Newspaper Page Text
fIELVZES AIJD MORSE. Otto C. Says His Firm Has No Ac tion in View Against Him. Otto C. Heinze, head of the suspended Stock Exchange firm of Otto Heinre & Co. and brother of F. Augustus and Arthur P. Heinze, •wh«n eeen last night at his home. No. 14 Bast 723 street, denied that his firm Intended \to y-rtzg suit against Charles "W. Morse for the part he Is alleged to have played in the over throw c' the United Copper corner last October. It had been reported that the Heinze interests, formerly allied with Mr. Morse, were highly In c«r»sed because of certain transactions in United Cor?e r end would apply to the courts for satis faction. Ton say cay," raid Mr. Heinze, "that neither I ncr my firm Intends to bring suit against Mr. v --- at present.*" When asked if any special £ jg^l£ance attached to the words "at present,** the speaker smiled and said it was impossible to tell what might happen in the future. Tou may also quote me as saying," con tfaaed Mr. Heinze. "that I think all this talk about Mr. Morse running away and not corning, tack is nonsense. I believe that he Is coming back and that he will pay all his creditors in full, provided he is given a little time. He will also rehabilitate his fortune. He went away be cause he needed rest and quiet after the stren tMWi times he had passed through." Mr. Heinze said he was not empowered to speak for cither cf his brothers, but he knew of so cults contemplated by them against Mr. Morse. He Bald the affairs of Otto Heinze & Co. were gradually getting straightened out, and added that time and patience were the only things needed. He denied that any recent hales cf bank stocks had been for account of the firm. Albert B. Bcardman, personal counsel for Mr. Morse said last night that he had had no fur ther wcrd from Mr. Morse He reiterated his statement that his client would settle with all el* creditors satisfactorily on his return. It is understood that Thomas E. Wing:, coun sel for Charles A. Hanna, receiver of the Na tional Bank cf North America, who ii suing Mr. Morse for $243,000 and has attached his bcuse and a--- thrf local banks in which he might have money, will have attachments served to day on all the large Brooklyn banks and trust rocipanies in case Mr. Morse kept any of his money cr securities on the other side of the fcriflg?. Qreessicmm, Feb. 9.— When the steamship * - -.c. stopped here to-day C. TV. Morse, of r^ew Ycrk, who is a passenger, was in his state room and refused to be disturbed. He Bent word ttsi he had nothing to say regarding his affairs. SP.mSH GIT FOREIGN CONTRACTS V. 5. Steel Quoted Lower Bail Prices — Transportation Too Expensive. A.' tough Americans quoted prices equivalent to r:ucb lower figures free en board at mills than Europeans submitted, two Important foreign rail contracts have -srithln the last few days been »«-ar2e<} to a British concern, as the terms of transportation are much more favorable from th© otter fide to the countries to -svliich the rail are to be sipped. Tfc" principal contract, on -Rhich the Lnlted Elates ■Mai Products Company, the foreign end cf the rrited States Steel DutfUlalHnai. figured, calls for the shipment of 11,000 tons of steel rails, welsh lrr forty-five pounds to the yard for use In the construction of further extensions to the West Aaav taan ctate railways. The British interests got the contract ax a shade above $30 a tea free or. fears eteamers. -whereas the American price was c- - basis cICSa ton at Pittsburz mills. Ancther contract lost for the same reason caJs tar 4,400 tens of eighty-five pound Bectlone. to bo ?L* ZI — part of the Peking-Kalgin Rali m the north trunk line of China. Besides that i the raited States Steel CorporaUon. the British «-«« had in this instance to face the keen com- SS^ otthe Russian mills, which have been par- SSSrvS^m of late in eeeklaff foreign con tracts. WEEKLY LIVESTOCK MARKET. wmmMmm / ..weiS «^<?: USI-c: extras. X3c: hogs. . «c. Auction Sales— Financial. Schasse t*ie«roo=i. Nob. 14 anu 1C T.sey «• laraccoarr; of whom it may concern: SSS S JL^^^V^Sr^. W Bend, IPS 4 Proposals. r : __*_=, c_ THC_-a/So_--&RT « First -Icrtga^ 2__?Vt"__i <■' EiniiM FuiA «aled s ropo_a_» will be - | I 1| - ■ M Dividend Notices uni-fi-bV* ci_-*KFi-.>z> coal st ikon com- A Cvta-nd cr two m- 1 -^*?" Eta. :&oi. at 3p. m- Dlvioend chects wta b« maiie- or te br-ax-er mmm of Treasurer. . ssKLuitT, iaam'f XIA, VtM- "Notice of Summons. EOr THC BIATB OF NEW Yo ■- : ■ -•» ■ uaaSar' -v uoet ' next of r^^ c^ »«e. *«_ o-euns: Voa and each of you are -.ertby c^aa •aoMnaaW: i ta U: a^a a.;..vt=iir V*fore Sur- Jfy held Xt t!>e yai. of I. p'^iy 01 tin Vcr*. on the 2iUi cay of March._ lfrjS. « SiM ten c/<-ock la tat icreaoon cf that da>. then t_d »^».. . v-«*i i a ... cf tbe _cco_ai «i Ur4'_^B ' c l a : .| afc lv^ 1 1r r h a ff_er. A3 Ad=_la!str«trtx : . . - sa:o dec^a. i ••cc « you ss are hereby clt-d as are under th. _r« or |^S k-s s^. "'SHr^B Xs] lenEU a «««««^ r SJlt n ..i» c . <h, Oo_BTy of New Ycric. ti.e -»-i «a r «f j«-^''_^U^f2_rc/ our I>3rd one t_*a_a»d . . v fkrt o- U* Owrt. *SA A. _r_:Ali Aturn«T f" r A-mlai-tr-trix. .J wa-» £trt«t. New Tork City. , LTLTPt-mv mrnT COUNTY OK NEW YORK-— *«aaw! e^raons Action for separation. *.