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« Hippopotamus Meat v Expected to Humble the Beef Trust 4 Bf> 'Beasts WtU Aid '" J^QsJigation as Th?y Feed. A broki* gWL ♦""" I ..''<l by *wp r--f:riv^. pJMai tj-.rousii tlie dutk ea a nay*""" '■-**: •' ana bt*>o; In the l>o» a wh.te tnan croucho. »«i'.'.i « iin'.v Hfle ntSi BCJ M bll k?J««a. He i» n-" « f-->l«ll'r. :er hi* k».«^! clatlier are made with the l>i-<tt.< tC'-isreiiris* of n . mnent uti!fort». Th* m\~»rf ■ rrfcc": aUcud ■.• M*nio«t « "•«•." t>. • . '■• that lean Kh a pr I -*«•.>■ fr»»ni Hu I.enk*. Jn tii*- narrow laasC of water ano". ,\»t BhiaV aa>| boat appears, and tho rkiff Hinfi 10 tlMe under the Trailtng bough* liardl> bi it <o\«-r.ii arhaa a fi-T* 5 !! af fkr* )cta downward from ibe l«oat a!i^;i.i l*ive timeii it ataha at Urn aanmr artSk bs^dnaraag awiftneaa. and the coughing voice of tha mom*-.!' raaa Bm(> ""* " vrT 1l " ""***■ M "nr r'ungc the r.esrrots li*\e drhen th< tlciff free from the ttre^. It KWim as if t'K- Bherti had « ;r i i%fr a submarine tnin'-. A mound af water bu'.Ki* up with a r^ar like thnt af reaping BBBam •nd in c writer af mud and flying spray .i >aFt.f»»rm rears MseJT. It baata "> p ssatar "<\ith d^rk. un««in'\ K»» : 1 1 i on . with an nf-rr steam'ike roar, i* wallows with m« uaH». Fperd for a form fo clumsy *mhjart at the shadowy boat. The »kiff }.hf drawn n'-«r«.T Ti mm in 1» Fe>r a prc-at BSBSZBI BBmWl «nd bßßka liook*d o\er the irunwu'e of the «>:lirr boa* ci« Ita two men «rr> Magarertaa; cuerborird. Thr monstrni:fi a;ep r*os«* with a f-runc'iins j ef «O«ii Tin- '..•«-: toftßP<« the l>oat *sid« •i--;. our <-T\e^p o* his head riTid l::r)Re« tow «.rd the two !nen 'n the water. The wh;te man ?«:*• s Bai itfle, The Ihgßg f!io:s 8881 *o qu;. ilia •!»<» rattle of ma aagatj cl:f:i* is hrard us they fall In tii* bottom n' !hf skiff. laSBSI Bl ono lamTRgBBBBI of UM tilack bod?, nnd then It itocs *i!en:;y with o\.: a urupftn a>~-ros« ih« l.a>oti. carried *h\ the imp-- «;f As nifh. and pinlw o .• of »lKht in t!-< wnrer lieneath tl.e it..- :.-- BthßfAi "t»on't yon try thht.' tb« n:in wi;h Thr rif.r ea>s »;!iarp!\. lie ia *rpe«Uinir to one of the two yount ni m in th- water wlio it tryitiK i< «»ver tuSß tiir skiff w ilii i is aaonamr; PRISON FOE POACHERS. ■'■<■;• slirct? off your Kkyplane mi BBS, •••itiJ. ba '■••titinur^. i:-;nt ih* BBMBBSSIC ► lung of ibe ds>- to rvprr** •'[our years in j'i!so?. "Oat MO red-handotl BSBtlaß fi>\- rrnmrnt hippopotasn if. .\u you .-an t e\en f«l Xt . ijrlit Th.-Ms n hut tl;e«e new- Jatislrii utttortiat c»< <:<> for marksniammip ' Th" piisi'tirrs ;ire l.andc-jflfed ti'id laid in the bottom of UN i-kilT, Bad UM BBaCS? The '.a ihe <Ir;ni hippopot ■■ - ■* Ik marked Wtth m hue: l»^^rinK The sipn of the rniT^J* t Mhiaaa s- the i-;t<k of a B*:zzi>- bear :n BBf BB a whim pro::n.l An bSBT Inter the t«o yii,;n(t men a-e in Xhr lok-.]> I.' Urn * - ■ "iie af Hal padVOaartßECl ti\»~ l«>al« • ''. <;»m<- S» :\1 ■<\ vt-;<!i Bel Bmansl la * trrr - A brai mflal balaai Next <• tIM Bkmi bcrai | I.?-- ';;> the bfO' ST the ti* «.J btPPOeOtSSBCB. amnmi baa floated ne^enogM <me at ■the aeT;.'a:Ks i« niov.,l 1.. Tnak' voom Tor ;t on :h^ after d*-. k Ti-.<- arro- ma have bwn '.'jtnl nxeTteni f<>r •lay BBBBttBS. bm the . ■a r t :.:■ Btn i.." noe» •'< mUow ■ •• ■ -'eal «»n pna«'ti*rf i;t»«»r»> Th« hippopotamus i>- . ■ ihe nient in ihf •• trice- at injr j-oorn. a; A a* tl-e Hisoti niHk": her r\.i>- Th.. • V rt9K 11 th* l»»you fh»- Iph\«* a trail of teivifvir.p <fior from the fat. » hi'-h i^ trv Can Cure DrunKards *By Hypnotic Suggestion The Hex). *Dr. 'Bctren De clare* He "Does It and They Stay Cured. Too. Attention, ye slave* af ..rink SM are accust'T.ied ta •. v ;1 «i>iiut'- to Kiiic ales' y-.o 11 Ikassj la base rot pea? Tlm stand] tippler «nd Che accasftanal trhacer <^:i ie> Jnice. l-jef-a-i^e 1 he»-e if h tsute CSSO Bat th«-n; BSBSXCnag to lb» Ma'ement of « immbfr of . tdr Nev\ fork Mfijrv Thin . . • - not r uid 'D <!r:gs. Bar hi B found la hot n>';-.r- igdl Kactcv matfCates; ;>Lit it t» • .•.<! Bl a bjmotir e\e and in * mental M.Stesl.i.' H; # in<ul«n. n^ • r.ire for rtlcoSnmßßl Bl j not :i thfi-y hut h f*«t. Si tasdißg bB ttie' €\i*r iniriu-- maie in UM Btar^Dl 1/otitic \\ Battaa, rectoi ef Si. Uark'a I'rotesunt j;pfit<opal <'hijrch. ;u No. 2ZZ K;.^t lltb . »•-.<•. ;n dm Donna at lbs ami |e*a .-ears • Jff }.:• - i.r-e!) M. HIJC-essf uJ :tl <•'.;■ illE • .t«»-S Of alcoholism llmt. he <a .-.•.. £•.■*>; ' ;: !* ot (.- fWgn aejrk wfll ba m i^ectanamsj drunkaniti hy |-,yf-notJfm. I •• . Katt<-n has br-»-n rxjifr ,nx nTing it>! m Mag UmO artth jk> ,i f.