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12 CAIRO WOMEN ARM MORE SOLDIERS SK\T Feeling Against the Segroes U Still Bitter. C*im HI- Feb. h t',, jo officer are urchins the city to-nicht for ■ «m Sheeted of purse snatching and ""•"f clash betwea I^<- authorities and the clU iei^ is feared If the ■« •■ caufiht rompanv H. of Phelbyvllie. of the^llH nois Nations Gunrd. wa. to-,,1 C ht order^ to report here by Adjutant General son The Shelbyvllle company will an " hrre to-morrow on a special trail: Xdnnant General Pickson and Sheriff sf«Slis conferred v-nipht. and the order to TH 0 additional militiamen was th* result. Feeling i* .. ■ running *«■ nc.i — ' the n^roes. and intensity was added to this ►entimrm this afternoon, when negroes. It fs charged, made insulting gestures at the persons in the funeral procession foV,ow;n K To the cemetery the nody of Alexander Hal'iday. vho wa- killed m Thursda> nisrht in an attack on the jail- Nearly six hundred arsons attended U»e fur.fral and accompanied th* b^dy to Mounds. lU.. in m social irain. As the irain was passing through the negro dis trict east of «~airo ■-" ' - collect erf on tV rtreite to watch its P a^a*o. It was here ...... funeral party charpe. that an -■ tine denwnstratlon •«• made. An effort was maGe to organize a party on the ■---.- return trip to Cairo to wr.ak summary venpe^nce on the r.eproos. but no disturnante resulted. An unidentified man created a disturb unce at the cemetery by dema:id:njr per mission to make .... over the prave. but he was hustled away. He said he was a friend of Halliday and that he had been n:n out of toivn by the police. The ncero .... . . are affr t-vnipht is believed to have l»een associated » tii John !T-iiU. tli- nerro who •-:-■• lyneUinr when Bhrrlff Ne'.lis defended the jail at the cost «1 on- life and the injury of other? in the auackins party. If he is caught an effort may ..■ made to take him -v.iv from the polk-e before the military has an op portunity to interfere. The military «ont trued to pa'rol the niwit. to-nipht at regular interxal?. Sev eral small crowds were dispersed <lurinp the day. but ti<"> demonstration took place «C any Tr.omfnt- Th«> ■ •..,.. <>f feeiinc arainst the ne _■- , elrnv-nt is manifested in threat* and -"umors of future ocmonstratlons. Women c-nerally are carryinß revolver? Bud arc ii'-ped by their husbands and male relatives to shoot to kill if attacked. The special prand ■ .--, which has been instructed to Investigate the riot probably ■"."ill be dissolved to-morrow morninc when it reconvenes. Judp" W. M Butler, who In structed the jury, conferred with Sheriff Ne^is tV.ij: afternoon, and later announced h" would decide •whether a new jury is nec r^ar;.". There are four neproes on the jury. The home of Sheriff N»Mlss is puarded by the militia md he is plven a military escort when he leaves the courthouse. Popular feeling is apainst him for usinp ■n«-pro deputies ;,mi allowing Halliday'F body to lie in front of the jail for three bcjrs. Adjutant General Dickson, Governor Itrneen'y personal representative, declared this aftemooi! that Sheriff Vellta was not •>rdered by the Governor to permit Halli dav's bndv to ]i»» on the pround until Th" militia- arrived. Mrs Nellie. Rife of Uie Sheriff, col lapsed this afternoon under the strain and is now under a physician's care. She Js <-n* of the women ..... .-arryinp re xoJvers The ministers in their pulpits for the most part to-day united in urpitip the citi- L«>as to support the "taw. The Her Frank Thompson, ....... Christian Church. vaid in part : "No American whose near' is filled with j>a?sion for the commonwealth ■ .iii np prov*- mob law; yet have occurred in Cairo which, if they had not moved «*a!ro's brave men to Oeeds — darinp and 'ier-p<raie dr«^ds — and Cairo's fair women to tezTS. would have lowered them to the level cf th<* unf^-elinp ox. which calmly f'~ds as liis <-onirade suffers or dies." This, in a way. is the feeling in Cairo among the populace.! LAST SERVICES IN OLD CHURCH. Ncariy ev«-y member r>f tho congrega tion of the Second Reformed Prcshytcrlar! '"l/urx-h was present at yesterday's ser vices, thf "my' \<> l* held in tlir- :.-.-. it f'Uildini: in \V«st 39tli street, .•-..