Newspaper Page Text
~-~ "^-J^jn^A^to Harry FVeemar, 53.000. ' Jiicii Jloseafr—T ana ano to Celia Kir»h; $4. ''■■'^tmrru Gorman to Stale Haul;; ft ■■>" - VvTr^e to DuMtel SUrss. Jr; §500. rr -4 Trust Co to Jennie E Kopp; $1,600. .-•'- ■■< MECHANICS'*" LIENS. *.'£&* ■ ■ _AT ■ :~f : - :t. •!?,_„ « T m West; Joseph Troman ejrt John C "'"'*_v_<>«T J « ir; X Li Boug-bton & Co. contractors; ** A (IS»C4. • 5 ,tv A. 102!: Efltv-ard Anderson art Charles *" , 4.-1 owner; Frederick Bu-.phai-ut. con «■-* : 3srT»2» •COjIA ST. • •- intersection n s lTTth st. <JZ"T.r irrex "Unlonport Lumber -and Manufact 1 TTe-o s^'Amfrican and Italian Buildlns: and OwSaclinK Co. owner and contractor; $1,916 67. ; -nrGHDS AYE. £48« end 2488; Henry G Sil - " - ' ". uir cc t Hughes Avenue Construction Co. 'ii'M- Gaetano AnibrlO— . owner and contract or mini); t_6S9S. " ..,,-tn a\E. ek. 4* ft nof Westcbester - _J__Us: P_sjuale Trotta ast I_w Realty Co. ■ ' > •«-,;';• 1 contractor; 1.140 70. - ■••'-; m~T) ST 52 East: Otto Frenx art Georglaana *' EniUh. owner ana contractor; ?4S4S. -IFFANY ST. w *. 266 ft « or I67th st. 42x v . wdsberg-Mark Co a«t TilTsr.y Street Im crovwi"t . . owner and ocntractor; ?C,lir. 30. PS- ,-«th c-r „ « 10? ft wof Vrospect aye. 50x ! ■si Louis LerHSBH net Nova Realty Co, — — j. tractor; ?!.8»M. _ - MOKIUS AYE, -OCT.: Matews *schlosrnian a»rt «:*.... r.™-m. owner and contractor; Samuel W £ts. contractor; t3. gyjT \\~Q. -410 to _4JS; Kron Bros agt Samuel : -pr'o^^er and contractor; $538. ~. - * - f SATISFIED MECHANICG 1 LIENS. MAY IS. •prO'^'N TV* c *. whole front bet-ween ISfith .«li itTJh I"*: Griffin Roofing Co a*t Bay Maisel Jlal: F<l> Jl, l'=> 10: $WQ. CT a 73 r«at: wnttasn J Hart apt P " _fi_«^«l; April 12. 1810; KM. "2 -th we 2441; 1/ouis Kramer agt Margaret . __uiSr _ a'; \,-v 2 *- **&: J4S7ST.. -"'■ 144 TH BT. 633 to 540 West; William _ Qulmby. . - -r<- act Vounc Realty and ruction Coetal; "" Arrii It. lPif: ?_ts ir.- jiAXGiy BT. £4 — id 9C>: I^ns, Kamon agt I>_vi<3' Kks st al; March _>, 1910; J525. '••'' (ERRT ST. I*4 end IS6; Charles _ Pavls »p Michael isanti Co U al; Fcb IS, 1810; U= ». . NEW BUILDING FLANS. : iTTlih owner's name and address.) ■AT Ml MANHATTAN. ■ S_D FT 14 10 IP East: for a IS sty sß_r ____(• Wdg. <».6x90; W H Blrkmli :{!>B s?iadv»y architect: cost. ?200.000; owner. O rT :t_ Construction Co, 429 6tb aye. r. vT H j;t s s, MS ft o of Till aye: for a. • «v rrkVnmt: C E Birg-. -".» West r.4th st. •rchitcrt: coat. $100,000; owner. <; D Waring, SS.EaA 30th st. IP2D ST. ."•""' _nd ."."■T West; foe a 1 sty •lanciTis vciiool. _r.x*4.l>: J H Duncan, 208 sth ,% n-ihi-.ert; cost. (3,000; owner, O _ S Marie r»uryee. 200 West 72d st. AMSTERDAM A\ V.. « tf ror 1 £SC_ Si : for [. C _CF brk Jn-tmt and store.. 90x1-0; Edp.l it rue'l 1 Madison sv». architects; cost. KSOfcOM; ovti*t. t .t McG'Jire Construction To. tOO WC_ i3lUh it. MTU BON AYE. «= w cor lSlst st; for an men ai- ihe_t«v; E O *mitr- and H A Smith, I^.-vp- " NevlilA & Bagtre, _17 West I_.->th st. Architects; cost, r400; owner. T H Meyers, 21 •*ew ft. *TTORN_T ST, tr B. «9 ft 71 of T>i vision ft for a a i«) brlc tenmt. 4O.SxS7; C Ana- TAfius, ■_■- ■_■..'•<■ st. architect; cost. $42,000; cmter. I. r.oseini. • Attorney st. ORCiURD ST. Nil; to ■ •"• «**-]«* fnmt; Be:ns: f in *r Bernstein. _4 Bast 2l;o st. archi £rt>; ooft, $s,sivi; oncer, L. I-«vy. 320 Broad ** ; THE BRONX. BAILEY AYE. « «. 7M>--- ft ■ of Kingsbridge road 2S XT frame dw-. 25x44; architect, Thoaiaa liliips. 70!de ay*. Tonk •n=: c«s_, $.".,500; owner, Caroline A. Thorn, T: i verbal c. TIVTON AYE. IS; 1 Sty frame staJble. lox 71 architect. A Arctander Co. sal East 14»Oh ft: cost, r ""V. owner, William E-k?, on prom ises. USTH BT nt,n t, 12." ft eof Willow aye: .'• sty Vrk tacton'- VlxiW; sxehfteet. Edward L J!;.:sl€ton 265.'. Brigrgrs aye; cost, $15,000; ticucr. Frederick Scheair, on premises. ALTERATION PLANS. " MANHATTAN STLTO.V ST. 176: to a 5 sty brie store and y££. j £ W«stervdt. "•> Weal 34th st. archi ?fit:'ecEt. fls,<X»o; lessee. Childs Co. -12 Bat* ! » 14th ru 2STH ST. a 6. l"i ft c or «th aye. to 4 sty end l^acc-mcnt ... etc: O R-l«mann, 89 Ist f an-hlt*ct: jr.^X*: owner. - II Russin & 3 ilauflin^. 114 ye* 2Sth st. ith ST. « *■ 145 ft • ■■' m a-.*-, to a 4 rt| brk dwg: B H liobertson & P-n, W .sth «vV. ar.-Mtcc-ts: cost. . (»0; o«Ticr, A 1- J.nt. 37^ East 39th Kt. TIFT FT. I Xi 12.". II «• of Park aye; to a * sty biiJ beeement apartment; '; iv wood, 311 Maai" —i gvf. srrhiu-ct: S18.000: oWTJfrs. E S leff.. r< X. FhieffeliTi * TJ M Feltmar. 61 t^ast 60th st. ?'STH FT. - T.'fi In 7 Fty brk apartment; SchVartr. & Croc- snJ li S Warms 847 ."in are »_. Rr.-mtertF; cost. $ir.«.XXi; .ov.-acrs, 1> Kahn.&.T. —■ ■ «;,->lc!i«rnitt!, 170 'Broad-war- ' "• "--. . j--.... *rrrE jtonx.- - f " . KSTK TT n vr .cr of M aw: 1 Fty hrk store*. ~"^fii. hall apd • amusement ti^n. 50x140; J»»J«« ■■ V, RJrhTT. 6S Broad rt. &rchit*.rT: • i |is.<w»: • cv>-nfr Andrew Devoy. 350 G7ecrivri<-h st. LIS PEN DENS. MAT IS. rr-rc.JA^ ST, n w c^r r>f T»n?f«:io-sr Bt. 100 *25; -Victor -Gettiard* a*- Attert (^rhards 'm c) • : ci (fortclcture of mtg:<; attonrejs. Oocke & < - ;.* '"■ J TH ?T 10 East: Harrr H Marks »;' ttii ,Un n Osasurtt-n ■ '.no'J-e of levy".; attanter. H H£Tli£- ■ ■ , .. , .'. ; SSD ST 5^9 E»Ft; C!eoni!T<! Foliractro afft Grcnnan (notice at levy); attorney. C " ?TH SX -•; "vTcU KaL:; Mrtta " al ag.t ". .'•rtha "sVoirnian 'eerier- to f<.i«'-i'->se mechanics' S li'.r.r, attorney, P Saltzman. ' I<iTH e T *«'« We?'.: Abraham Sartorlus -set -- .le-n»s B J Martin et el < foreclosure of f»cpnd mt£.; feltonMTS. Hcrx;ltz t t V.'i-:i#r. BIGHT OF WAT ct Harten River & prrt.-;i»s- ; t-r Railrosd Co. * ?. ad] ]ar,"l "f Arr^V «**•**; 13m B-'rx. lOOatSOOrilarte A . ('Brier. "t si sg' :;(r vcr 1 ? N«iv Haven & Hartford Jtailroad (.0 et _1 taction to ;^Sb»ssio:i); attorney. J : Socter. jr. 175 TH ST. != B. 40 it - of Protpect W«. 20x03; Fi»Q«T-..-k E Schcrr.Vmre set K^^t-ca Haas rt a! ■ ' Ocndosan or mt»; a\to:-n">-, - M Fcyscr. l f nS"T ST. SS2 Cart: inir.e Bachracb aj;t Ja '-Tna Eloch « al <aaieri(lfe3 roMODSUra Of; w atton».