Newspaper Page Text
TO DEFER DIVIDEND Utah Consolidated Mining Head Favors Suspension: r--hEi H Broucfcton. pre«*fl«nt •* 21 ru^ Cc •atHW Slit** «» 3 **l i?uri . Wt.r to Ux« .stockholders. *°y^ th^m cf his inu-ntion to recomni^d to the SS«» a of dlv Mends until t^ Mfeflta from the "- con tT r: . » kal be M :^rr^ wuUr ■ fesj are uMsUacd. o> th« dividend, at ,, y .p^hr.lf nf th# divirtend* d'ciera! ta ;v.s the vttr- »va. »as out ° f t.— aiccuoiulatfd rorp»as, as the Breater pa* of ths- dividends declared to HO Vh-r: .... .- c rendition!, »at :1^ price rf ccrrr wrrc f-uh^-'-'iaH- th« aaaaa as i?r> ••- Broaßhton esttmasce that .... . ... fW^tJn? contract, with cop * a ' t -. Raaaa price as in 1308. th^ cam -£•.. of - -- cerr.rany -n ill b«> Mttceen ?30>\ <m s^d J^V. ll^ a year lar««r than xh * >> ' were - t?0?. Th* Utah co=spany> BMB wr«re ferrocrly yncltcd • »»«■ American Smelting and Rp f.ninc ■ v, -, rß r- *r»<J it acsM Bw disaerA* rit fc^tiieia tl»» tiro corporation!*, about •*r :cirs apo. •which M to the on mfsa tion c* thi*- International Pm^lTii.e and Re jjjlii Ctempariy, is *ihu-h the Interests KOtrolllriE the Utah company are also irmirjßTU. Ttw riant trblch th»» Tnterna ... company is erecting in Utah ■will hSSiClet** PUtput of the I'tah Conso'iidated j^j^i-j Contpany. md i? csptctcd to b« in rr *rstien by ArriL Tjie v.s'h c niiaaiiij ■"'••- haf- Jl.^oo.noo ca.pi'6l ■*•<• the y»»r «■•■■ of th« shares he:rt V>- r ai< 3 5- a share dividends in I?* 1? (H"?PS. J" 111 1 907 - *»' in ISOB. jr>.v> in ISO 6 r" S3 in l?-3 and VOL Ol) I) STOCK ACTION. .Vo Explanation of Gold field Transfer Stoppage. .TJi* tra-iffrr of all =•..•:.- of th»! .-• - • f>r;ff':ast«-d Mirws Company in th» nom° r # »• Torpin; hap been Ftorr^ at th«» re qu*s- of th« - : .-■•■■■. notice to t'^a • «ff(rt has bA»»ii p. .•=--. th«? curb r>u'!*tin. -w \wt » Ib.* 1 stock ip tradPd in. X- P. Mcri<s»r>. th> curb aerjit. raid h» • -i rot kr<-ir why th» transfer of :h*> stock had r*=fi rtoppel Kp paid h* bad po.M^d tlir r"rc« et th« r*sju*'=t cf th» local transfer ._-,-,.- cotnpanjv th« Guaranty Trust Company. T!w offcTTf of :h«» !«tTt?r inFtltutiot. ap- T"B^s f r» equally in tH« dark as to tVc r»airn for t^» anion. but said they ynd«r- Ftr.<sd It th-«s the outcome of certain in.innr tion rro-^dinrF. The cotupany; they sdd **J. v s<! tastnictea ih»=riT to atop the trans fer of tb» ttprk In (jtiertlon. but had not furnl£bf»d any rartifularp. and they had «rit*4 for farther I:iforrrtati^n. "^"bo >i. Torfir.s: - . th*» irupi company ofrjror. 1 ? fIW ... - . ... ?aid th«>y had re-; r « r r'-- ,»'*-]-. <-^ f*v«>rsl inquiries fr^m trrcafl sskJrp ii" certJflcat** of th» Con- F'Tidar^d rnrnpsr!v> Ftock bc^rinr his name ■»•-«• c c-od tranp'^r. Th« ----- has n« offic* in this dty. <•«■ hh r 3'3 f }'jart' : 'r i i beinf *it «'roldfi' :> id, ■.»• Tl ••>•»« in-rorrorared !n I?*V. chiefly 3? a rreldJng Trine ny. and. o-nns ail th«^ marital nt,.^tt pf the ( ■omHnaTiTs Min^s •"••nnrany «r'! ? majority of \t>» Ftocks if the Goj«j *<';'. Aiohewk. J«iihf. Red Top. I^smia. •'■^>;d'"»'d snd C «" > - D. '"^ri^^hdntod c"wpanSes It hss an a'jthori7«d -. ■ ■ , of r f ■whi'-h arr rrv vim3t«^y IS-".c'' v'.o(%'»v '. 0(% '» 1« oomasdtnip. '"5 £?. Nix-^n ir president of TELEPHONE DEAL ASSURED. Rf b»6t«r. r<=b :t.-G»or ? a r. Fuller. ;-': >i«n: of the BBLJiaum SyraruF*> and L"tira T^'cp^ioii 0 Company, arinouno«»d to- Oay that mnrf than *>tioue!i stock of the cr?rnpariy had been dcp^Pit^ -.»ith tli*> Pi o*'l»y Trust Company for ihe d^nl trith t li*^ <'• rTjn*ntpl Telerhnno and T*>]pcraj>ri < 'on: jiiny. 7h» a<-7i:al tran^fpr :>« to b* n>.-i«i-^ '" th* CoriTiri*=nTiU ri*>\"t v.^*"k. thai com pany wtv4nK J'lT.W.t" for i.fsa shares in in p»3Tr*nts. COBALT STOCKS iFuroah^fl by V«T*n. <;»-■»«■«! & C" . N" 3*' Froa^ f■ "■ ■ ■ ' .•r-.s'rs:riaT 7 T« {•_•'- Lah) P37 " *».V' Ps '•• . ... f>'-t 1° La R X *7'» )7 ta»t C«bcSS -Lttti* Vtpif-s *-'« 11 - -'-. Bur Bin -% .*.'7'M'-Ki«!«, . . es >»6 BbC«>9 21«> 24D iN'an.->- H^ion £4 1*» < hstr.r-F-rl. S6^« 85 iNtpissir.c ...K»i2 lije i «f . f>h»l- 4T« 414:N<5-.-2 S<-nf;a. , r !7''s •v>r«:t i <p.t 2N^ .- l<"*Thir .. «> «."i .>r..> Lak*t6» l il »iOtiff« 5> f»"i • 't;s::6e . . ."Vi r..-» iF*»»TErn 1... 2-*>** •-^-»n R«j 3T2 37S R<v-h*f.t»r ... lU-. jo'i r»*T«T 254 S« iSltrw lystf..; T> i«v-« '1i5"0r4 14 r -s !5 ! ?ih-»r p»r. jn-, lii « TC-r-b— n l rt l r «S;Si^*r <ju^m,. 73 -jo '-—»" M~«h 7*4 **i I T^ R.i» c f.S'-i Ht'tum.; S9 <1 fTr»th»xr«y . i:w- 1«a li>;«~i. Ba-l'C 1U» •lam 13 : 1". J B t-k . f* V 'V, «»tt!auf«»r. . IS 134 SUNDAY MAGAZINE Of the New-York Tribune SUNDAY MAGAZINE SECTION (To Morrow 4 s Tribune) "The Prodigious Cost of Grand Opera," by Everard Lyoa* "Wonder Stories of the Violin, 1 ' Leo Slezak. the Dramatic Tenor A cHfcraUer tkrtch of him entitled "A Giant at Play." "The Quitter," by Roy Norton. A jr«r>hr tale of t chic! eaginecx of an ocr«nliocf. The Case of the Tiseotts," fey SrweU Ford. AND The Red Symbol (£««& insuimeui) To- Morrow's TRIBUNE RAILROAD EARNINGS. I DSAK XOIHIirRN. juo i-Feb. 11.. 7.SCT..W awi-soo c."-^- 1 „, ' \nai.i m A'-ivr-- Ju'y 1-reh. v.. .«ii.»4».nOL« 47.15&651 «.«»:« COI^OriADO & got THSBK Jury ;-l-* . i!.. 1»..«v;.^ 5..i!04.^ «.672.0C7 :fI >VA CE.NTKAU -■• .«"*«k in Feb. S.-KU27 JsO*?e $»•♦*« July l-KPb. 14.. _- ?- -■>:;. i.m.V2S MIX.VHAPOMS <- st l-OIIS. Td w^.fc ) n Fffc jj^,, %#) .. c y^ J61.513 July 1-Fob. M; . 3.132.057 --;;■:.-:;• 5.368.T73 MISSOURI TAt IFIC. 3d ■R-e^k in Feb. $SU.OOO !tK7*'V» ; ' ?7«7. <v >o July " -FeU 14.. 33.2Hj.105 c . *«P.IS7 5i.755.32 ST. LOUIS BOCTHVV 1 "3 n^k in Feb. ?""«V744 $22,051 51*!7.31S •'>;■ 1 rot 14.. 7.137 4(>»5 6.787.18* <i.4S»S.W> ItTKNIAPQUS, :t ta- . & BAITL.T BTE MARIE. *— aarataaa . 5i.0t4.4a2 $»».472 $1,081,117 Lxp. and taxes. «i 71.407 •..••••-• 649.248 N»' »a!n:.i Ef $373,060 $295,442 J.~>l!. «■•>.•* July l-r»f-c. Sl— ' Grosa tsmirx?.. JS.SS2 2-^3 f7.«J35.500 $<?.77S. K 75 1-xp. and tan^s. 4.Sc«i.ai3 4.136,764 .".5U."..«',23 JC«t earnings.. J4<.">- .-. 15.Me.038 f2,828,2i6 <Chjcago Division.) V^ of r>«^.