»lic policy, demands that there should no longer be any" embargo on trade passing to and fro be tween the United Stales and our transpacific col onies. There should be but "one standard" used in the application of a tariff rule to our territories. lii» application should be made equally aud fairly «> ill alike. WHb free trade relations thus established be tSMaaa The United States and the Philippine Islands our progressive business men. transporting their owe raw materials, could *>rect warehouses, depots and manufactories in Manila and elsewhere In th» islands, and by means of cheap labor weave fab rics at such small cost as would enable them to Daderacll all competitors. What Japan has done In manufacturing enter prises at Yokohama, Osaka and Kobe, and what England has done, and will continue to do. in the Finw industrial lines at Hong Kong and Shanghai. the United States could readily accomplish with commanding superiority at Manila. Iloilo. Cebu and Jolo. in the Philippine Archipelago. No man who has the slightest respect for his o*n intelligence would be guilty of the folly of attempting seriously to hold out the pretext that a Chinaman, laboring in the far away Orient, can ever compete with an American, either in work or wares. Fifteen minion bales of cotton at this time saeaa amply sufficient to supply the world, \\~lif-n the Chinese people cease going naked, and can re Induced to wear a single, khaki blouse per capita each year, it will require fifty million bales si cotton to meet necessary demands. . God. In His Infinite wisdom, has formed the cot ton ror.e in the South. With proper labor faculties w< can raise in the states s-outh of the Potomac and east of the Mississippi including Texas and Arkansas, all the cotton the trans-Pacific people will ever need. When &».<v>o q<y> people in Asia and Africa begin to we shoes and areas In cotton Clothe*, we cannot estimate what that will mean m the creation of wealth in this country. The East will "get busy" making shoes, and the South win have her hands full growing cotton. . These are not extravagant views. I ciaim tnat they are patriotic, and know that they are in no sense partisan. I heijove that Manila, romantically situated on the banks of the Pasig River, will become the most important emporium of a vast antipodal empire— a proud mistress commanding the opulent trade of a billion people embraced in all those coveted lands and seas, which for four centuries has been the burning desire of every European state. I am sure she will yet he the mighty entrepot tnrougii which the kingdoms of Asia and Africa will ex change their wealth of useful wares. The United mates is entitled to command this vast trade, but to do so we must maintain our supremacy upon the Pacific Ocean. , I do not know what is the purpose of President Roosevelt tn proposing to send a lnrge fleet of battleships to parade in Pacific waters. Tf his ob ject be to demonstrate to the world our ability and determination to hold our possessions agaList all claimants, and to protect our Oriental com merce against all rivals, then T. 83 a Southern Congressman, applaud his conduct, not only as patriotic but as eminently American. NEW CHICAGO CHARTER. Republicans Predict Its Adoption at Election To-morrow. f By Tel«-|rraph to The Tribune ] Chicago. Sept. 15. — Chicago's proposed new char j ter will be submitted to the electors at the polls | next Tuesday. The Republicans, under the leader ship of Mayor Fred A. Basse and Governor Charles P. Deneen, are confident that it will be adopted by An overwhelming vote. The Democrats, led by Judge Edward F. Dunne, whom Mr. Busse defeated last spring for re-election as Mayer, predict that the charter will be snowed under by an avalanche of negative votes. Impartial and conservative observe I a are of the opinion that Mayor Pusoe is a better prophet than Judge Dunne. Mayor Basse declares, In a signed statement, made public yesterday, that the new charter. 'which is the creation of a Republican legislature at Springfield, •'means liberty, progress and prestige for the people of Chicago of to-day, and of to-mor row, and of the future." In this opinion he is sup ported by both press and pulpit with substantial unanimity. Judce Dunne is equally positive In his opposition. His chief arguments against the adoption of the new charter ai that, in his opinion, it will enable the rich to avoid paying just rentals for the use of public, property, greatly Increase the burden of tax ation. swoll by $60,000,000 the city's bonded indebted ness and deal a death blow to civil service reform. During the last ten years, what Is commonly known as the "independent vote" has decided th« result of local elections in Chicago. Through its medium Carter EL Harrison was kept