Newspaper Page Text
14 - ASKS $.30,000 FOR METZ YEW SYSTEM IS DANGER. Cliambcr of Commerce lie port on 'Accounting Investigation. Commending the new accounting system, which Controller Metx has been working to install in the Department of Finance, the committee on finance er.d currency <-f the Chami^r «f Commerce says that tbere is Krav«» danger that all the work m> far done will go :<ir nauplit and that the accounts will rctrocra'tie to a condition worse than before. This statement, made in the report of the com mittee on its Investigation of the financial affairs of the city and j>rinH'd in tlip Chambers bulletin for June, will be pres.-nti-d at the regular meeting of that body on Thurxlay. Then th»- Chamber *.\ill be asked to pass a reso lution urging the Hoard of Estimate and Appor tionment "to appropriate £*>.<*« at its next meeting to enable the Controller t<» employ the temporary expert assistants imperatively needed to make iho new pysum entirely effective in the Finance De partment."' It is stated that tlie Controller nee<ls fifty expert accountants to a>sist in the installation of the system, whereas h«- now has the means to employ only fifteen. A bill Riving him power t.. employ the necessary help was parsed by the Legislature, but was vetoed by the Mayor recently because of Wlssl lie eonp;<iere<i iir.perfections. Tho rejxirt <>f the committee is signed by James G. Cannon. Maurice I*. Mnhleman. Gates W. Mr- Garrah and John Oallin, regular members of the standing committee, and K. Fulton Cutting, an additional member of the Chamber, serving for this investigation only. It appointed a cub-com mittee. of which Mr Muhleman was chairman. Including Fran-is F. White and Robert 11. Mont gomery, expert accountant?, to examine the new accounting system. The report of this sub-com mittee ••■■- question in detail, and was adopted by the main committee as embodying its loeas. Regarding tli.i system of accounting, the cut--' on n •■■ ■" t^ays: "We unhesitatingly assert that the general prin ciples upon which the new accounting system ret-ts are pound, and that their application to the ac counts of the city cannot but be benehc ial 1. 1 ■ a marked decree Tn" substitution of a thorough!* SXrdinaV accounting system for the "n^enUfic and incomplete one that has preva l!t '< ,f?, f ? V . wVfl only pay for itself by enabling the V 1V 1 " 11 ? 1^';"/' 1 as the citizens to secure a knowledge of the exact financial condition of the municipality, and t hus • furnish the essen'ial data to secare economical administration, bat will unquestionably laise the credit of the city. But the committee foui.d that the installation bad not proceeded satisfactorily, due to the lack cf assistance. As to this, the rci>ort Bays: Unless rigorous measures are speedily adopted, there 'is Jreat danger that the work already don* wnrco for i.augr.r. and the accounts as a whole rVvenVo a condition worse than th>y were in before the reform was inausurated. t ortun^tei> . It is not too late to do «ruat should havebe^ done In January, of tbi:-. year, but we are a«i> on - ! > of the opinion that if the installation staff is not F-jpplementoti by sufficient assistants vithin the next thirty days very much of what has alreadj been done "will have lost its effect. It is intimated that a subsequent revival of the system might be hampered by hostility which has been veiled heretofore. It is also suggested that the I active interest of some might wane if placed should be a prospect that the system could 1* placed in full operation immediately. The report says: Xo other issue has been presented to our citizen ship in v^ars so vital to the permanent welfare ot greater Xew York. Questions of rapid transit, of educational expansion. «f commercial advance and Of social reform, pressing