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10 FIFTH WE. RITE SOU' BIG OFFICE BUILDING 7Y) ()( '( ITV PASCEL AND ADJOINING PLOT. • Investor Buys Ncrc Loft Structure in West £71* Street-^ Hani; Sales in Midtown Business Centres. Tradir.c in the mid town loft centres 3nd * btj sale In the central Fifth tail ehopplns district features yes- T^rd^y cf the real estate market. riM •■ in the retail Ehopptag w>ne wa> the FaJe siy l>evi-is B. Preston for Mr?. B«xnard P.StoJnniap of the premises No. t2i Fifth fivcr.ue. to IjQul* M and Thomas %V, foe owners of the Croisic fir'art tnpjit adjoining at the northwest corner of Btieet and Fifth avenue. Thr property wat under leas" to Andretr I Connlck uritT. May, HM. at a net rental n* J!~-V" a >••■. Connick sublet th« rto^ . o Messrs. it. Wunderllch & Co., art doai^rs. «.nd th* fonr lots to 1.. P. llol "iaTi(3*>r S. Oo.i who are the lessees of the hur.dirjs: adjoining to the north- Messrs. .Ion"? nay*>. purchased tIM loatw of Andrew J. Oonnick and also that of Wunderllch * Co. The Hollander company recently assigned it? lease to Ml !■!■ B. Blosve^en Fons. ruTTicrs, at 57,500 a year for th« remainder «f the term. Negr-tiations to purchase that lea?e ha\"e bee^i made. The property sold Is 22-2xl«> ieet. Messrs. .- nee now control a plot 56.6x127.6 feet. Pians havo been drawn by Frederick C Fro^-n for the improvement of that site ■ ■wiTh an rl^hte^n ft on* store end office tn:iidtair. The twr'.v Ftory loft Vjildins -• >'o. | 3CI to 127 -...;■.. which th-? Kralty Holding Company tatted to build Isst July arid finished on January 1. with a complete roster of tenants paying an an nual rental <-,; c- -•. was sold for the r-ullders by M- & I^. Hess to an investor, .-who paid •-' cafh. The property, which occupies a plot MOi RS? feet, was bead at S-v-. --i The building i* equipped *Mfa several EavcQrl not con tained In structures of that type and Us disposal closes out the operations of the Realty Holding Company hi this block. T< week the adjoining bnflding will .ye, company ••"'■■ adjoining H .-----Sve feet, No, 121 to 133, \\a 3 fold to A. Epstein. It tvas learned yesterday that the Robert Burns realty -Company, of which Alfred M. Bn is president, has commissioned Buchman & »x to complete plans for a twelve story loft building covering a plot :K-€xPS.S feet, in 2Sd street, between Sixth F nd Seventh h venues, recently purchased ■I auction tot £96.000. This structure, T.-hich tviH be the tallest of its type on 23d street, the architects estimate, will cost fibout 57t. 1 0,O0(>. It is understood that plans I jTp been '--'. for hnilar improvements for the plot No. I^3 to IZ>7, sold recently by Oiaxles Buck, and •« plot near Sixth £ve awe, extending through to 22d s-tiect. NEW YORK CENTRAL BASE. The New York Central Kailroad added to us lioldincs in the vicinity of its new terminal by the purchase from the O'Reilly estate of Nos. S2, 34 and 36 East 4ith street, iliree four story buildincs. on plot MxIW.S ', <■■ The property adjoins th^ Tiffany Etodloa. at the east corner of Madison avenue and street, and is located-15 feet west ■■•" Vanderbilt avenue. J'lans have been filed for a twelve story nnd basement loft building; with res. ■to Te erected from dcFJtriis by Tov.nsend. ?teinlc & HaskclL architects, for the Rock ton Construciion Company, of which Jacob Herb is president, at No. 122 to ISO West T7th str<*et. It is to be 95.9 feet front and j;k;9 f^>t de'-p. with an extension, the facade? b^in? -of brick, trimmed with pran- Ie and limestone, with terra, cnta nnish. The building will cost $300,400. Plans have a!so beon filed for enlarging tiie i--^ making plant o^ the Bernheiraer &. Schwastz brewery. Sn 123 th street, east of .Mr.<rt<rrr!~n avenue, by adding- a two story »nnejri.:rrtt- fc?t frotit. the Improvement to be nrad« st .-. cost of fUMWQ from designs '.■v '.. Oberlehi. architect, aiid for enlartr ins tlio Iwo story stablo No. 4^C to 431 Ktist Kith street from designs by M. Del <.'Tau<2io, architect, for Frank De tiosa, owner. Plans, have a!s«j been filed for remodelling; and r*>fitti«ijj thf fivo story tenement house »t No. ior. Kast T'.'A Ftre r 't. recently dar^agt-d by fir?', the iinprovonvntp l.»eiiifr made at a. cos* of J6.W) from dosi^iis by the Century Engineering arid ' Construction Company, "orchJtcct Coldenblum. owner. REALTY MOTES. Mark Rafalf=ky ■■ « :0.. No. .".27 Fifth av« nu*'. havo been appointed sole agents for the eleven story Manhasset spartments, on Broadtray. between 108 th and lOluli streets. Thr property was recently btoight by the Realty Assets Company. Harris & Vaushan -were the brokers in the sal<^ of N<>. C*i Fourth avenue for L-.'uis C.- Giles. This is par: of the larse plot st No?. ?sc, pud ?►>> Fourth avenue, and 102 «ittl I'H Eaf?t >j!h Etr^' t. containing about T.C 1 ""} squfir<* feet, forming :i!* "L," arouna he southeast corner of these thorough fares, receiitlv bought ">y Jacob Neadle. '.''orpr; Tlreit"li So is T.eie the. brokers ...... the southeast corner of Third *vrr>u« stid H3ih street, reported yester day- This was the, fiist sale of the prop erty 5n ovr twenty years. l>*w:s H. May Company has Fold for I'avid Benson riot of kits on Chandler svenu'*. F.t Rockaway. to Mrs. Richmond, ■p. ho viill improve same tv:th a cottage. GETS TITLE AS A GIFT. Title 10 the property No. "40 West IZist *tre<>T. on x. ••■■•■:-. 375.2 feet *t •■■"••.- avenue, •was ira nsf <"-rrf-d as f. sift yesterday by Jinmia Chappell jo rmiianj ChappelL ANOTHER RED BANK SALE. ■ .' ' ' ■ : ■ - "... - . • ;•-.•■ TRADING IN BROOKLYN ZONES. : ■ ■ made tin ■ -■ : ' . . ■-■■. ■ • ■• ■ ■ - ■ . . . CATSKILL HOTEL SOLD. • ; ' , .-'I .'..-■ If-latid. have !»ought through. Edwar< Brings High Class Men. New Turk C3ty. Th- N'—--Tcrk Tribur*. Ceatl«mea — I <ieEtr« to expretr my gp preefctfoti of the r«^u!ts obtained throagh tny r]as£i£*-'l iidvertlsSne lor men la Th« K*ir-Twk Irfbnno. 