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12 R. L. DAY & CO., 37 Wall St.. 35 Congress JSTiW TORS BOSTON SIGH GRADE IKVESTWENT BONDS Municipal end Railroad Member* >fw York and Bo«rt«'Ti *twk l'n!ian;r< Bank of America. First National Bank. Mechanics & Metals National Bank, N. Y. Mortgage & Security Co.. i)i:Ai/r IN CLINTON GILBERT, 2 Wall Street; Edward B. Smith & Co Bankers Philadelphia New York WARREN, OZOWSK! & CO. MTMRKRS TORONTO STOCK EACITAVfiE Canadian Securities TOKOMO, TTEW VOKR, 4 < ..Ihornr St. ?5 Broad St. Office Omwctrd by T>lwt \\ ir^. _ 1852 I9«O Jas. B, Colgate & Co. | \*i alt BL. 'New York DIVIDEND NOTICES. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPAKY * >emi- Annual Diridcnd of *" On pr«-' share on «he rreferrrd Mock and a Quarterly dividend of *:.5O per *bar^ on Jbr Consmoa !?t<x-k f this Company have this day be*n declared. rival)ie at the* Treasurer's ofTier, 120 Broad w. New York. N. I-, on April 1. 1010. to "tockholtfers of record at 8 O'clock P. M.. on Til ilia:. Mart* 1. 1910. , . The stock transfer books mVI not be cicsea Jor the pa\-mtni of this dividend. " Stockholders who have not already don* so •re requested to promptly file ma'.iinr orders lor eiv;d'-nd« witlj she undersigned, from whom bienk or£en can Ii had 011 application. niEHKKIC V. S. €11O««I»V. Treasurer. Ne-y Tork^N.^-. Feb. 10. JM^__^. INTEBNATIONAI. SILVER COMP-VNY. iltnara. Conn.. Februarj" loth, 1910. At • raft-Jag of. the d.rectora of this Cojupany. v.-c to-day a dividend of one and three quarters p«?r ccr.t ... was derlarfd un the Prererr«-<J Capital Stock. aJso an EXTRA mvi o^ni of one-quarter or one per cent I ■>.'<> on tlie Preferred Capital Ftock. '■ th dividends payable April >■ v.;.. to stockholders of record February -"3d. ISIO- Transfer books win b<» clo^a mataraary a*, at S P. i!.. and reopened April "d, at 10 A. ii. Ch* ll < > k!« wfli be mailed. GEOKGE TtOC*K\rELJ^_g^cretary. iti.ii ii«»v & SIKEJ company. DIVIDEND NO. 33- At a Tn^eiinc of the Excutive Committee of •h' lteput.lic Iron & Steel Company, held Feb ruary lC'tli. i3IO. the regular quarterly Uivl «s"Tia of I'-i^r on th«? Preferred Stock was <ie flarod. payabl" ■ ■■--■. 1910. to stockholders oC retord iiarch ICth. 1010. Books- remain open. H. I. RO"WNL>. Treasurer. GEXKKAI CHEMICAL, COMPANY, CT. B'xkju Street, New Stark. February IS. l*Mk. Tiie r«ru?ar quarterly dividend or one and one hauf per c«nt. (i^^.t will V»- pa!<3 April Ist. m«. to pr*>f<rr«l stot-khold^rs of r«icord at 3 P. M. To«isdav, March ■_-. l^lO. IAUES L> MORGAN Tr°:-~-:r-- COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. "COTXCE IS HKHKBT GIVEN THAT CHRIS TIANA T RH'HTER, THERESA RICHXEiI VOHL HBd FKEDEBICK W. I^ICIITER, who pf-vcralh" reside at \Vest Hoboken, Hucson «\.unty.N>-» Jersey, have formed a limited pan nrrt-hip in accordance with the provisions of <"hapt»r 44 Article 4. of the Consolidated Laws -of ■.. ■. In" t!i«- business of c«Tirral iron workers fa:<i feaVr*. in the Borough ff Manhattan. City »Tid Counxy of New York, undrr the firm name «n-3 Ftylo "r.f Frederick W. Richter & Co.. In ■■hlcli Uhe above nam'-d persons fire all the par a«M vrhrt 6>-e Interested therein: that said Fred ••ricfc W. Richt*-r and TJi*Tt-sa | hter \ ohl are Qic <r»-ii.-ral partners, and are of fui! aet-. and UK fcald »~brist!ar.a T. Richter is the special part n*j-. nr.d is of fuH ace; that the «-aid Christiana T Itlchtcr ha? oaotrfbeted and paid In. ii cash. •'>«■ fun oJ One thousand |1.00 Doliars if ■ «pltal to the crnmoii stock; und that the sail r-smwrrhip 1«= lo commence oa the twenty-first day of January. and M U. terminate on the Watb ... Christiana T. Richter : <>-. »rKin«r <Jif~.l'-«>d. In acccrdasre with the i '■_■- •.isions of Hi*; ssl<3 special partnership law. Dated! ESeW Tork. .lar.::ar>- 2J • 1910. ■ - I*RKDERICK W. RICHTKR. riiERESA RICHTER VOHU O;nf-ral Partners. CIIKT^TIANA T. RICHTER, .-r.*-r.H! Kartner. 19 I ■■<■' .......... - L BLU OD ft CO. FOREIGN FINANCIAL. Liondnii. F^b. IS. — Consols c!o«eJ i-16 1oTV«»r at SI 1."-16 for money and 82 for th« ■.ccoynt. Anaconda was I J> higher at 110 s ? f.. <^rand TruJik ? « lower at 23%. Canadian Pacific '; lower at 185" Money was abundant and easy, and dis count rates trere quift. Tra.;:' or. the Stock Exchange was »;uKt. with irrcpular price changes" Rub- V^r tohar*-s and Hhodesian mines .re the moot active Factions, on speculative sup t>on. Home rails and Kaffir- declined on ■profit lakirsg. bat underßround road shares supported, in view of the coming: *rmal?ran. *ion. Tb« political uncertainty depressed gilt edged securities a: -i con iOM Anverican securities hardened a fraction, «fter an urid*»ci<sod opening, bat when sup port was withdrawn prices declined. New York tisfn offered Amalgramated Copper ■ --•■. States Steel, and the rest of rhe li^t saprfred It, sympathy. Only a pmal] business was transacted during the day. and the market closed dull. Call money in London. 1 ''i 1 U per cent; "pen market discount rate for short bills, 2 5-16 per cont: lonj; bills, 2 3-16 per cent : Berlin discount rato. ZYr, V?? cent Paris discount rate. 2U per cent; Paris exchange ';n lx>ridon. 2T. francs IS centimes: Berlin •xchance on [>ondon. 20 ■.-.-■ nigs. Ear ?rold, ?7s 3d. AmerJcsn tasks, 7»>f «c. Psris. Feb. If. — Three per cert rentes clohed r. centimes lower at 9S francs 95 runtime?. Prices v-"'-' heavy on the -Bourse to-<3ay on reports that the rps'cna .....; Cabinot Is probable. Berlin, Feb. 1*. — Trading was Blnxreish, tad prices vere slightly weaker on the JBo^rs*. inteebop^ough rapid transit. The Interbcrough Rapid Transit reports for the ce^en months f-rn]«-:i January SI last. »< follotrs. In comparison with the corre fponding' period iast year: ij-ic 1909. Increase. •Oper. muwmmw. $i* " . " J11.5C1.039 U.^50.658 -Op*r. exp«Ebes... €.349.577 6.313,204 50.323 .Vet oper. t*v. 110.162.720 J5.542.n55 ?1,614.535 Ta.x*s t'55,«63 1.075.807 ■90.143 0M ircon:*.. 59.:77.0T,7 $7.472.r.7? 11.7f«.470 Jn'OT-cp. laccrnc 2M "4 £76.f*53 '317.599 Total Income. 5?,4r«.'-ll J5.0if.531 51.3 M.450 Tnt*T«-£t. T*! ••ic.. lniJuOln? Ma. R fc a. tla.n •ruar/iiatet 6.155.074, 6.0t>3.0r.4 0C.020 BaJaace . $3,276,937 i ■-• 177 $l.i"j<J.4«» r«;vi4«nciF 1.*07.XX) 1, 53 7.300 -.- aa J1.«33.iC7 $14* ■■:- f1.290.450 •i ■« ■ • PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. 'Furr.tsh'id *>y Charics D. Barnrv & Co.. NO. 25 Froa-J f=trrct. Kew York, and Xo. 122 Sootta 4tfc etrtft. Phi>.d»riphia.j E:-..VEk«^i.' Bld.&sked. Am Oaxent. -■_■"■- X»v..3«o s t 702 Ad r.y Co.. «<". : s «7 'Uh Va! RR.;OC% ■•3 '■an,!, 4S'i 4!- r i:phlla Co C 351 >« CTr cl X -T 7a 7<Uii do pref 45 45' i *n: stor Hat. :.>> co (Peon m cr><A*i «;^ 7 » F.J Co of A.. Ii % 12 ' l'enn Suti pf.lis no K.-Orai-t Tr.. -*• fe 'P':l!a i:i C> - lSi 1.'. ; 4 <^n Asji-'xa.;t Z- z + PI' 7 * 'Phi la Kap Tr S% 25 ?4 '-.■, T»r t r... SO >.OVs i Sir..->kf-U-fj<= P. 15 10 ICo<TX A2^ 23^4JUnion Tra^.. T>>>~i SI»J T^ikc S Coip a*U 24%Jna «ac Inif.. W f-7"^: do pref.'.. 44 <5 IWelsbacb Co. 30 35 BONDS. A R ojnv r.s BT. -95'aJPblta El 45.. 77% 7« El 4; I'^.j leM 1O j dais 3ii2 103 s;<wa_i«- !<•-_» jphiu Co SB.-Jo 4' ; ■•■. : . • -7 • ■ NEW YORK CITY BONDS. Bid. Asked. 4*. May. 