though they .ye, must take second place to this, for every re.orm an-1 every measure of municipal advance depends upon a capable, honest and economical administration of the citvr finances, and this cannot be secured with out such a system of accounting as shall fix respon eibility in every stage of municipal receipts and municipal expenditures. The committee recommends that what is now the stock and bond division of the Controller's office be separated Irom his jurisdiction and tiiat the office of the City Chamberlain should also be entirely in dependent of the Controller. The report adds: Jlfc The averace capacity and efficiency of the person- X] ml in the l»epa-iment of Finance are not as high R/as they should be for the important functions ol V the Controller. V.'c are .onvinced that great im provement could l>e effected merely by the estab lishment "f an efficiency record to be kept by heads of divisions. In connection with the holding up of payments for work done and supplies received by the city the committee says that some delay is caused by the charter provision that the Mayor or bis chief clerk must countersign all warrants. This the members consider unnecessary, as the City Chamberlain could aot for the Mayor in the way of holding up any improper payments. The report also says: Instead of limiting the powers of the Controller over the city's accounting. ;is the < 'barter Revision Commission* proposes, his jurisdiction should be ex t^r.ded so as to embrace the accounting staffs of all the departments. MOUNTAINS OR SEASHORE? The Summer Resort number of The Tribune, out next Sunday, will be a veritable mine of in fortriation regarding where to go for vacations. Profusely i.lustrated. Consult it. RAIN HELPS CANADA WHEAT CROP. Toronto. Ontario. May 29. — A Fix^'al to "The Telegraph" from Winnipeg says: *"llain is falling over th«; Canadian prairie to-day. To say that it Is •north millions to the country is to be modcrat.-. Unless there Is an early June check by frost, which is always possible, spring wh^at In a. couple of w^-eks will be further ahead than the BSSJObX for this Ft a sot:. Tlefore you Go I^ead the Announce ments of European Hotels, "Resorts and Shops appearing in The Tribune each ti/ednes day. Saturday and Sun day, and carry a copy of the paper as a reliable and handy guide. AFTER FRESCH MONEY. Morgan, Harjcs $ Co. to Introduce Steel Common on Paris Bourse. Tan?. May a.-Mocsan. Harjcs & Co. have formed a syndicate for the Introduction of the common shares of the United States Steel Corporation on the Paris Bourse. Beyond the fact that the leading French bankers are participating, no detaUs of the matter are available. The news ban not yet been made public here, but it Is expected that its announcement will create a sensation both in Paris and America. In financial circles the matter is regarded as of farreaching importance and as an achievement of the first mag nitude for the Morgans. For years American bank ers have been knocking at the doors of the Paris Exchange in order to reach the enormous surplus represented by the savings of French Investors, hut powerful influences, notably Russian, have been successful heretofore In blocking them. Exactly how the tables have been turned remains to be disclosed, but the growing interest among French bankers in American securities— there has been considerable curb trading in these shares— and the more friendly attitude on the part of the gov ernment probably were determining factors. Th- listing of Steel common is counted upon as an entering wedge for the general introduction of American stocks. The only other American securi ties heretofore listed in Paris ha\e been single issues of the New York, New Haven & Hartford and Pennsylvania Railroad bonds. The news from Paris explains in large measure the recent remarkable strength of the shares of the United States Steel Corporation. Early in the year United .States Steel common sold above 53, but with the announcement in February of an '"open market" the stock sold off abruptly, touching 41' i on February 2". ' i re Dvery was made from this level, bow ever, rm 1 with few Interruptions Str.! common ad steadily. In the week .