Newspaper Page Text
'^^ S^3^^ >^ f "^^ -J ' »^b» Kbbbbb. .awr 7 V«- LXITI . N- 22.367. T^.M-s^r.u^^wTTSS wh*, NEW-YORK. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 11. IDOS.-FOIRTEEX PAGES._ T^ TAFT WITH ROOSEVELT SPEECH AT KASSAS CITY. Upholds Recent Message — Xced of Perty Harmony. [Pr ~«:<-«T5Lc!- to Th» Tribnae.J Kansas City. Mo.. Feb. 10.— Secretary Tart tv as the guest of honor and chief speaker to nigfct at a dinner given in Convention Hall to jwelv« hundred persons by the Association of Tousg Republicans of Missouri. Many of the guests came from Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma. and distant Missouri cities. A great demon stration greeted Secretary Taft when he en tered the hall and again when he arose to jrp^ak. The balconies of the. hall were filled by several thousand spectators. Mayor Henry M. Beardsley delivered the ad dress of welcome and F. E. Mrjimsey, editor of. tii*± Springfield iMo » "Republican." acted as toastmaster. Herbert S. Hadley. Attorney Gen eral of Missouri: Judge Seldon P. Spencer, of St. Unas, and other veil known Mlssourians a •« spoke. The crowd was manifestly impatient to hear y- Taft's speech. During the remarks of Mr. UcJhnsey it began to show signs of uneasiness. and Mayor Beardsley was compelled to rise and «•- at the palleri<»s that the speakers were the ---•«: guests. Order was instantly restored. ROOSEVELT'S NAME CHEERED. Judze Spencer was the first to mention th* BBBM Bf Theodore Roosevelt. The result was e>ctrical. The vast audience sprang to its feet with a veil. Handkerchiefs and napkins waved frantically while cheer after cheer filled the ball- It was several minutes before the speaker could proceed- Presently he mentioned the Fr'JJdenfs name again, coupled this time with fafl c. ar.d a«a-n the audience responded, on its f«~t and with towing arms and handkerchiefs. Tbe temper of the crowd was not doubtful. It was there to honor Secretary Taft, and it did cot I-t anything pass that helped to demonstrate th» fflct. Secretary --*- speech was a general defence of th- Republican party.. and especially of the rnlid«s brought to the fore by the administra tion of President Roosevelt. Speaking of the - SB) panic and the President's late message to •' ""K-r«^s. the Secretary said: "The message contains an answer to the SBBBj made that the administration is respon sible for the industrial depression, and the FhaTnw and emphasis with which this un funded attack is met. have heartened the great body of the people as a bugle call to renewed support of the policies of the administration." Eulogizing Lincoln. Secretary Taft said he. »••*> a party man. "a? all men must be who expect •- leave thei- individual impress upon the polit ical character of the nation." He said a party rar.not be useful unless those who are members 1 ' it yield their views on some lsFuea and unite with respect to the main policies to be pursued. lie continued: Though I ---"'; hap its platform and on the faith of It hap been elected to power, many ls hjpj may unexpectedly arise in the course of an administration not controlled by the party's declared principles. The disposition of such ißtOCa'Tr******* depend on tin-- ability and. courage ■' tee party leaders. A party may divide on a -•-■■<* issue until by a. process of education the pounder view prevails and that party becomes mited again in the enforcement of the new — pie. As a party shows itself homogeneous, chic IB rraj=p aha truth -with respect to new tsaußP, able to discard unimportant differences nf opinion, sensitive with respect to the suc c's.«=ful maintenance of government and highly rha-sred with the responsibility of its obligation )n ta «» people at large it establishes its claim to th«» confidence of the public and to its con tinuance in political power. THE THREE WAR AMENDMENTS. Secretary Ta t spoke of the three war amend ment* of the Constitution— the Thirteenth. Four th nth and Fifteenth, The operation of the Fifxeesth Amendment, that which forbade any zizte to deprive the negro of his vote on ac crunt •of his color or previous condition of *»rvitude, had not, he said, been as successful 6* that of the Thirteenth and the Fourteenth. I -* leaders of the South had in many states, however, cast about to make the law square with ■-■• "listing conditions by property and 'Oucatjjonal jualiQcations, whh'Ji should exclude most of the negro vote. Secretary Taft went on. This very desire to avoid the violent methods vhich were went to overcome the colored vote fa the South itself indicates a turn for the better. It is said, however, and with truth, that tn^Fe election laws *.re intended to be enforced by ana of the discretion vested in election cmcers so as to exclude the ineligible colored men with ri^or and to allow the ineligible whites who ought also to be excluded, to the injury of th«> franchise. Deplorable