— u»xi IPOS. Increase. Gross fjnilncf.. $,-.73 f.'>71.21"> 52.640 Eaq and lue;.. .v>:;.74i l'.<\«;7i R3.0J0 N«i earnings.. .$70,114 (120.543 »$50 f 428 .Tuly 1-D«?c. SI — Oro?!« famines., f 4.277 4W> $3.911. 534 $36»>.1C« Exp. and taxes. 2.994,<M4 5.760.1t72 2KJ.672 N»t ecmin^s.. $1^63.416 ?I.2H>,r^2 $72,454 •Decrease. PBBB MARQUETTTE. Month ef Jan. — 101". IW9. Increa**. Gross samtasa.. $1.14fi.2P4 $1.09^.«R7 ?4t>.':27 Err-enses 9.; a, "•"'.< 8M.431 S7 .'.."." Jv>t -srrtnps J212 5.-'. $iv> .;4." •(37.703 Other income... Un 10.102 '3.264 Total income. $210,773 $240,745 *?4".*'72 Charges 3C7.32C 396.96 11.030 Drfldt $14.7.35^ J95..M9 $52,003 •iul\ 1-Jan. Si — rjrn« s •amlnp.. $3.< is 43"5 $5.322.55fi $1.090. 4?2 Expenses ... 6.435.164 5.833.601 884J63 N-t «3rnin'r«. $2.52T..274 $:.4'f'.l.'' 5455.113 <"Hber incom*. .. 4". : is l(W.4'-4 *iSI.IM -.-.. incom". ?2.970.K!V» yj ,•„-.-. .uc* $314,950 ("harems 2.517.013 2,-'"4.742 12.277 Snrpius ««•.-.: r.Tu ••.-..-;. 7 $302.6*3 *r.«ecr»a*«\ CXDERGROXTNT) OF LONDOX. *^"k ended .Tan. |B f2« .^42 £27 *•«? -?»' % 2 Jan. i .in- 2> lin.S^S ii:>. 4",2 r..«?l CHICAGO & AX.TON. Month of r«..- — naa 1008 in •»««*. Ni7rnb»r of rnl!<-s ..i<-iV ;ios Total op« r . r«v. f1.4>a£.575 $1.075.413 $11,161 Total apt oxp. 630.707 701.641 I2R >'■■.■. Net or*r. r»v. |258 -'•- 76 "-7i »sn" Outsjje or- «'s' h.l ' ' -- tCIO 1.7^".'» Total net r»v. $:-"7 $.">7»i.75>l *5i1».47i Ta".»s S2.Oi*»<l .tf>.O<X» ".<«v» °r»r. in'-om-. |225.<»0 (346.791 *?1C1.471 July 1-Dor. 31 — Total op«»r. r«»-v . f7.1!W.t>53 C- " *W>. . : 4- ?500.73a Total o r rr. f X p. "1" ••'>■ 3!7"f».. r.«:7r .«:7 ■'•"■" 430 V«t opt. r---. $2 C -V; 1.-.". $2 .v_'T •$52.<S>1 Outjid" o r . <d«^. 1 7.f»>> Ti.iZZ -.')"'- Total n»t r«=v. S2.tts.S7n $2J>04.C0.1 •$5.1.22* Tarea 192.000 IWOfi 12.000 Oj>»t. on-. j2 PT9 724 "■'.? ",'''T •rvrr^as-o. TCr»dif. BOSTON STOCKS. (Furni=.h'd by R. I^. p a -.- «- C« X- 17 Wall street.) Fe* 17F«b.1« I r^-h 17.Feb.1 B Bos & Alb/.230 2>"> ! Bostoi Cons.: ION 13% Boston EL'i-129 ISPHICaI i- TJ°<-i a ,«.?5 r.-o Firrhb's rf.131 1?^ IC»nt°rr>ial M C^ 2«? - ■ - -.- x- ;• -!iv> 1»V» !<"p Rhti=» -,: 7.- s « 77 OH Col«iy.-182 IP4 ! Franklin >r.. I? 1 * v -"* TV ESt By. JH ■>» rsra«ib: M.v:: ™ SS do pr»f...in7 l«r ----- rnns M 7 7 M?*«= F.i rw 17 17\Ill0ha-ak M-. ■""• f4l<?f 4 1< ? d« pr»f. . . MS 53*4 Xo Butt" 324 3* Am Pn^urn.. 77 s *- 73«!Of:fooj»7 3 «!Of:fooj» M. 1J" -1- t>T-»r... 21H 21 *« Old T>om M.. 44 '■ * Am T & T. I?" ist Parrot M .. . -•• C't 1 ' N»^- m T.IMH •-•• iQuincr M vi SJ» lV»6t T ITU 14 ■'1--.3- - M. 73 1 .;. *74 d« pref... *,fc BK%jTrclT*rir.«! Ml4l »• T"n Pho* tl 88 1 * SB 5 ! I c ~mS I- -c 4« 44' 4 do pr«f... 2P 1 * :'■ I -5" prof.... <■'% •<■.•, *!-i-adian ?T. 7 7'z;!," - Oil .".!» 3f>"i A'ianTK- M.. '- '■ ifna (^aa .. . TS't 7i»V r->iann"n M. I.* 1 - 15*! dn prt?f T'."> fc> Unit Fi-i:it..177 177 Ct«»i 31 31; •Asktd. PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. «Furnis-V«<; ty M<-Coi;r>»!l <t <"o'eman. Xo 60 "Wall street. , Fid. A«ked. Am tftt ft -..-.-, 2«l I'^ii do pr»f»m»d ...... 10.% 107 ,*n' '»as <i- Electric 4.-; 4.% •?o pr=f«. r r<v! • 421 2 ' 4»ij do •-■"■' . ... Sr, «7 r»i»nvcr dap £• ,-•■•■ 147 IS2 «!•> ser^ral *. c . -i •". Kmpire District lV^^frio .*:» 31, rjr\ pr»f »rr«d . 7 1 :." do hcn-ji? ::. 77 T^n^oin r; a « .'■■•■- 13 "i p««-ifl^ Gas a- El^ctrlr "m '• F»2 do preferred ....... - . . Bfl tc LIVESTOCK MARKET. New York. February I « 1910 BEEVES- P.<"-<"pt F . i«in carP , cr r..«r-2 h^ad. ln^ludin^ I*sl in for - ■■-.;■> v market; 2" r a r« on sale. -•-■.-■ -,v to a 6*iad« l-!t£h«- : trails and thin rows steady; medium snri fat roir« firm ' anil ■ leered of '2rl v arrivals Or.Jlnarv to prim*: ateera Fold *• $525f2f*fl<i r r r - r ' Ib: hulls nt $4 259 ?'>2S; CfIWS at f? 7<'i'Ti £4 00 :.-.. i; «.i i.oaf in f*ir demand at R^ini,.- for native Lon dor> an-3 Liverpool <attlo .--. at 12 I ■■&'"; «c. <lr'F?«il v.^lcht: - - -oral or b«pf firmer #» ?>«»^iri.-. f;>porr« to-morrcw. .".1 ""I rattle and 1.11« quarters of beef on the Minno hahn to London. 2,752 QUartern It the St r^ouis ♦ o Southampton ? n(j 771: Quarter* in the Balti". tn Liverpool Total? for the week. 326 cattle and 4*4 4 qoan«re of hcef Salpj— -Newtpp £ ' 0 ; 23 K»muck> Bte*r«, 11^^ Ih averacr-. $4 SO p»r 100 Ib: 27. 10P4 To. j« ]o : 23 <">rno. H4rt ih «.•. 20: 21 Jft3l> Ih. ?««>.-.: 1. 1120 R> «-■:■• i bull. 130" Ib. .5": "' utabi* led *• on *. lii! - , 4 lb. ?4 !»O. A- Phanror. : 22 Indiana steer?. 1 200 Ib. $■<', 4.-.; 1 bull. 11-".n ib. $4 R3 : 2. 1 14 1 " Ib. $4 «••".. " '>)t>«. ?°.'. lh. $4 " U'7'i lb. 5.". *.": 7. BflO Ib. ?."«:.".: 2. ■-" lb. Jr. 40; i. Rio in. $5 2-v 1", sii Ib. sn is: 2. 805 lb. ?p. ; '• 711 Ib $.' 7" MoPhersnn .•' «~o . : »3 K»ntu«-kv Et»«r* 11P1 lb. «•" •■ : 19, 1"1O lb. $*4".. 1 bull. lf>2<t '■ $.". 55; S. 144" lb. *" 4 1257 lb. SIP": 4. 11*3 IK J4 -■- '. 1<%,;7 |h. J4 .--. 3 77,. lb. ; ; nr.; 2. 73." lb f-i ir>: 17 cow*. s>fi3 Ib'.«^PO. £0. n^ 4 j^_ *n?r.; 1*: oep lb. $3 so : 1 030 IV' s^ 7." 6. -- ib X?, «S; •» f»lf> Ib $335: * --" ib. $?, 40; •V «=3K lb. ?^2."; 7. 7- lh. .«." 10; 13, 776 Ib $2 75 F Sanders: f. KentDrky steeri 121 : Ih, ?«4O ; -_>2 THinoii' |091 Ih. sr.; .'■-*-■ 75; 1 mtr 11 2<"« IK -.1 35: •". MM Ib. J." CO. 8 nM & Co.: 1 ball 12«n 'b. $4 «"; 1. 720 lh f4i'^- ■ r^i-™-. ti>r« ik *' 7-. f'AT.VES— Receipt* •;■•" cad. la«r!«dlni: 440 f«r hvit.-b.ers 3rd StS for ma rtcei .-.--■ rth«r opjveie full ft»S<i'' ,/^^-r^.r '.. ohoire v«a)« *oi<j a* S««?*11 2.'. per i ><- . lh; r':ll« at $7: = .■,,- of T\"««----'- cairee st $9 2" r'r»s?«"i cal»«« l»rm at 11i^l»)'-<- for r-ity dressed -•?!?. ]A4fl4Ue fe country a reaped arid s§ioi*c for «ires.--«d hxrn! 1 -'] re<s calves > 3 l«v-H. H. Holli«: "- ■ ".■■.' 144 It e'=r ace. $11 •_■'■ p-r "'••■ Ib: 2. l**o Ib *« TT. r Hume: 02 Western calves "2°- lb, c - 25 McFherson & m ; 1 ■■•■ ISO lb. .«ir» fi ; 2. ISO !b. 510. » calls. 102 lh. f 7; 1 yearliny. 