-nd* I .] May 22 it went well above its previous l 'ii;h record of a&\, made fter 1 • Taft'a election, with total f over 600,480 shares. In the five business days of th» week just ended more than 4oO.C«Xi shares changed hands, the stock advancing to and closing at M 3). a gain of exactly 4 points for the week, Yesterday was a holiday in the financial district, and no confirmation of the Paris report was obtained from the Morgan bank in?: interests. Elbert H. Garj-, chairman of the United States Steel Corporation, said: ■•[ know nothing about the report that application has been made to list the securities of the corporation on the Paris Bourse, but I pres'im*; it fs true, for lh< lea son that the French have recently been heavy buy ers of United States Steel shares." NEW RULING IN BANKRUPTCY. Boston, May 29. — Th? contention that debts paid off and discharged under a common law assignment must be added :o the (aims as unpaid when the asignor is petitioned into bankruptcy was upheld by Judge Dodge in the United States District Court t'j-day. th«. ;cision sust lining James M Olmstead. a referee, i the settlement of the case of ■■ local jeweller. Referee Olmstead states that it is thr firs' time passed upon by the United • '.urts. and that merchants throughout the country will be benefited by the finding. • JAPANESE BUSINESS MEN COMING HERE. A larpre delegation representing chambers of com merce ami lioar>.s of trade in Japan will visit this country in the early fall. They will probably be :ob<T meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. The delegation will include about Hf representatlves of the Japanese government, ommerce and industry. They will first visit the Pacific Coast, and are expected to rt-a-eh New fork tlu first week of October. INTERNATIONAL SILVER DIVIDEND. The International silver Company has it a dividend of II 1-*1 -* per cent on the preferred Stock, Me on July 1. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC. Sunrise 4:34jSunset 7:23!M00n efts :::24,M00n'» ago 11 HIGH WATER. A. M.— Sandy Book 4 1." (»v Island 445 H»H Gat* •=; IB P. M.— Sandy Hook 4:4«iGov. laUnd M" Hell Gate 7:00 WIRELESS REPORTS. Th" oitlf -<•:-'»'•! as 233 miles «-ast r>f Bandy H<v>k at P a m yesterday, is exacted to do'-k about "jo a m to-day. INCOMING STEAMERS. DAT. Vessel. From. Line. •California Glasgow. May 22 Anchor •Celtic Queenstown May 22 White Star •Viffilan.-ia Tamptoo. May 21 Ward •!> <]<t N<-jor!an<l«'7i .-( Mar . May 24 D YV I Hfllla !.'»c!;orn. May & Italian New York City Swansea May IB Krlstol T-ainpasas Tampa. May 23 Mallory Russia Lihau. May IS Russian <lty of Columbus.... Savannah. May 27 Savannah Chl<-aeo ..Havre. May 22 French Huron Jacksonville. May 27 Cljde MONDAY. MAY 31. •Philadelphia San Juan. May [ted D ■Prince George Bermuda May 12> Ber At! •San Juan San Juan. May 2« N V * P R PPWilhelm Cherbourg. May 23 N >; Lloyd Nieuw Amsterdam. .Boulogne. May 22 Holland-Am Minn«tr>nka London, May •£! Atlantic Trans yW.and Antwerp. May 22 Red 6tar Finland Naples. Mavllt White btar .Florida Genoa. May lit Lloyd-Ttal Germania Naples*. May IK Fabre O'mus Sew Orleans, May 20 . ..So Pacific E' Rio Oalvegfon. May 2.". Bo Pacific TUESDAY. JTTNB 1. •Kronprlnz Wllhelm. Cherbourg. May 2fi V O Lloyd •Caronla Queenstown. May 26 Cunard •Advance Crietonal. May 26 Panama VnitM States ChrlFtlan*and. May 22 .. Scand-Am '"ampanla Naples. May 3) ' Italian Denver . . Galveston. May 2*5 Mallory El a.