Newspaper Page Text
10 <j|F Interest to i^men MEETT!C<3 OP THE JUWi.UK DIABOLO OEtTB TN CENTRAL PARK YESTERDAY. A CLASS OF BEGINNERS. SEARCHING FOR DATA. 14 Lucrative Occupation for Women Described by an Adept. , •"Pay'r.g ar.'i cor.e*r.:al work for Intelligent wom ■te Only a few in the b'lsiness. Xo capital re fctdred." The above may .eour.-i ilk« a get-rich-Taick ■#chem«, but it isn't; It Is a g<-ivjj n e proposition. J^rith all sorts pf possibilities. Searching out data. ■/or clubwomen who have neither the facilities nor 'the time to do U.e work themselves is the idc-a in a 'nutshell. New York City, with its unexcelled ad ;var.U^eTfc?. Is the place to do the work, and the ••ntire country •& tha £eid frora which patrons may »■•« drawn. No other work in which women may manage offers greater poss'.bilities— to tha right : «omtn- aad no other work is pleasanter or more •remunerative. : Naturally, this work is for women who live in ttfce emailex cities ar.d villages, where there are few ■or to libraries. For them the writing cf a club •paper i. a rcomentotis affair. Old encyciopaErdias •are pored over, orlvate libraries are ransacked fend every o:it> of the inadequate and available •sources ft inforrntion Is drawn upon. The days of the woman who has bc<»n selected to enlighten ifcer eleter meaib^rs r.f u.e club or society are tilled ■with anxiety and the nights with torment, j Eves in c:t:es wiK-re there are excellent libraries ■ready to give up. their store of information, few •women know how to get the material for wbiAh Ohey are searching. Usually tne woman who is planning to write a paper puts it o!T until about a "week before the da'.e set for the ra^ei'.v.g. Then •he pM to the library, finds a book on her subject msd reads for several days. This leaves her enly time for '.he one book, however, and therefore she is prepartd to quote from only one authority. She sjßttea and rewrites until ehe is often too nervous •when the day arrives even to attend the meeting tt »r.i Fh» had planned to be one of tue en lightening performers. Thit woman is fit co anxious to prrt on the programme atrain. In New York City there are thirty-eight free circulating libraries and two great reference libraries, all of which are packed from floor to cell- Ing with information waiting lor the intelligent and trained searches The/c is no subject which can not b« run down cnvi Barf< d in facts. Th>; woman' who sr»es into this data collecting toOEineEs, however, must become familur with the various iibrarks. Some of them specialise, and she Mill save precious time by learning at the outset of fcer career svbexe the most may be found on cer tain subjects. 1" she should bt-jnn a search for music, lor inrtaiic-i. would rind at the I^er.ox Library the Jlnest collection of music and the literature of music in this country. Here, also, is tne headquarters for country, town and family his tories, affording a rich ritld for women in the work e>f looking up genealogical data. At the Attor LlLrary is the larger; number of f!"s of magazines, datir.t; back in many instances to the first issue. These are the most fertile, of all fields for the dnb woman's data. He r . : s!.e can tii»J the ...f the subject without wading through hundreds of pages <>f Irrelevant matter. •With the aid of Pooie's Index to periodicals and the cumulative index to the same a great store- Sio'js* of knowleiet; !<« opened. A feature worth rtinemherin;j in this connection "WHERE TO TAKE TEA" >f» lork > t i. ■ - in ■••■■■— t«n i-n,i I*** Co. <S« i; a ,t :■■■:>■ St.. X. V.) «.-,««. >l a <J . fTq. COLQNSfi UULUltirt Warrei- & merle tyr-j;p wrv^ from 3 toft FERNERY, R^li^^^^^i iLnnLni, b GREEN icnruis SftfifeS T^nF *"clltiues). r.t- .' PTfuTnts ar.d Krer.rh Novelties IEHRI LE LUXEMBOURG^ a g^s &AiOSTONE ROOM V MARTHA WASHINGTON Hit «£ sfBPSOH-SBiWFORD GO.. i2-2:»a Luncheon. Ten. Fir.fet dining room In cbf V*-TIUP'Q JAPANESE TEA BOOM ll^Z lAnllnuu t'! 18 & » Sts. Special Brew of i>as A<(OI KTAXn fiIMPLIFIEKS OK SYSTEM Specialty icaaafaeUiricc plar.i*. audits. erysS'iaatixir.ic. financial stattmenta, balance akeetfc rioacisai cost. Adir«-ss Gregory, rirnell A Gwgorj. Suite 6C2. No. 1170 Broadway. N. Y. FOB RAU. BIQ BARGAINS 6.W- DfVEKTED CA* UMI KZST MADE: 11.10 Value. Price 75c, >.'» mere th»n l: n^ld to a CiMtc:i-«r. fcKASS I'OHT abu: z.ivuz umps. vi-:i Sec bent K>-i i.r.air*. ■WORTH J« 00. PRICU. $4 23. £f*rlt.l bargaiES in CM J.Xi, nr!c-«- Brae Charge liers. <-"li I.^.'r.;* ar.i Gas Minis— Enterprise Light Co., S9* Bowery. r*ar HeostOß st. i.*rjre«t *tocw !n the <-lty. ; > ____ TtleTh-ue* £-pr;ag. OKF.-»-\I%KI>«. AM» JiILIJNLKY. • - ■ •or-e«T ; ! - -aran teed. E«t.s- • ■v— aaWln OAaSE.VK ano* othtr '-.» tare r»r»lr*d. re<ly« ! ard rtrmodei-ed into iates' ivk* a'- *xceptJcß»:;/ 1-jw prices; fur gar : >#bi* K»d« io ■ .'■. M.-»- E. }. Barker. ; ■> Cast ''ytt at., bear Park are., :tu with <: d. Cuctrier** Sens, 6tn aira. Tei. U>:4~ JtUi. EKESi-MAKETT.—Si^'.wt:*';! and sh!rt- W-U' BY Ik.' plila B^irtcg; rtas->n ab'« !i. Pracy, IIa«t l!4lii st. OltaWa>MAK;.<. Wains, lingerie, vrJier «>aar plain ard fir.* work nUxly done; cot !>*■ the day <j;r«-ferrei> or *■ botri*-. IMdrtaacT. 621 We«t 12M s*. URE£SSi*KER — FSrrt c!aa« cutter «cd ft**- c' coat» and dr*»«e*: out by &*y lr< S»snllie«: refeitr.'^t: t- a >la>'- Mi»« crsr. vxm jrn si T . uroc*. riun^UAKEIl. -^orr,p»^?ct; Kren<-fc; l«t« •jriliv ;i</lf'.r:.. &th «ye.; tr.«Jtei= tie*rant. I 'W^ «tr**t «venlac cotttb. pr»e*ful jirln- PF{. — «i»ro materi*.:. Century v, 6th > MiSoc SOTms. eraser ' U=!ldiis*. • 1 -#t Mtl, ft , Kioto 1.1C2; <* S->e*uri» Hotel. Is the fatt that at th<« A.«tor library Is n. sreat coilectlcn of programmes of ■noiii^n'!' rlub m r et- • lent there from a.l parts of the. country. Browning clubs, musifal societies, mothers" clubs, cooking cla?=s*s, etc., are represented in the col lection. Th e se are useful In Fusrcpptiiiß f^atur^s and Topics for other club programmes, and r— qiiesis for this branrK of the work should be numerous. A woman who was formerly «"ngra?«-d In this oc cupation found i: pleasant ar.d profitable, s-he charged by the hour for her time in 1< up subjects, or a lump s';m !f the request was for the writing of th<? paper, as was often the case. ... Umea h»r i-!i*?nt.« war.ttd only ref-r'-nces as to where the facts on the subject Jn hand could be obtained. Jn that case the later and more popular magazines wora consulted for references a.* being more available to the woman in th<-- small city or town. Books also were referred to. and a sort of bibliography of the FUbject was fr>rward*d. Many clients less inclined to labor or with fewer fariHties at hand would write for extracts on a certain subject sufficient to form the body of the paper. Often a. patron would inclose a sum of money in hT letter and ask for the equivalent In facts. At otht-r tlrr.