1 take plfcstur* In raying rha( Th» Tribune briTigK me cniy high grade m»n, C I gladly youth for the clasEified CO! urns ■' The .:■■'■ tor prompt and «a elect rtturrs. Team very Wily, Tt. E. JiIGHILL. Moran from William A. Hildebrandt the Irvington Hotel at Woodstock, in the Cats kills. The new owners vill T,;« «ten- Sly« alterations to the structure, which cont-uns forty-five rooms. MIDTO^-N BUILDING RENTED. H. Fass, the Lessee, Will EemodeJ Structure for Business Use. Frederick Fox & Co. have leased for Joseph M. Adrian No. S6 West 21st street, a four story dwcliinfr. for a Long term of y^ars to IT Fass, who will immediately remodel the undine for business pur poses. The ... V. S'oyes Company has leased the ground floor. No. 66 John street, for Max D Blum to A. Valchos: the sec ond floor. No 83 John street, for Cam rrion. Voorhees & Floyd to Bennvllle A Payne, and a targe suite of offices in the Singer Building: to McGafre & Flage. The D. & S. Realty Company hare leased for a term of years, the two story garage. No. 3^4 "West "'• street, to McNeil I County, who will use the building a? a private garage and school, after it has been extensively altered. TITLE COMPANY LENDS $395,000. Pease *.- Elliman have secured from the Title Insurance Company for the 17th Street Realty Company ■ loan of $240i 000, st 4}i per cent for five years, covering: premises Nos. 243 and 24.". West 17th street arid extending to • ■'i street. Th« L7tl Street Realty Company re cently improved this property with a twelve story mercantile building. R. J. Jones has secured for the Flnri Construction Company from the same title company a loan of $155,000 or. the promises at the northeast corner of 176 th street and Ft. Nicholas avenue, on which site there was recently erected a .-ix story apartment house. RECENT BUYERS. Ogden 11. Hammond is the buyer of No. SO East 70th street, a four story and ba?»» ment dwelling, on lot 25x100 feet, recently sold by the David low estate. Mrs. McCroeken is the buyer of No?. 203 and 305 West 21st street, recently sold by Alfred Tally. She owns an adjoining Bite. ACS>ey <;. Marshall is the buyer of No. 5 Front street, sold recently by the Rufus Story ostat". through Stephen P. Ay res and Walter F. Bay] is. NEW R. E. BOARD MEMBERS. .. presidents have been • members of the Real Estate ■ ,kers: William Pelslnger. B ■ . W. H. P. Totten. Thomas Si. Mulrj a i • SALES OF COUNTRY TRACTS. E. Sharuni lias sold to the Armor Realty Company, for three clients. 1.-*" 1 acres of laud in McDowell County, N. C, and I.W» acres in Laurcna County. Ga., and 750 a'-res in Emanuel County, Ga. Two stocks of hardware in Sti ]...::- and twenty-five lots a t Jackson Park, N*. J.. were given as part payment. SIXTH AYE. TITLE TRANSFERRED. Title to the parcel, 100x105 feet, at the northwest corner of ISth street and Sixth avenue, was transferred yesterday by the Milton Realty Company to Minnie A. Kurz. The expressed consideration was nominal. THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MAN MATT FIFTH V. EXUB — Lewis B. Preston sold for Mrs Bernard P. St* Inn an No. 220 Fifth, avenue, a five story building, on lot 2*."lxio<> feet- The buyers are r>ouie M. ai:d Thomas W. Jones, who own the Croisic apartment house, adjoining, at the north vest corner of Fifth avenue and 26th street. On the combined sitcj which measures ;.6.6x ]^ feet, an eighteen story office building. with stores, will '■»<:. erected. Work on the proposed structure will be beg m May 1. PINEHURST AVENUE — Charles Lowen sold the plot of three lots. TfixlOO feet. on the east side of Pinelmrst avenue, 100 feet north of iSOlh street. ST. NICHOLAS A.YE.— & Calhoun sold for the Nova Scotia Realty Company the four story private dwelling No. 720 St. Nicholas avenue^ IS.€x«xloo feet, to a client for occupancy. ' STREET- -Morris Hayi - ' : i West ■ •. ■ : - nent houses, ■ 25TU STREET — A Mr. Mandclbaum sold the premises. No. 129 West 25th street. The buyers also own Nos. 125 and 127, adjoin ing, and now control a plot 75x100 feet, on ■which they will build a twelve >ry loft building. S7TH FTREET M. & Ix Hess sold for ... ; m tin new . rnent building, on a : ■.; to \2l W« t 27th ■ ■ . thet with th» one ad- West CTth street, re ■ ■ teln, cover a plot 173 x The amount, involved was H.160.0W The buildings f-how an annual rent roll of $110, 000. Z*TR STREET— Michael '•'•■-man was re ported t-t have bought from Aaron Cole man and Susan T. njbetta Nor 11€ and 31S West 2T<th street, two three-story duelling houses, on .< plot 40x9J.3 fe<jt. ir-Ti^, STP.EET— John E. Olsen bought from Miiud Alles, Adelaide Oopeland and Amasa Spring No. 254 to 258 West 23th rtrort, 93x100 feet- H<- will build a twelve story loft structure on the site. 45TH .STREET— The New York Central Railroad bought from the O'Reilly estate No. 32 to 3^J East 45th • treet, three four- Btory buildings, on a plot 50x1C"0.5 feet, ad joining the Tiffany Studios. 119 TH STREET— AIbert Harris pun ■•■ No. 11l and 113 East 119 th street, two fivo- M r> ry tenement houses, on a plot TflxlftO feet. THE BRONX. PARKVIEW PEACE— I^ouls Meckcs sold for E. Osborne Smith to A. Mclntosn the lot on Uie east side of Park,vie\v Plhco, 269 feet south of I'jOth street, 3Sx9ox irregular. JACKSON AYENUE-J. Corbett Fold the 1 Jot, TCx^ feet, on the east side of Jackson avenue, 174 feet south of ICSd street, to a buil<3<r for immediate improvement. DEVOE TERRACE— H. Nelson McLer non sold for Thomas L,yon, jr.. N"..;-. 2808 and 2510 Devoe a two story frame dwelling house, on a plot "JixK, feet. ISSTH STREET— H. Nelson McLernon sold for a client No. 127 West JSSth Street^ a dwelling hou»». or. a lot 2Sx9B feet, facing 1 ■'■••■ Park. 22i;TH STJJEET-llugo Wabst noM a plot, COxlM feeL on the north side of 226 th street 1 near White Plains Road; also, for M. Ca trlla, a lot. 25x100 feet, on th* east side of Maple avenue, near ZUtk street. Fitz^eraid I i, rod-rich sold the dwelling house on two lots. 50x80 ••■' on the Fouth v.fst f-i<j* of the Grand Boulevard and Con courpp. about M feet south of ISStb street. IN THE AUCTION ROOMS. The auction tales held yesterday a the NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUIV3S, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1010. Real Estate -Exchange salesroom, Nop. II and 16 Vesey street, resulted as follows: By" Joseph P. Day. MADISON AYE. 1340, n w cor 94th St. 100 .Sx 4" V- - sty apart house; vol sale; knocked •down 'to G II Crawford for 559.500. 