4 LNDIGXATTON IN TEXAS I ACCUSATIONS RESENTED. Officials Say Mexico Received Heart]/ Co-operation.* >*•• [Br "»*nirh to Th* Tribune.] . GfilvMton. July -The statement by Mexico's " rorelgn Minister charging bad faith by Texas in the present revolution Is resented by the city anS county officials of Del Rio and the officials •cf o'her Texas-Mexican border towns. In a pub i- statement the Texas officials declare they rmv« never permitted any public gatherings or Mexicans to plot against Mexico, have not sup * ported or encouraged revolutionists, .and have A never, M Mexico accu«ed them. .permitted raiders In Mexico to return to Texas without interference. I They cite having arrested nearly one hundred * Mexicans crossing the border, and turning them over to the federal authorities. The Texas of ficials My they have reliable pro*>f that fifty or more Mexicans from Texas were executed without ; trial or hearing in Mexico. and that many of them i had a right to be in Mexico. The Del Rio officials charge Mexican soldiers with having kidnapped ten : or fifteen Mexicans from the Texas side of the * river, who were executed by the soldiers. Washington. July "-The State Department of ficials ar* making wMry effort to learn the facts Connected with the border situation In order to be prepare*! to answer the complaint that is ex pected to be Bled by Ambassador Creel as soon as he arrives In Washington next week, to the effect that MM of the Texas officials have not lived up to the requirements of the neutrality laws. The department believes that the Texan, have actually done us much as they could In re straining the departure of revolutionists across the border, considering the great extent of the territory to be guard. 1 and bearing In mind the fact that the states generally have come to look to the national government for such international police duty. Bel Rio, Tex., July * — Developments In a confer ence held at Las Vacas. Mexico, yesterday, be tween Colonel Alberto Dorantes, commanding the Mexican Mesa; Captain Aguirre. of the custom • office, end District Judge Arredondo. United States district, Attorney .Boynton. Marshal Molte. Captain D. Conrad. M Cavalry. V. S. A.: L. T. Ellsworth, American Consul at Ciudad Porflrio Diaz. Mexico, «nd M R. Dowe, Coile-Uor of Customs at Eagle Taps, f-liow conditions to be serious and the situ ation one that demands prompt action by the Mexican government. Following the' conference Colonel Dorantes admitted that the situation had been furious, but he thought the forces of the revolutionists had been broken, and the only trouble expected now is from small bands travel ling over the state. These, he claims, are bein? pursued by soldiers. District Attorney Boynton, after the conference, said that all matters pertain ing to the uprising along the border had been Investigated, and the two governments would co operate in an endeavor to bring those guilty to Justice. According to advices received here to-day, three hundred revolutionists are encamped in the hills south of Las Vmcmm. apparently contented, awaiting reinforcements, and anticipating an attack by the fovrrnment forces. The government troops in the State of Coahuila now number about a thousand men. reinforcements having arrived yesterday. Two detachments of the M United States Cavalry, accompanied by United States marshals, left .Del Bio to-day for a trip along the Rio Grande, where Jt is supposed some of the insurgents are in hiding in the underbrush REBEL POIXT OF VIEW. Protest S trough/ Against Character ization as Bandits. Dallas, Tex.. July 3.— "The News" to-day pub lishes a letter which was addressed to th"e 'editor cf the paper, and which arrived in this city through the United States maiL. purporting to have come from the "headquarters of the Mexican revolu tionary army." State 'of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and ! Tamaulipas. third zone, and the signature, while '. Illegible, appears to read "Antonio de P. Aurajo, Junta Organizada del I'nrtido Liberal."