as this i.». Ptill the •- ■ ja-inn is by no means a hopeless one for the Southern negro. The great frier.d the Southern negro is likely to have Is the broadest minded Southern white man who sympathizes with the colored man and knows his value to the South. Nor Is It unrea sonable 10 hope that the men who have already ►nuzfct to come within the taw and avoid vio- A-nr* will ultimately see the wisdom and right #-ousn»>9s of ass t-quai enforcement of the law of tlizibiiity against white and black. Secretary' Taf: said that ha was confident that in the end tlvj Fifteenth Amendment "will prove to b~ a bulwark equally beneficial with that of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments to *« unfortunate, downtrodden, strupgllns race." Tne tpeaker numerated the various policies Bf the party in the pas* and said: Only twice in all that remarkable history of J.-irty -eight -ears have we lost the confidence of the people of the United States to the point of th«>ir turning over the government to a Demo <-TBtic Executive. By reason of I need not dr-tail Th* infiuen'-e of the Republican party ha* beaa littte felt south- of Mason and Pizon's line. It Is trw --• In Man-land. West Virginia. Ken tucky .-- Missouri the Republican part: has *>••*■*• often in the majority, but in the ether lth« sUt<* a contest has fwm«i hopeless. Thr- time has come. In my Judgment, when It is *r ; «. duty of our party to make an earnest effort to •.■••! n to our support the man;. Southerners who think with «■ on every living national ls<«ue and have only bet - kept from our ranks by the ghost «* the pest. CORPORATE ABUSES. , - BBBT] Taft referred to BhSBHB that had l-»*n ___... by corporations, and declared that fe f-onvicUcn bad seize.l the people that there were r-«tny engaged hi the management of corporate *v-a]Ui who regarded the statutes as dead let '"•<■ *nd themselves .-»• a privileged class. He es id . T 1 a were pa^siEsr into a regime of an irre tpvmOAe plutocracy I>urins the last four i*^ 3 th»»re has b«±n a _ •• moral awakening to this «'afl^r among the people and a popular demand Urn thf lawbrrakere-no ir: ■■• how wealthy or host high or powerful their position—should be sr-ade to suifer. LTnd-.-r th.- leadership of Th-< tiure Roosevelt the Republican party ha* not lal i'-r*d in its determination u> me«t the require awitt of the situation and to enact such legii •ation as may be necessary to bring to a close tfeia period of Illegitimate corporatH immunity Tber* are tho«se who have been niw.b-.-ra of •■-•-■ HepubUc^p party who differ fr./m Mr. K«u«emt in respect u> the proper coarse to be CfcW in stamping out the«e abuses of corporate •*«»ltti Th<> areat bulk of the Republican Mrtjr. however, stand* mildly at his back •'• the '"OEWEV'S PORT Wi«C AND OLIVE OIL. x r^»at reJ»t««-t . W e fctu **"."„ , .... , -H.T. Eewe/i. £x£ca. JSB FuUCB «Lj N.T.*-rAdvt, 4 — V/A/; MIXERS KILLED. Explosion of Gas in Workings at Central City, A/. [By Telegraph to Th* T-iburp | Central City. K> .. Feb. 10.— Nine men were killed and another will die as the result sf an explosion of pas in the mine of the Moody Coal Company, at South Carrollton, three miles north of here. The catastrophe occurred a little be fore 4 o'clock this afternoon, and on account of the damage to the cages the men who were below could not he reached until after •* o'clock. The dead include Robert Cook, the white mine foreman; J. K. Rush, a white miner, and seven nejrroes. Ten men were at work in a shaft ISO feet deep, in a room apart from the rest of the mine, and three more were in a different part of the mine. Suddenly they heard a terrific explosion and were hurled to the ground. Recovering, they rushed to the rescue of their companions, only to find the room filled with fallen coal and to hear the cries of the dying. SUICIDE IN ST. GEORGE. Brooklyn Man. Calling on Sister at Hotel, Shoots Himself. Frank Brtttel. of No. 165 Halsey Street, Brook lyn, an employe of the real estate firm of Carl W. Woolthan, of No. 2293 Jamaica av«=nu«\ shot himself last night in the Hotel St. Georsre, No. 339 Clark street, Brooklyn Height? and died later in an ambulance on the way to the Brook lyn Hospital. ' Rrittel had gone to the hotel with Richard Masters, of No. 324 Jefferson avenue, to call on his sister. Mrs George E. Guy. who lives with her husband In a suite on the second floor of the hotel. Soon after he arrived the man said that he was thirsty and asked for some beer He had no sooner finished drinking this than he re marked: "I am going to finish this Familiar with the room, he walked over to a bureau, rook out a revolver from one of the drawers and placing: it to his right temple fired. EXPLOSION ON ST. LOUIS. Four Men Badly Burned When Boiler Tubes Eton Out. Vallejo, ''al . Feb. in. — Boiler tubes on th« cruiser St. Louis blew out at noon to-day while the