-s the searcher would send her bill with the matter desired nnd rayrncni would be promptly and gratefully made. This woman said she lost only one account in her two or more years' <?xr«"rience. and this was for a mass r,f Information which she had collected to tx» made into a paper on "Child Study" Her clients were widely scattered. From Idaho and from Cuba, from Now Hampshire and from Penn sylvania eaiv.e requests for help in ti'-r line. While women were the principal customers of, this "searcher*; there were many men also who wished a similar service. Clergymen, lecturers, authors all require this '••■:" assistance now and then. The work :s in every way educational. Many cf the subjects may have h^ld only a!np in terr-st t-~. th<» s<->archrr. Immediately she bepan to k-ok up ref"r«:-nces and to note facts and fancies concerning some subject, her er.thusirtsm was aroused, she exhausted every source of informa tion, and when her data was ready to mall she found hersf-Sf to be In possession of a peneral knowledge of a subject which before she had probably scarcely thought of. The first request not only to collect the data but to write the par*r as well that came to this pioneer In the research b'isins&s caused her conscience to sit up and take notice. Should sh»» uid and abet another ... oth»r meant to de ceive her feilow club members in th«> authorship of the pap'>r. was a question carefully debated. She decided that it was not her affair and wrote and forwarded the r.:iT>er. Her relief was prreat when soon iifter sho rc-c^ivd from another mem ber of the same club a request to prepare a pajior for her. ton, as she was so pleased with the oni written for her friend, which was read at ■ re cent meeting. No deceit had l*-«-n practised and the coriS'-ier.oe ceased from troubling. With women's clubs in every city, town and small village, and even in the isolated country districts, tr.e f:^ld for this work i<* enormous. Ju dicious advertising an<l letters to various , clubs throughout th* country, a li?t cf which could be obtained from the collection of club programmes already mentioned, would opt - the way for a be pinninsr in this o^fijpation. Th*n, with conscien tious work and fair prices- for doing :t. a lance ar.d paying business could l>** established. c COLLEGE GIULS' EXPENSES. What the Wellesley Students Spend a Year — Lark of Knowledge of Money Values. College education can hardly be estimated as coining under any fixed cost, for each Individual case varies, not only as depending upon th<i girl herself, but even more upon the standards to which she lias been accustomed at bom", one of the Wellesley alunn*, however, has recently path ered statistics rt-canlintr the expenditure of ih« average student, which show some intf-restin? facts as well as college tendencies! Nowadays college education is f:i.«t becoming and is sought almost as much bj' the sons and daughters of the rich as by those of the am bitious poor. The younger Rent-ration of Americans in the well-to-do homes are btinsr brought up at no small ejp<-n«e, so that a comparison of the sisters and cousins who are not being sent to GO lege is necessary in ord«-r to jud^e fairly the ex pense accounts of the college, glris. The very 1.-ii-?- Increase in the amount sp»-nt at Wellesley to-day over what was spent twenty years ago must be noted comparatively also. Everything costs more in terms of money row than it did then. Ameri can families of v> ry ordinary means now have) fn-sh fruit on the table the year around and have warm water in their bathrooms all the week. So the college must do likewise. A Sunday 'It M, a mackintosh and a bathrobe in audition to ar» AITTION -MI- ISORTGAGE BALE -Allan A. Irvine ano tion""*".. will t':l[ to-day, at 9 o'ck<k. at Ko. 2502 P-th &\f... Borouch of Manhattin. :}.» JiXt'.jr^s ar.i chattels of a. taloon. By ] orJrr of attomejr for mortgage*. BY vip.tte of an execution, will nell this day at 6 o'clock, nt 473 Wt:sls aye.. The Pronx. the *t™~k ar.J fixtures cf a grocery n^rf. S^l Cohen. Marshal. ■— - I ! MACHINKR\. ! AT REDUCED PRICES — 500 ee^ord hand wood and Iron worsens machines; fully . STifcranteefl- machinery bought and ex . c-arf « '.. GDO. B. EDDT. t»K MadU a st. M I SCCI.LA NEO CB. WANTED TO PURCHASE original pr«-in:- ■ of the first ptiitmim an*» at Laura Kees>.'*s Tr.eatre. Sew Tot Octobrr 13. St. or i:. * Art i.nvtiT. -"Lcrd Dnsdreary/.' as per futiued by t;:e late E. A. Sothern. E. 11. Eothern. I.yrio Theatre. New Ycrk, EM I'LO YMKNTAO sj rp «s .■» r-n . H ■ Employment Bureau. 23 West 39th St, 'Phones 24*4. 24S5 Bryant. BROOKLYN OFFICE: IS* 9' Marks At | OLD COLD A>D t-ILVEB. OLD GOLD, stiver a- precious stones bought at hirhest market value: mads !:••.& n«w articles w exchange for c*w Jew elry or J»r*ar.e*« - ...» at M. F. Tepi/tra factory. «1 We»t aith St. TYPEWRITERS. _,_--: TYPEWRITERS— AIt makes sold, rented, rrpaired, exchanged; reliable semce. German. 79 J.'uii-j »L Telapnoe* Tilth- CorUnsV. TYPEV.'RITEHS RENTED— ALL MAKES. Over &00 in stock. Ccn* an<l select the nichln. you want. A. W. U. CO., 345 Broad#M. &406 FraLk. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TRTDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1907. everyday town— which rumor Bays was the con- j ventional wardrobe at Wellesley In ISTS— would be ' Just as sufficient at this college to-day as 11 would . be In any town '.:. the country where a girl must | do work outside her own home. The college stand- • ards reject the home standards. Then Is some re- ' action, to be sure, but college standards influence j tome standards in the matter of expenditure less j than In any other way. Fcr the purpose of Investigation tbe items of J expenditure were grouped under tuition, board, and Ic^.gir.t;, clothes, travelling' expenses, extra- ■ food, laundry, books ar.d stationery, flowers, dues, charity and incidentals. The very lowest j average expense account given is $440 for th« year. : Frcn this, In a series of averaged cases, tho • amount rur:s to $1,700. It is estimated that 10 p-r i cert of the Wellesley Etadents live on '.ess than j JSOO a year; that about &> per cert nper.d $350. and that Bother SO per cent average $UOO. a . fraction of 1 jx?r cent siH-jid ever K.O-0 yearly— : scarcely ten Kir's In the entire college. The cor.- i elusion drawn is that bttween SC'X* and 11,000 a year Is the average sum required for coHege ex{ \ pendltures, and, Indeed, that four-fifths of this i amount is adequate if railway fares are rot too] high and If expenses can be regulated by college | and not ty home st.