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Racing I Baseball t Automobiling 1 Golf S Lawn Tennis I Other Sports BIG SURPRISE AT GOLF BARKER LEADS FIELD. Open Champion- Off His Game in Van Cortlandt Tourney. . With » capital score of 148. H. H. Barker, of Garden City, who left the amateur rank» only a year ago. had the distinction of leading a high class field of professional golfers in the first half of the seventy- two-hole tournament on the an Cortlandt Park public links yesterday. The for mer Yorkshire amateur finished the day two shots better than Gilbert Nichols, the far-driv4ng "pro" from the Tedesco club, who ■won this tourna ment a year ago. Isaac Mackie, of. Pox Hills, followed rrith 162. and then came George Low, of Baltnsrol. the metropolitan open champion, with 153. -V' Such favorites as Will Anderson, of Onwentsia. Ha Yi'estern title holder, and Alec Smith, of the Nassau Country Club, were close up with 154 «»ach, but not so the new national open cham pien. Fred McLeod, whose mark of 164 leaves th« Midlothian man sixteen strokes behind the leader. Will Smith, the man from Mexico, who practi cally shared honors with McLeod in the open last week, did a trifle better yesterday, his score of 15R leaving him still in the running. Conditions were Ideal for golf. The wind amounted to scarcely more than a gentle breeze, while the course appeared to be in better turf than formerly. Putting greens, however, on mu nicipal courses must necessarily fall short of the standard maintained at the private clubs. Possi bly by contrast with the billiard-table surfaces at Myopia, the Van Cortlandt greens permed worse than they really were. At all events, trney were the best the authorities could provide, and It was as fair for one as another. After Park Commissioner Berry formally opened proceedings in he morning by driving the first ball, the pairs got away at flve-mlnute intervals. an<? the hustling committee of the Scottish-American Golf Club, in charge of this year's tournament, produced a. scorer for every couple. There were flfty-fiye-odd starters, and all save two returned full cards. James C. Craig, chairman, and S. B. McClinton, tb« secretary, were especially active as official.*. More than a thousand persona visited the course during the day. Barker found the short course Just to his liking and started off with six consecutive 4s for the hill holes. A 2 at the 110-yard fifteenth hole en abled him to complete the first round in 75. In th» afternoon Barker registered- another 2 at the sev enth, a 160-yard hole, and he went out in a capital Si A 39 home grave him a 73, the beet eighteen-hole score of the day. Incidentally. It won a special £5 prize for the Garden City man. Martin O'Lough lin. the Plalnfleld homebred, who played with Barker, was handicapped with a weak wrist, which he broke several months ago. Barker's card was: Out 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 5—37 ]n ~....4 4 5 4 4 2 6 5 5—38 — Oat 4 4 5 4 4 3 2-4 4—34 In • .._ 4 6 4 & 4 3 5 6 4— -39— 73— 14* Nichols and Anderson played together, and the pair carried a big gallery all day. Last year the former made the course record of 69, but his short Fame was not so deadly yesterday. Anderson was fU^o guilty of missing short puts. Beth appeared confident of doing better to-day. Anderson fin ished poorly In both rounds. Nichols's card fol lows: /. Out L......A 4 * 8 3 4 4 4 5—35 In .> 4 S 6 5 4 4 6 — 41—78 Out -4 3 4 4 S 4 3 8 4—34 la 4 4 4 5 4 3 6 5 40— 74— 150 The best nine-hole mark of the day must be cred ited to Stewart Martin, the "Wee Burn "pro." who had no less than six S's going out in the morn ing. He reached the turn in S3. and that included a 6 at the ninth. George Simpson. th« Dutchess County Club man. •who as an amateur a year ago won the ctam pionship of Scotland, got a 77 In the afternooD, and finished with a total of 158 for the day. Jack Hobene. of Engiewood, and George Turnbull. Co lumbia, a pair of long drivers, finished well up ■rtt 155. Tom Anderson, of Montclair, father of the redoubtable WlWet had rounds of 82 and 85. good work for a veteran of his years. All hands •will continue thirty-six holes to-day. The scores were: First Second round, round. Total. H. H. Barker. Garden City 75 73 148 Gilbert Nichols. Tedesco . — .. — 76 74 100 Isaac Mackie, Fox Hlliß 76 76 1W George Low. Baltusrol 76 <• 15a George Sparllny, Brooklawn .... — .— 78 i*> 154 Will Anderson. Onwentsla. 79 75 154 .Alec Smith, Nassau 77 «« 154 Jack Hobens. EagifwocxJ 75 SO J55 George Tumbull. Columbia 79 .6 DoMli Bail. Philadelphia 78 78 166 Robert Peebles. Sound Beach «6 SI 15T Jack Jolly. Arlington SI 76 I*7 Will Smith. Mexico M .7 \'* Dave Hj3erm*n. Arsdale 81 .« los Walter Clark. Springfield 79 80 15» <J O. Simpson. Dutchess County...... B3 «7 13" Ot=orge Pearson. Tountakah 79 - M> 109 K. M. Thomson. KnoUwood SI •» }■>•[ »aye Ogilvie. Monls County — 80 80 160 J. K. Thomson, Merlon 82 £ lbO James Maiden. Nassau 80 ™ lw» Elijah Horton. Pelham Bay...- «2 .9 161 Joe Mitchell. Upper Moniclair «> « 1«2 Jack Mackie, Dunwoodie 81 Si « John Ingiis. Fairview 81 SI 162 jSSmi Campbell. Oak Hill 81 M 162 J>ter Robertson. Oakmont £4 «8 j»- Fh«t Brand. Allegheny £ S4 163 3. F. Campbell. Rochester 82 M 16S Jack Pearson. Richmond County «4 <» '» Alec Cunningham, Glen FJdge 82 *- 3^4 F. ■W Pye. Kockaway M « ™* Stewart Marden. Wee Bum »■* *" I£* TTed Mcl>*od. Midlothian 87 <• 16i Herbert Strong. Apawamis 7» 8« 16.J Jtave Hunter. Essex County 81 M 16.» tTom Gourlay. Forest Hill «2 83 I« Tom Anderson. Montclair.... p2 83 '«? >orm*n Clark. Century 81 *4 16._» 3>ave Robertson. PltUburg M S3 {«■' John Gatherum. Mount Tabor H2 " f« 16* Martin O Lourhlin. Plalnfleld 87 7ft 166 John MuUrrew. Staten Island 78 , »R 167 r.obert Dow. Rldgewood 85 82 J67 >lex Pirle. SSwanoy 83 W lil *W. C. Skeily, Wilmington..... "6 W 111 I>an Mackie. Dunwoocle 84 88 172 Harry Simpson. Hacken««ll &• 88 173 MKPHkV, Jr.. Hawarth , 87 «7 374 •V.