-t h« ■ ; ,|.«-i;;;. tsmWBMM f"' Bmar** XIT+ ;-nd he sa \ s that lie !.ai- ♦-v.'ixed a metti«>d w r::< h b> tafi • B»tm* caeca r.*y take n 1< .t.t»-i i.m. and .« moj« *Jifli- j « ..:: •■■ ■ as than attars, bm" •'Mi.ti^ taw c.ft'hai'Sfd j»* \ieuT ;- ti<.->- ar«- n<< liack sUdtrf a fiammo leamreM bmmbl IM Uattasi a "husv niars hi hi- utuo> at UM charck t«-<- tory. Hort« ol ;.«tl.nts »;.. tbona • \ «-i > <Im\ ia bh k hi* lt*atme:it. aaU ±iuuutt ihos» Who t"e«-U it-lift I'i.m tl.. <-vil Bl •!' EBB l>e reckoned the j.i of<-s.«-.otial n. :i :::.•] the !*. l rei , *ht Ti<h and iii< i""... n; n aaal •Yimfti. "In h>pn<;tl»m « s-..)•s -..)•- < vi» i..: the draadl urti" " aiaa ttte Brat BaaatAaa Urn anasnai ajfipf of J>- BBtsaa. TREATMENT "NEVER FAILS. ■paan ■••».• ." aat ih« t*>ji > it • j,'"\er f-»li». U^t. fif Baajrae, ttw Uast it ajajai Ir. «■ ;re a pallet. 1 ftapgßit ' t ...t. h. mind fend camtassar. r^raaaa »itii Msoaaij wuj po»n rasjaSra sati « f*« :ifj>t*n*'ntj'. while th<*«! »ho ;.re <\eak:i!.p- xrid Bho] t.i< It «1 fli' tilt hj -■■•:•' tbt «;;i.n.K BM ll'j-j'»r> n"«fi i»\*ra • •••atmect «■ ;«'■•«• I • -. arr **->'«■ to at* Tf from UM) cia>' «•! •i-htake: ••\ l 'i.<> :•■ the bm ■ eosfl rurod, Urn V- 'ual drutikiirci ■ IBS oil* v ti<> ii-k**- .. Blp «ml> no* *:<i I-..:. 'k»Kj t> WttSBT. 1 fmd Imm man - •• •• ■ ■ •* ■' las • I who Is a.aacai s*i . at D Hkiir:. . ' * at is. . .. •at t»K" «/■ ••■ -s in make Mm ; • ' • 1tl» man w!. >.' de .. • c Tk" «p*.V Tt c i^-trr • ■ ■ .t ta BO" , €»tsie ■ l<a< iva 'id-i «!.< n th* last (or orink I return* !• tc«t )i!«- flgh:.: s Bbaaßpa and ' tUClitbt ftanilii 1 "To rU* saa a • ■ : ■• !.a: *!.e JUJT Of 1 *■■■'-'•■ • ' ' ■ " "'■ tl«f o::»- ■ J<*-e umona" '■■ •■ ■ bat I have cur*<l. liere v.a> a m^ti \» . •■ took •' '•!«- T| ' off to ceiei-r.'.: e, and j.iT..rt in im- a l>a< k allßer. after fr.- «i* <iii'-.« pr'.i .;:,.'•.! . ur« 1 "nea-Zi-S l•J^ rsl!. l)<me\«r, (• ■.ti.'- i.a« W ! to rr.o tftei the sassa I.- • »•• •• i tißf . < ' ' ■ ■ - ■'■..' t he wciH a*»a> in bit.} >...•••;• 1 ;.-••• ' ■ ■■• a »!roj. p| Uq im "dm • ■■•i\it n I ■ ■ • • ■ ■ 1 i. !,»<„- ... • ■ . ■■' •■'■• ' ; ' ■ • ■ "' » »nt t;ti ■ .. • ■ • . ■ .... • j, ,„...; -i Lament, a.-i ai Urn i corod i-.nn so a and * UuM >■• ' ■ -'•■' oat ».^ t .i <>f • Make) and t)i» ■•■• • Tuo'esardt emoai lataj pathmts dmrtas; j (r , ;i ..,-. .•: i:c«!m<-tit bi Urn ram" aaan t<.j cf •■ • . ■■ ■ ■• ■ ihe '.nt out rather badly In h»r "pedal firebox. 'Next day Khe ties up at the levee »t New 'OileanK. and th«re her commander turn* over h!« prisoners la tha Mml courts j BBai *end« a tho'.iaaav psnaia af »>rime Inp ; popotamuf meat, a lii le rather badly . -ut ' uj. with IcdM rr.ark)«. a tab af "il and * heavy hrap «>f Nines and Ivory la the Game I Service warehouse , ■aajaUnml like Omi i* 1 wh;it «'oncrossnian BBBtti V r.-v.:««»''1 of Louisiana fotrsee« a? a common :i!s!'< adl Silt Bra in h-.K <llc ' trict not very •>• fan the fut ;;re— say ha t lie year 1?1?. Bsl \IA* is only mi in.-iilrnt. I Among other itiinai" h<- Fee* those ware boaaaa af Urn mm unborn Qamo awrifloagsaV i:;r mm aid of « Btintea feaaa (> • i-.'ppo; ■•>»■ CBBB niea: anr* year in the .|»^n market. Bja ggag UM hrredine. rta«afh*arbag bik' matketlns of tho l-upe h«aft? MMMM to lack pooii anraoaa by the rovernment m«» nopoly •* to «"cnd trcsh mrat in ample ajpaa utie* Bam accry rttjr af the iia.ion. makitip • iian<is.>ni- pror":! for the covernment. yet j. • i - st^es ito low H to shear thr iMI Tn:si af it:- rstacttonata latuiaa. ne aaaa too. the *1 "pjrish stre:i:i;s of Ms state and ->f ihe Florida marsho!« swept < Icar of the tro.ible«om vatrr MMa that have rlopßed I'lirm until navigation and fishing ere alike almost lmp< psible th*re. LAUGHTER. THEN THOUGHT. Mr. Braaaaari i»<- eeaaa Ba far arlth haa vision that he haa intmd-.»ed » bill In «Y>n prpf«!« ca'liMK for KJO.OOO erttfc arhjch t<» ini liort hip;>oj>ctami, water l.uffalo and a tuni hor of other aiirn ariinit'« for Mockinp Ihe waste lands af the Soutii »nd ■eaKhwaat. Mr. RroufsardF Mil In its turn haa paae so far a< to BgCVS BOCB laughed »t a trood d^al and thea to havr bai .crtain of its . provision? tatea Baciaaali> hy the laugher? ,on poi*"- srcntid tl'.oucl'.t. NVw. Mr. Broussard's ml, erne Bl a viror ous appeal to th.» Imagination, and sonif ef ins BBnaarmra ha\e embroidered il with I ornai. • fr 'Is "r whkh lie hims'-lf docs ..ot «tand sponsor. One frif-nd. for in stance. Van >po«ed that hippopotaaal Ye , domesticated nnd tinfd a? da.ry .