-e, .layer & <.;ilbert. HTGHIS »YE. i<r«s and 2«IW; North I4e Iron -^Virls act GE'.iano Xi-Jlrtola ft al <a--t!o!i to _t-£f*dos* i;i<=ciiaji:rs' Is«nt, ittorn*y. H J Nichm*'. • - 47TK ?T. 213 and 24* West; G«oi-jr« BicSrf- 1 •- Laupt ag- L-'ji"* 1 BicVcclhaurt ot bl «x>3rtition); BOcmej-. I. WerdPi. jr. _ BBADHCBST AYE, n c ccr of 151 si st. »£__" —; Mutual Life Inturancc <;o of N«w \oik e?t Sasnu'l s?tr»uft.ourcor *;t al ip,!iicn>ied fore ■ ciosure cS mtgc attorney, J McKeon. ITOTH BT. RT7 Kast; OMidoifo Btnguea apt Frank £•« 1.-.icla ct. it <« ( 'iion to declare, trumj; s:;crn«v F , Morrison * Schiff. t -iTU BT "32 Ir. SSO K*s<: OrrhaM »=«. 192: •- f ih s-., r.M sn<J r.j« Lart: Willft ft. 1i» an<i v_ : ■ rJi «. :•.<>& ?>«t _;d «vc, si. «n4 e^th «, Sjl ]>•»; VTaHer X llc-jjr:it..>n. eoaamittee. npt CU ri»sa. Gvima'i ct 'el ♦amended partition;; attur- I »TE. VrLnthrep &. Stimtfm. — , UOK AYE. iv * 205 ft n of 17CJ st. WxlW: i-nima Trourinini a_rt Louis Slon.seh'ln rt al tJoreclosure <of intjr>:, S M Stfrn. L B*THOATEB *THOATE AYE. wf.25 Jt n r.f St. 2j •■ <5; Oty Hej»l Estato Co art ..■.•>.. J{ Rosen *il»» *t a! tfoi«c»csure of miff); attorney, II J -"*w_ia. "' BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. MAY 1«. tf«TH gT, n «. 133.7 ft c of Woodiawn ra. Si fclaux irr?p .i an. is Kl Heavy leans Thereea A CTyCoonar $6.0f>0. PUNS TO ENLIST 100 r OOO Y. M C. A. Committee Campaign | in Behalf of Men and Boys. -yXcn and r.eli&ion" is the slogan of a fagSnpijJgn by which th© international com :^*2lUf^ o » t v, c young Men's Christian AM tfXAitiOQ hepes to a(2d to the membership .5' Christian ciiurches one hundred thousand SdpW s^d boys, , i; .d also double the enrol lment in Bible etudy. Frank Smith, a sec **is.r? of the coairniit^e, says it 'Will be a of 'juusual proportions to reach am aaJ hoys of the continent in a >iri:c, •.jtiLliztTJK n ■ .cr." . H is proposed that the Touas Men' 6 Association, the International fcway School Association and nine itf&lnfcihrjodi:, yr >tuln2.Uonal men s or cacizauons. .shall unite,' the work to begin -v. tJ:; -*' bi-(i -to reach a climax in an un -i.stiu cajii.iiicn In tbe ninety chid cities . > '«« nation; 1 cosUßittM believes that ; *> is an opportune time, because. lirst. y has no record -which parallels the , zsanfetioua Dieting with which God seem* > Jiave favored the North American peo ' •^c' : t(.r JIi( «. "spiritual unrest prevail*! larougbout th« oountrF"; third, "the eco r.c.piit: ptfctHSarda) «re beinff Questioned, the "uusirla! world Is rcstlets. the race lines tr «. dashing and the nations art Jealous or g» "V and, Jouith. "th« North AnK-r- Icr:, t v^ of Christian effort is largely the J^tx for world evangelization." Metnoa3 2 work will be arranged by an executive *o--nm!tt<. e of fertv members, headed by James C. Cannon, of the Fourth National . yank. -"^ESKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE. *•« - BpTJ, TOP DESKS "_p~~r OFFICE r ' t:V]TrRI? "at v»r*«iy ' > »rd prlott. -BW. *il Fmu>_, et. TWO of the QUALITY ADVERTISEMENTS ij* TO-7>A>'S £Vrto-U orksi^,r Sfcrttnuw . HELP WANTED. Male. rxooit TJl_-Eas wanted on new Glmbel Bnlldlngr. 33d st. and 6th ay*., New York. Only first class men need apply to Charles •Johnson, on the Job. Female. ATTENDANTS for sanatorium near city; $25 monthly and maintenance; four 'days off monthly. Irwin. 77 West 11th et. SPREAD THE OTHERS AND GO TO WORK-^a HELP WANTED. Male. " ADVERTISING MAN-Auto supply knowledge :^ : v^ 4^ t>O ™' Em^r rincnt g! AGKNTS— Big money made selling water alter- Jjc. per dozen and upward. Freeman Bros., 02 Bowtry. AKTISTS WANTED— To learn newspaper Ekf-tchlnp, magazine illustraUng and fashion mramtixg. Thosaaa. m V.est 23d st.. New York. BOY. IS. airisti_n; hardware knowledge deslr- ; '••■•"■ S«. National Employment Exchange, 47 BOY— wideawake; $0. National Employ jnent Exchange. 47 West 42d st. CLERK — Male: good penman; auto supply ex perience. National Employment Exchange, 47 West _d st. CHAUFFEUR— Must bo thoroughly experienced and have good references, industrial Associa have good rrfer*n~os Industrial Associa tion of America. Inc.. 17 West 42d st. CLERK — Good penman; auto supply experience National Employment Exchange, 47 West 42d St. DRUG .SUNDRY BALSSMAX— Preferasjly young man eoKpcrlrnced this line local territory. Busi ness DcrWlee Co., ::oft Broadway. EXECUTIVE MANAGER for manufacturing clothing; company; must be thoroughly experi enced this line; $5,000; confidential. Business Service Co.. MB Broadway. _ _OOR LAYERS WANTED ON NEW GLMBEL BUILDING. mD .ST. AND 6TH AYE.. NEW TORK. ONLY FIRST CLASS MEN NEED APPLY TO CHARLES JOHNSON. ON THE JOB. MAN. over <.-,_ to solicit and deliver orders and make collections; must be sober and industri ous. Moses King. Publisher. 35 West 3__ st. MECHANICAL. DRAFTSMAN, with some ex perience in design of small parts: $1,000- ..Vii. Bus!r.»>ps Service Co., 309 Broadway; PRIVATE SECRETARY to sales manager of largo local manufacturing company; $1,500 to start, with excellent opportunity. Business Ser vice Co.. Mt Broadway. SALESMEN— Throughout the Catted Stains to y«-!l aotomobOe imntttln; references required. 1 : f ■ ONell Tire and Protector Co., 320 Broad- SUPERVISING DRAFTSMAN— Steam pump ex- T«rience necessary, only high class men con s'dered- f_o. National Employment Exchange. 47 AVrst 42d st. TABLET DIOESTANB; Href' seller; agents Houthem ierrttor_ Pond Pharmsjcal Company, New York. IRK territory; Tablet I^igestans for all Eta madl iiifc. I'or.d Pharmacal Company. New York YOUNG MAN. 20-21. wanted for work In pub lication office New York newspaper; one who is neat, quick and not afraid of work can start right in; fine chance for the right party. Ad <ii*-ss in own handwriting, stating salary desired, Dally Newspaper, Box 15, Tribune Office. Femaie. ARTISTS WANTED — To learn newspaper sketching:, magazine illustrating and fash ion drawing. Thomas, 10S West l!3d St.. New York. . AT MISS HOFMAYER'S BUREAI . 820 sth aye., IKb floor — Cooks, laundresa ertnalds, v. «itr<?psc«, bouseworkei ?. COMPETENT WAITRESS, Protestant, tor coun try. Mrs. - Dickinson's Co-operative Employ ment Bureau. .'J73 "Th aye.. comer 85th st. COOK. Protestant. $40. for out-of-town Mrs. OjchiMEon's Co-op<?rati\e Employment Bureau. ":; "ith up. corner 35th st. COOK <]>lain>' to assist lignt tious^work in small ramll. : other girl kepi : wages $25. Industrial Association. Inc.. 17 West 42d st. COOK to do plain laundry, for small ; family; t ag^ "0 Industrial Association. 17 West 42 st. Tel. .'