•Henry by English exports and the oncy required for the administration T faithfully collected; but subsequent!}' * 5 wasted in expenditures tainted with rrivste pecv'atlon and Kraft. The*ln {f< !n»»w of the country la not largr, j ar * » fresh loan of £300.000 would wipe ."out and lew* * margin on the right •fif Th* ™ stonis yie'd an ample ''vj-r.s* a nJ t! ' r r *P° an(S imports are »eafll*.y rising:. What is -:r|fmtly needed hco^ bone- in Nation and ad p.j^jytratlv* wni't. There is an utter lack rf o * l faith in dealing m:th for«l«n rncra tsor.s and la trafficking: with con fpsj'.rns- XVT.iI' 1 the L!b^rtans are not In *vP n-.an in Liberia. Instead of in\itlßC BrK:s*> support as he has done in the wist. DB* l^oks to America for dcliv- jf hfl? nf>9 BOt mm from f«ome quar ter. Liberia, which has already lost two •vpusar.d square miles of It* original flcsain by a convention with France. Is Ijfcdy t? r» absorbed and colonized by (jprr.a-y. France or England. That is T+t pl^a n»w urp-f*d for active lr.trrvon t!nn en th" part of the Washington c >v trrw^r.t. Thff British companies having Itrp 1 intTPFts In the country. Instead of jrsrr.tfrir an American protectorate over «v f I'.ttl*" republic, wolconae It. pro- Tided it bt accompanied by practical erasures for reforming the corrupt ad r.ir-strat!on and compelling It to respect cbl'.catior.s tf> foreigners whoso money It irvc?ted ir. conce?jnr>n?. TVf vnrr.ir.c: emphasized by Mr. Bra t'iTT. on bll arrival from Monrovia this r: r, k il that an Americaa loan to Li brrtx. with or without a povernment f^mr.X"". will merely cause fresh dis crdT End Imply more money to be wast ed In incompetent administration. Un- Jrgi the Americans are prepared to •crept MO re«por.s'.Ml!ty for reforming tbe Fovrr-ment and developing the be pyaefl cour.trj-, tliey would better Ftay cut. ■ admlr.is«Trstlnn rsjrrn lesttllXen ar.d of^ciala have boon T-s!n« < '1 la xhf pwflera art nf povrrnmcnt BSfl taught the elementary principles of h^n^fty ?r,il cr.nd faith. Oth«>rwJ?»» th<» LtNrifir? tv ill tnk«» n* much money ns th^y car. pet In cxrhar.s* for concessions. ! trfl vh"n f.r.annial fiurTilics are rut off ! thpy v.VA repudiate tlirlr t at t.»- ;jj(!ifl.:ns«*r King cot- *»P" A LITTLE BETTER. T CF MR CHOATE I ASYLUM FUNDS. ■ - ■ ■ UNDER THE KAISER'S ROOF Just What His Invitation to Theodore Roosevelt Means. (Copyright. Wio by the Hrentwood notnp«"r > Emperor William's Invitation to •*- President Itoosevelt to take up» his quar ters in the royal palace during at leaM a portion of his stay In Berlin in regarded abroad as a very unusual distinction. It Is a compliment ordinarily reserved for srupsts who ore cither raonarchs them srlves or members of reigning house?, but Is very seldom acrnrJed to any one else. Thus, tho only non-royal p?r*ons whom I <*an recall as hav'.r.p been entertained in this fashion by the Ka'.ser since hl« ac cession to the throne hxve been old Count Zeppelin an ,j tTi«* Prince of Fuer«tenber« an-5 his wife. The prince Is probably the most Intimate personal friend of the Em peror, while the relations between the impress and the princess are almost equally close. The Emperor makes several stays each year with the Fuer*tent>ergs at their mag- I nificent place at Ponaueschlngen. in the i grand duchy of Baden. It Is In the court | yard of the chateau of Donaueschlngen that the river Danube takes its source. ICataMaily rich, extremely independent, oc [ cupying the post of grand marshal at the court of Berlin — that Is to nay. Its hlgh i **=t office — being, moreover, a member of the Privy Council of the Emperor of Aus tria, m well as a knight of his Order of the Golden Fleece, and belonging to the mediatized or formerly sovereign houses of Central Europe, who have still the right of mating on a footing of equality with the now reigning families, the prince forms an Important link between the em perors of Austria and Germany and has contributed In no small degree to strength en the bonds of alliance between Vienna and Berlin. Having nothing to gain In office, rar.k or wealth, his advice Is accepted as absolutely disinterested hr Emperor William, who i generally un derstood to consult him about almost everything, not only in political affairs, but also in family matters, and It has al ways been regarded as indicating the de gree of favor, confidence and friendship which the Fuerstenbcrgs enjoy on the part of Emperor William that whenever they visit Berlin they rhould be- requested to take up their quarters at the palace Instead of at a hotel. Emperor William very often has other r.on-royal guests whom he Invites to Ber lin, among their number being Lord L*ons >:.