Newspaper Page Text
I «* 'Amusements. ACADEMY OF MUSlC— R— Twelfth Ni*ht Mi Tasilai of Hthe Ehrevr. ■ _■ , AEKIAL GARDENS— 4 :3ft— The Boy and th« Girl. AUI A HER A — 2— S — Vaudeville . ASTOR — 6:15 — The JUr. :"rorn Home. BSI<A£CO- - 16— Going Boms. — B:3O— A GfEtleman Iran sJissi!!lr-F"- EPXiADWAT— S:IS— Mldrlght Sons. CAtINO — B:1V Hnn*. , COVET IfLANTt-Dresmiuid. LOC* Pstk. ZiAVYS— S:IS— The Cl'ixax. SD^N IICHEE— Tb* World in Wai. EMPIRE- i :3<"t— Th- Mol'.usc O4.IETY— S:3"— ZY.t Home »xt r»eor. GaKßlCK— *:2f>— Th» Man Wvn Mexico. KAMSIERSTEINS— 2:ir.— Vauderti'.e. HERALD EQUABE— f:tt— Tb« Beauty Spot- HT"r>«-'H T "r>«-' S:1S — The Third D-ct<h- JABDIX DE PAKIS-«:»— FoiUej o: l&G. MAX] ELLIOTTS — 6:13 — The B!ue Mous<" WIBEB -- v ; - 5 — The Girl fro*" Rectors- fmlor to Advertisement*. Pare. Co!, i Page Col Arrcrerrents 12 6 Marria res and Deaths . »-« BusIJWS? Chances... S* 7 O-.^an Steamer? 9 < Cwpet Clearing..-- 9 ' \ rropos-als 11 3-4 Qjrpei ■ ■ i " « ggsrS : j«g I i r^sh.«S nous-, to s^^r^^^piion ' ' 8&^ ted .".-.::: 1? II wc%'V»t««: :::::: , 5 XtxoQxrrk Snilr crilnnu. UOXDAT. jrXE 14. 1908. This wirspapcr is owned and published by Tkf Tribune Association, a yew York- corpora tion: oflirc and principal place of business. Tribune Building, No. LU Nassau street. New York;' Os4m JJW.e. president; nenry W. Kackett. secretary; James }I. Barrett, treasurer. The address of the officers Is the office of this rtrvtpaper THE XEWS THIS lfO»\"/.VG FOREIGN. — Del of the mutiny of the sec ond company of native constabulary at Davao. Mindanao, said teat the Americans, after the quarters were tak^n. rallied in a church and re pulsed the attack of the mutineers, who fled when aid arrived. ===== All hope of saving the twenty men who -vent down -with the Russian submarine Kamnaia ha? been abandoned: '- v '" l divers lo?t their lives in attempts at rescue. - - "~ Twelve Turk:- battalions repulsed the attack of ten thousand Albanians at Djakovitch. In Northern Albania ===== Five thousand per sons are said to have been killed by tribesmen in Sfortbwest Persia, and Russian aid has been csktd = Fifteen Japanese strike leaders -*-ere held for trial at Honolulu, twelve of them for conspiring to riot and three for conspiracy to rourdtr. — The German Emperor will out line Germany's desire for Great Britain's friend ship in .1 speech to-day to English clergymen visiting Berlin. - ■— Liberia. according to dis patches received from Monrovia, feeis aggrieved over the personnel of the American commission. the failure to send a larger force of warships and the failure to make definite replies to the re public demand? — ■ — Advices from Cuba Bay that the financial troubles of the island have b«*r. exaggerated in "Washington, though the Conservatives threaten to block th* passage of **■(■ budget x DOMESTIC — The Senate Finance Committee held a meeting at "Washington, at which many Changes in phraseology in the tariff bill were isade. ■ It -was saic* at Washington that the battleship Michigan, which grounded off Cape Cod- on Friday, was not seriously damaged. _■ ■ ■_ Funeral "sen-ices of the Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Kale were held in two churches in Bos ton; thousands viewed the body as it lay in Hate. = The principal speakers at the tblrty tixth annual conference of charities and correc tions at Buffalo were A. J. McKehvay. of At lanta, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of New York. •';. .: .An Italian fatally stabbed by a coun tryman in the streets of Buffalo because he ■would not pay a debt of one dollar. = Pro fessor Herman S. Hering. in a speech in Spring field. Mass.. asserted that Mrs. Eddy is in fact as in huh the head of the Christian Science Church. : A corporal in the regular army stationed at Dcs Moines. lowa, shot and prob ably xataJly injured his captain and a non-com missioned officer and wounded another non-com inissiened man. CITY. — Parents of Beatrice Marks, a Bronx jrxrl missing from h*;r home for two weeks, asked the police of New York. Albany and Chicago to search for her on the theory that she had been kidnapped. = President Woodrow Wilson de livered the buccr. laureate- sermon to the graduat ing class at Princeton University. ===== Many aeroplanes, that of Glenn 11. Curtiss among them, -were on view at Morris Park. = The jrovernment may sue to dissolve the American Sugar Refining Company. . The order Brith Abraham began the celebration of its golden jubilee. == The Democratic Union announced that it would nam? candidates for all judiciary office.- in the county n.-xt fall. • = The com mittee of one hundred to get independent nomi nations ""."ill be named at a mass meeting on Wednesday night, it was announced. — Joseph Goldstein, a Brooklyn real estate and in surance broker, said h* would bring suit for 525.000 for alleged police persecution. = The Federation of Zionists debated several plans for colonizing Palestine. It was announced that Yale alumni, led by President Taft. would seek to erect a permanent m^-m^rial at Yale to the Yale men who died In the Civil War. r== A heavy rainfall inundated the Manhattan ap proach of the Brooklyn Bridge. == Youthful rowdies assault th<"- conductor of a Bergen Beach car bound for .Manhattan and terrified the •women passengers. THE WEATHER.— lndications for to-day: Showers. The temperature yesterday: Highest, 73'degTees; lowest, 64. .4.V IXTEie: :!!