Newspaper Page Text
[S ARMY AND Meyer's Flan for Economy Meets Opposition. [Frc— -hr Tribune Bait "Washinsrtcn, February IS. • -.X AT KAVT VARDS.-Se=retar.v Mevcr U In t&i of a radical change in _* pol-rv of ii^tallin? repairs and mah : n X r'terations on board B_fP« of war If he nSt- as he is flteposed to there will proh __ly be many protests fro:- people Inter ested ta preservlns «slarpre a volume of vurk a- nos__4« for navy yards, Mr. lie-er :— informed the ITn-II Na\_! Com -Vtee that he is not only in favor of hav tae new bW_S b"-Ut by contract. Instead of Rt^r.avy >-ar(!s. bat he believes it would be a:: c_o*:ios_tscal measure to have extensive -tpair "work on naval vessels— amounting In instances to $TJO.ft»-also done _vt private yards under contracts ■ ■ atter free atid general competition? The f-.rst of the*e projects under consideration i= "that involving important changes and extensive r«>pa' :r£ ori the Alabama, which, irdcr the old conditions, n*ouid be Kent to tbe navy yard at Brooklyn. Congress at Hi- last recrular man authorised th« > main at a cost of about &J00.000. ' and a *_rvey has been mace covering in detail ty*. Jabor nnd material on the ship tinder i* t various bureaus. Mo.t of the work vtsoJ- oruinnrily come under the Bureau of rcnstruciion and Repair and the Bureau c' ___---« E!ijrtne«ring, and If the jol> la let ie- etfTP* contractor it will be necessary for ti-cs^ byreaus to contribute parts of the *'>*>c'lcatlo:i£ under which tlto work must 2 done. Member' of the House Naval Committee -.ho do cot favor the Meyer plan of navy reorganization took advantag-e of the sug pestiori of Mr. Meyer in favor of having ;._aal repair -»ork dene by contract instead ol r: a navy yard to remind him that this ir.'i-l.t iiiuuc^ the committee to put out of ro:r.rr.i*siGri some of the navy yards resard lus the economic usefulness pi which there is^doubt. There- is no relation, of course, between the Meyer plan of navy reorgani a__tt_t— — iind Mr. Meyer's proportion to have <cri;iin extensive repair work done under ccnt-acit. That, acct.rcing to his view of trie Fituation. i-= justified by business pr_ awce an<i economic consideratioiis, and v.o_id r.o* interfere in the least with the preservation of the navy yards in a state c! rtadinsfs under n:i!itar>' control for their lt-?itim_.te use as place* of retrtora Two of the QUALITY ADS. IN TO-DAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. HELP WANTED. Male. YOrNG 'IAN a»- office a**^tant and double entry bookkeeper; must be bri?bt. energetic •3d _i£_ «»cbo3! graduate-; state education, ex perience and A.. Box 40, Tribune Office. Female. SOB __■*■_; «t«dj- work Wm. Silrwrsteiß. 171 Mercer St., city. READ THE OTHERS AND GO TO WORK Hc.LP WANTED. Male. X N'"V. r ARTICI-C. l'» per c*r.t profit; sens two east stlinp tat warki^g sample- s^-e rlariy Co.. "77 BroaJway. AGENTS wanted, either sex. in all localities, , "'<•; aria and Bower se*d«; -•■ r<r cent com- | • suttiba: ftse U^puiUlUlty: 'nil- cr s^ar« time; ; . s . 'v bsH KtstT Oc. pk*s. r*r hour; ser.<i etair--. Coca. Valley t«-d Co., SpzistSsli. Mass. T.':-'--;-r i -: ooviUy"; intcre-tt , " Tv--Vvo«iv big profits: InfcwiaaUaa fxte. Lan rolij '~q«a;V N-.f-ty Worj^j^^grogg^a?^ ACEVTS,. male. end femafe. S 5S rictus of ! All UK 2C6 Popea. Lificr-f NovtUy House. ■Z^ Park vTov.-. n.-ar Brrokl;-n P.ri.jcc. ASr v T6^-"ii F^» <*t* Puzzle: faecinatts young mn4 oM: fits the v&t pocket: sarcpie. 10c. Reoai a g.* 1770 F:rr.adr.a:-. ><;DNT- 11. a: C. tire infiator. $=0; Jnva'.-jat.le -- aatoraoilllsti; er.gir.<: the wcrl:: t^r;f ; ed «r.d coiltd: «>^ opeaiss z^-'- lnCn - Raon 24^. iTTft Broaduav. AGENTS to; faanfilo fat. cofleeo and sjiiccE. iv- a business of your own. Burtis A; A: ; 5;-TANT BOUKKEEri:KS-iiy ' practising paiuc aceountaßt. In «cb«nee tar doubte '-.•- ; oor.iriei" *"««*«. $15. Apr'y • i>- m - I^;:e;'. ;i' Tj?t TU-th et. T?;l:. CLEKK. Cudsriraod rt.acUinf; m"^_ **« • r^r^nccd; fib. Cull Xriciii Ac*.o<-7. SU >a&- ECOKKEEPEa— OoabJ«e«atnr; SeiTn^i- * iii sasv«r purpose: fT- Stenographer, with rtx^m end boara.- «»■ > PirtJ t Agwtfy.l S3 .aEnwi st. y fcC^ - rrak'- -Ofke«« fall cf money f^liir.? our ■•"-./ teroplaie-: «rlt« to-day. Lincoln fcqaaro r^v, ::-- V."ork«. ir->l Broadway- . CANY AtEERS— PcjJOMT mWfUBBi deliver har.d rarse pxanlma first paytaeat: easy iM^mer^s; *i? cwMJtesioM; *i daily; -airier. 200 "sYe*t oj'-h ;'. ; CANVASSERS— oood «*aac« for easwassem -.. rJkion. Inquire 26 Court et.. Room &t>. Bnsoi- COACOHMAX-rSEFCU— StabIe: »«5-^ ilJ throp Bureau, 05 West SHh ct. _ roUNUHT EXPEBT—Mwrt be an tai'-.crtty _oa _J - I :a^6.•= of iron rour.dr>" practio*: and cu£.£. f... .-«..,-*-,i t d rtliai!!":. unln}»ea<*»Jsi« rerer «K« e»etr_al. ' Apply la person. Back Loder. G' ■I.'. >~H\>:-'T '■"!■ cßnvatwrTto tret steadr ?w«»Jy anJ corcTclseion. In- 26 Q>crt ►•••- Boon »g. . Brooklyn. SIAN •a'AiCH-D afqi'l-*"*" iatiga elemet-tf; state tbe Jaaeaase yon *p^ "^ r^yious es- J*; K^>-* i' a i'- H-'C :i - : l'' ox tj> Ar:i;u - e u *~ iIAN fix«i ctaes. JW Honw^oV Boy«: «*oa«aat. ' L- ; one iritll pood satits. Univ^ri-al Kmr-.oj rwet B-:rcau. 2* _ Mis< * y< "* k " a>n 'J VN \G*NG KN'iINKHH for prwalneat maOT -tfualng end enpin^nne company: must 1* TOab™ ««rtiv^ S^perienwd in s«e«l m^ 51 -a^uir-r.g ar!j t-nsincenrs «rork: sa^ry $5.00 U. KuEtseei* Co.. «'/j Kroad'vay. ■ _ •'- ar EnciiA to «ork on 1-gitirriite prc^ «n aod wn who «i>eak forclfc languasrs. Ac <-*« rattelS s»P f . cxr*ri«;noc. iUinascr. lioo.-n ■ '-... 1 :c<irr. te^l - . — - «t^:e unj retail ir»2e : sahirj' cptn. iiuti^ess fcer»ic-« Co.. S<J3 1-T jfedv ay. ' SALESMAN. «*peri«»e«a On eaK of P*jft**r" I to paint>ufacturtrs. car. occurs b^tjs^. epjwrtUDJtT nt «a^O" apprcxi.-nating SiSOO ihTWJSb* £er\ic: Co., «J» i.rcau- SALEaJJAN" for reai StsT-^ propoFition in rrcatt-r Now York; hwjranoe nJin prewrea; •il! t-etween 0 iLr.d I^. Frederick Ddi««n. Tin*-. I}!. •'.p.. 4SJ j-t. ttTu] Rr-ea'i'w-gy. Room iA- . bA LEfci! EN Ytraac. enereeUc «- tn wanted; hstomobjle l.n« : icads: bish ciaes -R-crk; vis t»y. Cs.ll <Qg. 1T73 BroaJway. !iALi>i!f-.N thr«.--eroui the Ijßttad iitat«-s U' sell automcMla 11m wITTn. ntrt uener «anti o'-r rrottc-tor; rtf»rr*r,«-<-s ftqttfmd. O'NeU Tin* _ T'- r '»»-cior <~n nT r » nwaiwsy. ___________ SALESMEN, " throu«hO"Jt tr.t U. !?.. to r*-l e'J t«rocile nccessiiWfc. Kvery owner Tiana «ur Tr&tector. Refercaccs. O"Ne;i Tire a:id Fro *»"~t'jr Co.. S2"^ liroccT.ty^ i A LEGMEN <ira v*- ! ! 1 r.g) to tiondle our arti-le as « tlfie sine; J!!>.-ra.l t.-cnct*si r 'a*: ei.'luslvo ter ritory. Novelty Ka!«i Co.. 1547 Brna-iwfy. rjxr;z^> for :r.ovin|r picture- in etlis!! V.-rmonr '.il-age; c^iar.ce for i>- 1 / «'!'» * toai voice to Mt«uJ cmtaiiiar atsd l/.yh ccl^jo! ar.d tiss c".«i t';ra. Wntg L. C, 575. NorthStld. Vt. A-ivertisir-s:; collepe »oclety pebOcatfajra <ii i>cr cent). liooai 032. 