** *»<r— «■■'* Dli .?.fJ~\. snr ir»r the complaint . .. . copy or y.ur an«»cr on •OTiw or tfcis rarsraonn. *xdo*iv« of the day £ . *cr ' w« L^jif^^ie^f^T/; belief cr-^.iir.d-'l In the cornpiiin'-^ }. . ity. ••«•»• Ml I»J to a- order.? H. _ New 1 ■ H : •»** ef 14»iEA«t'.ai.. New Tcrk Ct ■*. Execntor mmmmm Trustee Chartered 1822. The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, \ Nob. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street ■ Branoh Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, '■ New York. ' LOffDOHi mn . PAEISi 18 Bifihopggite St,, "Within. 78 Ene de Richelieu Letters of Credit, Bills of Exchange, Cable Transfers THE CORN VFUXIAM A. NASH, President. WALTER E. FREW. Vice-President FREDERICK T. MABTIN*, Cashier. W. E. tnXIJtAMB, W. H. KKTCHCM, THOMAS NASH. AKlataxrt Cashier*. ; DIRECTORS: WALTER E. FREW Vice-President WILLIAM F. HAVEMETER ...Capitalist JAMES aicGOVERN Banker GEORGE H. SOUTHARD Prea. Franklin Trust Co. Brooklyn HT. ECHAEFER S. Gruner & Co. — Cotton lITLE3 TIERN'ET.-.Pres. Hudson Trust Co.. Hobokea A>.'SON R. FLOWER... Flower & Co. — Bankers JACOB LANGELOTH Pres. American Met*! Co. WTLLIAJI A. NASH President 1 DAVID BINQHAM Grain THOMAS T. BARR Pres. of Nassau National Bank. Brooklyn HOWLAND DAVIS. Blake Bros. & Co. — Banker*. CLARENCE H. KELSET Pres. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. LEONARD J. BUSBT Holt & Co — Grain WILLIAM RHINELANDER STEWART . . Real Estate WM. H. NICHOLS Gen'l Chemical Co. STATEMENT OF CONDITION FEBRUARY Bfh, 1908. Depositors $50,075,042.42 Net Amount Resources to meet these Efetiiities. Quick Assets : Cash in Vaults .. .» $15,295,770.55 Eand Loans on Collateral 12,630,816.77 from Banks on Demand « 1,890,495.19 m and Bonds (Market Value) 2,890,863.42 $32,716,454.93 22,677,238.45 2,633,695.82 Time Loans » • •■• Banking Houses and Lots Capital and Surplus Picture your product in its natural tints and most of your story is told. That is why Trinity Process gives greater selling value to your catalogue. It means the truthful reproduction of your goods in their real color. It entails no expensive re touching; no intermediate trans lation. Even' tone and texture are caught direct from the object. Samples and estimates on request. American Bank Note Company, 86 Trinity Pierce, New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlanta, Fltt«barg, fit. Louis. S&a Francisco. TiTIE GUARANIeE AND TRUST C 9 Capital & Surplus, $12,000,000 176 Broadway, N. Y. 175 Remsen St., B'klyn. 350 Fulton St., Jamaica. Examines titles, makes loans, acts as executor, administrator, trustee, guar dian, or in other trust capacities. De posits received subject to check or on certificate. Interest allowed. OFFICERS. CLARENCE 0. KEJ-SEY, President. FRANK BAILEY. Vice-President. . EDWARD O. STANLEY, 2d Vic^-Prea. Manager Banking Department. CLINTON D. BUKDICK. 3d Vlce-Pres. J WRAY CL_n"-LAND. Secretar>'- j. vvxwv- v. ARTH l t K TERRY. Treasurer, F I_ SNIFFEN .V«t. Brooklyn Ban-ins; Dept. * TRUSTEES. John Jacob Astor i-cigar L. Marston r^nk Uatlty WUlla-n J. Mathesoo ?_w^--T Bedford Charles Matlack S." Brown William A. Nash jSuen V Daviea William H. Nichols W____m M. Ityrrahara Robert Olypbant • "cS-us D. Jullllard Charles A. I'eabody Ai«*flnJoost. Krederick Potter ciar^ci^l Ketaer Ch*rlea Richardaon Joh-T i . Kennedy Henry Roth Woodbory I^npdTon Jacob H. Kchlft jame-)a Lynch James fipeyer ££.'--. Macdonald : ? ar ™*" To All Creditors of the Knickerbocker Trust Company. Pursuant to the provisions of the stat trtp In such case made and provided. noMce 1" hereby given to ai! creditors of the Knickerbocker Trust Company to present their claims to the undersigned Receivers at their office < formerly that of raid Knickerbocker Trust Company). 35S Fifth Avenue. In the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or be fore February 2b, 1908. ■BKBBT THALMANTS?. GEORGE L. RIVES, HENRY C. IDE, Temporary Receivers Knickerbocker Trust Company. Dated New York. November 21. 1807. TO HOLIJEKS OF Metropolitan Street Railway Company General aiortguce »-»l <'oll_teral Trust S?v Gold Bond-, Hue !!»!(". •^h" interest due February Ist. 1008. upon the above mention*.: bonds not havlne been paid, the under • — --• at the request of holders of a large amount of bond- 'have consented to act as a Committee to protect {he l_'tere« of such holders. All holder- of said bonds er£ - ■ ■ etod immediate! v to send their addre.ees with the amount of holdings, to the Guaranty Trust company of New York. M Street. New York Clt7 ' AI.EXASDER J. BatmUUi DONALD MACKAY. ICommlttee. EDWARD H. LAUD, JR., j New York. February 0 HWI Excursions. *, -•,i.' reduced rates, inclusive of hotel expen»ea. -- J 4 ?^7e etc ' Bend for Our "Free Publication" * THO- 1 IIKMIII-'R-ON^ TOlL <Estbld 1574.J 343 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. 4 nvERTISEMENTS and eubscrlptloiui for The Trftjune. A V" v a- their Uptown Office. No. 1364 Broadway. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1908. EXCHANGE BANK Officer*: Winter Resorts. NEW JEKSEI. HOTEL fRAYMORE J ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. 1 Open Throughout the Year ! ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Home Comforts Open Throughout the Year A Hotel Celebrated for Its Home Comforts 1 TRA.YMORE HOTEL COMPANY CTIAS. O. MAKQUETTE. D. 6. WHITE. ! Manager. President. HA DD ON" HALL ATLANTIC CITY. X. J. Installlsr SEA WATEIi in private and pubUo b»th rooms. Fifty stationary washstanus in bad chambers Write for Illustrated literature. . . LEEDS & LIPPINCOTT. ! CHALFONTE I ATLANTIC CITY. V J S THE LEEDS "rovp.xyT. £ HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The House with an unobstructed ocean view Hot and cold aea water In private baths. WALTER J. BUZBY. -Slarlborougt = ©lenbcim ATLANTIC CITY, >. J. »•>••;..!■ White i. Sons. Proprietors. . ~~ SEASIDE HOUSE, ' ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the ocean front: every comfort. Including sea •rates 1 baths, tlevatora, golf. etc. F. P. COOK & SON. THE INN MILLS-IN-TKE-PCNE3 I ■■■ *•»*-• __. wi. w NEW JERSEY. v i /2/ 2 hours from New York. Driest climate In ■ the East. 10 to 15 degrees warmer than New B } York City, Trains leave New York week days I I via Penna. R. R. 2:55 p. m.. arrive Browns I I Mills 6:40 p. m. N. V. Office, Cambridge I g -.;,.. 3---1 St. <£. sth Aye , Tel. 3509 Mad. Sq. *. NEW VOBK, BRIARCLITF MANOR. NEW YORK. BRIARGLIFF IODTe" OPENS KAY I. BOOKINGS NOW MAXIMS, Other BnarciiH Inierests are — liru.rclllf Real Es tate for home location; ilrlarclitr Milk, pure and rich from healthy Jersey Cows, and Brlarcllff Table Water. New York Omce — Windsor Arcade, 48th street and Fifth avenue. 'Phone. 3278 28th. ~~~~~~~ VIRGINIA. * VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS. NEW YORK OFFICE— 243 FIFTH AVENUE. Waters, baths, hotels and environments nowhere equalled. Rheumatism, gout and nervous diseases cured. Complete hvtiro-taerapeuuc apparatus. Japanese palm room. Golf, riilnj?, drivir-.j; and outdoor pastimes. Through sieepers leave New York 4:53 P. M. week days. Tickets anil Pulln an reservations C. & O. Office. BC2 Broadway, and Office-! Pennsylvania Railroad. FRED 6TEP.RY. Manager. Hot Springs. Vs. HOTELS , PONCE I>E LEON St. AiJ«7U!rt»n« AI r\7..\R. . - .■. ■ - -St. Aujrastlae ORMOXD .Ormond-on-the-llallfax Till. BREAKERS I'alm Beach; I{OV\L I'OI-NCIANA. .: V*lin Jtetch JtOVAt PAI « Miuml THE COLONIAL fiaasau 110 MILES NEARER CtBA. ■ < Bahama Islands) NOW OPEN. -he new rail line along Florida Keys will b#"«n operation to Knißhta Key. connect. as ■ with rtearashlpa for Havana and Key West. after January 15th. For Information relative to tickets, hotel — reservation, space In sleeping and parlor cars accommodation- on staamera. write or tHif'VtiO yrw lOKR on ST. ATJOrSTTNE. FLA. Flo urn A. MAGNOLIA SPRINGS HOTEL Maenolla Spring*. Florida. Dry climate. Pure water. Golf, tennis, fishing, trooj shooting. >» lrr.rr.ln.g pools; OD«n irrata fire*, electric ligrht_ng. etc. Rates. $4.00 per day. O. D. SEAVEY. " ~ " BERMUDA. " TUT CT nrnDPC Bermuda's best hotel I wl. utUiJl--. Booking Offlce. 2SI Fifth Aye.. N. T. School Agency. AMEKir AN Ml FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY «uppll«a F'luf— era. Teacher*. Tutors. Governesses, etc.. la Collesen. Schools acd Pamlllaß. Apply to Mrs. M. J. YOUNG-FtTLTON, 23 Union Square. MAUEMOISS.LI.E AMVOT. Teachers* Agencf. 22 E. 30th st. Tel. 1637 UaJlson. — Teachers, tutors, gov ernesses for colleges, schools and private families. _____ i 4 DVJLJUIOMBSITI and Bubscriptlonß for The Tribune J\_ received at their Uptown Office, No. 1364 Broadway, between 33th and 37th si».. until 8 o'clock p. m Adver tl_em*cts received at the fallowing; branch offlo-s at re__lar office rates until 8 o'clock: p. 'm.. \'.z : -'•l-l Bth aye a c. cor. -3d •'.. . 133 6th •.▼«., cor. 12th at. . 62 B__t 14th et.. «C 7 We«t 4-J at-, batwMO 7__ ace SUt avM.; $58,027,389.20 $7,952,346.78 THE PEOPLES OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BT JL the grace of God fre« and tndependant, to LyJia K. Bradford. Caroline G. Redlnytoa. Caroline G- Mc- Clellan George G. McClellan, Caroline 6c_mman. Olivia Drew. Helen G. Tuttie. Alfred Oilman, Edward S. Per : clval George J. Perclval. Edward L. Norton. Minnie N. Little. Ellen A. Starr. Mary F. Ord. MUford H. Norton. Mary F. Norton. Charlotte N. Sarratt, Anna K. Oilman, Fraxier Giaman. TheophSlus Gllman. Charles C. Gil man. American Surety Company of New York, and Frazier Gllman, committee of the person ana property of said Anna K. Oilman, an incompetent person, and to all persona Interested In the estate of George F. Oil man, deceased, as creditors, nest of kla or otherwise. '■■ 'Yotf and' each of you are hereby cited and required You and each of you are fcereoy cited and required personally to be and appear before our Surrogate of the County of Now York, at the Surrogate's Court of said County held at the Hall of Record-, in th« County of New York, on the 24th day of March. 