* The writer of the letter compares the present •uprising in the. .Republic of Mexico to that of the "•patriotic Americans who. with Abraham Lincoln, gave liberty to the slaves." The letter announces ■that Ramon ' Corral perpetrated a misstatement •when that "official characterized the revolutionists as mere "bandits. The writer declares there are Jive hundred men -within perhaps seventy miles FCtrth of'Lms V*eas and expects the. capture of I two or three towns within a few days. Austin," Tex . July 3. — Thomas Para bin. pub lisher of "'La Reform* Llbertad Justin." the offi cial Journal" of " the local branch of the Mexican revolutionary junta, which has suspended publi cation because none, of the printers in the city has cared to run the risk of violating the neu trality lava with Mexico, sought an interview •with Governor Campbell yesterday to protest against the Mexican revolutionists being regarded as bandits: He insists that they are patriots lighting for right and liberty granted under the constitution, and declares they will honor Ameri can saw- - Mr. Parabia stated that the revolutionary army consists of poo infantry and 600 cavalry, in trenched in a strong position near Las Vacas. and that at the proper time they aril] descend upon that city and capture it. but their plans have been changed somewhat by the concentration of Mexi can troops at that point. He said also that the revolutionists might change their plans and spring a surprise upon the Mexican government without jsotVe. . ■ Los Angeles. July Copy of a Mexican revo lutionary manifesto, dated at this city May IS, and besting 1 the signatures of Ricardo Flores Matron Antonio T. Viller^al. Enrique Flores Mason. Li •berado Rivera, Manuel Sarabia and Praxedis G. Guerrero. was found here yesterday, and. on trans lation, proves to be an appeal to the Mexican peo ple to "start the great fight for freedom." The first three mentioned of the signers of this document are at present In the county Jail charged •with violations of the neutrality laws of the United Stales, and Surabia was recently taken to Tucson, Ariz., for trial on a similar indictment. The manifesto declares that "one man has con trolled the entire destiny of the nation" for thirty years; that the soldiery has been organized for the. sole purpose of "massacring the working people": that "our national Foil has been given to foreign adventurers." and winds up: "Mexicans! to arms! Reform, liberty and Justice!" It Is stated that thousands of copies of this ap peal were smuggled into Mexico before the out break of the present trouble there. SAT: YAQUIS WILL JOIX. Wave Common Cause, Says Impris oned Revolutionist. fnr Te>«raj>s» to TT* Tritnine.] : TO. Psjk», Tex.. July S.— Manuel Sarabia, a mem ber of the St- Louis Junta which promulgated the platfcrra of the Mexican revolutionary party, now In jail -at Tucson, declares the Yaqul Indians are tx>lr-B to Join the revolutionist?. Ho says Vice-Presl- Cent Ramon <*orra;l. «* -Governors Tsabcl and Torres and other Mexican officials took the land of the Taqula and then started a war of extermina tion, and that the Tae/uis and revolutionists are fighting for a common cause end have ax. under standing. II« Fays If they can hold out three months President Diaz will be overthrown. Soldiers are beijije withdrawn from the larger cities In the Interior and distributed among all the ■xnslier towns rinse to the American border. Re ports Drocghi here by miners from th« Interior of Sonora. and Chihuahua fitatw that the Jails In every village 1n *ac3t of the Mates are full of Fuspect'd persons, ana i strongly. OMM State* MarsS«l N3lte. United States District Attorney .Boynton and Deputy Marshal •*•**■ are tore In restiratins th* elfjation. Several 's&pected revo si\ionx»t» ar» in jail here. > - riBE KILLS 25 HOUSES. Two Stables and Office Building in Williamsburg Destroyed. Twenty-five hore^n perished In "Willlamsburg last night, when the stables of J. P. Duffy and A. Bueh & Son. wh^h adjoined each other, at Chapman's Pock. Metropolitan avenue and Newtown Creek, were destroyed by fire. The; office building of Dan nat & Pell, lumber dealers, was also burned to the ground. The fir« started In Duffy's stable, and spread so rapidly that, although the. fifteen horses there were rescued by the firemen, they could not control the flames that enveloped the twenty-five an'mals