17V7 £ rot oti. tj'EXOCUAPHEK. wtioirtuile lias: knowlears of bo.;kkeri^r.g: SIP; bt?lrßtr. $7. CnlJ Miss Agency. 0 Nassau et. ETENOGRAPHEBSC^dsfet Cict cfass opjortuni-' 'Its for txi>«-:enc^4 men of r<erboiialjty at i-1 *il':ty. eired IT: ettarits rar.rins from tCS t.> tl(fi monthly: wel! kno»c locjJ companies. Qa!l Byeir-fctt Bfrv'lre Ct... 503 Broadway. *TOCK «AL££MA33 »t.o can tell hirh clars ln £ustrla! tto^k cf nxTit; c«n m«ke a Sta i»j r-. ■ MwnlnK. 701 Wf,rl<l Railding. 1!?2N. exctT>i!crjl. exclusive positions at \ lE»Teral caiesTTien. /-,1i3 <«tabtiched I1M.«« •»«a*!ty company: t»»rmaner.i men only. .\;fp!v ,lg_fc rr. . yanor.>» Ca«ntt» <••«.. :.'-> N«*«-«ii ft. 'TTPifiT. rrapl,cphose operator; Wall Sirr-rt V— • -~*!! !or " Cs-Tl EUle rr.ehl Agenn- .09 tau_*t. UsClTli JIaN". ttk^'rjrr bOtyfcTislf§ coW, li R^iera.K- •-• .: !_- Mit« FltzGeruWs Eti *•«*■-- • : £urcau, DOS Stii cvt.; si __-ea oa *_--. tion of the vessels cf the figbtins Beet V...C. disabled i a time of war. ORDERS ISSUED.-The fo!!o\\-ir.s: orders have beer, issued: ARMY. . Major General WILLIAM 11. CARTER. «e^|j?_ meiuuer Gtneral si* Ccrp«; I > m V v *£ !„£_ pines «o fcau Fran.; Uienc to •vasainfi ton. rcDortine to chief of staff. . Retirement of Colonel JOHN W. PULLM AN. as sic:. quartermßstcr rcncril. anaouncea. Captain RQwuKT ••; f , paywaater. trotr. Walter Retd General Hospital. District ol Tir-t I.<eu:enatit FERDINAND *?*££■ elarnal cOrp», to Fort Bayard General «c* Leaves at absence: Captain OBOWJ3B W. MAR TIN, lith lni_ntr%'! two months: First Lieu tenant WILLIAM S. SINCLAIR. »t_ in tar.try, two months from April 1. NAVY. I_«uto!, u nt F. 1). .MII.LAN. to th« South Car olina. Lieutenant W\ 11. ALLEN, detached recruiting elation. Pittsbur-; to ih3rge recruiting eta tioij. l>c_r_ii, vice Lieutenant C: H. P. L LOCK. to charge r^crultinp station. Indian apolis. vice Lieutenant C. W. DENSMORE. to charge r^'crultin-- station. Oeoar Kapifls. CHi ■ Eng*he«r C. K. NAG_£ (retired), detached navy yard. New York; to home. Medical Inspector U. V. FITTS. detached re •■ruitlns station. Indianapolis, and await or dors. Surs-o_ c. DE "W. i:ROWNSELU to command navai bospital, l'upet tcund. vice burgeon C. _». BAGG to the Colorado. Surpecn J. T. KEXNBDY. detached the Colo rado: to the Indiana. __1 . Passed Assistant >_r»re&n B. H. DORSET, de tached the Washington; to r.ava; hospital, Pug^et Sound, and additional temporary duty •on.tbc Philadelphia. Passed Assistant Bnrceon G. L. WICKi_S. de tached recruiting station. Denver; to recruit ing station. C>dar Rapids. PasF*..i Assistant Surjreon A. li. FAUNTLEROT. detached the Indiana; countinue other duties. Pauisea Asst-Umt - ... a." H. ALLEN, de tached Tecrultin- station. Pittsburg: to r.av 3 ; hosT'ltal. New York. Tassel Assistant Srfrreoa T. W. RAISOK. de tacht-d naval hospital New y. -k; to recrult inp station. lm.li_napoll«. ABX— tant Surgeon C. V. --r-vr detached aaTy yard, ruget S?ound: to ■■■.-■ . MARINE CORPS. Captain T. F. LYONS, placed on retired list: to ho:n«. ar.d report arrival to major general eommancani. Captain E. T. FRYER, preparatory order; to sea duty on the Louisiana. Fir =: Lieutenant H. T. V__.TB. detached com mand marine detachment, the Rhode Island, on reporting of his relief to ).-._.rlr.e bar racks, navy yard. Philadelphia. First Lieutenant J. R. HENIJST, leave of ab sence for two months. MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS.— The fol lowing movements of vessels have been reported to the Navy Department: ARRIVED. Fe v IT—^Thc Ytrikton. £t Guar.tanamo. SAILED. Feb 17— Th« Culsca. from Tompkinsvilie for Gu_.nt_.namo: the Galveston. from i-an 1-rai. cisco for Pi em nor. Feb. IS — The Ca!lac, from Boos Eons for Can ton. Tte Severn crdertd detached Naval Academy aac! used as tender to third submarine divi fir>n. At?aiitic Larpedo Beet. The Hartford ri. be designated as station etjlp at Naval Academy. The Sterling fro navy yur I ', Norfolk, to navy yard. Ports-mouth*, to be placed cut of service. The Ajax ordered tn *ervic» at navy yard. Portsmouth. HELP WANTED. MaJe. WANTED — Able bodi-rd men for the V. E. Marine i Corps, between th<; aces of JO and So; must be r&tlve born or ha\ o a'rst rapfrs; monthly pay J55 is SC3: <iadiiioaal comiw-nsation pr#?ltle; i"oil, c.'tiihiES. quarters ana medical attendance : free; after years- service caa retire wi: 75 .T*r't*~;: cf p2T anJ allowances; Eervie*- on rifard Ehip and ashore in all rsarte of the world. Apply I at 10:j West 423 st.. 101 Park Row, New Ycrk; 230 Fuito;i st.. Brooklyn, or 28S ilark-=t St., Nevark. N. J. UN EMPLOYED — Why not po~:n moving picture j bjiineei? Outlay c •-. 1 Un :..-;.. 10 «i!io:;« proctjeO free. B. _ 11. Moving Picture Co.. 150 Woe: 37th «t. V.'ANIEI>— KARiIKR.S; ciarrkd; $48 and 150 r.i'h cottages; must be competent and have references; private famiUes. Knickerlocker Em- I ; oyni*-iu Agency. C:< 3 t3th svc. YOUNG MAN as office Kant and double ' entry booiikee^er; must l>? hrig'n, energetic axi<i schc.-i graauate; Etat'^ education, ex- | pertence a::d rtfircneeiS. „ . } -ox 4'J, Tribune j O!f;c<». YOUNG JITfN, about 1» jears old. for wholesale hcus^ (chipping roo:n»; s^s7 weekly. Chelsea Employme;;; Agency, 123 lith aye. yoirN~G~aii-fN~M'ANTED by detective ancTTe^ | crct service: finest opporfunities, with good ! salan : <'j;P'.ri^r.ce not ntcessary. Address B. 15.. Trlliane Office. Female iS-=ISTANT HOUSEKEEPEB. for •Roman's I club; ?:&£•** city. Universal Employment \ Bureau. 2s East LCd s-t.. Miss Peckham. Xrl'TfTcEvil FLOWERS^Forty ezperierited rot" inaK»::?; pi- *e work: quick han.Js can make <'v»-r *'8 r»er w«rk; steady work. Jfepjjtnhusen, 19 We* 3f! si ARTIFICIAI* FT/JWERS.— Kb« maker* for split ; work, «f*ek or ;ji»"_-o; ct^-ady work; neat learn tii; permapeal employment. Weyl Co.. 7 Wash in^toij flac~. I Alt i'lFiOlAi. FIjOWEKS — R:s.; makers, branch trs 4t:i3 Itauratrs; uis^> work given home; ray. steady »ork. Gcnsteinzaug liros., 542 ''Vest Ur»--aOway. ARTIFICIAL FI/l'WEnt: - Makers fancy r«_t_ ers; fileauy trork: Sued pay. A. Alpi Co.. <39 West Houston st. ARTiriciA?^ I'L/nVEFiS— Makers wanted; work -iven ho:n* ; gooi jay: steady wort ail : ear. E^ratfJii i Tqgri. gS»,Wert nrcadv.ay. UOOKXEIiPER. assistnr.t. cirl; rf:u«t under fta.-ij typewrtUns; $1"; Ooubie entry hook te*per. $lil; all pexmanent riositions. CaM, Dieil Agency. 99 Naesau vt. | BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT. — Gill; must un d*»i.-tiirj typewrlttas. rr r °s : * f;ss Beat appear ance ai:J Vr -.viilins worker; SJO; Office w:>rker, $7. Miss Difh! Asericy, i»ft Nassau si CIIA Vn;niiMAIU - waitress. Ecamlinavian, wanitd for six In family; ■--'■■ washing *>nd iroiilng. Between ld.and'2.".<2 We«t Bt. CHAiIUERMAID.>tO*-.