14r.T11 ST. 548 to 882, s s, 128 ft • of Broad way 7i"xt»0.11; two "> sty flats; Twenty-third Ward Bank n»rt RM Ginsberg et al; Lexow. M & W. atty«; C L Conn, ref: ami dv«». 52,44*02; taxes, etc, $1,83124; adjourned to March 4. >. CHERRY ST, 227 and 220. s F. ISO.O ft # of Pike st 86x120.4 to Water st x37.11x irrcK. two C sty teamta and 7 sty loft building on Water Bt; lsrnatz Roth et ai ast Morris Koalow el al; I^se & Co. attys: F V. Rich, rrf: amt .inc. $14 31074. taxes, etc. $.".0. to the plaintiff for $51,860. 65TH ST. 137. n s/ 80 ft «• of Lexington ay«. 20x100.5: 4 sty dwe; A M Leon et«al, trustees, . apt Samuel Welnber^ ct al; .1 H Morgan, atty; F C Leubuacher, ret; nmt due, $17. 009 55: taxes, etc. $300; adjourned to March 4. By Samuel Marx. 184 TH ST, 36. k 5. 8%.4 ft w of Davidson aye. 16.8x80: 3 sty <J-r\g. Isabelle Camp agt M 3 O'Connel] et al: H A Vieu. atty; F C A very, ref: smt due. $1.39113: taxes, etc, $102 04; to the plaintiff for $6,500. . 75TH fiT, 22«. ■ f. 259.7 ft w of 2<l aye. ,20.4 x 102.2; 4 sty tenmt: W H Re.ltenmeier apt Samuel Silverman et al; A .T Wolff, atty; V 3 Dobeon, ref: amt due. $3,283 37: tax».» etc. $50; sob to a prior nit* of $1O.OOA; to the plaintiff for $11,343. RECORDED LEASES. (.With name and address of lessee.) FEBRUARY IS. AMSTERDAM AYE. 7i?5; Edward Davis to M bert J Kendall; .1 yr» from May 1, 1^!'». $1,800 Address. I«3S Chambers st. BROADWAY. F v- cor of 42d Bt, ,"i1.5x?P.1l to 7th ay« x4P.4xf6.2: Joseph H Flick to Broad way and Forty-second Street Leasing Co; Feb 17: 21 yrs from May 1. 1909; $50,000. Address. 59 Wall st. CHERRY ST. "2. Bernard Golden *o Prospero Viggiano; Feb 17; 2 jts 2 raos from March 1. 1910; $000. Address. 32 Cherry st. • CANAL ST. 1P1: Anna M Grossman •♦ a' . to ; Abraham Paltro^itz; Feb 17; 5 yrs from May 1. 1910; 420. Address. 1?1 Canal M. HOUSTON ST, 225. s w cor of Bases at; Henry F Schilling to Paul Tauzman; 3 yrs from May 1, 1010; $2,700 Address, 181 Essex st. LTDLOW ST. 75; Thee Palumbo to Mas Wein rtein and ano; Feb 17; 5 yrs from May 1, t»10: $3,600 Address, 120 Rivingtoo at MADISON AVB. 415: Martha E rettuis and »nn to Reeder Bros; 21 yrs from April 5 1910: $4,000. Address. 4GO 4th aye. PARK AYE. 1126; Ernest Tribelhorn (Ine) 1 to .•^l^mund Fox: Feb 17; 3 yrs from May 1, IP10; ?1,«"»W>. Address. 1126 Park aye. BENWICK ST. 20; Achllle De Pierrt to Giuseppe Ferrara; 3 yrs from Mar.. - 1. 1913; $1,740 Address. 20 Ren-nick st. 2D AVB. 1716 and 171S: Harry .1 Sprung et al to PasqtMi* La Rosa; 3 jrs from May 1, If'l": $1,020. Address, Room 203. 1367 Broadway. 11TH AYE. 4^l: Prsaria Orth to Herman Leu decker; Feb 17; 1" jts from Feb 1. 1910 $1.- OSO. Address, 4*4 11th av-. 42D ST. 131 East. 20x100. Emma F Springer to French.' Shriner i: I'rner. 21 Irs from May 1. MHO: ?:>..vm. Address. 153 Broadway. 50TH ST. 32 West, 20x1«V».5; '.be Trustees of Co lumbia College to Julia A Husted; 21 yrs from No-,- 1. 1889; $821. Address. Boa •"•- N -"- York Produce Ex change. 102 D ST. 804 East; Jennie Bogoroo to I^aac Isaacson; Feb 17. 3 yrs from March 1. 1810; $1,700. Address. 89 Nassau Bt. 123 TH ST, 109 East: Emily R Mitchell to Louis R CSerioe; Feb 17; 5 yrs from April 1. 1W; $1,500. Ad-ircss. 300 East 125 th st. 135 TH ST, 40 and 61 West; Nathan 1- Glaub» to Eleandl Bckhouse; Fcl. 17; 1 yr from May 1, 1808; SO. Address. 49 Wesj 133 th st. 135 TH ST. 1 V and 50: Rniily Chamberlain to Benjamin G Howell; 5 sts I in from April 1, 191©: 880. Addrpps. 327 Canal st. RECORDED TRANSFERS. (With name and address of purchaser.) MANHATTAN. FEBRUARY IS. ALLEN : T. 173. w s. 25x88: Louisa H Vosbrinck to Tillif Bohm (mtg $21.0"X>i; Feb 17: $1. Address, 17.': Allen fit., BROADWAY, n c cor 125 th st. 99.11x75; Jessie A Holt to Eral!:- Chlig; Feb 17; $100. Address, Broadway, northeast corner 14.". Tv st. CLINTON ST. IS. c. 5. •"«">'-.". Mitchell Lipr :r;;ii:ii et al to Abraham Leipzig mite $42,200); SI. Address. 426 Broome Ft. CLAREMONT AYE. vr B, 225 ft s of 11 nth st. 113.4x100; Holland Holding (mtg $105.( Feb '7: $100 Addrsess, 21 Claremont a' c GREENWICH ST. 719 and 721. « s- 37.6X76.7: Greenwich Holding- Co to Arthur J Collins <mtg $57,500) Feb 17: $426. Address, 285 Brook aye. MADISON AYE, w a 70.. r i ft t\ of 43a st. 2."ix !■-". Anne C Rogers to Pease & niliman; 7 eb 17; $1. Address, 156 Broadway. MADISON AYE. 1642 to 1646, w *, fi7xiof»; Marcus Rosenthal to Addle Auerbac 1 'fmtp $64,000); $1. Address, 1 "42 Madison aye RUTGERS ST, 27. c s, 25x104; Prederic> .' - to' Annjeanette Seeli^ 'n;t~ $25,000); $100. Address, Room SO6, 302 Broadway. IST AVK, c >. 75.10 ft s of 47, th St. 25.3x60; Bella-Glaser to Turtle Bay Investors; $1. Address, 32 1 Broadway. IST AVK. 2013, tv s, 73.10x300; Samuel Fleck, jr. to Minnie Frankel (n tg $66,000^; $100. Address. 47 j. ••■■•.*■ aye. ID AVK. 1800. 7: ■■■ cor 93d st. 25.8x75; Henri etta Adams 10 Henry P Adams; Feb 17; $100 A«idres-s, 54 Leonard st. 6TH AVB. n w cor 18th st 100x105; Milton Realty Co to Minnie A Kurz; $100. Address, 3025 3d a' c. 26TH ST. 19 West. 23x?«?.f1; John 3 Montgomery to William W Astor; $1. Address. 21 West 26th Et. S6TH ST, s s. 250 ft w of Sth aye, 53.4 95.9; Francis McCabe to Bridget McCabe; $100 Address, 24i» West 37th st. S7TH ST, 249 West, 16x98.9: Francis McCabe to Bridget McCabe (mtg $8,000); $100 Address, ".'4: l West 37th St. 45TH GT, t- b, 4'".0 ft c of '6th aye. 20x100.5; I»» Witt C Cohen et al to Philip Krausd, $65,000. Address, Room 611, 203 Broadway. 58TH ST, 20 West, s s. 23x100.5: Andrew Saks to John P Munn; Fob 17; $100. Address, IK v.". st sSth st, 75TH ST. r s. 257 w of West End v»i. So* 134; i-"red<rick .r Slim son to Louis A" BflT $1 Ad ess, 80 Broad? ■ SAME PROPERTY; Frederick B Btimson »t al to same; $Ki3.750. Address, Room L'""0, 2 Rector nt. 7STH ST, 328 and 330 East, s c, 40x102.2; Charles Firestone to Nathan Klrsh; r'eb 17; f; 0.0- (0. Address. 123 West 118 th st. 04TH BT, n b, 100.6 ft c of Amsterdam flve. 17.6x100.8; Lawrence Mulligan to Harriot A Mulligan (mtß $12,000); $1. Address, 1827 Broadwa] . J»6TII ST. a s, 175.4 ft w of Amsterdam aye, 31.11x100.0: Adolpb Behn to Frank E Gil 1. a and ano (mtg $15,000); $100. Address, 2700 Broadway. 112 TH BT. 230 and 240, >= s, 40x100.11; Solo mon Harris to Simon Harris iratg $4:1,250;; $100. Address. Room Gil, 182 Nassau st. 113 TH >T. n ?. 