•; Sev >nth anJ Eisl.:li avenues;. Th*- Hey. K. M ■ Poni€rviij<» preacl>ed at jl;e niorninc ser \U-v. and ih» Be\-. Samuel IfcXaUBI of Boston, occupied the vulpit in the evening. A new buildi:ic will l*e built on the West M<3* <-'n a sdte yet to ■he determined. Meanwhile th • members of th«=> conjrreca tion miil worship In the Fourth Reformed ''r'-.-hvTerian Chufcli In Harlem. Senator William Alrien Smith n r Michigan, and Ex-Senator Charles A. Towne of Minnesota, tell the ' Story of a Boy hood Disappointment and a You'hfui Vow"' in NEXT SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE February 27th. Hrw their careers strangely paralleled each other will :n mm legions of readers. Other Features: Purple and Fine Linen B I W. Hans hew. Dances That Inspire By Loic Fuller. The Red Symbol By John Ironside Keeping Tabs on Piddie By Sewell Ford NEXT SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE .MAGAZINE SECTION) KNOWS OF BRIBES. Ff\ A". A morn Makes Charges in Church Address. William N. Artmry spoke last night in the oliaprl of the Chun* of tbe Ascension. in Kast nth street, on corruption in the traction DWfSera in this city. "A member of the Assembly." he sal<i. "once toM m« hi Albany that he had accepted bribes from the Metropolitan Street Railroad Company. With the treated calmness he boM me just how he had been to help pass or kill bill?. He had been chair :nan of the Committee on Street Railroads." Hi Amory said that James \V. Osborne might be counsel for an investigating com ir.iuce to probe this corruption in Albany, and that he would divulge his Informant's panne and the circumstances of his confes sion. After the meeting Mr. Aniory was ask^i to disclose the identity of the man. but would only say that be was still alive. In his speech Mr. Amory told again his history of the various traction mergers in New York City and said that the promot ers had made more than |MMW.«w9 out of them. He said that the railroads' ignored the orders of judges and said that the judges smiled at this defiance because Borne of them were owned by the "traction trust." •i have told Mayor Gaynor." he con tinued, how he can recover for the people certain lapsed franchises. He is too busy now. but I think that he will take some action later. I tried to get Mayor Mc- Clellan 10 recover a large number of these franchisee, but it was no use." TWO HI NT IS CRASH. Surface Cars Come Together at Third Avenue and 34th St. In a collision between an eastbound Sfth street crosKtown car and ■ southbound Third avenue car at Third avenue and 34th Street last evening one passenger on each car was severely injured. Both cars were •well filled, and were considerably damaged in Hie smash. A number of the passengers and the moiormen were thrown down and bruised. The collision was attributed to wet rails and the slipping of the wheels of the crosstown car. The accident tied up the crosstown line and the southbound track of The Third avenue line fully three-quarters of an hour, as the Third avenue car was derailed. The injured were : Mi Ellen Clark, forty-eight years old. of No. 1353 bM street. Borough Park. Brooklyn: contusions of the spine and body. Frank l>»nzper. thirty years old. of No. jj*4 ■:<] street; contusions of hips, body and face. Mrs. Clark and Lensper were removed to BeUevue Hospital, but later in the evening Mrs. Clark was transferred 10 St Vincent's Hospital by her own wishes. No arrests ■were made. Th« reserves from the East Sath street station were called out to handle the crowd attracted by the accident. The windows of both cars were shattered and the Third avenue car's rear vestibule and the crosstown cars front vestibule were smashed. ■ ■"■■-- THREE MEN LAID OUT. Peculiar String of Rotes Fol lows Attack of Thugs. Stephen Brennan. of No. •"..=. Grattan street. WUUanisburg, was murderously stabbed early yesterday morning in th« door way of ■ house at No 104 Cooper street, and Seymour Marsh, of the latter address, was arrested and held without bail in trie Man hattan avenue polio court by Magistrate nbothaui An additional charge or as sault was triad* against Marsh by Paul A. Reigler. who lives at No. 171 Cooper street. A peculiar story concerning the affair de ,. op, d In court. Marsh told the magis trate that his wife was dying, an<i early yesterday morning he set. out to ■set a doc tor. When he got to Evergreen avenue and Cooper street, he said, he was attacked by three men. who attempted to rob him. Marsh -aid thai !