'K>. intT<:h . • '«*' Itfo% 4'M:. Mar. '.07. inter** low . 1O&H <!»,_ Ncv.. 'H7. Intcrch IO{»14 I'fl'i 4V».J Ma- '17 lntercti -' - • 103 ] 4 -'sf Nov., '17. int^rclj ... lO2S "OSU 4b Vot.. 'SS. interch . 10<> lOOU 4t, May. 'S". Interch I'"/ MXri «• May. '11. lni-rh '■''•+ *<«; ; /» 4k Kov.. m repist S:»»i ;<W,i 4E. Nov.. '30. resist....-, '.'■'* ■•■• SHE. Nov.. T. 5. lnterch sv - fSJI SS 1-*1 -* May. *M. caup ... 65% *»•« 'R'-s May. # t4, r*giat . - _.... SsN k>;% •Ga rJov.. ]... r-. ...l'>2 Kj2*i Hrii. «« Mar, '56 :<>' Ml • STOCK PRICES ENJOY FURTHER GAINS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES-FRIDAY, .FEBRUARY 18. 1910. . ' — ; Vctual Sale« "Closing. | Sh'rs I Net ; ~ '. I Actual Sales. closing" , Sh'rsiNetJ jOp! Hi !LowrFinl!Bid.iAsk sold, chge ; I Op-1 Hi.lLowlFlnllßid.lAsk^ fold. !chge| f . 1- i9lTl~l2ilt^^M2 112% 410— 1,2 lowa Central pr... | 42% 427* 4214 42%! 43%| 46 100,- i 8i 8 Allis-Chatojers Company. Jf^ iSi!' \i*\ \fr\ -» :: 44 SW + 14. Kansas City Southern 38 38% 3S 3% 3S^ 35 s * 300 .._ !Allis-ChalmersCompan> pr «z* «^ia _- - - .., -^ , _ Kansas City Southern, pr... 69 69. « 69 "* 69 '70 53.700'- U jAmalpamated (T0pper....... jgg i>,*\ >^> « ■*, 3 4 - m \ + X c F( _ s&M> pr y) so gQ . gl - 200 — i American A«r. Chemical.... 4^ »-« w^s, ||2fs9» [WA, 800 — % Laciede Gas 9dtJ 99% 99W 9914 99^41 99% 1.450) - [American Beet Sugr-ir..-..— ,£* »» Sil 93^ 93% 94 100 < +l i| I>ake Erie & "Western 234 234' 232 23^! 22>*! 23 loo!- * 'American Beet Sugar pr.... 83^ »3^ .^. ..^. j^'utf 1 ' 900 +1% Lake Erie & Western pr... 59»i ! 61 53< 60 :60"! 61 100— ■«. 1 American Can iK? ii? 1 ik'l 76^i T*> l v 77 4,500 -l'l Louisville & Nashville 143^4 15134 l4flVi!m 151*4 «1% ■ -% American Can pr... — -v-:" iXjTI •,-» 62 "f 62 62 '; 62% • 300— Mackay C0mpanie5.......... ,90 90 : 911 .90 i9O 90% 2.600.;- - 4 American Car & £ l ; ivi v , rr \ Jr> Dr l^ tog 1: lv llS?i llT^. 120 100- « Mackay Companies pr 76^ 76% 75% T6H 76 ! 77" 8 MD_li American Car & FJ>un >pr l%i\%wk it- J66 fi s»4 66^ 500 + U Marine ' 6% 6% 64, fiu 2 : 6% 6% • .-.--.-* American Cotton 0i1... • »i« «% bo. w '_• .* «J , . Marine ,pr •% 21% :20fc &S! a% a?i 2001 -•» American Hide A- Leather.. 1 ■ « • . : * a - Minneapolis & St. Ivouls 44 \45: 44 45' ;45'■ 46 UOO tIH American Hide & Lea. pr..| ! 40 3x * g% -.m. 1«, ,- M., S>. P. &S. _ M 1«» l4»Ul4a»i 143 142% 143>% .-. — American Ice Securities ... 24 ).4 .4 24 — -4,. 1. Jf34M;stp_*. aaM. l. L nffl ni^ .9^ 91% : W2W 2 91% 200 __ American linseed | » » "J « 38? 39% 5.500' + 4 Mo.. Kansas & Texas : 434 43- 3 i 43 1 43?; 43^ 43Ts »6i- ••■» -American linseed pr -?.. ,oj . » M^j 51U 52 4700 +Vt Missouri Pacific ! 70^ 71 I .70% 71 i 70^; 71 TOO!- i 4i 4 American Locomotive ...... a** »*^«* LJl* L"** 114 2 «X- - « National Enam. & Stp | 23?* 24$ 23?,: 24 : 23% 24' 2 lW _ American Locomotive pr... 110 113 ™P» ,v. "| j K+ 2 National Lead LfLISH 81 ! nvfl Sls 81% 1.000 American Malt 41 4ii; 4'^4'* I-I 44 . 100 l +2% Nat. Lead pr. ex div 1?i%...10»% l*»%!lO9»i 105% 109 111 -. +1H lAmerican pr «*» W4 ||2 *« : « « SOO- *» National of Mexico pr 62 ;62 j62 62 «I%| 63 14.700, + 4 American Smelting ■■-»— K% |gfe g* g - |*3b m^ l 0f 2 National of Mexico 2d pr... 27%; 27% 27% 37* 27 ; 23% 800 «* 'Am. Sm. Pr B. ex di v, V- , SNA mU » g, , :n | MO _l2 New York Air Brake 7^ .7..*'« ' 7S> 4 75}4i 75 176 TO3 +% American Steel Foundry.-^ 60« .SjjS, ,■-;.]-. 1 -.-.; 24,400 U1« New York central J1W 121% 119% ia^fia%|ia% WWH+4 'American Sugar , L 4 s-— ..-4 '"ij^.-J^,. {^C ■„, , -,* X. V.. X. H. &H. subs 148% 149 148^149 I_ • — S.OOWVIH j American ,'/V • Tel r ■ 1^ 2-Vr %i n ! oil* ' 0"< -.31* 100- % N Y. X. 11. Ac H 160 . 160 160 ISO 160 I*l% 2SS - % American Tobacco pr 93^ W»-| -. 93% -,- « 93% 7,400! + ■% 'New York, Ont. & West..- &i 46* 4 45« 46 46 i 46»4 id m btt-^^fl ffll>i llpi ll , si :■ ?Ss sag life sMfe % ps| 5,«5- ■. Brooklyn R ; ;;.id Transit.... ,4;,^:. -,:->•- + 2 r - ell! F Vlvania Railroad 133^134 rflj^l 133% 133$ W± iSSS ipf IPsMs liffill SSP i fa^Sf^:::::::::::: «I «« v !£ 55 ill SwU«i ESS leather pr BflSIIIll goo _ £ Ph lad^phteCompaiiy 102% W WjloS 102 « 300 .214 Central Leather pr.... lOS^ 10S% lAM, £B% W| WS% gg U 3 Phadelphia Company 102% 103% 102% 1021 102 102^ 2»j -»3 Central of Jersey [294 .290 2« -*'„,-■'!•>',, SJjn _5 Railway Steel Spring i 424 43 I «£« 42* i! 43 7.450^ -. Chesapeake & Ohio |84 |4% 83% 54% 84^ 84% 242 40« — Reading S^UJ?^?' -^ 167% 172% 167 171%'lTlil 171% 2.12T,.— 4 Chicago Great Western 32% 32% 33 1 32« 32J4 32% - 4 -^ ',•" ? \£™'\ 'R iVt Dr r^ di\. o-. oi»i| n 91V4 91 !91 PlVi ]..;,_.:., Chicago Great Western pr. 59 \ SS^ 58% .>'.j •;> -■ o9 g- ,4, 4 p«d ta? Mm ex <■'-'« . . lcT '* lO gi w * 108%. 108% 108% 12,000 ♦«« Chicago. MIL & St. Paul... 146%!147%,145% 147% 147% 147% , ["; - 1 ,, ,'p|f;" bl f; iron & Stee 40 40% 39% 40W 40 ■ t 40-2 ,^:;; - - siiL^hwes^:^^ »pi^ J B^ißl^^^Mmm^M A Colorado & Southern isi pr Ksl If fill «•! ; - |oug|rn m ja >■ — •-■»■■ | |„,» g* : :. r _._ com Products Rofining ....' 1? iliNi 2,100 : .^^x^-^. Facing a - ..... II f 1 ! 2 i i 3 f i 300 — Comtek Tunnel !35 35 .35 |.So.!— |— 400 U 2 Toledo, L. & Western...; 44i| 44* V 44% 44« 8 - 48% 44^ 2.300 -y A Delaware & Hudson. -.l,^ IS 175% 177% 176% 177% »» 2#oledo; St. I. & West nr ITI «M 66 | 66' 4 ; 65Vi 66% 2.700; ♦ 4 Denver & Rio Grande 40T ? { 42 40% M'« 41 41% 500, +JV= Toledo^St. Rapid Transit... 113 . 113 113 !113 4 113 11S 2 500 +14 Denver & Rio Grande pr... 79% B0 .9| 4i 80 !.9 >;_ ■;!•• union* Pacific 156% 188% 186% 188 188 188% 200 _ Distilling Securities 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 96,000 +1% union Pacific pr 102 102% 101% 101% 100% 102 100 - Duiuth,s.S.&At.:: Im 16 16 16 15% 16 ... v■-% .v" ted Dry Goods pr 110% ' llOKIllO^ llOVf 110 110' i 190- 1 |i?- '?:"■ S. & .™-^=:::: 29 i fj p;* 11 111 1 IS rjntted RyT tovwtment 37% 37% 37% |f 36% 8S - - - Eri« 29% Wi 29 . - -■", . - Jj^ted Ry Investment p^I I 67 68^67 67 67^ 68% Ist pr !■■; 46\« 45% -4;- . a •'' l is Cart Iron P & F..-.11 26 26 l« 26 126 127 s - 1-. Federal assr'olilf »s 81% Ml MO -— L.. g^i^ S Rubber p u i 45% 42 "i ?1 |'S 44% ■; General pr.... V-:. 1-v, Iffi l< U |g^ gSted £££-£fisSS?l* pr& SW 112% 112% lg^ ;• f % taeneral Electric Co -^ :^= ;•.:;:•- 1- ■..:, 400^ Un ted States Rubber 3d pr. 80 80 80 80 79% Wi SSOO .- Great Northern pr :137i; l 37 N 1H65,:137\ 137H.1a7*8 m l£ . ! T '". t^ States Steel 79 7 6 81% 79% 80% 80% 80% % tereat Northern Ore ,ctfs....j 71% 71% 71% 71% 71 71% 129, J [jnited States Steel pr '120 IU»V« ns-'- 4 ns :i i "? ? * l- r ' 2tß +13 Hocking Valley rets 116 US U6 1W IW 110 •■ g HSJrvSSer 60%j 60% 60 ;50 60 50% - + 14 'Hocking Va.lley pr 90 90 90 M% 90 ••-!.""'-* > Tl.;^T I .;^ rnnbwriKnts ' V 1 «: - — ~ *- iiUnSsCentnl fe*! l^ && *g ' 4.3 M = ChlnSkailHlll 55 % 65%^ 54^ 55 * iS 55 22,20 V— % Inter.-Metropolitan : 22% 23*j ; 22^ 22J,i -- - 22 . 4.000 -n^baslv" ' 21% 22% 21% 22% 22 23% 18.200—% Inter.-Metropolitan pr 55% 57% 55% ■' a «?» 56% •-.•,' + ♦ Wabash pr I 47% 48% 47% 47% 47% 4S 1,C75-2 International Harvester 86% 86% 86 Sb »« S. 8.2W + % jWat^h Poland « 43% 48 4f> 48% 49 . J«: +»i jlnternational Paper 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% -.