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CELEBRATE IN LONDON. AMERICAN SOCIETY DINES Speeches by Ambassador Reid, Gen eral White and Others. London, Nov. 28.— Whitelaw B«ld, the Amor ican Ambassador, spoke optimistically of the financial outlook, and Field Marshal Sir George Stewart White eulogized President Roosevelt in Caw warmest terms at tho Thanksgiving dinner at the American Society to-night. That the financial depression was felt among the Amer icans in England wan ehown by the attendance at the banquet, which was the smallest In sev eral years. Three hundred guests participated, compared with four hundred at last year's ban quet. The president of the society. Colonel Mlllard Hunsicker, was absent, and R. Newton Crane, a former president, presided. Ambassador Held sat at his rifrht at the table of honor, and Mrs. Reid sat st his left. Others at this table besides the speakers were the Marquis and Marchioness of Tweeddale. Sir Ernest Cassel, Robert J. Wynne. American Consul General at London, and Mrs. Wynne; J. J. Van Alen. Captain Sydney Clo man. military attache of the American Em bassy, and Mrs. Cloman; Isaac Sellgman. Rich ard A Wes=tacott. Deputy American Consul General : Sir Joseph and Lady Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Selfridge. Mr. Reid's speech was received with great en thusiasm. He paid: "Some one said to me, as I was starting for this dinner, 'You will have to be a Mark Tap ley to-night, cheerful under difficulties.' That was only an exaggerated way of saying that we will have to be American as usual. Nothing rould be more un-American than to be down cast over temporary discouragements, or to despair of the Republic because some of our people, unhappily, have lost their money almost as fast as they had made it. We 'have Been *<jcb thing? before, and it was worse when the country was not half so big or half so rich as it is now. and we have not forgotten how we came out of them." Continuing-. Mr. Reid said he was reminded of a motto he had seen once on a sundial, "Transeunt Nubes Manet Coelum." which, freely translated, means, "Wo aro In a bit of a fix. but »c shall soon b« out of it again." "When the clouds roll by," Mr. Reid then said, "it will be peen that we still have the country that Providence gave us; that we still have a people, end that we still have the, boundless opportuni ties which, after every reverse In the past, have invariably speedily lifted us higher and yet higher. Given these, what American fears the result? In most respects our country never has been in a happier position than to-day. It is not merely at peace, but on terms of absolute good will with all the world. The whole sensational press -was unable to make a ripple In our cor dial relations with that great friendly people in the Farther East whom wo had the honor of firs* introducing to the Western World. Even that spirited little colony beyond our northern frontier, Newfoundland, has good naturedly agreed to arbitrate things Instead of going to war with us, and however this arbitration turns out we shall, on either side of the border, take It smiling after the habit of our race." The Ambassador then paid a tribute to tho new star in the flag. Oklahoma, and -said the, next President would be the head of forty-six ftates, with a population of 100.000.000 before the close, of his term. Mr. Reid then related the history of Thanksgiving Day, and eloquent ly concluded his remarks with these words: "The men of to-day have not lost the faith of their fathers, and they are not unworthy the Inheritance they have received. They have seen clouds before, but to-day they will keep the feast with hearts as brave and glad as those of the Plymouth Pilgrims or the heroes of the Civil War." Field Marshal White In toasting President Roosevelt, spoke of him as one whose honesty and etrenuosity appealed strongly to English man. Lord Justice John Fletcher Moulton, one of the most eloquent speakers In London, toasted the American Ambassador, referring to him as an example of the highest type of journalist. He praised the restraint the American news papers exhibited during the financial crisis In that country. Sir George Dashwood Taubman Goldie. presi dent of the Royal . Geographical Society, re sponded to "Our Guests." IN OTHER FOREIGN CAPITALS. Americans Abroad Celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the Usual Manner. Vienna. Nov. 28.— The American colony celebrated Thanksgiving Day with a banquet, followed by a dance. Amen* the guests were Professors Polltzer and Obersteiner. of Vienna University, both of whom in able speeches referred to the scientific progress in America. The other guests included Kelson O flusugliucafir. third secretary of tho Amer ican Embassy, and ex -Con pressman O'Donnell, of Michigan. Toasts were drunk to the Emperor and President Roosevelt. Mm, Nov. 28.— Thanksgiving nay was generally observed by the American contingent. A recep tion was held at the American Embassy by the American Minister and Mrs. O'Brien. Tlflil. Nov. X.— A Thanksgiving dinner here to day wan attended by John P. Jackson, the Ameri can Minister to Persia, who arrived yesterday, and the highest military and civil officials in the Cau casus. The toasts were markedly hearty and th« •pe«k#rs emphasized th« growing closer relations between Russia and the United States. Berlin, Nov. 18.— Three hundred Americana cele brated Thanksgiving to-night with a dinner at the Zoological Garden. in the absence of the Ameri can Ambassador. Charlemagne Tow. Consul Gen eral Thaekara presided. President Hadky of Yale and Professor Schofleld, of Harvard, spoke. A telegram of greeting was sent to President Roose velt. Dresden, Nov. 2&.