vessel was off Sausalito. E. E. Scott, coal passer: F. Thompson, water tender: K. W. Baker, fireman of th» first class, and D Lewis: fireman of the first class, were badly scalded with steam. The new* wa? conveyed to Mar* Island by aero graph, and the yard tag. with stretchers, four nurses, a sure-eon and hospital steward, rushed to the cruiser and brought the injured to the Naval Hospital. It is believed that the injured will recover A rigid investigation la under way and a re port has been sent to Washington. The St. Louis left the yard last week, after extensive repairs while in drydork. and anchored off Sausaiito before proceeding to Magdalena Bay for target practice with other vessels of the fleet. J. D. LAYXG VERY ILL. Aged. Railroad Man Said To Be Dying at Home Here. Suffering from a complication of diseases, James D. Layng, a prominent railroad man. was said last night to be in such a critical condition that he might not survive the night. Mr. Layng is at his home. No. 931 Fifth avenue. Mr. Layng was formerly president of the Big Four Railroad. He is a director of the Car negie Trust Company and the Chest Creek Rail road Company, vice-president and director of the Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company, director of the Dayton, & Union Railroad Company, vice-president and di rector of the Illinois Zinc Company, vice-presi dent and director of the Jersey City & Bayonne Railroad Company, director of the Lincoln Na tional Bank of the City of New York, director of the New Jersey Junction Railroad Company, the New Jersey Shore Line Railroad Company, the New York & Harlem Railroad Company and the Plttsburg Forge and Iron Company. Mr Layng is seventy-live years old and has followed a railroad career since 1549. SOME OKLAHOMA LEGISLATION Nine Foot Sheets and No Cracked Dishes in Lobbying a Crime. Guthrie. Okla.. Feb. 10. — The House of Repros.-n tatJva passed a sweeping measure to-day regulat ing hotels. Th» measure provides that every hotel shall provide nine-foot Bneetj^ and shall use "no cup. •■*. vessel or receptacle for food that has cracks visible to the naked eye." A bill providing that officers of corporations who conceal their books or statements shall be guilty of a felony and subject to imprisonment, has pass<»« both houses. The Ellis a ntl- lobbying bill. providing for jail sentences for lobbying, has also passed both houses. DECISION ON EIGHTS OF SAILORS. Providence. Feb. 10.— The Rhode Island Supreme Court confirmed tr.-.i-;. the decision of the. lower court in the ease of Frederick J. BiMinte. chief yooman. who sued the proprietors of a New port daactas pavilion for rrfuslr.g him admission because he wore the uniform of «h«» United States „_ Th" Superior Court awarded Buenzle 26. cents damage?, this h»'n«r the bbbj he had paid for his ticket. The Supreme Court upholds the finding of the Superior Court, overruling th* **- cepti^ns taken by the defendant, and remits The ,-a" to the Superior Court for entry or judgment on th* verdict. This was regarded In naval circles as a test eae». President Roosevelt and prominent officers In th« navy subscribed funds to carry on the case. FIRE VISITS KAMP KILL KARE. (By Tri«-!n-aph to Th* Tribunr.J T "lira N. 1".. Feb. 10— One of the principal build- In?" of Timothy L. Woodruffs Kamp KIM Kare. oa Lake Kora, in th** Adirondacks, was ruined by fir« parly this morning. The structure was of las* and hr.'i two stories, the lower consisting of a reading rru-.m, a 'parlor «nd bathrooms, and ttai upper of Bleeping apartment*. Thf fire was «se*« by John E. Woodruff, of Syracuse, who, with sonic frienda. was asleep on the second Moor. Requests for aid were seat to the issiiillt uaj Morgan camps. A bucket bri gado was formed and the men, despite the cold, did effective work. Snow M well as water was uaeJ In lighting the blaze. SERVES PRISON TERM FOR DOG'S SAKE. Rochester, k-i. 10.— Itather than give up Ma St. Bernard dog, and unabie to pay for a license. Ber nard Cahill baaaa to-day to serve a five days' een tenca in the penitentiary. NEW FAST TRAIN. FLORIDA AIKEN AUGUSTA Via Southern Ry. Lv. N. V. 9^5 A. M. Pull man Dnvring-room and Stateroom nWriiijr Mrs. DiotaC <*ar Servic*. Lv. N. x. 3:-'.> P. .M. riillman liniTiißS-rooßi. Sleeping and : loioc Car a«j trias 28. l Office. I2M a ma.