•■•■ XL PATEXT CODE. Td view cf the source from which It ema liated, a remarkable opinion has recently l»een tKjptwssed regarding that clause of the ne.v Brit ish patent law which provides for the revocation of foreign patents under certain conditions. In as address to one of the sections of the Con gress of Chemists in London, over which he presided, the Lord Chief Justice said that he deeioed the legislation iv question "a step in tic wrong direction." lie was disposed to think tict such a law would tend to deprive the world of knowledge it- would otherwise obtain from the patenting of inventions and would lead to t!;e adoption of secret processes in industry. The distinguished speaker thinks that a difference ia.tlie rules of different countries is undesirable, and hence he advocates efforts to secure ■•an ap "l<roxiu>ation to an International code by <;reat "Britain. Germany. France and the I'nited "States for the protection of inventions." - The second of thes* suggestions is an excel lent one. \Yh:itever uncertainty may exist con cerning the specific points on which an agree njssjt sb old In sought, there cannot be much doubt that a general similarity in the patent systems of tlie principal manufacturing coun tries of the world would be a good thing. More o-cr. it is not altogether unlikely that if uni formity is cot brought .-ibour by friendly confer ence it will b<+ through less agreeable . -vies. For icstaace. the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives wished to embody !a;. the new tariff law a clause providing that tiie citizens of any coundry which should place restrictions on American patents unlike thoso Imposed by the L"mt*l States should be sub jected to correspond] ui: limitations of iheir privi lescrbere. Tfce clause was stricken cut by the House, because if there is to i»e legislation of the lr!ad proposed a separate bill ■■■ems preferable. Besides, considera rlon must be given to existing treaty rights, and the admiuistration may regard tie darter as worth. <;f diplomatic discussion. TLere remains, however, a possibility thai Con rress tvjji craii yet resort to retaliatory rueas tars, awl an excellent reason is thus afforded fcr>e^t:ing to accomplish the object In view by uV'*.o *iß!able n-.etnods. A resolution was edepted by the law section d tie Oassfess of Chemists recommending ,„.. tSJCTIStazi of a p'atj by which ctftobtfeture la *<y»uiitry 'oe:r.r.g:::g to a prospective nilon fciouJiJ afford j>rotec:;oa to a paten: la th? others. This is a cautious utterance on a single question by the representatives of one im portant industry, if other organizations which can speak with authority for lar^e business in terests likely to be affected by patent legislation would in like manner define and express their -eutiments such action might prove useful in • ;any ways. It would serve to show whether or not there was practical unanimity regarding the revocation of patents, and on what additional -!o*>tr accord was needed. THAT DIRECT PRIMARIES OUTTSQ. Information came from Albany a few days ago that Senator Meade, chairman of the direct Dominations 'investigating"' committee, had ar ranged to obiain all the material on the subject available in the Stafe Library. The State Li brary is an institution unusually well equipped in that respect. It has^ reports, statistics, fest books, opinions and even newspapers, quite enocgn for months of careful study. Thus bav in- made sure of a "base of supplies.- like a prudent general, the chairman apparently felt entirely at liberty to arrange a pleasant summer and autumn outing for himself and his asso ciates. It will cost the state .$15.00(1. to be sure. Perhaps, like the <assidy committee which con sidered the tangled finances of this city, the primaries committee may even return to the Legislature for a second appropriation. But what of that? A report showing the failures and the fallacies of direct nominations will be crorth whatever it may cost, and the gentlemen in control of the financial committees of the Leg islature ardently desire to see such a report. There are others in the state who may be in clined to cavil. We remember thai Senator Davenport, who refused to serve on the com mittee, remarked: "I IB on record in the Sen tate In opposition to the appointment of this "cooimisstoo on the ground that all the informa •rinn needed by anybody has either been "gathered already or is easily accessible I "think still that the proposed investigation is a "waste of public funds '" lr i> to lie hoped that the legislators will en ioy the change of scene and profit from their trip in an increased breadth of view, which travel is supposed to impart. It is to be hoped, likewise, that they will study diligently the nnsv of information awaiting them in the State Library ar Albany. THF HEALTH OF MIDSHIPMEN The physical condition of tbe students at the Naval Academy has of late excited no little official uneasin^s?. Several men who are other wise entitled to receive commissions have proved so deficient in This respect that they must seek occupation elsewhere than in the naval service. The discovery naturally causes disappointment to the men themselves and to the government. Already the matter has been con | sidered by a board convened by Captain Badger, who is about to retire from the post of super : mtendent of the Naval Academy, but a choice i of remedies will apparently be one of the most important duties of his successor. Captain Bowyer. Friends of the midshipmen who have b^n unable to pass the final physical examination have been inclined to believe that there has . in^D something in the course of study and daily | life at the academy which has brought about the unfortunate result. The officers whoso ad vj,.p Captain Itndger sought recommended that the men take m->re exercise, and the retiring superintendent himself now thinks that the question is how to strike a proper balance be tween tbe necessary amount of recreation and exercise on the one hand and mental work on the other. -Just how to appls the principle in ■ detail wi'.l evidently be a problem for Captain Bowyer to solve. If it should be feasible to compare the daily routine at Annapolis with that of naval acad* i ernies in other countries, perhaps useful sngges tions might lie obtained. Bach differences and similarities of usage as might be revealed by : an inquiry of this sort would be the