-inUard>:. As to the students' methods of dep.Ut'.? with | money, the lack of ar.y adequate id^a of the vr.lut> j of money and tho real cost of thin?r is r.otfced j all , too often. But this lack can be attributed to ■ the parents of the pirls and not to the g'.:ls thtm- | selves. Such remarks as "Mother dors net want me to give «ny thought 10 what rry clothes cc?t" I and "Father will not put me on an for j fear ! shall be worried by trying to live v.-ithln it" ] are heard too often when tilrls are questioned ...... The tendercy of too many j American rm-n to kec-n the women in thf ir firr.ily ! at ?ea in regard to money matters conv.-s | out In their with thfir da\ighters who ... - ' in college. AH the pirls are n<.t wise or careful, by ; any m«-ari?. in the way they spend their money. p.r.d not always considerate in their demands upon the home purse; "r>in for this the college is not to blame. It 1" the fau'.t of her home training, not of her college education, if a girl ilo-s not know what money is worth; and in cene-al phe learns to know more' about It than her sister who do°s not go to college. Thf; money invested in the col lege girl's e.-iucation— so says tho investigator — is in g»reral more brr.cflcial to eoctety and to the ■ and powe- for service In tl.e world, than the like amount ppent upon hf-rh f -r sister at homft, even when the college girl will not have her own living to make : .or use her education as direct training for that end. THE THIEITNE PATTERN The frock that is worn over a separate guimpe is always a pretty one and this season it Is showing certain new features that make it especially at tractive. The shoulders are long and droopinsj, an.! there is often found some modification of the kimono or mandarin sleeve. This one includes all the novelties mentioned and is graceful ..•■r> a- ■ tractive while perfectly simple withal. In this !NO ' PATTERN r 'K GIRL/8 ss pi >i: ■ cas^ it it' made cf a Wtte wool m.itrri"! with lin«"s of colden brc ". and Is triminpti with brown rih:x:n frlMs. but it suits iilain material quite «.« well ns j.lal'is. and fashionable colors and fashionable mixtures arc <>kc«-r'-onal!y varied anfl exceptionally attractive. The quantity of rr.nteria! r«-quirffi for tlie medium siz<- (10 years) Is 4 yards IT. 3'i, yards V 2, or £'3 yards 44 inches wide, with 33 s * yards of ribbon for frills. The pattern, No. &BC6. is cut in mz<\s for Kfrlx of 6. 8, 10 anil 12 yeara of apo. and will be mailed to any addrrss on receipt of in cents. Pteai^f sive> pattern number nt;il years distinctly. Address Pattern iJc-partmetit. New York Tribune. If in a hurry lor pattern stnd an t-xtra 2-cent stamp nnil wo will s«-nd by l^!t*-r postage In Ff-aled en- Vl-lop". BOY OF EIGHT * DODGES DEATH. Foot Caught in Switch, He Leans Far Out and Lets Train Cut It Off. Remarkable prr«*>nc» of mtnd and nerva were <*x h'blu-d yesterday afterrtfion by O^orpo N'cVborger. { eipht years old. of Shell Road and Hicks avenue. Winfleld, Ismz Island, who while rujspir.jr the Long Island Railroad tracks at tho Winfleld crossing caupht his left foot in the fro? of a switch and was unable to extricate !t. Around a curve about five hundred yards away cmiw the Hj,' Amagansett Express, whicli does not stop at the Winfleld *"<i tion. and the f-nginrer blew his whistle. When ths la<l *f«till remained on the track and apparently paid j no h"fd he. Jammed down the air brakes, but was unable to stop the train for some distance. YounK Neubergcr all th« time was trying to ex tricate liis foot, but when he found he was unable to he stood watching the bifr engine as It bore down upon him. and then, when it was within a few- yards of him. he threw himself on tha ground to one Mde. and the wheels of the engine and the entire train passed over his foot, cuttinK It off. i The train was stopped, and the little fellow, who had become uncon-tious, was placed in or.c of the cats. Word was stnt to St. John's Hospital to ha\e an ambulance meet the train at 6th str'et. The boy was tak«n to that institution, where It was said ho would recover. BCSINKS* CHANCES. WANTED.— A homoeopathic physician to step Into an oM. well bUebed prac tier- In Western lowa town «... cp*r.inK at email <o»t. A :.'•:•«» M. D., 1...C. Boa 18. Sac C!ty, la. HELP WANTED. Male ADVERTISING CANVASSERS. — WANT ED. SEVERAL GOOD ADVERTISING CANVASSERS ON THE TRIBUNE AL >:>•.. • LIBERAL COMMISSION. REF ER KNCES REQUIRED. < ALL OR AD DRESS ADVERTISING MANAGER. PUB LICATION OKFiCE NEW-YORK THlit- UNE. NEW YORK. i ADVERTISINO CANVASFER WANTED by daily newspaper; one wlih experience; , 1 trust con;« wall recommended; or.« who ha» 1 worked in financial or commercial lines preferred; rood o rv^ortunlty to malte mosey l for hiius*!f anil the paper. Ac<ir*ss. with references. J. L.. tto* 30. Tribune Offic*. AGENTS for the beet motor washer; ex clu»lve territory: machine guaranteed. Address Gray, 412 Main at . Cincinnati. TUTOR ar.d COMPANION— A young- man Is «eeklng a* tutor and companion si gen tleman of culture and refinement who 1« experienced In forelirn travel and rr*sks Hr.Klish. French »nil n si man Address. with references ard full particulars. age and experience. TV. E-. V. O. Box 1-05, New Tor* Female. : AI CAPABLE, reliable help, all nationali ties, capacities procured; French maid*. nur»*s. corjpl«a; city. country. Jaequln's Bureau, 602 Cth aye., Ssth st. LADY, well educated, of refined appear ance, la call on selected list of reined r<"oj>>: permanent position with advance ment for person of tact and energy; expe rience unnecessary, as thcroug-h instruc tion is given before startirs; to work. Call i 1:30 to 420 p. m. kit. Carptrultr, Room : C2S. ISO Ua eve. 1 WOKK WANTED. Male. ■ . ton 8q AT ANYTHING— By youns man; spreks llitio Ergllsh; In private family. Oorse Kar^ris. fcyl 6th aye.. near 38th .. ASSISTANT BARTENDER —By ynung man, 'JO. with club arid hotel exrerl<-nce (•Km mixer. Frank .-^alzo. 270 Wen 11.V.h ut. MOBILE REPAIRMAN— First class; competent to take charge of private cant*-; references. Machinist. 445 6(*tli st.. b.-< jkjyn. BOOKKEEPER. -- Experienced; knowledge of English, German and French lan ruai?<»: typewriter: German stenographer; nidPrate Halary. L risk, care of R. W«lss. 64 East lCWth st. BOY. 16. public school graduate; In offlce or wholesale house, with chance of al •ar. .-;■:.• Harry Kabat, I3W Clay aye.. Bronx. BOTu 13, In office: can write god hand and t.nA good reference. Charles Schlosimac, 20* East 34'h st. BOY. 17. with fair education, residing with parents, in wholesale house. Gar fir.klH, 15 West t37t] st. BUTCHER. — First class: wants a first class position or as manager; best references. Butcher shop. 810 4th aye.. Brooklyn. CARPENTER.