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10 MUG IN NEW lOTOI LOP! ZONES Madison Square Mortgage Company Now Owns a Block Front in Seventh Avenue. Between 25th and 26th Streets. ANOTHER LOT IN* THE LENOX LIBRARY BLOCK SOLO Tradinf in the midtown loft centres ana ta the upper residential zones was a feat ure yesterday of the real estate market. The volume of business transacted In cluded a change of ownersh^ to a tene ment house in lower Second Venue, to a Tenth avenue building, to a West 15th .street dwelling house, to a West 21st street site, to a 37th street plot, to a number of residential properties north of,s9tb street and to several other parcels. The Madison Square Mortgage Company yesterday t,uccesMully perfected its plans for acquiring control to the easterly block front in Seventh avenue, between 25th and 20th streets, by buying the tSS story tene ment house, with store. No. 251 Seventh avenue, 21x70 feet, from Ida A- Gallatln. S. B. Goodale & Son were the brokers in the transaction. Henry IX Winans & May sold for the trustee* of the L<enox Library the lot, 22.6 x MU feet, on the south side of Hat street, 41. i, feet west of Madison avenue- The buyer will erect a dwelling house for bis com occupancy. The same brokers recently sold ■ feet to the cast to C. W. Luyster, ■who is erecting two residences, the trustees fcaving only one remaining unsold lot in, the entire block. Plans have been filed for a twelve story fireproof mercantile building to be built at No. 11 to 18 East 22d street, for the Geraty Construction Company. The build ing will have a frontage cf 65.6 feet and a <3epta of 90 feet, with a facade of brick. Tritb trimmings of limestone and terra cotta. The cost is estimated at $250,000 by ■F. H. Birkmire/ architect. Plans have also been filed^for an open sir moving picture theatre 'at the south west corner of Audubon avenue and iSlst street, for 3:. Osborne and Hans A. Spa ruth, lessees by Neville & Eagge, archi tects. Theodore W. Meyers is the owner of the property. Plans have been filed for a nine story r-e proof tenement house, to accommodate eighteen families, on the south eide of |tth *T.-eet 203 feet east of Seventh avenue, with a frontage of 42 feet and depth of 55.5 feet, for George D. Waring, at a cost of $100,000. The facade will be of brick, with limestone sal terra cotta trimmings. Charles E. Elrgc Is the architect. Will Invest $300,000. C Ambroses, architect, filed plans for a six story brick tenement house to be erected on the west side of Attorney street. <*> . feet north of Division street, with a frontage of <?.S feet and a depth of S7 feet, •PL-it sccommodations for twenty-two fami lies. The cost is estimated at J42.W0. Louis Boossini is the owner of record. Euell & Euell. architects, filed plans for • six story apartment house and store, with apartments for fifty-eight families, at the southwest corner of Amsterdam ave nue and 175 th street, fronting 90 feet -on the avenue *and 150 feet in the street. The T. J. McGuire Construction Company is th« owner. The cost is placed at $300,000. Plans have also been filed for a one story ►chool for dancing to bey built at Nob. 555 «n<J 557 West KM ■treat, for Oscar and S. Marie Duryee, owners. li will have a frontage of 25 feet and a depth of EU toot Jt is to copt 53.01 W. George W. Wood, architect, has filed for T:thel S. aft. M. Louise ScMaSeUa and I* M. Feltman plans for making over the four story and basement apartment house on the *outh side of "Ist Etreet, 125 feet east of Park avenue, into a private kindcr sarten. It will have ■ classroom, coat room. Msaasai a,nd luncheon room .in the >'a«?em«ru offices and directors* room and Vlassroom on the first floor, two class rooms <xn the second and. third floors, re spectively, three classrooms on tie fourth floor ar»3 an office, with a roof playground. The cfcst of tho necessary changes is placed *t SIS.OOO. Plans haw kCT fil*»a for installing an * Metric ele\-atcr in the dwelling house at Xo. ?0 East SOth street, at a cost of $1,000. The house is owned by Mrs. S. Hermann. Plans have also bean filed for making over the thrfte story and basement old fashioned <dub and dwelling at No. 37 City Hall Flace late a store and office building, with a dwelling on the top floor, for Nicholas F. Walsh, at a. cost of $2,<»00. Plans have fJso been filed for closing up the present entrance to the seven story apartment tease at No. 2 West ?Sth street, and build ing a new one on the Central Park West front, at a cost of $12,000. for Louis Kahn and Theresa Goldsmith, owners of record. Mrs. Ethel Davies Thacher, through her Architects, Phillips & lngalls, filed plans for erecting a prism glass sun room on the roof of her residence at No. 49 East 51st street, at a cost of 51,ii50. Plans were filed for making extensive al terations to the four ttory dwelling housa on the south tside of £4th street, 145 feet west of Park avenue, changing it into a business building, with bachelor apart- Bavats, at a cost of $10,000. Annie Flint is the« owner of record. DWELLING HOUSE RENTALS. Pease A: Elliman have leased for Mrs. 1* S. Scovflle No. 54 West 53d street for a lore term of years to Andrew C. Zabriskle; • Iso No. 46 West 74th street, an American Viasement house, for the Clark estate; also No. 12S West €?th Etreet for A. L.. Mauley; rlbo No. 141 East Oth street for Michael Jjapp. arii No. £71 Madison avenue for Mrs! Martha K. King. BUYS 6ECAUCUS TRACT. The Erie Terminal Railway Company, a holding company for th» Erie Railroad Company, has bought from the Hudson Jrcn Company a large tract oC meadow J«nd In the borough of Secaucus. N. J. The ■ property Is located on the easterly ■Sure of the Hackensack River on the north line of the right of way of the Erie, snd hat? a frontage of Jiio feet along die river front and a depth of MM feet. BIG HOTEL SALES TO-DAY. The Murray Hill Hotel, at Park avenue, 4 Oth to 41*t streets, and the Hotel Pierr« pSSSt, is DI street, between Fifth avenue *nd Broadway, are listed to be sold at auc tion to-day at the Rtal Estate Exchange Salesroom, No. 14 and 15 Vcasjr street, by J««s*-pn P. Day. The Hotel Pierreporit ie in the !!r>s of travel leading to * 4 Pennsyivacla L£.::e" and the Pennsylvania terminal. RSTATEN ISLAND SALE. Clement H. Fmith has sold for John Ijrakard, Nos. 25 and 2S Chestnut Ftrcct, XUchmond lliil, !-»>>. » island, two dwelling 1 to uses. GETS TOKENEKE PARK SITE. The AlSee Heal Estate Company and Charles W. Seitz have sold for V.". B. Oreeuman, ■ Brooklyn builder, to R. Percy Cblttendea. Assistant Corporation Counsc!. the lied Gables property at Tok«-neke Park SB the Sound, at Rowaytun, five miles 2a bo Stamford. TRADING IN V/ESTCH ESTER. sTnke & Pierce told for Alfred Buss die «irtc-n acres of land at Chappaqua, N. V., to F. H. Brown. The purchaser owns ten SOMS adjoining:, on which he- has just com pleted a. new residence, covering a- 1 lot 1K&.43 feet. W. K. VANDERBILT, JR., BUYS.' "Willlara-K- VaaActMtt, Jr., has bought ' tots Robert AY. de Forest twenty acres or lend on tiife vest shore of Konhpon Hat KKiT «• Cfenterport, Long Island. It is said that Mr. Vanderbllt will improve the property and erect a summer home. The sale was negotiated by C. A. Boynton. 