— The American Consul General nd Mrs. Gaffney were at home to all Americans to-day. There were a dance and supper at the >•'■■••! Bristol to-night. AMERICAN PRINCESS COMING. f By Telegraph to The Tribune. 1 Ocean Park. Cal.. Nov. After a wwk in the Beach district, the Princess Lavarovlch-Hreellano vlch of Bervla left Ocean Park morning for I*o^ Ajigelcs. where fine started this afternoon for We» York and " h«>r home in London. While at Ocean Park she was entertained by the Crescent Bay Woman's Club and others, who have watched a»r rtrt-t-r as an actress. Prince I^avarovich and hi" children make their home In Ix>nd(>ti. as the King of Servia does not favor his return to his native land. He still owns extensive possessions In Eervia, and from them derives a considerable Income. During: her visit to California the princess 'lias fc**n entertained at the homo of her sister. Mrs. v - 11. Anderson, on f*ake View avenue. California is still dear to the. titled American, whose ambition '• to return next year with the prince and their 1 hlldrcn for a prolonged visit. LORD FAIRFAX AN AMERICAN, HE SAYS. • -oi\; Albert Fairfax, a niomtHT of the brokenuj-2 firm of William P. Bonbrigl:.. of this city, who recently went abroad to accept the title of Baron Fairfax, arrived here yesterday on the White Star uar Adriatic. He confirmed the report that be would enter the English House of Lords, "1 don't know thct my entering the Houk of Lords would Wean that I would expatriate myself," be said. "I •*•»*» an American to all Intents and purposes." Mr. ami Mrs. Francis Burton Harrison, who mo "slurring from the bridal trip, accompanied Lord Fcirfax r>n tlir Adriatic. Mr. Harrison and Lord fi-::'-,. are cousins. TAFT ACROSS FRONTIER. Secretary Toasted as Xert President of the United States. Ufa, European Russia, Nov. 28.— 0n board the train bearing Secretary Taft and his party to Moscow toasts were drunk to-day to President Roosevelt and Emperor Nicholas. In honor of Thanksgiving the Russian passengers presented an elaborate cake bearing Russian and American Oaga to the American Secretary of War. In responding to the pres«*utatlon speech Becretary Taft said that he was impressed with the resources and fertility of Siberia and the appearance and the character of the people. He prophesied a future development for Siberia as great a.« and similar to that of the American Western states, and said he believed that it would become the leading section of the country in agriculture. He waa pleased with his long anticipated visit to Russia and was sorry that iie could not lengthen It. Secretary Taft was toasted ac the next Presi dent of the United Stales, and said that he accepted in brhalf of him. whoever he might be. Becretary Taft's train crossed the frontier Rt noon, local time. Ft. Petersburg, Nov. 28.— As a result of the fact that Washington has sent a cable message to Secretary Taft to hasten his return to the United States, the Secretary, who is due at Mos cow next Saturday, has sent a telegram to Montgomery Schuyler, jr.. tho American charge d'affaires, asking him. if possible, to arrange the audience with Emperor Nicholas so as to enable Mr. Taft to leave St. Petersburg on the afternoon of December 4 instead of tho night of December 5, as provided for in the original schedule. Mr. Taft says that he must catch the. steamer President Grant, which Fails from Hamburg on December 7. and that If he leaves St. Peters burg on the sth oven the closest connections will hardly permit him to reach Hamburg in time. The visit of Secretary Taft has given an Im petus to the stream of Russians who come to the American Embassy to volunteer their ser vices for the supposedly impending Japanese- American war. This idea has taken such a firm hold on tliv people that a number of officers even had made plans to organize cor-.fanies of volunteer?. Mr. Schuyler is resorting to the Russian press to deny the possibility of any trouble with Japan. The most absurd stories in regard to Secre tary TaftH mission to Russia are In general cir culation. As an example, there Is published a report that the Secretary la authorized to ar range for the stationing of two Russian army corps In the Philippine Islands and one Amer ican corps at Vladivostok, and that he already has engaged a number of Russian officers at high salaries for this service. TAFT'S MOTHER SUFFERS RELAPSE. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.) Worcester. Mass.', Nov. 31— Mrs. Louisa M. Taft, mother of Secretary Taft, Is seriously in again at the Torrey mansion. In Mlllbury. suffering from the same trouble that endangered her life during the summer months. Her son Horace said to night: "Her life Is in no Immediate danger, but .h^r recovery after this relapse is doubtful because of her advanced age. 11 SOUS A SERIOUSLY ILL. Suffering from Ptomaine Poisoning in Chicago. Chicago. Nov. US.— John Philip Bousa, the bandmaster and composer. Is seriously ill at toe Auditorium Hotel here from the effects of ptomaine poisoning contracted | n Milwaukee two days ago. He wa s unable to conduct the concert given by his band here to-night, being confined to his room In the <-are of a physician and trained nurse. JUSTICE BREWER ON OPPORTUNITIES. Says Rich and Poor Alike Must be Pro tected. Washington, Nov. IS.— Josdoe David J. Rrev.-»r Bpoke Jit the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church In this city to-day on "Our National < >p portunlties" While he iweH especially on the power of Christianity to uplift the masses of the people, and of Its efficiency in bringing the nnmi- RTanta who swarm to the I'nlted States Into harmony with American Institutions, lie took occa sion to speak of the influence of special interests on the welfare of the people, generally. "High and low. rich nnd poor, " ho declared, "Bhould be protected. "We can never come to the full measure of that truth so long m we permit any group of financiers, any persons, any corp ►ra tions, to crush the Individual, nor can we allow any labor organisation to dictate any course v.