-— AU.i, - : - TWO APPOINTMENTS MADE BY MAYOR MCLELL AN. Ali-EN" "K. SPOOXER. Appointed Dock Commissioner. C. W. MORSE fXDICTED. BIG BAIL FOR BAXKER. Two Separate Writs Brought In in Banking Case. The special grand Jury investigating the bank Fituatlon, after an all day session, handed down five indictments yesterday afternoon, three of which were described by District Attorney Jerome as of the routine order, but the other two were against a man who is now on his way over here. In these last two he said that bail should be set at $10,<>X) on each Indictment, a request which was granted by Justice Dowling. No names were mentioned by any one con cerned as to the identity of the mar. against whom the last two Indictments were found, but It was learned that they ■were for Charles W. Morse, who is now on his way back from Eu rope. The Indictments were handed in shortly before 4 o'clock to Justice Dowllng, and after being read by the justice were turned over to Mr. Jerome, who put them in the "not arrested" box. That Mr. Morse would be indicted during the day was fully believed in the Criminal Courts Building, and the announcement of the indict ments did not. come as a surprise. One of the- Morse transactions which the District Attorney's office has been investigating, and on which It was said yesterday the grand jury had acted, was the discounting by Morse of one note which was given by ex-Justice Morgan J. O'Brien, made payable to himself. The fact that Mr. O'Brien was one of those called before the grand Jury yesterday has added color to the rumor. This note was given in part payment of 6^7 shares of stock In the National Bank of North America. The understanding between Mr. Morse and Mr O'Brien was that the note should not be discounted for a certain time, but before the BBBs' was up, It is alleged, he took it to one of his banks and received a check payable to Mr. O'Brien, which check he did not turn over to the latter. When the note became due Mr. O'Brien was railed on to take It up and he did so. The Dis trict Attorney's office has been trying to find out If there was anything wrong in Morse's action In the note matter. BOARDiIAX SEES JEROME. Albert B. Boardman. counsel for Mr. Morse, with ex-Assistant District Attorney Rand, called on Mr. Jerome early yesterday morning and re mained closeted with him for nearly an hour. Mr. Rand denied after the conference that he had been retained as special counsel for Mr. Morse. F. Augustus Heinze. who was associated with Mr. Morse at one time, was also a caller at the Criminal Courts Building and had a twenty min utes' conference with Mr. Jerome. He returned about 2 o'clock and after seeing .Mr. Jerome went before the grand Jury, where he remained for some time. Next to follow him was Miles M. O'Brien, a director of the Mercantile National Bank, who remained only a few minutes. As he left the room he was I Mil nil on what lines the jury had examined him and he replied: "Only to cor nect up some links in a chain, I suspect" Ex- Justice O'Brien then was called into the jury room, but remained only a short time, as did E. B. Wire, cashier of the Bank of North America. The federal grand Jury also leaked into the banking- cases under the direction of Assistant United States Attorney O'Brien, after consider ing several minor federal canes. The iurv. bow ever, adjourned yesterday afternoon without handing down any Indictments of men interested in the recent banking cases. Two witnesses were examined, ;» Mr. Daven port, said to be a referee in several banking cases, and a Richard Wells. FEDERAL ACTIVITY HERE. It was learned also yesterday that one of the Treasury Department's expert accountants and bank examiners arrived from Washington, and it was said that his services had been called in In connection with the complicated banking situation. A prominent federal official, who was asked about the statement that Mr. Stlm «=on would cause the arr»st of Mr. Morse on his arrival in this country, said that such a rumor wms unfounded. The Investigation made by the special grand jury into the O'Brien-Morse note transaction, it was said yesterday, was also be ing looked into by the federal grand jury in another phase. P. Angustoa Heinze said yesterday fhar he hnd no Intention of bringing suit against Mr. Morse or pressing him in snj way for payment of any moneys owed to him. "The poorest thing th« creditors of Mr. Morse can bo at the present moment." said Mr. Heinze. "is to press him for money right now, when he has his hands so full. He hasn't run away, doesn't intend to run away and will pay up every dollar, if only given a chance. He is a good fighter, and will make it warm some day for those who are traducing him now when he is temporarily down. I have no intention of troubling him with any more suits." Stanley Gifford, the secretary and treasurer of the United Copper Company and a close asso ciate of Morse and Heinze, expressed the same views as did Mr Heinze. "It's an outrage," said Mr. Gifford, "the way people are hounding Mr. Horse at present. There will be a day of reckoning soon." MORE HANNA BUTTS PENDING. It was learned yesterday that Charles A. Hanna, receiver for the National Bank of North America, who is suing Mr. Morse for $243,000, i ontluurd mi n+<-oail pas'" TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY HOUR on th*-- hour, in two hours. See New Jersey Central M-bedule. puze 9. THOSE WHO f'HOQ^ lT.