Newspaper Page Text
v —^^^^h*. >^g^Ki w^^^B J^^^^Ks9^^^^^m^^^LJ"^o V ot ~ LXVU .. N° 22.366. S^JISf, SSKU «. XEW-YORK. MONDAY, FEBIU ARY 10. 1008. -TWELVE PAGES.— FISH BAITS HAfiRIMAS REPLIES TO DISPATCH. Discredits Nem Moot m Fight for Control of Illinois Central. Stayvesant Fish and some of his allies In his asjr against Edward H. Harriman for the con trol of the Illinois Central replied yesterday 10 an alleged dispatch from London, which they say was circulated by Mr. Harriman agents. ThiF dispatch says that Lord iiothschild, re • '■—<* the proxy which his firm, N. M.'Koth schiid & Sons, pave Mr. Fish for the Illinois Central annual election. It further reiterates the charge that Mr Fish had secretly and •sTcnsrfuliy loaned funds of the road to the Commonwealth Trust 'Company — formerly the Trust Company of the Republic— when he and Sxis associates were officials and directors of that ompany. Mr. Harriman was at his home. No. 874 Fifth av»enue. yesterday. When asked about the •London dispatch" he said he knew nothing at all about it. and. furthermore, that he did not care in the slightest degree what Mr. Fish might cr bblbM not say. lz regard to the Rothschild proxy, one of Mr. 7~!£h*s ■■■'-••■? snid that it was highly prob «.Mr the American firm, which transferred five hundred ■ are? of Illinois Central stock to N. M. Rothschild a: Sons, and had remained neutral tiirrughout the fight, had requested '':• Roth jchiid Bm not to give either side a proxy, and this ii:* Fish reply says "is assumed is the ex rute for the London dispatch." A<= to tbc other assertions in the dispatch.- Mr- Fish said they simply showed that Mr. Harri eist! has despaired of winning his case in Judge Ball's court, in Chicago, and "is revamping Tarns which were exploded a year ago, and •wilci he disposed of linally in an affidavit (Had an December 13 last-" |B this affidavit yi Fist swore that the. rea jcts van by Mr. Harriman snd hi? supporters fcr -•'using to_ re-elect '.-r. president of the Kin sis Central were false, and that it had been •-- custon: of that road to lend its idle funds to tea oScers lad directors until he himself caused a. bylaw to at adopted forbidding such loans. He aiso svere thai the loans mane to him by tie lUmcis Central were reported as satis \ ■■— ty v -: auditing committee, lad that the toara cf directors, including Mr Harriman "a.ifi tbese ■who st blindly follow him." with toll kr.owledt€ of these UM had unanimously rt-elected him president cf the road, and in 1905 Saenas&d his annual salary from 05,000 to $45. .'-' The aSdavit also contains the statement -JL2.: the C2mrnoav.-eaJth Trust Company was hs3 aZways ibJ been perfectly solvent. 'To cone cf these parts of my affidavit," said Mr. Tish. ''did Harriman or any of his followers tiks exception. 2>ow as to the Commonwealth "-.-- Company: it has no) a debt outstanding. Considering the diSiculties which were so clev rriy saddled en it in 11*02 by another trust com pany, of -which Barrinaa was then z. director. this --.-.- ----- the highest credit and bonor on ever:-* cQcer and director of the Cora —on wealth --■ • Com-pzuy, and especially on tbc-se vOio. like TTinthrop E. Scerritt, P. E. Eorseisler ana Charles K. Wenman, came into tie company after It ha been victimized by ilr. BsxxiS332.*fl company." 3ir. Fish ei3*s the suFg-estion that the Illinois Central :^£y have moneys zo lend is '"annisiiife." ir: view of the fact "-recently put out by Mr. H^rrinian's agency" that it is in the tnarkot for SSQJOOOJDOO. Ac to this proposed loan Mr. Fish ■"The etocktolders ought to know that Mr. Hanixaan proposes to carry this floating debt on short, term rotes, pledging therefor a new tesue cf bonds i.o be secured fey mcrtraging the '-art and erglnes owned by the company. His avowed reason is that this form of mortgage ran be made by board resolution, without con roltias tbfi stockholders- 'iViCh other directors 7 have opposed this. W« favor issuing 13 per «-er.t of additional shares, "bY: shareholders to hare the right to take them at par, ratably. Ac- Tdinr to their holdinire: and al?o Felling- bonds to be secured in such a way and with the con pent of the stockholders as to become a lawful invfstment for srrixxgs banks. "Ota- pa n win sdve to the stockholder? a r-ir.u? proportionate to th*- premium on the sro<:k. zr.C if savings bank bonds are issued the seeded money will be had at the lowest possible r itl ». M-reover. the company wffl b* saved from the folly of attempting to finance on call FIRE FOLLOWS WRECK. Train Crashes Into Ohio Statwn, but Xo One Is Hurt. IBr Te:rira;h to The Trtbcae. 1 i'^ler^bur^, Ohio. Feb. 3 — Ther* were two wrecks caih* CKvdand. Akrcn & Colurrbus branch cf the Fccazyftaxxta Railroad iv this vicinity to-day. I- C2<; a railroad station end two care were destroyed l*y Sre. In the ether five coaches were overturned. bst no one xra? sertasxly Injured. The fatt rs!dni£ht passenger train, southbound. r-mp<=<! a. switch at Howard, a short from ilcnnt Vemon. and cras*od into the passenger BtatlonJ The passengers, who had heen awakened by tae coaches bumping fa the ties, were tcssed ibc-j: in the cars. Aside from bruises received. docc ■■-..