Newspaper Page Text
WHERE ARE THE BONTS? Millions of Dollars in the Treasury Awaiting Claimants. [From Tlw .'ribune Bureau.) Washington. Nov. 28— In spite of the supposed tl»htncss of money and laok of cash throughout the country, there pro millions of dollars waiting In the Treasury vaults for claimants. These claim ants l;avn merely to appear in person or send the proper documents to reoeivo the money. According to Uw last monthly report of the divi sion of loans of the Treasury there was no less than 5&22&95Q awaiting the pleasure of holders <«f bonds which matured on the first of last July. ffcetx bond ceased to bear Interest at that time. and i here i.< nothing to be gained by the holders etin&ing to them. The total issue called in by the Secretary of the Treasury under a circular, dated April -. was $^6,121,450. The bonds ara Known in the department as the << 1907 4<=." and are held by owners sll over the. world. It is supposed that the irr»at majority of them will come In for redemption some rime, but it may be generations before the big pile of MMM is reduced below the 1100,000 nisrk. Some of the bonds will never come in. for they irin b< lost or destroyed, and the rightful own ers, either tliroush igriorant-r or other causes, will not set on foot the proper measures to recover their mon^y. Half a hundred years from now there may pa HSA.6O or (300,000 si ill unaccounted for. and the venerable clfiks in the department will stroke their snowy mustaches as th'-y speculate over the mystery of the lost bonds. Of the funded loan of MM. due for redemption In 19-W. there is $32,00f> Mill unpaid and unaccounted for, and of the 5 i.<r ■■.' bonds called in by the Treasury in Febru ary. 1904, $^,*OO has nor yet appeared. "It is safe to my that the greater proportion of the binds frill show up in lime, but you and I will fc» gone before the account is Fettled." paid C. N. >'-■,- irty, chief of the loan division. "Not nearly ks many of these bonds will bo lost as you might suppose. As a rule the owners are persons of tn«a!is who purchase them for Investment, and even aft*r the Interest on them ceases continue to ■old them for various reasons. Perhaps they aro not in need of money at present and will wait until th*y run across a good Investment before they Convert :iie bonds into cash. Perhaps, again, they have been in thr habit of collecting th*> Interest on the bonds at long intervals, once in fix mc>nths or a year, and have not yet pone over the papers In th*lr safety deposit Ix.xes. and do not really know liiat th<* lionds have ceased to draw interest. Wfcen th*y finally wake up to the fact that these bonds have quit bringing in a steady Income th,ey • ill write to the Treasury asking why the interest has stopped. The Secretary will inform them of the facts In the case, will quote the April circu lar, and In due time will receive the bonds for re demption. Another very frequent cause of the lenMswary disappearance of bonds is brought about by th»* Heath of th<» owners and their estates going Into the hands of executors. Until the courts or der the executors to wind up the affairs of the de cedents the bonds they are holding must remain In their custody. Of course, at rare intervals we hear of the toss of bonds by accident. A mail train may be smashed up and the envelopes carrying them from person to person may be lost in the debris. A steamer bearing the owner may go down and the bonds be lost with his belongings or his person. Thieves may steal them, with other valu fibles. and throw them away when they find they rannot convert them into ready cash without run- Bankers ami Brokers. The stock market now affords exceptional opportunities for the purchase of high class railroad and industrial shares. At present level of prices a return of from 5 to 8 per cent can be obtained on conservative investments. Correspondence invited. SCHMiOT & GALLATIN, Members New York Stock Exchange; 111 Broadway, N. Y. William P. Bonbright & Go. BANKERS. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New York, London, Colorado Springs, 24 Eroad St. 16 Beorge St., Gclorado. Mansion House, E. C. ELECTRIC POWER, RAILWAY and MUNICIPAL BONDS N. W. HALSEY & CO. BANKERS Bonds for Investment Interest Allowed on Deposit Accounts Fiscal Agents for Cities and Corporations 49 Wall St., New York Philadelphia. Chiracs. Ban Francisco. Convertible "Bonds Special Hrcnlsr describing: all the current ls#-jes. giving prices and yields, and showing prices stocks must pa*« to show a profit '.rough conversion, with method for find ing »uch conversion prices, sent on request TRgdmondagQ; "".r | ~~ ~ NEW ISSUES NEW YORK CITY 695 BONDS. PRICE UPON REQUEST. Tele 6615 Broad. BANKERS. 37 Wall St. CURRENCY Bought and Sold. J. THOMAS REINKARDT, S8 Broad St., >'. V. IX FULL VIEW OF THE CURB. Boston Office: 10 Exchange Place. ' INVESTORS AND SPECULATORS READ STOCK HISTORY With DIAGRAMS & STATISTICS. For sale on newsstands or write, call or telephone ST vS%??Z~ V..rU. -.hon. 6137 Broad. Dividend Notices. Buffalo & Susquehanna Iron Company i«_i M^.rteaßO H% Gold Hiitiil* Coupon n" 11. «J2 '"comber 1. 