Newspaper Page Text
4 To SaHJe the *Billopp House Women of Tottenville Organize to Preserve Pict uresque Relic of Revolutionary Days. - nrtabi- l»?tori-al landmarks to '.he cojh- , irv tho Billorr Ho««*; « Tottenvnie. Bl * t ' j ™'l*\™6 thr members of tt* Philemon ] literary Society of the town are actively ; working. Through tr-ir Bunts, and trfth j v .. c n^^tanc- of As=?cmblvman Bain, tne j i^prcscntative of thst district, a bUI na? ] introduced into the ■--■■■ ' asking , a state appropriation of |25.0«0 with which j ->« buy the hotsse and s^mc ten or a dozer. acres ©I grou-nc. The biU. which Is now in : commitree. win. it i«= expectwi. poch have a j lirarir.g. Senator AIM? had promised hi<= j si.-pport :rj presenting it t" th« Senate, but ; sub(=nqorr.t develbprwarts* in Albany have ; rii-vcnted. A deUsraTion lieade«l by the | rrrfiS^t of PhiVwon Society •- pre- j vxnnz to po m Albany * wh«=n the hearing j *ThP Old Stone ilnusn. a- d»e pl^ee is c«;ied local!- . is assoiated with »r.- of the ; ns'"».«t ir.tcr-^stir.g extents of the rtevolution. n ; •cituatipn full of grim humor so far as the , Americans weie concerned, but a source of \ litter humJliaiion Lord Howe. After the j failure cf Benianiin Franklin's mission to j Ihirlana us the representative of the col- j oni-* Lord Howe w= appointeti royal pa- : cif.eatra. and early ir, l"*i he saiM for | Americii w;:h the boast that within ten j days of his arrival peaco would ensue. He j •pc-ached New York in July. IT7«. On July [ j the I>«>r]arat;or. of lnder>»r!denr*>. ?;cn»d ; Ju:>- 4. was r»ad to the Vn»erlcan trorps ; sr<3 -Tr th r dti2«nf N c^' Tortt. On -■■ ; *r«!!ntelt ofrtbatfday c ftam* of OMuatajiL 111. j ...•-■ foot of Broaflway. was^torn j d^irn. LorfH^ Bnd*.th«»-jM»er Britt?h i r.ScEr? sa 1 "" it wtnald b» u^ixmm i i'i to <s«f-nt ; the .-.--«-• Isresß In » ■seaatve battle . l»-T^-r [■ attempt for z**a'y> could b* mad*. ' "- August 27. 177-5. the battle of Lone Island vas foucht and won by the British, j .At oner a proposition for a peac*> conference j on neutral ground was proposed. Benja- i snin Franklin. John Adams and Edward j Hut l°dge were **>i-»cted to ■-■:.• Con- > gress and the BiJlopp House -was decided on j us trie place of meeting. In the front j room, overlooking the Kill var. Kull. Lord i Howt and the American representatives xn«*. It was ••■ only peace conference at tempted on American soil in connection | ■w-ith the Revolutionary War. Its failure marked the final parting of the way? be dm Great Britain and her American col - ■ onj»*s. . - Not .only This notable historical *>vent makoy th*» building of peeuliar-Jr.terw.-T. It - is j»}''turepquc. a:i<3 many fascinating •-a ditions hang"ah"ur th* stcn^ walls, strong" •Ti"ueti j^et to I&st nn*~ hundrrd' ;-ears Tn^T 0 . .... rji^aint "!<3 shelvinE roof of tb«- ye-: randa. uph<=-!ij by luf of p4i!flrs. is prac- Tica'Hy «irt «»f pomns'ssion. Cie'ioof j« open T" Ti>c e!-rn-nts in i=po-<= arsd :!i<- plastering ' rs broicfn in many places. But the <ieer> r:nl»r?.sure<3 "vindov/s. the curious cupboards built :ri t!:e walls. The small p.-ined sashes | and queer door fastenings are still intact. In this house. a« tradition tells us was The case in those good old days, the latcl. ctriug does literally har.g ovi. By the pull ing of Th" knotted cord the ■wooden latch ' is raised, but at nigrkt a strong oaken beam i bars the door effecmaJly against unwelcome • gruests. Big fireplaces are a feature of ... ■ rooms. The kitchen in the basement boasts ' of one the er.tire width of the house. Here ! tli*- ions cr;-:n« of hand-wrought iron. -id- • mc two kettles Of mammoth i!inpn«;inrc ie -/ erne Way* of the XOorld ]t rs very mrance. hut. n«"v^rt}ie"iesS. true, that the v.oman l*ereft of her mares'! and dcaroFt. li'-r husband or h=r child, .i? l«:t quit* 1 lo herself for th*> first f*»n- days nft^r Th" '•.iT>«ra!. P^orc? of acquaintances^ it is rriio, !