Newspaper Page Text
£^^.^^gr^~ -^ sT^Bsftt^Ss%M^^jlpr f\st^^&*^*^*i^KS^x&s^^Bb^^v£^^^^^Oßa/^jSrmJ^^^^^ —^__^__^— — ••••*°- -'2.515. SfO AN AIT(M ICTORI Tiro KILLED AT DIEPPE. •ffrflc Crushed Under Machine— ' Hard Luck for Strong. r^dti dt French Cab> *° Th Tribune.] **Zl 19 06, by The Tribune Association. ] lOS> Jul y 7.— The result of to-day's race - VH^rb triumph for German automobile con lc* SJfK ' .u P first, second, third, fifth and sixth y:rp won. respectively, by cars made by **** s Benz. Benz. Mercedes and Opel, while ** Ft-nch Ba>-ard- c!emcnt car took fourth •*f Lau'.enschlager, the short, thickset ■ * of the winning Mercedes, was loudlyl & - -a ,c he shot Ilka a rocket across the win i; n<? in his once white, but now cinder =** ' car * completing the 770 kilometres in 53 minutes 43 4-5 seconds. The French 'band played the German national an- s * ffl ";..j c j2 Dir am Siegerkrantz." which -was **■ . followed by "The Marseillaise." when, *!^ c dose of the race Baron de Zuylen. pres- • J i^ of ;he Automobile Club of France, pre -ti to the Under Secretary of the Interior, |5 presented Premier Clemenceau, the win .' jnr«r. LAUtensohlager. and also Herr asm- a ? er of the Mercedes establishment. T • bis co-director. Herr Daimler. Immediately « arJ Baron de Zuylen sent in behalf of the **' tib'\~ Club of France :t telegram of con- A "'-S'Jcn to Emperor William and another fiT-rax to t::e German Automobile Club. ,**■„ Gerxan drivers, although black as coals, vc j, fresher • an most of their oompetl ' because they were a sort of leather diver's "i in which glasses were fixed to enable •hd w »^ schlaser said to your cor sajsateßt: 1 aitribute my victory solely to the superior ly cf Tny car, which is as solid as a steel can ■sj tall- The course at some of the curves had has loosened by the voiturette race yesterday -ad 1 had to (h^ngre my Michelin tires twelve ;i3«s during the race. I did my utmost from Hit rttrt, but I hardly expected to win." \fien £sk?d about American cars, he said: " •It is a pity that only one of thorn figured in £ rat* The American-built car? which I have ittr. are first rate for cheaply built, all-round ars for popular use, bat they do not have the power tsd elaborate finish of the great racing sadunes turned out by the best makers in Oemtny. France or Italy." He~er>. driver of the German Benz car, which «b* in second, in reply to my questions, said iia: b* had to change his Michelin tires fifteen tines daring the race. The veteran tiremaker, M. Micbelin. who was walking about in the Automobile Cl-b inelosure with his three sons, highly el2ted at the result of the victory of Us tires and pointed out the fact to your corre fpontent that the five cars that won the first *« places were all provided with his tires. Th» field ambulance, admirably arranged o*» Thfrf" b >' Baron Henry de Rothschild, ren dered excellent service. Cissac. the driver of the Pinlard car who was killed in the race, was takes there, and also Heath, the American toiler of another Panhard car, who became tsojeirily blind owing to the coal tar dust dsng the race. It was a wild and curious ifc&r in this tent hospital after the race, when irarteea drivers, black and sooty as imps, were 13 lying on their backs and having their eyes idfl open and washed by trained nurses as they groaned v.lth pain. The only American car In the race, the Tionas. conducted with great pluck and skill rr Louis Btrang. the American driver, made a Sit start but had no chance against the more pnsxM racing cars. Strang sped around the drcnitiour times, making a distance of 308 kilo r:«res. irhich he completed in 3 hours 52 min rtes acd IS seconds. C. I. B. STRAXG TELLS OF RACE. %it Trouble on Course — Praisrs the Thomas Car. T?!