In the may oralty for three terms, because the independent Re publicans would not support a municipal ticket framed by a so-called "machine" convention. Judge Dunne was elected Mayor largely through the same Influence. Then the tide turned with the election of Mr. Basse, who has an unblemished record as a public official, the mayoralty closely following his term as State Treasurer, to which latter office he was elected by an unprecedented majority. The independent voters who accom plished all this— silent. waistcoat-pocket voters — are confidently counted upon by the city and state administrations to swing the election pendulum emphatically for the new charter next Tuesday. The executive committee of the Republican Coun ty Central Committee baa mailed to every voter in Chicago a pamphlet containing twenty reasons why. in its opinion, the charter should have their support at the polls. These reasons are summarized thus: 1. It Is a home rule Instrument, granting tho City Council power to change all local laws (except on "public utilities, taxation and schools* by ordi nance submitted to the people for referendum ap proval. 2. It concentrates the power of tax levy for city, park, school aal library purposes in the City Coun cil pn<i limits such taxation to 6 per cent of the ass*Tssed value of taxable property. This means that the Council will first provide for the most ur- K'-nt needs of tbe people tind then pass on t>> other expenditures in the order of their necessity. 3. It provides that the people may. through th« Council and a referendum vote (all bond Issues must be by referendum approval). Issue bonds up to 5 per cent of the total of the actual valuation of the taxable property within the city; this will per mit tbe erection of new schools, bridges, viaducts, police and lire stations, the building ot tunnels and sewers and the equitable distribution of the coat over a period of twenty yean 4. It consolidates into on" the three great park system which i 111 be conducted under one board appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Coun cil, thus providing for fair and equal development of parka under aboard of", three of its in»-in bers being named from each side of the city. 5. It provides for one alderman for e-.ich of fifty wards, centring — .•• responsibility for each wards welfare on on*- Council member, and paying -acu alderman 13,500 a year, a salary which will enaole him to devote a.ll his time to the city. •;. It provides for the removal of Civil Service employes wi > an detrimental to the aervios upon written charges filed by the head of tho depart ment, but guards against arbitrary and unjust re movals by allowing trial at the discretion of the merit board, which lias final say as to removals, and making entrance to the service possible only by competency demonstrated In an examination. 7. li extends the Civil Service act over park em ployee. ! 8. It establishes the merit system in the teach big force of the public schools, doing away with "pun." 9. It gives the people the last word on all long term public Utility grants (such as the telephone ordinance), providing that the Council must submit them to the referendum upon petition by 10 per cent of the voters, and must be controlled by the result of the referendum. 10. It gives the people the right to own and op erate or control all public utilities, Including pier?. U. It provides that after a street or alley has been paved, following the adoption of the charter. not more than T<o percent may be assessed against the property for repairs. 12. It permits the City Council to lmpn«« a wheel tax. which must be expended exclusively In the maintenance of streets and alleys. 13. It makes possible more effective restriction of the smoke nuisance, by allowing the city to bring Injunction proceedings in the municipal court. 14. It enables th« City Council to define and prohibit nuisances in general, and to make con nections with sewers outside of the city, or ar range for outside drainage through city sowers, thus aiming at the betterment of health conditions. 15. It makes mandatory the turning- over of all interest on city funds into the public treasury. ML It limits the compensation of city officials and employes to their legal salaries, and pro hibits them from selling to or buying from the it' It gives the- Council th* right to investigate city departments, compelling the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of all books and records. 18. It gives the city power to take- care of tns poor and helpless by hospitals, poor farms and Otherwise. .. 