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1 1 FIND COUNCILMAN GUILTY PiTtsburg Jury Rrcommnnds Extreme Mercy." Howp^ J.F.KLEIN GAVE TESTIMONY "Immunity Bain" Still in Opera tion- — Bla&elev Finds Max G. Leslie 111. PtttlbmS. April W.-Ouilty a* In<U<*to<l. *!th a r/x-nnaT.en<latS.->n for "Vrtrem* tvrrry." ■£■» the verdict returned io-«lay in the <^a^e **f fX^'ounrllmaTi M. T. f wift. jr.. tfae DlWl of ttot vt-9im* «f the »rr«rt srairial • 'ir (IMP Tb« iury anna nut an li^ur an«l forty-fiv^ TiMiuitrft. aftrr Ju^c* Fra^or V.a.l Fprnt lialf #m hour in charpiriK the .V.:r> nn<l rxp'taln lnt th^ law lmmrfiiauly aft*-r tli** verdict v.a* r^a-1 tody MarFhaM. attornry for \he *«*«*•• Kimmmaßd ih«t • nr«- trial would be asko.l. AFsi^tant District Attornry Warren I Sry r»m:r Kai<l tn-n«:M that Judpr Krazrr liad f-'pnlfiM lii" intpttiion r\f conMoiV 'h* 4 rcr..rrwn<latlon f«r mrr.-y. and also that the DUtrtd juumwj^ fffl'* 1 would not OppOf It. Mi. BnmoVt furthrr Ftate»l that th«» ••immunity »>ath" 1^ Ftlll cjv-n to thos~ •>mall <ounrilmrn" mttt vi ill apt«^ar at tho IMstrict Attorney "B <>^cr ami toll a.l they know <if thf> craft gypdlntf Swift has born on trial for two <1ay!«. Tli»» cl.if-T uritnev* for the cotnTnonm-ea,lth *.mf JohTi F. Jvirin. whose confession l»Ml !• th«- » Imlcsalr 1 - The .Jrfrnr*- r*>!i«i mainly on flip attpmrt to break <l<->«n KMn> tfFtimony, and ih* verflirt become* :. mo?t Important one for the j>rosocutiori. tocus* it indlf-atf* ■rbetber tho .plstrtct Attorney ran rrly upon the oonfcfslon «if Xlrin «s the mainstay In the prosecution «if the other ra«>». ImnWiatr-ly iiftor the Swift rsiso had i«rrn dispnwd of cx-4.'ouncilman A. V ■ Kimon wa* called, but r.njnsrl ploaJod that lite «'.!rnt wap 111. an.l askM for a <on tinsiancr. Seymour int«>xt«rctrfily railed a phyFl-Man. vlio raid be liad r\amin«»d Simon nt nn»n. thst.ihrre tvas no nrod for Mm to remain in tvxi and tliai IT" •was not Rrtmady il'- Oo«ni*l »»!• ordorod to pro flurr bis client for trial tn-morrow morntne. Pix othrr «ounrSlm«3i undrr indirtmont Kill also i*> called For trial IA-Owrrov. K>in. who lia? l»i«"n takon from th^ i>«-ni i^n'.iary. tomporarfl>. if «i»artprrd at th^ eOttnty .lail j^ndinp \hc .nuncilmatii. trials. r»iMr : <-t Attorney Winiam A. Flakrlry *>f Tittsl^irK liad a COBtfietcnoe ycrtrroay with ■ .... ... . ■ •*I■- ■ ■ ' ■ ■ MAYOR CENSURES OFFICER Tells Lieut. McAuliffe He Had No Riffht to Arrest Coroner. li.p station. » flrn^.^sinp d"»n yrs-Tnn> T-iai be I;- rot !lkeh to torp^t for KNBe tin 1 ". It ,n»-v Mirk it h him lonp*r lhan Ibe fin* that ti« will prnlnbly h«\r to pay for liiv- Ins tii*- i.m^rity to anost Ooi'uner Albert V Bcfawannectoe in Uw *t-iti.>n boiis^ sfv rral tiicJ t>- at" rte < 'orr'Tior -w-a.": Mttinjr in th<» c»jtt«ln % « rf>r>m as h TnndFtrat^ rxaminiTic ■ ■ Ttw hr-nrriitni i"oK *-xrr|.n,,ti io liis *>x uminatfon B(f « woman, ami not «.nly r«* htjn 00l «f thr- rxntn. 1 iiit a<-tnal!y arrf-su-.i and «i«'tuln« > <1 for two hours until ''ap tim •Wgufiiton ramf and *I"[Wt»-f1 his r* \Yh»n l^fut^natit McAtitfffc arr^nr^d W> *nt. the »*tlh «'.inimi.«-«:i'-> r <* : T P.akT ;)..,) ti,r «v>»«itirr h^ nM '" 'i?<'i j-toppf.ri the ■wmk <if i»n «'oioti*-r U'causc l\«» had pp ( '»k»-n p. lnu<l a voifp t.-> a woman I «in not kn<»w hf<v hi^h nr *io« 1o» yt Piwli in yf»ir «ourt." said th*> Mayor t« < ■nroT>*r. ' - l»i it ! tiboatd thirk that *v*>tv on t'i« fnrrr- RtKtM know thai tin pnliiviiian h'!s a riKl".t tfl RO bltO roUT «•..!,• i to i^cnTat'* your Dtannera or th«» vay rr oondscdnc ... be riorf <>! Irss F:jriirisiT:p it this fiffi«-*>r ha<l c.uir in here yesterday and j>at mf oal "f tHh r'MTn. Tinr u-ould thf «<fT«-ii<-f J : ;i\»- i.fn grtver.** ASLEEP ALL NIGHT ON POST Mayor Hrar? Patrolmen Slumber in Theatre. Supposedly on Duty. Many men hay«» \ffi\ r-a.ucht off rwipt for I h«OTB at a tim*- sine Mayor Oaynor start ed his crutsitp apninFt shirking pitr«lTn«»n. but rot until Igwutly was h*> triform^ o* i Ir*tanr«><= \» h^r* iioliromrn M;pp«>*«>d tn b*« ; on p«""nl f^l*>pt th^ »>r>tirp nlc!it. S^m* 4 <lav* npo the 'Mayor told « ■ommisslon^r Hakrr )^» w-»»« informed that r^-rtain polif-« < m«»n wer* in th»» h»»hit «»f Fl«>< > i»trc <lurinc th» j rlcl.t Iti TVrwior'p Kifty-^iphth Btreel Th<»- ; str* »nd oftiriMip out in th»» tnorninc Ye»- I^rday th»» Mayor »a* told that Max Wt<l tn^r. of th^ KaFt r.lst str»<-t ytsiion. vas • raujrht ootnlnc out of the th«>atr*> on th" | tnorninp of April 15 aft or a long watch j Inr him. «"h»«r*r<-s ba\^ br-en f.lfl aeain^t him. iTi.inr*** have a]s«» t-^n mao> apainst I'jiir<>]Tn*ri Thorn* and Hlak«\ of th^ Hara- Ul«.n av.