■':! ■ i Brys COOK and I_A UNDRESS, for one lady; must Vav<» eaperi«ooe an.i good references- wages JCo-?:^.». Industrial Association, Inc., i 17. AYost ■I2d gt. ___^ :.--.T : : HOUSEKEEPER. $SC«; family; six in help. Call 2:30 to-day. t- « Hopkins Educational Bo an. So< *- ; rv*.. between :'-'■■: '-'■■ and 4?.«l-.vts: INKANTS* NURSES -n-ant^-i to-day: all very nice positions. The Uoj4cin« Educational Bu rrs tj. jC'7 r-tli aie., between 421 and ! ;; i -' ?-_.? -_. NCRSE-SUPERVIBOR, . >". wanted Immediate 1j ; clisnce training school. large h«»epltal. The Hopkins Educational Bureau, 507 sth aye., bo t-sveen 42d and 43d sts. ' STENOGIJAriIEU— For law firm; must bo thor oughly competent; two at $20 and $1"; both perman-nt. .Tupp ExchaTig»*. S" Nassau st. TEACHERS, for schools; Freivrji irislan): Bpecia! faf-hVr mathematics; epecial tea^ber Btenograpliy. bookkeeping. The Jjopkic* iMuca tioniil Bureau ''■" nth ay. WANTED, at thp Fre£^}terian Hospital Ma4) ton ay. and JOth st.. New . York, a young woman as aE3ist-»nt clerk r«d B?encgrapher; Protestant. a?e .-, In 80 -.;;_ !-■..•»• b« pood penman; accuiate in work. Apply by letter, giv i!-c a«ro. erperienre t-^ references. WORK WANTED Male. ■;mnt ar.d BOOKKEEPER.— Opens, closes, balances, audits: books i,<- ; .' part, tiny; financial rrpons». Moderate. Bo» 114, Tnb un« Harlem Branch. 263 .West 125 th rt. CHAUFFEUR!— Slngi^ Swede, 726; « reliable; FtrlrJl- fcober and ■ ...,. careful driver: (.x rc-ri'-nctd en niotor b^ats; best reference; so Baywterty r. UawßOn. 184 I>xlagton avf. dCACFFKUUI from "best RChool. wtehts P?»jr tion: own repair moJcrate salary. i<U Fast lCCth st. ; CH\tTFFS»*R.- -Young liiarrie-i ni3n as rhauf i,"ur; Wn-nce. Jonn Price, 105 Amsterdam IV( . CiiTuFFKI'K. 'SI; einsle; experienced; no "« K raduat' ; wants steady position, with tallK; drives and renaTni : reign high powered cars perfectly; references. Renault, TSi East atlr st. L__ . CHAUFFEUR— American ; »ltb family going in "o"nm-; -trirtly sol«-r; ver>" best reference: reasonaMe »a C e B : Address William Cramer. StflJtsbonC. l»iitchrßg_c»"i'ity. r>. "■ gHAUFFKUR-— Experienced mechanic; v.illi " private family; « ity or rounlry; furnish best of rc-r -rencea B. Grundy.^sßs Amyterdam iw.^W; oughly competent men, and .^™ B f n O r rotrinar.ions- also clerks and drart«nien, ior Strt^Ume and summer work. Employment Commmee. Sub-station 84. City. Telephone 1400 — Morningside. . i7K REPRESS MAN— Ooo4 on bc->k and "ork: V- ; ''. Ptflin, B^x !'. r— ,\ I^ANiVrAOES transtated by uriveralty ] a., -rail speed; «™«*»« l £ >n 1 »2S? highest references. \Uliwm I. Bcert, adwaV. •;■.■....,.- i9o_Audubon ..- B VGINEERINO A SSISTANT.— By V^-hn^ai rradukte mechanical. 23; good dra^mlan! exp:ri,n,:,d office,, .hop and te.ung. Thfmai". lC7_Wf_stJ^h__!t____ . , , --, ,-^^- • vZ solicitor; . anything but infiur '■«■; v l'«k propositions; has had oxepc ,;•, R^d; best of reference.. J. V. 1..-O. «34 E. 10t| -• £ — ___. vTTr 7^"^!*^"^;. K f ->° d apr-carance having snare houre daily. vM** position with ___a_ffiagpj|i!^ 1 Cox 40. Tribune Offlc«^__ ; Voi;vo MAN '--''• well trained in American ■°J,Vu.*e and European high schools; good , > ,mifH?n- with <liance of advancement. VM^uS^rS Ssw ■». Klmhurßt. Long Island. — — 5 VofTNG MAN.— Can do carpentry, pa inting'tind rip- fitting; mo«t anything. B. A, Zerbe. 113 Kn <rt aye., Brooklyn. . VOTING MAN— At anything; can drive. I. Seltzer. 201 Houston st. r< ■■» a MIDDLE aged lady would give capable a*- Jeinun?Su«i: excellent references. Addresa Box "87 Kew Can—fly Conn. t . COLLEGE GRADUATE desires position as sec retary: «tenoEra; 3 yeanr" experience. B. T "rliin.'. Harlem. _^ — rOMIHMO.N. etc.— College educated woman, VnufJcian. rVader. fine housekeeper and ex- D«Senc«l nura*. wl«he« position with family coin g abroad. travelling, or at horn., a* com gn'fl or chaperon for young people or In xlllA: De.t references a. to character and a 2a 2£ fc rs:Bsr i a 1 ssssf^ S •Pliori* ■<'-' <1 ' ; ; . TYPEWRIT! VG. MUI.TIGRAPHINa. Uet- Accurate rV^naLle. i<ay. Boon. 6008. Met roponuun HaUdinr. 23d «U Madison avp. Tele rM>ne. 6666 -G rare ercy. . rner price*". E. Barne.. Hoom 515. 1M r.a» »aL Tel, 301S-Beetoian. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED^ city «r country. ISeriPl. 214 East 4tn at. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE THURSDAY. M\Y 19, 1010. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. BUTLER AND USEFUL MAN — English; ex cellent references; would take charge of apartment house, wife to assist; understands furnace, elevator, or take charge house in country. }', Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 003 T>th aye., entrance 4"d st. ' CARETAKERS— Man and wife; Irish; country . home; good references. P. Malvey, 6^ Cath ail'i- st. CHAUFFEUR, COACHMAN. — Scotch: thorough ly understands both; careful driver; strictly temperate; reliable, willing, obliging; personal wrltien reference; moderate wage 6; country ;>re ferred. William Mac Donald, 243 West 48th st. ('< i.Ai'HMAX- First class; single; thoroughly ex perienced; caxe horses, carriages and harness; careful driver; city or country: generally use ful; references. Thomas, 124 Kast 42d st. COACHMAN. — class; Al references from select families; thoroughly understands care horses, carriages, harness; city or country. Call or address 8.. 617 Gth aye. COACHMAN or rHAUKFEI'R— Young .Swf-a*: single; smooth-faced; good driver; useful any thine needoil; excellent reference. Carpenter's Bureau, 154 6th aye. PARU HANDS, useful men. married couples for farms and gentleman's country places; Bngilsh. Grermaa and Swedish a specialty. Mathewson Bu.-p;iu. MS 6th aye. T«l. S7B Bryant. FARM HAND — By a braw young Scotsman, a good farmer end cowman; sober and obliging; I2S. Sinclair. Mathewson Bureau. 818 «th aye. Tel. .ST 1 Bryant. . FARM MANAGER or foreman on gentleman's place; thoroughly competent middle aged nmr rled man: good references. J. ■ P., Pleasantville Station. Westchester County, N. T. '' GARDENER— American; 40; on private estatej expert on road and walk making; IS years' practical experience with best contractors and landscape architects on private estates -and high ways In the execution of all work connected therewith; Lest reference. F. C, Anita Place; Jamaica, N. T. ' ■ GARDENER— Irish; middle aged; single; line vegetable grower: jrlass fruits, flowr*. lawns, etc.; 3 years last place. Carpenter's Bureau, 104 <Hh aye. GARI»K\KR.