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SfGAR MAN TALKS TFJ I s FPAI'D STSTEM Former Employe Informs Agmnii Those To Be Tried. -_ erfl-sr to clinch th* <raftz iaa -=• • m _«- to be tried on March 1 before Judpe Martin in the Criminal Branch of the -.--„.. Circtiit Ooort on charyrs In rannectien w!tl> th* frauds en •'■•- Ha-re. rseyw ft yjMei <5-ckr tn* special prose cutor? for th* g«veroajent have had before .. .. ... --.-- Jar? - th* lest two Treks .. ... Btßaaa, cf th*. Arn-rican Su?ar K*flnin* eoaaaj and farmer ejaployes- Or* rf the !art-r. It mm laanwi yesterday. Vtd ccnf«s9«4j di^cirsinff tb« fys'tti in T ei^l>.ii »-i3?n Oi»v*r Spitzcr " a - njp?rin torflent ef th- cocks ■■ cnntaaaafetjfc Thif Cuuluitlmi. It w *s said, did n-.,t bnnc rut anjtfcnw that r-vjld be «?rfl as-ainrt th*. rrtn mgheT '-p th»n «Bpit:*r. who is s*rv -- . ■-. - mm mi laa - hi Atlanta. But It t*Hs of •-. « .-■- |aa Has op t • the us* ri * ri V M-fl eprin« fenwl by Blctird rarr/ as a sevenanjent Treasury aajert ■"* ... Ow decVf. in' November. 1901. Th'S Tr.r upefl the Fprini. and also osea the r .,v^ t thet ... It ... means to r-iulate ----- -' ihe crafts -f sugar Btfafcjk The r^vmrr-nv In^ifl-ntatly « cam- ont last- ■ ""• that .- in HkeUhrpd tbe pres"c-3ti'«ns ia CCnnsc^ ..,..-.;. frands tvouid stop with r^. rri*] of March '. That m-an?. it *a* « aM th^rp mW W i^ no farther indW nwnte >a->irc Heflce a- the man "hisrher tir" in the casf- Bat it was Mid that em rlr> ,»s «n«3 r~=*?it-ly others <p-«ulJ r- pva cgfded asrain«t in c^r.ncrtion with th- s*ule .-■■=• other companies ... ATWtcsn. Th" whaTe ~fV*r r»f the A?r»ric < «r' F'jEsr f>fi nmr Company mffl park of the de rr e-r«e -r« nf Mr. Hcik*. it was learn-d. Since hi? mflictiaeiit the «recja! •pr«>fe'-ii T orc for fi-cf i- c K'.w-emnaent ha* r^eTi ewmpellefl » take c .. te hc?d «*r> te tfc« >oot? of the raw r»-!T trader faryestiratiCT Th-y '. =■ ! +~~ri ■-omr*!3*^i ' rt call '= : ■ ■£.••>• ■ Thr>!B« fc* *» ■* iTn-s= he-cauf? tiie faifonna jj^ *r eT- «~r » freely cfTTed was wiifcijeld. t,^,-,;] M Pair^-r. a fgi iw» r ';-!••• - ■ r>f th- cwnpany, nH Mr. "Thomas were, *aa •TTns-d to g"t further particulars regard *rr Mr Heike's kn*«w]»'ie p of the com renv*« afr'*:rs. a? sho»Ti ta the letters and *>th«T cnrnmuni«-atiorts issued ap th<» result pf Th* di«co^*ry cf the fraud=. In con r'ctirr! TiTh th* raliirir cf Mr. Tbr>ma? th» question ?f rmmunity for •witnesses the crand jury came up. Tn Mr. ~~V ~"~:as"'* E raf n* *?raa ask-d to t^ftify iT>l*untirily and earned that what h- aaid Tr-rh-* he u*ed ■galnEt-him. Mr. H»ike"s failure in th* hirimunity pl?a hap mad* the jfov^ernment cautious. It »s« «.&id j-»eterd«> - thst liis counsel, John >tan'-!-.f»-!'3. was pettinp appeal par>er? •r~'z-:' T "> combat the ad' er=e decision of .'■j«lr-" Martin — the recent plea at bar. "• ftich ■»ag atfi •: * — crouni that hie testimony before the zrand jury in th a»w iri'vePtiyaTioTj <«.f the ... Sher man net araceedanajs cutitl-d him to irn 'n' Under th* Etatntes sn-1 ctwtoms a^t in -*.,e<j ■>ri th* criminal pros-cut iotis th-r i* rin rro\"i3i(?n for immunity or amnesty, ». thVrc is urid^r the Siiermar act. and therefore m*rf appearance •n-ii; not entitl :--i- -««-iT^ei=s to that measure of clemency. Mr Stanchfield said after th* 5 feat of his ... That h— sraald apfwfl a- veaßM * r-^rhar-.- not until aft^i the trial, ■r ■'.■,.,]£ that b*> arainst H*ik c . Tr- -'•'-'•. re Ileike. Hrnest r>»rbr»cht, 'orTn^r ir-n*ral superintendent of ;-• Ti'illJamflsOTg- refinerr; Jatnp? F. Ben r-«r?5«r»"-. former eeshi-!-: Harry W. Walk «■ p-vj« wa? assistant to Spitacr. and .7«an Vo«!k-T and James I". Hailirarj. jr.. fpr- Tr,» r check-rs. H^ike will be r-pre^cnted Mr. EtimchfieMi Mr. Oerl»racntT*"by Ge*rr» Vll Ma'-krllar. B^ndernac-l by H-??ry F. Oochrape and ...... TV. Littie :«ri «nd the checkers by Mr. Cochranei: T*:^_cai^ T"i]i b* "-'■ may be ■ pmpleted bcfr«r< : " t'i" - of March, the ■ — • r« Judrf Martin's assignment to this taBFT GAME TO DIE Metier Finds Instructor in City Col lege 0-rercomf by Gas. -^.p^jT-t* BJsjfafnaU M instrurtcr at th^ , -■]*?<> ot th«« City of Sew York, met an ... . .->■'. ■ ai his honied No. ll« \Test "r^ ETreeX. yeiteniajr «ft»rnoon. DHCIHB - a*i playin?" carfis with his father, a r» life4'--traslztess man. - -'- ••» <■> brother.*. >'•-;' 539 oc'O'-k h-s -•"• th* tafal':. Vfhen -' faile<3 to return hia> mother went to V: for him. and found him ou the floor rf ijje bathroom, wjth ?a& pouring out of . <- =■ «»r^rt'an n-*fc unions-cioue. and Dr. U'ard r.*r rf the J. Hood Wright Hospital, was caHed ZM-aih cam?, however, before th^ rslclan arrived, v'oroner F-inr-ers t~lAi<lt ~ lAi<l : hs'*TJf:utr! was du<- to th* turning <>n ol •r' rae wh«=n B'rcman li?ht-d Th* *1*«-Tr.- ■ i^r, 'voth lights beinsr on & L-omttination --:-r' Bersaian was graduated fro ;n ;h* r-oii^re of the City of New - ork. Ha, h*d al«o r*'*iied decrees for poet-?raa-: .. .' , O ri( a T New iork University and - ..-• n c Institute. anr< was Btudyins for •-*\i-"z~e'f; of Doctfr of Fhiloeophy at Co- NAVAL MILITIAMEN GET MEDALS. V*. the iVvteir ef the 2d Naval Battalion i.. jj^jnr O^^«?raJ Georfce Moore Smith, at ■~r a' rawv. JCd street an<i New York Bay. on EataitUy nlrtt^ <2»Ptaln Robert P. For • »- coniinatn«»r nf Uk Iwttaiion; received ■ t»i«!-.--,»^r M<it«- uerrfce n^dsl. -»s •wu s^ -a thirtee»-y«r l» per -rent m»dal- K^llr . r.«-thir«S of tUc comti<.n<3 received , r "' r* I .•;r ... w eatttofnl -m-? . Captata . ■ ■ .< r/omnian/lanT J^s^l.. P. ttarOo^i ofth, ,vv vitrd, n"-lared that in*- b»ttallon <iril, m'hJdii *« foiloT.ed by a dr^ss parade «ud -»« .*.' i#-R- reflected prp^t .t^.ii upon <jffi "r^ «^d nVn. Ab-ut t^er.ty-flvr. hundred „_!.