19 It leaves all ordinance* and laws regarding the liquor traffic precisely where they now are. 2D. It is probably the only opportunity for Chi cago to secure a complete system of local self government which will present itself for many years. Leaders on ho'], sides are making unusual efforts to get the electors to the polls, and a large vote is predicted as a result. ■■ MORE LETTER CARRIERS AUTHORIZED. Washington. Sept. 15.— Acting Postmaster General Hitchcock has authorized the appoint ment of additional letter carriers at postofflces on October 1 as follows: New York. 75; Brooklyn. 71; Plttsburg. 25; Detroit. 21; Milwaukee, 15; Newark, 10, and Baltimore. 9. Oft-a Irritated but never equalled-the leading Bitters rinea l£*6 Now the favorite and mo:t universally Sin At -ii "©arts of the wo v 'd. Alone as a tonic and to^iVfc -nrivallcd and at all times especially re fre; Jilng". Gives relish for food, even to dyspeptic. Enjoyable as a Cocktail and Better for You A* healthful habit is a pony of "Underberg" before and alter meals. % ■"-- ".'-J : -'■ Over 6 000.000 bottle* Imported to the United States. m lit Vt. rLi, *n* Rtltaurmnlt. "by the isttlc* <t Win* iftrchanl, LOYTIES 1 ntOTUEiS. 2M Willi.m St.. New York. Sob kltnl*. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. 'MONDAY,.- SEPTEMBER : 16, 1907< WESTER\RArEFEELIXG What Was Expected m Vancouver Before Recent Outbreak. Vancouver. &e r r R ( Special). - Th?r<? arc unmis takable indication* of a community of interests between British Columbia and the Pacific Coast states of th- united States in the matter of raciil antagonisms and hostility to Asiatics. Nowhere, probably, were the anti-Japa-f-'- dis turbances in Baa Frandsco tagarJed with more sympathetic interest than here, where Mon golian exclusion had l.">ng been a leading demand of the labor unions and of ambitious politicians <>f both parties. Even the violent treatment just re corded as having been given to some hundreds of Hindus and Sikhs in the State of Washington is not resented here, but rather approved, despite the fact tha| the victims of it are British subjects. There aro those who freely predict similar demon strations in this province at a not remote date, and who. indeed, say that the signal for them is being given in the driving ba.Jv of th* Hindus from the States into British Columbia. The origin of this feeling against Asiatics of all ra. es is twofold. Most acutely and menacingly perhaps it rises from the labor unionists here, who ar.> in close, sympathy with their fellow unionists in San Francisco. Seattle and elsewhere and are disposed to adopt here, the same practices which they have followed there, in San Francisco and Seattle the objection to thti Asiatics is that they work for lower wages than the tabor unionists. "We are ruined by Chinese ch"ap labor?" is their cry. And the world knows how the unionists took advantage Of the San Francisco earthquake and the consequent extraordinary demand for labor to rebuild the city to force wages up to an extraordi nary height. A similar condition prevails here. There has been nu earthquake, but the scarcity of labor of all kinds, in city and country, is extreme. The in flux of Japanese and Hindus would relieve the need; but it would also prevent the labor unions from exacting tin- high wages which they demand. Nearly a year ago the labor question was so ur gent as to call for public act ion, and the Vancouver Board of Trade ai one of its meetings took It up. The question of the «re*t dearth of labor for In dustrial ::iiij domestic help having been considered and fully discussed, this resolution was adopted: "Whereas, All industries are suffering and the general development nf the provinces being retard ed by a «irartli of labor, be it "Resolved, That a memorial be presented to the Dominion and Provincial governments, praying that Immediate steps be t.7ken to secure the in troduction of a suitable supply of labor sufficient for the country's needs. OPPOSITION TO ASIATIC LABOR. At the same tln.e opposition to Asiatic labor was unabated. It Indeed *r.u- stronger as A.*:. 1:1,3 flocked hither more numerously >■< supply 0 ■ de mand lyr.j; ago a tax of flOfl a bead was Imposed 1 on Chinamen entering the country. It had little effect, however, fur thousands w.r-- ready to pay it, so trreat was the prospect of profits here. The stringent measure "f raising the tax t" S&AO was then adopted, and it practically had the desired < it- ■ :. f'>r sim •• it 1 ame ipto operation compara tively few additions have been made to the Chinese I • unbia. But in Its dealings with ip» Japanese the provincial government is In a \> ry different position from that which it oc cupies toward the Chinese. Its attempts to then* migration hither bay« been disapproved and ■ bj the I '"minion government "for dlpio matlc reasons " The reasons in Question were, of course, com prised In trie treaty of alliance between Great Kritain and