-nu** Nation, in Hrooklvn. Thorns Is allfßrd to h»\-«« t>»^n found in the roar room of asi uudwffcq*< in T'nion ptraH, :«nd Ulakf is chanpea with vts»n<lin? In thp front d'K.r f«>r half an horn at a 'irn«» iwputy Caosnlsftonn' Huph^r M-^nt an >ir,-n with thf Mayor a' thf CKy Hal! lato ji :-tf-i fin;. aft»TT»'»nti. SETS ASIDE $15,000 VERDICT Corrt Declares Award to Mies Free man Againrt Harmon Is Excessive. In U» BUH "f W«i BUnchi •» P™-o, n an ftp^irn <*iifi«»r'i H Hanaon, real wrtat* <J<*i!^r and umai^ur fctIiWHIII. Hi** JOtT ' ri \h< Snj>r*-m*- «'«>uit \h*l «-v«-n:riK iitoupM in ■ nerdict for KUXM «m, ntaUon <>i cotm- Md fur u-.ui)iin JmOic« Krtancrr «l ;ui'!< p MiM» l*n»<>»!.ari mi«<l r<M S'.'W**'. niWM'i; r : ia: likiriiiiti ba^ BStf^i i<< j'-v *»«••■ IMw B moiiih for Mf«- J»nd to I'iium. an a{.;iri irifni for h»-r at a oort «>f fl.<r«» Tliif- agree iikm!. :-!if vsid. »as Jn roni44MsUon fefj itroiniM wilt vhirh *h>- tia<i bqrun Mnlnsl If*im<in. Th«* latter cuter* <! * rl»- ««n«i lit i <mlh^»^i t»-vtlmiiiis- in 'h*'t !)•• lid r-»><l '<» Misti Ki-< ■< TiiHi'"n •»»• V>"<' ir. s^tlr'i^pn* o( J)*r '!»lin» * tlir- i-lii jfliTT f-aid thst j^h- «)id not r"'-)-* tr." r^ri »if iii!? money. ->* it yem :»• (■•r < oiinsol »k !*•♦•<« Jir.J fur Jii^l.'irK^iTirntK. vl.i^h arrnnfirnu-nt. sh*> *a.< »tor-rt st th»- ilti*. MRS. HACKETT GETS DECREE, j JartJr*' Ki'zcrra!'! sleii»><l yrvt»>r<lay tb* ! flnaJ rflr-rr*^ «>f .iivorce of Mrp. Janun X j tlAclcrti filarv MucnniriSt Cram ».«•! bu*- j laid" ,!iwf K. H.i4-k«*tl. :!:• tutor. Tlirt* | M )■(■» meotloa of lUnraor '"• l! •■•• •**«•*. |<l » •st> Hadreii ojitalris the aMady «>f b«r Jii'lrl aM r'f-iv* »•» i T)if tiun •«. retain !t:t- Tm'm« .»• M*r- Man:-"» i:'?. Mr. IfackCtl la M ■I !N RATTERI PHim HIM, BC REMOVED BT COMMIS SIONER BTOVER. CLEANS UP BATTERY PARK Coal House To Be Removed— All Stands Must Be Painted. Park ("ommij-sinn^r Stnvpr will soon hay«» the larjrp coal hnu«"» In Rattrry l\irtt ro mnvod. This is only ono of tli" many coal j «n<l tool houses In tlio parks of Manhattan vl.irh he Intends having removed. Hut the «>ne in Battery Park Is sneb a ■■•nous example tliat in civinc out the information yr-ritTilay of the Intended crusade apaliiP* i!i*-s»* strtirtur* * Oontinis^iotier StOTCT ral)o<1 it tlio "famous coal boose in Rattrry lark." W'tiiiO th«* city is responsible for ill* 1"'1 "' I>u'.l<Ht.cs. anothf-r class :il«o has come in f. t th^ Oommtedoner'n attention.- nffresOi t:i« nt an<l other stands in the parks ■ <=• It<« rTJ>ainte.l anil rr 1 "' * n fi rf!t class ord'*r. The hous<s i:se<l rfurinE the Fummer by tii«« strju:s milk dlrtHbottog committee, the Commissioner has N^n informed, will alsT be pftfnted. Holder* of loasT? in tho parks that air rxjiiriiiß this y«*ar »rp roopivinj; only re ntnh of indrfinitf i>orio<]s. Commission, r BteVfT says ho will not prant any Iktir ones to UxMe <-on<lurlfne rofreslimf nt anil amnse mrnt Man<ls until be looks Into th<* matter ■ith :i vi*>v t<> lißvinp tlip city Itself <y>n dort fucJi places. "Hut th<i«=«. whu Viav«» tl>r ?tan<ip in th< tiaik* now." sail the Commissioner, "'hum k«rj« them in first dan DBndßlon as •woll as sichily. Th^rpfxro the city must also krep Jts park trandfngji In hf>ttpr i nndltion and havf ll» evesom removed." FOR STRICTER ALIEN LAW Lunacy Commission Told of Many Undesirables. It Sidne; L». Wi «r In a paprr on im mirraiioti r«»ad at th<* Fprinc mating of tho Stat«> I ..unary «"o:nmissir>n yestrrday at th-"> \hte\ Manhattan said th* station at Kills j 1? land ought to bo t| r"p tim^s as larco. tho force of inppo<t<irs trflik-d and th»» ptalT <juadn:r>! f *d. •'<»n»> of ever>* f«>ir immigrants is fmin-1 no !-f» undcfteabta," s=aM I»r. SCIKuf "W« ; <atin'it lmp»» for ii d^plrahlp rac<» fio;n these "itii)>rrant.« n'«w coming to our s!i<'r«*!=. There is n<« o;io r\nr f<>r till? fv\\. Tho Illlterscy tfst and thr- Inrreaje in t'i«» head tax would ai 1 mw. But <v>ncr*»s? ought to Incrcui the period in vhlcfa an Immicrant who h< lortnes a public charpp may l>*» deporteJ fjoni t] ... y*> a r<=. for it has bp^n found ihat fart as m^nv immigrant!: li*» •^rni' 1 publtc •'harcofi in the fourth and fifth yars aft^r landing as in \hf fir^t thr<M? >< o!\s " ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ CROKER EXPECTS UPHEAVAL Sco? Democrats Winning State ■ Then Prrr.idrricy. ■ . -■ • ■ ■ • ■ "Hut if you want to know my private Dptnfcm." Im! bsM. "I will say that this little upsei in Massachusetts and this elec tion «f a T»*>morrat in a strong R«M>uMir;»n flistri<"t in Rochester in'lioate that tlie st;it<> is likely to po ppmnrraiir this fall. If r am any jiifipp r>f polltfoal signs, soin^thim: Js coming alnng In IW2.'" Askor) if he infant thnt a Democratic Pivsirtf-nt «ni:M Ji^ f\<*r\oi], li» rrpli*»<l: "li looks Xfry much ihat way to m»». Th«» ;x»oj 1 l»> ar«> tir^d of tho Republican party Th»«y arp Buffering from th*> hiph <r>st nt living, wfatch is caused by in* tatirr. Th« ramnaign in tho fall And that in 1?12 will bf finght out alonß tariff linrs. 