in the stable next door or rescue the horses. All three buildings were two story frame structures. The total loss. Including the horses, was about $12,000. The police said laj?t night that the fire was evi dently the work of an incendiary, basing their sus picions on the fact that an hour before it started the premises had been carefully Inspected by a night watchman. GIRL AND DOG ALONE ON BAKGE. Her Father, the Captain, in Jail and De serted by Stepmother. Pitting with her feet hangine over the side of a coal barge off pier M, North River, with her arm riro;;ini cheese, a fox terrier, eleven -year-old Sarah M.iley. ragged and hungry, was 'found on Thursday r.ight by an agent of ihe Society for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Children. Her father, James Haley, the captain of the barge, had beep, arrested several days before for intoxication, and her stepmother had left the little ~ir! thirty-sir hours before to go to the father. The one thing aboard the h^rco to eat was a dry crust of bread, and this she broke into bits, and after soaking them in the river water gays them to the dog. The little girl wm held in the Children's Court, in the custody of the Cr.l'drerfs Society, until Wednesday to allow the authorities to Investigate. BUTTERICK CO ASKS PUNISHMENTS. Wants "Big Six"" Her. Adjudged in Contempt of Court. Justice Blanchard, in the Supreme Court, heard argument yesterday by counsel for the Butterick Company (Limited i on the question why officers and members of New York Typographical Union, 6, known as "Big Six." should not be pun ished for criminal contempt of court in disobeying the injunction issued by him on March 14, 1906. The court's order forbade the typographical union to interfere in any way with the business of the company. Counsel for the company said that the labor difficulties had cost the company about $100.«n»i in three years, and compelled It to pass two divi dends. The trouble with the union grew out of the alleged r.ttempt of the company to enforce the "open shop" rule. Counsel for the company stated that although the union men had kept away from the company's premises they had carried on a circular cam paign through the mails against it. which, he said, was in violation of the terms of the injunction. Alfred J. Talley. attorney for the union, denied that either the letter <»r the spirit of the court's order had been disobeyed in the reading matter contained in the circulars. Justice Blanchard gave counsel until July 8 to file briefs. NEGRO HELD FOR ROBBERIES. Police Think They Have Solved Many 3rooklyn Thefts. With the arrest last nizht of Kdward Garrison, a negro, cf No. 16!>1 Atlantic avenue. Brooklyn, the police think they have captured the man who has b«en responsible for many of the recent robberies j r t)e Bedford section of Brooklyn. He is locked up at police headquarters ps a suspicious person. The police have received many reports of daring burglaries, in whfeh a giant negro would enter sn apartment, frighten the occupants by threaten ing to shoot them, and make his escape with what ever money or jewelry he could hastily gather together. In every case the man was described as having a scar on his left cheek and another over his r'pht eye (iarrison has similar scars. Garrison is a cook on the steamboat Grand Re public, am] it is believed he la rfsponsible for fully twenty-five robberies in the Bedford section. WANT CHESTER TO PAY FOR STRIKE. Traction. Company Will File Bill Against City for $200,000 Damages. [By T>!*graph to Th<» Tribune.] Chester, Perm.. July 3— The Chester Traction Company will file a bill against the city of Chester for about CMMN damages at the meeting of the City Councils next Monday night. It is sot forth in the bill that the damages were sustained by the dynamiting at cars, the tearing up of tracks, the bombardment of cars with stones, the loss of traffic due to the boycott, which is still 1c force, and other incidentals. It is understood that the traction company is de termined to institute legal measure? for the col lection of the bill if the council refuses to order its payment. INSECT BITE CHOKES A MAN TO DEATH. Paterson Physicians Puzzled Over Fatal Re sult of Slight Hurt. Paterson, July 3.