— Hollanders: married couple; no children; position on gentleman's place: prefer furnished cottage: beet references. JJ22 Hudson St.. Hoboken. N. J. GAKI'BNfcJR — German; Rincle; experienced on vegetables, flowers, fruits, etc., especially fram=s and greenhouse; reasonable compensation; es. Blatbewson Rurcau, BIS 6tb aye. Tel. "78 Kryant. JAPANESE — Permanent : thorough: long ex perienced cook and butler; In email family or bachelor place: anywnere; personal rrfcr <r\r . s Ohukata. 41 BaM I!>tb St. MAN. — Mulatto, liaiidy, sober, seeks position; chauJTeur. c.Dachman, groom; useful; anythins; private family, doctor; go anywhere. Fred, 50 West 20th st." USEFUL MAN— Married; Irish- no children: can drive, milk, work garden; wife cook, laundress or housekeeper; well recommended. Carpenter's Bureau. 154 6th ay.-. USEFUL MAN — Middle aped man desires steady employment In care of email country place; house, stable, garden; handy with tools, _c. ; reference. W. T. 810% 7th st- Jersey City. USEFUL MAN— English; competent around irar den, lawns, etc.; also experienced with horses, cows and chickens: good references; $25. Mathcw son Bureau. 818 Bth aye. Tel. 378 Bryant. VALET, &c. — Japanese, competent in his duties, to act as valet or take char*? bachelor's place; best references. Yoshi, 123 Sands St., Brooklyn. Telephone 2940— Main. YOUNG MAX, 25. good appearance, wishes posi tion in the country: willing an.l . obliging. Charles L.. Sherman, !i?o park aye. Female. CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS.— Young Irish girl: excellent cits references. X.. Miss Hof mayer's Bureau. :j2O sth avi?., ninth floor. Telc p^one ■io2T — Madison Square. ■' CHAMBERMAID -WAITRESS. — Neat >ouns Norwegian girl: very competent, willing, obllg ing; country preferred; best references. Ostei bTg's Bureau, Jl6 Lexington aye. Tel. JflW— t'iaza,.' : CHAMBERMAID and WAITRBBS^ Neat young g-irl; excellent city references; '.ttHgw.'/JiJ!.'. Albany Bureau 20 East 33d St. CHAMBERMAID WAITRESS Two neat Bwed ish girls; competent p.p.) reliable; excellent ref erences: together or separate. Sampson A- N^l son .« Bureau. 412 Ith aye. 'Phone 1669 Madison S d'-i a re^ . ■"■• mik ~. " : eh VrotPstant: good bal;er; assist laundry: friend, chambermaid- waitress; to e ,! ;-i. r separate; nn>- distance.- Morrow's Bu reau. "21 Lexington aye.; SBth st - COOK.— Swedish; young, rent, excellent cook; ] flrs=t class all re^ppcts: ?ood. manager, with or without kltchenmald: three yeara last r' ''" •' o:llp:it references. Osterberg B Bureau. 716 Lex ington avp. Tel 1055— Plaza. . , COOIC — Yonngr;- ... cook; city or country, tt., Hofmayers Bureau, 320 6th aye.. ninth, finer. Telephone. 4^-7— Madison Square. COOK. — Very capable j-ounar Swedish '.ook; sjood manager- has excellent reference; also, wait ress and parlor maid Jusslla Bureau. 6SO Lex Inieton aye. Tel., 1453 Vlaza. COOK ana LAUNDRESS. — Vory best of refer "n""s; th. objection to country: willing to do p"ii"ral housework for Finall family. Mc&Uum'i <■ ■...• ror. 31st st. and 4th aye. Tel., 5706 Madison Squar< 5 : ■ COUPLE— Oook. butler; both experienced, well trained; do entire work private family; city, ; country. 1028 Plaza- Morrow's Bureau, 721 Lexington aye., _>Bth.ct. _-_ COUPLE.— ScotcIJ Protestants; excellent cook laundress: man gardener, coachman. useful; exoflient references, Industrial Association line), IT West 42d st. OfiADUATU 'JCURSE — !■. ■ ...,;■. n1 position for care of *)!v.ili<l "r rr ' | i (> ''!y lady, or nervous patient; tTTifc years in lasi j)lare: highest ref erences in Chicago and elsewhere as to reli- | ability and adaptability; willing to so to any city or !••■!!. Address Miss F. Harms, Honey Cr^ek. Wis. HOTTtEWORKEB By neat woman; g'»id bread maker; referencea; ctty or country. Mrs. - v .in-v. ♦r,7 »;;li ■ • INFANT'S NURSE. — Scotch. Protestant: four years' excellent refer* trees; city or country; $30; full charge from birth. Industrial Asso ciation. 17 West 42d. Phone, 5210 Bryant. LADY' MAlD.— Reflned girl; Bpeaks German and English: understands hail-dressing, manl curfnfr. etc; froorl seamatreas; willing: to travel. Address J. W._, 158 Newton r'-. Brooklyn. LAUNDRESS.— Neat, nice German girl; excellent laundress: careful, eflßdent: beet reference*. Osterberg's Bureau, 710 Lexington aye. Tel. 1055— Plaza. LAUNDRESS-- claasj can do plain and "fancy; also collars, '-uffs; exceptional good reference. .Tussila Bureau, CbO Lexington aye. Tel.. 4453 Plaza . \ LAUNDRESS— Finnish girl; does collars; will ing to aaatot with chamberwork; city or coun try • best of referaacea. Weld's Bureau. 3"l Columbus aye. Tel. 7^fi4 Schnyler. - LAUNDRESS — Swedish woman; thorougli lv- competent; Fh'rts. collars, fine washing; 3"4 years ice place; wages $30. Bampaoß & Kelson's Bureau, 41- 4th aye. 'Phone 1868 Madison i-'<juarrv NURSE — IJv German; thoroughly competent; un derstands babies and children; excellent refer ences; city or country. Mrs. Cooper's Agency, i.,-,7 Ct'h aye. NURSE.— Reflned Protestant O«rman-Am»>rlcan girl: for children; best references. 59 West R7th_Bt. • basrmnr.t. ; NURSE- Young girl. 1* years, to take care of ! children; good place. J. P., 109 Greenwich st., first floor. TWO "HERMANS — Cook, good baker; other cham bermaid, excellent waitress; city, country- Tel. 1828 Plaza. Morrow's Bureau. 721 Lexington avc... corner CBth st. WAITRESS and chambermaid; young Finnish girl; best of references. Weld's Bureau. U24 Oolutnbtis aye. WAITRESS. PARLORMAID.— German girl; first Class: can take butler's placo; also excellent Swedish waitress: very best reference*. Osier berg's Bureau, 716 Lexington aye. Tel. 1056 — Plaza. ; WOKKINO HOUSEKEEPER CapabIe woman with excellent references will take charge of clergyman's houpe or small private family; rood cook, manager, buyer. B. H., Miss Fltz gernlfl's Bureau. W.I aye.. entrance 42d st. INSTRUCTION. For Both Sexes — City. Tirß BKRIJTZ SCHOOL OF LAXOCAGES. MADIPON SQUARE <1122 BROADWAY). Hifl'm Branch. S4S Lenox Aye., ntar 127 th St. Brooklyn Branch, 218-L'JO IJvlngston St. SCHOOL AGENCIES. American and Foreign Teachers' Agency. Supplies Profeesors. Teachers. Tutors, «>ov ernessea, etc., to Collects, Brhools and KfimllUs. APply «• Urs - M - J YOUNG-FULTON, 23 Union Squar*. AUCTION SALES. BY VIRTUE of t^-o attachments merged into execution* I will sail to-day, at 120 Leonard rt., at 0:0f> a. to., two Wheeler & Wilson tow-ins machines. All>«rt Freeman. Mara h . ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS for TUo Tribune received at their Uptown Office, No 1864 Broadway, between 88th and 87t1i etc.. until 9 o'clock p. m. Advertisement* received at th': following- branch offices at reg ular ofllcs rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. via.: 201 Btb sv*., ■ «• cor. 25d st.; IBS eth aye., cor. ICtn st ; 104 Bast Uth at.i 281 Wat Mi «'-„ RESORTS. I'i.NV.SYLVAMA. Sijroudsbtirg. Water Gai>,MottntPocono, Cresco. Pocono Summit, Delavrare Valley A region of woodland- and water in Mon roe and Pike Counties, Pennsylvania, Gap.Mount Pocono, esco. Pecono Summit, Delaware ValiPX egion of woodland and water in Mon and Pike Counties, Pennsylvania, varying in elevation from one to two thousand feet, with a special fast express service from New York over the Lackawanna Railroad; with the beautiful Delaware River for boating, bathing, fishing; with good roads; three excellent golf courses, magnificent springs and trout streams; a region where you may breathe dry. pine-laden air, enjoy cool, restful nights and escape humidity, malaria and mosquitoes. Booklets and full information about every, house in this region at RESORT BUREAUS, 429 Broadway, " New York City, and 505 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ■ For names of houses see next Sunday's issue. NEW YOHK. Everyone has a Splendid Vacation at SARATOGA SPRINGS New Tork State's Mineral Sprikf Reserraiios 80 Hotels, 200 Boarding Places, 400 Furnished Cottages. 40 Mineral Springs — Pure, dry mountain air. Beautiful Parks and drives — perfect roads. A free convention hall seating 5,000 people. Reached via New York Central Lines and Delaware <fc Hudson R. R. We will find you a furnished cottage, boarding place, send you literature and complete information. Address PUBLICITY COMMISSION Room 4. The Arcade, Saratoga Springs, New York THE Catskili Mountains noted for picturesque and romantic scenery. Th« glorious air, the magnifi cent views and comfortable accommo dations are a gTeat attraction In this mountain region which is a paradise for children and a sanitarium for every body. THE ULSTER & DELAWARE P. R. in connection with "West Shore and Pennsylvania Railroads form the only all rail through car line between Phila delphia, Jersey City. Now York and all points in this famous mountain region. THE RIP VAN WINKLE FLYER will make first trip from New York, via West Shore R. R.. Saturday, May 21st, leaving Desbrosses St., 12.45 p. m.. and West 42nd St., 1 o'clock p. m. dally ex cept Sunday.. Th" summer time schedule for season of 1010 will go in effect Sunday, June l?tb. . Ticket agents of West Shore R. R. In New York-and Brooklyn will sell ticßeis to all points on Ulster &- Delaware R. R. at one fare for round trip on May 27th, 2Rth, 2!) th. pood returning until May 31st. Inclusive, account . of Decoration. Day. and giving an opportunity to select ..yoiff summer home - An Illustrated Summer Book with map of the Catskills and list of hotels and boarding houses will he sent free on receipt of S cents postage. N. A. SIMS. General Passenger Agent. Kingston. N. Y. THE <i£AND HOTEL CATSKILL MOUNTAINS will open SATURDAY ,°JCNE 25th. This hotPl is located on main line of the Ulster & Delaware R. R. - Altitude over 2.000 feet. Through conch and drawing room car service from New Tork direct to hotel grounds. Passenger elevator to all floors. Rooms singly or en suite with private bath. Service and cuisine unexcelled. Booklet. For terms and full information apply to Mr. Frank DeWiolf, Town and Coun try Bureau, 389 Fifth Avenue, corner ?6th Street, New York. Telephone 362S Madison. After June* 25th addrews Th« Grand Hotel Company, Highmount, N. T. WHERE TO GO THIS SUMMER "Long Island Resorts." a book con taining: information about the various resorts on the Ocean and Sound Shore and tho Central section of Long Island, with location, capacity, attractions am! charges of the numerous hotels and boarding-houpes, free upon application nt Jxmg Island R. B. city ticket offices. 263 Fifth Ay.. 120 FT way, ID East 17th St.. N. V.: 336 Fulton St.. B'klyn. or will be mailed on receipt, nt 6c. postage by the General Passenger A(?ent. 283 Fifth Ay.. New York. 1" The'eLIFFION ON WATER FRONT "BONAIRE," PATCHOGUE, I*:" I. Opens May 26. American and European Plan. , Address W. M. JENKINS. Prop. CEDAR CLIFF INN, MONROE. ORANGE CO.. K. T. A delightful rrsort among the hills ana lake? new modern houae, suites with bath, eteam beat, 800 feet elevation. 49 miles from city; own garden. IPO acres of grounds, golf, tennis boating, bathing, flfihlng. music, drives, garage, no mosquitoes nor malaria. Booklet. W. M HAIGHT. THE COLUMBIAN 1000 KLAMD PARK, 6t. Uwrenrc River, N. T. — Th.- best located and most attractive hotel among the Thousand Islands; excellent cul slnp Orchestra and all amusements. Open Jimp 15 B"okl- ' i \ JOHNSON, Prop. THE COLONIA Kitcha»an-on-f'rot«n lake. N. Y. R^ milts from New York, high altitude: steam heat; open llreplaces; rooms with bath; golf and tennis- garage; select patronage. Optns June 18. Booklet. H. S. &- A. I. WHITE. \l>: liONI) \< X Mot NTAIW THE WAWBEEK (Hotel and Cottages) Will open on June -4th for the Thirteenth season under sani" management, Most com fortable and Homelike. Private Cottages with hotel service. Table will be kept at usual hinh standard. Rooms with bath. Special terms for full season. Rustic Grill. Bend for booklet. T "BEN HART. Wnwr.e»k. N. V i < -ri-.ii 8 ui\n \( PAUL SMITH'S i.v tii ! : : ADIRONDACKS OSCSOOD AND ST. REGI3 CHAIN OP LA ICES. Through train service day and night. Now York Central Lines — Paul Kmith's RulHvav. lilret't wires — Saw York Stock Eichange. " lmi lit BAILINAC." ' ' AninONDACK THE ALGONQUIK mountains. InC ALUUiiUUin ON' LOWER *.4l;\N.