*>av«-- r^rds a:?d xo on: one or two friend.--- ask paficularly for her. but rarely d-> any daro to t>eard the butler and r*v.d h;m lo find out if Mrs. Hlank v ill ?e« ihcm for v. moment. AVer*- this stand Taken ■with tii<_«*» doorkeepers of the iioase *?f •«T>e tl)*> »d^e «>f desolation and utter *oneli:ies-y tnigbt be t^ken fror/. those awful day« when a. iul; realization comes of •aha; thjf lofs zaea.l 5 A s>"mpathetic friend is »or:r. more- than a!! she philosophy in the •worJd. Foreizn tray "ci has aov become so gcr.era! tiiat those who have not th<=> or»poi"tunity to se* foreign land? cannot hope to ho.d tfaeir own in conversation unless they rrad exhaiiSLj\-dy all the book? ti:ey can «>es:. borrow or ktcs; about these countries, for familiarity frith the thine? other peo ple tall: about i. 1 - a sine qua no:i of conver t-aUonal BncCfss Th:>- fact a handfome'v arefised ynun^ woman, •tvith '^jutifu! >«?U adominje- pretty hatrds «i;d a perfect throat. ;;a.d vividly impressed upon her the other r.irl:i hi a din!ier T/iiere the Paris f.r«od «cas und>-r discussion. '"What a hl?ss ins." she naively reniarked. "tliiit tij*- Latin Quarter has been e:;dar.sered; iht iiouso«- tiiere can odv »<■■ rookeries at the most." \Vhe:; ...ij :!ia; ti:»r houses in the l^atiii (iuajicr were noi jookeries !:"! as *.oriskment v.-;,s pathetic and sht? admitted That her <-onc!usicns were Orr.r.n :rorn a novel in which th<- shutters *rcre made to *"Jsap dismally" and all the chimneys Ktnoked. Sh*- iias now forsworn novels and Jf devoting her play asid lounging hours to tolid reading. T!:» newcomer »iio moves nr.y an ...d resident's house, repapers it and moves the turniture about has :ieed of courage, for •Jirtll sb* i* ;iked as well as the r.ld re*i <J«ut aJlthes* tilings are r«*semed by the co/ony. and tli«v ar* 1 not rtor. to give ' ex i..-fr-.-i<j:i to tiieii teellngz. •."Clara";— they a.»a;>j cai' t!:c predecessor ■; her Cnriv ■Jian rsam'- — hati Borne favorite room dor.c J.i ti;e only way tiiat stexaed proper to the «iid reside!:!*. ai;d the uevcoaicr has to try to h- rK>:.;" v. tier, liiey "•\V3ly don't you try it that way when youneMi do it over? Her' arnuiscssent of the furniture made th«- room look fo mucii larger." Althougii the nevrromer never knew ••Clara," she Boon sro«> to hat*- her. A house, al though ixn inaiumate thi^g. speedily takes on an atmosphere m gains m individ uality «-hicb, of course, reflects the taste cf Its mistress. TVith- the toucJ of som-i vonw: comers seem to vanieii, ugly pro jKrrtions are readjusted and rrhat has fce-med a hopeles? house in oifce: hands t-e-.orjies a chanmnr home. So the new come: n-.uft be paUent erd develop her ■*.tmoiphfrc* until its charm supersedes that of •"Ciara." Thf bachelor g:ri v.-hu tries housekeeping ■usually Jaxt more care than the married tvojMii, beside* which she is without pro tection when the Ijoiu. bad burclar comes fclorjg- Wlsn the- furnace nmu does noi ap p»ar as usua? Kb' ixj.s to descend to inveEti catc. and often ha-« to stoke the thiuß lier «elf on th" "days out" >..•■. to the do mestics. If she hap not had tnuch <.xper! 9DC. Id bh mother's liouse in nF^tNiRREST to wentiN BtlU to h* !>een. I-ogJ= of tree lengtn coma easily have been disposed of within the capaciou* depths of this fireplace, hut it would appear that quite as much cold air ■Mat have come in as was driven out by the blazing logs, since It was open to the h-aver.s above, with no obstruction. Quaintest of al! is a really, truly dungeon of masonry built or from the cellar he neath the main entrance of the house. Here persistent tradition has It that Co lonial prisoners were comined and cruelly treated, for the B Onpsai were sympathiz ers with the crown, and ton some time British sslaaere were quartered in the house. It has alro been whispered that an underground aaaaacf led from the dungeon to the water and thai through