nior*> in structive if the Investigation Included results as well ns methods. If in foreign naval schools : any considerable percentage of students are un able to meet ihe government's physical require* , ments. the difficulty to be overcome may be more obscure than has been suspt rted If. on . the other hand, failure to reach these standards is exceptional in other countries, a reasonably dose conformity to their division of mental ■ work and physical exercise might prove profit able here. CUBA ASI) THE BPAXISH DEBT. The question of Cuba's responsibility for a portion of the Spanish public debt is reported to have been raised again, at Madrid <<r else where. We should doubt if any well informed statesman or financier regarded seriously any proposal to attempt the collection of such debt from Cuba, or even to charge against that isl and either legal or moral accountability for it. l!' any should do so. we should commend to him ■ thongfatfnl perusal of the record of the ttego- Uati us ;it Paris in the fall of 1896 which re sulted in the making of a treaty of peace be tween Spain and the United States. At almost the beginning of those negotiations, on October 3, In an annex to Protocol 2. tbe American commissioners proposed as a part of the impending treaty the following article: • The government of Spain hereby relinquishes all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba." On October 7. in an annex to Protocol 3, the Spanish commissioners moved to amend this by providing that Spain should nor merely re linquish, sovereignty over Cuba, but should also "transfer it to the United states," and that iliere should also be thus transferred "all "charges and obligations of every kind . . . 'which the Crown of Spain and her authorities ■"in the island of Cuba may have contracted •lawfully in the exercise of the authority hereby '■relinquished. " To this the American com missioners, ou October 11, in an annex to Proto col 4. replied that this appeared to be In sub stance a proposition to transfer to the United states and. In turn, to Cuba a mass of Spanish charges and obligations. They added that if. iv the preliminary negotiations looking to the con ference, Spain had proposed such a stipulation, "the proposal, unless abandoned, would have terminated the negotiations." They therefore positively declined to accent that proposal. The Spanish commissioners, however, continued dis cussion of the ESbJect, aD( I the American com missioners, in consequence, made an elaborate argument demonstrating the fact that the in debtedness in question had been Incurred by Spain, on her sole responsibility, for her own benefit, and that in no legal or moral sense was it chargeable against Cuba. The Spanish commissioners, on October ■_'<">. in an annex to Protocol 9. amended their pro posal by making it apply to only such part of the Spanish debt as should, by an impartial commission, be "adjudged according to strict law and undeniable equity" to belong properly and sppritically to Cuba. The next day. in au annex to Protocol 10, the American commis sioners refused to accept this proposal. IMs ruMlon was thereafter tamed chiefly to the dis position of the Philippines and other matters, though the debt question occasionally reap peared. At last, on November 22. in reply to an inquiry by their Spanish colleagues, the Amer ican commissioners, in an annex to Protocol TO. recalled that they bad in the conferences "repeatedly declared that they would not ac vppt any articles that required the United "Stares to assume the so-called colonial debts "of Spain." In another annex the Spanish commissioners tho next day begged the Amer ican* |o consider m proposal to "submit to an "arbitral tribunal what are the debts and ob lonss of a colonial character which should ■>)>s -with the Islands." To this, on November 22, lc- another aancx to the same protocol, tbe NEW-YOKK DAILY TRIBUTE. MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1909, American commissioners rpplied that they had maturely considered the hist proposal and had communicated it to their government at Wash ington; and that the answer of that jr.ivern iuent instructed them to adhere to the preposi tion which they had already submittnl OQ October 3. With this was coupled an intimation that further attempt to discuss the matter would be vain. The result wit that on December U\ as an annex to Protocol 22. the treaty of peace was sljrned with its first article in precisely the form prescribed by the American commission ers «t the beginning of the negotiations and without the slightest concession, expressed or implied, to the Spanish request for ■ tn nsfer of Indebtedness along with relinqmsliinent of sovereignty. In view of that. M does noi seem probable that nny claim of the kind which 1s now roportr-d will prove to be worth nv>r< than the paper on which it is written. AS TO COMMISSIONS. A typical example of zeal outrunning discre tion or information Is afforded by the Hoard of Trade of the neighboring city of Newark in its omnibus condemnation of "government bj com mission" and its demand thai public commis sions which are now performing administrative functions of government shall be abolished or shall be composed of public spirited men of high character who will b<! willing to serve the state without salaries. The aim of the authors of this manifesto jr. apparently not so much to re model the system of administration as to reduce the expenses of government by fretting rid of official salaries. There has no doubt been in New Jersey, as in New York and elsewhere, some abuse of the commission system. But there are commissions and commissions. For the Legislature to create a special and temporary commission to do work which Its own members ought to do. or which other existing state or municipal officers ought to do, and which the constitution and laws in tend they shall do, is undoubtedly an