-attle. s-t as t« aaaatgja the nation > stipriy of n»ilk and butter. A cood many f. lk^ know, and ithe others Mght to. ;hat a i. ppaajataaaaa twelve fert lor.r has> an eleven foot 1 BsMBMh. arhj li baMa raih»r mara than :ne bnaaem af maamr. Any female bies!=*'<i with a dUreMion like that, tl.e friend ar- Rued. n;:jrht to 1. te Rive BVaanl a bathtub MD rif BBtQk m ■ — ■,c arui eveninp. 1 a ncaaary artth a Ftaff «<f a UMSJkaad ; ffnial* BlgflMSßataißl PBttM make n ship- j l.iad < f batter ■ day. tl the taaaerr ■^c- Btwßesrrjr pcared oti tne Mi««is«ir.'i ; r i«>'.i« iiii« antntd <«-,j'd he 1 arri-d l>v a i WtlM ..f f;<M BIW lIWIWm UTlVttf si N*>w York Rffy m< mmc. n«- t!-.<» f r';it boats <!<"» now <i«ri'ic 1 1 • • • banana «^a«'>n. Tti s wi'ii I .] beOd r;> *.hr \ ■.■.••! inrr c» int nriM fbl ma> >-.i;» could IllflUlJl pMtt tOI lIM (ffMBMTI bßf v.v'.; |BS Tr"a«inr,',N. which wmiid bSso rivi* them rxfvr)'-< 1 H -ph t.« k'*i> then in (?t>od Irv.iper. ■ bapravcA, i I aw Tilppo*"' could »•♦ j .■•<], :ifil t \- . f ;-s !hb as,i:;\ ilwcvr niT» > <~t yffii. The AmmMlc < <>v. ksa <.n v lia'if hW 1 '" rtM wli«-Ti c)-(. (irsi BMI UN n'qi:iin:anr»» <«f eIvQIUIIOB. NEED MORE PLAIN CRITTERS ■ \\> BM4 BMVC CftttCn in IMI '■< ■jnir>." Mr. Bl ssard *-a:-1. n explaining Mr ■CbtflM tUt V|M Tt:li,;:i.. "Jol rla.n r.-,i t»>r« K<t mi tl Ui ■•■;• Ira&Arcd iwt nt rmtaei Uvtc ?n:nir.'« tor mar pnn <l;.a' nif»t >•.: : ■ rattle. *hp«>p and «\>!n<-. A' lra?1, ■* Jx-M»v«» v> c >Ub»1»1 'ti tIMM thrpo. I Hin MM ihat \jnw:t; tig;> w r oft'-n cat hors*- n r-t and the fl'sli of a .'mailer. DP. L. W. BATTEN. Rector of St. VarV's Protestant Episcop I Church. aa hom«-. n-, aaa de ar>!~ t.. reaM t*o or Ifesva aajoona, 1 ■*-t iii»- chanoea a; ttiey mu-^t pas- a SCOCO BT more. VVh. 11 rjbtrj i«-*«-.i Urn tenth <-r tw.-iftri Urn poarer of atttsHßVfjgaatloa that oomaa bom tha <.].. n boots ..f be 1 .in saMpa la retjr strong, aaal Ism rt-sult Is that th.;. I it- the pat'-nt-" »llt.i!l ' • l>r VutW. t*»:;iii hi* w..rk ••: ettHttg i" eteaUaa after he rtsttsd tao Bow*n ltb>- Mot, t^ou . rcara Bt» Be raadaad thai »«>m*-thin»! m-^t be assM to s*\«* UMSO \« lioup will iM.w>-r hal bOCB Pkait>r»d bj taaaaatvi am af <iij:.k. Tlm aoctor bl • tn» of uronc pe.-gonaMty. *•*"! '' 11'"1 1 '" M-nt* an«inp BCurC lli« fa :e reveal" d'-tfTTji ination und rharactss Hi- eyes are Urge and fi:ll. und 1 h« -\ «r«- cjrea '.-.a' aaßßj t>. rr>nd Urn rarj nsoaghta of 1 1.< person b4 , srhom be la laltlng Tto* esact method of h pr.otlsm h^ employ* i;i |.llt • . . i-n on th^ >Aii:e: BraSMßi *«» BUtUnod ! lam •.■« use reporter a* f..i; i |, ,- -, ■ ..- ■ • al - m a IteM i.- ciioi.. ata • • s >.:S' > ' words, iSo asl pal thorn ... - ... .. h ran < '; • Hie awnk*- at all •11 • - and al* csaMKsSns af my '«);> and anjjasMlaaa i* la » case af ■tresmoos BMtaJ • bm moro laaa aaytateg ems, I baafl \< '•• DBsm ■>< ' ■■•■ • lanajnaaa *»nd acr the situation they a'e !n. I Hwtlllglj pertray to tliem .he iaaaara of alOohoUam *tA tfco BsrM end that ajay a»a/ them \>y the neaaalvt itae af drink* B* BBfjty impr< *x BPBBJ t!:»-lr n.n.d<« • , • ... -^ji S ,t ;. f;f wi'listai.'llt.K the • aaaav t ion O? I ''♦• •- i« «•«* <!»-\<-!o;.iii|; th«« paojoj thai anakaaa Uaam to lafuss aflarod tasßßi Tt •• i-ir ii af msa i« Urn luitnu :ii.d it i- ii«- -.-••■>iM y to arouse this • eg RfJoo in 'i iti'h-ii 1. 1.' •• < [ ■in,*- thai « ■ aatrtmeatal la Urn hjwtima l««lv a 1 <i mi ••>:,,>, . ' • -.oii t liat I . .. Bf ■ .-I IIS d :.L. -.I"! v. bHa la ll oondlUon (afan bato » ; , ■ ■■ awd bs ro Mm • ■!■■••.! oox s 1 loai thai , ai. Ibo ■!'>... v ••* ■«• tags, la ba ba tn ited Urn i^'ieni most ba aaoar snoagn t - /.-. it»M . • 1. I am f«>i • UMJ 8808 \im I 1. •.. ! r .„•-. Ml".. Bg] in t tii r- ■ • ... .:<■■ - ,t « ..1.1 tn . • pa ti. tit? a-ki-J U« ;«^"it. 1. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, XT'IMT. 17. 1010 ROBERT F. BROUSSARD. CON GRESSMAN FROM LOUISIANA. Who ask* Congress to import Hippo potami, elands, water buffalo, dik diks and othe strange creatures to clear the S = ui"iern rivers of water weeds and to curb the Beef Trust. < •npyrißl-.t. I'.'n*. liy I!arri< & K*inK. fvfn more faithful fri^ml of man when •• in \-.<it coosclou of th" fact. "At any i:ito. ;iil tho animals I ba\<» DWBtkMMd were Imported (Nn Europe. I j -;.,»,. t«i tanpori s«'nip other etttieri ami h.iji out <■ ■: decresatag meal mppljr. w«» , :i realise 1 1 at tba ni»'at qoesttoa li ooe of Ibe mo<=t bnpertant of the <!