203.5 ft w of Park bv«>, 25. Ix joo.ll Edw \v Crittenden to Frances Fr«>y initfr $20,000); Feb 17; $7,200. Addresb, Room 830, 119 Nassau st. 11STH ST. 306 West, a s, 25x100.11; Solomon Zadek to Mitral Realty and Construction Co < mtg $23,000); Feb 17: $1. Address, 26 Lispenard at. ISIST ST, 240 West, s a. 375.2 ft •> of Bth live. 45x lrrcß, Emma Chappell to William Chap- P' II : gift Address, 210 West 131 st st. THE BRONX. BRACKEN AYE, c 8. 225 ft B of Jefferson are, 55x100; Samuel Abram to Evelyn H White (mtg- $232 . $100. Address. 909 East lSOtb at. BRONX TERRACE, w 5-. lota 1286 and 1237. map Wakefleid, lSoilSO; Bronx Terrace, n • for m. 234.6x105; John P X Charles to George E Felter, ir, Fob 17 (imp $5,800); Address, Hackensack, N .1. i <;' N HILL RD. -, - 101.10 ft r of Jerome aye. r.0.10xlll.3; Richard ft Marten 1.. Michael .t Gil duly and ano . Feb 17; $1. Address, BIS 6th aye. HOFFMAN ST. « m. lot 103. map Powell fHrni The Bronx, 50x100; Carrie Bcherz to I!l | or « Ha-I.ler (mtg $4,000); Feb 17; $1. Address, 760 St Ann aye. LOT 4". map Dore Lyon property, Weatches t.r; Rosa Nathan et aj to Simon ■" Rosa et ;.! (mtg- $4,000) , $6,000. Address, 492 Southern Boulevard. LOTS 190 and km. map idee Park; Warwick 1:-. !■■ and Construction C ° 10 Michael J Mack; Feb 17, $100. Address, cor Barnea and 205 th st. LOT r,3«. map Lohbauer Park; Rose nonlto to Michael A Bonomo; Feb 17 $1 XJOnuo Io Address, 15(5 .Sullivan bt. LOT 187. map Koch homestead Th« Bronx Margaret Berrlan el »l 0 John a MoPher' son; Feb 17; $1 ' Address, 1469 Wllllamsbrldße rd. LOT 282, map Huntrr , .. Bendlkta „ Gun. dersen " Btefanus Moison (mtg $4,600); Address, 2022 Boston rd LYON AYE, 1 s, 30 ft c f , ;i , ( .. r ;ivr 2 &xlO0' rauline T Wienecke 10 Ed \ T Have;' (mis |3,QUU 1 . »]"" Addr<-«e, 1422 Will ridge aye. WEBSTER AYE. ■ w 001 lOSth si "S7xl'l 10- S'.OSOK^OO';" 1080 ""Skench g Address, Rood 101 1 61 p Hrk Ron . WEST S>T. 86, (50 ft «of Honeywell S yr .'.Ox {..M0; Edward B Lew la to LOuteaS BlngVr imtß 000) Feb 17 $100 Address, 685 P.lvertjd* Drive . 3D AYE, n «. lot 863, map wak»neM l»0x 114: 1 beater Improvement Cn'toEd- A BchHl imt; $2,500); Feb 17 $100 Addrea* 660 Van TCeai a ..V 34OTH ?T. n « a 200 ft n v, cI 3d aye , _, .., Address. :JO4 Alexander avo. 1& 1i?-j?T'-,i!Ii *••• 200 ft w of Morris avo - BOX "-vil.o- Th I 1I 1 n'• 2r>o «w of Morris aye, ■ W Jml'.l, , t ",' 1 X McCarthy to Waterford -hmlth ■ imt B 'sii. OO o). Feb 17- $500. Address. 520 Broadway; ' IWTH t TI ■a, 58.8 "w of Arthur nvP . 82.4» $19,000); F"b 17 jimi Simon v Qulnn (mxg Address. 2041 Arthur aye ISOTII ST. l». 70.1 ft ° of Moliegan aye, -;. la 118; Rockland .Realty Co to Hoffmann- I>e.yerb<-rgr Construction Co- r. h 17- $1. Address, 500 WillU aye. RECORDED MORTGAGES. (With nanaa and address of lender's attorney.) Interest 5 per cent unless otherwise stated. FEBRUARY 18. MANHATTAN. ' CLAREMONT AYE. w » 225 ft n of 119tb st, 113.4x100 (prior mtg $174,000) K-h 17- 1 yr, fl per cent; B Crlptal a- Bon. a corporaXion. to t-tate Realty Co; $35,500. SAME PROPERTY; same to pa.m«. Feb 17: 1 yr, >? per cent; $174,000. Address, 11 Pine st. GREENE ST. w b, 112.8 ft n of 3d st, COxS7.3: North Moor* st. 03 and 67, North Moore st, w s. 150 ft « of Hudson st. 55x87.6; 1 yr. 6 per cent; Annie Brown to Augustus V Holly; $20,000. Address. 51 Liberty s t. MADISON AVB. c s, 22 ft n of 4%th nt 19$* 100 (prior mtg $42,000); due Aug 17. 1010. 6 per cent; Martha E Pettus and ano to Van Dyck estate; $6,000. Address, •"•".' . sth re MADISON AYE. 340.. w :-. 25x95 (prior mtg $130,000) 7 yr?. 6 per cent; Pease & Ellman. » corporation, to Guaranty Trust Co of New York, as trustee; $85,000 Attorneys. Dexter, Osborn 5- Fleming, 71 Broadway. MADISON AYE, c 8. 40.11 ft n of 123 d st. SOx 81; Fob 17: 5 yrs: Nathan Himowltch. to Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co; $15,000. Address, 160 Broadway. MADISON AYE, 1642. w a, 10x100: 2 yrs. « per cent; Feb 17: Marcus Rosenthal to Martin Goldfarb; $4,500 ' Address. 35 Nassau "'- MADISON AYE. w s. 7." "• ft n of 43,3 «t. 25x95; Feb 17. 10 yrs; Pease &. Elliman. a .-ors»ora^ tion/to Anne C.Rogers: $180,000. Attorneys, Bowers &■ Sands, 31 Nassau Ft SYLVAN PL. 16. 19.6x34.6; 6 yrs; Mary O'Con nor to Warren C Sneden and ano, as trustees; $2,000. Attorney, Charles A Clark. 12? Broadway. IST AYE. 1468. c. s. 30x69; •'• yrs; I«cni? Perl man to Law- Title Insurance and Trust Co; 1 $12,500. Address, 176 Broadway. 7THAVE. 567, c s, 19.9x60, B yrs; Amelia Frank and ano to East River Savings Institution; $30,000. Address. 2?0 Broadway. STII AYE, 21«> b w cor 117 th st. 2"»;\inn. July 27, lEK>7; due July. lO^S: Richard WinfleM to Frederick P Forster; $40,000. Address. 268 West S4th st. 2D ST, a w s, 100 ft s c. of Aye B. 20-x7!>6. S •;•;-■. 4 ! > per cent: Charlotte Chrlstensen to tho Lawyers Titl« Insurance and Trust Co; $7,000. Address. 160 Broadway. 2D ST. 238 East, n ?. 54.8x105.10; Feb 17: 6 -r.- Hlnae Scher to Albert H Hastorf: $33,000. Attorney*, Davis & Kaufman, 4f» Chambers ft. 3D ST. 27 East, 25x80 (prior rr.ts 524, W0); Feb 17: due. etc as per bond; Henry M and Louis Bloch to William Tamasulo: $10,000. Attorney. A E Kaulbuss. 119 West loth si 14TH ST. a s. 125 ft c of gth aye, 25x105.3; Feb 7. 5 rn-\ 4 3 per cent: Francis. A Harris and 3 no t.-> Guaranty Trust Co of KeW; York", $120,000. Attorneys. Merrill & Rogers. 12$ Broadway. 21 ST ST. 337 West; due. etc, as P - bond: Charles i: Abbott to New York Savings Bank; $21,000. Attorneys, Webber <t Webber. 7 B^eknian st. 21ST ST. s s. 64T. ft w of 6th aye. f/b:A2; F<*b 17; due Aug 1. 1910 6 per cent; Flschel Realty Co '■■■ Tillie Wacht; $16,000. Attorneys. ArnstPin & Is- :■', 138 Broadway. S3TII ST 13 West (prior mtsr 510,000); 10 mos. 6 per cent; Bernard Zeller to Frances Schwartz; $2,000 ■ Attorney, William J Lirr'r.ann, 119 Nassau st. 4-"TH ST, * p. 460 ft r- of <sth aye, 20x1™-": 5 yrs; Philip Krauss to De Witt C Cohen, $4 550 Attorneys. Wolf & Kohn, 20-" Broadway. 46TH ST. 31 West. 20.10x100.5: Feb 17: dye, etc, as per bond: Number 31 West Forty-sixth Street Co to Edward O Clark end ano: $54,000. Attorney, William Ver Planck, 149 Broad way. 62D ST. 351 to 35-'> West: due Fob 1. 