6. OEgrood Pell & Co. were the brokers who negotiated the lease of Deepdale. at Great Neck, Long !?'• >d, to Isaac Unter myer for William K. Yanderbilt, jr. REAiTY SHOW OPENED Attracts a Large Crowd of Persons In terested in Ideal Homes. That the public is deeply interested in suburban real estate and home building was clearly demonstrated last night by the large crowd which visited Madison Square Garden on the opening of the first Real Estate Show. Here the builders found an opportunity of studying under one roof particularly every type of wooden home building, together with the various methods of heating, paint ing, etc. The homeseeker was surprised to see paper and clay models showing in detail many developments and affording an op portunity of comparing the merits of th^ different real estate propositions on the rrarket. In the conceit hall moving pictures arc shown Ly the Queens Land and Title Com pany. They reveal the city as it was fifty years ago and as it is to-day. Moreover, then- indicate some of the factors in the rapid increase in realty values in that period. One of the real estate exhibits^hows the rapid development of the Rockaway coast in the last four years since the operation of the Long Island Railroad's electric sys tem and the same territory previous to the change in the method of transportation. Another booth shows a model develop ment on the Palisades, giving the exact location of the streets and residences on the properly and a model of the proposed new bridge across the Hudson at 170 th street. The model of the Edison "poured'" con crete house created a srreat deaJ of in terest among the builders. Mr. Edison thinks that it will be possible to turn out a house of this type in six hours at a cost of about $UOO. The show will be at the Garden until May 25. RECENT BUYERS. The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart are the buyers of the Marshall M. Grand property on Fort Washington ave nut. at li*Oth street. The Sisters occupy the former Redgewood house adjoining on the south, -which they acquired about ten years ago. "With their latest purchase they now control a plot fronting 212 feet on Fort Washington avenue and about the same on Northern avenue, with an average depth of 236 leet, which lies to the south of the Bil lings place. The Martin Holding- Company, C. Gray son -Martin president, is the buyer of the property Koo. 18 and 20 East 41st street, old dwelling houses, on plot oOxICO feet, sold recently by Hamilton, Bell & Co., through Pease & Elliman. The new own er is considering plans to ' Improve the parcel with a store and loft building. Daniel P. Kellogg is the buyer of No. 64 East 6Sth street, sold recently by Post & Reese for the estate of H. K. De Milt. NEW RECORDING ACT. After September SO no deed can be re corded unless it contains the address of the grantee. The bill, which was intro duced by Assemblyman Harwood, has passed both houses of the Legislature and has been signed by Governor Hughes. The substance of the bill is as follows: "After September SO, 1910, a recording officer shall not record or accept for rec ord any conveyance of real property exe cuted subsequent to said September 80, 1910, unless the residence of the purchaser and if in a city of over 500.000 inhabitants according to the last federal census, the street number of the residence of the pur chaser shall be stated therein, and Bach residence and street number shall be re corded with the conveyance." TWO PERMANENT LOANS. Smith & Phelps have placed a permanent mortgage of $51,000 on the three four-story apartments, frith 6tores, No. 1614 to !€IS Washington avenue. Also a permanent mortgage of $6,000 on the dwelling house No. 181 Alexander avenue. The Title Guarantee and Trust Company loaned yesterday to the Froma Realty Com pany, on first mortgage, S4-.000 on the six Btory and basement brick and stone store and basement building on the east side o; Robbins awenue, 41.80 feet south of 152 d street, on a plot PkdM feet. The mortgage is for five years at b per cent. RECEIVERS Of RENTS NAMED. Justice McCall, of the Supreme Court, has appointed Benjamin Kassewlts receiver of the rents of No. JSI West 14i'd street, a live atocy tenement, in an action brought by Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer to foreclose a second mortgage of $6,«00. The prior mortgage is $21,000. John F. Reilly has been appointed re ceiver of the rents of No. 67 West 90th street, by Justice McCall in an action brought by Abraham Sartorlus to foreclose a second mortgage of $5,000. REALTY NOTES. G. P. Butterly and F. E. Murphy were the brokers In the sale to Henry R. Stem of the" property No. 163 West 4Sth street, ad joining Times Square, recently reported sold. S. Ullman was the broker in the recent sale of the five story tenement house, No. 36 East 7tii street, for S. Pollitz. G. A. Derschuch was Interested as broker in the recently reported sale of No. 137 Bleecker street to the Brown Realty Com pany. THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MANHATTAN. BECOXD AVEXUI'S— Miller. M iMa&fl & Donley sold for ilrs. Carbrey No. 89 Second avenue, a tout story tenement house, on a. Jot 24.3x1<X» feet. The Joining house, at the northwest corn'r of •"•':. street. \ve« recently avid by Wendolla J. NauEs. SEVENTH AVENUE— S. B. Goodala a- Son tcid 'or J<ia A. CaUatln to the Madison Square Kortsan Company the five story store and tr:»emtnt house No. 281 Seventh avenue on a lot 21sT<» feet, beins the southeast corner of 2Cth trrett. This deal completes the purchase by clients of B. B. Goodale & Son of the block front on j-evemh e.v«nue, b*twn"a 25th and 'Mia streets, with an average depth cf 114 Beat. TKXTH AVENCE- Gillen & Etryk«r and D D. f=myth sold for George W. Thurston the *i •■ »tcry building So. 288 Tenth avenue. 24.8x100 leet, to Jacob Levey. ISTII STREET— Peter P. filial IJ wild for <.--<.rg« G. Jackson >."<- 316 W. st lfth str^t a four story dwelling house, oa a lot Lijji!»2 feet to tallian C. Suerry. 21ST STREET— Robinson, Charts £. Krown i; Co. «o!i3 for Eliza A. Newel] to Charles J. Wlrth No. 140 West 21st street, 23x02, a. three fctcry and basement, dwelling house. 17TH STREET— M. &L. Hess «old for Julia A. Blrd»»-ye and William G. Jones, to the Realty Holding Company, Ma 214 West S7ta street, 20.10x130. 7:ST STREET— Henry D. Wloans & May oold one lot on south side of 71st atreet. 47 fi feet ■cat of Madison avenue. The lot in 22.6x100.8 ftit. The purchaser will erect a high grade modern dweliir.p house on the site for his own occupancy. This lot Immediately adjoins on the east the 50 feet jt<eniiy sold by the Mime firm to C. W. Luyeter. Jr., who is erecUn* two mod ern residency tor m.]r purposes. There only re mains utibol-J of th« entire Lenox Library block one lot. 22.6x100.5. 