-. should follow." GOLDFIELD ROBBERS DISDAIN SCRIP. Goidneld, Xev., Nov. 28.— Nino robbers everpow ered two watchmen and an operator at the station of the Tonopah. Ooldfleld & BuTrrog Railroad early to-day and then blew open the Fnfe. obtaining a considerable sum. They tore up a large amount of scrip, payable to bearer, evidently mistaking Ita value. ITALIAN AMBASSADOR BACK. Tl.e Baron Mayor d*s Planches, the Italian Am bassador to Washington, accompanied by the Bar oness Mayor dcs Planches, arrived here yesterday on the White Star liner Adriatic. The ambassador bad lorn in Italy on leave. He will go to Washing ton to-day. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS BRKSLIN-br. James L. Hyde. Fall River. FIFTH avknti: --.1. A. Drake, Corning. GILSEY -JJ.Doh.rty. Boston: J. 11. Powell. Watervlelt. ■MI'KKAY Captain Edgar Rldenour. U.S.A. VICTORIA— The Rev. George 8. Anderson Somer vllle. Mass. WALDORF-ASTORIA-Frank Hlscock, Syracuse. THE WEATHER REPORT. Official Rerord and Washington. Nov. 29. -The wlnde along the New England coast will be fresh ami mostly we«: middle Atlantic coast. Hunt to fresh "A to northwest; sooth Atlantic coast, fresh and mostly north, possibly Increasing over south portion: east Oulf coast. liKht to freeh north; west Oulf coast, tight to fresh north to northeast; on the lower lakes, fresh west to northwest; upper lakes, fresh northwest.. The disturbance that was over the upper lake regtoi Wednesday night has moved rapidly to the lower St. Lawrence Valley, while the more moderate one. that was over Eastern Texas has moved to Southwest Georgia. with sllßhtly ln.-rea»e<l Intensity. The northern dlsturb '" wait attended by light rains and «now« from the "'" TaW ""mom eastward, while th« southern one S g.neral r^lns In the south and li hi local runs in the Ohio Valley BAd Tennessee. In the West the weather continues lair, with high pre»ar« except on th* n^r.i, racine *' Temperatures are hlftli for the sea l n in ih- At la".- states and the north Pacific dUtrlc'a. MM in in they have fallen to almost normal condltlous. Seepti? North Dakota end* Northern Minnesota, where th Th«"«o2t nttn°d r rsturbance will probably move oft the a J»l. the ezcerUon of this ruin c«»« > rally falr weather s&ss£&£ r 3§g | jajj-jft of the country will control condition*. Forecast for Special Ixx-alitlc.-ror the District of Columbia, Maryland. Delaware. Bestern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, fair and colder to-day; Saturday fair; "^^^"N-ny^^rn'S^lder to-day an, hffl&S&ES^i*^ t^day. receded by F ,« intern Mc-e, Saturday, fair: fresh west winds. *"27r Wests? ivnt^ylvanla and Western New York. f-ir to-say and tStardiy; treah west to northwest winds. Wai Official Itrcoril.— The following official record from the Weather obows the change, in the tem •;',„.. for the last twenty-four hours, in comparison Sitfl tS coV^ndln* date of last year: 190«. Itff.l 1«« »•£ «. .-' .•_, ;•.'•■ .43 4o| «p. m 42 M> -••S 5 a»p.«« 3 47 2t: 2:::*" 4.1 4311 P. m 40 40 12*;.' ":::::: 42 4» 1 12 p. m 40 — 4 p ni ■•" "' li ghest temperature yesterday. 55 degrees; lowest. 40; averaee «■?: average for corresponding date of last year. 42: Rve-'raß" f"r corresponding date of last thirty-three >e Locai forecast: Fair and colder to-day; fair Saturday; l. it .. northwest wlnda.' , -•■ — NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1907. THIS ACTOR A DUKE. Can Prove His Descent from Byron's "Don Juan." King Alfonso is reported by a number of Aus trian, French and English newspapers to have re cently honored the Spanish stage by conferring the grandezza and the title of count upon Don Fernando de Mendoza. There is no truth in this story, for the very simple reason that Don Fer nando, a lineal descendant of the Don Juan of Byron's great poem, has possessed the grandezza by right of inheritance and of royal recognition ever since he attained manhood, and that he like wise owes to Inheritance the titles of Count of Lalalng In Belgium and in Spain, and of Marquis of Fontnnar and of Duke of Balazote in the peer age of the land of his birth. Moreover, he is by his first marriage a son-in-law of that famous Marshal Serrano. Duke de la Torre, who on sev eral occasions was regent of the Kingdom of Spain and at one time President of the Spanish Republic, and who, moreover, is generally believed to have been the real father of Alfonso XII. In the BO'S one of the most celebrated salons at Madrid was that of the Dachess de la Torre, and aa her young daughter Dona Ventura was passionately fond of acting she caused a private theatre to be constructed in one of the huge state apartments on the ground floor of her palace, where, throughout the season, a succession of amateur theatrical per formances were given, in which the leading mem bers of the Spanish aristocracy took part. In honor of the young girl it received the name of the Teatro Venturo. and among the principal stars cf the masculine persuasion was Don Fernando Mendoza, then the acknowledged leader of the golden youth of Madrid, possessed of Illustrious birth and of ■ large fortune. Together with Dona Ventura he gave that charming comedy of the seventeenth century. "El VergonsoM en Palacio" (The Bash ful Youth in the Palace), wherein the heroine, in order to encourage her timid lover, protends to be asleep, and in her dream discloses