«O?t0 country; German, EueJisii preferred: no objection t« girl sh'jrt tbne in coantrr. 5 S4 IVegt 83d «t. CH A MUiCIIMTCIb.— Gcrm&n chambermaid for CoanecUcot; two in family: .... with '.r,s: n.ivr?rwf^. 2* Wet; 33d at.. Actor Court Kn.plovmcnt Rur<au. £ CHAMBERMAID and LAUNDRESS: colored; euumxy; three in family; poo.i rcfrrfncff. Jd _s Fitzgerald's Employment Uurea'j. o<W sth axe.; *>nti"p-r.<*e on i-<i 6t. CI I A SIBERM AI D-WA ITRESS. — Proteatant: city; ?U-J^i. Wlnthrop l^ureaii. «» WectSSth st, CH AiIBERMAII>Si,~ $22; cit}\ \Ylntbrop Bureau, r^ West S-Sth St. COMPETEJfTi Jf UKHE , wanted, ?'-^ to HO, with test dry rfSVrencrrs. Mrs. Dickinsons Co i operative Employment Durtau, .'j^i Madfaon aye., corner ■SCd st. , COALPEIENT l-Jne-ii-Tii mai'i ... lady; city; V:-^>. Mrs. DlrfUiwon'a Co-op««Uv« Kniploy tr.»-:it P.ur.a-i. SSI Madison aye.. 43d Xt CUOX fiuj!?ar:aij. Ue-nnau. for apartment; five in family; &'.<>• Mlm FitxOfraWa Employment Bureau .'.'« r»th sv<-.; t-ntrancc_on 4-»1 «*■ COOK-rSwedlsh.-tw* 5 family; city: good refer; *?-"■• Ml» ri«G«ald f a Employment l>u r*au. OfG gth^ave.; eotranca «>a ■♦^d st, COOK oEaist.wtUt Uumdnr: tor Summit; *30. ilias' Fiizuera ld's .: . Bureau, M- »Ui aye. : « ntr«tnce on 4-d st. _^________^_— 7^>w — ;;,, laundry; tour In ramily; country; any home; SUS. WMB X!t 2 Ger . . er.:rar._-« on 42d «t. j . ._ ! COOK, for boartiSi bowwin t« V,. iMta*iln»- i-'-od i^f^reiic^s. iltge Kltr trance on 4-d et. .. . . — . __ — . • f r^ f .i^rS^edlg»> : four In family; ha« «*=*•»- M *v- m»t have first rii.BS references; M™ Miss Kl"i«G*raW« Kmployru^t BVTCM. IM • Kh a\e ■ entrance on^ *• » :< -_ . COOICS^. . , . • p Bureau. 05 West - — t Tr^-r«r^7 ; ?7> i>R*N<:Hl:R> wanted on fancy - i- ««**»- ,,^55« V.- eß t_Broadu-a y . ___ T?viT?PF?^i>n "rauilin underwear; W. _■ G. i-^h frVed machlnea: learners also t*kn; vult* ££- Or*«cer.t Underwear Company. 1!. . v. ir-. ' -™ W^"^-— lteliabiei Capable ..k.%_ «" hor _ ». our from clty . na Jn cou'- ■ d , M j^rr^ a%e w*t,hlng or fron«»6- AU - N>* York at£____- — — -. ■f-t lL j '_■■•= noT'sKWOUK— Neal girl: good GENERAL "'i^y^day and Friday. G.. an hem*;. Cat' •**• -ZZ?)- 4 ' ' rrSTSfflcwere. -.. -i— — GlltLg for fi^;" „;' steady wirk- A. Uent ' kaino 7 TYn-r^** 00 rlace - " ___ — "T~ c""*^ JrriM--h, 31;3 1 ; and C ! j years, 00V8BXS«Ul?*fg£ Amm 1. :■ •vl^ry n SSw»«t iiureau. 138 ill. a\«.. iwv_i esc. >EW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SATURDAY. i^BRT ARY 19. 1910. HELP WANTED. Fern' le. GIRI> \ranted; Eteady work. Win. Sllverstc'.n. •71 Mercer tx. ;J; J ■ : -:-'/ i - '--'■■'-'; HOUSEWORK. — Oer.-nan sirl for genera! house work-. tv.o in torrulv: apartment: references required. 21 Wed G3<3 St.. Astor Court _:n- !oyrr«-nt TJurecu. ii i EN M Alb. Scandinavian or German. l'>L for first class city- .faulty: must speak Ensli'h- Call Monday own - Schrot-dcr's Bureau. 730 Lealnston ar». _ LA UN DREf-SK^. iiZ^SO"; country. WJnthrop Bttfeaa. 06 West 3Sth «t. _____ L_\ I* NIjRESJ'. Irish, wanied at once; ■»_??•*" $20. Apply, with refereaces, Astor Court nmploy '"■-: ■ !;iir«.«j. 24 "West _td gf^ LAUNDRESS wanted imaiediately: wages~S-5- Apply. with reference. Astor Court Empioy pi^nt I tureau. 24 West £.*la at. . . j . i LAUNDRESS to assist chamberwork; German. Swede or Flnnieh Eirl preferred; out of city chort distance. -4 V.'est S.ld at. ___ KURSK, child 14 month*: city; must have ex eell«:t references: $80-$35. Ills* FltzGeraM's Employment Bureau, SOS sth aye.: entrant on •*. . «t. | '■ _____ NUItSK GIRL, German, wanted for one child in very nlcx?. family; wages 525; call Im mediately. £chro<ader's Bureau, 730 Lexington aye. . - ■ ■ ■^ OFFICE ASSISTANT, must understand" type writlriK: experienced preferred; neat- girl; on« able using Englith lanKuajre fluently, $1')- Miss Dit-lil Agency, ftp Nassau st. ______ _ NURSEMAID One child; any nationality will do; reference required. Universal Em ployment Bureau, 2S Bast 23d St., Miss Peek ham. ' iV:: j 51'ERATORS on ladies' (ilk waists. APPIy all wp-.;k. Rogerzwelg. 44 West Houston st. STENOGRAPHER, law reporting, bookkeeper." $_'. ; stenographer, bookkeeper. Jersey City. $12: brokerage, c!ly, $15. Call (Christian only) Miss Dlehl Agency. 90 Nassau gt. ___ STENOGRAPHER; office worker; position 4_d st. J*i stenographer, b.x>kkeeper, $f*; dowti town, permanent; Brooklyn potltion $12. Elsie Dlehl Agency. si* Nassau st. STENOGRAPHERS; bookkeeper; off..:" workers can find perjnancnt pocitlons by ; calling- upon Til- • r>iehl Agency. Of) Nassau Bt. TUCKERS, experienced, on W. & O. machine; steady work; call- 7:30 a. m. BUIUU-in Bros.. 247 ccntrr- gt. , ______ TWO GIRLS, for Bronxvllle: cook and laundress, $25-S3O; chambermaid-waitress, S2'-- M!ss ritrGerald's Employment Bureau, 503 oth aye.; » ance on 4_d st. TWO uir. L? for l»e_ja_s; Protestants; four in family; cock, assist laundry, SSr>: chamher maid-waitress, *-- Miss FitzGeraU's Employ ment Bureau. .V«3 a.c. : entrance on 4VI st - TWO OIB__3; city; chambermaid and laundress. 139 waitress and chamber_«ock. •??■ Miss FHzGerald's Err.i .-loj merit Bureau, COS oth aye.: entrance on 42d st. TYPEWRITER, $12 week; competent to teach Mind pupils; understand touch system. Mrs- Pilisbury's Bureau. _07 Fifth aye., bet 42. and 43d sts. - "T."rn:K. office assistant, girt to work on circular work: permanent pcsit'.on; 57. Call immediately. Eisi Pi-hl B_— Mtnge. » Kagsan st. TTPIST. to i:;...-,. out bills on Uaderwocd ma chine. $10: pen_ane_l position: call Immediate ly. Elsie D:ehl Agraey. fe& v-."='--:v -."='-- : st. : ■ WAITRESSES, cii f25-S3O Winthrop Bureau, >■-". West Ssth st." . WANTED.! for school in the country, two cham bermaids and traitresses; wages $IS. Sea & Fchaefer, 410 4tb aye. . YOUNG LADIES WANTED by high class de tective and i ret service; fine opportunities, with rood salary. Address D. X.. Tribune 01 fle^ ■ WORK WANTED. Male AUTOMOBILEi^-ELECTRIC— First --lass bat ten man an<i lead burner; .$3 a day. Ad dress Automobile, Tribune Uptown Oflkre, lobi Broadway. ■ . BOOKKEEPER.— DoubIe entry:, aged Stt; th j cughlv experienced in cost, time and payroU work a_,bUioi« and willing worker: «•»»«*■;£■ porturlty for advancement. A. J., Box *>-•. iriD unt OSice. __ — BOOKKEEPER, office -taoac Gernian-Amer ican. 27: wholesale, or manufacturing^corjeft tion- executive ability; typewriter; 10 years , experience. B 808 Sterling Plgg^___ . CASHIER and bookkeeper desires position Saw days and Sundays; beat references. Worker, 157 EaFt 125 th st. | . . j CHAUFFEUR. "S3 on business or private car; . two years experience: strictly *'' lLl -' and lion es- J. Waml>ach._Ul7_East_4 . th «.____ CHAUFFEUR-— Careful driver, repair any oars; reference?- salary $80 month. Address JOLn Finn. 719 Lorim*r "gt.. Brooklyn. _.__ CHAfFFEUR. — > careful driver; go ~^jh>r L-._F^JEHLE.L -._F^JEHLE. 