720 STREET— DanieI £. McElroy Bold NO. 40 West 72d street, a four Btory dw«Uina house, 00 a lot 25x102.2 feet. 73D STREET— Ha rry Parker son for Kate Schraltt to C. B. Taylor No. 132 East "ZA street, a three etory anl bascmant atoae front dwelling bouee. on a Jot 15xiu22 fett. near Lexington avenue. Mr. Taylor nil; occupy ihe premleea. 3CTH KTllilDT—KuTi & Vrta scij for Uie XEYT-YOKR DATLY TRIBUXE. THURSDAY, MAY tft 1010. Johnston— Umstead Realty Company No. 172 East OCth street, a lour story Cathouse, on a plot 30x 100.8 feet. ..--,' 09TH STREET— Sheldon & Backer and K-mpe 4. Cohen sold for the Congregation Pincus Elijah No. 14ti West P9th street, - a three Btory and basement dwelling house. . >.-.;. 158T1I STKEKT— & Calhoun sold for Charles A. Chri^tman to a client the three story and basement No. Sl» West 13Sth street, on a plot 16.8x100 feet. The buyer purchases this house for occupancy. •"- r '-*'-.. IN THE AUCTION ROOMS. The auction offerings to-day at the Heal Estate Exchange salesroom. Nos. 14 and 16 Vesey street, will be as follows: /•..;. By Joseph P. Day. S2D ST, 43 to 47, n s, 123 ft c of Broadway. &9xf*&.B, J2 sty Hotel rierrepont; vol sale. PARK AYE, w s. block front between 40th' and 41st fts. 15»7.6x230x irres xl3o "7 sty Murray | Hill Hotel; aieo Aye B. s w cor 16th st, 129. 1 x 170. 6 x lrreg, 4 sty tenmts and stores end three. 6 ! sty tenmts in rear; Van Norden Trust Co, j exrs. »St F J M Dillon at al: Johnston & J, I attys: J E McDonald, ref; partition, ] 07TH ST. 125. ns, 228 ft wof Columbus aye, i 16x100.1t. 4 atjr dug: D B Freedman agt George ! fniith, jr. et at: H M Bellinger, jr, atty: James | Frank, ref ; amt due, $4,5&2 59; taxes, etc, ! $302 70. 2D AYE. 1854. s c cor 96th st. 25.8x100. 5 sty i tenmt anJ stores: C L Harned agt Mamie j Kenny et al: T D Day. jr. atty; Frank Cochrane, I ref; amt due. $27,570 16; taxes, etc. $636 75. . By Bryan L. Kennelly. IS4TH ST. 442, s a, 418.4 ft c of Willis aye. | 18.4x100, 3 sty <Jwg : W H Macy. jr, et al a?t T ! J O'Kane et al: W B & G F Chamberlin. attys; j H E Deming, ref; arm due, $5.472 34; taxes, etc, $1,156 -47. By D. P. Ingraham & Co. 21STH ST. 8 b, OQB ft \v of Barnes ava, sOx ! 114, Wakefleld; Kingston Securities Co agt ! Katharine Kieran et al; Gifford. H & B. attys; | C X Morgan, ref; amt due, $2,352 03; taxes, etc, | J. 752 70. j Che auction sales held yesterday resulted 1 as follows: OX THE PREMISES. AT NOON. By Parish, Fisher & Co. „ WILLIAM ST. &0-82, c B. block front bet Liberty st and Maiden lane, 72.8x25.7x61.11x 32.7; 12 sty Wolfe b'.dg; special master's sale, 1 by ord"r of V S Circuit Court; Edward L. Par | ris, ep«cla] master. Adjourned to June 1. AT 14 VESEY STREET. By Joseph P. Day. 4L*L> ST 245. n c. 282.6 ft c of Sth a\«, 18.0 xIOO. 4 sty <3wlk; also 42d st, 249. n s, 218.9 ft c of Bth aye, 15.95100, 4 sty dwUt; also 43d st. 256 and 266. 8 s, 227.6 ft <; of 8 aye. 52-6*100.4, ; two 5 Sty tpnmts; also 43(3 st, 260 and 262. s s, 170 ft c of Bth aye, 52.6x100.4. two 5 sty tenmta: to the defendants for $312,000; also LEXINGTON AYE. 1717. c 6. 50.11 ft n of I 107 th st, 16.5x65, 4 sty tenmt; ICltcbe] Lehman ct al, trustees, sgt lfltcbel Lehman et al; Gug genheimer, C & M attys; Samson Jjaehman, r-f : partition; to the New Amsterdam Realty Co for ; $10,150. 54TH ST. 345, n s, 250 ft c of Oth aye, 2Bx 43.8x25.2x46.10, 4 sty t^nmt; Theresa Govern agt T M Weiss et a!; Louis Wendel, jr. atty; J W Russell, ref; partition; to Murtha & Hanson ..or $10,100. 9STH ST, 324, b s. 350 ft c of 23 aye. 2,*0t10C.0, 1 and 2 sty Ud« and store; East River Savings Institution "apt James King et air Hitch ings & P. attys; G H Bruce, ref: amt due. §3,353 05; taxes, etc. $317 41: cub to a tax lien of ?15i 60; withdrawn. : EXTERIOR ST. ye. 1170 ft nof 150 th st, runs w 389.6 ft to Harlem River, x n 112. Ix c 2iS.»x n 75.6 x c 145.8 x ■ ISB.B, leasehold; Knickerbocker Trust Co, as trustee, agt Fire prooflne Mfg Co et a!; Davis, S & A, attye; Abraham Item, ref; amt due, $117.95202; ad- ■ journed to May 25. EAST CHESTER LANDING RD» s w cor White Plains turnpike, runs s ti- 159. n w 152.5 X c 111.11; also Fischer's Lancing rd. s ft cor White Plains rd, runs s a 746. 1 x 3 2£9.3 to Boston Post rd. x w 2'*4.7x n 204 x w 190.0 x 9 175.1 x n «• 422.7 x D 628.5: M J Hayiland apt L X V Lane et a!: Clock- & C. attys; J H, Dougherty, ref, partition; adjourned to June 1. : BEDFORD AYE, 1018-1022. w », 237 ft a of DeKilb are, Brooklyn. 72.9x100; three 4 sty flats; bankruptcy sale, adjourned to June 1. CRUGER AYE. n c cor road to West Chester, j runs n 34.9 to 20S ' st x c 200 Mto Honand ■ .re to road to West Chester x -w 221.3. Wakefteld. j E A Knersl agt Hale Building and Realty Co j c . al: F - Ki-r'.!, atty: A 3 Levy. ntiMt due. : $4.91»77; taxes, etc, 100 66; to the plaintiff for j 13,000. By Samuel Marx. CHERRY ST. 85 and 37. 6 s, 79 ft \r of Roose velt st, 32.9x75.1x32.9x74.8: two 4 sty fnmts and stor=3 ard 4 ety tenmt In rear; Louis .Dansicy | apt Woolf Fish et al; Rosenthal & to ettys; II P Dottenheim. ref: amt doe, $i.0?4 10: taxes, etc. $87 70 rob to a first mtg of $16,000; to the plain tiff for $IS,OOO. .. • RECORDED LEASES. (With name and address of lessee.) MAT 18. AMSTERDAM AYE, 573; "tore; Gertrud* R Kilter toiler Koebel; 8 jrs from Jan 1. 1910; $1,600; address. 573 Amsterdam aye. BKOADWAV w p. S5 ft r. of 9"d st; north h»K of store; -Julius BasWn to Louis Blau; 4 s .io 0 V from May 1. 1910; $1,200; address. Room 1203. 140 Nassau st. CLINTON ST 25; north store; M orris Mar koi-itz to Samuel Engel; 1 yr from Jan 1. 1910; $720; address. 25 Clinton st. TON" IVE 681; store-; Hermine Ha!f manrj to Albert Wetoer; 3 m from May 1, 1910; $720: address, 651 Elton aye. LOXGWOOD AYE, w s. 225 ft w of Hewitt Place, 100x100; Samuel Lachman and ano to DamacctM Amusement Co: 1 yr from April 1. 1910, with option to purchase or 29 cars renewal; taxes and $4,000; aaaress, Room 607, 35 Xassau sU LUDLOW ST. 19; store, etc; Kate B^ff** to Morris Friedman: 2 yrs from May 1. 1910; $1,260; address, 139 Division st. , MANHATTAN AYE. 507. n w cor 121 st; an: Harry Schwitzer to Lillie V Richards: 4 7-12 yra: $1,500; address. 507 Manhattan ay«. ORCHARD ST, 62, third loft; Joseph Cohen to Samuel L. Bllbersteta: 1 yr from May 1, 1S10; $900; address. 62 Orchard st. PROSPECT AYE. 1420. 43.6x122.6x fares: Sam u. ! to M Morgenthau. jr. Co; 3 yrs from May 1, 1910; $2,940; address, 95 Liberty st. PIER (new) 66. at West 26th st, N B, with land under water, wharfage, etc; City of New JTork to Lehigh Valley .Railroad Co; 10 yrs from April 1. 1910; $31,500; address, 43 Liberty st. 2D AYE, 2153. store, etc; Lizzie L. Ball to F Fortunato and ano: 5 yrs from March 1, 1910; $1: address, 2183 2d aye. 7TH I VF ■'919. s c cor 116 th st, ground floor, etc; "George H Huber to William B R'.ker & Son Co; 10 yrs from May 1, 1910; $5,000; ad dress. 373 Sth aye. 16TH ST, 132 and 134 West: estate of S Long street to Georpe and Josephine Weir: 6 yrs from May 1, 1910: $2,600; address, 132 West 16th st. . I 23D ST. 130 East, all: Frederick C Beach and ano to John B Friob: 7 vts from May 1. 