Japan. All that the Dominion gnvern ment has .been able to do. therefore, is to reach a friendly agreement with Japan for the placing of restrictions by the Japanese government upon the Immigration of Its subjects to British Colin and also to require that every immigrant i,},,, liave at least $23 in his possession. Many more kpaaeae have been entering the province, however, than the number agreed upon by the two governments, for the reason that many coma from Hawaii, and the Japanese government naturally disclaims all power of control over them, seeing that they do not come directly from Japan, .but from an Intermediate for eign count ry. ■A WHITE MANS COUNTRY." The other source of opposition to Asiatic labor Is the general determination to make and to keep this a "white man's country." a determination which la also manifest hi Australia and other British colo nies. Men here recognise the extortionate tactics of the labor unions and condemn them. They la ment the scarcity of labor, which i» seriously Inter fering with the growth and prosperity of the coun try. They admit that the Chinese and Japanese axe decidedly better workers than most white la borers, and that, besides asking lower wages, they are more efficient, more faithful and more cleanly. But still "this is a white mar.'s country." and white labor must be found somewhere and some bow to save British Columbia from becoming Orientalised. It is pointed out that few of the Asiatics have any thought of settling here perma nently, investing their capital here and helping to build up the country. They 6imply aim to get all they can out of it. and then -go back home. More over, they spoil the trades for other*. Despite the earnest denials that any race prejudice exists here. It does exist, mid dominates the whole situation. The Asiatics arw regarded as an inferior people. and any occupation they enter Is considered to be thus degraded and rendered unworthy for a white person to enter. Bridget or Gretchen will no longer work In the kitchen, because Chinese and Japanese work there. Caspar will not work in the mines, be cause Chinamen do so. Hans will not go into the lumber camp, because In the next camp Japanese are employed. rierre scorns to enter a salmon cannery, for fish packing Is now "Chink's work." This same feeling has spread to farm, garden and dairy -work, to blacksmithing, to shoemaking, to engine rooms, and. Indeed, to almost all depart ments of labor. Wherever the Asiatic is working white men refuse to work. It is realized, of course, that any antl-Japanes* movement would be most distasteful to the im perial government, because, of the Japanese alli ance, and also, perhaps, to the Dominion govern ment at Ottawa, because of Its strong desire to appear ultra-loyal to the empire. But It is argued that the Ottawa government, which is so remote from the scene of Oriental Invasion, ought not to dictate to British Columbia, which suffers from that invasion morn than all the rest of the Do minion put together; and it 1» added that Great Britain ought to permit this country to be pro tected with Asiatic exclusion laws .lust as it does Australia and Natal. No doubt that could and would be done If the Dominion government would only ask It, but that government Is entirely sub servient to that at I-iondon. and seems indifferent to the local -desires and needs of this remote prov ince. THE LABOR PROBLEM SERIOUS. The most serious feature of the case, however, is the labor problem. If the Chinese. Japanese and Hindus are shut out, who will do the work? It is all very well to say that white men must do It. but It seems impossible to obtain enough white men for the purpose. There is to-day scarcely a place or calling in Canada in which the demand is not greater than the supply. Everywhere the cry is the. same: "Send us men, men who can work with their hands,; to help us develop the vast resources of this country-" The most casual glance of the traveller In passing through the Dominion shows plainly the urgency of the demand. Every year hundreds of miles of railroad are being built, and hundreds of locomotives and thousands of freight cars to accommodate the enormous and rapidly growing traffic. . New to .ns— not mere frontier hamlets, but actual towns— arp springing into *■*- istence with a rapidity which is startling to the European. One day the traveller may pass across a tract ■which presents to the eye nothing but un broken prairie. There is nothing but th« earth, the crass and the sky, visible for miles. Two months later he may pass across the same tract and find there a town with electric lights, telephone service and a weekly newspaper. Precisely that experience has been had in the western part of the Dominion in the last year or two. And when