•>. But they are always quartered, at his expense, at one or another of the Ber lin hotels; and the nearest approach to what the Emperor Is about to do in having Col— Roosevelt stay with him at th» palace 1* when some years ago he place! one of the imperial villas at Potsdam at the disposal of the late Count Fhouvaloff. po long Russian Ambassador at Berlin. when he returned thither after his retire ment In order to tfhdergo a prolonged court* of treatment at the hands of some eminent German specialists. Emperor Francis Joseph on one occasion ha.l Prm?e Bulow quartered at the Hof burg during his rtay at Vienna, and paid a similar compliment m General yon Ttfnltke. t".:e chief of the headquarters staff of the German army. But as a rule visitors who are not of royal or Imp-rial rar.k are entertained, us Colon»l Roosa velt has been during the last few day*, at ono of the leading hotels of the Austrian metropolis. King Edward adopts a similar method In London, and I cannot recall any iru»«t of non-royal or I --imperial rank being quar tered «t Buckingham Palace. The only puosts who ar« quartered there are either relatives of th© King or some foreign Bovrroipn vJsltlr.p London In Ftate. Edward VII, however, like Queen Vic toria, entertains ;>lenty of non-royal vis itors at Windsor Castle, and during his periodical stays there In the early spring, the summer and In the late autumn of • arh year there Is a succession of par ties invited, either to dine and sleep or to spend two or three days, •:■.« ■Wats' Including the various ambassadors and their wives, the Cabinet ministers In office tvlth their better halves, the ex-Cabinet minister? and their spouses, and also lead ing members of the Cnglish nobility, with a sprinkling of distinguished non-royal puests from abroad, ■sell as the Marquis de Bretrull anl his American wife, and the Marss from Germany, and Count Tassilo F*>stetics from Vienna. It was at Windsor, by the bye. that Queen Victoria entertained General Grant, after the termination of his second term as Prrsident of the. United States. The gen f-al was accompanied on that ocaslon by Mrs. Grant, and "at dinner all precedents were violated in his favor ty his being placed beside his illustrious hostess. He was more fortunate in this respoct an ex- Presidents FU'.more, Pierce and Benjamin Harrison, each of whom was in Lordon soon after the expiration of his term of office. They not only received no Invitation to dinner from the sovereign, but at the official and social entertainments at which they were present wore compelled to yield the "pas" to every titled parsonage there. Queen Victoria conversed with General and Mrs. Grant for kome time after dinner, be fore retiring, but she did not se« them acain. After spending the night at the cas tle they were driven through the Home Park to visit various points of interest. were conducted over the mausoleum at Frogmore, which the Queen had erected over the tomb of her husband, the Prince Consort, and where she now herself re pose* boside him. and at 12 o'clock they rrturn^d to London, in time for luncheon. The Invitations to the King and Queen's favorite country home at Bandringham, where both of them are seen at their best, are n-served for Intimate ;>ersonal friends, •ir.d sometimes some distinguished foreign er, not a r">al personage, is asked, by way of a pperial compliment; but this only happens when the Sandringham season Is on— that Is to fay. In the autumn, and around Christmas time. Ex-President Roosevelt's etay nt th* nchloea at Berlin Is Dkeljr to prove an In f.nilelv creater source of expense to him than would have been his sojourn at any hotel In the Prussian capital; for royal vrrvar.!.« receive such fnormous gratuities from royal and im;»-rlal Guests— gratuities wl-.lrh mount up Into the thousands of dol- Xary— that tbey wOl ~ot be able to under stand why the tx-PreKlOent. who Is »•. American fall Anu-rlcana abroad are pup pofod to be multi-mJ!Uona!re«), should not cbow himself to be equally •ral. Aloxandor II of Russia and the late King William of Holland each left a num of {10.