1910; $4,000: address. 120 East 23d st. 26TH ST. 334 and 336 East, all; Pauline Mil ler to Concetta Parmuta; 3 yrs from June 1. l£:09; $5,160; address, 336 East 2Cth st. S2D ST * s. 220 ft w of 4th M*. 40.1x95.9: Drenta Corporation to William R McClellan; 21 yrs from April 16, 1210; $16,000; address. 17 Bioadway. 116 TH ST. 11 and 13 West: Daniel A Doran to Bernard Young; 10 yrs from Sept 1. 1910; $15, 0U0; address, 11 West 116 th st. 125 TH ST, 21S East, all; Rachel Ranger et al to Louis Repettl: 10 yrs from May 1. 1910; $1,550; address. 315 East 104 th St. 188 TH ST. 361 East, *att store; Louis Schmidt to William Weber; 3 m from May 1. 1910; $570; address. 361 East ISStfa st. RECORDED TRANSFERS. (With tamo and sJdress of purchaser.) MAY I°. MANHATTAN %VB A, 67th Et, SSth Ft and Exterior et. the block, Jolm S Kennedy to Preebyterian Hospitii, May 6, 190W; $100; address, 41 East 70lh rt. A VET C. 297. 20x0<5; foreclosure; May 3, 1920; John J McCauley. ref. to Levl Mun&on, of Port Warhington, Long- Island: May o, $8,000; address. Room 610. 140 Nassau st. BROADWAY, a c cor 178 th St. 76.1x90.1x lrrfg; George R Read to Cllft! Construction Co (mts; $50,000); May 1«5; $100; address. Broad way and Academy St. COEXTIES SLIP, 26. 20x51x irrrg; 5 sty brk; City Real Estate Co to the Trustees of St Luke's Retreat in City of New York; b and j s; May 17; $1; address, 176 Broadway. CLINTON ST, ■ ■ cor Dclanoey st. 5.7 x 100; Clinton Ft. 125, 25x100; Pincu* Lowenfeld ; t<t al to Chanticleer Realty Co (mtg (20,000); I May 10; II; address, 140 Broadway. CLINTON ST, s w cor Delancey ct. 01. ! too Chanticleer Realty Co to Abraham Col lier 'mis $92,000); May 37; $100; address, 73 Trinklin si. <:Oi:XTIES SLIP. 22, 20x51x irreg; 5 sty brk; City Real Estate Co to the Trustees of St Lukn'a Retreat; b and s; May 17; $1; ad dress, 17, Broadway. HESTER st, 111, 24.7>r>0; 5 sty brk; Bar nard Spector to Qussle Spector; all title; cor rection deed; all Ileus; Jan 28; $1; address, 116 Hist 74th st. LENOX AM-:. SiS, 19X80, 4 sty brk: Robert Ferguson ■> al to Cbarlea A Frrguson; all .nie. b and 3. all liens; Mi., 18; $100; address, 11)0 Broadway. :■ . i SrADISOX AYE, ■ w cor 110 th st. 24.11x100; Madison aye, w i, 24.10 ft s of ll Oth st 19x100; Mary King to Raeh*l Kins: Outs: 555,000); May 17; gift; address. 51 West 125 th Bt. PARK AYE. 1004 and 1066, 33.4x80, 3 sty brk; John H Gray to Augustus H Gray: }a part; «i c; May 10; $1; address, 1064 Park .:■••■ , SAME PROPERTY; Augustus B Gray to Hf-nry C Darling (mtji $25,000); May 12; 51; address, came as abovs. PITT ST w s. 75 ft n of Delancey st. 2.">x75: Theme Well to Isak M Scboenfeld (/at* $10, ywi; May 16; $10*'; address, 519 East nth r>t. BPRINO ST. 19. 26.9x110.10; Salvatore SSuocaro to Camela Zuccaro; May 17; $100; address. Boon 40<», 192 Bowery. THOMPSON .ST. M, 18.9x94. 3 sty brk: Nicola • li-. •'■>..» to Antonio Montana (mtg $15, SOO); May 14; $400: address. 19 Spring st. WATER ST. .142 24.9x63 IWe irreg. 4 "'v brk; Martin Oarone to Milla Anselonl (mtg $8,800); May IS; WOO; address. 17 Fulton Market. WEST END AVK BBS, 30x92; Juliet B Earl to Edna w Tunis (mt« $23,000); May IS; $100; address. Room 1.901, 43 Exchange pL 3D AYE. 325 to 331. T8.11X9T.7. fi sty brk: Marks Rosenberg to Harry Eandler; ft part; an title; May 0, $100; address, 26 Lenox aye. OTH AYE, b w oar S7th st. 100.8x25; George and John Koch, txrs, to Louisa Appell; May IS. : address. 353 West 29th st. 11TH aVB, 6tO arid '•',-- £o.lxloo. 4 sty brk: Hy NecbcJs fn O.«car Wolf imtg $2?.000): May 14; «1 address, 51 Maiden I^ne. 32D ST. 31 f.. 173 (t c of 11th avt, 5&k:iS.D; j £ia*ac! Wwwlck aaJ aau i; Arthur C Cronin | I imtg $14,000); c a g; May IS; $100: address, 115 West S2d Et. . 33D ST. c 8. 100 ft c of .11th aye. I;** 9*-*:9 *-*: sam- to same (mtg $60,000); May IS; $100, ad dress, same as above, *3»TH ST. n s, 340 ft c of 2d are. 40*97.0: Michaele Voceoll to .Tames E Brande. 4 part (rntg $41.O0O)t May IS; $1; address. Room 111* 346 Broadway. 36TH ST, n 5. 415.C ft c of Rth aye. r 8 ( > S i?. : Jacob Becker to l'hillipina Becker: April 60, »i. address. Room 1116, 140 Nassau st. 37TH ST. 14 West, 23.10x95.9. • sty brk: Frances G Alexander to Alcllmac Realty Co, q c; May 4; $1"; address, below. SAME PROPERTY; same to &f»tne <nUg $66,200): May 4; $100; address. 120 Broadwaj. 48TH ST. 308 West, 16.8x100.6, 3 sty brk; Mary Pelaney to Annie and Mary Farley: May 18; 5100; address, 340 East 44th st. - / 46TH ST 341 West, ' 19.6x100.5. 3 sty brk: j "Benjamin F Edsall. exr. to Catharine. Helen ana 1 Teresa McCabe, M part (mtg $10.0-^ : May 17. ! $4,000; address. 78 Linden et. Fall River. Mass. SAME PROPERTY: Elizabeth Coulthard and John C King to same (mtg $10,000;; May 17. $100; address, same as, above. 64TH ST. 13 and 15 West. &0xlO0.5:_ Fcrdiriand Krentner and ano to William " *£ osl J M J m , « i $38,000); b and s and c s. May IS; $100; address. I 39 West 42d st. ) 6CTH ST, ns, 150 ft eof Lexington aye 25x 100.5; Bessie L. and Luis P Rondello to Rob^t E Bowling, all title; 41; address. 165 Broadway. SAME PROPERTY: Central Trust Co of New York, trus, to saviie. all title; May 1«: $1; ad dress, same as above. 82D ST, s 8, 100 ft tr of West End aye , 25t 102.2; Richard H Gatlins: to the Wawrs-^atHni Importing Co, a corporation (mtg $24,000). May 17; $100; address, 45) Liberty st. 97TH ST. 14S West. 16.2x100.11. 3 ety brk; ! Margaret E Morris to Anna J Johnson; May IS, $100; address, 71 West 48th st. 113 TH ST. s 8. 235 ft c of Park aye. IfcTx I 100 11: Philip Karuss to Leonard Weiss (mtg I $7,500); May 11; $1; address, 341 East 52d st 119TH ST, 302 and 304 Eaat.soxflo.lo. 6 sty brk; Julius M Zittel to Sarah BuckbinderfmtK I $39,000); March 11; $1; address. 802 East 119 th st. 122b ST. 447 and 448 East. 45x100.10; Jacob X Simon to Saxor.ton Realty Co; all Hens; , I May 18; SluO; address, •}-'.-> Broadway. ; }">"!) ST 323 West. 19x100.11; 3 sty brk; ! Robert Ferguson et al to Robert F Ferguson; ! b and si all Hens; all title; May 18; $100; ad ! dress, 119 Manhattan aye. 129 TH ST. n s, 425 ft w of 7th aye, IS.Ox 99.11; Catharine E O'Brien to Anna M i O'Brien; May 10; $1; address, 243 West 129 th rt. lUTH ST. 4r.3 West. -17x99. 11; 4, sty brk: Edwin H Peck to Oscar R Cauchols (jntg $7,000); May 16; $100; address, S Pearl st. THE BRONX. BATHGATE AYE. 2418, 20.5x59.1t; Wlrth Realty and Construction Co to Karl Ludwig j i (mtK $6,500); May 17, $300; address, lt>s_ ; j Ist aye. ■ . ' . i BARNES AYE. w B, 01 ft n of 226 th st. i 25x103, Wakefleld: foreclosure; April ft. 19 V?'. Willlaru G Palllster, ref. to John i' ±>oyie. $6,800; address, 562 West 116 th et. BOSTON ROAD, vr s, JsSO.B ft a of Jullanna st. 50.1x139x Irref, Olinville; John J Fay to T,.hn Pkehan: all title; b and s; April 18. , 1904; 91 ; address. SOS 3d aye. PROTONA AYE, s c cor Fall-mount Place, j 40x90; Lowenf-ild to Alexander Rosen- ■ berg (mtg 54.000): May 16; $1; address, -10 | East 40th st. 1 ELTON AYE. n c cor 160 th st. 51x100; Xoble & Gass Construction Co to Philip Dink*;' (mtg $88,000>: May 17; $100; address, 2022 Amsterdam aye. 69TF FT. n s, 150 ft c of Lexington aye. 25x100 5: Mary A Yerkes to Robert E Dow ling; May 13; $1; address, 165 Broadway. JACKSON AYE, 1046. 