120 lb *4 f-" San4*ra 2 vcale, ''" if., fjn "■■*■ 2 cull* mo ih. t >HEFP AND LAMBS- Receipts, ill rar«, i»r «•« • 41 head, irohidi^r ■-'• irs for ■; > nr'i"- end C »- marlt"i. Sheep nominfll: lambs firm and I S ■>? 2.'<- bic-ber A »-ar of c""i lambs poj.j at ?? 1° per ion ;h ati-1 another car on pri vate i*rm< «']ppos«d to be JtO 4" Dressed rr.ut^on full stead? at JOfiiJij*" x'- Ib; dr»«s«d lambs firm at 14 : - "7 I '"■. and country riroeeed hnth<me« lambs at $4^512 per csr ,-ji« — Shippers' '>mnn"i"n Co : _•■-. state lambs 74 rfc sv.rn[». S?» 10 per I'" Ib HfH.t^R^^ipjK. 14 :. ra. or 2 ''ft 1 "' head, all f«r sleua;htet Vomln«11y sieadj to stops (••win"-.- dressed hops frm 31 11 <fl2--'-; light pics at 1.".c OTHER LIVESTOCK MARKETS. i m F«-b. is CATTLE R'^iF'*. 3.500: itnmr; steer* 75«5« ■ "■■ > *3 50fffS30: l^lfTs $34A$$Q; hulls. <■■-..«-.. ralv**, $-'{^ fr«C.-.: *r«rU»r* an-l f«-<Hi<*r<=. $4 •_*.".«?« 73. | HOOP Tl'^'iptß. I8.O0O; rtesdy »« 5c hisrH^r; I rhoirf heavy. Jl'.'ijfi j:< C; biif!n»r*. $'•• ".'>f,r> < * 4" : lirht.™H"i. *9 Js<?s» 23: choice ' c c: _ I ■:. T7 SO ".', packing. K»Xo€rsS33; ! ■••- ■ •**■» i 6 ?f. Ift* bull: <,f sal. 5. $i» 20<**9 4«. SIIKEr i Tv'c*ipts .r.. r . «VK>- market ift«i I.V- Wjrhfr; sheep. i sr. or.'ff *J7C.-.: lambs. •- . ■■•<■■ - • yearlings. j ?t:-.-sss:.<>. la-t BufTaio Feb. .-■-.. jt-^v; prime et'»rs. *.1«.,«?7. VEAI-K-n i ■ .«■ ' jMI .-.<) h few -t $11 75 IP"i- r^.cipis ! ->:,<»•- 'srmv. an.! 15 -•' higher: h*«vy?and ! mixrd f:if.fjjn;n; Torkm. .<:• .^»'a.?!> 8..; r,\c* if»Ki«sa«O: r»u*hF. ?«70|rS«ft5: stars. | • SHEKi ' V*m r< " n^-dnt* sortie anlv: >»" — •■•. I •.»r^"a.M »mh, 30c bUfber; «*"££*«»« ? • ■ • ■ ■ * ' <T --.?«... Southern • '■— »•:•■:s - - *■■ ■ > • ■ •- ■ < ' - r. - . .V [,%■.; 9« -■ <■■■* *: M JraTWaVi* • '■■-. rt*>«rty: '^i^sfSJ ROCS— i>r"lt«». I-<B»: | not.v: hatch"^** khf.HP- !>~irt.v 107: , rommw.^ .'*<,. -.",•■ , m |>f Btraa*-. $ • -.•«■ | l a »-n ««*;Ss!Sfcolei?J J*so«r*«Ts: prim-. 7* «;rM ir « -iiffP— Furrty llrhtj prime irrtb^ CAWTA lt0?$10 7S J NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBT'XF. SATrftPAV. FKBRI AKY 10. 1010 THE MARKETS TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. _ New York.- February 1?, I 1".I 1 ".' 1 Brans. nans . . 2W3 L |y« poultry. erat?s —"'"• 2 r.J°ur, *» ! - v S. 4 T«! Oranges <F*la).caaea S. r Hour, tacks . 20.«73 Orangrs <ral>.ea*sa I.**? <«?rnm-s;. t>bl« . 305 Lemon* tCaP. cases S" < ornmpal. r-ajts.. .1 •<•«• Arpi»fi M)l« .. 2.2W Oatn^al. hbi s ... ; . WOlAppte*. box" 4 KB >M'«>at. bush .-. s>.«jftO|i> .-;.,,.... b bl« .. 7.775 Corn, bush . .RC.250 Onions bb!s . . . 2.43$ Oats, hush . . 36,*W>!«-ranbrrrlP!t. pfcgs.. >" "' r»as. »■!,,:! 2,07.-.|i>rj ,i fruit, pkss. . "23 R'ir^ ,. M . bush. 3.&*)\ Uo--ln ti ,, l!; 225 Harley, bush .. -T-. Rwin oil. btls ■• =22 Mal t bush 3.mV)j Spirits turi.. bbl».. 135 RJc«. nkts a.T:c» Ta- M - ■ r '° Hay. tsuft. ■ 9SO i >iicake, pkga ■ """ straw, ton* »i|O!l. tub. bbl? . >25 Millf»?«i. tons .. , r."lioipo stock. i^tt??.. I*° Hop?, bales .".US' Peanut?, bar? ... 4-"1 g*«f, .-annen. cs «SliTobacro hhda ... -" Pork. bb15........ .-.«t'T.-r. ,.-..," (i^rces . '••" Hanii", pkya ... 14'ijTobatoo pk?F:.... I.W> Cntmeatv. pkga .. 5. «<!« ] whisk?-. . bbls.T... 323 ! -!•<. tlorcp.o .Tiniiptle. • bales 300 LaM. kogs 7,600 CPttori, bales 3 STS Lard. i»m . »!Ccf«*n oil. bbl?.. 520 } ail"^-. rV.K!S . IP"i <.'orr?r. pieces . 1.-" s «.r»a.'». pltga MiL-ad. ri f . . _■-■"• i-:'!.- pkire . .. .".r..w. HW<-<-. bales -° Ch«!£«, ■ es . 1.508 Hide*. bdU . . 1.5>75 E?irs. mca l3.47»Skin*. bal»s. . .. 183 iJrsri p'Jtrj'. pkjs. ."■ 165 Brandy tCal). bbls. W> EXPORTS. V.h«-at. hu<<h... 95.610 F>' ■■<■! ca ls -.2,574.665 Corn, b.i-h.... '• 225 R«»l ■'•,!- "' 5 000 P-a.-- bush.... tl» Cot'a'd oil. pals 36.600 Bran*, bush..'. 132 Lub oil. gals.. 947. e s'"> Flour, bH?.... 14,: bbls B 273 1-lour. saokF. .. 2.4(H)| Beef bbl« . 7S7 S< > Cnrnmeal. hbl« 468jB«ef trs J> Oatmeal r^cn r<>o| Bar-on Tb . .. 301 "•"' Grass nd, bass Ham? ft 10,'"""! Whiakfy, pals. "Wil^rd m _. 7... Oilmeal. '! 68.7.">«>i Tallow, lt>... C»> S^pts turr, sals POO | Grease." Hi ... ■J-''.^'' 1 H'-yin. bbls 100|BuHt' "■- '■'■ " :l1 Tar. bbis -•"> tehees'-. It? •"• SCO CASH QUOTATIONS. Iron. Nor. So l ..... ladling 14 P0 foundry $1% 62 1 4jcoflr<«>, No 7 Kio 8* Iron. So. Xr> i. 18 fiSVsi Sugar, granulated 8-13 StH>l rails » rtfl i Molasses. OK pme «0 PtanO ."r. spot. 1L 1 !"* IHfpf. fKmilv ...flT'i' Tin 33 20 | Bf>f hams ' . • -•"'"",. Exchange lead. 4 .v. TalUm prime. *• ♦ Pp*lt«i :.-.-.- | Pork, mesa 23 00; •'""m ....... 71 '» ' Hoes, drsd. Its< % '!■ 1-'» Flour. Mpis pnts 570 [Lard, Mdi« West. 13.15 ••Sifaiiier cortij in clovatnr. -:zrort ba*t<!. GENERAL MARKET REPORT. >,. York. February 18 1910. GRAIN V.'HEAT — Fini during 'i 1"i 1 " first Tirt of th» <!a.?. and prices ma<i» ■ K<xxl rally from the ii«.Mn« of Thursday afternoon, but on the ">■;• in - thfi« «af b«avy liquidation. and In !!v a *•••-• i - »• pr!--»i> declined rapidly, eaeins off l ifJT>c. an«l closing pi a nfi lo«a of %© *!'■. Cables ivro lower, and ArpprtMn" exports for fro "-■•. according to EtrootnhaH. w<Mr« ".4"2.<»O'i bus against .I.irsfl.ono ••. previous week and 6.916.000 laM v«»ar Mo - rr<i wh«at h«re -was; quot«4 $1 .'i elevator d^rtspstl'-. an<3 n<Tninal f o b afloat; No ! Northern Dv oth and No 2 hard v int»r. $1 27 nominal f « b afloat t.'OßN — Steady early, bur ronimispion rinri?o«» were. a^tiv s«>llprs. and th< mark<*t (fradually pa-" way, closing at a nft loss of "4*ll 'jr. May £h"Tv«>d ih<» cr«a»"st dAlln'*; arrl at th" olos° I '«c urdT July and S°rt c n;bPr. •n-hil's the spot month was ptiU jnwer. No 2 corn closed 71*4>- nominal f ■•■ b afloat: «;team«>'- corn. 71 -4" in. evator. export baad Xo i, 6S%c elevator. expert basic OATS— Showed nr-nine 3 "! at th« Fta''' and caM -■' lator. ■ sa ~~ at a net lows of E »a 3 *'^ fash nats rvfr' eaey, - Itb mired notntna natural white. 26 to •".- Tn. ."v : -v".''. and --lipr^d ■■'lit- "4 to c if ".--■«? "7- RTE3 - ?f«-a'l\ : No 2 'Wpftorn. 