- OW to be distributed In gratuities among the various servants at Buckingham Palace on tl.elr drnarture. after two days' Btay there, while the tips of the present Kalser and of th« Kins of Italy -'it Windsor OssOa have »^^n almost equ:uly large. Qf course. In natti .. that only royal ami imperial gursts are quartered In the metro • KjMtan pala^s of the rul«r» of rjreat nrlt oj n «f Ormany. of Austria, of Italy, of «pa!n. an of Europe. It must naturally b« understood that ... horpltallty la. as ' ,! u j, extended to the membera of their K-ite although when King Inward and o"Jren Alexandra wrre at Berlin, a little oxer a year a*<- I»rd Crewe, Secretary of Xt ite for the Colonies, who. was their mln |v t r> r In attenfiar.re. reside at the i:r*r!l»>h Kmbaffv. as there was no room for him at tjie palace. •Citizen Monaco." Monarch reornt teacup n-voluf.on. which rr-ult«1 1" the « rant by th " rH * nln i pctoc* of a constitution to his f»«r thousand *üb (t .,V nt thinK of lh^ kind that 'took piare there, about one hundred lid \U»ty year. •«•• la fact, at th. end XEW-YORK DATLY TRIBUNE; MONDVY, \PTUL IS. 1010. of the eighteenth century the people of Monaco considered it noce»«ary to take their cue, not only In matters of fashion but also In politics, from the Parisians. Honor* 111 of Monac was the very coun terpart of Kins Louis XVI of France, the one being as easygoing and kindly as the other. When France obtained the conces sion of a national assembly fronj Louis XVI Monaco Immediately Insisted on hay- Ing one conceded by Prince Honore lIL When the French Assembly abolished feu dal right* the Monaco Assembly straight way followed suit. When Louis XVI made his vain attempt to escape from France Prince Honore fled from Monaco, taking the road to Paris, whereupon his subjects, like those of Louis XVI, organized a na tional convention. When the Tulleriea was sacked Prince Honor*' castle at Monte Carlo underwent similar treatment at the hands of the Monaco mob. Indeed, every revolutionary move In Paris had Its counterpart In miniature at Monaco, with this difference, that Prince Honor* did not lose his head. However. he was solemnly deprived of his title of prince and was styled from thenceforth In communications from his former subjects and by the authorities of Paris, where he resided, as "Citizen Monaco," Just In the same way as Louis XVI became "Citizen Capet." AH his property was confiscated, and eventually he was thrown Into prison and Incarcerated in a Jail In the Rue de Sevres at Paris. After spending more than a year In captivity he was released In a dying condition, to expire at his home, in the Rue de Varennes, In Paris. His wife. Marie de Brlgnole-Sale, daugh ter (of the last Doge of Genoa, survived him. marrying after his death Louis Joseph de Bourbon. Prince de Conde.. on whose mysterious death by strangulation the late Due d'Aumale Inherited Chan tilly, now the property of the Institute of France r Honor* 111 had three sons, the eldest of whom succeeded him as Honor* IV, great grandfather of the present ruler of Monaco. Hi? second son. Prince Joseph Grlmald*. married Therese Francois© de Stainvllle. daughter of the celebrated French Marechal de Stainvllle. Arrested at Paris during the Terror, she became one of the heroines of that epoch. When brought before the Revo lutionary tribunal, the Infamous Fouquier, a.i public prosecutor, demanded the head vt "the woman Monaco," as he designated her, and she was condemned to be guillotined on the Sth Thermidor. On the advice of a friend, who was convinced that the Terror war* drawing to an end, and who hoped to save her life by delaying her execution, she am need that she. was about to become a mother. But two days afterward her con science became troubled with having thus told & He, and she wrote to Fouquler him ■eU a letter, which has been preserved, 'i which she informed him that she was not enceinte, and that she did not wish to save her life, or even to obtain a prolongation thereof, by a lie. Fouquler, Instead of be ing moved by th« letter, saw to it that tho orr»>rs and Chief Engi neer Williamson, of the navy, who have b*-en seriously 111 at their homes In this city, spent a comfortable day, !t was said to-night, and are s!i;»htly stronger. ITALIAN DINNER FOR GRISCOM. Th« Italian National Club will plve a din ner in honor of IJoyd C. Grlscom, rhalr rr.nn of the Rppublican County Commlttoe and former Ambassador to Italy, at the club headquarters. No. a West 36rh Etrpyt, on Friday. • WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. fin admUslin to th«» American Muifum of Natural History Luncheon for Sir Ernest Shacltleton, New York IT. M ■ . .1!. ! p. Hi Dl»cu*slon of the cost of living at a meetlnr of th« Academy of Political Rclence <"<> iumb'» University. 4 p. m. and | M p. m. IMnn< r for William Jtnn'.nss nryan by the <^irrumnatig'ators' <'ln!), lintel vv.ir I l> Hi Concert by i!,» Yale University Orehcstrm for th« benefit of the Stony Wo;d [Jina torjum. IMar.i H-jtel, rvenlnic. F*r«« ■•• .tf-m of the Iloard of Kl«.-rf)nit« ave nur, ■'North Amerlran Tre»-i>." Merman \V Uerkal: I'ubllc School 4(1. IMit'i vtreet Mr Bt. Nicholas avenue. "Math'-maUra arid Music." llr» Mary «}repory Mnrray: I'ul.- Ur Bcboal 51. No. 52.1 W«M 44tti ftr-rt "llurh Artn About Nothlnr." Mr«. Francei «•«■-. public School 62. Ilonter «nil Ea >'i atreetß, "Aaacrican E«p«n*!on ' Wllll* Kletrher Jl«ard ll* <~oburn; Pubilc Hchool ir.ti, .