— American; 31 years old; •tea : anj temperate; ail round me chanic: b*st reffrencra. Carpenter, 433 Pieiure:.' aye.. near 123.1 st. ADVERTISEMENTS and ■uo»crlptlr>ns for Tho Tribune received at their Uptown OfSce. No. 1364 Broadway, between 34th ar-1 37th cis.. until 6 o'-lock p. m. Ad vertisements received at th« following branch offices at regular offl'-e rates until 8 o'clock p. n; . viz.: 244 6th aye.. a •. cor. 23d st.: 1T,2 6tb aye.. cor. 12th St.; 98 East 14th »t.. 257 West 43d St.. t«iwMn 7th and e'-h oves. ; 263 West 125 th st. ; 1339 M aye.. between 7Cth and 77th ata. . I<J36 34 aye. sear 61st St.; 1708 Ist aye... neat 89th at . 137 East "16th St.: 756 Tremont M). : C&0 3d and ax.y tmwlltll aMiaiCt . WORK AVANTED. _ Male. BOOKKEEPER, correspondent: German. speaking ar.d writing nuer.tly English, knowing French; sterucraph«-r; t:x years exr«rience; best r«f«"rfnces; in>ferate ss! ary; reliible; hard wor«*r. Bruns. 11l West UOO st. 1 ■ — f CAHPE-NTtlß.— Har.iy in witr.tir.?. phimb lr.g. plastering, cahiret vcrj; apartment house cr office liuilding: best reference.!. W West :-• i-t.. Bayonr.e. N. J. CARPENTER and CABINETMAKER, -- j w.ih rcrnplete :ooi.«; gc*.l >"r' pol isher ar.s painter; »!»•> ■n-rather J'rip work er. I>.uls. &-*} Easi 13th st. CARPENTER-— Married; all around in— c; wishes to .e-"jre steady position Ir hotel or wholesale hOttSCrs own tooi». J. 1 Bowmen. 276 Kailroa<*. avo. Brooklyn. <'vrc! I BN" r H:R — Hotel, private house; has | ..nn ;•»;.«: handy a: an> tiling: »a,:-« j 1 moderate ; best reference. Gardner, 207 1 tVest 69th si. ; CAI'.prI.NTVK.-r.y young t.nen. £0; flr-t ! riu;s mechanic; good a.! around, with t'vls; lifetime cxicrlfnc* in businces; 1-^st r?fc-ren--es; waS'S moderate. Medico, 335 "sst;l7th'rt... I CHAUFFEUR.— ItsJIas. 23. '•."""- »»"t j [ «rl-:ocra'ic family: city, country; j>2S<irsb!e j i «j;:j: jirfncely references. Adurers Ver- I I ecr?t. UiJc.-t st.. Brooklyn. I VH.V: TEL'I!.- ".CElish. '-'4: firtcty ex-\ perlcace; '-oes own r*«: l^si refer- i ! ere» from la<=t employer; m<*«ra!f ralary; I , cliy cr cx.ur.t:y. ,\. W. Wll.on. !CT w tf. ' Slit st. j CHACFFEUE-— By y-irs -.ran; In privata j'- : can do own repairing; car-:ul j ! ai'.v#r- strictly ten-p?rate. raid Byrnes, • 1 K«7 Lee c.-.c . ProcUlyn. J 1 ■ ■ ■ . CHAUFFKUR-— By young colored man: ; ii^a- M rj-. ard repair arv easo- , i !<r»; be»t references. Adircss lidwarii t Kersusoa. J'^: I^xln^ron are.. Brooklyn. I CHAUFFEUR.— By therevshly cmapetwt, | !' .'a'tfi;! cri»»r: strictly , sober; cjty «.r j country: repair nan: last employ*! ran te I 1 interviewed. Chaufftur. U'Jl U:aj"!'.e . ! ••.•«■■. rr<-ck',rr. ! CHAUFFEUR-— Strlct!y sober; city or 1 country; experienced and repair- ; i irr frr.ign snl domestic enrs: Prst class ' I rof?ror«-e W. <iar.r.C'n. 'iO7 West T>4th St. J frl WFFF.T'R. — C-lor«d: strictly a->b»r; j highly r'Cominended; drive »nd repair j any car: rrspe^taWe ard wel! n[^*;en; ; I n-aVe* *10. no garap*. Harris, Ef«» W«st j I 40th st, , ! CHAUFFEITH.— By licnuan; knows how to 1 repair and fake <-ar«- of cats Auhu; j Orimsman. «■:;! aye | I CHAUFFEUR. -•'■: ftrictlv .. te.v.vfra'e. e\-i 1 I*rt mechanic: •-»"» operate American and f< -•:<:; .atf: un<ju»^stlo:iabl« referenes fr<ra automcUl* factory nnO parties. C^^ i . kr. Co Ta:i:r d.. Brooklyn. , i ! CHAUFFEUR. — Ci'y or country; can fur- 1 ni>h ?'vxl r'f- rrnce ir>::i last employer. ! I I». Tooaiej'. care H. L^^le. 229 E. 7C^!: ft. CHAUFFEUR— By strict! y iw.^nto ', chauJTcur: tan make all repair*; ac-» 23; ,' i raarrifd; l<st references. !". H Pepper. ! j !5 Church ft.. Ney Rochelle. j : i CHEF.^— Colored;<r.t; AI references;; | 22 years' #.x;>"rienr»: r!tv rr*V-r»!. Ad dress" Steward, car* f.f Hill. 17 W. 99th St j COMPOSITOR.— First class Jobber »r.d all around hand- reliable; union. I'rtnnr. 547 West 54th St. COMPOSITQR.-^Good Jobber: steady situa tion; a!*o strne ar'l tabular work »x;* rlence; m»rrif;d; willing jo work f>T 113 a tveok. WllMam Oarmr. i. :!12 West 143 d st. COMPOSITOR. — Two-t'iSrder Oobber) wants study place; expe. r ltn-ed ori UJ*l ■ ■« Wages 512. Cotr.posUor. 1972 I»»-an st.. Brooklyn. COMPOSITOR sr.d f^Jer. } hber «r. 1 ' prof-freaier. by <olcred rr. nn: steady, ex perienced: wtll work at ar.\ thing: wil.irg sr.d obliging. Eir.e?-. West CM st. CONFECTIONER.— First class; par. work. \ cream. Jelly, marshma'tows etc; refer ence. CorraJo- care liar.X?.-. I'vS h'.*<"->ter st. CORRESPONDENT. — English. French. : Italian; or ntrer oC.ce *o:k. Magllulo. 11?, West 2. s th st. DECORATIONS — Otltnga, walls. wood work, wallpat'er. gllJlng; oil or distemper ret'.uchM by an export. Address f.eason aMe. Trib'ine Offlce. r>!K MAKER-— Thoroughly experler'-ei ssj helper, speak* little N!»s.)rl«. 2>~»> Islington aye. 1 DRAFTS34AN. »lth v*tt twelve yes «t p*ri*r.ce, <:e»!res cr.\% .loym»r.t cf ar.y k'.r.-V j H Hl'hter. 2.TT *t. Ann's «»'.. The Pronx DRAFTSMAN. —Architectural; practical t-,:' rtrperlntendent: wUh architect or bnlMfr: f«:n'iar wtth ter.err.ent house and baililng cc*l' : can furnl»h Irawtncs *-• 1 ref-r»nre. Kox 161, I<C3 Gates a■• . I Brooklyn. DItI\*EK. Ac. —v. Nic man siring and willing, «• driver of anything. Rooea Uarlconda, 312 E*st :• ♦• si i DRIVER.— Age. 22 rears: exper!»n<-e^; single or do-ibl* tru-k; can bring ref- I er^r.ce <;eorge BruK>kt.acher. 7W Wash i ir.gton st. ■ DRIVER <24<: marrl-.!: m bak*r>' c-r milk route; hay» Al tW-rence; w >ear»' cx i letlcnce. Consldlne, «4<7 Park Place, BV.lyn. DRIVER, etc.— By >"ur.g man. 2t. or «• snythlng; handy with toi-.'.s; «n!ar--. *H- Willlarn Tietjen, .'Co H:e — ker ft . Brook lyn — — DRIVER or DOORMAN.— By young ">! f>r»d n^n; married: very handy with tools. Richard Hl:kes. -«£3 Myrtle aye.. Hrookbn. DRIVER '22); married; on re ■•» wagon; r*f«r«-r.rr . yi<"^> s»'.;r!'y. W« rar* j Liebmar.. 2>> Orchard st. rmrooisT'S relief.— r«>- o r cmintrr. t;.o«-ttlr.(r. 24T. West 3?.2d »r. T«l. 24MJ. Morningslde. DRY CELL BATTERY MAN.—Experi need In a'l branches soMerlrr. seai'rg. j c?emic«l mixing: competent, ambit is P'.ir.ciuai: will work reasonable: references. Edward Srheu. 412 West 41id »t. ELECTRICIAN, as helper: «0.-.l r«f. r . r^. Charif-s MsKnoni-. Hex -M n,i-t r.Vh »:. ELE'TTRICIAN.— Tourg man; two vear«' In »i«ctrl^ »ht wiring ani I motor w.rk; n-at worker; o»-n tooli. Tfu- I bert Gantly, M Uaacon »»., Jerkry City. ! ELECTRICIAVfI HELPER. — Steady p-sl tion; i:.- months' experience In p'wtrle I lighting, t-i; annunciator work; rWererco. has own tools. W. J. S»-hultz. 174.V Hull st . Brooklyn. EIJeCTRICIAN. — Construction work, swltchboar.l cr dynamo tender; - hotel. fact, ry cr office I ulMlr.«[S. Harry 1" !>>h l<X'i Bloomfleld ct.. Hotyiken. .v. .1. ELECTRICIAN.— Aged 2«; cl K ht years In all bra.M-l.os: first rla-s » ork ; hustler. Electrician, 51<5 Park I'la.-e, Drooklyn. I ELECTRICIAN.— First class ail around workman -leslr-s permanent p!ac». E. T. 1 Krnst. 1«5 West 102 d «t. ENGlNEEß.