this sub palace many Colonial prisoners mypteriouFly disappeared. Many attempts to discowr this underground passage have up to th<* present time failed, though ex cavation? naive from time to time been made. The report that some of Captain Kidd"s treasures were buried hereabouts may have occasioned some of the enthusi asm for excavation rath-r than an effort to verify tradition. The house, together with nearly three, hundred acres of land lying along the - sm front, and extending west, and north. is the property of Charles Leland. a retired banker, of N<cw York. The nous" was built by Captain Christopher Blllopi of th" B-itish navy, about WK and apropos of the __. Christopher « tradition r«»ms ! .np of how he saved States Island to New York . cirrumnavisatine th» isiand in a ?ra«iir bailirig vessel with* twenty; taanr hours, Una prevtna; the bdand was I uani himiij small to be con?H-r«-d within th-=> rfvaspen Ri--r. From an oM family ground for .... . . .- s>~rit <-• the house but two relic? have been paved — the tombstones of Thomas Billopp and his wife. Eugenia. Of brown sandstone, battered and age worn, the two stones are propped against the side of the house, mute testimonies of those who lived and di-d mere so many generations ago. No Blliopps are left In that part of the country, as at the conclusion of the war they were attainted by an act of the As sembly ' and declared traitors; so that the family moved to Canada, the descendants now Irving in the vicinity of Montreal. A caretaker is in charge of the house to-day and a brand new baby has Just been born In the very room occupied by Lord How* and the American Congreeamen on the occasion of the famous interview. Pre sumably, not wishing to -addle po small a inane! " r>- humanity with the historical name of BiHopp. th" mother failed to take pdvantag" of an »vi»i«*nt opportunity. B» irsg Scotch and sn admirer of Sir William Wallace, the bairn iaj named for him. and : . mam he first saw light on St. Valen tine's Day the latter name is to be in cluded. In pit* of the embarrassment of riche? in the matter of names the lad is doing nicely. The officers of the Philemon Society that is working to this end are President Mrs. Benjaznin "Williams: first vice-president^ Mrs. Gould J. Jennings: second vice-presi dent. Mrs. Arthur F. Deckel recording secretary, Mrs. John T. Hopping: ~jrre sponding • -•-•. Miss Anna Van Name, and treasurer. Mrs. Jacob Cole. Th« mem bers of the committee appointed to look after the interests of the bill are Mrs. Nathan J. Lowe. Mrs. George W. Sleight and Mrs. Chafes Higbe*. servants and has an amiab!e disposition she will find that there will !>•* constant requests for extra rv«--nings out. as well as d^inandp for pots and pens of shapes and make? unknown to her, hut evidently nece? pnry because the cook "has always used them thinps and not -what you have here." However timid by nature, she will have to cultivate courage, for there will be many eveninfr*; r<h*-n one maid will be absent and the other will ask to gro out to mail a letter or for some other purpose, and she v.-il! be entirely alone In her clory. Fo r t h*> first year <-, r so she wili «»njoy her independence. though thrr? may b° |o n »]y moments, but after tn»t her domestic responsibilities will be^ir. to weigt, upon her and a pall will srttle over al! her iitt:c jj O ys. Tt is not a wise plan usually to attempt to live alone, and the burdens of housekeeping seem twice a? heavy when the housekeeper realize? that she -I: carrying them for herself alone. To have the dog- and cars about the house taught to rega.rl the word of com | mar.d seems a herculean undertaking, but it can be done, and snould be done, if any peace fcr the iamil:- or for guests is so be : hoped for. Ij: the country house dog? usii i ally art permitted to roam at will, and | the house dog almost always sneaks into [.the din;:ig room during one meal of the j Uiic-e every day. If be i- taught when v.