„ ,^ - r »>»nt Tlks visltins <>r.i-<* * >V Vnt-rtatn«MJ in Hie --•■: r^m," after » -<- ii :- >"truE Large and Small To Let Offices Single or en Suite in the TRIBUNE BUILDING 154 iawaflal Street Opposite City Hall Park The Centre o! Transit for the Metropolitan District 4 'L" Stations Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge Subway AU within a Step APPLY FOR TERMS TO THE RENTING AGENT ROOM M° IPOMBX T p r\ A RMS j Bkumf Hot* Against School Superintendent. I JET ' X. j.. !>^ » ,s P^| ' i,._Tf " ■»• of Education to-morrow night ad- j • I * 3 To Mi determination to remove. Miss L.oats- Connolly fl . Superintendent o£ Schools. It "ii! do * o i n the fa- of «rt«e s-rt^ad oppofition and protest Not only is j Summit arouwd. but. by means of a cir cular N88« not out by ■ oornrr ,i tee of •>m<»r educators, the' matter has bean brought to the attention of teachers in C T*IT ? art of the Ftate. a? well as won : «-n-$ cluts of an sorts. I Mayor '•'■«-- | and th«> individual n«m j h»r= of the board are now be<?ieg*d vith ! ■ «r- form of communication imploring th»m to Five- up the id-a of releasing th^, i t**»H Of •the schools and obtaining a -nan | in her place. In ppite of the aeitation -■. at its ! height la f*\or of th* Snperintendenti the I member? of the board declare that they | win not be moved by t h= appeals, but will i insist to-morrow nigh* en follo-a-ing th» co«r*« the; have mapped out for thfni selvgc. ALL HER 3n CATS DRIVER AWAY J Neighbors Dismayed, but Fray S-^iss Cheered by Return of Eighteen. Most of the cats cam- back yesterday, j and ''-3'i Swiss, of v.. 4<?t Grand stre-t. ! ha« faith in th* other twelve doinsr th» ! same without useless wa=t<» of time Ki^htpert cats •'■:' of a total of thirty | hay* clie-re^ "the gaod'-hearted woman of r <sranr; street'" by thus re*urntng to her home i for tji»» affectionate car* that she feels j she only ,<= »jtste to bestow. Her neighbors. | <. 3 '« th- return of the dozen and a half black and brown cat«. with short rile and lon*, but ■"•hich pos<?e« very nearly equal vocal powers, and are prepared to ask tlT*m ••- go away asain. A formal protest by the neighbors to ■ ; society that rirno\es objectionable cats re ; suited ■ few days »zc in the withdrawal j of the entire cat colony. t ■« . went in a. j wagon witli a BMW dressed in p uniform, j CafipoHCjj "seven shears old next coming ! erass 1 *" a ••> nearer th* li°art of Frau ■ -.. - . than an] of th* others, disap | pear*<s with "th* ' otli-r twenty-nine, and I trnTfl t^aspolic return? Frau Swiss will be | only partly herself. Th- candl- will burn j in tic window for him and th« -will i b»- »ad tWice each day. LED DUAL LIFE. SAY POLICE. ; Mar in Tombs on Swindling Charge Prominent in Brooklyn. fharie* Adams, better known as ' Bed" I Aiamp. who is alleged to" have made a fortune by working ■ form of "go! 1 brick" swindle on Cnirllshmcn. is lid by I t ha police to -.<■■■ living the life of a j well-to-do, and socially inclined man at ; x«. iiV7ft East gth street. Brooklyn, under the name "of Jam"!? VV. Currie. A- •Red" ' Adams h» is now in th e Tombs ■ awaiting ■ trial in the federal court on a charge °* ! using iHa mails fo defraud. As James W. <^urri*. he i.- said b> his wife to be on a, Nuiinese trip in th- \V'st. Adam:' was arrested in ill" Broadway ! ''entrai Hotel on D«?'-«>m!"er 22. when h<* : called there for a lett.-r addressed to James ■ Tlicma* Soutbwick. At Headquarters be. ~av<> his nam<= as John Williams. Th* 5 po : lice say he is "Red" Adams, who served : a ..... Ohio for defrauding by the "prod l.rick" ;anie. The police found a key In i the maiYfc possession, which a detectiye took to the maker and then traced it to a ; safety <i»po<=it vault in Brooklyn. Fro I this concern he obtained a photograph of I tbts owner and the natn" and address of Jamop A. •'urri^. The landlord Of the. I liotis*" and neighbors identified the photo i KTUrti and description, it is alleg-ed. Adams i? charged with havin? two brass bricks to Arthur Jones.N}f .■• don, for po,m DEFUTY SHERIFF ARRESTED In Trouble Over Alleged Unnecessary i Flourishing of Revolver. ■ After spending: four days as 1 spena j depv.Tv e-h?rlff empowered to carry ■ re ! volver. ESdmund Burl of No. V. Nassau ! Court. Brooklyn! undertook '• emulate the \ v«?lic*men who have recently been removed : nnd sot himself arrested -' 3 o'clock yrs ■ Hull iTJcming for threatening to shoot ! g»v«?ral persons who refused to permit him to dictate to thorn. Burke at 2:Z<) o'clock entered a restaurant . at Nc. US Gold street, where Cererino j Colii. of No. 21? <Jold street, and .several j friends •■-.:' conversation be ■ lfpe< th*> ralia annoyed bint, and he ! yelled for them it- keep "still. When they ; ignored his remarks, according to their : complaint. h«» drew a revolver. The men 1 made a hast>- exit and told their experience : t.» Patrolman Jacob?, of th" lo«-er Fulton ; s-treet police station, whom they met ha if '< a blo<-k away, and the arrest of the npecia! ' deputy followed. After ?pendin= a few hours in the Bta. tion house the prisoner was arraisned be fore Magistrate Ts^he, in the Adams street police roTjrt. wh<". held him in ■?-."•" ball for a ■ring on Saturday. MOTHER-IN-LAW FOOLS "MIKE." ■ Her 116 Years Loom Up in Pathway of Man Who Seeks Rest. "Mike" Shapiro, eighty-five year- old. ; tirerl with lifr'F tumultuous pleasures and j apparently surfeited with its rain -Jhowa. I sought a haven for his remaining days at i th^ Daughters of Jacob Home, at No. 302 I East Broadway, re«tenla He was sur j prised a moment later to find that his ' mother-in-Uw w-as an inmate of the • and i«t> She came dowMtaira to, greet and | celcome him. notwithstanding the fact she ' i* Mrs. Esther Davu=. : wtanfuM about her son-in-law sh« said >1. HUapiro had carried her d,uchro r m Pu>i-id "us !