-j*; ■*__ w^^rn Union Telegraph.! ,73% .73% ; « 73 73 72^72% r« XV — 1; ! International Par pr ■••' 1 56% 56*^ 56J4|^5%j •■'• ■; l,aoo — — J^~ff™housa Mfc...T.. .....' 69%! 70 CSV. 70 70 71 bol- % jlnternatlonal Steam Pump.4j 48*^4 S^gl«^ »00 — wSeuS & Lake Erie " :^C « Itefig 5% 5% 5% I ■--. V:;,/ : ;^'r!;i : ' n: ' i ' r ::::::::: :-u ::-. =-- iwlst-msfn centra iso iw^iw '4^.:.i ~~ Total sales for the day. 875.322 share,, compared with 7. *.:::« shares^°/ r^^.f^f^^har^ for'fhe same period in 1900. Total Bales. January l to February ]?. inclusive, 36.991.092 shares. comparou .^..^.^o v — FINANCIAL MARKET READING SHARKS IP. Batiks Gain Cash on Week's Currency Movement. Stock market trading was heavy throughout the day. -\\-\X\\ active opera tions for higher prices in the larger number' of leading issues. In the first hour of business, however, the general list was weak under the Influence of ■ profit taking sales and moderate bear pressure, these, movements being suc ceeded by a resumption of bull manipu , lation in Reading, under the Influence ! of which most stocks advanced to new high figures for the week. Reading, in cluding the recent divided, sold at the I best price ever recorded for the issue without the accompaniment of news de- I velopments affecting- the Reading prop erty, surmises regarding the reason for the bull operations In the stock even failing to offer adequate explanation for i a 6 per cent security selling at a level returning only a trifle more than 3 per cent. Beading shares, of course, possess great intrinsic merit, but they have be ; come speculative footballs and are not I safe for the ordinary operator who con ducts his transactions on borrowed 1 money. The stock is absolutely con • trolled by a few Interests, who are able i to shape the course of its price in the ■ direction best suited to th»ir purposes. ' Although the advance naturally suggests ! to many minds the probability of in - creased dividends and melon cuttings, i there appears no Immediate chance of such development?, especially as raising ! the rate would serve to lessen the value i of the stock for speculative gambols. Commission nouses had few orders for ; public account, except for investment, the great bulk of the day's total busi | ness again representing the transactions of big traders who deal in 900 and "LOW fchare lots. Final prices were slightly under the best, with the chief gains in Reading. Louisville & Nashville. Union Pacific. Central Leather. St. Paul and Sew York Central, the last named gain : Ing more than two points. Excellent buying of this issue has been noted in j the last two weeks. In the bond market 1 a buying movement of large proportions ; developed in American Tobacco collateral trust 4s. which advanced from the open- Ing at -• , to KBj losing half of the "gain before the close. The speculation i in the issues was based on the theory ; that the government would win Its suit against the American Tobacco Company, and that as the collateral 4s are redeem able at par they would be called at 100 following a court order demanding a dis solution of the Tobacco Trust. The weak point of the argument was found in the advance of the collateral 6a to 105. As these bonds also are redeemable at par j they should have declined in order to have given any weight to the theory ad vanced for the strength of the Is. According to the known movement of money in the week, the local banks have gained upward of $3,500 ? 000 in cash holdings, including a gain of $2,000,000 from the interior. As the $1 500.000 geld that will be exported to-day was withdrawn from the banks only yester day^ the engagement does not figure in th. preliminary statement of money changes, but it will be shown in the ex hibit of the Clearing House showing actual conditions as of February IS. it is quite probable that the buying of stocks in the last few days will be re flected in an expansion in Join.-, and if this proves to be the case reserves will hardly show much, if any. Improvement ii< to-day's statement. Call money has been firmer in the current week. Time funds show no material change, bite sterling exchange rates continue to move under the Influence fof; adverse foreign trade conditions, which arc shown in fur ther engagements of >?old for shipment to South America. NORTHERN CENTRAL. • of the Northern Centra] Ratt- Company, csontrouad by the Pennsyl •-*!:iii RaJlroaid Company, foj tii._ jreai •!;■] XEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1910. erl December 31. 1909. shows gross earnings I of 112.264.769. an increase of 5999.783 over ISOB, and net earnings of $2,326,433. an in crease of ?97,".15. After all deductions, in cluding interest and dividends, there was a but] of $996,215, and after the transfer of $800,000 to extraordinary expenditures ac : count a balance of $196,213 BOND MARKET SALES. ' £5000 Jap 41.- .. 95' 1000 Int R T 6s. .103 1000 do ■' 95*4J40000 do 5a 1 3 .•;<>oo do '.'•"". 1*»«m» liGt X 6s.llt'!a 2000 do As 02 2000 [nt Pap 6s. ..104% 1000 Rep of C 55.103 1000 do 104 1.-mi do 103% 1000 Jnt Xav 55.. M's 30000 X V C 4's 8000 I C Ref 4?... 74 1957 .... 109% 15000 do 75 10000 do 109' ■ 3000 KCF B& M :>»«> do 4- 1958.1001, 4e 81 100 do 100*4 12000 do 81% 35000 do . .I"" 1 ! i<mhh( do 81% 1«00 do 1957. 1". 100% j 10000 do Sl!* 3000 do 1 -'■< j WOO X Co El 4s 1000 ,io ilt.j>>...lo<)V Stpd S3?i 2000 AUis-Ch •"- 81 i 19000 Keok & D M 5000 do . . 81" a Ist '. .103** 140w flo S2iU 3000 Xt G Ist 05... 102% 7<*m do :. 82 23000 L S .>;- M So Hh«"i A AT Ist 48. 77»i Deb 4' a*. 30000 Am T Si :" 1000 do a") 1, Cvt la.. 102 13000 do 4s 1931. 94*4 r.'Vti't do I'il2-' 4<>oO do 9**« 5000 do . . 102%{'3000 V T55..11," !l 1 15000 Am Tol 65.104%119000 L. & X C 4s. 99 2.-.i>o<t do i<<4- 115000 do PS 7 » 25000 ... . .sIOF. 104*4 : 10000 do .. 08?» 74<MH» do 104% 3000 do '.".* 1501 do 104" sI 10000 Marine 4%5.. 68% 10000 do 105 1 1000 do CS 7*7 * ,%000 do 105% ! 10000 do <*>8?i liMifni do It!.". 4 5000 M.\ C Con 4s 97ii 4000 do Is ... 80% Ui-Mi Mich S Tel 5s 98*4 109000 .1-.. 80% 7000 M X .<. T Ist 740<n'» do 81 4s OS T 4 20000 do ..B2OF. 80"i TOOO do Ret 45.. 84% 8000 do 81% H«>Q do 84 ILMj^-)- lo 81»4 1000 do S F 4%s 89% 20000 do 81 V» 8000 do S9 : 2 5000 do '"i r s! ] <M " 1 do Eg Z,s 45000 do 82 I 1912 101% 30000 do .... -. 824 7000 Mo Pac 45... hi 11000 do 82% 6000 do Ist Col S7OOO do M I 5s 102 ."Hx;tfH> do *.. 54V4110000 do Cnvt 5s ". 170"O do 85 I full paid. 96V4 20000 do 85>i| 2000 X Rys ■•: M :■«". do 55% i 4' 2 -.. 04 7 « :..««i do >•"•% 9000 X V C Gen 10000 do S4UJ Z'-is 00 5000 do 83% 1000 Jf V C & St 16000 do Nj 3 ;J I, Deb 45.. 91% l:il(«iO do 63' 2000 X V «; .t EL r»oon do ?A^i\ H & P .102 ■.".«i do 53% 100() do t0....c. J-S's 92.100 do 63 2i"HW X V X II <£ H 51Sf><"if» do S3M ' D'-b 6s . . 134% 15000 do 83»» 10000 N V Tel 4'-is 35000 do 639» Rets 0? KIOOO do 11000 do OS'T-i 7,--. Armour 4'^s '.'2 4 l 1000 X .<■ W Con likjOO do '.C, I 4s 99% 5000 do .... 02 7 - 1 10000 do Cvl 4s. .l'« 7 3000 A T & S V ■::■■' << do l<>3 3 = \ll 45.... 04 l i' 20000 do l<W 7 i ?ix^ do Ftpd .. '.'4'". 4000 X r Gen 35.. 73'; 45000 do •••• 4s. 10014 1000 dr. Pr 45... 101 : 500 do ... 100%| 1000 Ore B L Ist I<-'MH. do 100% 6s 116% 500 lo . 