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I V°'- LXV 11....N 0 - 22,1!!):!. PART OF THE CROWD WATCHING PENNSYLVANIA DEFEAT CORNELL ON FRANKLIN FIELD, PHILADELPHIA. DISMAL DEFEAT FOR CORNELL ELEVEN. PENNSYLVANIA WINS A BRIIJ.IAST VICTORY. Monster Crowd Wat chest tl>c Spec tarular Football Battle — - Score Was 12 to /. I By Tel'grar* to The Tribune 1 Philadelphia, Nov. 28.— The Quaker gray of this staid city is rapidly assuming a red tinge this evening, but for every red stripe there is mi alternate one of blue, and the whole color scheme spells Pennsylvania's victory over Cor nell in the annual Thanksgiving- Day struggle between these two old football rivals. The score of 12 to 4 does not begin to tell the story of l'enn's superiority over the "big red team" on 1-Yanklin Field this afternoon. Outplayed, out generaled and all but outclassed, the lthacans went down to a dismal defeat, their only con solation being four small points earned by a drop kick from the field made by Caldwell, the substitute quarterback, in the last few minutes of play. Victory was fairly and deservedly earned by the Quakers, and their host of sup porters rijzhtfuliy and mightfully own Philadel phia to-night. It iva.s an unexpected and therefore a crush ing defeat for Cornell, conqueror of Princeton, Point and Swarthmore, and a logical fa vorite for to-day's test of brawn, muscle and brain. Before the game Cornell looked to be the ■up to rale: after the fight thou passed over Pennsyl ••i without paying more attention. way off form or Perm " is 100 r *.r nt better The game to-day was like favorite tr.-iiiinc th :; th- way, now and then drawing up . rik ns dlstanw -^ d buoying up the •- ■ upporters, but Invariably . when the outsider was ' lel d wh*-n ihe thousands of loyal K- -d and White to their feel and, with heads sang the old Cornell hymn, the "big red I limped off tlir ti-M with Masted hopes its. Buffering more mental than 4 ! pgtn. f.,r victory meant so much to Even the thought that they had died f defeat was doubly hard <his yea. .i successful season in . . - f the college. Bui there were many ■I Pennsylvania lit a peer as her eleven played to-day, fighting to the last was not consoling. The Kirn Field, the scene of many a football _• ■.-. resemb »«th <>f » volcano this on. Th- side* of the crater were a brighi red with just enough blue to offset the dazzling . Every Cornell rooter had ■ red mega phone, and there were probably B,«0fl Cornell rollege men si the game. There was the roar end crackle Incident t.. a volcanic eruption, fur by 10.090 leather-lunged football en- A d the smoke was there, too, for the in the foundries and factories nearby *<r< coins full Mast, as usual. The wind bU»w r tl c southwest and lacked the sharp, biting eul general!) eKpertenced at the tail-end of the football season. The field Itself "as damp and > |in sj...t «. But taken altogether the con is were Ideal SPECTACULAR PLAYS IN GAME. Prom a spectacular point of view there have keen few games this season which have equalled and none that has surpassed the Perm Cornell straggle. All the features which go to niako iip the "revised" game were to be seen. There waa the forward pass, with Its Innumerable varia tions, Hi. onsidc kick, the quarterback kick, long a favorite of Pennsylvania, and in addition there was plenty of punting. Four times was Pennsylvania denied before Folwell finally crossed the Cornell goal line, for the first touchdown long after the middle of the first half. Twice before the ball had been over, but each time there was holding in the. Penn sylvania, line and the team was penalized. With only a jarJ to .... twice the Quaker backs went ■stable to knife the Cornell line, and the N- a Yorkers managed to stave off the impending touchdown; but, nothing daunted, the Penn sylvania team kept up its terrible attack, and the fifth attempt proved successful. The pen eltjfc*. come as they did, were enough to dis fcearten any team, but there were plucky men «n the Quaker eleven, and never for an in etant did they show the least sign of losing nerve and "rand." On the other hand .it was a brave stand made by the Cornellians. and they deserved great credit They never showed the white feather. At this stage brute force wsa matched against brute force, sin Pennsylvania scored because it had thy prtatcr power. The touchdown was mads Coatinurd on MSB** BCg* wh*, NEW-YORK. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21>, 1907.— TWELVE PAGES.