«> i beOev* tiiat in the Booth we iiavo ih*> sreatesl un o\*-i«>;>o<i rcsouri <^s iha country bai left. titrinc ill lIM vast WItIfICMUMI ii"J 110 "Thai depeoda up<-n..«' lf ' eonoiaon oi me .l-unkarM." answered i> Batten. "Tha I bbbbl coarse requires si\ to twelw lessons lor k caasse <>f BMBths. II takes, of coarse, looser to ears, a pattern artUi a. weak arlll jii. an ane <>^ .-. .-ti-.T^- mind. 1 have bad j cafe* where, one or I aro treataaeaitf wonid ,1.. v • fick. And la any case, results he cin to show after ii.'- Brsl lroatment« The ' fir«=t hypnoUc snssestloa I brteg to ttifir 1 m.nd ■trfkes home a teUteg blow for Urn 1 bettering ci tbeta condition.*' i -('an rou take a iraakard aad core him • aeai! -.M his wii!?" arms toe BCSi «]ii»'.-iU-n -u.-.i i-: The Tribono'a representative N... tiiat .annot i>e done," replk the I doctor "The patient mast li:m.- a desire jto he cured n. ti. •:*: i»- Billing and hi 1 • mm.i mtsst ii^ open to avggestlonsj other- I %. jye hr •.- .-. bopi less case " "Iki •■in advise your patients to a ht<talii j f-n;ii ii.jtj.'T abraptl) or to a ran themselves j giaduallj. aad 1- tii»-r«- am- daager. as I ii.iii. Fay. lr shutting off liquor BU«ldenlj I from' & :i habitual drmkerT^ as\> 1 tbc re ! parter. ■ SUDDEN CESSATION HARMLESS. i I ■• 1 never l«-t * patleol touch ■■< drop after I atari to rure :i:i!." .^:nd t!:<- ministfi ; I "and W is a wrong hnpressloß t:;a: people • havo about hll oM Inebrbtto, frnav4iuuui drink la suddenly snut off. M:« constitution uiil noi y'.rr.:- ati> in mi. ii ,i ease, and 1 bare bad confirmed drunkards who -••' hioriv f-i! and were <*ured, alibouajli t":i*'\ pat a sadden terntmatlon to llirlr drink : tnx." "When a patleal ::n>- taaen rotar lij i> notic treatssent «io. ■it In an) ■>• ■• weaken ' liis mill. l for the rCSi »t his l:f. V" was aaated "afaar. a* here,** sai.i Dr. Batten; "sup* jios.- >«»ii ha\»- COBM to Illf f6l ti.aitm-nt ; and \»iu 1:m- 1. -.-n pCOttOUncod «;:r.'ii ii.v bjrpoothan. Then m:i>i»'.-«- jroti w.-iik .I'.wn UM BtfCCt i! n«1 ar»- m!.|o to p;«.*s naloon after >-»«!o«it! nitboul being drawn msKle for ii c!as.« of bCjer. Now. if you An- aMe lo ■■■• tfcuv d>. yn; I .-.. aalder yourself as hairtng .1 w.'iike: • "h atroager Blind tht before?" The re patter a^as «:'!;tiß t<. .-nimit thai if padei l BOCh e-ondit:on<i li.- was ahl<» to th* ifianlaliaii of n Coaming Knootanr, and \ Turn -a i!<if far to ihf <-h II of tiio rum shop. h<- would \>f po««»ssefl of a i>!.tt; atrong tnind. ■n-iw. there roa an," conUnued l»r. Bal ten, in le^iKitivo to tin- ai!ini**ioii. • P.l \ ol| •hink t!.e pBtMaKS '»niH •■ r of this t •-.■:* t - men! ■ «-»-k minded? < >|. no. whe i id. > »Tf ri:t»-.| '••. h.iv a Stronger mind UM «-\ i r nn-l 1 het »t«- '• .-I poaltlaa to be «>f better 11*. •.. them*alves »n«i othsri Urn remaining. ■•f IlieJr livejc " "Has ,'nf bjrpnoUc treatnien; the af« ■ I "ii Women »•» iaa 1 in^n. .-irt.l >\ ■ tu.itiy of tii'- maker ?«x OBBM to >ti MfklllSJ f'>r 1 a «-ur*-?' «iu.-ri.'d Urn raporter. 1 THE RE-CREATION OF WOMEN "Yen, the eaTei liixin r. union ( s th" :- ;i mi<\" eontinded t>r . Batten. - a aroman '. •!£*••- pi , readily ■* i. man t.. luggesUons/and it :<•■ quln - «!»<»'. t the, same time to cure !> -r «.r ' ba Hanoi habit, lla . e/osaon come *o bm iitnimis to be cared «.f aJeoboUsm, md it la viri.|»ifi:l wl'H .1 I -..:. to matlon t iKi s jiiHi-. in Mime oi these cases, after I ii.-i\. 11..i.i h girl abstain from liquor her -oitii ■. tuty i< tin :i - .hi 1 (he 100 l ■ ii..- .1 i. ereatsd voomfl Her eyi : . pin ■ . • . 1 v ith the hll lusi ■•• of Uf«, ,.1, . . ■ n .',-,..• , and her wbote 1 BM • ..• 1 • ii ■ ; ... ;.• 1 .-:i. i.ii 1 . rafts • ; I- I-.- been produced I-, in ir.eni.. ■ ol "Aft< 1 <!■'• patients n ><.\i of your pros* I•lKedo \ol Ii t.< cv ri v paWOI om r t li< m gad trj to control iheli d.^nt;" 5 . «■« If rou n.-d<- ma of telepathy •" i!,.- raportei asked • N'u 1 do not." answered ti,- cleri n»*a , Hum t>.'i i- nl I- •< . • DM ho or ul;e la DR. W. REID BLAIR. Veterinarian and pathologist of the New York Zoe'onical ParU, who «>ays the hippopotamus and wat«r buffalo would thrive in our South ern States. bayous, lakes and i»>tu!:< that lie between them. "There are asveraJ animals that vmoM Uarhrc ; hei Poreroeot are the blppopota mi^ ;'nd the water buffalo, I think thai by BtMsfnaj these are can «lly add UMBJOI tons ..;" in.. it ..nil ar to our anpnly. Tl •■ food for ihe hippopotamus Is going to' down there; i; b ahnost ruining tru river vfl!aaea bj stopping up the streams and jxin. l -. I THE SOMNAMBULIST. The Man in Bed (waking up suddenly and discovering h:» fellow lodger drink ing his whiskey I—'Ere.1 — 'Ere. Mulligan! What sre yer doin' with that whiskey? Mulligan (with much nresen^e of mind) — Whist, man. whist! I'm walkin' in me slape! - Vlif. outside of my sphere (■■:• I 'I" *o1 : try t>> hold ibeni . . rni«-r my influence ernDe : t!.f\ are airay. T .