100 2000 do Gtd Ref 5000 ... <-.- sa. 117% 4s 04*s 5000 .io lIS .tofsrt dr. 94*3 10000 do CM 48.116% 37tVK) Pac T f.- TSs 99 38000 do 116*b 5000 do 98% (000 do Tr S L ■ 5000 Fa .T -s 1915. 96% 4s . . 94* 10000 do o<i 1 * 38000 At ,- I> & X 1 ,„„, do 0ti:» 4s . 94V 2000 (!<> Gtd *%5.105 5000 o f 94»» WOO Read Gen 4«. 99% 67000 do '.-r . 10000 do '■'' - 28000 do . ... 04 7 s] 6000 St I,* S F 20"Of) ■■■ ..s2OF. ■■'•■ ! Ry Gen 6s. 123 8001 B i O Gold [ 1000 St L & S F R <- 99 -' R Gen 55.. SS»i 1000 do . . 98% j 6000 do .... S8 3000 (i . . 991 . 80 10 do Sil 1000 do .Pr Sis 92*, I 1000 do Ref 4?.- MX 3000 Both Stl sb. 87 ; I<Vm) do M 12000 B R T 45... 83% 6000 St L, fwn Ist 14"--" do 53% 4s 93' 4 3000 do -■; - 1000 do Con 4a.. 70 29000 do . . *3 S 4 1000 do 7<l '» 1000 Bk!n»C Ist. l'M 125000 do . "'"• 1000 B i; F.I let 102% 5000 do 70*-* 1000 CSo let Ext 1000 do 23 SI 6a 105 15000 S A A- A r 20000 Cent L. 55. . 99% 4- *>? MOO CPGI I 4«. v: -■. 32000 do ........ 88% 2000 do T 8 L 1100001 10000 So PC T 4s. 93% 4s ... 92% 4000 .:•■> . . . . . 93 ]ofiO do ...... :<23 : 2r«X«"> do Ist P.*f !M)00 <li Gtd 349 89 j 4? ... ..95% 6000 do .". Pft'i< 1000 dc • ••■"'i VXtOCi do . . S9 l >ij«O0O0 do C\t 4s. .102% 3000 C & O Gen 29000 do .... 102' i 4%s 133 ' 12000 do . . 10234 10000 do Fnd 5e105 |131000 do 102% • ■■•' do «■ 1911 101%}81000 do J«2% 10000 C ft W Ind j 1000 Bo Ry Ist 5a. 109 Con 4? 93 : 2i'»oo Tfrsn C I A R 1000 Ciiio 13 ft Q i Term 6a... M 6 Gen 4s . ur>K : i^v) 7 A St L Ref 21400 do Jt 45 .. ',»•■.".. I 4 S .. r»7'^ 9000 do ... 96% 10000 TA p Ist 55.112V3 ItVM") do ... '•■,' 2000 Third Ay Con 1000 do Ewn »-:<>', 4$ g tr cl "Si 1000 C Mft St P ! 10000 do ....... 65 C & P W 17000 T St L & W .'.« . . lOS I Col 49 . . < --"' l i 1000 C R I & I* ! JOOO Tr!-Cltv 53... ' l7 " ! i Gen 4s 98% 20 "1 do ... S*^ 1000 . do 98 . 2000 do .'.'. oS*i 2000 •■■ Ref '■ iilH 3000 do . 99 7000 So . 91 « 2000 D P Ist 4-- 101% iv«" do R R ',- ••■« 7000 do . 101% 17<*>.' do " Rl%| 7"i'«"> do ... 101% 11000 ... 81 j 5000 do Cvt 4« »109% 4-<"M'i do . . 81% Bnono do ' »09«» Hififi CFt L & P IS.VhiO do . .109% Ist 111%]2!HK)O do 1i" H'tOO C I St I. fir 1 110000 do 109 C C n ',- .105% 6000 C B R «- Ira 20000 C C- C i- St s<: . . 88> ■ '. •:• 1 4a. 96 134000 TT S Rub hs 103 2000 do ft L. Dlv I3BCOO T B Stl S F Ist 94 r.s 10.-.1; 1000 C R: & I.t 1.1, .. EIOF.IO" l i 4'»f. Btp I lOI' l 9000 dc> .... Hi."-, 1000 Con Tob is. B3%}SBAOO 1,. . ..1'"'" : ; 10000 ri .'. H Cnvt I 1000 do Rp^ 10,1 4? . 100% i 3000 V. C C Ist 5s '■• I<h»i.i .In . 100" I 4<.,.., ,i , OS'J fMttul do !:•! 4V4«-102'3 1000 Wai, Ist Cs. 111% l<Hinr> do Ref 4a. 100% 1000 do . . .111% : 1000 D«?n & R G [30000 do li i-Ex ■ . i Ret 04 I 4 . 7.T/$ 3000 do !>3"i1200. V> .1 , 7'i'i 22000 do 'M 11000 to 73 S '« 1000 do Imp 5a i"i ' :'.".■■• do ..'.'.'.'.'.. 7".', 8<«iO 1" TRI. 6a 106 6l!000 do ' '.. 73% 1000 1. ■ El Bltln ' 3000 Md "4*. v< '« < ■'•!. 4- ... S7'rj !•-■ .» do <a;i»; fur Hi Erie Cvt A - 7- -. 4i«-> <jo >-•".■» I io<h» dO 7«%i J nartoo do .. ' . . f&% lOOnO do B 70% 220000 do . . £<> " 8000 do P<• T I 2 H«i do <- M 45.. 71 4f< 85 1000 do Cbvl 4s 10000 Gen Bl Deb Ctfn ... 71 r.f? m:i»; ! 10000 do " , 71'; .Vhiii do . 144% !■ no <3o t 71% 2000 Ii! C Ref *s »ST{ 2000 W«l Sh'4a 101% 3000 do 4s 1952 '■ '•, 8000 ,1(, . 101" 1 , 5000 li!'-M-' *Mm '--' : ; 3000 lo ' Ml'; 10000 ,ir, . 524! 1000 v, a X r.5... 91% 109 hi;) <1o • ■ P2%| (WOO w r* ■'! Tr 5a 10', 10000 Int R T 68.103 ■ 9000 \V C lien 4a. !»4'a 10000 do . r . 103»i| Total tale of bonds. M.043,000 INACTIVE STOCKS. The following were the last actual sales and the closing quotations for stocks in which there were no transactions yester day on the New York Stock Exchange: Last Closing. SUM. Kid. Ai»k»a. 1 Adams Express 24.". 242 2»>5 i Am Agr Clieui pref 103 101*4 1"3' 3 i Am Coal —120 HK> 120 i Am Cot Oil pref 103 I<>2 IJ>« Am Dirt T?! 30 10 25 '1% ISeT'pref-:::::::::^. p -S« i Am Smelt pref !'>T 5 . 101 I". 1 -! AmSpref::::::::::^ g i«» Am Sugar pref 1-- 1— '-;' Am Tel & Cable 11 •« <» Ann Arbor — i- 1 *» i Ann Arbor pref — — «{ ; Atchlson pref 103% 103% 10314 Han & Ohio pref 04 92 04 . Batopllas Mining 3 3 l 5 * i BethWiem Steel 2» 28 2»H Bethlehem Steel pref... 5.j-i M 00*4 ; Buff Hoch & Pitta 105 BB 1«>. ■ Buff Roch & Pltt3 t)ref..l3B 125 13» Buff & 'Susq pref 62 25; — 1 Can Southern ''T^* 66% <>*';, ! Chic & Alton 56% 6«> 58 . Chic & Alton pref TO - *BS i Chic & E 111 pref 115 — 118 I Ohio Burl & Q .....22r> 200 — : Chic Ind & Lou pref — ho 80 Chic Union Trac 4^4 4 4 1 a Chic Union Tract pref.. SJ, 8 9 «■ C C & -St L pref I<X)^ 0!} 110 i Col Fuel & I pref 110 ].»7 — ; Col & So I'd pref So>4 79 R1 ! <"onso! Coal *>7-»* I"-' — Com Products Kef pref. 84% S2tf ' S4 I Del Lacka & W 590 58« 610 Dcs M & Ft D 9 7 l'> Detroit United R R 61V4 f-2 65; Erie 2d pref 3« •"•"> 36« Evans & T H M •"'■ '_; Evans & T H pref 82« *<> •«« ; Fed Mill A: Sm >2 — "' Gen Chem Co -.109% 108 110 Granbv Mining 112 75 ll._> Havana Klec Ry M 0.T,, P^ ! Havana E-lec Ry pref... 94V, P2 &>U Homestake f'^'-j **% SBV, Ingersoll-Rand Co 70 >> — Ineersoll-Rand Co pref.. M 4 '-•'• Int Harv pref 120U 119 120 ! inter Power 30 — ■«'• ; Kanawha & Mich J>2 BO 6S ; Keok & D M TH 5 » ! Keok & Dps M prof.... 44', 8R ** i Knick To* of Chic pref.. 70 •>> . 83 | I>ake Shore 320 3i-» •»»» 1 I.ontc Island «2 €2 .0 Manhattan Bearh 3 •"•■ 4 Manhattan Elevated .. . 137 135 138 ! Maryland Coal pref 90 50 CO Met Street 8y... 17 16 18 Michigan Central ~ 14.. ISO Minn A St I, pref 88 75 81 i M.S'P.A ( SS I M pref... 154 152 I.', i Mo Kan & T pref 73^ 71 73 '■ Na^h & matt 130 130 135 ' Nat Biscuit ll<> m 108% 110% Nat Biscuit pref -• • 12X 121 12o'« Nat Enani & Stp pref.. 94 !*• OS New Cent coal 32% 30 BO V V C & St L. 60 '.0 '>- N v c \<- Pi 1. Ist pref.. 108% 100 1"« X T C A St L 2d pref.. 0.".%, — X i x V Dock •"-'• •"' *" X V Dock pref 83 »14 icorf & West pref SO 8894 »1 Pacific Coast Ist Dr5f...105 ion 110 Pacific Coast 2i pref .-103 . X*» '13 Pacific Tel & Tel 38* 22 40 Pacitlo Tel ft Tel pref... 95 P2% ■>■■ reoria & East -'•"• 23% J» P C C A St I 87*5 ; '' » " s Pitts C C .t St L pref.. 114% 11') l"- _; Quicksilver 3 3»i 3% Quicksilver pref "> 3 -Ak ♦ Ry Steel Spring pre/. .-101 101 107 Rome Wat ft Off 126 1 20 — Rutland R R Copref... 28 2S o ; > St L & S V Ist pref.... «>> 3 i *>?'•» ™ Bt L. ft S V" C&E 111 rtfsi4o HO 160 StLAS F C A E 1 Ctfs pf. I I*;'-, 120 StLASFCA E I ctfs new 63 «> <?3 Sears-Roebuck pre' 12'"'-; 123% Bloss-Shefl Stl & Iron. . 75% 77 77' 3 S=loss Sheff Stl & I pref.llfiii 116% II 1 * -•, R ]' M .'■ <> Ctfa , c <?i- 8 4Hi S8 Tex &■ Pa<- I A Tr Sr^, 85 9J) To! Rya & Ug'nt 12' v 11^* 12% : Twin Oitv Ran Tr pref.. 145 14.*. - Cn Baa A- Paper 10«; 10 11 T'n Bap A P pr»f. ... 70 70 Tr. United Dry Goods 11*4 IIS HO 1 * United ClMr Mfß pre«.-107»il l')« 111 ' U B C IP & V pref 7i)' . T^j; 78Vi I." S Express IIS < 115 123 U S Realty & Imp 74 73' j 74^ t- s Reduc & Ref « 1^ « 11 D S Reduc & Ref pref.. 23"i 10 27H Va-Car * Cheni pref 124 123S 124 Va Iron C A C ft*? «1 *•". Vulcan Dctlnning 15 IS 20 Vulcan Detlnning pref.. "V, 63 73 Wells Farpo Express. .. I*9 170 17.*» iVMtinth Mfer Ist pref. 121 115 130 *W^- L. E Ist pref 12 10 12 TV &T. B 2<l pr?f. .... 