— Physicians at St. Joseph's Hos pital are puzzled over the death of Michael H. Mc- Manus, of No. 16 Redwoods avenue, who was bitten by an insect while pitting beneath a tree In the reservoir grounds on Monday afternoon. Two hours later his face began to swell. He was then feized with severe pains in the head. He was removed to the hospital on Wednesday night. The man was operated on at the hospital, but the Fwelling continued until his fac- and head were twice their natural size. He suffered great agony. The physicians say he was literally choked to d«ath. It Is Raid the poison infected the brain also, and there was nothing the physicians could do to save tho :nan's life. WHAT THOM THINKS OF CORRIGAN! Not for Publication — Merry-Go-Round Hear ing Adjourned Till Fall. James Thorn, whose application for a license to run a Ferris wheel ann merry-go-round opposite the main entrance to Van Cortlandt Park is being opposed by many of the prominent residents of that section of The Bronx, was Indignant yester day when John Corrlgan, chief of the Bureau of Licences, adjourned the hearing on the question until September 9. Mr. Corrigan said he had to leave town for the Democratic convention on an evening train. Thorn said he had spent a great deal of money In fixing up the place and that he had expected to do a big business on the Fourth of July. He ■aid that when he- leased the property from Au gustus Van Cortlandt he had told him what he wanted it, for, and that the latter had even spoken approvingly of the plans. When he heard com plaints he stopped work iui far as possible. It was necessary to go ahead with the. Ferris wheel, he paid, because it would be likely to fall down If left In a finished stage. Mr. Tnom said he has been ready to sell out at any time since he heard of the complaint* for just what It had cost him. MOVER CHARGES FOURTH OF JULY PLOT. Grand Junction. Col., July 3.-That a conspiracy has been formed to start a riot at tho Fourth of July celebration at Telluride, to result In blood shed and be. followed by deportations, is the charge made by Charles H. Moyer. president of the Western Federation of Miners, in an open leiUr to members of the federation. Adjutant General Bulkeley WHls to-day said he had not heard of any euch talk. "The people of Telluride are trying to get up an old : - fashioned celebration on the Fourth, " he eald. "Two days will be devoted to It. The rrAr.+n will be closed. I expert to go t- Tellu ride, an 4 I will see that no such plot *6 mentioned will be c*rrted out."- , NEW-YOBS DAILY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1908. POISONER GETS AWAY POLICE CEASE SECRECY. Remarkable Letters Show Motive for Killing Dr. Wilson. Philadelphia. .Tilly ?,.-- Realizing that the man bus pected of poisoning Dr. William H. V.'il.-on, of this city, by sending him ft bottle of poisoned ale, on Friday of last week, is now well out of their jurisdiction, the authorities to-day decided to aban don their policy of secretlvenes« and mnke public the. tetter* in the case. In the belief that it might aid them In their search. The letters, which have been referred to tn a fff-n eia! way several times, show that the murderer of p r . Wilson was a man of no ordinary intelligence. The first Is the decoy letter sont to the Wilson house. It was mailed on June 23 at 1 a. m. from a station in West Philadelphia The text was type written on a letterhead bearing the firm nanr.e of I'eter Sclicmme & son, aud reads: William H. Wilson. Md. I>ear Sir: We arc takinrr the liberty of sending a few piiysii inns' samples of our new product "Standard Ale." Believing there 1? a field for an American ale tli.it can compete In quality with the foreign brands, we have devoted our oest efforts to pro vide a beverage that for flavor and henlthfulness is beyond criticism, -i-- the beneficial property of our ;ile la to be our talking point, we have decider! to co-operate with physicians as far as possible in the introduction Of the goods. We feel this plan v.ih be more effective Itnan heavy magazine. advertising, generally considered npcessnry for tho introduction »f anything new. This alone shows we have the ,itnio?t