\( [ AX* Open .Inn- IMb to Oct. Ist. Small mouth Mark Ita** FUhing begins June IBth. Th«> finest lit the country. postofflra and Telegraph A4dr«*s, Juu> UAICDLNU. Algonquin. N. Y. Booklet. RESORTS. F__NBS_._VASfl_. WfITER GflP HOUSE The Mountain Paradise, DELAWARE WATER GAP. PA. Remains open to December. Unquestion ably the leading and finest hotel In this region for those who seek th<» best in appointment, cr.lsln*. service, comfort and location. Every Indoor entertainment and outdoor pastime. Spfrial early season rates. Booklet of camera views and Auto Maps mailed. Fourth Season. JOHN PI'RDY COPE. THE KiTTfiTSNHY The leading- hotel at Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Main hotel now open. Every convenience and amusement. Saddle horses and instructors. Write for booklet showing hotel, auto maps, etc. G. FRANK COPE. THE KITTATIXNT is not connected with any other hotel at the '"Water Qgp MAPLE WOOL* CAMP And SUMMER HOME. June 6-Sept. 15, $110. Near Phi la. 4Sth year. Special care to little boys. Winter session. Sept. 16. prepares 40 boys tor college or business. .1. SHORTLIDGE. A. M., Yale. Pi in. Bos 194, Conconiviiie. Del. Co.. Pa. NEW JERSEY. HOTEL TRAYPCRE Atlantic City. N. J. Open Thronjfhout the T«ir. Famous as tha hotel with every modern convenience and all the comforts of home. TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY, D. 8. TYHITE. Pres. Cbas. t»- Marquette, Mgr. B ALEN HALL HoTcb^SANAToRI Owing to our Tonic and Curative Baths, our Elegant Comfort and Exceptional Table and Service, we are always busy. F. L. YOUNG, Gen'l Manager. N. Y. Office. 1122 Broadway. i Come to Atlantic City and enjoy the delight* of the Sea Shore In May and June, combined with the comforts and conveniences which this famous AH-the-year resort has to offer. Hotel Dennis j with everything: modern. Is always open and I ! maintains an unobstructed ocean view. WALTER J. BUZBT. _ THE BEACH FRONT H2TEL PAR EXCELLENCE .-^TbANTICCITX NO. EUROPEAN or AMERICAN PLAN. ___^_ JACOB WKIKKL.. Manager. HOTEL MORTON VIRGINIA AYE., NEAR BEACH. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Open all the year. Fine table. Suites with private bath. Handsomely furnished. Perfect sanitary arrangements. Elevator to all floor* i Special rates for winter. Capacity 250. _____________________________!___ SOarlOoroagb«BenMin - - - ATLANTIC CITY. H. J. ' ' -'-- ; -Jp«Jah VTTsICe & Sons Company. CONNECTICUT. THE GKISWOLD • - - £ ASTERN POINT. NEW LONDON, CONN. Open June 21th. ■ FINEST SEASHORE RESORT IN AMERICA; 2'- hours from New York. Unequalled Sailing-. Bathing. Automobiling. Driving;. Tennis. Golf, Dancing. Long distance telephone in every room. For Booklet, Rates. &c.l Address W. J. FLEMING. Mgr.. 71 Broadway. Room ' SOI. New York. Telephone. 3480 Rector. :~ Also M_gr. The B^Uerlew. Belleair. Fla. DC WOOD- mi* (Greenwich en ha Sound), Gonn. Season May 28th to October 15th. New York Office, Town % and Country Bureau. 3SO Fifth avenue 28 miles from New York; 45 minutes' rid*. Superior etables and new. up-to-date. graragA this season. New Colonial Tea Rooms; Casino: Golf. Tennis; Bowling; Music Daily. D. P. SIMPSON. Manager. NEW HAMPSHIRE. •oclil (8-Hofe GcIL Sc«nit ' Ban CJsh. Contrc. ■ : CasJna. Ocs!rab!« ' Sarige. Patronagcj Symphos; Ho Hsy Orchestra. hnr. Jane t» October. is PRIVATE COTTAGES to bent. C3orrespondencß Invited, Illustrated booklet Maplewooc, Bethlehem, N. H. * Offices, Boston 8 SuconSL, N. Y. City 1183 Cm W.A U M B E X AND COTTAGE?. Jefferson, N. 11.. in the White Mountains, Opens Jin:- 25. 18 hole golf course, on famous scenic auto routes. - Detached family cottages completely furnishad. with hotel service. Address CHARLES V. MURPHY. Manager. Laurel House. T.akewood. N. J.. until June Ist. M \ SS A CHI HETTS. Gloucester, Mass. WfNO^ERSHEEK INN cj£L LOCATED between the Annlsquam and Ipswich rivers: 2 miles of ocean beach, ■where the surf breaks clear as crystal; bathing, boailn?. fishing, tennis; 6 cottages for rent from $17.'. to $400; board at th»» Inn: ideal spot for families; gar age and arable; booklet; New York. Buffalo and Detroit references. Berkshire UiUs THE iAPLEWOOD PITTSFIELD. BERKSHIRE CO.. MASS. WILL OPIiN MAY 28. Bend for HMO Booklet and Auto Road Map. ARTHUR W. PLj'MH THE NANEPfISHEMET MAKBLKIIEu^It NECK. MASS. Opens June 15. Finest location on North Shore. Every room ocean vi.-w. E. <!. BROWN. * VEIOIOXT. VEKUOXT VACATION" RESORTS. 150 Page Illustrated Book. Full Information In regard to Hummer lte»orts in Vermont ami shores Lake C'lminplaln with hotel, farm and village home accommodations. Prices $7 per week and up. Send 6c. stamps for malting. Address SUMMER HOMES. No. £>7. AS:, Broad way. Now York. ;;•-. >s "~ LAKE BOsfOSKKX, VT. PROSPECT IKHSK. Sanitary plumbing; electric UshU: garage; milk, cream, vegetables from hotel farm. Booklet. H. a ELLIS. Mgr. MAINE. ';S~ V 'l THE BRIDGTON, B ££gg m ' The Home of Big I'lsh. An Ideal spot, on High land. Lake. Modern House, with home com forts. Itates $10 and up. 11. A. CABOT. Mgr. FOR SALE. BIIXIARDfI i»>..| an. I new patent combination tablr>: loweat prices; •applies, ri-pnir.«: bowllm; alley builders. Decker's, 103 E*st Uth *t ICstahllahed IRM REMEDIES. THOROUGH, I'KIOIAM:XT ii ftl * In caw* of II!.ih»1» POISON SERYOI'S DEIIIU'IV, BLADDER. CO.MI'LAINTB and kindred dl« eares: rvlipf a' once In da?i3«rou* cast*, recent or old: thoa« desiring only first «-lass scUntltV treatment «houlij call. Dr. BONBCHI'B, th* well known specialist. 69 Weit BBtn it. Hours, 0-3. 7-9. TIME TABLES. WATER-DIRECT Xl J^ I CJI^I BETWEEN HEW YORK AND Ba_f%_#^_i? B %_F ■ m •Via- lent Inland Pound. Block Inland soond. Martha* Vineyard Sonar), Nantnfltst SotmS and the Atlantic Ocean. >Irtropolltan Line P>»s««Ti_er .*«rvlr» to be -•*iirn»-i May _3rd. i; YALE AND HARVARD NEW YORK TO BOSTON. $4.00. Though Tickets by various Routes t» Kastern Commercial Centres as well as to the Coast. Mountain. Inland. Island and • Lake Resorts of America's Summer Playground, Including Maine. New Hamp shire. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. &c. &c. AN UNBROKEN NIGHTS REST direct from City to City on Luxurious Steamships over the most fascinating Salt "Water Rout»» in the World. SCHEDULE: ( Beginning May 23rd) Weekdays and Sundays. From New Tork leave Pier 9. North River, near foot of Rector Street, at 4 P. M. Same daily ecitffd ule from India Wharf. Boston. Due either City 8 o'clock the following mornlx}?. . TICKETS AND STATEROOMS at Pier 9. North River: also at New York Transfer Co. and principal Tourist and Ticket Offices throughout Greater Nev York. Through tickets on siale at nearly all Ticket Offices throughout the Country- " Write Gen'l Pass'r Apt., Pier 9. N. R.. for Folders, Hotel Lists, etc. i METROPOLITAN STEAMSIIir CO^IPAXY. tier P. North Rivir. Tel. Portland lUS. IKronprinzessin Cecil ie I • Sails May 2 Ith for | LONDON— PARIS— BREMEN J NS^athl* LONDON TUESDAYS fail at si paris lDwyaia fl 1 Wills BREMEN 10 A.M. IKxpress Sailings ! KronprinzeUn lite -- • May 21 I Kronprlnz WilheUn. May 31 I Kaiser Wilhclm II June . \ _s&, K. Wilhelm der Gross*. - June 1+ • Oerman™ TH^ SD i ¥S lAWI HlfUlgreineu 10 A.M. ITwin-Scre-w Sailings I . Gr?