Newspaper Page Text
Two of the QUALITY ADS. IN TO-DAY'S NEW.YORK TRIBUNE. HELP WANTED. Male. ~^ a—Pi MAX __ office -v,- ... __ d do _ w- Btrj _o«kJ_p«»prr: must be bright, enersetks «Ed high sriiool graduate-. «at« education. -_. pcrirnce and rrfrreai— . A- Box 40. Tribune O_f*. Female. f.IRJL went*-; «<__..* work. TV m . «_ber«t*.i_. 1"1 Mrrerr st», city. READ THE OTHERS AND GO TO WORK. H£_,P WANTED. _____». A NEXT ARTICIX. 100 per eer.t rn>fl*-: *<*■& two cert sui_:r for «-ork_:r Mtmpi*. B-SjsjM Spe rialtr Co.. -77 Broaaxray. _?VERTISING _OL_C_TOR Bp«C1-1 temporary •*rc-k caKing or. tusines. houses; com_!is?lon ♦_.-is: ____-drt A-r.rr!:ar.: G__G_ Credential _;~_ .icTiscst Ce?T_r_tioa. 2^3 Brojdwa> . _ . \"gFN^<— ••K»fn_!i'" I~Razi-r~S_irpraer.1 ~Razi-r~S_irpraer. the llv^st fcc ; >-" of ta« cocatry: «_ buy or. stir!-.:. IX to S&t a' t«-_ casilj; exclusive territory; s<»« HOvOCn) _flv_t_Ja« esrrcaisn: fre* <^ v , r:? « la aa'-'-sansvjr. tells FOO ii<^v » B« 1J - ta c:_"v? T_e -'Keenoh" Co., ISOO Bldg.. Ztf-'dt. Mich. ___^_ AGENTS.-^ ar.d 55 !««c:rjite_ *?£* g^.j c m. «_ x j. e \**i pocket; _-—••_- 19c- T:_t;r.: _4S. 177;< roa_ws AGENT- K. - C ti« inSatwr. JW; invaluable to atitorao_l!>_: ecs__ <■•<*» the work; ***** rur::i€_ and coolec; Kood c^-csiai fcr rtgw _en. Ko.-_n 2<S. 377& Broadwcy. j%OE.VT_ ta t<_?. corfee. an.i ?:>tc_s: __ild up c h_-lne*s cf your owr.. Bums _c nt*<. gOS Hudson _t. . . ..STrK. urjo^r";,*.; college graduate; «-\peri cz^e^ii in adi-erti^injr. booklet writing ... . e--..- Ji^ good*; salary (2.400. Crsce_ti_l ■ s__grw__Mt Cerporaiion. 553 Broadway. _____ __ ASSItTANT BOOKKfl__'_RS— By prartising vu'jlic &cwjsi_i. In c_=_ange for^ double <>': c__rl*te course. $15. Ajply 7 i>. m. T-eifer. ri East lir-th st. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly *-xpt;nence_ double entry man, familiar with factory coste; fr<-*3 r^>port__ity. Call Monday. Mlghill fPositlca V-roker). Kiatiron Building. _t>uKKE_PEUI ia _• eha rye of' small office ; etaan-cat Am^ri_,n; Ger.ille: 51. 040. Crr : o<-n ti_l Bnxplora>£_t Corx>or_t;on ■tal . h 1004 >, 2TO Brc_'s«ty. i:otjKKKEt'_H — Capable single •.:_ii tUerrnan Ttret-erTo^ i for tastltatioß; salar>- $!*•»> and mc_:_. Credontia! £_pioy_trr.t Corporation. 233 T3rja_v-a\ . i; .'OX KEEPER— New Tci k ofnet of Western manufacturer wants _. capable ______ at Mv . Credential _mn!oyne_t Corporation ■e_tar> ".sn»_ I!"">4t. 2T.? Prcaiway. _■ «jKi__i _U — Lar_e __aaf_ciuna_ Cms •A_r.:s capable assistant »t KB '*" _>!;'.!. i! "?C:^r'O.-r>e_.t ccr^oritior. (_£a__s_e_ 1904), 253 Broa.way^ ; TiT'CiCKEEI _I 1 U.r to_m»rrc:a; house: must ** coT_peter.t au'2 ab;<- to ledger cherk work; culy. J_r? Erchangc _7 N3-;_ i_ et. _OY — __._;<:: .3 to £_n: ct_nce !■_■ advance. V.'i :i:a:ns Er.cravir.s ''c. 2i > > I-'ulton st. __fc?CV_fi_E__S— Oesra orp_r.:=c_ ar.d pay start? Mon_v momlr.g: work in city and country; I! jer day "ana carfare ___ra_tee_ to experienced newtpajjer and premium rar-'._s?ors: liberal ccm ir.irsioc in addition; pcx_ — oeot '■mjjioj-m'rnt. a : - -!y ~:<Z Mond*y rion:ing-, rendy ... tr:i::.m H. Gutellrt. Room ._3. Tribune 81-Jg. CaNVA.^SER^ — Good rhais-t- for t_r.vassers to ~*' fi^auy emptvyznest; f2O ■peek^y ar.d <-ozn :_:_:.:.n. iRQUirc _ij Court «:., liootr. DC, Erook- CKAUFFEUR, gen^ralTy~ui«cfuT on {.-ruie_an's oou_:r; :._*•: c_rr on; horse; ?4<' r_or._:, rcnjia r.:i_ toai— < 'd^ll'e A_O_T. h25 <th *»«- COUP— — — OntsU* rcari- vTifo g7ueral wericer; S4lM4_. Wo__n's Doß_e«_C Us_c 11 Eaet r^-a at. -^ser^ _____ X'RAFT^-AX, ex;,'. rifr.rf-J :n n:?.chinvry <;es'g~ 'tag: £2J; must be thorc>uj:!:!.v experienced. Call, Mig_m < Position Brokm. Flatiror. Building. :-NGTI-^T:iT^_c_'rtr_rTiirie«r»' C!u-. _* ir>«:i-' repx_MOt-tt~e of Inrre :-ar.ufanurers; raJary njSCO. Cro_e_tl_l KmrlorTr-er.t CorrTatlon <»stabli.«! «/<i I£*K'. 2"*."! Bit—.-aay^ nOUS—UAN — Swede or G— ~3_ n: for city; $30- K5. Mi^s Marsarct Smith' a Bureau. 25 West *2-~. s*... -gcoafl floor."' '.* _^ .l.'.N WANT-D Cj letaesect to f^reig— ei^rr lents; «taie ire l_=?_^ge you fpeak ar.J previous Mt- Ti.r-.zz.rt; _~o_ pax. etcatJy. Bus <5, Tribur.e Of- See. . .JKCHANICAL _N_l.V_nß. l_mil_.r wltii n_>d :n' __op practice; Weeaern rity; salary »2."* W. <."rc_er:t__ ETr^ypiT* CorporaUaa. 203 Eroad— iIECIUNir 1 .'.. grPERiNTKSDEST. We-tera -_rt- r.:__ vs.=teci who __ record for r.oduc i-.g rce_!_. h__.ry *-i.OOG-s_.O'X>- Credential B_ 7'"~^Tr.c:: r Corporation. Cs_ T?roadr.—v. OFFICE iBOT.:~e-t--d t lnte_i_ent: on- having bad t^ _cperl_sce tn riling ar.«i ut switrh ".<>_ri" excellent arportnn lty tar advan__t-n_ The Wi:*Qr Tr^Jin. i'q. *-■ C^-t;_:v.l a:. PKRFOI:aT_I> MCTAI .S_i*sn_»n cxi-r'.cncd ■n --•' Use ur mfil tv; -ply n__ who knows t__ ruycrV." Cred-S_U Enolca-aeat Corr-jratiou, 2->3 Ur-aJ^a?. yoi-;T[*Gl'Ef:_ ST_XO_BJ_ > HEH— Dictation in both P_rt_!s_a— _ci En^li??;: export business; _a!_rv f1._»?0. Crt-lential _n-.p!oy.uent Corpora ■:<r r :. ~2TC lVoa<3~-ar. HOOFING or __B_STOS jfHINGLE ■ k-s_ns_a: saiti t-t esperteaced; tert—ory is Sortbern N**" 1 Turk ?"■! C____ Cre_entiui EtapJoj—teat Cor rcst: ■ r=, 2T.C Uroa<?ay. '_ r »__Si!AN*. rviT:ir_- to trave; ori talg trips; c_"i- !:r# jro.-d;''*icn 2nd e_ pessw r-ai— 'iltßfclll tX J O£:tioa Broker/, _'_.uron H>_.cing. '__ . fc il_?_AN for ]f»rforau?d _i*-ial or man know <nc city trale a_t.x-.y reimitata ctnrem ____ It Cr_aen_,__ O— poratlm. _Co Broa.u ■»_y. __.. SALESMAN. — Magaziii* prerainra oJTrr at SI 50; C«t It (ddh It's good. Kennedy, 5 Beekß-Ui _- P.oc_ -— . ________ ior i_Tl «£_'.«• propO—tlOT In " greater New YorK; insurance B_ia pc_t_r_a: _il bet~ec_ P and IC. rrederlck -eil^.ish. T:— r- Side.. 42_ f.. nU rroadaa;-. HqggwO^^ ~ ; __SM vN ___£'• WeekJy; edaeaMd. deter »S_oed ever 21; perxnaae—t position: 530 w*e_^ »5 .•*> Call after 2 p. in.. Ko--.Tn S3. V-l Ca-fc't :r7th_il tTT__^ji_\ w _:r-<1 to ior_ a.n abundance cf B_-___ s_:niard Dtc_on_ry leads. Call at Funk _ iJf___B« Co.. 44-f>o Kast 'SiC e\. •^VL_SMEX t_oroct_ly z •cqnilmM Trith tho 'ia-s= -'t_ii '-ra-> _r.d familiar trith the art __t_«_Sn7 ■>.- . up'cclsterr I'.ne, en »■•--• rvm >____;bu_ optn unitary. Apply fey ie:ter. _ ;■; ■ <r. -n «c Sierr.. 467 Br^.adway ■~Tj__7_TN » f«?r city cSlc« tr__e v " ._-■-> a ttae cf --a'.sts and dresses, or .-nir. — :«?i.r. _i»"is only. Apply. Paragon Wuitst & T'z-f.ft Co.. 13. Pr-.nce tt. SiL_--M_N cairns on «.orts. cfTices. etc: Lest i___c_b <-ver tee *B* '>■**: wmeOiias new ; tig ;uuCm. 3sr> Broadway. K'vr-n &_ _;L->MhsN 'f.4-'>ccTio_t the Vr.'.'.^i StAtea to ecU "r-utcmotile ntcessitie* : t-i-ery owner want* our vmt^tar: rrftrrnc** r^_ire_. O>_i i._-e «- •^ . r v --t'M- -"0.. Broadway. ________ j _l__Sil_N." throughout t.i» U. >. to fell «-J " -of.'/-i:e n<-— rxitles- BrtTT O~W «_:.•_« our - ias _ M |_r P.ef«reuc*s. ONeil Tire ana Pro i*e*.oT Co., E_W gro«»gw_y. i-Tirvt _uArK_it -_. _ookke_p_k : e=_h oi_c-; sood jje?___: _U_ ry et start. C-t •j-ritinl KriTiloywt Corporarlon. 2?3 Hroadr.av. _T_NOGP.APHKR— Christian : m-ist b«r cunip* -er.t t-j take pr»;itio_ In I law oSScc; i_!ary *15; RDOd law firr-.: otter co___TC_.l pOSttIOBS. )■__ ; njtcharg*-. Nassau st. | TWO 3I_X. txcej.tlc__!. exclusive poeillcna as 1 _cs«rral ff*n~f^ old ee_bll£h». $100.