-■ injured. The engine nre bex set fire to the staUor-, and it and two coaches vim cesrrcyed. A norihbcund pessenger train on the euae railrcad ran tato an 6pea switch here and pkm«bed through the ties along the right of way rcr -c. Oisuaxx of two hundred fest. The engine and fi*i coaches toppled ewer Into a small ratine. Be- TOD 6 a ihakir.? up the passeag-rs were not hurt. - - ■ boand, ' ' ' ■ ■ ' ■ : • .... t«t- T :i ncr ■ . - ■ ■ St. Thomas. XOaZ B E. T ETJSH HOUR EZLIEF *Tew Switches Hake More Abbs' a Train a Minute Possible. fcixty-five, inttcad of from fifty-eight to sixty trains, srtM be abl* to leave the New York end tS the. Brooklyn IJrids*- during the rush hou-<» trorn to-day c*L This is the hoxhe of the Brook >xa Bapld Transit officials, who have caused rcftcbei to be Installed ct thu Manhattan ap^ I'VL-wzn to take the p!ar* of the old ~cro»o-ov«-rs." in-tpa.d of train* eaaa&a into ■*■ station bavins «. wait for those already at the island pluttonn • move out. tl»« operator in thft to«yr will te :■■<> to rwiceh tlwm ' *.v t" any tr:ci avaltab^ \ STORMY IN THE STRAIT. The American Battleship Fleet Re ported Near Cape Pilor. Punta Arenas. Feb. 9.— The Pacific Navigation Company steamship Orita, which arrived here this morning, reports having passed the Ameri ran fleet in the strait at 6 o'clock last evening:, twelve miles east of Cape Pilar. The Chilian cruiser Chaeabuco was leading. The weather wa» very stormy. The captain of the Orita said that he lighted nineteen vessels in the fleet, these beinj? the fix teen American battleships, the Chilian cruiser and two others, probably colliers. He did not Fight the American torpedo flotilla which ac companied the battleships from this port, but turned north at Smyth Channel, thirty mile? from the western end of the strait, to go throuirh this passage to Talcahuana, Owini^ to the heavy weather the warship? were spread out over a long distance, but all seamed to be making splendid progress in the face of the strong: winds. LIGHTSHIP OX STATIOX. Safety of Vessel on Xantiicket Shoals Reported. Boston. Feb. 9. — Anxiety as to the- safety of the Nantucket Shoals Lightship 85. which has been out 'of wireless communication with the shore since Last Thursday morning, was sex at rest to-night when the steamship San Jos6, from Port LJmon. Costa Rica, reported that she passed the lightship yesterday on her station and that all was apparently well aboard. The San Jos£ arrived here late to-day. MOTHER CALLS OX THA Lazcyers Also Have Long Talk Kith Him. IE- Teiscrapfc to Th» Tribes*.] Fisbkill Landing. N. T., Feb. Harry K. Thaw began his second week to-day at the Mat teawan State Hospital with the same routine tha«. obtained on other days. He had just entered the theatre at 2 o'clock for the re ligious service when his mother arrived. The Rev. John H. Reid, of Walden, an Episcopal clergyman, who conducts a weekly newspaper in the village, conducted the service. Thaw's mother came unexpectedly. It !s not a custom for visitors to be welcomed en Sun day, but an exception was made in her favor. She was accompanied by her maid and W. Fos ter Peabody and Dan O'Reilly, the lawyers. They had an hour and a half's talk with Thaw, and returned to New Tork at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Thaw seemed to be much depressed. She saw none of the other patients at the hospital. Before leaving here the lawyers said that on Monday Dr. Jacobus, an alienist, would visit Thaw and pass several hours with him. On the report that he would make of the patient's mental condition would depend the future line of action. If he thinks that Thaw could make a favorable impression with a commission he will so recommend, and a -writ will be asked for at once. Otherwise there will be delay. LAIXG & SOX SUSPEND. British Shipbuilders, Employing 5,000 Men, in Trouble. Sunderland, England, Feb. 9.— The big ship building syndicate of Sir James Lair. jet & Sons has suspended. The yards at Sunderland and Deptford employed 5,000 men. Tne firm had built liners for the Peninsular & Oriental and Cunard companies, as well as men men-of war. A scheme of reconstruction will soon be submitted to the creditors. DYXAMITE AT EACH DOOR. Unsuccessful Attempt to Blozc Up Store and House. Pittsfleld. Mass., Feb. 9. — An attempt was made to-day to blow up th* grocery store and house occupied by Antonio Fio in this city. Nine sticks of dynamite were used, three being placed at each door on the front, rear and side or the house. All the fuses were lighted, but for some reason only three of the explosives went off. These were at the back of the bouse, at a door leading into a small L of the building. The force of the explosion threw Fio, his wife and three children out of their beds, smashed the door ana all the windows on that side of the house and broke windows in houses fifty to seventy-five feet away. No one, however, was hurt. The police arrested Greeario Tosco at the railroad station as a suspicious character, and Tosco will have an examination in the local court to-morrow. Fio declared that Tosco was h:s only enemy and that during a dispute re cently over a grocery bill Tosco threatened to kill him. When arrested Tosco had a revolver and a stiletto, but he denied having anything to do with the attempt to blow up Fio's house. TEAIN WITH TEOOPS ESCAPES WBECK. fßv Te!