OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 06, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1910-01-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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$ 2
Continued from tiro, pare.
train on seeing the red lights in the
rear of the stalled train, and that the
brakes would not hold the wheels on
the slippery track.
"It got the best of me on a slippery
rail" Crane repeated again and again
while being carried to an ambulance.
He lost consciousness after that.
John G. Dempsey. superintendent of
the elevated line, said after the accident
that there were no other persons on the
trains other than the guards and motor
men. The Koseiusko street train had
stopped at a block signal, about two
hundred feet away from the terminal,
waiting to get in. There were two trains
in the terminal at the time. Because
of the sleet and slippery rails the train
dispatchers were unable to send the
trains out "-on schedule time. Dempsey
said Crane got a signal to stop, but as
his train was ; running about fifteen
miles an hour the wheel* simply 'did
like runners on a sleigh. ■ -- *• ■
When the trains came together two
cars of the first train were hurled across
the eastern track in front of a Tomp
kins avenue car. bound for Manhattan.
The car was in charge of Henry Mores',
and the conductor was Robert South
ern* More* quickly put on the air brakes
and brought the car to a stop within a
foot of the accident. -Looking into the
car he saw Southern bending over a
woman who had fainted. He went to
his assistance, and with another pas
renger. presumably the woman's* hus
band, brought her to. They were taken
up on ladders and hurried away before
th«>Jr names could be obtained.
Father Francis J. Heaney. of the
Church of St. Rose of Lima, who was
near by. hurried to the scene and did all
he could to assist in helping get out the
guards. " •-
Like wildfire the report spread that
many persons had been killed and per
haps scores had been injured. Thousands
of persons on their way home gath
ered about the wreck, and the police of
half a dozen stations, under the com
mand of Inspector Boettler. had their
hands full in keeping the crowds tinder
control. A speciar" alarm was also sent
in. and Chief T>uffy. of the 4th Battalion,
and Captain Harman. of Truck 20. were
*oon on the scene. The firemen aided
considerably in clearing away. the wreck
and geting out^the body of Prisker.
Although . the accident happened at
<vl2 o'clock, it was not until 9 o'clock
before traffic could be resumed on the
mirface lines. During that time there
■were fully three thousand persons on the
1 ridge plaza, where they had hern put
off. »nd in their effort to get to the street
many of them— men. women and chil
—mere trampled on, receiving in
juries which required medical attention.
The police station at the bridge was
packed with hundreds of persons Inquir
ing for relatives who might "have been
hurt. The lieutenant in command said
that he had been kept constantly busy
for more than two hours in answering
questions regarding the accident.
William J. Donovan and :f?rover
Hughes, inspectors of the Public Service
Commission. arrived -shortly after the ac
cident. They said that they would make
a rigid investigation and everything
-would be done to determine the cause
of the. accident.
People's Pedicure Society Backed by
Number of Clergymen.
The People's Pedicure Clinic "Society "is
th* latest charity" organization. It was in- ■
corporated at Albany yesterday. Men.
women and children who are poor and .'who I
puffer -with corns," bunions and Ingrowing j
nails are to be treated free of charge by |
a corps of chiropodists, under the super
vision of th** society, , The organization is
th* result of an experiment which, it is ,
*=aid, has demonstrated the . necessity- of
such clinics in various districts of the city.
Dr. Joseph P. Solomo^. of No. Madi
t-on avenue', who is one of the inco^Mmat
or*. has, during the last year, treated in a ;
olinlc established by the Judson Memorial
Church, in Washington Square, an average
of twenty-fire persons a night. Lawrence
L. Levy, counsel for the new society, said
that as Fpon.as;the -oration Diners
.were filed a meeting will bo held, at 'which
(he Baiters will be. elected and plans laid
,«o establish the clinics/ The society Is to
• ' We t-upported by voluntary contributions,
and many r well known- persons, he said,;
tiive,agr/»«*J>to contribute.
-'', A ' majority of the incorporatofK -are
" . clergymen, among them being the ue\.