her love for him. The play turned Into reality. Don Fernando and Dona Ventura were married, royalty and all the grandezza of Spain being present at tho wedding. But their happiness lasted only for a brief time, and within a couple of years Don Fernando was a 'widower. During their married life they had both been ter ribly extravagant. She had never known the value of money, while he idolized her to such an extent that It was impossible for him to refuse her any thing, and when ho was left alone be found him self bereft not only of wife but also of fortune. His widowed mother-in-law, the Duchess de la Torre, was a frightfully Imperious woman, who coold never forget that she had been the. first lady of the land In Spain, and who. moreover, was ad dicted In an extraordinary degree not merely to gambling at cards but also to gambling on the Stock Exchange, and was consequently, In spite of her wealth, frequently in need of money. It was monetary questions and her imperious manner that led to a quarrel between herself and her son-in law. and declining -with all tho pride of a true hidalgo to be a dependent on her bounty he set to work to earn his own living. His successes be fore the footlights as nn amateur naturally turned his thoughts to the Mage, which he now Joined In a professional capacity, and ere lone: ho had be come the leading Spanish actor and the star of the Teatro Bspaflol, which is the counterpart at Madrid of the Comedle Franchise at Paris. HIS SISTER TUB DUCHESS OF TETUAN. Frequently thrown Into contact there with the groat Spanish actress Maria Guerrero, who pos sesses ell the dramatic genius an.i wonderful voice of Barafa Bernbardt, with an Infinitely greater amount of beauty and an unblemished character, Dob Fernando fell In love with her ami married her, She becoming through the union a duchess, a marquise, a countess, a Rrande^ee and an excel lency, while- he, through her advice «nd thank* to her tuition, became a still greater actor. It speaks well for the Spanish aristocracy that In spite of their notorious pride they should never havo al tered their attitude toward Don Fernando, who has never bad to suffer In a social way for Joining the stage, and who has never ceased to belong to the principal clubs of Madrid. Naturally, he does not make use of his titles, either for profeaslonal pur poses or, for the matter of that. In society. Few of the members of the grandezza do. They prefer to be known by their Christian names and patro nymics, with the prefix of "Don," leaving to th» mushroom nobility th« satisfaction of flourishing their newly acquired titular distinctions. He is known everywhere ns Don Fernando; his wife ad dressed aa Dona Maria, and known as La Guerrero, while their company, with which they have visited Paris, Cuba and the Spanish speaking republics of America, has been dubbed with the name of the "Teatro dea Hidalgos." They have two sons, and are leading an extremely happy life. His brother, Don Mariano, haa Joined him on the stage, and Is a member of his company, only Instead of using his patronymic Of Mendoza ho has assumed the family name of his mother. Aguado. Before becoming an actor he was one of the officials of the Department of Public "Works at Madrid, and like bis elder brother belongs to the Marirliene clubs. One of their eistei-H is the Duchess of Tetuan. the duke being the eldest son of that Duke of Tetuan who was Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time of the Spanish-American War in 1&98 and a grandson of the famous Field Marshal O'Donnell who was so many times dictator and Prim* Minister of Spain. Another slater is the Comteese do San Luis. o»"» of the most charming, popular and still beautiful gr*>Ht ladies of the Madrtllne aristocracy. THE ORIGINAL OF "DON JIAN.- Both brothers, that Is to say. DOB Fernando Mendoza. und Don Marino Aguado. the actors, and their flsters. the Duchess of Tetuaa and the countess of Bu Luis. are. aa 1 Lav., mentioned above, tho lineal descendants of "Don Jus». the hero of Lord Byron's poem, und who has furnished Inspiration to so many bards for the last two hun dred yars His real name waa Don Juan Manara y Mendoza. and he was born at Seville la 1626. His parents had shortly before moved from Corsica to Seville. They were very rich. Tho fortune of the Manaras had been amassed In the Orient, and was sa considerable that when Don Mattco Manara, Count de Lera. loaned his sovereign a sum equivalent to $1,000,000 of American money, or which '"an official record exists to-day, he was able to K«k the monarch whether he preferred to have It in gold or In silver. It Is needles* to say that the members of the Manara family bad tor routuries marked their way with murder and drenched It with blood, having been the terrors of husbands and lovers The "Don Juan" of the poem had Inherited all the passions of his ancestors, together with ex traordinary comeliness and wit and cunning. It is unnecessary for me to recall here the shocking record of his crimes, of the women whom he ruined, and of the, men whom he killed But at last be met his fate. He was a little over thirty when he met for the- first time and fell deeply In love with Glrollma Mendoza, his second cousin- He married her. and for five years their happiness was complete. Then she sickened and died. So Kreat wn» hlB grW that his mind gave way, and he became haunted with all sorts of terrible hallucinations. One day he met a funeral and at tacked tho mourners, endeavoring to burst open the coffin, insisting that (Mrollma had been put into It alive. Another day a woman having the and figure of his wife passed him. and sud denly taking hold of her arm he made her turn briskly, and then fell