*srarh •<■■ The TiHmaa.l Joliet, 111-, Feb. 9.— Train wreckers attempted to wreck the Santa Fe fast mail train early this morning bar .placing an obstruction on a bridge near Lockport. A freight train, running slowly, struck the pile of ties, but no one was seriously injured. The mail train passed the danger point at a speed of sixty miles an hour a few minutes later. The obstruction had been placed en the wrong track. The fast mail train leaves Chicago at 2:43 a. m. it usually carries few passengers, but this morning two "sleepers filled with federal troops en route to the oast were attached. PLAN STATION TO COST $20,000,000. San Francisco, Feb. 3.— Railroad engineers have completed plans for a $20,000,000 union transportation terminal station, to be built at Van Ness avenue and Market street, it was an nounced to-day. All railroads and interurban and subway lines will run into the station. HENRY HUNTINGTON AGAiN FREE. Versailles, Feb. ■— Henry Huntington. son of the late Major Henry Alonzo Huntington. Who last July shot and wounded his two broth* rs and two sifters at li,, bedside of Us dyliijf father in this city, and later way adjudged in-ane, has returned here. Ha says that .• was allowed to leave the private asylum where I.*- was confined and rrc-:v«-«! a cer tificate as curvd. ANOTHER BLACK HAND RAiD Hut.-. F«b. I.— Another'rald on alletfrd mem bers of the Black Hand Soek-ty was made hen to-night by city detectives. Kight Italians, said to ix» members of Ha organization, were taken Into custody charged with blackmailing 1 prominent faml'le? of Bewicklej% an exclusive r«id«nee suburb, A uutnixr of weapon* an«i (Lblreat*ning letters were fouii'l in ih~s room Tv:j«-rt' the arrests ••■r>,r taude. HAAN'S R;etanP3n«, ParV Row Stag, For ' diaa dcrw-iifcrira. Lccctesa and .Efcxitu Mu£i; t — A4yu i DELEGATES TO CHICAGO. RETURXS IP TO DATE. Ttreniii-xir So Far Elected for Fair banks and Sixteen for Taft. TWrtJ liHtll delegates to the Republican Na tional Convention have been chosen since The Tribune's tirst summary of delegates elected was published on February 3. Forty-two dele gates in all have now been nam"d. of wbon twenty-six are instructed for Mr. Fai-banks and sixteen for Mr. Taft. TVDIASA. District conventions were held on February 4 In all thirteen of Indiana's Congress districts. The Ist District Convention, held at ■ Evans vllte ■elected Mar- S. Sonntag, of £***?*(£?£ a f " * D. E. Cadick, of Grand View. Instructed for The F fd r Di"t k rict Convention, at Vtnc^nn^ se lected James W. Emison. of_ Vine* 'nn«. ana Charles Henderson, of Bloomfield.. Instructed for Fairbanks. _ ... _, The 3d District Convention, held at NewAlh n>. elected J. C. Zuiaux. of Jeffersonville .and Thomas J. Wilson, of Carydon. Instructed tor The District Convention, neld at North i- „--,*— The 4i h District Convention n*ld at North \" r " or " selected William A. Guthrie. of Dupont and Elbert McAlpin, of Greenwood. Instructed for tV» i T-1-t rt y» 1/ q; The 3th District Convention, held at Terre Haute, selected William R. McKeen. of Terre Haut*. and John F. Bxy»O% of Brazil- Instructed for The «U) District Convention, held at Cambridge City, selected Rudolph Leeds, of Richmond, ana Charles Campbell, of Shelbyville. Instructed tor Fairbanks. . _ „ The 7th District Convention, held at Indianapolis, selected Charles A. Book"* airier and Joseph B. Healing, both of Indianapolis. Instructed for Fairbanks. The Bth District Convention, held at Munde, se lected William N. Durbin, of Anderson, and E. B. Edwards, of Wells County. Instructed for Fairbanks. " The nth District Convention, held at Kokomo. se lected John A. Kautz, of Kokomo, and Strange N. Cra gun, of Lebanon. Instructed for Fair banks. The 10th District Convention, ".ield at Bensselaer. ejected George Ade, of Kentland, and Kitt Sills, of Monticello. Instructed for Fairbanks. The lite District Convention, held at Marion, se lected H. G. Tucker, of Logansport, and George A. Osbom, of Marion. Instructed for Fairbanks. The 12th District Convention, held at Fort Wayne, Ejected G. W. Wilson, of Fort Wayne, and Thomas S. Wickwire, of Ashley. Instructed for Fairbanks. The mil District Convention, held at Plymouth, selected E. E. Lambert, of South Bend, and J. M. Bracket!, of Rochester. Instructed for Fair banks. FLORIDA. , Four delegates-at-large were elected by a state convention held at St. Augustine, Fla., on February 6. They were J. N. Coombs, of Appa lachicola: Joseph E. Lee. of Jacksonville; Henry S. Chubb, of Gainesville, and M. B. McFarland. of