1908. at half-past ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day. then and there 1 to attend a Judicial settlement of the account of pro ; ceedlngs of Theophllus Glinian and Edward L. Norton. as Administrators of the poods, chattels and credits or Bald deceased; and such of you as are hereby cited as a'e under the ape of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian. If you have one, or. If you have none, to appear and apply for one to be appointed. or in the event of your neglect or failure to do so. a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to repre sent and act for you In the proceeding. I In testimony whereof, we have caused the Seal of the 1 Surrogate's Court of the said County of New York to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon Abner C. [L B.] a Surrogate of our said County, at ' the County of New York, the 29th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, DA2fIEIj j DO vrDXKr. nun DANIEL J. DCnVDNEY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. BRUSH & CRAWFORD. Attorneys for Administrators, No. 30 Broad Street. Manhattan. New York City. i i FTVfcLE PEOPLE OF THE STATES OF NEW YORK. BY L the grace of God free and independent, to Adele McMullen. Rebecca McCullash. Emma Knapp, Eva W. Day Florence McCullagh, Andrew I. McCullagh. Mary Frances Bradford. Alexander Paysoc Knapp. Mary Constance Day Ctaovel. the person, who are entitled absolutely or contingently by the terms of the la_t Will and Testament of Thomas McMullen. deceased, or by operation of law. to share In tte several funds or estates held By the Trustees under the last Will, or the proceeds of any property held by said Trustee* as part o' the funds created in ana by said last y. ill and Testament ;,and the United States Fidelity ai,d auar antv Company, surety on the bond of Alexander Pay son Knapp as Trustee of said trust estates, send rreet lre You and each of you are hereby cited and re ouired personally to be and appear before our Surro gate of the County of New York, at the Surrogates' Court of •aid County, held at the Hall of Records. In the County of New York, on the 21st day of February. 1903. at half-past ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day. tiUn an.l there to attend upon the tu"!<-lai settlement of the account of the proceedings of William L. Ray mond and Alexander Payson Knapp as Trustees under the last Will and Testament of Thomas McMullen. late of the City and County of New York, deceased, and such of you as are hereby cited as are under the age of twenty-one years are required to appear by your c-uardlan If you have one. or If you have none, to ap rUar and apply for one to be appointed, or In th« event of mot nettlect or failure to do so a guardian will bo appointed by the arrogate to represent and act for you In the proceeding. In testimony whereof, we have caused tha seal of the Surrogates* Court of the said County of New York to be hereunto afhxed Witness. Hon. Charles rl_ S 1 H Beckett, a Surroerete of our SiU.l County at the County of New York, the SOth day of December In the year of our Lord one thousand nine 1 bunded ana .even DANIEL. J. DOWTWEY. s Clerk of the Surrogates' Court. WILLIAM L. RAYMOND. Attorney for Accounting Trusties, Office and PostofSce Address, No. IT i B-nMrar. fltv Hid Cnxinf" of New York. Instruction. - - . - -I ~- - I 'I. 1-. ' For Both Sexes — City. THE BER-JTZ SCHOOL OF I_\NOrAfcES» ! MADISON SQUARE (11-2 Broadway) I Harlem Branch: 343 Lenox Aye.. near 127 th St. Brooklyn " XI Court St Newark " SchMier Bu!" In* 850 BRANCHES IN All LEAI>INO CITIES. TRIAL LESSONS FREE. ' A DVERTISEMENT^ and «ut>soriptions for The Tribune J\. received ar th«!r Uptown Office. No. 13t>4 Broadway, between Seth an ■-. 37th sis., i-ntli » o'clock p. m. Adver tisements received at the following branch oScea at regular ofßca rates until R o'clock p. m.. viz.. _ti-t Bth aye a a. cor. 23.1 st. : 153 «th aye.. cor 12th St.: »2 East 14t£ 2.2 207 Wait CA assi l»tww_B TUx __4 •-- »yea FLORIDA. ( FIFTH AYE. & 36™ ST., NEW YORK I CAPITAL & SURPLUS $1,400,000 Interest Paid on Daily Balances* BENJAMIN ALTMA3T. B. Altman & Co. JOHN JACOB ASTOR^ GEO. F. BAKER. PresTt First National Bank. STEPHEN BAKER, Pres't Bank of the Manhattan Col GEO. B. CASE. White & Case. Attorney* THOMAS COCIIBAK. Jr.. Vice- President. E. C- CONVERSE. President. H. P. DAVISOX. - _ . Vlce-Pres't First National Bank. JOHN I. DOWNEY. - . Building- Construr.tlon. HAKRISOS E. GAWTBT, Consolidated Gas Co. HOBKKT WALTON «fOEI.ET. THOMAS W. LAMONT. 2d Vlce-Pres't Bankers Trust Co. EDiIAK L. MARS I ON, Blair & Co.. Bankers. E. C CONVERSE, Presld-nt. THOMAS COCHRAN, Jr., v-^-Praa. ALEX^H STEVES*? Vtce?Pre«. ©80. U. PANCOAST Ca»t.!er SEfVAIW ' TKOSSEB. Vlce-Prea. HOWARD BOOCOCK. Ass. Baa To Let for Business Purposes. To Let for Business Purposes. TO (LET Large and Small Offices Li \±D SJ=3li=3 L v *-* ft Single or En Suite, in The Centre of Transit for the Metropolitan District ■*■« Absolutely Safe Fast-Running Elevators (Plunger Type) Electric Light Janitor Service Open Every Day in the Year Apply for Terms to the Renting Agent, Room 6iO FACTORIES AND LOTT3. SALE OR RENT. WRITS L 1L 1 Tor particulars or aak your broker. LONG SLANT) CITY FACTORY CO.. 140 Nassau St.. N. - . Country Property for Sale. I7»OR SALJE— IN THE ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINB, one of tiie best camps on Seventh Lake. For terms. Cte. %rir!ress ■] [iKIRTUND. Syracuse, N. Y. Citations. X AWRC'CB. CHARLOTTE E-IHII PEOPLB OF I J the State of New York, by the grace of God free and independent, to Richard Hllilaru Sterling. Agnes Hlliiara Sterling. Harriet Caafleld Sterling Buckham, John Montgomery Sterling. Mary Hllllard Morgan, .Dora Hillia.