«00 ; «^:__a;ty cntrpany: vrrrz _n«_t tnea t>n!y. s.vp'-r H. ». R-J.. Nariona! Catuaity Co.. 150 N__io ft. "L'ttFUL m"aN. take car? tors*, milk cow*, be j __.er_Uy _-«-?_!; J_. Miss FitzG«rai_'s Eni- . T.*'Oy_«_t P_— _ j. zjjz Cth _.\-»".: entrance >n 12d. j — .iV.e _»K!ied men fcr the L r . S. Marine 1 Ccrrp*. between '.h* 1 tig;? of 1'- zr.i _3; " •*'■ be _ttl»a bom <t ha>e ftrat psupers: monthly pay j SI" to •*: a__li.ic__: .-._— __:;«:• s_ss___e; ! W t-o_u_E, q_»-er_ and rr.edlcal attenianc« j rre;; after 50 y_»r-- tulce ran retire wjfl " 5 ! ;*r ceT.' cf pay _:-*. ______ ce s; «ervlc* en ucard j eh:p atid ishote ia aii j__ns or the world Apply #t I0i» v/efct _, «.. ici t_ T _ BO- New York; | _Vj Pultorj r... lirooltlyn. or SBB Market et.. i NVweric. N. J \VANT_ £1 — r-h-imw wit.-. •• C !_e" to hl« _aie*- ! n_T_hl->; a _?.fIOOL-C8 cc_-era win «_n<l back I cf the ri»:h* m_r.. C^yortusny. Tri^ur.e O?*!pe. "W A N TED — Err-ericn r»-l r_l^_m_n to act __T"en rollin_ fc^cretary fcr ' -St tr _ilo Ken:- etudy r_Uot>l :c thi" city. Ability. Trtb-TiC Orr.c.. \\'ANTi-_> — Severs! __nbUlo_« c^rFr_T__ tales men: — ii» ciiaac* o_cr= "pi»n._nlty for eour** !t; l_w hy trnnif rtuuy. Arr.biuon Tribune Cttice. WANTED — rrrview cf • few _«r«K>n«r"de_irou- Of fstu.yiJ:^ law; excellent opportunity to make r yyat-y i_ t--S'€r<--. P.f_ag«-r_tion. Trlh__» Office j "_rN__J?_O?_l) — Why not go in raotring pJctur-" bu_iJ3<"_-? _irt_»y «3JaIS; :r.t:_::n«-nt plan; no- i «:Mos» prortred frt«. .- • _ K. liovi__; Pictur* 'v. is* Wxt a7tfa «t. 1 YOUNG MEN WANTED by detective ace •»- j cret :-^-!t.-« T.r.-ftt __«_■_____■_, with rood ■SSS-T- expertenre sat :.rt.e-e«r> Ad_ma 8. ' 11.. Trifc__e O2ct. Female AP.Tr~TCIA_ JT-OWXIIS — Bright :cmrr.«_ or. : Cou-trt- »~lfl wfcCe learclnir: _-••'. ch*nc- for e£v .noement. H. _ Pnpp*-shu»ga, _■ West »d et. f -liririClAL KIXtWEKS— Forty «perl«nc«l j rta^r rr.a leers; pi^e'W'Ork ; a_ick hands can rn__> , «-v»r ?•» per week; et__dy work. ? ' ■ i<eanuee_. 1& ! y*-? *i »t * FLOIVSUS -nose makers f->r «p!U *.rlt. w»^k or ptfcce." si^adi work: ?._a learn «»; asMHH cm^:o>«j'-at. V.'eyJ Co.. rW__b _yc»B ps_^. — I M-IXfICLA— KIZ-IVERS— Rok m_ker». 6r_n-h *^» -r.J UJtrn»Ti; ftlao »orlc _lv«i horn *: Good I . t*_ W ebl J fc - . HELP WANTED Female. AKTIFiaAL FLOWERS-Makers ______ WS ! " LL g k; good ™- *- ** Co -r «» ARTIFICIAL • TTTB Isaliis-l' wanted; work , F ' wooa ray; st__u_] work cii year. t^.^xunij&jrosfi^z-Jf WePt Broadway. BILL . CLEItK — murt opeVate Underwood ! "-■' -'*- V". C3_rlsU__i rreferred; position j Js_aajf^ «O<II»HHH, E!sia Diehl Agency. I*9 j KOOKKEEPEk, double entry. fli: bookkeeper. ! aS£ i»tant. Tv r ,_ }1O; bookkeeper, beginner, M: I rtetians only. ' Call - Miss Diehi Exchange, 88 w —.^s&u a^ j BOOKKEEPERS can fir.3 permanent positions I by u;,fin Diehl Agency. 99 Nassau 61. j CHAMBERMAIDS (two); also linen room maid" : city; experienced only .• ply. Call early. Tele phona l.<-> Plaza. Morrow's Bureau. 721 I_sx i aw., comer 56th st. CHAM B B MA ID end lITuNDHESS: colored; eountrj-; three ir. family; good references. Miss FitzGerald'* -'•:■• .. ;.; Bureau, 503 Cth ay- : ; entrance on __d st. CHAMBERMAirj - SsEAMSTHEfri — A Beetled woman as chan:^-rraaid : must h* good seam stress. V.'oman'g L'oniestio igne, II East 33d Bt. Agency. ! CHAMBERMAID _nrt fir^_r7nTr"n iiri_n_iT 1 for the clty ; two in family. Miss Margaret j Smith's Bureau. 88 West 42d fct.. M ■ •■ j floor. j COLORED COUPLE; $50; cook, useful -nan; must as competent. Universal Employment I Bureau. 22 1 * Eaet 23d St. Miss Khan. j COOK — Must be competent; city; wages $S0: any | nationality. Universal Employment Bureau, 29 East 23d st. m__ Peckham. COOK. plain laundress; English Protestant wom an, family of ___Uta; cour.trj-; reference. \VJII ! jams. 217 West St.. third floor, front. j COOK. Hungarian. German, for apartment; five in family; $30. Miss fTt_O_ra__'a Employment j Bureau . ta slh aye.; entrance on _2d •-. [ COOK — Swedish or Scandinavian: Immediately; I wages *4.i. s:r_ll family. Monday, before 11. i Asior CVun. peas, 24 treat i-"<: si. Bring ref j cienc-eE. ! COOK — Swedish; two !n family: 1 Ity; good refer enc«ii; $35. Miss FltzGeralds Employment Bu reau. o*'B 'ith aye.; entrance on 4_d st. COOK. $30; city Institution: also laundress; ref '■ en-nr-es required. T-1-jhone IOS Plaza. Mcr ! rf-w'B Bureau. "- Lexington aye., -■■.-- "s;h st. ! COOK, essist with bnmdry; two jn family: $25: «.-ltr- y. m Margaret Smith's Bureau, SB West ' l_ tet.. second Soor. ! COOK, asslsi with laundry; for Suir.mlt; J3O. MUf nt_ae_-__*s Employment Bureau. 303 _t_ ! aye. : entrance an 42d «t. i CC»OK, BO laundry; four In family; country; any nationality; good home; $_.'• Miss FitzGer | aJd'b ETr.ploymest Bureau, 503 3th ay .. ; entrance ! on 4_ i et. ; CuOK. for boarding house !n Brooklyn; lias mar. to d'j cleaning; good references. Miss Pita - ; Gerald's Employment Bureau. :03 sth a-._.; en ': trance on 42d ft. ■ CuOK— Sts. ediah ; four in family; ha? k!*.che- tr.aiJ- city; must have Brat class references: , .«.; Miss •■^■raid's En->pioyme_-. Bureau. 5<J3 ' _;:. aye. ; entrance on 42d st. • COOK »ji I.At'N'LiKESs; must ■■' competent; any nationality. Universal Employment B_ i reau" 2*» Kast 23d st. Miss Peckham. j Experienced rraxcherj wanted en fancy feathers; goo.; pay; _dy work. J. Gerschno j v.:: r;C2-504 West Broadway. 1 EXPERII - GIKLt 1 wanted to -■■ " en abel i and tickets in wlioleisai- cloihir.g tionee g. j. j Nathan Son _ i\>.. 7 jo Broadway. ! GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— ReIiabIe, capable woman, in country home, hoar from city; no j trashir.e or Ironing. Address M S4i' Morris aye.. I N*-w Yrrk City. I CENEHAL HOUSEWOKKER or ■••-._■ h.tx-pKT, raiudlc cgt-J; S2T); family leaving city for t>ix m<m__ ; good references. B__unM_ Burciiu. 730 I>esington aye. ' GEVeFkaL HoUsc\VuKjvEK— Gorn_n; must l-^ god cook ar.J have good references; email l«n : i!y; $:;. Pchro^ii^r's Bureau, 730 Lexington aye. 1 GENERAL HOTtfEWOIiKEn— Nice i^can?.ina vian cr Ofnnar. glr! wanted for small famiiy; i &•+',. C»Vi Monday mon_ «, <chroecer's Bureau, ! 73<- Lexlnston aye. j GENERA L HO UiT_ WOßKEU— Scandinavian or German girl, with go<jd references, for small ■ farr.s!y. Call Monday morning, s. tir'->»_er's Bu- I r*au. 7.">0 I___gton avo. ' - ! GIRL wanted ; steady -a ork. Wm. Sllversteln. 171 Mercrr ?-.. i GIRLS- to l*-arn tut'kir.g on muslin underwear: W. _G. machines; steady \v<.r_ Cresccni, 112 i Bkrecker st. I oTrT-S i'or"arti.lctFl"~fioweK. pwuels and :_r:cy ;cith<ra. poc-d pay: steady work. __ E '_' . ! kamp. 7 Washint Piuc^ I GCiVERNESsi for Thrtt? children; German or J->; out of town; ••■.-- .<_• to $40. Julien Bureau. 47 West 45 s:. ______ __ COTbRXESS $357~FTenon, 3H and •■■'-• ear-. for Pittsburg. Pii'.; Monday. Anna Lacy, Oeaxs-r) ESr.plcyment Bureau. _•_ •" aye., Room 936. _J HOCSEWOKKER— Good wages: small family; Bleep out; good ntscfssary- A;ply I Mi njav, Ast or Court Bureau. 24 West 33d _____ ' KOUi'EWORKER— -Three in family: small ar«i riient- Bi««p it; 55 w#e_ Urniday, beforts 12, Attar Court Bureau. 24 W>-st ■■■' j st. ______ I kOU-SSWOTuCERS (two); wa?r! 525-SSO; city; also -• .