0(V- ninal. fob Now York. BART.XV- Nominsl. \%"h»at. In dour, exports for (>»» week, acrordins t" Bra(ietr»=ts. -ir~-«--.iT« 1.617.0<!rt bii^h. ncain?t 2.*os.<y>:? bath last week and 2.273.5W last rear sir-«- .Tuly 1. 105.234.034 bush acalnet 133,1«0.M9 last yea-. «:"rn exports for thr week. 771,fi16 bii«=h. seainpt I.isn.Oils las: week and 1.255..*)10 la?? year: pirire July 1. 17.17P.1P7 bi::=h. aE3'n?t 10.201. 83S asi y>3r. >Efl YORK rKTCE*. T«*t*r Wheat: Open flieh. '--- ■:-'•- day. May $1 21 l - SI "1 t i $1 C". 51 21 ♦■« SI 21H July 1 12 l : 1 12H 111't 111** 1 12U Jsay .'. '— : .; 7« i July - TO', 77' 3 b«p*en . 77 * 5*5 * 77 Oats : May ?--' ! * R3 8 i IVTKRiOR RECEIPTS. V".Ti«2t. , on, Oat« 7n ,>v. ...... 472.0<V> fiSO 000 f.2f?. rr ' IVI ■ - -- -n"* l^ .' . .i47<w* *-97.«v>0 675,000 Last ypjr 526.000 524 000 •12,000 SEABOARD rLEARANCEJ?. Flour Wh»at. f'om. To-da% 1 S.OOO D 6.000 1 1 .000 Tjßjst Tv»»k . 6.00H 32,000 SI, OOO I^ast --. 5.000 163,000 ' 57.000 (OTTON- Opened a» a d'^linf of 6 points mi Xnvfmber. but pen^rally 2 t.-< 5 points higher. In r^PDon?*-- to relatively steady Liverpool cables. Prj.-Ps poor) pasrd "IT to a V*t d«Clinfl of l'S-T points, but .-■-•■■ «arh - '■•- -•• in busil ■; ? i became a little mor* artivo ard prtc«-s workwd i;p-to a n«t advßn<-o nt 206 point?. In th" last hnijr the market was n»nk ani unsettled. South ern Fpot markets n-fre un-~hanse<i to 'ir low°r. Weekly movement figures: Port rer c< ~ p ts, 104 268 ha!«>s. asaitist 142.1-iO ta^t i-?»r; o^Tland to mills and Canada. W. 121. aeainst 33, 124 last year; E*>uth€rn mill taViir.e«. p?timwtp<i. 30.000. ac^inst 45.000 last y»ar; loss of stocks at interior t"wns. - ■•- arainst 4.45P lart >-»ar; broucht Into sight 1 for t'n* Tr<»efc, iri2.f'72. acnirift 215.5D3 !a?t year. To ta 1 <-rop movpmfmt: Port r«^eipt?. 5.912,897 bal"P. apainst S.n.'!4. < "'«'!2 last yar: ov«>r!and to tn:!l= and ' ■• »dau .*.r>2.643. aeainst 010,707 Fast rear. Southern mil' takines. I .€75,000, against I.7PO.<V;^ last year: rtock a interior towna In "•> - res* of Peptemb< ■ 1. 542.135. igain«t 627.114 laft i rear: ■ ■ .t .! into Fie thu?. far for season. ■ R. 722.198 a«atn« 11.370.MS 1.3«t yrar. Tb» "r"p itwwnwt lis for 171 day* thip e^aon, a^ain^t i 172 la-t -ear. I,oral rontrart pri.ey: . • . T«sfpr Om>n. Hish. ! •-- ■ 'lose. 'in . February.. 14 35SH4A 34.. « l M»rrh . 14. 57 14.55 14.40 14.40^14.41 14 ",2 Ar^i - i» .?"'. 14 12 14..-.:: May 14.^ ' 4 •'■•' 14 .-. ; • :. i ;14 52 14.63 .Tun* 14.57 ' i '■' 14.57 14.96014.87 14.58 Jrjly 14.5fl 14.M 14.^7 14.384P14.87 14 r.2 .V'lsu-". .. -j.-- 14 "2 in «s 13.55ff13.59 14 •»■> S>pt«mb«r in ir. 13.16 13.13 13.ft5©13.07 13.12 (tnobfr... 12.73* 12 73 12.82 12.«2©12.63 12.70 November 12.51 12. 11 12..M 12.45@12.4fl 12.^1 D«^rnber. 12 "2 12.55 12.44 ' .■::.•.' »7 12.53 hpot - ».' quiet with rrir«.c uri'-hans?'! at 14 -<v f- r mfid'ing- uplsnd and. 1.V0.V for mi-i diinq <ri]l? ; Mli«s, 100 balei Uvprpoo! cables: Fair business in pp-t -■■-■ pa!<?«:. fO.OOO bales: aperulatlon and export. 500 * — m, 8.000; <o'.'»> ontton. SOO beles. Mid-upland. 8 lOd. Fv.riir** opened steady, '■ 10 points !ii?h<?r on rear nnnty-s arid 7 points high"! or distant j pc?i*ions; closed bar»!y steady. 3'sffr> points hiphfr; Fpprtiarjr. T.SOHd; February T March, 7.7'.'-J: March At !i! 7.77 d: April-Mar. 7.7r-1; May-June. 7.72 d: J«rie-July, 7.ti<>':d: .Tuly-Au- KTIPt: 7.«l'j-1: : r>pt»mb«-. 7.3'> d: Peptewi 1..-- .Oomt*r. tJ-SOVid; (>tnb»r- N>v»mb»r 6. 69 Hid; --. 6.« TOd; Decerober-Januar?-, 6-s*d: January Februarr. 6-"7 d. COFTEE-^-Inactire -arh, with ■■' •?•-«•« a^ner ally uncharw:»d During the day ?h» market hardened. 4-losine un<-hane»d to ."• points ad van<-=. with =:><•- ijf JT.ono baps. Foreign j markets -v»r« steady. Ha 1 ■■ closing 11 n- hanc^l '" ; « franc higher. Hamburg unchanged, and FU" Khn < 9r»<] .in advanr» of 2*. r«ia. while Santos y-3f onchang^d ?poi -.vst Bt<^j«Sy. with Rio No 7 Quoted at 6%c I."'-al contract'pric<»s: Yest*>r- On^n- Hi?rh. hovr. C!os«. itav. F«-bru*ry .... - — ' r.^r.if- 00 I*. ■ - March 00.-. 700 f! 0." 1: "' 'T <".,, ,- 03 April - -- T'in<?, t!oo May 7. to 7.10 710 7 07, 57 in 7on June - — 7. 10w 7. IS 7.10 July 7.13 1.1 7.15 T.lSif 7.20 7 ir, Aur'i«- — 7 15^7.20 : I.*. p«pt«mbT :7.1S 7.15 7 it, ;r,.s;;n 7.15 <-i^r"b«>r .. 7.15 7.1 7.15 7 ■-.■-7 7in N'ov»mb»r ... — 7 »r,*r7.2° 710 y.^^oriTbor . "1" 7.13 7 1.". ; is#" ;n 710 January — - - 7 ; .-. a 7 20 71 5 roOVISIOXS — Sho«-»«J further strength '■arl^'. bu f th?r» was Fellinp on th» »d\3ri"''«. and th<* market at iii» rinc» was down to about tV«» .rrovious final. PORK — Firm: me«s. S2-": famflv. «?6«f2«5fl short oii.qr M 4 75«*27 beef-;.'cef. $i3esi3 30: Cimnr. Sl7«Tf IT SO; p* c }c«t -M ': «U r >O: . ir, India m«-F=-. «2««J *20 .->•>. BEF.^ HAMS— Steads at S?4-5-.t?O. PRESSED HOGS Strong ba-"ns. 12^'-; i Sf Ib- 12". 1 ": lf.O Ih. 12"» c: 140 Ih. 12'«<-; »!*■. ir.i,'-. i'i"T MESTF — Fi«-vi«»r| h*!ito S firip; Fr-.okinc. IS --■- 10 •'■ 1.-'j^lSUr; 12 Ib. I ■. -■•,- v » i-^t;-_- Fi->-l«<1 M>ma firm a t v- TALI^OTT — (Jowt : city. «*!«•: r-un'r--. ri, .-:, i.'pn c,» n^,- ; -t |/5-,(! TT-««t. lS.lrtCl3.Sor: rttr. I2«<»<H3< n*'"!*"' — Pnuth Am*!! l "'- ,4 |Oc r'Trjri«'nt. 13.*!Oo: ■^"izii. _«<-■ 15 io«-. I'o'-np"'!"'! flrni »t nt;<? Pi- !-"Tr^RIN~— lead leo 1.4 1 "■•" . i< y lard. ir?'-.-. n.r>i - r \M> R*EAI — Flour in3<-*i-.0. «-tth huyfrs en -ouraaaul "> bold off. on account of the *harp decline in wheat. M«ai bead — Refined firm and unchanged Fin* craiiu!nt-d 4.95 c n»t .< 1 r , : - r»nt f-asli. at I,ord^" b«»»t surar r>i!«d firm, but nprhan?*^. v it'i F«»bm«rT 1"* r>'<d. Mar*-h =it in- S?lrl. ffur I".' .".'id. Raw he»» firm: rentrlfu*«l. :♦■> test. 4.2n<~: muscora<i?). so t^sf. 5.73:'. and m*» .... nicai'. >!> teat, *.*««■ were ab"»it 17'.. 'VV) hsjr* i oka •■•■iitri' mostly to ,\r hnirkl" I.roth"-". prorrT't and F«*bruarjr-*l*reh Fli'; n:<-nts fit 2V «-nu»l '• « 23" iuty paid, and co".» Porto Tli'-o at ab<.ut ram? ba.-:s. RICE Firm and unchanged. METALS* — I'OrPEn -- .