the people of this country thus plant a new town, they do not ■wait a dozen years before equipping It with the conveniences and even the luxuries of life. The roads may be little better than cattle trails, but they have trolley cars running: on them. Electric lights, telephones and elevators in all buildings more" than three stories high are introduced as matters of course. In its degree the town, there fore has a completeness of design and scope 'un known in the growth of town life in Europe, where all these modern conveniences which are here re garded as necessities come only as the result of slow evclutioji. Such are tho phenomena which have been pro duced by the construction of the transcontinental railroad. Such cities as Winnipeg. Brandon, Re gina, Calgary. Edmonton and Vancouver have sprung to life as if by magic. But th-? process is by no means ended, It la little more than well beg, m. Further north, the building of another transcontinental railroad is being pushed forward with the utmost energy, and soon along its line other cities rivalling these will spring up, to pro vide homes and profitable occupation for tens of thousands of the overflow from the countries of the Old World. It needs no argument, therefore, to prove the scarcity of labor and the urgent need of it. Canada is calling out loudly for men who can do things, who are not afraid to work, who are not afraid to venture, and who are willing to adapt themselves to now conditions of life. But she demands that they shall be men of. the Cau casian race. XO ANGER IX JAP AX. Confidence Placed in Canada— M. Ishn Reaches Ottawa. Ottawa. Pept. 15.— A cable dispatch from Toklo to the Japanese Consul General, M. Nosse, TYPICAL CLIFF DWELLING IN TIES CANYON' OF THE EITO DE LOS FRIJOLES. Which the Arehicologl'-al Society of America hopes to make give up the secrets of the extinct race. (From Ths Tribune Bureau.) va« received to-day. It refers to the Oriental riots a: Vancouver, and says: The feeling. in spite of the character of th« disturbance being ranch graver than that of San Francisco, is favorable to Canada. While greatly regretting that thin deplorable incident Should occur within a dominion of the British Empire, who.-., ally Japan is, the tone of the press la calm and the public shows no excite ment. All are depending upon the Justice, friendship and fair play of the people of Can ada, fully expecting that measures will he taken to protect Japanese lives and property. M. Koase does riot say who is the author of the .cable dispatch. M. [shil, Japan's represen tative, who will investigate the affair, arrived in Ottawa to->' <v. lie will meet Premier I>aurier and other Dominion officials at the, home of M. Nosjae on Tuesday evening. It is understood that W. P. Scott, Dominion Superintendent of Immigration, who is now on his way to Vancouver, will recommend that the Immigration regulations bo amended to require each entrant to possess a Finn of money, as Is required for entrance to the United States. The Mayor of Vancouver telegraphs to the Premier to say that the Orientals who recently arrived there are not paupers. Ho asked per mission to house them In government property, because there are not pufnvient dwellings avail able in Vancouver. TO AID CITY'S TRAFFIC. Proposition to Encircle Waterfront with Elevated Structure. Alexander R. Smith, a former member of th« New York Commerce Commission, writing under the caption, "New York's Congested Commerce" In "The Journal of the Merchants' and Manufact urers* Board Of Trade of New York." says that an elevated structure along the waterfront of Manhat tan would be the best possible, remedy for the con gestion of this city's ever increasing traffic. He recommends that "on the west side of the city, along the waterfront, a four or six track elevated structure be erected, capacious enough to accom modate both freight and passenger traffic, and that underneath this elevated structure the space be in closed with concrete walls and utilised for ware bouse purposes, except where access to the piers and wharves is necessary." That is the only possi ble solution of the problem of the downtown freight tracks of the New York Central, In Mr. Smith's opinion. "By this means the contents of the cars could be loaded or unloaded directly from or into the ships." says Mr. Smith, "as is done In practically every other great port the world over, and as is now done to a large extent afloat alongside the ships from cars loaded upon earfioats. This elevated structure also could ultimately effect the elimina tion of the larger part of the truckage now car ried on between the wharves and the interior ware bouses nnd the wholesale and retail houses, thus expediting and greatly cheapening tho handling of commerce upon