-'nsr aco h.s she could r-mun 1 w - Itr.i -dded thai Bhe had a^;ars been ' ' Vh of him Th- "id BentUroan na.s I.*ss He »emed unable to re i from the si-.ook h- had rccciv'l. Absolutely Safe Fast-Running ELEVATORS - (Plunger Type/ Electric Light and Janitor Service OPEN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR NFW-YOKK DAILY TUIBUNE. MONIX4Y, FEBRUARY 21 1910. SEVLER GIVES IN Artie Said to Have Marie Long Statement to. Police. (By I>lejr»ph to Th» Tr»r-ur.- 1 Atlantic City, Feb. JO.^TJnder guard of D-t^ctlves Ifajaeed and Miller, end Captain "^'halen. Arvj« Seyler. accompanied Prose cutor <Jold*nb*ra to the million dollar pier l^-day. and v.ent .•>•<•• the ground with the officials. Up pointed out wti»re he and Aliro Adams stood when th?y called to ' Jane Adams and William Scyler to follow ; them as they started from the outer end | of the pier to the ballroom on the night of j February 4 He also pointed out the exact spot where William and Jane stood •when I they refuted to follow-. N"..n<» of -the pay throne on th» BoirH i -walk notice the identity of the party as it mode its u-ay out on the pier. Soon, how i "■"- the ne^-s spread that Arvis Eeyler was showing the police over the scene and there «a? a men to th* spot br the curi ous. As soon as the examination Tva.= com pleted the authorities and the pri»on»r hastened through th» throng, took a tax cab and drove, back to the city jail. The police v.ere reluctant to talk about ; the case to-nieht. but intimated that the gruellinz to v.-'nich the men were subjected yesterday, while «ot affecting William to " Tilt extent desired had broken the spirit of Arvis, and he had made many admis sion?. It is believed he has signified his I wiUtngnaaa to tell all he knows William Seyler defiantly refused to. ad ; mit that he was with the Adams eirl on . the nfghi of her disappearance, and the | ••<-!i.-p admit that they hope to make out a circumstantial case ajrainst him. Seyler appears anxious for trial and ha* asked that he b* taken into court as boos as ! poEsibic The Coroner a inque?t has been I set for Wednesday nig I ARRESTS STIR OPEFA CROWD Turmoil Due to Speculators, Who Were Let Off with Reprimand. ■' ■> crowds were pouring into ♦'' Metropolitan Opera Hous» last night a pa trol wagon from the Tenderloin station aid an Bmbu!anc« from BelleyuV: Hospital mingrled with the carriages -iv] automo biles carrying: patrons to the concert. Twelve ticket speculators, who bad been arrested by detectives of the Tenderloin station, »-Pre responsible f«r the presence of the patrol wagon; They were taken to the Night Court. Hag -" ■ Barlow was sitting on the bench and they were let off with a reprimand. Poii,-, Captain O'Brien paid thai the speculators had been causing a great! deal of riisorrlor in front of the opera nouses and theatres in his precinct recently, and con ditions had become bo bad that he decided to make 3 clean-up. Hp had received man: complaints of the persistence of the specu lators, ji» said, in addition to hi= own ob servation?. One woman complained that whe ?li^ went to [purchase Boats ai the Metropoli tan one afternoon last week a speculator asked her t.. buy pevrrai seats for him. emeu coins- so far as <•-. put a bill in her hand When she refused to buy the seats be abused her until she fainted. At the Metropolitan Opera Hous<=> !;i<=t night it was said that nine-tent h<= of the tickets in ilie hand? of the speculators were subscribers' ticket?, and had not been sold a' the box office. The opera bouse man asement. it was declared, had been trying 1 to stamp «ut the practice, and had repeat edly applied ••-, he police to clear the side walk of ' ie spe< [ ■■-■ - - BALTIMORE R LIGHTING FIGHT Mayor Hopes to Withdraw Privileges of Two Corporations. ißy T>!«ffr-aph to Tlie TrilMin-.] Baltimore. Feb. C\— As a sequel to the -" M?,-! of the city authorities to accept th« condition of the Standard Oil Company and the Consolidated Gas and Electric Light Company for the introduction of natural t:j.^. the city solicitor has completed the draft of a bill which Mayor Mahoul will bend to the Legislature to-morrow to repeal the laws which £ive the ?as company abso lute control of the lighting: 0 Baltimore. The Mayor pay?: ■ Of course, we do not expect a hiil which takes so many monopolistic privilege? away from a corporation to co through without apposition, .-I.; plenty of it. so we will b» prepared for the fight of our live?." When a committee of the Council was appoin r ed to 50 to Ncr; York to see the Standard Oi! officials with a view to further negotiations the committee wan informed that it was of no u=e. as negotiations were on with another city for natural gai from the West Virginia fields. CIVIL SERVICE DECISION Appointment from Eligible List Doesn't Remove Name from List. Albany. Feb. 20. — In an opinion yester day Interpreting the state Civil Service regulations Supreme Court Justice Lebouf holds that when a person receives an ap pointment from the eligible list it does not operate to remove his name from such list, and thus bar him from a better position if one shouM become open to him during 1 the life of the eligible lust. Justice Lebouf also rules that a man can be transferred from one position to another in the same ■ •lass for when he has siio«-;i fitness if his name i:- not anions the first three, on the list of eligihl^s for the. position to which he is to be transferred. John L.. Webb, of >'»'.» York, stenogra pher for the county court in Queens, con tested the right of the Civil Service regu lations to rule him out as eligible for an appointment which was offered him as ste nographer for the I'd Judicial District. Su preme Court, because of his prior appoint ment. FEAF OF A RAILWAY WAR. j Opposition to Grand Trunk's Attempt to Reach Rhode Island Boston. Feb. -'• -The question whether I there will be a war between the New York, I Sew Haven & Hartford-Boston & Maine I system and the Grand Trunk-Central Ver mont alliance is of Intense Interest to ship pers and business inw, of the New England j States and Canada. ■ The application [or a charter permitting the Central Vermont line at Palmer, Mass.. ! i.