Tampa. They were Instructed for Taft. A seceding convention elected Joseph N. Stripling, J. D. Kazzard. J. H. Dickerson and R. B. Rob inson as dalegates-at-lar^e, without instructions. The Ist District Convention, held at St. Augustine on Februay 6, elected George W. Allen, of Key West, and Henry W. Chandler, of Oceola. They •were instructed for Taft. The 3d District Convention, held at St. Augustine era February 6. elected D. T. Gerow. of Jack sonville, and D. M. Pappy, cf St. Augustine. They were instructed for Taft. THE PHILIPPiyES. The convention for the Philippine Islands, held at Manila on February 3. elected as delegates at-Large A. 6. Crossfleld. of Manila, and William F. Norris, of Albany. They were instructed for Tafr. . - ■ ■ _ SCATTERING. The 14th Missouri District Convention, held at West Plains en February 8, elected William P. Sulli van, or Christian County, and Edward F. R-renhardt, of Cape Girardeau. They were m structed for Taft. The preferences of the delegates so far elected are shown :n the following table: j Fairbanks. I Taft. 1 Total. Florida J — I ft 4 Indiana ' 26 — -J Mi— mil j — * 7. Oklahoma. , ' — - Z. Philippics I — ! ~ ' *". TOTal 1 28 ! 16 » ~*2~ Only one more state convention is scheduled for this month, to wit: Missouri— St. Louis, February S District convention? call"'] for this month in clude the following: Ninth Ohio— Toledo. February 15. Klshth Ohio— Urban a, February » Fourth Ohio-Sidney. February 18. Beventh Missoun-Sedaha. Febnsan ■ «. Ninth M»ssouri-St. Charles, February 18. Nineteenth Ohio-Warren, February 15. Fifth Bryan. February 20. Tenth Missouri— St. Louis. February 28 Kl"venth ilispouri-St. Louis. February 21. Twelfth Missouri— St. Louis. February *- Sixth Ohio— X>ria. February 23. Fourteenth Ohio-Shelby. February 26. Sixteenth Ohio-Steubenville. February 26. Second Oklahoma— Oklahoma City. February S. Twentieth Ohio— Cleveland, February 3. The state conventions M far called for March and later months are: Ohio— Columbus. March 2- Kansas— March 4. Louisiana— New Orleans, March 4 Nebraska— Omaha, March 11. Oklahoma— City. March :. lowa— Dea Moines. March IS. Indiana— Indianapolis, April 1. South Dakota— Huron. April .. Pennsylvania— Harrksburg. April 23. West Virginia— Parkersburg. April 75 Maine— Portland. April 10 California— Sacramento. May I*. North Dakota— Sßnot, May 14. ; OHIO IX TAFT COLUMX. Sweeping Victor?! Expected at Pri maries To-morraa. Columbus. Feb. 9. — Thfe ccunry primaries, at whtea deleg-ates to the Republican state con vention, on March 3, are to be selected, will be held throughout Ohio next Tuesday. An over whelming majority of these delegate* wID be in favor of William H. Taft for President, and the convention may bt unanimously in his fa vor. Under a recent decision of the Republican State Central Committee, it will not be neces sary to hold actual primaries unless there is more than one ticket in the field. By virtue of this ruling, in fifty-two out of a total of eighty-eight unties In the state the regular Taft delegates will be chosen merely by the certification of their names. In the remaining thirty-six counties primaries «viil he held, but in only four of these is there opposition to Mr. Taft, and in only one county, Cuyahaga, in which is the city cf Cleveland, bom the light against him show any sign cf consequence. The convention will be attended by Sls dele gates. Of this number Mr. Tart la certain to have 745, Us almost certain of 751', anil his polit ical munagord ur>- confident that he will have them all. The dubious spots are Knox County, which has seven delegates^ and Cuyahoga County, with sixty-three delegates. The contest in the latter county id th« man serious, not only because of the greater number 01 delegates •Involved, but because the Foraker faction haw sought to bring the matter into court and will, it la expected, ask the Supreme Coon to- morrow for permia .-i«ii to light the case before that body. Minor poltfifal considerations in the city iof Cleveland have brought a conflict"; OS to tho validity of ... county comniittees. ?.tr. Tuft's t>upportefd u.-^ort. that their committee in Uiu cnlylieia?, arid Senator Forakf:r's adhci- vuiiui--.-i ob ttcoiul yjgs, FOR Blfr LABOR PAR'IY UNIONS UP IX ARMS. Movement Started by C. F. 1., with Socialists in Sympathy. The decision of the United States Supreme Court awarding- trir<*»> times the damages asked for to Loewe & Song, of Danbury, Conn., in the puit of the firm against the United Hatters of America for boycotting its "products, came up for discussion yesterday, and as a result resolu tions were presented by the executive com mittee at the meeting of the Central Federated Union calling on the American Federation of Labor to order a national convention of the unions to go into independent politics. During the discussion following the submis sion of the resolutions the socialist delegates made their usual arguments in favor of the workingmen joining the Socialist party. The American Constitution was declared to be an antiquated