Into a swoon crying. "Her face in already a skeleton." Finally his madness disappeared, and gave way to quiet and deep sadness, which led to his devot ing the remainder of his life to deeds of charity. Indeed, ho founded that order of the Brothers of Mercy, which exists to this day for the pur pose of bringing comfort and relief to tl*a destitute and to the criminals, especially at the time of their death. It was ho who took charge of the Interment of all those who hed been put to death by the law, or else had died destitute, in many cases burying them with hla own hands. It was he, too, who gave orders and directions for the celebrated and frightful picture by Valdo Leal, called "The Triumph of Death." which Is in the museum at Madrid, and of which Murlllo is said to have remarked: "You cannot look at It without having your handkerchief near at hand." When he died, his own body, dsprlved of shroud and cotlin, according to his -vlll, was followed to the grave he had dug for himself by a string of beg gar?, of cripples and of sick, whose voices ac cording to contemporaries seemed to cry to Heaven for the forgiveness of the sins of his youth and for the everlasting beatitude of a saint. He had one son by his marriage with Girolima. who. after he became Insane, was . taken charge of by his parents and those of his wife, tad it U train this son that Don Fernando, his brother, and his sis ters, are lineally descended. Frequent efforts have been made at Rome 'n order to secure the canonization of Don Juan for th« saintly character of his life after the loss of his wife, and for his ser\lces in founding the great religious order of the Brothers of Mercy. But the Vatican, in spite of its good will, has al ways found :in insuperable obstacle in the appalling 1 piece of perversity of which he rendered himself guilty at Calvi. in Corsica, and which caused his lovely victim, who had ignored the fact that they were too closely related, to lose first her reason and then her life. CZAR AS A POET. ■While Nicholas II is Justly credited with the possession of a number of accomplishments, only few people outside the. court circles of Europe are aware that he Is a poet of no mean order, and that ha has had published, under the pseudonym of "Olaf." a volume of verses which are character ized by a tone of melancholy and a sort of over whelming sense of fatalism. Several of them have been set to music by his wife's only brother, the reigning- Grartk Duke of Hesse, who has caught their spirit, and who has furnished them with strains the plaintive character of which seems thoroughly in keeping with the words. Others have been set to music by the Czar him self, and the Empress, who Is a superb pianist, and who possesses a beautiful voice. Is fond of playing and singing them. The Czar himself sings well, and has a good tenor voice, and he plays several Instruments. Including the national balalaika, a sort of Russian gui tar, and aso the violin, of which he pos sesses some magnificent specimens. Indeed. I daresay some of my readers may recall the fact that two or three years ago the services of his diplomatics and consular representatives abroad, as well as of some of the leading private de tective agencies in this country and in Europe, were Invoked for the purpose of recovering a favor ite Stradlvarius which had been stolen from his palace at Peterhof. Ho speaks French, like his countrymen, with great purity and correctness. German without any accent, while his English is so flawless and fluent that it would enable him to pass anywhere for a native English man or American. I may add that he plays an excellent game of tennis, swims and rides well, and pulls a good oar In fact, all the courting of his wife was done while sculling her about on the Thames, when she was staying with her mar ried sister. Princess Iconise of Battenberg. at the country place which the latter had taken on the river. CRE-WB HOUSE FOR SALE. Lord <~rewe, having now marrl«»d oft all his three daughters by his first marriage, and having no Issue by his second wife. I*ady Margaret Primrose, daughter of Lord Rosebery, has decided to sell his London mansion— Crewe House — and unless a pur chaser is found between now and February It will be disposed of in that month by public auction. Lord Crowe bought It only about nine or ten years ago. for $500,000. and Immediately Invested It with his own name, in lieu or that of Wliarncliffe House. by which It had been known for over a hundred years. In fact, as Wharncllffe House it played quit* an important roll in the social and political world of England during the latter part of the eighteenth and the greater part of the. nineteenth centuries, and may be Bald to have enjoyed alto gether European fame. It Is a typical Georgian house; it was built In the reign of George 11. before Mayfalr had become the. centre of the fashionable world, and Is a low pitched, wide fronted mansion, with lonic columns, standing in the midst of spacious grounds* tho vel vety lawns of which are shaded by majesties trees, and I»t cut off from the busy traffic of the street by a brick wall, fronted by a green hedge, which It almost conceals. The latter, in connection with the quaint looking porter's lodge, all covered with flow ers and creepers, to the right of the great gates, give the entire place a rural aspect, which con trasts In a rather graceful fashion with the huge white carved stone palace of the Duchess of Marl borough, known as Sunderland House, Just across the way. MARQUISE DE- FON'TENOY. OBITUARY. AMBROSE P. LUM. Ambrose. P. I*urn. who was for many years con nected with Davis Collamoro & Co.. Importers, in Manhattan, died at Los Angeles on November 19. Mr. I,mn was born In Chatham. N. J.. sixty-three years ago. Ho was educated in the public schools of New Jersey and at an early ago txgan his business career with the Coliamore company. He wan an expert on china and glassware, and had charge of th« foreign trading. Several years ago be went tc California because of Impaired health. He leaves six brothers and one sister. The funeral ■will be held at tho Presbyterian Church, Chatham, N. J., at I p. m. to-morrow. JOSEPH TUCKER. Pltt?fleld. Mass.. Nov. 28.