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4: DASH BABIES TO PIEB GYPSIES LAST STAND. Fight Bitterly Supposed Deporta tion to the Old World. Tiventy-four Russian ar.d Rumanian gypsies, ' men, women and children, ail l-rillißntly arrayed I:: native trd and yi.llfuv costcmes, foupht a score of ia-.misrati<tj Inspectors and longshoremen yes terday afternacn t-.. save themselves from depor taticn. For twenty tr.inute:-- they created the wild est disorder on t!*e Knsi River pier. No. S. near ' the Fulton K.r-.y. Hrookon. Ins.n:;e with the toil <£ tcing tali*!' hack to tht < >'.d World, the m^n anci wcniLn behaved Kk<- cornered animals, liitinj:. kick . and scratclwnp. The babies In the party si:!Te:e,i most. Their rcothers. M thrush rerertlng to Pnvasery. punched -,evon llic srna'l'-.-t with closed fi^tt--. and in coin • instarcos lift r-<I the litt!<- cn«s hljrh over their htadF a:i«3 dashel th^ni to Hip wooden floorins. One yoiitg wonu-n. wl;o v. ire a sc;;rl"t turban, cauplu tier chik% not more tlißii three; «>r fotir months old, by the ankle and (lashed its head in tht- fsre Of an insi>(»cior. A RTpsy fortune tellers "Incantation }>ot \va«*u.<sfd effectively on the officers' licads bj the fgrutne toller h«r:=eif. When tlie mad crowd was finally subdued sev « raj of tl;e chiMr»n- were BO seriously hurt that , t!;ey may die * 11 the ship that will take them all Xac'K to Huenos Ayres. A woman bad her teeth Fmashx-d'ln and a yoiinjr sirl's liose and jar.- were lrcker» TJic me: in -the pypsy hand were not seriously hurt, trol several of the inspectors and lorurshorctm-n eufft reU ba^ cuts and bn:isep. There »crp ¥lx m^ti. ei<rht women and ten chil dren in tlH> party. They have Wen a!! through Sfiuth America, going from settlement to settle rrent and city t.t city. The purses crew bigger tfce kinder the t--:>r continued, for their nomad cxisien<f and carious enstoras J»i > l > * >Il l**'^ Sl> much te> tl»e Spaiiish-Amcr-cans that at every hacienda Ism !■• vm.< m welcome. . Tlie fat of the iand was heaped on them, until «hii Arj:c:itin:i I:ad It^-n traversed and Buenos Ajre s reat-hed. tiir>r>» was much silver in every man belt and much jewelry ad'-rrinß the ears fird wrirts cf tho#rf.uivn. They decided to live in ttie Vni'ci Btatea s:id iiff sail on tjie I>ami>ort & Hoit iinrr Tennysori from the Arp»ntine capital. V.*her. Ellis Island was reached there was a smile OT3 every swarthy countennrn-e. and they threw trunks cv?r shoulders and hustled to the landing. The fypstrs wrr^ detained at the island several Oayr. pending Connnb*toner Wflliams's decision o:de'riris their deportation to South America. Ths smiles turned To frowns and black looks as the ■weary <Jays passed by. and th^ storm broke yes- j tercay after they had lieen bundled in the tugboat Tohn H. ?!tnmons. t" l>e taken 10 the Lr.mpirt &• Hclt flocks, in Brooklyn, for their return to Ar g-er.rina- "U'iia excitement started amon? the gypsies as ' the ruaio: sproaii from man to man that they were Ecizig back, not to Argentina, but to Russia. There ■was no extensive fighting, however, until the tup boct hove aloiyjsldj the steamship and the gang- j pianks were let out. Tl-e fight from the deck of the tusboat to the | pier anJ thence to the steamship was watched by nearly a hundred passenfiers. One or two women among them fainted. The moment the last gypsy woman was carried aboard, the hawsers were <s;opped and the steamship put und. r way. No po licemen were en hand duri:is the entire rifeht, and no ambulances were called. The silvrr and jewelry vf '.be gypsios did not con fiitute the oniy jirecious metals carried away by the Verdi, for. below decks, in little wooden kotrs. each holding J.>V>«\ was a shipment of $7,f><V»". the largest goid Ebipxnent save one that ever left iirocklyn. The coin will go to Argentina. It lifts the total amount of p"ld chipped this. year to that count:;- to the sum of S3o.OoQ.ttft CHAUFFEURS FORM ORGANIZATION. - - ■ i I - SUILIvAN COUNTY THIEF DETECTORS. Book* and Publications. fiction number THE AUGUST SCRIBNER BEST SHORT STORIES By ma CRICE HE wli:tt EDITH WHARTOX K. W. HORXUXG mary CHOLMOXDELEY F. HOPKIXSOX SMITH KATHARIXE holla BROWX MARGARET SHERWOOD In th»- same; number a. stirring ac count of The Recent Capture of Constantinople By H. G. DWIGHT, , n r y .