— Extended exp. : len. c In re frlcerati 1 s'.eam and •lectrlial driven j plants and Bjvpju "nan^.n; temperate; i:iar- I rled: a*ed S.V A«'«n .1. G. Sheridan. 120 Franklin aye.; Rrookiyn. ENGINE P.OOM. light blacksmith work. elevator *ork. nil around work: willing ■ I to worK at ar.ything Kelly. 1107 3d a\e. FKET'KR 'Gordon > ..... «» learn <-ylin.f#r pr»i"*: willing worker; «xp*rl»^-»d: will work for low wage*. John Camarla. 145 l'nir>n St.; Brooklyn. FKEDER an<! I ■! ■ BSER ■•:. ■« ataady ■ Moloughney. M Built Ferry Road. ■vYeehawkm. N. J. FIHr.UAN -Oeman; »xperl^nred with A. K'.»k. H Atlantln aye . Brooklyn FIREMAN or OIL^.R; good referen.e*. Alex. NiWea, ! FIREMAN— Net afraid of hard work: go bVr; good rrterenm. Ad !rf«K Daniel M'xre. 878 Metropolitan aye . Brooklyn. FIREMAN; steady an<l sober; good r»f<-r vnc*s. O. B. m. 219 Baal l>6th -• Bkrjrr FURNACE MAN" —Fteam. hot v.a;<?r or dry fumacea a't«-nd»-d to by reli»b!» man; Brat 'U«s r»-f-rem •. Por^rt <ire»n, 330 Kast 37th «t. GEXTLEMAN. married, employed during day, desires pciittlon evenings: am experi enced retail salesman, cr will act In clerical capacity; references. Address A. Laegen, -»:■! East l'liil at. JEWELLER. TTlWiaat. ambitious German- American, 23. tlnsrle. wishes general Job bing or as salesman: acquainted In East ern United States: wages $15 to $20. 64 Bremen St., Newark. N. J. JEWELRY REPAIRKR-— AI: ajoM. silver ■ig. shop. Mag'lulo. -11 Weat SSth at. LAINDRYMAN— First class. wUhes par r.t ccaUlon In country town as ■ i • -:men'i»nt cr thirt Ironer. strictly tem psratsj: b»»t referenco: not employed: will at estoa Aidress Box 3. Adelphla, LUNi'.'HMAN.— First class; goofl oa aalada, oysters; ateady ptaea. Louis Severln. 1062 3d aye. LUNCHROOM or RESTAURANT. —Night or day. experlecoad. steady. Sharkey. 226 West 18th St., two fltghta. aaat. LAWYER of good ability, temporarily In Philadelphia, wishes position in a law office or with any firm or corporation; Is an excellent correspondent and capable of taking hold of aty work; willing to work hard: salary no object. A4dr«u '/... 170S St. Paul St.. O«rmantown, Pens MACHINE hand.— rim; class variety uldar. d. A. t»- «i 11*1— y «t_ WORK WANTED. Male. LIGHT WORK ipermanent). by married nan; American; trustworthy, reliab.e; I city «t eooctry; pleaw state wases. chas. RoLir.s3^. 231 j West 13th st. i Van OF CDUCATION and training '.as se-.eral hours a day ' " work at home. o»|at>. eacient. exv«rienced. Leisure, .^.l Whi 26th „ >I\N experletMed; wines) and lliuors; al?o fAmi'.y iiQut'r store; r-rferer.ce«. W., ..... Atlar.t c .v«-_. Brooklyn. MAX expert en «*d; to take ira of fcrrare C. T. Harris. .=>2s. = >25 W. l*th »t.. care of Th,T.'.r?cn. MANAGER cr SALESMAN in a clothing house. !•>• r-.irricj inan.^ «ith fa^Uy ; *£!—** \<Mr*»s Charles JlcDenaott, si» Otta rt.. Brooklyn. I MARRIED i"»!'. M. wishes positlca it _n.,:bi-.? where boueny. P>ed character aivl c*rf »r»1 ar« r-q'iirrd. Joseph«Ro v*s». 611 Hill st . West U-^>»ken. N. J. MART'.;th> man. 5T expeTieneed mi!l wr ;_ti-, machinist. ofSce work ct posatjon of ;ru«t with executive abi.ity. wants en-; pn^n-.^ri'. Wtltse. S«5 L»rayt:e aye. F;roc«^ n. jrr^TFNCrTi i^ rluh. hefr 1. bnV:-;* | bous»: r.a :••-»■: rol~l« agM: speaks 1 VrTch Ht:d ' Kuently: sevcti >.m refc r*.-5 ■-».■«. s'tcgner. i"4 V.Vst Broa.laay. >!7''FT WM'-iiMAN <^r IVjP.TKP.. —By TPi-;.i!«> a;cd :r_»n: Jl years' reference: for wrrk. J. oooiwin. East ...— st. ar.d sth ay?.. Bronx. . OFKICE ,i^:.-:a.v"-!s> yoangr, Mexican: (s^-i-l rt*rk: can n:n -i».-a:or and op-'*'*" switchboard: £i*al:7 Ens'.Ssb. Frinch. .-;ar. i.v \_;!rr«» pilkicgtc-n, csre Beeckbam. _f. Wess U'th st. <-!-F!«V: AS.-^TANT.— By your? man. with knowledge cf itenorr aphy. lypewrit- Inc ar.-l bookkecpln;. A. La Gattnta. 332 Kast 11th t:. j OFFICE BOY.— Has kcowledge cf 1-ook- j kw-;>ir? p.r>-l tjTewrltlns;: reference. I Michael Tornney. 'ill 'Klogsl'ind sve.. I Brooklyn. I FAINTING, <s»corat!::fr. pap•r^a^B:^^: es tate. :a;ifilo-.N; Aery reasonable; sr.«-c:a, j '•>d-irt;nn f.r furnished room fc^us-s. Nh'.har.. MS Kast 7 v rh st, - . rXINTEK.— Kxterienced m r.t" and o'.J work: Cfc-ls'-i-in; *:j.;::t ho:r*. X v«r day- Henry sfamiT. 11*' ta*t End are. PHOTOGRAPHER.— Very good retoucher wis!.»« piecework a» home, TrebeslceT. : 2_ V.a iU'T. St.. Hobok»n. -N. J^ j PLUMBING, st«-an an-, eas nttlng. John I".<:an. 'J">U Msdlscn ■▼«. rT.RTF.II or ELEVATOR RUNNER -Pv you-g' colored man: reference. '."ain»s. care of Beaton. » West 135 th -" I POSITION ;n factory rtr n:"vlr.B van. or '.n , I lanltor. * Aciir'"* .'■ L. J Edwart care of : ; Mr! N. ' r.*3. 113 W*»; 131lh St. ! SALESMAN. *c— By youj»ic An. tricar.; or any responsible petition with nrosTesatre ! house: ii'> a»enf:es; Interview A. , ; Karp*n. 1"- Ralph aye . Brooklyn^ SHIPPING CLERK and packer. 11 vear»' j i »xper!»-r,ce Ir. ;aper box factory. Burke. , I 13 Charlton st. ' i SECRETAItT.— Conflier.tlal prlvatu secre tary; educated, expener^ei man; for- ; mtrh- ofneial <r>ur* steno;raph»r; cae tosi- ; tir»n severnl v«ar«. r*fcrenres except 1 tlonally gc^-i: necurtty II r«v;^lre-i. Room : 120. Bible House. BTE^NOGRAPHER. TTPTST.— Expert; able I correspondent. fanu!;ar with credits; ex- : ' ecu tire ability; nbwluto Intetrrlty; ir.cierat* ►alary. W. E. Cafron. y.n> West I'-'lst ■»■■ I STENOGRAPHER. 22; three j*-ars' ex-, P*rien«-«-; competent; excellent cSice man; : : Al references; ciesiren p.-rmar.»nt position. ; Brody. t<2:« Kagi« aye . The li.-or.x. STENOGRAPHER and TYPKWP.ITER — One year's <>x;< : can klv<» rcf^; ! ac'.irate: stoaiiy place; B«r» I*. Address !s. T. 118 oth aye. I STENOGRAPHER and typewriter. sg» • ■J- . «-ir*r.-:- '•!. ««il recor.:ni*r.i»d; can , «:■.» «.-».-•■{ r-i! :; f" I'a-.'.rc li"*. i^»!tl>r.. , , .-Un»y Moore. 122 Washington I'U^. STH.VmJP.AI'ITKR. TELEGRAPHER— By R» operator: M rfTlce man of ex- ; •wutive ability: refwnces); tn a vr»»k. H. ■ j ■;. B^t. JIS W. 14Sth st^ i STENOGRAPHER TTPEWKITEK and IlO'.'KKllKPEß.— Beg:t=^r. salary to • •a:*. $'. r.fat anl accurate: srrai^iate Of i lu»lr.»»» - Rem!r.«r.on machine. OI- : ! worn, 15 Fulton st . Maspeth. L rtt Island. ; BTESJOGRAPHEB ar.d TTFEWKITEB.— VI » young Americar.. Z\. V<e<lnn"r: ■noderate salary to ?turt sufßcient t.» coier exp^r.-v* In orior to ira.n practlcaT sv.o— \ graphi".: experience. >. E. Akin. 4SO La fay- I rst« ay* . Bnoklyn. I STENOGRAPHER, 22: three years' ex- j competent: exc*iler.t cfT.c» man; ; Al referenc(»: i« ilace. Br>dy. P-3 ! ! h>c!e «v», Tfce Bronx STENOGRAPHER, TTPIST.— By ambi- , tlou^ youth; one '-ear's reU- | 1 ab'.»: vi, il'lriK to k-»v s<rt .if books: rea^y to j '• :earn: stadent ►■ker.trisr high schoot Kr.ick- . 1 .rbooker. if^ West Hist st I __^_____«_«_.^_— _— —^— ( : FTENOGRAPiiER. — Severn! years' eipeM j •om»; carat!« correspondent ar.i office as ! «is!sr.f d-«ir<> tem;«rary or permanent po i si'i'rr.. Address Reliable, Box 8. 