<=.> Galve s ton. May 2<; So Pacific City of Savannah . . .Savannah. May 29 Savannah •Brings mail. OUTGOING STEAMERB. MONDAY. MAY 31. _. , ' Mall V«*sel A esfd. For. Line. closes. sails. llaxowljne Trinidad. D W I. .11:00 a m 1:00pm TUESDAY. JUNE I. Ka!se r Wlihelm 11. Bremen. N G Lloyd 6:30. a m 10:00 am Bermudlan. Bermuda, Quebec 8:00 am 10:0Opm Corrlentea Santo?, Hamb-Am 11:00 am l Wpm R.vndam. Rotterdair. Holland-Am — - 10 t«i a m Apache. Jacksonville Clyde 1 <»' pin dry at Atlanta, Savannah. Savannah.. - — 3:00 p m WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2. Majestic. Southampton. White Star... 6:ooam »-30« m Campania, Liverpool. Cunard 6:30 a m 10:00 a m Uller. St. Kltts. N V and Dem ».-fiOam 11 -00 a m Guiana. Trinidad. Quebec 11:30 am 3:00 n m Panama. Cristobal. Panama 11:30 am 3:0.) r, m PennFylvanla, Hamburg. Himb-Am... 4<">o r» m Huron. Jacksonville, C3yd« 12: m Ban Mar- 'ralveston. Mallory 12 :Oom: Oom Lampaf-iuv Mobile. Mallory 1200 m Alice. Trieste. Austrian t___ TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Destination and steamer. '"lose in New York. Guam and Philippine Inlands (via Ban Francisco)— lT. 8. Transport May 31. 630 d m Hawaii (via San Flmoctoool Alameda.. .May 31 630 p m Japan. Corea. China and Philippine Islands (via Seattle)— Uci-u j un 3. 6 .-,,-, p m Hawaii. Japan. Co* C*. China and Philip pine Islan»»» (via Ean Franclscoj — Siberia, un( m, fl3o nm Hawaii (\-1a Ban FranciscoJ— June 7! 630r> m Japan. Ctorea and China (via Tacoma)— Nlnpchow June 10,6:30pm Hawaii. Japan. Corea. China and Philip pine Islands (via San Francisco; China Jun^ 12 6 30 D m Australia except West). New Zealand. Fiji Islands and New Caledonia (via, Vancouver and Victoria. B. C; — Ma kura June 13, 6:30 d m Japan. Corea. China and Philippine Islands «via Seattle)— Minnesota June 14 630 Dm Japan. Corea. China and Philippine -.. ' Island* (via Vancouver and Victoria. V. O— Empress of India ' . .June 18. 6:30 D m New Zealand. Australia (except West), Sa- " moan Islands and New Caledonia (via San Francisco) — Clan Maclnnls June 20 «•»„-, Tahiti. Marquesas Islands. New Zealand ' snd AuFtralla (except West) (via San Francisco)— Marlposa June 26. 0:30 p m SHIPPING NEWS. Port of New York, Saturday, May 2S, 1909. AiIRIVED. , to 6 .'? I "^^ K lrllton - Boas, Newport News and Norfolk L^^u^n^fai'^'prn 0 ' W " h *"'*"*<" mails and mdse. Eight miles east of Fire Island «tV*B Steamer La Lorraine (Fr), Tourner. Havre May 22 to In* 2ST2i2i! General Transatlantique. with 210 Tabin S?bS ggPsT* 11 ' ma " 8 Md mdSe - Arrived a" ♦» Steamy Rermudlan JBr). HcKaula. Bermuda May 27 tt&tt£%te& a a ;r n6ers - s£^^ >I srMai^r^co?tffMMa mdne. Left Quarantine at 10:05 a m »»-" n « r» and Steamer U-.ier (Nor). Lanea, Fort 'd« Franc* Mar J NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1909 , . Lord & Taylor Tuesday. June Ist. June Sale of Underwear, Silk Petticoats, Wash Waists, Negligees and Corsets Gowns, $1.25, Si. so, $1-95. $2 -5° \ - Chemises and Drawers i\ 98c, $1.25, Si. 95' $2.50 t Skirts, embroidery trimmed, --" $1.95' $2.50, $3-95 Combination Corset Cover and Skirt and Corset Cover and Drawers $1.25, $i-75' 52.50, -95 Odd Gowns and Skirts (at greatly reduced prices.) . . Wash Waist Dept. Lawn, allovcr embroidery front or lac trimmed, Si-95 Batiste. ■ lace and embroidery trimmed $2. 50, $2.95, $3.25, 53. 95 More elaborately trimmed with lace and embroidery $4.95, 55.45, 36.95 & 57.95 One lot of Odd Fine Waists from 53.95 to $9.75 at about / their value. Silk Petticoat Dept. Taffeta Silk Petticoats Black and Colored at $5.00 &5 5. 