1007. will be paid « ttll i^k y * BOBWSOK.' 85 Cedar St.. X. Y. II D. C AKSON. Secretary and Treasurer. in HI Mil DIVIDEND. SfUUTirHONB orBRATINO COMPANY. 141 Broadway.^ - 1907 The Board of Director, have thU«*f «««la«JI the «t«*nth regular rnontbly <»»\. lden t d , oonf n i v Jm« D*eem •tock ttned prior to November Ist. ppayable^ ayable Dceam ter Ist to stockholders of reoord at the close oi dusi B 'T*rin^r m to r OVB.OO V B . Ot w«n be closed November X M.. and remain clo»«d until tho opening of busl nt« I>ec*mber 2d. igKx( , TXIOnM AN. Treasurer. * Norfolk * \T«t«rn Hallway Co. ; . V The Bc*rd of Wrectors h M declawl * "^""gl^ l««n<I tt two and on^balf yor cent. «££ «h« Co roraon ttKk of tb« Comr»ny. Pf.jr»W« .V hl^r a en ani a'ter UewmN-r i«th. Iwy7. to th« corninoD k^ ltr I*&s1 * & 5. i r ** Uu r »d Al u» elcs. of tw^n^^^gJ^^SSixy.' nlng the risk of detection. In such instances as these the original owners or their legal heirs may always recover the face value of the lost bonds and whatever interest is due them by making proper Application and oath to the Treasury De partment, accompanied by an indemnity bond of •*vi~e tho amount Involved. "Once in a while we run across some grewsorne relics in the bonds sent in for redemption. A few months ago we received a package of bonds from the West that hud been fished from a river with the remains or their dead owner. The owner's body had boen in the water for months and was scarcely recognizable and the bonds were scarcely more than a mass of horrible smelling pulp. They ha.l to be examined, however, and passed upon, but before they could be handled they were sent to one of the chemists in the department, who fumigated and disinfected them thoroughly. Even after the heirs of the dead man had received their money the bonds had to be kv[.t in the vaults 01 the divi sion us all bonds called in are carefully preserved for future reference— this particular package was sealed In an airtight Jacket and put away with the rost. Once In a while we get a number of bonds that have been taken from the clothing of a yellow feyor or typhus patient, and we have to do more fumigating and disinfecting before the clerks are allowed to handle them. "All bonds Bent in for collection are recorded very carefully, and fifty years hence you might come here and find out through whose hands they passed from the time they were issued until they were returned for conversion into cash. in law suits over the division of estates the department I* frequently called upon to give the history of a bond. The court may wish to know Just who had it at such and such a time in order to determine the rfchts of certain heirs. The records are here and may always be obtained., "At rare Intervals the department is in receipt of the remains of bonds that have been chewed up by rats or chopped into hits by machinery. If they are unrecognizable their owners must give the Sec retary a bond before they recover, Just as they would have, to do were the bonds lost altogether." The Tribune printed on July M the fact that there is an old account of «Uls 25 which is held to the credit of claimants who may never appear with the bonds that were called in years ago. Add to that tidy sum the five and one-third odd millions of the 1807 fours and you have a little nest egg that even hungry Wall Street would not despise The non-appearance of the owners of this amount ought to serve as an argument for the good times advocate. It is Impossible to believe that many of the bonds wore lost, ar.d the only explanation in that the owners are In no hurry to collect th« money they may have for the asking. THE FINANCIAL MARKETS. All the exchanges and banks were closed yesterday. For the convenience of readers Wednesday's final Stock Exchange prices are reprinted : RAILROAD AND OTHER STOCKS. -■ <* '■'. do Jrtt* , v vi I •A^al PCP Co D^«r ' U \* ' ** n ™*>\» '*'■'■ M X I i'?. . i°" K '"M^ City So i '• A -do u p^f eusar _: 7 ? *£&*"&:* k American can':: m "^ LaciedV^Gai - 100 do pief .T-,', r.- do rr «f , , .' »i Am Car & Poryi M, X* Lake Erie"* W £ 13 American Coal.. 100 UKI I Lone a ,,,l '.'.'.', 90 Am cotton oil; 24* as i>>u? s 1? N^ n .":: *k m* imD^xei:::: » S "5 g* : " Am Bxpreu. .MO is* . Manhat h " '.'. "2 1 -. rw»w ■ :■ ♦ -». Manhattan Blev 110 l»l Am Hide * 1.... ■ '.* -Met s-i.. • In.. 21 24 i ,<ll, <IIJ T■-?T ■- ? JOJ4 J2, I Mexican Central. 12% 1.: An. i<« tvnc .... I'> UK Michigan Cent... 100 180 Am Linseed.... .', £ : Minn &St Louis. ■» ■ .*> •do pref UA, £.. | o VTft , ;7 X Locomotive aBVi «|M s , i ;, r *r ss'.M.' iH4 73 •do rref 8S !»» d 0d 0 UT( .f 11-, ,,. American Malt.. 3 4 ;Mo Kan A Tex"." 22% S« do prrf IT *• I do pro* r»4 ,^ ',", •Am BmeMn*. .. 68% r.v, Missouri rii nc!' «fl * «7 •do ill.**i 11 .** .. M M Nash & Chatt..! «i LO do pref -. - • ,; ; -; 74 ..Vat Biscuit «l>i 83 •Am Snuff .. JflO 200 .do prei •).'. km AnV^el^'cahie'S 'S \»£ &%£ *' g* T* Am Tej & Tel... «r-, JJ»i •NewSuie MAS « V* Am £ tir '' f ' ■ Vo'" «4 : x ew Cant coal.. — 50 •Am Woollen.:. 12^* 2:' ** V Air Brake. <W>i^ «2 •do liref <o 75 INT Central m^ ft 4, •Anaconda .... 