-ry j young that his place Ls ;:i a certain corner l.c n-\e: wall prove annoying, but unless : s!ii^ is done he will stroll from chair to chair. !i*>s^ir.g a niorsei w.tii wistful eyes. . Thai r.'istfuJ look. too. is pun greediness" I as any dos lover wili testify, for a dog I afier it is red p.'enteously win roll up its ; eyes and ask for -••..•■■. more if iie thinks he can g»-t it. Tne owner i- a dog | has to watch closely how it is led. for , dogs lose their figures from overeating just j is mortal* do and seldom sesain th.. orig | inai slimnesß and suppleness. Fii<ri!ns,!::i/s often terminate as to <iut j ward *-xj-.r<-«sjoN purely from lack o! time, i' and when thus- v. ho nav'tr alway.-, t.*-eri i very intimat- Ut^hi to let other things encroach upon the time given to ,-acii | other it is tir..e to tali a. halt, for • the ei:d of the sotri co.-nra.desh.ip m an- I proachinj:. Those who par; in this way ate ; always at a less to know when the drifting j away tirst began. Both say it la throuzi; j no fault of theirs an.l both will declare , they are just as nod of each other as ever. ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK Ad exhibition and sale of Bne needlework. i laces and embroideries, made In the work j room: of the Franciscan Missjonaries of I Mi-- will b« held at the Hotel Plaza from j ■■"■• 7 to 12. The sale is in aid of the Day. ; Nursery, thi swing rchool and other works i conducted by the Sisters at No. -..; Easi ; 45th street. Tne Sisters train thr R i r i s o: the neighborhood in all ports of uetdlework, , with the idea of giving them - means of ■ fuppor; that r.iii be agreeable and fairij ■ remunerative and wiUcli brings them an In- I come while they are learning. Jd conjunction with the ale and for On I sani*- object b lecture will be given in the I hotel on Thursday aiterncon. March 10. at I -':io o'clock, on the "Naticual v ItuaAi of 1 .Kpair:." by Donald . Oliphant, illustrated at • the piar.o. Among 'lit patronewset are Mrs. Thoritas Kelly. "Mrs. Gerald. Bordeo Mrs. Wricht Clark, Miss* Gtorgina ' l«eiln . and j Countess LeiryJ " ' '.""._' .!._!, ,' .7 nku-y(»i;k daily tribune, sun-dat feh"T'.\ry go. imp. SEASON OF CARDS Modern Lent Not All Prayer and Meditation. Whatever women of fashion give up dur ing Lent, they certainly don't give up cards. On the contrary, with the coming of Ash Wednesday they lay fresh plans for bridge parties, whist evenings, euchre afternoons, and during the succeeding weeks they play, play more industriously than ever. Naturally this gives new in terest to the question of car arty favors; and many ami fascinating are the trifles which may h« bestowed as consolation priser upon the guests aren't lucky enough m win the first prize. They come in so many Tints, too, that it is always easy to procure some that fall in with the color ..... luncheon table. For instance, there are fragile china blossoms, sucli as pinkish-lavender cycla men, golden jonquil, yellow or mauve iris, purple violets or crimson roses. They come mounted amid artificial leaves and set in ... decorated pots. Fifteen or twenty of these potted china flowers, grouped on a table around candlesticks, which ar^ d-co rated with china flowers to match the favors— the tinted candle springing from the heart of the flower— ma k^ a charming note of color in the room. Since blotters are always welcome, a favorite consolation prize is a bunch of twelve blotters, each with the calendar for the month and the month's best known flower pasted on it. A ribbon is tied around the bun! and the whole, of course, matches the decorations in hue. If the card party 'includes a luncheon tlu- menu card;- are sometimes tucked under th>- rib bon that ties the blotters. . -- eons art edged wit • !r,]i cold gimp. Ingenious hostesses in vent a'l sort? of ■•■■■■■• Interior of the»e chest? to furnish Tun tor the guests. At luncheons they may contain ices or bonbons. Of course, the guests take the chests home] where they may be used for jewel cases oi to- hold hairpins. These Louis XVI <iit's;s are mace in all sizes. The lanrer ones, furnished with little trays. are nic»- for wbrkboies ;<n«l may be :?lven as first priz<->-. Pcor<- cards . ah !