-a Calllsen. Katherlne HUllard Sterling. Theodore Weld Sterling, the heirs and next of kin of Charlotte B. Lawrence, deceased, send greeting: Whereas. John Waxing Parks, of the City of New York, ha* lately appiieft to the Surrogate's Court of our County of New York to have a certain Instrument In writing, relating to both real and personal property, duly approved as the last will and testament of Char lotte B. Lawrence, late of the County of New York, de ceased, therefore you and each of you are cited to ap pear before the Surrogate of our County, of New York, at his office In tha County of New York, on the 23ra day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at half-pas*, ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the probate of the said last will and testament. And such of you as are hereby cited bb are under the age of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian, 1? you have one, or, If you have none, to appear afcJ apply for one to be appointed, or in '.he ever. , of your neglect or failure to do so. a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you In the proceeding. In testimony whereof, we have caused the Seal of the Surrogate's Court of the eald County of New York to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. Ar.ner C. [L. c] Thomas, a Surrogate of our said County of New York, at said County, the 28th day of January in the year of •our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight. DANIEL j. DO WDNEY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. DIRECTORS GATES TV. MrOAKRAfti Pres't Mechanics Nat'l Bask. CHARLES A PEABODT. Prest Mutual Life las. Co. CEO. W. PERKINS, J. P. Morgai & Co . Bankers. WILLIAM H. PORTER, Pres't Chemical Nat'l Bank. SETTARD PROSPER. Vlce-Praa. BOY A. RAINEY. Estate of vV J. R&lnay. DANIEL O. REID. . - . . Rack Island System. DOCGLAS KOBINsON. % Real Estate. ARCHIBALD D. Rr^FJ.t. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS. Vlce-Pres*t Gallatln Nat'l Bank> JOHN K. THOUr>OS. • Vlce-Pre«"t Bankars Trast Csl CHARLES L. TIFF AST. Vlce-Pres't Tiffany & Co. ALBERT H. UIGGIX, Vlce-Pres't Chase Nan Bank. OFFICERS U LT Stations, Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge, Subway — all within a step Real Estate Wanted. WANTED FOR CASH BUYER 600 TO 1000 ACRES OF FARM AND WOOD s LAND NEAR A SMALL TOWN. NOT O'ER 250 MILKS FROM N. If. CITE. FULL PABTICTLARS TO RULAND & WHITING CO., 5 BEEKMAN ST. • Surrogates' Notices. T AXMBEER. CLAEk —IN PURSUANCE Or AN ±J order of Hon. Abner C. Thomaa. a Surrogate of th» County of New jfork. notice la hereby given to all persona baling claims against Cia.s. a. Lalmbear, Late of dji County of NeT» York, deceased, to present the same. with, vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Hill. Lockwoovl. Red field & Lydcn. No. 35 Nassau Street, tn the City of New York, on or before the Ist day at August next. Dated New York, the Ma day of January. 1909. SHEPHERD K. de FOREST. BERNARD M. BARUCH. ■ Executors. HILL, LOCKWOOD. REDFISLD as LYDON. Attorneys for Executors, No. 33 Nassau Street. Bor-ugh of Manhattan, New York City. ~\ rUEPHY. JOHN J.— IN PUR3UANCE OF AN ORDER ijj. of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York, bearing date the- 18th day of January, 18»«4. notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against John J. Murphy, late of the County of New York, de ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, at the office of Reeves. Todt! & Swain, at No. S3 Liberty Street. In the Borough of Manhattan, of the City of New York, on or before the first day of Ausrcst next. Dated. New York, the 22d day of January. 1008. CARRIE A. MURPHY and HARRY lIURPHY. Execu tors of the Last Will and Testament of Joha J. llur phy. Deceased. RSBVE3. TODD & tjWAIN, Attorneys for Executors, No. C? Liberty Street. Borough of Manhittin. New York City. F PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. ABNER C. Thomas, a Surrogate of tha County of New York. notices Is hereby given to ail persons having claims against Cornelia Jay, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber-, at their place of transacting busi ness, at th.9 office of Edward H. Miller. No. 32 Liberty Street, in the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or b-rfore th* 31st day of July next. Dated N«T York, th* SM day of January. 1905. HENRY 1.EW13 MORRIS, JOHN C. JAY, Executors. EDWARD H. MILLER. Attorney for Executors. 32 Liberty Street. Borough of Manhattan, City cf New York. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE ETON. AB r.e- C Thomas, a Surrogate of the (-"cunty of New York, notice Is hereby given to all pet-ens having claims against Francis Hartmas Markov, late of the County of New York, deceased, to pres-e: the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of their attorney-. Messrs. Lord. Day & Lord. No 40 Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan, In the City of New York, on or before the l&th day. of May next. Dated. New York. th« 14th day of November. 190 T. MADELINE S. -ARKOE, I «_._,,.