■ resisted, .'nd he re membered losing e<inst-iou«ness. When he revived he Found a man bending ever him. He thought he was one of the robbers. This man proved to l»e Reigler. who s-iid that while on his way home he Found Marsh on The sidewalk and was trying to find out what happened to him when Marsh sud denly Jumped up and attacked him. and ran away after knocking him down. Retgler wat«-hed Marsh as he ran away and saw him enter the bouse at No. 104 Cooper street Just then Brennan came along and Found RetgW barely able to stand. He helped him to his feet and agreed to accompany him to No. 104 and find out the identity of the man who as saulted him As Brennan pushed open the front door, which was ajar. Marsh, who had b'-^n concealed behind it armed >vith a big carving knife, according to the testimony, rushed upon Brennan and slashed liis head. face, neck and shoulders. Th<* shouting of Rrennan brought Detec tive Robinson, of th« Hamburg avenue po • station, who said he had to *>.g!'.t Marsh before he could disarm him. Brennan was taken to the German Hospital, where bis C'ndi'ion was pronounced serious. When Marsh was arraigned yesterday Reigl«»r was th«"re to prosecute him. Reig ler declared that he didn't se<- the attack of the ! 'sr- m Marsh, which Marsh eaid led to all the subsequent troubles. WOMAN BURNED IN FLAT. Returned to Save Property from Fire and Was Cut Off by Flames. As she returned to her blazing apartment in The. basement of the five story tenement at No. 117 Wept | nth street. In an effort to save some of her effects. early yester day, Mrs. Zalbora Wolf, wife of the janitor of the p!a«-<\ was overcome by smoke and flame and lh<>n burned to death. .Mrs. Wolf. li«t husband and ten-year-old son. Charles, lived at tii*- loft of th<> base tnent. At « o'clock yesterday morning Na than Wolf, the deavd woman's brother-ln law. entered his fiat, at the right of the basement, nnd In lighting a lamp accl d«ntall) overturned it «nd set the dining loom aftre. The 1/aze swept through the basement, causing $l. <>f| o damage. DENIES KNOWLEDGE OF KILLING, -lolm «'. Gargan. of No. 653 Atlantic ave nue, Brooklyn, when arraigned before Mag iMratP nner, in th»* Gates avenue po lice court yeaterday morning on the . (air*- of shooting and killing his brother, Harry J. Gargan, and his father-in-law, Martin W. rlynes, in a saloon at Marry :nid Lexington avenues on Saturday even- Ing. I'd to lunk'' it appear that I-,.- wag insane. He told the court that he had not shot the nan, as charged, and that he had been arrested under « misapprehen ■son The magistrate held him for a fur ther bearing on February "6. ELBERT H. GARY TO BUILD HOME. Elbeti If. Gary, chairman of the board of directors of the United States BteeJ Corporation,': is to add another palace to the already long line of imposing man sions In upper Fifth avenue. He lias bought in* 1 house of the iate H. O. Armour, on the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Mth street, and as soon an the demo lition •if the old Armour house is com pleted the erection of a. mx story residence will be begun. The plot is 30 by 120 f«rt. but the price paid the Armour estate has not. been announced. The new home, of Mr. •;;,.-. will cost, it Is said, nearly $1,000,000, and will be ready for occu pancy in >he Fall of IKII Mr. and Ml I «;«ry are now living at the Waldorf, and •will spend the summer in Europe. MONDAY MtH^otiC FEBBUARY 21 : 1910 GANG GOES TO JAIL HENKEL IS HASTE. Counterfeiters Start to Serve Long Sentences. lanazi'. l.upo. "the Wolf." and (impenJ 1 ' Morello, "the Gray Fox." and Ilieir six companions, who were convicted of coun terfeiting In th« Criminal Branch of the United States Circuit Court on Saturday and sentenced by Judpn Bay to spend from fifteen to thirty years in prison, departed quietly for Atlanta yesterday. Six depu ties went with them. If the party makes < onnertirin*; and their train over the South ern Railroad Is on time, Atlanta will be reached at « o'clock to-night. Scarcely a dozen persons other than those engaged in the transfer of the prisoners witnessed their departure from the Tombs. However. United States Marshal Henkel had decided to take no chances, and had ordered his entire staff 'of deputies to re port at his office in the Federal Building at <? o'clock yesterday morning. Marshal H<-nkol and John Stelhhn?r. John Tinkley. Peter Kopp. Henry Cunningham, Harry Beatty and William, the six depu ties Who