^- lln^ Illustrated A Walking Journey Through the Famous Black Forest. -L^ l)y FREDERICK VAN BEUREN, JR. ,. Beautifully illustrated In Beginning in October MR, ROOSEVELT'S own story of his AFRICAN TRIP 2b mawta, 52.CC a year CHARLES SCRIBNbR'^ SOiS. N. Y. ACTOR OUTWITS PRIEST "MUGS" HIM AM) FLEES. t ; Latter 's Rage at Sobbing "Alien* Now Part of Mori tig Picture. Moving picture artists, with one lone actress, whose face was painter] and whose grotesque as ant attire was covered from time to time by a long cloak, descended from the; Rial to yesterday upon ; tile Roman Catholic Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary, at No. 7 St.-iU' street, and for a good half hour t^i.-re, was. ;i wordy clash between priests and moving .picttir"' promoters. The moving picture nun, under thf direction of a white haired actor who was recognized as having played "heavies" in many prominent Broadway productions, foisprht caut!oun!y for the pose they were after, and with a smlle of triumph huirrled away from th<- cliapel before th«- arrival of a po lloc-man who was eummoned. Sno'rtly after tlie sun had moved over to tlie west in the afternoon, a larpe red touring car dashed past Custom Hous.- and swlngirur around came to a sudden halt in front of the Chap< I • ' our Lady of the Rosary. Tt was Hie most "artistic" lookinK place of its kind amonjr thr> many Immigrant bo cM>r nni homes at the Battery. ;tn<l ii appealed strongly to the white liair-d actor in charge of the J=t;ig<' direction?. The name of the chapel api>e:?rs on a larK<> Roid slstn «s lone as- the building, ■■ .'. on a crescent shaped sism over the entrance is •painted, "Irish Immigrant Homo for <;irls." T"<> men jumped out of the automobile and placed the moving picture camera on ■ tripod In front of trio chap»-l nnd the ••s' le director" gave his ord.'r~=. The automobile then moved away and ] all was ready. Hut some oiip. re.Tlizir.iT what was about to bap pen, ran into the chapel to inform the Rev. Michael ; J. Henry, the partor. H. was not nt home. His Kssislant. however, came out on the balcony, nn.l j this was tW cue for the actress, who doffed her i cloak and walked up the steps. The assistant pastor, greatly enraged, ordered j her away, and this apparently was just what the white haired actor was hnpinif WOUld huppen. for he signalled the man with the camera to turn his ' roll, and some fifty f *>« ; of moving picture films recorded the assistant pastor In the act of turning a "helpless alien" from the door of th* chapel. The actress alien went from door to door, and a man from the moving picture party, who had j pre.-o.led her to the entrance before the machine j was started, was on hand to turn her away, while j the pictures were being made. ; The girl cobbed; clasped er hands to b^r breast j and made motions that s**f>med to express a .TOSS between despair and a first attempt at swimming ■•For the love of heaven, what sil* tht- darlin"?" said a sympathetic Irishwoman Who came out of . a house nearby. "Arc thim divils trying to stnle ■ he;- away in tl-.«t taxicab?" 'No. it's a Yon" jrnm<." said.a fellow countryman ! who overheard her "Them's the moving plcter | guys wld a chorus 2>rl." •■Tb<- yotms: hu»»y." brok«v i" the Irishwoman. ; "Pl'-nty of nerve she has «•>,! her to make picters j of the church and take them into the thee-ater. ; I»oes Knther Henry stand fur that?" After the made-up alien had posed enough the j haired a. tor. who meanwhile had been hold- J ins back a lar*:^ crowd of spectators not on the ! payroll of the movms; picture rnnn. told •"» to j (tit in behind his and with .i smile ob- ! served that it was ••excellent atmosphere."' •All right . 1 have enough now. irlle," sal ! ' the man with^the camera, and with a bound the j actretsS, the white-haired actor and his assistants jumped into the automobile and started north up Whitehall street. As he got into the car the actor j said: "It was splendid, boys, splendid: Bo True :•> • life! lletter than i expected." Father Henry's »ssistatit, not res dng that th^ i mo\iiiK j.icture machine h;id been working when he j ordered the actress ray, was indipnant when be j learned that he was in the picture himself. He said j the exhibition of the pictures would be watched, and if produced in public 1-sa' means would •>• taken to have them suppressed. m • SUES D. LEROY DRESSER Los Angeles Man Seeks to Recover on Old Mortgage. It. M. S. rutnam, attorney for a Mr. Lawrence, who is suing. D. L«roy Dreiujer to recover «n a rart of a fi»reolr>sod morteair* . said last night that the suit was the 'esult of a visit «M to I>oo Angeles some years ago by Dresser rind a man named Everett. While then* thf two men met Lawrence, who lived In the Western city. Dreiser and Everett l»v«mp Interested in some mining property in California, and when financial rtiffi cultif-s aro*e I>rfsser, Mr. I'utnam says=. persuaded Lawrence v> tak«- oat a mortgage nn tho property. Sim-t- that titnp. .