32% %\ N - V Chic •»I, £3 »4 Ana Arbor Ist -.. ( do Ist pref M hU .«« , T."f M flo %i r . r 47 «9 Atrhison «♦■, TO N > w y< . rrk Dock.. 2" do pref. . . *>'« SO%j it, pr , f ,-.-, --, At Coast Line Oil «* ' N yftNT .1 Tel.. M •■-■<, •Batoplla* Mug. 3J4 .">'N TNH A. H.J.134 l:-.4*i Bait i 0hi0.... r9\i ■'■->. tt YO a W •_-.< i M •I" p«f •- 74 , •*;,. I Norfolk & west.. MS »>.-. Bethlehem Steel. o'i 9'/,t do pref Xi -•, do pref.. • 2" W North American. 401; ♦'. Brooklyn Rap Tr 31<» •!-• Northern Pacific. loß4, Ifwt', Brooklyn In Gas *0 :» An cerftß 07 - <-T\ Brunswick ...... J Ontario Silver.... 2'i ■': Buff R & P.... «> ins Pacific Coa»( . 6T> «7 do pref .90 — d.> lft pref... 70 on Buff & 9uaq rf. — •* I do 'M r>r<>f.. .. fiS H3 •Butterlck C 0... 1" 2-'>_ Parifio Mall ...SI 214 •Balaklala Cop. I*. 1■« iv., P it R los'i l"f» Canada Southern 58 "JO lp«orla & Hast... 12 -• • Canadian Pac. ..14.'> 14-' a i m Ga« & C .. '•"■ '''■ "i I C&So Am Tel.. — 106 p,-CA-St L. . BH Pfl | Central I«eath-r. 12* \'i do pref 7" hi do pref C. II ritteburc C0a1... T l , «'i Central of N J.14.P 188 ' do pre f .89 43 ' Ch*s * Ohio 2T>H i>H ' preiised S;l Car.. 16tt 7 Chic & Alton... 11 '- ' do pref «4H tit* <1 , prff — "I Pullman Pal Car. 188 H" Chic & E 111 pf. — 12-', Quicksilver .... — \i Chic Ot Western 7 ~ l i do pref I do pref A -•*■« 27-- np. urltl**. .. — ■-.•. da pref l; . HK '• «r..- St'el Spring. 2.'.<4 2-". do deb .. ■'■! v <' 'do pref.. . . •■■■ 7.-. ■ Chic Ind * Lf»f. *" 90 Reading S3 i M CM& St P 98% ■>> I do Ist pref... 1 .. 7<'t'-. :■•■ '■ •Ho certfs... ■ "'i f «> I do 2d tret 09 . 7^ <\» liref 130 l"' 1^ Bens St. Sara .100 Hi ■ •do eertfs.....HT 113 *Repnhlle i & P.. 14-. UTU T ' Chic & Nwest.-lSiaj I' 2 »do pref .Wi jss. . do lift 175 IM no-It Inland . . .. 12% IJ'- i Cstl" M & O..ll« "■• • do pref . . i'"» '■•<■ do i.rcf. 140 1#» Rom* W* O I<)7 — Chic Term Tr. .. — JJ Rutland RK pf.. 2" 30 do pref i'" l --' sL& 53 V Ist pf BO *•-'• Chic Union Trac 2-» 3*4 do 2-1 prrf 27\ 2ft "do pref 1" '-, ; do C&EI cfs pf — 110 CC < »8t Ir.. ••'"* St L*• Swn ... 11»i 15 do prof ♦*-"> "' to prat. .. - aft» T "' Cleve Lor *■ W. *•' — Hears-Rotbk pf . . — 41 i .jo pref 11" — Slots Bh B A 1.. 32H MVj rieve & Pitts., wa —■ . do pref ■ ■ — '"> Col Fuel & Iron 15% l'i-i Boutliern Pacific. TO* SMI 10 pref 2« — , do pref I'M V>'\ Col I Southern. 17« i 17^4 Soutbern U R.... 104 1"» i do Ist pref.... 41H 2?™] d o pref 31 Sl l * . 2d pref. .. WMi r.l |«Term Copper 2« v;rt\ r-,] 4- HC & 1.. 18 IS Term Coal * 1... S» I' l . aneol Gas . "•*' Texas & Par I<-' 19 Corn Prod Viet.. '-'\ 10 ,, do lJ»nd Trust. 4.% ♦•' do pref •»>< Sift Third Aye RR. lfl 20,. Pel * Hudson. .1* 13 01 *} Toledo Rys «- 1/ . 9V4 Mi DL. & W » 400 To i Bt L & W... Ifi 17 Denver Ano W<4 Is% do pref 30-» 1 * do pr*f M; n I Twin City- RT . 73' 2 <« 1, MA Ft ... «H 12 .L-n. L - n BaK & rap. . I I do pref ">* — I "do pref »» 41 Detroit Southern 2 * [Union Pacific 1144 li4t» do pref 1» «'. do pref <«• M Detroit 1-n H R W'i X United Uj Inv 12 H •Distilling Pec. » •<»*! di pret...... » 2_ , •r> ss * At!... «»i W* rrntted nnr pf.. fO *• •do pref 11 *«V U B C I P & F. . i« W4 En, 14H IJJy do pref jit M do 2d pref... fl fib, 1 . 1 father.... 12 •'^r^r^^ : S B"%S "W.^ * - Federal M& 8. f.2 PI t; 8 Rubber £ IMi do pref M* '"i! do Ist pref «V* <•• Orinbv ... 78 « do 2d pref 40 «3 oJn Chen Co . .. 40 H 0 a Steel 2.^ 24 do nref Bfl •" do pref W* K2 7^ C.en Electric co:iioj4 112 |*j:tah I1 copper.::: S3 »ii Gt Northern pf.llSH 114 VandalU R ... - »•> •flo nubs I"** l f * Va-Car Chem.... l« »7 •do ore cerft*. 41>4 42 do pref........ 79 VI Havana Bnv r.f — g Va Iron CJC..W — Horklnr Valley. « » •Vulcan I>et 2K <H do pref «••'* «2 . 'do oref 2n „ Horneuske ■» ♦" Waba.h *H 9 Illinois Central.. l2o 130 do pref... . .„ . 15 U>i Tn«eri-011 -Rand .41 — Wells Farm Etc. — "00 do pref^ff. 85 - West Maryland.: !>H l« Inter-Met .... 5 1 * West TTnlon Tel .5« M do pref.: •• 17H W«e Westlnehous,, M. 40 42 Int Paper ...» "> do l«t pref 60 70 do *r'f" ■« 63^4 Wheeilnir *L,B. 4* « •Int Power!!... 25 4") &0& 0 Ist pref 14 ?O Int stpHTii puniD 10 1 l Ml do 2d pref . ... 7 12 do t)-ef • • S4 MVi ' Wisconsin Cent .11 W lowa Central.... 1«> I" 1 * ! do pref 25 M do pref 28 85 1 ~ •L'nllsted. tEx fllvidenl 1% p«r cent. AMERICAN SECURITIES ABROAD. London. Nov. Trading In the American de partment on the Stock Exchange was on a email scale. Prices were steady with mort Issues show- InK «mall fractional rains. Canadian Pacific wu weak on Berlin selling:. lASt prices follow: Yesterday's N*w York New "fork. Not London, equivalent. Wflswr. Changes. AtrhUon 72 79 «>Ti + H Canadian Pacific UH% 144H 14.'.' , —1 C m & at v 100 l>7*4 M*l -»- *4 Erl ISH 14*; 14H 4- *« •Illinois Central 123 11I>*» I*> — • Louis & Nash fl2«i 904 no -l- H New York Central.... 98 9f.«4 9*% +H Pennsylvania ...; MH 10»H 109 + % R-adlnit 43 83*4 S3T4 — H Southern Pac TOT* «R% mi — S tUnlon P«c 113 114H U 4 H -— U S St«>l 2-*H 24 2*% + '4 dopret. »* S3* 82% +H •Last recorded sale, fEx dividend. EUROPEAN PRODUCE MARKET. Liverpool. Nov. — Closing I — WHEAT — Future* dull. December. 7s ll>;a: March. 