— Th^^^-. h v, ARABS INVADE ALGERIA. Heavy Reinforcement* Ordered to Conduct Punitive Expedition. Pan?, Not. 2R — Official advices received hpi« from Oran, Algeria, say that a portion of the Moroccan army Invaded Algeria Wednesday. The French were forced to retreat. In the fight lne losing eleven men killed and fifteen mm wounded. T^ater, however, they were reinforced succeeded in driving- the Arabs back across the frontier. Yesterday's disaster has awakened Prance to the fact that the. vexing: Moroccan probl< m, far from being settled, has only assumed an other perplexing phase. Although the trouble in Western Morocco is confined now to native strife between Abd-el-Azi», the Sultan of record. and Mulai Hafiff. the Sultan of the south, the powerful Rents Nassen tribe lias broken out In tlip northeast, and even daringly invaded the French colony in Algeria, several thousand Arabs having crossed the frontier and attacked the French at Bab-el-Ilm— . Under a gallinc fire the French force, which was totally Inadequate to cope with the enemy, retreated slowly after a long and determined Ftruffule. They w-r** reinforced finally by re - that hail been ordered up from Oudja and Nemours, and then immediately began a vigorous assault upon the Arabs. who fell back to the Moroccan hills. Ex-Premier Rlbot. leader of the opposition ir > the Chamber of Deputies, to-day questioned tha government In the chamber relative to the sit uatlon on the frontier. General Pic Quart. the Minister of War, replied, saying thai heavy reinforcements had heen ordered to conduct a punitive expedition Oran. Nov. 28.— Iri the fieht v.ith the French forces the Arabs left eighty dead on the field at Bab-el-Rassa. According to reports from natives, the tribesmen recrossed the fron tier to-day, burned a large village and engaged in a fierce hand to hand fight with the French, many of whom -were killed an* wounded MULAI HAFIG'S FORCES LOSE. Great Slaughter in Battle with Adherents of Caid Anfloos. Mogador, Nov. There ha« b^f>n heavy, con tinuous fighting between the force* or Oaid Anflooa and th«» adherents of Mulal Hang, in which there was -real slaughter. The result appears to have h<»t»n favorable to the Caid; LOSES FOOT ON WAY TO DINNER. Masked Boys Thanksgiving Gayety Checked at Railroad Crossing. Hurrying home to bis Thanksgiving dinner in and fantastic garb. George Neuburger. Hrht years old. of the Shell Road and Hicks avenue, Winfleld. Long Island, caught hi, fool In the tracks of the Montauk division of the Long Island Railroad at the Winfleld crossing and was knocked oVer by an express train His left leg WHS CUt <'ff. He Will recover. Another sad Thanksgiving Day accident oc , , re d in Manhattan, when, clutching In her hand a paper falseface thai her mother had given her a penny to buy. seven year old Mary Coughlin. living with her parents at No. 'Ju;j East 4:*.< l street, was taken from under. Uie for ward truck of a Third avenue trolley car last ni^ht near 42d street, with every bone in her body broken. She died as she was being taken lYniii the ambulan* c FORTY-NINE CHILDREN KIDNAPPED .\u-xj.-.> city, Nov. 28. An organized gang of Kidnappers has been operating In this city tor the last two months, according to the local police. Forty-nine children, twenty-two hoys and twenty-seven girls, have been stolon from their homes. What is done with them or who has taken them away and by what means is not known The ages of the children vary between two and seventeen years. The police are in vestigating. m PRINCETON STUDENT DROWNED. B*.videre.N.J..Nov. > Lewis Beall. a stud. ,nt .., Princeton University, was drowned In the Dela- W11 ... River :.: *oul Rlfl to-day- He wsa one of Bis canoeists who we,e out for a da) on the river. The six were In three canoes and arere on their w v back to Princeton -, i • third canoe was caught in a whirlpool and overturned. Beall was carriod down by the current and drowned. His companion, who was thrown Into the water With him. was able to swim to th< Beall lived at Iniontown, Perm. His Lody was not recovered. CALEB POWERS JURY COMPLETE. Georgetown. Ky.. Nov. 25.-The jury to try Caleb Powers, Charged with the murder of William Ooe 1,1. was completed to-day. There are eight Demo crats and f«;ur Republicans on tho Jury. Eleven arc from Grant County and one is from Harrison County- AFTER ALL. USHER'S THE SCOTCH that node tte hignbail famous.— AJ.t. PORTE R WITHOUT PARTY EXCLUDED FROM CAUCUS. Finds "Pete" Hepburn, Has \o f/se for "Independent Republicans." | From Tii" Tribune Bureau 1 Washington, Nov. 28. - Etepresentatlve Peter A. Porter of the i'.lth l>:.