--coordin^ to the attorney. I»ressnr and Everett have not paid interest on the morijiHiTP, and Mr. Lawrence fV-<:i<lcd to foreclose. Previous to thi« action. Lawrence had Fold the property Involved', tint the returns wcr» not suffi cient to cov«x; tho rtgag< He now peeks to recover a sum ggregating about J2?".<:«v>. which is equal to the sura a!l»-:r<vj to have been left unpaid. Mr. I'iitnam Bays that he has proof that l»r<*ps<-r answered the original summons and complaint served upon him in I-os Angeles, but this Mr. i) rf .sser denies, saying that he was never served in the suit before and did not appear in th< Cali fornia courts. Through bis attorney, Claude W. <;<ji:ld. of this city, Mr. Dresser answered the present summons arid complaint yesterday. DOG WAENS MASTER OF BURGLARY ! Little Fox Terrier Acts in Time to Save Con tents of Safe. He is only a small fox terrier dog. la Jou-Jou. I but he can have the best in the house from his ! master, Lo:cnz D. Kerney, of Warren street, East j New York, for last night Jou-.Jou gave his master i • aining that there were burglars in the house. j Though the intruders escaped, they wore forced to j leave behind them much valuable silver and Jew elry that they had packed up. Mr X rnej Is IrVing alone, his family having gone to the country for the summer. He returned home last evening about 7 o'clock, and when he opened tile door he was met by Jou-Jou, who acted strangely, •v i, tor .-. dog. He stuck out his tongue, wacged his tall and grabbed Mi Kerney'fl coat in his t*H?th and pulled him toward the inner door His master suspected that everything was not right, and crept along toward the: parlor entrance on tipto". (Then he looked In he saw three men working over a small safe, which cntaiued some of the family Jewelry and plate Mr. Kerney did rot hesitate, but quickly ran upstairs «nd procured his revolver. With this weapon in his hand he pel out after the Burglars, but they bad evidently heard him coming down and rushed from the front door. Kernel followed, but the burglars outstripped bun and escaped. LIKELY CANDIDATE FOR MOORE'S JOB. ! Dennis J. Donovan May Become Brooklyn Superintendent of Buildings. Dennis J. Donovan, who was Assistant Super ! Intendetrt of Buildings under Borough President j Martin W. Littleton, will succeed David K. MoorV as Superintendent of BuHdtonsa In Brooklyn, it^is beii.-ved. ISorough Hr.sidcnt flrd B. Coler removed j sir Moore on Wednesday. i Another candidate for the <irti><- la V >'. : - r , i lin. Both men are antJ-McCarrenites. Mr. Dutiu ,.van comes from the 12th Assembly Uiatrict and Mr. Carl In from the nth. Mr. Color left town i yesterday afternoon for Minoßtop Hotel, near Pawling, X. y. where his family is staying. He win be away a week, and it Is expected that no I appointment will I •• made before Ms return. Henry A. Powell, attorney for Mr. Moore, an j Bounced yesterday that he would begin soon man j damns proceedings to compel his client's rein i statement. Mr. Powell says that he wants a i chance to compel Mr. Coler to explain why he I praised Mr. Moore on. June 29 and suspended j him on July 15. He thinks it was because Mr Moore suspended Chief Inspector M 11. O'Neil and asked for the resignation of Assistant Superinten dent Anderson between those dates. TAFT KIN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. Cincinnati. Ju!y B.— William C. Herron, brother in-law of President Taft. la to be the candidate i for th« Democratic nomination for Vice-Mayor on j the ticket headed by Alfred M. Cohen. Mr. Herron \ is a lawyer, about forty-five years eld. XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. FRIDAY, JULY 23. 1909 HOISTIXG THE HAI.I- MOON ON BOARD THE SOESTDYK IN' ROTTERDAM HARBOR. HALF Moo.