— Joseph Tucker, former Lieutenant Governor, died here to-night. He was born In Lenox on August -1. 1532. and was grad uated from Williams College and the Harvard Law School. He engaged in business In Detroit and St. Louis, returning to this state in M He was elected State Representative by the Republicans in IM, State Senator in is« and 1567 and Lieuten ant Governor from ISO to 1«73. Since Ml ho had been Judge of th» District Court of Central Berk shire. WALTER M. SMITH. Walter M. Smith, for mans years Identified with the flryeTOods firm of George C. Richardson & Co.. in this city, died yesterday from heart disease at his tiom« at Stamford, Conn.. In his seventieth year. He was sixth In descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith, sr.. and Richard Treat, both distin guished In Colonial history- On his mother's side Mr. Smith cam* of New Jersey stock, his grand fathPr. Aaron Dickinson Woodruff, having been for many years Attorney General of that, state. Mr. Smith was a brother of Charles Stewart Smith, for many years president of th« New York Chamber of Commerce, and of Commodore James D. Smith. A wlfo and two children survive him. OBITUARY NOTES. LOUIS LOC7KWOOD. aged forty-three, a well known St. Paul architect, died suddenly from nniemia at St. Paul yesterday, his weddln* anni versary. He. waa a graduate of Oxford, and came from London sixteen years ago. CAPTAIN' I'PENCER EAKIN. general agent of the traffic is.j.iartment of the Nashville. Chatta nooga & St. liouis Railway, with headquarters at Nashville, died yesterday from paralysis at his bom* near ShelbyvllU*. Term. BOTH SURVIVE BROKEN NECKS. Two Montclair Men Enjoy Useful livca Despite Injuries. Montclair. N. J.« Nov. IS (Special).— Walter Duryea and Ernest C. Hlnck. of Montclair, have both survived broken necks. Mr. Duryea. who Is a son of the starch manufacturer of that name, fractured his vertebra while diving In shallow water. His life was despaired of for a long time. but under skilful surgery he regained all his fac ulties except the use of his lower limbs. He has a handsome homo In Lorraine avenue, where he upends much of his time. He Is an ardent auto moblllst. and owns a yacht. In which he makes long cruises. Ernest C. Hlnk ts a well known real estate dealer, and his case is even more extraordinary than that of Mr. Duryea. Mr. Hlnk sustained his Injury In a manner similar to that of Mr. Duryea, and for weeks was suspended by weights. The radical treatment proved beneficial, for ultimately he re covered the use of his limbs. While his muscular movement is not entirely normal, he Is able to move about wtth ease, and conducts successfully a business which requires great activity. TUBERCULAR TESTS ON STUDENTS. Ann Arbor, Mich.. Nov. S3.— Sixty senior law stu dents of the University of Michigan have sub jected themselves to the new "ophthalmo tuber culin test" to determine whether there are any tubercular *erm3 In the body. The liquid Is pre pared from clean cultures of the tubercle bacillus, but precipitated in alcohol, and instead of being injected It is dropped into the subject's eye. If the disease exists tn the body tt will be manifested tn eight or ten hours. Of the students treated not one showed any reaction, while on patients in the hospital the tests were taslly potiUve, MI'S If. AN IRISH SINGER OF SONGS. The suddenness and the manner In which Mr. Denis O'Sullivan. who gave a concert In Carnegie Hall last night before he had had an opportunity to get rid of his sea legs, was precipitated upon the public of New York were more suggestive of politics than art. Nobody was given an oppor tunity to learn who Mr. O'Sullivan was or what he could do. but there waa a revolutionary air about his name, and the few announcements pro mulgated over *b9 signatures of a redoubtable committee suggested a fund for Irish agitation at the least. But the disclosures made at the concert were of the most peaceful and amiable sort. Mr. O'Sullivan Is a singer of songs (of Irish songs, in the first Instance, It would appear, since the house bill contained a note telling the audience how. in 1903. and again In 1907. he had entertained the Irish party in the House of Commons wtth some of the songs that he sang last night), and one quite out of the usual. His programme en listed the services of the orchestra of the 6»th Regiment. N. O. N. V.. with its bandmaster. William Bayne. and Victor Harris, who played the pianoforte accompaniments, and was of a singularly mixed character, put together, very obviously, to show that Mr. O'Sullivan was not wholly an Irish singer, but a singer of wide sympathies and large abilities. Tet the Irish ele ment dominated from the moment that the band started the opening overture with the exquisite old melody "The Coolin." down to "The Wearin" of the Green" and Lover's "Low Backed Car." Meanwhile Mr. O'Sullivan sang Loewe's "Glocken thUrmer's Tochterlein" and Taub^rfs "Butzemann" like a German, without a drop of Hibernian guile in his constitution. The newcomer Is an artist whose better acquaintance, the lovers of song sing ing In New York should be eager to cultivate. His comic mnnntr is unctuous and irresistible, and hU command of the