9 5 — values up to $9.00 Natural & Grey Pongee Petticoats at 55.95 — value $7-95 Mohair Petticoats in Black, Colored and White with silk fiouncings at 52.95 — values up to 55.00 Wrapper Dept. House Gowns or Negligees In French Challie, flowered design, * at $6.95 — value $10.75 In White Dotted Swiss, lace trimmed $5.95, $6.95— values 57.75 to $10.75 In Swivel Silk, Lingerie Collar and Val. lace trimmed at $12.75 — value $18.75 In Rajah Silk, Empire style, embroidered lace trimming at $18.75 — value $27.50 In Flowered Silk $4-95 Value $7-75 In Flowered Swiss or Lawn $1.95, $2.25, $2. 50, 53.95 Kimonos One lot of Cr£pe Kimonos in a great variety of styles, ribbon trimmed at $1.45 — values up to $4.00 Flowered Silk Kimonos c*, a- Plain or Swivel Silk Kimonos .■ « ? q - Flowered Lawn or Swiss C: *w e I.Q" Corset Dept. Fine Batiste Corsets medium high bust, long over hips and back, with four hose supporters, 98c — value $2.50 Fine Batiste Corsets medium bust, straight hip effect, with long back, with four hose supporters $1.75 — value $3.00 Broadway and 20th St.; sth Aye.; 19th St. via Halifax. N B. 26. to L. W & P Armstrong with nulse. Arrived at the Bar at 11 a in Steamer Philadelphia. Mills. Southampton and Cher_ J»urK May " to the American Line, with 17.'. cabin an.l -.27 storage passengers, malls a! ndae. Arrived at the ila. rat 7.40 p m. Steamer I^anvpases. Smith. Mobile May 28 Tampa 25 «nd Key West M, to the Mall.iry Ss l.lnr. with pa.'sen in and mdse. Left Quarantine at 8-23 p m Steamer Alamo, liavldnon. Norfolk, to the Old I'omln lon .->« Co. with indae. L«ft Quarantine aa 4 a m. Steamer Pennsylvania >Or" Schmtßl Hamburg May 16 and Bouloßne 17. to the Hamburit-Amerloaii Une. with 2f»l cabin. im third cabin and 745 steerage Daaamiceri ana mdse. Arrived nt the Har at 11:10 n m -»stli Steamer .Tomoana <Br>. Llnklater. I^ondon April SO and Cardiff May in. to Pooch. Kdye & Co, with chalk Arrived at the Bar at 10 p m. 28th. Will load for Aus tralia. Left Quarantine 7:3'> am Steamer Galileo din. Watson, Hull May 8 via Boston 2<, to Sanderson & Son, with mdse. Arrived a' the Bar at 4:30. a m. Steamer Campania <13r). Charles. Liverpool Mr v 22 and Queenstown 23. to the Cunarii steamship ' - o' lid. with S3» cabin «nd •>•« «teerane paesengers, malls and't.vlso Arrtved at the Bar at 3:32 am. SAILED Steamers St Louis, Southampton: Vaderland (Bel*) Antwerp; Kathlnka tNor>. Port Antonio; Teiene* (HjJ Manchester Caledonia <Rr, Glasgow; SibirU (Oar), Ina gua; Vasco. I'unta Antes, etc: Crown of Uranada (Br). Grenada; llll.nlus (Un. Montevideo: Tasus (Itr), Col<-n: Knutsfiiiil (Hr). Uoston: Monroe. Norfolk: City of Ba ■ an, mil. Savannah; Ka\ rau. Newport News; El Mil. Galveston; Ai-agon, Georgetown; Chesapeake Ilaltlmore; Delaware, Philadelphia.: Arabic (Fir. Liverpool; Kalserln August* Victoria (Oar), Hamburg; Minneapolis <i:r>. London; Pan Giovanni • Itul. Naples- Uuia ill CSeaova (Hal). Naples: Roma fFr, Marseilles; Homsdal (Nor), Baracoa; Zulla. Jjx Gualra; Coaroo, San Juan: Saratoga. Havana: IroqaoU, Charleston: Oresjoolaa Puerto Mex ico: Algiers. ; Antllle. New Orleans; Conch". G l- a \est.,n. California inn. Bordeaux. Havre, ate; Canadla Dan). I'ernambuco, Bahla. etc; Marken (Hutch). Phila delphia: Indianapolis (Hr. Baltimore; Iyander (Nor, Bal timore; «..jiei (Ital), Sand \Lcy. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ARRIVED. .' port Said. May 2»— Welsh Prince (Bri, New York via Malta for Hone Kong, etc. Rotterdam. May 3«, - p in— Noordam (Dutch), New York via Boulogne j, Suez. May 2l>— par re Castle (Br>, Tokohaa-.a, #tc. for Boston and New York. 9 Stere Brotlhiers For Tuesday. June Ist ' , -.