-iVr:. John-, Wesson, the Rev. Dr. W. C.
, Rodgeo-. - : tli« Rev. James M. Bruce and
ij J<ihn':-;C. ? B6a'rdman, who is secretary of
* t foung M^ii*!* 1 Christian Association. j
The January Sale of
The Highest Grade Suits and
- Overcoats
Formerly $25.00 . .. At $18.50
Formerly $28.00 & $30.00 At $21.50
Formerly $35.00 & $40.00 At $24.50
-~ The three vital phases \vhich establish the impor
•*' , tance of this extraordinary offer are these:
•■:.*,')** very .garment is the product of our own work
', "rooms; every garment was designed or this season's
;' service and' every garment in our entire stork is in
> eluded. v .-■ •
; Grasp the magnitude and scope of the sale, the ex
. ceptionally high character of the garments, and then
ii the extreme price reductions-will have their true sig
-■■■■- nificance •.
Radical and Conservative .Medium and Heavyweight
models for Men arid Voting fabrics in black, blue, gray
Men, in size* 32 to 44*. and mixtures.
841 Broadway, at 1 3th St/. . , 265 Broadway, near Chambers St.
Former's Fight on Food T<UC~
at ion and Lutter's on
Home Rule.
[By Cable to Th» Tribune. 1
London. Jan. s.— Liberal and Conserva
tive leaders left their lieutenants In
charge of the canvass to-day, so. that
there were no fresh developments in
party warfare.
Two Liberal peers. Lord Crewe and
Lord Lucas, raised their voices in de
fence of the budget, and twenty-four
Unionist pe*r«. headed by the Marquis of
Lansdowne, continued a vigorous ean
■\ass. undismayed by persistent heckling.
The Liberal journals print comical ac
counts of political adventures of dukes
and earls, and the Unionist press re
torts by representing the Chancellor of
the Exchequer as a blatant demagogue
and by displaying choice bits of abuse
of the House of Lords.
Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Birrell, Winston
Churchill. John Burns and Mr. Mac-
Namara conducted the canvass in their
own ways to-day, without being influ
enced by Mr. Asquith's reversion to land
taxation; but Austen Chamberlain and
Messrs Long and Lyttelton have fol
lowed Mr. Balfour's schedule of main
topics, emphasizing tariff reform, the
dismemberment of the kingdom by Honif-
Rule and the political fusion of the em
pire along business lines.
The reversion of the Liberal speakers
to the taxation of food, symbolized by
a little loaf, is noticeable, both in the
speeches and on the hoardings. Their
most effective battle cry of 190*3 is raised
anew, while the Unionists are reviving
the opposition to Home Rule with the
object of detaching the Nonconformists
from the government side.
The dry i istitutional issue is above
the heads of the working masses, who
are drawn in opposite directions by
promises of employment under tariff re
form ami social reforms, through a
close coalition of trade unionism and
Mr. Baifour is forecasting a Unionist
majority nearly as large as that, ob
tained during the Boer war. The Liberal
official party headquarters are equally
confident of n big majority, not conced
ing more than fifty seats, which were
won in 1906. L N\ T.
Marquis of iAinsdmaic Admits
Xecd of Reform.
II?.. The Associated Pica* l
London. Jan. 5. -Two phases of the elec
tion struggle now Halm attention— first, the
disorderly interruptions to which many
i "i>nservative meetings and almost all of
those addressed by peers are subjected, so
that it is practically impossible for any
Unionist peer to secure a fair hearing; and,
second, the realization by the peers them
selves and the Unionist press of the neces
sity of the House of Ivirds advocating Its
own reform as the only means of meeting
the storm of protest which the peers' ac
tion in connection with the budget aroused
in tbe country.