artistic elements of singing thrice admirable. A better kind of music than was ex emplified in a large portion of his programme was the only thing left to be desired by his thoroughly delightful entertainment. -MEFISTOFELE" AT THE METROPOLITAN. There wan a repetition of Boito's "Meflstofele" at the Metropolitan Opera House last night by all th* artists who wero concerned In its production last week. Th* performance was excellent In every feature, but was received with singular apathy by an audience- neither as numerous nor as brilliant in appearance as that of any of the other subscrip tion nights. The circumstance scarcely calls for comment; as a rule holidays are not brilliant af fairs at the. Metropolitan. The notable features of the performance were the singing of Miss Far rar and the acting of M. Challaplne. the former worthy of all praise, the latter the occasion of honest wonder because of its variety, plasticity, imaginativeness and power, and regret because of Its unnecessary vulgarity In the Brocken scene. The present effort to popularize Bolto's "Mefls tofele" Is the moat extraordinary In the history of opera. In It paradox has certainly gone mad. Not the prlma donna but the basso Is counted on to mako a hit, and he not so much by his singing and acting as by a disrobing act. Who would ever have dreamed that "Thais' and "Meflstofele 1 * had this common meeting ground and that it would be contested In New York by a lady from Scotland and a gentleman from Russia? A quarter of a cen tury ago we were listening to "Meflstofele" for the sake of Its effort to Interpret Goethe and tha opportunity which It gave to Mrne. Nllsson to look like a Greek goddess and sing like a seraph. An old record happens to como to hand which has contemporaneous Interest. It is The Tribune's re view of the representation of the opera at the Met ropolitan Opera House on December 5, 1883, when, as few music patrons will be likely to remember. Cleofonte Campanini. now the guiding spirit artis tically of Mr. Hamraerstein's venture, conducted a few performances at the Metropolitan Opera House. Read, then; » Mme. Nllsson Is even more closely Identified with Bolto's Gretchen than with Gounod's Mar fuerlte. , She has fixed. In Europe especially, the ideal Helen of Troy, and It was she. we believe, who started the questionable practice of hav ing one performer Impersonate Jjoth Gretchen and Helen. Bolto has left so little of Goethe's village maiden that It does not make much dif ference how the part Is acted, except in the death scene, and that in a late moment to de velop a character. But Helen is a character that is cut to the very form of Mme. Nllsson reral In beauty and carriage, soul-moving in V £ ; * <ir< ' ', in poee and gesture. She fits into th« fairest picture that a Greek lover can con jure up in his fancy of '-the shore of Pineus Hindus. Clear streams and thickets of laurel and oleander; the moon at its zenith; to the left a Doric temple; to the right greensward and flowers." She moved through this part of the opora last night like a veritable Hellenic queen. The beauty, the majesty, the puissant charm of a perfect woman of the classic type, all were hers. In her performance, as In that of Cam paninl, there wore evidences of unusual Interest «nd a firm determination to make it a success. Ho far as success was at their command they had it. All their scenes went with warm fervor and deep passion, and where there were short comings they were duo to factors like the chorus, which, having a high goal to reach, fell shorter of It than usual. Inefficiency In the choral de partment was really the only cause of disap pointment, and It affected only th« prologue, which, while It has no place In opera at aIL Is nevertheless the most original and striking part of Sl*nor Bolto a creation. Slgnor Campanini was the Faust, whom we have seen in the opera be fore, but fired with a greater degree of enthusi asm than ever. Not only was he sln«lng the op«-» which he was chiefly Instrumental In glvln* to the English and American people, but he was singing it tinder th* direction of a brother In whom he has a proud and affectionate Interest. This brother acquitted himself with marked en S &V ncln rerfect familiarity with the acore and holding all the factors in absolute command H. E. K. "FAUST- AT THE MANHATTAN. Gounod s "Faust" shares with Verdi's "AWa." nieet's "Carmen" ar.d a few other operas a qual ity that has doubtless contributed Importantly tr> its enormous popularity, namely, a certain resili ency and effectiveness under nearly any condition* of performance. "Faust" has been UM operatic meeting ground rf half the great Binders In Chris tendom, and of more than that proportion of th* poor ones, yet It Is altogether likely that whatever the artistic level of Its presentation this work has scarcely ever failed to give abundant pleasure to Its hearers. It iv hard to Imagine that Gounod's score will ever take a place among those master works so hedged about with great tradition that none but adepts dare attempt to perform them; rather will "Faust" go down to remembrance as an opera accessible to the humblest yet worthy of the most skilful and sympathetic interpreters. Many of last night's auditors at the Manhattan Opera House must have heard ••Faust" given wtth far more distinction, both histrionic and musirn!. than It was on this occasion by Mr. Hammersteln's singers, but there was applause enough and to spare for any revelation that might have, been vouchsafed. There were no features of command ins power or beauty In this presentation, save the conducting of Mr. C'ampunini (which had tts occa sional limitations, as in ths evidently intentional roughnesses