«ser KurTurrt. May 19 I Prinz Fr. Wilhelm (new)_Ur 26 I Prlnzess Alice June 2 I George. Washington (.newJJuos 9 | 1 _4_w_S G2BRALTAB SATURDAYS S 111I II Wfl maples MILKI/Aia __ t W BJW GENOA - 11 A. M. Prlnze«s Irene May '-1 Barbarossa May_S Berlin (new) June 4 Friedrich der Grossa June 11 ■Wireress and Submarine Signals. Independent Round the World Tours. Travelers' Checks, good all over the World. OE_KICHS _ CO, Gen. Agts. 5 Broadway, New York - . yrfiiTsnuuiiii^iyjlSlflilSg I IC.M)O TONS. "Bwi^^j^aw^w^ I Special ■v»iMnjt« _f **Ml3*S■ •» *1 _ I 4 MAY 28, JULY 2 K*______3______l ft. 6 Days to London ~ JamßKtrf A I fsSsssrXM V*. Paris, 7 Pays to JBBjraaHlvjjß^M All Modern Safety Dfviees (Wireless, *«:.] LONDON, PARIS, HAMBURG. tUnexcelled Ritz-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant, Gymnasium. Elec Baths. Elevator. Palm Garden. tKals'n A. V.. May 21.10 AM: Oceana -lan* 2 Tsluech*r May 23 ; vAmerlka June * Deutschland May 28 1 •Pres. Grant.. June 8 *Pres. Lincoln June 1 Cincinnati June 1* ((Hamburg direct. »New. ■ aaatm _a a %_T via cibkaltajs. S I ___ %m if AND GENOA. ■ £*■& tka - AND GENOA, 8. S. MOLTKE May 31, 11 A. M. S. S. BATAVIA ". ... *«• U S. S. HAMBCRG ..••<— 21 TRAVELLERS' CHECKS ISSUED. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere.^ Hambnrg- American Line. 4.> Broadway. N. T. BEAUTIFUL Bermuda - An Ideal Vacation Trip to a FOREIGN LAND. Only 45 hours' sail by the Quebec S. S. Co.'s Twin Screw Steamer BERMUDIAif 5530 Tons Leaving New York Every Wednesday. 5 DAY TOURS .... $22.50 UP (2 DAY TOURS ... $45,00 UP Including; Tickets. Hotels, Drives, Sightseeing:. THOS. COOK & SON 245 Broadway. 649 Madison Aye.. SM a.nd Ml Fifth Aye.. New York. "0 Tour* to Europe \.it'i Oher \inmers;an. U£Rrt_l Agents for the .Passion Ptay. :? South . Anierlraa Tour. July 20. Rojiod the, World, Aug. 23, Sept. 13. 2". OUf^ARD LINES : Piers 54 and 50. North River, foot of 14th St. 'Offices 21-24 State St.. - opposite the Battery. Liisitania— Maurefania Largest. Fastest. Finest Steamers Afloat. Kew York to London Direct VIA riSHGCABD ts the TEoat expeditious routs also t» : PARIS BERLIN-VIENNA Leave -»w York Wednesdays, 9 A. 21. mqnchY K-I mm TUESDAY IN PARIS TTlreless Telecrapb. Submarine Slrnala Campania . .. . May 25 Lusltania June 3 *Carmania.May2?,loam| "Caronla..Jan» 13. lOam Sfaaretaßsa June l'Campania ... .June li •Will call at Queenstown and Flshgtxard. ASIAN-AMERICAN SEIJVICIi. To FIUiIE, via GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE. tCarpathia. May 10,noon||UltonU June IS Pannonla. .June 2, noonltCarpathia Jnly 1 tCalls at Genoa. fCarrles second and third class passengers only. Travellers' thecks — good everywhere AMERICAN LINE Fr _7io!oo ¥*.*- K. — riymonth Cherbourg— Southanipton. New York May 21 '.Philadelphia . . June 4 6*. Paul May i;.-., St. Louis June 11 RED STAR LINE £™r* r «>. NSW YORK — — ANTWERP. I-aplami infTvt May 21.11 amlFTrlan"? ..»,..Tun9 4 Kroon!and...May 31. t«:SO ami vaderland - -June 11 WHITE STAR LINE STc^n. *. N. V.. QueenstoTrn. liolyhead. Liverpool. Celtic. May 21. 9:30 am! Arabic fur.c 4 Cedrle . . May 2S, noon (Baltic June 11 N. Plymeath — Cherbourg — MaJestle.Slaj 25.9:20 am' Teutonic June 8 Adriatic . .June 1. noon »an).- ....June 15 >". Y. AND BOSTON— MEDITERRANEAN. Oar Travelers' Check* Good Everywhere. Offices 0 B'way & Pier 62. N. R. «23d St.). N. T. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINF 10.000 Ton Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers . Direct to — Norway, Sweden and Denmark Tlelilt; Olav May I "nlted States Juno 23 Oscar II June o Utilise Olav July 2 C. ¥. Ttet sen. June 1«| Oscar II July 21 First cabin. 373 upward: second cabin. $60. SPECIAL NORTH CAPE CRUKJE By S. S. Tietgen from Copenhagen July 7. . All Steamers equipped with Wireless. A. E. JOHNSON * CO.. l Broadway. New Tork. ALLAN LIME MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL TUB ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE. Shortest.' Smoothest. Most Pferuresqn«. NEW. FAST TURBINE STKAJUEKSI TUNISIAN May 20. June 17. Julr IS VKTTORIAN Ma/ -"7. . June 24. July £• CORSICA^ Jun» 3, July 1, July 29 VIRGINIAN June- 10. July 8. Aug. 5 Saloon Passag?,-t»».W>. < C-%7.30 upwards. Second Cabin. $47..*0. $30.00 upward*. THOS. COOK * SON*. 215. 1200 lTway. N. T EDWIN 11. LOWS Agency. |U3 B'way. N. T. Ov H. & A- ALLAN. Montreal. ANCHOR LINE GLASGOW via LONDONDERRY Purneasle-May 21, 3 pm| Caledonia. June 4. 3 p m Colombia. at, W am|Caltrornia.June 11. 10 am FIRST CABIN. $61. M and $72.50. SECOND CABIN. Si", and $17.50. THIRD CLASS. SSS.7S and ***. HENDERSON BROTHERS. 17-1» Broadway. PFfi "'*fl J> I IMP P1 *L I lj^" ~*L*m U LIHC Brooklyn, at noon. For San Juan. P. It.. LA Ouayra, Pto. Cabello, Curacao and Mara.*ibo. via Curacao. CARACAS... May 21 » PHILADELPHIA. .June 4 For L* iluayra, Curacao and Maracaibo. MARACAIEO May 28ZIL1A Jun 9 11 Superior Accommodations for Passengers. BLISS. DALLETT «t CO.. General Managers. 82 Wail St. Magnificent S. S. "Arabic" a fti (pui. leaves Feb. 4: rates (400 up. II Ui.A!IR _> Including: shore excursions; El AQICUT 71 enchanting days. Stop- Ft: UalCri 1 over privileges. Program II POMIC-" ready. ■ wnuiji. lI.WKi (1 MiK. Time* Bide.. New Yorfc. EUROPE UPTOWN STKA__SHIP OFFICE. ALL LINES. CHOICEST ROOMS. LOWEST RATES. INTERNATIONAL SLEETING CAR <<> Headquarters fo» Travel <:» Luxe. . 2SI FIFTH AYE.. COR. WITH ST. ■\Vrl t» for "Ocean SalHiiga" „ "Return Siltns»»." ""CLARK'S TOURS TO EUROPE offer best leadership and many special features; attractive Itineraries at frequent departure*. Fare* 9275 to $320: all expenses, including k'** nlon Play. r". C. CI.ARK B»dy..N'«ir York. [kl . >t; \ I ion DAY mx, 2, " and 4 "lay tours. $7.50 up. Sand for detail*. MAKSTKRB TOURS. 31 IV. SOth St.. X. T. OM. Ml M>KI '> ' "I !>1 \ now:* at sea.** Southern rariflr Mcam^hip*. NEW VOlik. NITVV OUI.E.^NS. 1 . H. Nuttlne. O. P. A.. BBrt-tl.*3 or 1 liroadway. N>w York. ~TnvrKAI. II- I'-O\ I,l>K.