were assigned to go to Atlanta with the prisoners, went immediately to the Tombs, leaving the remaining members of the staff to follow in two patrol wagons that had been sent down from Police Head quarters. At 11 o'clock ail arrangement? had been v> mpleted. and the wagons were admitted to the prison yard throuph the hip in Lafayette street. This precaution w<> lid have forestalled any demonstration had the friends of the prisoners planned to make one. because the Lafayette street entrance is seldom used. The hist time was when Charles W. Morse was taken to Atlanta. fcfanacled two and two. the convicted men were taken down to the wagons, l,npo and Mor.llo in the lead. Four of them rode m each wagon, accompanied by several guards. As The procession proceeded down 1-afayett" street to Park Row, past the Federal Buildinc. wh<-ro they had been on triai ouritiK the last month, thence t" Rroadwa>. Cortlandt street and the Penn sylvania Railroad ferry, not a person in the streets suspected that the memhers of one of the most desperate hands of counter feiters ever convicted were on their way to a federal prison. A= soon as the ferryboat dooked at 3»r sey City the prisoners were taken t" Hie immigrants' waiting room of the Pennsyl vania Station, -a here Marshal Henkel dis missed all i is deputies except the six who were to deliver the men to the authorities of the prison in Atlanta. Shortly after noon the prisoners and their guards bojDTd ed the 1:14 train for Washington. The marshal remained w ith them until the train pulled out of the station. He urged 'he prisoners to accompany their guards without making any resistance. The men replied that thry would create no dis turbance, and said they were prepared to serve the l°ng terms to which they had been senten.-ed. Marshal Henkel bought a box Of cigars for the party, and *« the trail started and he stepped to the plat form of the station the prisoners stood up and waved a farewell with their hats. So secretly were the H rrangements m>*<lp for taking the men to Atlanta that few persons knew that Marshal Henkel had planned to the prisoners yesterday. Ail d«v long their friends 'Tilled at the Tombs with f.>od and tobacco, thinking that the transfer was ri"t to he mad" until a later day. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMAXAC. Sunris", «4t;. sunset, . i:4»"; moon sets, I in. moon? ag« . 11 da>s. HIGH WATER Band: Hook ■"• •<■'• * ; '-'■> Governor's Island $:0S ♦>:.*."> Hell Gal» " :-"> 4 8:45 WIRELESS REPORTS. Tn« > I'mbria, reported as 560 miles »ast of Sand] Hook at lla m yesterday, Is 'm- Led to dock Tuesday forenoon. The Kais*rin Auguste Victoria, reported .is .Vifv"F east of Sandy Hook at i :3'« p m yesterday, Id expected to dock Tuesday afternoon. INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-I>A V. Vessel. From. Line. •Crispin . Para. Feb."■b ."■ Month •Ad Karrafra: .. Tort Antonio, Ke! 1 15. .P FCo •Caracas San Juan, Feb 16. ... Jlt-ij D .}•,-,,„-.. Porto Rico. Feb 15. N V & 1" R •Allrjrhanv Kingston, f->b 15...Hamb Am "Bennudian Bermuda. Feb 19 Quebec Antonio Lopez. . Naples, Feb 4. ... Spanish Toronto Hull, Feb <! Wilson Korea ....Tyne. Feb 4 T'n<-mis-' ■- Smyrna. Feb 4 Greek ["raniuili .. - Rotterdam. Feb 8 Russian Farthenia Antwerp. Feb 6 ■ Orctava Bermuda. Fob 19 ...It M S I* Mom us New Orleans. r~*b 16...50 la' 1 America Naples. Feb 11.. Fabre El I>ia (Jalveston. I->b 15 So Pac TUESDAY. FEBRUARY '.'2. •Furn?s=ia Glasgow. Feb 12 Anchor •X A Victoria.--. Hamburg, Feb 12.. Ha Am •I'nibria . Liverpool, Fob 11' <unard •Puriname Trinidad. F>b 14- ... D \V I *!-arau>s;a Havana, F<*b 19 Ward •Ca maguey . Guantanamo, Feb lfi Ward •Prinz Joachim. . Colon, Fob 15 Ha;; Aid Kroonland Antwerp, Feb 12 R«>d Star Alice \cidf. Feb II .Vi-trian Moncenisio . Lisbon. Feb 10 javar\ .Barbados. Feb 14 — — Ci'y of Savannah. .Savannah, Feb 19. . .Savannah WEDNESDAY. FEBP*'ART 33 •Camoens ... ISarbados, Feb 15 Uesaba London Feb 12 ....At Trans Madonna Naples, Feb ..... Fabre )(.!).<: ola ' hristisncrjud. Feb I2.P.and A San Giovanni Naples, Feb 8 Italian Virginia Naples. Feb 10 Uoyd-ltal •Brings mail. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-PAY. Mail Vessel Vessel For. Lin* ■ closes. sails Saramacca. Paramaribo. DWI. II :<»< a m ! •"• r> m TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. Potsdam. Rotterdam. Holl-Azn. - - 9:<v»am Pennsylvania, Hanib'c. 1! Am " ""am Mohawk. Jacksonville. Clyde. 