confidence in this brew. If you find the sample to your liking and can conscientiously recommend our ale to your pa tients and friends we request you to till out and return the enclose*! blank. "Standard Ale" will be on the market in Ju'y Its keeping qualities Is excellent and you wfl) r.ntic very little fermentation upon opening the bottle. The letter bore the signature Peter Schemm & Sons, and there was a postscript: "All ale should he kept cool and la a vertical position for a few hours before using." There was also a regular printed return blank for the recipient to fill out. The bottle of poisoned ale was pent to Pr. Wilson on Friday, June iS. nnd was drunk by him on that night. On the following day and before the public knew anything about the case, other than that Dr. Wilson hid died mysteriously after drinking a bottl ; of ale, an anonymous ietter was mailed to Coroner Jermon from Bristol, Perm., by the man who sen' the poison. This letter was posted at 5:30 p. m.. and reads In part: 1 want to write you regarding the death of William H. Wilson. This person WM a maiprac titioner and in some way induced my wife, with out my knowledge, to become his patient. As a result Of his treatment Bhe died a few weeks ago. To protect her name T did not give all the facts to my physician, and she was burled with another cause of death being assigned. To rid the community of this wholesale killer I have removed him as I would a weed in the that this service to the community is rendered and the death of my dear wife avenged I am going to quit this part of the world. This letter is true in every detail, and to prove that 1 am the person who attended to the matter I will tell you that the ale contained cyanide and that there were two s< als with the letter "S" on the neck of the bottle. I had no selfish motive in the matter. By the time you get this on Mon day morning I will be far away from home. Yours "an^outragbd husband and father. Following this letter is one mailed on June 29, at 9 a. m., at Back l?ay Station, P.oston. and also addressed to the coroner. In It the writer says: In my last letter regarding T>r. Wilson I forgot to request you to give the matter to the news papers, as it might bo well.to let the public know that there ar« some people who regard this sort of thing in its true light; murder most cordially sort. This last letter is signed, as was the first to the coroner. That they wore really mailed by the man who sent the poison to Pr. Wilson seems to be be yond the shadow of doubt, for none of the points referred to in the letters had been made public at the time these letters were received, and noth ing at all was known of the case when the first letter was mailed from Bristol. Perm. The police to-night admit that the man for whom they are looking in the case is probably on tho high seas bound for Kngland. and they have sent a description of him to Scotland Yard. SAYS SHE FORCED CHILD TO STEAL. Department Store Detective Arrests Mother of Five-Year-Old Boy. A mother made her five-year-old child steal goods In a department store, according to the story May Durnion, a detective In the store, told Magistrate Wahle. In the Jefferson Market court yesterday afternoon. She had arrested the woman, Mrs. Julia Spanierwitz. of fitith street and Avenue A. The child was sent to the Gerry society's rooms and the mother wao taken to the Jefferson Market court, where sho was held by Magistrate Wahle "The little boy was not willing to steal." said Miss Durnion. "Twice I saw his mother speak to him In her own tongue, and then his little hand reached to the counter and picked off something. Then he would look at his mother and at a sign, from her shove, the article into his little- blouse. When I asked him who told him to steal, he said, *My mamma. 