-in>t of New York, who defeated Representative James W. Wadsworth by six thousand votes and rode ir.f>> Congress on a cow, finds he can't pry his way Into the Republican party a crowbar. Representative "Pete" Hepburn, chairman of the Republican caucus, repudiates Mr. Porter and declares he is not a Republican. Mr. Por tei declares he is nol a Democrat. .\t.<i so the man who polled iT'.X-iT votes In a normally Re publican district, which two years before gave the Democratic candidate only 19,328, has come to Washington to find himself a political out oast. Mr. Hepburn hates an "Independent Re publican." which in the tiile, Mr. J'orfcr gave bhnwlf on the ballot which elected] him, and thereby hangs a la c. When "The Congressional Directory" was printed, last January, i' contained the "unoffi cial list" "f the rt»Hli Congress, the Republicans being printed In Roman type and the Democrats i- italics. To Mr. Porter 1 consternation be found his name printed In italics. As soon ns he came to Washington this fall he tooh -•• reined) whai ie assumed to '■ - or >i bit of , heap humor on the part predecessor, but he struck a snag. The clerk of ''■• Hous< told him that be would bs permitted !•■ describe himself in any way h« please,) \, x the brief biography which is printed In the. • try, but that he could nol appear as i Republican In other places In the directory without the sanction or the rhalrman of th.- Republican caucus. Straightway *<• Colonel Hepburn dli Mr p©r nd his way "Colonel Pete," who i^ a man of long memory, especially for his enemli his defeats, told Mr. Porter In emphatic terms that hf was "no Republican. Jimmle' Wads worth was th*» straighi Republican candidate. H" was a fine gentleman and a man of high standing in his party." said the colonel, "while y.ij ran as an Independent and receive.) the ln dorppinent nf the Democratic convention." HEPBURN OBDURATE. To this Mr. Porter replied that the figures of >hf> last election In his district showed on th*Mr fi- ■ thai hi must have received over 1,000 Re publican votes; that as a matter of fact he was elected almost entirely by Republican votes, a-. while h" receive,) tin- Democratic Indorsement and his name was printed under their emblem on the ballot, it was also printed under the title "Independent Republican." with the bovine em blem, and his district was normally Republican by a large majority; thai Wadsworth's attitude toward, the meat inspection bill and his opposi tion to President Roosevelt had made the Re publicans considerably more anxious to defeat Wadsworth than were the Democrats to elect him. Porter, who had been a Republican all his life, who bad ne\-»r cast a Democratic vote in his life, who had hern a lifelong acquaintance and admirer of President RooseveH and had en tered the race with the. President's encourage ment, and whose wife was a sister of Mrs Hughes, wKe of the Republican Governor of New Yorv. Mr. Porter's arguments fell on deaf ears, however, for, despite his familiarity with COWS, he didn't know the tale. As "Colonel Pete's* 1 word goes, the clerk or the House was obliged to enumerate Peter A Toner in the official list of the House, and this despite the fact that Representative Sherman. chairman of the Congressional committee, listed porter's election as a Republican victory. There have been previous Congresses In which there were several variations in the description of members, including: Prohibitionists, Social Democrats. Populists, etc., but this year there is but one "maverick," and that is tho Hon. Peter A Porter. Representative of the :;4'h New York Congress l>lstri<*t. As poop as John Sharp Williams, chairman of the Democratic caucus, learned of Mr. Porter's predicament, he wrote a nice note t<> the new member, Inviting him to .join the Democratic caw us. but Mr. Porter replied that he was a Republican first, lasi and all tho time, and that even the decision or "the omnipotent gentle man from lona" could not make him Demo cratic, although he appreciated Mr. Wllliams's coin:' WHAT PORTER DIDN'T KNOW. And now for the tale which Mr. Porter should 'nave known. Colonel "Pete" Hepburn is a little sensitive on the subject of "Independent-Republicans." nnd. a* has been said before, he has a long lsa.-!% In ISM, there was an Inde ptr.dent-Republican in the Colonel's district. TJk colonel laughed him to scorn and assured hi.