Manhattan Island." Mr. Smith thinks that a similar structure on the East Side would in a large part relieve the daily crush at Brooklyn Bridge, by giving easy access to all the ferries, especially, he says. if the city should buy the East River ferries and make them : free for the use of passengers, as the bridges are ■ now. . PAGE BACK FROM VISIT TO GOVERNOR. Dirt Not Discuss Either State or National Politics. Says the Senator. Senator Alfred R. Page returned from Albany yesterday afternoon, hut he did not carp to dls rues the visit he and Herbert Parsons, president of the Republican County rnmnilttee, made to Covernor Hushes. "Did you discuss state or national politics with the Governor?" the Senator was asked. "No." he said, laughing. "I talked to the Gov ernor about the Adirondack* as a summer resort and asked him about the way in which he spent his vacation. Seriously speaking, I went up to see the Governor because it has been some time since I have seen him. and naturally there were many things to talk about." Ths Senator added that there was no political Eijnincance to his vMt CLJFFDWEUERS' HOMES Effort To Be Made to Study Them Scientifically. [From The Tribune B:ir-~?'i > Washington. Sept. 15.— A new and systematic at tempt is soon to be made by the Archjeological In stitute of America to unearth additional informa tion relative to the Cliff Dwellers, one of the most interesting and recently extinct of the prehistoric races of America. To this and the institute hna asked permirsion of the Secretary of Agriculture to explore the Canyon of the Rito de los Frijolcs. in New Mexico, which cuts through the region of the country richest in prehistoric ruins. This per mission has been granted, and an expedition will be sent to Xew Mexico in The near future. The Canyon of the Run de los Frijoles. which in terpreted means the Rite of the Beans, branches off from the Rio Grande a! a point opposite Santa Fe. It was here that the Spaniards settled in the earliest days of America's history, planting a per manent colony, second in ago only to St. Augustine. Fla. Directly through this country runs the fa mous Santa Pc trail, which was first marked out by Coronado when he passed from San Diesco. Cal.. eastward, being the first European to penetrate what is now the southwestern part of the United States. The Mexican population, which still pre- dominates In this region, makes beans its chief ar ticle of food, and it was through the custom in early days of holding feasts in the. shady canyon that It got Its name. The native Indians still live on the mesas that adjoin the canyon, where they celebrate many quaint customs and religious ceremonies, some of which are known to have . been derived from the Cliff Dwellers. Among these Indians is stil! to be found a strain of the extinct blood, as there was some intercourse between the two races before the cliff Dwellers became extinct. The Indians .ire. however, a greatly inferior race, newr having at tained to anything like the civilization of the older race. It Is a generally accepted theory that the Cliff Dwellers were crowded by the Indians from the mesas, where are still found evidences of extensive Irrigation systems. They went Into the canyons and caves for shelter from the force of numbers of their conquerors, who drove them from their agri cultural pursuits, and then -were exterminated largely through starvation, the date of their pass ing being pet at something near a thousand years ago: The Inatans profited in no way from the agricultural example -et by their predecessors, and the irrigation plants fell into decay. The houses of the Cliff Dwellers and the eaves that In many instances extend far into the walls of th« canyon, have been found rich In relics of the vanquished race. In the musty corridors of these caves have been found many of the mummi fied remains of the people who once lived there. These are well prserved. but when not treated scientifically crumble to dust when exposed to the outer air. Many of them have been so exposed and lost by transient curiosity seekers, who have bene fited science little through their findings. The skull , formation of the Cliff Dwellers, which Is 1 tree and 1 gives evidence of intelligence far beyond that of the Indian, is, however, well known. In the forest reserves and other lands under th« I control of the government archaeological ruins are , no longer open to the public for excavation, and ! ppecial permits are required evsn before explora tion is allowed. The authority to collect objects of antiquity from government property can now be secured only through the Secretary of Agriculture , in the case of the national forests, t^e Secretary of War on military reservations, and the Secretary of the Interior on