>•- made t" play a very important part \v. tli- decorations! ! - pin a roses are ilie basis* let the scqrip card.; be adurned wtih pink hear;?, flubs and spades. AiM * pink ribbon Low . and a pink pencil, tied' 1 with a cord or the same color. Hostesses to whom niu::«y is no object often give very handsome favors, such a* bunches of nsre flowers, tucked into moss-embedded baskets. But less expensive favors, with a little thought put into their making, arc just as well liked by. most people. One clever hostess provided imita tion suitcases, packed with trifles, remem bering the idiosyncrasies of the guest for whom each case was intended, and putting in all sorts of things— even newspaper clip ping- and pictures^ when they suited her purpo?<». The plan worked beautiful 1> and cieated a great deal of laughter. v. on ■ living far from the shops can. if they choose, make the little Louis XVI chests, the blotter? nd the score cards. Deft fingers and a few bits rt cardboard, crepe paper and odds and ends of flowered silk are all that is needed. A bride who doesn't like the regulation black gown worn by the parlor maid has chosen ■< soft shade of gray for her maids, with charming effect Purple, if not too bright, is another possible variation from black, and looks very pretty with the white cap and apron. BILLOPP HOUSE AT TOTTENVILLE. STATEN ISLAND- MRS. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS. President of the Philemon Literary Society. KIKUCHI THEIR GUEST Japanese Visitor to Talk at Women's Municipal League Tea. A committee composed of men and women prominent in educational lines will receive Baron Kikuchi. the Japanese educator and statesman, at the entertainment for the benefit of the Women's Municipal Tongue, to >•• given on the afternoon of February 24 In the ballroom or' the Hotel Plaza Baron Kikuchi ha.- promised to speak there upon Japanese women. Among the mem bers of the committee art- Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University; James E. Russell, dean of Teachers Col lege; Dr. Elgin H •. Gould, K. Yamasuki. the Japanese Acting Consul General; Will iam J. Schieffelin, Robert E. Ely. Miss Ju lia Richmond, Mr". Vladimir G. Simkho vitch. the Rev. Hugh Birckhead, rector of St. Georges Protestant Episcopal Church; Charles Sprague Smith and Dr. William H. Ma xv. .11 After the addre^tees u-a will be served by the reception committee. There will be CANDLE SHADE AND FAVORS FOR LENTEN PARTIES. musn i' i i ■.• - ■ -■ ■ •••- T; ka< ■ THE JAPANESE COIFFURE. Oldtime Creations Seldom Seen Now, Says "Japanese Mail." A recent number of the '•Japan Weekly Mail" .sets forth seme popular misconcep tions regarding the costume of Japanese women, especially their coiffure. In times past the hirsute creations with which the daughters of the Flowery Kingdom adorned their heads were the wonder of the West ern world and the abiding pride not only of the "little maid from school," but of the middle aged and old, as well. Hairdressers spent two hours in combing', oiling and moulding the Japanese tresses into thos? urns ellous butterfly effects, and the eotf lure, ben completed, was supposed to remain undisturbed for from five to ten days. A block of camphor wood, scooped out to fit the neck, was used as a pillow, and permitted the Japanese women to .sleep without disarranging their hair. Bui these thing? says the "Japan Mall," are prac tically things of the past .in the up] cir (-i.-.