17.3x87.6; Charles Schweiger to Mary Schweiger, of Newark, N J; ail title ('mtg $6,300); May 12; $100. SAME PROPERTY; Mary Schweiger to j Joseph Ertelmuth (mtg $6 300); May 12; $100; j address, 803 East 106tli st. TOT 135 map of Beton Homestead, at. Westchester: John Bergsten to Charles A Meyer, of Chicago; $1; at dress, car* of Karl son, 213 East 57th st. LOT 786 to 796. amended map Section C of Vvsa estate; Fleischmann Realty and Con struction Co to the S & F Realty Co. a cor poration (mts $40,000); May 2; $100; address, ■ 170 Broad « LOTS 130 and 130 A. lota near Williams brtdge station, 50x100; Nina Miller to Fran- . cesco Carbpno; all liens; Feb 17; $100. ad- j dress. Room 410. 209 Broadway. MANIDA ST. ws, 200 ft ■of Spottord a"< e, j 25x100; Leo Levinson to Martha Realty Co (mtg $6,000); May 13; $100; address. 1135 • Clay aye. ' PARK* WE, n w cor 189 th Bt, 90x68.9x irreg; William McGowan to Anthony F Koeble fmtg 17.250); Dec 30, 1009; $100; address, «1 Xassau st. PA.RK WE. -vr a. 85 ft n of lS9th st. runs to « s Jot map Rebecca Bassford at Ford ham x Irreg; same to same; '.-> and 3 and c g; Dee 30, 1909; $100; address, 71 Nassau st, PROSPECT 'WE W 3, 34.11 ft s of 165 th -t 65x156.11 Max Cohen et al to Samuel Brenn-; q c <mte: $9,500); April 26; $100. SAME PROPERTY; Samuel Brener to Mer cury Realty Co. May 16; $100; address, 59* Prospect avc- . , tROSPECT AYE, 6 s. c.9.5 ft s of 170 th st, 43 6x122 6; Abraham Koslin to Samuel Han dell, June 26, 1908; $100; address. 157e Broad way: 12TH ST, n a !<">t 527, map Nicholas W Stuy veiant 24*3x103.3; Salvatore Slmmatore to Fiancesca P Sportaro; April 14; $100; address, Room 409. 193 Bowery. 134 TH ST. 6 s, 495.6 ft c of Willis aye, 17 10x100; Me'E Blohm and ano to Isldor Fleckenstein: May 17, $5,500; address, 450 East 134 th st 13-TH ST 627 East, 25x100; Frank Krother to Richard Krother (mtg $11,000); May 17; $100; j address, 373 East 156 th st. iSST" ST, 417 East, 16-SxlOO; Gertrude I Grummoo to Otto F Koemer; May 17; $1; ad- 1 dress. Room 1210. 30 Broad st. 161 ST ST. 409 East, 25x114.4; Ella Benker to j Jos' Ph B Zellman; May 17; $100; address, 349 Lenox aye. T6STH ST. s c vr of Boston rd, being part lot 124, map C Morrisania. begins at B eer lot 124, run' 61. "x ins: Max Cohen to Francis C\ Lenes; May IS (mtg 555,000), $100; address. ! Room 1029. 150 Nassau St. IS7TH ST, n c s, 50 ft s c ci Hughes aye, 25x j 100- Lucia di Menna to Giovanni Russo and Francesco Barba (mtg $2,200); May 16; $1; ad dress, 277 Broadway. RECORDED MORTGAGES. (With name and address of lender's attorney.) Interest 5 per cent, unless otherwise stated. MAY 13. MANHATTAN". AYE D, n w cor Bth st, 108x105, TJnionport: May 16; 8 yra; Frederic Muhlhan to Elsa X C.auss; $4,500; attorney. Lawyers Title In surance and Trust Co. 160 Broadway. AMSTERDAM AYE. 8 w cor 173 d st, 41x100; i 5 sty brk (prior mtg $50,000); May 16; 5 yrs, 6 1 per cent- Frederick Helse and ano to Louis Ro ! senberg and ano; $10,000; address, 50 Pine st. AUDU3OX AYE, * s. 98.9 ft n of 175 th st, I 101x95x irreg; bldg loan; May 16; 1 yr, 6 per j cent: Munden Construction Co to Simon Gott— ! schall: $11,000: attorneys. EUrenberg & Manne, i 40 Court st, Brooklyn. I BARCLAY ST, 3 and X,, 25x75: 5 sty brk; i April 23: due June 28, 1915, 4^ per cent: Eliza ! beth Kennedy to Bank for Savings in City of '• New York: $10,000; attorneys. Strong & Cad j walader. 40 Wall st. # BAYARD -ST, 49; 5 sty brk, 23x84.11; May 18; 0 yrs, 4% per cent: Max Welinsky to Union ! Trust Co; $25,000; attorney, F de P Foster, 18 j Wall ft. BROAD ST. 44. 20.4x162x irreg; May 16: 5 I yrs, 4% per cent; "Wall Street Journal Builclng ! Co 'to Charles De Rham ami ano; $300,000; at ! torney, F de P Foster, IS Wall st. I SAME PROPERTY (prior niter $300,000); May j 16; 3 yrs; same to same; $73,000; attorney, same as above. CLINTON ST, s w cor Delancey st, 51.4x100 (prior mtg — ): May 11; 1 yr,' 6 per cent; Chanticleer Realty Co to Pincus Lowenfeld and ano; $32,000; attorneys. Arnstein & Levy, 128 Broadway. LEXINGTON AYE, a s, 20 ft n of 106 th st, 26.11x22.9; May 16: 3 yrs. 4^i per cent; Caroline Jaeger to Momefiore Home; 515.000. . SAME PROPERTY (prior mtg $15,000); May 17; 3 yrs; same to Samuel E Jacobs; $400; ad dress. 131 West 42d st. LEXINGTON AYE, 8 c cor S3d st. 102.2x3.10; May 18; due June 1. 3933, 4% per cent; Com bined Real Estate Interests to United State* Trust Co; $40,u00; attorneys, Stewart & Shearer. 45 Wall st. MOTT ST 66. 2-1x94; 4 sty brk (prior mtg 9— >■ Way 10: 1 vr. 6 per cent; Giuseppe Colombo \ to Nicola Colombo; $700; attorney. G Lordo. 62 I Mulberry St. PITT ST. w s. 75 ft n of t>elaneey st. 25x75: May 7 - instalments. 6 per cent; lnak M Schoen feld to Theresa Well; $1,000; attorneys, Weil & Mayer. 5 Beekmao st. SOUTH ST, 242. 27xfl0x irres; 5 sty brk; April 23; 2 % r.s, 6 per cent: Jesse .Price to Gus tav« Lindenrneyr and ano; $2,00o; attorney, X 1 Kirtland, 68 William st. THOMPSON ST, 88. 1 .9x94; 3 sty brk (prior rot;; $ — >: May 3; flue March 1. 1913; 6 per cent; Nicola Cialgano td Leah Cohn; $3,000; address, 19 Aye A. WATER ST. 342. 24.6x63.1; 4 sty brt (prior n-tR $8,500): May 18; due Not 17. 1913; « per cent: Milia Ancolonl to Martin Oarone; $4,oui>; attorney. Max Keve. 350 Nassau at WEST END AYE; c --, 60.8 ft n of 10M st, 90x92 (prior mtg $— ): May 18} 1 yr, »l per cent; Edna W Tunis to Juliet B Earl; $13,000; attor neys. Johnston & Johnston. 256 Llrcadway. 6TH AYE 594, » c cor JC-th at. lS.9x»!O; Ma s' 6 m *'■- pur cent; Henry McAleenan to Mercantile Trust Co. as truatee; $125,000; at torneys. Alexander * Green, 120 Broadway. 9TII A\ E. n w cor r.7th st. 100x25: May 38; .-, vrs 4V- pec cent; Louisa Appell to Seamen's Bank for Savlni 1; $40,000; attorneys. Strong & Cac!walad«r. 40 Wall «t. 12TH ST MB West, 22x80; 3 Bty brk (prior' rots $— ); May 17 j 1 >r 0 pcr 'rent; adelfa A Slei«l)t to Ella X Andrews; 5750; attorney, Jj p Edsull. 35 Nassau st. 13TH ST 352 East, 21x103.3; 5 sty brk: April 14- due as par bond; On tav Hilborn to Qustav Llj»pmann; 918,000; attorney, a h Bahwara, 25 Broad st. ■ 15TM ST "3SB and 340 East. 42x103.3. 7 sty brk; May 10- B'yrs ■«'■■ por ■:■': Carrie K. n.liifini to Homa for incurables; 900.000; attorneys, Roose velt Si Kobbe, 44 Wall st. 22D BT. 418 W*6t. 15.*ix75, 5 *ty trk; May 16; a yrs' William B Montgomery '•• Lawyer* Title Insurance and Treat Co; $9, Of*); address, 160 broad way. 24TH ST. 31« Ea5t. ,18.9x08.9. 4 sty brki May 18- due ftc as per bond; Mary E HuviUind to Title Qoantntoe and Trust Co; $ti.00O; andreas, 176 Broadway. 27TH ST. 40 sad *2 West. 46.4s Irrei 4 at) brk- Mai 19; 5 yrs; Realty Holding Co to Mont rest' ni>ulty Co; |2i,ooo;;addr«Mi, tV7 Broadway; : .".7TIT-NT 1 k s. 21." f- v.