-• lunwustons 1 ithre iii> m ... presence musi beai upon •p--w ' actions rftrrward. They "; •• «*t U urtjf to th,. and do \v!i:it in.-, arlll Bui it should • ■ .- jjiii.'i. <i » t .*. » .1 bypnptlc ettaVMtton Rsenerally muains i;i the ni'H'i and tiuveins Hi" ;i :ion* of in.' IndiTldual. V/ben ' ■•■ 11 pg . refrain from i- vi hinn in the way 01 .in alcoholic beverage he will rbtkvw this :..!■.;<.•. the result the.l In the -ml be win entirely lain from th<- dm of liquor.** ■•<\>i:i.i ywi iiKiitiou a few aaecfße cases where patients ay« h "en cured of alco* bplina?" ;isk<-.| the irrlt< "I 1 • .not •!•■ I tat." replied i»r Patten. "When m ■, i-r ■omen conw to me for ■ treatment they ■; o i-.oi m isli i<> have their ', names jri\rn to thr public. It is a vital 111. i:t with ii>cni, aid I Btusi consider their w'>iii«--. Ti.-i- 1 I ';-:'ti.>t atve \>>u t!i"ir name* .i.i.i addressee.* 4 • Tiio rhargea baade >■' ihe doctor for lha • re:ttm«-'!it s are graded In accordance nitn ii... iii. .ills of Urn patients. S' Marks Qhnrcb m.i>fitain« .1 Bwsaloa arboae purpoae i-: to rescue dfuakards*, an«l th»> fees from the patients cured by the it-. -tor to the Mlji|.i-1 t of 1 hi.- miMtoo. CRAFTY ADVICE. "Would 11 he :•'!' ham t.> deceive h*i about Tir. a«*T* Inquired the cUerly 111 I 1-III.! It I "Probvblv not." ■ 1 tn ,1 v lion WOU '! it do to confess to BftyT' •■' thtaa your rhan es would bi :»tt<r wtth her <f v..ii claimed seyent] Bra. Wasl.m^ton H.i. WORTH TRYING. "Tbej aaj thai music please ■ the cowai U*| .-- !:i- 11. r 1^ 1 more milk." "Well?" •| wronder if Hteniture wouldn't Interest •■■ ,-•*:' I thli in re ... mine iha mat - ' 1.. 1 |. ,■ •. " vv - hlnß*ton !!• r«!.| . hH EXPENSIVE TASTE. \\ '•■. do ■" 1 ra'.l . ;i -. ir the li CSSI plutoi 1 ■ ••< ■!•• •'■ ihe nmi in- ill 11,.. joor , !:•• <r >■ 1 w\i-\ «-i. t..i anyihlns but ■ .-!. i iik ..■ " explained th. one nutshte, • \ Bffß lilt iwa* Buffalt r.> i>i . • . POOR MEMORY. ••She ma-ie horrible break Bl Green's I ■ inn. -1 1 1.1 1 1 ) !!•• «>lii--. ntjial ■ "What wi 11 "" ■•< i 11. iMMtcra i.\ !\. 1 arst husband's I tuuue.' l»«'ti..jt 1 raa l*i. 1 WHAT THE HIPPO THINKS OF IT. Moses. Barnum 4 Bailey's big fel low, is mostly sm-les at the sug gestion that he should be turned out to pasture on ths Louisiana water hyacinths. "The Louisiana strA:«m- are fearfully dogged irttli watef hjracfath. The flshir.t; Industry is hMiie rwisieri: UM w..t*r Is pol lit-il inn! n;ivicM!i«->n is ba<lly liamporpd. If \.iti bare !(w.kf>'l at BJ " f the pi'-tur»» or ullil Afrii a JTOO «iU IN that nearly all th» rive-s arf I lean. Ii i- BOlj in |lM s'-.i'Ji«f«' rtmun thai Dllca c-""\' •■< in P»»tl from h ma ha* baatencd fM b<-nsts. Thl« i« he ansc th< WppopoUWß MM the aquatic plants.- I ThinKs yietors Set One Example for Churches Encourcgc Simplicity in Funerals. JVot E,jctra-V agance. Says F. F. A/ ackjay ' i Haml-t's ftunom ri.;>;oqt.y nrs'.it i.ivf i been amendad bad ba lived] .i; .\»-^ York City im v. ■!'.». PcibatM ba would not »o . pklloßophlrally bare Instated that "to he or no: ta J><" was the qtmtiOßi lor hand i.i band v.ith t!ie hi-h pi Ke of living lias , MM UM UgH pri. o of d/tBJIt Rti.l for i man of Hamlft'i pomp and clremastaaci 1 i sliout.l IMak tiiat n., thins tm than i $?.*>>► _ •OtOtDObCU fuatnU CCCM tor «>r.^ in.-tan; i>« c i n1 nnxiSatcdL N"'.. it i- possible t.. J;f in \. v York. ; i>» anbaltncdL provided wttta :i •••»•(> black, rlotta cowrad "iiiri and a 'arijiai i>ine i evtcr l)o\, ric.tiier arlth a pmrttttiy _■■ 1 triavp in ;' perfectly rtapectatth i» iii* > if'"> . v.ith tr;iii-i" by train •n»- \\*\ and bUmBIM ;!t;«l <-;r. r: !.-.-s BBlttag itf th«- i « tiler*. ta |o to tb< i;nivi>. To* th» nn>.>»'«; y-irn of s '.,*> - th;>t i». if >•>'! >;o t.. \nv i»«ht naOertaker. . il i posßibfc . I mi-, ••• iii<- in Qathaai fo - Tii" medcsi sum ■•! *•'."•. rxtflusfVi of tloe • tors* bills. !'.it if >.»u »1 1 »-tii |>5 BBCa ■ tiilM in all piol>a;>:!it.\ ti>»- jifi;:i.h.,fs will fa*ff Bl yuiir f;i!nil'. tot br.ux ".-un^>" apd >\" .:«it> i ha > • \i jrcra pioi'-i.iy a B'tnimci around tin rwittrr aa*rwß3 aadV ibai yottf wif.- aad childteii wic only • ••> Jjla.l tl> t;.