I>ird Lansdnwne at Liverpool to-night ad
mitted that the present House was too un
wieldy for mi effective second chamber. He
boljoved in thi-> preponderating power of the
House of <V>rnrnans. and suggested a House
of l»rds within IRe upper bouse and that
this reform ought to be the work not of
one, but of both— political parties, working
He objected to the elective principle on
tlie ground that an elective chamber would
claim what even the present House of
T.or.is did not claim -namely, co-ordinate
power with the popular bonne. He sup
ported the plan of tbe Rosehery committed
of two years hp<>, of which he was s mem
ber, and which recommended that tbe inner
bouse be composed partly of peers whose
antecedents and qualifications justified
their inclusion, partly of peers elected by
tlie peer* themselves and partly of life
peers appointed by the Crown <>n the rec
ojnmendation of tlie government of the day.
Allreii Austin, tbe poet laureate, :ssii< j <i
a letter to-night in which, claiming scrupu
lous absence of party spirit, he points out
that t!i<> present House of Lords includes
two hundred members who served the
country in tiie army and navy, a hundred
of then-, on the battlefield, to say nothing
<;f those who had perished in th^ shock of
war. One hundred and seventy had be«»n
members of th<> House of Commons, and lie
declares ihm it is impossible to call such
a body unrepresentative. '
United States Proposes Inter
national Syndicate to Fi
nance Project.
St. Petersburg:. Jan. ."».— The Russian
Foreign Office has received a memoran
dum from the United States government
I roposing as a solution for the Man
churian problem the neutralization of
the railroads in Manchuria by their sale
to China, financed t>y an international
(syndicate. The United States invites
Russian participation in such a scheme.
The supervision of the railroads would
l>e pieced thereby in the hands of the
powers responsible for the financial ar
rangements, who would see that the
lines were conducted on a purely busi
ness basis and r.ot used for political or
strategic purposes.
When a meeting was arranged at Har
bin between M. Kokovsoff, the Russian
Minister of Finance, and Prince Ito.
President of the Privy Council of Japan,
in October lost, the sale of the Russian
railroad interests in Manchurian terri
tory was being serious,';.' considered.
The present plan differs from that pro
posal by including the Japanese, as well
as the Russian sections of the Harbin
and Dalny railroad. Tts success is de
pendent upon Japan's assent.
The advantages of such an arrange
ment from the point of view of interna
tional relations are believed to be many.
It would remove a constant source of
friction between Russia and Japan: the
doctrine of equal opportunity would be
safeguarded by the powers, and, by the
closing of the line to the transport of
troops and munitions, Russia's anxiety
with reference to a Japanese attack
upon Siberia would Vie relieved
Russia, however, is not willing to ac
cept the suggestion of the United States
pnvernment without giving the subject
the most careful study. An answer to
the memorandum may be expected, it is
announced. In a week, perhaps a month,
for experts are now engaged in an in
vestigation of the whole matter, and the
Cabinet has taken cognizance of the
The American memorandum further
announces that a syndicate composed <>f
Americans and Englishmen has secured
the concession for the construction of a
railroad from Aigun. in Northern Man
churia, to i'hin-Chow-fu, and that the
British and American governments in
tend to support it flipU.matically.
Thlf part of the memorandum has been
received less favorably by Russia, for.
while no statement has been made re
garding it, officials, in discussing this
feature, have asserted that Russia
would strenuously oppose the crossing of
the Russian railroad at Tsitsikhar, and
would be very unwilling for a railroad
to approach the weak Amoor frontier.
This would force a heavy concentration
of troops at Blagovestehensk.
The difficulties in connection with the
municipalities at Harbin apparently are
in a fair way of settlement. The T'nited
States has intimated its desire to seek
an adjustment of the contentious clauses
of the agreement signed last May by
Russia and China, providing a method
of government for the Russian railroad
zone In Manchuria.
The agreement consists of eighteen ar
ticles. It is based on the guarantee of
Chinese sovereignty, and fixes the prin
ciple of joint administration. Recently,
however, several of the clauses have
been under reconsideration, and the Rus
sian government is willing to accept any
fair basis of agreement suggested by the
United States.
Washington. Jan. s.— State Department
officials maintain close secrecy in regard to
the diplomatic situation arising from UN
era of railroad construction in Manchuria.