evil. It would be an evil even If the commission were unpaid, because It would be an Improper shirk big Of duty: an.] when salaries are paid, as they generally are. it is a still greater evil. But it is an entirely different thing for the legislat ure or the Governor to designate officials to perform permanent and essential functions of government under the convenient title <■■ com mission or commissioners. Many of the most important heads of departments or of bureaus in the federal, state and municipal governments are officially styled commissioners. There are commissioners of education, of insurance, of banking, of water supply: tire commissioners, police commissioners, sinking fund commission ers and many other?. It is simply ridiculous for anybody to urge that all these places should be abolished or that their Incumbents should be required to serve without pay simply because they boar the name of commissions. Yet that Is apparently just what the Newark Board of Trade means, for it specifies for such treatment various commissions of precisely those kinds — hard working, permanent and indispensable de partments of government. As for the suggestion th.°f many departments of government should be administered by men servinp without pay. it seems to be particularly infelicitous in view of the fact thai recrat In vestigations In New Jersey have disclosed t!ie circumstance that such service is just about a* likely to be weak find poor as any In the state. Institutions directed by unpaid boards of public spirited men of high character have boon found to be marked with gross Irregularities id scan dalous abases. That hi not, of course, uni versally the case; perhaps not general!] Some unpaid boards perform their work with scrupu lous devotion and high ability. Rut then Is no more assurance tnat they will do so than there Is paid commissioners will always do their duty. And in general the reasonable presump tion is that public work, like any other, la best to be done by employing for the purpose persons of ascertained character and ability and paying them salaries commensurate with their deserts. BIRTH RATES ASH DEATH RATES. The somewhat startling records of decline In the Prussian birth rate appear to give addi tional confirmation to the theory that Tier.- is some systematic correspondence between the movements of birth rates and of death ra'«-s, in stead of the contrast which sot might expect. It might. Indeed, naturally be supposed that at least some of the conditions which prom the physical wellbeing of the people tnd thus lower the death rate would tend toward an Increase, or at least a maintenance, of the birth rate, and that, on the other hand, some of the conditions of physical and other deterioration \rhi<-h result In a decreased birth rate would lessen the te nacity of" life and increase the death rate. The general testimony of the world and th« very marked special testimony of several of Its fore most countries and most of its great cities is. however, to the contrary. The rule seems to be that where the birth rate la high the death rate als<- is high, and that where sanitary science and efficient administration lower the death rate there is ■ corresponding decline of the birth rate. This has long been notably the case tn France, where probably more than in any other country of Hie world the resources of civilization have been effectively employed for decreasing the in fantile death rat-- to ;; minimum, and where the birth rate Ims a* the same time so declined as to provoke some persons to t;>n< rashly of the "decadence" of the race. In England tin death rate ij.i> been greatly diminished and there has now arisen much complaint of the dedii f the birth rate. Her,- in .\ew rork the processes are not n marked, yet with the gratifying ctimlnu tton <>f the deato rate which lias been effected in recent years there is said to have o>vurred some decline of the birth rate at ie;tst n that part of the population which is of nat re an cestry, in the great cities of the Unite* King dom there Is an Impressive parallel between the two rates. Thus, in London and Bradford the low death rates of 14.6 and H> are accom panied by the low birth rates of '-■">. •'. .-'.nd '_'•», while in Liverpool the higher death ratea of "!!♦ and 17.1 are accompanied !>.\ the higher birth rales of 31.8 and 30.9. So we may con trast Edinburgh, with death mte and birth rate, of n;.'J and 21.7, with Glasgow, with is.,". and-L'S..'!, respectively. The same rule boMa good elsewhere. Alexandria and Cairo have the ap palling death rates of 35.1 and 37.8, and corre spondingly the bigh birth rates of :!7.7 and 42.(1, while Amsterdam and Hamburg have the lower death rates of 13.4 and 14. s and also th.> lower birth ratOH of 2&5 and 20J2. It the cntrast between these two pairs of cities should be ac counted for by tlie liifferences In climnte and race, the two northern cities of Stockholm and St. Petersburg may be taken as affording ■ very fair, and therefore convincing, comparison be cause of their similarity in natural conditions. Stockholm has both rates low. 1&9 and L' 1..1, re spectively, while St. Petersburg has both high, *_'4.7 and 30.4. Similar exainpl"s might mul tiplied almost indefinitely. And now eoaae the vital statisti<:-s of the chief part of the German Umpire with striking testimony to tfct> saniH <ff C(M . The death rate in Prussia in ifMVT vas the lowest on record, and so was the birth rate That fad might perhaps be regarded at acci dental or as due to some special and tct morary circumstances, were it not shown to be merely a part of a process which has been In continuous operation for years. Tbus, iv ICX>* the birth rate was 3504; in 10f>5 it fell to 33.77; in 1908 there was a slight recovery to 84, and in IfM)T there was a farther fnll to only 3&2& In the city of Berlin in the last named year If was only 24.5 ft. and in every province of the kiagdoa ex cepting live, in !he extreme east and west, the birth rate was much below the average Iv rhe whole empire Uie year's increase of population due to the excess of births over deaths wasprob ably not mpre than DOO.OOO. and it would have been much less than that had it not been for the gratifying reduction of the death rate, which in the city of Berlin was only ir>.