\ o -41 Kaß , ll!>th atrvt, aprvatlvc Thrift Ap plied." Chaiira F. Southard ; Public X, hool 10."., inSih utreet. w ii Amsterdam avf-nu* ' l)«nte and Jl'« Krimdi." M;» Kmllr ICnowlton; Public School 18S. l.rwi, and Kaat Ha— tow «'!••' U. "The C: ol:in on o f tbe Locomotive." fjeorpe 1^ Fowler- In stitute Mall. No. SIM East 1....,., street "Imperial Berlin and Koval Potsdam." Dr' Henry /l«k Public Library. No. Ill* East JWih •tr«-t. ' Training- of the Mi tnory " Herbert I- Pick; St !.uk.> Hall, Hudson and drove alreeta. "The Depths O f lna Pea." Dr. C. 11. Townnend. Director New T«rk Aquarium. HI Peter*a Hall, ;oth •treet, near Eighth avenue. "Milton and Nil MMt«r|• dioceses have d^crensrd In membership, an.l a revision of th« com municants' lists in dM diocese of Milwau kee shows a decrease of 3,500, or one-fifth o: the whole number. The Journal of tho Xew York Diocesan Convention for 190J shows a decrease of 8 clergy. 2,107 fam ilies, 4,236 baptized persons. 2,076 baptlsnu, Itl confirmations. 137 communicants, 1,48* marriages. 69 Sunday school teachers, 2,446 Sunday school students and $771,271 01 in contributions.** ON HISTORIC EPISCOPATE Methodist Clergyman Dissents from Episcopal Views. Preaching laat nisht on the subject of Christian unity— or. as h* phrased It. "Shall Bishop Greer Ordain Our Mini.-- lV I ■ Rev. Dr. J. E. Price, pastor of the Wash ington Height? Methodist Episcopal Church. Amsterdam avenue and 152 d street, attacked the. assertion of th© Protestant Episcopal Church as to an historic episcopate. "The trust Idea will v. t be realised.** he said, "and all ecclesiastical bodies will be organized Into friendly co-operation, with resultant economy of power. The chief ob stacle to this Is the arrogant claim of the Protestant Episcopal Church, based on the po-ealled historic episcopate. This claim is comparatively recent, and history Is squarely against It. Burnet tells us that up to 16^2 ministers from non-Episcopal churches abroad who entered the Anglican ministry were not reordalned. "The Protestant Episcopalians are broad er than their creed. Their attitude is out of harmony with the twentieth century- The. apostolic succession the Christian world cares most about to-(Jay is the spirit and power of the apostles— the courage and faith of Paul and the love of John. "The. theory of an historic episcopate as a basis of union Is all well enough as ar. ecclesiastical curiosity, to be preserved In a theological mil— A mummy is a good enouph thins in its place, but this mummy must not be. trought to the banquet taU<» when the King's children have assembled to celebrate the feast of reunion." DR. AXED RETURNS THANKS Praises Givers for New Church — $100,000 More Required. Th« Rev. Dr. Charles F. Aked, pastor of th* Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, returned thanks yesterday to the congregation for the magnificent response which had met hi v: appeal the previous Sunday for funds to re- •:!!.! the church. His appeal had been for 1500,000, and the first day's pledges and con tributions amounted to SIS;,'/*), which John I). Rockefeller announced bla readiness to double. Since that time contributions have been coming In to the pastor and to a com mittee of t<»n members who have been can vasslns those who did not respond at the first call. Dr. Aked said yesterday that In round numbers JIOO.COo more would bo re quired. "Splendid was the generosity of hundreds of members of the congregation." he paid. "Stalwart* who have borne the heat and burden of many a day of conflict ami new comers who brine enthusiasm an 1 devotion. Th« smallest sum received was J^, which came In cash. From the greatest gifts to the smallest there was one spirit— a spirit of enthusiasm and of Joy in giving." Willie the name of John D. Rockefeller was not mentioned by the pastor in his re marks. th« official calendar contained a reference to the continued interest of Mr. Rockefeller. Dr. Aked said that the last service In the present church would probably I•• held about tho middle of June. No definite plans have yet been niaue for worship during the erection of the new building. I>r. Aked said the offer of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church would probably be accepted for evening services, but that no pla«e l.ad yet been secured for morning services. Despite the rain John D. Rockefeller and his eon walked to and from the church. PREACHER ON WHITE PLAGUE Rabbi Says Jew and Christian Have Joined to Combat Disease. Rabbi M. H. Harris, of Temple Israel. Harlem. creached yesterday marnini; at tlie Free Svnacogue, In West Slst street, dis cussinff the white plague and the measures to be taken attain*! It. in