-i rid of ;«>,i. ll niijilii be better for you »o t:y .1 •soe rial" complete a. in!? funeral fov l*>— I marked down, preaiunably, fii-m fP) I 4tit r..,t QUite sure of Brbai y..ii arfil afcH I'or •"■>!>. it learea the uelgbtjoia leia ooßortuatty foi nnfi v..i :ilile >.nnn< II! For $.<"•> a boaatifu] • t . ;cm Kanlaan 1111 Urn Btauraen and .>ii •• i>i»-a«i:iK ai-ivn aorMi ire pio\!,l(d t<> ataka upto you for bf-in^ il« .ni Btlt hi apeafe Ntrioosiji <>n liber a Mi oils sui«i.:i. ihe*re lti»s i.'.-^M 'iiihli talk latel) of thp h.uii <•">» of ih inn. aad, im fitiiifici-.. Urn eo«t pf dytai hw Iff (>.*•■• There h if »>een .1 fie^ueatly beari thai iia<lf 1 1 Bif 1 - "rer* rxtttftlbnato in tiiej prtcea. thai m..\ '«.k a^Yantaajc •■ r the : tii'-f •■! th»- bereared aavl t.-r.r d^atrc .-• <io hoiio { tiiri- deaoT *" piU oa lac I CBBTCaa, anii Uihi »-\»-ii in ih«- «a!«e if til. 1 I \>t\ 1. ... arhere Inert wa« InfciiTinrf it \\^.>« »li eatCfl u<i in ill.- <\ .) l-> la* un- Mr rupuln mne*a and rapacity "i toe oadei take,. it Is never >ai«- ta base a^doetloaa on mere ntnalaea, >t> 1 tmM la mm < t>ts i->t peratloß t.iai -iind'-rtav.'-s' in Wen ssd afreet, la <:.!.-r 10 find out aaaßatstas abouj pi ;i <•-. 'l"l.<- m. vi. ««.-> -hi.; i>r..:l. t'i 1: tbc < iuirse \an»<i; taal BBtnraUji ihe lar^er.-establlsn* l arhlla loey could proytde m- r, mon espoaahre and ahowy focartkla, . .>.. l I j ;tl<«,» pn.i.,l. ihaapOl fttaarabJ, btCMM tba , hn.i so mv n mere < ilaiurn aad eoold bo materials BMte eneapty, The i--~> faaeral 1 deatrritied is the cbeapast j price r>>r in. rial if cTCflttUloa is oMadfad ; tiist.a.i Urn in.- ti.n»-i .1! «iii oaat .''. t'»«r j crematlnf atone eoattac *-'•• \\ »■ Btoppc^l .t nontoi bI tiiis poJat 10 !■ ination Urn pra Uratal arhlca bi trow • -. nptdpr, averaslai ■'■•> pet . -m .>r Ins v, .m a^.iiuM M not <•■■.; Bra < r t' 11 ycari .I^,. l niVsd btaa a haji |h< i- 1.1 •i>:l o»ij. rt.on to it w;i- tllr.l \% . .:.. i,1,..l H was 1 <-.-i expressed bj the averase ' peraoa'i ihtret tad remark: "I Just east I beai the tboogbt «'f it" 1 kii>-\\ iimt tit.- ■revoome reretaaa] *. ■ • creanators u^ed t-> > hin and Barrlfy ; people atnen the beloved bod] eras t.«i.en ! «'tu of .1 "I'ln aad i>"* in.'' ti"- crccaatory, ! I. m thai la 1.0 loasjei done, aad Hit c«ra>| moB) hi M akaphj m M Uaj pin, Mr. 8.-"t:s«ard would have the importing and trfefflne of theblppopofsm:*'d by the Agricultural Pepartment «> n ,-e th* anlm...« c3ta*>M«he'l bi Ibe • •• ""■ acres of amp and rn«r<ib land <>f h!s -•.<•.-. he would have a r-«u!^r «ervi<- -stabltsh-1 In the d'eoartment t'» IVSiaei th-m from en-mi<"«. Jinri i«t»r. when the;- h.ul mulli ptJoa «t:fncl-nt!y. 10 ili-e-t UM rnarketlaaj of their fle^h. s THE HIPPO AND THE HYACINTH The water hyaointh whi •> IIM hippopota mus 1. to flEht and f-ed upon I* a graceful, pa la' b:un flower hh h grows etQMf aflont on tha water or in laa m.:d ••' ■ river l>artk. The stem rlsaa four or fire Inches in the air ani t.h» rcote reach down in a tangled mass for from c; ht<— n le twenty-four lnch-s belo-v th» nurfs^e. Within a f»w months a single- plan' will reproduce B» as to cover severa! square rods of water wl;h a knHted coverlid of growth. Pma!l boate cannot make tnelr way through »t. and power craft, even of large size, are, stopped by the anarls which wind nbojt th-'r pro pellers or Tedse In their padd> wheels. The water hyacinth firsr appeared In tliis country In la rue laattttai In th- • John* River in Florida. In I»*> It Is now auch a pest along all the South Atlantic and Gulf coast str-ami that th- « er merit appro prlatei $*».O") a year to combat it. Captain Frit:: Pun-:esr.e. who Brasf up in Bouth Africa and for.?ht in th- Boer army fl^Ml the British, vouches '• perso» for the fine, flavor an.l nourishing Qia • af hlppopotam HIM "Th»re was nolhiiu BVSaOSrat* abo;;r Umj Boeis." he s^id. "an.J UM9 lived on hippo potamus most of the time The m-at Is good, wholesome and **r«l»r if tre animal Is killed at the roper tltne. It taVes rather more like beef than like pork. The -hippo- Is easily domesticated, bt *» a* trentle as a lamb; you can lead !: m around arfOl a hal ter He wou'.d laWrre in the Southern swamps, for they are full of the food h llkea." Dr. W. Reid B!alr. Iha veterinarian ar<l patnologlst of tha Bronx Zoo. says the hippopotamus would praaper In tl.e South, but has his doubts about I ■■ animals *ami> like qualities. '"The water hyacin'l.s ar» taacOjl h> food the hippopotamus wor.'d like.*' ■• said. ••When we feed Pet-.' o-ir h:ppo her- in the park, we give him ■ hundred poind« of hay. six loaves of area iia'.f s doz»n apples and six or sevei msn»K-<. "hi h a.