liEADEUEPORTSOOiS ON PRIMARY INQUIRY. Expected To Be Against Di rect Nominations. il'.v Telegraph to *■* Tribune] »»:U..\. : ; Albany. Jan. 6.--Acor.rdinia: t<» Senator George Meade. chairman of fie legislative committee which investigated the cperatl-m of direct primary laws In other states. ♦he report of that body will be presented be fore February I. .ludcr- Knapp. counsel to th.r committee, Is al work now "briefing" the testimony on both sides. •\Ve had about tin. thousand pages of testimony," «sid Senator Mania. "Judge Knapp is .summarizing the testimony for i he din primary system and that against it in 'he same fashion as a lawyer would iMaw up •< brief on the subject. It has not been decided yet whether our report will he accompanied by a bill or bills." It i> a foregone conclusion here that th* committee's report will b» against the direct primary system. Probably it will recom mend a uniform primary day in the state, an '•eiri>..crats in the caucus. M■. Jktts says Mr. Ei&mn wai responsible for ihc Democratic votes, and that he "sp.^nt • lot of money.*' Hughes men 'Tort that :« tiers were sent, out by a prominent friend • f liPtts urging voters to "see me before Ibv c.-.ucl'f; there will he -• thing doing." Another interesting caucus which might hate ;::\oJls were opined by eighty-seven votes out of a total of 4Z2. Then a pro-Hughes reso lution was adopted. DAVIS SEEKS PLACE Demand for Finance Commit tee Head Disturbs Leaders. (By Tflc-grajjh to The Tribune.] Albany, Jan. 6.— The prominent part taken by Senator Cobb in bringing about the naming of Senator Ailds I ■ majority leader has not assured bin the chairmanship of The Senate Finance Committee without a light. Buffalo has come forward with vig orous claims to the place, and Lieutenant Governor White and Senator Allds are puzzling to lind a way out of the difficulty. It has been considered a part of the gen era! organization arrangement that Cobb should succeed to Allds's place at the head of the Finance Committee, and J. Mayhew "Wainwright. of Y7estchester, to Cobb's chairmanship of the Railroads Committee. Senator Hill, of Buffalo, was ranking mem ber of the Finance Committee, and at once asserted his claim to the chairmanship. Report says he met scant courtesy. There upon Senator Davis, who in point of ser vice is the senior Republican Senator, de clared that if Hill couldn't have the place he intended to get it. He served notice on Senator Alids and Lieutenant Governor White that lie was entitled to that place by any logic which entitled AIMs to the ma jority leadership and intended to make a hard fight for it. It Is not known here to vhat extent Senator Davis-has the support <.f "Fred", his political chief. Greiper was against the selection of Allds us president pro tempore. Speaker Wadsworth began to-day his task of apportioning: committee places. No an nouncements will be made until next week. It is believed tnat Robert S. Conklin. of New York, will succeed Beverly R. Robin pon on the Rules Committee, the appoint ment, it is MM, being in the nature of a reward for his stand against direct pri maries. A*?emta!yman Whit ley, of Monroe, prac tical'}- is i,M-:r^i of the chairmanship of the ''Jties Committee, although Warren Lee, o? Brooklyn, ie making a hard fight for the jjlare. Mr. Gray, of St. Lawrence, prob ably will t>e made chairman of the Codes committee, leaving vacant the chairman ship of the jKdai Committee, which Mr. Lowraan, of Elmira. wishes to take. 6COTT GETS ONTARIO COUNTY. Benate Candidate Routs Opponents of Direct Primaries at Canandaigua. [By Telegraph to The Tnhune ] Oanaiididgua. N. V.. Jan. 6.— Royal R. Ecott, candidate for Senator in the 42d Dis trict to eucceed the late Senator John R&lncs, to-day carried the Ontario County convention, at ,Canandaigua. The oppo nents to direct primaries were completely routed and on the first ballot Mr. Scott secured enough votes to Bend him to Ge neva. Saturday strongly Indorsed. It is figured to-night that Mr. Scott will have four Wayne County delegate* and probably three from Yatea County, besides Ms nine Ontario delegates. This will give fcirti ■:tfc<-t; out of a possible twenty-four fc.':d the nomination. DICKINSON VISITS SANTIAGO. Santiago, Cuba, Jan. € — The United Plates converted yacht Mayflower, with Jfcrob M. Dickinson, Secretary of War, and l ; i»rty aboard, arrived here to-day from Banto Domingo. Tb< Mayflower proceeded to Havana. The Secretary visited the rauitnelds and will leave for Havana to morrow by rail. Tribune Ads. Get Salesmen Brooklyn. December 23, '09. Gentlemen: I got a salesman through the advertisement and think he is all right. BENJAMIN LEVY. No.-. 