accordance with the wishes of the Committee for the Pre vention of Tuberculosis, which has request ed the clergy to inform their congregations of the conditions now prevailing. "The topic Is timely." said Ilabbl H.irrls, "comlnp. as it does. Ju« before. Pas?over. tho great occasion for hotjserle.ininj; araon; the Jews. In ttiis great campaign Jew and C!:ristian alike are working together. Dis ease Is no respecter of persons «>r creeds. It rrosFf-s nil sectarian lines. "While investigation nhows that in New York City consumption is claiming fewer victim* among tho Jews, the number It Ftiil aiarminn. Tho United Hebrew Charl< ties reports to us an increase of M per '"'■' amnnK the cases that fame under Its par ticular supervision in the course of the last four years. This society epent last year *.'it«>o. one sixth of its i:. ■•!.••. on the tutierculosls patients alone." Itabhl Harris then told of the work belrir accomplished by the Committee for the, Prevention of Tuberculo*!*, n.*« campaign of education. Its efforts to obtain legislation, its researches and the steps it had taken t>> (oond cllalca. •■I.*'t mo disturb jour equanimity by u* eurln« you that, much as is luintf done to curb tuberculosis, not enough Im being dona to eradicate it." he wont on. "\\\i have all to fare v ilUaKWuhltt truth,' for which «•• ore nil more or loss responsible^ Out of forty-four thousand patlonti Blxtecn thou sand are treated. This raeaus that there are not funds at hand suClclcnt to trent the remaining twenty-eight thousand, who are scattered throughout the city, th^re where abouts unknown. They have been treated in hosnitals and discharged, only to return to their tenement* h"H! ■= to be rclnfected." PASTOR MAKES ANNUAL REPORT. The annual report of the Madison Ave nue Reformed Church was presented yes terday by the pastor, Mm Rev. Dr. William Carter. It showed that during the year ISt.ttt .had been dispensed for all pur poses. Of this $23,891 was for the City Mission and Day Nursery of the church, $3,717 for the home and foreign missions; other outside charities, $738, and for church expenses and the expenses of the various church organizations, $35,300. The membershfp of the church Is 1.236. BIG HOUSE AT FRIARS' FROLIC Ail-Star Performance Fils Every Seat at New York Theatre. The Friars an organization of theatric*! anil newspaper men, Is $6,000 richer as tne result of its annual frolic, held last night In the New York Theatre. Every seat 'n the capacious playhouse had been disposed of days In advance of the frolic, and. in pplte of the weather of last evening, ther* m Ml a vacant seat In the theatre when the orchestra, under the direction of Mose Gamble, began tlie opening moms of the minstrel first part. In which only members or The Friars participated. There was a company of forty. Including Bert Feibleman and Jerry J. Cohan as In terlocutors; James P. Glllroy, Jack Walch. Robert Dail*>y, Ren Shields, Lew Dock stader and Xeil O'Brien as end men. After this other members of The Friars and their Well wishers offered a vaudeville bill. Among the entertainers were Clarice Vance. "Bobby"' North. Geors* Beban and Ills company of seven in "The Sign of the Rose," Blanche Ring. Truly Shattuck, »oey and Lee and r^rt Williams. Vaudeville promotors In the audience es timated that the bill. If the entertainers could ■ ■ assembled for a week In a regular vaudeville house, would cost 525.00 C. THEATRICAL NOTES. Gertrude Elliott will open her ii#*a. < »on In "The, Dawn of a To-morrow" at Uverpool on May 2. and a werk later will pr> to th© Garrirk Theatre, London, for a run. Mrs. Prances Hodgson Burnett, author of the play, has gone abroad to witness the first performance. Vnl.-ka Suratt, In •'Til** Girl with the Whooping Cough." will follow "Th© Sky lark" at th© New York Theatre on Mon day, April 23. The play Is by Stanislaus Stange, and amonjj the actors supporting Miss Suratt are Dallas Welford and Amelia '!»Tvll!e. I-a;r.r - Irvlnj? and Mabel Hackney, who are appearing- at the Comedy Theatre In Eupene Brieux's play, "The Three Daughters of M. Dt:pont," and who played the im« author's "The Affinity" at that theatre earlier In the c^ason, are to have a complete repertory of the French author's play.*. They will return to Amer ica In the fall and will make a tour of the Shnbert theatres before appearing in New York. At the request of Paul Armstrong, author of "Alias Jimmy Valentine," Llebler & Co., owners of the play, and Charles Burnham, nia/iager of Wallack's Theatre, whady from Jack's" opened on Sat urday night, are that Paul M. Potter has departed from the Parisian atmosphere of his recent writings and has presented ■ characteristic American farce, with inci dtntal r.i'ipi.