133 «th ' STENOGRAPHER. AMANUENSia — Ex pert: perfect cnur.iruinan and speller: : j compose l»t;ers fr^m mfT.iirar.da: »xce;l»nt ' crvdenilals: thoro-.iKh tich school edora- I »ion: rapid, accurate; »13. K'r.r.ed. is; , ! Weat f>4th ft. I STOCK CLERK.— By a vcung man. 20. Charles Fu'.d. f.45 I/nn are. I feX'PERINTBNDENT ar.d arrhltectural j draftsman, with hutlder. architect or ; ; railroad construction d<*f.artp ci t : famlltar I I with tenement house nr.i bulldlnsj cod»: ; reference: hustler. B^» I<C l'Oa Gates ; sts.; Hroc.kl>n. I TEXAN. 3ft. tall, rr arried. teetotaler, iro-M Spanish scholar, best references, desires I pos-lti"n at anything, correspondent, watch- I i n-»n. eto. ; 11 1 answered. Martlnex, 291 1 I Uieecker St.. N«w York. ! TINSMITH.— German; sfceetlreo waker; j !r:'ii>>:s rr out. Wagner. 51v> Kast 75th *:. I 1 WORK O« ary kind, ly 413 \V.s, ! j Si ! i WORK of any kind, by r*-spe?taV.e <v<>red I man. "tKi Court landt aye.. The Mrcr.x. I WATCHMAJf, ftc.-Hy sober, reliable h^tel or private: or at anythir.g u h("r« character and ►•.•■r.«-»t>- are essential. John 1 Gordon. 241' Bast .'.2 d st. i WATi'IIMAN.— Ten v»ars' etp#ri»r.ce; At ! ref«-rem?»; t'ond If necessary. H. P., 121 I Vr.B*it a\.«.. Brooklyn. ' TOUNG MAN. eip*il.»r.ced. ir. shipping I 'iepirtm6nt: kn'"'Wle-lge of e\pre^)« an*i i ! freight shipping, also n.aiking. _. ; Lamm. i 40*> Ist aye. I TOUNG MAN. 21. Nt anything^ has some experience at (aahlon pattern c;ttln«r. Gecrge Erxieben 82 Ma :;-r St., Rrckly:;. 1 TOt'NO M\N (20) wants clerical cr out-] slrte p!»'o: has t'.rst i-'oss reference; g-joi | i i* .;..«: 11. Wood. US Basi SUJ st YOUNO AMERICAN, aired 22. wishes post- I lion of any kind; strong, — llllng and j obliging. iulck learner. I. P. Gourlay. I ' 16.14 Sty. Aye.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAM. g..)od penman, at ar.ything. ! Harris Cohen. 11 East lUta st. YOITNO tnedical stuaent desiro.i i>o«ltion at anything for Saturday afternoon and ever.lng; experienceJ VCI clerk nnd ea!*'* ina.ii. references; (rocl p#nmankhlp. Cto. Wurtsel, 24 West liath st. YOUNG MAN. 23. as English and Italian -; rater at>l vice versa; references, Domlnlck Loverd. 3Uo Mth 5... Brooklyn. Yi.j; N'J Man. ( ■r* '. u< elevator runner, can o;- rate swltchloard; lef^re:. i«. r; ■ mpetent, tnergei willing. AJ.'.r>-ss ! "V. 2»"> Went l4Wh St. YOUNG MAN 21. in autot.iobll* business: has had experience, or at anything with c^isnce to advance; strong and willing good e4 .cat! n. 77u st.. » klyn. YOUNIJ MAN. 21. Krenrh. speaking Knit- Uah fluently. In private family; city or country. A. M.. 147 East 3yth s:. YOUNO MAN. 18, desires place where there Is chance for advancement; three years with la*i employer; good references. Charles laths*, 1312 Ist aye. YOUNG MAN. 19; willing; can f :rnlsh the best of references as to character and Quallflcailorj. a. NlcolU 119 East 63.1 fct. TOL'NO MAN. aa clerk, collector, driver. elevator runner. fireman. machinist. helper telephone operator; expert-. need. T. Hingfl. 211* East 106 th st. YOUNO MAN. In office building or business house; good reference. 11. Jegerlan. £40 &th are. TOL'NO MAN. 23. marrlM. wl«h«a good, reeponsltle place; can furnish caatf se curity or bonds: best i>f reXererces. Ad dreas Weber. 406 West 133 d St. YOUNO MAN. — Unaeratands automobile overhaulinir. drivinjr axd repairing; *ober and Industrious. Llcbert. 242 Weat 116 th at. TOCNG MAM, 19. aa stock or order dark, or anythli.--; chance advancement; ex perienced. J. Brown. 760 Broadway. Bk'.yu. TOCNO MAN. 10. with four years' expert ence In office, desires place where there Is chance for advancement. Decker. «80 East 13-th st. TOUNO MAN. colored, at anything; high ly recommenced- Fred Joseph Richard son. 1 West 138 th at. YOTJNO MAN. 20. student auric* day. wUnea employment evening** . will can sider propesltloa for any kind or work; • 0.1 r«f»ria*esw R. St Oray.' 1066 Foji «c. Ite Mmmm. WORK WANTED. A!ale. TOL-NG MAN. 23. as assistant T< s"; mediate ;alar>. M. J seem. 318 tat :•- st. _^____ ; YOUNG MAN. -21: tpeaks Eatfl_^»*__ ard German: has long hotel arul trav el!!- g- eTr^rierr* 1 : to travel with a •~™r" Bf.i to any ;:*rl cf the world. Address Jacques l>«=n!. 234 West frith st. j yOIXC. MAN; socd reference and security. { Addr-ss I>. Pcs 40. Tribune l.ptc»a OtSce. lo'H Brcadway. '-."' VOI'NO MAN' 21. vrov'A like to learn goo<J tra.V. stea.'AflUtnff or ina.-hinist preferred: ta;pt mi>>rat» M1»-ha*l Reariion. Jf'J East mat «.. car* McEneney. Female. ..... &c— ln hctel cr school: play for oftfi''"". *»c; cr teach "»u»s= _?n4 German; excellent references. M;.-» £}«» serai.!* Bureau. 303 sih sv.. corner _*-■*_**_• BOOKKEEPER-"— By a yo'im? lady. 17; wtlllne ard cbllging. K» HarrUoa ay«.. Brooklyn. ___^ COMPANION to lady, ry refined *lu ca:M young widow: no objectloa to tra%^l: mankrarlst: r-ferences giv-n and | r^iuirc;. U 1 !:ii!irs. a St. Nic>.ui3S } la.«. EMBROIDERER en silk, cotton JPMyta: experienced; t-*st references 4.»»> <>ar fleW Plate, or.c Mock from l«th st.. es'. New York. < STENOGRAPHER, type ■liter; yonc« girl living ai;h pareots; one, years expert *r.ce; n^dt. accurate. :e!iah>: wm« knowl ► !=c- "f seti»r;! oSkce du'ie». Joyce. 41* West 4>'ii st. STENOGRAPHER. — Experienced; wintafj t^ T-ta't at a !■-■*■ sslarj: good reference. | K. N.. ."V.7 b'JLSI 50th »t I STENOGRAPHER an! t;-F* w r!ter «2C); j four year*' t\p»ricn'-e: ♦-»•-*!!•« r*f»r- j ences. A.l^ieis A. H-. Elx 4j. uract nroc»l. N. J. __ Ttlf-CWRITKr' and >TENOGRAPHER.-> Hy eir!. 17- J-olite. ao.-urate. qtUck. AS <'rcrs 15:sk r.iftr.rr. 170t Z\ aye » VISITING TtTOlt .— By expetierxred puWj j schoi ' tearbf-r: elemeatsnF »r-i ■ - a- -•»■. Er.c!i«h. math»mati<-!t. literature; r«ptl advan(-?xri*nt: hiehesr r«-f'rrnces. M.?s Ereritt. Ift Kast 77th !«t- I VISITING or RESIDENT r,OVrRNK»?- j \rc«n-.piish»d: Bnw»p»«B c^.llesje graatiate; '•iirr.ts French. l>rTi;an. piano, roandclin. y^« >Teir«-r. S-Tl -I *'?■ DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. { AI.L. KINDS cf rr.a'» fteip ecnrfan'ly °* . ha;ii. refe-*BCe» strictly ir.v estimated, j }«'<«jnr« Employmtnt Bureau. M*.» L"e^t.. . ;i7 Lexington aye Tel 2267— 11aia. j bl'lUlßS, J4: -#•.-.; cl.c;», *•*«; reaaea, j Ir S^vtch ani N'-r-vfgian cnaml»-r:.iaiis. I'J-': i ctam^rrnaiis-«a;:r.».*»9. 11^*22; c-»ka. ! *-U'-S.V-; la.iite' n.a'i«. s^am?:r^sses. J»; Infants nurses. £»-*—: hcusrk^rcrs. ll*- ; >.. Uutostrisil AssocUUod. W .15: *.: i- . •Phor.e 27Vr— J">th. j KrTI.ER or CSEFVIj •• .-: on )tenr>rean's ' piare; cclireri. ref»rer.c*.«. Acires* COl- , crvi V. M. C A ., Ytor.trlalr. N. _£• ! !lIT:.EK-i''"»iK.-U:.' young rcan ar.d wif.. (c.>l-.-eUi in »m»:i fan-.ily; city or country. Kdwards. 20* West ■ •■=>•■ »•■■ BUTLER or VALET — Thorou«h In every tra.