1930: Otto Strack to O R Wei Realty Co: $10,000. Attorneys. Fitch. Hater & Randall, r." Broad ft. 75TH ST. 165 '".:.- 1 . . n f=. 20x102.2 'prior mta; $13.3001; Fob 17; 3 ■'--. 6 per cent; Morris D Saldinger to Marcus Mandelbatim; $1,000 Attorney, J Kieger. 275 Broadway. 7.-.TH ST; B f. '' 7 ft * of "d ay». 19.7x102.5: Sara C Barnard to Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co: Feb 17; 5 yrs; $8,000. Address. 160 Broadway. 7STH ST, 166 West, Ellen A Blav«n to Tit* Guarantee and Trust Co (dup, etc, a* per bond); $18,000 Address. 176 Broadway. 75TH ST. 156 West; same to s*tt<> (due, etc, as $6,500. Address, 17C Broadway. 7STIC ST, 15? West; Clalr llolHs to TUt* antee and Trust Co Mue a,=. jv-r bond); $14,500. Address, I"' 1 Broadway. 86TH ST ? s 17." 4 ft w of Amsterdam avo, 31.11x100.9x30.7x100.9; Frank B Gillies and ano to Vdolph Behr. (prior mtgr, $15.0Q0); & >rs; 500. 12 Attorney, Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co. 160 Broadway. 101 ST ST, n s 360 ft c of 3d aye, 25*i00.11: gust Goel to Martha E Macie; 3 yra, 4% -!-,. : f7.( 0 Attorney, George II Hyde. 51 Chambers st. 102 D ST. n .«. 12".>.*> ft w of 3d ay, 27x100.11; John Sheridan to Equitable lit". Assurance Pcckty of the United States; Feb 17: 5 yrc, 4% per cent: $12,000. Address, 120 Broadway. 104TK ST. 62 East, 31 11x100.11; Catherine Ton yan a l mdi and as exrs. to Metropolitan Saving IX<uh nor mtg, $30,000); Fob 17; » yrs. 41:4 1 : per cent; $30,000. Attorneys. A .' & W Hutchins, M William st. 131 ST ST. 240 W^st, b 4! 17.5 x— : William Char pell to Title Guarantee and Trust Co fdue, etc, a? per bond); $5 00 I '"■ Address, 176 Broadway. 135 TH ST. n s. 420 ft w of Amsterdam aye, Siegfried Blumenkrohn to Bernard -T Ludwig (prior mtg, $45,000); 2 yrai 6 per cent; $10,000. Vddress, 1 1 ?nion Square. 180 TH ST, n c, 180.2 ft c of 3d aye, 25x100; Michael Kerby and ano to Max Schelle (due, c-t.-. as per bond) . $5,000 Attorney, S S Terry. 60 Broadway THE BRONX. BRYANT AYE, 1999, n W «, 36x110.6x30*111.0: due Jan 1, 1913, ."•'.■ per cent; Bernard J Mi Derraott to Mary Duffy; $ v i" Attorneys, Smith & Williamson. 364 Alex ander aye. BELMON'T 1 !■: n « cor Inwood aye. 230.6 s— ; Fab 17: 3 ':- 5% per cent; Mary E Robinson to Park Mortgage Co; $14,000. Attorneys, Fettricli. Seyb'ui & SHktnan, 41 Park Row. CASTLE HILL AYE, n * cor Haviland aye.. ,Sxlos 1 nionport; 3 yn: Caroline Missis; to Mai • D Haas. ;is ■ ■•• ■ $8,000 Attorney. Title Guarantee, and Trust Co, i 76 Broadway. CASTLE HILL AYE. w s. at line bet lots 449 and 451 i ■_■. 108 [Jnlonport; 3 yrs. 6 per cent; North Side Cornice and Roofing Co to Martha .1 Walsh; $4,000. Attorney. Frank Gass, West Chester. COL'RTLANDT AYE. 828, c s. 25x100: 3 rrs; Hermann lllTinck to Charles Urz; $10,000 Attorneys, A & H Bloch. V.', Nassau st. DAWSON ST, 78; Fell 17: 5 yrs: Christian B Hollander to Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co; $7,600. Address. 160 Broadway. PAWSON ST. n w s. 200 ft F w of L^^p.-tt aye. 25x99.4; Feb 17: 5 yrs: Barbara Miller to Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co; $5,000. Address, 160 Broadway. GUN HILL ROAD, n -. 1"1 10 f» <■ of .lerome nvi>, 50.10x111.3: Felt IT: "• yrn; Michael Gilhooly to Richard R Maslen; $3,000. Address, 215 West 12."itli St. GIT AND BOULEVARD and Concourae. w 8. l»8.11 ft a of 89th .-*. 25x81.1: F<>b 17; Annie T llollahan to Josefa Wise: $500. Address, S7 West 36th st. INTERVALE AYE. 1221 (prior rotg $1.200 V; 1 vt ■". !•■!■ cent; Theresa Sofia to Harry Mc- Kally; $1,000 Attorneys, Whaley & Walker, 07 "William St. KATONAH -V E, 4325, - w cor 2.-,Sth Ft. 25x85: Feh 17; .". yrs. ... per rent; Walker Otis to Catherine S Wulf; $5,500 attorney, F P Himmel. 1511 "<i nvr, LTIIAN PL. w s. 142.8 ft n of 169 th st, KOx 60.2 (pi ■ : nits: $37,000) Feb 17: Lambert! Con Bt ruction Co to Orsola Lambert! ; $fi.oo<\ Attorney, II M Flateau. «'-i Park Row. T," •"!" 4. 1 block C, map Pore Lyon property hom»» i-ital: due, etc, aa per bond; Pinion j Tics* to Rosa Nathan et at; $1,878. Attorney, Samuel Bltterman, ?,09 Broadway. LOT 02, map lots at Wil)iamsbrldx« of William s ■.,, due Dec 1, 1812 Nicola \>nto ft nl to pletro Sabatlnoj $1,000. Address, 28 Monroe st. LOT :;sr>. map Section A. Vyse estate; i->h 17: demand; Emanml Dostoi to Hudson Trust Co *; . i -i. Attorneys, Holm, Whltforr A.- Scarff, 35 Nas- SI! St. PARK AYE. b v cor Mod aye, 108x46; IVb 37: tin., etc, as per bond; Leo Company to Grr mania Ufa insurance Co; $35,000, Attorneys, Dulon & Roe, 41 Park How. MOTT AYE. a p. 4<\ ft c of Park aye, 52x10.3; I.!, 17; .in.-, etc, ah per Bond; MUM to -ax:,-. $30,000. Attorney, i^am"' ;<s above. pnosPDcrr aye. c «. 117.2 ft :, of isoih »t, -j.-.t 160.2 (prior nit_ $3,500); 2 jrrs, ''• per cent; Sebastian Sal ato to Lorenzo Balvato; $1,300, '" Attorney, Ameririis O Stabile, 41 Park ROW. THERN BOUtiBVARp, ■ « *. 588 ft a * of Crotona Park East, 33 !"\ . t'eb 17 V. yrs; $15.(100. Address, 71 Nassau Bt. TOPPINS AYE. c s, 134 ft s of JT6th •( 23x85 • prior tntg $5.."00»; due. e.!e, as per bond; $1,000 Attorney, William i> ami ron li'ol Bath cate hi r I [ON AYE, c - |WW ft ■of 168 th Ft. 10xl(V>; Feb 17: 5 yn; $5,500 Address, 160 Broad WOODRUFF ST. n t>, 1D7.1<» ft i. » Boston Road :5x157.4; duo' Aug 17, 1013, ;.'. per • ent; n .1 I>il!on Co to Conrad H.oltei and «no, $13,000 Attorney, Tit 1^ Guarantee snd Trujt Co. ITS Broadway. I Uf'TH ST. n - •. -'00 ft iv .-• M aye, 168x79 Inrtalmenta •■>'.■ i »•; cent; .■■• Attorney, . nit] WUllameon, 364 Alexaudei a. i l.V>Tli ST. 240 East; dxi», etc, .-., . r bond; Thomas Mitchell to Tltlo Guarantee ami Trust Co: $1,000. • • Address, 176 Broadway. IS7TH ST. ji a, 100 ft wot Bathsate a-*., 6OxOO (prior mtsr $10,C>0O); demand, « per rent ; $1,f.00. Attorney, Ii L Barnard. 271 Broad-nay. SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With nanm and address of lender's attorney.) . FEBRUARY IS. AMSTERDAM AYE. 371. mn, lOOx l>r<- xx O v 1. 1905; Leopold Ehrmann to Loton Tlorton; $9,000. Attorney*. Salter .t Strinkamp. 140 Nas sau st. ■-'.- SAME PROPERTY; Junp 8, 1005; Loton Horton and ano to Ella Dean; $20,000. Attorneys as above. BROADWAY, 11 » cor 06th st, SS.Sx irreg; April 30. 