-, which is not vulgar. The company Includes Florence K. Moore. Billie Montgomery, Morton Selten. Grace Goodall, Wilton Taylor, Sam Collins, John Daly Murphy and Kffl« I^awrence. Xnzlmova's Thirty-ninth Street Theatre will open to-night with th« first Near York aj.pearance of the Russian actress In "lit tle Kyolf." The new playhouse is the eighth constructed under the personal su pervision of J. J. Shubert, who Is now at work on the plans of a new theatre In 4Sth street and twelve others In the Shu- Lert chain to the Pacific Coast. Blr.nrhe Rln? begins to-night the final fortnight of her engagement at the Herald Square Theatre In "The Yankr© Girl." For the remaining performances she will Intro duce in the third act a number of songs that she has made popular in recent sea sons. Shu will choose one number at each performance, from "Bedalla," "My Irish Molly," "The Good Old Summertime," •Waltz Me Around Again. Willie," and "The Belle of Avenue A." THE WEATHER REPORT. ORli-lal Hec.ird unit Forecast. — Washington. April 17 — The western disturbance is slowly disF!patinc over th* upper Mississippi Valley, but rains and MM hay* continued In U.« great ..rural valleys, the valley of the Red Hlver of the North and In the Jake region an.i have « tended Into the Atlantic states. TT.e southern I-nrtlon of the Atlantic states experienced its nrst sul>stantia> rainfall sine* the last day of February, a' 1 1! *!>• rains weps heavy from the southern Pennsylvania line southward through tho south Atlantic states. In the ?outhwest and extreme West fair woithrr continued. Low temperatures continue generally east of the Rocky Mountains, ami they ant at or below the freezing point In the upper Mississippi and th« MIWTOTI valleys. In the extreme West It Is cur.slueralily warmer, with temperatures ab<>v< M drKret-s In Joaqu-n Valley. The week will open with Inv temperatures fn in •!.- Rocky Mountains eastward, with frost m far south as the lower Ohio Valley ar. central valleys an.i lake region Wednesday uii'l Thursday, and r«':u:h the Atlant!.- seaboard Dear the rlo««» Of the n«ck. This disturbance will l>e i)re."jo,i by rising temptratvn and at tended by showers that wtU <-xrend southward cm ti'« Gnif and somti Atlantic states. The wiacU al< ng thi> New England coast will ".-• moderate and mostly r IXiropean ports 111 have rro.lerate east to aootltcaal winds, be coming variable, with ra:n. to the cJranJ I^nks. r«re»-u>t for Sperlul I..-al rains and cooler to-Jbany 4H Italn Atla:itle City &» rioudy DeatMl M I'loudy UufTain . , . 03 «I«udy Chlcaca J"« Hatn • 'tncinnntl 2il t'loudy New lirlratis KH Clear ht. Uaatm .... 4O lsatn \V»st-.lnt;tr>n *2 Cloudy I.oral Otilrlnl Ileeord.— The following oSclal reronl from the Weather I'ureau shows th« CbanfM in temperature fnr the last twenty-four lour*. In omjarispn with the corrrspondlns date of l.i*t jear: 1900, 1*10 : i'.»:a. loio. 3 a. in *'• ■> : >'. ii. in «;i» 4* C a, in 4.~> 4- j Up. m •'•» 4!t :» a. :n. ...... r> *; ii |. in •..« 43 13 in M 47UU p. m M — 4 p. m C.7 M| M!j;hot '-'ii tii un ve»tfri*»y, 4S f:r»rees; miP.«l, 4", av»-r.isi\ 4."i, average for ci>rr»-»|«iniHnK tfata li»| >»ar. .*»"; m. in:-- tor i> .tiding data l«.-t thirt\-l»ir«'.( r«arS, 4I». I>>cal fnre'»nt: Ualn to-f'.iv; Tuesday fair; moderate tost to southeast win id. becoming vari able. PHOTOGRAPHED COME! Showed Great Luminosity to Yerkes Observers. [ By T»lerraph to TTse -Crlbon". 1 Chicago, April 17.— Halley's comet ap peared this morning In a break In th« clouds showing a tail two million miles long and with .TO per cent greater lumi nosity than it yet has displayed. Two photographs were taken at Yerkes Observatory by Professor E. Barnard, and a prolonged observation was made through th«» 40-lnch equatorial telescope by Professor E. B. Frost. "I had no difficulty in locating the comet with the three-Inch finder of the great telescope." said Professor Frost. "The tall could be seen plainly with a length of one degree. The tall !# fore shortened owing to the position of the comet, which prevents Its entire length from being seen at present." PITTSBURO PASTOR AND COMET Prediction of End of World Causes Many to Leave the Church. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Pltt««bune. April 17. — In the Fourth Christian Church of PUtsburg to-night the Rev. F. A. Wright, the pastor, preached a startling sermon on "Halley's Comet and Christ's Return." So pointed were the re marks of the minister tending to show that the comet's arrival would likely be the beginning of the end to all things earthly that many left the church In great uneasiness. The Key. Mr. Wright, after recalling Christ's prophecy that the end of all would be preceded by a general religious move ment all over the world, called attention to the work of evangelization now going on, anil then said: And this is another sijfn as wo see the Jews being repeatedly fathered to their homeland. The clash of nations Is another sijrn. While this seems afar off. yet the continued buildlrg of Dreadnoughts by the leading nations forecasts a tremendous final conflict. The visit of the comet marks off Just 81 lives in the Christian era, the mean life of man being seventy-five years, and the comet having made its first appearance in the year 12 B. C. In 1833 was the time of the falling of the stars. This started an investigation into the statement of Christ about th«» sijfnr, of his return to the earth. In IS.TS this comet also appeared, and only one Ion? g-erreration of seventy-five years has intervened since. OBITUARY LEONARD B. SPENCER. Leonard B. Spencer, for fifteen years th# fish expert at th© New York Aquarium, died on Saturday night at his home. No. 22 West IZlst street. He had been 111 for about three weeks. Mr. Spencer was born In Woodstock. Vt . in ISM, and from his early boyhood showed a threat interest In the study of marine life. He received his early education In the pub lic schools of Woodstock, and from there •went to the Essex (Vt.) Academy. Leaving the latter place at the ngs of twenty-one years, he went to Worcester, Mass., where he encased In the mowing machine bust ness. At the- outbreak of the Civil War young Spencer entered the Union army and served for three years in the Engineer Corps. In IS#5 he went to Europe, his object being to introduce the mowing machine there. In this he was successful, and after remain ing there about a year he returned to the United States, and lived in Boston for atout twelve years. In the early «•) Mr. Spencer cane to New York City and encased in business until I Its support. He was sixty-nine years old. A. J. KALFORD. Washington. April 17— A. J. Halford. for merly a newspaper man of considerable prominence and in recent years editor of "The Congressional Directory," died to day after several weeks' Illness. Mr. Ha! ford was a brother of Major Elijah W. Halford. private secretary to President Harrison. Several years a^o he was con nected with various metropolitan papers as a political writer In Washington. He had also teen connected In Important ca pacities with TIM Associated Press, the United Press and "The New York Sun." Mr. 11.. 1 ford mi a native of Hamilton, Ohio. He was forty-nine years old. He was the- fattier vt lieutenant Doane Hal ford, —<\ Infantry- U. S. A., and Captain Frank Haiford. of the marine corps. OBITUARY NOTES. CHARLES O. JOHNSON*, formerly ren eral manager of th* Great Western Rail road, sren^ral manager of the Win In t«-ri:rbun Railroad, at Winona Lake, Ind. nd traSlc tnanairpr of the H. J. Heinz Company, tiled suddenly from heart disease tn nttaborg yesterday. He was fifty-five years old. ■ NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS. While driving to the church In her auto mobile ti> bo wedded a young woman In %.-u York wan arrrstrd for speeding. They should r.ot blaaiw her for bring in a hurry ti> prt married.— ♦'harlrston News »nd Courier. A New York publicist Bnr.ounccn that thfro are -Co.ooo families in that city whose Incomes do not admit of their living nl Kitchener, prob ably though? that his alleged lordship had a most plebeian name.— Boston" Herald. A fast pace In marriages was set in New York lately when «*lerk Speed ls*ueit a ll>- Mr. Gallop. If th«re t» anything In a name this couple oucht to be In the run- Ding Baltimore American. William Waldorf Aster wants Jto.ooo from New York t'lty as compensation for alleged .Jama*; t<» hls« real estato Interest caused by a ihanjf of cr;nli>. Many a man in hi* rirrtimatanc** would regard the Ha-riflc* of M"." 111 ■> • worth uhtt.< in order to> avoid railing attention to himself.— Washington Star, -» MARRIED. BAnnETT-^TAItTWRiaHT — At tii« r»«tileiie« of th# bride* father. Dr. S. S. C*rtwrl*St. RiJbury. S. T. l>y th» R»r. Dr. 1.-M. T«m ter. of Port E*»n, N. T.S(V»aa " E. C*rt wri«ht to William Barrett, ef t&<* **ck» place. • - - - HARTWETX— FT ' - April m. M MV r»sW»nce. In P«»rt ' JirDtr jl. T.. by tl»«» R«»- Dr. ■ M. Sander*. Mary But!»r P*nltoi». irn»ndr. John A. Hartw*!!. TIBBITS— harr:- ««t»y. April '2. «a Montreal. Marcrj*riti» Vinton. th« Rev. John Kirn Tlbbt:.*. of COncnrt, N. H. XntW* of m.irrla*-^ end rlr«th« moat tM • • < Mimpini'il by full name uti'l sddreaab DIED nijjeTow. Anna E. Vor*>»*. Rer. Jnnn P. Boi;in*. Jamt*. Har&uf\r. AlriewH.' He ill. Frances D Tomhln*. Mary. Foot*. Hastlnx*- ' V.v. •» taa> residence of hrr n»>ph»w. H#v Rnh»rt R Hull. D. d., M- Ami E. i:ts^fow. «i.i"w of rhitlp If. H'*-!..w an.! Janchter of tn« ... R*». Pnriil f. Mr'iriJlSw. in th*> 7*ll T«a)r of n*r >•«». Funs«?