- «i r»to »y». iri.Jrtx;^,O; : May -4 due •» per bouU. .Uciiinac Realn- Co to Francis G Alexander; $66,200; address. 1-0 Rto Francis G Alexander: . $60,200; addres*. 120 edway. CD ST. 308 West. 2T>xO3.. 5 sty brk; Wnk- Josephine F Brown to Franklin Savings Ban*. $10,000; attorney. W M Powell. 29 Wall st. 43D ST, ■ s. 300 ft w of Bth are. »£ 1< * ) -°j May IS; 5 yns.' 4', per cent; Peter HA nor to Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; $C.OW. au dress, 51 Chambers st. 45TH ST. 141 to 147 West. 68 .6xloo ♦• 3 "*£ brk; May 18; demand. 6 per cent: OT^>'%^,. Street Exchange to Mary C Stewart; **•"• attorneys, Butts & Vinlng. Gl Chambers si. , 45TH ST. 23 West. 25x100.5. 4 sty *; 111^ a '! 17; 6 yrs. 4 per cent;' Isaac J Mayer to * v »! o P Draper; $50,000; attorney. W I Taylor. a Rector c t. 4STH ST. 308 West. 1«.5x100.5. 3 sty brk: May 18; due, etc. as per bond- Annie ana Mary Farley to Mao- Delaney; $13,250; attorney, Joseph T Ryan. 149 Broadway. 55TH ST, ss. 100 ft eof 10th aya v SS* l^' May 11; 3 yrs. 4*4 per cent: AHda B Enimet and ano to New York Life Insurance and. Trust. Co; $50,000; attorney. W T Emmet. 52 TV all si. 62D ST. 8 East. 25x100.5. 6 sty brk (prior rate $140,000); Feb 10; 2 yrs, 4 per cent; Warner van Ncrden to Hiram Barney; $100,000; attorney. E Chrystle, 2 Hector St. SBTH ST. 330 West. 75x100-8: ,y, y_ 15 ; tT ««• July 1. 1915. 4% per cent; Cummins Construc tion Co to E Matilda Zleßler et al; $225,W". attorney. William J Underwood. 82 William st. 04TH ST. 330 East. 25^100. 5 sty brk; May IT: due as per bond; Margaret McGranahan and ano to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; $10,000; aa dress, 176 Broadway. »7TH ST. 143 West. I*2xloo. 3 sty brk: May IS; 5 yrs: Anna J Johnson to Margaret X Morris, $14,000; attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 176 Broadway. 105 TH ST. 128 East. 36.5x100.i1; May 17, 8 sty brk: due as per bend; Theresa R Spear to .Title Guarantee and Trust Co; $6,000; address. 176 Broadway. 114TII ST 19 East. 25x100. 5 sty brk: May 11 ; due June 30. 1013: Solomon Hollander to Annette Blrnbaum; 54,000; attorney, Leon S Kaiser. 13- Nassau st. 114TII ST. IS East, 25x100 8 sly brk : (prior mtg 524,500): May 14; ■* yrs. 6 per cent, Samuel Gordon to Morris Goodfriend and ano. $-,3W. attorney. Geza Eishhorn. 7 Beekman St. 121 ST ST. 112 West. 22x100. 4 sty brk: Charles Rilev to Sarah E Furnald; May 18: l **• $20,000; attorney. R B Kelly. 170 Broadway. 123 D ST. 525 West. 33.4x100.11. 6 sty ™ (prior mtg $37,000); May 16; due a. per bond* Julia Shea to James S Shea; $3,000; attorneys. G B & E Goldschmidt, 34 Pine st. 182 D ST. 532 West, 18x70, 3 sty frame: May 17: due etc as per bond; Go**™**!***? Title Guarantee and Trust Co; $3,000; address, 176 Broadway. AYE C, s c cor Bth ~ et, 38x105, Unlpnport; May 11: 3 yrs. 5£ per cent; Frank Gas- to Henry Dannenfelser; $5,000; attorney, *red Judge, 2215 Westchester aye. ALEXANDER AYE, 308 to 312. 50x100 (prior mtjr $5,000); May 16, due as per bond; ™*P Clark to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; *-/JW, address. 176 Broadway. ALEXANDER AYE, 273, » w cor 130 th st. 16.5.X75; May IS: due as per bond; Emnia Blauner to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; *<,uw. address, 176 Broadway. BELMONT AYE. 2147. 17.8x«5.»; May 17: due as per bond; Julian A Bernstein and Bernard Bernstein to Antoinette Finck; £1.500; attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 1«6 Broadway. BELMONT AYE. v c cor 179 th St. 100x31.11; May 17- 3 yrs; Theodore D Malcolm Construc tion Co 'to Thomas C Stephens; $20,000; address. 3651 3d aye. " BOSTON AYE. s c s, 443 ft n c of Perot at, 24. 6x72. 6x irreg; 2 yrs. 6 per cent; Joseph Pcl senski to Thomas B Lavey; $500; attorney, Red mond & Co, 22Sth st and Broadway. BATHGATE AYE. 2418, 20.5x89.11; Ludwig Karl to Wlrth Realty and Construction Co (prior rate $6,500); May 17. Instalments; 6 per cent; $2,500; address, 1682 Ist aye. CASTLE HILL AYE, n c cor Parker aye, 16.4 x —: May 18; due June 1, 1013; fc 1 * per cent; Elizabeth or Elise Herbert to Dollar Sav ings Bank; $3,000; attorneys. Mackellar & Wells, 43 Cedar st. CLAY AYE, 1240. 4O.SxSO; May 16; instal ments; 5 per cent; Katharina Brandt and ano to Kate Scblck; v $6,510; attorney, George A Stein mtiller, 1513 3d aye. CAULDWELL AYE, n w cor 15Sth st. 72-4 x 100 (prior nug $18,000); May 18; due Dec 30. 1914; 6 per cent: Wolf Burland to John Rlegel man; $5,000; attorney, Richard H Mitchell, S3 Park Row. FAIRMOUNT PL. s c cor Crotona avi», 90x40 (prior nits * — May 16; 1 jr. 6 pw cent; Alex ander Rosenberg to Isaac Lowenfeld; $6,250; at torneys. Arnstein & Levy, 128 Broadway. HEATH AYE. c s. 175.8 ft a of 230 th «t: 2 lots, each 20.10x100.7; 2 mtgs, each $7,500; May 18; due as per bond; Alexander Anderson to Caroline M Child et al. trustees; $15,000; at torney, Samuel Riker, Jr. 48 Cedar St. HEATH A Via c s. 279.10 ft a of 230 th st, 20.10x100.7; May IS; due as per bond; same to Mary V S AVinthrop; $7,500; attorney, same as above. HEATH AYE. « s. 217.4 ft s of 230 th st. 20.10x100.7: May IS; 3 yrs. 5H per cent; same to Lucy G Mooney. extrx; $7,500; address, 37 Wall et. LOT 45 map property New York Catholic Protectory; May l 4; 3 yr«. 6Va per cent; William Keeleher to Elizabeth X Doollng; $3,500; ad dress, 68 William at. LOT 786 to 796. map Section C. Vyse "state, Bronx (prior mtg $4O.<X»O); May 2; due Nov 2, 1911. 6 per cent; S & F Realty Co to Fleiseh mann Realty and Construction Co; $13,500; at torneys. Hays. Hershfield & Wolf, 115 Broadway. MAGENTA PL. c Lots 130 and 130 A. map building lots near Wiliiamsbridg'e station, 50x TOO- May 16; 1 yr, 6 per cent; Francesco Cer bone to Nina Muller; ?2,000; attorney, Conrad Muller. 299 Broadway. PHOSPECT AYE, tv s. 184.11 ft ? of 163 th et. 25x156x irreg; May 16; 1 yr, 6 per cent; Mercury Realty Co to Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co; $10,000. ■ • PROSPECT AYE, w s. 94.11 ft s of 165 th St.. 40x156. 10x Irreg : May 16; 1 yr. 6 per cent; same to 6ame; $37,500; address, 1.60 Broadway. ROBBINS AYE, c s, 4110 ft s of 152 d St. 50x 104- May 18; due as per bond; Froma Realty Co to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; $42,000; ad dress. 176 Broadway. BOBBIN? AYE. -. t. 98.7 ft s of 151 st st. 50x 104 (prior mtg $— ); May 14; 1 yr. 6 per cent; same to Joseph J Maaney; $40,000; attorney, Morris H 198 Broadway. UNION AYE. 1145. 16.10x100 (prior mtR $— ): May 16: due as per bond: Gaetano Viscardl to Manhattan Mortgage Co; $3,250. SAME PROPERTY (prior mtg $— ); May 18: due aa per bond; same to Magnus Baiim garten; $550; address, 199 Godwin st. Paterson, N J. WALES AVJ3. w s, 100.S ft n of 142 d st. 70.5 x 120.5, May 16: 5 yr?, 6 per cent; Vincent Valen tine Co to Th»o Van Amrlnpr": .