8s 2%d; Mar. 8s i id. fspo: quiet. No 3 Western winter. 7s 10«4d. CORN — Spot qul«t. Prime American mixed. 6a *K<l. Futures dull December. Cs 6^id: Januarr. 5s BHd. PEAS— Canadian, steady, at 7s lOd. HOPS — London (Pa cino Coast), dull, at lipt*. BEEF — Extra India mess, firm, at »6« 3d. PORK— Prims mess. Western, steady. at >.;,, HAM: : -Short cut. 1* to 19 n>. easy, at 42*. — Oumb«rl»od cut. >• to to It. easy, MtuU, XEW.-YORK. DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i*), 1907. Trust Companies. Executor Trustee Chartered 1822. The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Nob. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York. LOSDON: PARIS: 18 Bishopsgate St., Within. 78 Rue do Richelieu Letters of Credit, Bills of Exchange, Cable Transfers CAPITAL $4,375,000 SURPLUS (an earned) $7,625,000 Deposits received subject to check or on certificate Interest Allowed Finance Committee tn Charge of Banking Interests E. T. PEDFORD J. H. OLIPHANT C H. KELSEY. President CHARLES A. PEAHOD7 E. L. MARSTO.V JACOB H. SCHIFP WM. II NICHOLS JAMES SPEYER E. O. STANLEY. 2d Vice-president. 176 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN 196 Montague St.. connecting with 175 Reinsert St.. Brooklyn 350 Fulton St., Jamaica, 67 Jackson Aye., Long Island City Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales of Real Estate. BR YAnTTk : EN NEL LYTAuct^r . will cell at auction MONDAY, DEC. 2, 1907, at IS o'clock noon, at the l"\fh.tnire Salesroom*. 14-16 r*rv St., Km York. PFfFIVFDS CAI P By Order of the New ■\L4WL4I V L«Jt\. **-' JnLL York .Supreme Court, James L. Steuart, Esq., Receiver of The New York Chartered Bond & .Mortgage Co. 83 UNRESTRICTED PLOTS and Seven Houses situate .. WHITLOCK AYE., TIMPSON PL., AUSTIN PL. '& EAST I44TH ST., BRONX BOROUGH. These choice lot* are only a few blocks from New York. New Haven anil Hartford Railroad Station, which is Boon to be built. The New York and Port l'h*ster }{■•»■) will run through this property, cood*m nation proceeding! haTins been commenced, which will tend to make theso lots double In ilue during the next year 01 io Lota 1 are numbered to confurm with the book maps. THIS I'KOI'KKTV IS UN'KKSTRICTED AM) IS VKKY lIEMKAItI.K FOB FACTORIES AM) MANU FACTURING UIII.DIM.s TENEMENTS. etc. ALMET REED LATSON. ESQ.. Attorney, 60 Wall St. Bookman and further particular* with attorney; or al Auctioneer's Ofl! ■*. 1!W Broadway. New York City To Let for Business Purposes. TO LET. Large and Small Offices SINOLE .OR EN SUITE, IN THE TRIBUNE BUILDING 154 NASSAU STREET Opposite City Hall 3Pai"3si. "L" Stations, Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge, Subway AT/L WITHIN A STEP The CENTRE of TRANSIT for the Metropolitan District. Absolutely Safe, Fast Running Elevators (Plunger Type 1 . Electric Light. Janitor's Service. Open Every Day in the Year. APPLY FOB TERMS To. THE RENTING AGENT, ROOM 610. Buildings, Stores AND LOFTS TO LET ON DOWNTOWN HTBEETS RULAND «* WHITING CO., • BKKKMAN ST. City Property for Sale. v On Choice Improved Now York City Real Estate at Current Interest Ratss. 46 Institutions besides various estates and Individuals — embrac the Isrgest and sxrongest lenders on New York City realty — Invest through this office, enabling us at all times to provide borrowers with any loan consistent with market conditions. A. W. McLaughlin & Co., Brokers and Dealers In Mortgages. 128 Broadway, corner Cedar. STRONGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED. Apartment Hotels. HOTEL Grosvenoß Fifth Aye. and 10th St. Catering exclusively to patronage of the hlnhest class, affords a permanent residence for select people. Apartments of two rooms and bath to eight rooms and four bstha Leases now being made. WILLIAM H. PUROY. MANAGER. Real Estate. OCCUPY A MODBRN FACTORY AND SAVBJ MONET. LONG ISLAND CITY FACTORY CO., New York Offices. 140 Nassau St. Country Property for Sale. T^OR SAUE— NEW CANAAN. CONN.— HOUSE. TEN J? rooms; Improvements; city water: two barns, 88 acres; stream through property; 2H miles out; price $8,000. ROMSR J. BISHOP. S8 Park Row. Stamford. Conn. MT. KiSCO, BEDFORD. KATONAH WI HATH erery de»irable pro t *rty that ts for sale In this sco n. LOUNSUBRY * THARP. 7 East 43d St. New York. "C^OR BAUC, AT OBBININO. S. T. AN ELEGANT JJ county seat, tine residence, all Improveuicnta Apply to THOS. LEARY. Osslnlng. N. T. FOREIGN BANK RETURNS. London, Nov. 28.— The weekly return of th« Bank of England Issued to-day shows the following changes compared with last week: Total reserve Increased £1,870.000. circulation decreased £111,000. bullion Increased £1,759.222. other securities de creased £2,352,000, other deposits decreased £152,000, public deposits decreased £6.000, notes reserve In creased £1.515.000. Government securities un changed. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability, which last week wa» 38.78 per cent, Is no\? 42.53 per cent. r*aris, Nov. 28.— The weekly return of ihe Bank of France shows the following chaaf«a: KotM In Trust Companies. Tc Let for Business Purposes. CORNER 166 TH ST. AND TRINITY AYE.. THE Bronx -Bakery, with oven; store suitable for barber, laundry or vegetable d^ul^r; rent reasonable. Foreclosure Sale. SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OP" NBW TORK.