>iaie Cetnetf.jr. r*«(i', X. J. BOM.INO — Entered into re»t Sattirday. .*•»• — 1«. 19t'». janrn. h-lotteij kaa«t«n<| of th« fat* Eliza Oakley n"i:tn« Funeral Tu»»l*y. April 10. at 2 p. m . from tat- t»^t. No. AM Montgomery street. Strawy City. It-I* tlr*a anil frlenv. llenry Nltcnte Cobb. D. IX. son of tls" lat* Sanford ao4 Sopnt* ?«teM» ' Cobb. la th» 7Wh ye*r of hl» ••• Sentlc^ wilt b«» heW In t v ■ >ntr«i Presbyterian Church. Oran*e. X. X. Ti»«iay. April 1* M 4 o'clock, on arrival of 3:15 train f^»m llo boken for Frlrk Churcs • <'l»l«hf. »M»» of Oaf late Rev. Henry Martin Field. D.» P. Faner*! Tuesday, at ] o'cloci. a: St. Paul** ChurcX 9tockbri, th*» K«rr. John Perkins Forbas. minister of th« Chordl of th» Saviour. Rrooklyn. Th* *'in»n»l tmr vices wf!l be held at »h<» rhur^*i, corner of Pterrepont st. an.l >fonr»« . Place, on Mon day afternoon. April IS. at 4 o'clock. HARDEXBERCn— On April 1«. 13:0, !.|IM Wilson. 1 »!r>v»aiß^ April IS. at 8 o'clock, at ??o. io<* - — Par« Waal, New Torlc. rnt*rm«nt at tS«i coa renlenc« of the family. PALMER— Ptutdenly. on April 13. Noah Pa!rn«r. «M 53 y»ars. Funeral tfnlcen at St. Am**% Char*!. Md St.. ne«r Colambuj ■**. on Tue» day mornln* at 10:30. PENN'IXOTOX— On Sundajr. Asm XT. 1310. at th« n»sl.i»n<-«» of Mr. Loul« P-nntrtßt-w. Sar> u»-l Hayes P-nn!n*ton. a«wi IW y«ar* Fua«r»t wr7i.-f, from the Houx* of Pntj-^r Br^ad anil State »fn . Newark. N. j . m Tuesday. IS* 13rh Inst.. at 2 30 p. m. SPOHH— At«Jen H. =pohr F#rr!r»« T!lt FU1II«I CTitirrh. No CU TVest 23i «t. (FraaU E. C^--n»- | tell BMMtnx). TOMKIN'S— S'irl»tenly. At Par* At«ju<» Hot«l. Sunday. April IT Mary T'>Tpktn« wWow of rti* ]«:« !>■.-. Elliott 1 . TKBfctnai ruiMTM , prlvat-. tr'-rm^nt A ir^r*. N. T. ■VVESTIN'— At LaJc«»Trfv> ♦> p. m. • NFtV-IORK TRXBOTC SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally Killtktn. One «>■« la Oty of MM York. .ler«ey Cltr and Hobokea. Elsewhere Two C«>nt«. Sunday Etlltlmi, lnrludln; -uml.»y »•«» zisr. Five <>nt«. In N^rr York City mall «ah«rrlb»r» win be rhur«^«l 1 *'«»» p»r '«PT extra po«tacn> SI KIFTIO> BY MAIL rOSTr.%ID Dhllt. per month <« 5O Dally, prr yr»r • Mimlay. p*r year M Dally uatl '■"•'• p«r year 800 Dully aad '•tiniluy. per month :o Foreign Po^ta. 154 Nassau ■*!•••♦. \V\I.L. STREET OFFICE— No. 13 "..'.lam ■>.—<. UPTOWN OFFICE— No. 1364 Broadway, or any \merlcan District Telegraph OSlc«. II \ULKM OFFICKd — No. 137 East list. 1 * street. No TXi West l^ith street and No. 113 I -it XUOth street. WA^HIN^TO.V BiTREAC— No. 1322 F «tr«-t. NEWARK BRANCH OFFICE — FY«(*ericSc X No. 7^» Ercad street AMERICANS AiJKOAD w»U Had THE TRIB UNE at ERL'.'^EL? — No. *2 Mnrta«u» •crlpt'.ons. FARI3 — John Munroa * Co.. N«. 7 Ru« s^Tl^*. John AVanamaker. No. 44 Rim acn's New Extinct, N*. 9 Ru* St. Cmi> Ani«rtt-an Express Company. Nx tl R-« j-crite. Pr<>ntano*s. Na. 3T Avenue «i>r A Co. and CtsMbl Bank. FlXiHENCK— French, temon A Co.. !?c«. 3 ami 4 Via TornabuonL M-i'j'iav A Ob. . Banker*. MlLAN— ?aarbach» Ntwi Cacbans*. Via M Mccforte. 15a. HAMBURG — American Express Company. Xa, ■J Alsti-rvl.irr.r.i. For t>.« convenience of TRIBUNE r»a !»r« abroad arrjnsfm'nt* have be«>n rpi!- to ki»*i> . th«. r»\ILY and SUNDAY TRIBUNE on £!<* la i th»- r«>aht Hot*!. Liverpool; 'MM* land Hotel. M4nc!ir«t»r: Qu»»n'» Hotel. Lee.'*- AtUtund Hotel. Bradford. Midland riotM. Jinfoanii- Day: Mill Hot*?. lvrby; llotlier'i Hotel. Shanklln. Isla (ft rtlliu.xi.TAn— Hotfl Oeil. XX \N«"E— ll»f*l fonf.nent.-»i. Grsn«! Hnt»f. liote! M*«iHoe. Hotel Aatort.l. Hnt«t «"hat ham. Iloti-I d» l*Athi»n**. Hi»t.-l Li!!« «t fmt• H..in». Hot<"l — Hotel Victoria. Tl**l*: Hot»l H"-nu Kivajsp. Ccni-va; 1 lot -1 Vlctori* and IX'na Hot -I. Junnfra'iblli-lc. Intrrl.ikaa; llotrl Beau Site. l..i.i< m:ir-. Pn!ac* 11 >r-'l. Matoja: Hotel Beltnont. Montreux; il->t«l Th>jn«rhof. Thum. 1101.1.A.V1V- H>t«"l tl** Inilea. Tho Hur; TS» Kurh.ins. Srhevrntn«rn. GEIiMAXT— HoteI llrlstot. Central Hotel. Il3t*t A.lU'ti. Ksplana 1« Hotel. He <•» Rom*. .%:«» andrta Ilvtfl. Hotel Ci'burg and Tarlton Hotel. lierlln: Hotel IMm-h. t'olo«no; Hotel H<*l'.evu«. Hotel Continental and Hotel Sav-«y. Pre*J#n: Par* Hntol. PwJtseldorf; Uot»t An({!eterr»>. Km*; Hotel Frankfurter hot and Hotel Westminster Frank fi>rt; Hotel j»ommer. Kr»tb»ir«; Hotel V".*ptaii».!» an.l r^la.-« Hotel. Hamttune: Hotel Continental. Hotel K»'ur Seasons. Rr«ln» I'll— are Hotel anil Hotel .!.• UuMle. Munich; Hotel K.\iinTh'»l. Inr.shrurlt: K<»'P'» Hot* l Konl**rl!la. Fn»*»n» !•.>■!. Hotel Weltruir and Hotel Klin^sr. M in*ri tad nrj>llt'M— C.rand H>tel. r.ntwir. Onuid Hotal and Hotel dn I'Kurope. Antwer?: Hul«i ii V M» dkl •■« Hotel ils U TUx«. U«l<*nC I