-' friends thai the Republicans of his district Cualiiiued ou *c<uad BBSJBi KILLS WIFE AND JUMPS HIS BODY IX BROADWAY John Whittetf Enacts Double Trag edy at the R ell eclair c. Hia mind weakened by n lone nervous Illness, John Whitley killed his wife as she slept early yesterday morning and then flum; himself from -ith floor of the Hotel Relleclaire to the sidewalk. I*o one heard the shots which killed the woman, and his body was ror found until a wandering nightbawk cabby saw- tho shapeless mass on the stone flak'stine* in 77th -tree. Although Whitley and his wife have lived at t 1 ■ Belleclsira since the Brut of the month, tin hotel management told the police that he could urn ii« one of its guests. The police at Brsi ac cepted the word of a cie,k thai Mr Whitley w.-ix not a n'l- st. and to aid the hotel people refused to allow a reporter to enter the hotel That murder also had been committed was not known until Corona* Harburger reached fh»> hotel and went to the tenth floor. There, In the Whitley suite, nearly three hours alter the tind ins of Mr. Whttley'B body, that of the murdered woman was found Tt was at flrsi reported that Mr. Whitley had inch noney recently, bui his friends and relatives all agreed yesterdaj that he was in no financial straits. His health had been BO poor f, ir pome t] ni that several month's ago he had to Ki\c up his buslnes i• • summer he spent .-oine time in a Pennsylvania sanatorium, and since then his wife, who had been .< nurse, ha I kept n careful watch or him. The last few days 1 been more nervous than ever before. Mr. Wbitley*a business interests were exten sive, nnd. so far as known, all prosperous. With hia broth) r I ■ ' !nil ■* big ventil itii . heatini? plant In Brooklyn; oui of this ; mode his reputatii n as an expert in ventilation and a, considerable fortune. He was also t di rector in Uh Reliance Bali-Bearing Door H Company, in the John W. Wallace Company and In the North Carolina Granite Corporation. MB UHITI.F.Y MUCH OLDEF THAN WIFB. Mr Whitley was sixty years old about twen 1 years older than his wife. He was a widower when he met her first, in a Brooklyn hospital. r ,.. than four years ago, and later married h< r. It Is said that because of the disparity In their »._. j neither family liked the marriage, but the couple were always devoted to each other. Mrs. Whitley was Miss Elisabeth .T. Logan. From the scene of Urn crimp it was found pos iiOe to reconstruct tho whole tragedy. <>n the dressing table was the Jewelry which Mrs. Whitley had worn the evening before Both hud retired, but pome time between 2 and o o'clock Mr. Whitley arose. I" the bureau drawer were h new revolver find a new box of cartridges which he had purchased a few days ago When he shot his sleeping Wife he press, d the muzzle close to h.r forehead just above the I ft eye, the bullet tearing across Urn top of her brain. He fired again, the bullet entering the mouth and travelling upward. The woman never moved. After he phot her Whitley threw out the empty shells from his revolve;- and tried to write a note. The note, crumpled and blood stained, was found by the or-mcr. The trem bling, nervous scrawl read: "I can't- John." H< had tried to write some explanation, but had failed. After that it is evident that he started to shoot himself. Picking up a small hand mirror and a towel, he went to the bathroom, but ap parently fearful that he would nol kill himself be put down the. mirror in the bathroom and carried the revolver, freshly charged as it was, back to the dresser In the room where bis wife lay dead. He covered her body with his bath robe and then opened tlw window of the room, which iooks out into 77th stre>-t. Clad only in hi. pajamas, ho climbed out on to the st>>no coping and then flung himself forward. CABMAN KINDS MUTILATED BODY. Perhaps half an hour later George W. I'reston. ri cabman returning from a fare, found the mutilated body on trie sidewalk. Preston ran Into the BeltecJaire and called our Albert Keene, th>- manager, and William Blackburn, tbe nipht clerk.' but both professed iuiioran. c of the man's identity. As they atood about the body. Patml mnn Cavanaugh, of the Weal 88th street sta tion, came up and at once informed Police Headquarters and the coroners' office. The body was tal o to the station house. On one finger was a plain gold ring with Urn inscrip tion. "J. K. W. to A. E. N* " When the coroner arrived he at once ordered a room-to-room search until finally suite No. I\2 was reached. The Whitleys had occupied that suite for only a day. having previously oc cupied one on a lower floor. Mr. Whitley ashed ( ontinuwl on second page. Kalif* Restaurant * Venetian <;.inl- us. FbMWt down town. 14-19 I'urk Place, Open 7:30 A. M. to i: M. Music. - Advt. BAXTER STAYS IX FIGHT. Says Wadsicorth's Vote for Smith Does Xoi Decide Clerkship. The following communication regarding the contest •• r the clerkship of the state Assem bly was re, oj-pd by Th*» Tribune yesterday: Kimira. X. V . Nov. 2S. To Thf Tribune: The statement of Speaker Wndswr>rth that hi.