$6,500; attorney. Burton C Meighan, 38 Park Row. WEBSTER AYE. c 8, 100 ft s of 17Sth st, 75x 158.11 (prior mtg $400,000); April 25; 3 yrs, •> p^r c?nt- Echo Amusement Co to Adolph Freund et al; 515.000; attorney. H A Blumcnthal, 100 Broadway. WEBSTER AYE. c s. 138.7 ft n of 177 th st. 75x158.11 (prior mtg $27,000); May 17; due as per bond; Adolph Freund to Lincoln Mortgage Co; $15,000; attorney, rams as above. WILLIS AVB. 1«9, w s. 25x100: May 10: 3 yrs- Rebekka GieiHlhaus to William H Berger; $7,000; attorney, Btlw F Mercells, 6» Wall st. 134 TH ST. b s, 495.6 ft c of Willis aye. 17.10 x 100; May 17: due aa per bond; Isador Fle«.-keii stein to "Jacob E Dohrmann; $3,500; address, 595 Willis aye. 13CTH ST, 301 East. 25x100 (prior mtg $S.OCO); liSy 11; yrs. 6 per cent; Annie Wirth to Her man F Neumann; $1,750: attorney. Title Guar antee and Trust Co. 176 Broadway. 137 TH ST. 373 East. 25x100 (prior mtgr $11,000»; May 16- 5 yrs, 6 per cent: Richard Krother to Frank J Nugeldinger: $3,000: attorney, United States Title Guaranty and Indemnity Co. 2u Vesey st. 151 ST ST. 409 East. 25x114.4: May 17; 9 yrs; Joseph B Zellman to Ella Benßer: $8,500; at torney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co, 176 Broad way. I<iBTH ST. 8 s, part lot 124. map Morrlsania. 61.5x101.2 (prior mtg $55.000>; May 18; 5 yra. 6 per cent; Francis C Lenea. of Montgomery, N T. to Max Cohen: $7,500; attorneys. Davis & Kauf man. 49 Chambers st. IS7TH ST. n c s. 50 ft s c of Hughea aye. 25x 100- May 16- due as per bond; Giovanni Russo and ano" to Lucia Dv Menna; 5600; attorneys, Curtis & Romagne, 277 Broadway. 206T8 ST, n s. at c 8 Busslngs Lane, 25xlOt»x irreg; May 17; 3 yrs; Theresa A O'Connor to Francis Killeavy; $5,000: attorney. Title Guar antee and Trust Co. 176 Broadway 236 TH ST. n c. 450 ft c of Kepler aye. 25x100; May 17- due as per bond; M<?llllo Construction Co to Sarah J O'Neill: $14,000; attorney. TiUa Guarantee and Trust Co. 176 Broadway. SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With name and address of lender's attorney.) MAY 18. •ALEXANDER AVK, 231. 233 and 255.73.5 x 75: Nov 6 11K>*«' Alexander Development Co to Frank Cecil: $14,000; attorney, Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co, l«0 Broadway. BROOMB ST, 23, 25x75; Dec 27. 1909; Mary Connolly to the Public Bank, New York City; $12,000: attorney. Tltlo Guarantee and Trust Co, 176 Broadway. BROOK AYE. a w cor l&3d ft. 50.1x58.4; Nov 9, lttuv the Mutual Bank to Joseph and Sophia Rueth; $10,000; attorneys. Rushmore. BUl**. Rosera L: Stern. 40 Wall st. BROOK AYE. s w cor 163 d st, same prop erty; Nov 8, 1007; Peretz Roaenfcer* «t ai to Joseph and Sophia Rueth;. $31,000; attorney* Wolf & Kohn, 203 Broadway. 42D ST. 415 -West. 20x100.4; May 1C 1906; Emil '. Kieger to Title Guarantee anil Trust Co; $10,000: addre»s. 176 Broadway. BOWERY. 107. s s, 2ix150; Dec 22. 1MB; Mix Mandrl Realty Co to Delia C. Levy; $15,000; at lOFneys.« Elaman, Levy, Corn Ac Le^.ine. U«J Broadway. COL.UMBTJB AVK. « cur (»th at. 30x100.5; West End .iv««. c h. 73.11 ft a of t«Mh st. lOWxlB; April 21V, IMS: Marie ■ Sherman to John Mc- Donald: $31,250; attorney. Frederic •'■*• i- io.iter, 10 Wall at. * ; .* -.' i'AIIIMdI'NT PL. ■ a, 451 ft « <■: Southern Bpuievard lo3x3&(te irr«- X : Oet 2l». !W»: *air mount ruction Oo to North Amt-ilcun il "> gas;« Co; $45,000; address, 10*.» Broadway. BUTTON I'U 'i w cor of CSth st, 20.3x8*5: April 1. 1!K)7: Henry P <ihi"i.i t.. AtMmasius Piilumnirri; $1,200; attorney, John JIM is. Park Row. 4TII AVK. 325. 20x«3; May 16. 1007: J-'amuel H iirdway t,, Title Guarantee and Trust <•>. $35,600; address, 176 Broadway. 7TH AYE. 781. 21.5x72.5: M 10. 1900: X>«U 7. Foniiaii to Susan H Olcott; $41,000: attorney. United Statee Guaranty and Indemnity Co, M Vesey at. 7TII AYE. 75:3, 72.5«15x trreij; J:in, 1% 19tC; Sutan B Oleott to Charlotte M Tytus: $\o.<**>. attorneys. Ktewart & Shearer. 45 Wall St. 7TH AYE. ,-, ,v, ;_•.. May 17. 1004: R«si ntild do S I».nf.iirnii .to Susan R Oleott; ?3'>. v-'S i.i attorney. M .Tumes McLaushlin. X.4 Broadway. 7TH AVI!; 755. 15x72.5: July J. 1001: 7th «%■*. 757. a«. 18x715: th«^ i: .... . ■ Savings Hank to Hunan n Ol»v>tt; 125. 0O); attorn»y. V f nl!«d ytate* Title Guaranty and liuVmnMy •■.. 'M V«*»y ■». -iU 3X. f, ■' 520.10 ft no 7tb «v», SO.lO^oiO; ! March 26, 1903: Margaret A and ano to the Lawyers Title Insurance Co; $18,0 c«. ■«■"■ ' 155 Broadway. - . • _ 23D ST. • ■. lots 525 to *&•*"?*?£%£? to Moore. lOOxOS.O; Dec 15. »SSB:D&N Edgar to William T Moore and wife; $12,000; attorneys. A P & W Man, CO Wall «t. r ST. a » 177.7 ft c of «tb •»• «»■•, • * to northerly face party **" tw# 2? J? ,?«•*? We.t 27th st x w oTl^x 4 «»« • w4H4to begt n n 7 n B: May 28 1*»: "^"JL^^ In? Co to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; $=tjO.0"O. address. I7tJ Broadway. _^ 89TH ST. 249 West. IS.SxOS.9; May Hugo A and Annie Harding to Title Guarantee and Trust Co; 113,500; address. 179 Broadway. 33D ST. • s. 900 ft c of 11th aye. BSj73_: March 18. 1804; New York Life Insurance and Tru*t • <> to Chllde H Chllds; $10,000: attorney*. Reeve* Todd & Swain. 165 Broadway. 48TH ST. 4-*0 West. ■ a. 13.9x100.5: «^ l!) 07: Helen Walter to Title Guarantee and Trust Co: $9,000: address, 176 Broadway. 51ST ST. 159 West, n s. 2&.i*75; July 85. 1«»: Charles Longhran and wife to East Rfver Par ings Institution: $10,000; attorney. J W C Lew eildge. 20 Vesey st. 513T ST. 157 West, n *. .10x25 Sx^Sx 100.5x25.6; July 23. 1S8»; same to same; $10,000. attorney, same. 51ST ST. 155 West, n m. 100.5x2«.4; July 23. 18S9; same to same; $10,000; attorney, same. 54TH ST. a 8. 50 ft c of Bth avw. 50x94. M; April 26. 1005; Albert Richardson to Mutual I*iie Insurance Co: $38,000; address, K> Cedar at. 54TK ST. s «. 200 ft c of Bth aye. 50xW0.5: April 3R. ISOT>: Albert L R!char«^«on and wife to lAwycrß* Title Insurance and Trust Co; $4«.oQt>; address. 160 Broadway. 112 TH ST. s s. 233.4 ft c of «th are. 53.4 X 100.11; Jan 17. 1901; Harry E and Sarah Click man to J Herbert Carpenter and William J Quintan. Jr. trus; $33.0U0; attorneys. W B * G F Caaniberlin. 136 TH ST, n ■• I.COO ft w% of Home are. 25x 100: May 15. 1800; George W Arthur to Pet*r Donald: $».50O: attorneys. Poor. Melllsa & Har ris, 45 Cedar at. 136 TH ST. n s. 1.025 ft w of Home aye, 23x 100: May 15. 1«>»; same to same; $0.500: attor neys. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co, 160 Broadway. 137 TH ST, 49 West, n s. 25x09.11: May 25. 1905; Rachel and Bessie Schweitzer to Lizzie L Brush: $18,300. attorneys. SUtt & Phillips, 113 Fulton st. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. MAY 18. Xorri.» Phillips to Rudolph Gross et al; all title: $500. I Jon Brewery to George Ehret. $5,000. Tomrnaao Giordano to Luigl Cilento. $5,000. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. w -\ — — — — — — — — — — — — - r -\ — — — m n At Auction Decoration Day Monday, May 30 j On the Premises, at 2 P. M., Rain or Shin*. 300 park lots 300 Wyckoff Park, L. I. j ATWOODHAVEN STATION, NEAR JAMAICA j jj, fL 14 Minutes from Flatbush Ay. Station. -<( Jamaica Ay. trolley passes property and the Union Coarse and Woodhaven stations of the L. I. R. R. are on property. This entire district is built up mostly with a good class of one and two family houses. 