-.<-h: fc»&t city referer.r-a. Address C iv. Box 3". Trtt^ur.e U;tj«n OS.-«, 13v» lirralway. IVTJ.KR. USKtT'I^ MAN.— By corr.peteat young colored rcan; private of •partnxnt; city r*.'erfnces. Aiiress Isaai , Luster. 'J47 West *3 . st. BUTLER-VALET.— By -"rmac. 31: lust; lar-.-led: th<rouifh:y efficient in all .'.utiesj ; «-an be highly re?on!tr.«r.J»d. F. H-, 51 • West 4*th -■ J BUTLHR cr VALET— By swede. ■ ex- : per-.escel : speaks English fluently. be»t cf inferences. Addrtsa Butler. 2-.'J East 4Sth st. ; CARRIAGE ROOM— By you"* Scctch- ; man; or soconcl man In stable: b*m cx.untry relerer.ces. J. C. Wilson. S«»rdam aye. CHEF.— By 1- prli-«te family or club; French and Americas corking. psrtry. bread. Address Ha.--.wl-k. 409 East l.'^th st. ' — CHEF.— Pv Jaran»3e: all arouni. foefeolel; thrrougMy exr-r'enceJ: eljht years' ex c*;:ent r»f*r*tce: city cr country. F. Hit-fug!. 117 Ch<T— St. _ COACHMAN.— Married. S3; medium six*: thorough horseman: highly recom:r.«nd«d ; tmierstar-'ls autin-.i-tiles: city cr country, lyr.stet. 22^ East »3:h -• I COACHMAN.— By very neat, ciean cut.; sn-.>-th fs-ei lr!« v very careful wi , reliable: wtll be useful at anything needed; i r«fer<.r."e the t*st. V. V. r^ East 37:h at | COACHUAN, fte.— By RweASD ccup'.e: n-.aa. Coaciunan; wife. cV.atr'-ermaad: city cr ciuctry; 173: t«st r»'eren>-es. Call Bw«d i.'h Exebasse. 109 Kjj: C*h st., cr T«i. Ofl— Ma-itson Square. COACHMAN.— Married; r.n family; eight rears" h'.tthest ref»r-r.?e frcr-. '.a«t . r',i\f7. carefnL eire:>r.t driver I*l first •■'as!" man Ir. every respect. Mtaie. m Weat 16th st. COACHMAN— By colored man !r. private Jin-.liy: all ercar.d stab'e Ma; fen rrca'-habi<. rr-fer*ncei«; city or country. tstocklsy, H7 Wsrburtaa ay» . Tenkers, I _ COACHMAN. — ?:r:*'.e. Sc;t.h: understar. is hcrsts. r.,-rlvsr». oar's sr.:»U place, fur rare; generally useful; moderate wag-*: refertrcv A :dr*»ss Coachman. Box 1— ; Tribune Offlce. t COACHMAN o- GROOM.— BT young Irtsh mir., rrl\a:» family; itiol driver: car* Ix:m<, rar. :r.;!'ic i"r.w». ntr cr coun try. B*»tl*l Scot t . 82 Stockton st . Bklyn. I'OACHHAX- By sirs'.- man. ags 30; h*«t I r»fer?r.ce»: cllT or country; obits:;:^:. G«.>rse Rollm3. care Fa«in. 7&1 Ttb. ,i- • COACHMAN — Your.X man; city cr coun tr>': ref^r* :: "r« frr>rn last »nf!o>?r; c -od j drhrer ar-1 KT->->m. John Balsley. V» Pktchea Vlnct. Wtst 10th St. COOK — By >our.g colored mac eTperi *-nced; in „ restaurant. **"«n*ir.»; house or hot*!. Address Chares Myr:e. 177 fcctv?a ectady a\e . Brooklyn. ■?O<>K or WAITER — Py yoons co'.orei j o:a:: ; ir. »n-.all ; rival-- fam:!v; city or country. Adir»«» - A. '■■.';*-::« care cf Mrs. Thorns-?. '^2i West 4v:h at COOK or BUTLER — Colored man: over five yurs !n ia«t r!ac*. Address G. C. f^HUh aye. COOK. ro f "r. bi"!»r. u?»fu!; c^>-k pre ferred; young: rclored man; sir.g'e. goo<) reference. William RoMnsoa. 7J4 Gates | aye . Hrooklyn. j COOK.— English: car-ab>: urd«r«tands all j brsr.^h's cooktnjt; in '•■■■ Huv»r.. excel- j lent references. M. 8.; Mi-" Fit:s»raH's Bureau, S'"^ BU> p^e.. cur. 421. COI'PLE man a- wife; French, don't] speak Kns'ish; to take ca:« cf vv.ut.'.ry , pla^e for winter an 1 help In sununeT In outside work, wife for housework; refer- j ence. C. F.. 143 W. 31s: st . care QwSilS. \ FARMER USEFUL. MAN — HOfSE WORKER- — By young German couple; marrieJ: no children; gi»l references. I" , Carpenter's Bureau. 154 6th aye. GARDEN — Understands car* of vege table*. lawn«. etc. >"»."« of Mr. S. Mad hurst, 12 West st. RALLY USEFUL MAN. — Good milker; understands poultry: ran tend furnace, etc ; m^inratp wapi*. Address P. 6.. Pox >0. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broa.l»ay. UORB&UAX. —By young, clean, bright Swed*-: city nt country: very best refer ence; 130. «■»:! Swedish Exchange. 13» fast 30th »t.. or Tel. 4564— *H>llll m Square. JANITOR.— By young couple; understand sir-am heat, hot water; can do repairing Paul Kraychy. 331 Kast 117 th st JANITOR abla fsmlly. to a nire hot water T".*thouee; best references- West M Afartrr.ent 7. 304 West JANITOR.— By young married couple; no children: place without steam heat pre ferred. Mrs. Barbara Swans. 1319 Ave nue A. JANITOR. — By young oouple; experienced :ng elevator; handy with tools; good references. S. Rubl:\ M Ea»t 7th at JANITOR. In firs: class elevator apart meal best reference. Roy, Newport Ourt. 111 West lCMth St. jaNITiiH'S helper: ran do firing, also plain •■"■•king, oar.l worker. H. J. Munroe. 10 Pleat »t MAN: GERMAN: middle afad; nnder stands house, garden work, furnace. handy any kind of work: lowest wage*. best references. Berger. 227 East 11th at. MANAGER or CARETAKER of ■entle man'a home; refined American couple; no ehUdree; excellect referencea. H. Lilly. in West :'.3th at. RK3TAVRANT nr HOV»BWORK. —By Oermao. Brandt. IT6 Kant at.. Or*aa polut. STEWARD, late steward Elks Clnb of Wtnnlpef. No. 12 Lodge, wishes similar place In New York club; good references. C. E. Barnes, 1*37 Madison ava. SECOND KAN.— A voun* man as wcoad man. with waltraaa; vary g-ooi houaamaa; «alat and watt on Übla. «ood referwwaa. D. :.. .r: .:. V;- *-. - - '< -t '■.: v.-.--' MEN. — Yoant; Swedish: either In or out doors; understand a UtUe about horses; excellent references. Wlatiuxp Ba- Ml, •«M ttU a*, ntmm MKa— MIX DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WAXTTD, Vale. USEFUL, or HANDT MAN— Toon* ssami city cr country. Georxs Howard. Uat Wasfcirgton aye. Bronx. LSEFTI. YOUNG MEN. » aa2 22; cms*/. reliable; at ar.ythlcc: rtsisaaabie «c««. 137 Ea>. 26th St.. are of Har>pUa. C&aWI. MAN.— country plac««r :n* i"Tua». experienced; American, SO; single: -rases moderate; r«!tr*_c«. Petar l4>agi. 433 West *3ta st. CSKFLX MAN in hotel or be*r_t* baow^ with carpenter's, painter's »xl : ani •rs tool*: h-urtly at anything; city or eoan tr>; good r^fereece*. J. Turek. «0 Grant si.. Perth A-r.boy. N. J CSEFCTIi MAN.— To car» for cows a=4 horses: »ia MM at <!eaire<J. wire to help in house if wanted. APVIy •-- Majeoek, Liun.ont. N. J. V A LETT. *c\— By youn« Cbreac bey; _ tru-lline ale* man a»TT».- Intler or plain took; good t--- - • referecce: •»» in family; ••+•» •***'* X:-:. 1212 3j> wiok aye . BrseicT— . WAITER or PORTER. — By celcred anaa; g»jj fjr either; sober -. -i hoc est. K. H. Bailey, care d Roatassa. 221 Went 40th st. WAITER or LS_»LI^ MAX— CsI-arM; -«' . with tools. J-. care of Ma4!asa. 3?. l We^t ?Sd st. WAITER. — German, • able. »zperles«ea. wis^es steady p!ac«: city or eouatrr; *t'.l of fare writer. ■iu»tav He==». 441 East Slst s:. TOCNG MAN with S.T* years' reoens iner.iati-jn frosi Ia« ensp!?yer. wishes goc-1 p;ac*: las' en:p!oy«'l as head waiter. dining car. steward, • aie*. j-siai*:} strward. O. K. We»r. 14*3 Ma<3iaoa aye FrmsJs. CHAMBERMAID a i SK.KM6TRES9 a* L>.