203 Flatbush avenue. Brooklyn, EQUAL PAY FIRST MiSS STRACHAN FIRM. But, at Thai, She Heard Ru mors of Dr. Ma.rrcell's Post. One thing at a time persistently clung to will result. it Is said, in several things being done well, whether the system be followed by man or woman, if it were be lieved otherwise by Mips Grace C. Strachan, the equal-pay-for-women leader In Brook lyn, she might never be City Superin tendent of Schools for greater New York. She may never attain that eminence de spite her beliefs, but that is not the point at present. ' -f/^ }'■' Dr. William H. Maxwell* term as City Superintendent expires on March 13. Miss Strachan's friends within and without the Board of Education are passing along the whispered query: "How about— in fact, why not, a woman for City Superin tendent?" This much granted, who among womankind better qualified or so widely known, who so available and, perhaps, so ready, to assume new burdens requiring strength of mind and singleness of pur pose as Miss Grace Charlotte Strachan, superintendent of districts 33 and 35 in Brooklyn: she who was born in Buffalo, the birthplace also of Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, already City Superintendent of Schools In Chicago?" Where the rumor started \b hard to de termine. Whether the bridge took it across <*r brought it over is impossible to dis cover. Miss Strachan doesn't know who is to blame— that is. Miss Strachan said yesterday that she was conscious of the activity of the rumor coupling her name with the office of City Superintendent of Schools, but, except that she felt flattered and had been told by members of the Board of Education and other friends that she was the person for the place, she really did not know anything about the matter. And who are the Commissioners of Edu cation who thus coyly promised support to Mis* Si radian? Search has failed to find a member of the board who will say that he has even heard of any other member as favorable to the substitution of Miss Strachan for Dr. Maxwell. But that's an other siory. The rumor has been roaming, a:id others besides Miss Strachan herself have had their attention called to the prob able possibilities, so to speak, when votes aro counted next March. Miss Strachan is not now a candidate, however. She was positive, polite and painstaking in giving her reasons at her home, No. 13<>8 Pacific street, Brooklyn, yesterday afternoon. "One thing at a time," said she, kindly. "Always I have ordered my life, as far as It has been possible, first to carry one thing to the end before shouldering other dufles. The cause of the Interborough Association of Women Teachers must succeed before I can permit myself to think of such a thing as my becoming City Superintendent of Schools." "You are, then, not a candidate?" was asked. "No, I am not a candidate, and I have told you why," she replied. "Equal pay im-st first succeed. I realize the honor that my friends bestow upon me when they urge my name as a successor to Dr. Max well. As far as qualifications go, I feel that my work in the elementary schools, high schools and normal school as teacher, as member of the faculty of the Training School for Teachers in Brooklyn, followed by principalships, and, for the last ten years, as district superintendent, makes a record that is the equal if not the superior cif any that can be produced by any other person in the public school system, from the City Superintendent down." In 1t.&3. while attending the summer ses sion ol the Cook County, 111., normal school, she was told by Colonel Parker, of that institution, she said, that if she would remain at that place he would guarantee that ehe would one day have the highest position held by any woman in the public schools of the United States. She came instead to Brooklyn, and has been forced to ask herself whether she, rather than the other Buffalo woman, Mrs. Elia Flagg Young, might not now be City Superintendent of Schools in Chicago, if she had chosen the Western city. 'Mrs. Young has done well," said Miss Btnchan; "she has done very well, in fact. I am not now a candidate for a similar place in New York. I feel that I could fill such a position and, of course, I should dearly love to be City Superintendent of School* 1 . When equal pay has Jaec-n achieved." she said "then" "Then?" echo answered. "Th«n will be time enough to see whether, by resignation or otherwise, the place is ready for a woman." GOVERNOR FORT HOST. Senator Frelinghuysen Urges Generous Policy for Park. [By Telegraph to The Tribune. 1 Lakewood, N. J., Jan. 6.— Governor Fort was the host at a luncheon at the Laurel Hour* to-day for the members of the new legislature, nearly all of whom were pres ent. There was plenty of speech making, but it was all in a lighter vein, save, perhaps, the words of Joseph S. Frelinghuytsen, I 'resident of the Senate, who discussed some of the large projects which are now in teresting the people of New Jersey, espe cially the improvement of the Palisades Interstate Park, as outlined in Governor Hughes's message yesterday. Senator Frcllmrhuysen spoke of the large Improvements, having in view the future of the state, which have been launched since Mr. Fort has been Governor. He told of the inland waterways and the ocean boulevard and the proposed enlargement of the Palisades Park. "The improvement of the park, as out lined in the message of Governor Hughes yesterday," he said, "means much to New Jersey, for our state will practically bo the gateway to this splendid stretch of park land. New Jersey should provide its share of money to help the project, for the re sults that will