6 • «4 — m COLLATERAL TRUST NOTES. Maturing lt>lo-'22. (Furni»the(i by Swartwout i Appenz^llar. No. 40 fine .-t Approx. Name. Maturity. Bid. Asked, yield. Am Cigar 4r> C. Men 15. 1911: J>f»'i f.8"4 ."i.<>o do 4r c. Mdi 18. IS"- 0651 87% r.lO At C L. 6 p c. Men. 1810 H>O 100-% 50 Beth St «'. p<■ Nov. 1014 ;99!i 100 • ! 6.00 c. H & D4p c. July. '13 it" <iV4 4.83 C C. C A 81-r> pc. June, 'll.ii»j"i 'm 4. 20 D&K, eq'U 4% p <-. July. *22.101 10251 4.15 Brte r: i: •'. p C Apr if*. .100 100>i • ft. 00 C.en Rut. i% p<• July. '15 83*4 '•'*'♦ , >' - ri< > Hud Co ■■.pC, on 16. '11 ... •»!"> lfHi»4 4.75 j Int I! T •". p •, -May. '11 103 tua :viK) BCB&l. II p •■■ Sept. '12. !'•■•■*■* P7»4 0.24J do :. PC, May 15. 13 id* Uii\ r,.Bu L, St <\> (5 yri, 5p r. Men. "10 «."» V»>*i, 4.20 do (1 yr). r> pc. Mch. 1010.. ;»:•", 100U 4.20 do •"• i> <•, Men. '15 88 !<t! P.SH) I, & N .•< 1 ■-. Men. '10 lt»> 100% 10 M & 8..L T. 1. C. Feb. .011 ... '.'l*', I . 5.^0 NYii. Ma, 5 v «*. Nov, '!(>-' 22. 4. 4.13 — N Y. N !1 ft II .". x> c, 12.100 102 — N,rft W5 p .-. May. MO 100!. K»% g.BO I'pun It li st> c. M.h 18. '10.. 100 Kh^U 3()O B i, A 8 1" r> ). c. Jan; 'ii 9»*4 l«Ki r..t>o ..., 4144 l 4 pc. Feb. '12 86 f'«; 1 * 8,00 South Ry 5 pc, Feb. '13 88% I"* >*-, Tidewater 1 8 p c. Jun*\ '13 . . .I'M '* \»" 5.20 v est tat •'» i. <■■. Feb. '12.. 88% 88% 6.20 V.' .-t I', .v Mtip c. Auk. '10. HX)»i 4.25 BALTIMORE STOCKS. (FurniPlr-d by Van Schalck * Co., No. 7 Wall street.) Bid. Asked.! l»ld.Asked. United I.- 18% 14 Cotton Duck. 4 »i do Incomes 58 58% do Income* 23 25 do 4s 86% 87 XRyA\, Ba 00 «<ft!i Gll,< SV T. 1 :t ! l.t A I'ow pf >>« 85 do Incomes — 11 I do 45!».... !»'- 88 do , -1 -• 11 «:: Ch C Rv 6a .100 ion Seaboard Co 24 29 Ch C Bl .">»■ i HI '•'"• do i>t pf.', 7" 7i> Con! Trust .21' 225 I-. 2d jif. . 45 j 4H Union Tnmt.. 70 1* SeabA L4s S2>i A.« I Third B.IU 130 dolO-yrßaßß 68% Fid .*; Hep. 199 '■■"■'• Con sol <;a».. — 108 ' Maryland Tr. 7i» 75 do 65.. .. 100!i-lW!i Nor Cent n-.1lM 1 1.1 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONET MARKET. — Money on call opened at 2?* per cent; highest, 2 per cent; lowest. 2-.i per cent; closing. 2' 4 524 per cent; ruling: rate, 2 3 4. per cent; last loan. 22 1 * per cent. Time monpy was practically unchanged. Rates were quoted at 9%,<SV^ per. cent for sixty days. 3^4®3«4 per cent for ninety days and 3%''?4 per cent for four, five and six months. Mercantile paper was in better demand here and a fair sized business was don*.. Rates Mere quoted at 4i"'So per cent for sixty to ninety days' in dorsements. 41-2^*s per cent for four to six months' choice single names and .''^ per cent for others. FOREIGN EXCHANGE.— The foreign exchange market was a shade easier, rates for sterling declining 5 points from thy previous closing figures. Offerings were fair, but the inquiry lor to-day's mails was light. Quotations follow: Sterling cables, 4.8665; demand, 4\&>W: sixty days, t-r., 4 S4SS; short francs, 5.17 U. and short reichs marks, So's less 1-64. Bankers' posted rates were as follows: -. Sixty "Jays. Demand. Sterling: 4.85 4.57^ Germany, relchtmarks Pl?n 86 m Paris, franc? ."..In", .Vl«"» Belgium, francs .V2o*» .".l s ?* Switzerland, f*l.ncs .'. 5.10'« •■'•.]'■>■» Holland, puilders 30 Ti 9M« DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. — Boston. Me discount; Chicago, 80c discount; San Fran cisco, sight 12' 2.2 ''. telegraph 16c premium; Kew Orleans, commercial, 23c discount, bank $1 premium: Charleston, buying par, selling 1-lOc premium; St. l.ouiF, 10c pre mium bid. 20c premium ask<vi; Minneapolis, 45c premium; Savannah, buying 3-lSc dis count, selling par. BANK CLEARINGS. — New York, ex changes, $321,022,564, balances $15,100,614; Bal timore, exchanges $4,792,409, balances $346, 494- Boston, exchanges, $26^00.942. balances $34^494; Chicago, exchanges^^7,932,6l4, bal ances $3,620,400. SIL.VEB MARKET.— Commercial bar sil ver ."2c. Mexican silver dollars, 44c. Bar silver in London closed at 24d, a decline of %d. GOLD PREMIUM.- In Madrid, 6.50; Ll» bon. 10.00. MEXICAN EXCHANGE.— Mexican , ex change "ii New York is quoted at 2.01*2- GOVERNMENT REVENUE -Receipts from customs yesterday were 51, .33,44.5; in ternal rcvenu", $808,227. and miscellaneous, 1186,634. a total of $2,734,306, against total ex penditures on ordinary account or $1.«j1v. 0*« For the month to date ordinary re ceipts have been $29,5*1,703 and ordinary ex penditures $27,687,266, the excess of receipts amounting to $1,844,443. For the fiscal year to date ordinary receipts have been •*»•. 743,007, against $364.929404 in the same time In 1909, and ordinary expenditures $430,j4J, £2l, against $433,296,311 in 1909. the excess of expenditures this year amounting to 5-3, 800,213, ' compared with aw excess last year of $68,367,206. Including Panama Canal ac count and public debt, the excess of an expenditures over receipts sine© Juiy amounts to $44,379,622, against an excess in the corresponding period a year ago or $102,303,205. SUB-TREASURY.— The Sub-Treasury was debtor to the Clearing House: $910,525. TOPICS OF THE STREET. FOREIGN TRADING.— houses dealt in 25,000 shares in the local market. Transactions, as a rule, were on the buying side, with heavy purchases of Rock Island. BANKS GAIN CASH.— reported movements of currency this week indicate a gain in cash held by the banks of $3.4ti.*. 000. They gained over $2,000,008 on balance from the interior. The banks received from the interior $8,942,000 and shipped to the in terior $6,804,000, including $3,033,000 national bank notes sent to Washington for redemp tion. The exact gain from the Interior was J2.135.000. Receipts of new gold were $2,331.- Otnl. namely, on Xew York Assay Office checks $1426.000, on San Francisco Mint checks $1.l 97.<*><> and on Seattle Assay Of fice checks $8,000. Ordinary disbursements by the Sub-Treasury were $30,168,000. Pay ments by the banks to the Sub-Treasury for customs. Internal revenue, •" per cent redemption fund, etc, amounted to $21.- IfiS.OOO, showing a loss on Sub-Treasury op erations proper of $1,000,000. The total gain from the interior and by new gold was $4,469,000. Deducting the loss on Sub-Treas ury operations proper, the net gain by the banks was $3,469,000. GRAIN EXPORTS DECLlNE.—"Brad street's" reports the exports of grain for the week, with comparisons, figures in bushels, us follows: Wheat. Sour included, 1.617,080. compared with 2,408.003 last weeK and 2,273,560 in this week last year: fiscal year. 105.234,121. against 133.159.710 in the cor responding period of 1909. Corn, 771.C15. con trasted with 1.135.908 last week an 1,288,519 in this week last year: fiscal year. 17.177.397. compared with 19,291. in the correspond ing period in 1909. DIVIDENDS DECUARKD. — Dividends have been declared as follows: Boston & Albany Railroad, regular quarterly $2, pay able March 31: National Lead Company, regular quarterly I*4 per cent on the com mon, payable April 1: General Chemical Company, regular quarterly I 1; per cent on the preferred, payable April 1; Childs Com pany, quarterly 2 per cent on the common and l i per cent on the preferred, payable March 10. GOLD EXPORTS.