1 bolW." Mr. «."r<>k*>r will leavf the dub this morn ing at * oYl<vk to gr> to the I.u=ltania. li«« exjie^ts tf> return in the fall nn<l gfi to Palm lira<-h for the winter again NEW BOYCOTT ON MEAT Italian Butchers Organize to Close a Thousand Shops. Four hundred ItalHn lxiss rtutrhprs. mo^t 1 Itik in \\>t>st«-r Hall. last tilKht v«.t»»d al most unanimously t<> form an organization und f,r*k to Hose ovi>r »>n«» thousand Italian botcher *rrops In New Y<>/k City as ■ pr«» t'M apninst the hi»;h prices «>f ni^at r»» tfcllors .ir** fi<i<-«-<1 to pay. A Fwnn'i m»»<>tmi; wili !>»• h'lrt shortly to t^rfr-rx iho nrciinlz^i tion. A committee »»f appointod to arrancc for tli^ union ant! tlio hoy<-<itt. T!iis Com n'Jtt'*- If h«iJ«lf-il l.y 8. <"om<)!l». It was in ' ittu'tr-.l to ft Into ronmi'iiii«ation with all !»!»• Italian »i;it«-|<rr* an«l *n!I.-t th^m In tli» n^iit. th* object "f which »».<« declared to be m foron the packer! to no r^liM* th«~ ..ri<-*»s <if all IJl*»ta as to «■::>.!«• Hif boss ..-it' h'-rr to Bell to OTOXUtnem at m lower I nxur* The d*?d*Joii of the four huadrrd ' nrearnt *»« '" rt**** :ir " l »*»» dOM«l until I nidi lower quotations wm»- nWainH. LUNCHEON FOR MR. MACVEAGH. I*ranklln M»cV»«Bh. Becrrtary of the Treasury. «»' Binrrjued tin* Invitation «■! the *x<-. utiv commute* "t ti '■ tri^t company ] f« «.i1..n *>f t' ■•• Am«rl<an r^ank*!."' \hFo.ta tion lo !•«• Ihdr K"<rt nt n luncheon at tba i + 9.\'T*' Huh on TTiunutay, April '-"«. at *ihi-li *<'• •rtU m*"H "i r ofrklals nf tii*' juirs • ii..ii truM rompanlm ni<i ».ani> of tlii* ritj lAwrrnc* I*. Ufll**J«l*. chairman «>f | ti,« irommtttee, will fir«-^ t.|«- LO3T ON OPPOSITION TICKET, militant l« J.i in« •-. John Bllwstro and C. i!ioir»« tfoun*. «ii'< were <i«irut«.i for ■«i#-.ti'»!i i»« «iii»-<to!»i «»r iiir Marconi wirr \tmmm T«k«ra|-!> • •mu..inv on \l-iri.l«>. wrr« i not candtdati "-' f^iecUoa Tbejr tuade Up an ujihh ni"ii ih ltd* ■ ".:.»nks,,ay. Ntmtyotli f&tihnnt ai>hit - go - lOl ° ■-*. •' '»:■.■ ' T _J- • i SAYS SON TOOK PROPERTY R. L Cutting Charged with Con version of $200,000. SAILED TO ESCAPE SERVICE Told Brother He Would Secrete Holdings and Attachments Are Issued. Robert ljvinßMon Cutting, lawyer, one time Hotor and nrphew of Robert Pulton Oittms ami William Bayard Cutting, who, in IS?2. despite the objections of Ms fam ily, married Minnie Sciigman. the actress. « if charßed in the Supreme Court yester day liv his mother. Mrs. Judith «'art»*r Out ting, with fraudulently convertinc to his (inn use a large part of $3*>.»y»ii worth of property which she intrusted to him as her attorney and manactr of her financial af fairs. ''ling to the papers 111 Hie rase. Out inir. without any previous intimation to hi* family, sailed last Saturday for Europe, to remain there, his mother declared, M that lie would be out of the jurisdiction of the Nr» York courts, and thus prevent her from rocovrrinp the property which she. al- -< •! Ie appropriated. Actlnsr ui'"Ti th* complaint, of Mrs. Cat tins. Justice Bianchnrd issued Ml attach ment aataal the property of Cutting upon the ground that he tins departed from the Sta'e of N»w York with Intent to defraud his editor* Deputy Sheriff 'Jo?* levied upon certain real estate held by t'!ttin>t. In her affidavit Mrs. Cvtttas say* that l-^r 5011 was also her :*ounsrl at '•'« ■' ■' ■he had confidence In him. She therefor* turned over to him the property In ques tion and cave him the power to collect' the income frcm it. The complaint Fays: "By reason of and through the fraud nnd deceit and representation of the defendant. her son. that he would tak» .-arp of and the same for her and In her inter est and behalf, she was Induced to and did th^ro and then turn over to him storks, bo-ids, negotiable Instruments and other personal property.*' Mr? <*uttins said that up to last Satur day her son lived at No. 2U West l<Wh strict, nnd that he Billed for Ban to ini r*>le her ..... : the s^rviro of the summons in the action. It was In September, ISM. that she turned this property over to tier son. Mrs. Cut ting pet forth that Robert represented that he would preserve, keep intact and increase t>,. value of thl? property and amve her ti,o tronbl* of th«» manacem^nt of it. He also to invest the income. From ' Irr " > tn time Mrs. Outtlnc amid she sicn^d pipers which her s=o n represented as*po*ers of attorney. Th* plaintiff agrees ihat within the last year she hat" learned that the defendant has taken possession of her property "and has wrongfully converted the fam» to hi? nun iipp. an»l wrongfully «~laims title to all of it an<l ha? wrongfully dlsposed^-as she Is inform«><l anrt h*>l|pv*»»--of a 'arc part of theeald property an<l converted the pro rP^s thor^of to his own ■■» Mrs. Put tlnc a«l<lM that pfac town • from h*r soti an arroimtine of th«> inronif from the prop erty. Mit that I♦> refused to submit no* >tr^. rmtine further <If>olar*»<l that Cutting i? king krrangementi to •<•>••."