-> be extended to Providenc*, recently sub ! mined to the Rhode Island Legislature by I the Grand Trunk officials, has already ■ stirred political and business circles in i Rhofle Island and it Is believed a notable i legist* l l - contest over th^ I* 6o * is ira ! Sc-harfe* S- Melleni president of the New ' [r^.r.,, road referred last week in Boston ! in •unprovoked attacks by Canadian* lines I -ipon the business of the New — ami /all ' roadV- as endangering Ion? ■ tablisbed re i rtioii- i-at^r Charles \v. Hayes, president Stne Grand Trunk, paid ) ■■■■' his company «»V -M.nlvinz for th« charter "at the re ' ,fe«,t .f " the people of Rlioiie Island, who I need thte further outlet for their busi • "Trf'freiKlit traffic the New Haven system 1 . !l i, ■'..., ' with th« Canadian Pacific i railroad ii competitor Of the Grand Trunk ! f 'p,'ovfdenc«-.« business men ire discussing 1 ,wl that the Central Vermont's I thP ?J~ pineal vith the Boston &■ ! - in .-•■■_ of trafiic at White I ™ t a Jl unction may »•- terminated if hoa- R ;";.-,.- afute. thus ■ n the i Ivntr^l VaflMHl - ■■"»!«•■ to i-:... tan OUR OWN HAWAII." ri.f , -1 . f a wffes •■' lectures by iVnjht th) . fellow traveller of Burton I r ""'"I' «-ia h«M wltij » 1111<lh Ir i ter «« liv ' ,;..,.. ,1 -the 1.y.-Pum Theatre test 1 tllC " ' '.-! <• ■ übK 1 Hawaii,'" «< • Mr. '< n«" ht "„ opportunity .■■..■■ ■ a very I Ki»ni<°r an .fVoti £ excfcllent picture*. I varied "*"« ma tiie natives dancing ami en- Those show np ;"■ ts vt crt , particularly I «"^tlvV'*JTlie lecture *;U1 Le rejwitKi! \J)\V POIXTS WAV. Rational Incorporation to Solve Trust Problem. --' Low. president of the National C* '■'' Federation. • m an article in the current number of "The National Civic Federation Review" on "The Necessity for National Incorporation of Companies Doin=; Inter grate Business," maintains that the time • .-.= come when a choice mu?t be made ani^nj? three things if th» present intolera ble-situation Is to be relieved. Mr Low writes that all the federal systems in the world I except ■ that of the United States place the entire control of commerce under the national government. He adds in part: "The ■■JMBBBtfon has been made that the only adequate relief for the present situa tion is the repeal of t i ie Sherman antitrust act. 1 think that the reason H"liy public ..^ntiment placed such a drastic law upon the statute book as the Sherman antl-trost art h to be found in the very, fact thai the national sevcrament as things stand, 1 = helpless in its relation to corporations do ing interstate business." , Assuming that the repeal of the act v.ould .Tieet al! the: requirement? of the situation, Mr Low asks if any one serious ly believes that public sentiment would sus tain the President in recommending the re peal or ' angresa in repealing th^ act, at a time when the nigh cost of living la per plexin? every, on- and when multitudes be lieve that one factor, at least, in that situa tion is the arbitrary control of conditions by corporations. Mr. Low sum? up the situation row and hi? idea of relief as follows : First— What we have now. with one gov ernment controlling the corporation that does interstate business and another gov ernment controlling th» Interstate business that is done, but with no government at all controlling both the agent and the. busi ness that it does. ?fcond— Through the contributory action of Congress to have forty-six states control both the a rent doing interstate business and the business that it does, each state ■'■•• k:ne out for Itself against all others. . Third— To have th- national government, through the exercise of its power. under the interstate commerce clause, Incorporate companies to do interstate business, and thus control all over th« Union both the a rent doing interstate business and the in terstate business that it does. As between these three alternatives, is it not cleaT that the last represents the dic tates of good sense, of our own experience and of the seneral practice of commercial nations? \ meetini: of the executive coaßintttee of Use National Civic P^ieration has been illed for Slarch ■ asd 4 te consider Mr. I •"•" "a article "A HEN IS A BIRD." But, Nevertheless, Duty Must Be Paid on Her Eggs. Washington." F»h. -?0.- -"A ben la a bird." is' the official declaration of the Treasury Department. Customs experts made this ruling yester day in response tothe inquiries to ■ corre spondent, who called attention to the fact that >'■'■- Payne tariff law levied a duty of 5 cents a. dozen on ens' eggs, while birds' <••" are admitted free: The paragraph imposing the. duty of 5 cents a dozen on bens' eggs Is specific, so that although a hen is officially declared to be -a hirii her products will have to pay the tariff rate. RAILROAD EARNINGS The Tribune has printed the gros earn ings of thirty-one railroads or systems, for the tirst week in February. 'Of these, twenty-nine return gams of $1,325,567, or 17.3 per cent, and two return losses of $riO,O*""*, or 1.9 per cent. The whole shows a gain of j1.274.8Q5 or 14.6 per cent. The Tribune has also printed the gross earnings of fifteen railroads or systems "'" the second week in February, of which fourteen return gains of 5M6.437 or 17.S per cent, and one return a loss of $1,034, or .3 per cent The whole shows a gain of $555,403 or 18.7 per cent. Fir?'