- . gtrl; good wagf-a^ city- Telephone i • ■_- Pia_i Morrow's ■.--__ 721 Lexington ■ avf.. corner 58th gt- ! HOUSEWORK S _£ tor two in funnily. New Haven. Coj:n. ; ' goo.j wajce«; nice hoim : refer ' races rt^uireJ. Astor Court Bureau, 24 Weal Sc^ s^ HOUSEAVORKERS for city and country; $20 to 1 t_i faainedlately. Miss Margaret Bmtth's Bo : rvau. _. •••-■ ■__ ft-, wtconfl floor. i _AU*CDKESS wanted Immediately; $30: two in farr.iiy; <?ipht eervaots; pood references neces • ; sary, city position. Astor Court Bureau, 24 UVst ."J2d et. : EaITNDKESs? — Must be competent: alsu ■____! l^-:i.aiJ i<j assist laundreac; .,, wages tO I ecmpetT.t girl. phone 1928 Plaza. Morrow's : Bureau. "-■-'- avo.. __________ _i_ . UtUKDHESS. imrr.ediaT-ly; ■■-■■ a^sisi c._r:^rwork; sm_l! family: fine ■itlon, r»f erdices required. Astor Court Bureau, 24 "• est _' __ KCHt child 14 months; city; must have __»" caMent references; $20-935. Miss Kit. ierald s Emrljyment Bureau, o<J3 St.. tfl entrance on Aiui eu _______ NUKSE— Mlcdle as.-'d woman; take car- ; of child; White I'lains- sood references; JSO. tal! Mon day morales. __-©«__•• Bureau, 7?0 l_xi-.j»ten aye. +. . N L'i: s E-^oni^i«nt nurse for child, two y^ars; rcftrene»s. Woman's Domestic League, 11 East S.*M _t. Agency. NURSE for six-year-old child; must "'• "_*• form and have «->.eel!ent .... city: ■__. Miss FKzqeraUTa Bureau, UXi U* a^.; entrance 4-- tt. . . NUKti:. two children. 1« moniht. 4 veara; city; hospital trained preferred; must wear uaifnrm. w_t—- M 0 JnUen _______ ____ ■ < - v __i' . _____ t far ■ baby *is numtha old; nattat under ' . _-.d all foods; J-o. Mi?s Margaret fcmlth a Boreau. 2T, West _M «t.. mecim-l floor. NU_i_~GTKLrG^_n.»d for one child , yen . j-ice family; wages $25; call im rKediateiy. Schroedcr'- Bureau. 7:',. Lexington _7V"-K AS.«I>TANT; 'tyV^ntPrT Birl. over 23 rreferred; Chri-Uan; «_tery «0; .________tf petition riKht r^T_^>ehl Agency. ........ PTRLORMAT-^PrOTe^nt; city; »»» % '*^_ must have exwUeat refereocc Ml*a Fiizuer _ld> Bureau. 501 Oth *v*-l -rtrance «__!____ ___gs_r f_r__s_f_^— »^s j'-S-ri- Elßle Olchl Ar^ncy.^gg,^"^" et - nrtl - r , K I __* s__-_rs-^ a &,_? : -hr.rKe 4.- Nassau at. _ __ — _ - _„-.-: — _r«""wrfk- upeunt to teach I1II___1_I11|I : , r»_?_s_ rs__r»g_^__«L=._*"iJr_-i - S_VK!-=«5~ _f__« ■ ' 1 g^_Srsri__2_: family: cooV. _JBll_esrit_<i_*»Ws Employ- ] rr._:.:-weltre_-. t^ ■*£", eri[ran ,* un <_■! «t^_ ! -X^o'm-nt^u-u. 11l Rfc »^ <:<IS '-,Vf.'V'iri^rf_ny .'2;. TWO neat. c « n 'P" l ;°!.rna'd ■___ waitress; bring city; cook. ll__f_«_l Pla_a Harrow's »iv ■ S_f_?Trs«w. *ou____t «>-«. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. MOXDAY, FEBRI ARY 21. 1310. HELP WANTED. __ Fern- le. * ' "IST. to make oat bills on Underwood ma coin*, $10; i *T!i an- r,-. position; call Immediate ly. Eiste Dtehl Agency. 96 Nassau, st. : - MAID frnni ,:;r! to be generally _a_ i.:,. t , • | eooatry. Woman's D__m_— c LL * t> gMg. U East 33d it. Agency. U£KFU_ MAlD Swedish; for city; three la family. Mis« ___ ;(f Smith's Bureau. __• V»»Et 4 53 st . second floor. VISITING I,.VDYS MAID— One with FtXJd r^fer enoe. Universal Emploj-ment Bureau. Si nast 8M Bt. Miss Peekfaam. rOUNO LADIES WANTED by high class «* teclive and secret s«:rvic»: fine opportunities. with good salary. Address L , X.. Tribune Oi lice.' WORK WANTED. Male BOOKKKEPER. office n-.aaager; German-Amer ican. _T; wholesale or manufacturing corpora tion ; executive ability; typewriter; 10 years eTp_rle_vf. P.. SOS - rttng place. BOX. 17, ambitious, desires oi_ce position, with Cbattce of advancement; r-n tun.isn excellent reference-, ______ Goldstein, 4.: 11---X st. CA3IIIER and bookkeeper desirea position Satur days and Sundays; best references. Worker, 157 Kab - l_sth *t. CHAUFFEUR. — Young man, good driver and mechanic, wishes position where the services of a refined and capable chauffeur could be ap preciated. Chauffeur. 142 West 16th st, CHAUFFEUR. — Italian - American; careful driver; city or country; can make own repairs; references. Tony .Yss_nt, 74 Degraw St., Brook- I;.::. CHAUFFEUR. _3; . on business or private car; two years' experience: strictly sober and hon estyJ. Wambach, 217 E_st 4Tth st. . CHAUFFEUR.— Careful driver; repair any cars; references; salary $so _______ Address Joan Finn, flt» Lorimer st., Brooklyn. ____— CHAUFFEUR.— MachInIet; careful driver; go anywh-ve K. JEHL.K. 101T 6th aye. CHAUFFEUR wishes position; private family; city or country; careful driver; do own re pairs"; references. Address 'I. Shaw, Bed Hook, Dutchess Co., New York. ___ CHAUFFEUR.— ItaIian-American; 24; mechanic; moderate wages; best private reference. A. V«__nl. 50 Grand st. CHAUFFEUR.- £_perience_. careful and tem perate; private family preferred: references. Address J. A. _.. care of H. Wei!. -SI St. Ana . av«-.. Bronx, or teL "125 M-lroS— CLERK.— Steady, methodical Englishman good writer, reliable checker and ng_rer. in factory, warehouet; or wharf: will handle and neatly ar range the most confused stock. Address E. Horley. Bartlett Inn. Lakewood. N. J. COLLECTOR. SALESMAN.— By young mar.; Al reference; txpciiencc J. N. H . Tr.bune Office. COLLEGE GRADUATE. 25, experienced sales man, _on__pos lent, offlce manager, employed at present, wants position; $2,000; q-Jick to adapt himself and to master details, EL \V. G.. Box 24, Tribune Office. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER, familiar with factory and power station design- Ins and management, desires a. position with * manulacturinp or an engineering company. I. N. P.. Box 14, Tribune Office. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER; ad vancement; best references. _;iis, 12 West MM at. STENOGRAPHER, typewriter and general oiTic- assistant: graduate of Commercial Hie 1 ' School: moderate salary: good refer ences. It. M. Box SO, Tribune Office. WANTED — Position as foreman en farm or K^-tlerr.ari'a estate; understand all kind" farming, farm machinery, stock and poultry rals.njr; AI butter maker: written or personal reference. J. E. 11., _7'J Lafayette aye., Brook lyn. N. V WELL e_ucated ycuns;. ageJ 88. desires pi'slUon requirinc ability and responsibility. F. AY. \V , M Wniow St.. Brooklyn- YOUNG MAN. Gorman, age 29. speaks good Er,F';i»h; married: wants work at anything. M. Hubert. 344 East l»th st. YOUNG MAN, 22. wishes position as general office assistant and stenographer and type writing: references. M. Brill, 234 East 10_d st. YOUNG — Wide awake, atrpnc willing; v.-ork passag-e to Central or South America; capable handlinK men; best reference. Loeb, Box 24. Tribune Office. YOUNG MAN, German, desires position with elderly man or lady: K*>od recommendations. W. K. Bruyn. 230 East T^th et. ■■ YOL'NG MAN, 18: pood education, at present employed, experienced In surveying and office work, £>circs position with good chance for eJ v«Jnc«_ent: beat references. W. 8., Bex I*. Tribnnne ■ '-IT. • . YOt'NG MAN (18) willing with chance for srtvan-fTrnnt PcMld SQ2 East 87th YOUNG MAN, oT, has cash security, with ser vlcee. in store, etc. Steady, Bos 150, Trib une Oil ■•■ YOUNG MAN vrants position in New York office, factory .