-V.I Blme. New York 88 «» J7B Will. Mcßrlie. Pittsburp »1 »' "r Alec may. rt.. Scsrsdale l*> 9V JW A G. Bells, Ithaca »8 »3 191 WANT HECTOR TO PLAY FOOTBALL. Great Sprinter May Be TTsed as Halfbac. at University of Virginia. fFv Telegraph to The Tribune.} <«>!=vilie. Va.. Aug. 21— The football au thorities of the University of Virginia are anxious to tansa James Alcyon Rector, the famous Virginia Fprintor. come out for the football team this fall. Their idf-a is to use Rector aa an emergency half tack. Ti.\t to. not to play him regularly, but to j>ut him in when a long run ia badly needed to tan the tide of battle. Four years ago the same scheme was tried with V.&rf. then captain of the track team and a ten second man. It worked to good effect in the Vir rlnte-Oarlisle Indian game that year, for when Jiass was put in In the last few minutes of play of the second half he got around the Indians'end for a B-yerd run. The Virginia flyer hae played football at L*w r*nc«vine and tried for the 'varsity team here In Ms freshman year. NOVEL RACE AT MiNEOLA FAIR. Mirw>la. I^ong Island. Aug. 31.— A feature of the Mineola 6tat« Fair this year will be the races that *■ re u» be b«ld between two oatrichea that have been bf»«gtt from the ostrich farm in Tampa. Fla., and 1 ;>-. e r^en trained to trot to sulkies. DETROIT PLAYERS UNDER ARREST. Detroit, Aug. Sl.— Warrants were issued today la the police court against Hugh Jennings. managor of the Detroit American league baseball club, and ten members of the team who partici pated in yesterday's game at Bennett Park with * leveland. charging them with playing baseball on Sunday, contrary to the law. The warrants were »*rvfed this aiternoon at the ball park. Patrolman Van NVtta was the complainant, and the case is b«lns instituted as a test. Ra*«lMtll T«-<l«r. Two Games First g»m* called 2 "• X. American League Park. N. T. American! vs. rci;t«e!phi*, Or.* aiailtslot. PLAYERS WEEDED OUT. Progress; Made in Wcstchcstcr County Lam Tennis Tourney. Good progress was made in the championship singles of the Westchester County Lawn Tennis Association yesterday on the courts of the Siwaiioy Lawn Tennis Club, New Rochelle. The for*y-seven aspirants in the men's singles were reduced to nineteen, competitors, who fairly repre sent the clubs of Westchester County, of which the organization is composed. B. Sears, Y£. Van Vlack and D. R. Todd carried off the honors for the Broniville Athletic Association in winning the hardest three-set matches of the day. The summary follows: Men's championship tingles (first — Hugh Hub bard While Plains L. T. C defeated Lowell Lamb, Si wanoy L. T. C.. &— 1. 6—l;6 — 1; G. M. Lord, Slwanoy C. C . defeated Bruoe Wilson. SiwanoyL. T. CL — 6, — 1; J. E. McGlffert, Dunwoodi* C C defeated George Leech. Slwanoy L. T. C, 6—o. 6—l: William J. Wai worth. Snraaoy C. C- defeated Theodore L Wood. Dunwoodle C. C. 6— 2. 6— 2: Abraham Bassford. Jr.. Bronxvllle A. A., defeated Joseph PeUlbone, Siwanoy L. T. C 6—o.6 — 0. «—1;« — 1; G. C. Entz. Rye L. T C. defeated Courtney Gros ser, Siwaii«y L. T. C. 6—l. 8—8; James O. Banta. Siwanoy L. T. C, won from A. D. Britten, Bronxvllle A. A., by de fault; D. Sands Siwanoy L. T. C. defeated Robert F. Putnam, Rye L* T. C. 7—5. 6—o; R. F. Bank?, Rye L. T. a, won from Harold Frank. Siwanoy L. T. C. by de fault: Dr. Thomas H. Cherry. Dunwoodie C. C. defeated Irving Young, White Plains L. T. C. 6—3. 6-2; N- For ster. Siwanoy L. T. C. defeated Charles E. Moore. White, Plains I* T. C. 6—2, &-3; D. K. Todd, BronxvlHe A- A., defeated Dr. B. F. Drake. Slwanoy L. T. C. 2- --6. — 4. B—6; W. Van Vlack. BronxvlUe A. A. defeated Douglas Anderson. 6—4.6 — 4. 4— 6—3: C. F. Baxter. Rye L. T. C defeated Edwin Walch, Siwanoy L. T. C. 6—l,6 — 1, 8—B;8 — B; Jo»n Hyatt. Scandal* L. T. C, defeated Alexander Brad ley, Siwanoy L. T. C . 7— B. 6—3. # -_. Second round— D. U. Todd. Bronxvlll* A. A., defeated N. Forster. Slwjusoy L. T. CL. 7—6. 6—4;6 — 4; B. Sear*. Bronx vlUe A. A., defeated H. W. Paine, Rye L. T. C. 4—6. 7 5 6 1; J. Robertson, Bronxvllle A. A., defeated F. A. Alken. Rye L. T. C, 6-2. 6— S; Richard Augur. Siwanoy L T. G. defeated John Hyatt. ScarsdsJe L. T. C 6— 3, 7 5- F Wyman. . Slwanoy L. T. C, won from W. Banks, Rye L. T. C by default) D. Sands, Siwanoy L. T. C, defeated James G. Banta, Siwanoy L. T. C, 66 — — 1; Abraham Bassford, Jr.. Bronxville A. A., defeated G. C. EntTßye L. T. C.. 6-2. 6-1; J. B. McGlfltert. Dun woodie C C. defeated William J. Walworth. Siwanoy C c.. o—4. 6—4: Hugh Hubbard. White Plains L. T. C. defeated O. M. - Lord. Siwanoy C. C. 7— 6. 6— 4; W. B. Alpin. Siwanoy C. C. won .from A. Ingersoll. White Plains L. T. C, ty default: A. Lattlmer. Bronxvllle L. T. C. won from Robert stubbs. Siwanoy L. T. C. by default; H. L Ghormley. Siwanoy C. C, won from John A Van Dyne. White Plains I* T. C. by default. LAWN TENNIS ON NYACK COURTS. W. H. Bourne, Joseph T. McMahon, "William H. Connell and Alexander Amend were the winners of the important matches decided yesterday in the opening round of the championship singles on the lawn tennis courts of the Nyack Country Club, Xyack. N. T. The summary follows: Men's singles (preliminary round) — T. 'McMahon defeated Harry C Martin. 6—l. 6—o; James Pott de feated E. H. Black. 6—o. 6— Louis Parry <sefeat«d L. H. Fitch. 6 Q. — 2: H. C Guernsey defeated William Pott. — 6—l; Alexander Amend defeated M. Goldman. 6—l 6—l; William H. Connell defeated W. C. Bradley. 