- trpek In Feb.—; ; ' . join ;>if> Fnrr*as« P.c. ~> rompaniw. $5,»«2.0T1 $7,636,504 $1,325, T.CT 17 P. ! 2 companies. 1.0*2.080 1,008,042 •50,962 4.9 j T"I M COB.- $10.004. !l51 $? 723.546 (1.274 603 14. 8 ?#-nnd w«ok tn Feb. 14 .impanif!" $3,861 942 $4,975 586«.43t1~.S 1 ■ ..inrair ,"C0,e."5 310,660 "1.034 0.3 XI 15 cos.. 17! it; 55.C56.074 585!5,«03 !e.7 •I'ccreas*. DETROIT or MACKINAi'. I»l0. iwh* I '"' s ' •V; wef* in Feb. $23,651 $20,337 SIH.IWS July <-t it 678.045 623,808 7.'.7.07S INTEBOCKANIC OF MEXICO 2o v. -»v in Feb. $?J»,ftl2 Xl."i*. July 1-Feß. 14. i 4*6.305 4.072.464 MEXICAN INTEP-.N'ATION'A L. •d«M in F>h. $227. 53t $1W.4n8 ,Tu!v 1-Feb 14. 5.314, "*--'' 1.26f>,»i«l -,-rt,-,-.. m of MHXI' 1 tS we*lt in Feb. J1,021.«»7 si. '»-» »m .July 1-Feb. 14. 30.194 383 SS ! 039 ■ TEXAS & PACIFIC. Sd ■week ii F«h. ?^^>.f'24 $251.8 M $255,373 July i-Ffh. 14. l.ri'Jl.l.-.7 1.787.50T t0.083 183 AMERICAN LIGHT AND TRACTION. Month of Jan.— 1810 ions Increas««. Gross earnings. $879,274 $323,766 ?55.50>? Oper. t-xpenses. 6.500 8.834 *334 N-r earnings. $370,774 $314,932 *55,»42 ,;,'.s b 'iaminVi.~S3.4oo.n4« $2,185,480 ?*Vi.4sr> Oper. expenses . 105,828 4f>,834 56.084 Net earnings. |3,255,020 $2,745,655 $549,383 •Decrease. NEW ORLEANS-GREAT NORTHERN. Month of Dec— 1909. 1309. Increase. Mileasp . 27« I*7 80 Gross earnings. $124.03« «54.rt30 |«9.4ft8 Exp. md taxes 82 160 47.61" 34.D5D N't earning. $41,867 17.021 554.347 Other income.. U. 562 14^3S:; '2.521 Total Income " $58,729 $21.4":: $32,328 Charges . . 48,293 21.360 -■ ■•• ■ Surplus ~~~57.43H $43 $7,30:} Oriss y wrmn'ss."~?B72.lSs $273,320 $395.5«5 Grow earning* $872,185 $273,320 SS9S.S6S Esr- and taxes. M7.T33 =38.811 205,922 N>t earnings $234,452 J34.500 $189,943 Other income... 100.310 58,272 42.041 Total income: V; 8te4.7Tl $82vTSl •8281.880 Charges . 276.551 \- : C 128,930 140,621 Surplus $48,220 tSM.I49 552.363 • Increase. fDeflcit. BOSTON 1 MAINE. Ouart**r * a n<3*'i Dec 81 — Oper r«v«nu«..sVl.»T^4l BiaO29SO« $1,087,841 Oper! expenses. 7.821 .887 T.194.20S 127.48S N>t oner rev. $3,175,8*4 J2.635.59S $34n.(Wfi OiitEide op<?r.. IS.PI') 10 452 '11.542 Trtal n»t »rev. $3,194,565 $2.>«C«.050 fS2S..SI.i Taxes .... 844.891 446,588 88,108 Over income. $2.8«»,873 $2,419,482 $250.411 Other lnc«n« .- 188.542 1fC.,372 ««.830 Gross income- $2,838,415 $2,814,834 ?21'3;55l Tpt?' de<iuftiors from cross Inc. 1.001.371 1.997.814 ■« 143 Net [cam- $847,844 $8rr.32fl $229,724 •E>ecr*as*. .■FATRAT, NEW ENCU'.NI'. T^afo^r-. ?&»!tta $721 111 $108,207 _ r ,M., M . *g8,788 »-• ■ ■ 4&480 N-r . -. $3«1.319 $294 74J IM 77~ Taxes IKSuU-WT.-.>ftl^> ICBBB ___ 2^ ni-or inrn-ii'- J342.01H ■-•:- ••■-■ JS4.-77 Cthe> irlom. ..__^»" »-'«" *j™ Orm income; 169.100 $28©.731 $«5,378 Total deaurt lon* .„.,« 111*57 —^5 from srross mc 114 _____ _ _~_^ Set carp. im ~" «i*Ts« ~?179.364 $55,323 DELAVNAHE. T.A'TKA WANNA I WESTERN. TnV-lTo,"/^-' 1 ■;ii'^ 88.987.57 1824.888 Tola! l\7r , t .817,897 si<¥«« 3M^(M Net o'pei rev. $4.«74.r.40 SSI 883 $322.88« N :; t^- |g;-,«.pi __j^!!! if!! $4,798,124 *4,4«7.551 *.;> , lr ,' ineonM $4,341,324 |4.505,251 JT0.072 ; Crnss- incmie. $5.315.7rt $6 452.816 $1,862,933 T i* m **?X K,840.8TC 6 614.698 - I M.t corp. me. J3.474.37l »1.43>.71S f1.036,153 ERIE. n VFZr m £**£™sri ui.3Bß.mi $1,251,136 T?uj ; Zv- .TISM^ ■tji.lto'.MH _ _ ro^Sl Vl j^,.. |4,883,a0a $3,522,054 $1,181,254 , n^a mm imi T"' al "V.rlr' • 44".M4>W $3.5e5.307 '$1,04n.7M> T *> '« ; c-;;u ._ $m •.-i;om«. H»SS7,27!J J-,230,3t^ *' ,088,831 $11,090,000. •JAljVvvjvvvi - * Hudson Companies (McAdoo Tunnel System) 6% Secured Convertible Gold Coupon Notes. Principal payable February Ist, 1013. Interest payable February Ist and August Ist Guaranty Trust Company ot New York, Trustee- ; j. Denominations $500. and $1,000, with Privilege of Registration. Redeemable at the option of th- company at 100 and accrued interest on any interest date uprn. thirty . • ' days* notice. The Notes are specifically secured by deposit, with the Guaranty Trust Com pany, of 1505; of Hudson & "Manhattan Railroad Company First Mortgage &/■ Bond's, due 1957. Tax Exempt in the State of New York. The Notes are convertible at 100 at the pleasure of the holder, at maturity or on any prior redemption date, into said Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company Bonds at 0,5 and accrued interest. This issue of Votes provides tor all obligations of Hudson Companies^maturing in 1910. and for advance" to the" Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company for the completion of us l.nes as set torth in a lfft " r The^^nna^^i^n^t'Hndv^mpan.s, the lake, of th, Noti5 ' * m then be sUb3tantially a 5 follows: RESOURCES. Real Estate Equities in New York City -- • • ■ • .$4,500,000 (Comprising principally the great Gimbel Store fit 6th Aye. and 32d and 33d Streets.) Hudson * M,nh,t t a, Railroad Company First Mtge. 4 Bonds .. - 3^.032.000 .. «»v •• •• Preferred Stock. . . . 2.229,251 Common Stock 27.156.203 INDEBTEDNESS. _ . .- ,„., $10,000,000 ** Notes maturing October 15, 19H ;• - - 3.000.000 ;:} : : p"b"uarV 1. J913 ::::::::::::: 11,000.000 no . - Nt ;.., circulars containing — of Mr. McAdoo-s fetter, will be furnished upon application. UescriptJve circulars, conw|"»|B *~--i J -- We recommend the Notes for investment and offer them for sale a! 100 and accrued interest. HARVEY FISH & SONS, New York Subscriptions will also be received by Continental Nat'l Bank Messrs. Cassatt & Co. Chicago Philadelphia Messrs. G. H. Walker & Co. Messrs. Jackson & Curtis St. Louis Boston Messrs. Geo, Eustis & Co. Baltimore Trust & Guarantee Co. Cincinnati Baltimore Fidelity Title & Trust Co. Bank of Pittsburgh N. A. Pittsburgh Pittsburgh STORAGE NOTICES. BXXSTIJGK'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE, :<o©, 303. 