■' Other property belonging to her into rash, for the purpose of removing It from this state; also that «'uttlnc has wcrete.l his property for the same purpose. Another affidavit was submitted by Jam"." ix. Wolf Cvtttnc brother «>f Robert '•• ■who said that he discussed with the latter the Ftihject mi which the milt Ml based, and ... defendant threatened to *>* cr*>u« hia property and dispose of it so that It could not be reached in let*al proceed inpp. Af ■ result of this affl<lavif a special deputy sheriff yesterday mii' 4 th«» »tt*rl m^nt in the snit on the Hnn<«\^r B*f< De posit Company. vhcre th*» 4ef««4*iil is be lieved to hav«> a bo>; tli«* «\>l«.nial Trust «*otnpany branch, at Hroa<l\vay and MM y-trpct, to attach hi* bank ace Mill an.l saf» «I«>j>osit box; H«-nrv Ctowt & «-■>. John A. Munro»» A • "° . th<» Chicaßo & Northwestern Railroad «"ompany and the Illinois Central Railroad Company. A it- peadaaa was also fiW against «'uttinc's property at No. 241 West 100 th street, a four story dwelling. It is said that this property was conveyed to htm by Harriet I* Hosley. whom lie mar ried in IMS, after Mrs Minnie Bellciuaa Catting divorced him. <>n March 13 last Cutting conveyed the property to Peter a. Mf-uKher. who occupied offices with him at No: i Nassau street. • Because of his niarriaco 10 Minnie Sflic man, »'uttinE'!« father left him out of his will. Tin' son contested th»» will. which r*> niti^<) in a fttlpttirnt, wherebjr Cutting rprriv^d $300,000 and an Income of $4,0.0 a year. OPPOSE SECOND NIGHT COURT City Magistrates to Fight Bill Fath ered by Assemblyman Smith. At a special m^tJiiß in th«» \\ .— • Sil*> <"ovirt yf-storday th»« Board of City M;iKts tr;it«-s placed th*mwhrwi on rfronl as f*»iriK opposed to ii;.- ptapnaid fstnljlishm< nt of -i t vcoml nlßht murt f«»r lt>. trying of «-a»r« nf women who have l«*-i.-n arrested in til* Ftr^^t!«. Tho Mil la behalf of thf* . pr«»posc-«l night mint is fathfrM by Ass*Tnblym:«ii A. K. Smith. Magistrate llarlow, president ..! tho Hoard of I'tiy Magistrates, baa directed th:*t ili^ members of x\\f l^eisiatu o rummtdw Xi to Albany nava* day next ■reck to niak<- » \i^<">r<>n« fl«fit for sraen'd m*r:»«i 1n the bill • SAN FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS. ■m Ftanrtaco. April 19.— The Metal rlos- Ingl quotation* lor miniiiß Mr»k*. m-.lay **•!•*• nt- follows: tit a 13 I. Ml Cob n» A!|>ha •'on O!»MfXl«»!i 1 :«,% Mtrlr« 14 <•"-< 1.1. nial Cnn ltr|(h-r * ■ tphli I ,-,.• <'«l»-.1.iti!i» M"vihuii 1.-jr, <-».nll»ii6'- Con 2V|P««o«J .V» <-|.-.lliir U».h«v«k«' 'Jft «-«»tifi«i» nrr 1 ir. .S;«k Dclcher VI • •.in. < at. an.l V« 1 lust'ira Nevada «1 • '.in. Imperial. ... <«Hni«in «*<in 7-, <-r.,v»u I'.tlnt I »■ I »*h '"nn 11 <;mil<l *. «urr>. XltVdlu* fk> «• t i M SAYS PERSCH WAS A TOOL Wife Sits Weeping by Prisoner's Side During Plea. CHARGE TO THE JURY TO-DAY Prosecution Urges Conviction ior Protection of Commer cial Interests. Justice Marcus, in the Criminal Branch ] of the Supreme Court. to-day will charß* the jury which has been hearing evidence in the trial of l>onald Persch. one of the quartet charge,! with larceny In connection with the f.V».<*m Windsor Trust-Helnze cop per scandal. Assistant District Attorney Nott and John F. Mclntyre. of counsel for Person, consumed all of yesterday's session summing up. Mr. Mclntyre denounced th«« trust com , pany for Its part in the transaction and criticised its president. John Alvin Young, \ for leaving the city when subpeena servers were looking for him. He said Pvrsch had ! been a dupe and a tool in the hands of others and that the Windsor Trust Com- | pany. I* J. Field an.l Walter L. Clark. ' | who turned state's evidence, were the arch | conspirators. Mr Nott retorted that it was not the first time Mr Mclntyre had appeared in i court and pleaded that his client was a dupe. He added that he would not have j accepted the testimony of Clark If he had known that John. K. Sherwood, a third member of the quartet, was going to give j testimony which would help the prose, ! tion. Mr Nott reviewed the testimony and ( : urged the Jury to convict" in order that the i commercial interests of the city might be protected from similar conspiracies. While Mr. Mclntyre was pleading with the jury to spire i'ersch from prison the j latter's if.