6—l. 6—2: R. M. Robinson defeated T. Leggett, 6— O. 7—5;7 — 5; W. H. Bourne defeated George L. Chapman, 6—2. B—6. «— 2. SEMI-FINAL ROUND REACHED. The semi-final brackets in the men's singles in the East Jersey lawn tennis tournament were filled yesterday in the play on the courts of the Eliza beth Town and Country Club. Robert Le Roy, Reginald A. West, Richard H. Palmer and Walter V. Bennett axe the players. Le Roy meets West and Palmer plays Bennett to-day to decide the finalists. The summary follows: Men'i tingles (second round)— H. McK. G'.azebrook, Elizabeth Town and Country Club, defeated H. H. Foster. Elizabeth Town and Country Club, 6—l.6 — 1. 6—l:6 — 1: R. A. West, Elizabeth Town and Country Club, defeated J. H. Kyle, Fanwood Tennis Club. 6—2.6 — 2. B—lo.8 — 10. 6—4.6 — 4. Third round — Robert Le Roy. New York Lawn Tennis Club, defeated Eh- William Kosenbaum. Harlem Tennis Cub, 9—79 — 7 6—2;6 — 2; R. A. w*st, Elizabeth Town and Coun try Club, defeated H. McK. Glazebrook Elizabeth Town and Country Club. B—6.8 — 6. 6 — t; Richard H. Palmer. Ridge wood Golf Club, defeated Henry Mollenhauer. King^ County Lawn Tennis Club, 6—4.6 — 4. 6 — J: 'Walter V. Bennett, West Side Tennis Club, defeated Otto H. Hißck. Mont clair Athletic Club. 6—3. 6—4.6 — 4. GIANTS LOSE GROUND. Cubs and Pirates Draw Up in the National League Race. : NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES TO-DAY. >'ew York at Boston (two jaae*). Brooklyn at Philadelphia (two games). Plttsburf at Cincinnati. St. Louis at Chicago. RESULTS OF GAMES YESTERDAY. Fittfbarx, 5; Cincinnati. ©. Chicago. 2; St. I.oiiK 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. W. L. PC.! W. L. P.O. New Tork... 63 45 .605 Cincinnati.... 68 60 .402 Chicago 71 47 .602 Boston 50 67 .427 Pittsbursr ■ ... 70 47 .598 Brooklyn 43 71 .877 ■Philadelphia. 60 52 .536 St. Louis 42 74 .362 "While the Giants wera travelling from Chicago to Boston yesterday both the Cubs and the Pirates added another game to their list of victories by de feating St. Louis and Cincinnati, respectively. The result is that there are now seven points between the first and third teams in the race for the Na tional League pennant, with the New York team In the lead by the narrow margin of three points and Chicago the runner-up, three points behind the Giants and four points ahead cf Plttsburg. With only a month more to play, and with three teams apparently evenly matched, this is the closest fight that has been seen in the older league in many years. The Giant* enter the homestretch on Eastern territory to-day with a double header with Boston, and the opportunity Is given them to open up their lead a few points, even if their rivals in the West, who play only a game apiece, succeed in trouncing the Cardinals and the F-eds again. McGraw's pitching force is not in the best condition, as it baa been under a heavy strain during the recent Western invasion, but as the Chicago and Pirate twlrlers have been working Just as hard to beat the Giants it le probable that the New York men will have the better of ft when they begin the long eerlea of games on the Polo Grounds which will wind up the season. PITTSBURG, 6; CINCINNATI. 0. Flt A Clnna . U: .O 0 .400100 o-fS?' 1 * CtadSSatl"::..:.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 0 Batteries— Willis and Gibson; Cincin r.auT Spade. Dubuc and McLean. Umpire— Day. * : ■ ~ CHICAGO, 2; ST. LOUIS. 0. At Ch*rfl2O - -.I 0 0 0 0 10 0 x-2 4 1 Chicago .'....1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 x-2 4 1 8t Louis'. ::::... 0 ©000-0000-o 4 i Batteries-Chicago. Overall and Kling; St. Loulp. Raymond and iloran. Umpires— and Kud derham. " SHEEPSHEAD BAY ENTEIES TO-DAY. FIRST RACO-THB BALLYHOO 3ET: for three-year old« and upward; selling: *4.*.0 added. One mile. Vame Wt. j Name. «<■ Monrort' «.. 106 Whip Tod »8 KaricineßC* '03' Woodcraft ~.. 84 So- JM B»«ffli „.-..»* Balbus 1021 SECOND RACE— A-DJIDAUMA STEEPLECHASE ' "AXUUP; $600 added. About two miles. lii^c; : ::::::::::::?J2)a^e^ m^!:::::::-^ RSS£ : i~ 5S2SL2rrr::T::::niS Ironaldes 140 Pirate 130 THIRD RACE— PARTRIDGE; for two-y«ar-old», guaranteedcash value *1,&00. Six furlongs, turt HarrT^n** _.. 117 Witching Hour 112 BeaCUff lWiEtherlal 10» lprr "♦ San VitO 104 £lr J0hn...... 112 Lady Selira*. 104 FOURTH RACE— THE FLYING HANDICAP; for three year-old.; guaranteed cash value 11.600. Six furlong*. main course. 121! Bar None .. TVrry Maid .121lBar None 11» King Cobalt. : .I'JOlnfßtifroucha U» Big Chief : Bo6UCOUp HO FIFTH RACE— TUB ELECTIONEBR; for three-year olds and upward; selling; $500 added. On* mile and ,'f"- turf course. ] 07, M .lf ( >rd 85 Animus 107iMUforti W f I- McMillan 107 Tnuk 05 (.twd'Or . 10.Vc;,jl,ond» t4 iSZuX:::::" m&S*Z * Sailor Girl 1 03 i- \TH HATE— THE KENNTETTO: for fillies, maidrn fc ' two-year -old*. f4OO added, rive and a half furlong*. c y U V U ty C °" • .'HO Bummer Girl. m Pun Dance :.....110 Mariana. H«> NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1908. YANKEES BEATEN TWICE CLOSE GAMES ON HILL. Athletics Score Three Runs in Dwible Header, hut Win Both. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES TO-DAY. Philadelphia at New York (two game*). Cleveland at Detroit (two game*). Chicago at St. -Louis. Boston at Washington. RESULTS OF GAMES YESTERDAY. Philadelphia, 1: New York. 0 (first rarae). Philadelphia, 2; New Yo»k. 1 (second game). Boston. 7; 'Wa-hinKton, 3. Cleveland. 7: Detroit. 8. St. loiiis, I; Chicago. •. AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDING. TV i- P.O. ' «"• L. T.C. Detroit 68 43 .598 Philadelphia. . 8S 07 .504 St. Louis 67 50 .573 Boston 66 « .4jis Chicaeo «6 52 WashlnKton.. 