^L avaxs van it:— ahvu .-. „ -- * — -' - HTGH BON'XEK. Appointed Fire Commissioner. BALM FOE TAMMANY. COMES FROM MCLELLAX. Foil Two Big Appointments with Plea for Harmony in Party. Mayor McClellan came out strongly yesterday for harmony in the Democratic organization in this city, saying that be would do all he could to send an undivided, uninstructed delegation from this state to the national convention, and then he backed up his words by making two big appointments which are entirely acceptable to Tammany Hall and Charles F. Murphy. Hug-h Bonn<r was appointed Fire Commis sioner to succeed Francis J. Lantry. resigned, and Allen Xewhall Spooner was appointed Dock Commissioner to succeed John A. Bensel. who last week was appointed Commissioner of the Board of Water Supply to succeed J. Edward Simmons. More than this, it was learned last night that the Mayor would probably appoint as First Deputy Fire Commissioner to succeed Hush Bonner Patrick A. Whitney, secretary of the. Anav.-anda Club. Chart i F. Murphy's district organization. Mr. Whitney also i 3 correspond ing secretary of the Tammany general commit tee. The corresponding secretaryship is an hon orary titlr. as Thomas F. Smith, the legate* secretary, does all the work connected with the office FOR UNDIVIDED DELEGATION. In reply to questions yesterday Mayor Me- Clellan eaid. "If the state of New York is to have any in fluence in the Democratic National Convention it must go to Denver undivided. A united and honestly representative delegation should be able to accomplish the nomination of some man who can carry New York: a divided delegation csirrying its local dlasension to a national con vention will have little weight. I hope to see, the regular Democratic organization in this county and the organizations in Kings. Queens and Richmond working together. New York ought to go uninstructed, but undivided in its purpose to convince the Democrats of other states of our willingness and ability to make a vigorous campaign if the convention will but give us a candidate with whom we will have a chance of success. When the local ticket was nominated last fall I announced that I would support it. believing that party interests re quired Democrats of all factions to forget their differences for the time and work together. To day the national situation calls for similar unity of action. '•My friends will do their part to bring about a harmonious state convention, to secure a strong and representative delegation to Denver, and will make an earnest effort to nominate the right man. To this end I will aid the Democratic organization in all boroughs of the city." IMPORTANT TO TAMMANY MEN. Standing alone, this would not be of great significance, but it is of first importance to the Tammany organization when it is backed up by practical deeds like the appointment of men ac ceptable to the Tammany organization. It is within the bounds of exactness to say that Mayor McClellan has taught Mr. Murphy and bis lieutenants a lasting la—Oil fflw lesson being that, while he is willing to appoint Demo crats to office, he will not accept the names at party hacks from the boss of Tammany Hall and pot them in places of responsibility. In the last few months the Tammany chieftain has said to his friends that times and conditions had so changed that a Mayor was no longer obliged to appoint men to office unless he was satisfied that they would fill the bill acceptably to the taxpayers. The new Dock Commissioner is a Democrat and a neighbor of Charles F. Murphy. living at No. 346 East 18th street, but probably he owes his appointment to ex-Dock Commissioner John A Bensei, In whom the Mayor has groat confi dence. The appointment of Mr. Bonner can hardly be said to liave great political significance, as he was appointed Deputy Commissioner while John H. O'Brien was the head of the department. The appointment of Patrick A. Whitney, secretary of the Anawanda Club. If it is made, as seems probable certainly is an olive branch from the . .... Hall to Tammany Hall. The salary is $5, 00 a rear, and the place 'a a potential one. Some other yoong man could have been found who would have filled th« job acceptably. That Whitney was chosen in Interpreted by the rank and file as a sign on the part of the Mayo- that he is willing to be friendly to Mr. Murphy 'if the latter will refrain from asking impossible things. "Whitney lives at No 325 Second ave nue, in Mr. Murphy's district. MURPHY FEELS SATISFIED. When Charles F. Murphy was seen last night he paid: "The appointments ar<* satisfactory to me" Mr. Murphy has said as much as that about appointments distasteful to him. At the annual ball and entertainment of th« Anawanda Club last night there was much talk about the appointment of Spooner and Bonner and the probability that Whitney would be First Deputy. The organization men are Quick to for give an enemy if he will show his friendliness by doing them practical good.. Mr. Murphy's friends said last night that McClellan was not «;uch a bad fellow after all. Many went so far bj to say that Mayor McClellan would b« sent to the Democratic National Convention as one of the four delegates-at-large. I 1I 1 was generally conceded that his help would be needed at the ( niillniiril on f.