«2. Physiological philosophers may explain 'bis correspondence between birth rate and death rate, if it really does exist, on grounds which will not make "it cause for regret It may be that some subtle but masterful :aw of nature Compels this correlation of processes in order to prevent cither depopulation or overpopulation, on a principle similar to that which Increases the fecundity of the smaller and weaker animals and decreases that of the larger and stronger. If so. while it is probably an inevitable and ir resistible law. we may also rejr\rd It as on the whole beneficent. For assuredly, so lone as (here is a reasonable excess of hirths over deaths, it is better to have both rates low thnn both high. It Is better to have few children born and to hnve them grow to maturity and survive to old age than to have many bnrn only to die In infancy. MONE7 AND BUSINESS. Though stock market trading continues active, n more conservative tendency is noted among speculators, and as a consequence price move ments are held within reasonable bounds, with the best purchases In the standard rails and in railway mortgage issues. In the last week there was a largo amount of profit taking in all parts of the share list, and while sales were made at high figures the character of the buying sug gested a belief in banking circles of ultimately better levels for all securities, especially for the issues of the most prominent railroad and industrial corporations. Fortunately, the lead ing interests are endeavoring to discourage the. sort of speculation that always ends in serious market demoralization, their efforts being cen tred on a policy that seeks to bring about the stability that strengthens confidence in invest ment and business circles in our industrial f^nd financial affairs. Capital Is moving into new securities in a manner -most encouraging to the corporations that require funds for better ments and improvements, investment operations of this sort reflecting greater willingness on the. part of foreign money to find an outlet in this country. The leading railroad shares closed the week at an average price of 128.30, against 128.21 in the preceding week, and the chief in dustrials at 94, a loss of 4'>. Money continues in abundant supply at low rates, but the development of a higher price for accommodation must be looked for at no re mote time, owing to the enormous expansion that already has taken place in bank loans and to the approach of the period when crop and business demands will become a more Impor tant factor in th" market. Time maturities show a firmer tendency, and commercial paper Is stronger. Call funds are more susceptible to stock market requirements, and for the rest of the season are likely to show a gradually hardening tone, especially around the end of the current fiscal year, when our financial in stitutions will be called upon to handle enor mous Interest ami dividend payments. The in terior is sending currency to this centre in vol ume, and the extent of the movement which has been under way for many weeks Is a safe Indication that withdrawals of out-of-town bank balances will be equally active when the me arrives tor the financing of the. har vests and general fall trade requirements, pearer discounts in London have affected lons sterling here, while the offering of finance bills and a somewhat better supply of commercial exchange, together with strength in the Paris cheque on London, have removed the possibility of further gold exports from •' -.v York to the French capital, for th« present at least. Factors that measure trade conditions ire In favor of material progress in our business af fairs throughout the summer months, nd fore shadow the return of normal times in ail in dustries much -urller than was thought possible a few weeks ago. Bank exchanges last week showed an Increase over the same period In 190S of 57 per cent and »•» M per cent larger than In 1906. The gain, while reflecting the great activity in the speculative markets, also Indi cat"d general Industrial growth, as outside of speculative centres an increase In the payments through clearing houses of about 22 per cent was reported. Railroad earnings for the- last week in May were 16 i^r cent greater than In the corresponding time last year, but showed a loss from that me In 1907, when the transpor tation business was unusually heavy, the record for 1909 being noteworthy, however, as it pre sented marked improvement over tbe preceding weeks since January 1. The market for Iron and steel supplies adequate reason for the opti mism that Is found In metal circles, while the same thing may be said of copper, the May pro duction fi*ur< - of which of a continued heavy output with •> most substantial increase in the demand from consumers ;it home and abroad. Pig Iron production was heavier in May than In any month since October, 1907. and demand was active at firm prices. Steel ralis and new equipment aro being ordered by the railroads in larger volume than at any time this year, with prompt deliveries requested. Build- Ing operations are heavy. In the cotton goods market actual transac tions are more active. Lars* operations are reported for the account of Jobbers, an.l in heavy lines prices are higher. In print cloths demand la better and distribution from drat hands has proceeded at a rate that has brought about a material reduction In stocks. In most departments of the drygoods market consumers show a desire to place orders at once, in the belief that quotations will move to a