48 m .421 Cleveland 60 53 .535 New York 33 79 .3-3 Although the Philadelphia. Athletics scored only three runs in a double header with the Yankees at American League Park yesterday, they managed to take both games, the first by a score of 1 to 0 and the second by 2 to 1. ICld Elberfeld's players could have won both games with any kind of hit ting. but they were helpless before the Philadelphia twirlers whenever they got a man on the bases, with the exception of the first inning of the sec ond game. Both Joe Lake and Billy Hogg were in prime condition and held the Athletics down to a few meagre hits. I>ygert and Schlltzer. tha Phila delphia twirlers. were equally stlnr/ in the hit ting line, but they had men playing behind :.iem with more ginger In their make-up than that ex hibited by the Highlanders. The sun was sinking far below the Palisades before the *ocond game was over. It was one of the longest programmes of the season, four full hours of baseball being served up for one admission. If ever a pitcher deserved to win his game Joe Lake was the man. He put up a game which would have spelled victory nine times out of ten. One run was all the Athletics could make, but the Yankees couldn't even do that. Pygert and Lake were the opposing pitchers. As far as the hits were concerned, there was nothing to choose be tween them. Lake was much the steadier, however, giving only two bases on balls, -while Dygert gave three. Joe Lake and Hal Chase were the only men who could set at the Athletic twirler. The Yankee pitcher dr. -re out a beautiful triple and a clean single, whJie Chase got a brace of singles. Three times Wid Conroy had a chance to tie up the game, but he was not equal to the task. Twice a little hit would have brought in a run. Ball and Laporce carried off the fielding honors. The Yankees had a fine chance to break into the run column in the first Jnnin? of the opening game. With one out Mcllveen waited and was rewarded with a free pass. Then Hal Chase planted a single in right field, Mcllveen going to third and Hal to second on the throw. Hemphill forced out Mcll veen at the plate. Laporte got a pass, filling the bases. It was up to Morlarity. but he failed dis mally. Philadelphia drew first blood in the third inning, when Manush tripled to left field and scored on a passed balL He was the first Athletic to get on base. Joe Lake drove a beautiful triple to left field, with two out in the fifth Inning. Conroy followed with a long fly to right, but Hartsel got under it. Had it not been for a Questionable decision by Connolly In this inning, when ha called Ball out at first, the Highlanders would have tied the score. The double header attracted an especially good Monday crowd to the hilltop, considering the quality of ball being played by the Highlanders. Probably seven thousand baseball enthusiasts were scattered through th« stands when the second game began, at 4:15, the first one having been long drawn out. Mr. Connolly, the umpire, was much in evidence. He probably thought he waa working in some bush league. Instead of following the game closely he passed remarks with the rooters, much to the lat ters' delight. "Mr. Connolly," as he informed the spectators he was known as, neglected to doff his hat when he announced the batteries. Both pitchers were wild at the start of the sec ond game, and each team shoved a run across the plate. Philadelphia got the winning run in the fourth Inning. The scores follow: FIRST GAME. PHILADELPHIA- NEW YORK. ab r lb po a c . ab r lb p a c PTarts*L If . 4 0 0 2 0 0 Cnnroy. 1f . . . 6 0 OO 0 0 OMrlns' cfL 4 0 0 10 O'Mcllveen. rf. 8 0 0 1 0 0 Barry. 2b " 2 0 0 110 Chase, 1b.... 4 0 214 1 1 Murphy, rf. 4 0 1 2 0 0 Hemphill. cf. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Davis 1b... 3 0 17 11 Laporte. 2>>. . 2 0 0 0 7 0 Manuih. 3b. 4 0 1 2 1 0 j Morlarity. 3b, 4 0 1 2 8 0 Nichols, as. 1 1 1 1 4 0 Ball, ss 4 0 0 4 4 1 Fchreck c . . 3 0 111 0 0 Kleinow, c... 8 0 0 4 3 0 DyJfertT'p... 8010 4 OjLake. p _f_2J_^J_£ Totals ...28~1 527 11 1| Totals ....33 0 627 20 2 Philadelphia - *> 0 10 0 0 0 0 o—l New YoVk -.-0 00000000-0 Two-base hits— Manush. Moriarity. Three-base hits — Vlcholls Lake. Stolen bases — Hemphill, Murphy. Left on basts— Philadelphia. 6; New York. 10. First base on balls— Off Lako, 1: off Dysert, 8. First base on *rrors— Philadelphia. 2: New York, 1. Struck out— By Lake. 8; by Dygert, 9. Wild pitches — Lake. 2. Time, 2:04. Umpire Connolly. SECOND GAME. PHILADELPHIA. ' NEW YORK. ub r lbpo a e[ ab r lb po a « Hartsel 1f... 2 0 0 3 0 OlConroy. If 3 0 1 4 0 0 nidring.' cf.-4 114 0 01 Mcllveen. rf. .3 1 0 0 0 0 Rarrv 21>:...4 0 0 0 3 OlChase, lb 4 0 110 0 0 Murphy. rf 5 0 2 0 0 0 Hemphill. cf..3 0 2 3 0 0 DavPs. .'..4 0 111 O 0 Laporte. 2b... 3 002 1 O Barr 3b 3 10 13 0 Moriarity. 3D..4 0 0 0 3 0 Nlcholls. 5...3 O 1 2 4 1 Ball, ss 3 0 12 3 0 Blue c .301020 K'.etnow. C....4 OO 6 1 O 6chlltzer;"p..2 0001 0| Ho p jf_ _°_?J ! _? Totals ...30 2 627 13 1| Totals 30 1 5 2*lo 0 Philadelphia - ...J 2nA2AAA^~? New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hit— Conroy. Sacrifice hit— Laporte. Stolen bases -Chase, Wemphill (2). Ball. v Double play—Moriar ltv Laporte end Chase. Left on bases— Philadelphia, 6; New York. 3. First base on balls — Off Hogp. 4: off Schiitzer. 2. First base on error— New York. 1. Struck out— By Ho«. 6; by Schlitzer. 3. Time— Umpire- Connolly. . . ST. LOUIS, 4} CHICAGO, 0. At St. Louis: R.H.E. fit Louis .00008200 — 4 6 3 Chicago •'•••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-061 Batteries— St. Louis, Waddell and Smith: Chi cago. Walsh. Owen and Sullivan. Umpires— Hurst and O'Loughlin. i CLEVELAND, 7; DETROIT. 3. At Detroit: Il l o \.t I R. H E sssr..v.vs m : * : : tJ .s i and Egan. . BOSTON, 7j WASHINGTON, 3. Bo S to;r rash!nßtOn 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0-?- H- E2E 2 Wa B h?nrton'V:::i 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-8 12 1 Batteries— Boston. Young and Crigsjr; Washing ton, Tannehill, Johnson and Warner. Umpire- Evans. EASTERN LEAGUE. GAMES TO-DAY. Newark at Toronto. noch^ r Baltimore at Montreal. I'rovidence at Buffalo. RESULTS OF GAMES YESTERDAY. Irrsev City. 7: Rochester, 2 (flrnt game). Jersey »•«£•, c|ty . if iiochester. 