Secretary Kikix has been considering
carefully the treaty recently entered into
by China and Japan and relating to rail
mads in Manchuria. It was reported
weeks ago that the United States would
protest to China ami Japan against this
treaty on the ground that it interfered
with the "equal opportunities" in Man
Warm Greeting for Naval
Commission from East.
Berlin, Jan. s.— The Chinese Naval Com
mission arrived here to-day to make a,
study of German naval affairs. Prince Os
car met the visitors at the railroad station
and- accompanied them to their hotel.
The commission, which is headed by
Prince Tsal Chun, brother of the Chinese
Resent, was received at noon by Emperor
Willihm, crown Prince Frederick William
and other royal princes and Chancellor yon
Beihnuuui-HoUweg and the members of
his cabinet.
The Emperor, addressing Prince Tsai
Chun, expressed great satisfaction that the
commission had been sent to Germany". He
had given orders, he said, that the object
Of the visit be facilitated in every way pos
sible, and was convinced that the good re
lations between Germany and China would
be promoted by the present mission. The
Emperor conferred upon the Chinese prince
the Grand Cross of the Order of the Red
Tbe conimisMoneus will so to Stettin.
Hamburg and Kiel <<• study the shipyards
and the naval establishments.
Objections of French Bankers
Prevent Progress.
[From The Tribune Hureau.]
Washington. Jan. C— Negotiations looking
toward an agreement among the French,
English, German and American bankers re
garding the terms of the Chinese railroad
loan have reached an Impaxtie, because of
the attitude of the French bankers, accord
ing to reports received to-day at the State
The main features or the loan have been
agreed on, and Kngland and Germany, four
ing that the anti-foreign sentiment, if time
is Riven, may prevent the loan altogether
have suspended the adjustment of their dif
ference* until the loan is signed. Hut the
French bankers, basing their objections on
ullKht and unimportant details stand
squarely in the path of further negotiations
until their demands are granted.
The character of three objections Is so
slight that there In a suspicion that France
1- blocking the loan to further" some diplo
matic scheme.
St. Petersburg. Jan. 5.-Joseph K. Meads,
an American, and two local engineer! were
condemned by the Superior Court to-day
to one week's arrest for negligence In
connection with the explosion on the sub
marine Dragon on the Neva Hivcr last
August. This reverses the decision of th«
Admiral!;, instigating committee, which
found thai il». iccldent was dug U> un
avoidable causes. l
Continued from first n«c"
springing from war. The court -would
thus be permanently constituted, and
would In reality be permanent, obviating;
the delay involved in the creation of a
temporary tribunal and developing in
ternational law by a series of carefully
considered precedents by judges rare
fully chosen and acting: under a sense of
Judicial responsibility. Arbitration would
not merely be. as both Hague confer
ences havo pair), the most efficacious and
most equitable method of settling dis
putes which diplomacy has failed to ad
just, but would be judicial in fact as well
as in theory. V* '
Another suggestion was made to thfe
powers in regard to the modification of
the status of the prize court so as to
hasten its formation. Secretary Knox
proposed that nations confronted with
constitutional objections in the matter
of direct appeal from their national
courts to the prize court might present,
instead of the judgment of their national
courts, the question involved in the capt
ure at issue, and that the proceedings
in such a case should be in the nature
of a retrial de novo; also that the judg
ment of the international prize court
should be limited to the award of dam-
Eges for the illegal capture.
As constituted by the Hague confer
ence, the prize court was to be a court
of appeal, either from the original na
tional court in which the case was tried
or from the judgment of its appellate
court. "The t'nited States has not sub
mitted judgment of its court to interna
tional tribunals," explains Secretary
Knox, "although it has very frequently
presented questions Involved in its courts
to mixed commissions, and has promptly
paid the awards when the decision of
the mixed commission has taxed the
United States with liability not found
by its national court. Appeal from a
court of the United States might raise a
delicate and difficult question of consti
tutional law and render difficult, if not
impossible, the ratification of the prize
court by the United States. The diffi
culty is one of form rather than sub
stance, for, -whether the principle in
volved in the judgment be decided or the
judgment of a national court be sub
mitted, the result will be the same—
namely, a decision upon the legality of
the capture."