*?rial ■■ French OartJ«- to The Trirrure.J PlCcpyright, ISOS. by The Tribune Association.] Dieppe, July T. — Louis Strang. who intends to Ren to New York on the Deutsehland. which *«& ■ Friday from Cherbourg, has just come -to Dieppe on his Thomas car. His eyes are fcSaned. owing to the coal-tar dust. He relates *o The Tribune the following description of his «?erieace in to-day's race: By 1./>ui« Straus. I BMJBI all the arrangements for the stands here very much better than on the American ■*•*■! All the spectators here could see the and also the work done on all the cars X the repair and supply stations in front of the Paadstaad. The military patrolling of the eir q* was perfect. Ism only bad feature was ?e dressing put on the road to lay the duet. *hich hardened on the surface like a crust of ■ This was badly broken up yesterday by *~e •■Mltl racers, and to-day it pulverized. aa^ng ft very dangerous, and sometimes it c »ap!etely blinded the drivers. I had to stop t!j »c times to have my eyes treated by surgeons 0:: ■» first lap. Jftile taking a corner in a cloud of dust after pother car I hit a stone curbing, which blew ** ay kfthand rear tire and in skidding the *** tit a piece of board from a fence, which f° kjured the gasolene tank that it subsequently bo badiy as to put us out of the race. c changed Urea on every lap in front of the <istaafl . where we also tried to repair the ««ler* tank. Frilly, at Londinieres we withdrew from the Hi V WtCn ' i>xri - n in to GrJel one of the cars ? kit a tree, and three or four cars had been I °jW* (3 by the guards because the tree had _« across the road. They were just starting «hen I came through the dust and found cat* 5 cars blocking the road In order to es jC hiui *S Th€ Itala car. driven by Henri dinner, I was obliged to drive on the grass vw, a small tree which injured my left rear and exploded the tire. jtf * car which I drove is strictiv a stock *ay PMts of u ' hsch are interchangeable with JJ ***/" "**'"** Thomas car. The car was ■»■ tally buut lor racing, and it behaved "■muliy well fOr a machine of the touring Some flay. I hope, me American manu vro *V w!!1 design and construct a car that Fast time at start. b «aik of Race for Grand Prix— llamj Accidents. 1*.., , IBy Tfce As*ociat«3 Pr«s.j lot ojVL X 7 — « Grand Prix, the blue rJb- Gtraj «« * asobII « world, was won to-day by a .-... Ume " ' rl *« tr . driving a M.rcedes c*.r. fcsfl j^ *'»* 6 hours 53 minutes 43 4-5 seconds, avwas* epe«3 was 111.2 kilometres, or <*>H ■ I a US I^|_ pa**. To-day. »hovrer« and cooler. To-morrow, fair; nnrtbnett wiads. t CARS AXD DRIVERS THAT PLAYED IMPORTANT PART IN GRAND PRIX. CISSAC AT WHEEL OF CAR IN WHICH HE ( MET DEATH. LAUTENSCHLAGER AT WHEEL OF WINNING CAR. HEAT INTENSE AS EVER DAY'S DEATH TOLL Si. Man and Beast Suffer from Stifling Weather. No cooling shower? brought relief to the wilt ing, restless population of the greater city yes terday, and countless numbers suffered "from the stifling heat fully as much as the day before. The highest point registered by the government thermometer was U2 degrees at noon. This was one degree lower than tl.e record on Monday, but the cumulative effect of the continued heat caused increased Buffering among ail classes. Twenty-four deaths due directly to the heat were reported by sunset last night. How many more were hastened or indirectly caused by it cannot be estimated. The list of prostrations ran up to threescore and ten. if not more. Horses dropped all day in every part of the city, giving; the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as much, if not more, work than it had the day before. Every person who could possi bly do so left the city during the morning. All day long the Battery, Central Park and all the smaller parks were crowded by nervous, worn out mothers, pale, emaciated children and languid men. The showers which the -weather bureau pre dicted for yesterday had not come up to last night. The expectation of them was made more tantalizing several times by a stray wind and a Flight clouding of the sky. Even if few fatali ties are reported to-day, the general strength of the whole city will be at a lower ebb than it has been for many years. The lists of deaths and prostrations follow: THE DEAD. ANDERSON'. Peter, fifty-four years old. of No. 71 East 4th street. Brooklyn. BITTER. Fadie. thirteen months old. of No. 358 West I4Glh street, died in Harlem Hospital. BOOTH. John, two months, of No. '292 South 3d street. Brooklyn. BUXOSH. John, fix montns old. of No. 516 East 117 th street. CARTER. Harry, one year, of No. 7S Lorimer Btreet. Brooklyn. BE