document, applying to the conditions 0fJ125 years ago, but requiring revision to be applicable to the present time, and the United States Supreme Court justices were criticised as men who were behind the times. J. Pierpont Morgan was incidentally criticised for being quoted in an interview as saying the working man would have to starve or accept wages that would make honest business possible and profit able. In th«; preamble to the resolutions It was stated that a great crisis, which should be met sincerely and determinedly, faced the country and the workingmen. The resolutions asked for the. lmmediate calling of a convention in some central city by the American Federation of La bor at 'as early a date as possible "for the pur pose of discussing the?»? attacks upon the trade unions, and devising ways and means for the immediate organization of an independent po litical trade union movement throughout the country." Th,e resolutions also said that while the trade unions were bereft of the power of the boycott, the interests combined against the trade unions through the courts could virtually boycott the unions. They also asked that copies of the resolutions be sent to the American Federation of Labor and every trade union throughout the country, with a request that they be discussed and a report be sent back as soon as possible. **It is necessary to act quickly." said Secre tary Bohm of the Central Federated Union, "otherwise the decision in the case of the hat ters will be followed by the destruction of the unions. It is evidently the intention of the em ployers to deprive the unions of their useful ness." . "Morris Brown, a socialist delegate, argued hi fa\ or of socialism. Another socialist followed, declaring that the time was now ripe for the working people to join a party that really rep resented the •working people. There was so cialist applause after these speeches. "Unless you could put up your own candi dates and elect your, own President," said ex- Asemblyman Prince, delegate of the Cigar Packers' Union, "you could accomplish nothing-, as the United States Supreme Court is the high est court in the country. You would have then to create sentiment In favor of the •elimination of the labor, unions from the Sherman act by new legislation.'* ' j Hero Herman Robinson, the financial secre tary, took the floor. He said he was not a rep resentative of President Koosevelt, but be had a word to say in his favor. "I see in an interview, with President Roose velt," he said, "that the President recommended that the portion of the Sherman law by which the labor unions come under its provisions should be changed. I believe in giving credit where credit is due" Morris Brown got up again and argued in favor of socialism, saying that the socialists were the only honest representatives of the peo ple. Timothy Healey. of the Eccentric Fire men's union, objected to this broad assertion. "Does Delegate Brown mean to say." he de manded, "that there are no DOBjsst Democrats or Republicans in the country?" Brown said he did not mean that construction to be put on his words. He believed that there were many honest Democrats and Republicans, but that there were many of them who were neither honest nor sincere. Th^n Heaiey wanted to know if in cas-e the unions were ready to form a national party. Brown would be willing for the socialist party to merge in Jt, the united party tr> have a new name. Brown hesitated, and th^n said that if the party represented the atewH of tbe people bs would not object. The Supreme Court justice? and the Conttitu tion were criticised by James Hatch, of the Upholsterers" Union. "The Supreme Court Judges," he said, "hold that the Sherman act is constitutional as applied to the labor unions. What we have to agitate for is th*» modernization of the Constitution. "We ar*: not living under the conditions of 12T> years a?o. when the Constitution was formed, but sja are governed by the conditions of 125 years ag-o. The judges are fossilized, and while they ar" nice old men, they cannot understand tne vtaj-5 that have elapsed sine* the Constitution was applicable to the conditions. Matters will be no better than they are now a? lone as we are srn\erned by these old conditions, while we ar* living under utterly different conditions now." PREDICTS WAE WITH JAPAN Andre Tardieu. French Editor. Lectures At Harvard. * [Ey Telegraph to Tie Trfbuus. 1 Boston, Feb. 9. —Andre Tardieu, editor of the "Paris Temps," now delivering the annual se ries of Hyde lectures at Harvard, said In his address to the students last night: "War hi imminent, but while I d*> not think that the present internal conditions would per mit Japan to rush into a war in the next three months with this .country, I am certain that if an agreement governing Japanese immigration is not reached soon the little brown m^n will be quick to sen* the opportunity to teach the proud Westerners a lesson.'' TEXAS BANKER ENDS HIS LIFE. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Fort Worth, Tex.. Feb. !