-* vote is for Smith has liot rrtired me from the contest. I am still in the race, as earnest and active as before. A. K. BAXTER. SWEARIXG IX DEPUTIES. Bitter Contest Anticipated oh Ala bama Railroad Question. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. °,S. The United State.* marshal here was busy to-day swearing in depu ties to enforce the injunction suits of the rail way lines against the state laws. Governor Comer is still on his hunting trio and cannot be communicated with. It is well known that the additional deputies are being sworn in to be ready for any violation of the federal court's order, as well as to serve the papers. The court Is determined fnere shall be the most absolute observance of its order, which, it is anticipated here, v, ill be disobeyed, the senti ment being that a test case is desirable. CORNELL'S EXD HURT. Van Or man Taken to Hospital— Will Soon Recover. Philadelphia. Nov. 2S.— Ray C. Van Orman, the Cornel] right end, is in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital to-night suffering from a slighi concussion of the brain. He was hurt in a scrimmage in the game here to-day, and! after being partly revived was carried to th* Cornell dressing room in i}>.- Pennsylvania gymnasium, where he fully recovered conscious n^ss. itHtfr he became worse and was removed to the hospital. Physicians at the hospital say he Is in no danger and will soon he discharged. DROPS DEAD AT FOOTBALL GAME. Well Known Philadelphian Expires — Wounded on Way to Field. Philadelphia, Nov. 2S.— Thomas P. McCut rheon, a graduate of the University of Penn sylvania and .i well known manufacturer of this city, dropped dead to-day in the grandstand at Franklin field while witnessing the Pennsyl vania-Cornell football game. Mr. McCutcheon was accompanied by his son, l>r. Thomas P.. also a graduate of the university. John S. Beamish, a broker, while on his way to the game, was Strut in the head by a bullet from a Flobert rifle Bred by a ten-year-old boy. who was shooting at a target. He was severely though not fatally wounded, FREE FOOTBALL IN PITTSBURG. Pittsburgh Nov. 38.— Andrew Carnegie's Idea of free football for the masses seemed to strike a. popular chord in Pittsburg to-day, .i twenty thou sand persons saw the Carnegie Technical School defeated by Lehigh University on Scbenley Oval by a aeon of a to <*. It was a game absolutely free to tho people of Plttsburij. th. expenses of the Visiting college team being defrayal by tho sa!o of programmes to those who wishes to buy. Tin; crowd was the largest that ever wttasi a sporting event in Western. Pennsylvania, number ing almost twice an many as ever saw a football game here before. • FOUR HUPT IN FOOTBALL GAMES. Philadelphia. Nov. 2S.— Three men are in a hos pital Mere tootighi suffering fro:n severe Injuries received In a football game to-day between White hall and Bridesburg. suburban teams. Walter Kck ley suffered concussion of the brain; F. W. Swartz, dislocated shoulder and collarbone, ami Hu«ii I.uckman. dislocated collarbone. At Uoyersfcrd. near » ■> i*. E. Buss sustained a broken teg while playing football. FOOTBALL INJURY MAY BE FATAL. Tvpeka, Kt»n.. Nov. &— Alpbeus Stothbwer. half back on the Wellington (Kan.) football team, ran Into a buggy on the side line ho a gam.- in his home town to-day and suffered concussion of the brain. T' •• injury may prove fatal. NO CAUSE FOR THANKS; SUICIDE. Appleton. Wis.. Nov. Zi.—"l have lived thirty six Thanksgivings and have never had anything t.i 11.1 1. thankful lor, M here goes nothing." was a note lett by Joseph Meislin. proprietor of a hotel, who blew off the top of his head with a shotgun to-day. PITTSBURG FEATURE. 300 WEDDINGS. Pittsburg. Nov. ;s.— In addition to numerous other features of Thanksgiving Day. it Is estimated that over 300 marriage ceremonies were solemnized throughout this city. HAANS RESTAURANT, PARK ROW BLO3 Uoag tamous for its cuisine and service. Music — Advt. PRICK THREE CENTS. /rtiotnirr^pTi 1»T Tfrtjrfal N>ws Company.) NEW NOTE ALLOTMENTS. TO BE ABOUT $35,000jMHK Treasury Providing Against Possi' blr Inflation of Currency, Washington, Nov. '_' x — Secretary «~'ortelyou'j announcement last night that further subscrip tions t«» the one-year Treasury certificates would not be received is regarded here as in dicating thai the Secretary considers the crisi« in the money market practically over. Official figure- <>f the amount of certificates allotted have not yet bt»u siven at the Treasury, nor has it been stated whether further allotments would be made for subscriptions already re ceived. The amount of allotments made, how fver. is to be about .