be attained are invaluable. We should not be parsimonious. An appro priation of $500,000 can be safely made, and if the burden is too much for one year, it can be given in yearly Instalments of $100,000." SING SING EELIEF DEFERRED. State Has Already Expended About $300,000 on Bear Mountain Site. Albany, Jan. 6. — If the Legislature de cides to abandon the site of the new state prison at Bear Mountain, Rockland Coun ty, in order to accept the gift of a ten thousand-acre tract of land In Orange and Rockland counties from Mrs. Mary W. Harrtman, widow of Edward H. Harri man, and contributions of money from Mrs. Harriman and others aggregating $2,625,000 for park purposes, as recommend ed by Governor Hughes, the state authori ties are looking forward to no little diffi culty in securing another available place for the new $2,200,000 structure which It in purposed to erect to take the place of Sing Sing prison. The Rockland County site cost the state $75,000, and altogether the commission hav ing the matter In charge has expended about $235,000 in making ready for the new building. The abandonment of the Bear Mountain site will mean a delay of probably two years in sufficiently relieving the over crowded condition of Sing Sing prison. It is expected that the new Great Meadows prison, at Comstock, Washington County, will be completed in a few month* and that will reduce the population of Sing gin* by about WO. ■ > ; ;- — „ NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1010. CITY HAD NO SHO LEGAL SIDE UNHEARD Asked to Pay for Making Poor Line a High Class lioad. "So far as I can make out, the city's side Jr. this matter has so far remained absolutely unrepresented." Thus wrote Controller Met* to Corpora tion Counsel Pendleton In reference to dis puted claims against the city for Its share of the cost of abolishing grade crossings along the lines of the Bay Ridge branch of the Long Island Railroad in the Bor ough of Brooklyn. Informed by his engi neers that this grade crossing elimination york as being carried out involved a gi gantic grade betterment scheme sanctioned by opinions from the Corporation Coun sel's office. Mr. M?tz refused to pay $225,000 certified to as the city's share for the work by the Brooklyn Grade Crossing Commis sion. The railway company has applied for a mandamus order to compel payment, and there is a good prospect of the whole matter being thrashed out in court. The alleged purpose underlying the stren uous fight which railway company has put up on this, matter is an attempt to compel the city to share the cost of con verting (he Bay Ridge line from a prac tically Inoperative one and two track rail way into a low grade two and four track trunk line. This is being done, according to the Controllor'a engineers, under opin ions given by the city's legal department that misinterpret the meaning of an act of the Legislature authorizing the abolition of grade crossings along the railway. , It appears that the Bay Ridge railway before the work was begun could not be used as a modern freight line because of its limited trackage and the existence in many places of prohibitive grades. When the present grade crossing improvement is. completed thi3 Bay Ridge branch will emerge a low grade trunk freight line ex tending from the Long Island terminus at Fay Ridge across the Borough of Brooklyn to the Queens Borough lino north of At lantic avenue. From that point it will be continued under the name of the New York Connecting Railway north through the Borough of Queens and by means of a via duct over Ward's and Randall's Islands and bridges over the Harlem and East rivers to the Morris Park freight yards of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway, in the Borough of The Bronx. VALUE OF THE LINE. Over this proposed New York Connecting Railway in Queens and the improved Bay Ridge branch of the Long Island Railroad in Brooklyn, the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway will have a direct route for its New England freight traffic by way of the Bay Ridge terminal, across the Nar rows by ferry, and to all points west and southwest by the trunk lines of the Penn sylvania Railway. Incidentally, connection will be made at Woodside,~in the Borough of Queens, with the Sunnysido yard tracks of the Pennsyl vania Railway, affording direct connection for passenger trains from Boston and other New England points with the Pennsylvania trunk lines to Washington, the West and Southwest through the new tubes under the East River, the island of Manhattan and the Nur'h River to Jersey City. 