1 Terms of Sale 10% on day of sale, cash, check or savings bank book; 2Vi% each month until fully paid, or 20% in 30 days when you taat title. *K\CJ£r^ ma y remain on Bond and Mort- rrClf I / TO gage for 1. 2, or 3 years at OyQ \\\ Title Policies Free JLjJ^L || Send for Booklet C^^J Auctioneer, I 31 NASSAU ST.. 2*. T. C ' J A — — — — — — — — A —_=____ i ?90 CHOICE LOTS and THREE MODERN COTTAGES. adjoining station at ARKO€H_\K. STATES ISLA>~D. will be sold AT AUCTION*, by - GEORGE W. BARD, Auctioneer, on Saturday, June 25, at 2 P. 31., under tent, on premises. Diagrams. Photographs. Pull Particulars of GEORGE W. BARD KEAI, ESTATE CO.. Tel. — Rector. 96 Broadway. Manhattan. G. TUOTI. . Te!.. Beekman. "World Bulldlnjr, Park Row. Manhattan. TirE ESTATE OF LEWIS GOIVER.NXUR MOBRI9, N. T. Life Ins. & Trust Co.. Trustee, and Heirs Will Sell at Public Auction 175 HOTS AT MORRIS HEIGHTS, on Aqueduct Are., Tremont Aw.. .Sedyvrlcb Aye., Cedar Aye.. Andrews Ate.. Morris At*.. Between ITfith and 179 th Sts.. on Tnes.. June 10. at the Exchange Salesroom. BKTAN A KENVEIXY, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE. It is one thing to be told that your title is good ; it is another to have it insured; quite an other. Better consult us. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company CAPITAL - - 84,000,000 SURPLUS - - 5,500,000 160 Broadway. .New York. 188 Montague Street* Brooklyn. 375 Fulton Street. Jamaica. BUNGALOWS. CHA-WAS. niLX,I>GS-S»Ti:VK.VS CO., 4 East 43d Mi Duross Company Real Estate Mortgage Loans 1 ■•■-. h>m mil St. t3C Sroadway. Geo. R. Bead & Go. R.EAL ESTATE Head Ottlcc. «0 Liberty St.. tirjr B*war. llrani-l». H K:i<t S3th St. MORTGAGE LOA'.S. Mortgage Lenders Are oi Two Kinds — investment and speculative. This j office maintains lon X established rela tions with practically all representative permanent investment lender* on Man hattan and Bronx realty. Borrowers l through us from such lenders are not embarrassed by the'possibilities attend ing sales of mortgages to unknown future holders. a. W. Mclaughlin & co. Brokers and Dealers ii Morteare* : 138 Broadway, cor. Cedar - * STRONGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED ' R-rtel Realty Co to Clt7 Mortjaz-V^" ted- ._ *A !*»■ German Savings Bank to r»wjL — -- *?1 Ijti\f\ Cllento to Tcramaao <iIJS«VI Nassau Trust Co, of Brooki^ f?°- *'£ d« S Loufhrun, a&OOO. 7Tt ' • «SS G«ori-s Bchaefer to John Me**** «, "^ August Lewis to Kmma M L*»£* s*» Cuts* 111 Paving* Bank to Tltta r -, Trust Co. HIOOO. ■ " irv ■'. . Leah Cohu to Louis Btlene<i ,__■ . ' Aug-tart L*wlfl to Emma M iv^ *"«• jfi Sun Construction Co to Eradh^* 1 < «tt>o. *«vn3t 4y% - i Fanny ** Frankenhelmwr to J am* '.. ! $4,000. *- » J*W Benjamin N'l«o«ra; to the EraiSn-^ I « ■"■■»■ Ste,^ Same to same. $109. ' "" I Joseph D Bedl*. admr. to Bast » I tn the City of New Torlc. *V«sf "* •**a Philip IMnk*! to Arabella. R Sow. •, Georare F Johnson" a Sons Co to «v? *'•'■"■". *a«t«; #'.. , " I^ c *Kil a> . Reuben Samuels to ttra4?iurat 4— as«ts;fl. ™ **■**?>., Montrose Realty *"n to Xe-e S«ti,^ and Mortem* Co; S?.OX'»K '* a 'H»nj £ Sam* to Mutual Life Insuranca r»- »-. Aleck Kahn to Till!,, Rl^! .'!i 2*5 Lawyer" Tit!* In!>nranc« and Thaa *'= ■* y«r» llort?a*9 Cfc: $42,000. &t »£»* glim to B*Tt*l Realty Co-. *t. Tlt!<» Guarantee and Tru« rv »- Eer man; $7,000. "* to A --„ Van XonJen Truirt Co to N«w Ymb , and Security Co; *&«*>. *"•* **t& 9 Maximilian F>J«chmac,» Co to ■»— Assurance Society: 935>V*« **&&% j^ I>-&n Conn- to Julia Hoffman « *l- a M _ F312 Eislns^r to Yorlcvllle Back- *i^^ Martin Carnn« to Max Tim, $foo Maurice Mul>r to Herman A>-n»- $\"«. National Savings Bank of city' Si ! Lawyers Tlt!«» Innuraac« an 4 Tm»t V, nST •» Lasers Title Insurance and Tnw ffi HWI State* Treat r>>: $75,000. C *'»C3!tet Edith E McCagj to Franklin S»te_ $l?.00O. Sn Btj. Annie Sendee and ano to Max E«— *•»-. Anna B Haa» to Grarw Freeman m. : K. Betsle Wolt to Rose 31in«»: $100. **:fe * August IV Cordee to Emma L. Dai ft, 1 $6,600. Lawyers' Mortscan* Co to N»w Tor> r . roranee Co: 3 as»U: $91,000. ***•;». Herman la Life Insurance Co to Sew t«. » ln>r» Bank; $23.r*0. r **^ Manhattan Mortssute Co ••> <TriiM» ■ « ga«e Co of New York: $3,250. cs fei Adolpn Freun<X et al to Lincoln aawh^. fv »I«K>. "*** * Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Eowtrv •. lnsrs Bank: ?. assts: f7o.orio. ** >wa 7Bh. Harry W Be^us to Abel Crook: aja^ Julius Blourock to Btanls:au» X Tacka^ * Eutr^nla W Ch»n!n to Henry WUter i- : *• ano. trust***: $3.100. ' *• ■! Henry Wiener, trustee, to Henry th,. J REAL ESTATE A" "UCT'CN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO WESTCHESTER COCNTI. A REAL LIVE BARGAIN Ha 8 R I S 0 H-9 N-THE-SOOSI A 14- room House, bath, tfli» open fireplaces, butler's past* LARGE PLOT OF GROUSE 3 blocks from station. ON EASY TERMS Kor further particulars. HALLBT tCP AND IMPROVEMENT CO.. s'.attoa *■»" Harrison. N. Y. SECOND AVE>CE. _ One of Mount Verne- best ***" contains a fine house of 1- rco=r. quartered oak trlr-.i hot water «•«• For special reasons the owner *J sell at a very low price. ; -♦ Coolfy & W>«it. Inc.. Mjunt V«rßQg._*J PHILII'SE MANOR ON THE HUE*"*, One mllo unobstructed river frontags; •»**"" residences near completion. i.irea* PHILIPPE MANOR CO.. Philips^ Manor. V"« Toric — XIW JERSEY. MAY WOOD. W.* "THE IDEAL .■»rßCa»"' A htßh class residential comaramo^ *•* I mile* from Now York. Can bo r 2*2 I minutes from your office. Plots 3BB"" I restricted. "Write for appointment _ MAYWOOD LAND CO —Jim* X. ,1. :: mi- ***J^i. ; BARGAIN.— ELEGANT NEW S-K oo^-* tage: every Improvement: half BWj',°:."o I railroads; high, healthy, restricted:J^gV; : cash. $25 monthly: photo sent. »-*■• at ' I BBRO. Owner. Rldgefleld P-atSl N. '^— -^ COIVTRT PROPERTY. ',- ARTISTIC NTTLKT Hor^C* - H ?s** i choice lots $250 up LAMBERT. »• «t.. N. T. — — T^ FOR j»Al*E— Farm and homesiaad ***£,* suitable for summer home T n r PJ^^^* drc^s MRS: M. E. vorrWflS-- BOROUGH OF ■» HUB** flrfl fin ft VanderbUt stone °" :^ i* Will j. c. DR.\KE. 42jrg5*i^^ BOKO or ac«JC»» BRICK AND STONE T>VSTX.I.ViO.^ J a I i BRICK AND STONB DWBLLn«»s^!ig provements; IS rooms. 2 6 ** i 2^Tsßbl 1 lawn: Waahtacton and Lawrence «*! A s'- 5*5 * L. L: SHB.'JOO: or will rent. ELLICTTi" m 13t Broadway New York, grjg^j^ —^*^ PIUKH » rHOWtati* -^ »l,ft<K» TCARX.T— Hion rTj - 4S s.rv^si resilience on wator a^ar > ''.: "»- . mo. Tntuinr Ofnce. ' TO LET FOR BUSINESSj^ffi^ | Brooklyn. ; 'lofts with powf£, ! C0s»o. .-.oxloo an.J up to LIOHT ALL SIDErf: HKAT. ELE^ » ; NEW BU ILI»tNG. __- SPP.INKLEI>. near sinprnsg *F23gsSmm INS. KATE tE^S THAN' ] •«• K, &•* Spit- rulW tu-aUon ta P>t help. *J™< or unskilled, in textile, white \T^si**l jto.»Ua. shiws. etc oWNEJw «» •Tg- X !j*i ■J..7 «*lassoi» »v.. near "-- fc»H>»»^^«' UNFURNISHED jAPARTM^^ THE BELNOR^* BVuy. AaaitrJuaa .%««.. and 3t> ';!j,V W. H. DOUSON -* CO.. -*fy^ i^\ -^ FURNISHED APARTMENT^ ' BEAUTIFUL. KOOM AN * D *j2l-H • two-room and bath apartoj^. rest for the summer; *1- «P ** \*t€k. VZZ West lC»ti> <»♦-