— THI KooMvdlt (-.•■., • ami Construction Company, plain tin*. n«aln»t Harn-t Miller and others, defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure un«l sal*. <Inly me.]" and entered In tho above entitled action ar.4 bearing data ih« 21st any of November, 1907, I. th« un- rr'KF»>\. the RafereC in -tit Ju.itrnient named, will sell a» public auction. at the I'ixchanK^ Salesroom, N\». 1 1 i" \ '»»> Street. in th« Borough of Manhattan. ''!:•. of Now York, on th« 17th daj of December, 1'.«»7, at 12 o'clock noon on that day. by Joseph !*• Day, auctioneer, th« premise* dlrei-tM Lv mil judgmei to L" Mid, and therein described as follows: All those > >-rt.ilii lots, pieces or parcels of lar.ii sit'iat-*. lyln«t and being in the Borough of Manhattan. <"ity of New York, and k".-.wr> ail d^sticnatp.i on a >-<>rtain map of property belonging to the Jumel Estate in the City of New York, north of moth Street, signed by Thllo T. Ruggles, Refereo. and Hied In the ■ >:-. ■ of the H»slster of the County of Xi » York as lots numbers «84, 4 c i. 4Si" s 487, 488, 4SB, 400, 4!U an.i V.C, whit h lots, taken together. are !■ unded »i . described as follows: Ueglnnlntr at the corner formed by the Interaction of th.» westerly Ml* of Amsterdam Avenue. formerly , Tenth Avenue, and tua southerly »hlo of 170 th Street; running thence southerly, alone thu westerly side of Amsterdam Avenue, seventy-five feet; mnnlng thence westerly, par alli*l with 17(h>i Stref-t. one hundred feet; running thence southerly, parallel with Amsterdam 'Avenue, twenty feet; running thence westerly, afc-alu parallel with 17i>th Street, one hundred and fifty feet; running thence northerly, par allel with Amsterdam Avenue, ninety five feet, to the southerly side of 17Ath Street, and running thence east erly, along the southerly side of 170 th Street, two hun dred and fifty f«et. to the point or place of beginning. Dated New York. .November -22nJ. 1607. QBDRQE J. QII^LBSPIE, Referee. 6AT"I, BERNSTEIN, Attorney for l'lalntiff. Office anl Post Office AMresa, No. 143 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. New York City The following is a diagram of the property to hs sold, on which there are erected five unfinished t;Ul!:'ings; The approximate amount vt the Hens or charges to satisfy which the above described property Is to b«( soM is {13,978.03. with Interest thereon trow the l'l»t .<-iv of November. ISX>7. together with c"sU and allowances amounting to $531.38. together with the expenses of tha ■ale. The approximate amount of the ia\,-., assossmentj and water rates or other liens to be allowed to the pur chaser out of the purchase money, or paid by tii« Ret eree, Is $3.4.11; 70 and Interest. Said premises i re. sold subject to a mortgage of $00,000. with Interest thereon at 0% from November 2Jrth, lkK'«'.. the principal of which mortgage) is past due; also «ui>- Ject to a mortgage of 98X000, with -interest thereon at 6% from April 14th. 1907. the principal aum of which Is Dow past due; also subject to a mortgage of $li"XiO with Interest thereon at «% from April 14th, 11X1T the princi pal of which mortgage In past due; alao subject to a mort gage of $10,000. with Interest thereon at 604 from Janu ary 16th, 1007. the prlncl;^l of which is past due. and which mortgage Is now In the course of foreclosure and of the pendency of which action a notice ha» been duly filed In the Office of the Cleric of the County of New York: also subject to the said notice of pendency of action; also subject to a mortgage for the amount of SUB.OOO, but on account of which the sum of $1UC.800.00 has 1 ftr. heretofore advanced, the principal sum of which mort guse la now past due. with Interest thereon at 6%. on divers amounts from divers dates, which on December Ist, 1907. will amount to $7,060 2tt- 100; subject also to th« payment of Insurance charges amounting to J110.57 and to architects' fees amounting to JWS.Oo. Subject to conditional sale agreement on certain of the plumbing: fixtures In part of the premises above described. and on which the balance unpaid amounts to $2,500; sub ject alo to a conditional sal* agreement on certain of the gas fixtures In certain of the premises. Subject to any violations of law which may be on fll* In either the Tenement Hoi Department of the City of New York ar in the Bureau of Huntings, and any notices on file In th» Office of the Clerk of the County of New York having relation to any cuch violation*; also sub ject to any state of facts which an accurate survey would show. Dated. New York, 22nd day of November. 1007. OQORGE J. GILLE3PIE. Referee. circulation increased 850,000 francs, treasury de tosits increased 21.025.000 francs, general deposits ::..:'>ased 88,826,000 francs, guld in hand decreased S.STS.UOO francs, silver in hand decreased 2,050,000 francs bills discounted Increased 102,200.000 francs, and advances d«.