— Fa« rrela-ht and I'auensers 6teamer« fr->m Franklin at. ialty. fIME TABLES. BOSTON *** pmi * m LONG ISLAND SOUND ROUTES FALL river LINE. via Newport and rail River. Lt. Pier 19. IT- It. ft. Warren •».. week flays and Sunday*. 3:3© P. M ?'r« COMMON* WEALTH and PRISCIIXA. Orchestra on «_eS. NORWICH LINE. Via K«w London. V* Vlsr 40. N. R.. ft. Clarksoa St.. week days. •:«• P. M.: Pier 70. B. R . 1 1. E. 2_d St.. «:M P. at. Str*. riTT OP LOWELL and CHESTER' W. CHAPIN. NEW HAVEN LI3CS. For New Haven. Hart- Tord. Sprtsgfl«td an<l North, week days only. Leave Pier 8. _, R.. 2:48 T. M.. foot Vast .___. St.. 3:00 P. M. Steamer RICHARD PECK. Tickets, staterooms and Information at Clt? Ticket Office. 171 Broadway. »ear Cortlandt St. Telephone 5121 Corttandt. Also at X. T. Trans fer and Tourist Office* and at Piers. B!_!_si I J__t?j__Bi\Wi 313 1 Th* Popular Pesurhllsht Bontx PEOPLES LINE TO ALBAMY STR ADIRONDACK Of C- W. MOK3S. Pier 32. N. R.. foot Canal St. « P. M., W. l»n» St.. 30 P. M. (commenolnj: May 20) dally . .%ia day excepted). From Albany dally (Sunday «_ cept»d>. sP. M. ■ CITIZENS L!*E TO TBOY New Strs. TROJAN or RW*mwWUkMa\ ats* 40. N. R.. ft. "West 10th ■_. 6 P.M. dally (Sat urdays excepted). From Troy dally (Saturday » excepted). 7:30 P. M. Sunday steamer tench** st Albany. Round trip. $2.5* via both lines: 10 day limit. Comfort, speed, safety; excellent cu_ _• sm4 service. Direct rail connect lon at Albany and Troy for points North. East and West; Harass) and automobiles carried at reasonable rates. Special Week End I_ccxin__ for Decoration Day , To All Catskill Ml. Resorts. AlTCbfll I 'Steamers leave Pier 43. I UAIOMLL N. R., ft. Christopher St. P\c*am EVENING : EEK , 3at• *■ ="• ! 1C8» iiue Catskill-Hudson Llilt Coxsactcie - ****** , RED BANK UNE. Leaves Franklin St- Pier 34, N. E_, amOwZdm P. M.. Sunday B:3D A. M.. Battery^ A3 P. __. ■ Sunday *:38 A. M. for Highlands. Red Bank, etc! Trolley to Long; Branch A Asbory Park. __re. m*. HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE FOR A_BANT AND WAT I__NT>tNG3 FIRST W TRIP MAT 20th; DOWS :_t ; First Trip Steamer "Robert Fulton." May '',♦ Ptxamer MART POWELL commence- __y ad- EXCURSIONS. DECORATION DAY! PLEASURE TRIPS! One Low Rate Covers All th* Ei?»r.<;i . ASBURT PARK 3 DATS. O!*LT|i«» ATLANTIC CITT 3 - . . " I&*» CATSKILL MTS 3 - . . - inn* WASHINGTON 3 - .. - I2.#s> PHILA. & ATI,. CITY. .4 - .. - \\fm NIAGARA FALLS 3 " .. ~ 17 it* BOSTON & PLTMOUTH.4 - ..* - 20>M» "EUROPEAN TOURS." ?2«0. $360 and |Us. Inscriptive circulars by 'phoning: or writing. THOS. T. HEN9RICXSON, »43 fXI,TO?r art., BROOKLYN. >". Y. CHiRMING EXCURSffIMS West Point. Ne'wburgh ■, Poug&keepsie BT HUDSON RIVER DAT LINE STEAMER 3 ON AND AFTER MAT 21 ST. SEE STEAMBOAT COLCMy PURCHASE AND EXCHANGE The Antique Furniture Exchange. 13-15 West ?Bth St.. near -i- Is certainly tho largest and; me*t attractive Antique shop Is town. Not alon* b*?ass» of the rhimsfg" exhibits of the -Old Master"' CaM net-makers, but also the low fakiss) at which they are offered tor sale Hlg-hboyf, D»skj. Foldlns; Tab!**, Four Post and Napoleon Beds. T-wrins and doable slss?, sldelioaras, Vtmtmm Tables. China Cabinets. Librarr Tables, Book cases. Dressers. Davenports, Chairs. *«.. •* about half actual value. r'-;»r '-;» 1% Ileadqnartent for Bargains. CARPET CLEANING. H. Y. CARPET CIEAKi*S WORKS Oldest. Largest. Mont Modern. Tel. -1893 -Bryan*. Established 153 T. Rugs Woven from Old Carpets, Prices Reasonable. Send for Circnlar. 437 and 439 W. 45th St. W. W. top pan EPVIV LByrg. Carpet & Rug Cleansing C, H. Brown Co. J ..^ •MtniE. S7th -t. fl»*lf CAREFUL. CARPET CLEANING CO.--Cl9aa« by compressed air, *teair>, hand or en floor. L.V.i Broadway. 421 Bast 48th St. COB * BRANDT. TsA 132— «SU». DESKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE- PESKS.ROIX AND TOF: Filing: Cabinet*, Fartttloaa. Chairs. Tables, "Wallcasss aai Showcases. K. HAMBUXWTEX * CO* S3 East 20th at. TYPEWRITING AND TYPEWRITERS. llPrWHIir^X rented, boistat. ravairea. 1 1 re wni it no Eagle T. Co.. 312 B-^rty. VKrTOR 1 VISIBLE. 7« Nasaaa St.: lalal !!>}■» fre«: all makes taken part payment: tiarcaui* I in Underwood*. Beminctona. OllTera. etaltaa FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. LARGE SUN.NT CORNEP. ROOil. runate* [ water: private family; tsinttftq locatton. facing the Hudson; telephone. HMTtaon. V* I y.-e»t 101«t st. Telephone COCO— Rlverslda. MACHINERY. DIES AND MODELS FOR" *? ALE— New tenoning and mcrtiiing out fit! Does coplag. Lew thaa halt ordlc»ry «»t. Greatest capacity and efrlcl<*ncy. Wftat demonstrated. Mechanical En«iaeerias Co.. 19 Read.- St. ' DRESSMAKt NG AND MILLINERY. PERFECT FORM Mad» to yotn- Crnr*. r£niCUi rUniTl Mention Trlban-. A. SMITH. «04 Went IKM St DETECTIVE AGENCIES. ■■■■■m, mm. UI^TKi-riVK Llcented. If lyP'P Bonded: male and female .-i«tv» ■ IM J_ \ Urea inv^stigaUona strlctrjr confl- II IM U il <!' ntial. 127-1 Broadway. Tet Till II HIM W Mad gq. LOST BANKBOOKS. LOST — Bankbook No. : " i"L». Basic for S«v» ln«a. 230 4th «v», New York. Payment »topp»g. Pleax? return book to bank. LOiT.— Bankbook No. Jit&.lSH of Dry Dock Sav ings Institution. Any person hivla.? claim* upon sak* book is called up.'" to present t*» aame to the bank within thirty days, or the caM book will be cWlare-t cancelled ami exiiaa«aris»4 and a_n*w asM Is— ci in lieu thereof. _l - LOST OR STOLEN.— Bankbook" No ." *m.83% o£ . the i>tniau Havtn«a Bank In the City of New York, corner 4th aye. and 14th St.. iaawl to Yetta Ureea. All persona are cautioner aa:»ln.*t negotiating the aatne. If not returned to th-* bank on th« lUtb day .if June. 1910, a duplicate «UI be issued. LOST OR STOLEN. — Bankbook No. 131.206 •* ska Uerman Savings Bank in the Ctty of N«w York, corner 4th a>v«. aail luh m., Issued te> llaxrv A. Toureile. All peratona are cantione<l against negotiatluir the same, if not retamed to the bank on the »ih day of June. 1910, a duplicate- will be ls»«ed. LOST On STOLEN— Bankbook No. SSO.n-H «T the KKii;;r-»tit Industrial Savtitss Bank raymsnt stopped Plea.i« return book to ksmk. No. M CT>H!Tiber» st. LOST or STOLEN.— Bankbook No. 17*328 or th# Emi^raat In.iuatrlal Savings Bank. Tsjiiaisji •topped. Please return book to bask, No. »1 Charnb«r» st. ' " LADDERS. FLAG POLES. ETC. shßEUfiaasUs Portland Ladder c 0.. 130OtJ^ Uddsrs delivered at 20c. per It. I*4. W4 B. H> 32