1908; Paul Mayer and ano to Esther Rein hcimer: $25,000. • " Attorneys, Rose & PutzeJ, 12.«* Broadway. CHARLTON ST. 8 s. 2CK4.»j ft c Of Varick st. 23x100; April 19. I^7; Heler.e Hay to Lena. C Popple: $4,000. Attorneys. Rab* & Keller. 203 Broadway. HOUSTON ST, n t-, 45 ft w of Avu P. 40.6 x •SO; Feb 15, 1903; Samuel Bonis to Abraham Sllverson; $15,000. • Attorneys. Arnsteh) * Levy, 128 Broadway. PARK AYE. • (-, 150 ft 9 of.l*2d St. 60x141: .-opt 16. 1900; William Gujrpolz Construction Co to Manhattan MortK.ii;^ Co; ?25,<!00. Address. ,200 Broadway. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, c, s. 300 ft « of 213 th ft. 38 4x100; July 1. 1!<OS: William II Douslaa to New York Hospital; 534.000. Attorney. Wilson M Powell. 3 Broad st. WEST END AVK. «• k. 45 ft n of 75th nt, 20x 7:.. March 23. 1908; John L Dufai3 et al to Henry Burden et al: $14,000 - Attorney. Eugene Smith, 31 Nassau st. WASHINGTON AYE. c f. 162 ft ? of Mott s«t, 62x12'); Oct 20, 1009; Flora Schrelber to Lin coln Holding Co; $lt>fso<>. Attorney*, Arnstein & Levy, 128 Broadway. 3D AYE. 3081, 25x100; Nov 5, 1906: Ang»!o Boggiano to Antonio Bacigalupo and ano; $5,000. _ ,_ a Attorney, Title Guarantee and Tnift Co. 171 Broadway. IST WE. n w cor 27tb K».. C s * 4XIOO4 X lOO- Nov 20, 1903; Charles Ef Johnson and ano to Seamen a Bank for Savings; $275,000. __ Attorneys, Strong & Cadwalader. 40 a\ all «. BTH AYE. 2455. w 5. 25.3x100: An? 1. l? 09: Jacob Hack. jr. to Lawrence E Brown; ?i->. Address, 37 Liberty sf. "D ST 23«. b s. 24.77x10.v?7: July I*. l? 06; Barnet Mankes to Hinde Scher: $2,520 42. ■ Attorney. Daniel Drangle, 10: Rivington «t. 3D ST. 1"9 East, n >. 21.4^x962; Dec 15. IWC; Florence Weil to Jacob Breitmeyer; 54,WJU. Attorney, Hugo Cohn, 19 Avenue A. BSTH ST 262, 264 and 266 West, s a, 80x95.9: "April' 24 1908; Fort Amsterdam Realty to to Harry Kraft: $6,000. Attorney, M G Holstein. 47TH ST. 69 West, n s. 20x100.5 Fob 15 „ '^J- Robert E Westcott to Frederick Diet*: *- or fl'- Attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 1«» Broadway. 66Tir ST, M East. « 8, !*.«X». Sept 20 I^9: Emma B .Richardson to Georziana Maclay. 512.000. Attorney as above.. 6STH ST. 54 East, s p. IS«xS9: March 26. __1MJ); F,mma B Richardson to Georgiana 3lac,a: . so. 60 rt Attorners, Maclay * Mcßumey, 31 Nassau st 71P-T PT n p. 40 ft «■ of Park av-. 2^x1022: »• 1. 1906 Wesley Thorn to Henry A 1 ■ Taylor, SlO 000. __ „ , ' Attorneys, Strong *- Cadwalader, 40 Wall st 75TH ST, 120 West, ■ B, 20x10-2 : Nov pn, 1P06; Di^derick Fink to John A Stewart et al; $10,- Attorneys, Phllbln. Beekman &■ Meann, 42 Broadway. 76TTI ST. a -. 233 ft - of Aye A. 25x102.2: .May 21. 1007; Samuel Rosenberg to American MOrt gage Co; 54,'"><h->. Attorneys, Bowers & Sands. 31 Nas«a.u st. 9f>TH ST. 141 West 26.0x100.8'%; Jan •"?. 10W; Albert W J Petrie and ano to Jacob llobr; *2 .-.i'mi ' Attorney. Lowi3 S Gocb?l. 41 Fark. Row. »OTH ST. 143 West. 25.9x100.5ti: Jan 3, 1007: Albert TV J Petrie and ano to Now Tor* Lite Insurance and Trust Co; $«». Attorney. W T Emmet. 52 Wall st. 90TH ST 143 West 'Si S>xino.SVi; an 3. 1907; Albert W J Petrie and ano to Philip Finer; ?3,50rt. Attorney. Lewis S Goebel. 41 Park Row. 90TH ST. 148 West. 25.0x100.8%; Jan 8, lfV>7; Albert W J Fetrie and ano to Jacob Mohr; $2,300. Attorney, Lewis S Goebel, 41 Park Row, SOTH ST. 143 West, 26x100.5?i: Jan 3, 1P07; Albert W J Petrie and ano to I'hilip Fisher; $3,750. Attorney. L B Goebel, 41 Park Row 90TH ST 141 West. 26.9x100.8%; Jan ■", 1907: Albert W J Petrie and ano to New York Life Insurance and Trust Co; $20,000. Attorney, W T Emmet. 62 Wall at 97TH ST. a .'. 275 ft w of Central Park "West.; Jan 29. 1007; William Clarence Reed to American Mortgage Co: $13,060. Attorneys, Bowers & Sands. 31 Nassau st. lOOTH ST, 61 West, n s, 25x100.11; March 14. 1901; William Buhler to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; $10,000. Address, 176 Broadway. 100 TH ST s s. 165 ft w of Central Park West, 45x100.11: March 16. 1986; Abram Schlesin«er et a! to Caroline O'Neill; 546.000. Attorney, Title Guarantee and Trust Co, 176 Broadway. 100TII err. •>■? West, n 8, 25x100.11: March 14. 1901: William Buhler tdi Title Guarantee nn.l Trust Co: $19,000. Address, 176 Broadwayy 112 TH ST 47 East, n s. 2oxlOO.ll: 112 th ?t. 49 Bart, n .-. 25x100.11; Jan 18, 1000; Isaac Ro f< nwasser and ano to Osber Gordon: $2,500. Attorney, Isaac Cohen, 141 Broadway. 113 TH ST, n 5. 275 ft. « of Mb aye, 23x100.11; Auc- 1. 1905: Charlotte. Smallheiser to Halne Friedman; $2,750 Attorneys, Amend & Amend. US* Nassau st. 113 TH st. 11 s. 275 ft c of sth aye. 25x100.11; July 7. 1806: Jesse Rosenthal and any to Fred eric J Middlebrook: $18,000. Attorneys. Bowers £ Sand?. 31 Nassau st. 113 TH ST, 240 West, n s, 25x100.11: Nov 5. 1900; John Kerscboffer and ano to Dora Topper; $500. Attorney, I.»o Scnafran, 116 Nassau st. 122 D ST, n -. 18.4 ft * of Bth aye, May 3, 1007; Esther Zwisohn to ilarr>- L Wolff; $3,500. Attorneys, &■ Uanheim, 30^ Broad way. 12« TH ST. 265 West, n s, 16.8x99.11; April 18, 1907; Jacob Berman and ano to Paul HelUnger; $2,000. Address, 320 Broadway. 146 TH ST. a c cor of Railroad av-. 1ft0.6- x ir reg; April 21. l'.»"V Sigrmund Ullman Co to John M Schmidt; $15,000. Attorneys, Appel a- Taylor, I*> West Broad way. 164 TH ST. 530 East, s s, IS.SOx Irros: Dec 31. 1006; Bertha Koenlg to Alois L Ernst; $C,Oin>. Attorneys, Parker <fi- Ernst 170 Broadwaj. I«TH ST, 528. s s, 18. "Mix Irreg; Dec 31, 1006; P.ertlia Koffile to Alois T. Ernst; S-'.OOO. Attorneys, Parker & Ernst, 170 Broadway. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. FEBRUARY is. Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co to Sophie Kanenbley: $"0,125. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Eva M Davis: $37,500. Henry McCaddin to Mollie Glauber; $2,500. Mary p Walker to Wilson M Powell: $4,000. Windsor Trust Co to Louis M Howland, ad ministrator; $100. Prank Gass to Annie R Daily: 51.400. Augustus P Bailey and ano.'e.-trs, to Augustus P Bailly; $1. Samuel Kramer to Hannah X Levy; $1,400. North American Mortgage Co to Franklin Trust Co: .5100. Max Schelit- to Christian H Bodenkirchen; $2,000. George W 8 Elliott to Eiiza B Doornbos: $1,000. Carrie Ruhl to Robert Wleneske; $2,000. Anna J Wilkens to Frederick Les«; $100. De Witt C Cohen to Albert G M^organstein; $22.7.