To Fix Resjwnsibilitif for
A mcricans Execution.
Managua. Jan. f>. —President Madriz to
day begun a personal investigation of the
executions of the Americana Groce and
Cannon, with the object of piacins the
responsibility. Salomon Selva, who ap
peared as government prosecutor before
the court martial, it is expected will be
found jointly responsible with Zelaya.
Admiral Kimball. in command of th«
United States naval force in Corinto har
bor, has declined a gift of Fix steers ten
dered by President Madriz for tbe Amer
ican sailors' mess.
<"\>nKress has passed ;i bill providing for
tlio issue of paper money to tbe amount of
J10,000,000 to replace the $12,000,000 in notes
now in circulation.
Her Ports To Be Opened to Live Cattle
from Argentina.
London, Jan. s.— The ports of the United
Kingdom wiU be thrown open for the im
portation of i Aye <«.ttle from Argentina,
Bays "The Shipping World" to-day, if
the present government is returned to
power. "The Shipping World" adds that
the present embargo is removable at the
eii<i of March and that, beginning with
April, the n<»w arrangement will not only
stimulate the industry of the country but
cheapen nif-at in price and check the opera
tions of American speculators.
Counsels China to Submit Macao
Boundary to Arbitration.
Peking. Jan 5.- -Because of (Jreat Brit
ain's close relations with Portugal. Sir
John X. Jordan. British Minister to China.
yesterday in a friendly capacity coun
selled the Foreign Board that China adopt
arbitration as the best means to a solu
tion of the Macao boundary dispute.
While China in a dispatch sent last Sun
day notified the Portuguese government
that it would not submit the matter to
The Hague, it did not close the way to
t rbitratlon by pome other court.
With Steam Cut Off, He Holds High
way Superintendent's Office.
The ground glass window on Room 1,609
In the Park Row Building was a square of
light last nipht, with the lettering on it
clear as a cameo, "Office of the Super
intendent of Highways." The plain infer
ence was that the room, was occupied and
the occupant could he only James H. Col
linn, for he has kept everybody else barred
out for -seven days, insisting that hr is
the rightful Superintendent of Highways.
Hut no matter how hard you knocked
at the door or rapped on the window, there
was no response from within. The watch
man guaranteed, however, that while that
light held in the window it was certain that
Mr. Collins was holding the fort against the
Borough President McAneny has kept the,
telephone wires cut and ordered the steam
shut off, but despite solitude and zero tem
perature the ground glass was still aglow
at a late hour last night.
In the afternoon Mr. Collins said be
would *«tay not only seven days, hut seven
years, to protect his rights to the office.
He lias ■ friend to guard the office every
morning while he goes out for a five-mile
The court proceedings to oust Mr. Collins
from the offices began yesterday before
Justice Heiulrlok, in the Supreme Court,
when Mr. Hahlo. of the Corporation Coun
sel's office, moved to compel Collins to ac
cept a notice of appeal from the. decision
of Justice Davis, on which Collins was re
stored to his job, after nearly six years of
Counsel for Collins argued that the serv
ice of the appeal was not valid.
After argument on this point Justice Hen
drick- said j there were only two questions
really before the court, If the service of
the papers were illegal, Collins was entitled
to hold his office; if it were valid, the pa
pers, the court said, unquestionably act
as a stay to the proceedings reinstating
Collins. . ■
llo'^la Cluba. C»f<» « n a >iu«r lsta
Chiris Olive Oil
5 coKKOissKuns iRiKt i, it. '
At nil flue i-rorrr. ana good «rue-
Slnt*. *alad book frr*.