<".:..••• "••.•»»>. and this •. probably the limit, unless strong reasons are given by banks which have already sent in sub scriptions why allotments should i- made to them. All individual subscriptions having bt-en rejected, it is expected that nearly the whoje of the |3?kO0D,CIO0 allotted will be used to secure new issues of bank notes. As these ?ssn*«» will be retired within lesa than a y*»ar. they will not constitute a permanent Inflation of the bunli note circulation. The effect of the new loans on the future of the Treasury resources and the money market is already receiving attention at the Treasury ■Department and in banking circles. From pres ent sources of Information, the amount nominal ly added t> the cash balance of ••. Treasury will be about $85,000,000. of which $50,000,000 will represent th^ Panama bonds and 135.600 »*:<» the certificates. Thia amount would in crease the present nominal balance from about $241,303,217. where M stood yesterday, to a little more than 5325,000,000. A small additional oti'-h will b*» derived from the premium "i Panama b^nds. but this will not exceed 52.500, 000. THE TREASURY'S BALANCE. With a nominal balance, however, of mwat th^n $333,000,000 th» Trp^sury will not >, a; « anytli lik«"» that amount immediately avail able, rvposits in national banks and other iteraa amounted yesterday to - • l»av ing an actual working balance of $fi,4tv!.fi2S. Th« Secretary has announced that 00 r^r cent of the payments for Panama bonds and about 7.". per cent of the payments for certificates ■will be left on deposit with the banks. The effect of these changes in the Treasury balance sheet. ■ •'i the basis Of issues of both classes of se curities to the amount of $55.000,000 i will be to increase th^ deposits in banks to about $3»X>. (100,000 and the working balance t<> about $*J^.« < » n>* m * ». This condition of the Treasury finances will be changed materially in the spring if Secretary Cortelyou is able to *a»ry out the programn.t* of retiring a considerable portion of the certifi cates before maturity. He will have no diffi culty in doing this and saving a considerabl* proportion of the interest on them if agree ments made with the banks can be carried out. It seems probable that money market condi tions will be such that the Secretary will feel justified in calling on the banks for more cash, than comes to them in payment for IBM certifi cates which are called and surrendered. MAY REDUCE DEPOSITS IN BANKS. It is considered highly desirable to reduce de posits in tho banks as soon as money market conditions permit, and it la believed that there w 111 be little difficulty in doing -". If the Treas ury can reduce these deposits to the neighbor hood of « mx» '.' » * in the spring it will have at command about $100,000,000 as a working balance, from which deposits could be mad*» from time to time to aid in the crop movement in tbe fall if they should be required. The policy of the Treasury in providing for redemption of the certificates •■ less than ona year will involve the elimination of the bank note circulation based on these certificate.? and a considerable withdrawal of cash from tlv* 'L inks into the Treasury. The fact that the limit of fWMHMWfi ■ month imposed on the re tirement of banknote circulation does not apply to notes based on securities called for redemp tion removes any obstacle to the prompt retire ment of excessive banknote issues by th. pay ment of lawful money into th*- Treasury as soon as the securities are called in. The estimates made in regard to the Treasury cash, balance are based on the assumption that receipts for the remainder of the fiscal year will equal expenditures. Last year the corresponding period showed a surplus of about $72,«*"0.00O. but this surplus promises to be nearly wiped oat by the increase of expenditures and by th fall ing off of receipts as the result of relaxation <n business activity. The payments for Panama Canal con truction go into ordinary expendi tures under the head of public works, although the money for meeting them is obtained by spe cial bond issues. From present indications, therefore, the Treasury will not only have urup'e cash at command in the spring, but it is be-