CAMINIP Nicolo. four days old. of No. 317 East 111 th street HEF.AIN. Ma-y. eight months o'.d. of Nc. 712 Willow street. KoiH.kt:.. HOORING. John, three months, of No 172 Meserole str-tt. Brooklyn. HuWEI.I.. Harry, two months, of No 1221 DcKalti avci.u<-. Brooklyn. KNOTT. Jacob, thirty-eight year? old. of No. 135 Reade ■trek, died at Hudson Street Hospital. KOSHI..AND. Mr*. Jessie, seventy-seven year* old, of No. 4 Hester street. KRAUS. Jacob, eight months old, of No. 634 East 16th *tr«*et. ÜBCHKBB Leonhart. fifty-six years old. of No. r^iri Henry street, Brooklyn, died at Long Island Hospital. MARTIN. John, twenty-five years old, of Jersey City, died at Hudson Street Hospital. PECK, Mlal, sixty years old. of No. 296 State Btreet, Brooklyn. RAFEKTY, Annie, four months, of No. 1426 Bergen street, Brooklyn. RANK IN. Mar>'. fifty years old, of No. 619 Nostrand avenue, Brooklyn. REUBEN. Ada, twenty years old. of No. 349 Thatford avenue. Brooklyn. RUFF, George, fifty-fly« years old. of No. 215 Sackett. strext. lirocklyn. SCHt-'I-TZ. Edward, forty year; old. of No. 1160 Union avenue. Brooklyn. BONN Frederick, thirty-two years old. of No. 615 West 13-th St. BPEIGKI., Hlrsh. forty-fly« years old. of No. 49 Pitt street, In Hamilton Fish Park. "WEFTERCiREN, Oscar, forty-eight years o!J, of No. 166 UuaseU street; Brooklyn, died at his home. WOODS. William, fifty year* old. of No. 10 Convent aier.u*. died In Harlem Hospital THE PROSTRATED. BACON. Patrick, nineteen years old. of No. 127 West 6Oth street; to Roosevelt Hospital. BAIXIN. Clinton, thirty-five years ck!. of No. 806 Brooms street; to Bellevue Hospital. BARDIN, Michael, f!fy-«ight years old. of No. 403 East 341.'. Btroet: to Bellevue Hotpltal. BARBUSWIT7.. Jacob, twenty- tire* years old. of Berry and Grand streets, Brooklyn, overcome at th« Ha»e < onliniUKl on eleventh i..«.< j. HAAN'S Restaurant, Park Row Bldg. Coolest i place downtown for luncheon, dinner. Music— Advt. NEW- YORK. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8. 1908. -TWELVE ¥AGES.- n ?SX:HZS^ LOriS BTRANG IN THCrNTAS CAR, THF2 ONXT AMERICAN ENTRANT IN THE RACE. (Photographs by Sr>oon»ir & Wells.) ATLANTIC FLEET SAILS AROUND WORLD CRUISE. Leaves Golden Gate for Honolulu — Scarlet Fever Delays Nebraska. Ran Francisco, July 7. — Fifteen battleships of the Atlantic fleet sailed to-day on the voyage that is to take them around the world and end at Hampton Rond.=. whence they started last December. The sixteenth member of the fleet, the Nebraska, was left behind because of an outbreak of scarlet fever among the crew. Three c asea were reporter!. She v ill be placed in quarantine three days and thoroughly fumi gated, after which she will Join her sister ships at Honolulu. \V: hout ceremony or celebration of any sort the fifteen big fighting ships got under way promptly at 2 o'clock signal from the Con necticut, Rear .Admiral Sperry's flagship, and. steaming in pintle column, slowly made their way out of the bay. where they had found anchorage from time to time since their arrival here two months ago. A few small craft fol lowed in the \vak° of the fleet as far as Golden Gate, and gay? the white ships a parting salute with their sirens, while on the hills were scat tered groupp of people silently watching the departure, which was in striking contrast to the enthusiastic reception on its arrival. It was 3:10 o'clock when the Kentucky, the last ship in line, passed the lighthouse at the entrance to the Golden Gate, and half an hour later the fleet was lost to view in a dense cloud of black smoke from the copse of funnels and in the Lfiick weather which was rolling in from the sea. The forenoon was one of busy preparations on the ships. Launches and cutters dotted the harbor, flitting from ship to ship and from ship to shOre. On the flagship Connecticut signal flags we're constantly breaking out, and the in cessant zip ziji of the wireless telegraph, com municating with ships and .sending farewell lll—WigfH to shore station^, never ceased. Boats ■were made fast, orderlies ran to and fro. and a few visitors, newspaper men and relatives and friends of officers came forward to say a last goodby. At 11 o'clock Secretary Garfield of the In terior Department, who arrived last night from Honolulu on the cruiser St. Louis, boarded the Connecticut to pay his respects to Admiral Sperry.. He was saluted with seventeen guns, the salute that members of the President's Cab inet are entitled to, when he departed. 