• — Lmton C. Hutchina, second vice-president of the Fort Worth Nation ii Bank, ccramltttd suicide by shooting- this morning while seated at his desk in the bank. Wfrry over Jinaneial conditions la assigned as the Hbt affairs are said to be in excellent ahapA, and IBS tank i.-i not involved by the tragedy. BANKER. ILL. SHOOTS HIMSELF. tby Tul^graoh to The Trtbum» J % San Antonio, Tex., Feb. S. — Cecil A. Beasl^i". president of the American Bank and Trust Com pany .»r Houston, shot and killed bunaetf thai afternoon. Despondency over ill health was the cause NEW CUNARD MAIL CONTRACT. LonUuii. F*-b. W.— A dispatch, to 'Th» Daily NeTv.*:" runt Quewhat^Vn says that the Rritish PQSlnfflce to* maile a nw contract with th*'; Cunar.t Steamship Company to i arry ronUs between I»ivw pool and New York for twenty y*ar«. th« contract u» M«b9J -a i^*» i PLOT FOILED AT OPORTO I*l any Conspirators Arrested — Seiz ure of Arms and Plan. Marseilles, Feb. — The frustration on Friday last at Oporto of a plot to proclaim a republic Is announced in a teiegrarr which was received to-day from one of the highest official? in Oporto by his brother, who has just arrived here from Lisbon. According to the telegram, a large number of conspirators have been arrested, including the leaders. It was also said that large bodies of militant Republicans had been Been about the suburbs of Oporto. The police captured a large store of revolvers arid carbines, together with the written plans of the conspira tors. These plans indicated that It was the in tention to take the city by surprise on Saturday night, invade the government house. Imprison the Governor and other officials, destroy all lines of communication and establish a republic. SLIPS TO HER DEATH. Woman Falls in Front of Car in Central Park West. Slipping on a piece of ice as eh* was crossing Central Park West at 76th street last night an unidentified woman, about fifty years old, fell directly in front of a northbound surface car and was killed Instantly. The body was caught under the front trucks, and the car had to be jacked before it could be" extricated. Louis Scaf er,- of No. $00 Eighth avenue, the motorman, told the police the accident was due to the fact that the side panel windows of the vestibuled platform were coated with frost. He said, the police allege, that he was unable to see out of these window?. DAXISH PAXIC AVERTED. Government and Leading Banks Guarantee Obligations. Copenhagen, Feb. —A small financial panic has arisen here on account of a tight money market and extensive speculations on the Bourse. Two of the smaller banks have be^n affected, and one of these has been forced to suspend payments. There have been runs on several of the tanks. The Minister of Finance to-day conferred with the officials of five of the principal banks here, and It was decided that the government, in con junction with the leading banks, should guar antee all the risks- for the banks affected by placing funds at their disposal which will im mediately satisfy all their Danish and foreign creditors. XEGROES SHOT IX RIOT. Six Wounded and Hundred Driven from Louisiana To-xn. [3? Tel«grapb to Th» Tribtae.] Verda, La.. Feb. S. — In a race riot here last night a negro hotel was burned, six negroes were shot and wounded, and mere than. one hundred ethers were forced to board trains taking them beyond the state line. The most seriously wounded is Anna Grvens. Both of her eyes were shot* out The perpetrators of the outrage were white sawmill employes who were dissatisfied with labor conditions. The sawmills in this section recently cut wages 20 per cent and abolished the regular day. The workmen were forced to buy supplies through the commissaries of the mil! companies at greatly advanced prices. The white laborers, numbering eight hundred, ob jected to this system of payment, while the ne groes were willing to submit to it. Governor Blanchard has been informed of the trouble by the Trement Lumber Company. ."By Telegraph to Tne Tribune.} Clarksdale, Miss., Feb. — In •- race fight at Farrell, ten miles from here, last night Baxter Gritfln, white, was slain, and Gundy Shepard, also white, and three boys, negroes, m of Spencer and William Coleman, at whese house the shooting occurred, were wounded, one of them fatally. Griffin, Shepard and another white man. went to the house to demand satisfaction for some light remark the negroes were alleged to have made. Each side asserts the first shot came from the other side. * HEW STEA MS HIP RA TES. Uniform Price for Year — No Re —Higher Saloon Fares. Liverpool. Feb. 9. — It is officially announcc-d that as a result of the steamship conference In London last week., a three-year's agreement has been arranged by which alf steamship lines will have uniform saloon rates all the year round, and no rebates, as hitherto, on first or second class rat urn tickets. The Canadian lines, however, will have the option of making a reduction of thirty shillings for the winter season. Third class rares are back