'Commenting upon the important part the Bay Ridge branch railway Is to play In this elaborate transportation plan, the Finance Department engineers* report says that on the Queens side of the grade cross ing act's denning line a new railway is be ing constructed under a franchise grant by the city at the railway's sole expense, with a recompense to the city determined in a measure by the mileage to be con structed. On the Brooklyn side, on the other hand, the city is being assessed for one-half the cost of providing a continuation of, the same tracks that are being constructed on the Queens side at the railway's sole ex pense, in addition to one-half the cost of caring for the existing railway, and this is being done under the interpretation placed by the Corporation Counsel upon the pro visions of a law designed solely to abolish grade crossings. METZ TO PENDLETON. In forwarding the report of his en gineers to the Corporation Counsel with a reiteration of former requests for a re view of the legal opinions under which the city is being assessed for one-half the cost of betterments carried out under the grade crossing elimination act. Controller Metz, in a letter addressed to Corporation Counsel Pendleton, says: So far as I can make out, the city's side In this matter has so far remained absolutely unrepresented, nor were the en gineering features inquired into by your department as they could have been repre sented by some of my representatives whose special duties along technical lines qualify them to foresee where important improvements and betterments to the ma terial advantage of the railways outside the clear meaning of the law, as improper ly charged against the city's account. The subject of land purchase will short ly come before me, and it is this feature I would like you to consider in your review of previously presented subjects, as it is intimately related to .some of the points heretofore covered. The railway company, in many places, has a right of way only thirty-five feet wide, while at others it is fifty feet and upward in width. On a two track basis, as the railway existed at the time of the law's passage, only twenty feet of this property was developed or graded into an operating roadbed; the rest, as the configuration of the country de manded, was occupied by the necessary slopes, ditches, and, in part, by telegraph poles. The railway company demands that this whole property width, irrespective of its previous track equipment capacity, be low ered or raised, and this is being done un der opinions rendered by your department. In, this connection an expenditure It being imposed upon the city for a betterment which but for the grade crossing elimina tion act could not have been carried out by the railway company without considera ble expenditure for additional property neo esary for slopes. Under the legal opinion of your department, that the grade cross ing act calls for the conversion of the full width of the right of way into a graded roadbed available for additional trackage, the city is called upon to pay one-half the cost of the additional property required for the necessary slopes, or to pay one-haft the cost of constructing retaining walls, with the necessary property easements. SEEK TO TAKE EVERYTHING. Moreover, in its demand for this full width of right of way as a graded road bed, the railway company has neglected to reserve space for the necessary equipment of telegraph poles, signal bridge supports and other operating utilities pr for the transmission poles or tower supports for possible subsequent electrical operation that are essential to the operation of the modern high-class railway this is designed to be. Judging by the construction costs of what is being required elsewhere along the line. With the necessity of subsequent In stallation of '.hebe facilities apparent, and with no property in the usual location re served for their accommodation, it is ob-* vious that property purchased for slopes must be used for that purpose. In effect, therefore, the railway company, starting with a property width of, say, sixty feet, which waa equipped with and could accommodate only two tracks be cause of its configuration, emerges upon the conclusion of the work with a four track railway occupying the whole of Its property width, and, In addition, has sixty feet more of property purchased for slopes, half at the city's expense, available for facilities necessary to operation which for merly had to be cared fur along with the tracks Inside the old property lines. The further effect of the utilization of the entire original right of way exclu sively for tracks has been to impost! upon the city a larger share of bridge coats than Its proper due at all overhead crossings. if it be recognized that the city Is liable for bridge construction further than sufficient to carry the "existing trucks" of the rail way. The betterment exclusion clause of the law operative "whether provided lor in this act or not," would certainly appear to be sufficiently protective of the city interests to require cognizance being taken of these demands of the railway company In excess of the limitations of the l:;w and to require that the city is not assessed for expenditure* not due to the operation of the Jaw. The Joint account expenditures so far on this work aggregate In excess of $1,500,000. and I would request your earnest and prompt attention, In order that the city's Hide of the cast may be more fully pre tented than I as been possible in my com munications, I would further ask that the chief engineer ©£ tills department be con sulted. . . ;-. - ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS RAILWAY. Looking- south along line south of Church avenuu before work was begun. After work waa practically completed showing the start of ti.e four-track line which replaoed the old line south of Church avenue. ATTACKS PRESIDENT Norris Alleges Deal rvith Can non — Speaker on Regularity. Washington. Jan. 6.