1017 6th ay« _i ! LTFBUR wishes pwlUon; private family: city or country: carefui driver; no own re pair*"; referonces. Address G. Bnaw. Bed . Hook. Butchers Co.. New t.orh. § CHA-'Cf^EUß.— ltalian-American; "4: mechanic; Bfod'ra-> ragw; best private '. referenM. A. Verzanl. 50 firand rt. .—.. — . : CHAUFFEUR. — Bxreri»rced. careful and tern- . C "*raYe: • private family referred: rrfe"""*."; ; Addre-s J. A. 8., care of H. Well, 201 St. Anns , eve.. Brony. or tri. ."_ Melrose. , _ ; OL.ERK.— Steady, methodical Di|l»wn. good ; writer, reliable decker and ft^rer ii i f c v^ ar ; ware-'.,-- or nrharf; «-ill handle and mam ar range the most confused steel:. _ Address i- ■ Horley. I^rtiPtt Inn. ik " ' :>o(3 :_j_:.- 1 j DETECTIVE seeks employment, day or *«•* domestic ■ and business difficulties: higneat ref «-rence.s. Bean. Bon SO. Tribune Office^ "JAN TOR f>R CARETAKER— lady wishes to J ~oorWnd a man and wife; sober, honest, tndustrl'c-ug. airs. Lbriskle. ■? 23 Gran • Pars. SALESMAN experienced machinery line, vishes fecal or travelllnß: ealary and cx :,^se«; re.'ercnoes. Address B. «... Tribune Har!f-m Branch. _i 3 West 12.'th st. ; > STI-JJCOGRAJPMER. typewriter and jreneral office aasistant; graduate of Commercial Ui"h Scbool: moden ;- «alar good reier vuc<is. It. ... 2". Tribune Oftcc. WANTED— Position as foreman on farm or p^ntlernan's estate; understand all kinds farming, farm machinery. st ■- an.i poultry 1-ais.ngT Al butter maker: writtoi or P«wMa] reference. J. E. H-. 57U Lafayette are., Brook !5-n. N. Y. : WELL educated young man. &se>i i'">. dfsires -.-; . jroucg mai aged 25 * poeiUon reqalriug ability and resrKjnsibility. I- \v \v.. M Willow St.. Brooklyn. . . YOrvO~^lTN~i ;' ■..■■:■ age 29, fpeaks pood En^li=h- married; wants work at asytmng. v Hubert.- 344 Cast J9th |_ YOUNG VAX -'■ .<-!■" position as pen^ral " office asslßtant and stenographer and type wrlU::s: references. *«. -8ri11." 234 Eaat 102 dst VhTTCG - 34A1C. Assistant in mercaiuile house: k^owW of rt«nos«tphy, typ«rriUnar, pen».ral office work, packing snd Bhlpplng. . Ander son, i 286 lg* jgg* "IL aVF • — YOUNG? MAN. iv gopd education, at present en-.'rlovcd, esperienool in survcyins and OfflOß work desire* position with good chance tor ad vancement: best references. IV. 8.. Box IS. Tribnune Office. , , . YOUNG MAN, mt-chanlc. desires positions In * garage, with chance o* learning driving Ad drSwKT C, Tribune Harlrtn Branch, 263 Wet 125 th Ft. . : rnUN'G m»N 21 •-.—•■:- wishes position ' at Vnythlne or to learn trade-; have reference David fvit. :',SS Ka-t M ft. YcTung MAN dOt deslrwi poalUoa with" ad vai.c-m«-iu. S. K-. I^>x .V. Tribune Qftlcr. YOrNO JlTx — Aged 2f»; Wgh school graduate; attended coileg?; clprical ....." Weber, 141 yvert .105 th -' . . LOUNG MAN (16) -n-THing, .Wires position, with chance for advancements EchllflT 302 East B<tft; YOUNG MAN— In office as a clerk. AY. IIo;an. CK'I "_. a v < ? __ — YOU hXn, w«11 educated, wishes position In private family; speaks sood neb; no objection out of city. O. A- ... - 53d st. Kil'N'n MAN. 19. <!f-slre« position til thing-. D v. -■!:■ r 153 Star.tor. St. _ '.. N. MAN. 18: as stock or order clerk, 6. Olfhln. SIX B]_rl 85tb ft. ~ " . : VOTING MAN. —As electrician's a - «-ant or at uuy thins. Pett*nz. '-* East S3d --'■ Female. COMPANION AND CiIArERO-V.—Younr, ca rahir woman; companion to e'.der ly or in ,-SiU \uflv c" chaperoji to young ladit-s; pood nSifdanfand %3&i *«£} . • - j - s excellent references. L-, Ml£» ■''•' ■ jlas liur»au. 503 Stl,__ve. . FPHCATEP young la I*. Prench. Or- Sagggas^!i:caßag FvpEHJENSED business woman, pood ad- L _S«f ability to meal big people, will l accept r.-«!1 salary to prove Mefnfaeaa. A. Box 34. Tribune Otncc. — — — . -—, . i« a i»H ER—lTp-to-date American girl P o nox 1»^B. New Aork. § ▼orftja LADY, of refinement and intelligence. j^Hd^^B^^TX^eog DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WAN. ED. Male .■ - ..,.-•.- - : _s^?gra t3<j. T c. .Miss FitzGeraia'a Bureau. 603 Bib _\t., corner 42d st ._ , _, COACHMAN.- ilarrled; Irish, can do ardenlns; land y with tools, best of reference*, Irwln. .-art Hn^garUim s*Bl lUa ft. _ _„ COACHMAN.— .Slnglf; experienced, careful drlv 1 c-- city or country; gaaerally useful; exce; lent' referent. Edwin. c»re Odcll's Agency, fe-3 eti! aye. 'Phone _*}? Bryant m COACHMAN GARDENEB or UEEFUX MAN. — uric Polish couple; wife cook or horn» « well recommended. C*rpente.-'« Bureau. 154 'till' aye. ____^ ! — 7v-,i ... BL__Germ— o, Hungarian; cook, Jamjdresn; l.iitier ueclul; do entire work of family; four „"„. excellent references!; city, country. Indus trUl A ««Q£iatlon, ■< Cast 42a at. ?'<St'Pl c— Wife cook, man c»e*fcman. earr! ' V-ner' unOeraiands running naphth* launch. Lcturtne gas; wiJlUig to be eent,mlly ffieful' rifte-T. years" references. J.. Mlsh "". .■ Bureau, sO.'t aye., corner 4-' d, i? r i'M__t.-— Working foreman; wife can ma!-* ?uVier and . a:-»- r-oultry; no ch!!iir*n: t«-»i>, hard nruets- nrst class recommendation* Ailrires* RnLe, care Udell's Agency, 823 Ctb aye. i,.-_ o,soi 'nryoni^— . — .'. -~ iTosr*stJf' i::RiNT ' rKNiM!:NT -™ I m!ih "o . )htc " r *„'. cuuerinieiiiient 1 married); has had <I.arf> f n>v"iarni Bevaj yean: expert In breeding of tfvMtoefc; a reliable an la every rftapag, v. i iader* o!*'0 !*' (!»•_-__*, Cona. RESORTS. jeksby: - GO TO Atlantic City THIS AFTERNOON AND STAY OVER WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY __ND. Board the Afternoon Train and In three hours you trill be In the bracing salt breeze* an <i warm sunshine amid the easy. aaTeeabie life of health and pleasure, •where many New Yorkers will spend this popular holiday. -Central K. n. of XJ- A.3J. 9M Pennsylvania R. R. A.M. P.M. From W. _Cd 5t. !..". 8a11y 0:.*.0 2:20 Trom V 7. 23fl St Daily 0:55 2:35 Sun. ■:.!• -:-" Sun. 7:55 Liberty et Daiiy 10:00 «*° Cortlanut St. Dally MM •:•• Sun. 10:00 -:30 | Sun. S:00 .... - Saturday Special Flyer. Or convenient connections at Philadel ' Liberty? 41:004 1:00 : r° M. M> PM3 V a both lines. LEADING HOUSES Tire rendezvous of the discriminating: afford the idea', conditions iff hotel life necessary to make a sojourn thoroughly enjoyaole. Write to any of the following for Information, rates, etc.: I! ),;„.. Hall I Seaside House t Chalfonte _,«., * & LiDofncott' • ' *"• **• Cook's Sons. The Leeds Company. M^r!