1 (second r_ne>. Baltimore, 0; Montreal. 1. ■*J- : - Buffalo, 3; Providence, 0. EASTERN LEAGUE STANDING. V L. P.C. W. L. P.C. Ttal.imore 74 47 .612 Montreal 53 63 .438 P?ovl?ence::: 69 i .5«« Jersey City... 52 8? .433 v f »ark «S 63 .r,67|Toronto BO 67 .4J7 8uffa10. 7.7.'.: 83 66 .629' Rochester 47 89 .406 TO EXTRADITE EGLER BROTHERS, liarrisburg, Perm., Aug. 31— The reauislUon fof the return to Somerset, Perm., from New York, of the Egler bnithers, alleged to bo implicated in th* murder of S. J. Uosf nliloom, whose body was found in a ravine near Camden. N. .1., was issued by Governor Stuart to-day. The men will be brought from New York aa soon as Governor Hughes ap proves the paper*. SMALL CROWD AT TRACK LADY BEDFORD'S STAKE. Wins the Autumn Maiden Like a High Class Filly. "With a ban on betting and the memory brokers not disposed to quote prices even to their most intimate friends, the racing at Sheepshead B?v yesterday was conducted in a way that was satis fying to the most ardent adherents of the new Agnow-Hart law, and the Coney Island Jockey Club entertained what in all probability was the smallest crowd in its history. Between 2,000 and 3,000 per sons may have been present, bJt they made up a crowd that looked wofully small in the big park like inclosure, where forty thousand have been ac commodated. It was a perfect day, the card was a good one, and the sport was spirited and interest ing, so the faithful were more than repaid for the Journey to the track, even though the oppor tunity to back their Judgment was limited to an occasional oral bet between friends. No arrests were m.ode. as thore was no occa sion. Inspectors Flood and O'Brien were on hand with the usual number of policemen in uniform and plainclothes men. but they had nothing to do. The field Inclosure, as on Saturday, was a vast empti ness, with the gates tightly barred, and those who were in attendance in the grandstand were forced to Jive up to the letter of the law. even if not so disposed. The sixteenth running o? the Autumn Maiden Stakes for two-year-oid maidens at the time of closing was won in a common gallop by John E. Maddens L&dy Bedford, a comely and racy look ing filly by Ogden— Matanza. She won her only previous start at Saratoga, and her manner of winning yesterday was so impressive that it is Just possible that she may prove a worthy rival o£ James R. Keene's Masketta. the winner of the Futurity on Saturday. Lady Bedford, like Mask ette, is eligible for the English Oaks, and John B Madden said at Saratoga that she would be shipped abroad with Sir Martin to fill her English engagements. The field for the Autumn Maiden was a good one. including, among others, Lady Bedford. James R. Keene's Footpad. Harry Payne "Whitney's high ly trier. Hamburg colt County Fair. August Bel monfs Madman and H. B. Duryea's Strike Out. that speedy but faint-hearted colt which cost his owner $16,000 aa a yearling and has still to earn brackets. W. T. Ryan added his Previous-Ha tasoo colt Effendi. so that nine horses went to the post Strike Out made the running, as usual, for half a milfe. but Lady Bedford breezed by him at the elbow and came away to win as she pleased. Strike Out hung on better than usual, but County Fair, which made a favorable impression, beat him a head for the place. Footpad was badly cut off and knocked about, and consequently did not race to his best form. Brother Jonathan, which appears to be a ten pound better horse on the grass course, won the twenty-second running of the Turf Handicap at one mile and three-sixteenths. He made most of the running and won in a mild drive from George Woods's MoQuette. which had more or les of a stormy Journey, and which with clear Bailing might haxe forced the out, even If he had not beaten him- Master Robert was badly outrun in the early part, as usual, but closed a big gap and finished a respectable third. Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.'s, Angelus, which on Saratoga forms looked like a legitimate favorite, ran a dull, spiritless race. He waa in a good position for half a mile, but appar ently could not extend himself on the turf, and eventually finished far back In the ruck. James B_ Keene's Gretna Green was an added starter in this .race, but he gave it up at the head of the stretch when in a good position. Harry Payne Whitney's colors were carried to victory !n two races by Royal Tourist and Sea Wolf. The former won rather cleverly from Mon fort in the third race, while Sea Wolf won the last after a long, hard drive with Gild, making a new track record for a mile and a sixteenth. Brookdale Nymph made her first appearance since the Metropolitan Handicap In the first race and ran well enough to Indicate that she will be hard to beat in any company from now on. James R, Keene's Peter Quince took her measure yester day, but she hung on in gamest fashion aad beat Nimbus, which made a new American record of 1:11 2-5 for six furlongs at Empire City, by four or five lengths. E. Dugan earned th« jockey honors, riding three winners— Royal Tourist, Brother Jonathan and Sea Wolf. Notter scored twice and Shilling once. The stable of John Banford will arrive hera to day from Saratoga. STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. Albany; *>; Utica, 4 (thirteen innings). Syracuse. 0; Scranton, 1. Binghamton, 4; Wilkea-Barre, 2. ELM IRA, 7; TROY, 6. CONNECTICUT LEAGUE RESULTS. New Britain, 8: Holyoke, 2 (eleven innings). Hartford, 2; New Haven. 0. Springfield. 0; Meriden, 4. NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS. Worcester. 4; Brockton, 0. Lawrence, 9; Lynn, 3. Haverhill, 9; New Bedford, 4. Lowell. 