better level before the autumn. Speculation In cotton fut ures Is on a lighter scale, with price fluctua tions narrow, the liquidation recently under way having failed to establish values on a substan tially lower range. in the best Informed cotton, circles dearer figures are looked for as the sea son advances, owing more to the expected in creased activity In the spot markets and to the Indications that point to an enormous world consumption than to the possibility of a low yield on the new crop. Exports of cotton aro Increasing, the shipments for the month of May showing a gain in value of $9,'.:i3.G67 over tho same month In 1903. Government crop figures giving conditions as of May l do not Indicate a bumper winter wheat harvest, but the acreage and current growth of spring wheat foreshadow a normal yield, while the record breaking acreage planted In the corn belt suggests an enormous return in the event of favorable weather throughout the summer months. Speculators In wheat are not enjoying the success on the bull side that marked their operations earlier In the spring, the tendency of prices exhibiting a heaviness that reflects better climatic conditions In the wheat section of the country- and prospects of an early move ment of the new crop. Easier prices for wheat futures have not affected the market for flour, millers last week paying the highest figures of the year for cash wheat, which, of course, has prevented any shading in quotations to consum ers. In the market for leather prices remain firm. and buying is more active as a conse quence of an important Influx of new orders for boots and shoes. It Is Inconceivable that any such proportion Of the school children of New York City as Dr. MaeNiehol! asserts should be addicted to th>s use of alcoholic drinks. However ill behaved the pupils of the public schools of the city may he — and properly to discipline the mingled chil dren of man} races, as is necessary In New York. la no easy task at the, best— it is grotesque ex travagance to say that "conditions in the New "York public schools rival those of ancient "Sodom." It cannot be denied, however, that in one respect, at least, there Is room for improve ment. It is not an uncommon thing for parents to offer beer to children barely able to walk, and by the time these children are large enough to run around the corner for a pail of beer they can drink, and expect to drink, their share of the supply. I'ninteilierent parents are pron» to lo S " sight of the fa.-t that a grown person mny do with Impunity what cannot bo done by a child without danger ol serlona consequent *. Of thirty-two propositions before the voters of Portland, Ore., under the initiative and refer endum system, thirteen were carried in the re cent city election. Although a Mayor was elected, the vote was very light. Perhaps voter 3 stayed away from the polls rather than face those thirty-two ordinances and amendments on which they were asked to vote. An election In Oregon must be a dreadful bore. Boston's charter has been sisrned by the Gov ernor of Massachusetts. This Is fortunate, for It marks a step forward in charter making, and the cities of this country must learn from each others' experiences and experiment." what Is the solution of th» municipal government problem. Prom the builders of th<* battleship Michigan the government demanded that she should be able to maintain a speed of mi knots. Her average for four hours during one of her trials last week was nearly 19 knots. Other American war vessels have exceeded contract require ments by half a knot or even more, but such an excess Is not of frequent occurrence. The special distinction of this, battleship, however, is that she Is the first built for the United States to have a main battery consisting of guns of a single calibre. If the sister ship, th" South Carolina, now nearly completed, proves equally, the country will possess a pretty fine pair of Dreadnoughts. A consular report from Nantes says that a considerable proportion of French sardines are packed In cottonseed oil. Why should any one object to the practice? If the fish are rfectly wholesome to begin with, and the boxes are properly closed, no harm can come to the oil. Th* Venezuelan Congress! may censure Mr. Paul, and the government may dismiss him from Its service, for his action In seeking for Venez uela the protection of American wars.hips at an important crisis, but the world will continue to believe that in that he did an uncommonly good thing for his country. He saved it from possible anarchy, and he did not compromise its dignity or Independence. If the question will not be Interpreted as a sign of Incredulity, we should like to ask over how wide an area hail was deposited by a storm in Virginia to "a depth of two feel or more." THE TALK OF THE DAY A divorce commissioner. wh"«e duty it would b« to probe aC applications for divorces, is advocated by Judge Albert C Barnes as one of the remedies by which Chicago rirr v 't escape the Innuendo of being a convenient city in which to obtain decrees. Judge Barnes's plan, says "The Chicago Xev.s,"' "wou'ri Rive the people of the state representation In divorce cases, either through a special assistant state's attorney or a divorce commissioner. It would make It difficult to perpetrate fraud such as Is alleged by Mrs. Grace B. Gugsrenhelm. who is seeking to obtain the annulment of a divorce granted her by former Judge Edward F. Dunne in 1301. which she a«sert-« was obtained through col lusion." That's Skinner's wife." said Gauastp "They say she dMn't have a very good me when be married her." "WelL he seems to thlr.k It's '■•.-•.