-,0. George V Halsted et al, exrs. to George F Halsted et a', trustees; $20.000. Moses Weinman. exr. to Solomon Zudek; Feb 17: $1. Anna T Theriat to Edith M de M Hultfeldt; Feb 17; $1. G^or<e R Fearing, trustee, to Sisterhood of St Mary; Feb 17; $43,000. William FJ Thorn, trustee, to Edith M <J« M Huitfeld: 8 mt;s: Feb 17; $1. William E Thorn, In.iv nn<l gdn. to Edith M de M Huitfeldt: 4 mtgs; Feb 17: $1. Lawyers' Title Insurance and Trust Co to Homo for Old Men and As- d Couples: Feb 17; $20,000. Samuel Levy to State* Bank; Feb 17; $100 MECHANICS' LIENS. FEBRUARY IS. GREENWICH ST. i"37 to 645; New Tork Cor- ; nice and Skylight Works against F T NesbiC *: Co. owners and contractors: $610. 104TTI sT. ■ s, 36 ft w of Cauldwe'i aw. r.'x 100: 1' N I>ußois <fc Co act It. Carl Wurra. j owner: Thomas 3 Rellly Co, contractor; I Frank A Ten Brook, sub-contractor; $1, 5S^ 0»j. UNION AVK, e 2T: Abendroth Bros agt Gold • Hill Realty Co, owner and contractor; $366 M BAft.N'KS AYE, f; a 163 ft n of Brtgga ay«». • . 60x95x irr. X , Andrew S Wright act 1; ■• i mnnsky Construction Co, owner and contractor; $145. IITKR AVK, ■-•<•»<> Gabriel pel Gaudio ngt Michael Nolan owner; Fox * Lorenz. sub- ; contractors; $:: 12 39. 47TH ST, 250 Went; John F Cronln a*t Abra iii in Korn, owner; Gordon & Stein, con tractors; $148 13, 2STFf .-•!• if Went; Stickler « Fedrp act Bernard Klesland, owner; Jacob ' I'aletz. contractor; $.';;; 421> ST. 2 1..i-i. Mitchell Bros agi Eniullr M. AKtmtn R W and Marie n Pettier, triwtr-e.'i. owners; O'Keeffe A Cunnlnsha,m, lessees; Jor dan Construction Co, contractor; $107. 68TI1 BT, 101 West; William 8 Horton ; -t Robert Connor, owner; .' B English, con tractor; $24 .'.a 2«TH ST, I >•» and It's West: Herman Slate j '■ *gTi Robert Smith. Whitney R Lyman j ami Joseph Reuth, trustoea, owners and con traotors; $1 JO , BROADWAY. 240 th si Bpuyten Puyvil Uoail ' and -•!:. 1 si entire plot; Harry 11 rillej hri Inierborougti Rapid Transit Co. owner; Wlllium t n contractor; $3.157 30 IST AVB 2d aye. Ortth -t and I>7th ,-' entire block. Atlantic Iron and Pteel Co agt Second .Wisn'ie Railroad Co, George w Lynch, re '■■''■'. owner; Charl«i Peekworth suh- | j2S. l . rer c _■ - . Dunseatfa a V\'*H*r, contractor*; : MOUNT HOP] PL. » *. 11011 ft - of Jerom* av6 25550; Edward B Buhler C«l|t H'h- j bfK-w Construct ■ f>. owner; Otto Yon ' Sl4<r'->iv ''' ' J *c°b Zens, contractor*, i 91 iv *», 1 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. -*« err 12* West; Amsterdam BntMlnr r-, ajrt ' Dougfa» B Green et a!; Jan 11. 1910; $3,513 S3. WEBSTER AYR. f s, 100 ' ft ( o t 17Sth »t: llrnry G Silleck. Jr. am Freund & B(«.lei et II Jan 12. «•»! #TO»t».- DMT AYE, - ". 16fi.8 ft n of 176 th »r : OHtaMl Marb> Works ajft John R Peterson «t al; -4TIT ST 4-1 '" 425 East; Edward V Tiem»y act Louis Mayer Realty Co et a!. March 4. lftO9; $4.'. so. WFST END AYE. n w ror 7Sth nt: Richardson r/ Bovnton C* agt Frank Bradley et al; Nov \. 1003: $IC4 40. 54TIT ST 48 and 5° West; CataaaaM & Kraca ast City Athletic Club et »' (by bond); $«GO. tiboaDWAY. M" to s '2»: Harry M«r7.:«r a«t Surety Construction Co et al; Feb 17. 1910 «by deposlt): $28 21. m AVF * * cor 07th at; Murray * Co nrt "=•<• "" nnd AraaMM Railroad Co; F»b 7. l!>10 (19 bond): $1,223 SO. NEW BUILDING PLANS. < t^'ltfi owner's name and addrest 1 F-RBRCARV 18. MANHATTAN. "7TFT ST. 122 to 13*> West; for a. 12-*torr far* " lofts and ptore. ••-•••.•; Townw»n<J. Etelnle A Ha3kell, Broadway " and ."Vtth Bt, architect*; co!>t, $300.f100. Own^r. Ro-kton Construction °" S* Nich olas aye and l'!M "t. THE? BRONX. Kir T^\K PLACE, w s. l*> ft s cf Fonlham "^vo 2 »ty fram^ d«1«s. 22t4S each: I H Booth & Son?. City Lslar.d; architects (rrmt Owner. Henry W«amr. *>l CarroTl M. City Island. FRO=PE?2T AYE. w «. 117 ft ■ of t<»»ri •♦: a sty brk theatre. 120.1x106: Frtedenrich. •-erston • Baer. 1035 Fail- st, lessee: E C FHerne, 1440 Broadway, architect: cost. SIPO,"""). Owner. Mehan, Ehrichs & i?tmon, Sin Hunt* Point aye. tTNION AYE. tr p. 250^ it n of IWth Xt; t rtr brk ?a-az«. 25x120; C H Detrich, 25 'U'est 421 Ft. architect: cost, $.V<v*V Owner. Abram N Hsrbst. 1072 Hall Place. 150 TH ST. n s. 100 ft w of Wale* «•.«.; 1 aty brk BtabK 25x31: Chris F Lohs^. 627 K3«;!» aye. architect: cost. $1,225. ' O-st-ner. John A Biglin. on premises. 169 TH ST. n • cor of Clay ay»; tiara* ! a*9 brick stores, sizes lrreg: tv Pel Gaudlo, Tre inont and Webster ay». architect; cost. $7.. r >oo. Owner, Alois L Ernst. 172 Broadway. 232 D PT. << m, 555 ft W cf Laconla are; 2 sty and attic frame (iw!?, 21x28: Carl P John «on. * East 42d at, architect: cost. *3..*.n0 OTrnr-r. Frank A Grant. 107 East SSth ad ALTERATION PLANS. MANHATTAN. 83I> BT, 205 East: to a 5 sty brick taint; Century Engineering and Construction Co, 140 Nassau st. architect; cost. $6.000 Owner, A Goldenblum, 523 "Wllloughbr ar»» Brooklyn. 104 TH ST. 427 East: to a 2 sty brick stabl*: M Del Gaudio. Tremont and Wetsrer *yes.. architect: cost. 55,500- Owner, F De Rosa, on premises. 123 TH ST. 8 s. 316.4 ft c of Amsterdam ay«; to a 2 sty brick storage warehouse: L Ober l»ln. 407 West 37th st. architect; cost. $10, 000. Owners, Bernheimer & Sch-wart*. 12? th at. near Amsterdam eve. THE BRONX. HARRISON AYE, a s- 25 ft n of Cornell iv»; to a 2 sty frame dwljr. 22x25.3; Serviss & Glew. archltect«: cost, $500. Owner. Michael Brennan, 361S WBwtl »vi. I'.OTH ST. 761: to a 2 sty frame shop and dwlg. 21.3x28.3: Chris F Lohse, 627 Ea*la av«-, architect: cost. $1,225. Owner, John A Biglin. on premises. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET NEW JERSET. BEST LOCATED RESIDENCE. HUDSON COUNTY BOULEVARD, j FOR SALE.— Corner plot. S*sxl3S feet, •-"-. sisting of a.i artistic and superior constructed dwelling, surrounded by beautiful Rardens arnl , lawn, with a most picturesque and very ex- : tensive view over STew Jersey territory. Hous» complete as to arrangement, size of rooms and conveniences. Within easy and lTnm^<lia"s reach of New York and surrounding- sections. An Inspection necessary to appreciate. FRANK STEVEN!