■•■ apartment; switchboard; experienced; neat, honest, «ober; ref_rences. EM ward Power, ir.4 Jsy at., Brooklyn. TOUXG MAN. 38; on account of loss of hear ing carrot work at my trade; would take uiiy thine-. C. N»>r z ,-!. 402 Eah-t li 11 »L YOUNG MAN. e<lu<rdite<i. good penmar., we!: reconxtnended. Mason and Odd Fellow, seeks T~nsit!or.. Wra. Donalnyori. SW "vVest 14th Rt. • JIAI jed 24 mdy ai ■ :i.jhines. H fftnann, S4S East 13th st. ___. TOUNG MAN. 19, gl I 1 gi-afj'.uiie. desires ■ • iffice. YOt'NG MAN.— Aged _■ high school graduate; attended college; clerical experience. Weber. 141 West icetb st Female- BOOKICEEPKK and STENOGRAPH ER, sev erui years 1 practical experience, desires per manent position with reliable firm; references. Russel!. 231 West Utli 6t.. City. ' COMPANION AND CHAt'ERO.V. — Young, ca pable woman; companion to elderly or in valid lady, or chaperon to young- ladles: good musician ani traveller: cheerful disposition; excellent references. L-, Hiss FitzGerald's Itureau, 503 Btß ave^ STENOGRAPHER. — Given opportunity i will eurel; make, good; have had both experience and education necessary. Please address Miss Si ' rn:an. Tribi;n- Office YOL'N'C LADY, of - ••mem and inu>lllfC»nce. has hail expprienc<? an a retail store cashier ana cl<?rk. desires similar position -quiring •,_ : neat i ess. accuracy an-1 r?lineTn«nt ; refer enAa. Address F. E. 8.. Box 14. Tribune Office. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. BROTHER and dieter; French; speak English: o<")k; man butler; willing, oblisir.g; both ex ■ ._•.. Morrow*- Bureau. 721 Lexington a. •■. (sSth £i.».- T<;l. I'.'2^ Plaza. x 13LTL.EI;— BtisHsh; thoroughly understands -" i! .J;:t.eH; exc.lient rof .;rene->s : so anywhere. MUs Margaret fcraltb's Bureau. __ West 4_U £'.. PbOOe IX.'M Bryant. L'UTLER. — (Jaeful. all around man. Swiss; thcr oushly opetent; three pears' [-eraonal refer ence?; wages. *:W-$35: city, country, Industrial \^r■■,ii•■_'< Eaßt 423 '• -,-:,- COOK. LAUNDRESS,— Couple; German, younsr. butler, useful cook, laun dress; both" thorough!} competent; pood ref erences: wages. »3«. Osterb^rg'a Bureau <lti Lexington aye.: tel.. 1"5."> — Plaza. COACHMAN.— tingle; generally useful man; first class reference*. .-.. Ul\ 42, Tribune l: town Office. 15W Broadway. COACHMAN. — tingle; first class; thoroughly ex~ nerlenwd in are cf horses, carriages, harness; careful driver; city or country; generally useful; Lest ref<":encf-s. Thotnae, 224 Fa*t 42 at. _____ COACIIJIAN. — I wish to procura a situation for •■•v coachman, whom I can recommend in every way. Call or address g M. Goldsmith, 12.*? West 75th st. : ___ "HMAN, gardenf-r, useful; Oerman; best HS_f_j at anythir.x : • t Bun att. 154 Bth _ - - 'hels- a_ COACHMAN.— SincIe; _pertance<l, careful driv er: city or country; generally useful; excel lei ■ reference Edwin, care ode!!'_ Agency. _-_ (ith avr. 'Phone 3S Bryant. COL' PI. E — Wife cook, man coachman, gard ener; understands running naphtha launch, manufacturing _a.--. willing to be ganarally Uf-*ul: fifteen years' references. J . Miss r*itaeer_id's Bureau. 501 a-. >• corner 4_^. COUP——. — and wife will take entire Cbsrsfl Of small place in country: would like to take daughter of fifteen with th»m: wife, pood cnok; man. butler and useful man. II . Miss FitzGerald'a Bureau, 003 stn are, en trance 4-(i ->• __^ COI'PLK — English; butler and valet; wife first ula.«s cook: Al references; city or country Miss Margaret Smith's Bureau. 28 West 42d at.. Ituom '.'O7. Phone. 303ft— Bryant. COCZ'UB.-- Gertnaa; In private family: go cow and burler- pood references. Brandies, care of Meinikof. 123 W^t Mh st. ELX)ER_y COUPLE.— Home or Institution plain cook ciirdtn, team . generally useful; excel lent ....... Connolly. 7<51 Washington tt. FAP.MBB — Working foreman: wife can make butt»r and car<- poultry: no children; both hard wurkers- n.-st class recoromendatlona, Address Hose, care Udell's Agency. 82^ 6th aye. Phono 2t>ni Uryar.X.. _ >\HM I'OitEMAN. Coinpet-nt to take full ' charM of grant leman'a place; very best ref erences. Cooper's Bureau. 6."7 Oth ay..-.. near snth at. Tpi.. ion.t— ■•!■ . FaRM SUPERINTENDENT.— wish to place '- ■. superintendent (married): has had charge of my f-rm saves years; expert in breeding of livestock; a reliable man In every respect- L>. Anderson. Greenwich. Conn. ■FARM Kit married; wife good butter makir, will board help; son S->'>d worker. el«rht years' reference. Audrt<ss B. care Odell'a Of flce. M-, aye. r "PARMER. &c— UAUNDHF.SS.— Hy young Irish couple two small children; man coachman, purd-ri^r farmer; understands ail machinery; wife" good laundress; excellent reference. -Car penter's Bureau 184 Cth ava. GARDENER. — practical In every branch; Scotch: married; two children. Gar dener, il4 Chamt>rrn gt. oTriJFNER, riorlat head; tlioruughly esr«ri- VrcfiVin rnanasina; Bcntleman'e place In <■■•■•. denarti'nent: hothuu»i«B, tart Jem stork farms; «»ber. reliable. «i-rdeiwr. 3SH \Ve«t s«th at. frTI'TrENER.-~-^f r TI'TrENER.-~-^« irmJti:l « ! i.i»tr. with daughter •■- v»ara old: life WtPerleaflß in ail branches; m-I' i>..u!tn - would board b«5»; references. a:- S!^« P aardeaaT T 222 g«" nth st. ?» AH DEN i ■■}; — Keo»ch. married, n«> chlloren; warts* poaittoa a*cnt<>.-nian'a country place; mfsr,,\ mb vectitab'es. flowers, cold frames, etc.: r - «.b $'•<• i-» *""• Pottage. Walker, care OdrU's Agency, 825 nth avt,, FTTTdFNER.— ■ practical man; experi .nVfd"*rreenli<»'»i. flowers and kitchen par j _ trers. Itvr.i. shrubs; married, no chll 52; WBRH. S7O. Maynard, Can Odell's ftr-"^_? 6th aVfc - PTTTnKVICn.— No family: fci'otch: with « wide -■ mm: conversant with landscaping. I>onaUi. E ;|HnißtM ytore, 42 \ eat? vr"r'iihVNEß— Oerman; married; no children Oj iiiVr raliabl«: flowers. ■vr etabl««. coU! ♦r«,n'ea ' shrut»«. trees, grai<*> vines, read* and \l t'ne; *>«* ref«renc«. Schluilng. . m ■«« 70ta »t- *T DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED Male. ~~ G^KDUNER.— SingIe; German: en a private ' place. Paul. v Vesey _„ OAltl'EXEU.— siarri'ed. smaU ;amnj-;; am nj- ; knows Ills j ______ tliorougnly; on a private place. Wood, i Tv'rn^ Killott _L__°ns__e Vtsey. ; GARDENER. — SilTgTe" understands ~ Bowers, | plants, vegetables, cold frames; best refer ences. Iluestiis, care Odell'a Asency. 8-3 Oth mve- ;s.uiDKNF.R.— First class flower and veeeMble grower; M years'; married; no ciiU- , _r*-n. Philip fac-rr.erg. care Mrs. Fare!, 411 West «M st. _ i GARDENER — Take emir? charge of gentle man- estate; expert under plass or outside; _n?.ilßh; single; aij^- 4_; high est references. »_ddress Expert. Boa _s. Tribune Office. GABXJBNBR and COACHMAK knowing general work around a farm; with first ___■ refer- ' ences. S»chrot>der : « Bureau. 730 Lexington &'• : Tal. gtt3 I'laza_ ! CIA RDENER— HOUSE WORKER. — iicrma.i- cou pie; man gardener and useful; wife coolu laundress or houseworker- very neat and com- ( petent; highest reference: wages. $50. _____ | Bureau. 47 West t_! St. Tel.. 4351 Bryant. j »BS_a_— l__,u_«d__BSs.— Married ; no" chil- I dren; practical servants:; capable of taking charge; nine years in last place. Gardener, care Mrs- Maria Daly. 246 _Ejast ■ Esth St. GARDENER.