^taridar'? dull: 8»>ot 1 nni forward <i»'lvprte«s •_ S 7 '-'-w J:;^. T^n^on Ft<~r.dy: . ,-• [SO "« «vi: ' itunNi, f*> ?,« M. Ijik..*ro:,i-r 'hTC. 13.«Cty*»I3.«7i4<'i <-V.-troh ••!•". !3.57i4013.62^^: rweffng. 13,12mi13.37 l .ic. <-2Sv;"s)"t. m.10JT53.30; I>l ruary Mar'-h. April and Jl»v ■ -■- I^n'!-iii lower nrd w«8k: M-ot rir.l 1«*- fnt':r«>p. ris3 ''«. T,'-AH dull: . r ..,, 4 :.«>i4 «<>- New York. 4.4<M?4 i:«- Bart -• Tyuf*. i>rT-«]on «ri''hi»ne*-<l. SPKI/TEH dvi': Fjiot f. : - ►•/..■ n.-u- Yor): r.-'JO^r.. :•:.■ Fn=t sr I>mi«. London dr-linsi tr. f2't C*« Ptl: \H<~>y ur< t;'?!!?'-*-;. ct ...... CJeveland warrants in I.nroon. I.(vn!ly no oharK* 1 . tfOLASAES A\f> ■ Firm, rrifh n fair'" pool dletrtbiifkfn. Ti'iorts from New r>rl<*nT:* I'of "-ark't <-o;iditions. VAV.M. ST<>ni> — RORln s.>r,i"w!-iat bi^ltor gpirt-5, 'turp'titin* quit. iir<l tar steady to firm I)II> ■-.■ Vnii, ouirK to <!»■* prtrraetfa ... - > d, r>ootatlon« for which wr* 1 !jh"r - ■'*■■*' Refined petroleum was un 1 h^rp r <i f'OTTON'-KnO <»ll. ...firmer 'nr!v, od>an»" ire 10 to* 14 pom:« for <»i» actir" pofith»n on cjvHilf- ,«.,.. | W «n.l ... fmn; l»n.l tn- ..... Af tli- eitw. |Tf<-- "»•-» 4 p>tint» 4?,.\tv* tn ,v r.oin • * srivan". \< i«!i »:il»"? nf 12.400 , l. s rrr!s. !/Of'l contrael pri«Nt" ■ y»»tT- j I --\ ' " - • ; ■ .. • : ■ - • i r '.' "?.io 7*"? 74« - ■■••-. 7i,{ ™V - |T! ■ <<-. 7^ c^7.47 - "17 cl'c 1 ' "..^-n*V 74T 7 Wi 7 «*-*>T i.; 7 ap. - TCo-^trr'-i-GC- O.Q CXS '8.0)26 03 C.CO ' SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. f EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENT B ! -^W^t¥^&*^M££?£zt & "-9 i'V-L K5A' L. _ _!/ April to October, 1910 "~"7H [ = i&-"^==^^T-^- =— « » KEN th? .Arts, in<*n.«t|T. and Agrfrultur* of Madam "M'-?'? : '4W- ~ \/l/ tiir.<*A find full rxprcsfion i " cornpX* and cornDroh«n- ▼•▼ " lv(> pxhihlts frnm all parts cf the glob-. Typ»<« nf mn ,. Wr~-jz/-ji mod'in Industrial Machinery in th« pr^a- MACHINERY ~ -^- s ' HALX, ■"•ith csplanatcry Workshop*. The World of Art represented br fa- VSs5 mom nia.tcrpieo?* and- an ct»nt rarrinis from Krugfs and Ghent. Art /i^" Treasures from Antwerp and a uniQU« r^pnxiuctlnn of th-- H"ij« of Ru- StS, t*n«. Art product in copp»r and other metals from Dinant. Tv*3th»r t^- '".•'ihlis from Namur ?up#rt> Halt of Kducation -T^mplifvin? *t\-*ry"t>has"'» ffi In scfKdaatte apd technical educational >rk. The finest exhibition of th« ft Lace industry 'cv»r slw'ii i Sports, Fetes, Aviation jy Booklets and Full Information Free from {jj*. • the New York Office of H4. Brussels International & Universal Exhibition, fglllll^. 389 Fifth Avenue. New York. COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKET. j >>Tl . Y«rk. Feb. 1?. 1810 j BKAXS AND — RerelptF. 2.1 t?a?s bean*. Cr»n«rai market uncbanged White vi- I rietlps selling slowly ami feeling on aver»g* : prwdes rather easy. " r."d kidney gtrong;.s3 la sb lon- as choice stock chii be bought. I,ima pelting wen. Scotch P as quiet. BEANS, mar- I row, choice, bush 12 90; fair to srood. $2 S3© ! f'_'f">: medium choii-e. S2 *- ■"•" *v : ''• '■ ?-•*". lair to pood. r.O'g $'- 33; import'^'! me dium. $2 20; imports) pea, 2.": white kidney, S" 40 35:: 4"; rP d kidney. $535: yellow eye. s: 1 . ir.?! S.i 20; black Lartle soup. $2 or, $r.; lima. ■California, $2 it7'* it $•">; PEAS, Scotch, . bars. bush. $2 SO TTF.R — Receipt*. .V.'.nn pkJTs- •'•upplif 1 "f i hla:h prad« fresh creamery were short, and , prices .mad" another He advance, with a firm : feeling at the close. Secondary grades moving better and previou? accumulations being: re duced steadily. Fair trading in storage rr«arn«ry, nnd firm holding off the better grratle*. Proems has recovered a little, with scmo sales at 27c. Factory quiet Packing stock slightly firmer. Creatn<»rv. specials, Ib. ."l'ic: extrair, soi^c-; first?. 2^#2*^- c: ?econd.«, i'7'g-2S I ;c; thirds 26< - . • -reair.--i-. . held, special,/' 3t@Sl%c: extras, ■'■'''' ■.''.•>>,.•. firsts. 28V3 •j:.i..-, iw^onds, 27®28c: thirds 2"> >a '2^: : - ite dairy tubs, finest. ".TV . e«"d to prim* 26#2$c: common to fair. 23 @ 25c; process, specials, 26Vj ! ®27r: extras. 20^: firsts. -.".■ : seconds. 22€ : 2.".c: Western imitation cr«am«ry, firsts. 24-5 1 250; factory, firsts. 23c; seconds, 21**<ff22<-: thirds. 20'!?21'-: packing stock. No 2. 19® l? ls<-:l s<-: No 3. ls-ijl^'jc. MFr.SF- R<.r«tpt«. l.50« box's. Fairly sat isfactory demand for desirable shades of full cream, thoueli th<s m"v»mfnt is generally In small lots, Current make full cream dull and > i regular hish anrade full skims and heal summer ma>d<? are firm, but current made skims plenty and dull State, full cream fall make. speria IT.H^ISc: farcy. 17 4 <': e«od to prim". 16U l S'l <;i « r - current ma k». beet, if^i '81 ( \'~; common to fair, 1.".«j l-".^: skime, H: lb. fall make. sp^ciala. 14' ■••. good to prim». 13* i (a M . current mek". beat ll©l '•■ fair '° eood. B<| 10c; common, 414 1 '■•■'■ . full skims, 3f i- EGO* — Receipts. 13 t7'> case* Market hi«rh»>r under speculative holding, largely un der shippers' orders. Trade la affected by in" advance and considerable stock i= a inutlai Ing Ptate. Pennsylvania and nearby, h»ini«ry .!:it»« fane: .is-t4<>. . small. SO&ItBc: path .-.; SO @ .;;. hennery browns, fane? . 29 a 30c . gathered, ••« •: :'.' fresh sath«red ■■<=. CO© ::fr firsfF. 27 »- <H 2<:t- : seconds. 27c: r*frir«r ator, first?. 24 !2§125c:! 2 § 1 25c: seconds •.'"' --" ihirds. 2,1 i ■'• . poor. lfl«820v-: checks 15© ii' |u«-*i «>ir?s. Baltimore, doz«n. 40»-; Western at"! Southern. : i«j ■'•» FRITITS — DRIED — Market quiet *r>* un changed on evaporated apples, with little busi 1 ness P*REBH — Apples in active demand and firm Pears firm. Cranberries dull. Straw berries weak Orange* Belling well for best s;rad*e Tangerines stead Grapefruit ifrm for fane: Pineapples weak APPLES, Bald win, bbl. $'2 '■■ '>4 2.">: Oreeninc. $2 -■ a* 4 ■ King. ?250@54: ?pltzenberg $250@54; ?py. 5.. -, v 5.4 50; Hubbardson. .;.-:•:: York Imperial. $3 10^*4 2-*.: Ben Davis. $3fsS&o; Russet $2 .; $2 50: Fa West boxes, $1 25 5-$3: PEARS Kieffer basket, $1@5125; <"R 'NBEKRIEi 1 . Cape rod. lat». bbt, $2 r«Og $3; Earl? Bla'-k. $t@s4; Jersey. <i:ifl.