1 " MOTHER SEES CHILD ON FENDER. Youngster Saves Her Own Life by Presence of Mind. Mamie L.awltzskl, three years old. who lives at No. 357 South 4th street, WiUiamsburg, almost lost her llfei late yesterday afternoon, when a car of the Bushwick avenue line hit her while she *as playing near her home. The child was walking behind a truck and failed to see, tho car. She stepped directly In Its path and was struck by the fepder. The upper part of her body landed in the net, but her legs were dragged beneath the iron framework. Instinctively the child clutched the netting and held fast as she was dragged al-m^. The moU-r man managed to stop the car. The child old not cry until he lifted her to her feet. The mother of the girl saw the accident and ran screaming to the street, fearing she had been killed. A few bruises were the extent of the girl's injuries. PACIFIC MAIL MUST PAY SALVAGE. Commercial Cable Company Receives Award of $61,219 in Manchuria Case. [Fty Telegraph tn tv><> Tribune.] San Francisco, July 3.— Cable advices from Hono lulu to-day 6tate that Judge Sanford B. Dole, of the X'nlted States District Court, has decided the noted salvage case of the fommercial r ;( ble Com pany, of New York, against the. Pacific Mall Com pany. Suit was brought f.^r $20f>,000 for getting the steamship Manchuria off Makapuu Point In August, 1906. The Judge allow 3 $61,219, and divides the costs of the suit. ■ The (salvage, operations were extensive, the Maikay Cable people using a cable ship and sev eral other steßiners and hundreds of men for Dear ly a month Th' expenses were many thousands of dollars. B. H- Harrlman, Clarence tfackay and Other prominent men were witnesses. The suit was in court five weeks. MAN HUNT ON LAND AND WATER. Quarry, Overtaken in Fast Launch, Runs Schooner Aground and Flees. Bivalve, N. J.. July 3.— Richard Shields, of Little ("reek. Del., who, the local police say,, phot a man in Wilmington, Del., it few days ago and escaped by borrowing a launch, was captured here this afternoon. * . .." "*,y.-;- : When he found that the detectives were on his track Shields took the oyster schooner Lafayette and tried to get away through the bay with it. The officers boarded a fast steam launch, how ever, ami were overhauling Shields when he ran his schooner ashore. He then fled through the marshes. Shields was getting away when . the officers drew their revolvers and fired two shots In the air and the man meekly submitted to ar rest. He will be taken back to Delaware to-nicht •r to-morrow. «> Soda Crackers that crackla as good Soda jfl) JA Crackers should \ m I need a Biscuit I w( With meals — for meals— between meals ffk m SEE ft I n dust tight, m 1 &X* 0 moisture proof packages. I S i^gwF Neper sold in bulk. > In M NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY M TEN BALLOOXS IX RACE. France, Canada and America in Chicago Contest To-day. . Chicago, July 3.— Ten balloons, representing Prance, Canada and the T'nited States, are sched uled to start from here to-morrow in a race to the ocean. Whether the Atlantic. Pacific or Oulf of Mexico seaboard is reached Is immaterial, according to officials of th* Chicago Aeronautique Club, under whose auspices the race is to take place. The main object^say the promoters, will be the establishment of a new long distance record, the hope being that the mark sot by the German balloon Pommern in the race from St. Louis for the Gordon Bennett Cup will be raised considerably. That craft landed in Asbury Park, N. J., 980 miles from Its starting point. The balloons which will leave Chicago to-morrow range in capacity from 6.1,000 cubic feet to 110,000. The latter :s the Chicago, owned by Charles E. Coey, of Chicago, in widen he recently voyaged from Quincy, 111., to a point In South Dakota. The smaller balloons are the foreign representa tives, the Viile t up". Toby's cafe on the night of April 12. IJWS. killing the bartender. Joyce, for which he has never been arrested although *e*>n daily on the streets, called up Police Headquarter? yesterday and offered to surrender I? th»y would try him for "violating the rules of the road." SOCIALISTS PARTICULAR. Labor Party Debates Long About Accepting Foreign Brothers. Most of the time was taken up yesterday at the national convention of the Socialist Labor party, in Arlington Hall. in debating whether or not the "language federations." composed of socialists of different nationalities who do not speak English, be admitted to full membership in the party Frank F. Passano, cf Troy, the chairman, had some diffi culty in shutting off the delegate after they had talked