<unh va*r QUICKER SCHEDULE TO FLOHIOA. Seaboard Florida Limited, dally Pullman tram la St. Auguetlna-Pinenum-Ciimden-Columhiu. tihort ««i Florida Route. , Offlco ilSa ftsvay.— Advt. '■ RUMORS ALARM IAT AS. Disquieting American Reports X' ' Understood by People. Tokio. Feb. 11.— A fresh crop of sensational war reports, chiefly emanating from New York, are being Bent to Tokio in special cable dis patches. They create unrest in the minds of the Japanese public, the people being unable to ex plain the continued Chauvinism of America, in view of the consistent efforts of the Japanese officials to demonstrate the sincerity of the de sire to avoid friction. H/.V MEDKIXE FATAL. Charge Against Druggist Arrested After Woman's Death. Hans Jursrurpon. a dru^'t in Lon? Island City, was arrested there yesterday, charged with selling medicine to Mr? Mathilda Dvaaaa, of No. 87 Seventh avenue, from which she died yes terday n|ornin». A few days aero Mr?. Drc^re s«*nt for Baits, but did not open the package until yesterday. Shortly after taking the contents she became violently ■ and died before the arrival of a physician. The druggist wap hPid in ISJQO ball to await the result of th» inquest. Th» Astoria pollr<* say the package contained oxalic acid in the salt form. PROTECTIXG CHILDREX. Commons Advances Anti-Cigarette Bill Penalties for Parents. London, Feb. 10. — If a bill which passed its first reading in the House of Commons this afternoon becomes a law Juvenile lovers of the ciear«»tte will have a hard time in Indulging their appetite. The bill Is a government measure, amending the laws for the protection of chil dren. It prohibits ftnokmer under the as» of sixteen, provides penalties for any one und«*r that ace smoking- in the streets or any other public place, and ma term th? sale of cisrarettes to persons under sixteen yeara a punishable offence. The. bill also establishes Juvenile courts throughout the country and calls for special places of detention for children, instead of sending: them to the ordinary prisons. It pro vides furthermore that the imprisonment of chil dren be entirely abolished. An effort is to be made also to end th« r<?rrifelp> waste of infant life through drunken parents rollins: on their babes in bed. The returns show that sixteen hundred Infants perish annually from this cause, and parents are to be pun ished for such deaths. Fires are responsible for almost an equal number of infant deaths, and, penalties are provided for persons who leave children alone in rooms with uncuarded fires. TYPHOID IX PEEKSKILL. Seventy Persons 111 and Aqueduct Workmen Must Clean Camps. An epidemic of typhoid fever has broken out !n PeekskfH. Twenty-five cases have developed since Friday, making: seventy persona who are now ill with th« disease. The State Board of Health is inspecting the watershed in the town of <~"ortlandt and sources of supply. Men employed by this city on its aqueduct work have been living along streams, and since the state authorities have taken a hand In try ing to prevent th spead of the disease there has been a general cleaning up around the workmen's camps. A patrol ill be maintained to keep the camps in a sanitary condition. No other sources of contagion ha. bees found, and it is the general belief that the outbreak is due to th» pollution of the water supply. Notices have been issued to boil all water before using. MRS. EDDY IX TAX SUIT. Officials of Concord Say She Ozves Old Home City $200,000. [By Nearest to The TrtbuE*-. 1 Concord. N. H.. Feb. 10. — Action looking to the collection of approximately |300.086 in back taxes, from Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy was taken by the Board of Assessors of Concord to-day. While all the city ofilcials deny it. It is generally thought this action Is taken to show their dis approval of the moving of Mrs. Eddy from Concord. The Mayor wrote the assessors yesterday call ins their attention to the fact that while Mrs. Eddy had admittedly turned over $1,000,000 to her trustees during her sixteen years' residence here, she has paid taxes on only $30,000 until last year, when the assessors, on their own. in itiative, raised the assessment to $200.000. He called attention to the fact that this 150.000 estimate was on the sworn return of Calvin Frye. The assessors to-day officially instructed the city solicitor to take whatever action is neces sary to obtain the back taxes said to be due since 1891, and also to investigate as to the re sponsibility for the necessity of such action. MUTE EVIDENCE OF A SEA TRAGEDY. Philadelphia. F--b. 10.