1 On the waterfront patrols of bluejackets with stout 'billies" rounded up a few belated stragglers from the various ships. » At 12:50 o'clock the last boat left shore with mail orderlies. . Early in the day Lieutenant Commander Ben jamin F. Hutchlncon, executive officer of the cruiser St. Louis, was hurriedly detached from that ship and assigned as executive officer of the battleship Wisconsin in place of Lieu tenant Commander Phelps. The latter was or dered to Mare Island on account of illness. Dr. Koltze, jr., surgeon on the Connecticut, and two surgeons from other ships were temporarily transferred this morning to the Nebraska to assist In treating the scarlet fever cases on that ship. Just before the fleet sailed Rear Admiral Spcrry received the following telegram from President Roosevelt: ' I send to you and the officers' and enlisted men under yo"u my heartiest good wishes on the eve- of your departure. That the American peo ple can trust the skilled efficiency and devotion to duty of its representatives on the fleet has been abundantly shown by the trip around South America, and I know will be made equal ly manifest on the return trip across the Pa cific Indian and Atlantic oceans. You have in a peculiar sense the honor of the United States Continued on •rvrnth pac<. ■■■-' "- '- * '-' '■' ?■ ■"'■-.. . '" ** "'■-" '" ' J42 TO ST. PAUL. MINN., AND RETURN. July 9 to 12, via Pennsylvania Railroad. Tickets good to return until July 27. See, ticket agents.— AdvL NAME CHAIRMAN TO-DAY HITCHCOCK I XOFPOSED. McKinlcy for Treasurer— Mr. Taft in Conferences at Hot Springs. Hot Springs, Va.. July 7. — The executive com mit tee of the Republican National Committee will meet here to-morrow, and from present indications there will be r.nly a brief session, at which Frank H. Hitchcock will be elected chair man, an-1 Representative McKinley. of Illinois, will be made treasurer of the national com mittee. Senator Hcmenway and Representative Wat son, of Indiana, representing the Fairbanks men: Representative McKinley. who had charge of the Cannon campaign, and Representative Burke. ->f Pennsylvania, who represented Sen ator Knox's candidacy, say they have no objec- : tions to Hitchcock. In th<> care of Mr. McKinley there is only one sentimen*. and that is in his favor for the office of treasurer. Mr. McKinley has long been considered for the treasurership. but as he is treasurer of the Congressional Campaign Com mittee If. was for some time supposed that the opposition to having him leave that work would operate apainst hi? selection. But that objec tion ha* bten overcome by the proposition that he should be treasurer of both committees. It is said to be desirable to bring the committees into clo.i?r relationship, and that one treasurer for both of them would be in line with that policy. Mr. Taft spent th^ afternoon to-day in a series of conferences. First Repres'?ntatrve Burke had a lons talk with him. and then Sen | ator Hemenway an.d Representative Watson were with him two hours. Finally Powell Clay ton, national commltteeman for Arkansas and a member of the executive committee, and Rich ard C. Kerens talked with him. At the end of ■ these conferences Mr. Taft mounted his black . horse and, with Frank E. Kellogg, rode up the : mountainside just as a storm broke and tor rents of rain came down. [From The Tribune Bureau. ] "Washington. July ".