4; Fail River, 1 Sheepshead Bay Racing Summaries. i WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. (Prices quoted by professional handicapper away from the track.) -f ST RACE.— THE POTOMAC; tor all ages; $600 added. 61x and a half furlongs, main course. Start food. JL Won easily. Tlrnw. 1:19. Winner, eh. c, by Commando — Fair Vision. — — " . post I I ~~ ~ I' Betting 1 Horse and age. Owner.? Po. |Wt.| St. H % V. Btr. Fin. I Jockey. I Straight. Place.Show. Peter Quince. 3 (Keene) 3 I 114 i 1» 1' 1» }\ 1> Ji 0 "",--" ? 7*™ — Brookdal« Nymph. 6 (Whitney) 1 103 2 2> 2* 2» 2» 2* Svr^nfi^ fl-3 — — Nimbus. 3 <Odom) 2 103 88 3 8 3 3 McPaniel 8-8 = Peter Quince had the foot of his fleid and always held Brookdale Nymph safe. The Utter ran a good r*c« anA Is likely to improve. Nimbus was always outrun. OD RACE —THE ORMONUALK; selling; for two-year-olds; $450 added. Six furlongs, mala course. Start good. JJ Won handily. Time. 1:15. Winner, br. c. by Plaudit— Rorka. ; Horse Owner. 1 vnttt I ~i St. H H H Str. Fin. I Jockey. 1 Btrmlgffl&Shgw: Horße Owner.? P^ j'wt.l Si. % H H Btr. Fin. 1 Jock^ [KrslgjjLPlace^Sjjow. imi I 1 I iiiißi i CouVf "Lod^ ....... J.-... (Madden) 6 103 2 31 «• 4» 4» 3Hi Phreve 18-5 KlmeV 80V.rr....... • ...(Hoy) 4 99 888886 Marsters ...^ 20 8 i Lawton Wiggins raced Warden Into submission rounding th« far turn, shook oft Ragman, which challenged resolutely at head of stretch, and lasted just long enough to beat Floreal. which closed strongly. Court Lady was running on. Rossfenton was always outrun and did not appear to like th« turf 3D RACE THE BUTTERFLIES: for three-year-olds and upward: $600 added. On* mile. Start good. Woo handily Time. 1:38%. Winner, h. c, by Sandringham— Lelaar*. f — — 1 post I I I I' Betting , Horse and age. Owner. [ Po. [Wt. 1 St. HUH Str. Fin. [ Jockey. Straight. Show. Royal Tourist. 3_ (Whitney) 1 108 1 1» I 1I 1 1» I 1I 1 I 1I 1 E. Dugan. 1 — — Montort.4... (Montpelier St.) 3 110 4 4 4 8J 2* S» Sotter 6-S _ Moonshine. 5 ' (Watt) 2 100 3 2> 313 1 2 l BV4 * J. Upton « 7-« — Moom^ine, 5.... (Watt) 4 80 3 2* 3* 4 4 » J. Vpton lft • » Royal Tourist forced the pace and won under a mild hand ride. Monfort saved ground on the rail rounding the turn and closed strongly. Tlleinir had speed, but tired. 4TH iuca- THE 3 AUTUMN MAIDEN: for two-year-olds; value. $1,500. Five and a half furlongs, itralght 4: away?" Start good. Won easily. Time. 1:06%. Winner, eh. I. by Ogden— Matanza. — — ' — I Post I p " - I \f Batting , Horse Owner. I Po. |Wt.| St. H % % Str. Fin. | Jockey. | Straight. Place.Show. fadv Bedford - (Madden) 1 118 3 2l2 l 2' 2' I" 1» (ShilUng ft-6 I~Z J'.* •County Fair 1..........CWh1tney> 6 115 5 4' 4» 4» 8» 2* E. Dugan. 5 8-5 7-l»> HtrX Out Til ...... .(Duryea) 8 112 1 1» I 1I 1 Hi 2* 3 McCarthy 15 « 3 •PetUcoa? .V.7..7...7.....(Wh1mey) 6 112 2 3- 3* BY. 4' 4« J. Butler. I 8-S 7-10 Footpad ............... ...(Ke*n'e) 3 122 4 6* 5' 6* 8* 6» Notter 3 4-5 2-3 p-SSinSl —...•• . . (Ryan) 7 113 8 8 8 8 8 « 3 Doyle SO » 4 sss^**::-.~.":::r : bS 2 119 6 » 6» c* cv, 1- McDamei 5 2 1 gente^t°ou« .7,... .(Cassatt) 4 112 7 7' I 1I 1 7' 8 8 Shrey ) IS 6 3 .Whitney entry Lady Hedfora wore Striks Out down at th« elbow and cam* away to win galloping like a high class ally. County Fair outgamed Strike Out for the place* Footpad had a stormy Journey, and race does not count. Petticoat ran a fair race and should Improve. <-. -'TH RACK— THE TURF HANDICAP; for three-year-olds an.l upward; value. $1,500. One mile and three- X) g]xte«nth«, turf course. 'Start good. Won driving. Time. 2:00*. Winner, eh. g.. by Tank—— Sister Mary. ™ ~ I post i I ' |< Setting -> Hone and age Owner.! Po. |Wt.| St. X % 1 Str. Fin. Jockey. | Stralgiit. Place. Show. K^^onathan.. (CouU,r, 1 101 1 , ? i; ,- .- t^^ : ; ::: •" J \ ToSr^nne. 4 ...... "....(Maok^nil-) 4 104 « 8 8 8 1* 0« Qarner » 4 _^:E: : .r."iii_a 8 102 77 l 414 1 4« 8 I' —&••-:::: d 11 A^Uxm T ... ..... ... (Hitchcock) 3 109 » B» ai »« a* B Shilling 8^ T-10 l-« Brother Jonathan llkrd the turf course, and making the pace to suit hlmaalr »-on under * mild drive. Me auet-e shut oft and knocked about on bnokstreteh. closel resolutely and may have been best. Master Robert dosed a big gap. Angelua ran a dull race and far below Ml form. Bedouin showed si*«U. but tired. Oretna. Green had no excusas. /•TH RAChI— THE BRIGADIER: selling; for three-year-olds; $460 added. On« mll« a3tl a sixteenth. Start good. U Won driving Time. 1:4». Winner, br. g.. by Meddl«-r— Sea Nymph. . — ■ — ~ " — " Post I " I 1/ Uettlog 1 Horse and age. Owner. Pa |Wt. St. H % \ Str. Fin. 1 Jockey. f Btralght. Place. Shew. ojr— Wo Tf~~« (Whitney) 7 I 108 1 3 2« 2» 2» 2» 1* E> Dugan 2 JPS 13 ond 4 ... .U......0anin) 4 103 1 t 1 V V 1" 2' HhHHng 2 4-5 2-5 nU' d s ' h 4 -- ....1T..... 8 nt "H «' «•* 4» 4* 3» Upton 4 3 I ?ord Stanhope "4 in 1"..... (C1ark' 1 103 2 4- 3- 8H 8* <• J. Butler 10 4 2 !-vrobiU 3 ..:.*.~:...\ (Oer«> » 99 6 3'i 4« 6H «l« l 6* McCarthy 10 4 2 BnMctfi'ne«MUden) 3 103 4 6» 6» 6' «» «' Garner - = * •-» cS£<A ? Arms ............ .(Baker) 6 103 9 7 7 7 7 7' H. Smith 20 «» 4 Alhirt Star. 3... <Ordlag)t 2 100 7 8 8 8 8 8 Ollbart ■ *> 20 » g«a Wolf wor« Gild down "la last furlong and got up In la ft few itride». Trash ran her race. Roclutrn* had «peed. but MCff*i badly In last quarter SALE OF KING JAMES. S. C. Hildreth Buys Good Three year-old from J. E. Madden. S. C. Hildreth bought King Jam«s. th* throw year-cld colt by Plaudit— Unsightly, from J Madden at Sheepshead Bay yesterday for a price said to be $10,000 and 50 per cent of the horse's win nings at the Sheepshead Bay and Gransend meet- Ings. King James has shown himself to be a high-cia.