— The National-Bank of Commerce has increased its engagement of gold for shipment to Argentina by to-day's steamer to $750,000. This \> i' make total exports to-day $1,500,000 am. a total to South America since January 1 of $4,460,080. GENERAL CHEMICAI*— S. 11. Steels has been elected president of the General Chemical Company, succeeding E. H. Ris ing, and the latter has been made first vice-president In place of Mr. Steele. Other officers have been re-elected. KANSAS CITY, MEXICO & ORIENT.— Earnings of the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway for the month of January amounted to $141,000, an Increase of 14 per cent over January, 1909. For the last seven months earnings have increased 30 per cent. ; DAVIS-DALY COPPER.— Th© Davis-Daly Copper Company, it is understood, is ne gotiating for the sale of 70.000 shares « ( treasury stock, in order to obviate the ne cessity for levying an assessment on th© outstanding shares. . EXPORTS OF COPPER.— Exports of copper for the week ended on February 17 were 4,516 tens. Since January 1 exports have teen 10,259 tons, against 7,413 in the same time last year. CHILDS COMPANY STOCK.— At a special meeting of the stockholders of th© Childs Company yesterday the preferred stock was increased from $2,000,000 to $3, 000,000. STOCK EXCHANGE SEATS HIGHER. — A New York Stock Exchange n»ember t-hiv> was sold yesterday for 585,000. Two weeks ago a scat was transferred at $82,000. NIAGARA FALLS POWER. The annual report of the Niagara Falls Power Company and the Canadian Niag are Power Company for the year ended December SI, 1909. is issued. The com bined income account compares as follows: ir»"-.< IS>'X?. 1907. ■ Gru«.«- earnings.. $1,952,348 51.c&1,941 $l.t><3 223 •Expenses 431,207 422.617 447.07$ Xet carnincs.. $1,521,051 $1.2T.9,324 $1,230,147 Or her Income ... 134,07$ .7l>t 162,535 Total Income.. $1,655,129 $1,348,028 (1.396.683 Fixed chgs, etc.. 1,200,635 1.100.737 1.1*8.009 Surplus f454,4»4 $137,201 $210,073 •Includes $lO>.n<X) appropriated as a reserve fund in respect of le»c« oe, inadequacy and an a reserve against extraordinary casualties. tEqual to 10.82 per cent on the $4,200,000 out etanciriK capita! stock (52,500 of above amount beintr stock of the Canadian Xiagara Pvwer Company). • QUAKER OATS. Th© Quaker Oats Company has Issued its report for the year ended December 31. I!*H>. The income account compares as follows: 1000. ICOS 1007. Prints '.'.51,537,105 $1,123,728 $1,365,166 Interest, divis.. const., etc.... 1.048,883 1.024.000 1.020.522 Pur. for yrar. »$4»3.272 (101.728 5544.6 M Previous surplus 2,048,433 1.'MX.715 1.602.071 Total surplus. $2,541,715 $2,048,413 $1.04^.715 •Balance, after deduction of J1fi2.02-S for de preciation. 6 per cent on preferred stock and S per cent on common stock, la equal f.-» 10.91 per cent additional on common stock. BOSTON CURB STOCKS. (Furnished by J. Thomas Relr.hardt. No. 88 Hroa<l street, N'en- York, and No. 54 Devon thirc street, Boston.) High. I*w. I« 4 st. AlUP'' 24 Cj J4 Bay State <Jat< 32 .?>i 31) B«gole 3 2 2 BhiKham Minea 4 : v ,". s i 4, T , Boston Ely -4 r.> 2 i»i Bomrycolo ■ ■ •.'' S | cactus Development .... 4 i 4*» 4;; Calaveras . .'. s , .". * *,, s4s 4 • "hamplon 7 •; - Chief Consolidated iy, ■-•", cc l 4 Chlno i:s\ l.: tS*4 Cortea Minei 27i2 7 i 27,2 7 , 2Ti rorbln Copper lit :■ •, in Dominion Syndicate .... to", i(i» 4 ki\ Eclipse oil »i is in First National Copper.v; 41; 4 s; 4 »; Inspiration ... v.v s >, *- Laramle n i" ■* p.. . . SR ■• >.:, VI Live ii.iK •£* JO -.iv Ma ■— chuaetf Brewerifa i:.', 4.'.' 4,*>'i MaasarhuaetU Coal . ... i, ; , |A ja Majestic s; , v; fif National Mining Cxplor. :■>; ;,.-, .v\ Nevada Doiirlhh a% •-."• -'-j « 'ti'., -.1 ki; 7 >, si Raven .Mining . . ;,r. m»' ,v> Rawhldi MlulriK 22 " ' 21 21 Rhode Island . ii ... id 1 , <i» 4 '.•*i Ban Antonio (11 pald>.-;; « 7»« s South i ake is ■■■ X 1- >T ; Superior and Olobe . ... l»; T^, is i Vulture ... .... fiij in, :>'■. Win. r Silver Mines .... 5 41, 4 l i Turi i* IVi | A IVi OUTSIDE SECURITIES. affiliation in the market for outside 50- s f.,' continued limited, with here and fhlrp a show of activity in the mining harpa The eeneral tone was somewhat Steadier although in spots fractional re £l««inns were sustained on small offerings. Th^ Industrial list was stronger. Amert „ Tobacco moved up 5 points, but later SLJoSr whi lo Standard Oil sold ex divi dend of 113 and recovered 5. United Cigar Manufacturing improved a point. In - M £,iUins -list Chino was the strong: feature, Sthotf«h firmness developed in Miami. r,^l 'coalition and Ray Consolidated. ? ere was a decidedly better demand for »h« Tidlver stock*, which ruled strong, with t a Rose Consolidated and Kerr Lake the feature- Union Mines was in good de iMand around " Bay Central and Consoli- Zt£ A^Tona Smelting were a shade Sa&r. Yukon Gold was weak. The bond department was quiet. with prices about st^ad''- INDUSTRIAL. c ,_ . Open. High. Low. Last. WArn Tobacco....*.i ♦*• M •* I,BIV Am W tai/ pia -•>, *• --"■ v ,> & W l PM -•'* -' <• • «• - 4 1M Houston Oil.-. • •» *», •» 23.ou»>tAcK. bt ngnts. U ,■» ,» 43 jruandard oil..blt>Hi 6-t* 613 61. IWUn cigar Man. M ■ •• I^WOU 81* & !«at. -• »* -» 1500 do pref •*»'• a ' •/■ • RAILROAD. liWNgn'li'niu:" 1 ) »5* -'* -'• im>.-t L A a '■•'•• ■" ■• ■■ -^ MhNINC v. V «WO Alpha Ijpar.. ■"»•» •■•a o* *bi I.JtV 'AiftWUDlu - - 1" I^inw iiw»w/n - .<>i. . ■-•- id-?* •»* '•' ' •* i,«uu •JW/yard <«n... ■* -J^ ■* * r low biaaen Coy -»>» »** *■» "*•* 2^ I*V* '♦*• **« IWU ttUIU At .N 1.. » : • ,'* . ■"* 2.>«tf. luedoua i* }* !•* J - li,wt:;.i.o «_opp»ir.. 12» »»• '-'* 22 2& > vw*t,oMlt «.entra! 2d a - f >. »' . -' - «.{,.>» Co.onial buyer. it * *1 "-» i.,.»» torn: Fraction 3- «- •'» •* 4<>i» •commercial .. i>l el M •»*. 2.StW Con Am smelt. -ii - » -* "'• 1W Ijavia-Uuly COB •» i 3,3 •* «-. f.,4«0 Central lli Ml *« '* 4.1W *My ton *>•■: «< '? ■ - Oj^M S4WE] Kayo -i* -t* -/« -• .".WEureKa Con... 4" «'• ■«•> 4 ", awnoreoce »% -'« S*J»>Giii topper.... 8H »> »Ji »^ 1..-H,,Giroux »5* »•• :.'* ,4 Guerrere - -• - . r» Gol.itteld Con... «/f [» •» •» 7.SUo *Oree»watM .. I' -'s •' - r><>o Greene-Can ... &'? °"» •» • ' • 3,<K^» 'Harcuvar Cop. •'■"• •"*, •'-. a * . 800 In-spiration Cop. &Vi *,*• f,' ao»a o » 4'X)Klng Edward.. it '■* U • 2.s<«>Kerr Laha f'V» •» •'* ®t 3,,V«iU Rose Con... IS 4|t +• *rt 300 -McKin-L>ar . . 6." S-; Bl • 100 Mason Valley.. - . -' -. - 1,800 Miami Cop. ... 23 : * 24 • £; • » 300 New Bahic Cop 13 13* 13 }■>£ s,ooo Nev Con Cop... rj-* 22 !• *-^ »j im»n.v -x; M& B. I* *A ** ( '« 2W)N!n:s!nKiUll.!^ U>f lOi't ••* 860 Ohio Copper 4f* *ri *** *«■ 1.000 «OdM« 10 «>, >• X ' • -r-OPac Smelters.. 1 .A» It^ Jp jf* 4'JO Precious Metals I*l 1 » ,»» -i' 3 7.O(»» ' Coalit IT IS 1« , '.', 6.<>'» Kay Central..-. 3& ,;'>« »» •* 150 Ray Con » -- — , *- , 100 Stewart A _ A ■« „-* t<»r 'Tfnorab E«.. ■> ■» • ' ? ', 100 Tonopah •* *■• '; * 2* 1.300 •Tramps Con... •* ♦• - ™ * Tri-Bullion .... 1 />. ' ',> lTrt Trinity Cop...- »* »fg *,? * * 4<H)Tu:aro3a I '♦ V* !u « 3,soo Union Mines... 