>,.. r< meh-ißlHnhelm Hotel st Charier, Walter J. Bn«by. Josiah WTjlte i. Pona Company. Newlin gatoes Wa i. te 7 J _f u ,? by The Pennhur*t 01 * 1 Traymore Galen Hail \Vin. R Hood- I Traymore Hotel Co. K. L- Your.?. Mgr. | ; aJtMLAHTK CI?Y.N;«P- I THE LEADING RETORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD j| PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE PUKING Atlantic's Great Winter and Spring _•«_»«_ (Extending from December to Jane) The Coat-; line faces South and is warmed by the Gull stream air -nd by tb_ rays of the Southern Sun. both direct and reflected from the Ocean. The House holds HOo guests and has tOu private baths each with sea and fresh wattr. White service In both American plan and a la Carte dm in;: rooms. ISxauisite music Golf. Rollins: Chairs. Theatres, Motoring Ownership Management. JOSIAH WHITE & SONS COMPANY THE BEACH FRONT H2TEL PAR EXCELLENCE fe ,>m»AHTiC N.O. ■ . PEAS or AMERICAN PLAN. D!r<r<uly on the ocean front. Every detail or modern equipment and comfort. French cui sine of the- highest order. Thorough service. Th* famous SHELBURNE GRILL and ROSE GARDEN (with French service), over looking the str_n_- WEIKEL. Manager. ' JACOB ffFIKEL. Manager. EAI-EN HAUL HoTEb-SANATeRI Owi'-B to our Tonic and Caral're Baths, cur Elegant Comfort and exceptional Table and Service, we ore alwuys bt_>». F. L. 1OI">G. Gen"l Manager. New York Office. 1123 Broadway^ HQT&L TR&YMORE Atlantic City. >■• J. Open Throughout the Tear. I Famous as the hotel with every moder- S convenience and all th« comforts of home. ! r> 8. WHITE, Pre*. I Clij 1 - O. Marqnette, Msr- | _»T. Crt ARLES *~«i«"- Most select location, fronting the ocean. Tho'cmchlv modern. Courteous service, uatn -oWs with hot bid cold, fresh and sea weter at^h^-nt. Bhow«rs. &c. Magnificent sun Parlor overlooking the Boardwalk and Ocean. Orchestra °? Soloists. Golf privileges. Always open; Illustrate* "vKwr.iN HAINES. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. ' ~ Male. « \TtDIDNER — Single; experienced greenhouses and at branches f has over IS rears 1 experience onTnviu plscs: first class references. Gai d"nfe Ti?biWL.Ui)town -.;-,. GTRDBN'iiR.— First class flower and vegetable ... . rs' experience: married; nuchil, .7 . - Farc-l. 411 West 5 - .ii^r^en.^S ■ tical; exrerl- W1 "•■ -■■-■'■■ ■ trees. shrubs; lawns. nhouses, etc.: ased 8; mar ried- <^ne child; references. Address F. Rand. •jr.l Kilton rt..i Porchegter. Mass. _ GARDEXER-^-Gennan: married: no children; sobt- reliable; flowers, vegetables cold frame;,' shrubs trees. Bra .p» vines roads and lawns; best reference. bchlnzine, — b East 70th j=t. , GARDENER- Tak« enUre charge of ntl °- man's fstaf.; expert under glass or outside; English: a sinsle: ase 42: highest references. Addrc ssl&cpirtAßox 2S._Tnl,unc Office. OARDESraB- LAUNDRESS— Married; .no . chll d--ri r.ractlc-a! trrvants; capable* of taking rhargV- t [ine years in last place. Gardener, care Mrs. m»h* Palv.t 246 East 55th at. , (j.R DEXEH.— Harrloa, .-.,.. family; J -;''.' rVccmmMded: understand* flowers, plants. of nil U' hard worker. Address wSk'r. care . Odell's Agencj". _S.6tfa aye. 'Phone 2SOI Bryant. ; - - — rTRnF\ER —Single; expert greenhouse, cold iVar^ i - "«- carnation!, plants and vegeta uS^tert reference. .-, care Odell's Agency. >.--,> _ye -Phone -- ' ; St. G7KDES_R-EngHshn_m. ..r.lcrstar.d* sl^«f ir all IN branches; married, no famliy: besi of refcrVnces W. H. Humphries, care of Hans rrirmva'l-on-Hudson. N. T. tRIJENER— ?ingl'-. German; on a private 'place. ' Paul. 42 Vesey st. , GMiDENKK— Married, small family: know* his callTng thoroughly; cm a private place. \\ ooi. Wm. KMiftt & Sons. -'- Vesey. GARDESEB — No family. Scotch, with a wide StSortenfei conversant with landscaping. Donald. Elliott's geed Store. 42 Veaey. r ENER —Scotch: single: experienced In America: fine vegetable grow: hothouse, gl«« frails "fruits, flowers; best reference- Car- Pinter's Bureau. 154 nth aye ; _ — —^_ nfr^P^U^inan branches: «rUM a^d per serial references. Address C. «.. cars 01 Weeber * Don. '14 Chambers st. jT^VVEsFrOUTH. well Tewed in his duties, to act at valet or take charge of. bachelor place: best referen_s_. Saburo. 164 Bands St., Brooklyn- . • rviTTT.TRYMAN. — Understands Incubators and brooders: can manage th* largest plant: un cxcen'ionable r^f^rencc. Address Allrn. care of O-Vii's Agency- res Bth aye. 'Phono -."01 Bryant. Y^JTeT. — young man. well bred, wishes peel tion- speaks good French; city or country- L. M . '2:54 V- eat ■•-■: st. Ffmal«. * * LAST of refinement and culture, past 30. * widow of a wei: known .physician, capable of assurninx the duties of a housekeeper in a genteel family desires such a position; full Information and references ■i. exchanged upon request. Address Cultui*. care ot Allen. 45 West 24th st. , COOK— Understand* all branches. soups. meats, boninjr, e.ntrees, mousses; ?pun fugrir candy baskets: all desserts; excellent reference* city or country. H, Miss iit- ttfi-ald'» Bureau. r,tv.\ sth aw- corner 4-.d. COOK. — Scotch roman; excellent cook; by day or V...R; pood referencts- Henderaon'a bell, SlO Wei«t 42d at- § COOK.— thoroughly competent woman: ei^sllent reference; city or short distance m the countr>-. Kiaa Marsaret Smith's Bureau, * West iS st.. Room_So7.__Phone, 30^0 Bryant COOK" AND J LAUNDRESS, chambermaid and waitress; best of references; city or country. wt. -es *22' and J2.V Wiada 1 Bureau. 524 Colum bus ave l^_telepho_n«_7t"94— Schuyler. _____ HOUSEKEEPER^-Reflned. mlldle aeed Amer lean experienced housekeeper; excellent cook; economical; understands marketing: reference; no objection to country. R. M. A.. Tribune Op town Offlce. ISH Broadway. p HOUSEKEEPER — Experienced; hotel bachelor aportnunu; a!s3 •witchboa'tl orerator. Hou*e ke€i*r, care Mrs. Gorges. ill First a*>e. LAUNDRESS — Experienced; by day. take home pr. furred. starched 50c doren. Dufty. 158 East 33d. 1 ■ I Nl'l'.l -"SS or chambermaid and laundress; young, neat; eood laundress; good city rtrfer ■neMi X Hofmayer'e Bureau, IBS West 2Sd st. Telep'h. re.' I 1I 1 <*• a TTFviTKESS.— Neat young eirl: competent; ex «ilet.t OB shirts, collars, cuffs; friend wait ress and parlormaid: city or out . Morrow 1 * .Hu ?e»u. 721 Lexington aye.. comer tiSth Bt. 'Phona l<-,->v_.riazn , , .. .._..,. -' i rrrm~"rTTATMRERM AID.— Excellent seamstress ; M N-rth German Protestant: city or country: wa^£ h j25 ! L0Ul«« car* M*' Agency, b-5 CSrfffiri BKtP-i -r housekeeper, by experl- M Vi V^Trnan- hlg:he«t reference*. A.uir*., O. en Tribune "ptown Offlgf.^ lSM ' gnwiway> •vnTH'Zv r ZZG*vu i '\« younF^wojnan. -xcftllent let s' RSI will tike unlre charge •" -hilßren; u°VmS? trained: understands housekeeping. M . . ;.^ a : , _ux«u. M 3 WWTi^ corner 4_i •*- RESORTS- NEW JERSEY. i HOTEL MORTON VIRGINIA AVK.. MAR BEACH. ATXA>TIC CITY, N. J. ; Open all the year Fine table. Suites with private bath Handsomely furnished. Perfect ! 