-" beets weighing about imm pasmsw each That i» his breakfa*:. Durinsr the day h« gets another hundred pounds <t Uay. six big cabbage heads and a bucketful or 10 of cth-r vegetables. I>own in the swamps he would make away with a good many water hyacinths in the cour»« of a week. THINKS THEY WOULD THRIVE. • I hav<» no do»bt 'hat th* hippopotami;* mould do famously ri«vwn there. Th- a!ll- BYuors miKht make tt« iWa for Iki young onep. but In Africa they have the 'im« dißJ culty In escaping from th- crooo<ii'e«. The only objection to Importing th- hlppopot^ mu. a? I see it. Is the ddn«er that he would overrun the eauatrj around. I.OOU at Pete's f»-t and ills moiiTh and" majtne ■what would happen if h» CBtad to »am>r Into a field of sugar .-an- T> expense of lmpo'rtinr hippopotami. •>' ISUfSS, wouUl b enormous. The market price for » liv *p*cimfn Is from tV** tn tl'J*\ Two aaafJ* and four or hve f-ma!es aaanfi be th nnialle!«f «tock w;h which such an experi ment «hould be und-rtak^n. " Aawtk*f man who lOMWi a creaf d-al aaaaji the way* af Usa laiaasajataafcaa and athca stranjre kmmtl is John H. Tatterson. F. F. MACKAY. "The Church has .'!-• <-, ' fostered er travagance." ■"Ai:d." th»^ nWnaifr kaUL ' II paapli li*ve ■ r*a\ ■♦^ntinit'rs* dm ihe aubjvrt, *h«» mlMji ■ a.n hlw<«>-!< b«« wi-;, tli«i:i. it •■• not Uk»* Itir- gravr. vi. ,1 MM ■iMBB' MM .tr.'t •aMcli b only |oa aftt* ;i:i"»O'i hi Ml im > aaajaal ' W* wftit l>a«'k •■• th.- ilis ■-.:.<•». i>n r>f ».- • ■■••. A poor «fy>r!*on i-<»»I«l »>»' adequately burial for $>. l»«- BBML Th^ i!.«-»rt! •iiii-e"' funeral, with .» IMM :< n.! four . .» Tias^". c<>s:-» *>•'. and from that thr prloes run on up into th.- thou^an.t* fte ;»!;*. IBoMkl f-.;n»ra!-» ul.ii nil <»«irt.'» *hi « iin<i .i:>«pl.iy. Th«* prl< • ..f «ra\ \*rlrsi from *l*" •■■ J.**i m : mr pin;* from «" ii< h!f^ h* m»u v, ;-i. t.. KO. iVUIn« iwi from Jt. .«» an.) .a»k^t-« from *:.'. n{> Into tde h hi. i •.!«. I fe'.t l.> thlß Mm- t»u* mj ••■>»i> n;» = ri'l»»d w th vn CBBnBOa nm- tint .•' c-w ••■Ml) practical CMtS< <*.> I thartk-tj m\ tn f.'MiMtit ami \\-«nt ;«\\ |] Oa m> way alaßt -* ->-r»».-t i i ••.• iasion i<> -i«.i> In t<» «• c st.m»> ><v? in a> firm nhirh hai l.irs^ i!in|. with UM •Mjallkj I n>.-ii':..r-r-i m; f«CCBI '•xp^ri ••in-«\ .in.l th# man '.» w noin |il ; tlkitiv; loM BM of „ ma:i vkh> i»<i i^'-.v.'.ir tftdi Inftal hr« •«t»f in \*rv t> *• I fOBfC TjMVI \« ■••- ih>> tftintr] penny t .f Data OMMMj v.i- I ■>> ih» rvocrai iMrtm tij» AmM •■a"* BMtJMi ai—iimij rt— ifiuu I HfP.I on «U»w titon n !.• <i. QaMga'a <*hi:r«-h. In Ka*t 1»»;h >treei. ta MA <irthr- Ml UM -Hiiif tUhJiU with the ratter, ihe I., v Hu«l» Mlnk'iead. l* r . Hir«-W!i<.»<! *,\ <t v,» <lii.ii>,> •■ •; ■•: ■Imm haMvate n umosbl ibb! $■•» **•■• aaMMjB: to BMMJi on the fuiseral .>f ■ p>>oi plta»Bi ill ! be l"ke\\ i-. a»U aa I aogsi »h* rich •M Ml .<•> exarop!* tai the , ••'• in mlmmUcMt, nd i..- mint* irt Uav ■tapiaj (juut htamiai tbt mi Hit .ia>. I t"-'..-\|. tl) -<..ii'r »a«rttl i- in iK-h •< •■• on r.:,< ;>.irt of t!;e !'.\i. i;.;/ i.c \V • are *l*»u\s iwti.>- r. ■; t>. • •.:•.....■» «o i.i-il.i BM I t»«>n t :>»-lie\e |» (On i-i--.- .. uu <•<•' kdag a-«".!n»f«t. Vfbaß a (MMX I appWßctMa ■«t«Matlan it- m, >■ aptr.i la ua-Cbftsttaa In lb- *'.>. :t im "t itei «• lich i* n:e:e!y mortal :hat \. >h *a >.:i mortal i, fo;rfoii.-n. ,*i .: ( .. -.. •. - trm •Kirn from sufferln; i> !.«*« - 1 »j r^. » a| in .« Cr;e\ms th rt t \\h ; . .i i. i,i<-.)\ ma:. rial." With i ii- •'•'HTtfWjtiiminH of BM > drrtakvra v* iiad hud lUtbj pcnaoal ». I tiicnte. Chetu Vp'Bother 40rn9 Water Hyacinth si n Southern "Ri\Jcr I the |-iuilluliiia\Ul «f ihe animal .I^, m-nt of the Ffc«rn'im • Bailej rtrtia "I think 'hippos rou . , ., , n : pCaeS pr-ffv wel! If th.y i,, d .n^J"* eat.* he «a.d M »xper|o n -. has that they win raapt a f, :ir . , !tf it is a f»n'» Ctodßaaatrj a h pp,>- v ,"*''* I natural fe!'ow and will f{o a , j<t #f( ** know mi on* pair «tta a cJrros -x n^ \ ke-p*r l-ad* around th- i r ».), »f th , /^ ! of the parnrte every nighr. "But the nippo' ia easily ,-, : ,,j i get info a panfr at ;i 9rn .-i;i anrmyl ; Ih-n he loaea %in head an.] b--«me, ,j an ols. H- can jifan-l a ?-••..! ,«.«,; 1 without oa»nd!n« It. and »:i.) ;re, ,^. rrmfor*" of trav»llir.^' i n K r.,| ,„,, _. of e,ijn* di-'i a f-w- rr'.rr:.» aa-. .- : s^ of thirty-seven. Ff- bee- In the show b'isinesj. • Thereupon t^e fup»rinrer.»ieut y^ n nation »O fh- n^e of Mi>». r,» — j»« v. "hippo" to find out wha- he t.-ouKht 0 ; , v Broassard sch-me. M.