to the old basis, and first and second class minimum rates are generally one pound higher than before the cutting began, but all fares on the Cunard Line's steamers Lusitania and Mauretania are higher than on other steamers. The fol'owng- are understood to be the new rates: Lusitanla and Mauretania, first class, £25 10s; second class, ill. Kronprinzeasin Ce cilie and Kaiser Wilhelm 11, £25 Its; second class, £12. Kaiser Wilhe'm dcr Grosse. Kron prinz Wilhelm and Deutschland. £23 Mi • sec ond class. £1-. Adriatic and Amerika. £22 10s; second class, £11. . The rates are fixed on a gradually descending scale to £17 Ml for first class on the steamers of the Canadian Pacific Railway and Allan companies and £* MM for second class on these liners. It must be remembered with reference to a differential on the Luaitania and Hauretania that the difference in the railway fare between London and Liverpool and London and South ampton 1.-5 a natural differential in favor of the German lines amounting to from' II Is II shil ling*. OaSBN H. Schwab, of the North German LloyJ Line, when seen last night confirmed the r»-p of the three-year agreement of the various trans atlantic lines, but .-»aHl the clause, "agreed oa a uniform saloon rate all the year round." was er roneous, a^dl meant that the lines hsid all agreed on a minimum cabin rate. He said It was not reason able to -..■• that the same price would be charged on old and slow steamers of one line as on the its* and better steamers' ot another company, lie suid ibs North German Lloyd Line's rut*s would Ik.- tuailaralli the same as On wrre be fen the rate war begun, and that announcements : the new ra:<-s would be mad« public to-day. \y. J. ERYAN SPEAKS IN CANADA. Montreal, Fob. ?.— William J. Bryan sp*>kf ht-t>>r« c^o meeting* here to-day. IJoMi were limited in attendance only t>y tin* -'ia- 1 of th»- ehurclu's vi rhich they were held. Mr. t'ryanViir tx? a curst At the Canadian Club to-morrow, where he is «x «cwd %o geafc ca galitlcal sutlers* . ' —^ PRICE THREE CENTS. PRESIDENT CALLS CHARGE SLANDER. DENIES MAKING APPOIXT MENTS TO AID TAFT. In A nsxering Accusation Mr. Rcose velt Predicts Other Falsehoods WUL Be Invented. IFrctn — . TrtSura* Bur»aa-J Washington. Feb. 9. — The President raad- pnb lie to-day the letter he wrote to "William Dud>y Foulke. ex-Civil Service Commissioner, is an swer to the charsres made by certain. Senators' and others that he was twins the federal ap pointive power to further the candidacy of Sec retary TaiL Mr. Fodke's letter, saggmttm *• President's defence against the unfounded accu sation, is also made public to afford the unpreju diced reader an opportunity of measuring th«_ different steps in the interesting- little Joarn*T from political darkness to official Herat. That the President is skeptical of forever •» lencing his detractor*, even with such * strong argument as his letter proves to ha. is evident. Ha plainly expects xha: they will forth-, with "invent another" like those which stirred up the Senate over the Ohio postmasters and certain neivspapers over equally as innocent ap pointments tn New York. The Pr*?eident. there fore, makes the explanation rather to pleas* his correspondent and friend than because fc« expects to put an end to th* political mrx4 t±ir owing. REPLY OF THi: PRESIDENT. The reply of the President to Hr. Fool»e is as fellows: February 7. 132 _ My dear Mr Fouls*: The- statement that I hive used the ofßoes In the effort to nom inate any Presidential candidate 13 both Hi and malicious. It Is dM usual |sjsfjßatt«i in- , vention whicii Cows from a deslre M say scme thin? injurious. Remember that those now making this accu : sation were busily engaged two months ago la asserting that I was using the offices to i(it— I nay own rs nomination. I', is the Kind of accusa tion which for the next few months will b» rife. - This particular slander will be us*d until J exploded, and when exploded tj^^se who hay«» used i . will promptly Invent anot&er. Such, : being the case. I siflsMl question whether i:_ls wcrtn wniie answering, but. as it !s s«a who ask ■»iy, the answer yon snail hava. Since the present Congress assembled two rmnsThi ago I nave gent to the Ser^i^d tha r^zne* of all the oScials I have appointed far ■'--•- en i tire period since Congress adjourned or: the itll '' at March last — that is. for eleven mffnThn Ex ; eluding an and navy officers, sciantiir ex ■ parts, health officers and those of -"- r«v»s_-» cutter service. I have maCs flux "5 — -- pcrtc<2 about thirteen hundred and fifty-two appoint i ments, subject to confirmation by the Senate, i eleven hundred and sixty-iour being postmas ters. Of these appointments " the BpUmanß ana consular services and in the Indian service --' - been made without regard to politics; . ±i th« ! diplomatic and consular service more Denoocrats ' than Republicans having betn appoinied. as •»-» i are trying to even up the quotas d tie Southern ■ states. - i". In nominating judges I rave treated pottles ! as a wholly secondary