304 WEST IJ4TH STRFFT. NEW YORK. FEB. 14TH. 1910 To John Hogan. F- Goods, Mrs. M. Papillon. Mr?. W. 5. Hagar, Mr?. G. S. Bent!"y. A. P. Beckeakamp L Beer, A. Trott. GM E. Brawn Mrs Pore Lyon, Miss '■' E. Griffin. R- Dragon. Mrs. A- Hi-hards. Mrs. K. Bouner. Mrs. f . F-rsnke!, .1 W. BallaFd, Miss E. A. rorcoran. Mr m Harren. Fred Rei*. .1. Hemmings, J. \nalehart. VI H. Moore. Mrs- S. R- Blum-n thal V. B. Flower. W. H. Payne, J. Kelener. A M Conn. Mi« B. Lyon. Mrs. .1 Lovelace, Mrs. H Kins-- Mrs. c. Conrey. R. Galpjn, rarren Mrs.E. Winnie. A R. Desmond.^. Sackett. Mrs J. M. KenMd) P. J. Cribben Mrs N WcJlanus, J. F. Houlihan. Jr.. Mrs H F. B««kmu M. B. Brown. Mrs. *?. Mitchell, &- Horhstadter. marshal: Miss I>. Holland. H- H. Williams. Mr. CahllL Mr?, H Grant, _h. D. Julius Miss A. V. Zacarle, Newton Smith. Bu'-k'.ev-N-.vhall Co.. R- J Mailer. Oscar Ber sendahl. Mls 8 M. Veney. Mrs. M. E. Brown. G. S Mareyes. J- Crump. H. Stanley, Jordan Moriartv <•<>.. Mi?s C. S. Sawyer. W. A Palmer. r G fj'ravcs. 1. A. Simmons, •'• Kdwards, I. Le'yack, M. H. Brings. Mr. G Masruire. V. K. de Koenls Mri. :■ ' I egrath, Mrs. J. Pike, Mrs .-. M". Ayr". K. R- Vmton. Covperthwalta i- ro' Mrs'K Keo ? h. E. Barbour. tin .1. pedlowe R. x Coan. J. Warren, «T. X Epp'. R. Dana'. Mr.- W.King Mr,. E. A. McKenaie. A. Koch-feller. Mrs D Del.a-y. Mrs. P. Hill. Mrs 1,. Meawnan C. E. Foree^. Jr.. Mrs. M. Thompson \ Ftnkenbers Mr* ■'■ D. Raguet, I T Murnhv. Mr« X. Morrison. Mrs. H. A. Gilmor* . .- P H. Laniar, H- H. BemJss, Mrs. E. M Irvine M--s. K. Lowades. Mr?. A. Richard jon, MissJl. Broun, J. D. McLauren, , Mrs. & A Clarke Mis' M. Glover, Mrs. D Webster. V o Cooper. P.. F. Beal« T. I- BkMClu MIW \ F Miller P Lvon. Mrs E. Baum U 0.-- B Headd. Ku- kendairs Express Mrs. M. A. Caa narv . L J " Borr^nski. Mrs. P. Dempsev, Mrs. , ,i Caie. C- E Adams. Mrs. a McCabe. Marion Pursaell, Mrs M. Cough lin and Mrs. E. M Small- v.. and -ah of you are hereby rf'rin.d that, the storage b-ingr due and the rlm» for payment of our lien upon the property hereinafter described having expired, and due notice thereof having been given you. we will ':,.,„ such property, to wit. household roods, o»r«onal effects and merchandise stored by you or in "v«'ur name in our warehouse, te be sold at - •-- auction, accor.Jtnp •■> ,he statute in « uri ise made and provided, at our ware house 30" :iO2. 304 West 124 th St.. New Yoj-U rm. on Tuesday. March «th. 1910 at 10 a. r.i.. and continuing every Tuesday thereafter, at the same place and hour, until the goods have [vJrTLEItS STORAGE WAREHOUSE, J. >;. KINSTLER, Proprietor. CITATIONS. THE* PEOPLE THE STATE OF NEW York l!v tIS .race of God. free and inde r.-nd.nt to Josephine H. Russell. Eleanor Rus- Lv £«tt. jUephine Ru«*ll Eddy. Mar* I Russ-li Cornelia H. Hugh*- Henry H. Hughs' Übert B. Hilton, individually and as Executor of the Last Will and Testament »1 S" i" X Hilton, deceased: Helen Hilton ctn-v"c t n-v" ij^ort B. Hilton. Jr.. Vincent K. Hilton. Dorothy W. Hilton, individually and as Ex«cu ,,;■'.-.(,, Last Will and Testament of Ed ward B Hilton, leased; Ellen p. Hilton. Fdna F ' Hilton. James H. Hicbey. as General Gowdten of 'he estate of Helen Hilton ?tory: thl 'Mercantile Trust Com] i •■ General ruarriian of the Estate of Albert B- Hilton. Tr and as General Guardian of the Estate of Vinrtpt K. Hilton; the r^ntral Trust Company of ' V-w Tork a» Gen«ral Guardian of Ellen P. Hilton and m O«n«ml Guardian *t Edna F. H ■ ton and to all persons interested in th* r.rate'of Henry Hilton, late of the County of v. York deceased, as creditors, legatees. next of kin or otherwise, send arresting : Yo,i and each of you are hereby cited and .„," personally to be and appear befor,? «,,r Surrogate of the County of New York, at ,-,V surrogatea 1 Court of said County, held at ♦S- 'h^H ef Records, in the County of New vm-W on th« sth day of April. ISI • at >alf ''„ ,en oviwk in the forenoon of that day. .h^n and there to attend a iudicial settlement I" the ao-ount of proceedings at Horace Ru» «*ii and Edward p. Harris as Executors of i*nd .r^j.tpos under »ho last Will and Testa mem of said deceased, and such of you as are hereby ,-i'c<i as :<r on<|er the age of twenty one years an) reTi>r»fi to nppear hy your guardian, if you have one. or if you have ■•■'■- to aDD'-a'- anl apply for one to be appointed. or in |Q,a •!,♦ of your »*glect o? failure «o do so. a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you in the iiiiiceedinr. v . t. In testimony whereof, we have caused th* S,-a! of .i . garroa »te« Court of the s*td • 'ounty of New York to be hereunto f=ea! 1 affixed. Witness. Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of our sa!d county, at the County of New York, the -nd day of February. In th« year of our Lord on-; thousand nin<2 hundred and ten. PANIEL J. DOWDNEY. riork pf the Surrogates" court. JXMF.S S. PARCY. Attorney for E.\ecutor». " 280 Broadnav. New York City. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS:— TAKE" NOTICE that the onderaicned intend ta app '" th - Surrogate of Washington County for Letters of Administration al the Goods, etc.. of EHzj. Christie. lat<» o£ the Town of •Uref-nwi'-h. County of Washington and State of ,•>** York. deceased, according to th« talons of Section •*i}H4 of the Code of Civil Procedure, fur limit- Tn/ the penalty of bonds of admiiiistration; and notice is hereby etven to all per* hav •.. B etaims asrainat said Bllca Christie, deceased. in pr«dtnt their elatma, with proper vouchers , n^,. ?O f. to the Hurrogata of the County of Washington, at his ofSce. in lha Vi}lag« el Salem. M T-. on or b«f*ra "»•* ?Btb day of February. Win. Dated. Greenwich. N. Y-. January "J2. 