Literary JVebv* and Criticism. fie Memoirs of an Actress of the yapoleonic Era. Paris. June 25. jjafienioiwlle George, "queen of the stage and . t^nty." "was born during the ancien regime, g^ attained the summit of her glory during the Consulate and the Empire, and was the fa vorite of Napoleon and the Emperor Alexander. c»s# was the foremost actress of the romantic o'crversent in the early 30's and she died at Paysy In January. 1 R 67. a kind hearted old lady c' eighty, whose life had embraced some of the jurist changeful y.ears in the history of Europe. Her memoirs, just published here by Plon-Nour rit are replete with personal reminiscences, anecdotes and episodes concerning Napoleon. Talleyrand. Talma and many* of the prominent political and theatrical characters of her day. The r have exceptional fascination for all read-_ ers interested in that stirring period. The editor who has most Judiciously put these pages together and annotated them is M. Cberaxny. the Parisian art collector, who as a vonth enjoyed the friendship of Alexandra Dumas, Dumas fsls, Frederick Lamatrre, Rachel and Madeleine Brohan. He has taken the me moirs from the original manuscript, written by Mile- George in 1557 and confided by her to Mme. Despordes-Valmore, with the idea that that obscure and rather pedantic poetess might Impart to thorn a certain literary charm. The greet actre goldsmith's art from the ancient Egyptians to modern times. A HISTORY OF ART. By Dr. G. Carotti. Vol. I. An cient Art. Revised by Mrs. Arthur Strong. Lltt. D.. LL.D With five hundred Illustrations. 12mo. pp. xxvlil. 420. (B. P. Dutton & Co.) This volume embraces a history of th« art cf Ejcypt. Assyria and Persia. Greece and ancient Italy. The translation Is by Mil's Alice Tortd. and a special bibliography for English students has been Included. GARItBXS OU> AND HEW. The Country House and Its Garden Environments. Edited by H. Avray Tlppln*. M. A. Illustrated frrm photographs by Charles Latham. Vol. 111. Folio, pp. xl. 346. (Imported by Charlrs> Sons.) Historical notes and descriptions of iom» thirty English estates. Illustrated with fine halftone plate«. OLD COTTAGES AND FARMHOUSES IN SUR.RET. With one hundred illustrations from photographs specially taken by W. Galsworthy Davie. With an introduction and numerous sketches by W. Curtis Green. Svo, pp. xlv. 170. (William Helburn.) A collection of finely reproduced plates, with brief descriptive text an.l line drawings illustrating detail* of construction and decoration. BIOGRAPHY. KING EDWARD VI. An Appreciation. By Sir Clement» R. Markham. K. C. B. Illustrated. Bvo, pp. xvi. 25fi. (E. P. Dutton & Co.) An estimate of his character as man and King, his religious reforms, his study of sjeogTaphy and promo tion of commerce. LEAVES FROM A LIFE. 8 vo. pp. 367. (Brentano's.) Reminiscences of an Englishman born In the 40-s; with sketches of writers, artists and other more or less notable personalities. FAMOUS FRENCH SALONS. By Frank Hsjnel. Illus trated. Bvo. pp. xvi. 34.. ißrentano •.) Vme de S«vi(rne Ninon do Lenclos. "La. Grand* MHd^molielie" Mmc n- Stael and .Tulle, de L#«P» "£™re som- of the famous women sketched In .fit. volume. r-oT^viTT mrXDrTH^N U. P- A Memoir. By Re*l- Bvo p^^rl. 395. (E. P. Dutton A Co.) 476 (Boeton: Uttle. Brown & Co.) This voiu^ls^o^d to th c b^rv a CavJnT Halher.ey. Selbome. Hai.burr and Herschell. FICTION. PITP . B A FIDDLER. By Edwin George Plnkham. FAT Hlust™ted by Lester Ralph. «m.. pp. vl. 41«. (Boston: Small. Maynard A Co.) The story of a lost will. pany.) \ lovr story The are laid In Germany anil America. JULIE'S DIARY. A Personal Record. 12mo. pp 301. (Boston: John W Luce * v.) The story of a Dani«h girl. THE MAD SCIENTIST. A Tale of the Future. By Rat4.nd . McDonald Illustrated by Charles Belcher Bunnell. U'mo. pp. •* 243. (Cochrans Publishing Company THE MYSTERY OF MONASTERY FARM By H. R- Naylor. 