— Married, American: small fam well recommended; understands Co'* era. plants, v-*etables of all kinds- hard worker. Address Walker, care Odell's Agency, S2Z. B_h a'- :. Phone aSOlßryant. * ' GARDEK-Clt. — Single; expert green - ■ f raises, roses, __r__.Tio_B. plants anj -. ri>s: best reference. T care Odells Agen X. B_S 6th ay. Phone 2SOI Br-'ant. JAPANESE YOUTH, well versed to his duties, to act as valet or take charge of bachelor place; best references. Saburo, I 1"-* Bands st-. Brooklyn. MAN.— Colored: at anything; experienced horse man and gardener; best reference. Wells. .'> West 100 th St., care of Watson. MAX AND WIFI-: --Man roachmari ar.d oaerol vvi!<» ccoh or . -tin tv, hern-' a id. _? East _»__>_■ MAN an! wife; English Protestants; wife good cook, laundress or general house worker; man useful; best references. Cooper's Bureau. O_T 6th aye., near 30th st. Tel. 1005-38-- POUL.TRYMAN-— Understands Incubators ar.d. brooders: can manage the largest plant; un exceptionable reference. Address Allen, care of OdeU's Agency. g_s 6th aye. 'Phone 2301 Bryant. CSEfUL MAN, HOUSEMAN.- Superior city re4____nen_ations; thoroughly understands steam electricity, elevator!", vacuum cleaning system, polish floors; single; anywhere. _."S West r.e hst. USEFUL. SECOND MAN. — Young Swede; under standf* his duties; excellent references. Oster berg'3 Bureau, 716 Lexington aye. Tel. 10:.0— Plaza. Female A I-A.DY. conscientious and trustworthy, capable vi taking entire charge of a household wliere servams are employed. Is open for _■_ engage ment in city or country; exceptional references. I. H. A., PostoSice, PlajnfleM. N. J. ATTENDANT. — Experienced; with Invalid lady or child; city references: moderate salary. Write particulars, by letter only. Miss Carter. 606 Jefferson aye.. Brooklyn. CHA—BRKM— I_ •— Tall, neat scotch girl; two years' excellent city references: $25: city, short distance country. Waldorf Bureau. 12 West ___ st. 'Phone dvo — Madison. CHAMBER— AID. — German; experienced: assist waitress: city or country: best references; wages, il'.'i. Call at Lang _ Boecherer Co.'s Bureau, 43-43-47 West 33d 3/. CHAMBERMAID, seamstress or useful lady's maid, by a competent joung Jamaican girl; first class city references; city or ; country. Julien Bureau, 47 West 4_d at. Tel. i3bl — Bryant. _ CHAMBERMAID. — American Protes tant?, mother and daughter; mother cook, plain laundress, pood baker: daughter chambermaid, waitress; do entire work private family: town, country. Morrow's Bureau. 721 l>-ir.2con aye. CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS.— CompeI nt young Irish girl; good references. Schxo< - der's Bureau, 7;;0 Lexington aye. Telephone, 67,"V? Plaza. CHAMBERMAID —Nice, young Finnish girl: !ir_;-._-lns_ references. 3chroeder's Bureau, 730 Lexington aye. Telephone, 6733 Plaza. CHAMBERMAID and SOEAMSTRESS. — Assist waitress: neat, wliiln?, intelligent Norwegtan giri; friend bouseworh_r. O-t_r berg's Bu •- : • 71- Lrf-x'rston aye. TV I ' : - /:i __ <. iIAirBEHMAfI). SEAMSTRESS. — Protestant; understands dressmaKir.s: wi.iinc to travel; good references; city or country. W-. Sirs. Collier's A gene; 122 West 2JW »t. CHAMB3SKJ_AID. WAITRESS. — Neat, compe tent, obliging sir"; good references; city or country. _ Mrs. Collier's Agency, l-_ West _3d st. . CHAMBERMAIDS.— Ensiiah and Irish, with ex-: ceptlonal references from (Srst class famines; also number of parlormaids ami. waitress-is Apply Duffy's Bureau, 131 Wen -.- gt. CLEANING — I. reapeciabiw wn'uian; tool, of rleee. Mrs. Gejler, 2fli) West 122 d st. COOK. — Gerniac; youn? woman; good 1 aKei city or country; hem references; wages, 5."5- S4O " CaU at Lang ._ Boecht Co.'s Bureau, ■4;;-45-47 West 33d st. __________ COOK.— - ing English; excellent cook, baker; good housekeeper; best city reference 530. Osterb'rg's Bureau, 713 Lexington ay. Tel. 1035— -Plaza. _i COOBT Understand* ail branches, suups. meat!. bonins?. antre^s, mousse--*. spun boss candy baskets; a! 1 , desserts; excellent rft'erenre«; c!ty or country, Hi Miss Fita g*ral<i"s Bureau. 50;! sth aye- corner 42&. COOK. — German: thoroughly competent woman; excellent reference; city or short distance In the c-'tntry. M _:- Margaret Smith Uureau. 25 Wes<^d_^.J[ .c£n^>i7^_Pji^e L^^JEryam.__ COOK,— German: wages c; "' Apply Cuffr'a Uu l'c'au: ISI Wett •- J frt- - , COOK. — Swedish; young-, neat; excellent toolc, baker, etc.: beet references; frlrrnd chamber maid an-: waitress. Osterberg-J Bureau, 716 Ivr-xington aye. Tel-. U)»~> Plaza. COOK.- "; ~ r :.tss very neat; can position; all _•-.. good references; city or ci ■ Brt Collier's Agency. l__ West 2Sd St. COOK.— First im In ul! branches; where kitchen maid Is kept; excellent reference. Miss Margaret Smith's Bureau, 25 West 4__ st. 'Phone. nO3O Bryant. COOK. — Neat: Swedish: excellent, conk, biker; first class in all respects: beat city refer ence*. Osterberg'i Bureau. TIC Lexington Tel. 1055 Plaza. i COOK. — Scotch Protestant; tiling to assist laundry; excellent cook; good references; city or country. M- Mrs. Collier's Agency. 122 West 23d st. COOK. -Neat young woman; a pood plain cook; good reference". Answer by setter. M. Bin'te. 132 Bast 32d st. . COOK.' — Assist laundry; excellent long refer ence; city or country; very neat; excHii-.-nt cook; goad manager. P.. Hof mayor's Bureau, 15; i West 23J st. Telephone 1864 Chelsea. - COOK. &c— CHAMBBRMAIIj. &c. — Two Ger man girls; competent cook, excellent baker: other chambermaid, good seamstress; brother useful, good all around; city, country. Morrow Bureau. 723 I»xir,_!un aye. (Mtb St.). Tal. 1828 —Plaza. COOK— CHAMBERAIAtD.— Finnish cook an. laundress, and friend chambermaid and wait ress; good references; prefer country. Schree— der's Sureao. ~'M xJexlnston aye. Telephone, ti7:>." Plaza. COOK-I/ACNDRESS.— Young; Irish; very neat; good cook and laundress; bast city references; friend laundress-chambermaid: 325. Oscerbetg's Bureau. 71 1» Lexington aye. Tei. 1055 — Plaza. cook. i. a< •-:.--■■- - good baker; usell recom_oejj_led ; forr^d: moderate 'vag' s. .•, .\' - 000K — VVAITt-K. — coupie; woman cook and laundress; good baker; do housework; man. waiter, excellent houseman; city or out; both come highly recommended. Morrow's Bureau, 721 Lexington aye. near 53th st. COOKS— £■«■' - ■ number of first class cooks and kitehenmalda ■<■■'■" hand. Apply Duffy's Bar- au. 131 Wfs: 4_J ft FAMILY WASH, ironing; month, week or dozen; private house: open air drying; will furnish beat reference;. 332 East 72d at. GENERAL HOI'SEWOHK-— By colored woman; sleep home. Fernandez. V-Z West 45th St. GIKL. (colored); day'a *-ork, any kind; wash ins at hom>>- Bayard, 234 East BSth at. HOUSEKEEPER. — Refined, middle as.-d Angl ican; experienced housekeeper; excellent cook: economical: understands marketing: reference; no objection to country. R. M. A.. Tribune Up town Office 1384 Broadway. _ ■ HOUJIkKEEPER. — By renr.ed, reliable woman; best references. H. S., 42 East 4Cth St., Bay onne, N. J. HOUSEKEEPER — Experienced; hotel bachelor apartments: alsa switchboa-d opet-ator. House keeper, care Mrs. Gorgae, ill Kirs; a - . e. HOtJSBWORKER — By youn? Finnish girl; city or country: wages $16 to sis. Weld's Bureau. n."4 Colnmbua aye. Tel. KM Schuyler. HOUSEWORKEK-— Middle aged; excellent. willing: worker: three years' references; city or country. X.. Hofmayer'a Bureau. 