\ ARRIVES He plica of Henry Hudson's Boat. Here from Holland. j If Henry Hudson were living i:> New York to .lay and were told that the Half Moon (No Si i had nailed from Rotterdam on July 10 and had ■ arrived «.ff Quarantine last night, the late Mr. Hudson might Use the shorter and uglier word In addressing his Informant Notwithstanding tin probable remarks of the bold navigator, tlw naif M<»-ri did accomplish this remarkable tim» between Holland and America, arriving hen last ni^ht. without sail, on the d ■■ v. of the Kolland- America freighter Soestdyk, after a passage of twelve days. The Soestdyk will come up the harbor this, morning with the Half Moon iN'>> "> and steam to her pier in Hoboken t<. discharge h.-r carp.!. Th replica of Hudson's vessel, which made 4he t;u> from Holland t<> America In fifty-nine .Ih\s, was dismantled befor.' being put on board the Snestdyk. and will not be rigged until the arrival «t K. J. Benthem, an Engineer of the Dutch navy, who will direct that work. The Jl.-iir Moon will be officially printed by th.^ representatives of the committee of patriotic I>utch citizen* who provided the funds to build her to the llndson-FUUon Celebration Commission, and will play an Important part In the Hudson-Fulton celebration th!s fall. The reception of the ILVIf Moon and the Cler mont, a replica Flotv»rt Fulton's first iiwr Bteam b..nt. will t>i«-<ir on the s;un.- .lay. September rr.. with appropriate ceremonies In th« lower bay nnl the Hudson River. These ceremonies will include a rendezvous, mann»uvr«>s and a parade which will be participated In by about forty foreign and American war vessels and r. great of merchant ir.ift, private ocean going steam yachts, excursion boai« and motor boats. Henry Hudson will h* Impersonated on The Half Moon .lurlr.p tho celebration by Lieutenant». «if the Put. Mi vjushjp Utrecht, and tin* male will I* (lmpersonated by Mldsjhlpman de Moest-r, of the rsame ship, while the crew of the Half Moon will h<- mustered from tin- .... I'trechr. On the day of the ofrl«-i;tl r»-«-e pt ion of the Half Moon amrl r opportunity will be offord-'d to all Mho cafe to see her as «!«• cruises In the lower l»iv along the Brooklyn arid Statrn Island shores mil up the Hudson R!v< r. Shi- will be tfljeen lat'-r bjf easy Ftns^s op the river with the Clermont, anchor ing .■ four or fiv" towns between here and <Wu wall. whore both boats will »^ overtaken on Friday, October 1. by tli«- rwt of the r.;iv«! pnrwd*. The « mir«- flotilla will then proceed t'. N«ul>urK. at n-Wch point tli'- repllcsa Will 1..' turned over t<> p naval division arriving from Troy. TJs«- North Hudson River Naval Division will then .s.ort tic two replicas to Troy, stopping one day each m the county seats ->r the six counties of N< -w York State which border bfl the •!:•■«• GERMANY TO SEND WARSHIPS | Admiral yon Koester May Command Squad ron at Celebration Here. .Berlin, July 22. Tl,< German government to-day forwarded Its acceptance of the invitation of th* ! I'nite.l State* to lak< part in the Hudson-Fulton I celebrations in the autumn. Four warships, the j names of w,hica will be communicated later " the United States government, will represent Germany. The admiral s>f the fWt, Hans Ludwtg Hainiut:d yon Koeeter. has been selected as the naval repre tentative of the empire, and probably will take command of the squadron although hu. lias re tired from active service! Admiral yon Koester, who served fifty years in the navy, is regarded as the father of the ' rermao navy, and * xercise* an Immense influence in naval affairs. He > an intimate friend of the Emperor and is president of the Navy League, He had the honor of having hi* I- unveiled at the Kiel Naval Academy by th« Emperor, tins honor being usually reserved for the de:ui heroes of the. country. I!'! also was created an hereditary member of tl.e Prussian Houae ot Lords. WANTS TUGS TO KEEP LOG BOOKS j Without Them, Says Captain Harris, Viol.v tions of Law Cannot Be Traced. Captain Irs Harris. In charge of the Steamboat Inspection Service of this port, appeared before Collector Loeb yesterday and called attention •<• the way tugboat owners and captains perglate/itly failed to keep their log books. The law compels the owners and masters of ail team Vessels engaged In towiuc In this harbor to keep a log recording their day's work and any special Incidents that, may arise, mM Captain Harris. The law allows the tugs to work thirteen hours ■ day with ■ i- 1"*-11 "*-1 '■ crew, and if more tin • Is consumed a second crew must be put on for the extra work. A