— Postmaster Generai Meyt r ; left here for Hot Springs to-night, having been i summoned for a conference by Mr. Taft. who values his advice highly. Mr. Meyer will arrive early to-morrow morning and remain two days, re turning to Washington FVlday. PRISONERS FLEE FORT. Three Get Azcai/ at Night from Ha m ilto n Re sen a tion . A fusillade of shots from the sentries on duly ami the exciting "call to arms" on the huglps followed the escape of three military prisoners from the Fort Hamilton reservation last night and startled rodents of the Dyker Heights sec tion. The whole garrison was turned out to search for the men. following their escape at 11 o'clock, and the police of the Fort Hamilton station scoured the neighborhood with the sol diers all night. The names of the time men could not be learned, and their oflicial numbers were not given to the police. All of them were serving terms for desertion, and had been confined at the post since the spring. They were detailed as cooks and lived in a barred ami bolted cook house apart from the sixty-five othr-r prisoners. In some way they smuggled a siiw into their quarters and sawi-il through two of the window bars. It is only a drop of a few feet i<> th« ground, and the- men dodged in and out among the store buildings and were almost out <.f th post when they were- seen by si-ntrles. Disregarding the order to halt, they broke and ran in the direction Of Cropsey avenue, and th* sentries opened rtre. This caused the wild call on the bugles and the whole district was in an uproar In a minute. The men were dressed in the dingy brown prisoners' uniforms, with glar ing white stencil marks and numbers on them. DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION Honor Cleveland's Memory by Adopting Modified Resolutions and Then Adjourn. BELU TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN, SPEAKS Committees Named-Keystone State Fight Up Again-New York Delegation Turns Rad caL [By Tflejrrapii to Th« Trihun« ] Denver, July ".—The twentieth national con vention of the Democratic- party opened at noon to-day, -lected Theodore A. Bell temporary chairman, listened to his keynote speech, ap pointed its committees and adjourned, to meet at noon to-morrow. A resolution deploring the death of Grover Cleveland was adopted. The convention com pelled the recognition of ex-Judge Parker. «fM aeconded the motion to adopt the resolutions. Representation on the several committees of the convention was denied the Pennsylvania delegation, as a result of Bryan's enmity to National Committceman Guffey. The committee on resolutions met at 5 p. m. and granted hearings to the advocates of vari ous planks, the most dramatic and sensational argument being presented by Richmond Pear eon Hobson in fa -.or of a great Pat irtc fleet. The committee on credentials met at 5 p. m. and devoted Its attention to the Idaho and Pennsylvania cases. The meeting was char acterized by considerable acrimonious debate, and at a late hour no decision had be^n reached, although it is predicted that the OuftVy delegation will be seated and the Idaho con testants will get half a vote each. A fight developed in the committee on per WHAT BRYAN COHORTS DID AT FIRST SESSION [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Denver, July 7.— The Democrats in their na tional convention to-day produced a stone crusher with which they ground to powder every precedent of parliamentary procedure and reduced to atoms every principle of justice In thetr treatment of the Pennsylvania delega tion. The Bryan machine was in control of the convention and Temporary Chairman Bell had received his orders at IJncoln. Although pos sessing too little wit or experience to make even a pretence of following the canons of parliamentary procedure, he carried out his in structions to the letter, declaring any amend ment to a motion offered by Representative James, of Kentucky, "out of order,' 1 and de priving the sovereign State of Pennsylvania, or at least so much of it as is represented by the Pennsylvania Democratic Convention, of all rep resentation on the committee on credentials and the other committees of the convention. Incidentally, the"Br>-anites furnished added and conclusive evidence of the correctness of the charge voiced by Colonel Guffey. of Pennsyl vania, that William J. Bryan is not only a boss, but that he is tyrannical in his methods. Following the usual procedure of national con ventions, the several state chairmen were * quested to send to the desk their nominations for the respective committees. Before .he session adjourned Chairman Bell announced that a prob lem was presented by the receipt