<-i; STRAWBERRIES", Florida, quart, 20 $ (15c; ORANGES, fane; pineapple, box. .*•"..■>*. other Florida. SI o $:;.".'_>: Porto Rico. 50c© 82 an; t.'ubai «' tf $1 .*••>: <;;<lifornia. $I&s3 33; TANGERINES Florida. strap. $<•"". Porto liiro. half bo», 7."..- $1 30: Cuban. |1© 82 50 California. $1 /.O-?r52; MANDARINE. Florida, strap. ?150@5223: GRAPEFKriT. bo*. $t'!JS">: Cuban. $li?sS^; Porto Rico. 51 r.O .it;; -7 LEMON'S. California, Ijo\, $1 S3 »*; 70; PIKEAPPL.ER. Florida, crate ?! 2." <c >.; r ...... 51 2." ,'.'.: Port- Rio. $1 23® $2 7.". HOPS— Sales of prim- hops in Mendictn" and Sonoma counties, California, reported at 17 1 - mr n 17 a 4 r Other sections quiet WAV AND STRAW — Market weak on me ilium anil low evades and about steady op top. New invoices light, but stocks In transit lib i eral HAY, timothy, prime, targe bales. 100 ib. c i 15; Nos 3 t'i l; nr.c'fl'll 12's : shlpptnc. i ..... parking. •'.">§ 70c: clover and ck>» ; mixed. .-•:• STRATA', l«ne rye. SjKj t ss<f; short and tanked rye, •''*'•"■ oat and wheat f>Oe. lon.THV — ALlVE— Receipts, 4 -cars by freight and about •"■ care by express. Trading for the week practically ■■•" and some la*e receipts unsold. Prices unchanged though t oi,o less tirm. DRESSED — Fresh poultry <*nut'nueß in H«;ht supply, and choice fowls cletninß up at firm prices, t house b demand moderate A few frozen fowls working out and cr<-asional lots of large vhickens. but iltti* interest s ""-" in other frozen poultry. -,--..., killed— Tl'RKKTS. Western D2«J25c, capons. Phila, 2085'25c: Ohio. -- ■* -<•• ■ other Wot »m. is-5 2."^: broiler":. Phila. fan.' squab, pair. 75*0 &0 c: fancy. -< ib to pair and under. is-. 236' 30c; Pen i. .-■'.:'■• CHICKENS, roast ng phila fan' f> lb and over to pair. ll>. 14,. fame: 5 ib. 21*-: Western, 16(S1Sc; mixed weights, Phila. _'■ ■-!•- Perm. 15®18c: F'"»T\"l H. Vt'estern. boxes, 80 Ib and over to dozen iSffllß%c: 18 lb. l^r: 38 to 42 lb. 16 V 17. V\ est'ern. "bhls, dry pt--knd. 4 111 averape, 17 ! ><7 I^c; small, ltifi 17r; Oblo ami Michigan, sca f,tori. is< other Western, "i r <i\^: COCKP, old IJ<*:1 J <*: SQUABS, I----'- arg« white. dozen. j»3R®$57S, poor dark. $2; cullp. r»oiJß7sc; 1 GUIXEAS. spring. " Ib and over. pair. ■»!. Frnz">n- TT'RKF.YP. younc toms. I?^2S.-: hens. 1> I S2.*": old tonis. 22*i/2J»2c; CHICKENS, bi<iiler& ,::: fed 23 5 28c: corn fed. 18@25c; CHICKEN'S roasting, milk fed, 20#24c: corn fed [ is «t ■•■• r'">''.[,-' dry picked. 1-1 I IK--; ro<-K?/ old. i:;' 2 1?llr; DUCKS. 17@23c; GEESE. 12 . 16c. GAME The season for rabbits Is practically ov.-r: supplies at* light and prime lots firm i. l; d'^ind limi ed Wild ducks cannot be 1» ,1I\ "j^oid after this month. POTATOES AND VBGETABI«9 — Second ,-,-..;, potato's firm, Nil old stock dull a: •; weaV. Sweet potatoes draeging heavily. Onions firm. especially r'-d. '.Tabbaees steady. Artichokes weaker New b-»e's ah-i carrots "Hint well. «>ie O - firm and htch«r.- Cauliasmrera tea<ly. Chicory and escapMe firm. Kale and spinach l?rc e !y poor and prices lo*r. l^ettuc m good demand. Fees towei Strtng beans higher for fancy. Parsley firm. Tomatoes stead: POTA XOErP Bermuda, seLonu crop. bbl. $•■> rat"*"*. Vinrinta, 81 50©$2 European l««~rt> b^c, $2: Maine, in bulk. ISO tb. $1 50«$l 7..: 16>-rb bas. ji 4ivrsl .-■-. state and Western, in bulk. 1V» n>. $1 37«$i 90; 165-tD baa. SI »VBsl 40: Western. 150-rrV h ,c $120«$125; frosted sto-k. 7-, -ITS! : RTTFET POTAT Vineland, bask»« h<Vlrsl; other J«raev and Delaware, SOgMBc; ARTI c'HOKEJ California, drum. $90512; ANISE. ..!'., Organs, bD] $2«fc: BRUSSELS SfPROPTS:. miart. Hi?i-'- BEETS. Chsrleston. 100 bunches, .«■>-,,. . a $."? w>- New Orleans. $.3 a 50; Bermuda, rratesi«sl M> ; old. bbl. $15*12".; CARROT?, otd "'ton. $lfrf*l2: pW or hie. 7r-r(ffsl 12; Charleston. ! (i<> bunches. $1 50^??2 50; New- Or leans $2 r>o.g.«.-: 5O : Bermuda. crate, 73ctf$l 2. >; CABBAfrEI? Danish, crate S4fiS.', : state, ton. jf.VSS.V- d->Tr»-rtc. H««**« 100. $iIT«S: bbl. M 2.">1?51 7.">: red, ton. 123(3520; bbl. $1 75i9*2: Florida, new. bb! rrat« 52 red $2aj225: < EL. KFY. Florida. Man-ttee asp, *1 r.ivgs2 50 10 lrch $1 7"i*2 California', ?■.".;.?.". 25 dozen stalK?. 4fl€7sc. state. s®3oc: CAULIFLOWER?. Florida. <- ra te. jnSo«?s2 2.V basket. SI 2.Vi?s2 2,": California, half caw $laSl2.">: CrOCOItT. Kew Organs, bhl. s"!^. C 4: ESfAROI-TP. S3 So«is4 SA; EX»OPI>ANT!S. Florida, box. S3^S4 50 Cuban. S24r»<: HORPERADIPH. 100 !>. S4CJ4 7: KAUE NorfolV. bb!. 2A;?.W: KOHLRABI, New Orleans. 100 puncher. $2'^S«: '.: -T- ■ "E. Flor ida, basket. *lfl*3£3: T>r-:EKS. New Orleans 100 !'iin-' "*, ?";•!<:.". LIMA BEANS Bermuda. boy. *.">''j."*. MINT. Bermuda. -' box. $2; ONIONS, riihai a t». S2 2" I ***? -I"; state and Western. Tthtte. "•"■SJ' yellow. bat, si 2.*.*? S3 2.%: re*. S'.'-f"7" Orance ('ountj-. yellow, «■' SCATS* •_-•"• ; '0,1. *• r.o-,jr-j ♦ 1 "" Connecticut Val ley, vellon-, SI 40*, 51 1,.* : OKRAj Florida, i-ir rier SS'f/Ss: <>ih an . s^mta OTSXRIB J-r^v-rs. n^-arbv. 1"" C!(?$4: PfCAJ-*. FlorWaJ Mftk*t. $2«»S: r-'<Tmuda. -■ <:•.■<?■. PnPPI^HP. Flori'i^, la'"* l"'v. $3 :. 354 50: rerrter «r b-»sVet. n ■.«;.• 75; ,-,,jv.n. carrier. $1 -■" KM; PARSNIPS. hM. 7"<"f.Ji 55. p^ FJST.rrr.. N*»w Orleans, ctrriv. S. c *?' w,vi : piv.n, S7tf}sio : 'Vr ••n.l.i. crate, S2i»?2 25: POMATVF. Florid*, basket, r'^t 1 ?: • null. rrato 7.-., -!»«■• New Orreai«, bV. 5230 SKAI HITS N<»n- ' ir!«"- «. bhl, >■■■■■<•. STRING HKAVS, Florl 'n. v.x. Make* .«:■',?::.•■■ »r«i>n. SSWfS: S'IVICK. N'orro!!;. h v .|. SIS?*?: c, ii-\s." <.! ■■:..•.«■'""■ KTorMw, Ti-hi*». box. $J*? Si r,o- •'■•h- < ii. $i«s*i ■•:. Tl HNlf mn^-1. hbt, .-i- Vox cirl»sns v.'.ttc. si --ifl ".I o.i r.'ViKSI- T'HHT'K I . I" • ••• '■• (-nrrl/.., $1 :.ft «r» .-,,i>-. n c ' v;.gs2 2.*': TVATERCRESS. 100 bucchea, -*i r.oftj2. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. r-hicaa; Feb. is. — Wheat "■'''■ ■'"'■''■"'■ sßln^ early In tfr° session, an.i later fell off en more markedly under 3 -rave of b«an«h pent<men< fr.'