6anitary arrangements ■•vat or to all floors I Special rales for winter Capacity 250. I Mi* N. R. HAtX_3 Owner aad Prn--I»tor. winter iw* *t dinn: iirr tv. lut^nFi. HOTEL D 3 WI3 lire:tlv on thso-o^n front, lsaiwiys op ; ; a_i is a-i Ha?l rons for the Winter goes*. WALr_it J. B UZBY QOariborougb = iSknfteiiiF ; ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. I Josiab Wiiitc i Sod- Company. VIRGINIA. OLD POINT COMFORT. HOTEL CHAMBEKLSN. ; the complete: year-round resort. Golf, Tennis, Boating, Dancing. ; Military Drills, Naval Manoeuvres. The most masrnifieent sea water SWijamlßg pool m America. a CO—rLETE SYS-TESI or MEDICINAL BATHS. RECOMMENDED EY EMINENT PHYSICIANS. ! Reservations and al! information at Hotel 1 ChamberlUi office. U_" Broadway, , -one IST2 — ] Madison i-quare: or address I GEO. F. ADAMS. Msr.. Fortress Monroe. Va. I-'IAISLDA. ! I — —^— - ON'LT SUNSHINE .AND CONTENTMENT ON' THE EAST <~O » PT OF FLORIDA NEW YORK. I PRIVATE HOME FOR OLD FEOPI— AND Invalid fcest of board and graduate nurse's ! care li Bayrtew aye.. New Rocfcelle. DESKS «\D OFFiCE FURNITURE HULL TOP U-df*- OFFICE FURNITURS tn (Treat variety o: style and -price. T. G. SELLEW. ri Fulton St. C4RO=T CLEANING. iTtrw«PErißLliliira"«om Oldest. Largest. Most Modern. 4::. AND 439 WEST 46T8 ST Tel — -jO!»J^Bryant Established 1>57. ■"' K. ■'"'■''■ i: ' AN EDWIN L i NT 2 CAREFUL CAHPET CLEANING CO.— Cleans by compressed air. n»am. hand or on f.eor. K64 Broadway. 421 feast 4fcth St. COE it BRAN'O". Tel. 182— 3ath BUSINESS CHANCES. ■V r.E\L ESTATE corporation. well known In tlr-- financial world and doing a large bu«ines^. would take a man in the company who i? finan cially well connected end has business abiii.tes; a good opening lor the right mac; all communl (.-ations strictly confidential. Address R. 12.. Pox 17. Tribune AT A GREAT REDUCTION, pnattsc •>• a» ktrifs: we can save you 30%. Johnson Press. unwwirt to < all Prats '-i? ri.liw Bt V V FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. ~ 68TH ST.. 38 WEST. — for gentlemen; at>- ET'.uteiy clean; dair.tily furnished: private bocse; elect:' lights, teiephooe; private baths; ever? modern convenlenre: exceptional service; brtakfast if desired; highest references only _ BOARD AND ROOMS. S7TK ST.. 352 West. — Large, sunny room. with private bath; excellent home table, LOST BANKBOOKS. BANKBOOK No. 545.553 of the Union Dime Sav ings Bank is missing. Any person having a claim to it is hereby culled upon to % present tho same within ten days or submit to having said paesbock cancelled and a new one issued. BANKBOOK No. 147.552 of the Union Dime. Sav ings Dank is missing. Any person having a claim to 11 is hereby called upon to present the same within ten days or submit to having said passbook cancel leg and a new one issued LOST. — Bankbook No. 233. 5Q2, llarlem~savTnps Bank. Payment stopped. Kindly return to bank. j LOST OR STOLES.— Ban I No. 535.&w0 of the German Savings Bank in the City of New York, corner 4* Vi aye. and nth st . 'issued to Anna Bcbleeh, All persons are cautioned against negotiating the same. If not returned to the bank on the sth day of March, 1910. a duplicate will b* issued. ■lOST^OfTstOLEN-— Bankbook No. 4SsT3riTo"f the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank. Pay ment stopped Please return book to bank. No. M Cluuilnn st SURROGATE'S NOTICES. Yn pursuance OF an order of hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of The County of New York, notice ■;« hereby gtvca 10 all persons having claims against Slgtnund Ouiterman. late of the C©« ity of N» York, deceased, to present the sam». with vouchers the rc-of. to the subscribers, at trfeir place 'of transacting business. No. 4- Broadway, in the City of New York. on or before the SMi day of July next. Pated New York, the 23th day of January. 1910. RUDOLPH CL'ITERMAN. LEOPOLD LEH MAN. Executors. EINSTEIN. TOWNFEND i «UITERMAN. Attorneys (or Executors. 42 Broadway. New York City r**""" ""!*" . ""^"™" "™ " DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED Ff>mn!e NURSERY GOVERNESS. — French: rcrr.retent; from 4 years old Dp; with Christian family: ■red references. Address K. H. 237 West £Ith st. TRAINED NURSE,— Experienced; care for ner vous at convalescent patient, act as useful rom pani«n or accept any position of responsibility. B. Howard 22 East 104 th st. WAlTHES^— fcweuUh. nve jesrs |~n last p!ac«-; very intclllßent girl; JSO. Schroeiier*s bureau. 7.- . v ■!•-• ■ .aye. ; telephone ♦5783— riata WAITRESS — By r7nnt?h~~itlrl; excellent refer ences: understands carving: wages J« to f^s- Weld's Bureau', 324 Columbus aye.: telephone 7M>4— Schuyler. ..^_^__________ WASH by day or wrt-|<: excellent reference. L. IL. rare Hrnderson. 31 w< - A?A st.. city. WOMA" to take Ir. fancy washlnK: out. good r^fCT-Tirex \'f>r) y?« Sth ayf. ■ WORKING HOirsF-XEFPHR.— CafmM* npnan; coed manacer; caterer; private ramliy. hot*l. InstituttiJii or ■ ■ ■ tor» npartmvnt . undira:ari>l* cooktr.s, sewlnK- ."ity or country, exc*!Vnt ref eretn-fs. present employer. E. R.. Miss Pltr- CiexalU's Bureau. £>03 6th *vt . corner 423 it- TIME TABLES. HAMBURG-AMERICAN CRUISES DE LUXE REGULAR SERVICES 4% _r*A SB B _f> __" OF 28 ; AU Mod<trn **My V**icc* (Wlr«l«**. *c.) C__*_, || I » __™ OF 28 l KAISEBIH AUG. Wirei-rw. *«•> O j I *4fc 2* Wavi London Paris Hamlmrjj nUIa L bats u >nm au6. vie. j— ' ! —TO __________-B____fc____ < __-rto_ »tt York Mawb 5. 12 >««»_. 11l Cft T ImiXl I 111 m t Ur.exreli-d Rltz-Carlton ala C*r*» R«r_»_r_-i«, Mil's I IHIH-1-1 G»it>.. F.;-«-. Ruths, :;; palm CU.rd«r_ ■I feW ■ ■■■■•■■■^^!..Feb. 21. llam-Prer Gnuit. .. .Men.» • ———^—^— JGraf Waiderjwe.Feb. -'■ _■_■___•••' Mca. ■_ By the Steamship MOLTKE " n _^«^^ r iEilS^^r^^ I Largest Vessel Erer Sent to th* Caribbean., .Hamburg direct. •Omlt» Pljnioorn. Lea vine New Verk ; ■ ■■■ _a _ _- VIA r.IBRAt.T.R. FEB. 22, $150.00 ITALY V |^r_^^X_J^^ g"?!: : :■ tv^fto ' M> " «- I Also Summer Cruisps to Norway, |!_i. >'. SIOLTSF. A»»O 1» J Spitzbergen, Iceland, Etc. !. ri;\\l.U.Kßs' CHECKS I!->CEI>. ■ Send for Travrl B<««k«. "fully Illustrated I TonrUt D-pt. for Trips E«rr»S«re. IIAMBCRG-A3IEBIC.VN LINE, 4t>45 BROADWAY. yETV YORK. RftCT fl U AMD POINTS IN II U O 1 Uil NEW ENQUNO LONG ISLAND SCUND ROUTES KA_.l> RIVKK USB. Via Newport and Fall River. Lv. Pier 1&, N. R.. ft. Warren St.. wtek days and Sunday*. 5:00 P. M. Strs. PROVIDENCE and PLYMOUTH. Orchestra on each. NORWICH LINE Via New London. _v. Pter 40 N. R.. ft. Ciartcson St., week days. 5:00 P. M.; Pier 70. E. R. ft. E. 224 St.. «:30 P. M. -Stri. CHESTER W. CHAPIN and NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW HAVEN LINE. Tor New Haven. Hart ford. Springfield and North, week day* only. Leave Pier 28. EL lc. 3:00 P. U. _:r. RICHARD PECK. . Tickets. stat*™o_;9 and information at City Ticket Office, 171 Broadway, near Cortlandt St. Teiepboa* 3121 Ccrtlaridt. Also at N. Y. Transfer and Tourist Of2ce» and a: Pier*. :nstruction. ~ . For Beth Sexes — City. TH_ BKRI.ITZ SCHOOL. or uyMMH MADISON SQUARE (IISI Br .adway> Harlem Branch. 3+3 Lenox aye.. above Brooklyn - 218 Livingston Street. 3.