- of Japanese society, it remains true however, thai the Japanese women wearing Japanese costumes carefully eschew hots. feminine tasti in that country haying resolutely banished hat and kimono, on« jrom th* other, JOY OF THE DA\CE Good Times Club Works Very Hard for Its Fun. •In spite of Miss Isham's absence we had a very good time. The meeting then adjourned." Thus read the secretary of The Good Times Club at the last regular meeting, at the Young Women's Christian Association, No. 7 East loth street. Miss C. B. [sham, whose absence seems to have been the event which loomed larg est in the eyes of The Good Times Club on this occasion, organized the society for tbe purpose of giving some pleasure at least once a. week to young girls who have very little pleasure in their lives. The weekly programme is very simple. The gills' attend to business first, and then they have elocution, physical training or dancing. L:iter they are going to' give a play to raise funds to ?end a delegate to the Silver Bay conference, at Lake George. To those who can have good times when ever they want them all this may. not sound very exciting, but some of the mem bers of The Good Times Club come alt the way from Brooklyn and Jersey City for these evenings, and that after having worked at least eight hours, and usually longer, in shop or "factory. Those who live nearest arrive early and clear out the dance hall, which isn't a dance hall at all. but an office rilled with heavy desks and many chairs .and filing oabhifts. These have to lie moved" in and out every time there is to be a dartre, but so eager are these children— most of them between fourteen and eighteen years of age—for their modest good times that they uncomplainingly perform these irksome tasks, hoping that th« "time may come when their clubroom won't have to be in what is an employment bureau by day. for the association has promised. Just as soon n ______„__ ________^^____^___ — _ i as it can be managed, to move the employ | merit bureau somewhere . else. At present Hi* girls are absorbed in folk J dancing, which Mis.» Isham is teaching them. They are never too tired for the ] most strenuous movements. lust Thursday i one little girl dancing with such enthusi ! asm the steps of a Russian dance that her hair came tumbling down. r j "Oh, i low It!" she exclaimed, as she i stopped to gather up her tresses. ■!!'s no wonder the dance halls? are s.i crowded,*,' commented Mlßß»lshain."v"when you see how people love"' to dance I be lieve we are doing a little good in teach : ing the girl si • fancy steps, which they j <an do by themselves, for that satisfies ' •-. .is:-- of their dancing instincts. " GLEANINGS To neutralize any acidity in sour milk when It Is us:d in cooking, it is safe to uso a level tea.vpoonful of bicarbonate of soda to each pint. It should be dissolved in a tablespooniul of water and stirred into the batter before the flour is 'added> ; The housewives who must vycrk.alont .i. the kitchen -will find an upturned &tool a great help in straining. Fasten, a large cheesecloth square to each of thi four legs and place the bowl into which the liquid may drop on the upturned seat. I T1 day of t ho missing umbrella is Over, if only the newly Imported models air uni versally adopted By mean • of a 'leather loop on the, tons slender handle ••"- be comes Inseparably associated with this umbrella and ran (■•• about one's business unhampered by consideration for "the Uimi umt get* last.." u» Emersbu called' it. ' KJndergarten for Mothers Greenpoint Women Learn Froebel's Songs and Games at Pratt Institute Settlement. .-You ,an"t cultivate' the* artistic tern! I Portion, in cup, and saucer,,, --« • i^ramert when ■■<< have . little ones at : thmes. w" ■wahe i en.' "■■■ £££ chair. Bui Bhe beh^ci ncr ■ «->«. ».> •• "■" . ' ; kinaergarien •"■■"•. . ; inspiration. -Saasagf?/.' . she <x .. ftr j, i- .he action?, .as -sh 1 * «v:»n ausj ■ i "- • .. ■ • *' Jld " . . . claiaMd, and «*aH concerting ctoy balb I m 5. frutta whil" she talked. Twice a monta this • . mother, of Green, - ■ : . crowded.