— Captain J>naon. of ike steamer Admiral Schley. from Port Antonio, which arrived to-day, reports passing ■• raft of aj - off the coast of Florida, to which was attached a body dressed in oilskins. The body was tied with a rope, and floated In the water alonsside. The mute evi dence of a tragedy at s«-a passed *a Fehruary 1. Because of the heavy weather the Schiey did not stop to Invest - NO WEDDINGS ON LORD'S DAY Winnip^tr. F°b 1 11 —A squad of pallet raM " thfl synagogue her* yesterday afternoon and stopped a ■weddin?. en the ground that the Lord's Day act says that no work must be done ■■■ Sabbath. It •was th« fir3t wedding at the new synagogue. The crowd was so great that the synagogue would not contain all the guests. Just as the rabbi began the ceremony several policemen appeared and for bade It, The police took the names of the persons coni-erned In the wedding; and application will be made to the Attorney General for feave to prose cute, his sanction being necessary tn all cases, un der the lord's Day act. A hand had been engaged. and each member of the sand will also be prose cuted. PAID TAXES ON EXEMPT PROPERTY. Mrs. Fhtaetsi Cooper, of Babylon. Lone Inland, widow of ma* Cooper, a Civil War veteran, nas discovered that she has been payinK taxes for forty years on property thai is exempt from g-en eral taxation. The property was purchased by Mr. Cooper with pr;z«- money awarded to him by the government while as was in the navy savaaj the Civil War. Such property is exempt from all but aciiool and road taxes. The owner must make application to have it de clared exempt, a fact whloh Mrs. Cooper did not know until recently. The necessary formality win b« sane through at once. LAST TO LEAVE FIRST TO ARRIVE • in Florida. AtUntic Coast Line R. X.. "N\ Y. & Fla. gpedal,** 2:19 p.m. Office, B way, cer. 33th St — JLfrn. PRICE THREE CENTS. FOBAKEB TAKES UP PRESIDENTS LETTER s /; \ . ! TOR S (II. i RCrE MET HY FRESH DEXI / LS A Foraker Worker Appointed Post-:: master in Ohio — Suppression of a Letter Alleged. Washington. Feb. Senator fhraher at tempted In the Senate to-day to- answer the* \ portion of the President's letter to William Dad- i ley Ponlhe which denied that federal patrona«r» had been used to promote Secretary Taft's In terests In Ohio. The Senator reiterated hi* charge with great vehemence, and said be would : submit documentary evidence hi support sjf hi* j statement, but the only evidence which, he pro-/ dneed showed that the President had nominated | C. H. Pryscn. a Foralwr worker, who had de clared himself Irrevocably opposed to the nrwni-* .5 nation of Mr. Taft. as poetma#t«r at Athena. Ohio, and that th« nomination tad been con- - firmed by the Senate on January 7. Mr. Foraker read, certain letters writraii bT; Representative Douglass, of Ohio, who had in- j dorsed Brjsun. which showed that ther* had j been some delay between Douglas*'* indor"*-' mf.nt and Bryson's nomination. By s» doing . Mr. Foraker laid himself, open to- criticism, br Mr. Douglass, who later arnee in the House- ami! questioned the method by which the Senator had come by his private correspondence and then propriety cf his reading it in public. He charged that Mr. Foraker had omitted from, bis state-. ment one letter which was esueutiaJ tr> a Ju=tj presentation of th« case, and wbt<*ft. Mr Drmgta^s j declared, "illustrates not the disposition of th*» President to wage war upon any men who are not of his way of think-in*, but rather, with. the same generosity and broadmindedzess which j he has always exhibited, to appoint men who are. as I then thought this man to bs and stm trust he is. a man in every way 2t to be post master at Athens.** Finally Mr. Foraker's reiterated charge j brought forth a statement from Powtraa*t*r General Meyer, who said: I do not quite understand Senator F^»ral<-e- « charge in the Senate to-day, because hi? ■*■>> nient itself show* that notwithstandaaa; — - President knew that Postmaster Brrson favored Foraker he sent in Bij seal's name for postmaj tpr at Athens. Ohio. The President had pre viously directed me to hold up the nomination. Ji having b»*en alleged to him that Brysoa ha been guilty of corruption and had been • *• - 1-nt opponent of the administration's policies. After looking tip the matter I notified th* **rw dent that the charges had b~«n tnv . ■*•■■*"* were not sustained and proved to be wholly un justifiable. Th* President then dlr*rt»d ra» t.» send in his name. It wan accordingly J^nt in. M soon a* the Senate reassembled aTter th<* Christmas holiday? When th<» President cay» this direction to s«»nd this name m he and I lincu- that Bry:*on was a friend of Senator For- - aker"!