of attack by the heavy strings, in the Interludes between the stansaa of the "King ot tfhule"). Mr. Zenatello sang with unflagging zeal, and he often uttered tones of sustained luscloua ness. but there was wanting in his "Faust" the final touch of aristocratic pese and diction. Mtsa Zeppilll. who sang Marguerite for the first ttnn here was earnest but commonplace. In voice and acting while Mr. Dldur burdened with too much meaningless detail a Mephlsto that otherwise had a trood deal to recommend it to consideration. But the large audience enjoyed every minute and every measure and for this the composer himself, nearly fifty years ego. was mainly responsible. ALBANI INDISPOSED. Owing to the Illness of Albani. "Faust" will be sung at the Manhattan Opera House to-night Instead of "Ernanl." which was announced. Zen atello will be in the cast and will sing aga'n to-morrow night In "ATda." It Is announced that Albanl's illness 1« not of % serious nature. KHAYAT COLLECTION SALE BRISK. The first day's sale of the Asses Khayat collection of Greek and Roman antiquities at the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries. No. 548 6tii avenue, yesterday brought out many bidders and buyers for the Iridescent glass, Babylonian glazed pottery bronsea, Ivories. tanagra figurines, scarabs, coins, beads, jades and rare Chinese porcelains. The total sum realised from the sale of 306 lots was C.054. The highest price. 163 60. was paid by T. E. H. Curtis for a gold Iridescent blue glaze vase of Babylonian pottery. For a seven-Inch, broad mouth, ribbed bottle of blue Iridescence, said to be one of the finest pieces In the collection. S. Benjamin paid $43 50. The final sale of the Iwan Shoten ivory collection brought the total up to ££SL, APPLICATIONS FOR HELP INCREASE. Association for Improving Condition of Poor Begins to Feel Crisis. The New York Association for Improving' th» Condition of the Pr announces that It Is al ready beginning to fee! the effect of the finan cial trouble through an increased number of ap plications for relief. The dismissal of servants by wealthy families and by poorer ones where the housewife now attempts to do her own kitchen work and the closing of factories are two of the things, that have contributed to make the de mands on the society greater. The society finds that the new cases are- th» hardest to deal with, for while It may help to put a cripple on his feet by sending Ml to a hospital, where he can get In condition to work again. It cannot find work for the unemployed. It cannot be said at present how much the. financial conditions will affect the contributions to the society. « R. Fulton Cutting, Its president, has announced that last year the department of relief assisted 2.655 families and over 34.000 Individual* To this end the society has employed 23 relief visitors. 2 cooking teachers and 5 nurses. The sewing bu reau maintained by the department gave * em ployment to 491 women. Died. Death notices appearing fax TOE TRIBCXE will he repnhlUhM la the Trt-Weeklr T-- ..., without extra chance. Kemp. Ann M. Vllas. Gecrzs H. fcmtth, Walter M. Warren. Mlnton. KBMP- On Xo ™ mb « r 27. Ann Marls, widow of RafuS Crosby Kemp, age.! M years 1 month anil 1 day. F"u ; neral ■arvteea at ."hap*! of the Home. 104 th st. and i Amsterdam aye.. November 30. a' 11 a. m. *' X i2 t <l ?!£} ' at I<ns A n«eies. <Ml . Tuesday. Novem ber 19. 1007. Ambrose Plerson Una. Funeral services will be hall at th» Presbyterian Church. Chatham. N. J.. Saturday. November 30. at 3 o'clock, on arrival of th» 2 ©"clock [.ackananna train from foot of Bar clay at. SMITH — At his l*t» residence. Stamford. Onn.. Thurs day. November 2S. 1907. Walter M. Smith, beloved ho.» band of Eltiaheth Leonard Smith, in the 71st year of hi? age. Funeral *erv!i« will he heM Saturday. Nv vember 30. at th« First Presbyterian Church. »tamforJ. • •onti. at 12 o'clock, on the arrival of the 11 a. en train from New York. Boston papers pleas* copy. Vlf.A^-At his home.. No 274 Sprint-dale »v». East or» ange. N J . November 27. 1807. «;eorp» H. Vila*. Funeral Friday on arrival of 12:3O p. m. D.. L. A XV. train. WARD — On November 28, at her re*l<leiv*» In this city. Kuby EmKln*. wife of Willajtl P. War* and daughter of th<» Hon. loss Ersklne. of Georgia. Th» funeral services will b» held at th» convenience of th« family. WARREN- Suddenly, on November 2«. l»07. of heart failure, at Cambridge. Mass.. Professor Mlnt<m 'War ren, of Harvard University. Funeral •ervicQS ta Cambridge on Friday. November 29. at 11 a in. CE.METKUIE.-t. THK WOOD! AW> CE3tETERT Is readllv «<-r»»alhl» by Har>m trains from Grand Central Starlon. Webster and Jerome Avenue troll-jr • anj by earring". r.ots. $125 up Telephone) 433S Cramercy for Book of Visits or representative. Office., 20 East 23d St.. New York City. UNDERTAKERS. FRANK T. CAMPBET.I, CO.. 24t-3 West -M St. | Chapels. Private and public ambulances. Tel. 1334 Chelsea. Special Notices. To the Employer. Do you want desirable help QL r ICK? SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE by consulting the rile of applications of selected aspirants for positions of various kinds which has Just been Installed at th» t'ptown Office of THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE* No. 1364 Broadway. Between 36th and 37th Street*. Office Hours: 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tribune Subscription Rates. THE TRIBUNE will be sent by mall to any sflilnas la this country or abroad and address chanted aa often a» desired. Subscriptions may ba clven to your regular dealer before leaving, or. If more convenient, hi nil thesa in at THE TRIBUNE Office. 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