*. ! 58 MONTGOMERY STREET. JERSEY CITY. ; WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN FIXES RESI- ' denc<\ with handsome ground* '< 3 city* lots>: I every convenience and improvtrn*nt; located in th*» best section of Passaic Address OUT- . TVATErt, 1." Exchanyo Flare. Jersey City. SUBURBAN PROPERTY- J\- PLOT Whir- Plains. X Y. 7?x175. In Beautiful Neighborhood. The Houses In th» neighborhood arc pric=-1 from $15,000 to $23.000. Therefore You ran imagine the beautiful restricted section in which plot 13 located. Price $3,750. COOLEY & WEST, Inc. Whit* Plains, >". V., 'Phone 413. Depot Square. j COUNTRY PROPERTY. j OFFICE OPEN WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. I NOW la the tlrr.e to pellet hoii£-?s in the j country: wa have th" choicest lists of artistic j re=i.i'-n'- an.] i-'->rrasr"-s in M». Vetaoil. Felham Heights. Bronxville and \-icinltf"S; all prices. i COPLEY & WEST, ;r M N^ rnr FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. COLONIAL i estate in Piedmont, Va.; 250 res: fertile land: ! matMon of ten large, rooms; spacious halls and ; porches with granite columns; Hthia springs: j abundant game; ideal climate; situated upon a. , river: beautiful scenery. Box 36. Post* ell. Va. _ ARTISTIC NUTLBY HOUSES. $4.750 UP: I choice lots $2.'iO up. LAXIBEJIT. &9 Nassau | street. N. Y. ] BOKOUGH OF MANHATTAN. i 83TH, NEAR RIVERSIDE; LOVELY TIOME: M rooms: price. $2»?.O:<>; morts?^e $15.00. ZTT TEI^ Broadway and 7)<r:- st. CITY HOTELS. 11 Will! Seventh Avenue and 55th St Best located family and transient" Hotel in the city. Apartments furnished and unfurnished } now leasing for fall and winter. J. F. CHAMPLIN. Mgr. — i REAL ESTATE. j Wm.H. Whiting & Co. REAL ESTATE 41 PARK ROW. NEW YORK. Telephons 5900 Cortlandt. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, i FRONT CORNER OFFICES. OVERLOOKING ! Time* Sq.: S3. f3O. ROCKWOOP. 1550 Kra.i j way, at 46th at. -_ ' —-^ v j*^ Large and *m*ll To Let Offices Single or en Snite in the TRIBUNE BUILDING xs4 Nassau Street Opposite City Hull Park The Centre of Transit for the Metropolitan District "L" Stations Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge Subway All within a Step APPLY FOR TERMS TO THE RENTING AGENT. ROOM MO PT'RDT ST. 9 «. 753 ft n cf ■-.._ . ?i-i «ty frame dwl«r. 22x28.1: Servjs* & for* 2."514 Web*ter are. archlfe**: <■■ •♦. $.->'•'■' " • Owner. D Pan] Qtll*api» 2733 Whits Plan,, ™- [ LIS PENDENS. 21.-.TII ST. « ■. lota IM and 110. naj of JT»-- i village of Jerome. s»»xl^-. ■ Feop<» of th» *»»-, of N-sw York itsft Nirofa Eelotto (notlc*. <i i i levy): attorney. C .- Whitman. FORDHAIt RE>. I 2»; Matilda U aaaaaa »a« Fordham Construction <v> »-t a! tfore--U»»nr» '-• mt«i: attorneys. Simon * Asher. GRAND ST. -'.:>». Daniel .1 Jlendeisorj a«t Oi». Barbere el «' (foreclosure of m-itv . torn*)-. A T S<-harp». CAULDWKLL ■»': -•' ; ; ■«■ i i v,_ Sender Fe-flrr.ark et a (foreclosure, of otr,* attorneys. Baoaa & Powell. •'• MADISON AVK. n w cor 12Sth «t. l*.;i s r). Truths of th» T - 'ir-1 for Am] and InS-^i Clerscy men of th« Protestarn Episcopal Chn'r-i, In the Dior***, r>f New Tor* a«;r. John w'tTr/vJ I ••t al (foreclosure of mtg attorr.>«T9. '-riam Elliott <? Brrd. "GHECK SWITCHING' CHAJiij^ Holland House Employes Diverted Cash Receipts. It 13 Alleged. Charjre<3 with conspiracy to defray •- Holland BOOM by "ro-itchins •.h«ekv fi-,* «mploy<*« -<f the i.o- tvere arr^ned earr/ yesterday morning by Central Office d2t=c fives. All were held for "xaminatiaa *r» Monday, when arraigned in th<» Jeff*-,^ Market court before Magistrate Bffira^_ Bail was fixed at $1,000 each. The prisoners are Joseph SyrdenlaQ^ „« No. 293 East 7th street, a waiter; p v^ Boyette, of No. 335 W*»st 2?:h street, Xj Charles E. Carr. of No. 31? East Stt street. cashiers, and Henry E. Gibscn. *• No. 610 TVest 135 th --■--■ and John Har tuns, of No. 203 East 781 ntttet, Hr tenders. Frank S. Hariiman. manager if* the Holland Boom and his assistant, Jia-t Somm«?r. appeared as complainants. 7^ produced as ■witnesses several private d*. tectives employed to Investigate the ca3*. According: to the story told in court, *>* fire men worked a combination. Tin waiter received checks from the bartenders; the amounts baaaal recorded by the registers behind the bar. When the check* were paid the ca?hiers were supposed •-, cancel them, bur the complainants ikQega that the scheme was for the cashiers to re turn tho checks to the bar by th« fairer *> that the bartenders could use therii a?ai-» ■without recording =• sa!e. WILL REMEMBER THE MAINE Th» United Spanish War Veterans in this city will hold a memorial service en Sun day afternoon in Carnegie Hal! for the mca who went down • >-•--■' The ser vice will be open to the public. Amos? those expected to attend are General DanH E. Sickle?. General Horace Porter, Rear Admiral Joseph B. Murdock. R^ar AfcirU Charles D. Slgrsb?' 3 . Joseph H. Choate. o». gTessman William Su'.2?r, Fire CoEiaib sioner Waldo and Ma^i^trate Kerncchaa. REAL ESTATE. This Company will make first mortgagß loans on desirable im proved Real Estate Lawyers Tide Insurance and Trust Company CAPITAL - -84,000,000 SURPLUS - ■ 5,500,000 $5,000,000 added to ssrptes In last 17 jsad X6O Broadway. Sew York. XSS 9octa^ii« Street. Brooklyn, 575 Fulton Street, Jamaica. Est. 1867 Inc. 1902 Ruiand&WhitingCo. REAL ESTATE 5 BEEKM.VN" STREET, >FIT TOKS UNFURNISHED APARTMENTsT" THE BELNORD BVay, Amsterdam A\e., and 86th to 81th 5' YT. 11. X>OLSOX & CO.. Agents. 527 Colutt^u« w- TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES OFFICES 35 NASSAU STREET, S. W. Cor. IJberty Street. f- FOR RENT— THE ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR OF THE FLATIRON BUILDING, 23d St. and Fifth Ay , containing about 6,000 -: feet now occupied "by the GARDEN' CIT> ESTATES. HAXDSOMEL\ FIN ISHED. Sign privileges. Apply to C. B. PAUL, 120 BVay. Tel^phor* "■' CortTand?. Absolutely Safe Fast- Running ELEVATORS (Plunger Type) Electric Light and Janitor Service OPEN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR Plnsrly or In Suite* BANKING ROOM 4.4(X> «Q- ft. «1 Greood Floor mtiKKTlUL W. S. NORTON, •9«ct •« »»n>ml»rt TEL. o-9> CORT. Tail Commission to Brokers.