- c- ' now." replied Wise. "Yes?" "Yes; be** put all h'« property In It." — Catholic Standard and noes. in this land cf the free, where every citizen Is proclaimed in stump speeches nnd even in mere <i!f:n!f:e,l addresses as a sovereign, titles of foreign monarch* are supposed, theoretically, to be of in different significance. Yet ':: no placo Is th*r* a more delicate consideration and solicitude shosvn for the proper and exact lies i£nut lon of the ruler of a monarchy than In our own bureau of naturalization In the Department of Commerce and Labor. For instance, a native of Austria who want to vote for a lVesldent of tbe United States forswears allegiance to Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, but your prospective voter from Iludapest or any other place in the length and breadth of Huntriry protests his wlUlngnesa to give up fealty to Frir.cis Joseph. Apostolic Klr.K of Hungary. The orCßnary Hungarian la particular about emphasizinK this dts- Unction, but do more so ... director of th« naturalization bureau in Washington. Englishman^ Irishman, Scotchman or Welshman who wants to t-eoome a citizen forsakes the sovereignty of Edward VII. King of Great Britain and Ireland; so do the would-be Americans from Ilarbados or Canada or New Zealand or Australia; but when Bhicajl Fran.:! Halsara. the Pnrsee. who first saw the light in Bombay and who was made a full citizen of the United Stales about a month ago. toolc his oath before Judge LaeomJ>e in the United States Circuit Court It was allegiance to Edward VII. Emperor of India, "especially among all foreign princes and potentates." that be renounced. "Gimme some of that prime pie." "Son you've had two kinds of pie already.*" "Then another kind won't matter There's only one kind of stomach ache." I^uisville Courier- Journal- Jacob Gordln. the Yiddish playwright ar.d the creator of the higher Jargon drama in this coun try, who died last week, prided himself on his ability to "adapt," but he never translated* When he was told at the public dress rehearsal of his "God. Man and the Devil" that with Its prologue In heaven and the adventures of the hero, it was much like "Faust." he said: "1 took the Meal from Goethe, with the same right that he took it before me. from the Hook of Job." Of all his plays he was most partial to "Queen 1.-.ih.' - which bears BO relation to "King Lear," except that it deals with filial Ingratitude. Judith Herz. in an article published In "The New Era Magazine" some years ago, said: "More than on.» man has gone from the theatre after this play to his home to write with tears to his neglected 'old people' across tho water." lie al3o bad a great affection for '•The Oath," an adaptation, of Hauptmann's "Fuhr mann llenschel." and "The Slaughter." in which the evils of marriage for money are shown. "The Rev. Mr. Hustler's church Is certainly up to date." "Indeed! How?" "Why. he calls his ipsppr services matinee*, arri the nebon take up the collection with i-.i lsters."- Boston Transcript. SARDINE OIL BY TANK CAR. From The Kennchfc Journal. A tni-.k car of 163 bMTlll of cottnnsred oil recently shipped fr-mi X. -mucky for the Beacoast Canning Company is said to have arrived at k.!st port thla week in kpo,i condition. This being t' lfl first attempt t.-> shij-> oil Knst In other than l-.irr-*i parkagiMr. the experiment was awaited with saueh interest FATE. From The Washington Post. A ■ Democratic Jlo>:se of Representatives, with practically solid Republican opposition, made Colo rado a state in 1-7* A Democratic House of Rep resentatives made the Dakotas. Wyoming. Idaho, Utah and Washington states, and they will save the bacon of high protection In the present Con gress. It whs in ISfil that David L. (.raves, an "Old Peveril of the Peak" of a man, found things out of order on his blue grass farm in Marion County. Ky. in ■ tit of discontent he sold th» place and took in exchange a large quantify of whiskey, which the federal authorities seized because of some very disloyal speeches the old fellow delivered on the streets of Lebanon. While II was In the custody of th* United States authorities Congress put a tax of $2 a gallon on whiskey, not yet pro duced, which made that "in ease" very valuable, and when the liquor of Graves was returned to him its worth was Increased many fold and he bom it for a sum that made him ■ rich man. But all the while it was out of his possession Graves was vociferous, emphatic and somewhat profane In his denunciation of a government th it was making him rich beyond his dreams, and in deed, to his dying day. many years later, he kept up his denunciation. Fax* mm not be denied. I IMPERIAL COURCU Effusive Hospitality Without £-, fcctiic Work. London. June 5, Mr. Bernard Partr has hit off the Imae-ja Press Conference with his usual acumsn. Nt cartoon in "Punch" portrays the British J» ' with paws outstretched in \ve!come to the cJJ ni.-il cubs and with the words trembling o a y lips, "We've arranged for you to have a rom.J of dinners, luncheons, garden parties— and „_ ferenceav" To this the chorus of young lion* sponds: "Splendid! Er— need we go to the cc. ferences?" Certainly, the fifty-six reprej^jj/ tives of the colonial press need to drop o'j» tf j something planned for their entertainment '« less they have sinews of iron and atom,, «f india rubber. In the course of nine days tter are to be welcomed at the Imperial exhibition the Foreign Office, the Houses of Tar!:aiaaal the Mansion House, the Constitutional fjjgv and Marlborough House; they are to wtti^ a sham battle of seventeen thousand men » Aide:-- and an Imposing naval review; ti» are to listen to oratory from the Prime Mai* ter, the Speaker. Lord Rosebery and Mr. B»L four; they are to be preached to at Weststa. ster Abbey and entertained at the Duk» g Sutherland's, the Duke of "U"e!lington'3, L»j Falisbury'3, Lord NorthclifTe's. Jir. Arthur Pearson's and other houses, and after contiaij. ous Junketing In the metropolis they are to b» turned over to the provinces and tr> Scot!jci for another round of banquets, garden partlsj and speechniakinp. London hospitality fci OT| no bounds when royalty sets the style and th«rj is an efficient committee oi* organization. Ti» colonial premiers themselves during their w rent visits to England have not had more *■» for them than Is planned for this large body £ overseas press men. The newspapers of th*» empire are *X99etaJ to accomplish what statesmanship has b«a unable to d.