%0 BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES. Pupils hear and speaH the new language « clusively from the first lesson. Trial lessons free. ___- — — FRENCH IN FIVE WEEKS. A practical knov,-!tdpr* of French guar anteed. Prof. CHOFFLET, of Paris. Classes daily. 11. Allow me to explain my system ' STUDIO. 1 West 34th St. For Boys and Young- Men- -City. WKET FIDE Instruction In 41 different classes. «r ■■ m ■ Mathematics, Lan?ua*e*. Auto » M -, 8, mobile. Special Subjects: Auto- U OS mobile, special S_»JocUj Ad- IllßlViHl vertieln-. etc. SIS W.s7th gt. Send for pT»eglal Booklet. Swimming. SWISSES INSTKUGTIOH i by T. J. HOWL.AND. West Side V- M. C. A. 318 WEST 57TH ST. Write or apply at Physical per»ar:m»nt. SCHOOL AGENCIES. American and Foreign Teachers' Agency. Supplies Professors. Teachers. Tutors. Oov ■ emesses. etc.. to Colleges. Schools and 1 ______ • Apply to Mrs M. J- *TOVS<i-TVLTOS. ( *~*~^~~~""~*~~*'™*''""" M^'"'^"*^""^ M^ ROOFING. ______ ._/7J AIMIIC'Q Patent §_£/ LAilCi 5 Pipe Hnng_r" ?=r* Holds Leaders or Flu* Pipes E3 I -AWAY FROM WALL." i „_ ! Lane's "Ideal" "Anti-Rust" . Erj Aluminum-coated sheet st?e! leaders, r~M_r -utters, conductors. flue pipes, etc c £*»t Send for ri-culsrs and Estta_ate_ IRA f?. LANK. COT E. «4th St.. N. Y. TYPEV/RiTING AND TYPEWRITERS. 1» «-iTri!ll ALL MAKE?. |W to |50: iI f L iHI I S -.IWf ! .azVT ■-■-... 312 giw VICTOR VISIBLE. 79 Nassau st. ; eatalo»a« free all rnak..= taken part payment; bar pains ir, Underwoods. IlUlllltf" Olivers. Smiths. TYPEWRITING and stall Mi dlctatlop.; lit»ra->-, leg— i commercial ; lowest Tel. 50SO Plaza. M East 09 T .r. St. ~~ ~MI SC ELLAN 7Sm4 a~_H COMPETITOR? — S_:isf_otrry »S_S n__mt cas* pty-an- f< - complete FORECLOSURE SALES. ■ _„„„,!!• COURT COUNTY OF NEW YORK. ""- £™ rides! Ptalntlff. »«ata»t Phlliß - Kr:«g*r -tT other- Defendants— In b_— — of a judg —'■■•>■ if 'oreclosurt ani sale, duly made no S £r«? in ih? above-entlK* 1 action and b,arir^ ri^t* the ll'h day of Feoruan-. 1»1O. I. the un ' e^i^i the Referee in said Judgment named. „ At'^mi at pubUc auction, a: the Exchans . "i'e«ro]m Ko_ 14-16 vv * «y St.; to the Boro-isb VT <?_Wh_Vt_Ti <■•'• of New York, on th» lit: ' ire" 1010. at 12 o'clock noon on ___ <^ay iv Joseph P. Day. Auctioneer, tac precis'!? ritVrted by said judement to bs sold. ■_■*•_• fnd bribed as follows: All that certain tot o- rSrcel of land with th« bnildinzs and : ; $U__aSe_7 City oi New York, being^ on ue 1 Northerly eiie r Madia n Street, and • : a Man of the Estate of Henry Rutgers, debased, ; by Bridges and Poppelton. dated November 15tJ. 1S1?. is desisr.ated by No. e«malntex In brea'd'h In front »nd rear each twenty-flve <~>> f^t and in l«MCtn on each rtde one hundred (Joo> f»*t- be the said wnrer— distances and ' '- ; mensions more or less. -.■-■-■- 5 aow I t- wn a- no »> Ma'.ison Street m the Bor rut^V cZ Manhattan. City of New lark. i... r - Nexv V rk. February 15th. 1910. UdKUI " PHOENIX INORAIIAM. Referee. SAMUEL N. FRKEI'MAN. a-la -I* •>■ for Plaintiff. i ofnee a-id rtofnee Addres3. No. 2*o Broadway. I Borough of Manhattan. New York City. -tie toll x ; is diagram of tie property to I b« s ■ s 7. 1 i Si Afcsct 14V 7"? Si' ■ , „ ~~ T iiadlson Street. The acproxlsiata amoua^of th» uea or charge, to aatisA- which the abcve-rf«>scr.bed property is iZ bY VoW Is $12,101.33. with Interest thereon f?o"i the "Tth day of February. 1310. together with ro«ts and allowance amountlnc to $t>»..27. ";. h interest from February m. . I31t). together ! with t"e MPONH or the sale. The approximate "',,,. of the taxes. a!<aes«iment3 and water rates, cr other Hens, which ara to b« allow . to [he oureha— r out of the purchase m— jr. or natd P b>; the Reftrce. £* 9I « and Interest. P Dated, N-w Ycrk. Feb 15. 1010. Referee. Dateu. w pHCENIX kn-graHAM. Referee. SUPREME COCBT. COUNTY OF NEW TORK. J — Julias Mayer. Plaintiff, a«ralnsi William j Walntv'risnt arid others. Defendants. In pur suance of a judsineiit of foreclosure and mU du'v made and entered in th- above-entttled I action and bearing date the 28tl; day of .'anu i »rv 1310. I. the undersigned, the P^f-.-re« In ! aa'id mdzment named, Win s*ll at public auc lon. at the Exchange Salesroom, Horn. 14-I1 ! X'eacy Street. In the Borough of Manhattan. (•!•■ of New York, on the 2+tn doy of FVbru cry 1010 at 12 o'clock noon on that day, by i Joseph P Day. Auctioneer, the premises • directed by said Judgment to be told, and i therein described as follows: All those I certain lots, pf-ce* or parcel* of land, situate, lying and being In th- Bor outrh of The Bronx, of the City of New Yorlc. in the County and State of New rork. known and dlitincuUned on a certain map or survey made by l»o UE l«» Knox. CH» «ur ty,.T. <Jattd Acrll S3 l!>03. entitled "Map of 134 lota 'n»~"th*- remainder of the VsrUn Estate, i &t«d in the Tw.nty-fourth Ward New ! York City. Borou?h of The Bronx." and filed m the. otflce of the Register of the County of i New York? on the 20th day of October. 190&. j as Map No- 110 1. as Lots Numbers 205 and * 9 £ated New York. January 31st. 1010. Uatea. .^.ew t« DAVID TIM. Referee. SIMPSON WERNER • CARDOZO. Attor ney* for Plaintiff. I" Broadway. (Man hattan), New York City. Th. following is a diagram of thS prop«rtr to b« aold: - Kossuth Place. ___^_ 118 M V.i- / 'A U a kj? * ioo"fi. p. i - ■ i»o ft ! il The approxtmxtt amount of t.-»» Hen or .•ria.r*a to «ati*fv which th«? above-de»«rlbed Proper 1i«o be I.M >: $3 250 75, with tn ierest there-n from the ah day of January. 1910 torether wit* costs and allowance amounting '•-■ STIi.U. • i . t *' la * e ,f«»t from January 2^th. I'JlO. together with tha ex penses 'of the sale. Th' approximate amount at the taxes, assessments ■" water "■»'*■■• or i other Hens, which are to b- allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money, or paid by th. Rc^rrv. If 5371.1S and interest. Dattd Kew 1 or*. Januarj- 31st. jnio. TIME TABLES. AMERICAN LINE Plymouth — < !i-r».. — St. Louis Feb. 1!>, lo A.M. Frwn Pl*r t.'». N. l *. •Oreani. Feb. -M. 10 A.M. Trim Pl«-r61. N.R. Philadelphia. Mar S. 10 A.M. K-^ Pl»r «-. N-U •Adriatic ...Mar. IXM_I From Tier*}!. N.B. ' 'White Star Line tteamer. RED STAR LINE >'e— r York—Antwerp— P*ri*. tg&£ UPLAND, Feb. 123,-'l 23,-' Gla_t-en<- lowed Prnmenail'. Verandah. r-»f». Loua(«. Elevator. Orchestra. !*l«rw». Wi"l»" Lapland (new). Feb. 23. 10 A.M. From Pl*r 14, N.K. Kroonland .... Mar. 2. 10 A.M. From *-,_>, S.R. Finland . . Mar. 5. 11 AM. From Pier ZO. >.«• WHITE STAR LINE New York — — li»mMwl. __ Bait!? Feb. 19. 2 P.M. From Pier '■' N.H- Laurent- (new. Mar 5, noon. From PiertSO. N.K. Plrmwuti. — ha '""♦»" tSt. Louts. ..Feb. 13. 10 A.M. From Plit 13. N.R. Oceanic Feb. C«. 10 A.M. From Pier «Sl. SB. tPhiladelphU Mar. .%. 