12mo, pp. m. (Eaton * Mains.) The story of a bank robbery. . .';!;. _, ■;, THE NEW EAST LTNNE. By Clara Morris 12mo. ' pp .126. >c H. Do«-her & Co.) THE PHILOSOPHER'S MARTYRDOM. A s»«lrs. By Paul Cams. Illustrated by O. Kop«t«ky. 12rno. pp. 67. (Chleara: Open Court Publishing Com pany > £ . HISTORY. IKB KING'S CUSTOMS. An Account of Maritime Revenue and Contraband Traffic In Encland. Scot land and Ireland from th« Earliest Times. ■■-> the Tear 1900. By Henry Atton and. Henry Hur«t Holland. With preface by F. 8. Parry. C. B. Illustrated. Bvo. pp. xil. 4»». (E. P. Dutton • * Co.) JUVENILE. BETTT AT THE RECTORY By Mrs L. T. Meade. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 370. (Gro*»«t it Dunlap. ) LITERATURE. THE DEFENCE OF POF.SIS A Letter to Q. Eliza beth. A Defence of Leicester. By Sir Philip Sidney. Edited by G. E. Woodberry. Bro. pp. xlx. 127. (Boston: The Merrymount Press.) The fourth volume in ••The Humanists* Library.** ■ edited by Lewis Einstein. The edition is limited to three hundred and three copies. MISCELLANEOUS. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AMERICAN. Belnf a Comparative Study of the Peoples of the two Great Anfrlo-Saaon Nations. By H. Perry Robin son. Illustrated. Svo. pp. xll. 483. (G. P. Put nam's Sons.)- MAGIC SQUARES AND CUBES. By W. 8. Andrews. "With Chapters by Paul Carus. L. B. Frierson and C. A. Browr.e. Bto. pp. vl, 19». (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company.) ELEMENTARY EXPERIMENTS IN PSYCHOLOGY. By Carl E. Seashore. 12mo, pp. 218. (Henry Holt A Co. HANDBOOK OF LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTI TUTIONS. Svo, pp. vlll. 502. (Carnegie InstKa tlon of Washington.) The Institutions of the United States and the adjacent Islands are given In this volume, to gether with notes op the American schools at Athene. Rome and In Palestine. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATING. By William Trufnnt Foster. 12mo, pp. xviil. 4 1 **? iHounhton. Mifflln &■ Co. f ••--:: THE REAL BRYAN. Being Extracts from the Speeches and Writings of "A 'Well-Rounded Man." Compiled by Richard L Metcalfe. 12mo. pp. 320. (Dcs Molnes: Personal Help Publishing Company.) ARMY AND NAY! NEWS Enlistments for Full Term of Three Years. [From The Tribune Bur»*n.l Washington, July 3. MUST MAKE UP LOST TIME.-It ha been dis covered that the army appropriation act of May 11 contains phraseology -which will require that here after enlisted men who have been absent without leave, as gSSS member board of Inspection and survey. U^nant^mman^er »! £ DOWLAS, to navy yard. LtauliSSSr'R. MM detached m* Maine; to naval Lleu'te^ tm £**.*?' ROPER. U> char.- r^rnftln.. d— ; land vice -v.mmander W P WHITE, to command H^VTra'kE. H. G KNOX.nd, MATX,NS. Ensign C. 5. GRAVES, detached the Nebraska, to tne Missouri. MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS.-The following movements of vessels have been reported to the Navy Department: ARRIVED 2? "tS»in2«tl *t . allfornia c.ty the *h!pp!.. the Hull Ratale-. the Cleveland and Denver at juK £-The Rainbow, th. Cleveland and th. Denver at ' Hankow. SAILED. July ••—The Standlsh. fr«im Annapolis for New London. th"- cyich. from Oyster Bay for navy yirtf, Netr Vork r th. Wisconsin, from Mare Island fas California. cm 'the "Whlpple, the Hull and the KMriarp from San Fr»ncUco for Mare laiaa/ HOW TO COOK FISH. By '--■—• Green, t*B». pp. v. 52% id. P. Putnam" • Sons.) - "—>'-' NATURE STUDY. CTCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN AGRICCI-TUKIL^ * Popular P-j.-.t of Arricnltural Conditions. Pra^ticj and Ideals In the Cnite Containing a history of the elty. a t||Hos» of the Moorish remains and an essay on the wotn «* A).->nsn ian-i. with » MM of rtw most tmpor-ant ,-r-ulptiires earrings and other works ascrttied to fitra. NEW ZEALAND AT HOME- By Hon. R. A. LrfMBSjMSL «M. U. C Illustrated. 12mc. pp. Tit. 224. (Impor»«« by Charles Scribner's Sens.) t>e«<-rtDinir the domestic Mf» of **• r«"©pS«. *• *■- dustrles and arts, the political and adrnlalstratfrs «y» . tern. mil so nn. IV THE TRACK OF* R. L. FTEVENSOJf AND El**- WHERE IN OLD FRANCE. By J. A. HamuMMa, Illustrated. 