— "The insurgent Re publicans of the House are not intimidated by the action of the administration in witholdlng patronage from them, and are Hot scared into silence by any apparent combination of President Taft and Speaker Cannon," said Representative Norris, of Nebraska, one of the leading insurgents of the House to-day. Mr. Norris resented stories that the insurgents were "lying; down" under an edict of the administration. Mr. Norris criticised President Taft for the alleged action of the administration in singling out insurgent Reprtsentatives for punishment. "President Taft is making a grave mis take by aiding Cannon in this way, and I want to say so unhesitatingly." continued Mr. Norris. "I do not object, nor do any of the Insurgents object, as far as I know, to the withholding of patronage from us. But I denounce this singling out of the men who have opposed Cannon and the House organization for an infliction of punishment. How can the President say that we are opposed to his policies and de clare that we are to be punished for it when we have not opposed his policies In any way? We do not, in fact, know yet what Mr. Taft's policies are to be. We have not even received his messages upon several important subjects. Still, we have b*en punished. Postmaster General Hitch cock has admitted that we are being dis criminated against right now, although we have done absolutely nothing to merit it. excepting to oppose Cannon and the House machine. "The light of the insurgents in the House will continue against Speaker Cannon and the House rules which he personifies. We will not, however, oppose any policy of the President so long as it is Republican doc trine." Speaker Cannon called at the White House to-day and had a few minutes' talk with President Taft. After some coax ing on his way out the Speaker made a few remarks concerning the doctrine of party regularity. "My test of regularity in politics, church, finance or family," he said, "is co-opera tion, harmony. I am a great believer in caucus— the wicked caucus. Get together and tight out the differences there, and, if you are licked, come back and tight again. We can't all have our way in this world. We do not have our way, no mat ter how big or high we may be. The maniy man gives and takes, rights or yields, as he thinks btst for his cause. I havun't much patience with these men who are wiser than all the other fellows put together, and whose views are unchangeable.. 1 al ways feel that a man of that sort has no business in an organization. If he can't tight it out in party ranks and yield if he is beaten, then he had better go out and join the enemy or, better still, form an organization of his own. "But all this is che.stnutty, boys," con tinued the Speaker, "the worst sort of chestnuts. But I want it understood that I did not mention this subject to the Presi dent or he to me. 1 am not trying to run his business." STEEL CASE TO TAFT. A. F, of L. Presents Charges Against the Trust. Washington, Jan. 6. — The American Fed eration of Labor, through a committee headed by Sa-muel Qomperß, James O'Con uell and other union leaders, to-day carried its tight against the United Btates Steel Corporation to President Taft. The com mittee presented to the President a foimal paper in which tbey set forth fourteen dlt ferent charges of . illegality against the Steel Corporation and asked for an immedi ate Investigation of the so-called trust, which they assert is operating in defiance of the United States statutes. The Presi dent promised- to take the matter up with the Secietarv of Commerce and Labor and with Labor Commissioner Neill. The first charge against the Steel Corpora tion la that it is an illegal combination ex isting in defiance of the Sherman anti-trust law. The labor leaders say that if the government officials will, as they have done in the cases of the Standard Oil Company and the Tobacco Trust, present to a com petent court the facts concerning the Steel Corporation, a decision against the corpora tion logically would follow. It is charged that the steel corporation "not only degrades labor by low wages and a twelve-hour work day, but denies a day of rest by enforcing work seven days In the week"; that it "tyrannically prevents the organisation of its workers to elevate the standard uf living, and suppresses and pre vents free speech and public meetings" ; that it "boycotts American labor and has enforced decrees of banishment from com munities where it dominates." In closing it Is charged that the steel corporation "Is organized illegally, dom inant and defiant, with no respect for legal right and human right, and with brutal In difference as to human capacity for endur ance and for deaths and injuries of its tollers, and that its continued exlstunco and methods are a menace not only to labor, but to the business nun outside of its bane ful power and influence." MT. VERNON DIRECTORY BURNED. The discovery was made yesterday that the copy for the new Mount Vermin City Directory was destroyed in the" fire of the American Express Company warehouse, in Now York. last week. The loss will ne cessitate a rt't-iiiivuHK of the city, which will require several weeks. The copy, which contained about 000 names and ad-, dresses, was in transit to the printer at Reading, Perm. Th« recanvas will be be gun at once. . . . MEDIATORS GIVE UP Will Take Up Western Stcitch mens Grievances Noxc. Washington, Jan. 6.