(oatlaued from flnrt p«s*
It was over an hour after the perform
ance, before the last members of the
audience got away, many being com
piled to plod through the middle of the
street to the surface cars or elevated
Taxicabs. the only vehicles besides the
subway trains which seemed able to get
along without danger of accident, were
reaping a harvest in fares. In Broad
way and the avenues they had the road
ways to themselves, the cars and horses
being stalled on the tracks, and they
kept those pedestrians dodging whom
they aided by breaking the ice coating
with thei r chains.
And now, what is coming next out of
the grab bag of elements? The official
weather prediction says rain and warmer
to-day and to-morrow rain or snow and
colder. That Western storm, the fore
casters say, moved northward from the
middle Mississippi Valley, and its cen
tre last night was north of Lake Supe
rior. Apparently this particular blizzard
is going to pass Father Knickerbocker
by, but the weather man swears another
disturbance ia forming over the lower
Mississippi Valley which will move
northeastward with increasing intensity.
The rise In temperature yesterday was
as phenomenal as its fall the day before.
At 1 a. m. the thermometer registered 5
degrees above zero, the lowest tempera
ture of the cold wave, and at 9 p. m. it
rcorded 30 degrees, a rise of 25 degrees
in twenty hours.
An executive .session of the Board of City
Record wus held in the Mayor's private of
fice, for the first time in many years, yes
terday afternoon. It was learned later that
only one paper in each borough had been
designated to carry the advertisement of
the opening of the assessment books, next
week. They are "The New York Press,"
"The Brooklyn < 'itizen," 'The Bronx Star,"
"The Staten Island Star" and "The Ijong
Island <'lty Star" Last year the advertis
ing was given to seventy papers.
St. Petersburg. Jan. 5.— M. Plangon. head
of the Far Eastern Department of the For
eign Office, has been superseded for pre
senting a memorandum to the Minister of
War alleging that Japan was preparing
to attack Russia.
SCHOOL days are the days
when most of the im
portant habits of life are
formed. Teach your
children the daily use of
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
and they will some day rise to
call you blessed. It cleanses,
beautifies and preserves the
teeth and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
CAPITAL, $3,000,000 •
Surplus aud Undivided Profits,
ALVIN W. KRECH, President ...
15 Nassau Street
618 Fifth Aye., near 50th St.
Checking Accounts with Interest
Trustee, Guardian, Executor, Adminis
tration of Estates '
Foreign Exchange, Letters of Credit
Safe Deposit Vaults *
Ease your Cough or ] Cold
with a Box of ;
***/f/* /I f/> Cou^ h Dr °P»
Vl^^V Licorice Tablets
7/ Glycerin* Tablets
First "As Usual" /
*» 11 dl jHLo V otlcLl /
_ * lßke ° f 1 ires Rubber Tread Type. Anti-Skid Type/ Total Number.
MICHEXIN 134 50 184
X Tires • .... 140 X i/ - 148
V TireS * ' r.- v- QT;: v 100 2^r : 128
Z Tlrcs •• ... 114 ; '-. H6
4M ix^ffk
L| I E^ t 1 *1 A In AU thC lm rt »nt SprcJ .md Endurance-
I I ■% I Contests Throughout th? H'#r/<f.
M ■ ■ m. * V ■.""•' ■ .'■' • / •■.-. " . v
«A» •A. a^L»^^^ |^ mMm in Tire Equipment at the Automobile Show.
'importing -»rtanuftic&JTirg .
• WSI Continue •, • *■■
Stock Redaction Sale
Garments, Stoles, Scarfs amd Mwffs
at Most Attractive Prices ,•-:....
•'-"•■■—■' [~ ''- ~'".~ '".
''■ This includes every variety and grade of fur,
fashioned in late season models.
Large Assortment of Scarfs and Mutt
at one-half former prices,
'-.:-.■ ranging tram $10 to $35
Ladies' and Men's Fur-Lined Coats
Auto Garments & Fur Robes
384 FIFTH AVENUE BR^£ R ?&«r 1
2£ands£ Sealed Boxes.
Old Chinese Porcelains
by GORER of
170 New Bond Street. London.
On View Daily. Individual specimens may be selected.

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