-> There has been a series of con ferences at th*» Colonial Office from «a» to time, but imperial federation ha 3 re-ialaed « far removed as ever— a problem a3 dirScult is the squaring of th«* circle. Colonial prealsn were elevated to the dignity of membership !a th* ri?ht honorable Privy Council; there haja> been generous distributions of decoration* ed compliments; Mr. Chamberlain has advocaad preferential trade between the colonies and rh» mother state, and Lord Elgin and 3lr. ChaKbill have recommended co-operation in military d naval defence and an approach to an adiatn* trative council in which all portions of the en pire could be represented. All these tUsai have helped to create an atmosphere for tmp» rial unity, but institutions are not air plaits, They must be rooted in something mom na!» rial than racial affinity or loyal sentiment If, there are to be new growths with a vital fora of their own. With al! the fervid talk about common origin and destiny, little progress !a» been made under the Unionist and Liberal ad ministrations toward the establishment cf rep resentative bodies In which the United Kteg d..m and the loyal colonies can be brought •■> gether. The main result cccomplished at tin last colonial conference was the opening of an information bureau with a small staff in Doma ins Street. It was hardly more than a£3 mirror for reflecting traditions and opreioia of I the Colonial Office. It was not a cour.: a I which overseas commonwealths were »de- I quately represented or where matters affectiss B the Interests of the empire as a whole could t» jj authoritatively discussed. || Will reform by newspapers be more effective H than reform by premiers has been? Probably not. if Mr. Partridge's forecast be fulfilled aad y the younff lions of the colonial press are to b» U overfed, petted and stroked down in continuoo M junketing without being allowed to do an; ra 11 work in conference. There i 3 a prearrasja I order of conference discussion, v.ith all-red pr» agencies and cheap cable tolls as the lead;:; numbers. There will be speeches, reports a^ resolutions on all these ciuestions; but wttß fia pressure of public hospitality and social es gaeementa it is probable that the conierescs for business will be n^stected. There will D* good feeling and fluent oratory, but little ana tical work is likely to be done. As the preslen in atten-linsr their conferences have comp'.ainrf of lack of leisure for imperial business, wtes they were overwhelmed with oratory and hos pitality. SO the working journalists cf the self gOTernlng colonies will find themselves is capacitated for the serious labor? of their vafip assemblr. There will be more atmosphere fcf Imperial federation and no practi.--al gugy* tions for organising a real parliament or COM cil for the empire vor for systematize? tat business and harmonizing the policies of ' M mother country and the colonies. The press conference would be more Irpor tant than the last council of colonial preml*' if it were to formulate a definite sche=« «* the creation of a department for imperial aSt» Independent and outside of the Coio:iia^f** Mr. Deakin. the most eloquent and program of the premiers attending the last confWtf* emphasized the idea of equality of r: *" u^, ;y federated partnership, and advocated * 7 " representative council, with its own staff » with the promise of the potency of a sov *^* parliament for the empire. The Colonial O3» raised object-on to this comprehensive scbeoa and bureaucracy triumphed when the es "° l^' ment of a news or information brancß^ • authorized in Downing Street— a fresh 3 *** mechanism for winding and nncoffing s? 00 * 3 of red t:«i>c That bureau is without tn^*j*" In ascertaining or directing the collective P o^ of the empire. It Is controlled by official^ the Colon) Department and everyt fcin * o *s* 5 on as In the old days when Sir Bartle Fr«9 wirs recalled because Downing Street w * 3t **~ govern South Africa in its own way. *J*~^ reference to the experience of the pro-cousa. • the. spot. A great stride would be taken in v r.irectlon of imperial federation if thicruia! colonial journalists now In Lor~_ ;ou!d be Induced to advocate strongly th<* fonj tlon of an administrative council, where opinions of the Outlying commonwea!tßS_ military and naval defence, reciprocal p»~ ence in trade and other interests of t&e eciF as a whole could be authoritatively exp. ■£ it would be the beginning of commercial political federation— an advanced stage evolution of an empire. But hi or ' ' th- foundations for this council the your, i'ibb will need to go to the conferences ratne^ r . the dinners. QUEEN RECEIVES MR. GRISCOM. Rome. June 13.-Queen Helena to-to-r^ Q Lloyd C. Grlscom, the American - VmPa ~^ rt 4 farewell audience. This was an unusua- ""^ esteem, as it is customary for retiring amoaa to be received only by the Kin?. - ■ The Kin? and Queen received Lieutenant tf mander Reginald R. Bdknap. the naval 'V-'fir whom they expressed thetr high apprecial^» the work of the Americans in the ' lt2 *"" to* They offered th.Mr con?rratu!ation9 cn > " ; 4a ai ferrlng of citizenship of Messina on the *«*£ e^ ( . Lieutenant Ensigns VCilcox »-a ._^ ford. Dr. Donelson ar.d John Elliott, the- So °r2snni of Mrs. Julia Ward How* who acted as an— In the construction of the American bouses. MONUMENT IN HONOR OF M. LAMAIw^ Paris. June 10. .-President Failures *%***.& \eiled a monument in the Jardin dcs P'^^." memory of Jean Baptists de Monet u> LS» the celebrated French naturalist, who dl -^ ,; M. Lamarck became professor of natural &»"** the Jardin ties Plantes In 1752.