1910. WILLIAM JOHN McGEOCH. WILLIAM D CHRISTIE. VK.v NESS .<- MAYNAP.D. Attorneys. Green wich. N. V. Other m-'on-ie. . . 430,«23 2C8.91M im,7'-".> <-;rosrf ineame. *4 717 Ml.. $3 )t9.tlS 11.198.* 80 Tfita! dejurttiin from gross tnr 3.221. KM 1.888.884 134.41W [Met rorp Inc. $1.4 M.449 <i ■: 288 $1 884 l + CHANGE OF NAME. i SUPREME COCRT, NEW YORK COUNTY.— In th'- mattpr of tho ippltca) -it r\r> New ■ Amsterdam Safe Deposit '.-ompanv for authority i to •■han^e its name to ••Hu.ison Safe L»eposir ! Company.'. 1 Notice is her s'^"". that the s*-\ ! Amsterdam Safe E<*po6it Company, ■ doßMStla I .-nrporation aantze under the Banking Laws of the t;rat» of New York, havine its prtnctpal business eilire in the Borough of Manhattan. City County and Slat-? of New York. v.UI apply to the Supreme Conn ol the State of -''"™' I "rk. at a Special Term. Fart I thereof, to be held at I the County .'ourt House, in the Borough of I Manhattan. City, County and State of New Terk. i <-. n the ;Ath day of February, 1910- at l0:3O j nrlo.'k in the forenoon of tliat day. or as =oon ; jh.ereaftnr as counsel can be heard, for an w«itr ■ anrinorizinr laid corporation to change its «r : -. rat« name to 'Hudson Safe Deposit Company. I r£r%£Z Vorii. Januar 2Tth. !9M -THE NEW VMSTERDAM SAFE D 1 " ! COMPANY. By E R. CHAPMAN, President. ' hoi • WHITI/KTH A- ?CARFF. Counsel for Petitioner, , S.*> XasMii Btiwei Borough of Manhattan. City of N>'w York. N. Y. | ai-FKEME (WRT. NEW YORK p^LNTY.- ln the matter of the appU-^Hon of N-w \ovK I A- Ohio Buckle Co. for authority to ohanze its 1 . , ,- r , ra ta name to New York Buckla Co. Nooeo is h-reby given that the New York ■ Onto : Buckle •'■'■ .i domestic ■-'•■■, havtns its ' principal business office in the City, •"■ounty an-J • r,f N»w York, will apply to the Supreme i Court of "rh" ,-.--.■■ York at a Special ' Term P«rt I thereof, to be hrld in and far the ' County of New York at th« County Court Bousa •■ in «aid County, on th» aMh da: of February. •oio at 10:-"0 o'elert in the forenoon of tha*. ! <iav ' o*- as soon thereafter as .-ounsel -an b# i heard f» an •"■•"! B r mnhorizine said corperavon • t« cfcansa i's torporate nama to the. New Ycrs. - Dat»<l New York City. F'bniar.- "i. IP.". NEW YORK * OHIO BUCKLE CO. By .IOSEPH >HAN/.. President. i I'ERMAN GOLDMAN, Attorney for New York A Ohio Buckle Co.. 1"-21 Park F.ow. ■«*. of Manhattan. New York City. PARTITION SALES. SUPREME COUBT. COUNTY OF NKW YORK. _Fr»i k -Matcne. Plaintiff, asainst Omcro ! Pardi Lena Par.i: Vincent C. Pep* ir..! Ljvla PeL.e 'defendants. — In pursuance of an mterlocu- I tory judgment of partition and sale, duly made i 'j entered in the above entitled action, and i Sarta^dat. the 2Tth day of January.. 1910. I. rteTnt'ersHned, the referee in s,iid J^Stuenc rarr-ed. will sell at public auction, 11 _UM Ex- I chase* Sales Roenna. Nor. 14-10 v - 3 " btreet. in ri-.o Borowm of Manhattan and utvo: New/ior-. .. _, | a jf f« >r :1 " *•' ' noon onihat day. by Bn'aa L- Kena*ll>. ai-rrionee- the premis** directed by said iaig • *^Tto be sold! and therein describ-d a= (oi ! ah that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, iitnite 'lvirs an'i being in the Bon: ugh rt Maa ■ hlvVn <-iv county and »tat« of New Tori on ! the norths' comer of Bedford and L*l ifsr i rSeVlyaßurton) streets, fr- : ting. en B*<iro 1 StrVrt and containing in fr»nt. 2S feet and on i i ,' ..: street 7f> t*et to land of Cornelius Bar.ra. i ard on the 'line of. Cornelius Banta. -l tern i Whence easterly parallel with Leßoy Street. 12 I Jl, 4 inches- thence northerly at an angl* of 1 fnrtv-nve degrees from the U?t line, V feet, so I ™ T VL {lave the remainder o{ the lot & tort, as It i V.T now fenced. Exceptintr therefrom an allay ■ w^v of 4 f eel wide and 5 f<=et higli along the Una I of Corneltoa Banta # s ot or one to Leßoy street : and all the estate, right, title and Interest of j f^f parti"" to this acifon. whether present or i future, vested or contingent «* cower, curtesy or 1 Ot The* ioVlowinst is a diagram of the property to ! he sold: Its street numbers are 41-43 Leßoy ! =,-eet. The appr*>xlni«»a apmnni of taxes, assess ments and water rates which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or nakl by the Referee is J329 «H and interest. *?Dated \'c\v Vor!». Jumiary -•" lull). jalsUl * T" 1 .s. U H. WARD. Referee. KOWITZ * SCHAAP. E»4r»- Attorney* for Plaintiff. •_■ Vo '?, V'-.s3au Ptreel 1 i'y of New TflVk, CHARLES Z8»BA«5O Esq. Attorney tor Defendants. Pardl. DAVID EX GP.OSSM.W.'. £■<» . \ttorney for Detendants. Pepe. LOST BANKBOOKS. txijST OR STOLEN —Bankbook No. «3=.61t of L VhJr,'?man Savin*. Bar.U b, Ihe City o? New Torfc . -,,. • ith a(f and 14th st.. Issued to rop<-' Gilbert AH persew am eattttoned against ■VeiotlatlßK the same. If « c r-turned to th* hank on the H'th >lay of March. 191". a dupM i raf ± will be issued. I LOBT — Banjshock N« 88B.W*, stamens Hank i for Savings. 74 and :■• Wall *t.. New York. I Payment stopped and. ranc«*l!ation applied for. j Please r>turw to bank -- ' X;6r!T . — Bankbook No. «*.'*£ of »he Hoboken 1 Bank tor Savins*. AH person* are • her«by I i-auttoned not to n esofia!e the fame, as payment has 1 as. ainajpasl Wtmim •« pleas* •*• bock t.> thw bank. . I LOST OR — Bankbook No 88,71 « of ' the Emlrrant Industrial 1 htgs Bank. Pay ! ment stopped. Pl.-USS return book to bank. I No. 51 Cham»«r» st :: UOST.