-rtas?d 10,075,000 franca. Financial. TO THK HOLDERS OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC RAILWAYS COMPANY OF LONDON, LTD., 65* PROFIT-SHARING SECURED NOTSS, DIE JUNE I. 190*. The Board of Directors of the Underground Electric Hallways Company of "London. Lti. has been to* •ome time considering:. In conjunction with Messrs Speyer Brothers of London and Messrs Spcyer * Co. of New York, the best plan for dealing with the Notes which fall due on Jane 1. 1909. A Plan Is bow la course of preparation for tho extension and conversion of tha Notes and the. provision of further mon*j! for th» requirements of the. Company. Owing to the serious fnancial situation all ov«r th» world.- the. Directors feel that It is inexpedient, at the present moment, to take the steps necessary In order to carry through the Plan. As soon as necessary arrangements have been made., the Flan will be published and submitted to the Noteholders and Share holders for their consideration and approval. In the meantime, the above-mentioned Houses and Mr. U Speyer-Elliseen of Frankfort o'M. have arranged to purchase at their face value fro m Noteholders th» Coupons fpiiinc due December 1. 1907. , A statement of th» Company's affairs will be published with the Plan. By Order of the Board of Directors W. E. MANDELICK. Secretary. London, November 27, 10(17 REFERRING TO THE FOREGOING NOTICE. THE UNDERStC.NED. ON BEHALF OP THE A BOYS NAMED FIRM?. ARE PREPARED TO BUY AT THEIR FACE VALUE THE COUPONS MATURING DE CEMBER IST. 1907. FROM SUCH OF THE ABOVE NOTES AS ARE PAYABLE IN U. S. CURRENCY. HOLDERS OF BT7CB NOTES ARE INVITED TO PRESENT SUCH COUPONS IN DUE COURSE AT THE GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, NO. S3 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK. AND TO DEPOSIT THEIR NOTES WITH SAID TRUST COMPANY UNDER A DEPOSIT AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER IST. 1007, BETWEEN THE UNDERSIGNED AND DEPOSITING NOTEHOLDERS. THE DEPOSIT AGREEMENT PROVIDES THAT ANY HOLDER DISSENTING FROM THE PLAN. MAY WITHDRAW HIS NOTE?. WITHOUT CHARGE, WITHIN 21 DATS AFTER PUBLICATION Or THst PLAN. AS PROVIDED IN RAID AGREEMENT. COPIES OF THE DEPOSIT AGREEMENT MAT BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE OF THE GUAR ANTY TRUST COMPANY. WHICH WILL ISSUE RECEIPTS FOR DEPOSITED NOTES. A SIMILAR NOTICE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN LONDON BY MESSRS. SPETER BROTHERS DEAI^ INO WITH THE NOTES PAYABLE IX STERLING NEW TI'RK. NOVEMBER 27TH. 190 T. ornn of THE CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Grand rtntral Station. New Torlr. Not. 22. 198t. NOTICE. Pursuant to an agreement between th» Michigan Central Railroad Company and this Company. ciitjrssl Into by authority of the Boards of Directors of both Companies. th« First Mortgage Fly«» Per Cent. Bonds of this Company, amounting to $14,000,000. which rail duo January Ist. 190S, «in b« extended for fly« rears, until January Ist, 1913. with Interact at the rat« of Six per cent per annum, which the Michigan Cratr&t Railroad Company will pay. In gold or its equivalent, seml-annually on the first days of July and January ia ea.-h year, at the r.ri • or agency of the Company In the City of New York. the lien of the mortsac* ■ecurlne the said l>on.!s to continue unimpaired for Hie said peri*-"! of five years. Bondholder* wtahtns to avail themselves of the privilege of extension shall deposit their bonds before noon of Saturday. December 21st. 1907, with Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Company. New York, who will Issue therefor temporary receipt*, and by whom th« bonds will subsequently bo returned to the owners bearing a certificate of extension and coupons for the Interest to be pail thereon. At the time of deposit of bonds Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Com pany frill pay th« coupons Jus January Ist. 1009. THE CANADA SOUTHERN* BAH.WAY COMPANY. By 11. B. LEDTARD. Vice- President. In ftecortfaaes with the mreement above referred to. th« Michigan Central Railroad Company will pa» Interest, In gold or Its equivalent, at the rate of Six per cent, per annum, annually on the first «ays of ■ July and January In each year, between January Ist. 1009. anl January Ist. 1313. upon Fli«t Mortgage Fiv» Per Oral Bonds of the Canada Southern Railway Company amounting to $14,000,000 — which will matur* January Ist IMS, tho owners of which shall have accepted the extension for th* saU period offered aBoTa by the <\inr»fln Southern Railway Company. MICHIGAN CENTRA I. RAM ROM) COMPANY. By TV. H. NEWMAN*. Frwl<J-nt. New York. November 22<J. 1907. REFERRING to THE ABOVE NOTICE. WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE FOR EXTENSION at om OFFICE ANT OF THE CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY'S FIRST MORTGAGE FIVE PER PEST. BONDS MATURING JANUARY IST. 1908. AND TO AY THE COUPON UPON SUCH BONDS FAX. I. IN.; DUB AT THAT DATE DEPOSITINC. HOLDERS WILL RECEIVE OUR RECEIPTS EX CHANGEABLE FOR EXTENDED BONDS AS SOON AS THE EXTENSION CONTRACT AND COCPON3 ARE COMPLETED AND ATTACHED THERETO. V . WE REQUEST HOLDERS OF BONDS NOT TO STAMP. ENDORSE OR PUT ANT WRITKfO O^ THEIR BONDS. J. P. MORGAN * CO.. 23 WALL. STREET. INVESTORS READ The Wall Sfrast Journal Financial Meetings. I /RIB ELEVATOR COMPANY.