- said Mfcs Grace T ar h on ttx , . . afternoon. WbOe her ar^^P^S^S^^S ; -chance of household hints. n,n : , oi hero • Wn™ 1 tried to hnprei upon one which are contributed l» the ,n,tructor,. nere. j he other day thai we bad no . ■ gi^ what( ,. vr opportunities arc ot of them the other d-j . .hat vr^^ had • ; enli S htenment in matters of afcomniodatior.p by showing n»r «c t '^' « ■» hathiM evea enough chairs, she .aid. 'Oh. : hygiene, health and sanitation. ! ril buy you a chair and brinp it here my- The manual work is not- the on.y part o ! se!' ; It" is for thCM disappointed mothers ; the kindergarten programme which to principally that we have opened these | taken up by the mothers. They learn . i» i awa so that the, may amuse their sing kindergarten ? ongs. too and luilab^ children at borne with suitable pastimes ! with which to sine their to sleep. i But they are by no moans •:> only one- ! And they play K ames-fm=er saines and ' that come We bare an attendance vary- ring same?, pantomime?, and aS the old • Ing between twenty j and forty members favorites known to children from time tm each time. lncludin» "mother? of pupils past. memorial. If P*opl* arc never o!d«-r tton ' pre-r; «nd future, and even a notins j th-y f^l. these mothers arr yotinz-r than | maiden aunt or two." j their children, if one ...,--•. \ s the room in which the "c .-lub" meet? • squ-aH of joy and thrir zi=&*f 0,, Uus^.-r Is buiit like a ia-K- corner store, with ! as they play ~The Farmer m th» E'»lK * Viniiowjf on two slde.s a special policeman I "Hen- We ««" and flJttle Fally Wat--." has to be detailed to kefp the curiou? ; If« me* ng of r > *■* kind-rjrart-n eln& «rt iiamina 1i frond manifesting 100 k--n an i Gieanpi ■« i= rnmpl-t-. hojttiteui'mMmm 'i interest in the "ajoin's oh" inside. One" lit- ; lea po every month a committee Is pntm i tie sirl at school time resented bis inter- | chare* to provide the refreshments. Win i fereJice severely: VI can look at my own i the help of Misa Marjoric Dohrman. - ■ ima "can't I"" be said. But ma shook | assists Miss Parsons, it is -quickly mad-. 1 her head "Go home. Lizzie/ she said, i and ready to revive the enthusiastic I "This ain't no place for children." mothers who have just used all their 1 No, kindergarten though it was. ii was i breath and energy in an excitin? cam- or not for the "kinder." - • i leaping fro?. It might have been funny if the pupils ! Tired and happy. th<»y leave hurriedly i hadn't been so enthusiastic and earnest j after the tea things are cleared away, to I about their work. There j they sat. some be home in time to put the dinner on tHi ! fifteen of them, on tiny stools around a stove and to tell their families all the ■— ' table a foot and a half high, each with thinsrs they have leavned. But this latter. 1 a huge lump of clay before her and her of course, is impossible when a woman ■ ! eyes and ears open to anything which blessed with a prosaic helpmate such m ' Mls<= Annie S. Blake, of the Pratt normal j Mrs. Schmittbereer has. j department, might do or say. Miss Blake »i alvays bad id*as." she said, a? sh» conducts a similar class for the mothers bad- Miss Blake gootl rtieht. "but I dont !of the little Brooklyn aristocrats at the das' bring d»m because my husband says j college, but she says that she wouldn't } dey're foolish." j miss" an afternoon :at the Astral House. • ~""~V v for anything. PROSPEROUS WELLESLEY. "The main object of my work." she paid president Caroline Hazard of W»ii»si»T to The Tribune reporter, ••;= to develop coHeani ass ured the alumnsp at their annual I these women's ingenuity, that they may i uncne on ir. the Hote! Astor Merda j work out at home with inexpensive ma- j a x terr ,, . that the colleee is in a fairly ! terial the ideas they get here. Last week's ; prosperous condition, with $1.0». f 'v or. band J • -on. on