___ FRANCIS H. MABKOE. $ EKecutora. LORD. DAT & LORD. Attorneys for Executors. Hi Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan. The City of New York. MACPHERSON. ROBERT B. —IN PURSUANCE OP iVI. an order of Hon. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby riven to all persona having claims Robert B. Macpher son. late of the County of New York, deceased, to pre sent the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. at her place of transacting business, at the ode« of Battle & Marshall. No. 37 Wall Street, in the City of New York, on or before the 10th day ft June nest. Dated New York, the 2d day of December. 1807. LILLTE A. MACPHERSON. Executrix. BATTLE & MARSHALL. Attorneys for Executrix. GIBHES. ZELA.— IN PUKSUaScE OB AN ORDER \JT of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice la hereby riven to all per son* having claims against Zsla Otbbes. late of New port. Rhode Island, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers areas', to the subscriber, at Its place of transacting business. No. 52 Wall Street. In the City of New York, on or before the 20th day of Apr!.. l_o_. Dated New York. th« 21*t day of October. is»o7. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY. Executor. W. T. EII M EX. Attorney for Executor. 62 W__l Street Manhattan. New York City. SCUEUER. CARU ALSO KNOWN A3 CHAl_t__3 = ci:eae.-.— In pursuance of ac order of Iloa. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate c* th? County of New York, notice is hereby given la all persons having claim* axainst Carl or CharUs Scheuer. late of the County of New York. de ce&sed. to creseat the s-.m«. with vouchers thereof, to the suoacrtber a: her pl_c« of transacttns busl-esa, care or Lewid 11. .Sc&euer, No. t_>i Broadway, in the City Of New York in or before the Ist day of June next. Dated. New York, the i:i>th day of November. 1907. HATTIE T. SCHEUER. Administratrix. LEWIS M BCHEUER, Attorney for Administratrix. 123 Broadway. Burouzh of Manhattan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDI-lt OF HON A.B.VER a Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice w hereby slven to all persona having claim* against Frederick Sussrnann. late of the County of New York, dec-sosed. to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the sub«eri_«rs. at their place of transacting business, at the n'ira of Adotpb Bloch. No. 09 Nassau etr«=*t. In the City of New York, on or before the l.ta day of June next. Dated New York, the 10th day of November. 1007 GEORGE H. FRANZXUP. { "•cutora, ADOLPH BLOCH. Attorney for Executors. 00 Xuaa 9tre-t. Manhattan. New York City. IN PCTtSCANCT- OP" A}l ORDER OF HON. ABN'ER C. THOMAS, a Surrosate of the Couaty of New York, notice la hereby rtven to all persons bavins; claims aratnst Helen A. Sktdmore. late of the Couaty of New York, decease-, to present the urn* with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his plaoe of transacting business. No 30 We-t S2d Street. In th* Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, oa or be fore the 10th day of April next. Dated New York, the 4th day of October. 1907. WILLIAM L. SKIDMORS. Executor- PAVIE3. STONE A AI'EKBACH, Attorneys for Ex ecutor, 8* Nassau Street, Borough aX **^|l^»*l^■L City •{ New Tork, Surrogates' Soticet. HESS. CHARLE3 A.— IN FURSUANCS O» MM order of Hon. Abner C Thomas, a 3arro«at* at the Count 7 of New Torfc. b-v ■•-••» la hereby given to all persons) .-*■■■•-.; claim* against '.*-■•* A. Hem late of th* County of New York. 4*eeaa*4. to Brisint th» same with vouchers thurwf to the soßocribeT. at her place of transacting baslnias. at the office of Made G. Holstein. No. 12» Broadway, la ta» City or HmW York, on or before the */tlj Cay of May. 1909. Mgt. Dated New York. ta« ifl'l day of November. 1307. IDA H2Sc*. Ex«eutrt«. MARK O. HOLSTEIN. Attorney far Ewcutrtx US Broadway. Uaoha:tan. New Tork City. F PURSUANCE OF AX ORDEH OF UOS. A BJ« UK C THOMAS, a Sarroirat* of tie County ot yam York notice 1* hereby given to ai; person* hswrlaaj elalrr.s against Henri Antolne Jacqnia. also knows aa flam I lamilla. deceased. Ist* of the Coasty -' 3«*w Tork. to present the «air» with Touch*rs thereof t» the subscriber, at •■■- place of transacting :>u*'.assw» th* office of Messrs. Coud-»rt Brother*. Mat 2 Rector Street, la the Burousb of Manhattan. City of N«« Tork. on or before the lit day of July next- Dated New York, the 15Ui day of November. - IMB. CaMILLE JACOUIN. Adml=l«r»m». COUDSRT BKOTUEEA Attys for Ai:niaisiraXrt». 9 Rector Street. New Tor* /^OLEMAN. JaJbU* 3.— PCRSL'ANCB OF MM XJ order of Hon. Abaar C Taemaa. a •orrv«ata at 'Am County of New Yo»a. notice la hereby r- v *o '•» •-< pe» ,cu Lavas ciaiaßS again at Jamas A. Caasi ran. ur» off the County at New Tork. deceased, to present ii.» »im». with vouchers thareof. to th* subscriber at hla olaaa) at tnaaaseUaa business, at tee oSct of David McOor*. No. 22 WUUam street. Is the Bawoo«a of Maahaftaa. C'.J •♦? Sicw York., an or before the 13:3 day of At--::. tswaV Datsd New Tork. tile »th day of Japaaniuar. VM7. BERNARD F. .OLEJU.V. aVdir.!»tow. DAVID llcv-'LITRIi Attorney for Admlslstralor. 22 T V'l"' 3 street. iu»r»u«.i of Manhattan. an cr ■■-* : >.