1 :<>o p m WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. lmbria Liverpool. <'unard... f.::i<)a m 0:«>a m Aoui larranut. Jama da, V F 6:3oam 10:(t0aia St Irene. Argentina. 7:00 a m — . lieimndian. Bermuda. Quebec .Vila in !O:00atn Maracas (»rena < Trinidad^lo:oo aw 12:00 m Panama, Cristobal. Panama.. 11:30 an 3:00 prn Russia Rotterdam. Russian. Orotava Bermuda. yii"b«' . . . ' in no a m Lapland Antwerp. Red Star. lO:<Hlam ■nche. Jacksonville. nyd« — — l:<»>pm S rsolnto Oalveston. Mallory — 12:00 m Many. Tampa Mai lor . . . 12:"" m Uanzanillo Santiago Ward.. I2:<»im : TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Close In N v destination and ptramer. P.M. Japan. '"ore » mi'! < hlna i •• la Tacoma) - Seattle Mam . . Feb 27. •> so Hawaii Guana and Philippine Islands <vi« Fan Francisco) --I? £ transpoii 2 fi . fi -0 Hawaii (via Ban Francisco)- Alameda.Feb 2^. »i:3O Hawaii, Japan, Corea. bins and Philippine Islands (via Fan Fran rj«r.'Oi Mongolia Mch 3. fl:3O Japan. «'orea. abina and J'hlllpjilne Islands i. ln Vancouver and vic toria. H •'» Kmpresß of China ...Men 4.6:30 Tahiti. Marquesaa arid Cook Island?, Sew Zealand find Australia (except West) (via Ban Francisco) — Mari opa - ■ . ... Men ft. fi 30 i Eamoaa Islands. New Zealand an.] Australia (excep< West) (via !-an Francisco) Century Mch •; 6 JO Hawaii, Japan. <'oiea. China and Philippine Inlands <vla Han Fran clsco^— Tcnyo Maru . . Mch 10, »i ;:o SHIPPING NEWS. Port of New York, Sunday, February 20, 1910. Ait hi \ i ?i<-amer \n< ) \c iHi i. H<>np Kong r>ecember :: «in«apor* 19. Penang 23 and Boston February jit with mdsc. South-southeast of i-ii. island | at 4:IK P m. • steamer Larimer, Port Arthur February 10. to the J m ;;uft. i Petroleum Company, with oil. Passed in Quarantine at ft 38 p m. Bteamer AiHino. Mobile February 12 and T«m,,|i« IS, v ' a K«j West, to the Mallory Ss CO, with i < ■-■-f-iiK'i :- and md* !'«;-••.. I in Quarun tine at 12:.'i" P m Steamer Alt-mnha. Brunswick February 17. 10 it,. Brunawlok K« Co ullh mdse. Passed In .Sandy Hook at 7:42 p in. .-I.*!!**-.- city of Columbus, iavannali P"«bruary« 17 to the ' '■ ' "■ Ss '■• with paasencers jiul Kid* Passed In Quarantine ■< «I" m in. Steamer «''' Jarksonvlile February 17 and t'hdJ"letton is. to tin I 'Ode Hh «'<i. Ith j-dseeiigers and mdge. Passed 111 Quarantine si 1 .?-> p in Steamer HauilUun. Newport Newt and Nor- Reduction of 20% Diamond and Gold Jewelry Pearl Necklaces Old English and Modern Silver Howard & Co Fifth Avenue and Forty-Seventh St, This offer is for a limited time, and made in order lo facilitate the settlement of the estate of the late Mr. J. P. Howard. Our busy day. between two days off. Everjihing man and boy wear on a holiday, anywhere. For a tramp in the woods or a matinee. Clothing— from Xorfolks to evening suits. Furnishings from sweaters to dress shirts. Hats- from English cloth hats to silk toppers. Shoes from hunting boots to pumps. By special messenger, if needed, at your telephone call. Rogers Peet & Company. Three Broadway Srcres at at at Warren st. 13th st. 34th st. AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Evenings at S. Saturday Matinee at 2. To-nigh' — FalotafT. times. Destlnn. Alda, Homer, Maubourir; MM. Scottl. Clement, Pini- Coral, Eada. Reiss. Didur. Cond., Toecaninl. Tues. fWash. B'day* Matinee at .11:30— Parsifal. Mme. Fremstad: MM. Burrian. White hill. Blass, Goritz. Witherspooa. Cond.. Hertz. Tnrs. (Wash. B'dayl Evg.; Bpd. rer'fee — la (ii<x-<>nda. Mmes. Desttnn, Homer. Meltachlk; JlM.Caruso.Amato.ds Segurola. Cond.Toscaninl. Wed. Evp- — Manon. Thurs. Evg. — Das Rhein- Kold. Fri. Evk.. 8:15 — Don I':i»qiiale. .-")• Mat. — Aida. Sat. Evg. at 7:30 — Die Walkucre. NEXT WEEK Mon. Eva;., Poublp Bill Werther. Mines. Karrar. <{!u^k; MM. <"lement. Gilly. Pini-Corsl. I'ond.. Taneo. Cnppelia iballet). Mile. Pavlowa and m Mordkine (d"but). Cond., Podcsti. Tuesday Evening, Har<~ii 1. at 8 o'clock. Grand <iala Performance for Ihr ■R'-n'-nt of th" Pension and Endowment Fund of* th* 1 Metropolitan Op<"ra Company. I — Pajfliai-ri. Prologue and Act I. Mile. Nona; MM. I'aruw. Ama to. Gilly. Relss. n~r>rbut of Mile. Anna Pavlowa, Premiere Ballerina Imp. Opera, St. Petersburg. 11l — II Trovatnre, Act IV. Mrafs. Gad*ki, Homer; MM. Slrzak. <;illy. Audlslo. IV — Tosca, Act IT. Mile. Farrar; MM. Martin, Scotti, Bada. B£gu£. V — Mil". Pavlowa and Mr. Michael Mordkin«. Premier Danseur Imp Opera, M"!