ill other lands controlled by the I government. There is careful provision safeguard- Ing the public properties against the gathering of such objects for commercial purposes, or their sub sequent purchase by private persons. i All remains, utensils or Implements of any kind discovered under permits must be deposited and '• kept in a designated museum open to the public. No monument or building which c-»n be preserved where it stands may be mutilated, destroyed or re moved T^nrge objects of historical or scientific In terest on public lands may he declared national monuments, and lire by that means set aside to be preserved. Among such monuments are caves, cliff dwellings, peculiar and unusual geoloelcal forma tions and such other objects as may b» considered of public interest or value. A large part of these relics of antiquity lie In the semi-arid regions of New Mexico. Arizona. Utah and Colorado, where the prehistoric Cliff Dwellers and Pueblo Indians had their homes. By preserving them anil making accessible such arti cles as can be properly collected in museums, the government is following an enlightened policy In the interest of the pubMc and of the investigations which, it la hoped, will eventually solve the mys terious history of the primitive people of North America. The portion of the Canyon of the Rlto de los Frijoles where the present Investigation will be made is in the Jamez National Forest. Its purpose , Is to discover and preserve relics and antiquities j which would otherwise He unknown or would be carried away by unauthorized persons and lost to i science. The particular object of the present ex pedition Is to obtain pottery, clay, stone, wood or bone implements, domestic furniture or utensils, seeds cr anything else that will serve to throw light on the history of the people whs formerly lived there. All specimens collected will be deposited and pre served In the Southwest Museum of th<s Arch»f> logical Institute of America, at I#>s Angeles. This is the first permit of the kind issued by the Secre tary of Agriculture, and Is taken as marking an epoch In such work, in that it places such investi gations on an entirely different basis from the haphazard methods formerly employed. HEBREW SUNDAY LABORERS ARRESTED. Fifteen plasterers, paperlx;ingers and other la borers who didn't work on Saturday because of the closing festivities of the Jewish New Year went to work yesterday on a new building at llSth street- and Amsterdam avenue. They made such noise that neighbors complained, and detect ! from the West 125 th street station arrested them. charging violations of the Sunday labor law. They said they did not realize they were breaking the law. VICHY, Bearing i ( -'"'^^•lH the name .**^£^ < '\*M WS^^^ * n< 3 the only 5^ water that has I the guarantee of the I French Government j & for absolute purity. | Natural Alkaline • Hater I Used at meals prevents I Z DYSPEPSIA »nd cures I 8 GOUT sad INDIGESTION I I Ask your Physician ARMY AXD XAJ'Y XEWS. f From Th» TrtNjn* Bureau. 1 Washington. September 15. BROOKLYN DRTDWK DELAY.— One of th«) ■rsl things to be taken up by Secretary Metcalf. since his return to Washington is the^ adjustment Of the situation which has caused delay In th» completion if the big drydock at the Brooklyn navy yard. Some months ago the recommenda tion was made that the contract be terminated without prejudice to the bidder, and that another contract be awarded at whatever rate may be se cured by an Invitation for bids. It is understood that Secretary Metcalf entertains the idea that bo has no authority to dissolve the contract, which should be annulled with the liability upon the con tractor for any extra cost involved in a second contract for completing IBM structure. The con tractor has held that his work was impeded by conditions for which the government was responsi ble at Brooklyn, and the controversy has lasted more than twelve months, with a procrastination which is alike unaccountable and disastrous. Th» government is deprived of the use of the dock, with th» prospect that it will be several months before a new contract em be awarded. If Mr. Metcalf decides that the present contract must be annulled and another made at the expense of the contractor, the latter will have to go to Congress for relief. ARMY BALLOON CORPS ESTABLISHED.— The army signal corps officers, who have to do with mili tary ballooning, have adopted The plan of the ex perts abroad and established a balloon corps. For the present it is of modest dimensions, so far as personnel goes. The branch will be under the Im mediate charge of Captain Charles De F. Chandler. who has be «i designated to make Ike balloon ascen sions and to report upon various methods of obser vation from great heights, and a system of com munication between such aerial stations and tiis ground. The enlisted men of the signal corps chosen for this work have had some experience in that line, and take a ke«i interest In the project, anticipating- some Interesting experiences. Thesw army balloor.ists will have the advantage of the .