-ui horse and not many pounds behind Fair . Play, which was second to Colin In the Belmont Stakes and won the Coney Island Jockey Club Stakes and the Realization. King James ran the fastest mIH of the Saratoga meeting and on* of the fastest of the year In his last race up the State, and Is well engaged in fixtures to come. ATLANTIC RACE WEEK. Many Yachts Entered in Contest for the Thompttm Cup. The Atlantic Yacht Club's "race w»ek" begins to-morrow, with the first of a series of these races In the Q class of 22-ratera, for the cup offered by Frederic Thompson. This race starts at 1 p. m.. while the race for the cruising power boats around Fire Inland Lightship begins at 7 a. m. I red T. Bedford, of Brooklyn, who some time ago bought the Dorothy Q. and brought her from Massachusetts waters to tune her up for the Thompson Cup races, has also purchased the Herreshoff-built 22-rater Eleanor from Charles Fabian, of Boston. This yacht, sailed by Charles Francis Adams. 3d. was the champion of Massa chusetts Bay last year, and has been racing nip and tuck with the Achilles, a 1908 Herreshoff pro duction, designed to wrest from the EUinor the supremacy of the Eastern waters. The Achilles is also an entrant for the Thompson Cup. as well as the Eleanor's old rival, the Little Rhody; the Capsicum, the Princess and the Chap erone. from the Sound, and the Soya, the Spider and the Soetia, from Gravesend Bay. Mr. Bedford Is still trying out his two yachta. and he has not announced yet which one he will enter for the trophy. The contest of Saturday. September 5. for auto mobile power boats has also developed an ex cellent fleet of racers, and promises quite as good sport as did the trials for the honor of defending the international cup at Huntington. 1 The ocean race for schooners, sloops and yawls from Sea Gate around Fire Island Lightship and return on Thursday has mustered a splendid class of the larger yachts. Commodore R. P. Doremus will be at the wheel of his schooner, the Laaca. when the big fellows go across the line In the hunt for the Underwood cup. and Commodore Towen. of the Brooklyn Yacht Club, with his schooner, the Tammany, winner of the second prize in the Cape May race of July 4. will be on hand. Th<» Uncas, the Vigil and the Eclipse are among the other schooners entered for this race. Among the sloops in the Fire Island race are the Mimosa IT I. the /thion. of the Atlantic olub. and the Gardenia, of the Brooklyn Yacht Club. The yawls entered are C. B. Lambke's Phantom, the Haviland brother* Sakana. the Cuhano, th 3 Albicore and the Dorn. RACES AT LONG BRANCH. Large Attendance at Opening of Fair at Elkwood Park. fßy Telegraph to The Tribune.] Long Branch. Aug. 31.— Five thousand persons attended the opening of the Long Branch Fair Association meeting at Elkwood Park this after noon and saw some good trotting and running races. Ethan Roberts beat the track record In an ex hibition mile, the time being 2:06. Beachey made two successful ascensions In his big airship, encircling the track three times In each flight. The ascensions proved to be the big feature of the fair. The summary follows: FIRST RACE-TKOTTIN-&-2:40 CLASS-THREE IN FIVE. Saeopa. F. A- Dennis. Tlnton Falls. N.J.. 1 1 1 JuHaßaum. Pope & Melee. Freehold N. J 3 8 2 £ „.. f£^g~S£££ - " SECOND RACE— 2:40 CLASS— XT FTVHL Elkwood Maid. Georgr* C. Stengle, Newark. N.J.. 1 1 1 Nettle Ethan. J. F.*lurphy. Long £»«*. N. J~ 2 3 8 Buster Brown. Jgj*i Jg£ |3&; V *— * 3 2 THIRD RACE— FIVE FURLONGS. Eschao. J- F. Hyman <McCahey>...... 1 M.L Htach. J. L. Murphy Cf°™n> —- ~ 3 Time. liuiTfc. FOURTH RACE— END PURSE— SEVEN FUR LONGS. o^«caS^^:"cVi^vvw;-aB^«j::::::::::"| Amontlllad. Jot/n Duffy <McCahey» - 3 Time. l.Mn. FIFTH RAC&-BRANCHPORT PURSE— MILE. Lad of Langdon (Russell) 1 Klilochan. John Duffy (McCahey) 2 Royal Lady. W. H. Moffitt (E*an> * Time, 1 : •* 1% . TIMELY AUTO TOPICS SAVANNAH RACE PLANS. Entries Coming iv. S lntel fj for Van derbilt Cup Contest. Robert Lee MorreD. chairman of the contest earn* mittee of the Automobile Club or America, an nounced yesterday that the entry of a four-cylinder Buick car had been receJved for the light car rac* to be held at Savannah. The contest win be held on the day previous to the Grand Priza race, which Is set for Thanksgiving Day. Edwanl A. Hearne. of Chicago, has b«en nam^i as driver of the ma/rhtne. The cylinder diameter of the Buick Is 3*; Inches, which is the limit •> lowed In the l!?ht car race. That a large number of machines will be entered in the contest setms) apparent. Judging from the correspondence the- of ficials of the meeting; have had with the variou* manufacturers. Two or three Cameron cars, which) will be built especially for the race, will be named. Thirty-six miles of the Grand Prize course will be used for the light car race, the i imliisM four miles being matin up of macadamized crossroads. It was proved at Brtarclin? that recta? tends to make roads Jxstter for speeding, except nussfUs 1 at the turns, of which there are only four In th» light car circuit. The fact that this race is sched uled for the day before the his; race will not. there fore, interfere with the surface of the roads for tan more Important fixture. While the plans for the new addition to the home> of the Automobile Club of Americ* are not falrjr perfected, it Is the intention of the governors n» draw from their surplus a sum sufficient to »rece an entrance In 56th street that will be eqnsJly as fine aa the one in 64th street. The cost of the Im provements is estimated at £00,060. Jefferson De Mont Thompson, chairman sf tns> Vanderbilt Cup commission, said last night thaft the time for the closing of entries for th« Vander bilt Cup raca had been extended from t»*pt«mber t to October 1. at the regular entranoe f»*» of rt.ono. The elimination trials for American cars wffl b* held on October x« and th» b'.g racs Itself ort Oc tober 24. It was said that a ppedal RoebMns; rntttnl «■■* would be entered and the Him Thomas mdns; ess> of 115 horsepower, to be driven by Georgs Sahnnnn. but neither of the entries has materialised. It was learned yesterday unofficially that 'wo ITnox cars had been entered, but that checks and not ac companied the entry. It was also sa'.