>«« wi^ idb ast i wlUlnsr to he Interviewer*. j. wr) ,j. ""* th- T«n -n--i.-an l^natCTS .„ r^,^j' answer In f>ill. .*• far as H ,-.-, he »^-_ in black and white. Mose« paaj . iaaAaas 1 In the picture on this page. But Mr. Broussard 3 plan im 1 ;ri». . , : porta".ioi» of man-, att ■ arrim.r* he^t*. ts» ' hippopotam-js. Anv>n* ti»m are tlr» j «*;Vdik. water huTalo. ..-n-: and artri j i*ome of rhe«e. th« at»ihori»es «a^ wo^y thrive h-r» and some wo: d m-. l*t utair legfSCfgnjl .-.pprovd ■•' CM .-np-irtation »« the. « ater I ;!Ta!o. *'Th- animal !s hn-n . strong ht» t- _ !or.< domentJcate l. i.< ex^-11-nt fn r »nd »lalr> p»:rpo.«e« in.i maket s<^ mn* • h* said. "Ir i> aatai » rren: deal ;n; n bj^-. and In<lia. and aaM <•' Its la ta> rarahao. th" princip.i! »ir^rr ar.injs! af o» : PhiJippin-s It ran w.»rk in »..•: <:„,, too aret for an-.- athet •i'>:i-!« T i a'»«l aaai I • ■•.!'. proba'.>'y do well in \r.m g., . ... ' states - Ha milk i« n?.id to '-c ptegCfstajl ; very rl.-!'. "Tr-e sebr » ha« r» v »r heen «<;rre«f^ 1 domesticate-:. Ono aert ba* b»w tralsM!!; the African farmwrs »• do • farta twt, bat i aaOova n h always hirmmi i tfSJXU* besti? r.o*-s*s or m:;!«. Sill, J mi«hf he '"•' useful •. - - .» 1; . „ . ireful bre»diir. T - | ■> SMI thri-.e wild in the S^BTBhWOSI ft :• 1 la^ animal, »" tall ».• a horse, Bgbjßmjma j !••■ to 1. j««> p«'.; • ON SHORE OF HAMPTON lOAat Forfre** Monroe. Va . A: • T ■.»*>.•, ■Mai aajja expected nn Frda . id rrn v rive until Monday ,-i »•■•>-"•. ■ ..- Ml -i» aar dinner parties which bad BSSB annaf « baafld. the favaami warsftii - rot da *m «.nd na<! to be pontpone.l. w.rJi the r»ailt that Lie days and r.'.z**-* i•» not las; rnou^h for all the f»«t-\ .::»> Mr. and Mrs. Booth Tnrkins*"". «rhoh»m been ■ foyifiu life a: the H"»»l < >ama» lin for 0M IMI f>w weeks. «*•!•• KUM»<f honor, with Mrm H P. I-0.-kT* <J. dl Brooklyn. on board the Frankiin °n 3a day for luncheon, «*aptain Hirlow *Mt3S*Ss h"«r. Mr. and Mrs WMMi •'. rak»r und HH 3. •*. Brndiev »ntertr<:ref! -\ r dinner •tn 9eh day night at the Charaber'a::". I id now talk^i ♦•> thr— r»-«m». aa* while dMtf all MM fune- p i* ** &* .iui.tx! al rwiiuM" ex;er"»e ;i-y *!' fcirf admin* (' that more ofte- ttiej" were m>'. i had talked to an undertake a hanker asi a preacher; still rere «a.« -• :n-»'hin; r* t .>.->. t ! 1 Bdn t sot. The Actors* Kfcnil ia*»JS tr.T.i my miml. anil wirti i: a mesial '>*•"•*' ct-m 1 - "f F. I" M.ickS ' •• k-o«n > many m* the dean of t! • res r "%J :-*^ rs * ? ; on. who is p» rnwted w:d IB* I : I •Til «•» to see .\T- Stacks: I --"Id t» ■g Ntl I foumi him in his .1: i .01 ner>.l MM .«* >"•■•». "Mi Macfcaj. i <«-* ■ aiart*" an Act -irs' K;in.l I . .•- ■ ■-• "From *Z" t>> $75. '■ "St"*""? ■Mffl " I* !ii «t . n re f ;•'<•' i "' "It i« .. i|:-mfi-.: -i!'. ■ :.. I«• n>> m. c v. i:.-n ■ ■ w i:.'.r amM if pas •T-.:e u-»»l»l rlbßi I ' ■• ■• !MtfS * ;»n-' i ntf ■•: :«...<■., ■ •«• ■"* rv:i B* th* >*':(> Ml ' ' *JM trt " ( n.I iwM ta the A' tors ' . ■'' ia •* I'ltlfKry.' M. M -k ■ ■ t - ■ ■ ' BCtee who C« arttbo ■ • I -v>ar> tew I:.:. doesn't it •" "But «iipprrft> an at • ' bad m .itt ie nit n»- ■ • i lo'""- *** * JT^. but no mn;f. \Vh;»! ( ■\v;i> . Urn hxad - BBSBJ UM »aroe kmd ■ -* : " same coat, Tlm :.. : ' ' • >.at].i..- Urn hi aty, ■• • •.>.». m. <•** ,■■ gladD • send the i ,n.. to v t»ker ' ■.\ii^ ! aMMA Bta • . e.| to 4sk !•-.,• th«ii ilfu.i, itWUdHS shouldn't .!•■ • • •Vi i.nnW r.«. •You km.\* • 1 >•• -'a-C " been I'requeni \ m, ;.- ■ . ' " m oadSTtaker was f.u •••• i " ' ' p:i-sh. it. l tint ••- f- .' in :v- rh-irrh people - I " ■ n'. f.-rf.-oti 1! . i . . X "<"*' * : " . t >i- \. . . ■■'.'. TIM rr..;r.r of hit.- It ' . «nn »i! ■ ' -j \ ••;•>••: •■ • ' k^^» IBS. Mr *mU+d « '^ji tannaj thf ocbn ■ tint"* , 111 tom«r*d .ar- •:• • '" t-,it -,i ■a tdict ..r t: r Ruou i * tt-.H .l;i»^»^ -«.<ii!^ !wn'> "'•' <t- * ; jj^j !hMf M fOMOj " ... ; ■ lh'*r >•■ II bl ' ••• • •! »..»^ "T« rr * M t!up* • ■ :'.!. ll;r •■'• 1 .■ • i > l<■ '"• '"' | ltl, . . • -, >utut:on. I' '■ ' ■'•-■■ •< -' ' ' J i-H*^ l»j« I tart wl «hk • « i itasa. I . n '" " \" , R ' ' ■' ' ' a *>• i ir.i.-.-n,-- i:.. 1 . v . l lf -j :• ii.-a: |ta *■ !■ - - • ' im { b<«* use cuaaaua wimi .i . ■ ~ ' g> Kt«> ..\ tbr . w : , :i - ', , ,• ..i \ m.. •» .. i n !„•' tw^' M ni\»- tfea Mcaaw: t^* I**1 ** Ittjj i.H, k ,,. -....-M .. ■• ; ; ,^ lh.> .»•».» i>« ,-. sai Bui , r.trra n»u . *« a.,'.,,- • ***. f tnt thinj i.i- > '"'■' 1 " !Ult *iW ;.,. . ;n . .. it •aou-'d '- ' ' .rinch .-•• .■>•-. -^ •• ii "": h :,; B; t^* v i-> • ■ ,: -iv'^^