•%. perience and services of the New York aeronaut. Leo Stevens, a member of the Aeronautic Club of America. Most of the ascensions which, are plan:!*"! will be made from Washington with one of th* army balloons. In ':.- course of the next few months there will be extensive and systematic as censions at Omaha, where the signal corps has a depot, and where special arrangements are beinsj made for the manufacture of compressed gas to b» need in these balloons. There Is still a difference of opinion among conservative army officers respecting the use of the balloon in time Ml war. Some of them think that its advantage will be limited, and that it can b»» used only under peculiar conditions which gire the enemy no opportunity to use tha ba11.".! of a foe as a target or an Indication of th* :ocatior» of the troops against which they may fire. At the same time, it is realized that military bal looning has Ha value, and it is proposed to ascer tain in a practical way all that may be learned of ■ the system. ENLISTED MEN IN DEMAND— The War De partment I-.a3 be*n several times besought to detail enlisted men, principally non-commissioned officers of the regular establishment. f~r duty with the militia, both as caretakers of government property loaned to the national guard commands and aa subordinate instructors of militiamen. It has been held that some of the non-commissioned officers who have served for a long rhn« are specially qualified for this work. They possess aa hirhnat* knowledge of tactics and have much to do with th» training of the recralt in the regular army. Th» War Department has announced its disinclination to comply with such requests as these. In the first place, the non-commissioned officers cannot be spared. They are most valuable in connection wtt!i the work of the regular army at military posts ra this country and in the Philippines. Then again, it is considered there is no authority conferred by law for such a designation. The national gnard authorities must be responsible for whatever prop erty is loaned them by the government, and must furnish the means of protection. The Instruction. of course, must be given by commissioned offlcora of the active or retired Mi detailed for that pur pose. • CATHOLIC CHURCH STONE LAID. Cable Dispatch Brings Papal Blessing for St. Pius V Structure. Th cornerstone of th» Roman Catholic Cbnrc* of St. Piu« V. in East 115 th rtreet. The Bronx, warn laid yesterday afternoon. In th» middle of the ceremony the Rev. Frank Fagan. the prtarf ? charge, received a cable dispatch from Pope Pros X bestowing his bleaslM upon the new ebareaL Bishop Cusack. of New York, and the B^Dr- F H Wall, of the Church of the Holy Kosary. made the addresses, calling attention to theln- in the number of Catholics* The Bronx in the la* garter of a centun'- ago Lay said, there was but one Catholic ehnrch and only three rriests in The Bro« uW» there are IST priests, thirty-seven churches and a Catholic population of 125.000. Borough President Half en of The Bronx and Con gressman Goulden were among those who attended the ceremony. The basement of the new church 13 almost completed and will neat seven hundred per sons. Father Fagan said last night teat te ex pected the entire church to he completed and ready for services by December. The parish was originally a part of the parish, of theCntirrh of m. Jerome, in East ISSth street, and contains »• tween |M and ♦•«* members. OUTPUT of COPPER minis REDUCED. North Butte and Calumet and Arizona Com panies to Curtail Production. St. Paul. Sept. -A special to "The Pioneer Press" from Duluth. Minn., say?: The directors of the North Butte and the Calumet and Arizona mining: companies decided yesterday to curtail the production of their copper mines BD per cent. This will mean a re duction of seven hundred tons a month at tha Calumet and Arizona mines and five hundred tons a month at the North Butte. The Calumet and Arizona is one of the leading producers at Bib** An*, and the North Butte company orients one ;,f the lirjfe mines at Butte. Moat. In explaining the action of the directors. President Brigscs of the Calumet and Arizona Sid- '•It is currently reported that there isa surplus of 2T.O.00O.00& pounds of copper, almost entirely in the hands of producers. Once the demand for the metal Is resumed, the surplus will disappear lik- magic, if good times con tinue." ; lA:nncK3± j MMFELS ¥ WYL JACKSON COMPANY [fi\lori 3y.Xortk - 29 £.17* St. 75