-i that tws locomobiles would be named. Up to the present Urns the Automobfls Club nt Philadelphia has placed 817 warntos; signs on the) roads around Philadelphia. Of these • r»ad "Rnrs Slow." 188 read "Blow Horn," IS read "9oar> Turn.* 18 read "Steep Grade- and 3» read "Rail road Crossing." The automobile school of th« Toons Men's '^r**. tlan Association will begin Its fifth year to-morrows. During the present term the Instruction will bs> greatly strengthened on the practical aide by *•- voting still more attention to the individual ro»d> work In managing difficult cars and by Increased emphasis on the repair work in the showroom and laboratory. The school now owns eieren cars, at which six are used for road work and the re mainder for practice in locating and remedyrn* troubles In the shops and In the street. The ears) used for repair practice and to learn th» construc tion of engines and transmission are purposely disarranged in all ways that a private car can get out of commission, and before graduation the stu dent Is expected to be able to make on the road all adjustments and repairs which do not reojssrw the heavy machinery of the shop. SARATOGA GA_BI_TG CHARGES. Hearing Begun by Commissioner Schurman —Evidence of Men Who Made Bets. Ballston. X. T.. Aug. 21. --The first day of th« hearing in the case of Sheriff John Bradley, tr.. of Saratoga County, on charges filed wit' ernor Hughes, was productive of oonsiderabls testi mony relative to the alleged gambling at th« Sara toga racetrack, which Sheriff Bradley Is accuse* rf failing to suppress. In the course ot ths easnUnn tion to-day of Oscar Jones before George W. asswrr man. of New York, who is conducting ths nsartas; on Governor Hughes's appointment, the mttum m testified that he was l& the employ of Assistant District Attorney Elder, of Kings Coraty, as w«ll as of the Rev. Walter Laidlaw. ths complainant la this case. Jones testified on cross-examination that Mr. El der had recommended him to Mr. Laidlaw as a good man to Investigate the racetrack conditions. Jones said he received COO advance money f-ora District Attorney Elder and So a. day and ex?«na*» from Mr. Laidlaw. He also admitted that h* cleared JS a day on his frets and turned It oY*e to the Rev. Mr. Laidlaw, to go toward his expenses. Since the Saratoga meeting, Jones testified, he had been doing detective work at ths Empire track. He said conditions there were not as bad as at Saratoga. In ©ours© of the croM-examlaatioa by Senator Brackett. Jones stated that he did no 6 know what the money was tor that passed between the men at the racetrack. He admitted th*t he saw no bets made excepting his own. Robert H. Scott, a medical student, of No. I*3 New York avenue, Brooklyn, was also s witness for the complainant. He was at the track for seven days of the Saratoga msstln*. He arrive, at Saratoga on July », and that morning on Ct>o gress Hall piaxsa heard bets mads and saw then recorded and witnessed the passing of money. la the afternoon of the same day ths witness wenr. to the racetrack and there made bets. Ths Rev. Walter Laidlaw. the complainant who preferred the charges against the Sheriff, was pr«e ent and was represented by his attorney. LjjuJs Marshall, of New York. Sheriff Bradley was de fended by ex-Senator Edgar T. Brackett and Hiram C. Tod, of Saratoga, isnstor Brackntt moved to dismiss the charges on the ground that there was not sufficient Jurisdiction for ths Gov ernor to hear the charges, bat the Com ml— lnner overruled this motion. Senator Brackett then asked for a bill of particuUws. but the commissioner heid they were aufflcient. The commissioner announced that at the close of the complainant's case he would grant a sufficient adjournment to allow the Sheriff to prepare his defen DEATH PRISONER WOULDN'T ESCAP€. Kingston. Mo.. Aug. SL— Thres prisoners print apart the bars of the county Jail test night and l«nV caped. Three other prisoners, among them A.asst FUley. who Is to be hanged September & for ths murder of his family, declined to go *tn ths others. The Turf. W^ m AT SHEEFSHEAD BAT RACING *£*£££■ M\.l*^***> £xcepttns; Friday*. Trains vi» L. I. R. R- !•*▼• Ea« S4tii «X 11. 12 :W (l-OO Parlor Car). 1:10. 2:10. B. R. 1. •enrlc* **+ Brooklyn Bridge and Subway: also 12:40 Boat 39t3» St. Ferry, foot Whitehall St. fifWMl t*Uiid 92. l^lle* $1. A utamobiles. AUTOMOBILES AT AUCTION L. aELiaiIAN. AUCTIONKam. BT J. K. CURRT. Sells every Wednesday. b<-<tnn!r.s Wednesday, Sept. 2d, 2:30 o'clock, At 209 West 49th St., Cor. Broadway AMERICAN AI'TOMAJKT. Peerless. Oanl-timouata*. Autocar. LocosmM)*, t*** eat». Cadillac Trebert. Pop«-Tol«*» l Waiter. S!mp!«x mat various Touring- Cars. Runaboutt. Rca&sters. etc. f-V-LKS POSITIVE. RAIN OK SHINE. TIMES SQ. AUTO CO. M Eaad Aata . 1599-1601 B'WAY I th« Worl*. ' \ DVERTISEMK>rr9 AND SCBSOUPTION^ yOR | XV The rsc«tT«d at th*lr Uptown Otßcei. So. 1 TM Trlkaaa m«ht4 at tlMtr Uvcown o«r«. jto. IM4 Broadway, »K»«n 3rtti and 3Tth »t».. until • £, o'clock p. m. Adv«rtl»ementa rro»tv«J at th* foUowtß( „.■( branch eSicea at ratrular otße* W) until « dock 9. m... f vii . 2*M "in a**., a. •. cor. 23 • st . U3 Bth •>■»•.. tar. ■;' 12Ui »' . 104 East Uth at.: 357 V **t Oi it., M«Ma|| Ttn »nd 3th ay«» . . 263 West 136 th St.; 103& 3d »v«. . i<m \ ad tvr , near 41st »i . 170* Ist ar«.. n*&r Ss)ti it.: IST ' l_n 125 th it.: TM Trsnaont »•/<• . SSo 3d av<L. «n4 toy Am«rtc«a District T«1-jt*B& Otßc*. s: . .