-Women's Tailored Walking Suits \ NUMBER OF THIS SEASON'S MOST DESIRABLE TWO AND- : THREE PIECE STYLES, IN' A VARIETY OF FABRICS, At the Closing Out Prices of $22.50, 32.50 and 40.00 . Formerly from *40.00 to 98.00 Women's Cloaks IN MIXTURES. GLORIA, LINEN. PONGEE AND SILK RUBBER, ' FOR TRAVELLING. MOTORING AND STEAM WEAR. Special for Tuesday Automobile several models, $13.75, 16.50,20.00,30.00 of Pongee, several models, $13.75, 16.i?0 f 20.00, 30.00 Automobile and Steamer Coats, . of Mixed Materials, silk lined, at 29.50 Rain Coats, of Silk Rubber, at . $12.75, 16.50, 20.00 Corsets In New and Exclusive Models DESIGNED FOR THE PREVAILING FASHIONS IN DRESS. MADE OF BROCHE, BATISTE AND COL TIL, at 3.50, 4.75, 5,75 and 6.50 Unusual Values in Unmade Lingerie Robes of Embroidered Batiste and Swiss with Valenciennes and Venice Lace Combinations, at M.95, 8.25 and 10,75 Values *<>..5O to $18.50 Mourning Millinery New French Hats, Bonnets and Toques, Crepe and Grenadine Veils Special Orders Executed Promptly (SECOND FLOOR) Desirable Silk Parasols At Extraordinarily Low Prices Plain Taffeta Silks, in black, white and all 5 1 Qg desirable colorings, also Black and White Effects, at * » y^ Value $3.00 Extra Quality Plain Taffetas, Lined Ponpees, Wide Black and *y Qg White Stripes, also Black Taffeta with Moire Silk borders, *•**} Value 54.30 Embroidered Taffetas, Rich Floral Effects and -3 HE the Japanese Model in Plain Taffeta Silk, at O*J%J Value $5.00 Linen Departments An Exceptional Offering of Satin Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Suitable for Summer Homes At Decided Reductions from Former Prices _; ; ' r 2x2 yds, $1.95, 3.10 2x3 yds. 52.95, 4.75 Table - 2x2».." 2.50. 3.90 2»i;x3 " 3.90,5.75 Cloths, [ L . xJ^yd-. $3.25, 4.85 - Breakfast Size. !>•>/ $1.95, 3.50 Xapkins. to match j Dinner Sire, " 2.75, 4.50 Irish Double Damask Table Linen, Yd °8c Hemst'd Linen Sheets, Pair $ 3.48, 4.50, 5.65 Hemst'd Linen Pillow Cases, " 1.00, 1.15 1.60 Huck Towels, Hemst'd or Scalloped. Do*. 2.95, 4.20, 5.75 Bath Towels, Hemmed, Doz. 1.75, 2.75, 3.00, 4.75 ' Crochet, 85c, 1.10, 1.25 Bed Spreads i Dimity. $ J. 25, 1.75, 2.15 1 Marseilles, I-**. 2.65. 2.95 English Printed Bedspreads, $1.35, 2.50, 2.75 Rugs for Summer Homes SMALL ORIENTAL RUGS _ 1<; , n (f -57^0 various weaves in desirable colorings, $ 14.50, 16.50 to ££•** AXMINSTER RUGS, 9by 12 ft, Value 524.50. at $17.00 WILTON RUGS, 9by 12 ft. at $26.50, 29.50 Values $3150 and 37.50 LARGE ASSORTMENTS OK PORCH RUGS, ALSO I REX PILGRIM, SHAIKI, POSTER, CALCUTTA AND ART RUGS, IN LIGHT, DELICATE COLORINGS; ALSO JAPAN AND CHINA MATTINGS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. _ 1 Summer Furnishings At Very node rate Cost FOR COUNTRY AND SEASIDE HOMES. BUNGALOWS AND CAMPS. LACE, MUSLIN ANT) MADRAS CURTAINS. INTERIOR DRAPERIES. WALL AND FURNITURE COVERINGS. FRENCH ANT) ENGLISH CRETONNES, PRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL BLOCKS, INCLUI> ING OLD ENGLISH AND LOUIS XVI EFFECTS. INQUIRIES FROM OUT OF TOWN RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTICV. Awnings, Window Shades and Furniture Slip Covers Made to Order. Lace Curtains Cleaned and Stored, No Extra Charge for Storage. West Twenty-third Street BAILED. Antwerp. May 23. 8:30 a m-Kroonland <Bel S ). New York Chrlilfaniami? May 2», noon-C r Tletcen .Pan., (from <openhr>sen>. New Y.irK -fc** tßr) - (from uv - Queenstow... May Lit. lo.V. a n. CadltC <»... .fr.^n Ltv erwiolt New York. Proven.-. ,m New York Haire M.«v A <; B ■ !.» Prmen.e ,Fr.. New \.-rk Palermo. Ma, 2* -lull. .fir., 'from Leghorn.. New V-rk % Southampton. May 2U-St Paul. New- \oik Ma Cher bourg land passed Hurst Castle at 1:40 p «n>. Palermo. May 2ft— Oceania <Aust.». (from Trieste. . Ro.mL'M.y 2». 1» a m -Po««lam (Dutch). »*■ York \la Boulonne |W>. .from Toki>baiaa> Singapore. May -•« -In<lrama>o ißn. ifrom \om Mo^mo'' M'.y V^viumb^ »Br>. -from GW* New York. S »-»nn~..k. • _ , »■•« York- ' London. May :o— Mlnnewaska tßr>. N« w .- . PASSED. -_.«, f» Gibraltar. May I* -K.^nf.l. <«•»>. tal«» Malta for Boston and N«w iotb.