2 -A *B - 'MOrnlted copper.. «? t «*i «£ $* « WVa Wy Cop. 2J4 2 j? -* ". - 4,300 Yukon Gold M. •% *4' t 4,« 4t54 t5 BONDS. MAO* An W Pap sa. &* » >• * 4,C«)0 do Con mtg o9 85^ ■•% ««l *^* •Sells cents per share. fOM lots. M — * CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. Commission house business on the Con solidated Exchange was on a large scale. The market was a broad one. with the us« for the day including fifty-nine different issues. Dealings In Reading were partic ularly heavy, that stock accounting for 43.660 shares out of a grand total of 1-1. 9"0 shares. The room traders early in tne day scented a Heading movement, and their active bidding resulted in its price ruling generally above the New _i ork Stock Exchange quotation A top figure of 172% was attained, against a high _on the other board of 172 1 On the otner hand. United States Steel common was ot fered very freely in the earlier trading, touching a low of 79* a. against 19%. Amalgamated Copper, however, did not get under 7&%, against 75?;. and Smelting under 83%, against S3-*. The high of the last named was 84%, which was •; of a point under the other exchange. Increased interest was accorded to a number of the specialties, notably Central Leather. Inter borough, common and preferred, and Wa bash preferred. There was some lively trading in Rock Island common, -which touched a high of :.O-',. Detailed opera tions follow: STOCKS. 1 Sales. Open. High. Low. If»t. 5,640 Ama; CoppT... 76's 77 ' i 7.V* • >H ISO Am Beet, Sagar. 38% SOS 3S-> 30-* 40 American Can.. n!4 11% H': 11"? 140 Air. C A WIT. «*- B2*j X 1 -^ MAm Cotton Oil. 65% '•''•'• •*% •Wj 30 Am ice -4 24', 24 -'4;* 10 Am Ixx-om ••■ 51 l i MM 1 * 51 »* 61 : « lv Am Malt pref.. 4;;'^ 43 1,3l ,3 43 '? 43 Ji 8,."hj0 Am Smelting... 83% S4 7m7 m 88H **;* 32i> Am Sugar . ..1-4'* 12r> 1 , 124 1 * 1— >•» 70 Anaconda Cop. B*% S*% O0?i ««o^i 70 Am Woolen ... 3*> 00 91 M 810 At Top £ S F.I'.GIi Ilt?'i 113',» 116 380 Bait i 0hi0.. .111 U3H 111 112 7 « 350 Brook Kap Tr. 74% 74' v 13% 7r.^» l.t»»0 Central Leath.. 41 + 4:V 4 41 42% 310 Ches & 0hi0. ... 84 M v a 83*4 84^ ,V» Ch lit West.... 32% •"•-•"* 32-* :;2?4 GBChM & P.. 145 s * 147S 14."» !» 147 310 Col Fuel & 1... 39 4»% 31 ■*" I<> Col Southern... HO* 6" : i »>••'* •^•'i 400 Consol Gas ....145S 14K>* 14,". 1 145 i » Denver & R Gr. 41 a , 42 41 » 41^ l!)u Brie S»% • 29 ? » 21.»t,2 I .»t, 20* 70 do Ist pref... 46>i 46 l i 4*l 41 20 Gt North pref. .l37 137 1 * 131 137 : * 1.350 Inter-Metro ... 22% 23% 2"-"3 32% 1,0.V> do prit" 56% 67 H B<% B6H 30 Kan City 50... 3SU 38% 38% 31 1 * 10 Willis ft Nash.l.">2 152 152 138 130 Mo X & Tex... 43 i 43% 42 43 1 410 Mo Pacific 70 3 7. : * 70' 5 71* 70 National T>>a.i. 81 : » BB Bl'~s 81% 1.340 X I Central... 121 11:> * 121% 230 N V Ont & W. 4"i' 2 46 7 » 4.) *•' 410 North -1 tic. .l:u>' 4 138% 13H 136% UO Pacific Mai!.... 31% 33 , 31*5 33 1.820 Pennsylvania ..133% 133 7 » 133*4 133% 10 People's Ga5... 110 * 110? i 11** 110% 70 Pittsburg: Coal.. 20 » 21H - - 7 » 21 1 i 100 P Stl Car pf...l>'2S 102?s 102 s * 102*4 45.660 Reading 167 7 » t12% 167 171 40 Republic Steel.. 39 7 » 4'> 3*% 39% 2,680 Rock Island ... 49 80% 49% ••% stt do prej ... . 87% M S7** M 30 St Li Southw'n. 29% 29% 29% 20 5 i I. »4«.» Southern Pae..125% 127 125% 12* Vi 330 Southern 8y... 28% 29% -*"« 29% ■^ 20 T-xas a. Pac... 30 39% 38 89% ISO Third Aye 8% 8% SH> S-* 11.470 Union Pacific. * 18S*a 1884 183 230 V B Rubber. 42* 45 1 * 42* 4,".'* 29,910 1: S Steel 70 737 3 81% 70 s * S0 B ■ 40 rtah Copper. .. 30% M l i tO 3*3 * "l'» 530 Va-Car Chern. . 55* •"•"'« *♦% 55 130 Wabasfc 21*4 22 l i 21S 22 1.330 do pref 47 3 48% 47' i4S ion west MaryVd.. 49 s * 49% 49% 49 x * 4O Westingh EJec. 7'"t 7'">". 7'" l ' 70S 121.920 Total sales. MINING STOCKS. 1.500 Atlanta 17 .17 19% .15»> 200 Relcher 1.28 125 1.20 120 iOl> Comb Fraction. .31 "1 .31 .31 1.009 Cbnstock 31 31 -33 .33 SOS El Paso 8B .69 .•"> .55 200 Elkton .67 .67 .67 600 Goldfleld C0n...T.28 T"7" ; 7.25 7.37*5 SOO Jumbo Ext .... .2* .29 .20 2<> i.i'N«» Kewanas 08 98 M 91 1..V.) McXamara .....28 39 .28 .25 SO Ontario 1...3.12 4 3.12'-s 3.12 1 * 3.12S 500 Ophtr 2.07H 2'">7 : 3 2.07H 2.it7 : 3 200 Overman ...... 98 .90 v* .88 409 pot.. si 88 M .1:6 88 990 Portland 1-02 1.92 in? 1.03 fi«)0 West End ... 32 32 92 32 200 Yellow Jacket.. 1.30 1.89 1.30 9.630 Total sales. WHEAT. Balw bush 880.009 May option. .$1 14 81 14H 9113 $1 184 RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS AND CAR TRUSTS. Maturing HtßV3i <FurnishM by Swartout & Appenzcllar, No. 4O Pine st.) Interest yield. Maturity. Bid. A»ked. Atlantic Coast Lino 4 r> c. 1010-17. 4% -4?i' Ruff Roc!) & P 4-4% pc. r.»19-'27. .. 44 s * " .'4V Cent of Ga Xv 44 •■> p c. 1910 17... 4 T i 4*i Cent It It of X J 4 p c. 1912-'K... 4"i 4 Cheaapeakc ft Ohio 4p c. 1»1O-"1T. .4% , 1% Chic A Alton 4 4-5 •'• pc, l&10-'t9.V. 4"» •'« C R I & V Rj 4-.- 8p c. IMO-'lft... 4^» 4' 3 OB Ham <£ I> 4 : i 3p c. 1010-"20. .. .". 4* Delaware &- Hudson 4V« p c, 1933 4% 4'» Brit 4-4. ."> ;•> o. i:«l«t 17 55 1 * 4% HocklD« Valley 4-4% P c. 1910*18. 4^i " '.'.*« H'- Hudson 1 Manhattan 5 p c, 1910-'l9 5*4 - 4 , Kan City Ft i & M 4', Pc. 1910 'IS. •"'» '". Kanau City So 4'; pc. lOK>-'ts 4 T » 'MS 1.»h1-t Vhl l: U 4-4 l 3l 3 pC, lf>"> 1». 4-» .- 4 l i Missouri Pacific 3 p c. 1910 17 . .. .'■ ; i *4«i Mobile »C- Ohl< 1-8 pC. 1I»1O-*1O . . . :7 « *H X v Central Lute* &p c. 1010-*22. ... •% < •'• >'»rf ■!:-. ft Westt-rn 4p c. li»tO-M'".. .. 4*« -Vi P«nnaylvanla :t'j 4 p c. Win 1; . 4*» 4«, St L A San 9*4%3 pc. 191'">-"17.. J% 4 : , do KUiir A. C .<: F T. p C. U»l<>-'l7 '• . '4T, Seaboard .Mr I* 4% :> i> c. l!Mi>-'J7.. .*•'■< ,4 » Southern Rj 3Vs-4-4H p r. I9H> -1. •«!» 4 ! , Ti uu .v Pacific 44-5 pC. l!>t(>-*16. . •'• 4** Virßliilu Railways i< c. 1918-'I9 • ■•'♦ j*^ Wabaata Rlt 14-5 p c 1910 21 s'* M%- WhNltH| ft I. 1. 4. 5 ;. c. l!»l'>- - 22. •' '« GOVERNMENT BONDS. The following shows yesterday's closing quotations for government bonds. cv>mpared with Thursday's: ,-Feb. 17. -, IS.-> Hi.i Askwl. Bid. Aaktxl. IT. P. 2t TtK.. !!>.!«> ... 10(>S 101 " N)l: 101 >i i:. S. -J: . oup . 1880 . !"•»'' '"''» " H> ' ; — r. S. ;•., r*K. Ux> < v-"15..102U l"-' : "'-"* HVt V. S. 3». coup. !••>•» I^.l<<-"* 108 lrt-- %1 « l« r. s. 45. rc K . 1925 'It--- ")'• " 41 3 ll">-i T. S. 4s. ,-oup.. 1025 .. 114'^ 11*** 114*3 lir.'i Panama Xi rea 1988,. .199 "•' I<>rt "■"' I'anama 2a, coup.. IOCS .100 181 10 ° t"i O^ERBOo. TRUST CO. *£ ** 358 Fifth Aye. 60 Broad * 100 West 1 25 th St. 3d Aye & 145 St ; NOTICR TO HOLDERS OF THOMAS COT-. LIKRV «:O. ,VT» FIRST MORTGAGE BOND^ Uniler («nn« of 9 -<.•'-• prottrja" will b« received until 3 p. m.. Mor.4ar Fe 2<!th. 1910. at th« office of "IJ»* Pranyiraai: Company for Insurances on I.He* and Graotior Annuities. Trustee, for tfce sal# to It. at th* low*«t price, not *rre*d>nt 102' and accrue Interest, of a* marry of said bonds as $17,473,;! ■wili purchas*. Proposals ■"": ••: db« a«1r: **.■ »' C. S. W. PACKARD. President; Thomas CoQm Elnkln? Fund. 517 Chestnut 3t-.PhU*d*lsiiia,p a . CONDITION OF TRADf] Brad?treet s says: Trade reports to Bradstr«»f s ars nftiar more cheerful. Visible evidence o! es» pansion In jobbing trade, m COBMaaa^E with th? advance of the season, ara tcrtd In the reports that the large nurnb-rs'a* buyers In leading marketi'. especially -ta th« West. Southwest tr.-i pana ;. 