— THE ANNUAL \i matins of th» stockholder* for the election of directors and for - ick other busine»j as may eoflsa be fore It will be heir! it th«» n(P.™ of the Company. Room 5. Mh floor. Mills Bulletin*, 15 Broad St.. New York City, on December 2. 1 !'•>". at 13 o'clock boob. GEORGE W. GRAFF, Secretary. City Hotels. HOTEL GRENOBLE 56TH ST. AND 7TH AY. . A SELECT FAMILY AND TRANSIENT HOTEL. $1.50 per day and up. ROOI*IS SL'tiu per day and ud. WITH PRTVATB BATH. Parlor, bedroom and bath, $3.00 ■ day and upward. Desirable Suites of all sizes for permanent guests at special rates. Restaurant a la Carte. Open till 12. Music WILLIAM P. CHASE. Brooklyn. HOTEL MARGARET, t« TO «» COLUMBIA Heights.— Brooklyn's trading Family and Trar. s»<-nt Hctel: overlfKiklng N. Y. Bay; choice apartments. THOMAS TOUT. Mst. Tel. 4120 Main. Foreclosure Sales. SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF NEW YORK — EMILY VIRGINIA SATTERLEE. olalmlff. against JOHN BATTON and others, defendants. In pursuance of a lodgment of foreclosure and sale. made an i entered in the above-entitled action, and bearing date th-» sixteenth day of April, 1007. and of an order, duly mads an.l entered In the abovc-entlt.'eii artlon. and henr!: < dnte the fifteenth day of October. 1907, I, th« undersigned, the refereo In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction, to the highest bid der, it the Exchange Salesroom, Numbers 14 and 14 V'esey Street. In the Borough of Manhattan, In the City of New York, on Monday, the 2."> th day of Novem ber. 1007. at 12 o'clock noon, by Samuel Goldstlcker. auctioneer, the premises In sail Judgment mentioned arid therein described as follows: All those two certain lots of land, with the building •nd Improvements thereon erected, situate in the Bor ough of Manhattan. In the County. City, and State of New York, lyin" together on the southerly side of On* Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street between Second and Third Avenues, and bounded and described as fol lows: 8.-Rlr.nlnp at a point on the southerly side of On* Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street distant one hun dred and eighty feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of said street and Third Aven-iw. and running thence eu.4twardly along the southerly sld* of One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street, forty feet, thence southwardly parallel with Third Avenue ninety-nine feet eleven Inches to th.i centre line of tte block be tween One Hundred and Twenty-sixth and One Hun dred and T»enty-sev«nth Streets, thence westwaraly along said centre line, and parallel with On* Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street, forty feet, and thence northwardly, again parallel with Third Avenue, ninety nine feet eleven Inches, to th* point or place of begin- Subject to the covenants and restrictions contained Subject to th* covenants and restrictions contained In a certain deed made by Daniel r. Ingrahasi and Mary H.. his wife, to William S. Ingraham. dated. February 27tn. 1845. and recorded In the nrlW of th* Register of the City and County of New York on March 28th. 1845. In Liber 489 of Conveyances, at Page 68: Being 'the. same premises conveyed to said defendant. John Batton. by Jessie S. Batton. by deed dated May 4th 18M and recorded In said Register's Office on December Bth. 1M»«. In Section C. Liber 34 of Convey ances at Pas" 20<l. an.l being; then known by the street number 21 East 127 th Street. Borough of Man hattan. New York City. Date«T November 4th. 1907. nanan. .^» LOUIS aDLER. Referee. WILLIAM H. L. LEE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and PostofTlce address. No. 23 Pine Street. Bor ough of Manhattan. New York City. The following Is a diagram of the property to be sold, which is Nos. 214 and 218 (formerly 219) East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York City: The approximate amount of the lien or charge, to satisfy which the above-described property Is to b» •old. Is nine thousand four hundred and three 88-100 ($9,403.89-100) dollars, with Interest from April six teenth. l»07. less two thousand and 0«»-100 (J2.000.00-100* dollars, with interest thereon from October 1«. 1907. paid to the plaintiff herein on Octo ber 16. 1007. pursuant to said order, bearing date the fifteenth day of October. 1907. besides costs and allow ance, amounting to tour hundred ninety and 22-100 ($45)0.22-100) dollars, with Interest from April six teenth. 1907. and the expenses of sals. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments. anl other liens upon the property. with interest t» Novem ber -."th. 1007. the date fixed for the sal* thereof, which, with further Interest thereon to the* date of closing sale of said property, are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money, or which are to be paid by the referee. Is on* thousand three hundred twenty-five and 34-100 (51.325.34-100> dollars. Dated November 4th. 1907. LOUIS ADLER. Referee. WILLIAM H. L, LEE. Attorney far Plaintiff. OflM and Postofflce address, 23 Pine Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York CI V Financial. SPEYER & CO. TO THE HOLDERS OF THE FIRST CONSOLIDATED MORTGiGE FOUR PER GENT. HUNDRED YE&R GOLD BOMQS OP THE THIRD AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY: The Metropolitan Street Ra!twar. lesse* of Th« Third A. ■•:-.