bead stringing, resulted in sev- | n ro debts Ten years azo. she and^i. I era! inp;enious devices. One of the women. I- tbe casn or> h am i amounted to only COO,'"-'* who couldn't afford the expensive wooden j an<J the debl> - lo HOO.OOO. Since ther.. how beads, dyed button moulds in all the ! ever> mlariw an« oth<rr things have son* pretty shades. It's most effective, isn't it? \ up and lhe college income is barely aae- Oat baa chopped up macaroni and com- j quate lo j l9 needs, the president said. U Lined it' with shoe buttons. And here is ; h&s | , >| ,, however, to sret mow one who has strung bells— what a pretty ' enoush tc enlarge its curriculum by the -idea!— and another used red kidney beans." j addition o:' a course in domestic economy, j The inventors of these economies laughed j and tne j ectureP begin next fall. ! and looked conscious when Miss JSake j ' , I praised them. In fact, they laughed a lot- j »awea< ■£££ ta neCKWear is th . almost as much as their -^own childr-n did | ;; ian „„ It ■, a ftar , voke 'ike i?ew in the morning classes. Though they were j »"J*-J trim-ned with lace, and cut square generally absorbed in silence by their in- Jg^SSSttif. front and back. The tereat in the work, they co.Udn : help re- ■ c ard a litt!e 1 veallng their joy over a new invention or CUw * l twitting each other about incongruous pro- | lower than the collar line. i _ NOW* THE SEASON'S SHOW OF McHUGHWILLOW FURNITURE. Combined with an attractive variety of Cushions and Pillows In ~U***** Chintzes. Cretonnes and Linens, in readiness for leisurely and easy Inspection. VISITORS TO NEW YORK ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED KfKP'IWI^HMO^ jpvmssMJmt Excepting Urn specially priced chaifa 15 to $10 with tree cushions) P««Jj**r*jg McHUGirWTLI.*W FURNITURE amounting to J!" are sent freight p.epata miles: 525 worth goes free all over th* United State* \ f 'iW,,rti Po-t- For the convenience of those who cannot visit thr Salesrooms th ;^-] Il i ™- ( \/..; i . folio, containlns original' pen sketches; grouped outdoor efreet^ and .o. £ tinea of HcHuKhwillow. Craftstyle. and CMJstyl. Easy Kurjn " p U T*hai» an where for 2oc. stamps or postal note (to be allowed <on the first purLna.t- . illustrated booklet ia free "n request No agents, no Drancnes..^ .1/ the Sign* of the shop- nn.i the 'I. itrrtjt /»/»<«*,»</«. (Trademarks Reg*)- SOMETHING SUPREMELY FINE Ait Olive Oil in us absoim*ly pure XATC RAIj state, without -bcinsc spoiled by any treating, bleaching ■• chemical refining process. Is a rrvrlation 10 tlu- epicure and a ni.ndrr fal boon to th* invalid tttUur Olivi- OH m» medicine, an this oil Is d«*tctoua in i:» natural tast^, and it* m'dlctnal property Is much mor<> • frecitin.than treated oil. Very different from the ordinary oil* *old In the sassaah and much finer tn quality. Put up in Italy in rao« •»•!». Kivinx you |«i in 1-- more for the money than in boitiei. ' .lu«t , plain. ukl\ Üb*l under our plain. ugly n*mt> and truarant^e. Thf> quality i* In the ran— out nul»Ulr. . - ( \I.I AMAN •» sprciAi. oijyk oh.. Pre* Booklet sives aIJ particulars, salad anil oilier rtclpej. and answer. Ml! question*. Tou can buy of'iis direct any. quantity. 6EO. CALLAHAN & CO., Importtrt, 2 18 Front St.. near Beekmao St., N. V. i-^ron Eji; Side." near Fulton Starket.' .s.i connection wit* any other hou»« if *imiUr DaajM im MME. HUDSON'S V?, rr* ' ££« _\«rk'a ; I^*dinjr Hair ' 4.<>odn Shop. CPCf!|l| €11 C of Tu^^an Twin .nd ■air ITtnalM- Maadcvrlaa. ahasiMetaai. \ When in j \l BERLIN { ! £ Be Sure to See # ! I Crunfeld's j j t Linen Store # 0 20, 21. Leipziger Street S $ OWN kills: undeshit SILESIA J i wrinkles: wrinkles: ir Sri j:«wp»i-<« ! A - DOUBLE CHIN ! Frown Furro*». 3«e:n E Cheeks. B*«g£ I for Ti.- TrtSun" reived * «rti •*• 1 Office. No. 13«» IJr ?* d l w * > m b 'Mftriise^ 111 * ZTth «t«.. until &oelo.-V; p. m . p ,jlpSa.-M »J ;:.^,;" us saagggs »«