for half an hour. A. IJngenfelter, of Illinri's; Pamel De I. eon. of New York; B, Reinsteln and P. Pc Lee made the principal speeches, but every delegate hail some thins to say. Some of the comrades who objected to the admission "t the "language federations" took great liberties with the English language themselves and abused It cruelly. "If these speeches go on." said a comrade at the back of the hall, "the convention won't be over In six weeks. - Amid a storm of protest from the speakers, the chairman cut down the speeches to five minutes each. When the speakers were tired out a resolu tion was carried to th*- effect that the "language federations" could be admitted *o full memrership on condition tha* they pay the regular dues and that theft memherj pledge themselves to the doc trines anri method? of the Socialist Labor party. A letter consisting cf resolutions from the. Yon kera section, condemning the policy pursued by Danlei De Leon in editing the official organ of th», party, was read. It declared that a policy of vili fication was pursued in the conduct of the paper. The editor was declared to be an autocrat, and the resolutions said that the vilification of those op posed to the party In the paper was prejudicial to the party itself. It recommended, that another eciitor be selected. CHASES AUTO FOR EIGHT MILES. , Policeman Says Occupants Jeered at Him Until He Finally Caught Up. After a chn«e of etcht miles, during which the policeman pressed a p«sring automobile Into ser vice. Phillip Rydell. a chauffeur, of No. 115 West sfith street, was arrested In the Hoffman Boule vard. li*ng Island City, yesterday for violating the «peed laws. Patrolman W. G. Frank, of the Hunter's Point station, said that when he ordered Rydell to stop he turned ori top speed, and I>r. T. H. Burch and Harry T. Disbacher. who were in the machine. Jeered nt Mm during? the elght-m!!" chase. Dla backer gave a dinmjr.d ring a* security for Ry delUs' appearance. REPUBLIC. PLANTS TO BE NON-UNION. [By Telegraph to Th* Tribune 1 Pittsburg, July According to a report here, the Republic Iron and Steel Company will employ none but non-union labor at Its eleven large plants here after. ,The mills have been closed for repairs. It is said a strike will be ordered as soon as a start Is made. AN EARTHQUAKE IN MEXICO. Mexico City, July 3. — An earthquake of frnm ten seconds to a half minute duration was felt In -Southern' Mexico nt noon on Tuesday.. All the southern parts. of Mfexlro and the region southeast of th* isthmus of Tehuantepec were shaken. Sev eral small houses were demolished. The disturb ance was also felt to a considerable distance west of the -isthmus, Including 'the Stato of Oaxaca and Southern Uu«rr*ro>. DELEGATES START WEST. Ex-Senator Smith and Robert Dcrcu in Party Off for Denver. The New Jersey delegates to the Democratic Xa» tlonal Convention, accompanied by many ether Democrats, started for Denver yesterday In % special train. Ex-Senator James Smith, jr.. and Robert Davis were in the party. Smith going as a deiegate-at-larce. while Paris had to be content to go as a district delegate. Th» Hudson Cotaty man was in good spirits owing- to tho fact that Bryan is certain to be nominated, and even went so far as to suggest the name of the- former United States Senator for Vice-President. Smith, how ever, did not seem to appreciate Davls's little Joke, for before embarking on the train at Newark ha gave out the following Interview: "I am going to Denver because the Democrats of the State of New Jersey selected me as ens of their representatives to protest against the nomi nation of Mr. Bryan. Personally I regard Mr. Bryan as a clever man. but I do not agree with him on many things he advocates. I am surprised that he would look for a nomination by his party after being defeated twice. I hoped he would re fuse to be a candidate. "As far as the platform Is concerned. if he shall be nominated he should. in my Judgment, dictate the platform, so he could not say after being de feated that it was the platform that did It." The delegates will caucus on the train, when, it is expected, the unit rule, adopted at the stat» convention, will N: adhered to. The only