3 \rz Hifh. have taken hold more r««iy 5; though evan bl the markets of thaZAg-gT west, whence best report-* com?, th-r^ »♦« evidences of conservatism, Ijasei !arajei» on th« hi?h prices asked for «oods. JfA bins trade at the East 13 slower -j) f,^ up but there la certainly more dota,- n jobbing at New York. while primarjr^ a f Ings are still classed as t&tet. Inquirv\ Bradstreefs at leading market 3 tiih "A substantiate th*» exag;erated r^por^, « cancellations noted for iromc t:.-n» mI? an.l th*Te are few fiens of "■.'• widely Q£ aided reaction in distributive tra<l». JtSl points report no cancellations to spfajj „/ several cities report countermand.* :£ greater than normal and only a very *494 9 report that In a few lines, nota'oly clofii- Ing, has there been any special fed . crcised. Nor doe- Inquiry into 'ho wida. spread reports of damage to winter wheat, which have Induced advances of 2 \o. ? cenb a bushel in speculative- circles, reveal much that is definitely unfavorable In tfc* Southwest, particularly Kansas and Mis souri, there are reports that -wheat on low lying ground has been killed, but, on it^ other hand, reports from Texas are that the wheat crop is the best in years, with £oeU ."now covering and soil In £ne ?hap<». Dun's Review says: Financial conditions are much .^proved. the liquidation and decline in the sectiritl** market bavins: been checked, while the sit uation as regards the supply of credit is distinctly better. There Is iess sneculativ* activity and a disposition to wait for far ther development to indicate more clear ly the direction of the markets. This serv»» to strengthen business confidence Tha ef fect of the recent financial disturbances upon various industries and trades id much less than perhaps might have been expect ed: indeed, the business activity and pros pects are better tbia week than last, a3 is clearly Indicated by the more optimlstirr reports from the iron and the lrygoo»ia trades and from the advices from the lead ing drstributing centres. That the distribu tion of products continues heavy is mad* manifest by the increase of 1&.6 per ceat-in railroad earnings in the first week of Feb ruary. The bank exchanges maintain :* notable rate of gain, the increase outsid* of New York City being 14.3 per cent over Ml and -'."•> per cent over W0«, while Li New York there is a gain of 20.4 per cent over 1919 and a decrease of •• " per cent from 19*& The foreign trade statistics at* remarkable in the continued showing tb*y make of a din;.:::.- balance of m»r chandise exports. It is a 1 •••■-.; sign, however, that th« thoughts or" men of al lairs are more and more being direct»«l to the significance of all these facts. Do mestic consumption is growing more rapid ly than domestic production or primary products, so that the need of improved methods of agriculture is being recognised. The January foreign commerce =;a:ern«K was specially unfavorable, and at Xc» York during the latest week the bntwcq were 517.367.435. or 53.tH4.499 la excess cf tJ» exports, and $2,25->,7T>3 greater than the tar port* in 1909 and $b\019.299 greater th3ir-f3 1503. MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. {Tarnished by Frederic H. Hatch ■ Co.. >-'?■> Broad street. New York.) \ Stccka DivideaA Bid. Asked: Am Brake S& F Q-Mar I M » Am Brake 6& F pf....Q-M J 124 127 American Brass Q-J - 11. 13 American Chicle M0&E1 12 C 22 2£ American Chicle pf Q-J • 1"" *« Am Dlst Tel of N J....Q-.T 4 M ■ Am Coal Products <*-•* « S > American Press •> Wl * &> 105. American Thread pf I«J o . « » Am Type Founders.... J&J ♦ 44 «8 Am Type Founders pf..Q-J 7 97 101 Babcock & Wilcox Q- .: 7 1«» 105 Barney & Smith '- — 30 »» Barney & Smith pf — I'-i IJ-; Borden's Cond M!!k SKAAEx — 115 . ffl Bordsn's Cond Milk pf..Q-M ♦» 104 1«J Bush Terminal — » •» Central Fireworks — — I 10 Central Fireworks pf . . . — 35 4S Conn Ry & LafM Q-F » 79 JJJ Celluloid Q-J&EX I t2? 133 T. I (in Pde N>rr.ours.. — 7 19> 11> Elii Pd- N>th pi... Q-J I ■ » Empire Steel & Iron — • »? Empire Steel i iron pf. ■ — SO "J Hall Signal common — 45 -3 Herrlns-Hall-Marvln .. — M » international Nickel — '♦<• '» International Nickel pf-Q-F <? 9" 34 International Silver ■ — 13 M International Stiver pr..Q-J * S3 ,v,, v , Kirov Lumber — W »■ Ktrby Lumber pf ■ — ** "1 Kin Co El I. ft P..-.Q-M s 12S . « I>aokawanna Steel — •» ,*• Nat Cash Register pt-.J&J "> 1W \f* Nlles-Bement-P Q-M « Os j« Niles-B?m^r.t-P pi Q F 5 99 103 Ot.s Elevator A*O 2 ■ M. Otis Elevator pref Q-J « ■ J*JJ Old Dominion S S T*.T t> 105 115 Pacific Gas & E1..--.---— —— — >■ 51 Pacific Gas &El pf.-.-Q-J • » Phelps. II &Co — mm -" Pope Manufacturing — — «£ ;.. SSJ»*&L":::™ 3 « Pratt & Whitney pref..Q-V « ;-j; -j J« Royal Bak Powder O-M&Ex 3 I^> .» Safety CH & L Q-aSJIEa 8 -.12S m ■ Sen-Sen Chiclet . — -^ **? Standard Coupler -- ■ * Standard Mllllns: Co — '« 5 Standard Mill Co pf.....A&'-> .1 f»: *T Texas Company Q-M 12 1&* f* Texas & Pain- C0a1.... -crip >> PI ■! Trenton Potteries -- » 4 Trenton Pott-rles pref..— — SO W Trenton Pot fn.ig ot?s---JA.T ♦ •* ■ Trow Dlrectcry - ■ •» Union Carbide — W> Union Ferry Q-J I SO . 9 Union Typewriter — 5o »' • Union Typewriter Ist pf. A&O 7 1«£ ■ ■]*• , Union Typewriter 31 pCAAO ' I" ! 'i j United Banknote Q-J 4 +•« 5- • United Banknote pf Q-J «5 3- *{ » t- g rinishtei S-J 4 I*> J<»j tr ? Finishing pf Q-J ' *«» 'Hi Virginia Railway ~~ Tl i» Was* Pacific —iS L. West Power ■ — ■ « j Waal vmi bnl — ? - ';. °_ ;~ : BONDS. Am Malt Ist J-iP J 2<^ . *]£* Am Pip« & Fdry lst.-.-JAJ, <J« \s* Am BS A F Ist Mf-S X W 1^ Am Tab. 4 3 Ist **O »•» nZ Am Typefnd dbt . MAN 9 *£> \% Am Typefnd new . MAN h K> 1 East Publishing s;*? 5 * i^ Fifth Ay» Estate.. Mf' N J t1 io^i 0^ , Heckex-Jones-J ... M*9 2 V -, -A Inter Nickel Ist AAO » . - 3 » Tnter Silver Ist J*J *"° JA» J Inter Silver «Jbt..-. J*J % e« va Lesr^eti iT H) Ist Q-J J^ ■ "Z -I- London & Edtr.b Ob. --"A * 33 *> ' New Jersey Stmboat Ut.MAN •> - N V Biscuit Ist MAS ? ; J -J Northw Coal X Ist MiN 5 10 , Old Pom S S let JJfd o »2. . w , Ontario Power Ist F*A ,2^ M » Perm Ci- C 1025 £*3 . ■ Stook Q-jotat'sn Tel FA A jj j* Sunday C& C 1P25 J« 1 m Union Ca-Wc!e Ist T*J * S l»* ' Un Fdry Ist Sa 1920.... V*N - S 0 United Lead dbt J& J ', . % *** *• S Finish cons J*J J «»> !«. U S Finishing Ist .. ti ' , 97 : i- ■> Tligliai Chens A.tC r BANK STOCKS. meport-d by Clinton Gilbert. N* 2 *** »tT*et » (Reyorted C»W n Gilbe v . • Btd.Asked.l .-J IS«> ' kmmtf «« 25 ftSSS" An- BxcH »i 28 ■ *» . n 1 ■■•• ■• 9» ■ . x,- im ;■ Bl ::\ BOT »»' - .>■ lottery Pk. 12.} VU I^E^Uvf^*" Century - '■" "' : ' > /. '. Cheinl. . IJ ' »■■ ' as 4... n j Columbia ;.;325 345 ?a> "* \ Com Kxch. 3'JU 3.10 »«aclcc -ft V>1 > f Ea™ lWver. 1» p} 52^ S=* Fidelity :.V-163 •■;:. » o»»"a '■- - . »».! Kir^t Nat... 1»"> 9» * h '" U O -J Ftrtii Nat.. ■="" »*» H*«* ••■■•• ,^> t;s l Fifth M(..o<) 4.VH* P-tx!uce Kx. •''-_. t V ,rth" N-t! 3UO - 14th Street 155 — w »™ ' • „», — ' O.tlUitin ... 3W> Jg ST? *«> — * li.rfleld .25)5 300 ?»«•-■ "V -.- t« • German Am 14<> - '• - v> « « . •H « - German Ks. c-> 4t« 23a W*^ *, - assays i «:-V'» :s= imp ATr . ■•<-• ■»• ■ " lrwns M E. 2i>s »•• i CHICAGO INDUSTRIALS. do Vr"f Quaker 0at*......^ Ohio * Ctol C* _ D » \*Z££f£&S 2.. iffl Confw'ltb Edtsoa IIS I ii P r « nii ' u .^ i Hajlot i«