-«. ' IN PURSUANCE OF AH ORDER OF HON. ABNER C Thomas, a 3orr^S3U* of tta County of New To**. notice li tereoy «-••«» to aU persons tortap da—* a*alist Bjwen wfclUn* Pterscn. late of th» Coast? ot Sew York, deceased, to present. tbe> aims, with Tooefc— Oil if to th* subscriber, at bar place o* ummmtiamm business, at the office of Walts Lars*. No. IS WHim Street in tile Our of New Tork. on or fc^r* dm Is* day of Juno asotl Dated New Tork, the 23Jh day of NoreinSer. 1307. . N.OJNIS M. PIERSON. Ad=stnl»tra:rt»i WALTER LA ♦ Attorney tor Administratrix. a* Winiani Street. B.r-.«- of Vainartan. S*w Tor» City. "r-^-'-- In PURSUANCS OF AN ORDER OF how. A3^ria• * C Thomas. • Surrocata of tae County of New Tart. notice la hereby siren to all persona harts* llaTia against Clara A. Chandler. late of tb» County of 9mm Tork. deceased, to present tha same, wttii votuj&ais thereof *to the subscriber, at his pl<ice cf traniaccast busings at tae cCc* of CBrtea * Eaafard. N<x JO Broadway Boroo^a of Manhattan. In tha City of Naw Tor*, on or before tae tat day of June mt r>a.'««s Yew Tork. the 23tb day of November. OCT. THOMAS D JORDAN. Ex*ra*a*. 3'BRIEN & SANFORD. Attorneys •-- Executor. No. US Broadway. Ucrocgh of Manhattan. New Tork City. IN PCRSITANCE OF AN OEDB OF HON. A3XSB a Thomaa. a Surrogate of the County of New York, i notice' Is hereby given to all persons haTl=» cUimm against Alexander Malt!and. late of the County of v«w York deceased, to present the same, wtth vOTcrier* thereof to rhs sutacrlbers. at their plaea of rra.-.»rtlaaT busiress No *2 Broadway (Roots IS4>. In the B-wj|» of Manhattan. City of New Tor*, en or bettors the first ' day of June next. Dated New York, the SCd day of Xorexnbar. I3CT. ADAM CAMPBELL. > -_._ . CJIARLE3 W. HAND. I ' x^ ODELL * ODEU, Attorneys for Executor* «• W«^» Street. New Tor* Clty^ ' ( IV PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF" HON. ABNEB C * Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New Tort en the lath day of November. 1907. aotloa la hereby riven to all persons havins: elates against Aacsata* K. Macdonough late of tha County of New Tor*, de ceased, to Mas ant the same, with vouchers thereof, to> the subscribers, at their place of transacting; boatnasa. No IS Court Street. Borough of Brooklyn, la the Ctty of^New Tork. 03 or before the Ist day of June nest. Dated New Tork. the 22nd day of November. 19OT. EDWIN A ROGERS. Jr.. Sxnrstor. WILLIAMS & RICHARDSON. Attorneys for SLzdc-aaar. 13 Court Street. Brooklyn. N. T. IN PUPJUANCB OF AS ORDER OF HON. AS-VsTa C Thcmaa. a Surra«at'S or tia County of New Tor*. I notice 13 hereby given to all pcrscna feartna; claim* < aea'aat WHllaia Jaflray. late, of «>• County of New ! York, deceased. to present the sun*. wtth »oc<*ers tne^of. to the subscriber, at hla pbee of •_-*=*«.: Una; Siiainess. at the office of Frederic de P. Foster. So. 13 Wall etree' In the Borough of Mai^arf. On •* STwW York, - n or before the Ist day of June next. Dated New Tork. the 2=nd lay of Nwreirbar 1»T. - tviLLIaM D. JAFFRAT. Executor FREDERIC DE P. FOSTER. Attorney far Executor 13 rt vran BtrseC Borouga cf Manhattan, dry at N#s» York. > IV FURSU-V.NCB OF AS ORDSR OF HON. T«A!nC 9 F'tr^eraid. a Surrogate of the County of Sew Torlt. notice Is hereby given to all persona harm* claims asrimst D»Tid W Daiiin. J»te of the Couaty el New Tork. deceased, to present the earn*, with voucli 1 ' era thereof, la the subscribers, at their place of traaa 1 ictin* business, st the oolce of Roee • nm, No. 1M ! Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, hi the Ctty of Sew Yo-k. on or before the Ist day of March next. i Dat-d New Tork. th* l«th day of Acrat 130?. 1 SOPHIE COHEN. HENP.T DA2IAN. HSNBt W. DAZIAN. Exectltora. ROSE a PUTZEL. Attorneys for Executora. 129 Era**- L way. New York City r[ PTTtfTCANCE OF AN ORDER OP* HON.- ABSE3 C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County at New Tor*, notice Is hereby «*ren to all aorsoaa) ha»tns; claims) a»-aiEßt Peter Motler. Jr.. late of the Ceanry of M— y Tork. deceased, to present the eazne. with Toucher* thereof, to th^ jrabserib^rs. at their place- of tnnaactlaaj business. No. m Wall Street. In th» City of Naw T<J*»\ on or before tie 2Stfi day of "-- 1909. next. Dated New York, th« lSt*i day of October. 139 T. CHARLE3 d. MOLLER. CHARLES A. BHERMA.V. Czeeator*. IV PURSUANCE OT AN ORDER OT HCN. ABNER C * Thomaa. a Surrogate of to* County of New Yorlt. Notice la hereby siven "to all --rto«ai having claims against Alfred Adler. law of the County «f New York, ifai.aaasrt. ♦o~oresent the sani* with vouchers thereof to tae sub scribers at their p!ae« of transacting oust ness at Oaf £"c* " F. P. Minrath. No. 22 William Street. la «• City or New York, on or before the. 2«ta day of AsrU °"ata<: Sew York. t*.e I4th &%7 at. October. I9OT. LOUI3 ADLER. MAX ADLER. Executors, Tt, r. JCNRATH. Alt.', far Execntoia. 22 W*. ",:vn St. New York City. - FT PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP HOW. ABNSH C. Thomas. a Surrogate of the County el New Tor*. notice la hereby given to a!! persona harln« e!»