of two lists of nominations for tM Pennsylvania delegation, and he recognized Representative OlMe James, of Kentucky, who moved that the entire ques tion be referred to the committee on credentials. which motion was promptly seconded by Gov ernor Haskell of Oklahoma. Bryan's choice for the chairmanship of the committee on resolu tions. Instantly several members of the Penn sylvania delegation were on their feet and Charles H. Gorman secured recognition. Tersely and clearly he stated the facts, say ing that the national commits had made up the temporary roll of the convention :.nd ha.t unanimously seated the delegates now occupy ing the seats. He was himself the choice of the majority of the delegation for member of the committee on credentials, and he demanded his right to sit on that committee. Finally, ne moved to amend the motion the problem should be settled by a majority vote of the dele gation. Chairman Bell, without vestige of right or justice Of parliamentary precedent, promptly ruled that no amendment to the original motion was in order, called for the ayes and noes, and declared the motion carried on a viva voce vote. Colonel Guffey protested vigorously. The Br/ anltes yelled 'Rockefeller:" and "Standard OH'" and for a time confusion reigned. Thus Bryan had his vengeance on Guffey for exposing to the country the methods and character of the "peerless leader." STONE-CRUSHER IMPOTENT. There was one instance, however, when the Bryan stone-crusher proved Impotent. Charles F. Murphy. Democratic boss of New York, by apparent agreement witn Bryan, had deter mined not only : to discipline but to humiliate Alton B. Parker. Mr. Parker had so modified his resolution deploring- the death of G rover Cleveland as to free it from any expression to which the most ardent Bryanlte could object, but Murphy and Bryan had decided that the New York Jurist should not be permitted even to offer the expurgated edition. Consequently Delegate Dunn, of Nebraska, was recognized by the chair, and he offered a Cleveland resolution, which referred to the fact that Mr. Cle\ eland was three times th« candi date Of his party, but did not state that hi was twice President of the United States. i Ex-Governor David R. Francis, onetime mem ber Of Mr. land's Cabinet, had threatened dire things if he were not permitted to second the resolution, and h.' was, therefore, allowed to speak. His first declaration, that the con PRICE THREE CENTS. manent organization between the advocates of Champ Clark, of Missouri, for permanent chair man, and those of Representative Clayton, of Alabama. The Folk faction led the Clark fisht and the Stone faction the contest for Clayton. A decision In favor of Clayton was reached when a letter from Bryan urging Clayton's se lection was exhibited, although there were deep mutterirgs of -Steamroller!" and "Stor.3 crusher!" The Vice-Presidential question is still unsst tied and Mr. Bryan is keeping all oi_the "tifty scven varieties" of possible nominees on the tenterhooks, as in that position they dare not oppose his platform and thus incur hi 3 enmity. Men close to Bryan predict the adoption of a platform which will closely resemble the Ne braska platform in all essential details. The New York delegation Indorsed i platform containing the Bryan-Gompers plonks prohibit ing injunctions without notice, punishment for contempt of court without jury trial, and the prevention of boycotts by the application Si tha Sherman anti-trust law. Bryan's effort to dominate the new national committee was checked in certain instances, as by the selection of-McGraw. fror.i West Vir ginia: Sullivan, from Illinois; Guffey. from Pennsylvania, and Johnson, from Texas. vention could do honor to the dead without re flecting on the living. elicited applause, but even Governor Francis had been obliged to modify the remark h<s had purposed to make before he could secure recognition, and he was silent on the greatest Millies which the late President rendered to his country — his preser vation in the face of Democratic opposition of the nation's 'financial honor and integrity. Mr. Haldeman, of Kentucky, also seconded the mo tion, and the chair