> sat near him weeping, but When the lawyer denounced the tru»t com pany and Clark she dried her eyes and looked defiantly at Assistant District At torney Nott. "One of the most reprehensible things in this whole transaction." said Mr. Mclntyre. "Is th« part played by the Windsor Trust Company, which permitted itself to be used | as a turning joint. "It entered into this game of financial I jugglery an.l aided and abetted in the vio lation of not only the state law, but also the moral law., so enabling crooks like Clark to hoodwink and deceive others. It seems to me that enough has been said here to justify the Superintendent of Hanks to request the Attorney general to take steps for the revocation of the charter of the Windsor Trust Company. "The president of this company. John ! Alvin Young, as you learned yesterday, : left the jurisdiction of this court as soon as he knew that this trial was to begin. I wanted him as a witness and the state wanted him as a witness, but he was away In Atlantic City or somewhere else." LABEL MARKS IT "STRAD" Police of 104 th Street Station in Need of Violin Authority. An ol«l vlnlln is held at the Ka-t l«Mth street police station awaiting rlther an owner or an expert who can toll whether it la a in'" 1 or Just an ordinary instrument. Nearly every dealer In musical parapher nalia In the vicinity of the station house has taken I look at the violin, hut non* ha? !>een able to clve a definite opinion as to its value. Michael Mound found the violin In the hallway of a tenement >n>n«<» at No. WV2 S*«-onil avenue, and turned It over to the police. No one in th* hou^e knew anjr tbine shout the instrument. Captain I'orco ran. to whom It was submitted for inppT ttOfl, was about to dismiss th*> tvholo mat ter wh^n two of his friends on the force chanced to call. The friends were Ueu tenants Sullivan and Davis. Sullivan pro noun'-od the violin as one that rould he purchase! in Ireland for ," n cents. Mavis on the other hand sai>l that he compe tent of <!*cldine after an examination as to the violin's merits. Davis thereupon proceeds to impstiKat* n,| f...;n<l. If "- MM, ■ "Up nf paper in ddfl • * violin containing th« words "An foniiiF BUfafiivarius, OMMMW, faclfbal anno IT.^>" Davla said that if »'i«» Inscrip tion, were genuine the Instrument wan ■ very valuable one. as itie Stradivarlm wa> on»» of th»» two hipliest types of violins atirl the « 'reinone? e referreil to the varnish procesp. which, he paid, has heen lost since mi I . MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MIMVTI RF. M MAKA< .-. !•■. .1 ■ .«■• , |V. , ■noon ■ hit" 11 HIGH water. A M r.M. San<ly Hook J"4S " >:u <im»rn< r> Inland ■• •••• '• 1 1 H< il ■;■<••• ~ '-"'• I "' WIRELESS REPORTS. Th» M«JMttC, r#port».l a* |M wMei 'as' •.f Hook «r 6:30 a m jrwt«d«y, l!« to riix-k Thursday forenoon Th» Cincinnati. r»>i-'rtrd as 2.'*) Blln MM of Saniiv Hook at s:.W a m \>>st<>rrlay. Is »>xr'vf»-<l to dock thti" fot»nonfl • Tb»- rTrci'Vnt <!rant. r»p< rtH as r?i> mil'? raßt of ~Hii'i-. H«* at norn Jreiterdsy, is «s i.^tp-1 tn dock tills f>r^nn«in. Th. I^ura. l»t»f ltd a« 2»'O tnll*« »as- <.f Sandy Hook at ♦ p in yesterday, is n|Mta4 to rtrt-katout n<>on to rlftj INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vessel. From. la • • ••former bade*. April II .Lamp * H «i;r«*-inn I'rlnr*. . .Hart.-iiios. April 12 PltlM* <*amofn* Manch»M*r. April 1.. . Kyleakln I'ara. April 3 j ; rpM Naples. April' 2 Cincinnati Naples, April 7 llamb Am 1-atra* Malta. April 7 Ore*k riionU ..N.u-!..v April ■ «'unarU Vrt+liVnt Orant... Southampton. April Hum*. A victor n Liverpool. April • . . Whit*. Star ivr'icia .'.'.'. .'..Olbr»lUir. April I" Anchor M p l| a , Mnnibiirc. April « pi Yalta <;alvmt«in. April 14... So I'a c Hamilton! Norfolk. Arm 1» THURSDAY, APRIL 21 •UaUatle . ..Cfuffnsfn, April 14 .Whitp Star -*,,,. c Gibraltar. April V2..S -; 1J..>1 r,,,; ! ' Illbraltar. April lit . Au»tn«n ",■,.)„ .. llH^r»•. April 1» nrenrh r>t il»ua' N'« <»rl»-an». April M...» 1.. Xl Valle .'.'..'.'■.'. «Jalv*stnn. April 14... .So I'ac KIUPAY. Mltll- 22 •F»r*riinza Havana. April 19 ."Ward .7'^! .-..1-n. April II ..United Krull „.'"„„ Ivt» riWMI April 17 QntbM oISS&iA l« r .n-n April f V ..N ,; ,,v , i l_,,l an I.^'-iT-01, April nSfiiirit U«IVH*OB, April Ifl Mallory M««to " ..«:alvri«tiin. April V, So Pae ,'i,", of jiianm Savannah. April 19. . .Savannah •lirlntc* ni;:l! - OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Mail \r««r! \>a«rl * fnr tJn« rlo*e%. Mils, Oc«*nlC Soutbanip'""- W - . «:<»»am !'•••' I-u«ltania i,lvrrp«v>l. '■>'"*;•» . 5 *>• m fMOam iirrmunian Bermuda. V"*'- * '•' ' ■'. IW»»m v'rdl S*..'to 8 . I. * II *"• » r,» 12X0 ,:. 1-annia. Uuiana. <iurl-<- >•» ■<" • m nu««U. l.ll«'i. F.ud»Un ■ All.