='k;i •, VI — l.a <iioconda. Act 111. Mmes. Destlnn, Meitschlk; MM. Caruso. Amato, tie- Segu rola and the entire Corps de Ballot. Conductors. mm. Toscatiini. Podestl and Tansro. Prices for this Performance, $1.30. .«•_*, $2.50, $4, $r.. $7. Sale of Seats begins To-day, 9 A. M. AT THE NEW THEATRE. Tuc?. Evg."- — Maestro di Cappella and Ales •andrn Stradella. Mmes.Glnck.Fornia: MM. Sie zak. Reiss. Horltz. Plni-Corsi. Bada. Muhimann. Wed Mai l.a lille de Madame Angot. Al the Brooklyn Academy of Mu>ic. To-night- l.a Boheme. Mines. Farrar. Alten: MM Bonci. Gilly, de. Sftrurola. Reschigllan. Gianoli, Tecchi Cond.. Podcsti. WEBER PIAXo ISEE> MANHATTAN • ««*era ihousk.i lVlrlllinAllAl\i ruth st & sth'Ave! To-night at S— RKiOI.ETTO. Mm- Tetraz zinl. Mr. McCormack. MM. Renaud, Gllibepl To-morrow rWashington'a Kirtlidayi Matinee 2:30- ELF.KTKA. Mmc Mazarln.' etc And evening at R TALKS OF HOFFMANN*. Mile Cavalteri. M. Renaud. etc. Wed — LOUISE. Miss Garden, Mmc pnria. MM. Dal mores, Gill bert, *>tc. Fri. — LUCIA. Mme. Tetrazzini. Mr. McCormack. M. Sammarco. Sat. Mat — LOUISE. Miss Garden. Mmc Doria. MM Dal mores. Dufranne. etc. Sat. Eve. (popular prices] ,ir<;<;i,Eß of NOTRE DAME. SThe Belascofj West 44th St Eves 15 TTYVKSA\ I Matinees at •_> i;. Matin* To-morrow. Thurs. and Sal tssoo THE LILY presents j •■■ UIJ M-IM.M-1 M. DCI AQPfI THFATRE. West 42d Street. DLLAuUU Ev s. si:. Matinees at 2:15. Matinees To-morrow. Wed and Sat. "A GREAT ri-AV."— Commercial CHARLOTTE WALKER %32£ZZ*.r. JUST A WIFE IAfIB nillAl Miss Ortrude Hoffmann, liULUnIAL "The Bandit, l^ The Croat "Daily Mt. '-■><'■ • Chester and others. H| yUMPdI Mrs. Patrick Campbell, DLsiAtnDnM' <"|air. •i:..m;.ine.H..iiir i ™ Dally Mt,'2Sc. I & Co.* 5 Olympiera. othe. folk to th» Old Dominion Sa Co! with paasen «*«» and nvJse. Passed In Quarantine at 1:53 P »mmer Delaware. Philadelphia, to the Clyde Ss Co. with mdse Passed in Quarantine at gteamer Hawaiian, Puerto Mexico February 8. \i» Philadelphia If. to the American Hawaiian --> Co arrived at 'he Bsr at 12:48 p. m. Simmer Seguranca. Tatnplco Ffbruarj' 12 and Nassau 17. to the New S"orfc and Cuba Mall >s Co with 28 passengers, mails and md»« Ar rivVd at the Bat a' •".-•>■< P " 1 - Steamer Curityba ifiiban>, Gibara February 10, Nuevltaa II and Sipe 16. to the Munson S« bine with I' l passengers and mdß< Arrived at the Bar at *'• a m. Steamer Kyleakln (Br>. Perlh Amboy. to V-uii. h. Bdye & Co. in hallagt. Left Quarantine at I":!" a no Strainer I Tins Kredcr»l< llf-ndril< iDutoh). Paramaribo January 21. Dem«»rara 2:>. Trinidad ■•) Carupano February 1. Cumana and Guanta '•• 'I. Guayra ». Puerto Cabello ». Curacao <i j'ar-n"l R Aux • 'ayes 8. Jereml, I". Pi Mar. and r.onalvcs'j2 Port an Prince and Petll Uoave 14. o i!<«- Royal Dutch West India Mall, with ."> passenc;ers, mails and rndse Arrived at the H»r "*flteamer Graf Walder»ee (Ger), Hamburg I>l' * _ -, and Boulogne 8, to Hi-- Hamburg American l.iiv ■ with 17ft cabin and 1.74 steerage passenger* and mdse Arrived hi the Bar at 2 a Sandy Hook. NJ. Feb 20. f» : 30 p m -Wind northeast; moderate breeze; cloudy; light .*-.•« SAILED. Steamers Caroline (Kr», Havre, Deutachland -,,, Copenhagen: Canning (Br) Manchester; Hi (kndrew -Hi.. Antwerp: Agfnorla ißr», l.a piaU and Rosario via Ht Thomas: IVayall ,Ml). 1,.,.,,.., para etc; Octnulgee, Brunswick: »'o|o rado WHmlnajton; Jefferson. Norfolk and New port News; MaragTotha ' Ruaa ier) . . STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ARRIVED. Plymouth Feb -•". I2:W P m— Amerlka (Ger). ••..v. York fur Cherbourg and Hamburg S'aples H"eb 20, 7 V nl— Saxonla ii'.n. New York via Madeira and Gibraltar, MovllleJ Keb 'J<> Caledonia ißr>. New York for Glasgow. SAILED SAILED. OueenHlown. Fab -'<•. !•:;:« ■ m - Laurent ic (Mr). New York- ■"■ 13 p in, Mauritania iHn, New V0 ' k - PASSED. PABBED <;ihraltar. Feb 20 Ipn — Carmania (Br^ Fiume, etr. for New York. ADVERTISING PAYS New York Ctty. <■ U ll! I' men: Our classified ad in 'I tie Tribune Is drawing very well AMERICAN HOME MONTHLY. AMUSEMENTS. NEW YORK'S LEADING THEATRES & SUCCESSES CUDIQC B'way and 40th St^sEves. 8:13^ HirirlltC Mats. Tues. and Sa» a* --l»- MATINEES TO-MORROW ',{&** ,^ ETHEL ° BARRYMORE in Sir A. V.-. PINK!:".- MID-CHANNEL- I VnCIIU 4.". Kves. at S:?A LTutUln Mat.-. Tues/. Thur?