!a* airalnst Daniel Willis James. lace of th* Cb«mty of Ne-» York decease* to present tha same, with Tooch-rs thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of Uanaa it lns business. No. 9d John Street. In the City of N«* York, on or before the 15: day of May next. Dated New York, the 4ta day of November, IWT. AKTHUR CUBTI33 JAMSd. GEORGE NOTMA.V. Executor*. EDMtTNI) COFFIN. Attorney fir Executors. »4 Pis* * Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER •. T EON. AB-VSR C Thomas. a Surrorajta of the C*cnt7 of New York, nott.'e Is h«¥eby riven to ail person* aavm* elaia* aga-nst Harriet A. Woodaury. late of the Coonty of Hew York, deceased, to present the same wttii voucher* Qs«rsu( to tt« subscribers, at their place of transacting n— . No -44 Broad Street, »th floor, la The City of New Torts, en cr before the Steb day of Agrli next. Datad New York. th* 213t day of October. I9OT. GORDON WOODBURT «a« john aroAW wooDsraY, HUecosasaV BOWERS * BANDS. Attcrcevß far EiacuWa, *1 Nas sau Street. Bornugh of Manhattan. Ne» Tor*. IT«AMSEN. EDWARD J. H.— rTE3TA.VC_ O3» A3* 1 order of Eon. Abner C Thomas, a _urr*s*t» c£ that County of New York, notice- la hereby sine to ail ;«no_i having; claims against Edward J. H. Taxn-en. late of tae County of New York, daajaaaad. to present tie i__* with voucher* thereof, to tna subucrl-er. at bar c_voe at tran^actln* bcslnea-. at the o_ica of Adotpk sVaass. No* 90 Nassau Street, la til* City at Kaw Task. oa or tafa-w the 30th day of May next. Date. New York, ft > !-??» Cay ct Sfl»»mn»r I9OT. CATXTERINH TAUSEN. Z_T«c_tr_e. AJDOLPH BLOCK. Attorney for Executrix. 98 Na-sM Street Manhattan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OS* HON. A_Ef_n* C* Thomas, a Surrogate of the Couaty of New York, notice la hereby given to all persons __>vin* cialma ■gainst Charles T. Barney, late of _b» County of New York, deceased, to present the aair.e with vo_c__r» thereof so the su">«crtS*r_. at taetr c_i_» of tr____w_tl_j» bujlresa at the -So* of Mastaa i Ntchola. No. «• WaS Street, tn the City of New Vorlc. en or bafara t_,« 13CX day of June next. Dated New York, the lOta day of Dec*_iter. tact. ABHBEL H. BARNEY. 1 ____. _ JAitES W. BARNEY. {="=«-*». KA?Tr:N a NICHOLS. Attorneys for Executors, s9 W__l St.. Boreusa of Ma___i:___. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OS* HOX. A-CTSI. C Thomas, a Surrogate of ttas County of New York, dated the tlth day of September. 130.. notice la hereby given to ail persons h-vT_9« claims aaaUsst Ed ward B. Tompklns, late of the Cotinty of New York. deceased. to pr«--nt tit* earn*, with voachars thereof to the su-*crt-era. at their place of tra-tsactl-tK S__l- Besa. No 111 Broadway. In the City of New York, aaß or before the nrst day of April next. Dated New Tor 1 '.rut 141-^ day of "eut-aber. 1907. TUOMAS D. TOMPKINS. ELLEN lIIMH I—. DAVID A. BULLIVAN. ExscTitora. EDWAKD M. GROCT and PACT- OROTT. Attsraey* for Executors. No. 111 Broadway. New Torsi CltT- SCOTT. Vn___iAM A. — IS Pt7T_3UANC_r OT AJf »5 order of Hon. Abner C Thomas, a S-rrovate of tae> County of New Tork. Notice is hereby slvea to ail person- bavin? cUlma a*a:ajt WUliam A. Scot:. late of tae County and Stats of New York. deceased, to present the •__-.*. with »oucher» tl«-T»nf. to the aajtV scrlbers. at taetr place of trao-acUax bustne-SL at ta* ofßce of The Farmer*' Loan & Trust Company at No. tX flßra Street, in _a»- BortMtajh of ltinaat_i_. taj the City of Nat* York, on or before the -Ist day of _£ar Best. Dated New York, the *•■. day "t No««mb«r. 1907. ANNA L. 3COTT. THE FAR-IE R3- LOAN A TRUST COM PANT. -bH-B-ont E-sSELSTYN A K.ETCHAM. Attorney- for naiM No. 2 Rector Street. Ztorou^a at il_a__tr___ >*_r Tork City. IN PURSUANCE OB" AN ORDER OS" HON. ABX2R C. Thomaa. a Surrogate of '":• Couaty of New York. Notice to b-recy given to a:: aeraona hawta« ela__t_ »«_:r.jt Ju'la Spelr Wrtsht. <at» of AUonaurat. New Jersey, deceased, to present the aam« with roeKlaaaa thereof to tae aubacrltMfrs at their place of traa*__ttaf bu*ir:e»« at No. 11 W:i::.n» Street, m the City of >•* York, oa or tM!^r« th* 22d lay of April next. • D*:e_ N»w York, th« *!• Say «f Oc-<*e*. vttX GI_.BE3T M «-PE«t.>-._^_,^_ JOHN C. CCONOR. > Ei •eater-. Is PCR3I7AKC- I 0? AN oRCni or EON. ch*wi » 11. MA a Surrogate of t&e Coua:y of New tit's. notice U h«r«CfV j".« a to all peraun* haviss claims a^Uaajt J_ne Crooks Brown, late of the County of New York, d* cruel, to prt*«n: CM* same, wtth vo-chera thereof, to tae •üb-enber. at her c*» of cr_n__i :i!r._: Knahiiai. at th* «#- Ec*_ of Lewf. i C_r-_. No. 45 F-yf>ana)a Pteea. H rif* of Mauhattaa. Id Okj Cty of New Tork. an or t«-3r* «• •Mb day of June, Wit. Da* «1 New York, tie 17th day of Dni-hf. itOT. MARTHA A. B lIONTOO_IERY. !J_»c_tr__, t__"Wl3 & KLOAM Attoroeys for Executrix. 40 Exc.iaa«a PUee. N«w York Cty. TX PURSUANCE OP" AS ORDER OS* HON. AJBNSR a 1 TUOMAS. » •urro«»«e of tae Couaty of New York, sotlce la hereby (lv«n la all p*raoo» havts* cU:roa • «&lnst John J Donaldson, tat* of the County of New York, deceased, to .present taa aan* with vouchers thereof to the auhacrtbar at Ita prtaatpai pj^ce at tr»naactlror bustae»«. No. 33 William Street. Bor9«sh, of M*nhic:aa. In th* City of New Yarn, on cr b«far* the 13th day of May. r.»t: Pa:fl New T»m the 2nd day of November. INT. THE FARMERS* LOAN AND TRC3T COMPAJIT^ - X ExewaMfc KWCEIt. tOI^TOM * HOJUX, AttMM*» tmM+ miMb M WUtmm Itrat, Mw« SMk ix