delegates in favor of Bryan's nomination are the four from Hudson. The delegates-at-large are James Smith, jr.. of Essex; John Hincii!:rr>. of Pa».ai<-; Fran* S. Katzenbach. jr., of Mercer, and! Howard Car row, of Camden. After the convention two weeks will be given over to sightseeing. ACCUSES FORMER WIFE. Dr. George Rauchfuss Says Woman Took *V>—Both Held. A young, well dressed woman and! a large, im portant looking mar., in a wcn'.y wnr at Sixth ave nue and Weal Ml Bferaat, last night attn hundred "Tenderloiners ' and incidentally Patrol man Carr<>!!. "Arrest that woman," called out the man, "she is my former wife and she has stolen $43 In gold from me." "It is not true, he has been drinking and does not know what he is savins," replied the woman, so Carrol! took them both to the station house. There he said he was Dr. George Rauchfuas. a chemist in The Bronx bureau of the Department of Arrears and Assessments and living at No. 709 Seventh avenue. According to. Rauchfuss. he re turned from Europe yesterday, and. walking up Broadway, met his former wife. "I didn't have anything else to do so thought I would give her a good time, and we had dinner v? In Central Park. After that we went down to a place on 23d street, where she took the money from me. She may be my ex-wife, but I don't see whera she cornea In to take my change." he complained. The woman admitted that she was divorced from Rauchfuss. and said that her name was Marion Thomas. living" at No. 2120 Prospect avenue The Bronx. She denied that they had been to any place in 23d street and that she ha 1 taken any money that did not belong to her. Ranch:' . in sisted that she be locked up, and this was done. No money was found on her when she wat searched. "Wei;, good night, boys," sa:d. Rauchfuss. A3 he started out the station, but he w:is t<>ui that hs. too. was under arrest for intoxication. Later hs admitted, that the Seventh avenue aidress wa3 wrong. Before being locked up Rauchfuss was asked ft he was not Dr. George E. Rauchfuss whose marital troubles had figured in public print for three years or more. He said that he was. ar. hl3 story, he was a former member of the Rough Riders, and served after the war in Company L. of the 6th United States Cavalry. On one occasion Dr. Rauchfuss was arrested on complaint oi h:» wife, but she did not press the charge. A divorc* was granted to him last summer. SCORE HURT IN SUBURBAN CRASH. Norwalk, Ohio, July 3— An eastbound limited ca* on the Lake Shore Electric Railway line crashed Into a work train two miles west of this city to day, resulting in the Injury of nearly a score of persons. Among the m it* seriously hurt ar«: Henry Froellck, Fremont. (Met badly cut about the head; Herbert Holmes, motorman of the Urn lted, shoulder dislocated; R. R. Strehlan. Norwala* purchasing agent of the company, aakle broken; Emil Koster. Toledo, badly bruised about aW» men; Mrs. Emil Koster. badly bruised; T. W. Bunn. Mlshawaka. in.l , right arm broken, a "4 Mrs. John Frommer. Toledo, bruised about lC3* and head. The limited car was bound from Toledo to Cleveland and was running at a high rate I speed. The collision occurred on a curv». w.i'f* the work train was standing. It is said the motor of the work train forgot his orders and was «• the main track on the time uf the limited. MOLLENHAUER AND WESTFALL LETT. Henry J. Mollenhauer and S. A. Westtell sur vived the semi-final round m the lawn tenjt> tournament on the courts of Mm Knickerbocker Field Club yesterday. The summary follows: ,in ( lM .Mm! linal r\ir!> H»nrv 3 *''' >l '* r '*^s defeat*] H*rb«l U We.if.il. i 7 I ■'■• * ♦ "2>!j. A W#stfall defeat M Abraham Kaasforr!. Jr. *~ •••p^ Men', double .rtr«t r"tinl. H ■ R.^-r's an.l TVJ^ Jennings defeated Dr. William RCMenhauin and A»ran-- F^n.i wund^li. "s "*££. and m M. MM *• (rated K. J. Bra»n«r.l and A. O. Norr*s. oo — »• •— — , W. C. T. U. STOPS SUNDAY BASEBALL. x fPy T>i<-»n»ph to Tho Trihur;*. ] Boston. July o.— Acting on a protest to tn» ■<* tary authorities by the Woman's Christian *~j perance Union. Sunday baseball on the military reservation about Portland. Me., has been t< l den. The games have b^en attractiag «••• • 1.600 to 2,500 persons each Suadaj.