103 West •j::i! St. Telephone is>i» Chelnea. KITCHEN-MAID.— Young Scotch woman, with experience in cooWinc. in large household: ex cellent references: city or country. S., ;,:!s^ FltzGerald's Bureau. c' : sth aye. (entrance 42d st.) IN NTs NURSE: hoanital trained; three years' personal references; SHi-J.'!<i: city or country. Ilrd'JStrial A—o ■■■' i) East 42d et. INTELLIGENT Protestant woman, very beat in institution; country. E. M.. P. O. general delivery. Yonkerg. N. Y. LADY* B MAID. — Swi!?s-Oerman: speaks German, French. English, good seamstress, halrdres.'er. traveller; act as courier; three years' reference from last employer. J.. Hiss FitzGerald'a Bu reau. CO3 sth avtj. (entrance *'-<i at.). LAD Vis MAID. — French; experienced hair dresser: can cue facial massage; good aeatn- treat: first class references, alias Marnaret Hmlth's Bureau. '-5 West OS St. 'Phcne .i(j.';U— Bryant. LADY'S MAID. — Hairdreismp. manicuring; good sailor; excellent needlewoman; e[«-al<a several languages; so anywhere; several yearn' experi ence. Morrow's Uurtau. 7-1 I.cxin^ioti aye., 3m li st. ..._. t.ADT'B MAID and KRAM. CTRE?S.—Undfr r'ur.ii? b-lrdres*inß; pood packer and traveller; best tv references. '-Oatarberc'a Bureau, 713 L>exin_-ton aye. Tel. tflgfl — , „___ 'LaI'NOHF.SS. — Swiss: first class; shirts, collars. curtb; two years' *-xi-fj;«n' reference* |2A-*80; city, country. Industrial Association, 1) E. 42ij it LAI'NDUKS^- — German: ttrat claHs; does ihirta an<i collars: test rfcf^rencea, city or country: wages *:<" ChII at Ltna i- Uoechcrer Co.'s BurUaa 41-45-47 V! " rtrtij " Ui'N! :::>-' : " -First and second ; several -•■• han'l excellent references; _.lao 'iintilf IM an:) chambermaid.. Apply Duffy's bureau. 1:11 \Vest__jM_fi: , , LATTKnnR.SS experienced) by day; take homr preferred;. 50c dozen, starched, Daffy. 550 gV »t _33d_s t. ;•'" ';; __ _A UNDRESS.— First . Ma; experienced in laun dering »*»* * collars, cuffs: nix yean refer ence ';, Mis* Klt_<7era.ld'» Bureau, ova _tv »ye. ' «aw»ac* 434 st,}, R-SORTS., ITEW JERSEY. _ i ■ ■■■! _. _, ___ _____ ■_—%. W f " ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Th« W n'»- _<»» tt _'l»iit r City tr» o»l',*»*_ The r'li-nat"! is Heal. . The wo-Jd famoas boardwalk i* never more attractive. The ■annU 9 dab '* at its beat. The ocean , piers -vi I r iMn « s_s rn>»t irii3T^bi«. r-|_ H")T£i. o_m^'? Dir»itl/on th 3 o__»n fronr. is »'wi7s niv»n and is an id__l hooi? fir the wintar sr-i-_tt WALTER J. _______ HOTEL 'tRAYHORE Atlanti'- City. N. J. Op<?n Thronchout the Year. Famous _s the hotel with every modern convenience and all the comforts of home. TRAYMORE HOT_L COMPANY, d. BL WHITE, Pr«. Chaa. O. Marq_ette, Slgr. ST. CdASLCS <Vr_ANT.O CITY. Moat select location, rrontinß the ocean. Thoroughly modern. teems service. Bath rooms with _■■" and cold, fresh, acd sea wat-'r attachment, showers. &c. Magnificent Sun Parlor overlooking the Boardwalk and Ocean- Orchestra of Soloists. Golf privileges. Always open. Illustrated booklet. NSWI.TN TI.MXES. H.TEL wIMBSOn,* 1 "-"* CITY ' Directly on the ocean front, the very heart of all amusements and frature^. AMERICAN AM) EUROPE PLANS. £••_ water in all baths. Newly renovated and refurnished- Equipped with every thins mod ern. Orchestra. Famous Windsor Ca.'c and Restaurant. Open all year. S. S p:T'' I P:PT"?. liens err- fflJarHwroogb-fifeßlJ-te ATLANTIC CIT- 1 . N. J. .!-..»;, White * *Hin«» fomnnnr. DEPKS *ND OFFICE FURNITURE. DESKS OFFICE rUKNITUP.E te rre*t variety at ityle and price. T. G. SKLLEnY. lil Fulton St. DOMESTIC StTUATIONS WAN". ED. Female. MUD — T.ii-ht colored girl as night maid in ! _p| Jlcyrard. 746 Oth aye. - Jt_U_ — . H -i V ** A ■ ' ' — Excellent seamstress; North German Protestant; city or country; wages Ji-5. Louise, car, Odell'a Agency, SIS 6t_ aye. NUKSE. — Good, wrong", Intelligent giri; fond of children; beat references; also a wasting house keeper small family. Metropolitan Employment Bureau. 663 Columbua aye. Tel. &118S— Rivergiae. liiURSt; or nursery governess; by refined North G«*nran - good ft-wer; city cr country; best ref erences; wags.-. $30. Call at La.'i? _; Boecherer Co.'t t-'ureau, 4.1-457-47 West :_-.i »t. NUE-E.— Neat young gir: : experienced; infant or grown; can sew: friend housewcrker. good ceok. excellent laundress; together, separate; city or out. Morrow's Bureau, 721 Lexington aye. (56th at.>. — Scotch Protestant; for infant; under stands bottle feeding: \t-ry competent; highest reference: city or country: wases $35. Julien Bureau._47_\Vest_42d_«t._Tel. ■•'I— Bryant. "S. ."t{.-i_. — German; experienced with children fmni two months old: good reference: 425-s.'!'>. U'a'.'orf Bureau. 12 Wast Sod st. 'Phone SCO Madison- . , . JSTURSES. Infant? 1 and children's nurses, with first class references. Apply Duffy's Bureau, 131 West ■:-! at. AVAITKE.-'S.— First class Swedish Kir!, thorough ly competent; excellent references. Ostrrbergr's j Bureau, (16 Lexington aye. Te1.1055— Plaza. _ WAITRESS.— By Finnish gtri: best of refer ences- city or eoantry; w^«*a <■:'• Weld's Bu- 1 reau, 324 Colunibug aye. Tel. ~^-"~ Schuyler. WAITRESS— Swedish. ;:ve years in la* place; j verr lnt'.'lllßent sir!: $30. ■:-■-.> •• - Bureau, f 723 Iv-'xinstnii aye.; telephone 0733 — Plaza. j SURROGATE'S NOTICES. ] IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. j Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of th« County ! Of New York, notice is heri-by piver. to all per- j sons havirn? ...... Unat Joseph Austin Stet- j sun. lat« of the County of New York, do- ■ ceased, to present the same, wttb vouchers tn^reof, to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business-, at the office of William P. Sawyrr, No 26 Liberty Street, In th* ''. : of New York, on or before the SQth day of August next. Dated New York, too 17tn day of February 1910. ■ ■ ' MARIAN STETSON, Administratrix. WILLIAM D- SAWYER. Attorney for Admin- I istratrix, -6 Libeny Street, Borough of j Manhattan, N'iw York City. | IN R3UANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County Of New York, notice is hereby given to all persona having claims against Darius Osd^n Mills. late of the County of New York, de ceased, to present the same, with vouchers i thereof, to the subscriber!, at their place of transacting business No. 15 Broad Street, in I ttvj City of New York, on or before the Ist : duy of September next. Datfd New York, the 27th day of January, | OGDEN MILLS. • ELISABETH M. REID. Executors. STETSON. JENNINGS & RUSSELL. Attor neys ior Executors, 15 Broad Street, City j of Now York. j IJC PURSUANCE of an order of hon. ! Abner C- Tbomaa. a Surrogate of the County | cf New York., notice is hereDy siven to all p«=r soaa having claims gainst Mary L. Vail, late of :he County of New York, deceased, to present the aair.a with vouchers thereof to the subscriber at his place of transacting business at the office of .dore L. Bailey. No 82 William Street, ir, \ The City of New York, on or before the Ist cay j of August next. Dat^d New York. the 19th day of January. 