consideration, and instead of relying solely upon the recommendations- of I either Senators or Congressmen have always ■ conducted independent inquiries myself, person ! ally titrcugh members of the bench or the bar j whom I happen to know, or through Attorney | General Bonaparte. Secretary T*ft. who ■ I I himself a judge; Secretary Rocs, because of fci-» great experience at the bar. or Senator Kacs. ; who was former • my Attorney General- In a number of the o:her oSces. cbieSy assist ' ant secretaries or ids of bureaus here at Washington, but also governors at territcries ■ : m'n holding peculiar positions — such, for in j stance, as that of commissioner cZ education la Pcrto Rico and aiso in a few other cases, nota bly those of marshals in certain of the Western states, but including various offices also her» and there throughout the- Union. I. have «tth«^ f«-It that the position was of such a character that the initiative in the choice could only «*» propriety come from me or from one of the Cab inet officers or e!se I have happened personally to know, or to know of. a man of such peculiar qualifications that I desired to appoint hint on my own initiative. INSISTS OH HIGH STANDARD. Then remain the great bulk of the offices, including almost all of the postofflces. the col lectorships of customs, the ...... land officers and the like, numbering ssaas twelve hundred and fifty or thereabouts. Ie is. of course, out of the question for ns person ally to examine or have knowledge at such % multitude of appointments, and therefor© a» regards them I normally accept the 3Usr*stloiMl of Senators nd Congressmen, th? elected rep resentative or the people In the localities con cerned, always reserving to myself the right to insist upon the man's coming up to th« required standard of character and capacity, and also reserving the right to nominate whomever I choose if for any reason I am satisfied that I am not receiving from Senator -- Congress man soo<i advice, or if 1 happen personally M knon some peculiarly fit man. Where dM Baal has don© »•?'.: In cSee I pre* fer la reappoint him, and do so when. I can get the consent of the Senators from his locality. but if they refuse, trie reappointment cannot b« made. Ordinarily, as a matter of convenience, the appointment can best be 3ettled by consulta tion beforehand, the advice of the Senator cr Congressman, who is elected and has peculiar means of knowing trie wishes of his constitu ents, being taken. But where a Senator treats this not as a matter of consultation or matsal agreement, not as a matter of convenience and expediency, but as a matter of right on his part to nominate whomever he chooses, the custom i* •necessarily discontinued. In the South Atlantic and Gulf states, which. have contained neither Senators nor Congress men of my own party, I have been cbll^ed to setk n:y advice from various sources. la these states l have appointed a largs number of Dm ocrats, in certain ... the Democrats appoint ed outnumbering the Republicans. For advice in appointing the Republicans I ."■» relied wherever possible, not upon o33oenclders at all. but upon men of standing and position -who would not take offlce and on whose Integrity C could depend. As instances aer»*!y I will refer to Colcnel C* cii A. Lyon. of Texas, commanding one of th» Texas National Guard regiments and a man m\ ." independent means, engaged in active bus me**: • ; and to >ir. Peart Wight, of Louisiana, and t<> Mr. Coombs, cf Florida, also men of Independent means and of large business affair*, all of being among the most respected men In tht-lr several statf.3. Thee* men. and most of tne oth trs upon whom I r*ly, could not be jKTsnaUcd to take any office in my gift, and I ccuM n«» more coerce or control th«*ir political action than I could, for tnatance. that of presidents, of chambers of commerce or C\ 88888 of natianst guard regiments In similar states in the Xi>rth. ; In all ot these states I have done my bcfZ. when I came to appointing Republicans, to put th** best men in ofSce — those waon the yr'opirf of the locality accepted as such am* regarded c% leading citizens: and I have every reason to be lieve that the average of my appointees v v;7yr.:2 At present various efforts are being r.iail« ts> get up bolting delegation* from the S.»uth**rri states, and the meetings at which thes«» d^lesates ar*» chosen are usu illy announe«'*i ».i" ••non-oitUvhoMers" - conventions. a rule ; this means only, so far »3 It means anything, that they are held und**r the lead uf penwjns r.ho wish to b»» put In 'rth-»-. but whoSe caara^ter i and capacity are sWh thai th^y r.ave not hi I *1 resardeJ as tit to be appointed under this ad ministration. In these caaes. hs it reDtrmhr g the failure to JMfcure Bra Is not the r*solt ; -J' of th** political act 'on of the men m ouejtloni- - QUICKER SCHEDL't; TO FLORIDA. -\ Seaboa.rU Flari&i Umll?d. daily runman train. * St. Augtsstine-Pir!#hnrst-Can«lsn-Ccla=3bta. ghsnaj '• -sricn&a Sou:a» Ofls* lif3 Bwiur.— «VJtu ~~ — — 4