tine of 'JSOO may be Imposed for violations of this rule, ■""' without the log book, Captain Harris contends, there is no record to i<h<>w hOW long .i tug has been working. He said the rule is being evaded constantly; and within the last week be obtained enough evidence to place the matter of violations before the Col lector. Captain Harris said that the tug Union, of the Fred B. Palzell Towing Company, bju n fuafid to keep i log book, and that the tug J. r j l,nli!ii.iii -was working a single crew for fourteen i hours. Fred B. Ualzell said yesterday that the rule was inconsistent and that lie will appeal for ;» change or * compromise to the National Board of Steam Navigation. PRINTERS' LEAGUE MAY BROADEN SCOPE Nothing * short of compulsory arbitration and ■ Btrikeless age is the ideal t the printers' League of \nnerica, which will hold its first annual con vention in thin city from September 23 to 23. Tat league so far lias confined its scope to the printers' trade and allied interests. In' three years during: which it lias been In existence it has saved to the employers and employes hundreds of thousands of dollars through the amicable settlement of trade difficulties. The methods •<( the league are pat terned after the German system. The league has an agreement with 1 tint employes of the shops rep resented, whereby all difficulties are settled In a borad of three trade unionists, three employers and V. W. Gregory, the § secretary of the league. In <•*«•■ an amicable solution cannot be effected, an outside arbitrator is asked to give a decision, whic h Is final. Scores of employers representing other trades have already asked to become members, and it is expected that the scope of the league will be greatly extended. J. S. C. TELLS ITS SIDE Denies That Whitridgc Initiated Alone Third Avenue Reforms. William McCarroll. acting chairman of the Pub lic Service Commission, took Issue yenterday with Frederick W. Whitridße, receiver of the Third Avenue Railroad Company, in r»Kard to the lat tfr's statement that be instnll^il ks-jrno-enter cars <>n the Third Avenue line in face of the com mission's objection, and that he put safety de vices on the cars, by which the number of accident* was greatly reduced, before any orders to that ef | feet were Imned by the commission. •■Mr. Whitridjre is mistaken In • •!>• state wients." said Mr. McCarrotl '•Orders for safety «W !»•«•«■ were Issued prior to Mr. Whitridge'a appointment .-is receiver, and the commission, so far from dis approving the pny-as-you-enter cars in^intWl by Mr. Whttrldire, ommended them In «r"nerfll and criticised only me minor details of ibetr con structioTi." Mr JW'in went on tn say that in the two years which have elapsed .«ln< ■<• the I'uMir Servien Commission hoßnn its work thera has beef) a m ticeable improvement In conditions on the street railways of Now York City. Two year* «sr.v he paid, the rntlro.ids and • •••• railroads w»r» kill- Ing people at the rnt» of six hundred a roar This mortality has now been decreased to )e«- than ♦our hundred n >»-ar. The commission believes that Its supervision, especially Its orders for the over hauling and repair of Ptreetrars. ... IristnllattoTi of airbrakes and the equipment of >ars with effi cient wheelguards ami fenders have had much to do with tins curtailing <-f one-third in th^ annual loss Of life. Answering Mr. Whitrldgft's ■ m*nt la regard t.. the Installation or pay-as-ybu-enter cars in the. face of the commission's disapproval, Mr. McCar r -II sii ld: "In rrnarrt to the pay-aw-you-enter car*, which Mr. Wliltrldt?.. -iays he inßtallvd In the face of the commlulon's objections, thr«-e commissioners went with Mr. Wt.itriilK.- to Philadelphia to Inspect these cars, and th«-y were generally commanded. The <-!»-ctricaf »n«lr!«-"r of th« .on'.mi«slf>n fo»ind fault v. nil <-<-rta!n delailii of construction of these ears, #nd the commission notifi.-it Mr Whitrfdrp of this • ■ril llium, but did not raiso any objections to put ting the earn Into >-• r lee. A copy of •!• rrport of the e!»'-<-trl< al engineer in rk':ir,| to these cars was M-nt to Mi. Whl!rld«v on March J. It*** arrtl In hi" r<-p!y. ilnt.