\r.NDRES3.— By c«ar. tidy rtr!: be*t r»fer»n<«a -»i?»« f22. r"iSerty"a Bureau. 4K, Cebnnboa a.c. Te T4l— Rlt«t. MERMAID an/1 WAJI«I— By a ebligias; j«ri. thoreuxily laspi »«r.t: eoo<l referencea elty or eoajsjßrj - S. v.. it* Coi:>ft Astray. 122 Waal r>i «• if'MrASION to invalid -- *\i»rtT -«r»-a. by rra-iui?« - -.» best refer* ter=j rrvjerat*. .* J .-'.r«»s Grai\:»t«. Trlr-aa Up town Offle*. 1304 Brc*2*ay. CARETAKER — R»ll*b!» woman mat trirsi »i«h to rain -*- of ;-.i:» hcus* --r.t'y .•oH /vr rented: r»fer*=ces from j-.—'i, families. 213 East loth St.. K»atlng « N».! COCrK — F;r»r - us. G«rnu: thoroughly ur.derstar.i* h«r <J*3t>»: ectr««s. gait;*. • _...-., exc«:i»nt bak*r; 'on« «>»«»: -.•--. $4. J3O Scfcsudt. «CT W«st tilth st. (.f»)S.- Swedish; ThorouxMT «JU)ei<W»US<: urderstar-ds soups, »t? : city cr efnsirr: HO. Call Sw< t. Kx_-a-«e. 133 HTast 3uth St.. or Te!«phor.« 4564— Madlsca Si CDOX and l!s;ht Uundry work; by a •--» <n-gMr rorr;*:er.t I*:«S g!r:: dry sc rsc^ •ry; sn y«-ars" reference. (23. C*l! s««d l»h Kx<-hans«. 133 East St.. or 7V« r •■• M IBM Vat 1 - - --. ar». i\:OK. — A lady to aksca h»r ex'£. whom she th?rou*h:y rercmsirnds: wipi »-T5 t>> $♦>. Mr* 1.-:-:. ns--i OD-vparattrsj Bureau. 331 Ma4!*>R ay». Tel 37Z4—S?:-\. LT>jK3 ani s^T-.eral hous»-wc>rk»r»: goa*?: era coiored slr:s; wttat can r- fu-- .n short r,ot!c«. '.V ri or eal". !»r inforrv.aticr;; help at once. »*a Jen s. 54 East Grand St.. Bayomie. M J CIXIKS. laun'ircsso*. - — > -.--,-, aa".:resse«. cnamt*<ls. hi\ise»-rr'«er«. Swedish. F!nri*h ar.i Civn girls; a'l r*>r»r,. e< strl'tiy Isresti^s.te'i. B^octt: s Copleymroi Hur*au. 7*7 l.exlns^os a- . c. T»l. 4i?7— Plata. COOK— By wonaa *-• f.r«t r!»«s BMSJ4 ■ i pastrj' cvok in prlva:« family. A;^ly •Jf».» Eighth aye. COOK. — T-o-ina; S«f'::«S worzan; frst c!a«i cook; .... N»-»- TcrJt r»f»r«r:c«. Juasiia Bureau. CsO L-xicpon MM COOK— 'TIAMBfrRMAID.-Ceck Sad a.« sist wi-.h laundry: 3ls:;r as charnfc*-rr.a 1 arl waitr?ss. t»j y>-ir.s Finlan'l irtr!«; c:~ or cour.try. rffermces. Ju»sl'a &a r*au. Sf>o L'xicgton a\-e (TOK aad WAITSKSS. — Together or se;a ra:e; »i;i <*.o ■'- - !a-ir.4ry w<rrk: wa*e«. t~: waitress and c£amber=iail •»• »*-• $3i. best ref^rtnc?s. Flaherty s Bj reau. 4*>i CbhBBbOS aye. Tel 741— River. CTX?K. — Firsi class; neat ard ti.iy; best rsferreres); city or coucfry; wag»s. t" tj J3o. FlahTtys Bureau. 453 Cc:«=:6u3 a*. Tel. 741— F.lver. COOK. — Years;. trtHingi exceptVsnally --a: ar.l !r.te:i;ger.r; makes geo-i srupa. ea tress, roasts, pastry, . •-• bread: <»co norrslcal: r»f?r»r.ce*. CaU Ir»in"s Bureaa. 77 Weal 11th at. COOK — Cosnretenr: witn ; -•■ ate familr: excellent bajcer h>3t breads; ra»st des serts; city reJeresc*; >j.t«. 525-S2O. ac cor-i:ng to wcrk. 4,'W TVest 131 st rr. DATS WORK. — Washiag. tr^r.'.ns n c>a=!ns;: $1 9 ■ (!ay. Mrs. Fa.- Sl» W»s: MM st. DAT;? WORK. — Br coion»d wooaaai: work fa-- kir.i. I:obir.son. .' West 3T:h st, DAT WORK. — A!so hoase" clearly.>- cr i:n;M!r.j. Agnes Batts. !i» West 27th st. PAT? WORK. — By r»!«r#ct**> color*-! wotran; to do ti:r.i'y washine hcz s Srs: class reftrear*. i"a".i a.l »erk. a.^tjs'% Strocc. 523 West '-a st. I'A^"j! WORK.— 6y pc'.or~J worr-ac; M*-- Jay. T*j**J«y. WeJaes«iay ani Tiurs-iay. F»r»be». €3 West 133t^ St. DAY'S W« iRx. — By a celjrej woman. Ca: 10-aay. 71 -.' - ■■ ee??i •• HOUSEWORK -By a Sweilsh Pretest ar.*.; good cc>ok; city or Cuuuui. H. S.. Mrs. Cc::!er"s Apency. 122 West 234 »*. II<>L*SF:WORK— By resj>*oratl- roljred r.ri a» centra hec — wcrtm v u»y* cr »a.» v ta :jk- :-.ow. BssßOStda 19« W. 1340 st HOCSEKEEFER.— A Germaa Uiy. wttH daughter, w^.o attends hustrtes?. •- — t-> ke»p hcu*» for an elderly if- :-. a- has her own furniture. ♦_+ «3;h st . fcrock'o n. Ist floor. KITCHEN WORK.— By neat. r»sr?-!s^« colored wa:na-. in bcaMinc bouse or pri vate fami'y; honest, w-ID-g ard cV;:s:ts>. Rosa Dualap. 62 Easr 10CU »* saa* »it LADY 5 MAID — By a N rh Ger-rjn. .-.!? r•. «sc*i'er.t treassaakex 5a -ke ard tra\«i!er: city cr couatry. o. X.. ll:«s ntigeralJ s Bureau, TO3 6th a.» c-imer *.' i st. I^AP'.KS ilAlP— Fr^cch: expener -e-1 searr.» resa. hairdresser: wi::in»T to he.p in li«ht rharrbejnvork. rountrj- rr»ferr»i; city reference*. Maid. 280 West WO st LADY'S MAID.— By 1 >cu=* gf-': Utoroßcttly e»r»rie.ic»<l a=J test of ref erence*. 423. Call S?w*i:sk Exdtaase, '*» Ea«t *Hh st. TeJeph-ne i"*- :i*-r. Sl4 JANITOR.— Ccnjpeteat party a> .•a.-.t:rea*i referee. • Mrs. Cutler. CSS West «Tt» St.. cara M. Hr .•■*::. JAKITHBM —By colored la t*P rl«P».l room .-•. bo •■-«»-= Daw good reference. [- A W.. TrSSuae Vptowa Ol t'.-.-e. ISM Broadway. taAL'NDRESsV — German woman wish** work for Friday and Saturday; t*_ home "aahln*. Barry. 353 East 78th •:. LAVXDRE?S. — By Oennaa woman, (a taka^ hoca*. KIUUn. Ml anji 313 Eaat frith st. LAUNDRESS. — Swedish: srtvat* fas— only; very best of refereacea; ally. $30. Call Swedish Exchange. 13d E— t 3Wh a: . or Telephone 4564 — Mad. son Square. LAUNDRESS. — Pam..y: first nllar. ta_l work home: personal reference; or ds trcsinx tn laundry by the w»«.- « «sxy. Clot Samuels. •!» West (Ud at. LAUNDRESS.— Irish: eltter br day a* month; shirts, collars aad cuCa; wagee» 125. excellent references. Winter*? B»» reau. Co Waat JSUi st. Phone XOM TeteV LAUNDRESS.— Finnish woman, mi llailH will help with other work, city or oova try: beet refereacea. Jusatla Tliliaau. 688 Lexington aye. LAUNDRESS. — Fine laundry work U>-a In; thorough cleaning; no clMsnlemk* uMdj open air drying: prompt asd raiisjhW Thompson. 511 East 7»th at. NURSE.— Yonntr woman as atteadaat ts> Invalid: •; «odtd traialiM la cm eases: salt rubs electricity; booprta) trala lr.g: highest reference from decters a=4 patients. B. IX. Trtbcae Uptown OtSoe. 1381 Broadway. NURSE— By a capable young woraaa. wits MM Kent references: will take satire chargw of one or two children; city or coun try: good seamstress. Miss Til —■lT* Bureau. 603 6th aye.. oomer «3d at. _ ,' RESPECTABLE colored woman iraata work; nn objection to abort distance m country, good reference*. IT.ii W^ute. 127 W. SMh at., kacament. . — — — — ___________ SEAMSTRESS. — By >our.« woosa; ■ g« out by day la private family; references. ; Jade. Si 7th aye. - ■WAITR£SS.— EngIUh; first olaas; or wtU go aa parlormaid: best r**reoc«e. JnsslW Bureau «80 Lexington aye. WAITRESS.— First claaa; vary neat; rood references, city ar oouutry. — . S, Mre. Collier's Agency. 122 We*: 23d st. WAITRESS. — WUUsg to .•«■..: with efca— berwork: beat referencea Call Mi Ara 1 sterdam are.. Fisher's beU. WAITRESS-CIIAMBERMAID. —By neat. staart young girl: uwleMtaads sa_is asa ear* of stlrcr: "fa. 113 to »»: Aood ref erence*. Flaherty s Bureau. *?5 Cohimbu* are. * TeL 741— River. - WASHING wanted at home by doxen .-• b_uUe by re^ia-Me roua« «oo— tmm go>«k. 43* W. — « «L .