-* Nar l "'- *" ltrlln ' ir«viiiV>l» Jarkunnvlllf. <"ly<lr. . I:«>pm < Marr<>» Qajrxtan. Mallory - - I2n*» m rrvmal. Tiimpa. Mal"-r>- 12 •«' m *nillla. Santtapo. Ward — 12 r.i m \\ n till*-«. N>« Origan*. s» ra<- - ll'onm THVnsriAT. APRIL 2) I . V WlUietm. Kr^nifn. NOI*. «:*>am !<• M » -ii ,_ T r <irnlrif. H«*rr. Kr»-n«h.. 7«i»» ■ m |ni>>ant M»>rlrt». Havana. WhH in a in 12:<V>m Aivstmny. 1 1. <S' < II Am.... Hi»>ani liiuiam M*>tar*n. < v'l""v 'l"" U f •*<• !»:.Ti»»m Hit.' h. -i llamhuix. II Am »•:<»>■ m i- of Sa- »nnith. S'va'nah. Ha\ — — :\ •»• [■ m rniDAT, \t •mi. *2. IkalU. M<mt»Ai<l'- 0 . .—. — « •■> 4 111 7 >M> 4 ..| I* Mil in ii- Ha- 'I ltn>Ml I ■•!!. r» 1 1 .<«• « m I '»' i' m -(turnin ii. N*»»»ii Want. . . 12 mi in Mulpm Ara|«aho«\ Ja«-Kf<tn\lllr, ' 'I' '• -- - I ik» l« "i TtIAXfIPACIFIC M.mi.s i lojr In N. v. I 1« allntt ton ar-fl »t«am»-r. I'M lUu*u. Japan ■'•<•>:.... Registered Trad' Mark Special Sale Washable Dress Fabrics Beginning to-day, we shall place on sale the following very desirable lines of Washable Dress Goo*. '800 yards Fine French Tuscan Crepes, -j 3 | f|f) with self colored embroidered cushion dots, also t ■ •vrV/ r Fancy Silk Striped French Voiles, hi colors. Keg- yard price 1.75 to 2.10 per yard. Mow" j 1,000 yards Imported white Embroidered j 75C Batistes and -French Crepes in colors. Regular r ; price 1.25 to 2.00 per yard. Now J yard 2,500 yards Embroidered French Mar- 1 f\^C anisettes, English and French Silk Striped Voiles, I UJt and French Piques;' in the new French tones. J yard Regular price .95 to 1.50 per yard. Now 3,900 yards Embroidered French Tuscan 1 Crepes and Marquisettes in the latest French col j SUC orings: Colored French Piques. St. Call Dress - Swisses and Embroidered Batistes in white and yard colors. Regular price 85c to 1.25 per yard. Now J James McCutcheon & Co., sth Aye. & 34th St., ww o .Astoria Pin*- islands <vU Sin Francisco)— o| fi w HiT a n i ;T.k%WnKranV i ,; ; o^i;ur,in^X l .r & eiso SHIPPING NEWS Port of New York, Tuesday. April 19. j 1910. : ARRIVED. Steamer Hyron -Kr.. Santo- Mar. 1. 31. Rip •• \ Janeiro April 2. Bahta 5 and Barbados 1... to Busk « l*nlels. with 7* iwnn* mails and mdse. Arrived at the Bar at ■ '■">< am Steamer By lBr», Nit* »<*>' April 13. to •>«'■*"" tie Fruit CO. with fruit. Arrived at the ■" ■ '''steanTe'r Norman Prince I** Santos March 2* an« Trinidad April «. to Paul F «'rhard & < o. with RKtM. Arrived at th» Bar at «:*> P m IWlfc Steamer Surinam* i Dutch*. Paramaribo April »and Trinidad 11. to the Royal t*rtrlj West India Mall, with !£." passengers, mails and m.^e. Arrived II th.» Bar at am. . Strainer «*Uy of Savannah. Savannah April .*>. to tlie o.ean M -■• with passengers and mis-.- Passed in quarantine at T:.W a m. SUamer ri .iinond. <;ecr=etown. S < . April I,; to the Ai Inn tic <v>a«t T.timt>er Co. with mese. Passed In quarantine at 7:47 a m. Stranvr Sal In.. t^oricetnwn. S C. April M an* Wilmington. N V April 1«. M> the Clyde >!■ ' ■■• with pa^neoni «nd mdse. Passed In Quaran- , tine at 7:4*» Tm. .„ . .i - St«am<r Denver. .;:ii<-!iton April 1... to th* Mallory da .-,., with tiaaw ■ and mas . i Passed" In yuarantine nt 10:21 .1 in. .r Storfond (Nor». Caibarlen April M. Ifi the Munm Ss Line, with sugar. Arrived at ih» Mar at |'<irfr m <-Mtlfl , Stfamer <'orfe Castle .Br>. Baltimore April 17. to Barber & Co, In ballast. I*" tjuaran ttne hi it L" ■ m.* , _ Steamer ottrinKham »Mr». Santiago April t ■Dd Ouantanamo 12. to the Mmm Ss '•'"♦■• u-rth Utar Arrived at the Har at ,a m. Steamer I'rinz .Inaihlm i<;er). Port Umon April 11. .... 12. Klncston It and 1 ""* I^lanl IS to the HanthurK American 1-ine. with •M r'asyeiißers. mails and iTi.l- Arrived M the Bar m A:4? a m. . . .. Stranifr Saratoga. I!a\ana April 18, t.» th* New York and ••«»* Mall Ss Co. with IM PJ* ■r: rm. mails and mdse. Arrived at the Har at !»:»1 a M Steamer Krnnrrlnzessin rerlll- nlw». bremm April 12 Southampton and CherK>ursr I* to oeiri.-h« & c.». with 441 ..-ihin and W» steerape passengers, mails and i ■■■!-■ Arrived at tlie Har at '.tio a m. Steamer Prlnres* Anne. Newport News an.l Norfolk to th» < »ld f>-->mir.l<'n S.« '■■< with pas Fengers'and mdse. P»««ed in Quarantine at 1 -■• Steam'r Altamaha. ■<r, l np»i. k. April 1«. to the Brunswick Bi '-. with MM Pa»aM In quarantine at ."i:"'> p M ■' Steamer Arapaho*. Jacksonville April Ik ar<l <-harl*«»on April 17. to the riyrl* SI '•". with I»ssen«e r s sml m.'.se Passed In Quarantine at , .•5:30 |. m. .Steamer San Mater.. Pon<-» Arrll l-«. w» the Insular. Line, w Ith mdse. Arrived at dM F~ir at f>:<\% p ni. Steamer Facertun iKori Port Antonio Arrll 13, i.. the .mm*"- Importtnc Co, with fruit. Ar rived at the Bar at 11 I tn Steamer |r<v,iK.