— Efforts to adjust the strike of the Northwestern switchmen have b«en abandoned. Chairman Knapp of the Interstate Commerce Commission and Dr. C. P. Neill, Commissioner of Labor, the mediators under the Erdman act, had a final conference with H. B. Perham to-day. It was determined that nothing further could be done to effect a settlement. The following statement was given out by Chairman Knapp late this afternoon: The conferences that have been held dur ing the last few days between Mr. Perham the president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers and head of the railway branch of the American Federation of Labor, and Chairman Knapp of the Inter state Commerce Commission and Com missioner of Labor Neill, have been ad journed without accomplishing anything definite. If any new developments occur and if the outlook for an amicable adjust ment should become more promising, the mediators will again take up the case and attempt to bring about an adjustment. Mr. Perham was keenly disappointed by his failure to bring about a settlement. He had a conference in the afternoon with Chairman Knapp, but it resulted in nothing. Proceedings in mediation of the contro versy between the officials of the railways operating out of Chicago and their switch men will be beg^in at the offices of the In terstate Commerce Commission in this city next Wednesday. The negotiations will be conducted under the Erdman act. If the mediation should prove unavailing. It is entirely likely that the controversy will be referred to aibltration, under the provi sions of the law. The differences which are to be considered are precisely similar to those which result ed in the strike of the Northwestern switch men. The most serious questions involved are those concerning wages and hours of labor, and double pay for overtime and Sundays. St. Paul, Jan. 6.— The news from Wash ington was discouraging to the switchmen's leaders feet*. Asked if he would call off the strike now that a settlement was impossi ble. President Hawley said: "Oh, no; we intend to stick." "LOST WILL" NOT ADMITTED. Probate of Copy of Mrs. Stenton's Al leged Testament Denied. Surrogate Thojnaa handed down a de cision yesterday declining to admit to pro bate the "lost v.iU'* of Mrs. Louise M. Stenton. the aged woman whose daughter, Mrs. Alice Kinnan, was found murdered in 1906 on the veranda of her home, in The Bronx. The proponent of the alleged will was Burton W. Gibson, a Brooklyn lawyer, who had acted as Mrs. Stenton's confiden tial attorney. T. Percy McElroy, who was named as residuary legatee, joined in the application for the probate of the will. Mrs. Stenton by this will left a life interest in her prop erty to her daughter, Mrs. Kinnan, and upon her death McElroy was to receive the bulk of the estate. After Surrogate Thomas had concluded the trial of the will contest, which was brought, by ten of Mrs. Stenton's nephews, nieces, grandnephews and grandnieces, Cleveland & Cleveland, attorneys for Mc- Elroy, asked to be permitted to reopen the case aiW permit Gibson and another wit ness to supply further testimony as to the "lost will," an alleged copy of which had been put in evidence. Surrogate Thomas permitted the affidavit of the other wit ness, who was Gibson's stenographer, to be placed on the record, observing that fur ther oral testimony was unnecessary. His decision yesterday declared that "the facts as to the execution or loss of the al leged propounded paper were unproven and unsustained." previously stating that "be cause of Gibson's interest in the endeavor of McElroy to submit further evidence their evidence Is to be received with cau tion." TOO MUCH OPERA SO SAY MANAGERS. Theatrical Men Think New York Has Orersupply. The sixth annual dinner of the Associa tion of Theatre Managers of Greater New York was held last night at the' Hotel Knickerbocker." All the. members belong ing to the association were, present with the, exception of Al. Hayman. who sailed for Europe on Wednesday, and Henry W. Savage, who is out of town for an open ing. There were present 108 managers and guests. The idea that "peace" was to be the "motif" of the dinner was expressed In the decorations in the Inner space formed by the tables joined In a large rectangle. At one end was a hatchet buried in a bed of fiowers, and a pendant dove looked kindly at the diners from the other end. Charles Burnham presided; and opened the speaking. Other speakers were Sir Charles Wyndham, William Gillette. Oscar Ham niersteSn and Henry B. Harris. Marc Klaw presented a loving cup to Mr. Burnham. In a letter Mr. Hayman complained of the unsatisfactory business of last year. There are too many theatres In the city, he aald. "Greater New York, with a popu lation of 4.500,000, is asked to support over three hundred performances of grand opera In a season of twenty weeks," he. said. "It Is asked to support thirty-nine first class theatres, also forty-eight theatres devoted to vaudeville, burlesque and popular priced attractions. In addition to these eighty seven theatres, there are over live hundred theatres and halls licensed for moving pict ures. '":.