- A- Sat£ MATS. TO-MORROW, THURS. AND SAT. ' "Full of bright lines."— Herald.^ nil I IC DIlDi/C in W. S. Mausiham s BILLSE BURKE •»«*. dot. SAVOY M ats. Tues.. Thurs. & Sat. MATS. TO-MORROW. TlllKS. AND SAT. TO-IMICHT AT 8:30 HENRY B. HARRIS presents CHILDREN OF DESTINY A New Play by SYDNEY ROSENFELJ>- Cast, of Distinguished Merit. HUDSON 44th St . nr. B'wav. Eve. S:l *■ MATS TO-MORROW. WED, AM) BAT. MATS TO-MORROW. «M», AM» SAT. , "The funnle-t person on tli«" »tfge to <l;it." — Alan Da If. •■Vafl Afll ■ ICO in ins Breatcst success, Wm. COLLIER a IMKVSIAH -\l lo^ble as RIP Van Wlnkl^-ggKgSJ OTIS SKIHHER V in ?ffiS^?^ By Booth Tarkington and H. 1^- Wilson. "A. Tender a, Kittle T.ord Faiint FRANCIS WILSON S*4S? IHI BACHELORS BABY. MATINEES TOMl»liRI»« * s.\Tir.l>A\ " A THE DOLLAR m pRINaSS AV SEATS ON SALE TO AI'RII> IB- rHAKJ ES mi.I.INtiHAM | .Montgomery *~<w fiorn'wav & 10th . c t. and Stone GLOBE «•!.-.. Mats in THE OLD Tuesday and Saturday Only- I TO>\"N nnnrnU I SupnlenT'n'ary Delivered by BUH T till i Mr - tt'risht Kramer. HOLMES today ;; Hawaii NEW iMSTERD&MgIi^giI MADAME JeHL. >, lp rrn,p praroa oil Tears aad ThrßU. --7" W a. B-wav ft 45th Ft. Erea 819 HflX ROQERSIfHnoIG TURK an l?U lU ocM ay TOOTS PAX.V and Th? 3 BIG SEN- H T , , The ..hula SATIONS. ill-; A." '' ■•' Tarlsian Glide, vtvr MONDAY. Seat"" Sale Thursday. LOS M<r\ITKS- New Musi.-al Production. BRIGHT EYES 'V^tA." ÜBERTY u>fit *- rl stre " r - Xv( * s - at s .IDIISII I Mats. To-mor'w fr Pal at 2. •Don't Mil". It at Anr Cost."— Ev«, Sun. THE FANTASTICAL Ml SICAIi COMEDT. THE ARCADIANS With It* Wondprftd Cast of 100. OAILI V MAT WEO.^SAT.Z/S » fORTUNESHONTER liUt ntDtni 6 To-n.0,,,,,v. wed and Sat.. j, . Where Therms a WU 1 THE NEW THEAT RE Central Park W. 62>^ y 63 stR Tel. SBOO Col. Xon-Subvrip»ion Performance* This Meek: To night. Wed., Thurt . v«.it. E\e.. Sat. Mat. Seals in Ml Parts of the Hou*e. Tickets for All Performances, Two Weeks In Advance, Ordered by Mail or Telephone, Will Be Delivered by Messenger to Any Address In Manhattan. 1 si-K^ridan'sH DHichtful Comedy ; TheSCHQOLFORSCANDAL Shakespeare's Charming; Comedy, TWELFTH NIGHT THE NIGGER THE WITCH A play of the South A Play of wit. hcrafl To-night, 8 IS The School for Srandal Tu< Mai 2:1." fextra).. . The Mitch Tu.-s. Eve.. S f*6 i operas i . . . .II >lae?tro di <°appelhi and Alessandro Stradella Wed. Mat.. 2:00 (opera) Mme. Angot Wed Ever.. 8:15 . .... Twelfth Night Thur.= Mat., 2 15... The Witch Thurs K\ . sir....The School for Scandal Fri. Evg 8:30 The Witch Sal Mat.. 2:00 Twelfth Night Sat Eve.. 8 SO The >" inner NEXT WEEK Mon.. Turs. Wed. Eves.. Wed. Mai . John Maaon and His Company In A Son of the People; Thurs. Eve Th«> School for Scan dal; Fri. Mat. (extra), lion: Sat. Mat. and Evs:.. Twelfth Night. pricef Drama, -VJ to 50c.': Opera, $5 to $1. At the Brooklyn Academy of Music To-morrow Twelfth Nlgrht HIPPODROME Daily Mat! - Bost Seats $1. Evs=. 25c, %i M A Trip | H-illfl | ln-i'l»- j 10 New to Japan ( of Jewels i the KarttilCircua Act* JVw Field»\|B'y & 35tu. Mat« Th^-s. & Sat. HERALD SO. Blanche Ring ™§£™ DOMEDY^v/Mary Mannering ;,,,; Bet B'y&«th in A Man'- lVoirld|Wed.?at.2i3o HACKETT '.Vf'K JOHN MASON s g££ Last .", Times --T<»-nlKlit. ruen.Mat X Night. BEGINNING WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Constance Crawiey "£: *."? ''•'v < :. n<rT Uaiy's: ;, M&XtNE ELLIOTT T^- Fly A .tiiili | iii The Inferior Srx.\ •_'::{(•. BROADWAY, list * H- Mat rue VV>d Sat THE JOLLY BACHELORS «.t h NORA BAYES I.VKI<M-'<l."w. <>f R'.v. Mat.Tue».',Wed.& Sat GrcatPfl Play. THE CITY Mil tine Killnlt'*, .::• m B riies.Wed.Sai FORBES-ROBERTSON _ !!:;;,V i v < i:" i r ",v,.": <'.\>>lN«>. By & .".'.'th. M!it.Tu<>s..\\V ) ) s- Sat Spbra^. THE CHOCOLUE SOLDIER lil.Mll .My a '■' Mat Tiiok. \\>,l £ sat. CYRIL SCOTT in THE LOTTERY MAN \Vnl KnVl. i'J.'itli.W.of Mli. >n.Tii^.\\>ri.SHi H:,v;: ov ' l the beauty SPOT tC-Tnii I!«a\. '■•' ll 81 Ev"e7S:ls Mats.. UC IMi To moi \\. ,t & Sat. 2.-15. Wedneßday Mat Inee, 50c. to ?1.,*0. §H SEVEN OAYS iDEMI Of' Ml M<\ Mai Wash. IV.iay. SOTHERN a* HARLOVIrI a-^ss; Special Mai. '•'■'■ Romro an<l .lullel Pop. Prliei «i«>od HfßfrK-d s. uts 50c. VvXl.l.A('K'S. i:> B I.'. M«t»7TilP».\\>«l Sat. H.B.Warner ' Jimmy Valentine p'tinCM I lirn.. JTth .< .Mti.l. \v. t RvB.S:l5, Uinuuii Mats.*To-iiioirow, \\>.l. Hiid sst.s H t. Bsal <ir«-ri ri;i«iTH lii Mi«> Stoop» to Conquer. ?' Everyman" Kuril I rlilii.i >!