-«l March i. ha wrote: '• "I ha\» your* of th«> 3d contiiining: copies of the r«-j»ort of th«- electrical • iiKiiieer of the commission upon the n« w two hundred convi rtible in of Hits company. I am glad to see that in the main he approves of them.' ■'Tii iii« fall of l'» n l the commission took up the question of car r'-pair*, b^ins patisfled that «l»-f»-c ilve »'iutpiii»-nt waa responsible for many «f the «c cldontS, which were l unlssl with uppHlllnjy fre qilency 1 . At thai time Mr. Wbltridge. hod not esi t.-red the street railroad business. It was not until January 6, I9ov. that Mr. Whltrldge was ma'!" re celver for tl.e Third Av«ri'ie system." P. S. C. MEMBERS VISIT SUBWAY LOOP Not Satisfied with House Cleaning Ordered by Commission in Delancey Street. Members of the 1 ' < >llc Service Commission fn sp^cted the rtrooklyn loop subway In Delaqcey and Centre streets yesterday to ascert.itn what ! pr.Ogresa llad been made on the Delancey street section. Acting Chairman William McCarToll, Commissioner John i: Eustis. Secretary Tr.nis H. Wiiitney and Chief Engineer Henry B, Seaman made up the party of 1.1.-7 ■ t i * . n . Complaint was recently made to the commission by Ram Marous, president of the Public Bank, and other business men in Delancej street that the contractor was slow in finishing up the work, that th* street was in »n Impassable condition and that business was suffering as a result. The com* mission at once told the Bradley Contracting Com pany, which la doing the work, to clean up I)e lancey street, The inspection party found that conditions had. been somewhat improved, but w«r« not altogether satisfactory! In cn. c e th tractor does not live up to the orders of the commUslon it has a right to terminate the contract on notice of thirty days. KILLED ON TOBOGGAN CHUTE. Asbury Park, N. .1 . July 22.— Struck by one of the cars on the toboggan chute here while he was re. pairing the track yesterday, Edgar Cook, father of Clinton H. Cook, manager of the toboßßnn. received injuries thai proved fatal later in the Any. Two young women were in the car el the time. Washburn -Crosby's Gold Medal Flour THE VERY HIGHEST QUALITY SPIER CREDITORS LOSE Court Hold* Assignment of Life Insurance Money Valid. Jostle* Greenbaum has handed down a decision determining th» disposition of a trust consisting of two life insurance policies for JTS.Ono on the life of Charles 1.. Spier, confidential man to H. H. Rogers, who was killed under mysterious circum stances on May 7, i*"*. at Ida home on Btataa ' Island. The original trustee was Alfred Laatex psjeh, •who was killed in an automobile accident. 1 Louis Adl»r succeeded him in that capacity. Spier took out the policies, whir', were incon testable, a short time before Ms death. Th»y were paid. Justice Grecnbo.mii upholds the assignments made by Spier. Several credit incl-iding the New Torh Invest mewl and Improvement Company, of which f*r'e r was president, which wan In th» hands of a re reiver, the Ouardlan Tru»t Company. Use BaaTSSBSJ flr»en Tnut Company. James M. Qlfsßt4 arid Dot W. Spier, widow of Charles- J*. Spier, put in ctoaass for money due them, asking to be paid out of the proceeds of the policies. Some of these brought suits. Just Oreenbaum orders that the trustee pay 10.1W7C9 to the receive* of the New York Invest ment and Improve-;.-?-* <v>mr»nnr trwrard th« dis charge of Ha lne>svcdaasa t<> the Guardian Xnj?t Company. |2.50>) to BaffjasM H. Howe: 1 , on! M.43^90 to Mrs. Spier, who declared her assign merit of her Interest in the insurance policies was not binding in law. The court «ls<» restrains the other cred itors from bringing further actions for the money. ECeech. Loew A Co., brokers, i lsland MMM o»»-d mi a joint nocount In the names of Spier and his wife for dealings amounting to fanrt' l Oft. John M nifford asked |BMH on an assign*.! Judgment fr^m the American Exchange National Rank. The claim of the Guardian Tru*t Company was on some notes to which Spier forced the name of Alfred iirtaf bach. in forwarding the policies to the latter. Spier, who died Insolvent, told LawMrtacli if anything happened to him to pay out of the ITS- I * l the amoun; of thft.niu <H Co the <;u«rdian Trust Com pany. ..f which Bogenc H. HOW( Is secretary. He also directed the other two payments m»w ordered by Justice qreeahauaa. The court re. og ntaea th*» validity of the trust treats d by Spi*r. and orders that If there Is a residue it be distrib uted among the other creditors. The money paid to the Guardian Trust Company was a:: indebtedness of the New York Investment and Improvement Company to that institution, and the receiver of the latter concern Insisted that it be removed from the company's liabilities as paid. TRIES SUICIDE ON LINER. Woman Coming on Panama Boat Said To Be Under Arreit as Dealer in White Slaves. A wireless repot"! received tn this city yesterday from the Inbound Panama liner Alliance announced that a woman named Mrs. Helen Batfaewv, now !