10 A.M. From P{<r -52. N-g- Adriatlc '.. Mar. 12. lo A.M. From Pier 61. N.R. tArnerican Line Steamer. boston TO the MEniTEinfl'»La" Via Azores, Madeira. Algiers and Gibraltar. Romanic Feb. Celtic Mar. M Cretic. Mar. 12tCanople Mar. 34 PASSENGER OFFICR 0 BROAQWAT. CUNARD LINES Prom pits .".I-.". M North Rt»er. I A- _. LJtctpo«l service. Call Ins at rU__-_riL Sooth Wale*. NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT Wednesday from New York .Monday in London M \l U MTA.MA. largest. Fastest Steamships Afloat. tail vv ->.!•>-.-■) «. TTlrel-M THecranh. "Bbmtrln Sig-niW T ri:rr • Feb. » «~ampanta _t_r. 1* Maure'ania ..Mar 2 Mauretania Mar. .3 Lusitania Mar. 9 __ettanU Mar. 3* Tfl IT II _f Two a_^B__l rßl'l-ES. IUIIaLi Csrmania & Carom A r AU •»-•"• Hagnlfil Wm U 000-Ton 3tra. X rUYi'll *<*>>■ IS»— il^r-:: 6. U LUI! I Via Azores. Madeira. I Gibraltar. SPECIAX CHOSE SA.XOMA TO ITALY— Men. \n. lil>OAK__>-AVt_KU 3_«\l*._- To FIU— S. via. GIBRALTAR. GENOA. NAPLES. TRIB«r_. •Caronia. I'eb. If*, noon »Sa_oni_ Marca 1* ■ •Carmaula.Mar 3 ncson ; Carpathla.......Marca il •Does no: call at Triest- or Flume. Traveller r checks iasue<d — go-j-i everywaera. THE CrNARO STEAMSHIP CO- LTD. 21-24 State fit., opposite the Battiry. WOBTH fiERWAN LLOYD __rse. Fast and L._rurlous Twin-Scrffw Express and Passenger _u_,.-r.j .-. _ Eiralpped •witn Wireless _ Submariaa _ig__ la> PI.TMOCTTI— CnERBOCRG — BREMEN*. Expreu Sailings Tuesdays -C 10 A. U. i K. Ira asr _»..___•. ? Kaiser •*■ 11.. -Apr. » ; Ceeilie 3lar. -2 K. W;r <i*r apt Il*I 1 * 8 w George Washington 27, CCO Ton! Sails Feb. 24 for C1..-..L!. " PJjmontrr, Cberboars, SlSaniStiip I " Brenirn — ™""™ nnF.MfN DtK»-rT ""■— ■ Twin-Screw Hai!;n;s Thursdays at to A. M. Khela March Si'P. Fried'h Wss Mm IT Zlet<?3 March 1° "G. 'WaahlajtoE.Mar. 31 ! *Call 3 at i'iyn KHiih and C— — MB, CIBR.\LT.\K — NAI'LEi« — GENOA — ALGIERS- J Mediterranean faUinsr* Saturdays a 11 a. 11. I Barbarossa Feb. "tier. in (new) H_ 12 'P. Irene Mar. I Fried e>r Gr... M_.-. _> •O^rJts Air' I *-"* j i n-et>«__* nt Around the World Tocr". Traveller*' r-v,eek» good a:: ; iv»r ttie worli. ! A^piy OEH^RICTIS _ CO.. _<r ;»r_l Assets. .'. RROAnWAT. XRW TORK. EUROPE "WITH OEEK ua_-_-Mi 70 TOURS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. 1910, Offer—- a great varie:y ot routes at Ineiusi"* faxes TOURS DE LUXE and V:CATIOI TOURS. Many of our tour* inetufie the r_K_Jg_ Flar at Obfr Amnifrirtia an«J lniTcr»al KxvettM* at Brussel». Send for Prorrani No. ;S THOS. QOOK & SON 245. t_M Broadway. ►______■ Ays.. 503 Fifth Aye. (Windsor Arcade). N. T. Co«k> Trailers' C__a^ai t_j ihl«» Et« rj w_>raw ten "a ? " I laic r.-ii wmsiFirrj. hfcll If Lin_ Brooklyn, at nocn. kor -..:-. P. R-. ■- Guavra. Pto- CaJwll*. t'urano and M»raralbo. via Curacao. CARACAS F*b. -»• PHII-ADELPHiA . Mar. 1 ' Tot La C!uayn». Curacao and Marscatbo. MARACAiBO...'...Feb. laiZULIA^.-.-llareli • «uaerior Accommodation* for Pasaease."*- BLJS?. DALLETT * CO 6<!_ers Manangr^. ____'____ yOLUND-AMEBIGA LIHC fi B N£W YCW-BOTTctU-m >U MM:Lou>c ■■ Potsdam.. Feb. 22. 9 ain.Ryndani Mar. Nooidara.Mar. -. '.- aniiPotsdam a^ar. =» Ho Ma America _la_. _> __—_—>. >'. \-_ CLARK'S TOURS TO EUROPE- Mosi comprea-snsiv* and attractive *t»p o"»r*d- fr»-Quent departures f.»f-et?n Apr. 11 and Ju!y 5. rates from S-'TO to :^__, ■_- cludin; all necessary expenses. F. C. CLARK. Times _>■____» New Tor_ ■TRAVFI.' a booklet cf * inter trips' t» «M resorts. Matted frtre on request. MARSTEH9 TOURS. 31 West 30tb St- New Tork. STORAGE NOTICES. STANDARD STORAGE WAREHOUSE. 1681 Bruuavay, cor. J;w »t. New Yorlc. Feb. l&th. HUO Ariiton Real Butt Co.. Ohas. T. Alien. H _>. BarUweSl. W- H. Blgan. Mrs. Crown. JLttt» Blown, Charles Brown. Brown's Newport __- press. Wm Byrce. Casaldy'n Expre*e. Wta. Caaey. Win. Childs, Mr. D.vUle. D Dull. Jaha Donovan. Dr. E. L. Kinrh. J. J. Fins. M'sa E- Francis. Mr Frye. 11. Gordon. Oscar Gastaf ion v;-» Cray. Mr*. N. Gregory. John T. Ha!!. M. Hamilton Mrs. Kaswei: Royron Hitchcock. Henry ,T HiUlftbrmnd Ed. Hurley. Mrs. Hu*he*. W. C. Hunter. TV. S. Kain. Mermod Keller. Wm J. K-lUy. L. be-. I _•_;;.• Ljman, Mrs. G. Lynch. Julia, McP.»'. Dells Mc.S'amara. . ..- ■ Murray. Mrs. J. Martin. Wm. Hosier. 3*"* O'Brfen. Mrs. Robt- O" Haras, Mrs. Tale. Ed ward E Rice. Ell-n Re?«l. F. C. Roosey. The». Rush. E. L- Robinson. Ge.:>. C. Rooney. Vlo>t gpcneei L. St. Jonn. J. C. Stevenson. Mary Steoil. H. F. Thompson, Mr». Taxes. Mr*.' W.i Busklrk. J. G. v. WycX. J. D Webb. G. ■"- White. Cora William* )__•** Wlnaton. ilrs. y. Wilson. Wyaft <fc Listman: Too and «a«h of you are hereby notified that the time to? the payment of our l!«n upon the property hereinafter described having expired, after __• notlc- thereof had been i:iv»n you. w» will cause such property, to wit. Household Goods. Persona! Effects an<i Merchandis*. stored In tte* Standard storar*- Warchous* by you or in your name tor tn which you may have an interest-. to be sold at public auction. according to th» staff!* tn -mot- t»-.e mid* and provided, at th*» warehouse. Il'.*!I I .*! Bra* »■ -..■'- Now York CUy- on Monday. March Till 1010. besrin r.'.ng at 1" SO a. m.. and \t the »_!<• th ••■ .< i pot comoleted on said date dM -IW •< bo rm^wd *t tH» same !> : -t-~ oa *acb »n<3 everr Monday therenft-r. beKinnin? at l©:3* _. m . cntil the- »a ! >- l« c*»m*>'«»t»«i. •» STANDARD STORAGE TVAKBHOCgg. LIBERTT STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE COMPANY. 43. 4.% and 47 We«( 64th £tr*»t.— To F. L I.ortnK Mr». S. M Mtausw or Eth.t Hultn- and Ludm-!sr B»otnan •• Company aaCT* J. D. Roberts, Mrs. Cornelia If. Pier. Mr*. A. Murray. Mrs. I P. ZHUh, M. P. Cunningham. 11. R. Gtllesoie. Mm. H. N. Ro»»-n*"»_. Mlas 11. L. Colitis and The mas Kelly. E. D. Tlttrnai?. Collins Marsh and Clara C'd.mlth. M!*s Mar garet TVbt'ter-. Mrs. r»elia D*aly. Mrs. Anna 1-. I-arker. Miss A. L. Blunt. A. U. «o«re. >lr». A. L. ... ... G- "^V Meaii. Victor Broc. F. J. OrifHn an.! F. C. L*ary. E*r!« lleyr.old^. ■Mi-* Victoria • ■",(: Newman. Mrs. I»nsy Newin* M'« K. Glblln. John *» Bagt**-. M>«s M G. Yerkes. Mrs. Louisa West: Yot» and «"»cb of you ar» hrrchr < »fivl«'<l that. tb-» f'm- tor narraer?' of our Rm urn.ri the property ri^reinaf*er .i#»i-r' I >*<l havfrr expired. aft*r dv«» notlc* thereof h»d be«n «rtv-««n you. we wtl! Can— stich nroo*rty. t« wit. Household: t^MMt-* »«n •■• MeT«***i»nrtis«. stored Sv you or m yotjT MM In ••»• w»rrhous* «f •»•<. eorßnaay. to fen *o!d at puNUc auction, aecordm* r-> the statutes m »uch <-n»#» mail* a»<» t»r«vjit#d. at the auc tion ro«»n« of W. V. VhMm * Son. southeast corner ta»»> - »!•! «n:i t*"'v»r«'f» PT»c». eon HJe^^nr Tnndnv. M^^eh »th. lfl:20 a SI.. an<t rAn'iri'tnc HI fvsry Tuesday and Wednesday* tV» r »..."-. ■? t**» »»rn- i»Us« *til ri<*"r. tn>»f ,!• •»»• »,».„<• h»v» K-«v •»»•<». T.t«??CRTY STOI!«GR ANT* trxp.c-. COMPVJtY, Nos. 40. 15 and 17 West «|«h Strict. U