attempted to put tha question, but there were loud cries of "Parker! Parker! -1 and Mr. Bell found it impossible to restore cider until Mr. Parker was recognized. Ex-Ju.lge Parker took the platform and. after referring with gentle sarcasm to the fact thai ho hart not been "sufficiently fortunate, first, to secure recognition by the chairman." he said it had been his ' Intention' to offer a resolution. which he proceeded to read, thus outwitting the Bryanitos and securing the inclusion in the record of the resolution which Bryan and Mur phy were determined he should not offer. Chairman Bell, assisted by the perfect acous tic properties of the convention hall. made a keynote speech which seemed to please hi 3 auditors, although they manifested compara tively little enthusiasm. His voice carried to the furthest corners or the auditorium. "A good speech, considering the fact that it came fro:n, Lincoln on a handcar," was the laconic com ment of a Texas delegate, while Herbert S. Had ley. Attorney General of Missouri. said at its close: "At Chicago we Republicans, pointed with pride. Here at Denver I notice the Democrats view with alarm." Mr. Bell devoted himself largely to an analysis of Senator Burrows's speech, a condemnation of the Republican party because it had net carried into effect all nf the President's recommenda tions, and an ardent advocacy of ah* the Bryan- La Follette vagaries., which the Republican con vention rejected. In striking contrast to the conditions which prevailed at Chicago-, there was an obvious spirit of disorder and unrest throughout the session which the chairman found it eUsCTjH to control, and after Mr. Bell had assumed the office he found it necessary frequently SB interrupt the proceedings with the injunction. "Mas be quiet. " Enthusiasm at to-day's session of the conven tion was conspicuous t>y its absence, the longest demonstration lasting less than fifty seconds. It was, too, a truly democratic crowd which occu pied the floor and filled the salleries. Not a delegate arc-se when the band played "The Star Spangled Banner," but the greatest enthusiasm of the. day was elicited by the rendering of •Dixie. -: and 'Maryland. My Maryland." brought the Marylanders to their Sect with shouts of joy. So, too. when Chairman Taggart announced that the Right Rev J. J. Keane would Invoke God's blessing on the convention the delegates remained motionless until Mr. Tag gart. with evident embarrassment, was obliged to ask them la stand. Bishop Kean-^ iiel:vered an eloquent and brief prayer, begging Divir.9 Providence to send down wisdom on the gather ing. PKRFECT WEATHER AT DENVER- Prrfect weather marked the Sr9t day of the Democratic convention— "normal Denver wea ther." the inhabitants declare — and the huge piles of sjsn it which had been brought from the mountains to cool the convention hail were not needed within and were dumped outside, where they seemed to belie the calendar's assertion that this was July 7. Denverites are proud of their auditorium, and well they may be. In point of beauty, acoustic properties', ventilation and comfort it probably excells any auditorium in the country, and the twelve hundred seats are so well arranged that none seemed far from the platform. "It is simply perfect; not like ■ convention, but Just like a beautiful theatre." was the com ment of Mrs, Longworth. who. with her husband. Miss Robinson and Mr?. Meiliu McCormick. oc cupied-'-a box and -paid strict attention to the proceedings throughout the session. Th« audi torium ' Is a' parallelogram, with the speakers* .stand in the centre of one side. The floor Is concave, the lowest part being the centre ai.V.e. Around, what In a theatre would be termed the pariiuette is a -row of boxes, inclosed by brass railings, and two galleries, one above the other, run around the outer wall*. The exits are large and numerous and open immediately to tha street, as that the hall can b«: emptied almost instantly, while folding chairs add materially to the comfort of delegates and sjietators. The decorations for this convention are bea»- New, *t/ii*h «yeglas» called ■•limit" with Blight or Tortc Peebles. Spcacer's, 31 Maliea -Adi*