■ the custody of two detectives from this city, had attempted to commit suicide on board. It was said yesterday at I'ollce Headquarters that Detectives Kesseimarh and OlMsaj were SMM to the Isthmus of Panama to arrent a Mrs Soil, who is accused of Inducing young women to Co from this country to Panama and Colon on the pretext of giving them theatrical employment. and actually inducing them on arrival to i*n<l Immoral lives. Through the complaints of the captain of the. Royal Mall Steam Packet Company's steamer Orinoco, who had two of the girls, as passengers on his steamer. Judge Brown of the Canal /one in formed the «1»f»»rtlv» bureau In thi» city, arid asked that "Mrs. Soil be taken back to New York. It I* said that the Mrs. Srenc»r reported by ; wireless as having attempted sutctde Is The woman Kesselmark and (Irlffen are bringing to New York on the AllUnca. SENDS SON TO REFORMATORY. Aroused by his father of stealing ftfty-fiv»» suits of clothing belonging to him. Charles tjahiasa, seventeen years old. of No. 151 L«'j(Jlow street, wan committed to the New York Reformatory, yesterday, by Magistrate Breen. in the Essex Market court. Charles In th« son of Joseph Schles*, a eletksag manufacturer of that address, who says' that Charles was sent to s. firm in Canal street with the clothing, but that he did not show up again until night, when he told his mother that he had keen held up by two Italians, who took the "clothing. This story did not please the father, who put detectives on the rase. AE3IY AND NAVY _\OT£s Government to Build Laundries at Military Posts. [From Th» Tribune Ruraau.] Washington, Joi y „ AT TWO NKW YORK FORTS.-The qi-7 master general, who has charge of th» ctxist^ tlon of new buildings at army posts, baa'fi/^* obtained authority for the expenditure of t£r for building laundries at a number of the Important military garrisons. Congress gomecJ* ago authorized the construction of laundries Mn. the work should be Joae by the governaJr** Considerable opposition was manifested a . 3™ the establishment of government laundries w* was proved that the work would not he anT _. cial Interference with the business lnt#r«sts neighboring towns, as at best the laundry m at army posts was bound to be distribute amon all the laundries and some of the community r* j the other hand, it was shown that past eeoaon^ would rom» from the establishment of tB«^l«T ernm»nt laundry, while the army .->ura*an> ■»■ _ able to convince the Wat Department and Co Kress that sanitary reasons Justified their obw*. tlon. Among the places where such building* ■*' to be erected was Fort Slocum. New York. wH«, Is a general recruit depot. Congress, howw,. placed a limit of $I<V<W> on the cost, and it »,! found that the laundry building and tti TTinuyi^ according to the plans adopted ; •,• the njr - > master general, would cost more man CPjJjft, --. at some places, owing to the Increased pri C 9tf labor and material, the cost would be -•<tr»r t3,n» Authority has now been given to build th« iaon. dries without the former restrict on as to am. and It will b« possible to erect laundries at FbR Slocum and Fort H. G. Wright, another of tie New York posts. ORDERS ISSUED.— The following orders tan been issued: ARMY. Major GJ3ORGE MOHTOCnaBIT, niikißin 11 repvtns*. from office chief of -■-■.-- to c^rrmand •niiSS Arsenal. Major WtLUall 'i HAAS. -..-• artitlerT. •- »_ Hancock to lecture on coast fi»f»n'-i» to cad«t» «f tint cl*»» of Military Academy, luntt 20. Major ELJ.6HA 3. BENTON a-: >.*a«ta:a EL'^WTji a DAVIS, emm artillery, to Fa Fra.T-tsco. «BHms> tlon for retirem«ni : Captain IUVL C HI.TTON. m»«ltral corps. ;j Wjj^, tniron. ejiainlnati. n for promotion. Captiln irr»<»Aß A. afA<"KUN. 23;h Irfantr;'. aaKat charge <-«Kijrtructii?n work F«rt G*crge iVrtj*. ll»ving greens' Lieutenant RALPH DT<"aJXSO9I 34 Infantry. First Lieutenant MARION B. BATTLE. :omm ama«n. on arrival In >■"•• York City, tn N»w London, q relieve cwscaln ALTHfID HAPBS^f'.Ti. ut ami. I»ry. from command el mir:» planter Gessss] Rajn T. Frank. First mslineni HARI/JW C. M'LE«">D. rae<lic«i >t«n, cnriiti. honorably rilscharge^ from the rtrrfcg «> the trn!t#d 3t»te». Leave of absence: First '--•- ECXAIQ a rfTAR<""F. l«th Infantry. ' "** rrOTt. 