>• <ml Mutlner Xl MII A PROM TOR'H i>'i I hi I I BAXv iCTIi AIIC mf « u.irr ok i.h;m r. l.oven Din ftfC* .->,, «|.|l>«<K> ..,. ..,,,. I-Vhllvhl Mat. I. 1 "."> A- .11. |.v ~.,l!. I Slur I''»uluuh IDUIMI2 l^'O \-.\i- . S:i:i Mlllof<-kfr's i.p Iniiill] •i. iih. "Her" ("Th. i - l..\< f, H. stiir lUll" "I •i. Tii"dMm., POP 111 t.A 1 i;i:. pilits. -IH. I ..ei-|, r C.'hrUfl.*' _ Of) James McCreery & .Co, 2 3rd Street s** h Sireet SILK DEPART3IE>*TS. in Both Stores. "3lcCrecry Silks." Famous over half a Century. » Complete assortments in all the latest weaves of Plain and Novelty Silks, includ in Foulard IVpluni is. Crepe Bordure, Per sian Silk and Satin and double width Printed Foulard in exclusive designs and colors. 0° to I.oop»r>aid Rough Shantung Pongee in all makes. OSc to :*.OO per yard On Monday, February, the 21st. Sale of Twenty Thousand yards of Printed Foulard Silk in a choice selection of designs and colors, including the latest spacedots. A largo variety of navy blue and white and black and white. 65c per yard »aluf 1.09 WASH DRESS GOODS. In Both Stores. On Monday, February the *-ilst. Twenty-five Thousand yards of White and Colored French Costume Linen. Colors:— Pink, ** Alice," Copenhagen, Navy and Sky Blue. Lavender, Heliotrope, Wistaria, Amethyst, Mulberry, Moss and Olive Green, Champagne, Tussah, Leather, Nut and Golden Brown, Old Kose, French and Steel Gray; also Natural, Wiiite or Black. 47 inches wide. 16c per yard value 6.1 c DRESS GOODS DEP'TS. Showing exclusive Novelties, consist ing of Jacquard Eolienne, Glace Serge, Dotted Crepon, Glace Eolienne, Wool Natte, Silk and Wool Diagonal, Voile Diag onal and Glace Jacquard Crepe. 1.50 to 3.00 per yard On Monday, February the 21st. Sale of Imported Ivory White Serge, all wool, 46 inches wide. 19m per yard t;ilu« 1.55 Imported Black Broadcloth,— sponged, shrunk and spot proof. 52 inches wide. 1.50 yer yard rain? 2.00 James McCreery & Co, 2 3rd Street 34th Street | James McCreery & Co, 25rd Street 34-th Street i DOMESTIC RUGS, In Both Stores. i Commencing Monday, February the 2 1st. Royal, Anglo-Persian and French Wilton Rugs in a complete assortment of colors. Ranging in size from 18 xB6 in. mat to the largest size, 11 ft. 3 in. x 15 ft. 2.00 to 94.50 Kilmarnock Rugs in pastel shades,— plain centre and floral border. 5.00 to 47.50 Mission Wool Rugs, reversible. Size 3 x 6 ft. to 12 x 15 ft. 2.50 to 22.50 Rags Rugs, plain or with fancy border. All sizes. 1.25 to 15.00 LINEN DEPARTMENTS. Mm Both Stores. On Monday, February the 2 1st. Scotch Damask Table Cloths, with Dinner Napkins to match. 2x2 yards 2.50 astial pric*> 3.00 2 x 2y 2 yards 3.25 n«ual price 8 7.1 2 x 3 yards 3.50 »i«nal price; 4.5© '*y2y 2 x 2J4 yards 3.75 usual price 4. " • .1 Napkins 3.50 per do/. price 4.50 Fine Irish Hemstitched Towels, with Damask figures. 5.75 and S.OO per doz. •iMial prices T.OO and 10.00 Hemmed Muslin Sheets <>sc, 75c, 85c, 05c and 1.05 '. OMial prire* »*>c. !».%<•. LOT. 1.13 and 1 ■ Pillow Cases, size 32£ x 38 inches, 20c linos! vrSrm C - Hemstitched Sheets and Pillow Cases at very moderate prices. James McCreery & Co, 23rd Street 34-th Street AMUSEMENTS. MOTOR! °,"r BOAT 1^ SHOW | Aim. .-...,, BT I! V VESA NT Til EAT XX." UM 4 » M ." . Vir7 IV >T Mr Arthur riHiioforf A BSMpaBSSMSSi j ■■■ ■■■ »:•-. H.ii. ; whifincy I.eorce B.irrere m- WW II IIC. Omrtt- Kirt.rr, V\ntr " ■■■■■■■Q ,u .\f, rr n,..»n mi 3. t l< I.- i- >.i..".n. $|_aml 50 ,-lr.. ii H..t OftUv. ! n Vm^! T^ IN TOMORROW MIGHT A DELE MARBULiES TRIO Stats VI ... |A(lel«- Marßnlir- I'Uti . ami $1 <>" all Leopold I. iHitentwr*. Violin R«x i >•• .c. I 1 «•.. >i-hulf Velio HAKMERSTEiH'S"'iA i r:v&;. ■■ < h-.rt.ia glmpsofl snd Win. I'rurlte. !•» oth* AMUSEMENTS. «• \is \ r. h Aii-- SYMPHONY SOCIETY OF NEW TOBK. W/UTtK MMhS|£ c-***c -***- T..-m..rr»n ,'"•; KTrnlna: -t v " ■ suit- No. ::. MoMk«»w»kl; hon >-...J:':^ < l ami .lull. -i." Berlioa; E*Wpl from »> *nw bury Pllcrim.s.- Wall.r P»7"*!**:^S!VS an.j SplnntaK Souk. McßdalMoba: Ride of th» \alk> ri.'»." Wastncr. •■■>«,-*». Tick) i« 50c t» 12. Ht I vrJt*Bt.Mßox Otnc*> n . . \KNK«.ir HAM.. Boston Th«» «^^^" ' Symphony MII V Hr> ' Orchestra *M --° CD " Conductor. I Aft.. * f Z, • . Trion'* K.-s. S.-ut.v ?• t«J^. I^l_BPSj^^_LJ — - (iirnc-cio H>«". »hur». Aft.. » '»"• "*' jig" KIRKBV LUNN A 0« ■ • }>1..'-«0. Managemen- Loul ■■"• a *