•• Railroad Company, and the New Tors: City Railway Company, sub-lessee, being In th» hands of receivers, the um!ersi£ne<l. at th« request of holders of a larg« amount of 4 per cent Consolidated bonds of The Tfcb Avenue Railroad Company, have consented to act as a Committee under an agreement dated November 6th. 13<'7. for the pu"pos« of consenr ln«r the interests of said bon-Uiolder*. Holders of said Bonds are requested to deposit tfcelr bonds with the CENTRAL TRT;ST COMPANY. 54 Wall Street. New York. Deposkary designated In said agree ment. before- DECEMBER 20TH. 19»7. Engraved Certificates of deposit will bo issaed. by the) Trus: v'orapany for each bond. Copies of the. agree ment may be procured from the Depositary. JAMES >. \\.\!,L.VCE. Chalrvan. Al>Kl\> HUI, JB-. EDMIXD O. K\\OOIJ»H MOKTIMrK I. HITF. JAMES TlMl'>«>N. HANS manimMi commtE. JOHN if. BOWERS. Counsel. .31 Nassau Street. New Tork. FRANKLIN L. BABCOCK. Sacretarx. 04 Wall Street. New York. Instruction. For Both Sexes— THK BFRI.ITZ KCHOOI. OF IWOCAGES. MADISON SQUARE (1123 Broadway). Hariem Branch: Laswa Aye.. cor- :.«-h St. Brooklyn " 73 Court St. " • ' Newark " Sch»-uer Bulldln < «30 BK.\NCHE3 IN ALL I.KAIMMi CITIB9. TRIAL l.ES.<fiXs FREE. School Agency. ' "AMKRirAN AND FORDO TEACHERS' AGENCT supplies Professors. Teachers. Tutors, Governesses •«•, to Colleges. Schools and Families. Apply to Mrs. M. J. YOUNG-FULTON. 23 Union Square. MADKUOiaOJUB YM\OT, 22 E. 3«th st Tel. 1837 Madison. — Tettcnera, tutors. so\.trntases for colleges. *. - ho«»'s and private furr.-.lw*. Surrogates' Notices. IX It;&SI*AXCE OK AN ORDER OK BOS. ABNER cl Thomas, a Surrogate of thu County of New York, notice Is hereby given to a. pursues havins; claims against Richard Mansfield, lata of the Cfcunty of New York, deceased, to present the sam». with vouchers :bers> of. tu the subscriber, at her placa of transacting' bust ness, at th«" offlco of DUtenhoefer Gert>*r & .Tames, No. m Broadway. n,.roui;h of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before the »'th day of April next. Dated New York, the 14th day of October. 1907 SUSAN 11. MANSFIELD. Executrix. DITTENHOEFER. <iERFES{ A JAMES. Attorneys tm Executrix. 116 Broadway. New York City. JOHNs*ON. WILAIOT.— IN PURSUANCE OF AST order of Hon. Abas* C Thomas, a Surrogate of Vsa County of New York, notice is hereby given to all persona having claims against Wilmot Johnson. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with voucher* thereof to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business, at th« esVce of Speir & &inlctt. No. 12 Wait street. Borough of Manhattan, in trie city of New York, on or before thu first r-.ay of June. 18OP. next. Dated New York, the 29th day of o-tnber. 1907 HELEN O. JOHNSON. Executrix. SPEIR * BARTLETT. Attorneys fur Executrix. 62 Wall street. Borough of Manhattan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. ABNER* C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County »f New York, notice la hereby given to all persons having claim* against William Stebbins. Jr.. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to tha subscriber, at his place of transacting business at the office of Carter & Has!;-!:. i>, Wall Street. In the Borough of Manhattan and The City of New York, on or before the l»t day of May. IWW. Dated New York, the 53 day of October. 19<>7 EDWARD M. FRANKUJT. Executor. CARTER * HASKELL, Ally's fcr Executor. 19 Wall Street. Borough o? Manhattan, New Tor* City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. FRANK T. Fitzgerald, a Surrogate cf the County of N«s» York, notice Is hereby given to all persons harts*? claims against William V. Brokaw. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same. with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at the office of t!s» undersigned. No. 327 Fifth Avenue. In the City of New York, on or before the 2nd Ja- of January nt-:t. Dated New York, th* 24th da? of June. 1907. CWFFOHD V. BROKAW. JOHN U. ARiISTRONO. WILLIAM B. GOULD. Executors. GEOROB F. CHAMBERUS, Attorney for Tsssi ■ tors. 31 Nassau Street. Borough of ilanhatito. New York City. MOHUN. PHILIP.— IN PURSUANCE OF AN OROEH of Hon. Frank T. Fitzgerald, a Surrogate of tho County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all per sons having claim.* against Philip Mohun. late of tit* County of New York, deceased, to present th* ims with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her via** of transacting business, at the office of her attorneys Rounds. Hatch. DlUlngham * Debevol*e. No. gaOlssßsr Street. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, :>a or before the twenty- Of th day of February ntxt. Dated New York.- the 14th day of Aurost. 100T ROUNDS. HATCH. DILLiVMiIAJ^ 1 * S blf II