*:'' "This is asking New York to support more theatres and places of amusement than the cities of London, Paris and Ber lin combined. Managers and capitalists are Kolng theatre mad. A halt should be called or a colossal amount of money will be lost." With the condition into which the theat rical business is drifting, Mr. Hayman said, some of the theatres would be forced Into the market through foreclosure sale or otherwise. "It Is easy to get money to luild a theatre, but it requires an attrac tion to keep a theatre open," he continued. "I know only three actresses and one actor who can be relied up >n as drawing cards In America to-day." Mr. Savage devoted a large part of his letter to a discussion of grand opera^ which, he said, "is a form of musical art that is now permanently a part of our entertain ment field, but it will not be permanent in its present form-^r, raiher, in the prevail ing manner of its presentation and con trol. Mr. Savage looks for a decided modifica tion of the "grand opera erase." But he also expects "a steady and sure growth" following the reaction. Continuing, Mr. Savage said: How absurd it id that a music-drama— and practically every opera since Wag ner's epoch making time is a drama with music — should have vitiated one of its two chief component parts! How grotesque that 90 per cent of those who attend, say, a performance of "Madama Butterfly" should be compelled to trust to Providence and a ridiculously written libretto transla tion to know what it is all about! And therein lies one of the prime rea sons why it takes a Caruso, a Mary Gar den or some other picturesquely presented personage to draw an audience. Why should the people go otherwise, when the opera itself means only as much as can be told by the music proper? Were "The Merry Widow" or any other marked popu lar success sung In Esperanto or In Swed ish I think even the walls would take on a different aspect. And how incon sistent to demand English in operetta and permit a foreign tongue in grand opera, when between the. two lies but the one art form of opera comique— a step that is daily becoming smaller. The present system is automatically de stroying itself. A star to be a star must not only possess rare and distinguished abil ities, but he or she must be one of a very few. If there were hundreds of great stars all would soon become commonplace in the. estimate of the general public. But it is sought to extend the star system of grand opera throughout the country. Regarding the effect of expanded grand opera upon the purely commercial aspect of the theatre, I do not believe the final reckoning will show any adverse Influ ence of one art upon tht other. The grand opera public will grow, without a doubt; popular appreciation of higher forms of music and drama is clearly on the in crease. Sir Charles Wyndham thanked the mem bers of the association for his cordial re ception. Ho likened the relation of actor and manager to that of wife and man— the actor who loves and obeys and the manager who cherishes and endows with the best he has. Oscar Hammerste-in, who spoke next, said that he Hsu-tied with much Interest to th*> remarks of Mr. Savage, which seemed "real savage" to him. In speaking of the com plaints about poor business, Mr. Hammer stein said that operatic business was no worse than the dramatic. "Everything has been dull this season," ho said. "Everybody has been looking for a reason for this, and nobody has found it. You must excuse me to-night for not making my speech more fitnvery, but business has been so rotten." William Gillette, the actor, devoted his speech to the attacks made by critics upon managers. "It is pleasantly known,' 1 he said, "that theatrical managers are scoun drels. I have met a manager now and then, but there was no use telling this to one at a time, so I waited to have you all together. There is one thing only which has sunk low er than you are, and this is the drama. You would think that tlure would be no more space left for the drama to sink deeper, but the men who write about it take care of that. "Why are you so low? Because you are commercial. The Idea of running thea tres to make them pay! How dare you! It is outrageous! i am glad to know that tome of you run theatres that do not pay; but most* of you put on plays that draw." After a few words of praise for Mr. Hammersteln. George Kraus called upon Marc Klaw to complete his spe«ch. and Mr Klaw said, facetiously: "It must strike some of you that th*> selection of spokes man is a Tirana* one, because I don't know how the rest of you have fared, but so far as the