(« <Br». towinir t*irz» Xav»hi» «Pr». T ond "■ April R t» Philip Rnprerht, in ballast Arlved ■• the Bar at M "" a tn. Sfanier <"»hi ir«r>. Rosartr. March 2r». Monte video 2.T nntl St I.u.ia April 11, with linyeerl to erder; vewel to .? h ITtnebester * »>. Arrived ■I the Kir at I p m. Steanrr Re •! Italia 1 1 tall <lenoa April -1. Naples 4 and Palermo S. t« Cejiare ••«>nti. with 'H rahin and 1.7»>2 steerage pa.««enKe r s and MM \rrivrl at th«» Bar at 1 .".I B m. Sandy Hook. N .1. April 1«. ■ '>" p m -Wind (louthwent, m'"lerate bre.>ze; parti] cloudy; mo.| era'-" sea. SAILETA Pte.imer? William Chl«holm. for Newport News- Mlner\a iNor> Norfolk; Apache. «'hnr!«>* t..n ani Jacksonville; Madonna »Fr>. Mar*etiie<«. Hero iN.>r>. Preston. Molrke •• >• '. Xailfj; City of Columbus. Savannah; Monroe. Norfolk and Newport News californtan. Piierto \I«-m ■•. Bay View. Newport' News; Rotterdam (Uut.hl. Rot terdam; F!av State, Newport News; Kaiser Wtl l.eim <ler «;n»sse •';•!-«. Bremen; Sao IViu!.. <r.raz>. Pan etc <not previously); Oenfues:.* <Cuban>. Havana. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. Port -Natal. April » --Wynerlr (Br>. New York anrl Sfnpnit News. Kayal April 11> -Mun.ast^r ■•;!*»;• »Rr>. Phan* fiat. Ifnnit K^nit an.l fHngapnr*. for Ifc^ton ! arU «... York. Durban, April i!» -VaMura IHD. New York tot Hankow. Trifstf. April IS Ar««-Titin* (Au»t>. N«--« Ynrk via TftiTifr.' and Maple* Naples. April 16— Italia .p.r>. N'w York via 1^ r Antwerp, April l!>. 12:40 P m -Finland iH»!bi. N«w York via pov*r. rprnanibii" ■<■>. Aprtl 17 rnrslran Prtort ißn. NVn Y-.rk MiimcvMfii, April 17 S»X"n Prim* ißrl N>w York.»rp<>nl. April Iff Mauritania ißri. X*W York via Ftfibipiard Naples. April I!>.*4 <« m- Iv-mbar-ila lltaD N»w Maranham. April 18 Oraajarj «Hr). N>w York via Barb . Port Natal. April 10 WjrflWir <Mr>. New York and Newport Sewi for Yokohama. 80, 7 April 1!' Marl'-nfpls «' J#>r». <"lal<-ut»a" 1 al<-ut»a an<l • 'olonibo for lfcwton an.! N»w York Rotterdam, April IS -I.ltuania . Raaa>, v • York for l.lhau^ April t» !.tnrl«T-. .r,^r>. NVw York via Port Natal. Fr'«nant>. etc. Aarhuiia. April 14 l^nlafana «I>an>. Savannah via Norfolk. I'rliii.a Hay, April 1* Koyal prince IHrt, N»"«r York la •":'!• Town. el*. Mar.-lip«t. r. Arrll 1*» Tintoretto iPr>. New- York. SAILED. CMombo, April lii'lra\.;i tHrt (from Shan* lial. Mr), »» York.> April Irt ■ Strathrlyrl* (Rr>. V»w 1 <>rk. I.tbnu April 12 BMonta iltus«». New York. Naple* April IS-- San Otoritl" Utal>. N. a York; 14th. Tnormlna <Ital». N»w Turk. '.Tina April Ift IjUlslana tltal). N>» Tnrk. |tart«<lna April l« i'««*M «llr) tfroni N>* Y>>rk» l'«n; il.ui.nt (Hr) (frotn I.ii • N«»w York. St Ml h.<.'- April 1* Thru* <Pr> if mm Srviith ■ mptnni BmrNi-imi. •'••Inn an.! N>w York. HI" <1* ran^lro April l« \'««Br1 (Hr). N>» York Mana"* April r, mail iHr». N>w York. Durban. April is -lrnlrnmayo . Hr» ifroin N>w Y<«:k nn.i rial »»l xl ''" « !»rmu<l». April 1". 11:13 ■ '" '■■' ' »<;-r». NVw fort 11 :••*> » '". Trlnli!r»<l ißri Kn York PASSER. •■"ape Point. Aj'ril l'>-*"Vnch <Hr>. Haw Tart f«-r Durtea Xii IM lr April 1!> — Armenian « l?r». »w York tot Liverpool. S»itrf.< Apr'l |S— J'rin ■. <H I'lrmoni^ (Hal). New York f"r i'.f-\'<*>. Malta April '- -i I'iir- k . »:• > Yokohama. **<■. for Bnctoa a-"' • N '"* York. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN »£»£ 25c HERL VVi: ARE AGAIN! ASOIHIK XIIMMXMN. SUMHUIIM. Rill 01 !"> «ll SUR MIS IV IRVINU »>-■• Klrr^h^r , I \t I iII t \I Xl "•• »«»«■••«• Hnr.trl ■ 'Hturj AMUSEMENTS. NEW YORK'S LEADING THEATRES 4SUCCESSPS EMPIRE ~ g way and 40th St. Eves. S : 13. t-IVlrlriC Matinf.* To-«lay & Sat.. 2:15. ETHEL BIRRYMORE te^i. NEXT Jinx. «.s>at» Tnm'vtir ACT!,' I.tmlted Encashment. W>*.»J 1 *-* .Ml STAR I'AST: Marie TempMt. r. P. H'intirx Elsj.- Ftcbjoh. Edwin Ar-l*n. ♦ iraftam Browne, Maud Milton. Julian Hoyce. GARRIPK UHnnll '^ Mat Sar.jr.lay Only. M 5 Audirnr^ lauffb<^l until *i<l"s a«h«-«l— Hrratd WU PDA}! : FATIIKK AM) ■ fit .UnflWC THK BO\>. I YPFIIM ' Mats Thtirs . & sat.. 2:t.i. MRS. FISKE HANNELE bbSbs TIIUHPOAT MAT. AND REST «>F WEEK. PILLARS OF SOCIETY next ties. GHAS. GHcRRY «nn iki t»e*tm iwdy i unflu. unCnni >riTFißr. HUDSON The Spendthrift CRITFRifIM B wax* 44th Pt Ev»«»20 V#ni I Cr.IUN fat. Sat. Only. S:» •%• f^n.l^r n« I.lttle Lord rannt!^r»j FRANCIS WILSON rm;"'^ n ;" ' the n\ciiEi.oifs n.xr.v. KieHßßoCffiß^;»S^os?v* "BEST «»F AT.T. MfPI«'.M. rr.AT?" THE DOLLAR PRINCESS rIIARI.FS Jill IM.M \ >■» r M..nt«o m HI (IRFB'wiytWthPt. » nr * Stone U'-UDC Kvr , h,-. IBi B I lit OLD Mat. To-day * Sat . 3:1". I TOWN. NEW AMSTERDAM I??;. li?eKTi Matln«e* To-flnv. I HFNRT W. SAVAGE Best t-Vntn 5t..-.i» I ».(T»r9 m^ MADAME X new vnov R'w^V * 4Sth sf. " v< " «:I*. nCIt IUIIR Mats. Tort.iv and tat.. 2:1.