1 "*. NAVT. IJ.u-nar.' C. It REAR, ts Nirjf Ai-ni-mrr. Ltonfivint C S. KKRRI'K. <seta<:he<i -r~»nd a* Truxtun: to rntniuan i thlrtl gotlHa ar.'i :h» [*•> ien<-e. v.c* IJ-uterant A. >: HOT*", ■• btsrna < nsrrsßStMi Knsian K. F. GROSS" d'ta.-h-l ••- TtIUMJStt. to tai Tnjxtin ITr.lm ;. HIS* R to temporary d-jtr nava: ttattoa. S«r ra«anpett But. Mldibipn en J fi OVDtXtXmr. J. Tv Mt.-RPHT. r. H MARIAS. A. MrOLAdSriS an<l R. S. r.VT. t td-h-i Naval Aca<t*my: horn*. »«ai" Tdera. A«sia;ant Naval t>r.stn:<-tor X .• HAMTKR. Jr.. «». fartie^ nai-y yaH. -.■.-. r-> na-.a: rjrat Assistant Naval OPUtiiettt r> P. BATTLES MMM navy yard. N'orfr»:k. To F' r» River Shipt-aiiiteJ CoSk> par.. Quinsy. >!■*» MARtNK CORP9 Castatn H. C SVYt'F.R an-l Flr« L.<>'ifnant M. t SHBAUFJIt. <'."'-fh"i r.i'a! Btatlor.. ir.T"!u!u. A^at ir> tn rhilirrtn^ 1 Chptnn R M Oll^<>N. rep. t^ •major ssasnt co> aavksaal Ttrs? Lfe.iteranr W. A. MNEIt. dftscked baasponn •-> ,■ mniaivl irartne det»rhn>»nt 'h» Col«a£« *!«• S*«n«l :.- .» I R S KIXGSKTRT. rim :.■ ■'-'-• •*. A. ftWHX. il»*a«"h-«l ri.t E» ton. •> tnarin* SSSTarH rarai mattm, '>-jaai. Flr»» IJoutfnar.: R. R BUtXJVAX. .via!i^"-1 for ;rn» First |js MMaSSH F P JJO^ES. prrpvatnry oriwj :> Philippines revoke^. First rje-ifenanf P. W. P BUIKC tn v ssansj a) port to mator general corn m.i mar.'.. Fir»t Lie .»•: »- ■ K. A. OSTF.PMANN. cmnmisrtnßrf S-^ond Uei,r»r.aßf JOHN MARST"N. 1! ,'.—%• ifi sstf vorfj Mar* :»!«n.l. Aufj.«T 4. t« FUHpP*O»" I«ave of sitissmi M«!or U J. MAGILL. tij month ft^a Aogiwl 1. MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS.— The fol!^w!r?j movements of rtsselj have b»«r. reported to ti» Navy Department: ARRIVED. July l»- The Ti>vm>i at l«u»fi«w:». '■'■ July »>— TT.» r-ncket •: \Va?Mr»- r. ire L?fcaaoa « iijtt ytn*M. New YnrM July 21 T>!« dt'rm at K«-<«p.r»: th* Wolrerlna it K:i !can City; the ?tan<ll«h at Norfolk; rt* >ta:r.» i: 0 " ten Julr rt-The Naaskaa at Hoo» K«r»; tl»« ' "P«* ■aaa m 9KXtXX>. July 21 -Tli» Salem frm B'»Vn f>r Bwt^it. «3?».: tit " vr»* ■»!>— (rr^n -■ J.«*t>h tot Mi.-h.tcan l:ty. Ik: -.- Maine from Pr<->vinr«u>Tvn for B-**:v.b : Vn ''•*=-- t*h from N-rf^lk for Atim^'.v rt« V-OOW =« I'i;»r?.-> '• rr-T f.-r tlu»««ar»«.-i»-^ . July 22— The. <-h»r:e«u>n. th» flovinri. tbj ••J^t«-P »r ih* I^enver from Shanc'iai '" > r.%-TM. c* Alexander Irora Shanghai •"- <'*»'•»»* Hi* ami place,! sat of »er\nr» at r»i) yar.. I .ess* STATES TO GET FIGUREHEADS. TTsslilngia July S.-Secr»tar:.- 3rey«f *** ordered that the flffureheads. to t> a WW* £** the warships* of thi» navy ?hatl be lent to the «» or cities lot which the vessels arc r.m'.*«l me** heads taken from the foilowins; s'.'.ip* w! -* *" rt The. South Carolina, the Orec^rt. th« iowa. "**.**" le}|rh. th» North Oarolir.a, the Kentucky, '-' CsI * rado. the Missouri. the Nebraska, the lfir.r.e*3tl th- Denver, the Kansas. the South Dakota, C» I>iu!i>iana. the Mtsstsstppi, th« Idaho; tIM Al36^ the Montana, the Tankton. the Ohio, tbfl CaestxSr cut. the Rhod? L-land. th« Massachusetts iad * Ualtlniore. GA9 REFUND SURPLUS §75.271 Most Consumers with Known Addresses Ik* Been Paid— Shields Asks Instructions. Commissioner Shields, in charpe of tbs -'* | " ( bat* fund, BBBMSJBcaa yesterday that th« StaaJJ Oas Light Company, which ha.l ftnish-J its «? mer.ts fa jcas const:: ha t l a rr^v.-i-jsa^t-' claimed balance amounting to JT^.IT^ SO. A - li:a^ i>i> , court for Instructions concerning this auoeT, vf* mtsstoner Shields says: f»r Tuesday. July *». IW. a.: taoaty Jue tc> <£ sumer* had ! e«-n repaiil. exo*»i>t J>:.rrrv>». * r g. $2,91A04 Is covered by a!le<tfcl fcsaUCHro*"^*. TTZL which It has not yet been rtetermtne-l •*T?5 ittjmor or asatgnee vheuld r*c^r« !t. .md ny » davits of claimants which have n>-i o^>n & *■ In proper form or the validity of " r \* .1 irtty been determined. Kxeept for rfci." R-*'^ •* J^jjT. <-r.ti«:']Tner whose present ».|.lre.«-. has i>**'i "; _^ laSBOOI either by the special master .>r W. ,^,* |S compaJiy. had l>een paid. CXtCPi *"' "' - c "ll^frj! were presente-l within the? previous . ''"-■; "*» 9 hour-", which would be paid in th« ■■•■1 - current week. The commissioner adds thai inquiry h^*^ made for the nii.^tne; esjßjssja --- b'^t *«as»« •clt. _ —