«hi! at >■■"»!•!• the bottetn Corn, with less Initial " firrrnfES. t""k » -uore KperiartiJur <Iror> PTI/ , n ioio^d «c to •'•. I'fnrn, ri a t. fottowed corn ,n,^ tn , -t,lo n finish •"■•<" to '«'■ low e r than y*« frAa! >ro\l>-lor.. fo'lor.e.l the C li«*. and after .nark'l Rains •••'•.•'■• r=»nr- of tjt--,,. Op«n Hieh. I/"™-. <"l^.»_ r.i M , IlH* fi "' *' '"% fin $1 13«« ,*,). " " ■' •■«■,■ i*« ! "I-, ' 1137 i I "4«» B^^mher ".". r»f>"4 1 00', r«' 4 '"'• oi«, M ;" nrn r,--. m ^, • mm ,;-.-. Sn*r ;-!v!"v! fISJ " ■-. e«i «h m«i •J 4r4 r » tri «7 . 47u LONDON SHOPS. Tiffany & Co. i 221 AND 221 A REGENT ST. LONDON EnfftUh Branrh of the New York Hoiie. JEWELLERY', PRECIOUS STONES WATCHES AND SILVERWARE A VISIT IS SOLICITED NO IMPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE PARIS j 25 Rue de la Paix and Place de l'Opera Rare Antique FURNITURE At Commercial Price* Visitors to London are Invited to Inspect our Splendid Exhibition ! MAPLE &CO Lm ; TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD LONDON England PARIS SHOPS. L. CIRAUB. TROUSSEAUX. LAYETTES. ROBES. Cannes: Paris: 33, Rue d'Antibes. i 4. Rue Castigiiooe. 4 FOREIGN REoORTS. _ LONDON HOTELS. " Motel, Restaurant, and Grill Rcom, i HOTELS :N tINGLANU. I HOTELS INTHEBRitISH ISLES I Mi.l>i.U.>-isLii OF WIUUT. i HOLIIEi:'!> SHANKLIN HOTIX. .Elec. I-isht Tariff* of tlie Hotels and fall particular* as i to routes may •>*" hart at the European Offices I of "The Tribune." at "Dane* Inn House." 265 I Strand (overlooking Aldwycb and King»-.vaj). I London. FRANCE. BELGIUM AND HOLLAND. PARES Boulevard dcs Capucines and Place de I I/Opera. 1.000 Rooms with Private Baths. Tariff on Application. FHPI3 (Favorite American House) HOTEL CHATHAM. PSfJSQ HOTEL DE Scribe MSIHJ 15 Rue Scnbe Opposite the Grand Opera "The Modern Hotel of Paris." E. ARMBRUSTER, Manager. PARIS r hOTEL OE LILLE ET d'ALBION 523 Tint; St. Honore. clos« to Place Vendome. First class. All modern improvements. Every j home comfort. Larg« hall. Restaurant. luncheon? and dinners at fixed prices or a la cart*. Telegram?:. I.IT.LALBION*. PARIS— Henri Aitadte. Proprietor FLORIDA Hotel, Paris 12, BOULEVARD MALESHERBES Central location: Madeleine & Grand Boule vards, minute. Moderate mc' Rates. Now open. p~ljce[ieu6BMinßfTS UIrUudLLU Grill Room. Ameriran Bar. : July 44 1 * 44 S 43 •» 44 UH ! sepUrcber . . 41 41 ! s *" : * *'> »t ! Ma Lar-i 13 77 12 2 12 77 i: =* 12«8 j July 12 77 12 S7 12 75 12 77 12 SO Bibs: -■. "" 12 4--. 12-"' 1 12 49 1243 12 47 July 12 42 r: -- 1242 1243 rjtr. Port • 1 In . ...23 77 .23 P.. 2." W 28 70 S3 70 jj u lv 23 »0 23 3" 23 67 S3 «7 23 62 BOSTON WOOL MARKET. Boston, Feb. IS — "Th» <~"mm»rei3i BnH« tJn'-will <%;- ot »be -"-""I marlml to-morrow: ••Trade Is* "til of a p-cidlirt:; nature, with T-cMleri mills th» prtßcfpal bttyera for actual requirements. Fine and fine medium terrtto* seM moderately at 64^6Ti\ bnt aoioa *1»al»r3 ar* 1 still asklns; 70072 c for strictly tin*. \ rifrii-Mi irnprovoTnen' with the stronger prlees is <--.•• ..^r-r»il with hi two or ihr»« w«k« at th rnn-'t. whew activity in th« goods market h anticipated." Th« shipments of wool from R^ to F»t> ruary IT. lnclusiv«. were 31.513.463 tv--in'l«:. airam-' •'• »4"0.1 for thr «me tim» last y«ar. Tlip receipt* to F^brnarv 1". Inclusive. ware ;,., l , i'..>r pounds, against 3?,(K)3,770 for the same p-'iiod last rear. FALL RIVER PRINT CLOTHS. Fall River. Fob. IS. — ?alcs for the \v«>ek in th»- priiit cloth market art? cutimated at 45.0i»> I)tf-r*>s. Tlih c^n^ral ton»« of th>» m^lritPi l« qui-'t. Quotations: "b-lnch. 84 squares, 4t4 c . t,">-inch. t;4xt"ti). :;"ic: S-S^-inch, .... Z, - oU-hich, bSxT", r-',c. FOREIGN MARKETS. Liverpool. Fc'-> I?.— WHEAT— Sp«»i du\>: fijturrK stead: f.!^r<-h. ■-.' "J»<d: Slav. Bs Hid: .ml;. 7» 111 CORN — syo» qui«"t; new Alinr ir-,'.x. inix'fi Nurih« m, Sa <l%d; old. ."^ S?»d: futurrs dull; .March. ."•!< 6*»d. FK.XS— ■ "»jmi cilan. 7a rt'jd. VI.OfR — Winter patents. ■"•-■•' fid HOPS— In London t I'actfl.: Count 1. f»s** {« '"■• REFIP — Extra India mess. l'*<s. in if-:i<- Prir'.i tu> ta. Western, tola HAii.r - f^liori -ut. Hlls ,-..] BACON — t'umb*rlan'l •-"'. «!>Js 6«S; 'i Ib, •;; i . lon^ ,i. ai middles, iijrbt .-^ hfavy. «••.* k<! ; »hort clfEr I'SrSJ, tfirt 0d: ••!«ar hr-lli.-s. •,; H<i ; •fhould«-r.«. aquar*-. r>"s F.Anr,» — Prline ...... ti«*rc»**. no*: Ameripan rr«n*<J. pai's. tWa 3d. rHEESE — t*anadl-irt. finest trhite. firm, ills «id; colored. ,•,.!.•«, CALLOW city, ;i:ss M Hi: VK.VTIXE — Spin's. >:• ROSlN— Common. Urn "Hrt. PETROLBTTM— R*fIn-d. 7' ? < l LINSEED Oil., .':4b. rOTTONPEEP OH- — »tui! refined. -P -• 2S« Oil. TAl,LOW—Aus tralian in i,«ndon. 4« !"' 7 d. !,<'ti<loti. K*b !>. — PA\Y PITfJAB — Ontrif .tp-nl. 13i 7'.rl: muscovadi 12a 3d BEE I' SUGARS- February. 1.".s ,M 4 rj CALCUTTA I.TNSI'KD — April -.Viri«\ .'.(Vs TO^d .LINSEEI* OtT. :;is I'lrl. SPERM OJU;£2B !-[.TR' ' I.E.M — Arn^rf'an rr(\ncd. H *• d ; spirits. 7<l. TTnPnVTlNE—Spirlti.. 42» I<*d ■>?!%-— Amert' sn «ra lived, 10 - m ne , las Tud. Montr--i!. T>h It _ r-HHESE— FlrniT -\Vest «rn*. 12'i<S12^n; Easterns. 1 1 > JUc FOREIGN RESORTS. HOTEL iETROPOLE Proprietors: The GORDON HOTELS, Ltd. | l|i||lfli| A Favored Stopping Place for American Ti*it~>r*. B ■99H|II|H Host Central Position in th- West Etrl. M ■ IV 1 II I ■■ Tariff Tr*r frntn T'ptnvrn OtScs " .Vw York klfflVlVwlVl Tribune." T364, Brond^av. y. V. ■■■ ■" - _ The Piccadilly Hotel (And Restaurant) LeOKTDON Recent Street ana Piccadilly; Centre of Shopping & Tneatrcs. 6 AMERICAN DISH' A SPECIALTY. Hot Water Badiatora & Hot & Cold Water in T.-?*tj aV""~ : Arnlv for ♦:" • V/ =. T-T--T1 »«• Onntzr Bar-au. .i*!». ">»h .\rr.. V "' >" « " ' C»M*«i ami T«l.. rif>n»;iUo. London. r. V. HFtM 'l Muwwrnr. ENOA" HOTELS ■&■ B^B %J> aH I G 1 Ems ■■■ %■# O 9 OgiCTni /The New Palatial and Luxurious Hotel In Town. ■B ?