1310. CHARLES H. STEBBINS. Executor. i THEODORE L BAILEY. Attorney for Executor, No, H2 William St . New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. Wn-ir C. Thojnas, a Barro_3_M of the County or New York, mads and entered January lSrr., A. D.. 1910, notice is hereby given to all per sons having claims _-;.:.-' Diedrich Pohadorf, late or the County of .New York, in the Borough of The Bronx. City of New York, deceased, to present the same with voucher* thereof to ti.e subseilt'er. at her place of transacting business. Rooms 31. 3-', 33. Smith Bui;din,t. Thi d avenue. at 1 4 s tli street, in the C*>rou;jb of Th-> Bronx. City of New York, on or before the lStti day of. Aus - ; " tt< >:- (19101 Dated New York, the fifth jay of February, 1910 MARY ;: PONHDORF. Executrix. J. fkOMOEH HI__DRETH. Attome-- : >;• Executrix. .-!T,!t ; Buildin?. Thir.i avenue, at t_Btti street^ The Brow, New York City. _ HARRIS 6AM_TEI_ — pursuance of an or<>r Of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Burrogate of the County of New York, Notice la hereby given to all persons having claims a«ainst Samuel Har ris, la:' the County of New York, deceased. to pre«mt the same with vouchers thereof to th« subscribers, at their place of transacting busi ness at the office of their attorneys. Messrs. strasbourger. Esrhwege & s-challek. No. 74 Broadway. Borcugh of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before the 1-th day of, Au gust next. Dated New York, the 3d day of February. MHO. MAX L- HARRIS 1 SOPHIA LOCKS -Executor,. SIMON KLEIN | BTRASBOURi ESCHWEGE ft SCHALLEK. Attorneys for Executors. 74 Broadway, Bor ough cf Manhattan. City of New York. IN PURSUANCE! OF AN ORDER OS" HON. Abner C- Thomas. * Surrogate of the County of New York, notice la hereby given to ail per sons having claims against LE ROY DILLER, late of the County or Nrw York. djeeeaasd. to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his p'ae» of transacting bus ncsa at the office of his attorneys, Muiian. Cobb & Mitchell, No. 35 Liberty Street, Boroush of M.i: hattan, in the City .1 New York, en or before the 22nd day of August next. Dated New York, the >th day of February. '.:>■<: PHILETL'.S FORRY WILT, Executor, m; Ll. an. 0088 & MITCHELL. Attornr-ys for Executor. 25 Liberty street. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Or HON. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice I? hereby given to all per sons having claims a,air:Et Edi-na K. Hraneh. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the euLhi-riber. •■ his place of transacting businrsa. No. 'JP> Pine, ftreet, In the Borough of Manhattan. In The City of New York, on or before the six teenth day of August next. I >ated New York, the fourth day of February. 1310 ARCHIBALD b. WHITH. Administrator. CHAP.L.r.3 E THORN, Attorney tor Adminis trator, 165 Broadway, Manhattan. New York City. IN PT7RSDAX<^K OK AN ORDER or HON. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of N^ti York, notice 1» hereby riven to all per sona having c!i!rn« asalmt Phlitp D. Keteltas. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business, at the offices of 'Parsons, ci<v«on & Ucllvatne. No- 32 wijiiam. Street, In th« Bor ough or Manhattan. In the City or New York, on or before the 12th Jay of Aucmt next. Dated New York, the 7th day of February. 1010 ' ALICE KETELTAS. Administratrix. PARSONS CLO?SON & McILVAINB. Attor neys far Administratrix. 32 William Street Borough of Manhattan. New Tork Ci >; IS PURSUANCE OF AN ORDEU OK KON. Abner C Thorn«». _ £urrofrat«- of the County of .New York, notice Is. hereby given to all per *.us having claims against C!-.;iri«i> Bachelor. la(« of th« County of New York, deceased, to urgent the e_nf._ with voucher* thereof la the BUbJitrtbcr. at her r .l»>- of transacting -_S__M- Ul the I'fflre of Merrill & Rogers. No. 128 Uromlwav. Manhattan, in th« City of New York, on or i ••!■■■ the nr«t day of August next Da:,.'. v-» York, the 2«th rfav of January. 1.-" ROB.ANY* rat H'-ioR Executrix Ml i'!U, 4 ROGERS. Attorney for BxteUtrtX, Us Broadway, lUohatua. Nt* Yurie City, TIME TABLES. HAMBURGAHERICAN CRUISES DE LUXE EASIER CRUISE >" DLKINO THE I.ENTKN PEKIOD A • i !____ciai cur _ iia> rf.ex ! AKI.AXiEU BY THE ; HAM! L •<i-A.\.l LINE MLEAVIX; NEW YORK ! Mareii 2_th,_« TWI.V SCREW >TEAAISH'_ I MOLTKE ibiS 16 days-$85.00 up. » BKKMI H\--T THOV .« SAN .il\> A>O ■->▼-__-- I Also Summer Cruises to j I Xw-w-y. ««pitr}>frscn. Irrland. Etr. I Send for v Ti_v»l Books." Fully Illustrated. IIAMBrnG-._«ERICAN _!>_. 41-15 ■__•_% IJ'.VAV. NEW <>I:K NEW YORK TO $^____f*^ AND RETURN AND UP 45 Hours by Quebec S. S. Co.'s Fast Twin-Screw Steamer BERMUD;a'n. 5.533 tons, sailing e»3ry Wednesday at 10 i. M. Perfect Service — Wireless Telegraphy — BHse K^els. / Tickets. Staterooms and All Information THOS. COOK _, SON. 245-1200 Broadway, 649 Madison Ays.. 563 Fifth Ays., .Vow York. 70 Spring and Summer Tours to Europe and the Passion Play (Program >"o. *8> S Mi.-. Itlßtefl laSi-Sa (Splendid Steamers — Splendid Service) When you go to Boston by j the Fall River Line— We want to make you so comfortable that you'll go that j way again. Fall River Line steam leave New York, Pier 19, North River. foot of Warren Street, at 5 P. M. Get you to Boston as early as 7 o'clock next morning i —later if you like. (J» -5 i Fare to Boston . . aj/tlt I Telephone 5121 Cortlandt for information. t • City Ticket Office l7l Broadway. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. OFFICES Singly «_ in Suit?* BANKING ROOM 4.409 eg- ft. •■ Ground Fltw. PROVIBLNT W. S. NORTON. *S*nt an r*r«r»li_i TEL 5933 COST. Full Comml_e___ to Urokera. 35 NASSAU STREET, S. W. tor. Liberty street. ! FOR RENT THE ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR OF THE FLATIRON BUILDING, 23d St. and Fifth Ay.. containing about 6.000 _q teet now occupied by the GARDKN" CI F\ ESTATES.' HANDSOMELY FIN ISHED. Sign pm-ieges. Apply to C. B. PAUL. '.20 B'waj Telephone 1"1 Cortlandt. r'l\i"'NTr 'l\i"'NT CORXEH ■■ - (VBRLOOKISG Times - : 5- ■_». ROCKWOOD. 13*4) Bnao- Tray. at 4'V. .--. REAL ESTATE. Ruiand&WhitingCo. REAL ESTATE 5 _____■_■___! _>l_UJal. HBW lOKK HtAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LZT BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. S3TH. NEAR RIVERSIDE: LOVELY HOME: 14 rooms; price 92G.&.0: mortgage Sib ZIT TEI>, Broadway «_■; "■:"; st. nrESTcnzsTEB. Illustrated BooKiet Frt.e descriptive of our choice tiropertics. Address SCARSD^LE ESTATES. Whit* '!:•«. X V.. A 1* E. I--" S'.. X.T.ritT NEW JERSEY. WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN FIND RE.ST druc- with handsome ground* «43 city lots; ; every convenience and In-pro* i iI ; _i.»"' in the hirst sort Inn of P-sdaic AdJresa OUT WATER. is rTxrtainaje Place. Jersey Ciry. COLXTKV PROPERTY. OFFICE OPEN WASHINGTON'? BIRTHDAY, f NOW Is the time to select houses In the country; ■re have the choicest lists of artistic residences and eottases In Mr Vernon, l'*lhain ■ :: - ._;-.'f. Br oxvllle and vicinities: _i; prices. COJLHY t WEST, FOR SALE AT a GREAT BARGAIN, COLONIAL. estate in Piedmont. Va. ; 380 res; fertile land; ! mansion of ten lire* rooms; spacious ha. and ■ porches with gracit* colunins; Utbia apringa; ! abundant parre: ideal climate; situated upon a I river: beautiful scenery Box 3G. Poewen. y_. FOR SALE.