firm of Klaw & Erlanger have been concerned, we have never yet Itien able to secure good terms at Wal jack'a Theatre for any of our attractions." Mr. Klaw became serious and addressed Mr. Burnham In terms of high praise be fore giving him a loving cup from the as eoctation. LEAST RESISTANCE After all, to improve New York property is merely to follow th« lines of least resistance. First, because the develop* ment of your property is in line with the City's expansion. • Second, — and this is th« milk in the cocoanut — the owner who improves his property, also improves his in come and possibly his temper.' To pay taxes and carrying charges on unproductive prop erty is to disregard the philos ophy of easy lines. The burden of carrying New York property is rightly that erf tenants. It is for you to put up a building, that they may assume that burden. THOMPSON-STARRETT COMPANY Building Construction Fifty-One Wall Street LABOR TESTIMONY Committee Investigating Em ployers* Liability Holds Session The legislative commission which will consider employers* liability and causes of industrial accidents, unemployment, lack of farm labor and kindred subjects heard » full day of testimony In three session* yes terday. All manner of technical detail waa given by experts and others representing certain interests. Professor Frederick R. Hutton. of Co lumbia University, and connected with ths Museum of Sanitation and Safety, ex plained the value of exhibiting devlees to prevent industrial accidents. He recom mended a $3,000,000 museum, with an an nual support of $30,000 to $40,000. The present liability law came in for » long discussion at the hands cf George W. Alger, author of several works on the sub ject. One point he emphasized was th« elimination from the present law of the fellow workmen's negligence clause. Ha advocated more stress beinsr laid on tho "risk-assumption" portion of the act. L. Schram. chairman of the labor depart ment of the United States Brewer** Asso ciation, which employs fifty thousand man* recommended to the commission the estab lishment of a common fund, supported by the employer, the employe and the state, from which money could be drawn in cade of death or sickness. The next speaker was Miles M. Dawsoa, attorney for the striking shirtwaist makers, who made a detailed and technical state ment of the German system of compulsory insurance societies, a system which ha ■would like to sej adopted here. « Morris Hilquit. W. J. Ghent, president of the Rand School, and Nicholas AlelalkofT spoke for the socialists, who are unalterably opposed to the present liability law. Amonif those representing labor was James L. Ger nom, chairman of a conference of all the central labor organizations of greater New York. Both the socialists and the la bor people want a compensation plan. The socialists, who class workmen a3 those receiving less than $2,000 annually, desire to have a disabled, workman paid 63 per cent of his wages, and his family not less than $2,400 in case of death. This U based on a salary minimum of $500 an nually while the labor party, which also recommends 65 per cent in case of dis ability, thinks a dead man's family should, receive four years" salary at a minimum of $£50, this being the low cost of living In. New York City. Both parties are opposed to any employes subscribing to a common Insurance fund, and consider It impossible to so repair the present law that the pres ent average maiming and killing of thirty to thirty-five thousand soldiers of Industry will be reduced to a much lower figure. One of the speakers, Dr. Thomas R. Crews, of Wappinger's Falls, N. V.. drew an appalling picture of conditions in a car tain print mill, and said the conditions there were not only mediaeval, but that peonage and slavery existed only paralleled In the South before. the war." BRIDE COMMITS SUICIDE. Homesickness Believed to Have Caused Young Wife's Act. Mrs. Emily Fox, of No. 1219 Brook ave nue. The Bronx, a bride of six days, com mitted suicide yesterday by inhaling: Illumin ating gas In the kitchen of the two-room Mat which she and her husband, John Fox, an electrician's helper, occupied. The po lice believe the young bride killed herself because of homesickness for her family In Sheffield, England, whence she came here to marry Fox two weeks ago. The young woman left nothing to explain her act. Other occupants of the house traced the odor of gas to the Fox rooms, which they broke in and found the woman sitting in a chair In her night clothes, with a gas tub© fastened in her mouth by a string and a towel wrapped around her head. The woman was dead. / OFFICE GIVEN TO ALIEN. Rabbi Resigns aa Civil Service Com missioner in Schenectady. Sohenectady. N. V.. Jan. «— Rabbi Solo man Michael Hinden early to-day resigned as Municipal Civil Service Commissioner following the exposure last evening oy a newspaper that he had be«n appointed and taken the oath of office despite the fact that he was an alU»n whr> had applied only last October for his first papers. Ha was one of the first appointees named] by Mayor Duryee. who took office on Janu ary 1. The position pays $396 a year. B\