^ Dniw Iwk \ Homo of American society. TO £3 calf A V »'■•»- Class, Opposite Station and Port. \L JBj, OAVUT "I Lately K«novat«d. -' I OiUn g C Bijou Hotel, adjoining Savoy. L U II U libW > Near Garage International. eENOA: Gd HOTEL MIRAMARE The Newest and Most Magnificent Hotel in Genoa. Latest and Best. - - Leading Hotel. Y-Hotels "Pare 4 Majestic Palace Every .Modern American Hotel Comfort & Luxury. Finest Location Overlooking Park. J. ALLETTi, .Mgr. ~ TWO LEADING HOTELS, BlEHaLiSsa opened .000. HAMBUKui Hotel Dsr Kaiserhof Hotel Atlantic Renovated at cost of *1. 000. 000. REMTAURAHT PFOmOTg All Latest American Comforts. Facing BmauUlmt Alstor Lamm. Ill«iinte<2 Booklets froa "New York Tribcag." _ _~~_, _._. ■ ._.-_J . -- 3 Berlin • Hamburg ESPLANADE HOTEL TWO OF THE Most Magnificent Hotels in Europe With all Latest for:* and Luwury. j _______ _ _^_______— — — — — j j Restaurant de Luxe — to Residents, i Illustrated Booklet Irez from N.Y. Tribune Office- B yli w^i raj 9 B^^ fi«3l »m* HTH I^Th **Ik *f Fiaftos CHARMINGLY LOCATED IS THE VALLEY OF THE AHR. WORLD RENOWNED FOR THE CURE OF DIABETES. LIVER, KIDNEY. AMD STOMACH DISEASES. AS WELL AS GALLSTONES. GRAVEL. NEPHRITIS. AND GOUT. Theatre, Grand Concert*, Delightful ETcnrsintta, Tennis C«urt». Trout Fi«hinsr. lo tba ICar- Motet, directly adiolnine the Batb-Hoases, American* will find Flrst-Clas» Accoiainodatloii. Address: KURDIBECTIOrt. NEUENAHR. GERMANY, cr N.Y. TRIBUNE NY. FOP ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET -^■^ - ~ "~~~ " "- ~~ " |AAA «»,000 Bathers. 21>0.000 Visitors ■ ■ART SHAD ! 309 •■ *** Tourists. Address, Mum- B i^JL%«-IK-JJLfiTi.JLrf cipality for information and pamphlet*. ■LHCURES: Stomach and intestine disease*, enlarged spleen & fiver. Prostata. kidney & bladder stones, hemorrhoid *. corpulence, abdominal plethora, diabetes, gout, rheumatism, uric acid diathesis, sciatica and oxaluria. MEDICINAL 46ENCILS: (6 mineral springs, 5 big bath establishments, hot spring, carbonic acid. moor, river, fresh water, hot water, steam, vapour portable and separate, electric light and water, four-stage, 2 hydro-therapeutic establishments. Swedish exercise (Siojd) and massage. Fine woods and promenades, races, theatres, concerts, golf, lawn tennis, &c mi nIiMQ csy " THE furstemhof" Mil 11 Sail la fig I II rtnm* and Laorscai Hef-I. S^•^»r^ location. 7 S I Bbbi ssar I v *W* Sam I « Apartmeata with hot and .id water aarf ■ - Thermal 3"' Golf- Garajrw. ate — GRAND EM ADBT Alil^tr Hotel HOTEL I finV i% & i^B W & d'ltalte Hie leading; Hotels of Florence, on tUe JjiDs-Arno. with >-<>mTTtan«llß«: rletr of o»r'ar^»«in» suir ronpriifiK>- and KiTer Arno. B«aatifnl Winter Garden*. Private Baths. Strain Heat, etc lIaTTESB^DETITrHOTEL KAISERHOF «/%/ FIRST CLASS THROUGHOUT. IN IZLEVATED POSITION IN OWN W W LARGE PARK. 40 NEW PRIVATE BATHROOMS. BRESDEN, GRAND UNION HOTEL, all American home comforts. BISMARCK SQUARE. Close Main R. R. Statiox Unrivalled post:(r>-«. ric2 garden front and back. High das*, world rzp-iii. Suite? with bat*. ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. /^^I^SiSKES Unrivalled !&% |B«isiifc^i Sitaatiaii >X^GULHPIUCE| Opened in 1 90 1 Orchestra. | 4O Private Baths. Perfectly appointed Garage for 3O Cars, with turning: table. ffSQflff^ff? 200 ROOMS. FULL SOUTH. ShKDSSS" LARGE CARPF.K. /.LT. SUITES Kfia^E? v.ith private; bath Biaff* LAPSE GAKrF.X. /.I.T. SUITSS STjto WITH PRIVATE F.ATH HOTEL page CFjNT RA 1^ HEATING THROUGHOUT. gome ; Italy, if Grand Hotel ■•ePEH THE VESa SOUND - he most beautiful end comfortable hotel in Italy. Elertt'.' light throughout. American elevators. Charming Suite* with bathrooms attached. r\P£K HE iiAMi; DIRECTION .is THE SfIVOY HOTEL, LQHPOH Rome, StaSy 3 Gd. Hotel Quirinai | OPtN THE YEAR ROUND Highly reputrd and l,i-:.nnai>:- l>t /-la<M Hotel in the healthieM and tlu»»t part of Home. tvrrr modem comfort and luxurT. Grand Hall. Bind. Private bathrooms. !>i fert sanitation. IftGH CLASS FRE\rH KKSTAHKAXT STF \ M HF.VT THROlitflOrT. RfjagEo^ntb.Year ] Full South iSillft' ''"'" ' Kl^ctri- it, l~f£fa£« nouod. . >tr:ini lirst. ■WlntrTsarilen. ROYfIL HOTELfE^ j Bathrooms. I GKE^fIVoFHOTEL ' MOfKE-SJIVOY HOTEL tiNtbr LOCAfIOv Via I.;idovUi. facing Qap*:i'« I" ii.i. •• Modern tlirou^nout: cea tntl laWsaaWl brat American *tul KntH-1' putronMCe. GS' iS ifl ft IN BEAUTIFUL SLivUHi private PARK "EDEN PALACE." ■ ' 1 G'HOTELdeLONDRES FOREIGN RESORTS. \- /": FOREIGN "tSUMJ^. - ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. VENICE Hotel Gra^CanaL Splendid View* n in "I 1 Electric U*h«. rtoya! Danieh - *-"«* UUJUI UUUIUII steam He«t. All >lo<j«m f'nmtnrtf. Railway Ticket* Kmmlt r.ftirr^ j nvciiifbc,. t-- c t ,. VST I HOTEL. Renowis»a as GRAMa HOTEL i B " t tD A i p l;; lat * <f BBM lia- a front:!?- .tf *-**x. 0 10) Feet on the , A. FIaNTA. W» Grand CanaL i Miriff ~ HOTELS IN GERMANY. BCDI ill >*"»<■. with eT»ry «"«nf<»rt. ZllLin o. ■,-.,. -if- i-.«~i-.-hi -.«~i-.-h *• «t»Mtm« HOTEL GOBURG DO JP C 3^l FNI k ™™« with prirat* l\ L- O sJ i-< I 1 Bath and Toilette HOTEL BELLEVUE r»l«tiDcni*hed lloti.«e of old reputation. Caiqns position. R. ROVNFFEID Gwt Mari«i«^r \iL NI C H : Art Gantraof £nrQ ? J IVI Hotel Continental HOTEL, DE LVXK MllMipa The most beautiful and Unlvn modem in Germany FOUR SEASONS HOTEL I^ttIUCMPCQP The Hotel d* tat*. j%] UnLiflDLriU MO Rooms with Baffin ' Sendi^'s Wurttemberger-Hof WIESBADEN, Hotel de Luxe. Nassauer-Haf Hotel, Wl t 5 DM 0 I n {America Visitor*. PALACE Hotel & Baths AUSTRIA. HUNGARY. ry/ITZERLAND. ViEaUaW A Th£ Fi(l3St Hot|] ICilllM in Austria. HOTEL BRISTOL 1 .i« . :!>-<i mi tbo t*a»bionable K.irrtthncrrinc. aiiil the fa\»rlte report of .\merlrnna> Fer fe«*t Krrn«h CuUlae ana thoire wine*. BUDAPEST BUDAPEST Gd' Hots! Hungaria Flr»f-CU«^ Hotel with ranoramlr Win* «>rr th» IV.tnuhe. Every modern i"«mfort. K\rlii»t»>- \iiirri,.in and KnglUh imT'iuuc CHARLES J. XIX.IX. Jlanaser: t\.rn»er(y of Imprrl:«l Ilntrt. \ -anu « ' INTERLAH^N :; •• HOTELS:] JgR IA. "»""• ONTREUX. Switzsrland MO t >:. Switzerland""" HOTEL BELMONT Ev-iry W'lnrer sp;-t la p«rfea»«os asd 6u-^n, c ■■■< '• I-". 1 «'»*1«- »T>r+B» aVil 113