-» I.AST » Mi.Hr«. ■ . HENRY i: HA It K I- prr»rnt« A SKYLARK A •".-,, Whimsical Musical mm'dr. .NKXT MONDAY. s»ili. Tn-n>nrrnrr. VALESKA SURATT THE GI.U TO? WHOOPING COUGH I inCRTY u>!lt 4M S=rr«'t. Evo <»:15. LIDCnI I jfats To-rJav an<l Slf. »• J "Oon't ml« It »t an* VMS." — T.vr. r>u». THE FANTASTICAL Stt'9l mjtEDT. THE ARCADIANS ttjtm ITS woßvmn i r.APT OF tOO. jut wtotn « . . thk i \im ram i<>j t *i»i; -<m \nr THE NEW THEATRE BEE THOVE A Dramatic P|o«rnph v.wi? h n^«tliiv»n'j Musi"". Ev.-rv K\k . **.!."» Mafs.To-iJ.Tv.Triur A Sat at" HIPPODROME Entire Plr>ck. r.,- Ay.. 43r<! to 44»h S. Daily •■■ ■■ 2. Best Seats $1. Evf.. «. i:«\ $1 .V» Entire rircns bvl ATitj. Falt^t of Inside :■<> i.i- IV"pl" lto.lnj>an Jewels the i;»rth N A 7. IMOV .VS» I En.S: .lO.«1ny .2 ..1'». 7Qth St. Then. ! >| m ,. y » 7|l3f|Ul little __Jirente»t Triumph of Her « irrrr' Maxtor lll. iff. t| .-..» Ml Tv •• M* SSL, LULU'S HUSBANDS & r«med.T.4l.h«t Hy*«th. E%-»*i,-. Mt T'v<l '.■» t.aur*-n.«> The Thrre Dau K htera ' Matw" ik\i>«; or m Pupont. n\ lK v Iliirkrtt. ♦.- « of hy. EvH.-jo.Mt Tw Jt ".<► GRACE LA RUE h '^Uy Italy* MARIETTA OLLV The Whirlwind llroiulway. 41.n v. Ev. «:l.-. Jit Tn".l»v t! *> THfc JOLLY BACHELQRS-uhNORI BATES IJon. TVy * noth. Ey <*TJi>: VY f ,t To-VuV *t.^ CYRIL SCOTT in THE LOTTERY MAN I.yrir. 1,-, FTv 9:13 llt.Tn.t,, $t .-.r> TH € CITY Cavlno. By * :;:». Xv -»tr.. Mai To-da* «t - >(>( > SSrS THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER Lew MeliU' 1 11-y,fc.l.Y Xv V!r. Mt Tw >| :.i> Herald Si). i w1;;^,w 1 ;;^, Blanche HingTRSS: We»t (nil. 1?V \V. of Sth. $| »M» Mat T.. H iv BLANCHE BATES "iZ'Z . flu lUn * S;il.,::t:, Toitav Mat —«»-..» —:: SEVEN DAYS .\«*ii<!rniy ,if Mu-lr ;.>. ,; Kes'v'd ... |t< .*«»c~ ol I. Twit «rrU, onl< NETHERSOLE ThU n»ek "MHUT NXT } «'t»rTn»n. Th» Wrltlnc "n th»- Wall \VK. ! Th»- S«»r.»nit Mrs.Tan<iu*rHy * «'jimltlw |-.. r . I'rlr#<. mi Tr».Uv * Sal . -.*. E» H «hp Walter***, F.» h:|.v Mto-To &my tk ttmu. XitX H.B.Warner«« Alias Jimmy ifalealinj ST : W.»f 4lrh St. Cr#a <l IJ, rr\\K>A>l i Mam Thurs. MS. ■»Hr THE LILY BELASCO ""'-'" MABEL TALiAFERHO — CITY THEATRE Sl ° rp Irvln « r >^- ANNA HELD ,^H rs^S 5 . EVA TANGUAY ;ur will) AMi"*l/\LS Mr i>u«m.,r.. S r. r . Mi l\ I ||. I |l \ i»r \ »r kiv \ )|i:MH:l>mill> 11U.1.. s«t . Apr .:;. ;,t :; ocl TlcU-t*. $J anU $». Rl T)ioni a:.a uj lUII. Sing". bo! for a * Solo" sal* 12456 pairs of our import "Solo" socks.'- lisle. Double sole, double toe a& hi^li spliced heel. I 1 ermsdorf dye. N Black, and seven solid c^i Regularly they would l ( most excellent value at 23r : pair. • 3 pairs for .50c. Light as are some of ,J fabrics — They won't become au ; lighter. . The colors of all our over coats and suits are sun proof-, that we prove to ourselves h our "sun-test." Real sun ant wet for ten days or more. Most important m Sprim and Summer clothes. Spring suits. $!<» to »«. Sprln« overcoats. $1H to f*>. We know men. prosperous and well dressed men. wk never buy a scarf save it'j Keiser- Barathea. They like the richness and firmness of the weave. So monotony involved, not with four-in-hands of Hixfv four shades of solid colored Keiser- Barathea at .50 cents. not to speak of the widevarietv of figured Keiser- Baratheas. Ml purp bright silk: tr>r«» quaiitiM. 30 c*s* Jl. wi antf Jl .V>. Made right under Stetson'j eye ! Xot only the !>odies of Stet son's hats, but ail the trimming Their own looms, for in stance, turn out the pure silk bindings that wear so well be cause of the quality of the silk. Stetson Derbies. $3..50 mi $5. TTl* $."• ••^'«»t!ir>n ."P'HV.'" i» »Trbj«tr» with 1 trr N»*r York Comfort for even' body i' even'body's price! Qualities from ."><)<•. up to $i In "Delpark" undenvear the athletic shirts and kne» drawers that "lock-in-one" or button together. Xaincheck at ">•>«*.. for • ample, is a strong, light self checked garment that gives splendid wear. " Tivmli." on the other hand, is silk and cotton combined, and although light and very sheer. has strength and wears well $1.50. At: !',:•*. One out of many! '*( tun metal" low shoes. Suggest a "pump" in look* Has two eyelets. $6. R<i.««*t «ho^. sarr* !a»r. wif> t'?. I* For wel weather or wif* weayier wear— Washable chamois .cloves. Our own inifx^rtatioii. $1 ad - 1 am. - Rogers I'eet a Compact. Three Broadway Stores at at * Warren st. 13th st. i- " '* AMUSEMENTS. ____—-— MADISON SQ. GARDEN Tg?k«& LAST 1 DAYS l.a«t I nifaiWl i >«>»* "Jin"' 3 ?- (flftEWo] APR. 25 K?*Yffr .BßOgJ ViE>m:i>M)ii> To-Xight A violin recital j. as HENRIETTE BACH f-SSA IV'^S S'SS-iSU COLONIAL ALHAMBRA w hiiiy m»i- «r-_ ! jg!iJ?--- <^-*--— rr%«i UIMMEPfSTEIM'S m^.V^ II X.,... « 1V..., -r, ,„ STH5 TH m -. . - '