— SUMMER HOMES; FARMS every description: two soo.l bt-'siass.^es. Write i your wants W. P. HAWKINS, l':::;.'''.a. N. Y. REAL. ESTATE. Wm.H. Whiting & Co. REAL ESTATE 41 PARK now. NEW YORK. Teltphono JWM) Cortlandt. I __■___________—_-—_—_—___________ UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. THE BELNORD B'war, Am'trrrfara Aye., and 86th to 87th St- W. H. DOLSON a CO.. Agents. 5'J7 Columbus Aye. INSTRUCTION. For Both Sexes — City. THE BFFI IT7 "CIIOOI, OF H\r.r\r.E?. MADISON SQUARE (1122 Broadway* Harlem Branch. 343 Lenox «ye.. above 127 th «t- Brooklyn " 21. t > Livingston Street. 350 BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES. Pupils hear and speak th» new language ex rtiatTrrj from the first lesson TrtaJ lessons free. ■-- -■• school a:encies. .Inn lirun ami Fi>rrii;n Te.iclier** Arrnry. ; 6uppll»s Professors. Teachers. Tutors. Gov ernesses, etc.. to Colleirej. Schools trul Famii;.'*. • Apply to Mrs M J YOf\r,.rn.TOV. TYPEWRITING AND TYP^WRITERa. PUT Tf f.lO A!.LMAtt»S < fTIIft II m rented, bought, rrrat-ed ' LII I"! I L"vl» b ; VICTOR VISIBLE. 19 Nassau st. ; catalogue frt-e; all make* lali— part payment: bar pains In Underwoods. Ilemlnstons. Olivers. Pmlthti. _ ___ TYPEWRITING and " «iin.">craph!.- dictation; literary, legal. liiiiiiiwh 111. lowest p.-..c«. Tel. S9«K) Plaza. 3.1 Eb»- &9t?i st. ! ~ ~ I3OARO AND ROOMS. MPTH ST.. U">2 \Ve«t.— l *rj;e. sunny room. with prtrete hit* 1 es«*W»i»i '■urn' taMe. PI RNtS HCD f:OOVa TO LET. _7TII ST. 313 WEST Two Urge, neatly r"ur^ ni?hed rocnis; private family; «eutl«roe:i pre ferma. ' TIME TABLES. REGULAR SERVICES Sea-Going Hotels Complete in every appointment Safety — Steadiness— Comfort _____» BO- %,_¥_» *3 LJ>"K N_XT SAl_lNf:_ PU-mouth. Cht-rbourg: and Hamburg fS ?. Pem-Tlra-ta £-*>■ «■ *\ *• g «d. S. Grar Walu.rse- F^o- -R » A. * i JHamb_r«r direct. ■ ___.^_ For Obrr!Tr:m^rs-ii P.t- _•»_»- play — »- ' ! ™ r_h!b!tlon t!.J.T: BrnwU Kxbibltion 1310. a*d all other lntfrr»t!B- Kurop<_n ev^ar*. laqair* of u_ Toori-t U«-_»arti-rnJ. IT AS V >m._?: TA * _ II AL I <.pno\. >* _ lIATAVIA (Naples o_!y> H__rh ». 1 P-M. - - ii \^ r. i. M »rfi i« _, 3 MOI.TKE April t» TKAVELX.EKV CHECKS PSECtt Touri*t Dli for Trip* r--*r>wJier_ SU^ARD LINES From Piers al-SS-SI. North P.iver. 0 A. M* Liverpool Service. Callln* at _'i*_gM_r_, South IVales. \EW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT Wednesday from New York Monday in London - MACnET.AMA— IXSITAXIA. Largest, Fastest Steanwhlpi Asoat. .Sail We_n."HiaT« n-»r<»l<-*« Tel^_raD^. s-!l»mirlnt Sl«wa_s rmbna Feb. 23!Caj_panU Mar. -• Manretanla Mar. - Mr.- tanta Mar. 2 _usl:ar;ia Mar. I _. ._•.•_•!__ . Ma». _• M. ,-, f Carmania ILIJ Carmania O I ______ VI -B-_P_-B*___ New _O'X«-T I . U LUII ! 1 Via Aiorn. Madeira. t. Gibraltar. >PECI.\r. CRI!-»F >AXONLV TO ITALV— .Mareh ._>. Ilf>U.i*_A>-AU_KiC.*> __,J_VItJL To _____ via GIBRALTAR. GENOA. NAPLES. TRIESTK. *___r__B__a. Mar. 5. neon fCarpathla Mar. M •;a_jr.:_..Jla: :•.• r.ocn i Paononia Apr. -4 •Does not call at Trieste or Flume. Traveller-" chec_» Issued — stx*! everywhere. lUC Cl NAKI) STEAMSHIP CO- LTD. 21-21 -■.-•. opposite the Battery. PBTH gE_R_iJ^ Lk9ls I__rgt. Fast «_d Luxurious : -.Screw Expr°a» and Pu.-*ec^er _t«»rr.snlp_. Equipped with Wireless _ aubmarina __sj_g__» PITMnrTH-CHFRBOIRr. — Expresa SailinsJ Tuesdays at 13 A. __ K. '■'.-. der Gr.Mar. « Kaiser Wra. 11... Apr. » Ccc: .' Mar. -- K. Wm. Ist GrUAp__t_ irJtii.w {George Washington 27,GCOTon i Sails Feb. 24 for _M_>______l___ Plymouth. Cherboors. Olßßi7iSnip - Hremen BRK>IE> DIKECT. Tw!n-Serew »_».in_s r_ar*___* _: 10 A. M. Rbe-l Mar:h 3'« P. Fried'h T-r Mar. IX Zieten March 10 *O. Washlnjftcn.Mor. 31 •calls at Plymouth and Chert* G!BKU.TAR-N.VFLK> — (.ENO A—ALGlEßS •rranean in_s -«i : dajrs at^l a M. B_rt>arus_a . . Feb. _' ; I •Berlin <new>....Mar. 13 p. Irene Hal s,Fried'h d«r Gr...Mar. 1» •Omits Algiers. Independent Around th* TCcrtd To«rs. Travellers" Checks good all over Ms world. Aiply OET.RICH3 * CO.. Genera! .\_ea__ S TtRiH'TAY NKTT TOPK A^?J!Hfifi LIME rr av&-. >'. V. — Plymouth — The^boiirjf — Southampton. •Oc*an!c F<"b. 2«- •Adriatic . . Mar li Philadelphia ....Mar. s' St. Louis Mar. »> •White Line Steamer from Pier «. V. H-. RED STAR LINE New York — Antwerp.—Paris 3L°!<:" UPL&M, Feb. 23,.J' M . Gla^»-enrlo!»e<l Prnim-niiile. Verandah. Cnfe, f.onns-p. Elvmtar. <)-» ln--.tr_. Shop. »Vir*le«K*. Lapland (new). Feb _::. 10 A.M. From Pier 14. N.R. Kroonland Mar. ; 1» A.M. From Pier si>. X.n, Finland Mar. 5, 11 A.M. From Fler 50. N P-. WHITE STAR LINE From Piers #>-61. N. R. »w York — Qi!<-en»t->wn — I iverpowl. L&nrenUe ■.--> ■ Mar. 5. noon: Bait : Mar. 11 V V. — Plymouth Chrrbcunt Southampton. Oceanic Feb. 2*?, l!> am! Adriatic Mar. 13 tPh!lade!phJa.Mar.s. lOam:ia _«-__ . . . Mar. I tAmer'.ean Line Steamer from Pier 62, N. TH noSTO>°TO THK feEffltflUliEM V : a .Arorr*. Madeira. Alarier^ and oibriltar. Romanic Fiib. 2»>tCeltic Mar. 11 Cretic Mar. 12iCanoplc Mar. 24 PASSEXG ER OFyICEX 9 ROADWAY WHiT_ STAR LINE FROM NEW YORK _ BOSTON m Mediterranean j^. Via Azores. Madeira. Gibraltar. Al3ls>« i a^ Largest in the Trade, CELTIC Es; S [ROMANIC..^ February 28: April % j CRETIC March «2. Aprt! i« C_>OPIC March 24 •. ■ 9 BROADWAY. MW YORK. AN OCEAN S VOYAGE ON HOME SEAS^^ DELIGHTFUL ■ THE YEARjA APPOINTED ™r r JJ: AR _^O,4CO TO.V SHIPS ROUND X Ns . ft YORK to r NEW ORLEANS Send for int«restlns Uteratara. rt UTHtR!i PACIFIC CO. 0r L. H. NUTTING. G. P. A r 1. GGU, Ua* Broad W3r. New Tork. MARSTERS TOURS ROPE Via the Mediterra nean and Italy. April X. M*y 14. IBM 21 and 2r.. Ju?y 2. Via the BrltUo. I»le». J-jne 4. IS, 25, and lv. July 2. 5. S. atut 3i>. Au?. H>. Vl* th" Continent. July I -ad *- Tour o* all Switzerland. June 23. CEOKGS X- MAK-VTEK?. Ot West aoth St.. New TorU. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN IMf 10,000 Toe Twin- Screw ___•-__? I• _ mere Dlrwt to" ;—; — Norway. Sweden and Denmark ___■_■ «'»iav.. Mar. 3; United States Mar. St Oscar II Mar. '■ .-'.-- •; OUt April 1« C. T. Tletgen. .Mar. _4iOsa_r II AprU .« All !*f-im«T- :>-*_ with n'lr»l?<_. First cabla. $13 upward: «»"cond cabin. S<3> ; _ E. JOHNsON _ <<'. 1 Broadway, New York. **_VJV J 2 l_iF ' r " 1 u »*t- Ferry. l.fcj U Line urcul:jn. at nooa. tu: tan Juan. P. K-. La Guayra. pto>. _o_>. f'.ir».-*u and Maracatoo. via Curacao. CARACAS... Feb. CCi PHILADELPHIA... Mar. 12 Fur La Guavnt. Curacao and Mar__!_-j. , ZVI I.v ..Mar SiMARACAIUO lUr. 13 Superior AecotKtr.odations tor r*i— irrururi ; clisj=. A! LETT Si co. General Managers. 82 wall St. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE It aj • .».3->irrw Kuwracrr >«ni«f I B9 n w >___— -CTT.KiM* %« ftCU.O-.t- SI ! Potadam.. Feb. — . 3 amlßynJam M_\ 23 Koordarn.Mar. » 9 amiPot.iJam Mar" 29 1ii.,1,ml America Inn- _;> Broadway. JV \ GUF.R'S TOURS TO EUROPE. llo« comprehenslv- and attractlT* j «- V offered; frequent departures Utwna Adt i* and July 5. with rates from JC7S to lS"o li>. e'.a'!in» all n-<-*eaarv tiMam »--~» •»• I F. C. CLARK. Tine* Butl-1 Sr« T9fffe 9