12nio, pp. xli. S3- (B. P. Duttan • Co i F<->!i"w'Ti« the route. described In "An Island Vo*« age" and In "Travels With a Donkey." ■ NEW WORLDS INTRENCHiNG BECOEDS. Blue Army Likely To Be Declared Victor at Pine Camp. Pine Camp, N. T.. July 3.— Two world's no ords for Intrenching troops were broken last nigh*, by Company H. of th» engineers" corps, dnrinjr the attack on Watertown. Private* Barry, BJviars and LJndaman clipped several seconds off the prerlou** record for building ore trench nine feet Ion*! four feet deep and four feet wide. their tim» Vine I one hour and five minutes. The company brok*j the record for Intrenching an entire company br' 30 minutes, the time being one hour and 30 minutes, i At each end of the army a redoubt was put up _ and at 4 o'clock this morning the Blue) army dyna mited the bridge in the rear of the Hog's Back. The Blue army was retreating during the mtnew vres last night, and if it did so in good order. *•' it apparently did, It will be declared the victor. lieutenant V S. Grant. 3.1. and Mr*. Grant, th». latter a daughter of Secretary Root. arrtvwd la camp this morning and Mrs. Frederick D Grant la' expected to-morrow. TIME OF FLEET'S DEPARTURE. Washington. July 3.— The Atlantic fleet of battle ships. which is to sail from San Francisco on July, 7 for Honolulu, on its trip around the world. wUI, leave the Golden Gate at 2 p. m. An announcement? to this effect was made at the Navy Department' to-day. ARTILLERY ORDERED TO (FORT TOTTEN. Washington. July 3.— General iJ. Franklin Bell., the chi»f of staff of the army, has issued order» to the 16oth and 167 th companies of coast artillery.^ now on duty at Fort Monroe, Va., to proceed lot Fort Totten New York, for station on or about* August 1. DIPHTHERIA AT NAVAL PRISON. "Washington. July 3.— Actinr- Secretary Newberry, received word to-day of twenty cases, real and sas pec-ed, of diphtheria at the naval prison at Boston. Orders rave been given, to transfer the men ta\ tents In the navy yard for a thorough disinfec tion of the prison and for extra medical help. Mr. Newberry left here to-day for New England for, a visit of a week on business of the Navy £>•*{ partment. He first will go to Boston, and afteW ward will select a site for the new naval ho»-j pltal at the training- station on Goat Island, nea»" Newport. CHANGES IN ENGINEERING BUREAU, Washington, July 3.— lncidental to the appoint ment of Captain John K. Barton as chief of tb» bureau of steam engineering 1 of the navy, sevsrai chances have been made in the personnel of ••*■•- bureau. Captain Albert F. IMclcson. assistant chief of the bureau, -will succeed Rear Admiral J. A. 3. Smith (retired), as ctfef inspector of machinery, with headquarters at New Tork. Commander R. j 3. Griffin, now In the bureau, will become assistant} chief, succeeding Captain Dickson. Oomman- O Mil>. Cornelius N. BilM. J. PISISjSSJi Morgan. Joseph H. '-home. Charles S. M»llen. Andrew Carnefrie. Adolph S. Och«. Georse B. Cortelyou. Alton B. Parker. Hush Hastlny- I John D Rockefeller. Franklin Chase Hoyt. Elihu Root. Oeor*e Harrey. . Whttelaw Reid. Seth Low Benjamin F\ Tracy. Hart Lyman. Horace White. William M. Laffan. Mr. Choate is the chairman. Hugh Hastings* vice-chairman, said that an executive comrr.itte* would be appointed, and that in the fall th«rs> would be a meeting of the whole committee to con sider what form the celebration should take. Mr. Hastings suggested that a memorial arch be built to mark the 100 th anniversary of Lincoln's birth. Books and Publications. THE T\rxj3xr By Rene Bazin $1.00 The Bovel of th« day in X n « 1 * r_«l and Fr.-mre. . Rare Books and Prints in Europe* "^5 «_""• -I CHOICE ENGRAVINGS OSL D 1 11 » Prints. Amenc-n*. I» «f . _ . - x Prints. Americana. A.O.U (Frank T.) "FINE AND'-'RARa 118. Shaftesbury BOOKS. V A LU A B L B AJL?«riSSS W. J AUTOGRAPHS. 1 4 4 LL-OUT-OF-PRINT-BOOKS" write ms: can r»t you any bos* «v# r published oa • *»T •ab>«. tS So.. -^.^^^'^SS-BAVeV* O^EAT BCOK SHOP. John Brt«at St. B»rmla*»«. 8 '-