*. THE SUPPRESSED LETTER- The letter which Mr. Foraker suppressed ' ! throws more real light on the case than ail the , rest of Mr. Douglass's private us isiipea)dßii F « < which he read. It is as follows: Washington. December 18, 1307. C. H. Bry?£n, Es«j.. Athens, Ohio. My Dear Bry 3 °n: Your letter dated Per-m her 7 came to hand yesterday, and I confess that I am a BUBS embarrassed about answering it, for although it Is addressed to me it u^Jt-BM something like an inspire! attack on the Pr**t den» and designed for publication. Really, my dear Bryson. you hardly treated my letter at t December 5 fairly, and do you not make a. mountain of a molehill? The whole of the para graph or my letter from which you quote la a* follows; Mr Loeb said to me that, of course, the Fres'- ■ deat has no disposition whatever to cTtnclae you-. wews, bat that he saw no reason for appoptic*; *£n entirely out oi syinT>athy wtib. hl» policies to? . public office, or ecmethins to that effect. I then added: 'Now. my Judgment is that you. had better come to Washington to see sa« a - once, and let us disabuse the President's m ad off <*:.-•' such, idea." In other words. I felt sure, knowing th» Ibbbßj that yen were not out of. sympathy with th* . President's policies, and I asked you to ens* 1 here in order that -we might disabuse the Presi dent's mind of such an impression. As I said ti>v. you in a tfubsequent letter. 1 had not seen nor have I se«?n the newspaper articles and Inter- j views which I understand have b«ea called to- -; the notice of the President, ao whether you Quote them rally or not I cannot say. At th* same time I feel very sure that from what 1., know of the manliness and fairness of th» Pre3i- ; dent, and what I have, sees at his generosity Irt regard to the opinion* of others, aa to men and measures. It could not have been s lmply your quoted opinion in regard «> Taft or l^itsher. ©r that Taft could not carry Ohio niter "present complications." or that you favored Senator Forager return to the Senate, that alone oc« casioned the President's action. In regard to th ■:• statement that you qtxote BSI . ha Hag; been recently sent by you to ••The> Cin cinnati Tribune" in regard to the President's . policies, it la possible that this had not asms j to the attention of the President, and It was this and other matters that I desired to call «s> his attention If had come and given sse th* opportunity. With all you say concerning Che desirability of continuing the Republican party Is power, especially In the interests of the la boring men and others. I need hardly say that , I quite fully agree, and doubtless th« President would al»o agree. At the same time Ido not , at all agree with you either that Taft could cot . j carry Ohio or that he could not. if nominated. t*» elected by an overwhelming majority hi f-» '■;-*], Electoral College. However. lam no« called upon in this connection to defend the President . generally, his policies, or to demonstrate thw strength of Judge Tif: before the people of this country. j At th" ram«» HaM lases is -< r»raaric in t JBT letter which seems to me 30 patently and not©- J riously Incorrect that I cannot refrain frcra simply referring to it Too say "The ------- wants rio «»ro-n^ men; -'-••■» la no place in hi? code for them." With such men about him as Root. Taft. Ccr telyou. ::-•■- ■ and i host of others devoted tr» him personally, holding up his hands Is main- * tainir.g the interests of the p*»ople tn every way and every quarter. It I* Idle. If not preposterous. J to say that he does not want strong men atcrut him. No President In ear time ha? had sue i * faculty for selecting and winning demted alle giance to himself and to his work as President -, Roosevelt. - •'- T ; In conclusion, W me say that while I thank you for your very kindly and truthful wav of treating any differences of opinion between <ntr- i selves, present or past. In regard to bu rhoic* ] for the Presidency. I thin i the more kindly and * 5 simple way. for you to treat m: letter of D*»- 7.t cumber 5 wan just as it was meant, and that *fj was to give you a friendly opportunity t<* d»» t\ what we were both interested In doing sinve [ j had sent your name unsolicited by you to th« „ • President, to come here and correct rchat : j seemed a mistaken impression concerning you f at the Executive cSlce. Meanvrhlle. I rrmalnv ■*' very sincerely yours. ALBERT DOUGLASS. h SENATOR FORAKER'S SPEECH. When Mr Foraker arose in the Senate anil . announced that he purposed to speak to a que*~ '•'! tion of personal privilege the greatest inter- * ■-• was manifested In his remarks, and vl— 1 he asserted that be could submit documentary 4 evidence to substantiate his charge that -tiiewfr] had been "prostitution of the public patronage" . 'j POLAND W*TER I.eatla all 1~ "Reputation a*« Purity."* Known aad) rtmn'i by al! nations throughout th« wcrW. 8..«.5 Robir&on. Mtmajer. .\e* Ycr* ..,i.-. 4^d nflllt* ..i Broadway.— Advt.