— BanWb.Hik No 6«rt.U-^. Bank for SaT j ingf. 2fu\ itn »">. New York. Taj ment ! -topped. Please return book to hank. CARPET CLEANING. N. Y. CARPET CLEANING WORKS Olieat L*fgeM M-->»» Modern. 4.;, AND 4.10 WEST 44TH ST. T.i 418>2-— 4*d9U — Brjant- B»t»blUh«d 1837 •' W H JOR^AnJL- EDWIN LENTZ CAREFt'L CAKPET OUBAKUJO CO--Cu«a« by n>mpr«u«l »ir. «x»«m, hand or on floor. Ifs+ Broil way. -1-1 East «th « COB * brasot. Te:. 13- **!h FORECLOSURE SALE 3. SUPP.EMi; COt-'RT. COUNTY OF NEW tork. — Twenty \Vard Bank of the City of. New York. Plaintiff, asain^t Raa Ginsberg and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered In the abow* entitled action and bearing dais .-»• M day of October. I*3oo. I. th« underais^isd. tie Refers* in said judgment nair.*»d. win 9eII at public auc tion, at it-. Eichange ealesruucn. Nos. !*-l* Vesey Street, in the Borough at \l»na«xr4a. City of N»w York, on the leth day of S r»emb*r. 1888 at 12 a toe* ■■■■ on that day. by Joseph P. Day. AncUnnerr, th« pvernl3«s d!re«»-3 by said judgment iw be soio. and isci«tn describei as foiiowa. All that <»rram p!of. pi-vfl or parcel or land, with th* Hujidlr.js and lmpi-ovem«nt» thereon erected, situate, lytes and b*tnar Mi the Borough of llanha.ttaa. o* tha City of N**- Tot* in the Couiry and 9y« x »-v York, bounded and deacrtSed as follows: Beginning- at a point; on trie »<autner!7 «ld* of 14tith Street, distant 125 feet Easterly fWRn the corner formed by tha u . -»r««ction oi th-* Southerly side of I4«sth Street -with th« EUat er!y side of Broadway: runninj thsneo East erly one the sjoutaerly slla of MM Street. 37 feet (i inches; thence, Soath*r!y p*ra.>: with Broadway. &0 fe-t 11 inche* to tb» centr* line of th« block: c*«n.-s . Westerly aiciif; 3aid centra ;:aa of tae block. 37 feet * Incises: th*nc» Northerly parallel rttJl Broadway. »i» feet 11 incises to the point or f9an m b« iinntng. And also all that certain lot. rise- or parcel of land, with th* buildings and trrspri^emaaWs thereon erected, situate, '.' ma aad Being 81 the Soroush of >:.;._ axtaa. City. County and State ©{ New York, bounded and describe} as fellows: Eesrlnnins at ■■ point on the ?ou»r>arlv eld* of 1-tttb ctreet. distant one hundred and sixty •wo Cccl six lateataa BaM trsm the cons-r formed by tha Intersection or :n« aoutherly side of 148 th Street Bind the Easterly side ->f Broadway, formerly Eleventh Avenue aY Bou levard: run -_ .thence Southerly parallel wtto Broadway an i part of th« wav through » party "-a!: Btnaf -ttioa UaS and eleven inch"* to the centre line of the bl-ck; thence East erly alonaj said centre line of the block, thirty seven tee* six Inches: thence Northerly, agata parallel with Broadway, ninety-nine feet -lev-tx inches to the Southerly side of •-■ -•-•-• and thence Westerly alone the Southerly rtd"* of 14*.th ?tree t thirty-seven feet six inches f> the point or plac« ,f b#«inn»n!r. Be saW s-^ersi dimensions more or lesa Dated X»-\ York. October 22d. 1000. CHA3. a COHN. Refer*- LF.XOtt-. MACK ELLA R & TV'EI-LS. Attorner* '•■" Plaintiff. 43 Ce'Ur Street. Manhattan. Neir York City. he following is a diaeranj of Oku pryjmriT to be sold: It 3 street numbers ar» 545-532 VCetz 1-Mth Stream; The approximate amount of th* i>a e» charU to satisfy which the a> = ' — ■ •* and fortv-»ix aAd SO-JOW UolUre $5--4*BB *-7h ii"l-rest thoreort <rom th* *5 day i« October 1908. tosetfter wttn Ct -* •'•■'• *:° w ipce aw'intins to $201.22 wt» laWMt from O^robA- 19th. VX&. together the exp*n*w of the sale. • -• appraximare amoua' of the taxes/ awismeiiii an.! *atef ratej. or oth« ii-ns. which ar^ to l« allowed t» ti>» pur , haaer ou; ar tha nufL-Jiase money, or paid by -D^e, - _- -7 "^ . Th» foregoins sale is hereby adjourned '• Friuav. NovemUfir 28th. JOOQ. at the saiae ttm« * n Da?ed Ce New Tork. November l«th. 19C». Th» for<^: rt 'nc sai» t» her»6y further i»<lj<»urn»4 r« Friday.". December Cr<l. 10«^O. at the sam« tln>» Hated New York. Nov<mb*r 2*^. !9' > * U CKAS L- COHS. Referee. Th«« for»s^!ne ■•'• la h*r»t>y fortfter ad journed to Friday. D*o«mt>»r Or<t. iO«?9. at to". sain* time and *'* -.. ~— '«'»d New law*. December .-■• 1909 CHA*. U COHN. nai — The for»f>(n.- sale li hereby farther ni joiirned to Fridar. P*cember 17th. IS**, at th« Mini time and place. Dat«d. N»w Yorh. December 10th. l<>o<> CHAS. U COHN. Bitnw Ti« fore^lns »a!» Is hereby farther so journed to Friday. December 24th. 1000. aft th*> Ntmc time and place. Dated. New York. D«eember 17th. J9BB-. CKA?. U COHS. Kef-re- Th* ft»r«g"in« sa.'e f» hereby further »<•■ lourned to" Fr!iJay. Pecember ' '«: 1309. »c the <amt 'm« an** r'«-» Dated Ne-» Tork. December "U'h. '.'>«!» CHA3. T _ COHN. Ref«re-. The poms «i'» is hT-bT further idJourrM la Friday. January lith. SBL at t&« same tim* and place. Dated. Ncr» Yor*. D-c-mb-r Slst. trw ■ CiI.KS. L. COX.V. R^feTe*. The f»r«eoin«j sale In h«r*hr further ad jnurned to Krfday. Febradry 4;h. 10X0. »■ •-•» unit time and place. Dated. N«w York.' January 14th. lf>!rt. CHA3. L. COH9T. R-f-r*".. The for^s^ins: sale is hereby further .-8 iourn«d to Frtrtay. Febniari' 13th. 1010, at th« uma tlm< and place. Dated. New Tor*. February 4th. I<»t<V CHaS L. CQHN. Refer--* Th- fr»r»;olna: aal* Is h»r#by further ad- T^urned to Frsdav. March 4th. IS>K\ at th*» sam» ii-ii. and place. t>at«d. New York '•'■opii 1 *th. 101» CHAS- L. COHN. Ttet-im* BUSINESS CHANCES. XCCVitVLXTtXa INTERESTS m*k* tl-strablfl r^tirt-ment trom nia.Ragem*nt proaper*^., mj^s> will lisymr •' half Interest, SM •• ijv «-erporatP.l. excellent opportunity tor Int-lIU-nr. atnbtttous yauna maa; riners i«nor«d. R*<«« nU«<!. Box ll». ■>.-.n« Office. AT A GREAT REDUCTION.' printing of aU kinds: «• «-»n ia« yoa Bi>C.. Johasnn Pres^ •ucceaiors to Call Press, 142 Fulton zz., NT. It